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Keynote Section Ѫ仈╄䇢 August 5, 2016 (Friday) 2016 ᒤ 8 ᴸ 5 ᰕ (ᱏᵏӄ) Keynote Section ѫ仈╄䇢 Moderated by Dr. Albert Wai-Kit CHAN – Founder and Director of USCIPI ѫᤱӪ˖ 䱸Տᶠঊ༛ – ᷕ伶䞍孮ṏ㛫⋷Ể⇃≆Ṣℤ⿣䙹 Dr. Albert Wai-Kit Chan is the Managing Partner of the Law Offices of Albert Wai-Kit Chan, PLLC. He is a former research scientist who forged his legal career by combining his training as a molecular biologist with the emerging legal needs of the biotechnology industry in the late 1980s. Dr. Chan handles all areas of intellectual property law (including technology transfer, patents, trademarks, copyrights, business transactions, and trade secrets), and his specialty is biotechnology patents. He is well-versed in all aspects of prosecution and litigation and is experienced in licensing, technology transfer and the evaluation of intellectual property portfolios. Dr. Chan works extensively with both U.S. and international companies. He has helped scores of scientists and inventors obtain the intellectual property protection they need to be competitive in their fields. His clients range ALBERT WAI-KIT CHAN, PH.D., J.D. from individual inventors to up-and-coming companies Biographical Information to well-established prestigious research institutes. Dr. Chan has been frequently involved in transactional work in China, which includes facilitating joint ventures and contracts between East and West companies and building up clients’ intellectual property portfolios. For those clients looking to expand their business in China, he has not only provided patent procurement services but also, equally important, patent enforcement. He has performed analysis and evaluation of clients’ intellectual property to determine the scope and securement of the protection of their intellectual property. From 1996 through 2013, Dr. Chan taught as an adjunct professor of law at The City University of New York School of Law. His classes included intellectual property law, patent law, technology transfer, Internet and the law, food and drug law, and international business law. He is currently adjunct associate professor in the School of Life Sciences at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and has adjunct professorship in the Department of Health Technology and Informatics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Dr. Chan is active in a number of legal organizations including, among others, United States-China Intellectual Property Institute, Inc. (a New York Not-For-Profit Corporation) where he is founder and director. Dr. Chan received his J.D. degree from Columbia University School of Law in New York. He was awarded his Ph.D. in virology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, and he completed his postdoctoral training at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York as an American Cancer Society postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Chan is a graduate of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and he was born and raised in Hong Kong. Dr. Chan is currently a registered foreign lawyer at the Law Offices of Hui & Lam in Hong Kong. Hui & Lam is now in association with Long An Law Firm, a full service law firm headquartered in Beijing, China. 