We Spent the Week Dropping Stars All Over Our Feet and Didn't Even Notice

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We Spent the Week Dropping Stars All Over Our Feet and Didn't Even Notice We spent the week dropping stars all over our feet and didn’t even notice they were gathering. Evan Schnair THEKITCHENSF.ORG THEKITCHENSF.ORG INTRODUCTIONS This year marks 18 years of my prayer practice – in the Jewish tradition, it’s a “chai” year - a year that marks a milestone of life. January 1, 2000, the start of this millennium, was on a Saturday. While many were sleeping off a night of celebration, I found myself drawn to Shabbat services. I had spent the two years before in various modes of study as I wound my path towards my Jewish soul. As formative as that was, those pursuits fed my head, but not my heart. That Shabbat morning hit a different chord. I didn’t understand the meaning of the words –but it didn’t matter. The music reverberated within me; the sounds of the Hebrew language gave me entrance into the timeless stream of this ancient tradition; and joining in song with those around me brought the joy of being with community. In the years that followed, I’ve participated in many different modes of prayer services, and learned many new tunes. I can access the prayers in Hebrew, and take in their meanings. I’ve had days when the words needed to come directly from my heart with no filter, and times when I’ve had no words, letting the poetry of the liturgy be my voice. It is a gift from my chai year to be able to present this siddur, this prayer book to you. It is said that Torah is where God talks to us and prayer is the space we make to talk with God. Whatever concept you may, or may not, THEKITCHENSF.ORG have of a transcendent spirit, prayer is a time you can give yourself up to the words, to the music, to quiet reflection—it’s all there. It is my hope to give everyone the connection that I have found without encountering any barriers. Want to the feel of the sacred language on your lips but can’t read Hebrew? Everything is transliterated. Want to delve into the meaning of the prayers? The translation is there to study, without the restrictions that gender or hierarchy can bring to our understanding. We are also blessed to have the work of accomplished writers in our community who teach us there are many facets of prayer that can open us to new perspectives. Meghan Adler, Anne Germanacos, Harriet Heydemann, and Evan Schnair spent time together studying prayer, and share their poetic interpretations with us. They paint pictures with their words, and bring a palpable, visceral sense to the liturgy. David A.M. Wilensky is a journalist steeped in the Jewish world of the present generation. His commentaries give us permission to confront these prayers and these rituals, not just accept them. Josh Levine and Shelby Jones designed a container for our prayers that doesn’t just hold them, but adds to the experience with unique visual elements. As I mark these 18 years of prayer practice, I am grateful to be a part of this amazing Kitchen community. You wholeheartedly share in this sacred time and space, creating energy that deepens my prayer and the prayers of all who join us. MARILYN HEISS Shvat 5778/January 2018 THEKITCHENSF.ORG If you have ever had the misfortune of sitting next to me during services, you’re familiar with my non-stop, trivia-laden, stream-of-consciousness asides about liturgy and music and the siddur and.... In previous Kitchen prayerbooks, we have had the traditional Hebrew text, translation, transliteration, poetry and even images. Each of these is a different path into prayer and liturgy -- something for everyone. But when I was learning to love Jewish liturgy, my path in was commentary; most of my favorite siddurs include notes and marginalia that explain and contextualize the prayers. So, for this Kitchen Siddur 2.0, I’ve written some commentary of my own. You’ll see it in blue type, running along the sides of a few pages. I hope you’ll find it useful. It’s meant to be conversational -- as if I’m sitting right there next to you rambling about the service. Enjoy. DAVID A.M. WILENSKY Shvat 5778/January 2018 THEKITCHENSF.ORG THEKITCHENSF.ORG TABLE OF CONTENTS SHABBAT P.M. RECEIVING PRAYER 11 SHEMA & BLESSINGS 33 STANDING PRAYER 51 SHABBAT A.M. BLESSINGS OF THE DAWN 73 VERSES OF SONG 79 SHEMA & BLESSINGS 101 STANDING PRAYER 125 TORAH SERVICE 145 MUSAF 155 THEKITCHENSF.ORG THEKITCHENSF.ORG SHABBAT P. M. ARVIT L’SHABBAT THEKITCHENSF.ORG THEKITCHENSF.ORG