Fact Sheets Ostrava 2020

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Fact Sheets Ostrava 2020 FACT SHEETS OSTRAVA 2020 City of Ostrava: facts and figures July 2021 Contents 1. GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATIC CONDITIONS .............................................. 6 1.1. GEOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.2. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS .............................................................................................................. 7 2. HISTORICAL MILESTONES OF THE CITY: 2016 - 2020 .............................. 8 3. POPULATION ............................................................................................. 11 3.1. BASIC INFORMATION ............................................................................................................... 11 3.2. OVERVIEW OF INHABITANTS BY AGE ...................................................................................... 12 3.3. OVERVIEW OF INHABITANTS BY EDUCATION ......................................................................... 12 3.4. NUMBER OF INHABITANTS IN INDIVIDUAL MUNICIPAL DISTRICTS INCLUDING FOREIGN CITIZENS ............................................................................................................................................... 13 4. EDUCATION ............................................................................................... 14 4.1. SCHOOLS IN OSTRAVA – ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 ........................................................... 15 4.2. UNIVERSITIES IN OSTRAVA ..................................................................................................... 16 4.2.1. University student numbers .............................................................................................. 16 4.2.2. VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava ........................................................................... 16 4.2.3. University of Ostrava ....................................................................................................... 17 4.2.4. University of Entrepreneurship and Law (Vysoká škola podnikání a práva, a. s.) ........... 17 4.3. FOREIGN-LANGUAGE SCHOOLS AND FOREIGNER-FRIENDLY SCHOOLS ............................... 18 4.3.1. First International School (1st ISO) and The Ostrava International School (TOIS) ........ 18 4.3.2. Primary School and Nursery School Ostrava, Ostrčilova 10, publicly co-funded organisation…….. .......................................................................................................................... 19 4.3.3. Hello s.r.o – Primary school and nursery school .............................................................. 19 4.3.4. Monty School, Ostrava – Poruba, Primary and Nursery School ...................................... 19 4.3.5. Hladnov Gymnasium and Language School .................................................................... 20 4.3.6. Pavel Tigrid Language Gymnasium in Ostrava – Poruba ................................................ 20 4.3.7. PORG kindergarten, primary school and gymnasium ...................................................... 21 5. ECONOMY ................................................................................................. 22 5.1. BUSINESS ENTITIES BY MAIN ECONOMIC ACTIVITY (CZ-NACE CLASSIFICATION) IN 202024 5.2. BUSINESS ENTITIES BY LEGAL STATUS IN OSTRAVA, 2020 .................................................... 25 5.3. LARGEST EMPLOYERS IN OSTRAVA (NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES) ........................................... 26 5.4. LARGEST FOREIGN-OWNED COMPANIES IN OSTRAVA (NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES) .............. 28 2 5.5. LARGEST CIVIL ENGINEERING / BUILDING COMPANIES IN OSTRAVA (NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES)….. ................................................................................................................................... 29 6. LABOUR FORCE ........................................................................................ 30 6.1. LABOUR FORCE IN OSTRAVA BY SECTOR IN 2016 – 2020: NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, (IN COMPANIES WITH 26 OR MORE EMPLOYEES) ..................................................................................... 31 6.2. DEVELOPMENT OF THE LABOUR MARKET IN THE DISTRICT OF OSTRAVA IN 2016 – 2020 . 33 6.3. UNEMPLOYMENT RATE IN 2007–2020 AND YEAR-ON-YEAR DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE ........................................................................................................................ 34 6.4. JOB APPLICANTS IN OSTRAVA BY AGE, 2016 – 2020 .............................................................. 35 6.5. JOB APPLICANTS IN OSTRAVA BY EDUCATION, 2017 – 2020 ................................................. 35 6.6. FOREIGNERS IN THE LABOUR MARKET IN THE DISTRICT OF OSTRAVA ............................... 36 6.6.1. Foreign employees from EU/EEA member states and Switzerland, 2016 - 2020 ............ 37 6.6.2. Number of registered employees from EU/EEA and Switzerland, by nationality, 2016 – 2020………………………….. .................................................................................................................... 38 6.6.3. Number of valid work permits issued to foreign citizens (not citizens of EU / EEA and Switzerland), 2019 – 2020 ........................................................................................................................... 39 7. AVERAGE WAGES, TAXES ........................................................................ 40 7.1. MEDIAN GROSS MONTHLY WAGE IN 2010–2020..................................................................... 41 7.1.1. Gross monthly wage in the Moravian-Silesian Region by the main classes and employment classes (CZ-ISCO) in 2020…………………………………………………………………………………42 7.2. TAXES ........................................................................................................................................ 44 7.2.1. Direct Taxes ..................................................................................................................... 44 7.2.2. Indirect Taxes ................................................................................................................... 46 8. INFORMATION FOR INVESTORS ............................................................. 47 8.1. INVESTMENT INCENTIVES ........................................................................................................ 47 8.2. OPERATIONAL PROGRAMMES (OP) 2014 – 2020 ................................................................... 52 8.2.1. Selected operational programmes where private companies may apply .......................... 52 8.2.2. Cross-border cooperation programmes ............................................................................ 52 8.2.3. Programmes of transnational and interregional cooperation ............................................ 53 8.3. RATING, MACROECONOMIC INDICATORS ............................................................................... 54 8.3.1. The City of Ostrava´s rating ............................................................................................. 54 8.3.2. Macroeconomic Indicators ............................................................................................... 55 8.4. BUILDING PERMITTING PROCESS ............................................................................................ 57 8.5. LAND PRICING .......................................................................................................................... 57 8.6. UTILITIES PRICING ................................................................................................................... 58 8.7. INDUSTRIAL ZONES .................................................................................................................. 59 3 8.7.1. Ostrava-Hrabová .............................................................................................................. 59 8.7.2. Ostrava-Mošnov ............................................................................................................... 60 8.7.3. Hrušov /Contera Park Ostrava D1 .................................................................................... 61 8.8. REAL ESTATE ........................................................................................................................... 62 8.9. LEVEL OF FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI).................................................................... 63 9. TRANSPORT.............................................................................................. 64 9.1. BASIC INDICATORS IN TRANSPORT .......................................................................................... 64 9.2. PUBLIC TRANSPORT ................................................................................................................. 65 9.2.1. Overview of the major benefits of the Ostrava public transport ...................................... 65 9.3. ROAD TRANSPORT .................................................................................................................... 66 9.4. RAIL TRANSPORT ..................................................................................................................... 67 9.5. AIR TRANSPORT ........................................................................................................................ 68 9.6. BICYCLE TRANSPORT ............................................................................................................... 71 9.7. ACCESS TO THE REGION .........................................................................................................
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