30 Garden Route National Park T PLAN N MANAGEME – Stakeholder NATIONAL PARK NATIONAL participation report GARDEN ROUTE 2019 1 Table of contents No. Index Page Prelude 3 Introduction 4 1 Background 4 2 Stakeholder participation strategy 4 2.1 Stakeholder engagement objectives 4 2.2 Approach 4 3 Stakeholder engagement process 5 4 Stakeholder identification, registration and meetings 5 4.1 Media platforms used to invite stakeholders to register and participate 5 4.2 Documentation dissemination 6 4.3 Public information sessions on Draft Management Plan 6 5 Stakeholder comments / inputs 7 2 Prelude This report is the accompanying stakeholder participation report to the revised park management plan of the Garden Route National Park (GRNP). The report includes the comments received from stakeholders on the draft park management plan released for public comment on 01 July 2019. This report is submitted with the revised park management plan of the GRNP to the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) for technical review. For further information please contact: André Spies Manager: Park Planning T PLAN N Postal address: P.O. Box 787, Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 426 5285 Email:
[email protected] MANAGEME – NATIONAL PARK NATIONAL GARDEN ROUTE 3 Introduction 1. Background In compliance with National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act No. 57 of 2003)(NEM: PAA), SANParks has initiated a process to revise the GRNP Management Plan. Section 39(3) of NEM: PAA requires that all persons who may be interested or affected by a management plan for a protected area be given the opportunity to participate in, or comment on the plan.