Garden Route

National Park










Table of contents

No. Index Page Prelude 3 Introduction 4 1 Background 4 2 Stakeholder participation strategy 4 2.1 Stakeholder engagement objectives 4 2.2 Approach 4 3 Stakeholder engagement process 5 4 Stakeholder identification, registration and meetings 5 4.1 Media platforms used to invite stakeholders to register and participate 5 4.2 Documentation dissemination 6 4.3 Public information sessions on Draft Management Plan 6 5 Stakeholder comments / inputs 7



This report is the accompanying stakeholder participation report to the revised park management plan of the Garden Route National Park (GRNP).

The report includes the comments received from stakeholders on the draft park management plan released for public comment on 01 July 2019.

This report is submitted with the revised park management plan of the GRNP to the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DEFF) for technical review.

For further information please contact:

André Spies

Manager: Park Planning T PLAN

N Postal address: P.O. Box 787, Pretoria, 0001 Tel: 012 426 5285 Email: [email protected]






1. Background

In compliance with National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act No. 57 of 2003)(NEM: PAA), SANParks has initiated a process to revise the GRNP Management Plan.

Section 39(3) of NEM: PAA requires that all persons who may be interested or affected by a management plan for a protected area be given the opportunity to participate in, or comment on the plan. Section 41(2e) of NEM: PAA states that a management plan for a protected area must contain at least procedures for public participation, including participation by contractually included land owners (if applicable), any local community or other interested party. Section 24(d) of the World Heritage Convention Act (Act No. 49 of 1999) also requires public participation.

The stakeholder engagement strategy was developed in line with the requirements of the SANParks guidelines for stakeholder engagement and Chapter 5 of the National Environmental Management Act (Act 107 of 1998).

This report is submitted as a record of the formal comments received from stakeholders on the draft GRNP Management Plan.

2. Stakeholder engagement strategy

2.1 Stakeholder engagement objectives

The objectives of the stakeholder participation process are to:

 Create a channel for the accurate and timely dissemination of information to interested and affected stakeholders;  Create the opportunity for communication between SANParks and the public;  Promote opportunities for the building of understanding between different parties;  Provide the opportunity for stakeholders to give meaningful input into the decision-making processes that drive the development of the Park Management Plan.

2.2 Approach

The approach to the Stakeholder Participation Process is based on the principles embodied in the following legal framework:

 The Constitution of the Republic of (Act No. 108 of 1996);  National Environmental Management Act (Act No. 107 of 1998) (NEMA); and  The National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act No.57 of 2003) as amended by the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (Act No.31 of 2004), Act No. 15 of 2009 and Act 21 of 2014.


In addition to the above legal framework, the stakeholder process was developed with the Guiding Principles for SANParks Stakeholder Participation in mind. SANParks thus undertakes to:

 Seek to notify stakeholders of participation processes through appropriate mechanisms.  Ensure that the process provides the opportunity for input from all stakeholders within reasonable timeframes, emphasising the sharing of information, joint learning and capacity building.  Promote participation by stakeholders through timely and full disclosure of all relevant and appropriate information.  Provide feedback on the outcome of the process to stakeholders and demonstrate how their inputs have been considered in the decision-making process.  Ensure that methodologies accommodate the context of the issue at hand and the availability of resources (people, time, money) and do not conflict with these guiding principles.  Give attention to ensuring participation by marginalised communities, communities with specific concerns, or communities that have contractual rights in the national park.

3. The stakeholder engagement process


The stakeholder engagement process took the form of a wide-reaching open process, spanning N 16 months, where input and/or comments on the draft sections were collected, considered and responded to. Platforms used to reach organisations and members of the public included direct mail to all previously registered stakeholders on the database of consulted stakeholders during the review of the last GRNP Management plan and a regional stakeholder database. The call for

MANAGEME participation in the development of the “desired state” at the start of the review process, as well as the “call for comments” to participate and comment on the draft Park Management Plan were – published in local media and social media posts, supported by news about the workshops on the SANParks website, at local libraries and at community centres. At the six desired state workshops and the 14 external focus group meetings that followed, as well as the six public information sessions, stakeholders were given a chance to directly interact with park management.

NATIONAL PARK NATIONAL 4. Stakeholder identification and registration Stakeholders were identified from the park’s stakeholder database as well as the existing stakeholder registers from previous public participation processes. New and existing stakeholders were also able to register throughout the 16-month process at the six desired state workshops, the six public information sessions and on the SANParks Website. In total, 235 members of the public registered as stakeholders during this revision process.

GARDEN ROUTE Stakeholder Identification:

Table 1. The various organisations that were identified to participate in the Integrated Management Plan process included the following:

International Trans Frontier Conservation Area (TFCA) partners, UNESCO, African World Heritage Fund National Government The Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), the South African National Botanical Institute (SANBI), the Department of Agriculture Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF)- and the South African Police Services (SAPS) Provincial government The Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, the Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development Environmental Affairs and Tourism, CapeNature, the Western Cape Department of Water and Sanitation, the Eastern Cape Parks & Tourism Agency, the Western Cape Department of Social Development Local government Eden District , Bitou Municipality, Knysna Municipality, George Municipality, Koukamma Municipality


Local Resident/Neighbours Knoetzie Home Owners, Pezula Golf Estate, MTO (Cape Pine), Pledge Nature Reserve, Knysna Basin Project, Mountain Club of S.A, Southern Cape FPA, Sedgefield Ratepayers and Voters Association, Wilderness Ratepayers Association, Sedgefield Island Conservancy, Wilderness Lakes Sub-Catchment Management Forum, Knysna Catchment Management Forum, Wilderness Lakes Catchment Management Forum, Steenbok Park Nature Reserve, Pledge Nature Reserve, Nature's Valley Trust, Community Environment Forum, Stewardship Working Group, Eden to Addo, Tsitsikamma Conservation Forum, Conservancies: Middle Keurbooms, Indalo, Noetzie, Bibby's Hoek, Gouna, Phantom- Homtini, Redford, Kaaimans, Cola Beach, Western-Heads Goukamma, Sedgefield Island, Paradise Ridge, Touwriver Kaaimans, Crags. Land claimants Covie CPA (Land Claim) Community organisations Khoisan Village Trust, Tsitsikamma Angling Forum, Traditional Healers Knysna, Traditional Healers Plettenberg Bay, House of Judah Rastafarian Community, Traditional Circumcision Knysna, Traditional Circumcision Plettenberg Bay, Rastafarians Plettenberg Bay, Knysna Historical Society, Rotary, Edge of Africa, Knysna Drug and Alcohol Centre, Julia Early Childhood and Aftercare Centre, Wilderness and Lakes Environmental Action Forum (WALEAF) Business associations Tsitsikamma Black Economic Empowerment Forum, Koukamma Business Development Forum, George Business Chamber, Oyster Rights Holder Research Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South Cape College, Botanical Society of South Africa Conservation organisations Nature's Valley Trust, Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa (WESSA), Forum, Knysna Environmental Forum, Biowise, Knysna Museum, Lakes Bird Club, Garden Route Initiative, SC Weeds Forum, Custodians of Rare and Endangered Wildflowers Tourist organisations Thesen Island Blue Flag Committee, World Travellers, Eden Adventures, George Lakes Yacht Club, Lakes Bird Club, Dog Walkers Committee SANParks Honorary South Eastern Cluster (Wilderness, Knysna, Tsitsikamma) Rangers

Media platforms used to invite stakeholders to register and participate

Table 2. The various media platforms used to inform stakeholders of the revision of the park management plan.

Media Description 1. Direct e-mail All the stakeholders that were registered during the 2009 management plan revision were informed about the revision process. (Refer to list of 41 persons). In addition, the region’s stakeholder database was used (refer to e-mail trail of invitations) Key stakeholders were sent personal invites to attend any of the public sessions. Follow-up calls were made to ensure stakeholders RSVP.


2. National print media Advertisements to inform interested and affected parties to register as advertisements stakeholders for participation in the review of the park management plan and to attend the desired state workshops, were placed in the following local newspapers:  Knysna-Plett Herald (26 March & 05 April 2018)  CX Express (28 March & 04 April 2018)  George Herald (26 March & 05 April 2018)  Action Ads (26 March & 05 April 2018)  Kouga Express (05 April 2018)  The Edge (04 April 2018) Advertisements to inform interested and affected parties to attend information sessions on the draft park management plan and comment on the draft plan, were placed in the following national and local newspapers:  Sunday Times - 30 June 2019;  Rapport - 30 June 2019  CX Express - 03 July 2019.  The Edge - 09 and 10 July 2019.

 Group Editors - 09 and 10 July 2019. 3. Media coverage of the https://www.georgeherald.com/News/Article/General/desired-state-of- ‘desired state of the GRNP garden-route-national-park-201804091250


N https://www.thegremlin.co.za/2018/04/06/grnp-begins-the-review-of-its- management-plan-process-next-week/



4. Internet Stakeholders were able to access the SANParks website from 01 April – 2018 to gain information regarding the revision process. https://www.sanparks.org/about/news/default.php?id=57461 5. Social media April 4 at 6:08pm Notice to Garden Route National Park stakeholders 5. Registration at meetings Participants were also able to register at the following meetings:  Brenton-On-Sea Community Hall


 Hornlee Civic Centre  Wilderness Hotel  Touwsranten Civic Centre  Stormsriver Village - Village Inn Hotel, Darnell Street  Nompumelelo Community Hall 6. Public information Official notices were placed at the following public venues: boards  At the Kareedouw local municipal satellite office in Stormsriver Village

 Notice board at shop in Stormsriver Village; GARDEN ROUTE  Nompumelelo Community Hall and Kareedouw local municipal satellite office in Nompumelelo;  Storms River Total Filling station (next to ATM’s);  Notice board at shop in Nature’s Valley Village;  Notice board in Covie  At the Knysna local municipality offices  Hornlee Community Hall; and  Notice boards at shops in Sedgefield and Hoekville.