䱸Տᶠঊ༛ᱟ㖾ഭ㓭㓖䱸Տᶠᖻᐸһ࣑ᡰⲴਸՉӪDŽᴮѪ、ᆖᇦⲴԆሶަ൘࠶ᆀ⭏⢙ᆖ 亶ฏⲴ⸕䇶о⭏⢙ᢰᵟӗъ㠚 ᒤԓਾᵏнᯝ⎼⧠Ⲵሩ⌅ᖻᴽ࣑Ⲵ䴰≲⴨㔃ਸDŽ䱸ঊ༛ ㋮䙊⸕䇶ӗᵳ⌅Ⲵ਴њ亶ฏ˄वᤜᢰᵟ䖜䇙ǃу࡙ǃ୶ḷǃ⡸ᵳˈ୶ъӔ᱃઼୶ъ〈 ᇶ˅ˈᒦቔަ᫵䮯⭏⢙ᢰᵟ亶ฏⲴу࡙DŽԆ⟏ᚹу࡙⭣䈧৺䇹䇬Ⲵ਴њ⧟㢲ˈ਼ᰦሩ⎹৺ ⸕䇶ӗᵳⲴ䇨ਟ䇱ǃᢰᵟ䖜䇙ԕ৺ሩ⸕䇶ӗᵳ㓴ਸⲴᐲ൪ԧ٬䇴ՠާᴹѠᇼⲴ㓿傼DŽ䱸ঊ ༛оՇཊ㖾ഭᵜ൏৺ഭ䱵Աъާᴹᒯ⌋ਸ֌DŽԆᴮॿࣙՇཊ、ᆖᇦ઼ਁ᰾ᇦਆᗇ⸕䇶ӗ ᢰ、ޤᣔˈӾ㘼ԔԆԜ൘਴㠚Ⲵ亶ฏᴤާㄎҹ࣋DŽ䱸ঊ༛Ⲵᇒᡧवᤜ䈨ཊਁ᰾ᇦˈᯠ؍ᵳ Աъˈ৺㪇਽⹄ウᵪᶴDŽ ь㾯ᯩԱъѻ䰤ᡀ・ਸ䍴Աъˈㆮ֯׳䱸ঊ༛㓿ᑨ৲о൘ѝഭⲴᢰᵟਁኅ亩ⴞˈަѝवᤜ 䇒ਸ਼৺ॿࣙᇒᡧᶴᔪ⸕䇶ӗᵳ㓴ਸDŽ䪸ሩ䛓Ӌᰘ൘ᢙབྷ൘ॾъ࣑Ⲵᇒᡧˈ䱸ঊ༛൘ᨀ ׋у࡙⭣䈧ᴽ࣑Ⲵ਼ᰦˈᴤᨀ׋Ҷ਼ṧ䟽㾱Ⲵу࡙ᢗ⌅ᴽ࣑DŽԆӖሩᇒᡧⲴ⸕䇶ӗᵳ䘋㹼 ᣔ㤳തDŽ؍࠶᷀৺䇴ՠˈԕ⺞ᇊަ ൘ ᒤᵏ䰤ˈ䱸ঊ༛ᴮ൘㓭㓖ᐲ・བྷᆖ⌅ᆖ䲒 ެ ԫ⌅ᆖᮉᦸDŽԆԫᮉⲴ䈮〻व ᤜ⸕䇶ӗᵳ⌅ǃу࡙⌅ǃᢰᵟ䖜䇙ǃӂ㚄㖁о⌅ᖻǃ伏૱઼㦟૱⌅ԕ৺ഭ䱵୶⌅DŽ䱸ঊ༛ ᓧ、ᆖоؑ᚟㌫ެԫᮉڕⴞࡽ൘俉⑟ѝ᮷བྷᆖ⭏ભ、ᆖᆖ䲒ެԫ࢟ᮉᦸˈ൘俉⑟⨶ᐕབྷᆖ ᦸDŽ䱸ঊ༛Ӗ⍫䏳ҾवᤜĀѝ㖾⸕䇶ӗᵳॿՊā൘޵Ⲵ䈨ཊ⌅ᖻ㓴㓷DŽԆࡋᔪᒦᴮᣵԫ 㖾ѝᖻᐸॿՊⲴѫᑝDŽ 䱸ঊ༛൘㖾ഭ㓭㓖କՖ∄ӊབྷᆖਆᗇ⌅ᆖঊ༛ᆖսDŽ൘↔ѻࡽˈԆ൘ᗇݻ㩘ᯟᐎՁᯟᮖ 䍍ं५ᆖ䲒ਆᗇ⯵∂ᆖঊ༛ᆖսˈᒦ൘㓭㓖ᐎߧ⋹⑟ᇎ傼ᇔ֌Ѫ㖾ഭⱼ⯷ॿՊⲴঊ༛ਾ ⹄ウઈ᧕ਇษ䇝DŽ䱸ঊ༛൘俉⑟ࠪ⭏ˈᡀ䮯ˈᒦ൘俉⑟ѝ᮷བྷᆖ㧧ᗇᆖ༛ᆖսDŽ 䱸ঊ༛ⴞࡽᱟ൘ 俉⑟䇨᷇ᖻᐸ㹼⌘޼Ⲵཆഭᖻᐸ DŽ俉⑟䇨᷇ᖻᐸ㹼ᱟ䲶ᆹᖻᐸһ࣑ᡰⲴ ਸ֌ᵪᶴDŽ䲶ᆹᖻᐸһ࣑ᡰᱟаᇦᙫ䜘䇮൘ेӜⲴ㔬ਸᙗᖻᐸһ࣑ᡰDŽ Keynote Section Impact of China's New "Bayh-Dole“ Act on Chinese University IP Operation ѝഭᯠ“ᤌᶌ”⌅Ṹоѝഭབྷᆖу࡙䘀㩕ⲴᯠṬተ Prof. Dongmin CHEN – Dean of School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Peking University 䱸ь᭿ᮉᦸ̢ेӜབྷᆖӗъᢰᵟ⹄ウ䲒 䲒䮯 Abstract China has recently enacted a new "Act for Promoting Technology Commercialization" ljѝॾӪ 䘋、ᢰᡀ᷌䖜ॆ⌅NJ. The revision of this ACT has essentially adopt the basic׳ഭ઼ޡ≁ concept in US Bayh-Dole Act passed in 1980. Universities in China now can enjoy the autonomous right to use, to licence/transfer university patents, and to use the proceeds from the university patents, without the approval of the State Property Office. While this will release a new round of market actviities around acquisition and licensing Chinse University IPs, there are still critical hold backs that affect a full market driven University IP oepration. We will review this new ACT discuss the key points related to this new ACT. Prof. Dongmin Chen ˄昛㜙㓷炸 Dean, School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Director, Office of Science and Technology Development Peking University, Beijing, China Prof. Dongmin Chen is the Dean of School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Director, Office of Science and Technology Development at Peking University. He is responsible for leading the reform of university technology transfer practices to better service the national challenge in rapid development of China’s innovation capacity. He was a former Sr. Rowland Fellow and an experimental physicist at Harvard University for 15 years, and a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of two Silicon Valley companies. Prof. Chen is the International Adviser of WIPO Global Innovation Index and the Honorary Advisor and former Chairman & President of Chinese American Semiconductor Professional Association. Prof. Chen is an Associate Editor of Applied Physics letter. His expertise includes nanotechnologies, RRAM, MEMS-CMOS integration; spin and quantum device physics. He co-authored more than 70 scientific