131 131 Culture Club buzz buzz OF BI ITY RMI RS N E GH IV A N M U Special Culture Printed on a recycled grade paper containing 100% post-consumer waste.
[email protected] Edition 4 6 12 JU 1 LY 01 /AUGUST 2 Edgbaston, Birmingham, Antiques Pop-Up Heritage Hub Roadshow Performances B15 2TT, United Kingdom www.birmingham.ac.uk 5954 © University of Birmingham 2011. 2 VICE-CHANCELLOR’S VIEW CULTURAL ENGAGEMENT 3 YOUR BUZZ Vice-Chancellor’s View Edited by Kate Pritchard University culture Contact the editor Last year we awarded an honorary visited the Lapworth, savoured the
[email protected] doctorate to Barry Everitt, now Professor spectacular architecture, and glimpsed of Behavioural Neuroscience and Master something of our research achievement Professor Ian Grosvenor Your details of Downing College, Cambridge. Barry and academic impact. And that in the Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Cultural Engagement Please let us know if you want extra did his PhD at Birmingham, remembered same week as performances were popping copies of Buzz or if you think we need his time here with great affection, and up around campus, a novel initiative to amend your distribution details. asked if the lunchtime concerts at the which will be repeated. Barber continued. They were, he said, Amidst new ventures, new exhibitions, It has been just over a year since I became This is where the Programming Committee In the opposite direction, images from a Views expressed in the magazine are one of the highpoints of his time here. and new facilities there is much that Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Cultural came into its own and things moved apace collection of photographs taken by Phyllis not necessarily those of the University He would walk across the campus from we perhaps take too easily for granted.