5. The “Desired State” Workshops At the start of the review process, members of the public and stakeholder groups were invited to participate in the development of the “desired state” of the park. A total of 232 members of the public participated in six public and one internal staff “desired state” workshops. These workshops were facilitated by external facilitators and hosted for the public to develop a vision for the park and identify the high-level objectives which form the basis of the park plan. Documentation relating to these workshops are available on request.


Table 3. Public “Desired State” workshops held around the park.

Number of Venue Date stakeholders that attended Stormsriver Village - Village Inn Hotel, Darnell 9 April 2018 10:00 49 Street Nompumelelo Community Hall 17 May 2018 18:00 16 Brenton on Sea community Hall 10 April 2018 10:00 57 Hornlee Civic Centre 16 May 2018 18:00 22 Wilderness Hotel 11 April 2018 10:00 53 Touwsranten Civic Centre 15 May 2018 18:00 35 Internal workshop for all levels of SANParks Staff 12 April 2018 08:00 38

Focus Group meetings During the process of drafting the lower level plans, 14 external and five internal focus group meetings were hosted. A total of 315 stakeholders with a direct interest participated in the14 external focus group workshops. Documentation relating to these workshops are available on request.

Table 4. A summary of the external Focus Group meetings hosted

Number of Focus Group Date(s) stakeholders that attended Knysna Estuary Forum 23 May 2018 13

Environmental Interpretation and Education 19 July 2018 27

Natural Resource Use (three workshops were 31 July, 23 August Tsitsikamma 9 + hosted: one in Tsitsikamma and two in Knysna ) and 11 October Knysna 14 + 25 = 48 2018 Park Expansion, Buffer zone & Conservancy 17 and 26 23 + 37 = 60 Focus Group Workshops (Knysna and Wilderness) September 2018 Stakeholders Engagement Focus Group 4 September 2018 15 Recreational Users 6 September 2018 42 Commercial Users & Events Focus Group 11 October 2018 31 Cultural heritage Focus Group (two workshops : 18 and 19 12 Tsitsikamma and Knysna) September 2018

Southern Cape Planning forum (Province and 28 September 2018 44 ) Knysna Estuary Zonation workshop 30 April 2019 23

6. Public information sessions on draft sections

Park management prepared a formal PowerPoint presentation addressing the draft park management plan at the six advertised public information sessions (Table 3) where all stakeholders had an opportunity to engage directly with park management. Stakeholders


in attendance were also reminded that any further comments may be submitted until 9 August 2019 at any SANParks Office, by mail or electronically via the SANParks website.

Table 5. Public information session held around the park.

Number of Venue Date stakeholders that attended SANParks Thesen Island Office Boardroom 16 July 2019, 10:00 33 Hornlee Civic Centre 16 July 2019, 18:00 0 public; 12 staff SANParks Wilderness; Ebb and Flow Rest Camp; 17 July 2019, 10:00 36 Touwsranten Civic Centre 17July 2019, 18:00 29 Stormsriver Village - Village Inn Hotel, Darnell Street 18 July 2019, 10:00 18 Nompumelelo Community Hall 18 July 2019, 18:00 18

7. Documentation dissemination

Table 6. Public venues where members of the public could view the draft park management plan.

Item Action Date


Draft document for comment  George Public Library; South Main Street 30 June 2019 N placed in public venues.  Sedgefield Public Library; Flamingo Street  Knysna Public Library; Main Road  Hornlee Public Library; Vigilance Road  Plettenberg Bay Public Library; Mellville


Centre, Main Road  Stormsriver Village – SANParks offices; – Darnell Street  Nompumelelo Village – Koukamma Satellite office next to Community Hall Draft document for comment https://www.sanparks.org/conservation/park_man/ 28 June 2019 placed on SANParks Website. draft_plans_public_comment.php

Revised Park Management The documents will be available on the SANParks PARK NATIONAL

Plan and Stakeholder Website once approved by SANParks ExCo. They will N/A Participation Report will be be made available to registered stakeholders by email available to stakeholders. and internet link. Dissemination of approved The documents will be available on the SANParks Park Management Plan and Website once approved by the Minister. They will be N/A Stakeholder Participation made available to registered stakeholders by email Report. and internet link.


8. Stakeholder comments

In total 130 comments were received. The 95 comments made and discussed at the public meetings are recorded in Table 7 and the 35 comments received on the draft park management plan via e- mail are listed in Table 8 below. General, verbal responses were given to the commentators at the various meetings. SANParks formulated responses to all the comments/input received, including comments received via email.


Table 7. Summary of all comments and or input received.

WORKSHOP 1 DATE: 16 July 2019 VENUE: Knysna, Thesen Island TIME: 10H00

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 1 With the park ready to expand, what process do Nicci Mander Public meeting Megan Taplin – Approach the relevant park manager and private landowners within that expansion footprint Knysna, Thesen Conservation Planning department (Maretha Alant). Do site have to follow in order to enter into an agreement Island, 16 July visits to discuss what the options and implications are. with the park? 2019 at 10:00 2 It seems to me you are going to battle to meet your Eric de Jager Public meeting Megan Taplin – We do get unsolicited bids, but because we budget, so is the park open to any unsolicited bids, Knysna, Thesen are a parastatal organisation, we must go through a in terms of commercial opportunities? Island, 16 July transparent process where we have to put that idea on tender 2019 at 10:00 allowing everybody a fair chance to tender for that opportunity. In terms of dealing with the shortfall, we do sometimes rely on donor funding such as the SANParks Honorary Rangers (SHR) (a volunteer group which does fundraising for specific conservation projects). SANParks also receives a grant from the government that covers about 10-15% of the required funds and the rest we have to generate ourselves through accommodation, activities and conservation fees. 3 Your plan looks very detailed with regards to the Eric de Jager Public meeting Megan Taplin – We have law enforcement staff that patrol expansion of the bait reserve area, but it strikes me Knysna, Thesen these areas daily, but it is also about educating people to that enforcement is going to be a problem, how do Island, 16 July make them more aware. We also use our SHRs as a visual you plan on making it work? 2019 at 10:00 presence and for aiding in education. There are issues with fines being written out for The existing bait reserve remains, but we want to go through environmental crimes around the estuary, not the process of changing the existing one and put another being taken seriously at court. Is there a way to additional one in the middle and one at the upper reaches of work with the municipal court in order to put more the estuary. But we must do that through the process of the weight on the charges? Integrated Coastal Management Act (Act No. 24 of 2008) Will there be any changes to the bait reserve? which will also involve a public participation process.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 4 Fines for non-compliance are often issued, such as Nicci Mander Public meeting Megan Taplin – That is a good suggestion, we will investigate those for bait collection, but they never make it into Knysna, Thesen that. the courts and enforcement thereof is weak. Island, 16 July Perhaps SANParks could speak to the municipality 2019 at 10:00 regarding the need and support for a municipal court which would be able to tackle these fines along with speeding fines, which are also often disregarded. 5 There was no copy of the PMP available at the W. Fillander Public meeting Len du Plessis – I placed it there myself, perhaps it was Hornlee library. Knysna, Thesen removed. Island, 16 July 2019 at 10:00 6 Are there any proposed changes to the current bait W. Fillander Public meeting Megan Taplin – The current bait reserve is to remain the reserves in the Knysna Estuary? Knysna, Thesen same but SANParks wants to go through the process of There are lots of problems. I am the only one from Island, 16 July reviewing the reserve and potentially reducing the current Hornlee. There are a lot of papers and doggy poo. 2019 at 10:00 reserve and proclaiming further reserve areas in the middle The bait reserves are a problem. and upper reaches of the estuary. 7 The landscape in the Garden Route is fragmented. Nikki Mander Public meeting Megan Taplin – The park forum is one such platform where How does SANParks engage at landscape level? Knysna, Thesen SANParks can engage with stakeholders that have an SANParks needs to be able to engage beyond its Island, 16 July influence on certain things. There are voluntary conservation boundaries and build a strong system of 2019 at 10:00 agreements, such as stewardship or biodiversity cooperative governance to get that landscape agreements, where private landowners that are linked to the management happening in a collaborative way with park to contribute to conservation are enabled. Contractual all these other entities. How do you build capacity national parks is also an option (this is for areas that have and engage with the various structures and bodies high biodiversity importance and adjacent to the park). in the landscape? Precedent has been set to manage areas through a landowner’s association. A technical working group should be established to look at specific details of how this can unfold in the Garden Route.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 8 I am interested in the Soetkraal issue. Where are Joan Berning Public meeting Len du Plessis – The current contract is valid until 2021, but we on this? Knysna, Thesen in terms of national priority for SANParks, Soetkraal is at the Has Soetkraal not been acquired yet? Island, 16 July top of the list to be purchased. Prices are being negotiated. 2019 at 10:00 9 In terms of the alien invasive programme and the Joan Berning Public meeting Len du Plessis – SANParks will follow the prioritisation integrated fire programme, how will that play out for Knysna, Thesen strategy, targeting concerns on its own lands first. But there the areas designated for the corridors? Will Island, 16 July is a budget allocated to the working for water buffer projects, SANParks be clearing in those areas? 2019 at 10:00 which also has scientific reasoning and prioritisation strategies behind it, but areas that have conservation agreements with SANParks will be prioritised for clearing. This will be dependent on the budget allocated for this purpose. Buffer zones have already been cleared over the past six years, a map indicating priority alien clearing sites in the buffer zones was drawn up by SANParks scientists. 10 I am pleased to see all the corridors have been Joan Berning Public meeting Megan Taplin – Thank you, noted. considered. In particular the Keurbooms corridor. I Knysna, Thesen want to state that that corridor is part of a bigger Island, 16 July picture – Eden to Addo. We have a corridor 2019 at 10:00 starting at Robberg, through GRNP to Tsitsikamma. Then a corridor connecting GRNP to Baviaans. Nice to see corridors as part of the SANParks Plan.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 11 For our alien and fire plans, how will that play out Joan Berning Public meeting Megan Taplin – Alien/invasive species clearing is carried out on these buffer areas? In particular corridors? Will Knysna, Thesen according to a prioritisation strategy and a planning SANParks clear there? Island, 16 July schedule. A buffer zone strategy/plan with exit areas exist. 2019 at 10:00 We have had to reprioritise due to the recent fire. New growth after the fire will have to be targeted. It all depends on the budget allocation and the model we follow. Maretha Alant - Over 6 million rand has been spent in the buffer of the park. Keurbooms is included in the plan but work depends on the available budget and the annual plan of operations and we need agreements with landowners Megan Taplin – There are small marine buffers around the Robberg area, but it is difficult to see on the maps – we will try to refine it so that it is more visible on the maps. 12 Regarding the Cape Pine exit areas, are you able Jessica Sandberg Public meeting Megan Taplin – Yes, it is possible to specify them. to indicate which ones are actually exiting and will Knysna, Thesen Len du Plessis – The exercise has commenced in 2009 and be taken over by SANParks? Island, 16 July will be concluded at the end of 2020. Of the roughly 20,000 2019 at 10:00 ha, about 14,000 ha have already exited. These areas were identified and gazetted, and are important for connectivity in the landscape. Johan Baard indicted the areas on a map on the overhead screen. 13 Does the park have a cultural heritage inventory or Margeriette Pienaar Public meeting Megan Taplin – SANParks has an inventory of its heritage plan? (representative for Knysna, Thesen sites in the Garden Route. The rangers and the People and Chris Mulder and Island, 16 July Conservation department do regular checks on the condition Associates) 2019 at 10:00 of these sites. SANParks adheres to the relevant legislation and the SAHRA permitting process. SANParks does not have a comprehensive Cultural Heritage management plan for the Garden Route yet, but it is one of the actions in this plan to develop one.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 14 In terms of the Garden Route Biosphere Reserve, Joan Berning Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks is represented on the forum but how are you integrating with them and is there any Knysna, Thesen there is no current budget or funding for the Garden Route movement or action on that front? Island, 16 July Biosphere Reserve (GRBR), so for now the best contribution 2019 at 10:00 that SANParks can make is to manage the National Park within the GRBR. For this we need to find funding to do the projects – how do you use a NP to increase job creation etc. But it is very new and needs momentum. The idea is to find ways to expand activities happening inside the park to neighbouring areas. 15 So, would it not be a good idea to share and Chris Gow Public meeting Megan Taplin – Yes, you are right. This also came out in our combine SANParks, Landowners in buffer zones Knysna, Thesen desired state workshops. People want to make sure that and the Biosphere Reserve in one committee to Island, 16 July areas are conserved. discuss action plans so that we connect and not 2019 at 10:00 overlap without knowing about it? 16 Could the Biosphere Reserve not be used as a Joan Berning Public meeting Megan Taplin – Perhaps Paddy Gordon can flag this with the platform to all the communications of actions Knysna, Thesen next BR meeting. across the landscape? Island, 16 July Maretha Alant - The BR has a very big footprint with many 2019 at 10:00 role players and there is not a 100% overlap, but as many parts that function, they all contribute to the bigger picture. With so many parts, as long as they function, they can contribute to the BR. 17 Is there are reason why alien clearing only Willem Fillander Public meeting Megan Taplin – Noted. SANParks uses a prioritisation model happens in certain areas? Because I fight lantana, Knysna, Thesen – scientifically advised – where we deal with areas inside the and underneath are indigenous species that fight Island, 16 July park first. All landowners are responsible for clearing alien to live. Some of us try but battle to get ourselves 2019 at 10:00 species on their own properties. If the land falls within a organised because we do not have resources. municipal area, it is the municipality’s responsibility to clear The municipal teams clearing in Hornless are also those areas. not doing a satisfactory job. Alien invasive species around catchments in Hornlee and other areas such as Khayalethu should be cleared before it moves down to other areas of Knysna. 18 There are other arguments though that if you clear Chris Gow Public meeting Megan Taplin – Noted. for another species but come across lantana you Knysna, Thesen shouldn’t walk past it! Where I live, wherever Island, 16 July government clears, they leave behind bottles etc – 2019 at 10:00 this is bad.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 19 Sometimes SANParks cannot deal with everything Nikki Mander Public meeting Megan Taplin – Noted. and have a huge role but so are the other agencies Knysna, Thesen SANParks does have good partnerships with external and it is how we establish partnerships with all Island, 16 July bodies. There are numerous forums and committees that these others that will make the difference with all 2019 at 10:00 SANParks are involved in that address issues pertaining to the other landowners etc and that will make your the protected area and surrounding areas. The Knysna SANParks job easier and more effective in the long Estuary pollution committee meeting is an example of these types of partnerships. term. This will assist in the management of the

