1E1E, 1 lielnia away I von III am WS WW1 smut iamb November 1, 1996 Vol 27: Issue 5 RUTDAY GIVEAWAY Fifty prizes must be won in your golden souvenir issue special pull-oul inside ni boss And read how Leeds Student 'fat cat' this week conquered Britain randed to scoop the prestigious title bypocrite of Guardian National Student MORE GOL Newspaper of the Year New bid to Babies in rid streets of lethal weapons

BY ALEX ROLLS A II; ITrii IN to ban i.imobai knot!, drug test has licen launched In Leeds this seek Paul Floateng. Labour spokesman on Legal Affairs. visited the Civic Hall on WeifIlt!kbly to on:jails unveil hi, national pension. Speaking id the launch. he said believes ,1, particular lire at the ENV campaign. They are Ihr ,nes. are most likely to he virf I MS 01 overdoseBY NAGA MUNCHETTY, CHIEF REPORTER iolencc with weapons like those circulating in todays youth A UNIVERSITY drugs study in insisted that "no baby died as a result ul this culture" At the same lime '• which 14 babies died has been error' However. it was only after two babies sutTered complication& that the Flow Secretary Jack so scrapped after it was learned that research comtnittee discovered Ihe mix-up tornier LLILI President. made some infants were given twice the in the dosage. detailed proposals to Michael intended dosage. "The emit happened when the drug was Howard on how to legally contr.; the study. co-ordinated by Leeds ordered. It occurred us a result of confusion the ban on combat and similar knives. He believes that suet; University. was suspended last month user different ways of prescribing the drug - said study spokeswoman potentially lethal weapons have so..he'n it was discovered half the 53 lOnnulation. Rachel Chapman. place in a civilised society and duo babies involved had been given a drugs The eight Yorkshire families who took advertising them in a way whirl, overdose. pan in the trial were told by the committee appears to promote or condone But the clinical co•ordinator of the study. that the deaths fnsm the condition. known as violent* contributes 10 the trowinv Pmfessor Malcolm Levene of Paediatrics birth asphyxia. would have happened and dangerous -Wife culture. and timid' Care at Leeds University. INSIDE: News 1-11, Comment 6-9, Feature 12.13, Outlook 15-19, Sport 20-24, Plus 28lage /vice pull-out magazine 2 LEEDS FRJOENI Frkriav Nov.mi,,, I TT:1F::

flit clection in America week 's meeting of Hr wasn't. however. at couple of weeks 'VII g4. II finished We were tar II It it's next week !coffers /host Things %etc moving on a Thursday • ',cured to 11 rill11111t when I have a lot of twin horrors or modern remark:1bl, solid". al lt.!..' polities: there are smarmy compared lo the usual ..iitiortcment ni NLIS policy term:ea.- Beforehand he STUDENT soundhite merchants in hour cotlee,akcs- ad how the future of will doubtless hate to etehange mobile phone the running and more photocitrtying•sillrlini: SHACK ,rudern politics in Britain AO in safe hands, Spieler's calls with Douggie to check This week in Britain's import antly.110 one gives 15 hotop' I•011-w hit-we st A week& strtot of sirdioti Dolan 0 damn anyw ay. set‘sirtlIs at I I I_ pro-NUS rhetoric became things out, lust in case biggest weekly It's always the way with Wr got I In Watt: good lad , • su punting that Walcillead Mete': an important spin ■■ student newspaper 1-rva'Sll. too. Simon national demo chestnut. and •‘..etq .11 1111•.: Irish asked in a chilling voice: doitoring. session planned 'Chore' Caffrey has news that NL'S presided Ihniggie Jolt NUS can do -Just what are you say-inp. for the same afternoon Already beaten Chnion to a Douglas Trainer refuses to no V. tong Laurier' She had the tone It seems LMUSU Exec NEWS second Presidential term, back the latest one Then w ben :anionic of one who feared he had hits a spy in its midst. It Although barely anyone opposing notion lees mentioned that LNIUSLI been brainwashed. replaced makes you wondei if these lira-vo or just voted for hint last time. As shared NI IS s policy ot by an evil chine or was NI 15 secret agents are for smooth political Ticking off looking tor stew solution, to being secretly ()Trended by CVO, where. infilintting Trainer horn above Via unison eaves with their ban it? Unions operators, look no further Chirps- thought this the C Jieti, In alit:Alton unique brand of superficial than Laurie Spieler, Ethnic unteasomMic and unveiled funding. Spieler made au st/01C cunningly hidden lost in poster :maim CIA. KGB. now Antt llii,crirmertoott plans lo tend a letter giving estraordinary gr.:lure: lie puppet strings. polities waved In, index linger in NHS officer, who seems to spend Trainer a good ticking Fiery his life cooking sinister the all as if he'd just scored Let's just hope. Pages 4-5 Everyone agreed. E.seept, plots hr win favour with the that Is, Spieler, whir thought at WCTIlhley. "What's that Spieler had already for their sake. e nrets-ihnI-tit at the Douegle might he proved for"- inquired Kate shown his fiery socialist most of. Mont National Union of Students. light in the course of time, Wotalhead "Juts credentials when discussing WC a little scratching.- came Spielers union's support or a more subtle How to be If you needed proof you He didn't offer a particular the a only needed hi he at this entgointic molt, university staff stnke in a than Laurie, good citizen with tutor David Adam Babies in pope 9 FEATURE drug test Harvey Nichols v Stubbed out: . Howell wi Fraser:1:e n overdose

frothion challenge' CONTINUED FROM page. 12-13 PAGE ONE 4111'00). it is claimed that OUTLOOK per cent of habits horn ith the fixy Len deficiency. Slick Willy and new fag ban which ;arras ano in every 1,1100 babies, are cspected the poll against BY NAGA MUNCHETTY to die. Dole do you CHIEF REPORTER 1)isltess care? town Peuressor Les enc has 19-17 A ill. him nn ...motking I)) refused to comment ou the aS infuriated students who feel they situation but hos released SPORT have been cheated out of their chance .11i (aridal titotement on behalf of the clinical to comment. win:Tinter. State of the The wits or-dik -We regret the vosiely !bat has been caused to the no Smokers union: football'• parents hecouse lie stitokiii:i coining here pushed out understand bow difficult a the saute Kr1,111Itts Iii time it is but ing a sick friths, yce arc sorry for ally gags. 22.23 which the h.in III into the cold additional distress that this mat be cousins.- i&91) tilliltIll C.111ro Rachel Chapman insisted 1. \II 't1 f tc,silt ti. at the Met that the chemical used. rho 1,5N:orsWm- sulphate- -is ,lidn't els e us ,ins „, .1 ti it ormolls ovvurring kc 1111. Ill• 11■.11 ?crit:t al ctioso.111:11iiin substance in the body. It lists hero given to lilt' I 1 ' pregnant women for more tt;11:1•. than 010 s,ars to suppress unit Brat huh Moral 111 lilt'\ " pit sso S1111 such Me Thtitilli-s its the Untied stain s hate shown I hAt Wk. 'lit 11.11 h r • who take I Nil p ..I magnesium sulphate base t I I 'I 1 risk of having babies r". with cerebral palsy.- 1 , 11 , ` 1 , 1..11 1/1.1,11 t o t !1).: ' Ilia st OttcnI5 55 Res sew r alt' .,in s ••11, CUTTING DOWN Smokers angered by a new smoking ban, --, ON THE . I nitre will he a review conducted f r it i s ' It .•.II Ii- o 11,11. .11 ■;•il: I independent h% an t tt;i1eirl HORIZON II rim miller who willr their findings 10 NHS with lotecasler Stevie Sunshine inamigers. 'Ube pilot study .1, lei. • .1 mat be resumed. \iiitirdal t Ittuds 4lis.!, with 1.4in tale about is not sour moat', l rti f etshs e nit( ha ot., at time., leading to ti drier and t•ill up to the previous night. llohil .tutted th a t brighter afternoon. %lilt. (.eed, Midden, is interested in children in the study will he anything that's out ihe Imperatore: 14C 1521 1. followed up after lane sear ordinary chit will 01 Sunday: as part or the original A dry morning with same 01.1se hr treated in complete protocol its order to liVieSi sunshine. Mild and tirecry. Max. ..ottficlence, but It you prtter there is an temp. 14C (521,). It 1.:ootd tic a short-cut to whether imprnsrlrrr nt in their I outlook for the rya of air week: ling your name in print Blustery showers with We also welcome new epos/et •. lust call the temperatures above aterage. eusdest. an..1 we It tell s oil Have you won one el of 50 prizes this .../.;•IteJ At 1.,J, I . Naga Munciwthr 1 :II P. .4,11 I •' week? Turn to our Chtel Reporter - nimrr, 1,11 11. birthday special SEE COMMENT PAGE 6 243 4727 LEEDS STUDENT F ,aay NoVemrsii i 1956 3 HAIR TODAY, GONE TOMORROW

WHERE'S VA HAIR/. Six brave students thawed their heads for charity. Members of the Catholic Society el LUU were sponsored to raise money for CAFOID. the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development. The six boys lost their locks outside the Union on Monday Plcs Mary Quinn Montage: Willem Jaspers Words: Esther Conran Pervert spies on girl through curtain gap as she undresses VOYEUR COLLARED AFTER STREET ROW A PEEPING TOM r BY mania LALANI 1 the incident would never have happened it her has been arrested by bloke." said the first year landlady had used the police after being Geology student, "and the security light on the outside caught red-handed other guy said that he was sit the house Safer campus promised a ('II) officer on a -Ws supposed to come on spying on a girl as SECURITY has been very, vet') serious! they armed in Leeds. undercover operation, and 1I5 SS anyone comes up stepped up by university A full Security staff arc she undressed for that my boyfriend had just to the window, but tt has uni regretful that an armed been broken lot aces 11 ii chiefs on a direct response to versity security was bed in her basement blown his cover'. the armed robbery incident carried nut 15 months ego attack should have taken room. had been winking I would Fluke have known straight away it on campus a week ago. when the current head of place in the university And as he MCC inpled sUfIlettlie was there ' As reported in last security. George Blain:Mower., grounds. but believe this to escape the clutches Taniara does not know weel'i leech laidenr, a man was appointed. oneodem is the first of its how long the man had been was threatened at gunpoint Since then there has been type on the catnpus of her enraged Broken watching her through a gap and had 175 stolen from him an ongoing programme lo Sri lissaUlts and SI% boyfriend, he claimed in her curtains, or indeed it Other female student. in at the hack of the Leeds improve security with the robberies on uniersity to be just an undercover tic has been watching her the area were shocked by the University Union building introduction of closed propenry have been reported policeman. belore. -The police told us incident Danielle Milford , There will now he ettcuil Telles tsion t.ameras sir tar this term, but Figures IICFCUSCKI reveal that reported crimes The incident occurred that thos sort ot thing who Ilk es on Hyde park patrols of the and 24 bout patrols hy ,runpus and other university Wain clothes officer,. with or campus have dropped by • just after midnight last happens all the time. and that Road said. •11t really make , it could have been a regular strut think I haven't got including All dogs sis per cent til er the last Monday as TaITINra Watts thing It's just a fluke that security grille on rns .:,11..erssty halls of There has also been on seat undressed at her home on my tioyfriend came slung window, 111 If NI/I110.11W 1.. idence. especially late at increased liaison between At present, last week -s Hyde Park Terrace_ "I when he did.- watching me they could and when on-site the university and the local incident is still under heard shouting outside my A security grille ire the easily get in I suppose that I anuions are inking place on community, and new intense police investigation, w indow. so I looked out. window prevented the voyeur will have to he really careful cseroong students should flake and as yet no arrests have My boyfriend was Out from gaining access to the and Make sure that in k 1,,,rstry tepresentatives received a security advice. been made there shouting at some flat. but Tamara claims that curtains are shut tight.- Jam, t. be -taking the issue leaflet. 'Fight Hack' when IN UPROAR NEWSFILE POSTER CAMPAIGN PULLED Gas leak warning Bra ad banned A hILICiE gas kat liirced hair housemaid:: to esacuate their home to the early hours of Friday Monang for Ical ul tut explosion. Aninier. The luxise of French finalists Fri la..-eats Unisersity, Nina gas airsick their home in Rurie) i rL so ran in to try io triTh oil the •itipply But as they turned the switch, the lever just came off in their hands, They were forted to svnit M their car tor as union chiefs the ernergencry gas wrvice. as the fume coming Front their house were so overpowering The as men /mired and told than they had detected 'ierions leaks' alit,* Winn the boiler and cooker. which thry disoontiechal "We were so thankful when they named olf the vas even though it means we have no heating facilltio.- said Sarah. who had aunplerety dubbed 'sexist' The gots* tanell rchosaird the house during the stirring/. has expresired shoct over the incident. BY ABBIE JONES ANO idea that the upisharaers were faulty " GEMMA GA CUNHA British Gits have wanted students to be un [heir guard and ger ail their pas ' . I I11'NAL Union appliances chediet1 as statistics' show thud one 431 leak IS detected every day in the Officials have been feeds atm. branded 'hypocrites' by staff and students for backing a revealing lingerie Wanted: Bright advei t. finis a week lIttlr NUS Young Things spokesmen denounced the controversial 14arvey Nichols lilt ,E• I i ,a1 for nos campaign. which featured talent in a Iran otiss the compeu wan to he held fa Leeds. female models wearing 1101! "'Bright yowls. Things" is open to collars and leads. as huntiliuting anyone aged 21 and Linda and to W011101'1. the opportunliy for would-he mu..., But thou week they .gave. their star; to receive national reeopution. approval to a Kno-kerbo.% poster The finals are to be held to •the CONTROVERSIAL: Harvey Nichols also hit the headlines with their advertising campaign showing a semi-naked woman Town and Country Cluh next March has decided to promote II this week LAU chicla have reacted Isv stars is liar extreme however Mark undreming, urging union duff to after qualifying heats in January and It alter oimplaining about Roa'st's Nick's banning the adverts from then sitiiknts hurdle. a Philosophy swarm aI LNIU will he the third year running that "make sure the poster mid inlYtaS the other week is completely tenon. saying they tire litappropnitte" saki. 'tie's riditadon, fin officials its hr Leeds has played host to tilt contest information are prominently ridiculous.- said Karen Twyne. A and lack balance." deciding what •slotleins can rind Lima Last year's trues inclittled A. Iwo std {tlityed'' ri _01 computing student at LiMfU. see. especially sainx you cart huy the day recording package and 51.000 Fellow student Michelle tins, a Security same kind of posters oiF,sa tiecrigova worth of equipment and the Winners broadcasting fresher at Leeds in all the University poster mks:" Michelle f)sley, UAL's Women also received airtime on Radio I's University, was quick toogree: 'You The NUS caused a similar dispute EXel. Arc Off Leer, agrees with the decision: Evening Session never get close ups of blokes baring to innoweek when they allowed copies AhinUlkleil al this ahiad• luta in hIUS -These posters contravene the Those who think they might he their tackle and If gets eider complain or Louslent magazine. which contains policy and livid union officials have atmosphere winch the union tries to ready to hit the big rime should contact they Just eei branded frustrated pictures of topless wurnen. to be put roused lir pot the pictures urn show create which is ow of safety, security Jute Richmond on 1.ce.dts 24744/30, feminist', Women do wall tilt,, student packs' wills/el consul:nip —PC,,ple n0,111(110 II:11/4C. girl too upset equal rights and equid opportunities. " and they should ecpecr support IWITI Union lumen% officers until it wits tao bout the poster but the fact that NUS ()Met student, Mink a hart on tell` NUS on such 3 basic woe' LUC

Be an enlightened 0 Be part of tomorrows' healthcare Freshers get frisky rn solutions by giving a little of your volunteer.. time._ today PARTYGOERS and 01.1tierseis horse queue for the smidom machine " branded last week's f'reshet's Ball the Spiel and est:Ai:Ise freshet Gavin Moil 'risque. till nrculftl, tu• ures hrlu Wilson seemed in have suffered wane VJ L' roha t memory toss of the evenings event, If you are over 18 1110, have said !hat giiings.on at the however All I can remember is eveni_ hosted by the 'limn arid Couiitry playing rugby in Mr toilets," he said call free for further information club last Wednesday, would have made The hugely successful ball, which evert Madonna Mush was the first of its kind In be tally think Mete wean) a pair tit Organised, sold over 5011 tickets in all ;12 ionisers NOD tipped an a skirl millions and has been hailed a s -an (7) 0800 591 570 at least oar NIT In' hands op it." said a overwhelming triumph" by to. main Rl spokc.muui for the event. organiser, Dirk Mischendahl. a 11,rlice Hafiley, Finance and -Everyone seemed in have a math >s Adininistinhon officer at LULL agreed really good time and we've hod home with the claims "It was outrageous." very positive feedback trout students. tB lirsaiti. "I thought the Spurts hop had a who wino;' tin said co All studies comply with the Royal College of had reputation. but the Freshet's Ball 'Mitre '0,1, PRI violence nr Physicians Guidelines had no nu .ruls whatsoever I've never FO‘r'llineS!, although we have had O wen unvttung like it reports of various wandl atiliCSI We Allegations of a run putt she einiddim are hoping to build on the halt's Switch on machine were contrrnind by club staff succesS and hope dial the tresher's hall All our volunteers are recompensed and students alike, with the "fair will hecume u regular yearly event. As for the time they spend taking part in 15.1 licence Steve Abbey. claiming it was tong as studerns continue to tell has to the benefits! C our clinical trials empty by the end of the evening What a gliOd time they had well Happy customer Ciro} Bauch Caine conlinae to provide a service. We're littp://www.corningbesselaaLco,tik a Besselwar hack Irani !he melees suying, -Eve seen just aiming to get remelt bigger and If .1 CORNING some things in in) lime, but never a tinich much better" 11111WrigiNovisinhei I it 5 OVER DEGRADING LINGERIE ADS Jewish society out in the cold

BY NAGA MUNCHETTY IStI supporter,, were forced to abandon their 1114.:14:11: ill TECO IoN protests against an and anti Low,' motion anti-sionist motion Jiinio. put forward by VI 1%!1 extremist leaders of a university Islamic Society. 2 5110 students proved to he toil litr!!c .• hcupit hcit- n - si lone lor the s'liosen sonic of the s'otitrovegslal debate pp rclicnsh organised I” the Tklant:hester Unis.ersii ■ lslatnil Sot'iers Hundreds ended up hent.e locked out of the meeting and protesters were asked by the police to cairn down and I. leave the event which 12.:31; ■ was .111 1 I . sviihdrassii postponed 1)arlicl "'Anion (11111.0 it the I .• Crowd 4. him.. the iH Fresher Matthew Ross • was amazed at the angry IJtlnu ∎ .1 1.4. ICI crowd. "the atmosphere ft!flIalli, a preitomman, inside the %Luffy hall was despite the tense and potentiall ■es entual rote m

Interview techniques

Thursday 7 November

BANNED: the controversial poster deemed 'Inappropriate" at LMUSU

Does the prospect of a milk round fill you with Dog lead controversy horror' Do you get nervous at the thought of MIST two week% ago outrage 41M. errupted over towards them an interview? Are you unsure about what the the controversial advertising campaign staged by %intent. Ottli.er at LULL luturta Coviello, the humus high street strut, Harvey Nichola, told Leeds Student that she fell the pailets interviewer is really looking for? If you answer writes Either Coninn portrayal women as "slavishly following to a similar reaction to the posters distributed fashism"and said they had sark-masochisuc yes to any of these questions why not come by Kivekerbat. billboard adverts showing two undertones women wearing dog conics and lends with the Several female students wentalso upset by the and meet Ernst & Young. As a leading slogan "Harvey Nicholls Leeds. not follows-, campaign. Third year psychology student. Ruth were also slammed as portraying women in a Wilkin, said that whilst the posters were international firm of Chartered Accountants degrading way admittedly clever, "they went over the top and we handle hundreds of interviews every year. The view that they were blatantly Sexist was didn't need lobe done in a way that could he compounded by the fact that in some cases the contrived to be degrading to women " We will let you know what we look for and advert had been pasted beside a poster ft.r the Harvey Nichols refused Cu comment on the Zero Tolerance Campaign. proloaing against affair which made the headlines in many of the give you some helpful hints on how to \ violence wwards women and society's attitudes, national newspapers and radio stations. conduct yourself in an interview, how to prepare beforehand and improve your chances Car kissers caught out of success. A MAN oslu, %."1, I,Iltl that he lie rushed 4 ,,e1 It. hi, ,.11 i1. The matter v. as tluwhll was the victim of car crime examine the damage, only to resolved, and security staff let found that he was actually the fund that far from attempting to the girls tease Do not miss out - sign up with the Careers Service vlenlIl of adoring female fans, break in to it , the girls had Luckily, Jim did not mind writes Arno Carter merely been plastering his night being disrupted: "I Jim Albentosa. who kissmarks all over the vehicle's found the whole thing Very promotes the night Taking V.indscroen. amusing and quite flattering Liberties at Beckett Pita Jim said, " the girls were stall " Student Union. was informed obviously very embaras,ca In fuel fun was so pleased on Friday by security stall that about the inix•np. Apparently with the attention that he ended El ERNST & YOUNG they had caught two women all they had wanted to do was up giving the amorous girls a I iv I.-nare fOlf16.1 fir.? 01 i!RUI toms u • mumbe. krPut & Knott hu•rnanarsal trying to break into his can to thank me for a good night." lift home. 6 = EDS STUDENT Friday Noyarraan t Ingti UNIVERSITY MORALISTS MAKE SMOKERS THE NEW VICTIMISED MINORITY STUDENT

relphrr • Put-out smokers Editor 11a" iii Smith

Jaws Editor hen Last SF,t71ITh EDITORS Ares Ion tiov.ell Clore Lister Jason Penm.c lxn 'Thorttax shark off debate Rooks it^1.111k, Moth:. • ill•: union's facelift %%la: (iCOrgt Bunn T clittiplete this Nkri: tiNteatv %leek with attractive t'outtoent Nu-Smoking plaques Kale Hingham, screwed to ex ery tooth !III Dim lirltdr WiilTe11 1 411h available surface. I .MUSt l's new no- 1 -omputina %Lathes, RCN rit snitiking policy mirrors Fashion the refttrhishnietd: like Clue blxvord. the paintwork. there I tore 1 islet are no shades of grey. Feature' Li) tailing to !amide a Emma Al-lumatti designated smoking area. Chet Uwards Cluia Leadheorr they are mrusing to Mike Pllino acknowledge smokers, This Listings ntises concern for the Joe Dow ate standards of tolerance we would normally expect to 'usk den Foto be shown towards minority Owen Cidwon pulps and the nfspeet Mooln rhos kl.g1S) individual choice should comnuind. Neat It ts, 311 cxtlne.titally Abbot hete• legtitinate that the union Atuti. Kel► Sinful 1.41aar should impose such a Chief Reporter restrk titut on a habit which Nap Muneiteity inflicts phy sical discomfort coin (AKIN. The tong-awaited Pkiures tatmext cr imprehensisc po licy Deputies n.-cctonds to it general call lot Pele Como. the abolition of smoking from Nick Lee public turas and, in panicular. real but often. unconsidered one" the workplace Should we own fast^tnixl pint; Dal el One 111 the main reasons given num 113r mous so kit rl is hunks lot the Facets %Li= is fear in ha potpie to rat their way to a possible legal oction being taken bean attack. bean :roads being Production the establishment by against the country's Nn.n.:si kilter al a Stew Creop:r sufferers of the edicts of passisc Ohs er QUIIIII BY KATE BINGHAM somiximble out to the NHS_ smoking. But while would Cleanot The pond is thotigh, that wholeheartedly uphold the Kate "fkarn insphe of all the health warnings. decision. %nett draconian cost, the smell and to sigma, Scienot 'neurotics seem to wallet with the people continue hi take up David Adios seine of the values the Unki1 any other group, everyone !amid within n,-ason But witai is parties"). havutg a crietrette is a sntuking and those that already do Alex Kihtilr usually holds %o dear, haw been up in onus. Smokers.. misiniahle" basic need aren't giving up - not pm bemuse Belly MACM40 Up the rood LULI lenses the &tinny-411y, became a tun ority Apart fmm being another don't .totaling lemma to the they can't. but because they S" group through choice whereas ..., v c smoking can never incentise for shaleitts to slay OM wino lane ineAsage that we get discretion of the stuff ffeisceive..., Zile r edo women and ethnic minstrittes fall within the hounds of Of their ilqumnents, 'nuking a on smoking is a confusing one. Alec (julabo) a not altogether ideal scrilluiti belong In default What about reason. but few would deity mate goilbhip. rail to There are conflicting responses Paul Wilson !pinions may he suppressed for religious gmups or the gay others the space in which to mention the logistics of gelling Total Football fear of offending workmates or even from individuals. People Kell °hear. Dian eoetmtunity, wane of whose ciattamircite their own lungs, it !rut of the sirs eke-free AMC. scan with go to a smokey pub or club Mosses. Meanwhik, the outright members would claim then desired. Tolerance need ma mean only have an adverse-eftect oxt ban option has been adopted by and thnik nothing of it - all pan of Travel sexuality is chosen' it monifW of non-smokers Unp411!..%- work terlermance. the atinusphar. Smoking is Charlotte than the Schitot of English. Staff and Smokers are signitk-unt in soften Ilg itchy eyes and coughing Finding a pint foe runoicotg stutious huddle mond it lunas makeird art the uime way and 'amigo Martin number, Although confident that fits, but it might eticlid lo the members 01 stuff is at the very lois the sane atm-tenons as to Young ashtray nailed to the exterior of less wOult1 ever dream 111hav ing prrIviStun 01 u smolune. amt. Like least an s.%sellii31 consideration Ul alcohol It's a social thing: the listed building, provided for as defile them.selves by a simple eve-roan-rig else. the tendency is to terms 01 tar: cc-ma/miry in Oiler Sob alt something to calm vOur ttertiM the express purpose of siixikernion-intoker 1pp:whim, suing front the extreme to the 1.141.3.SH Exec has taken such Torn hides cempithery extinguishing of something to relax oh: same like Ihis kind of "skit:insect sub other We used to Ilieve ni rti- puns to foster. As It gilikb, the taste cigarettes before entry. - stance will probahl) PUPA R'IMENT HEADS group lk smoking oasis in 3 ottn,riatking !NUM.!. the English deportment The problem is that. unlike ND tine would cc*t1e4 the what it lakes to gel am stolid. why 1:7111.1 WC WI\ e ilk and areas-Ilkt them are merely belleilti (If fresh air. two:tally tor dunking. smoking Is an aiklietion lb:0am Manager treognitnsn smoking equivalent' The atrium shutting smoker! till :old trying to which hangs on 11110 tSerfd4) th Hckn whit -, it the smoker. but Leeds' wr does Smoking minims thicatni inexitahly, is money forget abind therm tend to get 4hit too fresh Its the life That potpie want ca need to the o anion of others How then I would suggest that this Stone would argue that the silkike can icily say something 1104 111 ut annual this 111711! of should we define the won of tar) expinithue %justifiable. in the r;eoil,e °rote, hurl can only he a good thing in Ah011Ithe levier!, Ahl,t1 year debauched antics winch "-tune as .sotto wary that spending nkyney prisitisely twescritths people nom encourage• them to do so and Non-sinikers may for feeling result 11/ drinking 'a. excrys on toilet.: ts instil- Editorial hotline: table For thole smoking: well-atoning hut so :lets rt 14,11.dr might perhaps slightly kss don sympathetic. II the differetxe here is that there (0113) 243 4727. that do smoke. and by that I mean worrying Should the sane tek .1c111...! .aline id this wUS eller till to smoker's are &•ip:ant places where yoU inhale, tin opposed w the girls Advertising hotline: attitude he applied to only: responsphillt■and riccommottrae decision to tale up the habit. an ■and clo that son of lung, Ah Fob Cluj': wielding displayed relaxing past-times like .pun. on (0113) 231 4251 the strstking minonry which isn't Hoarser. had this uerunot for 'like the Llnin's Saiunlay Night!. by those who "only smoke at where the risk ..-tf injury is a .Ct• or 0850 488 543 chic tug clay signs of going away

LEEDS 411.,1,-,ENT C••:Lly ,15E 7 LEEDS ) • ) SAYS s t I. in a D-cup

STUDENT POLITICOS have got their knickers in a twist over a bra ad and a Harvey Nicks fashion promo. The top dogs at ilic \ LS gage the go-ahead for students to he exposed to the Knickcrhox poster but put their stamp of disapproval on the ahfah Haney Nicks fashion show. if they hadn't made themselves look stupid enough. the LLIU-nalt, , decided to get involved and tell u, what we should and should not he looking at. When will then student politicians break "tit (i • their bubble and take the lead in the Freshers' Bawl: How am I ever going to find my cherry again in this mess? Issues that really matter? God knows_ Who carei, it scnt. two-hit bra shop puts out some spicy adverts/ If they really eared, they "tight lo try getting a boycott of these shops going. Hut the sad truth is that no-one gives a hors LETTERS TO THE EDITOR what they say. Student politicians ate in a privileged position ?nal means they have a ■k.iCr but are basically tree to. say what they like. So why oh why -do they spoilt such Paperwork on the throne meonswanential drivel rather than grabbing the lea' problen12: by the halls I k•lit Elton. trnprrstetnetn,. Many as the top-hwo, use in than the Oral -11a-arse -Those who represent lit now am. cappowdl). years. ago when I was 01 then ivory towers who. himself. Can forgo the :soccred to go on 1•, rlitthk-r 01.1n^, IP The 54 Odd I write in response its the then Leeds Poly. the in (Inlet to maintain pi we 01 A meal and for the letter the culture ot -fat cut" free toilet paper then differentials, have dean up wall the hest nI Maybe this kind of nonsense hashing and 11w +alone% pnwided was that taken to using N Irene 1- them of the week they earn Why criticise individual sheet stuff: Unable Veit el !sample just goes to show what we can them for ilwir big waxy. slippery and was etielosetl 1. Th is • .1 'Soon expect from grown-up politicians winzes! Is it not the case sharp. 'These days in real apper-class Y% hat's dris ing you crary? that we would all like to Leeds Metropolitan product. rrpl■St4 ,:15 in the future. Seed to get it off your hose enough to afford hi University we have Anyway. ifs great It, rrertmle knott•t that fat mosso e m11.4 of iegulur know that students. the ,-uti ;ter Op ;how, Brest? Tell 40.1N111 people live a (toxin life'' And why 'shouldn't we.' toilet paper that makes Exec university twetirate tlrrt srt nn their Down under about II by writing to As regaitis die job you feet almost human , workers. lecturers and Atatett prim wherwaa the I Pat Student and telling they du, there have been 1 know il's probably most others who are ern of at r fn salter nIT steam. .lane real not of 11w same quality lesser timid, Itunnin, the dads lute.! grind. still on top `mu 1:011111 get 3 our Throwing the it's amazing to think that it has been Minn: in print and even Love thy neighbour ten whole years since scram a cash prier. II% a book at Leeds chance too good to miss, first graced our screens. III Ph' !..1 , .. send your comments to: as thyself Uni library .... • ', .sl, ,11.11, 11 ,..., .,ii., ,{ us k 1.)ear- Frlit, t I I L I Ili lc IL 1111,.! R II .1 '''. [WIC aths, ot all university ■ Well I'm ■II I .fituderip. for more •,:111:1.,!11,Ii III LI, 1 .1 •111.1t 1•1,111 01•11 1.101..11,. III I ',Md..' 111 1 The Editor Frankly VT11,41111). pathetic. truing. ivutilatett Following your extcrisP.c opening Aild OW ul", .ii).1 •1 t. 1, , t -.tit , _1 ' ! .,It ' . I ertf• newspaper the ....unpaign will du no good Anger oVer lihent-5 hour', to be Nt.t.! - •, .! I . !h: 1 ends t nisercity Tabun 1 I.I Y. .1 „. 1■1u Lati.r change people's curl article iferday -itihinitted to the PO Kos 157 ,• .0,1 easily. 11,T and C)ctiiher 15) I university. I hope m.1 1,•. Leeds Leeds would like to to see ll.i.n..,e,tialtly will .il,, ay, congratulate you Stollen, organist Itil fog rabitng tint; such lotion. Everybody needs good 1 lit t lthi. 1 .init painful Isuite. The or ha: 11:11 u..,, 11.• drus.tie cuts ill Abigail Non. Neighbours: rarely a truer word said. 1111131 24 7953 opening holm are Creveld uter.. till,. rhir eke •, wir,„ duo ,,,,1 having an adverse Third year Law Chrmtlan I nion deal effect on many or if you'd like to wt di. to a rotitill irilleturi I.. 1.411es, snadelits" work. and Lid•/ Iv rtia's Leeds goes gold the Editor in person. come holliirsetuality II tai's nut lion Bramwell thuni• for man I think sonic Union 1 i•iitinaltstil in Leeds %...1, 'II u cans old enough. the hesidenc 111 I.11K Officer led action is thp/4/11 or would cri,N, al any lime to the editorial .■11 Wednesday Clinstian Sitidents- Action 1.M1 Si 0,04 eette linen office. upstairs in the aflPmPrinie We've coma, 4 long Way .111c.1.! AIL' first issue backed up he the coiffure 1.4 I suggest that loan unwire ate -111.• union at Leeds ''I Union Nett; ,Iluggrd nut ot the typewrite; •111.1(11 Choi,( nu &Han. subjected I/1101r pi II.. etiOn Lerdt Student ado even yrron,e., )i.ilt -I eentuty ago And this week w c celebrated Metropolitan Uniiersity student, to a It- nt. r of•••c.,/071 1,111.40 host ,tign•up ,donor rah organoe nil golden animerary in style by scooping die it•ity Site ,. , I:11 ,2,11,V l• If. .11311L'Ill 111,,,p,Frx,• [ .. Ihr . e.r1 rl l a r OWN GOAL: Under-age batsmen. Turn to Sport - page 22 Buy a Macintosh Performa 5260 now and get stuck into your favourite programmes. Free Apple TV/Video System worth £250 if you buy before 31st December

