Field Stations of the United States Author(S): F

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Field Stations of the United States Author(S): F Field Stations of the United States Author(s): F. John Vernberg, Sears Crowell, John S. Garth, John R. Beers, Gordon A. Riley, Phil M. Roedel, Eugenie Clark, Susan S. Raup, John S. Rankin, Jr., C. G. Bookhout, Albert Collier, N. A. Chamberlain, Robert L. Fernald, Gordon Gunter, Albert H. Banner, Donald P. Abbott, Paul R. Burkholder, Robert F. Mathewson, Robert L. Beutel, Alvin F. Rieck, Anthony R. Picciolo, William L. Molo, A. F. Chestnut, June G. Pattullo, James E. M ... Source: American Zoologist, Vol. 3, No. 3 (Aug., 1963), pp. 245-386 Published by: Oxford University Press Stable URL: Accessed: 03/11/2009 19:51 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Oxford University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Zoologist. AMERICAN ZOOLOGIST Volume 3, Number 3 August 1963 Field Stations of the United States Arranged by F. John Vernberg FOREWORD interest in societies concerned with a par? ticular group of animals, for example This issue of American Zoologist is pre- birds, insects, parasites, etc. or in societies sented to the members of the XVIth Inter- whose interests embrace more than ani? national Congress of Zoology with the mals, as for example comparative and cel? compliments of the American Society of lular physiology, genetics, ecology, evolu? Zoologists and the field stations whose con- tion, and developmental biology. Even tributions have made its publication pos? with these reservations the American So? sible. For various reasons this issue does ciety of Zoologists comes closest to being not contain descriptive material from all the central organization for professional of the field stations and laboratories in the zoologists. In recent years this has been United States which are of interest to zo? emphasized by new activities of the Society: ologists. However, this issue should serve the sponsorship of summer institutes, re? as a valuable reference on zoological sta? gional conferences, refresher courses, spe? tions to investigators throughout the cial symposia, publication of a brochure world. The suggestion that American Zo? describing opportunities in animal biology, ologist publish this special issue on the and the establishment of a journal for the occasion of the Congress came from its Society. In addition provision has been Secretary General, Dr. G. B. Moment. made for Divisions within the Society, each Since the production of the issue involved Division having partial autonomy, officers, work and diplomacy beyond the capacities and responsibility for programs in its area. of the regular editor, Dr. F. John Vern- American Zoologist is a new venture of berg was persuaded to assemble and edit the American Society of Zoologists. It was the descriptions of the stations. We are felt that many excellent reviews and sym? all, therefore, indebted to him. posia, particularly the refresher courses, The list of members of ASZ is printed deserved publication but were not quite every two years and it was arranged to appropriate for any other journal nor for include this in the special Congress issue. commercial publication. We hope that The American of Zoologists is Society Members of the Gongress will examine one of many societies serving as only spon- other, more typical issues of American sors and hosts for the Congress. Strangers Zoologist and will find its contents so use- assume that our is the might Society major, ful to themselves and their students that primary, or mother association represent? they will urge subscription by their own ing all American zoologists. In all honesty libraries. Information is given on one of such a claim cannot be made. There has the advertising pages. been much fragmentation of zoological or- ganizations in the United States. Many Sears Crowell American zoologists have their principal Managing Editor 245 246 Frontispiece *JSL.? .3-*^ The Woods Hole Laboratories, Photograph by C. Spooner, July 5, 1963. The village of Woods Hole in the town of The Marine Biological Laboratory, incorporated Falmouth, Massachusetts, is the site of three well in 1888, is a self-governing institution whose pri? ? known institutions often confused with one mary functions are to make adequate facilities another. Although there is a separate article for available to professional biologists for investiga? each it seemed likely that a view of the group tions requiring marine animals and other special would be useful. Also the author-editor shares facilities, and to provide instruction for students. with many other zoologists both American and In the picture, above the Bureau of Commercial otherwise a prejudice for the biological traditions Fisheries building is a block which includes the of Woods Hole. Mr. C. Spooner, photographer of newest research laboratory, facing the harbor, to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, made its left the Old Main (original) building, and a special effort to obtain this photograph for use other frame buildings for teaching, research, and here. living and dining quarters. Across the street, in The Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Biological the center of the photograph, is the main labora? Laboratory is the oldest (1875) and it is under tory building, and several accessory buildings. the authority of the Fish and Wildlife Service in The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution is a the United States Department of the Interior. self-governing corporation, the youngest (1930) and It is still locally referred to by its earlier names: largest of the three. It conducts an extensive year- "Fish Commission," "Bureau of Fisheries," or "The round program in all aspects of oceanography. Fisheries." Its two new major buildings, replacing Much of its current work is in cooperation with the original ones, are in the foreground of the the United States Office of Naval Research. At picture surrounded by parking areas and extensive the right of the photograph are its docks and dock dock space. The new fisheries-oceanographic re? facilities and two large research buildings. Farther search vessel, Albatross IV, is at the dock. The up and across the street is its new (1963) research major office building and laboratory is to the right, building. Additional storage and work areas are to the left is a shop and the Aquarium. The nearly concealed by trees. Research Vessels Atlantis, Aquarium is open to the public only in the sum? Gosnold, and Crawford are at the dock. RV Chain mer and is used for research in other seasons. and RV Atlantis II are not shown. TABLE OF GONTENTS Page Frontispiece?The Woods Hole Laboratories . 246 Foreword . 245 Map of geographical location of stations. 250 Marine Laboratories The Allan Hancock Foundation, University of Southern California ........ 252 The Bermuda Biological Station for Research. 255 Bingham Oceanographic Laboratory, Yale University . 258 California State Fisheries Laboratory. 260 Cape Haze Marine Laboratory . 263 Chesapeake Bay Institute and Department of Oceanography, The Johns Hopkins University . 265 Marine Research Laboratory of the University of Connecticut. 267 Duke University Marine Laboratory. 270 Oceanographic Institute, Florida State University . 272 Fort Johnson Marine Biological Laboratory, College of Charleston. 274 Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington. 275 The Gulf Coast Research Laboratory . 279 Hawaii Marine Laboratory, University of Hawaii . 282 The Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University . 284 Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University. 286 The Lerner Marine Laboratory. 288 Institute of Marine Science of the University of Miami . 290 The Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory. 292 National Oceanographic Data Center . 294 Institute of Fisheries Research of the University of North Carolina. 297 Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University. 299 The Institute of Oceanography and Marine Biology, Oyster Bay, New York . 302 Institute of Marine Biology, University of Puerto Rico . 303 The Sandy Hook Marine Laboratory, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife . 305 247 248 Field Stations Page Sapelo Island Research Foundation, Inc. 308 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California. 311 Department of Oceanography and Meteorology, A 8c M College of Texas 314 Virginia Institute of Marine Science. 315 The Fisheries Research Institute of the College of Fisheries of the University of Washington. 318 Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, Massachusetts).

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