protected area as well areas in buffer zones. Paddy Gordon - Other examples include interactions with MTO Forestry and PG Bison i.e. relating to the elephant and awareness with wildlife and co-operation during events, etc.

20 With reference to Hornlee – Municipality cuts down Nikki Mander Public meeting Owen Govender - The municipality’s economic development everything, not just aliens. Knysna, Thesen department should be an avenue for partnerships. Island, 16 July 2019 at 10:00 21 The Plan is unbelievably comprehensive but it is Arland Read Public meeting Megan Taplin – The plan’s various strategic programmes just so big and complex and it is re-enforced when Knysna, Thesen serve to prioritise issues and actions. The identification of the you come to this type of forum when more than 30 Island, 16 July high-level objectives that followed the “desired state” parties come and if this was a private company, 2019 at 10:00 workshops, were therefore the prioritisation exercise. and you got given such a plan – it will be It is made bigger due to the big park with its different areas unobtainable. and habitats. Do you have any suggestions what you think one should prioritise on? No, because everyone has their own ideas. But maybe what you can do is to mark a few points and Paddy Gordon - The programmes and the plan are audited, decide what you will concentrate on. Then stick and the plan has therefore been drawn up with this in mind. within that budget. 129 pages is just too much – it What we set out to achieve is: first write out what needs to needs to be reduced. You need 1 page for be done and then in lower level plans, decide what is prioritisation. achievable over 10 years.

Len du Plessis - The programmes contained in Section 10 of the plan, are a contract between SANParks and the minister. Annual progress tracking of the plan is also undertaken. This will be a public document which can be used to monitor performance.


WORKSHOP 2 DATE: 16 July 2019 VENUE: Knysna, Hornlee TIME: 18:00

Opening: Mrs Taplin opened the meeting for all SANParks personnel present, suggesting that all staff stays for one hour to allow time for members of the public to arrive.

Closure: Mrs Taplin thanked all staff for their attendance and noted that though no members of the public attended, stakeholders should be reminded that there is still time until 9 August 2019 to comment on the draft plan. The meeting was closed at 19:09.

WORKSHOP 3 DATE: 17 July 2019 VENUE: Wilderness, Ebb & Flow TIME: 10:00

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 22 Fire management is an important part of the GR Mike Young Public meeting Noted system, collaboration needs to be strengthened Wilderness, Ebb between local authorities. & Flow, 17 July 2019 at 10:00 23 You do not place enough emphasis on what Mike Young Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – SANParks is aware of it and is working climate change will do to estuaries. Sea levels are Wilderness, Ebb with DEA&DP to establish coastal setback lines and expected to rise by 5 mm in 5 years and by 5 m in & Flow, 17 July management lines which will inform future development with 100 years, meaning the whole of Sedgefield island 2019 at 10:00 climate change in mind. will disappear. There needs to be greater emphasis on dealing with climate change 24 How does it happen, do you have an established John Crous Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – SANParks has liaison infrastructures that board with members from the various communities, Wilderness, Ebb meet regularly, park forums are such vehicles, they are with whom you discuss management plans? & Flow, 17 July however target group-specific i.e. the Knysna forum. These 2019 at 10:00 are run by P&C in conjunction with the various park staff members. We have found that the multi-stakeholder approach with the various SANParks departments works best.

Mike Young - attended one of those liaison meetings and Jonathan Britton did a fantastic job at articulating what is happening in the Touw estuary.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 25 It is concerning that the government is not Caryn Munting Public meeting Len du Plessis – SANParks received 14,000 ha of the 21,000 allocating a bigger budget for conservation when Wilderness, Ebb ha of land since 2010, the remainder will be handed over this climate change impacts on land degradation. MTO & Flow, 17 July year (2019) and in September 2020. These areas are handed over their land to SANParks, what’s the 2019 at 10:00 important for creating connectivity in the environment, hence plan for these areas and could SANParks explain SANParks plans to rehabilitate these areas by removing the forestry exit situation? alien species and by introducing fire to return the area to fynbos. 26 We’ve lost lots of the indigenous forest pockets in Caryn Munting Public meeting Len du Plessis – The large fuel load led to unnatural fire the recent fire and areas were refugia for animals, Wilderness, Ebb conditions, burning indigenous forest pockets that would not is SANParks going to plant these areas or & Flow, 17 July have burnt under normal conditions. However, these encourage some form of citizen science program 2019 at 10:00 indigenous pockets are resilient enough to return by natural to plant forest species. succession. Although the efforts are appreciated, they are better off spent elsewhere 27 MTO used to allow access to cyclist: will Chris Kritzinger Public meeting Len du Plessis – Bergplaas will not be exited. It is a SANParks stop access to cyclist? Wilderness, Ebb complicated story, but in a nutshell, it is to become a & Flow, 17 July community forestry area going forward. As a gesture, MTO, 2019 at 10:00 the current managers, planted forestry stock, giving the community project a head start. However, with the recent fires in 2018, these young trees were destroyed. MTO do not have the funds to replace these and will therefore give the land back to the Department Environment, Forestry and Fisheries. Sandra Taljaard -The access arrangements will be evaluated according to the park’s zonation and will be considered accordingly. 28 Please clarify who manages the coastal stretch Chloe Gerbouis Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – The coastal stretch is managed by the between Touw River mouth and Leentjiesklip? Is Wilderness, Ebb George local municipality. the area west of the Touw River mouth not & Flow, 17 July SANParks? 2019 at 10:00 29 Secondly, are the exit areas indicated as part of the Chloe Gerbouis Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – Yes the exit areas are included in the park park on the management plan zoning maps? Wilderness, Ebb area on the maps. SANParks is only taking responsibility for & Flow, 17 July exit areas east of the Touw River, the other areas will be 2019 at 10:00 managed by CapeNature. 30 You talked about involving marginalized Mike Young Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – We recognised that there needs to be communities, however, your management plan Wilderness, Ebb better ways to communicate to different stakeholder groups, document will be incomprehensible to this group, & Flow, 17 July these stakeholder feedback meetings aim to communicate you need to simplify it. 2019 at 10:00 directly to people in a language they can understand. Going


forward, SANParks will communicate the plan in a more digestible and usable way to our stakeholders.