Here's an exclushiv I der fi ir further and higher educatil in students that's sure to distract yr.iti from your studies. Performa 5260 Buy the ready-to-use, multimedia enhanced. AppleT" S/ plus VAT Macintosh Performi" 5260 before 31st December and we'll give 999 with Free TV/Video System yr iu the Apple TV/Video System, worth 1.250, totally free, 1i191 45inc vatir-carriage So whilst you're working on your tssay or d&-sertation, you Mygate limited can keep an eye on the big match. And once you're ready to FREEPOST LON-727 =0 1111.&41m samr..aw 1-ari-e.1 sa.tal ic -, - iy, s-witch off you Lan watch the late film . ..-.LT. .1 .n..: ...." ..."...... ' F.. Ca : MM. ....!..'''1 1222 sEl2KBR 'Mani Get on. Get Macinti rill Call FREE now on: U. Authoriseded Reseller L A 0800 018 1424 Mat e or FAX on 018131818(2

b.Cipponlyr. ec9r, lok GYsiwor In: The Area- n a ftgioved aid 4.r. Dankleark Or Acuivici mug ifth Nod; 11.4.ma we up1.4.4 ..,,, vii..% . ...owe-. in ..-4,....a.,1 m ci. I:. and 4.1v r ■"wan, ' yl • ,fr.., i..11...b.- urnI61,0,Micog." timdpe t ,trfn f 411404 owl hr •wymmi, film pgrtr•ipatthr Alf 4s. lahrolgef fotio,aa too. 1111.0, . Pimna It. JR. lv ! g utrt I:.4 A.,,ift..P.),6,, nkii. v.,i- day

IIEDS STUDENT Finlay NovErrnt*, t 1996 9

Lblypz cd NI-11.31 C6J The new column every Friday In Brilain's ibrightest student read Write to Dave cie Leeds Student, LUU, PO Box 157, Leeds LS1 11111 4 LESSONS IN LIFE EAR student, within the department. with a already range of subsidiary subjects studying at I have been also un offer. These include Leah asked by the D The eternal conflict Of Emitted assorted university chicalrs and feminitm, Building Job, the effect of thr comerittniiy FANTASY chiefs to inform you of an exciting new WUJO, ail a Hok rU stop trionom beating people. up, nicking This sinurve course that will be on their touf and torching pubs. module will offer from next The second semester will be .1■44.1.c.sed September. he largely made up of On a negaliNe FRISBEE II is well known that L'IlUIACW mi.. both written and marking CONCIRAIbl_.‘TI(INS (lid it was ;myth, experimental. The details are Item.- the university wishes to to the Ulliniale-lii.sbee other than a thrill.. yet to he Finalised but it is dub who finished a and wt.trihwhilt rhk,, be looked on as the expected that helping old paiticipating comtnendahle firth in a tinoe. "Oxford of the North" ladies across the road And 5.11.111 the year muituurl tournament lint Cornnuseratoins to arid, as such, i already :arrying their shopping home with a score weekend. the sandcastle- inaking IhrIll Pill form the basis of 100, and implementing some I sincmvhy hope that society, who lookcil yet of his ...oils lose a mark this .wkninvletlgement (1,t a similarly unique policies and e s cry time will gip same way to presigrous tinlslt, before ideas to achieve that olyire1111o:1 hit place• ■• they piss in clearing up any ill a ria.a■tileitlent with a status. ehneetell herLc- nest dtkir'A tiechri..2....ItNodhy Illy stray he.wh•hull ended Edusaliini is a 1-4S1 wowing ,,Ind as such, e111r2, ear den. brag suggesting their chances_ world and it Is vilal that requirements are predicted hi Lesil• moves with if. if it P.. it, he high A caution or (latiii■II the cornet sing ahead of the pock cons Churl shop S14.11111111t2 ,mound with Therefore, ill response to the offence is likely ti. 1w the Iht0i viand's Is I, GI 1 news that ttimal values ate to mini mum, but applicants with slows• oridei ihcir ,rill. 111e tic taint.[ lit ....:11■101 5. the rules am experience matt he ).eat N s,orr Is 11 •41ricil 1.1111VeI'Nilt will be introducing coniudded o■•t .is a 132'102 11 are. a degtee colas.: along the seised .1 prison serueme oldtcuulig 111,2 Id.,•1,110od sanhr lines • expect 411 next year's student, 11111 The three year confire, untx•clittonal oiler lip by the liorr ); is good I zio-.-49 :will he With such a focused 1111.11,2 Isis Ill, laucht on a full-time hasi to sit cons. ai111 0.41 Npplicaltotis 1•t Ihe the itrw 1) ertaled Dell:Mitten! 'Whine that Pries 5s 111 hr ss III Ile IlkViled III the •t11111-Der. nl 1-,01:11 and Viler K1thtn,li eittro, neuelt !heir AdS,c1IiSed 1114 ,pet halls S1.141,411. ‘6,iVSSI,U111 "Olfoid o! the Ninth- 'A:Th.- Inoilaced Tin ..,peow. 111 ■ 0.111r1CF71111,:. Ific nurse tk7II Ik 1-1w. reason Mat much 11 1....!er111-1, NS la! ILLS i!osrrnrncni .11%..11.112l1 a ft ftlx I 1-1i .m. thtslrij.♦ sueces• is due lo 1..51,111iiic, 11"licil 111.11 .1u:dill...on Ill The award Is 11101t to citillinent Irum pithlis* mans t•l the students. will hr ■ ivcogrused bs ▪ hoot+ pupil. from these Innu the 1..1. 11.11,11. lite bIrtautc fo, C IhJrhried sian1 1,11inenis will .11,o has c P.1111,111.111) if•sle Pork and •Vice and gr:iduate's spent awas how their 'N'ootlhouse its' 111•:11 lob prosre:Is ate cspe..lekl 1.• had Wile ial 1,11,:ei / hex: °lease Ix- excellent t• ■.vo•tiic and +poll 1110,1 sit le.rvt• .111 ilia Th, a':nul'ul,nry sun' their Ids Irvine not to go 11101 citation rit2.1 1.. yon[ , I Coral ikidgerel 411 the •Ibis its ICLOCklet We otter a confidential treatment service (initially %op cal Rr ,./P4 spc..1.11 mlaltde will .1 l u sh A111,1,11" ■w It he 1a ti!.:11i I'e I. undertaken for research purposes). We would like to hear from women: -Aged 16 - 35 -Who are concerned about their body weight and shape Panini dead -Who have one or more bingeing ' :t , n.1,111;I, ISM episodes per week hadIV of l 11\CIIIIS Ca!, or the criflic • • .0.1.01 . to, .1•u.ii1c1 .•1 -\1,I, ,...1r.•0!.•110.S IC..4'1111,10116 Ith 11,1: 1;•11 lila\ \kilt di) ICI 21,t. 1,1:11. r.,!ir If you are interested in finding out more , .7 Fr7. please collect a questionnaire from -Leeds Student Medical Centre 3.5 Cavendish Road -Metropolitan University Health Centre Room H204 -Guidance Services Thomas Denby College -Counselling Services Park Lane College OR the Eating Disorders Team on 2433144 ext.5655.

10 [FOS SrUDENT Riney Novernhoe I 1996 SCOOP OF THE YEAR - YOU'RE READING BRITAIN'S TOP PAPER Student is EY AMOY KELX & officially the best student SHIRAZ ULAN' newspaper in the the team who work 4.1141d Am country. PrOiliCine. the paper et rrk 1 op fits!LIF3 FIACC,RIUlais .(warded the prcstigiino. J(4111 1..,1.111,1 explaithyi Student Neuspaper id the why the Lerth Sruelerr, Year atXtlittde to the paper dev:t ihinc ; that this week celebrates its pntles-Itnital and uset r.t-:),!;■ filth birthday tabloid. ....troog on exelott. e The Guainlinar NU'S media new stone .unl ssimpkte in it, swamis were juill„sx1 by a 'label service t4 features. TV listinp that included Ros.te Boycott, ailti ~pool. topped up by a fine Elinor of the tadependrnt on soot of human Sunday. Diane Madill. Radio "f)nc of the year's lodges IFisepmenier,M1 John Carrel. coutpared its prufessisandism to Education Ilditur of Mr Thr Expre.t. but wa, Guardian imminduuely shouted down h The Leeds paper heat oft the oilien who thought Ibis 11V inspiration nom over ba melt flattering - to 77re Etyma. This rivals from universities and It 4 pApea Wm gland la4 colleges to the mann,. and year and has gone nn Was praised by the judging improving From well written panel for being ''head and news 111 lanlmy football, got shouliJers :those the nwI due in everything" its miginal features. David Smith. this year', witless-Am news tswctuge-, editor, was plearcd hit the hard The uv.3111 was ptesental ill work of the leant alai produces a ghttering London ceremony the paper has been iecognised. weekend to Matt Roper, tremendous In win wen who edited the prize•winning 4 preklIggith uwau L We math/ oomes He 'Tut wally raved some cliff illinpetit . , e pleased that we've won the Horn the ninny other OurICW swami it's a peat Lmlil 11, all rICwsrtspeo rr,%11r.rd kr 4 111L.. SPECIAL 50th BIRTHDAY ISSUE SEE INSIDE JUICE CHAMPIONS. Editors past and present gather for the awards. (L-R) David Smith (1996.94 Matt Repel (1995-96) Tim Gallagher (1994-95)

HUgNATIONAL UNION OF STUDENTS Did you know that your NUS Union card can get you loads of discounts at national retailers? Well here you go: 13SM Music Shor Granada Rentals offer a special student Miss Selfridge r discount Top Shop • Top Man 4itA Moss Bross offer 20% discount on hire Knickerbox A% ir f y and 10% on retail The Internet Book- P: Musk ?h. op Original Levi's Store., Ryman National Express offer 30% discount with Sketchley's a student coach card Supersnaps LEEDS STUDENT Endav Novotny, t 199,, 1 I `LACK OF FUNDS' BLAMED FOR POOR HEALTH CARE Medical crisis as

centreBY SAM ROSE is closed

NI ALTI-1 care for 3.1)00 students al a Leeds SAFETY OF college is in question after their medical STUDENTS GET THE GREEN BUG centre was closed. Brellim Hall. the 'Ionic THREATENED ol the largest performing ails luculties in the comet). and a flthated to Leeds BY CLOSURE University, claim they v.110 tote ligaments ul het Cannot afford the f_211SI04) atlually had to drive herseli it crad Of the ,lull they have to hospital." said ()wen Tribe employ. Culler officials regret being unable to continue the medical Controversy was sparked services. but insist teat the when it was revealed that the changes reflol the hest nerds of college recently received a the students. £26,000 rise in government the past, all students Funding. received tuition on the college's On Wednesday, over 500 main campus. where most of members of the college matched them lived Now ono 150 of the enough the gmunds in pinion at 2.500 Bretton students live on the cutbacks. The etnneipal was campus and it wits felt sensihk to handed a petition of names kW 4 mange fur !malice! condemn. to wreath was laid 01.111hIC his he based close to where the 1111111OOtt majority or students love and work-" said a spots anti. Care Howevta. Owen Tribe refutes —rho is 41 symbolise all the these claims "The majurity of the student% who will the because oi students who study in Wakefield the lack of available medical ore Hite An students These are care.- said Bretton Hall YR Ltweti not the ones at risk." fie has Tribe derilsesl the first aid come no Students and lecturers are campus as inadequate'. "No tine dent:aiding that the health centre can nack thozsc rust. :Mks down 1w teropeneit "'Due to the physical Nu timervef knows who they ale. stress of perfommace direiplines As fat as 1 know, (orwri and the et instructional risks in the muted in first Ad.'" requirements iit the design Praise coarse.. hest. the pmential for serious. consequences is now ihnserWitorvers) slimes a year intolerably high." said alter a Balton Hall student died Communievaittio tHliver Ira the from inernin•ins and the two, now stojeni,.' truion., etch Cilyn,iones, unemployoL nuns were praised ,olley_r's slopes o 'Breton tot their lapicl medical support Ball Investing in People'. I And &pike which helped to quell lewdly think Ibis is it ease. a possible syrkicmic "No I me else "furors have already had to ktkw whin in do, I don't know GREEN'S THE COLOUR: A series of activities were organised by LUU to raise awareness of environmental sancend ewe trAiliing In ordo to host we would have managed issues. Students are being asked to get back into the recycling trend and cyclists are being urged to reclaim the We: ill tannic' hi the ;trans( cute without them." said Amanda streets in a mass demonstration. plc: Caroline Penry-Davey words; Rosalie Hunt which Is six nudes away in the l)iartiond, Bretton Hall onto- of Wilkefield"fine girl, (e inimunicath't.•I Miser Phonecard Condom controve campaign Campus shut-down threat A NEW condom adsertising the safe sex message - campaign has resriyed a Mt Nett Debbie Zurich, Dews bra nd BT art tame %Willits to help the st'LLIt.N1 anions ate 10 .haa individual Student Unions The come out in t ut inc reaction front its target manager. defended the bintatingliy miming all dell universes, %taken in their bid to result% will he announced on pi...Towed stake audience. it Met Jinn Stewart. campaign. -We believe the old pitoncranis. 'wires Snot strike. noires More) Roar Novenae!: 5th However 1 klUSII will nut tic The new Durex adverts best was to tell the message It Natiabolit NUS piesident Douglas Pm is the line lime that the closing for the day Voce feature a youth who cannot to tme humour and emphasise in MUMS, the company Iii Matter aid: "This is to show NI'S has taken a Nonni of Pis:starve of CI irnitsurth3inori5. how gteat protected sex can donating 'money to the charily Jun Evans said, " It is r n in the stop smiling and carries the he ,. mats among all ,tiff anti students individual Student Union, u slogans "Poiteeiton with Sheller which tingles to term& that further funding on. will not Trainer is very confident of +Indents nilet,:ils Ito U, lV Close Feeling- and "Durex Warning Fourth-year French and bed spaces, clothing, food. he tolerated, This is texts a further yes vote whilst NUS sinners the union and we will he the feeling may last over ste Spanish student. Pasquale blanket% and hoiedny advtee display of our illposition to lisp hove resealed that the vote is Org4III 5115 ii campaign for biotin Helton said "lt mutes me through the wittier tot those up fees By +appealing the Trade going In a "pOsitete- November I') highlighting the The ad has caused lurious that people can homed to live ion the streets Unions we gttin support rm our L11 1.1 will make their de‘Oit011 Masons for Mc closedown." controversy among student% in complain about this advert I Shelter believe the %%Twine own cense." on which way to ‘Ole at -The meet isaint of eontention Leeds. John Steele, a lout-01- don't know what all the kw, is will be II red ,incce-v. The helktf was .,c■in motion Monday 's Union Council for unoversoty workers is the year Engineering student, ubout, othei countries ni Cards 'Mould be seta to Give t>3, a aragen,::. mooing held by meeting. LMUSIi formed a 'meagre pay risr.silfeied to both regarded the advert as Europe have been radii ice Them Shelter. FREEPOST. Pt) the NUS National Executive constiunional Union Council in auttlenvie and non academic staff "trivialising and glamourising :ravens like this for seals Box 30, Alto* 01/34 4lik about whether it consult the deal with the issue and have of as tittle as I 5 itch con, 12 LEEDS STUDEN1 Fibday4onibiir 1 1E146

The war of the worlds has dawned, the hi F FRASER HOUSE of Fraser take on Harvey Nichols as the 1 This Northern star has become the trem LISTER shops around to reveal which si

I N the On the fourth day and declared that they had roonti house of Fraser built indeed opened as riV211%. Top Skip. beginning DeMallSS1111111g 'hell 134•11 Fraser are t here were 'heir large spacious department store rust a self-importance. they field .1 impressive rti the gala opening evening, designer get0 few doors away from the fashion distributing not less, than from Hard C./a quarter, and the moguls 12,000 invites inia very varnii.h impor moguls and they sdvi that this would bring exclusi..e then hcy't.. and L 'SA. as well spied a gap in 1.310nri 4.711.,d0111.11T S., and soured in ahmost rtyytil gel the market. So they saW !hal tiff% n as opening. with Viotia Gilvson ,es:601I 171C110 on the first day good. aid Lee Sharpe 17.010tg rhr 'OKI, as Call On the fifth day Ted. ribto0 1.a?,ing sin 0101, rtlha_ tit they installed a Levis Harvey Nichols planned burps. free. chArupagne beautiful kiraleyy CCI cumomers Upstairs at, their first branch away modern They .mid lids lit rivire 1:4)0%crtii shopping . trout London, and they troticyo, .L00 cook iii •ners auph opened in I cods to the and Paul complex and Ilerruli1,1rutio-11, cen.only entrance of the Victoria sciured the a..rowiling the they named il Quarter, and Ow moguls 1010.,1, in the slow, but 1,(01.11l■CYO the Victoria rubbed their hands with did .eeiti the Paul Gi11111i Quarter and glee. On the sixth day the crowd wilts: ten year old Mat-thaw they saw that it fashion media of the Levis L hile,l fan. waking Aveaue • was good. world descended on the thou lysees.,44 mach worryi tow n of I.,eette and made On the dilemmas Ild second day they lots of fuss about 'Harvey acceptable advertising campaigns filled the centre Avenue OG with such excellent and Northern fatthittri, Nichols may 131ystts). and so. on The seventh The st designer shops us Ted day the moguls tested, want to lead such eat Baker. anti they saw tut_sking in their Pcmonal the potential and they materialist glory. and in Leeds, but Cunsultatteta realised this was good counted their (net wrapping aeiviee too. hiticasinp, pot.: we got here the. cusin On the third day money. invloves Karen Millen and first' lilt. the Him,' of Fraset toreachlhe Nikki Martin opened eertainty jumped nut) , their own shops in Perhaps th ,d..1 I fig korr; ;1,, ,10; • 111,,,,•11 money, ani$ the Victoria Quarter If•zal dirhougti reali!. 1, ■Ply well lard out. an %F4:414 Niathol% 011% %LAW 10 'rod 0: and the moguls .111d 0117S1.11111h1r, 3rd. Ilictr L:.!ed.., sir i;•1.• 6rrc were very happy. 4,1111 rlut rimiest •:hang.mr restaurant PLUS: THE COMEDY STORE PLAYERS LIVE IIN LEEDS MP






40 yos4 wilt sieve* kssotti." "41. tot4 60$4't w.;Jj 3g pgcontents 3 ..10.1itZte Friday November 1 1996

4-5VI music Jocasta under the microscope, top Prodigy stealer CJ Bolland live...and more! • %S 1IFT111.:It IT'S Niel C or ICI i )o it re, krar's ate lirtes, OOOOOOOOO • OOOOOOO • • • IP • • • OOOOOO • Iheie's n,. Jowl+, rar.0 • these lateral's) 1410'004n1 .11C 1.01% • ,I 6-7 El arts CN Saar' s 1111 I15t thIs • Weri. • Laugh at our comedy special, and is • Keanu any good at acting? •

• NOT ONLY tr. I Hie most pupil hit 8 B clubs • in whi.11 to to to university, It now • 011).0411y hal, I he. hest qudein newipaper too We debate drugs and bring you • hat Al. The EKpreSS and a Drag club special • Sorted. • ri books • On the Shelf special focusing on • Jilly Cooper's newie • EVERVIIIMA l'1,1111. 11.04T1.: 1111411i111 pining rot stew homi • ,retthul.t. Hat 2% ....v. as ,E, ic), 1;e1 diem aro tt listings sEir realise pm ults 12-19U nal...so.: bean gnus hifylrr Don't know your M.G.Ms from your N.A.T.Os? By The Feller Everything you need to know about going out or staying in, as easy to follow as A.B.C!

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ••••••••••••••I J Lil fj waif 1fy 10-11 1 p Fr in I IF P .111.11 turristirs of tickets toe rills Sallintlys SatiA a1 &IC Who was the coolest? What on earth C fL.mle. with hj s hint:one. SMC•ift. happened to Jason and Kylie? Find out in our Tontine Andlendsti, li,l4trs3ui11 Lind a surprise spevial guria. a certain fair dinkum tribute to 10 years of Neighbours fir B Elkvk will be down pinning cric (s. Mal plus them., tp Ito. in■OU 11.1r 011 star Irattiong Mary Peace Fin the will be payinki 541 holt" y. iii .1114!!!..1 .11 ha Juice's weekly rant at British culture W.:. ,ssei an, 'Nina is die tick• ofI p 'kr Rowan's debut album

It xou caul wake Suat then next tremors atniss the things tic VrAterlalls w,r1.', winner and a guest will "I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I WANT, Sh here's a star, front glotsc by cruelly ur U:■1111,.. TO 11141:C US un ern) to Hard Ti mc■down at WHAT I REALLY REALLY WANT" The, re lit. re• aline thel. 'd lion walk like Egyptians 1111. •i! I !,, Nal... in Saturday 'An hitritottlhet I lies sing. They enthigli •1 the pop welC iftb:Ld flaw'. iii Aduld, fi al i..(1 bra Airs...set the folkiwing dunce. 1 hey "hare hos, all %net their plans tor Cilahal 1111151 havc qUeSilk,11, 1.r:rn •1•i'• 1,11111, all" Int The ‘Jan. the IAnd hate been Donn 11111111. ow put. lthrn Inc Name the venue which Hani 01.41% .101 ■Indeed "sod and Liam, can N ha An excuse I :Cs Lox it, where corporate re•.. bdd Times inarbed out M. HO 0101/01 ,11 this Its their hardest, to teat damn that 5\1111111 w['1w without thcITI hors In dress navy to niter P:11 1 ■111i1,111 IlIt' hut Manchester ', glair 01:11111I.11: IU red ..411k1 MI canes •h•uld he um/tenon 114 511111 Ii1fl. /1.1 1: mad for it poster and replace. II pop" I /reds might he laparrItatrittrAittaliga purer with unit ditsvxr. mane, arldieks refeaseil Iwo sinylcs mtathends are with sioncitiin• are n•rt hand that trIttrop wi ratan IS a hi! and aunt ittiewcaany telephone and awl. se hoar gsrira nothing compared to SliCialS anal' • ir%ed, bin 111115 shirt.] 1....11h. number I. I 1111111her ..1111 our latest pop au ne ine1. null ii.uq. 1141:111•S1Si1 1,1• ltnrrs,ursueisk, enter L,,sionulent 11:5..1' L.01 1 1111 5ensations. They are Flan•illia.4411.1 1.11 13.0411111:, "At', All 0,0 1r! alike te Lkil.;. or al tbe tarter, dv.i. .I141111) ;110 The Spier Girl.. 11111.1 111U1 s JU'.I 11111 111,- Luti. Fyne,. tor this uculs'• al Ault. by the way. (11. Flci hal AM! iipt1 .1f1d / , '11:1114. , 111.1" Soul eximpelit6 a shied lee in no ∎ 111;: • ■■■1-.11•1 they rock. art Bangles clan: Ask Min! V:1111iil 11101 f u.1%. and atz. digit 1 24m.ri biou int PK. ill . Iwu bwi unix fly. 'meth, dame . kit 1fIC I )1 111: ,,-it nuts not 11•1 ••l ISM'. 1,1, Saturday 2nd. atxria ruts 11:111I,-.11 nrannta..rn• - I Su•reinc• I 111 [010 ▪ music Juice Friday November 1 1996

Singles of; ihe Week' by Nils Eastwood

4K.a14111,.1111,11:tirrt notells flood the brain w ith responses of "He) JJocasta". or -WIM Jocasta". dots it? Nell don't feel alone. ell managed to find out prior Social Distortion "I Was to the Interview was that Wrong" (Epic) they -re a four piece (nun 1.otolon, fronted by the 21 e.. 5 Fti:"154:1.Nning"is the year old Tint Arnold. saltation of rock se roll- les brilliant. it this and the lad I was ..11 I171d , nat. it clear, the tirtmetts at thr start of of the Our:poem: an the day. Genius is just ton abort a word. holiT earlier, is why I climbed lit the track of their 1..tir bus o Mr it sheer of Jocasta "Something to ..:.crinhiert questions, written Say" (Epic) ,a1 are table its a last food I este ar ant I s !oolitic,. earlict, Over, I kick There's a nagyjng voice in my head. that 111t1 when I bear this says "Mattles-, tort then ..ri ssill, the quest loll that II sass "Beaks" soul well It might. as irripties II total renoi dos of ;ha band. Tom Arnold, is Casiii, the best pop chile tr! the t ear so Villa .,,Lirld in ,1 far. sublime. Jescribe ,.....niCIlie "N.\ I Ca11.1.. ,11)1. Smith and Mighty "Same" (More Rockers)

[,,,pr, n1 i/ iv411'yS!111..lifit• r,1 ....I.. 'Inv 1-1,1111: 1 1.1-.1 111 fr,en a blav, ,,nd /1.:1., a L.1.1/441 :1:11/11,. 1 "11111 .111.1 .. ■■1.4 11 in ..11 4,1)

Aloof - One Night Stand (EastWest)

1,111: 11,1i1.1`.1,141S•. ■.-aift MI in ad

Dodgy "If You're Thinking Of Me (A&M Records) liecord Round

Mansun "Wide Open Food mil) of Space" (Pariophone) 11,111 1114 describing the Whom is as 'sine of the hen or Brothers' d iem. At: .1 I 110, the year'. It's.shnple. et!, ;OM 'Vile+r al Lilo; elinelse, rand accurate. %Ione"- .1114111!. (141171 her I 11/4 C11i folks! \II', I 11.01 V. 4 ifil1 II Orx I lei ..111U1 -S111!I ilea Yuw The Canilgab r ail .I.[ ;;,., Name"' air.I a map. '11.41 I IN/NSIIAS the iittottitcst , 1.• 'a., .1,4 , 'seed felcirmr to tot. bur Raissa ale Irina, much Drugstore "Mondo Cane" better than Mai nor (Go! Discs) is nil lit ic as coal ilfitiS al% of ■■• .0 Beth Orton P itP! inseliness. .rnv is 14,1 10 s ,,114.0," Trailer Park The rnelodierte .r n rlr:uuull: up t1ill I:0111 11ins'A cCi..111c, ginTeOtis. the e.t1 .t• (Heavenly) and crunch!. "II Mai 11111 ale lively Raissa and the rhythm% are shanty Singles reviewed by Nils meogniw lilt 11.1111a • ' bill yon do know Meantime Anti expermtratal Eastwood and Tom Paterson y 1.1uv-,. 10 0 • ilothuu... It .iti Imam Iirr yoke, (Polydor) Bin the main hianticiiii ..t vsc0itiv liet:Lt1 %I.,) volue achingly iii ked up It) ISitliant re ■on read) for the ▪ r1.1> Is., In colit4.1.• ale n• 1 all yo u tt .n,I1,1mne 11' • like t Whit, has graced loan) trip-hop Cardigans? 141 1, MA lu, 11111:.:11. - and lie afire .,11 armor .1 foe jnh Worn the A fine and influential A ctuallOt's not as had +1.14I 1.101 A I s. ii an in Lice with track - from Kent ■ a, ii Millttds. In rcalii!. a ..11 Ihr ,111.1• Sarah Monk die most in Out crime world:

