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[email protected] Photo credits: Shutterstock® itu.int/ITU-T/climatechange/ess Acknowledgements This toolkit was developed by ITU-T with over 50 organizations and ICT companies to establish environmental sustainability requirements for the ICT sector. This toolkit provides ICT organizations with a checklist of sustainability requirements; guiding them in efforts to improve their eco-efficiency, and ensuring fair and transparent sustainability reporting. The toolkit deals with the following aspects of environmental sustainability in ICT organizations: sustainable buildings, sustainable ICT, sustainable products and services, end of life management for ICT equipment, general specifications and an assessment framework for environmental impacts of the ICT sector. The authors would like to thank Jyoti Banerjee (Fronesys) and Cristina Bueti (ITU) who gave up their time to coordinate all comments received and edit the toolkit. Special thanks are due to the contributory organizations of the Toolkit on Environmental Sustainability for the ICT Sector for their helpful review of a prior draft.