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 31 Thirdly, I think there is a hierarchy to the threats Chloe Gerbouis Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – Noted that you presented. The maintenance of ecological Wilderness, Ebb infrastructure should be higher up or top priority on & Flow, 17 July that hierarchy. With droughts, fires and loss of 2019 at 10:00 biodiversity occurring more frequently, SANParks must play an even bigger role in maintaining ecological infrastructure in the GRNP. DEFF can aid with funding the maintenance of ecological infrastructure in which the exit areas fall. 32 Lastly, one of the tourism assets that has been Chloe Gerbouis Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – The railway is a complicated and costly abandoned is the railway line. The old railway line Wilderness, Ebb matter, but it is noted. traversing the park is an important biological & Flow, 17 July Len du Plessis -The railway line is not part of the park and corridor which should possibly be retained and 2019 at 10:00 belongs to SANRAL, but there is currently a consultant that looked at as a form of tourism infrastructure. Why is looking into the matter and SANParks will engage at the not revalue that and start a tourism activity maybe relevant times. cycling or trail walks? 33 I saw that one of the economic generators for Johan Botes Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – Yes, it is and will continue to be. The SANParks is tourism, does sport tourism fall under Wilderness, Ebb business development unit (BDU) works with these that or will SANParks make provision for that & Flow, 17 July opportunities, and we will continue to provide support and specifically for the Garden Route because there’s 2019 at 10:00 give it momentum, endeavouring to find suitable areas for a huge opportunity to generate revenue from it for these activities. SANParks. 34 With carbon tax being immanent in , should Johan Botes Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – probably not. it ever be implemented in SA, will conservation see Wilderness, Ebb Len du Plessis - SANParks currently only receives a any of these funds and revenue? & Flow, 17 July government grant which covers approximately 15% of its 2019 at 10:00 budget requirements. Perhaps over time it will cascade down into the grant. 35 Is the Park plan asking for business proposals? Caryn Munting Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – Business proposals are handled by the Wilderness, Ebb BDU in SANParks. Usually if people have ideas they have & Flow, 17 July to send in proposals and then there is a process that runs 2019 at 10:00 through the business development unit where SANParks has to advertise it is as a business opportunity that is available within SANParks to give people a chance to participate.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 36 Are activities allowed in primitive areas of the park Caryn Munting Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – Primitive areas do allow for some tourist – surely not? Wilderness, Ebb activity, but low intensity tourism i.e. walking. & Flow, 17 July 2019 at 10:00 Len du Plessis - Business proposals must be within the constraints of the zonation plan. 38 In the past youth camps (e.g. Voortrekker camps) Mike Young Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – yes, indeed. in the caravan park on the edge of the Swartvlei Wilderness, Ebb Estuary have provided an ideal opportunity to & Flow, 17 July educate the youth about the environment as well 2019 at 10:00 as encourage tourism to the area. 39 I noticed a PPP advertised on your website for Mr. Raubenheimer Public meeting Megan Taplin – Yes, the idea is that an opportunity exists for mobile tented tourism in Diepwalle, is that a Wilderness, Ebb a tented camping set up to operate in the Kruger in the winter SANParks business proposal or open to the & Flow, 17 July months and move to the Garden Route in summer. public? 2019 at 10:00 SANParks’ BDU is currently busy with the process. 40 Are MTO still spraying roundup in the Sedgefield Caryn Munting Public meeting Len du Plessis –It wasn’t MTO and as far as we are aware area? Wilderness, Ebb the forestry company that was doing it, have stopped. & Flow, 17 July 2019 at 10:00 41 Looking at the expansion map, is the western part Chloe Gerbouis Public meeting Len du Plessis – The map should be called ‘the prioritisation of the NMU campus included in the Park? Wilderness, Ebb of stewardship areas’, so it’s not an expansion of the park, & Flow, 17 July but rather an opportunity for agreements going forward to 2019 at 10:00 expand conservation areas 42 Something to be anticipated is that increasing the Chloe Gerbouis Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – noted network of biodiversity areas through corridors, will Wilderness, Ebb increase human wildlife conflict. This especially & Flow, 17 July applies to baboons. Baboon studies at the NMU 2019 at 10:00 campus have shown that the park’s buffer zone is a useful corridor for animals.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 43 Please update us on the Shot Hole Borer that is an Bianca Curry Public meeting Jessica Hayes – The park has been proactive in drawing up emerging threat. How significant is that to the Wilderness, Ebb and distributing a poster and flyers on the beetle. Forest indigenous forest? & Flow, 17 July scientists are currently involved on various platforms where 2019 at 10:00 the matter is being workshopped, and locally we are gathering information for the park. In time a national reporting hub will be established, and control measures are being finalised for gazetting. It will almost certainly lead to a restriction on firewood brought into the parks. The current status of infection in local indigenous trees is still being investigated.

WORKSHOP 4 DATE: 17 July 2019 VENUE: Touwsranten, Wilderness TIME: 18:00

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 44 When do we get work opportunities? John Louw Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – There are continually work available, Touwsranten, mainly through the WfW BSP projects and the communities Wilderness, supply the work force for these projects. It is noted that on 17 July 2019 at the door of the venue where we are meeting currently, 18:00 available jobs are advertised. 45 We have picnics yearly next to the lake but have Tertius Jones Public meeting Sandra Taljaard - This area belongs to to Knysna been told that it will be excluded by a fence. This Touwsranten, Municipality. concerns me. Wilderness, The Scientific Services Department is aware of the situation 17 July 2019 at in this area. It is close to a slipway and the fence will be 18:00 wooden poles to keep vehicles out, not to keep people out.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 46 Do you have information on fishing licences, bait Irene Grootboom Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – SANParks is not out to ‘catch’ people but restrictions and catch size. It feels as if SANParks Touwsranten, the law is there for the protection of the resource. “wants to catch us”. Wilderness, The Rangers will form focus groups and do public awareness 17 July 2019 at exercises with the interested parties. 18:00 Johan Baard further explains the rationale (sustainability and reproduction of the taxa). Signage showing sizes and numbers allowed to catch, was erected and is visible in many of the fishing areas. Brochures were also placed at tackle shops and post offices where licenses are bought for fishing. 47 Are the contractors (BSP) trained? The question Irene Grootboom Public meeting Sandra Taljaard – New workers are trained well before refers more to skills development than questioning Touwsranten, deployment and most of this training is organised through if untrained people use e.g. machinery. Wilderness, BSP where these people are used. 17 July 2019 at 18:00 48 I am a pensioner and cannot afford the fishing Catherin Hardnick Public meeting Jonathan Britton - I will put your request through to ‘fisheries’. permit fee as I do not have enough money. Touwsranten, Wilderness, 17 July 2019 at 18:00 49 Is there a contract term for WfW BSP work? It is John Louw Public meeting Jonathan Britton - The allocation of contracts depend on always the same people getting work. Touwsranten, funding. I will put you in contact with the project offices. Wilderness, Tertius Jones - (From the floor) - The contract was for a five 17 July 2019 at year term. 18:00 50 Where is climate change dealt with? Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – The climate change strategy is within the Mngomezulu Village Inn plan. Stormsriver, 18 July 2019 at 10:00


WORKSHOP 5 DATE: 18 July 2019 VENUE: Village Inn, Storms River Village TIME: 10:00

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 51 Knysna is already heavily utilised, why allow more Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We have already moved towards restricting activities? Will the new activities not exacerbate the Mngomezulu Village Inn activities in the estuary. In the previous management plan, problem that the estuary is already experiencing? Stormsriver, the entire Knysna estuary was zoned as Low – and High – 18 July 2019 at Intensity Leisure. 53% of the estuary is now zoned as quiet, 10:00 reducing the pressure on the estuary in terms of activities. So, there is already a significant move towards restricting certain activities on the estuary.

Our scientists are also looking at the carrying capacity of the estuary e.g. specific activities or vessel types. This means that we will allow activities, but we will also put a cap on how many we can allow

52 Based on the sensitivity map – will new Anneline Wyatt – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Depends on what is triggered. The National activities/concessions go through an Stormsriver Village Inn Environmental Management Act (NEMA) EIA Regulations Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process? Adventures Stormsriver, provides the criteria The Big tree development had to go Based on my understanding, new projects in the 18 July 2019 at through an EIA (Even SANParks is subject to it – it is national Western Cape do not have to go through an EIA 10:00 legislation) process. Is this correct? Len du Plessis – An applicant needs to send a detailed proposal to DEA (now DEFF) to find out whether an EIA will be required. If the proposed project is on SANParks land, SANParks will provide input. EIA-listed activities differ between provinces. Zoning maps is SANParks’ way of pre- screening areas for certain activities and the plan pre-empts and makes allowances for specific activities. The list of allowed activities is at the back of the management plan document and is listed per category.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 53 Surely, you as SANParks would also want to Anneline Wyatt – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Yes, if the proposed project is on SANParks ensure if the process is followed? Stormsriver Village Inn land and we suspect that the project will trigger an EIA, we Adventures Stormsriver, will see to it that the process is followed. But we have also 18 July 2019 at noted how the process differs from the Eastern and Western 10:00 Cape provinces. For instance, in the Eastern , any tourist accommodation, irrespective of the size will trigger an EIA process whereas in the WC, any development that houses more than 35 people will trigger an EIA process.