COCKPIT —MrilbeIi)r Every Friday Sw'negate. Latod•. For Every Saturday more Info 0113 - 244 3446 the garage i111c111 :Ili I hi 1161'1'1 4 11 :1 Great new album, but can he cut it up live? Nevermind the Bolland, listen to the support says O MATT JAMES imelevancie•. Salt Tank ACM pure, POIsing, vaunts.. The Advent were nen Yet another arrogant git fronting a band? Seen it all up. and lust what the crowd before, right? But as Juice discovered, Jocasta walk !ceded. InvIligent diving iechnoi pawed animal the it like they talk it ,unused-sift hall. and the wide smiles started appraring. The ataarsphere wits rising along with the Morrison manipulating the audience. sum-rule confidence again or is it In firs house but he'd never heard ;tundras im the duticefkkor. and everyone wag waiting I'd like to have scent that''_ arrogance? the people it thas meant 1111.r . for man of the moment Enough of trying to Audi, Out What is your ultimate goal for St, it you see -Joemdir dr-lent-net C J. Holland Mier u what you sound like- what is your Jocitsral "In len years ro sec 8 or 0 in Y:41441/3 attack- on the front of the tolititisly drawn out Meilkthrimgh siing going to he" albums with Jocasta on thc spine. I NMI:. in the coming months, you'll intmduction. a granite slab -Hopetully all of them 14, be write 2 sonvio a day. set Ifs not knots Its ION)141,.. ti a. linllt$ lttllf .avexsitikt. II the la hisper. of a beau eventually kicked honest becauseldnn't write dream. it 11 haPPet) At this point the atlervicw ethics! up is ... themist in \MX` comers we lo he in and then... it stopped anything but hit tiongs, I had What about the nune. dues and roll I went ui see it Jocasta coo, taterly 144inted iii;4111 the believed his latest single while liolland took in the hundreds of songs to dti lose front mean anything' 'des feria a Greek prissibly measure up It, the hype had pot cm adoration. Being made to fur our debut album. I don't writs tradolay to do 'a oh this guy Oedipus Dining the iniervievo, in did cross my even includes. oh surely chant "CI." by fillers, some are obvious and will who goes to Ilse Oracle to diseosei mind that 'rim Arnold was possibly Unveil:et Iasi year nett, rentak Yneats, Gibe the MC definitely he innund in '20 years, his !Mum. Told that he will kill his the most urn }Runt person I'd ever %then l ntIrnitiriti played guy a bteuktbeal As lyte before hecaunc net raised aim eyebrows. abets maybe not. hut sounds father and marry his mother. he 411n, Interviewed. Howeve, thy nom ineredlide sets..tontl Hut out the Om day Curd arimaf. ridiculously and slaty self awny to another country and there scepticism soon subsided when 41 slant! %sins t'.1.11tollund cleated Sail Tank. 'their Who via...allow Brim: Spri nasteen V. The Li tnfident, doesn't it?T' Well ye+, it kills the. King, taking the throne and JiwAstu hold. 11. this stage ■Ilkistarred Woks set In bourne this album "Science and tear's I Intermark!: the Nature- music was epic stuff while does Tim 4-Untinlies "I'M oneness marryino :tie Queen, y,x4q, to piny sortie of the hest pop muss. sun:fins natant:as of beautiful flatting Mince, paradozaal, like ' Surprisingly bean' in Leeds since. cr. The hints, undereround dance act to it lasted, but them were ton .uld the transcendent trusty gums and pauses. most skinny. they turn eat nos Street Preachers played a wevi wire the witgrist and Still, the kids seemed to song-willow be tus punennt I earlier Curreutly a relanyety humane an allernallie "1-*ona- was the highlight 'I don't write ol the night for me. They hive it, but I Cl111...10 help front men. I'm like thr idea III unknown phenomenon. Jocasic, somindtraek lathe techno did at timer seem unstue, of thinking some of the sub- the most neuron: hate- and All the set u, tleCIII114:1/1:1;i veers Kula culture which created Chemical Brothers bents Insecure persna • anything but hit .111,1111“ ,luxes. In tune watt Tuts roe dieneelres playing live, was a travesty compared So what do lanai hurl rnintautl teclinti and their rippling wash of with his previous standing y tin think at the songs' Tim Arnold, Jocasta t , • di to Mt aligy-rique clam multi oixasninally lost us oatlifiayled teelma current 13K must,. Ilk Ito, art itself in the impersonal velure. 10,eafe se f.S. I. scene? -Han& esumple Isko Mese days, they yt fl ,tint) KS.• net a bunch of soma= but they're were going, fir split III), 'AC ',ACM all dreadfully written. They can put a signing on. lac' and myself %etc good htrc string of Church together working in an illegal drinking :lull but when it comes to poetry they're in Solto, hooking alter the hostesses iticrista have recently signed and call girls V1c had no money and ha Eric, has that made a difference' 'wonted to tecord a delino Then hers 111GF\O T 113158A -We had our own label previously Flay Adrian. our drummer, gels a but it was taking Ito king. I've letter through the post with 20 INN) written a ches-sie album. the band Yen it It. !hiking a's t200 he lukc, have recorded one anti v3 It was. u to the hunk and get, i.17,000 hack' bang nn, no attic else will know, to l re ward '1,cts do the derno quiet; andsu we signed to a rnator who 1:1111 You've gull a mysterious Asian buy It into the 4:h4n, " benefactor then/ "Well MI, It wasn't STUDENT AM, flaw thCfe• that 4:ttnilly addressed to Adrtun. it went

explain hi, ,•I, IOC TRAVEL the universe and es ct-si Inn e an aw struck uuulicisr lie is played 1111, :11111 CARD .1Niff4b1:S Mt, With dm, amongst the press who musk: as merely n sent'o! AAUP FORA FULL TERM hop hews with the added bonus ot Ntrilnyt^ the t,tp fl

Raissa sar.-.4Artgffigaail Meantime DJ Vadim pa .; (Pnlynori a t ,t.ul deli IN' 11.1.1A I , ...and U.S.S.R Repertoire In his *wok anti first :dhoti! (NinJa Tune) ri SS. ■ti Rejorroirr whirs would easily be •ern as ti tnasterreix nacres 12 44.441 ur f.11014 meg.imor..114• . the 1, Ill is dripped Tlirriugliratt the alhuth the Vain. rmea Card (Arm•. 4 w..►•4 into the player a quid: numher rl oh+cuir hat rer teed,. glance at the track list sdilliole is pleastny tr. A esdrt l ail t 1Le situ Isl .11 Ilk• salts' Virt,ilik/TED liciNVEL ON by a friend results In a tunic taking you INt a i0111.1W, .11 It.i volt C al III. A la, I ; •111, curious NVI.1131.111'r lor event.. Al ALL InGV001 BUSES through strange :std bream: td the sungsvnung, the LP tike psi the tudIntit id the pace Is a ihavey's flea, is writ Yeysitalltra single phrase • 'Still tired of 14:sorry-neer, Av ailable front The quirkiness oi the alholin bong a de ka the watts shit?" hollowed to a MTH A TRAVEL, telephone tituriher. %Vr tooth This alkali enntonns vane lit VI:slam Building • Mutt to t he liar die Inurvi tondo-MI soup. that rusts to the photo. . lap in the tic will !Inv all year Styr number and expert to he • Sperin intro( tteinry or Pr • them are in ecstatically tiptorat confronted lo an Trade your old Student Travel Card for 11-40 they nuke St luienne s saki answerphone message. but 11 Hai 1.11'..101111i1. I LIAO discount when you purchase like toy Divisor in. An album to no. it is not to be. l;iian: heal sou Cry, and yes your new card next term, love, siterivh and grow .old with bobcat I :op pia Motile! to hallmartly rt us f Best debut rif the year licct new Jan Fistge and +peak ft , rice singer of Ole I r, '1' man hoilistit. ric CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Russian their pies rents, ,set, persistent Phil Lindfield Philip Hanlon

6 Juice Friday November 1 1996

I 1 a to remis W what toss Twelve Monkeys FUNNY fir: Terry Gilliam Stars: Bruce Are you ready for the live and erry 61111iiiii's spontaneous version of Whose Line box office T13111rMS.1. 1113S base derived from tfic Is It Anyway? We check out the French SF classic, In it awes a lot Jerre, hot down ht. .:min. Comedy Store Players in Leeds, more ID the works or and reatil.:, the late Philip K Dick 111 NM. a up and talk to Richard Vranch about (whose stories inspired Brill 1) a...in Jill/111l Blade Runner and Tonal meets nehla vetivisi that it'. 41 Recall,. as they all deal how amusing piano playing really is wonkier wh) he got a with levels ides-Wily. {}ya„,u Bnwe Willis plays mstninalism Mr he. John Cole. who is sent role. On the other hunit Madeleine Stowe gives a by the last survivors of vegetables just In undoubted star of the humanity back to the creditable perforrnani y CS, us Cole's Psychiatrist ease. show, did a great turn as present to try and gather We've Tem the Troll Some of the plat holes Despite the fact information on a vim, all seen terociously unleashed by the are never adequately that my seat was explained but die puce retain' utendme mum mysterious Army of the Whose hare]) in the same sandwiches whilst 'I we've Monkeys, that of the film compensates the end Line Is It Anyway county as the stage, 1 squalling on the loo its %ill wipe out the world's for this and result is a flawed Mom+ more times than have to concede that cure for the dreaded population Tormented this was far more 'habit by ithifUng time streams intelligent thnllea. we care to amusing than the TV A few minor and voitrr in his head, Faisal Oures hi remember. and quibbles the three Cole soun begins to rip•oft. With sis yes. it isn't funny comedic geniuses blokes I'd nes er healed of didn't send into any more. 'should that be trio paroxysms Lit ecstasy However, the genii? I alhmed more City Hall with every line t but blurb for the time and icev, ny in what do you expect lor Dir:Harold Becker .1cp111N. John Corned) Store wcuvc gush-Nptutins 't and the bar 41 k.,,,era the al1111411u111 Players assured me humour around plenty charged an overdraft- Stars: Al Patina Thai perillaa1C.S the core inducing 12 30 LI h(g1110. that the live show of audience hen a film of the politia syston at suggestions. the forcing Me In nzli Me would he far combine. the all levels evening was a great and trousers at hall Little There is mulouhtedly WIntents of two funnier because. success. by drinking in -The of idly o ood's best material sir t.1e- gamed you know. 'they can Wren".. but hell. with from this rt.•rinse, hal Rtehnrd Vranch did is sctipiwiriters and do certain things splendid impersonation Paul Merton_ when Ors tsn't the film to actors. plied raped the of a Hungarian dancing asked Lit continue in the deliver it Cusack Is as live that the ITC Carry •On result to be something, cov, died style of forntidatsle as est.'s, and won't allow on special. Somewhere obviously dune a It rat ctthwcti with Laurel And Pay's. delisers a solid along the line however. Idles tsion.' rese:uchl prim fig Hardy tittering fines peibitinaliec, earn when the team of Path Torsi brt night along 11i 111,1114 l'411 11111111r! such as -Thai's another borer' Schrader and 110,111.2 lo eIVC fine tit you've got me large hag of 'ashen 11411 on the plano• Nicholas 'Goodie/la,' /11110 fiat 'Sweeties, the Who cares'! lost the Oa 144.1104.tsto. srserrh .11 Ills Ad' assorted mot The result i- 11;1:: ■itticrAl 11', one pochrint.1, MC10411 mita. I'd.:11115 l• I. 0111 1,1 .•,11 cyst lLtn Papp, ,lal-C ell C leatf.115,11 15, ions' The Day the ibinge• against hi, Twelfth Night inoffiet 4,5 h44111 he s 1411ITI, ,,,, ai ant I" the Sun Turned ,104"4s ht, father tan Dir: How Nunn a air Stars: Richard F Grant. .111 Robin Parker Cold Helena Bonham-Carter N ant tin hang The Birdcage Stars: trill Hai poor \Lulu% • 11TIMItiriiiiil of .1111111.111:44 lutt.ri• .41.144r, 4i44 et in I tit.: Mike Michels ■ the ragged this ,•". , • -4: I.' Ihr.t. i‘.11,1•.‹ snow -etocred Stars: Robin II 1114' snip, alc Y.Itakespeare play is ru4 ,,,1 countryside of entertaining and 14'il liens. 11111 •4l• lo. S I:k „ ■■1 11u•nu.1111, northern China, the fmtny, basically a 1 1!■• s.a-ned, backdrop to this ninutnlic feel-grim! tit last 'luck 141 114,S1,1!,. •.! k.:4111.:•• inn rt, up to hestutifid film movie. The plot is so Ise best in and harshness, Nigel 11111: Ji I otil 11:144X in the this rather camp expresses starlit,. the /in. ro Th, Sun simple and at !fetes so II.Ita'tlt Inc' adaptation. As night final scene which at contrast IsetNecti good i rotted 'old 1114 4, rs al a ludicrous that if it was plays thin club owner Armand point, r, sets amusing. and evil. 114111ci'l pas e. .1111.1 builds 111 nut by Slutkespearc. it unfortunate iatiparcil 61 the 1;01111Min \Stilt:11ns 111C ,nay o oil .411 C.4114C•4 .1 ,ad. bill very MIAs lnL would Nu laughed idT ■■ ruiner. armed in ,'„Ville 11 h.111 h .• Om:1111g the screen. and litlein eimittacs Mat Wise come This is .1 film of teal lionhAnt hilt trying tun ol I lollyeoaxi The ;Karts all revel in In calm Ins partner the smith's !hot Sill lent,. a their holes The British Cutler Mae. her usual :aide t collilCthc recently. this is delinitets deep itinitessi, In stn dl,ise ArlIVATIIrkt in British ,thilleati ay ballroom tisr-r-entittimtal drat: best Iii the bunch TICKET GIVE AWAY hussies all scent to have queen Athest il.atiet. whit air lik..1sS r1101.1r11 costunat drums as the dancing seem This is A Ithongh not a classic hem musk kV then p1111. lin:aster %II ikr_. when able to catch it. - damsel in ilisticss Illiyct bilknved In a comedy it's pitshabls The fine five studelits to Malin SMNss, Richard E fioldttian's sinught win turn up to City N'ill1Clias run-ninety one for Ilho,c (inint and Mel The film is roll it crutrecoirthy sing-a•lo ►g worth getting out just II) Smith all whwis ,:Tyr that Ile plans In on Saturday night quid! Cvenincs when all put In memorable ekser ideas Mil Juno) Or nit Kingsley set Williams acting ion you wart +s heel' better 5,H intim the dituVitter of u ciuipniq ll COM lei 1 _reds to indulge in a rerformarters. hringirm wears. winch bring n asnild base 1,1p).1,241111 on the culling wool setialin enitimiled in a Student f will he admitted film illustrating 111w iattista the nesyssary humour to sante iodic lase left Talent ranter puhncal s..saitilt1 When Justin Penrose free 4,1 chair c to we Stand than the usual them diameters, but it is tin' ending, hoarser is 114nt ■ emotes, I 1,1 v, st it AO I t ,..eca utik .11_1 kt, up 1.1.11111C J5, st basest. Ben Kingsley who makes disamvmmutp,.. It follows Zoe Feller Jesse Griffiths ,lie film His tax is the hi 'Intl farcical routine

arts 7 Just like splat JESSE GRIFFITHS ducks various bodily fluids in a evening of 'comedy' from The Bastard Son of Tommy Cooper. whose sense of humour is not exactly dry

r'S flt1er a good idea to turn •.s.•-.11. II:11.1,k ,W[1,/, 11 FEAT op late for comedy at the IHarvey Milk Bar. You end kr 0..h.• .1011 up stuck on the stairs, perfect r.lr II: r:,1 • if]C .11 •II }“..]: conspere ru dder tr 511W Make V.111.0-.111 ILT11 IT ..lIthield) TVC.111111 .1 any unnect•ssury trips to the har 0.14'1 th.a tire' or toilet. Vou don't expect. irr.lced though. the main act to piss all r'u1.131s wars the 5tu,lr insune Review by JESSE GRIFFITHS over you. Then agaln you don't ita,t4.1.1 lion wow than really expect the antics of the owned:. and Mmes WITICIII1V !Tull Interview by DERI THOMAS Bastard Son of Tommy Cooper real name unknown) at all. ._4111511,11 iii ropes mf !,urxcr.,h„m and The evening began with ela,toplasts„ilaekli tirdlc5'• 'a ern and 19..tt.ts easy 11,truing mu,n. Vies compere Ross Noble who gated eerie enough to begin with. N.11,rc Liutet but cheery 'During the '71h and slowly, badly suffering from a id .nu thnho got in lar WOM nitti .word D sidekick of the cart) .8(4 improved crap audience. but as the the know swallowIng. nuor•bliate eating. that l'ie middle-aged male host comedy was amoral evening wore on and the drinks tongur-pienang and general freak got a who's an amusing, hue it never really wore rit. he began to shine. show behaviour IA lily and observant worked without the Relaxed. quick witted and Repulsive - yes; funny - not really doctorate in man. oi oi Richard gam eshow format that Sometimes the sketches did work. radiation physics?" ihrising on the (admittedly tame) Whiteley's case. a we helped develop at heckling that was going on. he usually when they were fairly said Richard humbling idiot. the Corned} Store. was a splendid compere. disgusting but nor foo vors_liko the_ Vranch. No doubt Thankfully Richard From there it 1%.11i Next up was Jeff immoral., who afiatcrnetllimicti Lori Mc he speaks fluent Vrnrich does more natural progression on played up his hard man image so 4LACTri:e which really got d laugh that 04:11 the kith at the Bowe ye:. although o's a clever riss• Arabic and can interesting things in 10 147inar Line it take on the' 4.011v04.101Val Paul Driniels his spare lime than Anyway' and TV UV of the Royal Park Road might bring seventeen have hem a dm tittle Int daunted. His whool of irikeit7, Ferret Ind 'Telkr appear Ili Arid which is perfect for all simply do a halter. With Ihr latent women to orgasm orinnig take was. -1 Mote 111CNC automatic advens, that kind of thing.- that he clearly possesses it would shim Itanemisly- pLstic gluoir., pauw_); Can't do namely working with However. the CtInnelly y11u irate been Isenc: 111 have a rCWITII.rre, yes. this was a any slum von .have II ihe Comedy Store Store Players aren't first Nonlevne 1,111101 P11/hilbly gy,e, gacs from hint, rather than from man to hate. the mirror image of perch. ho,nie letting i It ;our Players I Paul Merton. Jpss n will 111111, Predictably Lee Simpson and la'm'er Lim. as Vraiwil is his tier quick to esinhlish: though. he turned others) both down in %Ole iMote I 101, 41 if out to he as nice as London and on their 1/Mil5:Y111t1 what we pie and thankfully a tvavels around the I i'‘c is a r Llotrutm little more chatty land. The Players tarsi: t.. make. V.e'tc than the trappist been perlorming twice 11..1 .s•CtriNi Cats to fee o,51111

Chain Reaction Dir: Andrew Davis Stars: Keanu Reeves, Morgan Freeman

urn of the mill action movies are Just the a pe of thing s int 'd expect In int the Keann Revies school or acting these days. grim Chicago same in bleak inkivr inter sets the scene for itd revk Davis's thaM Reaction, in till ,Ld n1,m 06: I ed.. which Eddie Kasnlisich I le-rav 044-01,011e 1a11‘ N1,0'.01F,CCraia)110%.sestr Reeves) college drop out. th.•, r, I ■ geel squad to , • . ' 11. ;;IL: ,..1 :1 .4... join., the .111• /III 1 11..11 11 solve the in • old 's euerw nl 1:M111111: ■Ik !•;:.1■ pmblems. 0111.1 inigk r ....In341111.1. {111, mat. at-h.-11t Ke.11151. whilst 1a11H„uhl. paps- tSec a! least JEd rOgi cal ,1 in his fiecinii'm 11,11 Af.rm k, .a S.', lade 1:diou, liar .L., .1 1C..i511.0.••■11I W112,1111I2 +C111111..111 us h11:11 'III Nil And ....ma The Town & Country Club 1::151 1.111,111 III • ITI"A II ,II 11 II III1,1 1,41, 11111,.. mit 4111 1111 IIIIIILW 1111 Ill '. .11 ri•r• 6-11,:r.2% Every Saturday from November _1, I, :11. Olioal Tax £7.00 canceasiaas) Sas Orricat 0113 Z80 0100 .11,1 ell -' I Doors 10pm I .11 . V.. II:- Genevieve Upton and Sonia Bonnet F161A111- Juice Friday November 1 1996 `E'Slf LIFESTYLE? Should drugs be legalised? Have your say on the debate. Vote for on 0891 770 105. Vote against on 0891 770 106

,,,1,0„41A10' • sbs' free view ,S0 gt.S.1 p.v lie -• THIS WEEK'S STONED p pmttrem in kid. ; really ▪ it MOMENT: Nus-ir,t1 recttan, a, ,1 Hi; rinpdviang.• #' 0„.. clubs*: alvcrultlithiettrinInifite I sattts-tildke Ashtraystopstrayash SAO late them, art •ki i never amino wheadv 151110 is; asy. if tahloids zre lo he • IA, Kt,. in ...iv !stain. Rut reaching olSitif the hi Public knemy Number r'rne Itss the stead l• It won't sliange ,iny thing. ltotead. here ■ suhrtam.e s}litelt us. test}, atist takes lives. 1, ;4 re1,1(1,11 experience With e,:m.isy. dud is iiselully •. ill kis a drue which. ikeoriiirtyr to offisaal govermieent ■riIr ,A1'11 the sash arty -it's great svileri you 'it: ',Li:light" statirtivally Iangatetissa fishing. Fact. Indeed. In these slum- figures. II Is les. dangerous Man horse. • o , ,ri pany retenr.aing .1 relaunch aid the F ••,•• cult way thusigh.au•ell known elealei e ill that es.stais 1 ha• eait-etl deaths INN 411 ei.I.C.INN I Arid .11115 AI the Vailicrof high profile deaths t. hut It nerds u• hr eon In ininent, mhic 11.1111131hr cash begirt, and slain everyone linittls Welt not actually yaltsed by has necked Anil rso Ilion they are really Mitt, it shag due to tiserhearmg shut 4S .1ded if Orting. itt lietariiine Over the eoursent the nest onsple e.steful With hody temperature reeLlitliton I. MCI if hours up, and negins to feel warm, inenttly and in need 111 aftlitunable tr. heart L•inditiolis or other ailments wItb:h were present inn is tingeing. sir skuwing... and evcrotie is lost lit their own J04, tngesied. or occuried the result 01 sortie foolish Id& uh lug tin. pills. amphetamines !which incidentally We !Da Cab. IT Thursday ft' sit it's quiet. The club ivhs-r e than 'L' I 4.17,1 kitie MX. tet4's ttlet?..MI ktilets • • alcohol the 'E* Ong 1,54 ' ansund everyone says the:, is but their a Then the paranom sets Time Wynn& that taking Ecstasy is nsk tree -.Mn then neither ImIntg lop-. —vat. If Life's a drag? -hut ng or SCUBA diving; and I don't see any mural outrage desire Ire he wanted how I WTI. timid all I cart is activities. Rut ordering people not to take the drug is hardly going "cordused". Everyone's flows slown their tams, and Not according these risks. ninny of them stem from it being a Wads market product, their dwelts become 'Was. They arc saying they to Miss Chanel ,nnutin potential Ili dangenvits impurities .Of count can he reel grat hut they vicl most club, in liolland and Germany now ICI their punters do so. using The dense flOor been lynig on the took who this week ts. If they find lhere's too much shit in their pill. then they kmisst not to mtarthliny. "I'M her Bur now site's in had wa y gives a blow et here, we're not guile as lorward thinking_ we just wait (Or re% inpping alt. falling again and being *Nisi tette and. their Inunsh a pointless naval crusade collative_ We het A.-fir as She clys she's heeli by blow i> -.0:411/lis truth J, lw easily overlooked • that. if taken in moderation. drinking all of ukohof and ' r- has callbaget1 account of sen.ilitlyettall4s} have effects, We only ever hear shout what her and she the &stet - het first friend 1 fe tries I. when stnnetiting hum u ronu On hut we SMIsL11.1 teee. lie am to ssw him .C. their dl Cal Manchester's total %Yes. od• 01•.v.allf,. people taken and have an livtuenally arenas, but thardshills , nine, And nut ol Mem take it 'escape" )ont everyday lite, hut rather The nal of vs everyone else Certainly gay charity ;t heir like,. soitwIlii114: to !herr, it has been estimated, if taken mine em alioul the fact the maim*, um workino weekend. entliktions. roe Mum. ,01 es pill is equivalent to ninety dap, In 14 dlowing , I reply. „dine Liv•stway renow lied among is, itsento, mho ms tier d unique inclOthilrvaibi. HOW myself much Plow is it possitstc to dans. ilday $: (11, tlititS14111) puiro,e. as d I as euphoria_ I m} self. lane even had a life all nigh' waist iut the, Mit means }LOU agivalts cniov the Mira,: and toy Gnif its the firer day 01 L.L.serni.teligious pr no in tic shift is ' atmosphere as it ts dumn't namire drgs, nor the threat of the Mardi Gnu. thin, i'd like to point nut that my brain isn't fried 4,1,1 I in sure suit death. not should if tithe nest oriels as everyone finds out the is eltictric and kind sr Itaiustits. eddied v, a•tol. 1 likc Juan) it 'cm peers. knoW isikY, to Kill ss to about how ft= have atikiptiftnn tan a dill tt everylate has a look of ituid.no king is I don I inuse it !hen it will continue SO dual to no. FA gland inking %add you shoo; yourself in arturipanim on then' faces. intthp gond times henry and pkiltult. the had limes Into a belles sense the tomtit:it to 9.3tipin and the puny gas under rae.'Ag for the sums I.uue- term effects, well I'll start is 011% I I: lei dealer gored without the tangos, ;soothe' way. Canal Simi_ the pi) • come sifi more costive than ti, • him Int na tie refuses —There's pronentele_ is nearly impossible hraln .,;Ira Fug tint tWittlaid.some woo "Tm worried someone gonna die tOcISVUMflavigate dist II ri Willi o ratalnippeit in small is hoe Nixes Intake $ full one, but they dal" trdme teepahti inn thin 1 make me; ae„.Patany nail lot everyone, and themseivetavi3 Must &sifts. untiesyssarily. Pesiele hattlr flu lemitres way to Mutini. sp....a reasuriseti into taking it It should he entirely Oahu of lice • **is they oat just u 6 teed their habits. Rot we popular liar in llw rollso why I believe. 'it' along s,„-iih idiret y society striving in he Wombat not tystIvrani clicking, wig dowiuig and at least tot tiesTif111■1411,ml If I make an ititornied choice 1,, between the user, of Jules and the pow-as tips pouting.] squeeze my way to 11 chemical which is hurdle more dangerous slum ni.im MOM . No ill)c should die of IrAltellIKV. le, as the bar for bmvy night of daliga, then why should t he a law Itreitkr-r ' ren prima, gs ay A111S, the only ,Illferenec is that Linw• ■- Plispiirr- ?ant, shagged areerctosviledl 3 taltiAi they aft not it nicurgili•ed dauglil. and in, tiint to Vi hivinte fur some wat.deconsinalised. and lit ingredients I wcnsest, then ' "sine of those thugs users- No Own .42J111acithrt Sat Ledli Rolls Avg, makeup on my fora% n Mut people would he able to make better infi•imeil ehowes. von all knew the story sm. a *hag and a Ishii. in 00 . Sunday 'would argue, deaths will bersorte es en panientar hirdoniAir order. i.A• I 1_1(la,n t Ut.:Ite& t16-611.1. nuke people sales. what y ire-,l 'Me ddy taohleni that, Mit nii0114,11milittti Rat ill .,!.1c where Sviinlay 24' CI -nun 11.'ILII 1,I Wt tire constintly told whin is sight and us 11,11 . • 14 1-111,1 rac.m arils .mgt rnuu„i 1111 , re's something wising hem. I Nitrate. eiestri 4tig self-iipt,otrited uio al ;211.1111.M, .II ■■I 1, ;IN it. • ■ ▪ FLO e Reset scrls this gill: of how: Is, ••iery willingly ignore Ow ht. 11S 11111 1■111 F.-1 • ir frsago._ sproth:11 the ill hilt, ••, EasternBloc moos gust; .1 curio lit .'I ',FRI by Joseph Laurent by G. Ablette House Top 10.26110196.

10.11151 Wile Labell

1. Cheek - Venus - Versatile, Uteri 14.4.111cNi.liuSi ill OF 2. ETA Casual Sub • Pegasus. Manche:Cr _ iidartspiathig To 3.1We David - Jalr GabrIlle - Large. 4. Liquid - Liuuid An •• Hook 5. Soul Search - Vol - Soullunk 6. Ann Tiepin - Can I Gel A 1 y nu're wriiiiks about liBge 'at Witness • Ames artrMbcr . 0111 a dilate 01 movie to the point or 7. Pttulure 303 - AlP11341Mead dudes., hair and make up teinia ill - Perspective. I fins thyarfrait Ilro li 'flit dub inandion bead aspiring to tit' it DJ or ()tit•shun wind is (lie rent iumie vigil 5.1aVIRe plat Atter 1111 8 Cardigans - lovelorn it.TerTV d J1 toPanau rrre .1 Ion Just ,itsipi tape Pete ,hl' I 1.1 'tut:este irs Map lhid diet lapel Mtxerll Warners. whs ffit■ci",..1 3%11,11-F og Laid Tong nn a Friths% night. 9, Bluetit), - Scattered then N MI II W.IIIII In 01,,t'l Emotions - Cul daft!. ',Art I ,lattlt-r, IA I ••■11.11 .111 UM 1.14.1 IF .11111,. 10. Hot Fusion Soul TtIO Mille Sweetie lap Ili 11.11t• While Test

oilluiCet Friday November I lege books 9

Bad Land by Jonathan Raban (Picador, £15.99)