publications and 150 US and international patents. Keynote Section Critical Patenting Skills for Scientists: Infringement Determination and Design Around for Follow-On Innovation ᵳࡔᇊ৺㿴䚯䇮䇑ԕ䘋㹼ਾ㔝ࡋᯠץ˖䭞ᢰᐗޣᆖᇦ⭣䈧у࡙Ⲵ、 Dr. Keith CHAN – President and CEO of GloboAsia LLC; Senior Advisor of Cornerstone IP Foundation of Taiwan and National Chengchi University 䱸Ṳᚂঊ༛ – GloboAsiaޜਨᙫ㻱;ഭ・᭯⋫བྷᆖ৺⼀ᆹᲪភ䍒ӗᮉ㛢ส䠁Պ䍴␡亮䰞 Abstract The journey from innovative idea to business success is a long and winding road requires breaking down barriers between disciplines and strengthening the connection between knowledge, science, technology, law, management, business and society. Many scientists, researchers and Innovators (SRIs) are fully aware of the benefits or implications on owning the intellectual propriety rights (IPRs) and protection accorded by appropriate IPRs. However, most scientific researchers lack fundamental understanding of the objective and practice of IPRs. The training of scientific research is to discover new knowledge and share those knowledges via publication free to society while the IPRs is a grant of rights by a sovereign state to exclude others to use that invention for a limited time in exchange for public disclosure. Patent is one of the IPRs and is a legal document to define the invention and its boundary. In a patent or patent application, the claims (or the boundary of the protected invention) define the extent and the scope of the protection and to warn others of what they must not do if they are to avoid infringement liability. Majority of patents are improvement of existing invention based on prior knowledges. Innovative real world solutions are at the most upstream of the biz value chain. In order to keep our innovation economic value chain alive, various professionals in the downstream process such as legal and business must teach, and the innovators must learn, those skills affecting the downstream processes. Patent is one of those critical skills especially needed at the early stage of the research and development where those innovations are created. SRIs must make timely go/no go decision whether to proceed or to abandon their development efforts based on future hurdle on IP position in order to separate real threat and business opportunity. If those threats are real, then how to avoid those threats and even change their direction of research to capture opportunities are important. Those critical skills needed are understanding of the fundamental concepts of IPR and patent rights, claim construction and its interpretation, infringement determination and freedom-to-operate, patent avoidance and design around, and finally patent re-generation. Keith Chan, Ph.D. Keith Chan, Ph.D., GloboAsia LLC, Rockville, Maryland, USA, and Cornerstone IP Foundation and National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Keith Chan is a pharmaceutical scientist, a regulator, a professor and an entrepreneur. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Pharmaceutics from University of Minnesota in 1980. He is currently Senior Advisor of Cornerstone IP Foundation, Professor at the Graduate Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Management, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University at Taiwan. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at Institute of International Intellectual Property at Beijing University Law School. He also serves as Director of International Affairs, GloboAsia LLC, Rockville, MD, USA and as advisors for several research institutes and regulatory agencies in Asia, as well as consultants for several pharmaceutical firms in Asia and in the US. His co-foundered GloboMax LLC, a drug development organization, in Hanover, Maryland in 1997 and served as consultant for numerous multi-national pharmaceutical and biotech firms in the US, Europe and Asia. GloboMax was acquired by ICON, plc in 2003 and Dr. Chan exited from the operation. He also worked for the US FDA as Division Director at the Office of Generic Drugs. He served as adjunct Professor at the School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland at Baltimore for many years and also served as Adjunct Professor and National Board of Advisor, College of Pharmacy, University of Minnesota since 1984.
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    ISSN 1818-2542 Vol.19 • No.12 • December 2010 HKIS 2010-2011 General Council SURVEYORS TIMES Editorial Board 香港測量師學會2010-2011年度理事會 測量師時代編輯委員會 Office Bearers 執行理事 Honorary Editor Dr Paul Ho President 會長 Wong Bay 黃比 義務編輯 何學強博士 Senior Vice President Serena Lau 高級副會長 劉詩韻 Building Surveying Division Jessie Yue Vice President 副會長 Stephen Lai 賴旭輝 建築測量組 虞偉珠 Honorary Secretary 義務秘書 Edwin Tang 鄧海坤 Honorary Treasurer 義務司庫 Simon Kwok 郭志和 General Practice Division Edward Au 產業測量組 區成禧 Council Members 理事 Land Surveying Division Lesly Lam Building Surveying Division 建築測量組 土地測量組 林力山 Chairman 主席 Vincent Ho 何鉅業 Planning & Development Division Ben Chong Vice Chairman 副主席 Robin Leung 梁志添 規劃及發展組 莊永康 Vice Chairman 副主席 Andrew Kung 龔瑞麟 Property & Facility Management Division Professor Eddie Hui General Practice Division 產業測量組 物業設施管理組 許智文教授 Chairman 主席 Francis Ng 吳恒廣 Quantity Surveying Division Gilbert Kwok Vice Chairman 副主席 Chiu Kam-kuen 趙錦權 工料測量組 郭靖華 Immediate Past Chairman 上任主席 Dr Lawrence Poon 潘永祥博士 Young Surveyors Group Phyllis Yuen Land Surveying Division 土地測量組 青年組 阮樂欣 Chairman 主席 Koo Tak Ming 古德明 Vice Chairman 副主席 Lesly Lam 林力山 The SURVEYORS TIMES Editorial Board welcomes views, opinion and editorial submissions. Editorial articles can be in either the English or Council Member 理事 Chan Yue Chun 陳宇俊 the Chinese language and, if published, will appear only in the language Planning & Development Division 規劃及發展組 submitted. The publication of materials will be at the discretion of the Chairman 主席 Raymond Chan 陳旭明 Editorial Board. Please email [email protected] or fax (852) 2868 4612 or by post to: The SURVEYORS TIMES Editorial Board, Suite 801, Jardine Property & Facility Management Division 物業設施管理組 House, 1 Connaught Place, Central, Hong Kong.
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