Len du Plessis – The EIA legislation is national, and the provinces do not have the luxury of choosing whether they want it or not. There could be differences from one province to the next, but they cannot remove the process from the system. The new minister (Barbara Creecy) has said that she would not want developments to stop or be delayed because of the bureaucracy in the system. Any delays that are there should only be because of the merits of each development project.

As SANParks, we are also guided by our zoning maps, where different types of activities are already highlighted guiding us on where we can and cannot allow certain activities. This approach also assists us in guiding applicants as to where they can investigate the development of new structures in the park without wasting time. The plan also requires us to list the types of activities and tourism products that are possible inside the national park.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 54 Is anything being done to the Knysna municipality Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – The intergovernmental relations framework regarding pollution (sewage dumping) issues? This Mngomezulu Village Inn does not allow one government agency to take another to is becoming a big threat/health hazard for the Stormsriver, court. SANParks has written letters to the Knysna municipal people of Knysna. Is there any fine/court case that 18 July 2019 at manager and the mayor to inform them of our concerns. We will compel the municipality to stop polluting the 10:00 have also shared with them the results conducted by other estuary? This is primarily because litigation has members of our Estuary Management Forum, of which the been a strategy used very quickly against poorer Knysna municipality and the district municipality are communities. members. From these results it is clear to see that the contamination is concentrated on the shallow channel behind Thesen Island (i.e. the Ashmead channel), which is the outlet of the wastewater treatment plant. The pollution levels in deeper channels that are flushed by the tides twice a day are acceptable (no trace of E. coli contamination).

The municipality has come around recently and have now initiated several projects, but the biggest challenge is that they have is that the Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) is situated at the bottom of an industrial area with vehicles and bakeries spilling substances such as oils into their outlets which end up at the WWTW (the WWTW is not able to handle these inappropriate discharges). These issues are also compounded by the fact that the plant itself is old. 55 What about fish being caught in the estuary – are Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – No fish are being tested at the moment, only they being tested? Fishermen are catching fish Mngomezulu Village Inn the water quality is tested (i.e., E. coli counts) but we can from the system. Tests should be done to ascertain Stormsriver, safely say that, based on other areas where similar studies if the residents of Knysna will be safe from any 18 July 2019 at have been done, like the Swartkops system in Port Elizabeth health risk that may be associated with eating fish 10:00 and the recent study in showing that marine caught in the estuary, as most of the fish are caught organisms are accumulating toxins, this is a real concern. just outside the SANParks regional offices at the The Jetty is currently not at risk. Jetty. Recently we have seen a report from Cape Town about the amount of toxins that are absorbed The challenge is that we do not often connect the dots for by such fish. What is SANParks doing to prevent people/subsistence fishermen, therefore they may not exposure to these toxins? realise that the pollution that is coming from somewhere is ending up on our coasts.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 56 SANParks wants to acquire Soetkraal. Who owns Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Soetkraal is owned by a body corporate and Soetkraal and why is it being cleared by Mngomezulu Village Inn this may have been a reason why it took so long to acquire SANParks? Stormsriver, the property. 18 July 2019 at 10:00 57 Wouldn’t it have made more business sense to buy Mary-Ann Len du Plessis – SANParks spent R35 million to date (the it while it was full of aliens? Government money Mngomezulu Public meeting last 15 years). The property covers approximately 36,000 ha was spent to improve it, also increasing its value by Village Inn and has been a contractual national park. The current the time of purchasing it. Stormsriver, contract is valid until 2021. There were other technical and 18 July 2019 at legal aspect that led to it not purchased earlier. 10:00 However, the biodiversity/conservation importance of the area has never been disputed. The management of Soetkraal has contributed significantly to the provision of drinking water for the entire Tsitsikamma region. So, the money spent in Soetkraal was money well spent on providing ecosystem services (providing water). Progress has been made with regards to the negotiations and as such it has become the number one priority for SANParks in terms of land acquisition. 58 Has any money been budgeted for the cleaning of Mary-Ann Public meeting Len du Plessis – The area does not belong to SANParks. It the dump site behind Coldstream, Puntjiesbos, Mngomezulu Village Inn is in the buffer zone. The dump is on municipal land but does behind Olifant Vlakte? Why is this not being taken Stormsriver, affect SANParks operations. care of – this must be in the plan as that is an 18 July 2019 at indigenous forest and SANParks needs to allocate 10:00 We will use the Inter-Governmental Framework mechanism a budget for it. to engage with the Municipality. SANParks will visit the site and then issue a response on the way forward. Communities are kept out of that area and need a permit only obtainable from the Stormsriver village office. Fines are issued to community members should they be found in that forest without the necessary permits. Yet, SANParks is not doing anything about the pollution problem. The management of that land needs to be budgeted for.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 59 Please provide access to the community to that Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks will investigate it. specific forest segment. We need an area where Mngomezulu Village Inn locals can go for walks – legal access – should give Stormsriver, monitors books for issuing of permits in these 18 July 2019 at areas. 10:00 60 Notice has been given of leopards in or near Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – People and Conservation will engage with Coldstream. How is this being communicated to Mngomezulu Village Inn communities. There are leopards in various areas (e.g. communities? Stormsriver, ). Our camera traps are picking up very healthy, 18 July 2019 at very good-looking leopards in the region. We were once How is impact on animals and communities being 10:00 asked to comment about the leopards in the region and we lessened? Areas are being used by people asked the Leopard Trust on whether the Cape Leopard is as walking. dangerous as the Kruger Leopard. There are varied opinions on leopards and the possible dangers they pose. 61 Nature’s Valley – can the MPA be expanded to Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – The Marine Protected Area is legally include the area at De Vasselot, similar to the other Mngomezulu Village Inn gazetted, and the management thereof is assigned to areas of the MPA? Stormsriver, SANParks. SANParks administers the conditions of the 18 July 2019 at MPA, but cannot effect changes to it. Such changes will 10:00 need to be done through the former DEA, now DEFF, and this will follow a legal and public engagement process. 62 What is the E. coli status in Nature’s Valley? Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon (input from Ian Russell) – Water quality and Mngomezulu Village Inn E. coli tests are done at least once a month by the Bitou Stormsriver, Municipality. More frequent tests are conducted when there 18 July 2019 at is an incident. By far the samples that are taken have shown 10:00 that E. Coli levels are well below the acceptable limits. In a few cases where the Groot River mouth has been closed and water levels rose to affect low lying sewage systems, there were spikes in E. coli levels, however the saline environment has a positive effect and the E. coli levels usually return to normal within a week. This situation has persisted for many years but has not shown to get worse over the years.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 63 What is the long-term plan in Nature’s Valley Mary-Ann Public meeting Len du Plessis – SANParks is currently working on regarding climate change and the breaching of the Mngomezulu Village Inn management lines for coastal areas in terms of the estuary mouth that occurs for the protection of Stormsriver, Integrated Coastal Management Act. This would include structures (the mouth is breached to save 18 July 2019 at Nature’s Valley. The same rules that apply outside the parks properties)? This must be reflected in the 10:00 will also apply to SANParks. management plan. Adaption measures will be a combination of things – new infrastructure will be above the line. SANParks will adhere to any rules that are set when planning new developments. SANParks must follow a mouth breaching plan when breaching of the estuary mouth is considered. Lower level plans accompany the document; one of which is for the breaching of estuary mouths – There is a strict protocol which SANParks must follow. These plans are available for all our estuaries that are artificially breached (Touw, Swartvlei and Natures Valley). There are very strict protocols guiding the estuary mouth manipulations including environmental aspects as well as safety and security of assets which we must follow. As such, these are not random events and they are budgeted for. Mouth breaching is not only for protection of properties. There used to be a cycle in the past where the mouth used to open and close by itself and the movement of juvenile fish in and out of the system is part of that rhythm. A huge part of the mouth management protocols is therefor, about making provision for this important fish movement and to allow the estuaries to fulfil their role of being nurseries for marine fish species. 64 Are we winning the war with regards to alien Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – It is acknowledged that the threat to the clearing? We still have the same problems on a Mngomezulu Village Inn environment by invasive alien species remains a huge bigger scale, including other issues (protecting Stormsriver, challenge; and a challenge that has been made worse by the lives, providing jobs, etc.). How do we integrate 18 July 2019 at impacts of climate change and an increase in wildfires. It is other priorities to create sustainable livelihoods? I 10:00 also acknowledged that the alien clearing programmes have Suggest the planting of indigenous medicinal not had enough effect to date and that national parks and plants in buffer zones – this will encourage local related agencies will be investigating and introducing new communities to be proactive about alien clearing as interventions to improve efficiency. Secondary products it will affect their income. from alien wood, community access to benefits from alien timber, and other innovations will be considered.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 65 Braai spaces for locals are needed. Mr M.G. Nephawe Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Additional braai facilities and other forms of Village Inn facilitated and affordable access for local communities are Stormsriver, being investigated. 18 July 2019 at 10:00 66 Buffer areas should be created around indigenous Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks will take note. forest (sensitive areas) with e.g. medicinal plants Mngomezulu Village Inn and other indigenous plants. It must be included in Stormsriver, the budget for alien clearing. Look at the 18 July 2019 at Stormsriver bridge, where we used to go and braai 10:00 (see how you planted the trees and they are coming up, it’s happening). Also look at the fires that swept through the region last year, some say they only went 500m or less into the forest. Why are we not planting indigenous forest? Let us take areas and create a mix of indigenous forests. 67 In plan 6.7.4, 10.2.1 and 10.2.2. Sarah Baartman Christo Heaselman Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Noted. Fire Protection Association (FPA) should be added - Sarah Baartman Village Inn to South Cape FPA. West Fire Stormsriver, Protection 18 July 2019 at Association 10:00 68 Nice to see structure for the plan. The use of the ? Public meeting Paddy Gordon – As soon as the Park management review management overlays has been a revelation. It Village Inn process is completed, SANParks intends to update the toolkit now makes sense how all the information was used Stormsriver, for concessionaires and staff to make the park plan more to delineate different use zones in the park. 18 July 2019 at accessible to everyone. The plan is to make the toolkit Congratulations SANParks! 10:00 available as soon as the park plan has been approved by the minister and from the look of things, this may only be possible in early 2020. 69 SANParks is already contributing towards the Christo Heaselman Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks encourages the establishment of development of small SMMEs in the region by - Sarah Baartman Village Inn a local business development forum that can be consulted conduction training sessions on how to tender and West Fire Stormsriver, with regards to development of businesses and SMMEs in be compliant. One such training was held on the Protection 18 July 2019 at the region. 17/07/2019. Association 10:00