JONATHAN RABAN On the shelf Can't decide what book to buy? Not sure which are the best value? Well nip the buds, shoot Bad Land look no further, we've tried and tested the kids ,by Kenzaburo Oe the very latest publications for you! (Picador £5.99) Find out on this page which deserve to w rite nn' hooks fur be on the shelf and which are in the Japanese readers, e early decades of t hi. Imoreover a limited eeritury.enstern Mouton group . people of my own Tiwas promoted US ths generation.' - Kenzahoro American dream where, with little fanning, know ledge, any Well. Kenzahuro Oe. man could product Conducting Chaos horn ISf35, Winner of the tremendous crops on his tim 19')4 Nobe I Prize for homestead it hitt could he literature is wrong. purchased off the America' Appassionata .Vie the RuglA, Shoot the government at a miraculously &Vs is the story of fifteen small cod. by Jilly Cooper futrila‘ined ,ettoot hays who are_ enthralling In answer to such an offer (Bantam Press, £11.99) evsymitcd. durine World War thousands came not only iron unduitateirrient I- I 11 to it remote mountain manipulates the . the rest of America. but from village in Japan. Through the Britton. Sauidinas-itt. Russia an Orchestra. unfolding a illy Cooper is too often eyes of one of their number, 1; (ierniany. chiwing, the pnmtirc It tells die with caleulaie 1 seen as a and Boort yea witness the lot-merit and the purity mid neatly of of freedom and independence. Mills may of Atilgin I lucky romance ilin dim. suffering. violence and abuse which are Nullity as What the homesteaders found [otherwise jell. she isn't. she is a truly kriown as which the boys endure captivating as the boldest mom just city workers !engin, But when a brilliant meter. kehAtfsc to I:Apt:mamma, plague breaks thriller for their own space. was an ark out in the village. the boys' her peers she is the hest the She was 11's certairil., it wuirld you desert. Within a decade lhs number one i and the sales of guardians flee and the buys can get ono It will 15%1 v. Rd fertile topsoil was eshaustet beautiful. sexy her books only clarify 'hist. are for the first Time Tree to IMagillatron dot! Ihrrrddr:n and the dream turned sour. and the mon li If you have never read uric re in their Isen your horizons anal you w ill eastern Montana proving to be J flarnhostlit of her hooks then go to the violinist on the autonomous, timeless world depart. safe iu thr tunnwteuSe nighlmum place to live. Ict atom. Despite the inexorable !awry and et1 one our One enema, She is that Lt. time ester': has wand of warning, however. adcand by her Yuhruilririty- with Ciohiltig's thoroughly passed you hy With painstaking nue. Rahn Lrjra of the Flie.As there is the sate you start reading them you hur: and lusted Me, I'll appreciate llsr explores es ay detail of life in the poetic fLAirre,,slIVI1 will be hooked. line nod sinker. after by every thud stun' CIumpu•ih New World. following the ii epee s reins°shod tipauellinn AppaAsionnta is Iles latest man that lays style au Ii ./u u',. Weiltemon family Ihtosidi their hlothitnater, it reunites dcycuunt,f1 utyri Ilrr aoltL+.1, ptecimu. struggle to their Oxtail:It MOVC to eyes on her ae.1 characters like Rupert- Lthiummately Abigail was aim, settle down-that is until she the Gird Bills Ally ugh CI ill ITS .)1.1r UV,' V. V. 11 Michael Ward Campbell-Black. Lysander. du loneliest saddest and the nazis the players. is am perhaps die most inspumg 01 Ranruildini and brooding Bons plot is uluuict- plats. Jonathan Paden is a man moat exploited girl in the world. The orchestra are Lavitsky. This time we arc Hot Aber a dramatic' itilciar attempt increasingly di Meulk and Ahtis deeply in love with it II is this kn,- coosamaAl with lunsus,itus hide ivies hearahle the twee- Isar on-ea as a snItASI was is wildly iittracted to the ilklelk IN WWI the after-page tit' &mil in which tie destroyed, so she sets her Fabulous horn playrrNiking lengthily describe such topics us sights on the conductor's O'Ncilltwho chants &oh de farming techniques or phraograplik tostruirk sea:meat over every pretty 111_17.D'!)Yart- 1. 1)eteetiv experiments. For Ilse first cling Alsb). hinds women f01111 11V the OnthestrJ.4 ruing Rattan him undouteedh created friends .when the sues to lake a Mules only get worse and tie 2. Mary Anne Es ans a IThilkillAtee Yei Burl bind is im cianduding course in London new director tar the 1550 L. For those who 3. Arabella Dom elusive mad Kahan ramble, She menti Ran Seymour. a iletenotried to kras:k Ahby and 4. John Barton young viola fnia)snr and the fin-Whim imo Shape. othemety. yet cluirmIngly, for finish entered the 5 Dorethea of the tweet. dwelling on each Marcos Campbell- Black. a Cooper gives Man (its sting. brilliant piano player ail son of funny and wildly fascineting Classics quiz b. Lucy aspect as it takes his fumy. missing 7. Anthony TRAIN on isnl• when he seems to have the inform:an RupertAider_stil Wk. She takes you on a thrilling S. A rabbit exhausted his tope. It is startling take long for Abby. to gm settled journey Mom Boguta to Prague two weeks ago, when in the closing chapters of die in and she soon is the neW ending on a rampageous tour here are the 9 Blindness hilolk. Kahan suddenly finds a stow:: mridilcint al the Runninsin of Spain. It is impossible not to III Artful Dodger thas.sion as. Ms ■ntaila witnes.e.s the Sy muttony Orchestra She Is get caught up in the characters answers... 1 I . Nostromo Waco siet• and she Oklahoma ecstatic and moves m to a house and their lives. It is easy, 12. No txnnhing Allis sigh Rahan draws with her two friends For once however to get passil main alN/ut once taSCIMI1111 csplunations for she believes things are going to it. these events Mom the plot it can b. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••• ■•• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • off-peening that what is the most prostitution. But and here's publI•rhers Bsennally a Jackie sadistic. social•clirnher. she tome to the right conclusion. locusstli Wild key pan id the book is the curb, the clientele are Collins sex 'n' shopping b9ilk has no redeeming features 7 she It is such a tragedy that a cthen relatively link attention. This Claudia being murdered iwith previous little -yes). it is a is prepared to kill the killer- novel and writer like this can is hov.ever inerely to keeping with by Marilyn Todd This Is possibly one of the novel for the emotionally putting her on his levet without garner Sedalia w h dC a write! Radon's Masa although intense. (Pan. £4.991 roost wretched, idiotic, underdeveloped. a care In the world such as Dehoralt Levy - the approach to wintry. cmating ephemeral navels ever written- Characters of both getilicni The novel B written in the best British female writer since spontaneous. almost Oars-like feel. it is impossible to recommend are stereotyped All the male same ratatotonOtrh styie Virginia Woolf • can't even get Issudin Fern's is a He v. rites as the simod takes boo .as It characters at-a portrayed us throughout_ It newt gains into My mend library young woman who has that thtoughoul mush of the hook II is set in Rome in I )BC. pathetic worms, while the price. never slows down. or Phlilp Hanlon them is &berthas nut itlx.smsarily a had -poetry written for C but judging from th• language women are StIONMAh and/or makes the reader feel any strong sense of direction. her. platys staged In her and customs of the test. the superficial emotions. It 17.- tedious to read Jowl= Raban's Ametican tionoor, and more songs author has scant knowledge of A murder mystery nerds Siljd. rs WCIiill,q1 in a duliheiately Romance is. a haunting portrait of a about unrequited love sung the period What knowledge excitement, tension, a deep anus hront,Iii; style WI1101 IS than you can tally.' She bleak}' beautiful pan of the world she does have, she presses lu cOrtvOluted plot, excitingting luughahlc- Ration's othes.sion with detail arid married Galas the wine the foie at every croweir, able chdruetets, and twists and The meatier feels neither refusal 50 Offer Kly clear shoelace u merchant for his alone) only: OppOrtionry in a wwi, !hid torn, It has none 01 thew The surprbe sir coititort hum she is the uppuemite of him: 11 his wort. dernualstiollotion loon suggests ihat ,he wants to he plot IN 1i113riiih1.1 flimsy all indifference trial histelloin his reader btu La those vela; lilac vibrant youthful minion with 1:011granlilatif 1111 her sparse tilt psychology of the Claudia crane, W .,Mete a lust for life. But this lust the ea" &tritons/will reward I esedn.'11. cluauaetcts 15 tran,wni lu YUJI ti•Warldtligly CorrINE withu lth-Wilig account of hardship. takes the form 01 gambling, ThC ousel is supposed to be nn extent That they Ate ttnIrr COnetrIsions, 4141 get!. out 01 illeithridnation and human and thus she is liras fly in d intiltier clery Cheadle like players in an episodes,' ItIght111.4111Lnrus with such ease Mations/ups with the land debt lot roller her husband ow, to hack down the AMC; 'Neighistens' that die reader loses any iris Bull the lily siery t, 11 ,,w tiny elatidw I. qune TrliUkIve intotest in her She Linden Thom to To (-rem Ilse. cycr ,a,erTc•1 Orr Emery IV real l5 A trohi-iitrir.girip. is ,,IF..•015 ti escape 1 0 Adel. Pricier November 1 1096 Pick of the Neighbourhood with Chris Mooney

Bronwyn the adolescent sex goddess REMEMBER 18? WIVfIC co4d people were raving around the M25. us 13 yeisr-olds were lusting after the mast delicious woman that Neighbours has ever produced. Why did she fancy Henry? AU he did was loaf about in the seine set of overalls for three years and laugh like a hone while Bronny tried in zarcil vain to turn ..mhim Onto the higher things in life, However. the biggest mystery was how such a perfect woman could he related to "Fat" Shawn. Strike a light mate! It's hard to believe most of us weren't even Who could forget her red and white polka-Jot dress- carnal:rm. the staff of nightmares. Secondary School when Neighbours first hit our screens. And been a fair dinkum favourite at tea-time ever since. PIERS MAF Des Clark aka Vie ITS RARE that Neighbour" has such a loveable charts the antics of our antipodean cousins character tractor kV Mange! al cows's,t. Dit (as in "Dir'n'Din took everything that life threw at him with the same pained expression and shrug of the schedule to a world of flimsy sets, hutch Okay. so she couldn't Oct either but please. be! shoulders. including the death of Dif and hieing guess it all started when I !cannily and baggy dungarees. Nerghhouro, Sir Grundy. never ever insult our later years he was about fourteen. You ‘0, cruelly dumped by plain Jane. In his has remained. resolute and unperturbed by intelligence like that again. Or else, becalm a Vegas-style Elvis, complete with beer-gut know, a quick its once a falling viewing figures and plots thinner than oh. never mind. rce but noi. unfortunately. the drug habit. The so, ing.nut week during lunch break. Philip Martin's hair. Home Anr1.4wisty, Over the years. of course. Neighbours has froi. ears didn't help the look, and lw eventually slunk for all the au-brushed similariues and over- been there when we needed it mom. The away. A sad end to a meat nuns. nothing too serious. Back / ambitious storylines, Is simply too realistic highs, the lows. the tearful goodbyes - we ve ■l% then everyone used to do it, it was and takes itself way too seriously 1 mean. empathised and coped - safe in the almost socially acceptable. I for God's Sake, lighten up: you're not knowledge that a few ',smiths prior to the bee suppose it was harder to get access havenders. you know. it seems that character's &pantile they're already co. the Plain Jane Superbrain 4.'. 3 to the stuff hack then, but now, although Summer Bay's card lune- presenting a Saturday morning kids' show din HER TR 1.7sSFOR tION 11,01 speeey geek eight years later. there's no excuse. sickeningly healthy good 'tasks and enough with Andi Peters and 4 talking sheep in tins fat terrorized by Mn. Mengel to Scandinavian stunner chiselled cheekbones between tIseni to put tan nation ins has entered the national psyche as "doing a Jane". It's a cop out, sure, but it's fun Michelangelo out of hastiness. they still can't let AwNhboars, however. can ROW have too much of a and it doesn't affect anyone else: have a flood Tune Even their school aturally. Paul Rotsinson's nervous good thing and subsequently toed the sane trick it is my life after all. My work uniform, the dynamic tartan affair that it is. breakdown confused us all Not oaf) with the bland Phoebe and frankly hondsle Debbie. I doesn't seem to suffer either, has more elegance than the frocks worn at Nwas he a slick business Man Anil .1 hope I'm wrong. hut Hannah looks like being next in though now my day tends to he High and yet is the folk from close friend of the ubiquitous Mr Udigoss a line. Billy Kennedy had better watch out. Ramsey Street that dare to he different. that itch, those comedy Japanese meal oriented around those 20 minutes seek to challenge the public's concepts of intsonterprelanons never failed to have us in of pure. unadulterated pleasure. good and but taste- stitches' but he was also married to one of Sometimes if I missed a hit the So it's been ten years We've learnt to the twins and having an affair with the whet, rr first time round I might even do it accept Kylie ax One of our own, Jason's the tamtny gel Si, what did he do' He lett READII. ME dad of Jason Donovan. and at least become a C list playboy and Mirk Little still Neighbours. became Stefan Dennis aka Pop halfway responsible for the revolting sex scenes all again a few hours later. w here Pam and Doug would growl like Earth's Kin Personally. I don't see and disappear upstairs. Always a liberal kind of it as a major health bloke. he took it to extremes when he and Jim ventured off into the forest and necked a sack of problent because. like 'Helen Daniels has seen it all. Her family are a magic mushrooms. Some stories are surreal at the the song says, best of times. but the script-writers outdid es ery body needs good collective of adulterous, murderous, mentally themselves with early *7(k swirly graphics and neighbours. Don't screechy effects, Sorted. they? disturbed jet setters who, and this is the scary b I'or the six of us that tune in the answer's an emphatic can actually disappear and then come back as a 'Yes!' les not a cry 1. a help, we're not sad totally different person.' lonely. We have Ilse, Is s just that Neighbours. much ...,.io, turn without mesas. . , tig his no* works ina,witettia. imbibing a crate-load of Columf Area vg.', Lx Slistigel. And no m4ittes two; outside Heddersiteld- PrObably. .halt aGvr . marching powder. allows us to los, often the media label Miss Mint...gilt as a Sc', Set-wise, nothing changer. 'Wc ourselves, to he sucked into a world in kitten, in oar wit:tinnily accurate monorivi know how to get to Erinsberaugh shorg•ng which crazy. often surreal things her gleaming grin will always be centre from Ramsey Suitt or. (or Ow synonymous w oh that kiss on her wedding happen. Events occur over which we matter. the distautiv Impact:0%e Italy Kan day. and for all Ins tabloid-ingested. leuuni and die school. lever' thent'aa t.tquence have ,atisoluiely no control, Indeed. who Mier-dyed Ito:0111y. Jason Donovan's fifteen shut in a car you can alruostguanwee Thal could have foreseen the tragic minutes happened in ILOtit when he had a death, diNnslor ur s lueler &Ives-basalt§ accidental shooting of local tomboy. mullet hairdo and hid in a bin in Chattleite'N IN. 'Wein. just around the-comer But, gal turned-promising-medical-student Cody garage But Ihnt's alit love (or vow most Onporrandy. when Blowfish...Jo amt Willis or the cruel cancerous blow that other bright young tbingship out fog on Lite dealt Luke Handley. what with his ike ihr tones. then, the Neighbours eseiung and 'have it Irirgaalown The Pia cam is constantly a-ellangin' Except. Palace how the hell eanthey strive ClIeurocer The new found enthusiasm for the police Dreamer tint ix. tor Helen Daniels. ln her sum flank bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. IF THE magic rrulkhrourn scene uric had. &With. forte of all career moves? No. L soaked decade she's, seen II all with vs ink that same Morning? I'd like to know who the luck came up w tth the Veiehhour, is essential viewing: it And cape survived, Somehow. Her family, a Nobody does drugs, obviously. Of infamous "'s Dream" episode. Bouncer Always has been and ringers crossed. it deceptively cosy affair if we're to believe litdulgc they're usually unshaven. fancied a dog up the road and. having been cruelly .11w.iys will he. the abundance of lemon casseroles. orange dishevelled. messettaip no-hopers t separated from his love. dreamt of happily frolicking Whereas the other Aussie soaps. such us juice and successful business types. arc, it Is' tan e • hikers) and. thendore. Set in a dolt beaten of kennels. rubber balls and ale terrible, sepia-tinted Sons ,%0J nutighiert we cam ow minds hark. a collective of 1•kample. Until it transpires that lampposts_ There must have been something in the toil the traumatic, but charmingly rural, The adulterous; murderous, mentally disturbed fair the long-lost grandson of water that year. Unhappily Bouncer seems to have Flying thfrekors (basically Ch shut Iv with a jej.sciters, uho, and this is the Kra': And she was their dealer S disappeared (he eloped with FiFi from Anson 's ■•ilist's licence). have slipped into obscurity scary hit. cart actually disappear for a few months and then course. perpetually end up burin Corral and all we're left with is a sheep called . thanks to at deluge of mid-afternosin et wkery reappear as u totally different person. the collet shop Isee• S Cassenste. Await the token Welsh character with slurs and a pension plan courtesy ul UK And no oher :u one IN any the wiser. A attire recent example ttistqs in to the scout but (see. kl interest - sheep can dream too yva know. Gold . in. likc.Prinnter Cell Muck H. have is Cheryl Stark: they didn't cren warn us; Marlin every time he turns up, remained so unwittehable that insist an in they lust slipped a poor loolalike in under alcohol. %outlet' pe donating a whole twilight hour of then rat j. whilst our noses and hoped we wouldn't notice- as the staple diet of the prawns UNION NEWS - The staff who made it - and where they are now \ Utati 1_1:11U \ - Highlights of 50 years of student journalism UNION BALL SUCCESS - Your chance to win one of 50 birthday prizes 1,1111•Y Who wont, • !rind Egg

= • • " • • ;,--• e'"


fl, April 26. 1954 1967-8 Sri.. sews a September 25, 1970 14,)W N Milestones from Leeds University Editorship of First issue of the combined Jubilee issue Paul Dacre, Leeds Student, serving both the last 50 years currently head the university and the Leeds Universiry of the Daily Mail polytechnic celebrated its 50th year October 30, with a message from die At die lime team was Joint editors Ell Anderson and Vie: Parker 1.- \ILI\ '.1 Viix.Clialicellor Charles had the foresight us mew the pan [1946 editor, Lwk Strew, L • Morris Ile praised the Shadow Home Sectetary, er.r. Leeds newspapers entering for students in Leeds. IFirst issue of achievements of the Liniverraty\t inion l'resident. teedi tirade& This first combined issue was produced in Union News plevions half century. and looked fOralinf an•hises show Slow:, now a left-wing haseanent orfice in the Polytechnic union 10 a growth in pont...um of cilatztion twilitician. and Mae. ethnic. or the right- 1,110411s. no name could The debut ',ix of a The tack for our (text fifty scan is % mg fkrilv Mud, were ideologically cline in he agreed for the perhaps to do as well in estuiattiou as we o nes...4,4w. and It was newspaper exclusively university. When Straw resigned from his MOND DISCO A far the students of Leeds have done already in teaming and union posl, he Waspraim.1 by Daine's - themalety called PACT %Fr P01.7110I mined on the success ft-search-. lie concludes. ''we must find 1 'aura New "The annum of work he has 1.:nion News. until the name of the Union Ball which again. for out own age and condition. the done. countless entrunittees hr has headed Leeds Student was decided true university way of fife 42 year* later. was attended by nearly halt the univcesity and the eneigy he has combated bast on. The ewer in its tenon. The second dory told of a recent Leeds University is OW Of the hugest and undoubtedly improved the serlfure of the =leembuted form celebrated Speaking Competition curdled 'Boiled most widely respected higher education Leeds student " us 25th arirriversary lust year eggs are letter'. extuldishineni in the country.

Paul Dacre 1967-8 Robin Perrie 1989-90 Editor. Daily Mail The Sun

Student newspapers are .1 There's no other publication that I owl,' ever vital institution. It gist,'" **Mt frir that co told give have such an people an entry into irmnedtate readership - I lived worked and drank with people who I knew were reading The best of the best... animalism and a chance to teach themselves about it. what I had ()ft...local. which is frankly the only way. becaii,c p The most memorable experierar happoic.' tannin be taught lournalisni The great thing around die time of Nelson tvUndela's Mats( about Brittsh Universities is that extra- from prison. We ran a cartoon speculating a., 4/ 10/63 11/ 11/94 curricular acuvines exact They are as beneficial what Nelson's thoughts would he on finally TIDDLER ON THE ROOF as the academic side. because you're meeting being released [n the final trance there was a EARLY START TO SEASON people and learning to socially react. and thought bubble coming out of his head. swill:: FOR SOCCER PLAYERS A naked mart flaunted his wares am the roof learning to think in a professional and dung for a wiiklle" You wouldn't of a shop in Leeds 6 last Saturday aftermani. managerial way believe the reaction is) soli an irrelevant flip After law season's disappointing results. the moment Three student, stormed the office 'This is 1994 and wr should all love nue University soccer learn has made a unothei." he pits- threatening In knock all the window, din tainted to all those listening determutal start to the season to his speech and put u curse on all the staff. A week before the beginning of term, The man had initially relived the offer of under an FA coaching scheme. several a bedspread to preserve the last vestige, of Charlton. ApL.EFL-Lsi. members sinned training Jackie his dignity: however, when he did accept the MTUDEN 1 STUDENT Leeds. United centre half agreed to coach the gilt ".* kept lining it up to show his love fourteen players who were contained dining truncheon' said one of the hemmed the %IlVaLIOD ail when will tort the nucleus residents of a nearby Ilse of the team The residents were also surprised that he Alter warming up. ['halloos put the had chosen Latch a chilly time of the year In (slavers through a number of match make his very publit. display oblations, Iree kicks, cornets and sit on. -fin not being judgenernal Nil you Could putting emphasis on defensive marking as tell he was cold-. one of thern added well as on difterret attacking movements dipIntrutucAlly. and it is to he hoped that results will he reaped tram the scheme. Mike Smith 1976-77 Richard Fletcher The Financial Times 1993-4 Property 8/ 10/ 93 Week 7 l 5/ 76 MI5 HUNTS FOR CAMPUS SPY Working as editor fur Leeds Student was sheer GROUP BANNED hell. tar more difficult than anything l' se ever I ant proud to admit in Britain's top spy-esieheis have launched a done ds s pestessional itturnal lit. but l' in glad the year I was editor we A pop group has been barred from national hunt tin a Leeds academic who as that I did it The paper hail to cline down for received more solicitor's playing in the Poly Limon because it is believed to have spied for East Germany the final term of my year us we had allegedly letters than in any other alleged they are sexist. during the Cold War, libelled a lecturer by referring to his drug habits year. 71 1 think It was quite lucky nothinr The group, known as the "Sex Pistols". Secret files obtained by the CIA from a :aid were taken to court as a result We cattle of them though, or I don't think the appear on stage with two half-naked girl Kunsan military intelligence officer and eventually settled our Of wart. bat had to pay a paper would he around today to he dancers wearing thigh length leather acquired by The Times newspaper have thousand pounds coun costs and couldn't celebrating its 50th birthday hoots; it is claimed ;eve/tied the mole to be one of three leading afford to pant the paper for the final term. Monday's meeting of the Union British academies employed by East executive ruled that this kind of LIL-1 Germans during the 1980s, Damian Whitworth 1990-91 disertminnted against women, and so was The actual identity of the spy has still not in contravention of union policy on been discovered but MI.1 knows him to tie Sue Rylance 1982.3 The Times IPC Magazines sexism an academic who either lives or works in After the meeting, Social Secretary Ian Leeds, and the security service know the We didn't have computers in my time and I Steele said he didn't think the group were Editing a paper like Leeds Student amazing, mole's codename. is can remember typing the copy out on a dodgy at all sexist you cart do whatever you want and have flo- typewriter The (dike was in the basement of osie but yourself to answer to. We neatly ended the Poly Saturday nights were the worst - ever, up in court a couple of times for vatiou* week at lain we'd gel invaded by refugees fn.,. 18/ 111 94 8/ 11/ 68 allegedly btxlluua stones, but nothing too the Poly Hop. Nightnuire. SMELLY STUDENT TOLD TO drarrialie happened thank pet. GIRL IN BED_ STUDENT GET BATH TO BASICS ORDERED TO GO Matt Roper. Tim Gallagher A tutor who branded Isis student I 1•,, ln` lit in 14 nr 11:I1S 142, 1995-6 smelly- has coMe mules tire this ssvel, 1994-5. - ■•• us Ell: ,1 urn 4LIVIII Intl 111111 ii le..11.1C11 Annlepil 111111,' lii \I.', r • ,• '. -11 1. hs hr* 1•,•,1,1 ■•! i''''ii -t /•s Linn snn.n.1,1 g. • Iht. .1•.111,...,11. • 1•.111le itsI ,-1.1C lino further •11.." ..1,1.11 . :4,1 1)0. hen IlL) Ilan L. }kir) Pike I In.. ■• ■■iitryriit 'Is run. nkc rali: which I ,t1; • h„ •I tn.; ,:item• •01 1,-11 i1C, 10 I 11.1st •Alj 1111 Incni :7 'It , slaaineti s. :In ii iin~ ...t n. en fil fol -xfP771flat

1974-5 November 21, March 3, 1995 1995-6 Editorship of Nicholas 1980 First full colour edition Leeds Student - Guardian! Witchell, BBC newsreader and Situlant limrecrea Yorkshire NUS Student Newspaper of streak Kinlf diplomatic correspondent TIM 6:4114glp•r', Ripper murders a , the Year I I • student COW! .311... Ilia twit tic arnsul of lull QUM IWOOWned Col III. h.mi-initilm cx11113Jr to the paget 1st Lregy Srudent, but liumlnly on the "Toiling Nwhol-e- Witched s interest in Ihr 31103 complete day TV and 111 -'-=-..-...--- f.„■,:l/i) I. J progrck, Of the Loch Ness Miiii•.te7 wa, of entertainments listings guide, and the errs-tons years. editor .urpri‘r An ca•am;.; :aro ,t1 dle /IBC lienultioutri ea the remarkably Ktk-ccs...lui Cni bass error,: ,..,,- ke,ri on I hi: Mau Koper q.t. sired maLc, WpchelI I <`■

...from the AT 50 years Leeds Guardian S mutual contest for less lake a I/ill:4W ileW,WIlgt as it poir_ssurnal newspaper wpm) a haw oryaramairrn and gain invaltudde and Student is. h) the National Student Newspaper WWI IS product that could sit 151 that series student', or die Year. .try- newspaper shell something of national quality experience for the future standard of many Such the ri4CtOC hie this Marty stapes of the pupet for a specific audience. Leeds Snufent it fortunate it' national newspapers. unci 'minim exercise in self- evolution run parallel with have two hill-time member. archives still a room! pretender. indulgence. New. is generally clevektpinents in the national is means that. unlike of staff and a taste ut around %% Rums to The Beatles soinething Ler.th. Student prk.w.. The. an of papa design. ritmany of its counterparts 50 student volunteers, 411 of whom chow Incredible and Nlargaret tenons rather than wt., Milli, the demand fix-entertainments at other universities. create But Pitt as ware of the cswerage. the tuition that teeth Statlew cannot 'Mimi to dedication in the strive for 15/10/93 Thatcher but unable paper's hest stones have ticvcr media exist not merely to rely on the week's union perieetton They might not get APOLOGY look hack beyond the mark it into newspnal. the send institutions hut In meeting' to set as news it right every time, but a it last world war. several dims:anti student crifiCiNe them and raise .igetata. Such meetings ate ,:0 toadying these ethirn have Journalists and the poorly attended Mai now been rewanksi on the i Cimino would like to apologise Like other papers it has scrapes they got tuto they lune clearly lint nautortal stage. Ls\ Hunter for SeVeT111 ITIIICCUrade$111 IV. own history of triumphs clftengounsing ,ill teleVancr to the From those who ham story entitled "Tragedy of PE and disasters, but of course If is perhaps this paper's key ..mud the cacciphi Nmy huge 17141pftiy of helped wriin the first rough ulidergraduale after amputation blunder' none matter very much in olcamplis sounds strength that it aims to serve all the students. The paper draft of Leeds student histnry Mc. Hunter rs continuing her degree the grander scheme of in the past 50 years, there ts litrnl 7,,hrrecat no, therefore often seek: scheme. and has not. as reported, been things. The first lesson for „, ,„ universities and colleges of Leeds to look beyond grey tecumng statement; that they to abandon het course_ all who enter student the first issue on night/trims al those would never do it again, yet Her leg hie, not been amputated. but the ktober ill, Itr4f0 The Licsign 410,Wuft1:413.ISU0111 the aspects of student life that would not Swap tt for hone removed, and an artificial limb inserted journalism is that. how ever and content - metureless, with nationals are the staralard by Lawry nage inuversal appall anything In cutting their We sincerely regret any distress causal by tan: tempting, you should never take yourself too serinucly. the headline 'Union hall which Leeds Student measures The hosts id this maturity journalism teeth they lune article Mixed sleep and maial Yet 50 is a significant SLICCe,,S. • were sera much of its success Lame in 1970, when the the sat- Ilnion News. lives, journeyed to hell tad milestone whether you're their day, unthinkable half a It is this philosophy which parochial back. and quite probably celebrating Victory m Europe ce tury later Now the paper huts helped make the paper relemng to Leeds LIntversay 15 / 5 / 92 wrecked their chance of a ire your football warns lacy would he more likely to report distinctive arising student Union, merged with Leeds polytechnic's iff4fT to good degree that the STRIP-A-GRAM SLAMMED appearance in the FA Cup 'Union ball shambles', for the titles The pram 's vast manna become the outward-harking iiverriding memory of any final. This stretk% golden values of the news media have edit:411AI WW1= not Ler& Student. ad■emure like thus will always A woman performing a strip-o-grani service anniversary has gained further changed, and this paper has to walk fur producing merely It is perhaps the pallet 's he of one's oak-agues: in halt was admitted to the union on Friday meht resonance - arid coverage in changed with them. Far fmm a :indent new.spopet in the key strength that it alms to century here have been dressed up in a leather skirt anti carrying the regional media - thanks to the ((amid, cramped extlumns make-ttutstei-you-goalong serve all the tillINCItinti. and many whit 0111.712Cil richer fie whip Women's Meer Rachel Pasford- the papers most ovent of that first issue, today's front style the phrase Implies Instead the goal and ore still colkges of feeds It i• alw r it the experience- Jenkins said both male and female students in achievement: sitanry In the page places nitre CilIPILIalh 011 the Old Bar were la-fended. eye-Cal.Clung itrsign harking elearly some ilistance away - rate opportanits hy students Uniun policy has now been changed In ban -Male and female strippers, and " said a -statement from the Imam Have you found a winning GOLD TICKET inside? See what you can win over the page

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Clital ol I le.icin isrn courtesy of . t 113 134 h7 C(/), then come home o Witt: ors 0 !foo- e 'kilt r tr rl.:1. '. • tf you ito licr) to bc mibli %hal ir. thi - Ti.•0....paper. — - - -- -

6 6 I think it's great ! If Why I love my I get I eels Student I don't have to hm any other paper. Mask review, television pages. SVOWirIT a full chill guide, and I've heard the editor's quite tasty ac well ! What more Emma Taylor 1st year Computer could anyone want? giSOth Birthday Mega Giveuriti y Science I.N11 Valid news or pointless views?

What the papers say...

imp/Mimi Oases 1.4 1u .IM a hit' • '7 luture The Guardian. ()collier 1.1%.