RECEIVING PRAYER KABBALAT SHABBAT THEKITCHENSF.ORG (star)dust Wing’s shade, coverlet, roof: When sleep’s canopy threatens to suffocate, reinvent its weight. Mark what you can’t see with something you can. Breath with a ginko’s whisper. The heart’s rhythm with a foot against stone. Eat silence, with honey. Ally yourself with dust. Be stirred. (Settle.) Anne Germanacos THEKITCHENSF.ORG Receiving Prayer | 12 Y’DID NEFESH Yedid nefesh av harachaman meshoch avdecha el retzon’cha Yarutz avdecha kemo ayal Yishtachaveh el mul hadaracha Ye’erav lo yedidutecha minofet tzuf vechol ta’am Hadur na’eh ziv haolam Nafshi cholat ahavatecha Ana el na refa na lah Beharot lah noam zivecha Az titchazek vetitrapeh Vehayta lah simchat olam Vatik yehemu na rachamecha Vechusa na al ben ahuvecha Ki zeh kamah nichsof nichsafti lirot b’tiferet uzecha Ana eli chemda libi v’chusha na ve’al titalam Higaleh na u’fros havivi alai et sukkat shelomecha Tair eretz mikevodechah Nagila v’nismecha bach Maher ahuv ki va moed Vechonenu kimei olam 13 | Receiving Prayer THEKITCHENSF.ORG Beloved soul, merciful one, draw your servant to you. To run like a deer; to bow before your beauty. Your love is sweeter than honey—sweeter than any taste. Splendid, beautiful, radiance of the world my soul is sick with love for you. I ask you, God, to heal my soul, show your tender radiance, bringing strength and healing and everlasting joy Ancient one, awaken your mercy, have pity for your much loved child. How long I have yearned to see your glorious might. This is my heart’s desire—please, do not hide yourself from me. Reveal yourself, beloved, and spread over me the shelter of your peace. Let the earth shine with your glory; let us exult and rejoice in you. Hurry—show us your love. The time has come —be gracious as in the days of old. THEKITCHENSF.ORG Receiving Prayer | 14 PSALM 95:1–7 L’chu n’ran’nah l’Adonai nari-ah l’tzur yisheinu. N’kad’mah fanav b’todah, bizmirot nari-a lo. Ki eil gadol Adonai, umelech gadol al kol elohim. Asher b’yado mechk’rei aretz, v’toafot harim lo. Asher lo hayam v’hu asahu, v’yabeshet yadav yatzaru. Bo-u nishtachaveh v’nichra-ah, nivr’chah lifnei Adonai oseinu. Ki hu eloheinu va-anachnu am marito v’tzon yado, Hayom im b’kolo tishmau. Come, let us sing to Adonai, let us shout aloud to the rock of our salvation. Let us greet this presence with thanksgiving, we raise our voices in song. Almighty is Adonai—a great sovereign over all. In God’s hands are the depths of the earth and the heights of the mountains. God made the sea and formed the dry land. Come, let us bow, let us kneel before Adonai, our maker. Shabbat is a glimpse of the world experience to come. To it, we have to decompress from the week. have We to set Adonai is our God, who tends to us, the flock in God’s care. one for each day we must leave behind to make room for Shabbat. So here we are: Sunday, the first day of the week. aside our small, daily concerns. This portion of the service, Kabbalat Shabbat (Receiving Shabbat), offers up six psalms, We are the people of God’s pasture, the flock of God’s hand. Even today, we hear God’s voice. 15 | Receiving Prayer THEKITCHENSF.ORG PSALM 96 Shiru l’Adonai shir chadash, shiru l’Adonai kol ha-aretz. Shiru l’Adonai bar’chu sh’mo, basru miyom l’yom y’shuato. Sap’ru vagoyim k’vodo, b’chol ha-amim nifl’otav. Ki gadol Adonai um’hulal m’od, nora hu al kol elohim. Ki kol elohei ha-amim elilim, va’Adonai shamayim asah. Hod v’hadar l’fanav, oz v’tiferet b’mikdasho. Havu l’Adonai mishp’chot amim, havu l’Adonai kavod va-oz. Havu l’Adonai k’vod sh’mo, s’u minchah uvou l’chatzrotav. Hishtachavu l’Adonai b’hadrat kodesh, chilu mipanav kol ha-aretz. Imru vagoyim Adonai malach, af tikon teiveil bal timot, yadin amim b’meisharim. Yism’chu hashamayim v’tageil ha-aretz, yiram hayam um’lo-o. Ya-aloz sadai v’chol asher bo, az y’ran’nu kol atzei ya-ar. Lifnei Adonai ki va, ki va lishpot ha-aretz, yishpot teiveil b’tzedek, v’amim be-emunato. THEKITCHENSF.ORG Receiving Prayer | 16 Sing a new song to Adonai Sing to Adonai, all on earth Sing to Adonai, blessing God’s name, proclaiming deliverance from day to day. Declare God’s glory among all the nations God’s wonders among all peoples. Adonai is great and most praised; God is awesome beyond all others. The gods of the nations are idols, but Adonai made the heavens. Glory and splendor are before God; beauty and strength are in God’s space. All families of peoples, acknowledge Adonai, acclaim God’s name with offerings and presence.
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