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 70 What is the timeframe for the building of the Various Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We have had challenges since the old restaurant at Storms River mouth? stakeholders Village Inn structure burnt down. Funds have been received but each (general Stormsriver, time we have a storm damaging the tent (temporary discussion) 18 July 2019 at structure) and the coolers outside the tent we must tend to 10:00 the maintenance of these temporary structures (reducing the funds we have remaining). R60 million is needed to complete all work (the restaurant and other structures needed). SANParks only has R40 million remaining. We were then asked if we should raise more money to cover what we have already spent. The best option currently would be to complete the restaurant even if we do not include other structures in the precinct as described in the building plans. We have also had a challenge with the architects who have tried their utmost to design a structure that was way above our budget. The plans have finally been completed. We are also approaching the end of the life span of the temporary structure, therefore we may need to spend more money on this while the restaurant is being built (again reducing what is available). 71 It has been sad to see the building contracts being Mary-Ann Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We are trying to get local businesses to get given to outside people while there are people in Mngomezulu Village Inn work from SANParks but they need to meet SCM minimum the region who can do the job. Locals cannot, Stormsriver, requirements. however, compete with others who e.g. import 18 July 2019 at The Park is planning to reduce leakages of funds out of the products. All stakeholders in Tsitsikamma should 10:00 area by contracting local SMMEs to improve their business come together and write a letter to the minister that and compliance. This will not be limited to assisting them in there are locals that can do the work to keep the registering on the database, but will also be assisting money circulating in the region as there is an businesses to be tax compliant. urgent need for all the money that SANParks is spending in the region to circulate here.


WORKSHOP 6 DATE: 18 July 2019 VENUE: Community Hall, Nompumelelo TIME: 18:00

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 72 What is the name of the first river shown in the ? Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Salt River in Natures Valley. It is an open presentation? Nompumelelo, access area that can be visited and fished. It has beautiful 18 July 2019 at walking trails and a rich cultural history and is a good It is difficult to get there now with the pathway 18:00 example of the different aspects we try to achieve – the site damaged even though it is open access. is utilised, yet we are able to keep it pristine. 73 The Khoisan did not leave ready access to their JR Joseph – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Yes, we must find ways to give people areas of use. You should make access to it Community Nompumelelo, access to heritage sites and we must disseminate this available to ensure that it is not forgotten. It can Representative 18 July 2019 at information to the communities. This also offers good also evolve into a tourism business. ( 18:00 opportunities for research projects in the park – Community Sanddrift) members are involved in many of these. 74 SANParks has a very difficult job. JR Joseph – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks is aware of the proposed road. It Community Nompumelelo, is not the Soetkraal route, but an older route. Will not be able A road was planned years ago in the Langkloof Representative 18 July 2019 at to drive there but will be able to use it as a walking route. area in Tsitsikamma. The Old Ossewa route (Blikkiesdorp 18:00 behind Boskor. Do you know anything about it? Sanddrift) The route has tourism potential (small business opportunities). 75 There was a major dam in the pipeline for JR Joseph – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – I have no knowledge of this proposed dam. Tsitsikamma many years ago. Does SANParks Community Nompumelelo, have any information on that? Representative 18 July 2019 at Water storage capacity is a problem for the Garden Route. (Blikkiesdorp 18:00 DWA visited the area (Clarkson) a few years ago Sanddrift) to talk about the project but there was no certainty on the placement of the dam (two locations proposed). 76 Access - There was previously a card system for JR Joseph – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Access issues are being looked at. Various locals to get access to the park. Can that system Community Nompumelelo, scenarios are being looked at. Some locals have told be revived? Representative 18 July 2019 at SANParks that they do not even need sites within the Park (Blikkiesdorp 18:00 e.g. braai areas. Sanddrift)


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 77 Is there still a process in place to look at various Maureen Botha – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We will share the plan with locals and try to options to increase access for local communities to Thornham Resident Nompumelelo, achieve better ways for locals to enter the park. There is buy- the Park e.g. locals do not need to pay the full fee 18 July 2019 at in from SANParks Head Office at this stage and SANParks for access to Storms River mouth? 18:00 now must look for possible solutions. There are fortunately many free access areas which will not be changed. We do need to learn from the mistakes in other areas.

The idea is not to do something completely different in the Garden Route but to still look for solutions that would be truly pro-poor and that will have reduced likelihood of abuse by well-off people. KZN had “Golden Rhino” cards with free access only to discover that the tour operators were the ones buying the cards. Similarly, Cape Town had Cape Town wild cards with free access but it was hardly used. Cards with clips were used as people stated that they could not get to Cape Point regularly due to transportation issues. This worked out to R7 per entry instead of R110. The system was however abused by persons who could afford the entry fee but wanted free/ cheap access (individuals with expensive vehicles claimed that they could not afford the normal access fee). 78 Access - What about using a similar system to the Jianni Fitz - Public meeting Elzette Bester – We are looking at something similar. system used at the toll gates? Locals would get Stakeholder Nompumelelo, Perhaps 3 different setups e.g. SASSA cards = free access. reduced rates. 18 July 2019 at These are still only proposals though. SANParks wants to 18:00 brainstorm some ideas with stakeholders – it is still in concept phase, therefore not yet finalised or agreed upon and should not create expectations. There may also be a middle tier for reduced rates for qualifying local persons and a top tier for tourists. We need to figure out how to create the system and safeguard it from abuse. 79 Should ideas regarding access recommendations Maureen Botha – Public meeting Elzette Bester – Yes please, this information can also be be provided as part of the commenting period? Thornham Resident Nompumelelo, provided after the close of the commenting period as this can 18 July 2019 at be incorporated in the lower level plans. 18:00


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 80 SANParks cannot expect quality and still want the Linda Toyi – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – It is one of the systems government has put cheapest quote. This is where the issues with the Sanddrift Nompumelelo, in place. Government/National Treasury does not say use system in place lie. stakeholder 18 July 2019 at the cheapest, but they do say “make good use of 18:00 Government money”. SANParks does its research but the SANParks will know what is needed and will be mechanisms put in place by Government must be followed able to estimate how much good quality items will and the procurement system is sometimes prescriptive. cost during their research phase e.g. if someone quotes R100 000 for a R300 000 job the research We need to have systems in place where, if someone does done by SANParks should indicate that the product not provide a good quality service, we must have a way of will likely be sub-standard. excluding them from future processes. 81 Government’s current procurement system has a Maureen Botha – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We have had contractors that simply cannot provision for giving preference to previously Thornham Resident Nompumelelo, do the job, but they found a way to get into the system. A disadvantaged individuals while at the same time 18 July 2019 at problem arises when we try to blacklist bad suppliers focussing on quality (affirmative procurement 18:00 (SANParks was told they cannot blacklist suppliers). system). Maybe the procurement unit needs to marry this with the requirements of the product (in terms of quality). Treasury has a system to blacklist suppliers. You need to invite treasury to come help SANParks in this process. 82 We welcome the employment opportunities that Rodney Toyi - KKM Public meeting Paddy Gordon – The number of permanent employees SANParks is providing in the area. Let us Nompumelelo, across the Garden Route National Park is 311, of which 142 appreciate organisations that provide jobs, even if 18 July 2019 at are in the Tsitsikamma. Added to this are 50 Environmental it is not enough to meet the needs of the 18:00 Monitors on 3-year contracts, 12 Tourism Monitors and community. The area has a higher rate of several contract workers employed during the high seasons unemployment. The Tsitsikamma region has one in TNP. The BSP programme employs several project of the highest rates of dropouts from high school workers on the programme and the alien clearing contractors level as school leavers are not able to access in turn employ dozens of unemployed people. The park also higher institutions. Obtaining the necessary plays a significant role in supporting the local tourism qualifications for jobs is a challenge. Can industry, that is the biggest employer in the region. Park SANParks assist when it comes to education? management has programmes that reach out to schools and There is no motivation for students to go to school. youth to inform them about conservation, but also about The majority of youth drop out after primary school. careers in conservation. The park will gladly be involved in They then fail to get jobs. any other community programme that will endeavour to reduce school leaving and give youth encouragement to aim I would like to see figures on how many persons towards productive employment options. are/will be employed e.g. per age category. We all need come up with solutions to see how we can tackle youth employment


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 83 The document (management plan) is still a draft. I Rodney Toyi - KKM Public meeting Paddy Gordon – As soon as the Park management review wish that, after the product is finalised, SANParks Nompumelelo, process is completed, SANParks intends to update the toolkit presents what was approved to the community so 18 July 2019 at for concessionaires and staff to make the park plan more that the community knows which items are 18:00 accessible to everyone. The plan is to make the toolkit approved and what the expectations should be. It available as soon as the park plan has been approved by the (the draft document) is currently similar to a wish minister and from the look of things, this may only be possible list. in the next financial year.

It is difficult for ordinary community members to understand the document.