111, '••• ■pit ulh,r Why would anybody want to be a student journalist - unless they want to be overworked and overstressed? Some people think that student media is a waste of time. Well they should think on... /11../‘i 11,/,.. ♦ Indent newspapers? i chinh ;it r 11.211i mind your university nes. Taper. and write lo a deadline Dos tie v.spaisets. and Moe all nerd to he rot oi hour. id 111.:11 week ou Whether you hope to tproeress in solid point You don't Well I hey 're not Lnalosh %Indent or a future lop it III: r academic the field of journalism, or riot, as John 11 I vary- Education litlitnr. .The Tithe, north the paper they learning to work to deadlines. or Booker Prize winner to work for utd cA-1.1:111T1i. ititirifield University S Oiitirri11111011s., III get are orilten on. are they? the knowledge tit computers a student publication. and Student Siewspaper.1 owrstre%setl soil unp.tid at it Tiny insular little winch can he gained by assisting furthermore_ betionng your student publication, which in the acto. r pioduction ut writing skills by working on ot publications. printed on Student was aid is one prohahlt reaches a rev small student media Call only he ul use .;Ornethitig other then the history ,.", down the slippery klappc, toilet roll, and obsessed e ider our ativ way"' What are • IL the furtheeing 01 your earevi of fluter Mongolia or whatever II find'. with the obvious is you do. can only help you with t rri 11101/120. Ilieputy Editor f-li•ks government conspiracy to the occasional pursuit of a %faitatine. and es•Editor /day %enrich,. crush studentdoin into A portfolio of articles won't get you degjfceLourse, student newspapers '11110111 ,1t)llehl paper, are superb flaming the ground, and who serve campus life in other ways iromiLl.. especially it vou ate orp.olved xith snugged who in the union an instant place on the payroll of a In times of increasing student .uh.editing. which teaches rare computer last week. Why the hell apathy. and ever pitifully 'kills It's She Mill of C7tpetteliee Whlt;11 100kt would you want to write multinational, but it can do your attended protests to government cleat on a CV, and is reciignistil hr paper cut bucks, publications such as for them? di tars '- Leeds Ryden: are a forum for Let'. face it to hr /1 Sillde tit Yorkshire Past News Desk. chances of employment no harm discussion of such issues as the journalist you have to be a Graduate Tax or Top-up fees. We pretentious wanker who gets you likely to achieve for all don't need to preach polities or off on writing three thousand your time and effort' Will it portfolio or articles isn't harass John Major and co every ego massaging words of utter help you get a job? Will it going to guarantee you an week, but the point is that student drivel. or a sad lonely freak immediate launch into papers are by students. for help you puss your degree!' A who has nothing better to du Fleet Street, or It place on the students. This can mean Will it he of any use at all'! payroll of a multinational, Yet it fleeting political opinions or than waffle On about the Well let's take employment gripping events of last week's being able. to show a potential increasing awareness of security first An indication of the value problems in Leeds 6. Union OGM, employer written evoileneeof of experience at a student talent outside of the corridors of But what ski we know? As Why bother when you can newspaper is provided by the academia and your willingness to anyone in the Old Bar will tell STUDENT employ your three years of history of Lents Student alone. university life to much greater work on top of your university you, all journalists are wankers. The articles are too wishy - Prevents editors include Paul conitnitments, can do your and student ones especially so. effect getting off your head In the Nacre 1 l4 washy. I think it would be more 467-68i. current editor chances of employment no harm So tithe editor of The Daily Hail pub. and getting off with of The truly Mail and Nicholas beneficial to students if the paper But let's assume that is interviewed about his past at everybody else in ttrom0 Now Witchcll 11074-75), diplomatic sonsetaxly as university thInks Leeds Shuknr, and says that covered loplcs more attuned to those are the sort of lifesk ills you correspondent ji the BBC More student lite with articles on social want to develop at university About more than their career. "Student paper, ate a vital recent editors from this decade Damien A'hitwooti. Leeds 111SWIUtion/- don't believe him issues, the universities themselves. Fseryhody knows thin arc currently employed ot The Srudria editor from limn to Student newspapers' Not wool: and most specifically the courses OK. so opinions on student Son. The Time.. and The loot. and a current employer n1 the paper they're printed on journalism are not always as Financial Tittio. The rime, sominented that his Cif :moss' it dOesn't take an Ian Chorlington Second year positive as 'hey might be expo wrier 111 'Mktg =dill WIN If yr* wow hr err involved 1,1111 editorial sabbatical Il.l Maths LMU And to he honest_ why should '100 4at assistanse to his degree. Lots': Student. twit this humhe ■ ttdld the henchis ur e*.perienc_c improving his abitily ii. research 011.124341721 ▪ UNIO NEWS LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION

1111. t 111 1 Wednesday, October 30th, 1946. UNION BALL SUCCESS

OVER 750 DANCERS CROWD UNION This was the state of affairs at the Annual Union Hall held in Who wants a Fried Egg ? the Union last Friday, October 25th, when "the event of the Boiled eggs are better. year" drew nearly half the University population, and had to • hlt was the opinion of the winners mum away many More- der Public Speaking Contest held in site Social Room last Thitridav, 1111 en escellent ihnu -• ,.111,11 lerim e.e,ting ro. ■• when a small but apprei.sanst number IIICIlldt11/4 blur ot delient. .estel t•••000 of students listened attentiiri• to the tiniscatatis-e5 stun'. Iti Aditig Ittistol niritery ant 01 the speakers in an atmosphere which 1.u. I. Nat.•, ...I. _triol••∎ ••1 +h.. I, 'v.,- 1.4•✓ert.,,+,1 shuired tilde 1.,k pain :T.5 of bar(' less riotous than last veal. %,'II ..in.i Sheffield 1:Itiversill,.• ••••mv,rmty shot:hitt !!111- Meese, being bill tip Cummeti !JAI% loll The l DJLT.•••••I alrrr Fl■ It7la tz in tit!) ,-11•••••• '''•ie .1t-r ittlit-ent !IV, Prin. \t'ulzkrik • 1• :4,1 I .Urge, Nevi I uI P •,I til•nathlt•r larkink• th. mere.- anli•tl,nssl Preselnitt it .1 I ',Intim. the •rimes tit. -t litat,i1nr - +kill piiisyrr Viiiitrilinuie mentioned ilia the ••tun iSh G C. Prole). r'n• l'irsid,nt 1'de Bat'• tollege 01 Drientrs ,1 ,.,c 11^ . i I11. The ir•imevi,i. - 11. J. iiVaterlitiusol °i,." 'init ..k.ntild be paying a vtsut Lti Li. Ii on 1:4• , a 1,to- tritti.11:1 .11 0 ••••■rtlat ,urnewmit t•1■•11 the hair weit,tesenteut I 7iliss I 'elfin TA vior Thur.-Joe. Nfiviollan lath. ts. 'bow punishment • sttk' did not win, In iron) till ;tumult other gui-sts a err the Deputy Leeds waist Mykrti4a .t I lit the Among Al• up-on.tile- 1,t_rre1 MayOt (Count illtir Vl'a'•hel and shoulder-tenet!, held n[ thrtnric tie refined the Niessilinise. attacking rat. pe•ria ' • 1trs Walshr, wail 1t Utp 1.114 I n artiness I,l ti.• ii pile merung t1hru il%24.1tit•il that 4,111100, latrilit•il (01 the VoilksInri i•,Ft I wort then ii,tr to Waited ,irea.ths hr witd Owl 11 the Cont.tet wits int p should not differ %tired:, r • Despite the heavi nutobers of twin'.. over their helot- •• toy difitcalt F11q.aliittg ability at Ir with" Lilian. '.r pink wit', jAnnwat, dimentg wAs Joss--1140 In built style tir ',Oar . itat 1•1.0,4 ileic•irnme.. 1-ted%. it iitatiur 1 wall Ins thi• s11•1, tit it the Kitey-Stnith 'It'll the I.(' K . III rally p• rl.• devtin- motr Ten I h., the .must.• 11.,111e. to.erurd ;Ina 41w' genet.' 'it„n. •e,•„,,,t (gieb•strii Yintincr ivan served fashions. t, till, th•ett Lida- 31.5 in tin. ,540„,1 lia.nnt. Liu! theta mail, 4 yanks 1 it pram ices. I,nmal darter.. lir ,1if,appointionnit If; IIIr the litrilt; ga tin !Mir Such Itnti Song nt Dec. 1.as: f•l t's, lssr In the a lot ganird 14 striking CM- Mg Lit' rgi.; - Men!. cummon Homo tan dry at 11 tt-414 fit C.:4,7W. .i11,1 J/%• trigeninu. relative met r' pin and e•rteune went home sabre' 113,7 411 aCC.CSL•orir, ill the torn, of eggs proving This hin.r%-er did nothing to damp debezkii. - 0:1r.risley or hulks- lewitirc devli-Stating logic the usuci.t rewlry. and *hen t lie bit The,' taxi time camp Atuund 2 M.. no-- 're", .\•,r, . —The. IrOrn Cfrahet". inn. could r•mpTinit id a dull evening. gt•al credit to the organisers of t'••- (fall that it went id( with Thought for Food hardly a hitch. fkw•ibly the' ,snit' Not doubt otir id the : . . ntislitp tu the whitIr evening wa., ,1

,•• :.;.• I It • I r1 1

4 I. • • .• e:1 11'11,1. II" •-• L. th an miner •r,11.1/ 01.11J• I ",i11, , ' I.,1 I.- 4r, I • lit '0;6 11•••• ,I% O 1•• ■.-L

r 1\. .•

Page 4 UNION NEWS Wednesday, October 30, 1946 SPORT PROSPECTS. 7111:1, i : H: Forthcoming Fixtures SOCCER. I At The, inrrri,..l :nnm..1..0 .1 men on• '[■■S.tt.. fiat, 2nd. 111. - TZt.'61:11. L•uglibyroogh ,Tor:drig 'I P.:, v 1..tai21,1)..tvagli I,: v ;VII!, - •.Lt,:- ••• met Vandal. 1, r 11..c.ltey • Mew: •-• :t1 I( tioro ugh i • It:, -

Ar rd.. NNNN eNtll

tt■• ,A . FENC:INt, t1 t I.- I! ar, ri.i. •,1 e•.% 1.! 1 !... 3111.1 1.111. I. LI ;411k: _ I . . I 1- .• . F . ' aut .!, 1941; .17 in,- ta, ,1.- 1.1 ..1.. Agrie, N - I. Tr, , :an! 1 t•:.■,N;: ■ ■ tla, 14.1,1t•• 1:0• •• rn.7 .1:10 '41',1...11% 1 1 -114 Devon v r•-01. 1;4,3 em-r, .ally AA.ar.'... tot: ) .w, I 1. it., , tiiAci.oi, It gain in tit, of Ni r t ne.ASOil "it, 11- Le•d, Trimmn:- On Saturday, tictotiet. the I The 'Medic:11s' XV i,ti•ws SatiittlaV ( • ollege Gist NI. went t., meet r &flange from last Vear wIlh alter/mi.:1i. at about 2-0 2-30 p ILL Netball' 2nd l'iliver,it• irl tht-ir firs! exception of the return to the I-Uritter information ran bt match tit the: t-vasiiil. _Leech,. side r■I 1,1_ T. Hey1hil4it and Torn .ibtitined fruit) the *nee• tar; . The forint•T has given S AL. Nos 'slim. Started iu a LIt.-1,1•Itury ta..,hion and 1)i•tn• Anyone Interested is welcome ri Liverpciol 1,7,11 gained the lead. valiant service to ("liristte and come and watch . 14. i ' by hall-tame, however, the score teams since before the Sheiia M I: I I. was 3-3, largely due to gtoud r war. The side ha, been moor (Hon. Set . 1. work by our centre-toms:1rd, tttriate in lheziimber oh In it Hockey'. Men': 2nd v W. L. •ills. Thereafter we forged suffered during the thi,t kEsuL-rs. (sat., 26th H.c. ahead to win with ease, the final matches; Heylings. Pobie J. P. Soccer 1st XI. beat I.iverpriol Mn, key! Men's 3rd v score being 8-4. Falkinghant and the captain are elityrriity 8-4 Mickey; Women's 1st v 1 pool University. have been on the iniural list. University R:L`,F.C. heat Selby Scorers (Leed=.):—W. L Hockey: Women's 2nd (41. centre-forward G. E C. Both aids- met a Short time ago 12-9. Beiltop hi,. right wing; R 1. M and prroridert one of the Most- R.U.F.C. keit to Hull L.G,11,S. Old Girls lien-key: Staff v, 1.C.1 liepwortt W. left wing, G ....2frlf, :71.'1-Tr it Wvet- E R. 14-9.

For Sale Note on Marriage. ■■ I 11- new Hockey to lies 11411,m)111 .,111,c,lr• ,,old at whole”.11.- pric•. •01 Note on Bullet • ti,ttiiN, • ' rum, each —Apply to head grouri; Knit; iit Scala oolApte.: th, •:.. man 1.7itt lortLtIo n. ■ t• It ,crtairil•. 1: a hit: tor Ler.h. NtTte haute I •'et1.1.111 1• .1 Bourn 1n thi 1.'n tort l'Iftir ilancn. ot the part tor ho &niericar .lenut, Lill 1,, 1.nrinnin MAnsinc 1.,.•.ars up very ,,11.1 ()pc. twetting tdinnur .Lpticaring in Om.• e.•ntptete baliets I'i re are a kW astio.ard tiiidin etc jacket), Height 6ft : prow-an-1m,- is tnanninu 111V11, P111l71(' trier hard ayl Ate —Apply Rex linjon lt,rrn Its own tratipany t lhr niticeas I bit fr.ste itatIlipvtat ray 'r Millet in the 13.1114-1 n,11111 rah Oa! keel, one " " Pelt —Apply Box tl.r.ai in Otis country fl, Wig Inn,. Yrsl week: 'Bullet in the Utah-- 2 " Union flew,: •..ill Ibr at the Grand Quite 'Meg have both been to Am,rn..: :'it ..1 Mrtte Oberon appears of Ow •luting the lam. six. v1-4n a6.1 I BOOKS FOR sALE iAlenn m " Night do r,sradisc." Inn .11741.1y ti,h4mibv4. I th^ set.rnrt ,nature " Thev ,Arte AC /St. ■ 5. Tin bi1. in nta, Is 4,..•.-•atees Copy Wood '' Acoustics. 21r.rn Sister...-- with the -41.1 firm oh Masnn , Nor the ,..trust torn...loony, ecrrntial and Calvert. >b ,orth seeing. " Tn• is al brand new 25s Guerney Int rime trmatr..1; eye-alien wntk ii Ti.. ,,ere al. lull 4 " Quant. Th..- Ss. Smart ('et11/14'.. h 11 , .' 9 I vefewIleIN 1111,1 :5 41 313seinn lists chosen the prrsrut Ur tote Hitt, a, r•.lsage -“n 1,11• 12 ■-oinpartrretil 04, eorripaity cater ovrr 611 auditions tnr nittlyti ett,Ot at its FOR SALE Si WANTED. Brio& Engin!' And an abcn,r-average musical, T•••. loand1,11 and Paris. stir 1.$4 P‘VN Sales, wants and personal •aricieri, there are also ituasian. Sisters Freire Boston " is ..t lie wain t'-.a Otiag r tql and Tower ■1 advertisements may be sent to Canadian,'French, Mitch,so it is American TN- (not seenis to caltillate 210 -Mall help that " Union News " for inclusion. in CM Monday English Iresl:ttmoi tpth 41 he 6 atti c 111 ,peak h.11.11..dozen Nnvember 4th, 1'.. t hr.-, Linger rtand worl•ttt: this eoltimn. The charge will be languages. rirtr4. piantit Arnawitx, will b., um• I ,:rAkil ■14•i I.1. per line. a piano reetuf to the row., Drench King ,31 Mile, requiring block advert lie 12 a tireless' and surprisunftv Rail Ile 7-310 p.m. A - 5 1,.. Sac- film ogh• TV.) ri tientelits may “lnaul quotations having triad, 10 What , “1 .01 1111. own i■4_11KII hr vlSr, 11 stuj.i t. r. ,11 di) flhl'3LlOn The Printers have a 'Move on' ! WALTER GARDHAM Ltd. printers CO the Union. University Departments and Societies, have removed their works to 209 BURLEY ROAD (near Willow Road), but for the convenience of many customers will retain for some time their offices in Grove House Lane and Brunswick Terrace and the well-known Telephone Number 23549. This changeover has not caused inconvenience to any customer, but we thank those who helped us by not pressing for work which was other than "Very Urgent.-

Primed by Walter (ar:11).am Ltd.. 209 Burley I.:Alb, tot the Publisher: Lted, 1:Rivets:it). Unicin. wen Gibs asks; tiaripeneite... ver For Voir sat '-`1,5pecatil) sea y ite teeth hip the charts, ibtrn pt-arh wh aimed from the ssidl of every toenage inauranicts invami San mi in the hind"Sn: and They. Areal They- type asi-m*11foot. ricetom then, I ot course. Kylic tais evolved (Torn a y, hack toothed Charlene imp a diveci herdiva last and oddess. Yks.pite the fact dial g inrad was sex rubbish. Mc dill ritulutgaN 10 Main An ght plum". with CoOt aria isi.vn in all the ri ht people, Anyone who can do that having • rig is e Nen filmed driving annunil Sydney in tbc back you must remember that wail on, noel, toll comeginits mut sporting a Fetching wearing leg enough alright in iny hook. and injury he,%is on the other hand. hiss succeeded in turning world' 5: self from tisznage Wart throb to Lkw. addled e. cul-de-sac molly of Evan Ilk.unkrissinkr proptictions. Ircimii ril started poturing around tit such self- lie Aufl...4 ackalwhen thing in Joseph. a role Ling alaitirke). j that i'lip"cchnicideur bloody Schofield bier made his own, ghI% the bids stnp it all really doesn't it? The fact that Kylic U ay community wlidst Iona Net cult of iseel} minded the g Airighiscairs tin ,some irresimunt bout sueine The Fuce oser country anyway in kb; can't lime helped his cause either.'Finlay And the ratannow. nisbuify watches aw him on lir s thaw hat reallife cetehrillei well. anyone who ii- flow [DV tlf wed: will know that asionally grace the celels. who arc famous for dumg owed Ramsey Street irretesunt nat 'member litat. was something hut noirrie ean ig driveways Why. it ago BAS:Wally. he's lik-iwn it big time and dr nerd time only a less inlinths. man he'll prohuhly tic tying t aimed m.%• Jason Don Vier CIWISC5. that Clive Janie, catatonicyou in a doorway whilst. if Kylie in his finest performance tcr the Devil You odic with anything to match."fied and made Queen of yet a+ .o V./05WD.! ,and noriosyllithie Pet Shop Kniws'' she ought to he i cry s„uinKltmg ' tfm.Clirts Lowe. recently stunned D previously nitro unnable 'Helen Paniets raving, yes. the onosyllabic Po Shop m Chris Lowe. And it MatB o N. irpet doesn't stroke your tr thigh, then listen out for die Al EAtwy nravesurrur sounds g Leftfield mitt Frente drifting tui..eboo ions the sparkling sail-tee shop Nethbours. tudilse so many things it ■o. It may leas lie. will nevgir let OU doU the at hanging precanously On to nail-biting. fad the woeful your sofa Mantis w area t the they are iiiffshangc is ( Ivens:es and it may w ell change the title set- ' permission ',how dare they walnut your but, Litwin-M. it often. the stressed-mit and uver-w ultra amongst us she oppinturvay to and put our feet up for 20 Awe. Teta• this, and countless anng minutes, So for installert reasons. h'esgiiboars_ Vee. the needy , salute yin, And, Philip !damn really wilting Tay Puvel‘l

ree copulation at Fa versham. Tel 245 8817 Thursday Nov. 7th LYL us Garage nit e El entrance & cheap drink s Vinyl Kombat II tickets at Fay. from Nov btil

TV gets Fatally Attracted • in Vietnam What's • they ate often tar lows Hitt. Ida! Kathleen Turner nadittorial Interpreunir to i n evaiv.• What's tieing up and • at tombstone. Astionu In the rally offensive, like Alai:1114n or heltoe het. :Intl Deno Stowe and down in the juice hot (;sod Morning, Haan/ft Shawn chute since. poor old Inns which climaxed with the gstke III • (nom Close has its co the legendary shoot-mu In/I/Mid 4, Sunday II/0141m films hit parade? Act ,ti L rtipleasantiim with Instead of Ant trying to prevent [beetled by Barr} teViv•n Douai:is sev Mei little, as they are Eat? in the noble ININIMUI he probably William s best tilos TWELFTH NIGHT - still has tug a torrid, and ultimately never wits. this Mtn focuses more his portrayal of the rtiadtmp L'S number one. domuctive affair Perhaps that INS thC relation-ship between Lep A matt .111.1 Array Di in Saigon allows hum to. explains why she went NU and Holliday - inked as some I Ca,' exploit his supreme stand-up sure a few' minutes in bloc observed. the talent to the full Okay. to the kiVY—Irrn the sack with Michael Douglas Lant-rotcrilkiuglas portrayal even hi 'Ls' of -(10Ouli MO0001Mng. wouLl make PM about anyone suggests. that the two had a. shall ictinmaistri'" gels a hit Slresorne want to pi and hod a %Mall we say, special relationship. 21.ar a while. hilt his eecentnLiM Child), pet rabbit. Watch as Holliday's gill gets all are unavoidably rake:nig. and jealous and. seeing Eta-p as her WHEN THE his passion for uplifting nitrate by CATS AWAY - o. Michael isn't a patch on rival, Ines to hump him off These playing popular contemporary v.trene his old dad. Kirk Douglas. were, after all, the slays when men beat-ciumbo Murrie • banned by his lo=tt enrollgisi at the OK. weir men and sheep were lonely. crusty. ritursthedsshincd superiors • Na ianuelint hut Corral (BBC 2, Sunday 3.4Orms I However, one mustn't get too 01■117111Pg Coaled, shoot is erOyably eimvinetng, shows. This 1447 John Sturges nostalgic; that m least, Is what . yowls girl in Pass w•i Os, called limb classic is psi one 01 the many someone should have told 14V 110 114%41 tt Williams needs. it seems, lave rillions of movies made about everyone who went to 'Woodstock is an audience to work • Wyatt Earn idols time played by a .44, which was aka filmed for u with, whether it's IlOic HIM Lancaster! and his movie documentary, awl run he CHAIN REACTION - Speed IL iaNgoom full of Public ,.tarot co tubercular buddy, Dix Holliday caught on BBC I 1.1.K1 Sunday of 14, • boys tits in Dead Pofti Swinivi, X DAN ALIN: 'Douglas). but it was one of the morning truly this is Mc evil work I ,Ivor,.. city full of bairn/tied Disney first to break from the the mote tit The Man and the twisted acid characters, or A hunch of grunts un • flashbacks of at thousand cotp.mac in a mintlims war. it the Mint line wholes. !,t tu take away his ausbcrltr and Is • Flicks on the box in lb and to make him f anyime ever needed '111s,' somtcnne else. then s t•u-re here arc. Imatilly that Rock 'n' Roll is death ■ for trouble. and ,stu with speaking, Iwo kinds anti already decomposed. I BREAKING THE then this cad little Illrii I, ',I of Robin William Asking Rollin VfllLuno ti, WAVES - dotty fircscuitig the vi.n l'.1111t. film: firstly. there km:c.c.s:stuns' he someone ,tthet Danish trek 0 und ridiculowdy Ill. it '• are the ones in than lunnek tit mots h Irks 'celebration' of Lite, Tc. hit h he tries ever so hind to asking rinybisly to •iscept the ■ Liberty arid the Pursuit of a ush,1,-• .1,, • • •,,i, • aka of MIchuel Douglas led • 11;e play it character, like Popeyc. $2 Million WO, bean; AnraittYc to worneif Chirp, Peter Pun or a bloke Pepsi spation ship or to anyone else for that dressed up as an old woman. All the bands are • mauer. This is the central and these are nearly always his shit. all the punters flaw in Fatal Attraction i ITV, TWO DAYS IN THE worse efforts, as his art' name hitt, i the, Smut day 1 ft 1, how um we VALLEY - ironic • did., ark, .:" -, ,,• , ,il performance in Coppola's it• kettlal,14 that auy CO thriller S2B0 iv . • ',L., latest till et Mg. lark. proves oincn • .111,1 'Of p, di, all,. Ihrenliti ito•,:,, ..., 711 • only too well. Then there are a complete tucking the films in which Williams mess w ith all the just plays himself and does his atmosphere of a PI '. • (hang with all the (puck quips, isent, This is one mE rapid-fore Impressions. silly . i tlw mist ADV EN-MR E S OF C) PINOCCHIO - • %lives and dull. While these tesperate of M1 `• wooden acting, AI. are still potentially irritating, Junkies only. Ihr •

SCORPIO: NIrt, ur) Sagittarius: Jupiter' s Aquaria.,. DRAGON HEAR I • together waft the bun En ,Pur sign trawl at gout:sign vItoulvl *mimic a' You feel less not to here be dragons s khoold he (Avowable lot all i spit a king ;nod awed yourself this weft Float. Vu.m1", tontine although it might O of cutninufnewion lawn bull} and mote able to "go ltntir. al k11101 • mate yinl •meWhAt its.. al gout =wing, icic.ph•mec rusting and r Win Ana:amain. grunion salt %Wet out for cood with the flow' You Ia., = agunvank bang win! 'hewn. however, not sec the &wl %Ohl* un Simko and ,Moaday. I Il proves A tar lucky day *hole palate not some ,../11- COMM/ di-. • issue so be sure ycw arc .anted with all ale facile 1)kCeS: %1• ∎ ■,, • .1,11ro ALASKA - kids .aryrk 1,, tilat, Aries: In snow yarn. 111n 111.1). hi ,tttt cr. 1.41.1,1D: orowinque but ■ tomato,. Lai. 'V • .1.1 41otagr wait Haim Mutt Pncearocnukt Itch I rotm Amens= way wane avveo tic-, ...note %sm. .m* IA1,4 • CARSIG g • Gemini.: L.ura.R..b..,...hip.A. Arc I pltOICTD. ID relatronstAps Atoms itbiS iswt Rye this TROMEO AND • Man has moved into weekend vluall he smoothen kg With ytuur JULIET • sclock you: ogn 'until the over by your silky tongue I The m1infng plod. Vanu Livi hit [Ionia ...tonic, horror version of 'Mr the bard. fsr.c.v, iltil M the smart and Sun eta Henan in wan t wild late Nnvemtki it's an even hi, wrovend dung' should settle dowilf burrum • should give Yuu "tidbit Wine ccAtlit he givittf. Negri !sow. There ate unite ,o with odd. v..11 occupy yINII 11111111 This ,ro I • a•rr Itsrmival: 01,4,11-1 • enure Oltialgy and ,orue wastrels, paheolarls ditTieultiev tho wee . however. Oicti l.w ,ue 1...i-1111 I Lickkelld to Xento see 'mule powers of istialseltes oteinsitners-n anti due re rep/11111DHs hut perhaps IF (sink ritainors " • tweetlatt II will elan .ore t lamas sett Mete that totwitier pull sway help you in work hat* so akin% went • List viral•Villitrgy Id CANCER: LEO: ,It_ TIN CUP • movie uleuics'! Yn4 may not 3,, I. Lawn till laic. ;11 It'W about golf a ?Om Fed you knee week. 111555 11■0,111SE /1111. ■■■(41 1./i1 null; lug in 1,2 e...1 4.) !KW both a Niger ma • ,i111.11{1 Ir, r 1 1•1 • HAIL:, • Leeds student ahologer, Osn, has ball prided". minim la Lefts lid Bridled ha nearly 20 years. Although Ire lectures, OWNS and wrote[, be specialises In private indica. FOR PERSONAL READINGS, FROM ONLY EL TIMONE 214 1417 • ▪

Flavour of the november 1 3F‘ir Woolen Town, Armlet/ Mills, 7.30pm juice guide It's Friday night and probably the last :Mout the production is that rather than I hing you Want to think about is sit in comfortable chairs. the audience culture. Neverthelew4, "Woolen Town" 'noses through the museum as the just begs out for your attention and story. [lased around the extraordinary cinema support. It is a Mary created especial!) Hies of Leeds' Luddites and their for production at Armlet' Mills. where campaigns for factory reform. unfolds. Sat Urr64 NlinII,Ot Cinema Iii iiI• :4 it was shown last year and was a sell For this reason. audience capacity is %rats Profesus. C1111111140 MAC /i10. out !success. It is set between 181)1) and limited so if you're thinking of going Kurd fr1Sibe160 1832 and includes right rousing songs hunk in advance. .1.4c Oat O in PO 1•PW from the period. The unique thing Tel. 26371461 for more information. Rs* Part Pincer (27E28431 lirr-slarg 'r

Lounge infinftrl Channel 4 Nun, n4sins..1 ri in N. IC BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV listens iltteLliti ers...s1 i re lot r hos (pm IN. Von Ind.-N.1as, is) 6.00 Business Breakfast; 7.00 6 GO Open University: 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 Supermarket 5.40 4.Tel On V,evi 6.30 The 1, ANN News; 9.00 Breakfast News Hear Breakfast News; 7.30 Alvin Sweep 9.55 Calendar News; Wonderlul Wizard Of Oz. 7.00 Extra, 9.20 Style Challenge; 9.45 And The Chipmunks, 7.55 Smart 10.00 The Time.., The Place; The Big Breakfast 9.00 Here's Kilroy; 10.30 Can't Cook. Won't 8.20 The Greedysaurus Gang. 10.30 This Morning: 12.20 One I Made Earlier, 9.30 Cook, 11.00 News, 11.05 The 8.25 Spider. 8.35 The Record; Calendar News. Weather. 12.30 Schools: 12.00 Garden' clubs Really Useful Show. 11.45 9.00 Schools Programmes, 12.30 ITN Lunchtime News: 12.55 12.30 Backdate: 1.00 Street; 1.55 Pete Smith %Mlle's People, 12.00 News: Working Lench: Home And Away: 1.25 Cross 12.05 Alias Smart And Jones 1.00Scene. 1.30 ppectory. 2.20 r lull I nips 111 ndnrt •Spraa • I /: Wits: 1.55 Coronation Street; FILM The p Ie • 10,1,,, is alt.ta...c In. 1 VII lel• 1•••lm. Technology Starters; 1.45 Words resat, of, 12.50 The Weather Show. 1.00 Member Wedding mussy Meru I IH.C.h. r-.. f... And Pictures: 2.00 The 2.25 High Road: 2.55 Shodland Of The sawitril -lea. One O One, 'clock News: 1.30 Street. 3.20 ITN News (1952). 4.00 Fifteen To Regional News Weather 1.40 Greedysaurus Gang 2.05 Spider, 4.30 Countdown The Search VII Raney Met ear Headlines: 3.25 Calendar News, rfellitnigteul iwss mot r las ual Solo 2.10 Sport y ■u, lees 1 51•5 troupe and drat Neighbours, 2.00 Call My Bluff: On Fnday. 3.55 News; 3.30 Jay's World. 3A0 The For The Supreme Champion. tAgT nt yhe ill a t;lal„ 2.30 Peter Seabrook's Gardening 4.00 Today's The Day 5.00Cutting Edge: White Death aromt gray L •1.11i •1 711rm Adventures 01 Dawdle. 3.55 IS' !senor, t'r veto, .30 Ready. Steady, Cook TFI Friday Week. 3.00 Incognito; 3.30 The Oscar And Friends: 4.00 Snug 8.00 Animals Of Farthing Wood, 3.65 5.00 Esther 7.00 Channel 4 News Ilse Warehouse And Cott, 4.15 siumcanes; 4.40 7.55 The Slot 4.e4,r .A451:14 1 1 rers ow., rck-sTrs ran ere. pei Dear Mr Barker. 4.10 The Real 5.30 Going. Going. Gone xaies turn 4,04%1004 Iwas suragra hi umnyilt sr* Adventures 01 Jonny Quest 4.35 .00 Sliders. The Sliders :Ind Fun House 8.00 Garden Doctors I prti•-•hlin Cs resotiuuts Crest& Ham. 5.10 Home And Away 8.30 Brookside. Will Danny lel sirli Grange Hill, 5.00 Newsround, themselves in a dimension 5.40 News: Weather 5.10 Blue Peter- 5.35 Neighbours sin Simpsons' terrible S6CV1r, lAllor hide Amer & pine. The Pry Doc where intellecturtts are 5.55 Calendar 6.00 Six O'Clock News secret outs Ron's lies get 11C.4. plus raw rano rerun& is the ante 1 Iplatirts lFunks stab Ill irtur t-oe. revered above those with 6.30 Tonight A magazine morn aftytall Celt Rya 131e PUA., piAr 5strts udh 6.30 Regional News him Into deeper trouble rath.huck urn. physical! prowess Maturing everything Magazines lays and Max and David ate at ngs Cwatyl 8.40 Electric Circus the quirky to the loggerheads over the 11..4"... ri ..arrel4141.4/4, rune Dankd 7.00 Muppets Tonight! In PIT nl Mewct two noortit of 6.55 Rocky Star controversial. ■■ tonight's strew Tony impending divorce ni'iperM Pelent lb hoe hu terse 4. Ian 13 wise RSVP 7.00 Rannoch The Red Deer. 7.00 Catchphrase proceedings. hcfnle II I lisak. the' Bennett sings a duet with The Thularsnsund Wildlife story telling the tare 7.30 Coronation Street. All 9.00 Carolina In The City. Kernel and NSF() Green is The Custer,. h.q. huh. hurl 4 Salt A The Mummy R41/1011b regrets agreeing to take vt. oilman; its showcased . al a red deer stag. Aunt Mary comes to stay Ipso 113161 twisty ...nue ▪ /hal dawn ar Part in the aPensored and arranges kit Caroline Zan, tallithim% srlh 'auk-rep...1W Matte 7.25 Top Of The Pops. This 7.45 One Man And HIs Dog, ash *lawn & Nut his 'hiding Incvtryt week's best-selling singles. Featuring the Brace walk And Ken linds ho is to go out on a date with 141011.1.,* 40.3 I"go.-44 pvispr•osm m Mc the centre of attention. an ei•boylnend who is 174.2..,ne te► 0.1 ka...eme/iL 8.00 Thls Is Your Life competition, in which 7M1 evt If Ipro-lant 8.30 999 Lifesavers. Michael competitors must run two 8.00 The 8111. Ouirman and now a successful doctor, Greig help an ex•Sun HIll 9.30 Friends. Chandler and • Mn h etershaat Buerk and Juliet Morris dogs at once. ;tap, . Our, & thsratae sergeant investigate a Ross are lutted ott Melt Kee present a special 8.30 The English Country intse-1 sio.ss Central Park sofa by a programme on the (Metiers Second World War Garden. Including a lour of murder pair of bullies. lherlemuresur of bonfire night LAW &thefts Pah St' ef., I salt la,- it Viti, the ante/mg garden at 10.00 Frasier, A disgruntled ••sit .11th 9.00 Nine O'Clock News: 8.30 Strange But True? cutup Itberssu. drum sus 1. ill LA A Oh .1.1.1•1 `q.t. r I Cm Helm ingham Hall, Suffolk Encounters. Michael F rasier has his favourite Regional News: Weather 00 Shooting Stars. With table at Cale Nervosa 9.30 Beck. iri the concluding Aspel presents more tales guests Gabrielle. Darcus of the paranormal. stolen by a rude man. and episode. Beck oontinues to resorts to physical help a man who claims to Howe. Rose-Mane and Including three pet owners gigs Richard Whiteley. violence to regain his have amnesia who claim that their dogs territory 9.30 An Rise For Julian Clary. nave which are i .,f 5% 10.20 MM. The Terminator powers Bremner... Who TheC Pr st• (1984). All-action 111m Julian Clary dispenses his beyond rational 10.30 Rory Satielittueirmsreits 110 Else? Rory Bremner Listsrphese, own brand ot justice with explanation about a cyborg who is sent proffers another sparkling litiOna Beath lwe CaNA t.• Mau 9.00 Staying Alive. Seepar1 I I 1, back from the future to kill the help of Frank Thornton selection of sketches and drama series 10110vang the a seemingly innocent as his clerk. This edition sirind•up. Dress lives and loves of a group woman who holds the key features broken halt rolierS 11.10 TFI Friday to the survival of the and a serious charge ut ot student nurses in a 12.15 FILM: Doctor Jekyll And human race Starring stave !about troubled London hospital Sister Hyde (1971). A Arnold Schwarzenegger 10.00 Have I Got News For You . 10.00 News Al Ten Victorian scientist 10.30 Calendar News, Weather and Linda Hamilton With team captains Ian experiments on himself to 10.40FILM. Revolver. 12.05 Dr Terror Presents: FILM: Hislop and Paul Merton and the elixir ol Ile Ghost Story (1981), Four and guests Elvis Costes,' 12.20 Comedy Central 2.05 FILM: The Men Who ageing New Englanders 120 Late And Loud Changed HIs Mind The Grew 4irrnlry ktitbll till end Gordon Kennedy 2.20 Cyber.Cale for an annual (1938). Vintage British- Manes mein. ■11 iftriorruml Syr gather Followed by Video Nation (...1 I if 1.00.1rn P.6 meeting to exchange ghost 2.55 Jones And Jury made chiller stamng Bans ••••rtferci • •a) .trees Ir.wi C.u.AL brut Srace Themtw iiKti) Vow,[..: Shorts stones. This was Fred 3.15 Dear Nick Kelton vnJ Jot .si•vtInhca 'rag Surd as 10.30 Newsnighf Astaire's last film 4.15 Funny Business 3.15 FILM: The Boogie Man Was YortC4 Playhouse %loads, rst,...r• A, st • •••■•-k-wltl•c••• appearance Starring 11.15 The A Force 4 40 Sound Bites Will Get You (1942). .1 I

Melvyn Douglas, and 1.20 FILM! Teal (1990). 5.00 Wanted Dead Or Alive Comedy -shocker starring 1. A. Pedal Cawatt. hand Ica Douglas Fairbanks Jr 2.45 Close 5.30 ITN Morning News 6.115 Karlolf. eoliusty wing Prundla Stales 1.50 Weather: 1.55 Close 4.25 Close EVERY SATURDAY DURING TERM

151 rh taking


.-1tiutirclli.3,r november 2 Flavour of the Day

juice guide The National Lottery Live, BBCL 7.50pm the tourry ha. much ill /111.,A II and even thirst of .uit.1 Newell that wrinkly old erns Anthell ID! lit 1 I h. at home on a Saturday night and in posseL,ren cinema highest paid ea mean on Ili lash TL. ea, c yri ul a ticket dori'l usually' bother to tent iekT Pg more publicity to the annoyingly camp 0,11. nun Blind Dale Thankful!). the old master Winton and sera scores of heer bellied ISch Monkhouse ha, turned this show around. %1St -.1,•:„4ef • •■lo,a t 4.4 1 1110111.1 111'1, 01 U14 ■12i16,1 lilt 11611/1.1114111/ i1.4,41I••• commeners and their crinobee clad wives elf with his truly inimitable humour Tonight'. 1.1e regulars at eAelust,e Cant/been show includes appearances flint the •,‘ 14114, to offend resorts. Now we hear that line hedonistic "legendary" Penile Clark and the take inible orv. err. 11.1'1Shr eTli Ow of the celehrat Inn el wealth e. to ocLur twice :t week ‘I•airCell %LUC. eriuldl±e but Hies AI" Pkiero llama .27511sekr 51 II V",11 I ht. kill)) Wi(wo tircaror tbr Now.. Vr The drum roll has idea.... been pretty damn kinila Lni I ••■•.••• . Channel 4 ht,., .n: BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 7. 5The Pink Panther Show 7.10 Flih7 T1itr SamelieLendee 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 Wow- 11.00 -f-TO 5.55 Sesame 7.25 News:. Weather 119391; 8.20 Open University. The Noise: 11.30 The Chan Street: 8.56 The Magi School 7.30 The Morph Files 10.00 Chanakyre 10.35 Network Show. 1230 Moves. Games Bus, 7.30 Realty Wild Animals: 7.40 Speed Racer East. 11.20 Bollywood Or Buse; Videos:deos: 1.00 News- 7.50 Fest Edition, 6.05 King The Realeal Adventures Of 11,50 Litelirnes In A Day. 12.00 Weathm 1,05 CalEalOar News: Arthur And The Knights Of Jenny Quest Film 96 With Berry Norman; Weather, 1.10 Thunder In Justice: 8.35 Hang Time, 9.00 12.30 FILM: Flying Damn To Rio clubs 8.30 The New Adventures Of Paradise. 2.A5 Cartoon; 2.15 The Morning Line, 10.00 pu 119331,1.55 FILM - A Night To FILM: Johnny Tremain 11954 Superman Gazzeba Football hake, 11.00 Remember11958), 3.55 FILM' 3.50 Ainvoll, 4.45 ITN News And Plc wan Itm■Ing ann 9.15 Live And Kicking Blitz!. 12.00 Sign Om 12.30 ■ Genevieve 119531. 520 TOTP2 Results 5.05 Calendal News: NJ, I1.1 11,1. • taw., 12.12 Weather FILM. Captains 01 The Clouds atout v+1.01 psur.r. S•411 6.05 Rhodes. With the approval 5.10 Scorelme. 5.20 New 72,15 Grandstand 2.36 Channel 4 Racing, L4,1 %etch' croul ll.od lir...D. I4a. leaCnitel) riub of the British government. Beywatch (1944 • . • 1,11114 kt•11.1.•nl• 5.20 News: Weather floir.90 • r.pm..6


Atige!coWEB Open 7 days a week 5pm till late r To order just pick up the phone and give us a call. 41:111-11 atTnil or! .7' `1'• ...„1., .2..; .,-...: ,,,iii.thi Your order will be delivered FREE to your 4,:ila J ) A•r. i:Jr''.11111.i_tt..11: t.. door within 44.ttileratinos4eur shop. L,VICK`' 5 air • I/tit411:1i %ail:V.0 . • Jr. f,,,,l 04 ',;lt;,. ( Voted rNONE Y ' eV .124h No, 1 by DELIVER pea "role r;11. Leeds \FASTER v.ss / students .•_,T 11 la:.44. :./ f;li LieCK-3,5 1 "11) ' FREE PHONE 71.% 0500 11 33 45 1111111111+8'MS 81 RAGLAN ROAD, HYDE PARK, LEEDS, LS2 91,2 november 3 Ji3r Flavour of the Day Erasure + Dubstar @ Town & Country Club guide Another sold toll j_de al the 'r & this a hit flat sitl...11 seed fur some. Indeed, juice e M4(1 11111 at etttie twice the size. This the similarities helviven the too are begs the question, him cone u city the greater than one might think. aport from site of Leeds hasn't got one of those the age gap. [loth are proud it. he singing siadhen type Venues like G-Mex ur pop songs, turtli use chink) sounding Nynex or 2tii} of the other Multi' named stlith's and both am incndihly irritating cinema super sheds. Sure. everyone loves to Aug if suffered (or more than about these pistee+ down. but don't they gin e a minutes. as l)ubslar's Reading set great sewse of grandeur •/Id Ol'etission? pros ed. Ont. for the N(rere getter:Ilion. .Eel I?a41rx,F, I__ I 4b)'1" ay, [(mighty sugary (sopfeal may he 111..,.01.1crt 111.17 1•.,. 1:1111i4CT Coital 1-27$1.6%1 liklcreitlIon,1 • • 11.1. IN/ ols.sr Channel 4 Ilyck 11,rk 14.1srm 41111i4,14o d•141.14• BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV 11/52045 I

7.30 The Prang Doctors, 8.15 2) 7,30 Joe 'JO 7.55 Playdays, 8,15 6,00 GMTV 8.00 Dragon hlyz 5.00 4-Tel On View. 6.20 Blitz., Steps To Beller Management, Bass. 8.30 „tacker-lora Gold 8.50 9.25 Disney Clue, 10.15 Link: 7.15 Flo. 7,45 Bison Mice Fro/ I tAiMgr. 075.10011 8.30 Breakfast With Frost 9.30 feeble. 9.10 Eek The Cat. 9.20 10.30 Sunday Live: 12.30 Goals Mars. 8.10 Earthworm Jim, 8.35 yWN Prlii,le14 fl The Big Question, 9.45 First The tisy Bitsy Spider. 9.45 The On Sunday. 12.55 Calendar Street Sharks. 9.00 Insealocrs. Light; 10.15 Sere Hear!, 10.45 Mask; 10.10 Step To Snore, News; 1.00 News. Weather: 1.10 9.20 Saved By The Bali; 9.45 Deutsch Rim, 11.00 The 10.40 Grange 11.00 The Jonathan Dimblegy, 2-00 Murder Sister Sister, 10.15 Wise Up Eleventh Hour. 12.00 Demon Headmaster: 11.30 Smatl She Wrote: 2.55 FILM The 10.45 Hottvoalia Omnrbus. 11.40 CounlryFile 12.30 On Thie World, 11.45 Shooting Stars, Accidental Tourist I 1966). 5.15 The Wallons. 12.40 Rookies. Tin Cup, eurtenily Record. 1.30 EasEncters 12.15 The Sunday Show: 1.00 Hot Ddgs and Cool Cats: 5.35 Di 1.15 Football Rana 3.30 Tile s.howine at the 2.55 Wildlife On One The 0-Zone, 1.30 Regional Quinn. SAecilcine Woman Gallery. 3.45 FiLM The Sword 3.25 The Bookworm Programmes: 2.00 FILM, Trapeze 6.30 Calendar News 01 Monte Chnsto 119511 Showcase cinema. 3.55 The Clothes Show. New (1956) 3A0 FILM Gunfight At 6.45 ITN News: Weather 5.20 FILM: Fever 01 No buy Tim Vincent consults Return (1954). F1110P-T1 Phone M924 420622 The OK Corral I m 9574 7.00 One In A Million. Phillip five men's fashion editors MItchum and Marilyn SAO The Natural World Schoheld presents the lot details. to come Lip With five series examining Monroe war OS 0 couple different winter warrhotsas. 6.35 Star Trek; Voyager. Fees thrown together on a is accused at murder and remarkable hue stories all for under £150. Irate around the worm perilous river icierneY, sentenced to relive the 4.20 People's Century 7.30 Heartbeat. Drama series 7.00 Equinox: Identified violent cnme tram the 5.15 News; Weather set in 19ens Yorkshire . Flying Objects. Strange 5.35 Regional News vicerns perspective for the Greengrass vies with an things are afoot in the 5.40 Songs Of Praise. This mat of his life. old enemy when small town of Marta. edition from Swansea Is 7.20 AMOTICINI Visions. Award- Aideristiold hosts a quoits Texas For several years clubs winning author and critic new, the 2,500 residents the first of three in which match Ed.," Dry thick Sir Ham) Secombe looks Robert Hughes charts the 8.30 You've Been Framed! have reported seeing ne7mmchr. shill ,Mt.ntralemu Atierr..• 1.tic tar; back over his lira and 10u11431{00 01 American Jeremy Beadle with more lights in the sky - are they experiences national identity. based an out-takes from your home visitors from another tttird, ,00 Frer .011.1), fi E‘cairi$ II & R wait steady !hal 4.15 The Antiques Roadshow. hard work. ireedom of videos. Planet or the spiels of kha.1 Lac- awl the t4ruitic Suet Cesurieris Veteran relic-scrutiniser conscience and the ideals 9.00 Landon's Burning. Blue Indians? 8.00 Nothing Burthe Truth, Hugh Scully and team ere at ancient civitisa hens Watch tackle a dangerous The caul-bard The Undeeemend back on the mad This 8.20 The Money Programme Individuals at the crux of blaze in a garage. while fr Be tprti• •kul oral resir•Sten Settee Joist. with liw edition corning tram 9.00 Coogan's Run. Slave Nick eels some Brigade an emotive dilemma are given a platform to explain, Ewing vxmch 1(14 ihmic !voile ewe ploy LDa End Reed Dinner Ludlow. ✓oogan takes centre stage news_ Arab John Adam. why they Wel they have 7.D0 Auntie's All lime Greats. another of his comic Glen Murphy, Richard 5•1ta31irm, Fine an the newt been unfairly treated by Michael Parkinson nods a 'ons This week It's Walsh and Andrew ▪ the authorities or the star-studded gala to handyman Ernes! Moss Kezamo. Favershums celebrate the fact that this public 9.30 Where's Elvis Tide 10.00 Sometime, Never. Max 9.00 Leaving Home. Sir .meaner, mid hail rile. cheap weekend. 60 years ago, Week? e ',tenon comic. Bailey is a teacher. led up Simon Rattle begins with cir..kraili all &seine the BBC kick-started the Jon Siev. .1 plays host to with being alone. while her the music of two old men, world's fully-fledged TV lour celablykr guests from best friend and neighbour Arnold Schoenberg end broadcasting both sides of tnp Atlantic. Bernice is manned to the Richard Strauss, 9.00 News: Weather 10.00 FILM: Mad Dog And useless Key and has two commemorating both tee gigs 9.15 Rhodes. Rhodes attempts Glory (1993). When lonely dellequent kids. When richness and the horror 01 lo rebuild his political cop Wayne 'Mad Dog' Max's flat Is burgled she pro-Second World War career against the suspects every, pupil at Dobie inadvertently saves Europe. Puttee ltma1catl Llte,ble hill of weed backdrop 01 the Boor War, school 10.00 Kings 01 Comedy: FILM: and is Rimed to battle the 100 of local crime bass 10.30 ITN News: Weather. The V.gg pep et0T. Loren 0%11 hir the raw Milo, the mobster rewards Good Morning Vietnam against his two greatest rarowed by Local Gorky% ink_ Parr,' Snow. him by 'leaning' him Glory (1907). Story al inane: erlentieS' his stealth and threes radio DJ Adrian West York's Flaahviee Princess Radnor!' - a girt who works at his 10.45 Thx It Bank Show dub Starring Robert De Cronauer 'Retie lletwou Culeoly Club 10.10 Clive Anderson All Talk. 11.45 A Woman Named Jackie. Wither-per Niro and Ulna Thurman With star guests Mikhail Three-part mint-series 12.20 Gruppen 11.30 FILM: Girls In Prison Tows A ininuiry Chits Gorbachev and Bob about the turbulent Me of 12.50 Partners + 1ier briar% Hoskins (1994 Jacqueline Bouvier 1.20 World Cinema: FILM: 10.45 Everyman 12_55 Close Kennedy Cmassts Lonely Woman Seeks 1-fir, 00, .1. my ikr. 11.35 Accused, 2.00 The Learning Zone Followed by ITN News Companion (1987). 12,05 FILM: Lard Of The Files 4.00 Languages Headlines, 3.00 FiLM: The Marauders Sheffield Lamina 5.00 Business And Work (1990), Adaptation of the 1.30 FILM: Gurudev. Starring f1947), Hepaiong ea„,...s toy 6,40.1.3,174w %ix.? - classic William Gelding 5.30 20 Steps To Better Rol Kapaiir and Anil I William Buydi rules navel. Management - The Kamm 1.35 Weather; 1.40 Close Drama 4.25 Jobtinder 4.10 Close 5.30 ITN Morning News

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Wit er-na. kelLs3L3or november 4 Fl avour o f the Lay juice guide Beautiful South @ The Town & Country Vow, here math is it hand llud diotdd he %terry Ilellelse this hand has 4.1 rich hack playing in foots stadiums armee the nation. catalogue that has also made them rather rich. and indeed will he soon. In this' 'Intimate :Slush' hacks couldn't understand the trillion cinema affair you will have the rare importtnvity to selling Aucciri.s of their greatest hie. package. People mumbled "lie writes goad. times”. teach Paul -what *nice Yorkshire bloke hr is- Heaton and his men" churns sing their Usual which is true. but so dote Stuart ~lapin' you ask • e eerily tie pniul I of the lirtdrroiriN. ∎• I ,./nthef #•11111 Jl144. Sta...,clinatian +L110192-I rsittatiC ditties about Rom-edam. Red rye,, 411110221 tilde Time and Suuthern Nape:, Or is that an Which just shims there is no justice in the odd. r‘iM14141 Ouse. tune? Amaka.m. m.nhrn rip.. Even if the new album is it hilt crap then don't Noel expect cutting edge. just 1.1117e songs.

1.4. BBC I BBC 2 ITV Channel 4 tr7•-;:i 6.00 61.164110iS BrCliktilSt 7.0() 6.00 Gone h-worqs:ty. 7.15 6.00 GMTV 9.25 Sueerraarkie 5.00 4-Tel On View: 8.35 Take 5, :4 'W.:H. News, 9.00 Breakfast News Be/eldest News 7.30 AiVO And Swam, 9.55 News. 10.00 The 7.00 The Big Breakfast, 9.00 Extra 9.20 Style Cheikerige. 9.45 The. Chipmunes, 7.55 Blue Paler Tone The Place- 10,30 This Here's One 1 Made Earlier: 9.30 eirrey; 10.30 Can't Cook. W001 8.20 King Greenliegere 8.25 Morning 12.20 News.. 12_55 Schools, 12.00 Right To Reply. Lassie. 9.00 C-C` .111% 11.00 New 11.05 The Tales Of Aesop. 8.35 Henle And Away. 1.25 Cross 12.30 Backdate: 1.00 Sesame Really Useful Seow, 11.45 Schools Programmes: 1.25 Wits: 1.55 Coronation Street, Sheet. 1.55 Something To Tell Sesitees People 12.00 News, Landmark& Portrait Of Brrlaire 2.25 Look And Cook; 2.65 You, 2.20 FILM The Iron Curtain' 1.45 Storylime. 2.00 King clubs 1206 NeieMoors, 10th Shorthand Street. 3.20 News , 110481, 4.00 Fifteen To One: 4.30 F7 Greenfingers; 2.05 Tales Of 3.30 Tots TV Ceaesics, 3.40 The Countdown, 5.00 The Monte) Anniversary Special: 12.55 The Aesop, 2.10 The Champions. Weather Show: 1.00 One O'Clock Slow Noels: 3.50 Wolves. Williams Show. 5.45 Anton Mew& 00.144. 3.0D News; 3,05 The Natural Witches And Giants; 4.06 Sooty hilogerann - Naturally Gnnn•ri. l•tewl is OE ben tank and News 1.30 Regional News; 1.40 World 3.55 News. 4.00 Today's And Co, 4.25 Scootry Doi; 4.50 6.00 Movlewetch Inn =T ne Neighbours: ZOO Cell My Mull, The Day: 4.30 Ready, Steady, iteee. tenet Quire aerie 2.30 Who'd Do The Pudding?: How 2, 5.10 Home And Away; 6.30 Hollyosks. Rob and Cook 5.40 News. Weather, 5.55 News Dermot are waiting far the name Earth In~M -will, tree with Wier 3.00 Incognito 3.30 The Busy 5.00 Esther, Gays and lesteaos save fir Ow 6,30 Tonight right moment to strike Alwdonver PetwAta• Hulett AllrOK Weld Ca Richard Searry. 3.55 talk about the diffiCUIlles of 7.00 Bruce's Price Is Right. 7.00 Channel 4 News Idatt•g pore all dial') duos 4.00 Bolger And revealing their sexuality amino. Cml.tall• jot Ifilipialrright, t • Komi Bruce Forsyth presides 7.50 The Slot Badger, 4.15 Ace Ventura Pet and about being exiled' by larcribette II purl xl !I 3 4fm:lmel IrII.J. P•.-1 dt alkt*I* over the gameshow Short Stories: Down The Detective; 4.35 Record Breakers-, others. 8.00 Anna Ittpitt.:4T n, I t.t Ipthaa 1€ils. sac which centestanle plucked Drains. Bellast a city tweet:Jai. I inarl'. 5.00 Newstound 5.10 Noe Peter 5130 Going. Going, Gone iron, the audience can win 5.35 Neighbours 8.00 The Munstera farnolai for bombs and ro.teernyeril big prizes by displaying bullets, painted gable•end leer her Misuse? Radom 6.00 News: Weather 625 UFO. Commander Straker their knowledge ol high- walls and paramildaries. re cor wittrrne v ot-ml• 6.30 Regional News is laced wall a terrible street prices in a series of ere end sewers? Tne city has umr.=, ..reeee TI. Magazines dilemma when his only son fun games. (1* lavoli •e 7 00 Telly Addicts. A ,voal lies in a critical condition one of the oldest sewage 7.30 Coronation Street. systems in Europe. as this tOniadulaaa Wt pa, men Meese Planes tease Edition nt the 11011,e,irted alter a traffic- accident Raquel's friend Lorraine play* IT.1.91a 4 ,W w• tee film shows at/12 Show 10 Celettrate 60 7.15 As Seen On TV. This actives in VVealherteld. Dente lee poi 8.30 Thanes! Holiday Show. year of BBC television. etteten leature6 11IMS try Des forts Claire to make three music levers: Tee Martin and Hilary Pinked 7.30 Tomorrow's World a decision Nee King by I 1-year .01d Jamie take a safari holiday to 8.00 EaslEnders Alan .5 more 8.00 World In Action. The Mt 441, to 1%nnrioonw '1 nekceOf SwanSaa LIMO Kenya - ne cnose the • cei,i eititioitic,lanin•ze, that second part 47( this thc.atiditinmen. aii6 tilt ith.4A hay"rr• mara shies ilies.rinto to the Buns ey 1 2 -year.okt holiday ne's always f Nt.•pics irkpric I 411,.•1_,.. • fwd. programme's myestigalkm .lake Evans of eeieeetet, hankered after but she alk1 11110 how drugs enter our 1V) hatl c-kl,tut what is reeding and Music Therapy by Berl likes her comforts. Hew will Icuicn. fur. !toff.. It III warn In major cities. ewers:19e, also aged 12 of they cope with roughing 117 Ll 610 Sherman. Drama semis 8.30 Vets' School Brigleen. following the adventures 01 9.00 Cutting Edge: Great 9.00 News: Regional News 7.30 Top Gear klotorsport. Tat a streetwise South London House Wives. Hoovering Weather Newell witnesses this private eye Nick Sharman 111. stately home is an 9.30 Panorama. A report exciting red of the 16. has become dlsidusionwl unlikely pastime for women gigs reirriming the reality mend Eurecare sedee at Willi his career and who marry the aristocracy. teehind the trachoma' view Brands Hatch decides to gee the This film turns an of warner' Statistics show 1.06 People's Century. This invesegeline business unexpectedly cheeky and Th, MTh'. Niortnekt I aTharatt, mat Bnnph wcultinn prow/lime looks at the N%Ir I.S affectionete eye an three Cool early days of TV In the 10.00 News; Weather particularly gets, are .: Weather women who found that home, taking over horn 1030 Calendar News MeV & (2trunli hecominu InCreasingy living in a great house ei cinema and the rarer) in 10.40 Clive James - Postcard lira Fle.11111101!.,1,0, involved in violent crime From The not always a pie:Leper to 10.10 Billy Connolly's World lust a few years. and Wm/ming a great lady. principle Cup Tour Of Australia. Billy becoming Me 10.00 Homicide - Life On The source of entertainment 11.40 Prisoner Cell Block H Carinolly r.onlinues hu IOW 12.35 Nationwide Football Street. This two-patter dawn undo,. visaing me and news tor hundreds of millions or wore?, League Extra. ieliewed locks:II the blind eye el testoric eoestone of La 9.00 Murder Most Horrid ITN News Headlines American iusttee Perouse lee then I'MVe_. theatre 9.30 The Crow Road. First of a 1.20 FILM: Return From The 11.00 The American Foothiitl 011 tr. Canberra leuepart aoaptallori of rem River Kwal (1988) An Big Match 10.50 The Best Of The Frank American plot loins Behan 12.20 Transworld Sport 1“4.t.i neat* U Banks' bleekty-hernorous i Skinner Show novel guerrillas to rescue POWs 1.20 Let The Blood Run Free 11.20 Film 96 With Barry 10.30 Newsrught horn a Japanese camp 1.50 FILM: The Life Of Emile Norman. 11.15 Soho Stories Starring Timothy Bottoms Zola (1937). Oscar 11,50 Smitlie s People 12.00 The Midnight Hour and Edward Fo... wtnilirlg Noun: stamng 12.35 FILM: Boundaries 01 The 12.30 The Learning Zone 3.05 The Chart Show re el ,minee PeUl Mow. Heart 41988) 2.00 Nightschool TV 4.05 Cyber Cale 3.50 Temporary Close 215 Weather 4 no BBC Focus 4.30 JoblInder 4.00 Schools; 5.30 Close 2.20 Close 5,30 ITN Morning News LW'S - LEEDS' FIRST SPORTS CAFE NOW OPEN EAT GREAT FOOD DRINK GREAT COCKTAILS WATCH GREAT SPORT ALL MAJOR SPORTING EVENTS LIVE ON OUR 8 INK. SCREEN AUDIO VISUAL SYSTEM HAPPY HOUR 5PM - 8PM MONDAY TO SATURDAY AND ALL NIGHT WEDNESDAY OPEN UNTIL 11PM SEVEN DAYS A WEEK PLAY. NOW TAKING BOOKINGS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES THE HEADROW CENTRE LEEDS LS1 6JB FOOD 8 DRINK WITH A SPORTY FLAVOUR TELEPHONE 0113 246 0403

november 5 Flavour of the Day Tuesday Shed Seven @ L.M.U. City Site guide It's beim said that there is something motion passed in Parliament and Shod juice wrong in the world when Shed Swell N:all Seven's Geting Fur Gott' featured in sett out I AKIO plus capucit) venues al the vlrtunlly evtic., spit hittlw [wound. drop of a hat end Sleeper leo e the especiall'y ,unnner',,,, Olympic audacity to piny in venues that arc ►vo low Ournes Strange I Imes indeed. cinema for !hero_ It all goes to show how rile this Tonieht's chow, incideinally, is u special ri thing we col! "Intik snobbery" has one off before the tour proper kicks off. ABU (24524.851 tit or 11.014 rand- tarass wit hecome. in support of new single alaNing Preft,nn. riiinunet 1111311 .rnri in Tem inn 7..10em What used In he called aliernatis c rs mi.& COteCiikeltatt1i this evening is elite pic,Touify tinted ihe Diaimercum, with Baby Bud in die top Boni-1.m Night, -4n expect this gig to go oft ('unlace Road 12751M0el Shallow it ineme i tel. 01924 ith bang f ... who writes this mult'?) tisk, slid, 1321 12062.11 it kw n dieir A nr .tilto•14 Mei or, Lii. Catalonia bring wiled as an example ■ 01 regional regertetaiiiIn ill A'ales in a link Park ritiner H1111.0 117520451 lIrrnlong Nays-,... 7, Tit Lounge 1.2751661i BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV Channel 4 Neer rfoft-.....e..t. 40. 4. 311 (Meat/ i 24,161.10i itral tell till, rizr Kr.etkzol 5,00 Business Breakfast, 7-00 6.00 Open University; 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 Superrnarke 5.30 4, Tel On View. 6.30 Chain Row:tine, TK. News. 9.00 Bteaklasl News Hear Breakfast News. 7.30 Alvin Sweep: 9.55 Calendar News; Adventures Fri Odyssey, 7.00 Tile litierictidillix 1774 "1,,IIIII N.vh. Extra: 9.20 Style Challenge; 9.45 And The Chipenurike 7.65 Blue 10.00 The Time The Place Big Breakfast. 9.00 Here's One I Kilroy. 10.30 Can-I Cook. Won't Peter. 820 Fireman Sam, 8.35 10.30 This Morning: 12.20 I mime Earliel: 9.30 Schools: cook 11.00 News, 11.05 The tent Viler Sectrt!. The Record: 9.00 &shoots Calendar News, 12.30 112.00 House To HoUSe: 12.30 Realty Useful Show. 11.45 Lunchtime News: 12.55 Home Backdate: 1.00 Sesame Sheet. Seethes People, 12.00 News: Programmes; 1.40 Notch Pother House: 2.00 Fireman Sam: 2.10 And Away; 1_25 Cross Wits. t.55 1.55 Papegeno: 2,05 The Living 12.05 The Flying Doctors ;12.50 S a. 2.35 FILM. Steiceprool The Fugitive. 3.00 News: 3.05 Emmerdale. 2.25 Vanessa, 2-56 e clubs A Different Country Practice; 1.00 A Country Practice. 3.20 ITN 119491; 4.00 Fifteen To One, 4.30 News: Weather. 1,40 Neighbours:. Westminster With Nick Ross News Headlines; 3.25 Calendar Countdown: 5.00 Facie Lake: 5.45 2.00 Call My Blurt 2.30 The 3.65 News, 4.00 Today's The News. 3.30 Potames Perk. 3,40 Anton Mosenann - Naturally • Phew! 1..arth I Terrace: 3.00 IneOgnIto; 3.30 Day. 4.30 Ready Steady Conk f• I, ert,Li,.1.1.21u only Lieu. Brum; 3.40 Flornuald The Wizadora: 3.50 Zot The Dog. 6.00 The Avengers, Steed and 11-5 5,00 The Oprah Winfrey Show Tara have to down al sill' it fuellcil 1 ,..qirlit wet [IRK..., the Reindeer, 3.50 The All New 4.05 Garfield And Friereis, 4.15 track ;dial dr_t tun. C sfn L I 5.40 Prue Leith's Tricks Ot the Gaslight Ghoul of Porseye Show, 4.10 Oscar's Hey Arnold! 4.40 The Ward httsitixe. f i ti 11111, of :en Ss if) iiey p1311 The Trade 5.10 Home And Away 1886. who has seemingly numbenthip. colt ,Pr ; Orchestra. 4.35 The Gueen's Fai ard Nose 5.50 A Week To Remember 5.50 ITN News: Weather been reborn into modem 6.00 Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 5.55 Calendar times Pietism Rooms ,b,s1c cha, 5.00 Newsround MO! 4, n, an!, Ire n, 3,01 1633.0 6.10 Byker Grove 6,25 Heartbreak High. Bolton 6.30 Tonight 7.00 Channel 4 News III; pc. j1i 34}11.. IttoiiKhr 5.35 Neighbours tries lo raise money to help 7.00 Ernmeneale 7.55 The Sint Alit, 01331, 3113 bra!' .S1.131-3,133c ■t'hurlk l'itriterx 7.30 Jimmy's, A 11y-on-me-wan 8.00 mite on 11,3,33i4 1 /30, 113:-.113,.1.3.3 31k3 1.6.1 V1141141 1n qs 6.00 Six O'Clock News save his uncle's bowling (dl tic NI if 6.30 Regional Magazines alley. Meanwhile Katenna view of life on the wards of 8.30 Brookside. Spaetua fly on Bonfire night when Jules the DI rireugh. riUll 1i unreel 7.00 Holiday, Carol Smillie - areSSLassy come to blows St James's Hospital In &weird lacer ft. if Ittibtkn I •tll snee tries s cheap d wry confronts Nat and Georgia 5L311ding 131 for Jai Band° - Over Matt, and Rennie and Leeds am out*, midinfAc nilkfu rulhi tn.lu 1.200 8.00 The 6111. A lip-ott on a And can Jackie !red Ron is in Merbeita. famed ter Jane both go on a blind Ooth its glamorous robbery lands Slater in het !amain lust good friends'? 'Ilse trodpizroluo4 \ I S. 3333 t a 003 eelebnly visitors and some date. water With Alen 9,00 Animal Cannibals. One ol The Lam 14I•pqr. Piaybie cost 7.10 The 0-Zone. Dodgy are esoliaLbtremand_ reeves. NM* or a more unsavoury Westawey our moStheert-lelt volid.tracics /NJ teensy Bimini Aweir wititaw reputation being elusive In Brussels. 8.30 The Cook Report. Roger assumptions about the lupin seri, & 7,30 EastEnders. Lorraine and Neeesh Cherry reveals alt Cook and his learn natural workl is that LA 7r1 rile, 41pier)*(11:110promis David lace a canna With alsoill her latest album. and challenge another shady animals Earnest tetiscs; Aud 104 se! never ea/ wereee rem ymilrimirk.? Jne Phil and Grant decide the Backstreet Boys hill ol charader or company their own kind These hvo it's time they paid Barry the trail of broken hearts 9.00 SokIler, Soldier. A provocative one-hour another vise And Bianca they leave in their wake Second World War bomb documentaries stiatior the wants lo talk to Carol - but 7.30 First Among Equals is discovered, and the widely-held stew, gigs no one knows velem sbe ler 8.00 Pound For Pound. U. dock begins to tick 10.00 Drop The Dead Donkey. is Sally decides her Barclay Mickey Clerk and Cafe's unborn child With lace 8.00 999 Lifesavers. The story Kale Asheek1 and Alison donnt III white George flettelir, Tony Moms look at ways .2.05 Bushed On The Box 3.30 131abolic Wife lint lurk. itivtiou‘t (;17Ittli guide to how the work!- I tdom ,„ 11.15 Soho Stores 2.35 Comedy Central 3.35 Unsigned ❑ famous IROVIICourf 12.00 The Midnight Hour Ci1111111111Ls Sh)hil:{ Theatre plans to spend 3.35 Noll Fade Away 3.50 Temporary Close Pvtreta,Cluibebh 12.30 The Learning Zone 4.30 Jonnoaer £20MIllien ae rebuilding 4,00 Schools 11.35 CrIrnewateh UK Update 2.00 Nighlachoot TV 5.20 News 5.30 Close 11.45 Decision 96 4.00 BBC Focus What's your biggest worry this term? Be prepared WINTER is here