Show the community what will be done e.g. in the financial year in terms of the plan so that they can know what to expect. 84 How will SANParks plough back into the Rodney Toyi - KKM Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks was approached to participate in community? Many communities have alcohol and Nompumelelo, the event, but this happened at a very late stage. We need drug abuse issues. Community stakeholders are 18 July 2019 at to talk to each other – Organisations must ask SANParks to trying to keep the children busy with community 18:00 be involved from the beginning and then collaborate in youth programmes. Soccer, rugby and netball are development programmes and clearly state what each currently popular in the area. The Department of person’s responsibility is. Recreation and Sport is coming into the community to provide activities for youth. We wish that SANParks, as part of the community, would come and be more active and interact with the community e.g. have SANParks tournaments in the community. It is not that we feel that SANParks is not there. We know, come September, there will be programmes for the community, but we want other staff not participating in these events to come and have e.g. tournaments in the community to show that SANParks is playing a role in the community. We do appreciate what SANParks has done and is currently doing (employing members of the community, etc.). Can SANParks be more visible in sport and interact with the community?


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 85 Where is the ward Councillor in this meeting? The Rodney Toyi – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Thank you for the comments. municipality should form part of these processes to KKM Nompumelelo, build relationships between SANParks and 18 July 2019 at municipalities to allow for alignment of plans and 18:00 activities between bodies. 86 Can brochures be created by SANParks and Sizwe Msiza Public meeting Elzette Bester – Noted; SANParks has various information placed in e.g. libraries so that communities can get Nompumelelo, pamphlets that could also be distributed at local libraries. to know the Park and the environment? These 18 July 2019 at should include information about the history and 18:00 biodiversity of the region (e.g. what type of fish, other animals, trees, etc. we have). Are there new animals or birds coming into the area? We see lots of things about animals and climate change around the wold on DSTV, what about what is happening in Tsitsikamma? The community needs information as this will give the community a desire to visit SANParks as they will then know that there are interesting things there. There needs to be something of interest to attract local communities, give them an idea of what to expect to see in the Park. We do not all have access to internet etc. to find out about the Park. Make information easily available for the community e.g. like the notice boards in Plettenberg Bay. 87 Locals are taking their revenue outside Koukamma Sizwe Msiza – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – SANParks faces these issues daily. Some as there are no open spaces available for Nompumelelo Nompumelelo, feel it is better to speak to 10 000 children in a school than to relaxation. An open space for the community to use resident 18 July 2019 at bring a smaller group into the Park, but we do not agree. as a relaxation space is needed. Access for 18:00 Talking about ecology and biodiversity is not the same as swimming in the area is desired. experiencing it first-hand. That is why SANParks has Locals have to go elsewhere to have these outreach programmes e.g. bringing children into the park. facilities. There needs to be a space for the community to use. It does not need to conflict with tourist space. E.g. invest in a community corner that the community agrees to (Koumansbos). Please invest in these types of facilities/access.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 88 Explain what the term cultural heritage means to JR Joseph – Paddy Gordon – The plan recognised that we have little SANParks as used in the management plan. The Community Public meeting records and there are many people with information. access to some of the caves in the area is very Representative Nompumelelo, SANParks will look mainly at recording, storage and safe dangerous, e.g. Wichers’ cave – if you fall, it will be (Blikkiesdorp 18 July 2019 at keeping of these records. The current aim is to record all 30-40 m fall. If you break your ankle in a gorge, you Sanddrift) 18:00 available information and map all sites. will need to be airlifted out. Although it is very The questions you asked form the basis of the cultural difficult to get to these sties there is much interest heritage plan. The plan aims to address these. in having access to these sites. We would like to hear what SANParks has to say about Khoi The cultural heritage of the different groups must be given heritage in the Park. You should look at displays in the same priority. The plan aims to find the things (important Addo for an idea of what should happen with Khoi bits of cultural heritage) that are not currently recognised and and San heritage in Tsitsikamma. what research is needed. We need to find ways to get researchers interested in these other aspects of cultural Excavations in Wichers’ caves have shown it has heritage. Mongolian features (need to have or invite people to come and study these caves). Elzette Bester – It is important for us to work together with people like yourself and others that have information to share. SANParks will schedule a meeting with stakeholders to discuss this as well as to identify information gaps. 89 When will the temporary structure at Storms River Sizwe Msiza – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We have the designs of what the new rest camp be replaced and where will the new Nompumelelo Nompumelelo, restaurant will look like – it was not put in the management restaurant be placed? resident 18 July 2019 at plan though. It will be placed where the first restaurant was. 18:00 90 The upliftment of park workers is needed. There is Peter Mzalwane - Public meeting Paddy Gordon – It is in the plan but was not highlighted. We no concrete way forward in the Plan. Staff cannot Stakeholder Nompumelelo, cannot have organisations where the only way to progress is work in one post for many years. There must be 18 July 2019 at if someone retires. Sometimes staff that retire can barely some succession/promotion strategy in the Plan to 18:00 read and write. This has been how it has been in the past. allow staff to progress towards management Staff development and staff training is a big challenge. levels. Please add this to the Plan. Some people have said that they are not willing to study/learn at home – if they are not interested in improving themselves, they need to be put aside. It cannot be the general trend that people work and stay in the same post for e.g. 10 years. Staff development is within SANParks’ plan (it is part of the organisational policies). We do need to develop our people.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 91 We are the first young people in Tsitsikamma to do Linda Toyi – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – We cannot do everything, but we do need hiking. We do it to educate our children about Sanddrift Nompumelelo, to do the best with what we have. The Environmental Monitor nature. There is a lot of history, but our locals do stakeholder 18 July 2019 at programme is a youth development programme (up to three not know about it – this information is restricted to 18:00 years employment). 98 Environmental Monitors are currently business people. This information must be employed. In the three years of employment, the transferred to locals so that they can have access Environmental Monitors can learn different skills e.g. the to e.g. hiking trails. Park manager can arrange for some of them to work in the restaurant for a week to gain experience. Untouched Adventures currently has a problem with staff selection, out of 10 persons employed only two can be kept because the others are simply not interested in the type of work. SANParks therefore recently suggested that the Environmental Monitor programme can act as a feeder for other programmes e.g. Environmental Monitors that show potential e.g. after six months of monitoring their work ethic as Environmental Monitors they can be employed by Untouched Adventures. The Environmental Monitors can go out with existing staff a few times and then staff can determine if the Environmental Monitor shows potential/interest and Environmental Monitors can determine if they would be interested in working for the company (and learn some of the stories the staff tell the tourists). Even though these types of programmes are difficult to implement, SANParks can do it. This employment opportunity can give the youth life skills even if they are not employed by the park or concessionaries after the end of their contracts. Even if they feel that this is not the type of work they want to do, they should not be apologetic about it as they were given a chance to see if they are interested in the type of work and would have picked up valuable life skills. With these skills they will be able to find work elsewhere much easier than someone who has not gone through the programme and e.g. learned to interact with visitors/tourists. We must make the most of the programmes we have. If external parties come to the Park and state that they have bursaries available, these should firstly be directed to the Environmental Monitors who show exceptional potential.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 92 The majority of people in this area do not have Rodney Toyi – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – It is a big challenge as there are many matric. If you talk about diplomas and degrees, it KKM Nompumelelo, negative role models in the community. Someone with e.g. will be people from outside the area. We wish that 18 July 2019 at standard 10 may be sitting at home but another with standard SANParks ploughs back in terms of education in 18:00 6 who owns a shebeen has a new Toyota – who would be the community. Some children cannot even read the role model in this case? and write in Grade 7 & 8. They therefore drop out of school. The community has a high rate of alcohol and drug abuse, which is a big challenge, especially among the youth. The community is very poor and education is lacking.

Institutions around communities misjudge the youth stating that they do not have the capacity for the jobs available. This challenge is a societal matter, there is a problem/need. Many of the youth do not notice that the area is a tourism and agricultural area because of the challenge of alcoholism affecting the children of the area. This contributes to children not being able to progress in terms of education (no opportunities for post- matric studies). Locals cannot meet the minimum employment criteria (e.g. grade 12) – SANParks needs to keep in mind the difficulties faced by locals. These strict requirements may be closing doors to youth. They grow up, have children and families and want to work but they lack the educational requirements. You find that when they fail to get jobs they end up in taverns. Currently there are 8 taverns and close to 12 drug houses in Nompumelelo village. The use of alcohol may even be seen among SANParks workers. We are trying our best to reduce the use of alcohol by locals. Work with us and help us find our feet to get things right. It may not happen right away but let us work together in the future.


If youth are employed it can get them out of this cycle. These children drop out of schools and universities due to their background. We should try and help these children to develop skills. Let’s not close those doors on them, let us try and groom them. If institutions around them are not willing to employ them, where are they going to go?

Parents should work with the children and institutions to try and develop skills for the children.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 94 Which staff members are dedicated to the honorary JR Joseph – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – Relevant staff will take it up with the rangers in SANParks? We need more Honorary Community Nompumelelo, Honorary Rangers. Rangers in the area. Representative 18 July 2019 at (Blikkiesdorp 18:00 Will lobby other Honorary Rangers to support Sanddrift) programs in Tsitsikamma. What can the Honorary Rangers do for SANParks? If there is a gap the Honorary Rangers can fill it. 95 I’m with Tsitsikamma community learning college Bronwyn Stanley – Public meeting Paddy Gordon – “Teaching the teacher” is a good option to (the old ABET). We are teaching/trying to reach Tsitsikamma CLC Nompumelelo, investigate. grown-ups/adults. We need to address needs in 18 July 2019 at the community. There is a need for environmental 18:00 awareness and education in the area, particularly for adults. Isn’t there somewhere teachers (including non-mainstream teachers) can get training and then teach the children/ community? This is related to the suggestion of more Honorary Rangers in the area – teachers can facilitate/be the mouthpiece to teach the community.

When my child came back from the kids in park programme, she brought back so much knowledge. We do not realise how much we do not know. It would be good if the same type of information can reach teachers. We need to focus on adults and the adult education centre in the region could be a good platform. Should be something to look at.