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.ace Fettle:, November 1 1996 .c1 3r november 6 - Flavour of the Day juice guide Watching the Box, BBC1, 10.15pm years of As nester T eritir. 1 shim ri Ile 31i ewer: programmes are celebra rig 60 on this programme. froth is. must Tv critics British lireadcaeting. Tonight's show bate watching TS because Cilii k them ten estigalcs the mai in which we welch tells cinema feel like tiles 're still at fork. and s' the , 'drunk? stetted? asleep?' and what effect. it are al work insist of tbe limeeenswus ens Ilres bus Ion mi. tie .,,,. Does a elaellt film make us .sit .:4, hardls cite' gel to mute,' it_ believe s intently. and if s es, does a t hat show TV though, we all welch N. for stunt of us therefore make LIN muse chattily: Time in and ee would hr stuck for things In dn. We find 11151, ur ellernetisele. do what they did 414v 111 o .1.! n 0 a Ha,. damp might Ore 1.1 go oull of the house arid. iu the old fil4)N and talk amongst ,siursttses. deep hrealls• go to a lecture. These series of BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV Channel 4

5.30 Bussiees &modest 7.00 6.00 Open University; 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 Supermarket 5.30 4-Ter On View; 6.30 Take 5- BBC Breakfast News, 9.00 Heat Breakfast NeWs, 7.30 Aiken Sweep; 9.55 Calendar News_ 7.00 The Big Breakfast, 9.00 Breakfast News. Extra. 9.20 Style Amu The Chigmusks. 7.55 10.00 The Ttme The Plate, Here's One I Made Earlier; 9.30 SChools. 12.00 House To House, Challenge: 9.45 Kilroy 10.30 Chewing Up Wile, 8.20 10.30 This Morning; 12.20 12.30 Backdate 1.00 Sesame cant Cook. Wool Conk. 11.00 Christopher Crocodile 8.25 Calendar News: 12.30 ITN Morey, 8.35 The Resera, 9.00 News Weather; 12.55 Home Street, 2.00 Summer Legend; News. 11.05 The Really Lisette clubs Schools Programmes. 1.20 Arid Away 1.25 Cross Wits. 1.55 2.10 FILM They Olive By Night Show. 11.45 s People Thunderbirds In Hindi 1.25 .6g Coronation Street 2.25 Vanessa. t19401; 4.00 Fifteen To One: 4.30 Phan Lane .1.11 6 Whiff 11011.4 12.00 News: 12.05 Pelee Zag: Food And Farming, 1.45 2.55 A Country Practice; 3.20 Countdown Gi olists Wawa non i=i3 ISSIVMr. Fit= Rescue. 12.55 The Weather Come Outside; 2,00 Chmitopber fTN News Headlines. 3.25 5.00 Ride Lake hen Sinnttliwdrehlifir =_sagsSayell'arin iltte Show: 1.00 News. Weather.' 1.40 Grote/dee 2.05 Money. 2.10 The Calendar News. 3.30 Tots TV 5.45 Anton Mosimann - Main.* at TaWn0a1.1LTINCIF nallialreatinaaVtir.IPL 0 bele. IlpiaLl.fie test tehantlw Neighbours. 2.00 Call My Bluff: Champions: 3.00 News, 3,05 Classics: 3.40 The Parioes, 3.50 Naturally ainklaadoliaparratOewrin! 6.00 Party Of Five Mae. OLON16.1Plinlee.ssest. Atin " 220 A Week In The Country, Westminster With Nick Ross: Z.zzapi. 4.10 The Twisted Tales 6.50 Fresh Pop 3,00 Iris-. 3.30 Ants in Your 3.55 News, 4.00 Today's The Of Fete The Cal, 4.20 larlyon Fantomcal: 4.45 ifs A Mystery, 7.00 Channel 4 News including UAW ILle APIMPIM Glair iath, war lauds boa Pants; 3-50 ChuckleVisron, 4.10 Day; 4.30 Ready Steady, Cook 5.00 The °pre Winfrey Show: 5.10 Home And Away. 5.40 31 Headlines and err Cum irises rfulMt.Aails tanotohlroS1 MOW 10.31:CP...1 Gel Your Cum Back; 4.35 The Weather eleesieerieNlatInthlo yiAlla 1130 5.40 Mary Berry At Home. 5.55 Weather. 5.55 Calendar: Demon Headmaster 7.55 The Slot wiser mat only 11$3. an Wood Turning Points 6.30 Tonight able Jeff trapar.ol_f_I.N.111.1Yrr nab Verse 5.00 Newsround 7,00 Wheel 01 Fortune 8.00 Brookside. Can Nat and g.& twapaudeereight 6.00 Star Trek; The Next In.alt.e.V..31) ant Prone sckw 12 5.10 Blue Peter 7.30 Coronation Street Georgia persuade Jules to sown:me Generation keep quiet, and will Lelle Nato 5.35 Neighbours. Mal opens up 8.00 In The Wild_ Hollywood 6.45 Trey And Slmon's Jimmy give into Preemie usitiswsw +earn dance tfteltilsela to Phil, Ben gels a taste of Transmission Impossible actor Richard Draytuss U..../lawei • Mgt Ike Ieai w loya omfme yogi hal sore cant UM tamptetran? a mother's wrath - and is 7.00 Testament: The Bible In sails to the Galapagos to • atinV cliwiLa 1 ipnlini investigate the island' 8.30 Wanted. A unique action 'Toy and Jo-<_ relabooship Animation. Mel de's-satin's adventure show Mai sees Wanton* ius! crralorie has been specially mysterious vekilite ilsisar wain( amass mgt. somas face to lace with if pairs 01 runners sent Cheeks 6.00 Six 0"Clock News: adapted. and Welsh out In play hicle•ancl-seek twewara. ,W1 ut..,1 stab,/-au spitting Iguanas. spies rio operatic star Bryn Toilet e(:yrLgs mainland Britain with Dona Link, wainktes. Newein ROAM Weather glare tortoises and gawp Oa,. Nita, pww.n..Alistle 1 In ...mown .nth rkr L.. sings the tale rote 9.30 The Lovers. Most men 6.30 Regional News witnesses a masked Calms Niekslis I I iissi tau Throw rho • ..wrstist 7.30 From The Edge. This Magazines booby hid murder would rather have teeth Amid' ha, 11.1711TM ism a-4. irrikqt.i., week featules prospective extracted Man go to the 1"t.,Crim 51tr. I keta#1. rr t 7,00 Small Talk 9.00 An Evening With Lily Partlamentary emehdate Getter Homes Exhibition Ira tt. 4 Laic re... filu•k• TIMM 7,30 Here and Now_ Sue Savage The outrageous !iv& aim Anne Begg, wholooics set but when a woman site 11.4t/rn LawtOy and the team make first lady of comedy Beryl Is determined, how to be Eksher•s test entertains a star-studded and Meek me news in mu wheeithaitusing MP can Geoffrey restel■ magazine show that audience with her acerbic 10.00 The Fragile Head. A new I olutzmooll 8.00 Wildlife On Two. David asides and mendable lectures hard-hating Allentoreugh narrates this poweerit three part drarria tubules In Dean Martin senes Nigel Hawthorne 4/116 investigations and tredeeth tourney Into Me cuddly but Elaine Paige and MarOnit reofilee .31 Hie people dal k world at the hueti, plays e ogre Pascoe, a tbanarnatiC gigs making the headlines baby 10.00 News At Ten- Weather 8.30 Two Fat Ladies. Jenriller hean surgeon Who is basal I 8.00 How Do They Do That? 10.30 Calendar News- Weather by doubts eolli in the 8.50 Points Of View Paterson and Clarissa 10.40 FILM: Homeboy (1988). operating theatre and in to. Dickson Wright travel to 9.00 News: Regional News: Clan slOrY sir ageing pftralio Ille lawn a mann, clink Weather Hallaton. Leicestershire, prizaloihter Johnny 11_20 Rory Bremner... Who Sk-0114 for tne annual fundraising 9 30 Absolutely Fabulous INAlkur enrich ,moil ailit Elsa? late kv 10,15 Watching The Box. Some 12.00 Weekly Planet 9.00 Modern Times, The worle w1'11, a rely it s bed tie you: others t.35 Dispatches 01 antiques is laid bare by flusllet whir promises to 2.35 FILM: Smart Money say they conical Iwo dealers who specemse in use burr to She leg time 1t931). Edwara G aboui Sae rodny s seller() expensive pieces Starring Mickey Rourke Robinson Wars as a small f our ,ti thr to the aenousty rich and Christopher Walken lows loser in a tiled big theatre 11.15 FILM: Desperate For 9.50 Naked Oily. This 12-40 Flux. This programme city poker game who sets I Love 0989). A sleet• programme tells the story nines from out for revenge with hrs of the aheimath of the will levet born DJ Ralph Ewer lie Mawns lawn, swot*. firenctstap between two Mend and assistant Wet Ent teenage boys Is shattered 1987 SlaCk rne1kel crest+ Lawson (James Cagney) when a new girlfriend 10.30 Newsnight 1,50 Dear Nick, followed by 3.55 FILM: Taxi! (1932). James 11.15 Soho Stories ITN News Headlines comes between than Cagney stars as an 12.00 The Midnight Hour 2.50 FILM: Till Death Us Do independent tali company Starring Christian Slater 12.30 The Learning Zone Part 119681 owner who leads fellow 12.45 FILM: As Time Goes By 2.00 NIghlechool TV 4.35 Jobtinder cabbies against a powerful temmlna (1987). 400 BBC Focus 5.30 ITN Morning News syndicate. 220 Weather 225 Close 5,10 moss oamisl EVERY FRIDAY AT LEEDS Every Wednesday at LIMUSU City Site suede Alk METROPOLITAN CAST UNIVERSITY SIMS

95p a pint lager/bitter/cider £1.85 treble vodka & draught mixer 2 rooms of music • Main Hall • Pop & Dance, Back Room - Indie & Retro

Admission only £1.50 B4 10.30pm, £2.50 after 9PM - 27si . .-3. 0.171 ADVANCE €:i_Y7 DeCe. Avoid the • twee!! Priority Tickets £2 from City Site & Beckett' Park ▪ november 7 'r1xxxxclolL3r Flavour of the Day A udioweb Cf LMU City Site juice guide Where to start? Maybe their recent single 111' along. the week In joke. awarded for their effort Support hand kalsse are L1.19n bar ing much garner is a Weal plan!. Forget the fuel Mil it good things said about them, so don't be munch like 'rite Soup lireigorts circa 1990, and stupid and mies them. cinema inelead get denim III its funky fusion of hip Vautch out for recruit) confirmed gigs 411 Urn hop heats. rim k guitars, dodgy lyrics and, Met, including Stervelah 25th 'Soso and 11w Ant ileaarktai 1.11 hell, a good tuned thrown In for paid Boo lifortunutelr. the n Mmel. Radley's Elie day tiller. I %tap Profseor, 011.notet Wins i'Afr kndd Wa6s T141e11• ■ measure. Live. it's a shinier story. and if von Cardigans gig has been rnosed to Bradford &eel mind Me fact that it's an NI'S. University on Nos 15th. Scully not due to cousin Reed iT7Steein lab. &Sala° Simedaw t mend. I let 111524 Irak 'trod limit el, I adomr. .[rumored 11111r then r owel be eat sulvIerel lrs pour lieket Make? 4:04211 FINIr Nei eldiny Ileum tal 5.204.f. t litreaktrot %do, I meas. 12151111)10 BBC I BBC 2 ITV Channel 4 Nen imwte.i1.4„.142301. WA -or:II /PI I 1 I , I • IA • 6.00 Business Breakfast 7.00 6.00 Open University, 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 Supermarket 5,10 4-Tel On View: 5.35 Pnt BBC Breakfast News. 9.00 Hear Breakfast News: 7.30 Alvin Sweep: 9.55 Calendar News: Stars, 7.00 The Big Breaktait. Breakiast News Extra. 9.20 Style And The Chipmunks: 7.55 Blue 10.00 The lime, The Place: 9.00 Here's One I Made Earlier Challenge. 9.45 Kilroy: 10.30 Peter. 820 Noddy, 8.35 The 10.30 This Morning. 12.20 News: 9.30 Schools, 12.00 House ro Can't Creak, Won't Cook 11.00 Record: 9.00 Schnols 12.55 Home And Away, 125 House: 12.30 Backdate. 110 Programmes: 2.00 Noddy-, 2.10 News: 11.05 The Really Useful Cross Wits, 1.55 Emmerdale, Sesame Street. 1.55 FILM roppa The Fugitive: 3.00 News: 3.05 (1941) 440 Fifteen To Ore. 4.30 Show, 11.45 SmIllie's People. 225 Vanessa. 2.55 A Country clubs Westminster With Nick Floss, Practice: 3.20 News: 3.30 The Countdown: 5.00 Ricki Lain., 5.45 12.00 News: 12.05 Snowy Rive; 3.55 News, 4.013 Today's The Re:keels: 3.40 Wrzadora; 3.50 Anton Mosirnann - Naturally. Haney Milk Row Pamir& - The McGregor Saga: 12.50 Day; 4.30 Read. Steady. Cook: The Sylvester And Tweety 6.00 New Garnesmaster shoe ryt rke /Maim. hide aril Bnrllop In &North toner wed Country Walks To Curious 5.00 The °prat; Winfrey Show, Mysteries; 4.05 Scoaby Coat 6.30 Hollyoake. Ruth An', midi. 'awing The meal uorand., N.., -It. 'Cirri,. Kole Places, 1.00 News Weather; 5.40 Prue Leith's Trick: Of The flavour at the month sari SMOLT. Lg.led.7- Nertiern 1)otmr Trade 4.15 Name That There. 4.40 Out 0111. Nolo 1,40 Neighbours 2,00 Call My Of Sight. SAO Home And Away: her flat-males, Angela 5.50 I'm Still A Tourist anti rich rhettoitinek. F roinrn *thing knew= and ta.f.. Bruit: 2.30 The Terrace. 3.00 5.40 News; 5.55 Calendar Makes a will. and Robs 6.00 Star Trek: Deep Space Incognito. 3.30 Little Bear: 3.55 6.30 Tonight plans for the weed crime MEOW* ROalli• I 4r Meow Nine. Odo has discovered The Mlle Mich Clr0. Four flour.. tow R Pia Te_to. !retie sad nub met The Chipmunks Go To The 7.00 Emmerdale. Sophie go horribly wrong. his tiornewoed and begins 7.40 Channel 4 News riper of mud,. liniori turd gel ditwo ht mot Maim Ilw tod Di Sark. Movies. 420 Julia Jekyll And realises why Kim is SISIL IL3 menthe. the slow process at linking 7.50 The Slot Rayner Hyde; 4.35 Smart: 5.00 with struggling to bond with edicts. his people. 8.00 Posh. Hew drossinguie as %reimpose Newsroom!, 5.10 Byker Grove, 6.45 Sam is James Jade and Sarah Quantum LAep. a vegetable and Meng ritiledigird1 aek,,teorai row", Ftwssi wlih 5.35 Nematioours- transported back to the welcome an unexpected A PO. Op nip bed,. ile-Ins hoe lank) nee eutf visitor. The future of business with pleasure can 6.D0 Six O'Clock News Wild West and into the make you money wen yea. in 404 NUS ma) E1.1.1 a part wild Monied Emmerdale Fenn Is finally norm .4 OM NY. ellk $.1•11.1c■ 6.30 Regional Magazines body of Tyler Means, a 8.30 Desire. A glossy magazine decided. seidi Ilya, 7.00 Watchdog ganstnging hero Who has show with its own alenita 7.30 The Big Story. Dermot E_' nintui$109 ttertlirrertrand 7.30 EastEndera. Carol comes cleaned up the town of and melee* and learareg iabir Lome the tee tu Senn Calm. Arizona Mumaghan reveals how Wits re rules Mgt.& El Miredtm. home to lace the music. me most knowleageatie clatter Parker'. 7.30 pronunenl members or the sitowory •• writhing flab dames cull Doe. 4par duce li t Regional Programmes insiders and ceietenea Tiffany prepares to go to Royal Family trade their 111 A silty Domed NIA 140pra. ceito 2arti.15 t‘nme• f 1.6 8.00 The Works. Minette 9.00 Dispatches Paris - unaware of Grant's Wailers and the Missing titles for monetary reward. 9.45 The Lloyds Bank FairerattaM nab Mee hidden agenda. And Mark Masterpiece_ Como fiction ma• wl.er irsartFersuttg be theldt whether It be tree designer Channel 4 Film nM infiltrate? nil obi ‘Irmil Lore comes clean with Martin. becomes crime fact when dresses, flights around the Yaw leveed OM +Leaked, Kea* a Sect new n are errYnck Challenge: Bantams. ikalnt Ii...•■•■■••41.11,1 ciiviel B.00 Animal Hospital, Reporter crime-writing queen Nvoillo Crane. f*b.1.1.411.1) ✓ world or the promotion of New series. Following a inyl Jim lad. Stave Knight spends the Nanette Walters is let loose wearers products ILLS GAITIW WW1' hal, !I. ant wale nationwide competimri to .Bell, .11 Lill, the Iliendriew on a celebrated art-world busy weekend before 8.00 The am_ MOnroe and rind Britain's moat talented, Off de wall. lsu rl 'den mystery that a imif {en E Bonhre Night on dcaderil Ackland suspect innovative young Chlb Urepo 8.30 Top Gear. Till Needed .wt,',. +, torpid: mew ten d pin and emergency duty with series of apparently scriptwriters. the six tests the Caterham 21 - unrelated incidents across inspector Jon Storey the grown up version of the winners see the is Presented by Rolf Harris. Sun Hill may be linked to their tabours on the s.7.•eeti legendary 7 Will this new Me release of a psychiatric 8.30 Birds Of A Feather. 10.00 FILM: Beauty And Denise car hold the same patient But where will he Conan is in need of all the 11989). Ingenious, Iash gigs attraction to Caternalll strike next? loving support she can ger devotees? moving thriller startle 9.30 is 11 Legal? Dinah Menet as a pee from Sharon and Tracey 9.00 3rd Rock From The Sun, 9.00 Thief Takers. Donachie's Emmy Award-winning wise-cracking Feast A Firkth She's horrified at the past returns to haunt him Mob Two sitcom about lour aliens policewoman who lass prospect of being in the shape of William I AO; ro. SAe who come to Earth in danger and death wridn Mathew ,,dd. • 0- 4ttim.• pregnant, but Terrified she Parker, an armed robber human term. She is assigned to protect !if I.en, Muth may never be able to have who he helped to frame for 9.30 band Traveller. Oliver a murder wItness Grerie rape Stramiten children. Sacks, famous tar his 11,50 Four-Mations: 9.00 News: Regional News: writings on the human 10,00 News At Ten: Weather Continental Passions 10.30 Calendar News: Weather Peep'. Well Weather mind, embarks on his 12.25 Moviewatch 9.30 Absolutely Fabulo us second worldwide journey 10.40 A Current Affair 1,00 Four-Mations: Shorts 11,10 Short Story Cinema 10.15 They Think All Over through the mysteries of 1.40 FILM: The Cat And The 11.40 Prisoner Cell Block H Fiddle (1934). MGM 10.45 Question Time. Guests the brain theatre 12.30 FILM: In The Line Of musical starring Ramon ickide Mime Labour 10.20 10 x 10 10.30 Newsnight Duty: The Twilight N4VafT4 as a composer Party Deputy Leader Roy 11.15 Late Review Murders (1991) who Falls for an Amerrtan Ha tlersiey 12_00 The Midnight Hour 2.10 Not Fade Away Weanefte MaCDOrtaidi in Wet Vurk't rlieybruisr lin ',rend 11.45 Clive Anderson All Talk 12.30 The Learning Zone 3.10 Flux Brussels . 12.20 FILM: Bagdad Cafe 4.10 Bushell On The Box 3.15 FILM: Gold Diggers Of 2.00 FETV Short Cuts (liar Meats (19881 4.00 Languages 4.35 Jobfinder 1937 (1936). Shuman.. tansy thew 1.50 Weather 5.00 Business And Work 5.30 News 4.50 Close 1.55 Close

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le of the big ones is here. House Drld awakes to our shining city. HARVEY NICHOLS Dst city this side of Watford. CLARE re wins the fashion gurus' approval then sill ground Iltxir, but it is fairly t WO being currently inlise Of anonymous. lust going (11111YELI I uhie in the London Ching an So basically 4 good store Store. tnio there is also NICOLE FAPH1 al Olen, with itk own runge of huge beauty section stigma cloohing, but if you had the there denotes capturing designers ouch as choice between here and Chanel. Clarins. Donna from the Harvey Nichols where you as a Karon, and Gaultier. _m it an would yen gri' accessory store' featuring Imo s person of Philip Treacy, %Inner in Ow such ins MeMI• .inV ihirlir Liritinti Fashion awards PS, t to you. and it obi/musts discerning to be outdone by House Nr an and dares If you would bit) Fraser, they also cupids These designer clothes. then taste' snrvices.. 1101 when he 1.thtid it seems as if Harvey questioned about the Nichols in the one tor you VCilf tiudent. have devised rhulcy. mine!) Inughed .11 Velsacc Sorry, Harvey !dicks, for they dent't nece,..sarity the opponent- s mime there . and or replars wouldn't date call in Haile!, Nick:, iltev told woos mottling else to rtssoi of anything eke. In foci me, hug instead 'we In taut Roves from lean since Patsy made Ilion cappucithoed in Harvey 141,00.0,,, didn't e:,,ers II the new shopping mint flan-1011N. lishcks''_ So, 1 aslc., will this need a gala opening ses such as Harvey Nicks has /seen he thsi end of turtle Joce. for Astounding the world with humph irnmorthlisest. the liorvey Nicks restaurant their choice ill venue. as rovoke The Fashion Director of on the fourth Omit could welt as pros tding Vogue Magarine describes nude easily become as comossersial advertising. her it is i he store -Harvey Nichols 1S nationous as eating on the and being the fire in the r 5th what the industry calls fifth floor at the London country to stock MAC and amps 'destination shopping.- In counterpart. I could yulte Avedu stands was enough other %nab., just going easily fancy -Thai spiced Mete Were queuep, outside offers there denotes that you one a fishcakIng of Harvey Nicks the door, even on the service,. as Fierson of discerning taste. with coriander relish". set.torid 1. Beauty attuned to ail Itout is The content of the store Absolutely fabulous. ns. Goff faith ionahle and modern." sewn, Of little friCleance ateranim So, no wonder that ma many now, as it is really the name ii reach fashion gnats. ot Waltntille... that aurasts, hul Harvey cc floor go there more* so sample Nichols do stock clothes as tut the the SIM41‘phere, ksr lie well In abundance NO seems. spotted only can you sample any fur Von S. helm! cnprlett slesigner from Cerruti, & et .o by SItotenl liOarnes doesn't (3. Armant. Helmin s't afford mean alai Ihr• place is- WO Lisper Conran Jean Mort, Zrai Fri of bounds, Windom durp Nicole Tartu, °the-al. K. a darlings One up oo this is Lenerg. Lai:rots, Anna Sul. ewer the concept that owe' yes:rind Nada and Gucci. the last


nothing memorable controversial 6110 billboards featured on BBC news Irlie

gala night min Lee delayed opening Sharpe, and free wIlhOut warning, but hoOzo 10,10 Queues to gel in 5110

:RS coast, Levis. BRta, Gucci. Prada, Aveda. Morgan 5'10 MAC 10110

known tor dosing Absolutely Fabulous rather than opening 10,10 Mame Ui10 15/40 35/40 STUDENT Guardian/ NUS Student Newspaper of the Year 4 days_..


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november 1 1996

While spending her summer on a work programme, REBECCA TAYLOR fell in love with the lifestyle, the colour, the food and the people of San Francisco beaches, hills and a because ti was where all the I was lucky enough to be in not get bored. In fact. San city you can he in amongst multitude of beautiful hippies and flower children Sari Francisco at the time r d the Franctsco has the highest ratio nature of many varieties. Sawtli •i.: sun was used to Ming out. li still has 199n Gay Pride Parade This of eating places to people in the of San Francisco is the Big Basin anti unity other national shining, the buildings. Where was remnants of that era about was a four hour estravaganta US - everything from S3 of costumes. floats, placards. Mesis.311 narrate. Its $50 award parks. home to redwoods and sky was blue I? I was arriving in the place, a few real hippies dancers and musty with people wtnning resunuunts. other native American trees. surstive and lotts of young and from San Francisco for the from all walks of life taking Visit the Golden Cate park. North across the Golden Cale T hippy wannabes. There are Bridge is Marin county, where every angle I.seemed first time. pun. You name a. they were which is very pleasant to walk to see something I spent three months numerous hart, and cafes, as there? aniund, but also has attractions you can visit small towns irn working in one of the well as whole food, clothes Walk around Chinatown fur such as the Asian art MusetriM the edge of national parks. or different. The ocean. the sights end smells of the end the Japanese tea garden. state beaches, busiest hotels in and 'smoke* shops. In San Francisco, unlike Orient and eat cheap and may At the West End of the park is San Fnmcisco is very the city, while many US cities. you don't base gamine Chinese cuisine Ocean beach which is 'an multicultural and has an elnatst on BIJNAC"s to have A Car because a very Further pasi Chinatown is little pretty. but the ocean is freezing fiunspean feel to it which work America good public transport network Italy and North Beach Chock even in summer. makes it very different to other programme. I et 'sin This Includes numinous our an Italian restaurant, of one At night gel yourself up to I IS cities. It sometimes scents buses. trams that go both under of the latheinten little cafes tir Twin Peaks, where on a Clear that almost everybody is from was living in the end tasertimund. and the BART rasokshops at North Beach - meta son can see the glitteting ir nnewhcre else Rut unlike HaightlAshbary ttay area rapid transitt subway where Jack Ken thas rail Dylan t d Nan FraliChSCO, other pans of the US, this area of Salt melting pot of ratinensto, caulk: Francisco near sociiil elitiuma hackgrounds rlitestft. Will to r..iirse the famous `In San Francisco, there is something pruhirms. People come to San Golden (late Francisco from everywhere hr Park, where the to suit everybody's tastes and wallets. had a new life for themselves majority of the and the numnity of Ibeta succeed houses arc the You can eat out daily and not be bored' I'm not Clarallatt tiro beautiful Fran;imai is perfect. Ina wmiden framed taklatal and fierkci,.., t everything taken aim account. Victorian There .111 ■1/1.1111 111111:4, lorry to Alston-kr b , ,t1,01 the a is certainly an ttheiring place tire. s buildings which C111 and hi see and sin in San 11141- 13.111S lost.: which has ari it %stearin One of the It cal TV Francisco, f k.eracim, errant list situ num pi ,units) !env. or go is the pretty stations 'aims that their city is, San Francisco is them all and almost don't Linos AS.in Frant.1,0 I packed Brost i Inn of S31.1,41110 -the hc• place nn earth- I'm famed for. where to begin. In the city full of cafes. restaurants and Alternately try Berkeley. which non mire about that. hut San The area centre walk round the financial takeaway Moil anat. serving Is very much a 0:liege MUM. 1.1.111CF:I.74 I is certainly one of the became very district ;the Well Street Of the es cry kind of food you could stuffed lull of funky coffee hest plat:v. 111.01:ever hitch to famous in the Wes0 and see all the elegantly possibly imagine Tropic sa!, shops, second-hand clothes I'd at hack in a flash even halt 1960's and '711's dressed business (saturninity that you can eat am at a shops end bars a shance rushing around Making money. flinereat place even day stud Within tin hours drive of the 43 our.. Who killedkilled the radio star? You want to surf radio waves of a different kind. Slurping MATTHEW REVELL looks into radio station websites the Net

evifi'.,me chemist coleus have null echnophobes uiquilly le:Iowa' 10 When atone or Caning tptatitir Tit' Radio I 0:instantly rev oed .N.cording simiellting :red thr Net allitsys for atkltlr vial ate doe.; rum actitall) hntatLast andienc• feedtinek. John Ousiw. AlihotIgh111lIT explixied into -youth see the Internet utiormaion nnl normally the sushi in'S output hut ingc.Ad Lharge of the Virgin Ratio ntay 110r he the / culture• as some might as a huge tolahle with a fraho. 1,, be provides accompany ;iv material sit•_ says that the tiiin behind it ealuipment tho • have hopet1 but they can assault on the toceiNcd Britain'''• three Intuit to the vasujotls prOFTIMIII1Cloo. One is to give lititerieTs a elitinec to 11,441.1 to the Guth r. he a fun. sociable way or T popular alitlii11111 radio Nlattoti. oi the more interesting pert* -I et behind the scenes of the mentioned .ITC ‘.44414111111.4 traditional media - aging the Internet. Grub a Virgin Radio and allows you to mit. your ran station and lit (cell Up the worth a visit Vitgin Radio's. site BBC kudio I. cup of cattier, sit down televisions will he relics Allarun: 2A1 all have viekttes jingle, but the icsi is much the station to a new audience. It tit In) Personal tavotuite. of a long lost age of same IA the certainly lives up to these aim allowing people from uciriss the mind slurp while you surf innocence, radio will he station • mediocre by bitraditasting the station's globe to listen to the station and Staplin. have decided to Atlantic output across the Internet and pnivitltrig a service which is mute i ntii the world of the remembered only by 252's wchnite allowing the user to knout arty original, niftier than an t.ernafe at their Mond., those old enough Iii 41111 under around. tint only giving advert tor mirnething else ti `51.iplin siOte heir in Le, ,! have received their construction but ts nuekeround information On mo horn 155.. :thing it an 'Internet car ugh_ might he a little telegram (which will promising. Avon: presenters but also showing boy. • • • It doe , not the advertising department ...curate 'Cigna of the st..,.. have. of course, been e- hnutkurl the weeks and whin tbc studios look Mning In . lit tables. two ik's and a ntailed from the current slat,' in's output like Unlike many websites, the .iki. rnachine' could he om Mt march i and NIT and but provides liCkeffirting on the Virgin sit 414 BBC Radio 1 •-•.cription. However. lit hit hhc to Aft adiol iportant tiling is the Intern,. !Ors Smith will spend background INI ►-4thrthriVC, ins you 94'041't fund information on the yourself annoyed :at hawing 10 .,iiss hitiplin offer free their evenings trawling Varirturi. I.)Js and wall 101 a line advert to appear A thantk252 puce training which will el .. through page after page line station itself On your screen. In fact_ due to htlpllwww 1C2- vont .01 the most inexpenenaid of text... The hest pun cit die easily navigable layout of •L, Ist1I1 a hails working altmowing .b.-wit (rim the the whole site is the site. you vhottliin't find Virgin Radio . ,..wieditc (11 the Net and Oil . nn 'Moil io areover querti• Micro& That sires Is almost tltt nudio picture runielf annoyed with it at al! iittp.11ia-wwvuultiraitio.co.uk like say vie 00 moanotile %kill ow gallery. simply Rather than minply beinr PolOatko.1,1 Irk.% 1,1011 1,1' Tailor because It holt-on to an existing sec.• . ,4.;11■C, ISMS USA ,Ahlr LZICS411.oli Includes a 1. kick, tin advert for aw.11,7, sr view's Is 1,CC4)III11117 in re nonill.5.- Ilir of a ‘-.11 stgluluire Virgin Radii' llama have any newt, f12 or pleas for help. comma Immo isa more .1 trattiport .11 a tuniuble nisch. changed alter tlatLnt('s Computing trelivte method for other roodia, new irgm ;ism' whites and Ratio lid the teeth Smdent's anti old. w•bsite. 4.1111101W industry types, editorial atldreAs or be email Radio is one of the media like the %taint') students um the largest nest canted to the Internet - ii is itself_ IS usergmup of the Virgin 'OW, it at irsampro Illfl,bs.1:11e and ...tumid should prOvide NEWSAGENT net OWNER: MOIIAMMAI) NET STORE