Table 8. Summary of all comments and or input received via e-mail.

No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 96 MTB in Quiet zone. There seems to be some Juan Botes E-mail received The table will be revised to ensure consistency. contradictions in various tables. It is suggested 30 July 2019 that MTB be allowed in as many sections of the park as possible (Quiet zone to be included). 97 A larger section of the Upper Knysna catchment Myles Mander E-mail received Will be done when maps are reviewed with Johan Baard. should be zoned as Remote 29 July 2019 98 GRNP PMP to be aligned with the KM Economic Petrus van Niekerk E-mail received Noted. Development Strategy and Tourism Destination on behalf of the 7 August 2019 Plan (2019). Knysna Municipality 99 MTB should be promoted through an initiative to Petrus van Niekerk E-mail received SANParks to engage relevant fora. be launched soon (CX Trails). SANParks to play on behalf of the 7 August 2019 a pivotal role as custodians of the areas most Knysna Municipality suitable for MTB trails. 100 Will concession opportunities be available in exit Petrus van Niekerk E-mail received Conservation will be the focus. SMMEs will be used for AIP areas (commercial, agriculture and tourism)? on behalf of the 7 August 2019 control. Knysna Municipality 101 More detail to be provided re the future availability Petrus van Niekerk E-mail received 7 A current concession is in place and is being managed in of indigenous timber. on behalf of the August 2019 accordance with the public private partnership agreement. Knysna Municipality 102 Estuary access for commercial boat and yacht Petrus van Niekerk E-mail received SANParks will initiate a process w all relevant stakeholders. commissioning should be facilitated. on behalf of the 7 August 2019 Knysna Municipality 103 Very much the same as comment submitted by Chris Kritsinger E-mail received Noted. See reply given to no 96 above. Juan Botes above. Additional to this, a permit 07 August 2019 system for MTB is mentioned. 104 Mention is made of the National Forest Act and Melanie Koen on E-mail received Included in the plan under environmental management National veld and Forest Fire Act and the behalf of DAFF 08 August 2019 programme. relevance of these Acts to the GRNP. It is also requested that mention is made of the NFA under the environmental management section.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 105 The stakeholder is concerned about a small piece Brett Steigemann E-mail received SANParks is currently in negotiations with DAFF to transfer of land that is exiting in Bibbyshoek that is 08 August 2019 this piece of land for consolidation of the GRNP. earmarked for community forestry. It is suggested that the area should rather be handed to SANParks. 106 Document refers to Mapungubwe NP and not Ashleigh van E-mail received This has been corrected. GRNP…..page 3. Zuydam on behalf 08 August 2019 of Paradise Ridge conservancy 107 No reference made of dune cordons between Ashleigh van E-mail received Text provided by Ian Russel has been included in the section Wilderness and Sedgefield in description of soils Zuydam on behalf 08 August 2019 under Geology, Topography & Soils. and geology. of Paradise Ridge conservancy 108 Wildlife crossings to be included in buffer zone Ashleigh van E-mail received This will be included. map. Zuydam on behalf 08 August 2019 of Paradise Ridge conservancy 109 Stakeholder list to be included in the plan. Mark Brown on E-mail received This was considered but not included. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 Valley Trust 110 Mention should be made of the NV tripartite Mark Brown on E-mail received This section only deals with land where SANParks is agreement under the contractual agreement behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 assigned the management authority. section. Valley Trust 111 More emphasis/description of freshwater aquatic Mark Brown on E-mail received Text provided by Ian Russel has been included in the section vertebrates to be included (especially Salt River). behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 under Fauna/Invertebrates/Freshwater aquatic invertebrates Valley Trust 112 Mention to be made of ongoing NVT research into Mark Brown on E-mail received Kyle Smith – we are grateful for the ongoing collaboration estuarine fish. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 with NVT regarding the Groot Estuary fish community Valley Trust monitoring. However, within the management plan there are several ongoing projects that are not mentioned. The management plan is not an exhaustive list of literature or current projects but tries to highlight key published research.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 113 Mention to be made of collapsed state of Mark Brown on E-mail received Text provided by Kyle Smith has been included in the park fisheries. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 management plan section. Valley Trust 114 Crowned Cormorant doesn’t exist in the park. Mark Brown on E-mail received Ian Russel – The statement that crowned cormorant doesn’t behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 occur in the park is incorrect. Whittington (2004) recorded Valley Trust four pairs of crowned cormorants on nests on the Carbo stack on the Tsitsikamma coastline near Natures Valley in 2003. They do not, however, appear at this stage to be permanently resident. 115 Mention to be made of Important Birding Area Mark Brown on E-mail received Text provided by Ian Russel, Scientific Services has been initiative (IBA). behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 included in the section under Birds. Valley Trust 116 Mammals (aquatic) list not complete. Few Mark Brown on E-mail received The text has been changed to include the suggested suggestions made. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 additions. Valley Trust 117 Mention to be made of Coastal Management Mark Brown on E-mail received Clement Arendse – Coastal Management Line delineation Lines developed by the Western Cape behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 falls outside the scope of the Management Plan process and Government. Valley Trust will be dealt with in a separate process, after which it will be incorporated into the zonation plan. Coastal Management Lines developed by the DEA&DP are currently in draft form, therefore they were not mentioned in the text of the Management Plan. The text in the management plan will, however, be changed to reflect that SANParks forms part of the steering committee for developing setback lines by the DEA&DP in the Park buffer area and that SANParks supports the development of Coastal Management Lines by the DEA&DP and that there is continuous engagement between the two parties to ensure alignment of the Coastal Management Lines.

Also, the same applies to Estuary Management Plans developed by DEA&DP. These plans are draft plans and will be used as the basis for the plans drafted by SANParks. For estuaries in national parks, the national minister responsible for environmental affairs is the delegated authority for approving those plans. SANParks will use the plans developed by DEA&DP to develop the relevant lower level plans.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 118 Mention to be made to improve and stabilise the Mark Brown on E-mail received This detail is not included in the plan. road and parking area at Groot River lagoon. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 Valley Trust 119 Effort to be made to enhance the Nature’s Valley Mark Brown on E-mail received The product offering and feasibility of these will be section of the park (upgrade de Vasselot). behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 investigate. Valley Trust 120 More controlled burns to be conducted in fynbos Mark Brown on E-mail received Fire management will be conducted in accordance with the areas to restore species diversity. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 Integrated Fire Management Plan. Valley Trust 121 Mosquito fish becoming an alien issue in the Mark Brown on E-mail received Text provided by Kyle Smith and Johan Baard has been Groot River, as well as infestation of Alien plants. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 included in the park management plan section dealing with Valley Trust the alien species management programme: Mosquito fish Gambusia affinis which is well established in vegetated areas of the Wilderness Lakes, has more recently been found in the Swartvlei, Noetzie and Groot Estuaries but seems to have little impact on indigenous species. However, the presence and impact of this species within the catchment area of these estuaries has not been established. 122 No mention made of the Estuarine Management Mark Brown on E-mail received Ian Russel and Jessica Hayes – this query has two Forum for the Groot river; as well as the estuarine behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 components. management plans. Valley Trust Firstly, there are numerous management forums with which SANParks engages on a variety of issues relating to the management of the GRNP. These fora are not listed individually in the plan. The engagement with forums is outlined in several programs, and particularly the Stakeholder Engagement Program, and Communication Program. The second issue relates to estuary management plans. Details relating to the management of estuaries, and particularly the manipulation of water levels, have been inserted into the section describing the estuary management program. The schedule for the revision and development of estuary management plans in line with relevant legislation is detailed in the Estuarine Management Program.


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 123 8.5km de Vasselot shoreline management Mark Brown on E-mail received Johan Baard – please refer to the attached scanned gazette responsibility to be clarified behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 of 1996 explaining the boundaries. For most of the beach, Valley Trust SANParks is the responsible management authority. Please also ask management for input, as the questions relate more to law enforcement on the beach. 124 The baboon/human conflict issue needs to be Mark Brown on E-mail received Lizette Moolman Verster – SANParks currently has a Human elaborated on, with actions and timeframes. behalf of Natures 08 August 2019 Wildlife Interface (HWI) research project running in order to Valley Trust map and quantify, where possible, the relationship and effect of humans on animals (specifically mammals) and vice versa. This baseline data will enable SANParks to map the HWI in and around the Park. The baboon issue has, however, been a contentious issue, partly because it is believed that the baboons “belong to SANParks”. Baboons move across various landscapes and land uses and therefore do not belong to anyone. SANParks does not have the legal right to act towards problem animals outside of the SANParks boundary, however, CapeNature does. Baboon issues will only be solved by all stakeholders’ participation (including SANParks) but not solely SANParks. 125 The Park forum in Nature’s Valley is not Mark Brown on E-mail received The park will investigate the most appropriate mechanism for functioning. behalf of Nature’s 08 August 2019 stakeholder engagement and liaison. Valley Trust 126 A number of inclusions i.t.o. threats suggested. Charles Scott on E-mail received This was considered but not included. behalf of WALEAF 08 August 2019 127 General comment that SANParks capacity Charles Scott on E-mail received Noted. operating within the buffer zone should be behalf of WALEAF 08 August 2019 increased. 128 Same concern as Bret Steigemann i.e. Ivan Keir E-mail received SANParks is currently in negotiations with DEFF to transfer Bibbyshoek exit area suggested for inclusion into 08 August 2019 this piece of land for consolidation of the GRNP. SANParks. 129 Mention to be made of the SANParks view on the Joan Berning on E-mail received The plan does not to describe this level of detail. following aspects in the buffer zone: behalf of Eden to 08 August 2019  Fencing Addo  Road overpasses  Effect of noise and light in corridors  Bird flight paths  Marine corridors


No Comment / Input Commentator/s Reference Official response 130 Access (free?) to Ebb and Flow North during peak Alan Glogauer E-mail received Noted. season should be granted to him and his family 09 August 2019