IMF:- 1% tvW.0-11Ct.tiut ',vs; lancl hutss,YOU YOU SPEND £5.00 OR OVER rr U-NET .... . -LI( ,DiNc; plitENE f-ARDs 8, slArmisirr SUBJECT TO AVAILABILITY FREE! FREE! FREE! FREE! Cyln'Icsoik Foot US Electio notes ARGARET MThatcher claimed to have banished socialism to the history hooks. No one appears to us the Bil have told Paul FOUL the SWP member and journalist who visited Ws a lesser-known fact that on Tuesday Leeds this week. Talking to a gathering of the United States goes to the polls. Socialists from a multiplicity of societies, he shared his Opinions on No one appears to care - except, it everything Fount Third World poverty to why seems, RAFAEL BLOOM limy Senn should he Prime Minister. With so many worries it is surprising Mal hr manages to ITH the most sleep at night. important After much of the customary Blair hashing the elections on .ut 01 thcrti debate was turned user to the W riesp/10 dip 141.1 11411 the face of the globe floor. 111111.: will bd.:, e anything or 'lo quote Mars Or only days away. the nature ahoul Bell nut to quote 'Slant, that was the commotion is Chgotii oil) attempts II} the question posed by one heave keptihlicillIS 10 make points:al conspicuous bv its soul who begged for copies of hay out of rl hoist with hole An Avila! 141 ie left a1 hinny. absence. On Tuesday su■.-CesS_ plea Inc the left to unit sib% the United States II ',cern., that they met 011111 applaiisV. Min 4horruu his smoking votes, a decision that Dc. 110% ITIP.1111 use can dope, Whites:ma, exposing expect IP s•lse 5401.5.% members will guide the world's timiselt 10 a xeerefary, dodgmg and l.ahour Students skipping progress for the nest Me draft or being a member of hand in hand orotund the the Communist Party Well. four years. 'So what?' union? 1 think nut. they might care:1110111 the last I hear you cry. tniC II ,,crt true The cry is deafening. F.ssent idly what the nohlte and more than ever 1‘..1.111. Is Simpson before, it has an American Premlem, irrrperlcci. n1N lo mention nihileti flows, arid ascent. The great the, someone with whom one personality clashes of the can identify this could he said past that gave us nutters Ili he good nes s last an like Nixon and Reagan decimate has woken up to the are no more_ fasi that politicians are a media Now ponection, and that grand' a supremely dull sounding litograrrunes of %vial the tlorgise the pant dole and inept old man challenge. shame iii 11 nes.ct turtle Io Silleue. Si' w by Vole r, 4 grinning, waving soundbite 11,100,11 Thus they mil vote for HOP, 01/4,11: has offered the merchant whom the public Hill t"linittli. Inc this time he is ries:tonne a universal 15 pc( widely believe to be corrupt_ promising norinini in particular caul while Most of the people in the ccept 01111P 01 the same Inman) 11.11011:104 LLr the Slates couldn't care less lis,,;111) -minded Americans, is I: exactly the I) pc of anyway they di 111 't care , no: tot c‘.11111,tr 1011 ekctian pn initNe rime public hose teanrnl over there. ui v. h) should I(Torino int riviNcil I,r slush I.Aps 1411 lilt' 111111.110 nor hl Ins i we over here' ended up 1-m.04 them 1, tlw tic has been incapable ni hasicalls hiuysits. we. lust tulle 4,1 S200 Imilwu St. Ott, t!ch!.thilF.Clirit■ni ,othiell, don't Bill riinton 1, trine lie is lend, rri-4: to rill inirci142, mi. -.1;:hate, 1),1c is win and grin, and hob Ik,is will roionstnc am. Ming that toodii only leading in toh,14,0- pres-ently retire and. prohably. stretch credifslirs. producing states like North cAtitre. So, wind's the ;isnot.' Fie alw l haw tire licneilt ol Carolina_ and in the moral's The point k that. lot esample. already tieing President. Over funned Bible belt Oh, I cam tell each or than men is spending a the last four yews the econoot) what you're thinking who million dollars. tier} single day has surged out of recession, and care'' For once, it seems the on TV adverts that no one will 11,1+.c1..tt lintish and the Americans _tet:c watch. How stupid .-an they be, nn politns. she might look happy, but that's only because she .41 UJI is safe in the .11. • ler knowledge that Leeds Student Know your has-beens' guide No 34: Bob Dole. an old bloke who is about to retire she's had her (gas appliances tested - 72-rear-old Huh Dole was !Ansi' hack -showing• a kern ass:1nm,, 01 the with art LUU together after World %Var. Two. sensibilities of the American 'while, urn' on record as saying that cigarettes carbon monioxideo • As a result. he can use his left am only weren't had Fur sow. detectbid for es entiml political gesticulations. - Florida's many pensioners won't Sate • After haranguing'Tinton for ho attegert for him either: they know whit it's like infidelity, on Australian wnrnan,laimed to he 72, and reckon a sedate round of to hint been Dole's mistreo- from 19141;72. self to hr a more suitable activity than balancing the federal budget with one - lie will preside the hest image of the hand, and having the other itit the entire campaign: crashing arm-find nuclear button. arbor' monoxide detectors are available from through a fake moue balcons onto the Especially if only one of them floor whilst tampahming In 1. alifornin_ works—. UU Welfare Services, 1st floor Union Building

18 LEE°, swam 00.10$211 4 1986

Union. ireits,I.G1 tilts. Altumdltvaiy. rains your TrIvbsai.z•: tr. • don't get mad, get personal potters. marked for me mien/Ion of Leeds 5tort•at

_tell that bloke front DIT that 11111 spinach laver bake, 'if tero ards I'll &ms lustful musings. Gary [touch fancy his pants... tell your flatmate take you upstairs for a double - CO(' me scull adYettY earlier Only 14 that his fret stink...1 ell that Niwl Strawberryfields. Darling days tit go until LSR iR hack on the To Gallagher lookalike that he's sad-. definitely l'atO, it 4.1111KIN airwaves - check it mit. Good Luck tell the whole world what you think lab. Sign up lordly. linnunl la.txls Rag to Dins. Ales & the rest or the advertise in this space call of your hest friend-. tell Ps illem Pans hitch. Fri ?qui Nos -Sun 1st team. 141Ia1 stunning schedule Ives gorgeous.- ask for a dale.- Dec Stage musical society line-up with top 1/„Cs from all the arrange a rendez.voos... have a lose production of Chess. Its coming major clubs in town. 'rune in. turn Helen on affair in print... ask for things you soon in December. Congrats ort, drop out, [lose & Duo eel those want or need._ tell anyone for lots of blood, sweat and hips swing toy Casa I mina sviiti 2 anything, hut do it here and do it tears from the dream team. Mobile 1..d 11.1Vs. Katie, sorry that the 231 4251 now, Personals are free & fals sot chiropodist -home visits. Air, Peter usual Wednesday night joint won use & abuse them, Ring 231 4251 I tut t. Alssch. Alltcha. felt oi l s user you & Colombia. Hope "4111 anytime day or night & lease a 2112.412. ,Ange - sou chotISC had a fantastic birthday. 1 hanks to message on the answ trillium, or any iime. any evening. my round George for rotor:ling up trumps & hand your message into the porters. •cos Doulth only £1.111 In StrAishs broadcasting the nests of try1( To thr gob .11 10 Grnnttii.r tc lenace Bar -ring me. ,Alcs arid g.ssi What a star for getting on the case Neil wants hi, side,. Irti-k. Saran wort as usual. illapps 111r1hdit) Immediate!, and what - NIGHTLINE err the bast hood in the world. EMMA Leeds Slattleot - 50 years old. 1. nol■North. Aire FAL Yorkshire Features genius and her lop 50th imgrallulatimr. turyrryonc Post & lorkshire Es ruing Birthday lue learn - Thanks for ins ids ed in the popes with the Pust...m heti are we going to take supreme effort while /1• were all stunning news that a e're officialls riser the world? tlreads fmropes pissing it up in London -Alike. the greatest'. trope e very Inn has largest, where ran we go from NIGHTLINE LISTENING Chris Clore. Let i idlers }201 a kilt fully recusered from the decadence here?' Congratulations to All you 243 9997 III! Snip Bruce bring imumucutl■of last weekend & hope the hang- gold ticket holders „you're already Hacked. conic to CC and :Ms ,ind overs from last night arc not 6111 a winner so get your ticket ha the ay notRAfirous shift' Darting nasty. Ales - die Orris arc nut ti. Leeds Student office at either the NIGHTLINE INFO LINE fancy it cheap weekend in Paris? gel you...walsb out. mrw. hope your Alet orthe Col and lay claim to a We can stroll down the 'ham,» apnt massage was divine. Dave. stunning prize. l'hankyou to 243 9998 Elssres. , sip champagne by the thank, fax the lift to London 5 hack everyone who contributed a prize Seine. & if sou raise enough mimes Its good to he hack in the efficient & for the competition...Regulation it could he free. cis il,sed North'. Jen, you & gin & I75g sports discs (frisbees!I ha- 8PM - 8AM C101111 tip in I reds ti, No■ritilsri tonics are the winning combination. ssle only £7. Various colours. ('all Ain ime interested see Gan in etc,. Relax. drink. enjoy & bring Pete on 275 9351. Congratulations EVERY NIGHT OF TERM Jar -1 can have is juicy rare steak outrageous ...sorry for my to the frisbee tram for doing so well tiredness. obsession with work at the weekend and you can have a mushroom and I. Doubles £1.10. Bottle of pits £1 All IS YOUR SOCIETY ADVERTISED night, every night. Strawbs Bar (above WANTED! Strawberryfields Bistro). "Pretty damn wondrous HERE? meal & despity the quality d won't break the WELL IT SHOULD BE. bank." Indulge yourself. Highly recommended by Part-time delivery CALL HELEN ON 231 4251 Leeds Student Strawberrytields Bistro. Tel 12:431515. Bookings taken 1-40 drivers by local 1 STUDENTS! - DISCOUNT RATES: *FRANCO STUDZINSKI* pizza company. UNDISPUTED KING OF BURGERS. CVs. DISSERTATIONS, YOU'VE TRIED THE REST NOW TRY Full training will be WORD PROCESSING etc THE REST i given. Call 242 7333 Work Carried out By Appointment to meet Outside -rhe Faversham - Thurs. Fri. Sat after 4.30pm your deadlines •us seen on iluk• Hein/ 1,etchup & grilled burgerz• Contact Toni on (0113) 230 4156 DRESS FOR LESS--- (24 hour answerphone available) THINKING OF CELEBRATING AT (HEADINGLEY - based.) CHRISTMAS WITH YOUR THE SALVATION ARMY FRIENDS? CHARITY SHOP WHY NOT COME TO HEADINGLEY 175 MLANIN 001i IL( iAL), L I LDS 7_ --r• a a PAVILION, SITUATED AT THE ALSO 1 I. illi, FAMOUS CRICKET AND RUGBY FURNITURE, BOOKS, BRIC-A-BRAC, LEAGUE GROUND AND ENJOY A RECORDS, T \ITS. NILIMAT n 5' OPEN MON, TOES, THURS, SAT ir CHRISTMAS BUFFET/DISCO AT 9.30AM - 4.00PM 40 L 13.85 OR A CHRISTMAS DINNER FRI - 9.30AM - 12.30PM AT C18.50. CLOSED WEDS INTERESTED? THEN CONTACT BERYL ON 0113 2786428 LOOKING FOR A CATHOLIC CHURCH NEAR KIRKSTALL BREWERY Thursday Night = Irish Night RESIDENCES? la body piercing studio with a different attitude Every Thursday night THE NEAREST IS RATHER DISTANT! ) piercings by Doug & Jeannine A SPECLAI. ITHOLIC STUDFNI- MASS IS ) full friendly advice - all piercing concepts discussed in the Doubles Bar NONN ARRAN( ; ED FOR 4P!AI ON St -NDAYS I 100°re hygienic and sterile studio from 8pm till 11pm DURING 'TERM AT ) extensive stock of jewellery ) last custom Jewellery service Irish Ceilidh band. I SANDFORD METHODIST CI i "RCH. BROAD (bring your LANE, ONLY 5 MINS. WA11\ 1-ROM TIALLS. TURNING BODY PIERCING INTO AN ART METHODIST SERV IC -I ARE ALSO HELD instrument if you AT THE CHURCH ON SUNDAYS - I0,45AM & 2A Clitt Mount, Woodhouse. Leeds. LS6 2HP want to play along!) Irish Stout! h.30PM, 0113 225 0405 Irish Set Dancing EVERYONE WELCOME! (beginners welcome!) piriges is (lc NIGHTCLUB IF:11f OPENING THURSDAY 14TH OPENING NOVEMBER! DNESDAY 13TH NOVEMBER! ComeDancing LEEDS' ONLY 7 NIGHTS Tuesday 19th Nov and A WEEKL,DM EVERY TUESDAY ENTERTAINMENT BAR la LEEDS' GRANDEST MONDAYS - IRISH NIGHT STUDENT SESH1 TUESDAYS - COUNTRY & WESTERN WEDNESDAYS - DUELLING PIANOS Dance, DRAUGHT LEEDS and BEERS CITY THURSDAYS - SOUL & Rn'B Britpop... El PINT FRIDAYS - DUELLING PIANOS "SEE THEM & SCREAM" BUDWEISER SQUARE SATURDAYS - MORE DUELLING That's £1.50 BOTTLE just my 0113 242 PIANOS cup of DECODA SUNDAYS - JAZZ - MELLOW tea' £1.50 4333 OUT JAZZ JAM BOTTLE OPEN: Mon-Thera 71,m - 12am Friday 4pm - 1 am Saturday 7pm - lam Sunday 7pm Late N UMER REPORT: TRAWBERRY F ELD

ou undoubtedly already know the gorgeous) grilled halibut on the menu, and claims phenomenon that is Strawberry Fields - a wine 'cellar' stands out a bit from the average remember, it's that place where you lost pizza, curry and chips-orientated student y your marbles after getting heinously pissed foodhouse. And the food lives up to its billing- on copious amounts of cheap vodka intending to go everything that we sampled was perfectly cooked out for a 'quiet drink'. But did you know that there and well tasty to boot. Throw in huge starters, is actually a top-notch restaurant lurking delectable desserts and smooth, tasty wine and it .,,. underneath the den of all adds up to a pretty damn wondrous meal. And S BA" inequity upstairs? For despite the quality, it won't break the bank - you STRAW° starters, its got what is can easily get a three course meal for under a UPSTAIRS probably the biggest menu termer. outside of the Queen's Hotel, I do doubt whether everyone gets the star OM, VODKA, DOUBLE and an astounding selection treatment we received, but we kept a sly eye on RUM, WHISKY of other tables, and spotted that the courteous, quick 1 1 0 vegetarian and vegan and helpful service was extended throughout. dishes; something you This is a proper restaurant without proper nova oF pits LAGER don't get in many places, restaurant prices, so you can indulge yourself 00 even student joints. But completely without worrying too much about the el • nine then this isn't yer average price. And don't forget that afterwards you can , eve" Ail Flewseve student restaurant. drop all your pretensions, go upstairs and drink Bistro Anywhere that has fillet doubles for £1.10 a go ( all evening, every evening) steak and (absolutely until you fall over. Brilliant. David Hamilton.

2O F Ds STUDENT racing Novernhee 1 itign IT'S BACK FOR A THIRD YEAR, AND IT'S EVEN BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! SAINTS ALIVE! Southampton's six goal mauling of champions Manchester Utd is set to have fantasy repercussions far beyond the Dell ORIt %1 may rarely ha% e THE REFEREE (WIOTTY'S troubled lb% N on21,'111 7,1 Nionli1.14.1 N.,,L F urns ision %I1/n. 1, MARVELS 11:: .1 /1.11 but Southa pton's ► 41 I ....10r1.1 .1 rid With star striker new striker Egil lam time

Ostendstadl has shot 1,2 Savo Milosevic off past the likes or • ii: fount III to Italy, the BBC Shearer. Ferdinand 41t41nt. h1.tt h1 sits v.c11 tut commentator may and Fouler to lead all those v.ho 'kept 11:c find himself in for the was in the early, 101111 weeks or the Total Lad A, hat •t that a long hard season hirheil• ilithwrit- hahic '1114•Li WK TOTAL Football season. delen•:•• • c- in the IAN WALKER -2 4 His hat-trick h,111T1 Ills edge II Saints 6-1 thrashing of Ihl ren...1t) at:2a, even till DAN PEIRESCU -1 -4 the Red Devik Iasi hacking theist ILtric STIG BJORNEBYE 0 0 Saturday earned him a S iAnicicliLd w.l. 1051 1,0 COLIN COOPER -1 -2 whopping 14 points, and • Flapptng ERLANO JOHNSEN 0 -3 guaranteed him the he could Only 1006 sl,•, rd. ROE LEE -2 2 `bargain buy' tag for real at 11 to s,lv "011 1111, not PAUL MERSON 2 3 hfe manager Graeine anidhei gnat cometled Wh) Souness and any Leeds did 1 pick m1>cll Anil (1,,r) DAVID EIECKHAAI 0 -1 PallisterIn tn) lama+) Inaitfr EGIL THE VIKING: New calker Ostendstedt shows how its done NOEL WHELAN 0 0 fantasy counterparts who ot. the firm tidal tooth:ill ..- ii,„111,1•• maiti-i an ,1 I li , ..1,1,- 'rd I Iu. 0 Ted card, SAVO MILOSEVIC 0 were smart enoueh to pla)„er II) metke Itit. III chaigc. Ar.cli.tl N14110.0, 1a1,14,, sea ,011 h) eeping it teal not.. Roy 1),c,atie sail purchase the usualli• top the hill, 41111 three oil the trot. w hile the DAVID UNSWORTH (swp) 6 6 have nit exi_use train not Scandinavian striker. ,titrenit .) Dave Seaman and Gunnel ' right-hack is on I3 finding some battier brave. Total Value (140 million) 2 5 things Lee Dimin lead the .0:a) point. helped t3> Cult strike tnehestriling all 0104! ti ul tackle- hum with the The Ithgland frialkeeper ha, of the year try a comfort/114c 1, hrieht :mil hcatottal behind ....i•mtrN and •Ilto dig cream! the manewhat trouts: reputation 11 Will .1gsllistGeorge HOW DOES YOUR SIDE COMPARE? 6111u■1r.1,1: t , the Some thing) of con of beim. teguLtr het for 1:111411, 1311111111111.3 1614-11 1.nts.1, Mile WEEK TWO PLAYERS SCORES: Are you striking gold like the Saints?

.0,111,1 LI.-1♦ ,. I : i - 111. . All scores are correct for Premiership matches played Ale, . AIe LA*41101 Lit ,. ■■11 PAIMIK 1 1 . fro[ 1)11 AKA 0 a tit- 11.611/ft LEIF I . I Ilk w IT 11ER 51.1 11.4 -0 II pt. ..Akou: y from the start of the Total Football season to Monday ,,..r. I ukt Mt Al tg X I IN n o .1 7 jon60,. LEL 4. Il r 14 DuNis 28th October. .%i g 0 1111 fl)(11161.14SL 1.1, a a t I I RALIEDE III 1 1 1 ', 110111:410. 111 hl A I ' /v.". r 10511 1.11 a 1 i .1 10,111114ION Lft U II In• WILED, RI • ••• 11111, ,, ,.. LEI 1 1 II: Annio.-4•11.1 , Once all remaining entries have been processed. we will , . . LEI I • II, 'ICOONSIUNdl 111 . • 1.141 1 I I'0 A1 ,A03.111(1,1 HI publish a mini-league table every Friday. But the LI, a 0 , •• III VIATIT4 I ('1 .1 , AA, , 4.1 oc" Ell miA. . %go 0 . 1 0.1011. 1.1, o I 1:41 %/LIE 11 ti! COMPLETE tables will also be displayed in your nearest 14R ; I AIM 1111ANCO 11111 n 0 in 61411143 lye 11 a 1 ir: ."2.6.-ack 4-11. LVE A • 060 wATAalk, 1. ILW I I .....6 ICA 1 114 /{. student union so that you can monitor your team's 'Ali g g 010 111.4,101T NEW 0 II 1:." RI 1/0,*11,. LIINV 0' II 1111-41 0""RL 0121 progress. III. 7 I' 071 ittartine 1:• 1,6111S LER MAI A 0 A. 614.11116TER NNE"v.s..' ',1 I MAI -: • In 1E5S Koh , EL 0 u 0,2 klERESF114114 1:61 MAY Man Pop- 6 M.. (Lao-, GOOD LUCK!!! 0, t I I t. Li • I art PRA lita 5O11 Or I I Ia JOHNSEN 61,61 0 -I 111 D'AFM.L. fill 1.p.) 0 u Lila EITTI.4 -*If it : 10 PEARSON Mil> ii . 1 nu 01(11,611.1.300N ug U 0 1,115 IIAA1 ASP NOE 0 0 I A; vICRERY .II 111,4-- 1.111) 0 0 now - 100 'III . I.EV a ii 0:6 HULA!: SW'S I VI !Ai WHITE 1110 1. ? :174 TTWILILLIJARMS Z.I RE/10 lies i I NES I w■AiliMm I r. nu 411, 1 0 1120 MI/MLR /IP! MA/ . .3 I o:• AI /110Rlins SW'. I II 114 Wilf1.614 6111) II • / lill AS13113VIC 111 )1 :TI 1.111VR.A Skis 2 3 :71 1 WIN 0 4 MAL 3 4 021 1,4:4 DER ty ...,,• r, A rr. 60411 s% A- a a r.13 AL BENI keW 2 I 192 SIDIPMIN 3t0u1 211 tl:F. NEW 2 2 MALI 0 b 071 1411.1 L14 MIT I 5 LO, 1104115 SEW ri 0 II, VAN MLR 1 A AN 114 011.1.13194 NEW 0 0 It , YA1 A5112 MID A I 15 v. A1111 gOT o a tut PE 6101.16 nevi • • e 144 AowEtt MR I •1 •11 CLARK NEW ILI 0 114 BARM115 MID A I I `I 50.51 64.31 I Z 1u, COOPER 4:(11 ) II' MARIN 2k, 'SATIN NEW : 1 :1:r .1c*INANDIA"n1rt.Striker% ARS 4 0 MU/ 0 1.1 , 3 1111021k1,411 A.%) .1 a, SL 5 II •Z 130 ,1 c 1% tIo•Ai:rr zr Vithide NU/ 0 I kik* I/ 0 csionf mil' 216 HARMON ii: sHFITLIIT TOT 0 n I in text; UN NW n (I II' D 4344 1143.5415 EVE Z) 1.4• crusc Nor It n Ill rentoiNemt NEW a ie It) f : a ..4. S til...010%'11 - sWI o I to, SPFEL1 ENE 0 4 114 fiEMMILI. No/ I, AST MO 41961ILLA NEW II 11 ,42 w61.10.31 SW'. ■I 1110 CARRELL. 2:1:11 „,M11":::,..0611:1111: rpii III n 1. '101 I ; loll 11610-w1113114' NO( II I 43T -I '2 IP* kITSON KEW w116 a , .4, 11115'1-14:11 5411 ,I, 1. ,j210.11 iP4emitmnitii4it ...os k"1 II! '4 Z41 mts_urs sof n 0 12LO Off 1101 0 . W115 u 5 11.1 NEWS0511 SW1 u ..2 lou ig,,ACIAsi AST f1 n Nor ., 141 01.13161-14 sal 11:11 LA1111111 CI l',11.16111111/1. SAHAHA II 2 ■0 500, 04 • or ii n taz 61604AIS PE141114.111126 SWI 0 .2 4(3 II 0 NM .1 241 III MAIM /ILA I) 0 3:: im.nots Ii,:, la• 5.161. • : 144 011,1164.1h 3, tr n 0 11.I 511,51110 L'°1.1 LIU SHERIDAN 31% 1 0 II 1:1 ill 34011 11 I ■ (Li 210PI LNON MA I 1 Will 1 .., . I 1,11,11 1.•- t. SI 2 I IV NEOSOA. sal : , 201 BOWYER l it :48 111111 511'Y I II ■ 124 RUMMIES'S A i 0 0 NLkFri 4154 • 0 .44 lellliEN Sil I 1 I 2/0 61164 5019' ri 0 :44 MU/ :11111 : 11 OW1)T 3 WIM •• 11 744 1., A DLES spr.„142.1.11LESi, 11l, ROOM 110 IINDERV-661 Sill , i kv• ('01(4) itr 4, r111.11,43 sws u u .,A2...1 'WI HIRST 6301t 0 I ‘V ing•Inicks Centfr-linck,.. 15 M111.41111 M.:, I a .:.in citrzess MI 1,1 115711111 VEI 4 1$ 32' WIlf i int11166/ 5W1 0 I .11/ WIFELAN Cil!:.: :1,.,,I, 0,1.i1. di out -0 45 • e .:•• pelmet( LEI 11 ..1:21 141.1 SIAGILION 3671 0 0 1.40 sinniff sem 0 0 AR, 1, .. 1.11‘.4, ■Vs , o .10 DURLIN ADS • •• aft 0171,1 110 OMAN/A 101. 0 0 .7,9 SHIPPERLEV SOT 0 a '15 11 fall Its ARC •,, 1,, DA, 1..1... 2y4.:4 ..3411:1111IL. "I' ' . :5". Ift ...'.".11- 14111 101 : I 21a 11:170 0•1 SOT o I 31/T 0 1./ 1t ..1. - . - 1,1 I1■06 ,• AK, o • 7,1 MAZER 110 WATSON 1!•1 I. 11..111.R0-1 41-00 TU1 : 4 :.,1 7411.00 1 El n ZS: 4,61,21.1-I MIT I I IT, OSTENSTADT 601 14 If. •,',1 11 , •,--- i 1,,,,n..., 1, I , S. in 5 1,,1 II 01. ..10:*'1 fl"AlkkftlAt4g1 Mk 0 0 .., ,111- Air 13, NE110.113,1n '1,41 o :r: I AwIlLkEt 11.11i'l :A , BRAY 51-5 1 1 51: %1 110 MIN II 0 1.7.: 111, 111 M.U11.11 1/ a 0 1:11 M(1,1631.6344., ...%1 1 0, TI 231 A054.5 MA. it 11 Ill MAAR! 301 1 5 AS i o • 10.111 II %%HA , 1 21.1 REEIKNAVP 111 SS1LLLMS ,. , ,..../. Si, ,31 kill As' .2. . I, - 233 11.50. 51" 0 II :SI kl1610191 St.'14 D III • , 34 rItic/i Wel A II ■:13 11611NLS 51'N I 41 01 I •o, 10 SI01.1 III1, 6, . ,:., 130 1111,612126121.1. 7Z44,43 STMR1. •‘14Pfrl's 1L( REILI 1f DOI 0 :1!, 110111s 16 II A S I :11., ORM/ 6.3 I r‘• I 0 21' 63011LI(Trri TOT o D a it III A 151 R„ . , 118.:I. - -tj''..I r:I :. :I':I ' Ildr:' 11* REANGNAN WI , I il MA w10. 1, , :1, ki.NNEDY 114 V 0 :61, 141k EDT : ft1 t Ua.1 17 oI NA n;i 1111 I I ,.:Ii .,. : ,,,i_ ,‘ .,2,1...,,,,m, ,,,, 10 9.11/41071106111 • iid •4.1161-2.1I1 EIR `4411,1 0 o ;1• 111COSIS MAU 0 1) 297 IMAM 11 1,51 V :I;1-15. 0 l 330 110W111.6 TOT : 0 ...:: 111 ALLP-Ii lin ti U I 1, ,l•..: Lniraulnet tii Sim e i, de snothAst MAll 11 i LLE O 'I: ,' iL. :1 N rill . 4 2110 1101131 1. 1147 o 0 4,4 RADVC1,01 WIIA 0 0 ( III 0 ., WIM I I MAI! u -4 2,0 01:1511 'Ii ROE,: s A 'III 0 • 1.11:1 POIKIRSK) :0I IIIIILLSE• TOT 2 , MO 11:111E WII6, I II 1,1-. 1-• • • In ift estovee MAU L:nr r:E PI:: :III ,,,, I , III PIO ''HI. 0 0 20 61•411164 TOI 0 u '0 i WALLACE 141 IONUM110 16 Itai 1 2 ..V I/ II Midflelders zn niii..tve MAL -0 *tin a a ,,,,,,. ,, ,, ii, SISt."1 Atli 1111 a 0 :,,, otitertnesru , 41 02117E1 AIN. a a ntt sun MALL .• •1.1 01511130 1111.5 I ,I f7 4'141A614:141t 1 1.10 '1 0 10- ill . L'Ill 4 • IN M1ks(15 496 till -41 Onailh W116 4 I MID el 0 195 11101113.5 WHA 1 o 644 HOLLISIVIRITH WIN 0 0 CI IN it. 04,1511 E, ,(2,,‘, : t. ens I : .,,,In '111311NHO atoks,-- 1.110 o I N'AI,0,14' ot,11"6165111:4oS11761.1 1111 U. II 1/14/4 III, )111w ! '.I. 4.‘ VolAtrittat Ao4ink R, s 0.2 on) tta 3,14134C121R. Will I 1 41 EKOILL1 WIN , •36 IDUNET1 Mm o 11 262 I AZAR11141 %ILA 14 W1111 0 DER II l'I . , ‘II1.444 1111. , 2 .07 11F1,DI it I MA 001%360/ , , t 1 I (Al In.i., MID 0 it X. W11.1.1161,40. 0•111.1 I) 11 341 11 AARE WIN .1 II 1,1 R , : ,Is , 1P1R % :-17..T.n. '1 3;11"111,1,,,T,r011 MID ,,,,,l.",,o 11,-715 .0.411.1LIIsI Kt IIIII,tI StI1.,I li.,1. LS+ o a ,t: IwaoRT11 III • ■Ina Ill APER /LSI 0 0 260 fiARLF WIM 0 la Mit, 0 117 /144/11441110SEN WIM 14 IEEDS STUDENT Fndav Novambor f. ,t„.t. 21

ROUND UP OF THE BUSA CHAMPIONSHIP WEEK THREE SEVENTH HEAVEN .! F. CROSS WOMENS FOOTBALL look heart front this and had -COUNTRY spell 01 pressure until 11nmens Naftali LMUSU 7 - 1 H'SIDE Plc: Dan Brayshaw NI NTTIIEW Jackson led midway: through the halt LIVIL,Sti 7 I liumherNitic 1 1 1 men to a superb By CHRIS STRAW when they failed To clear a corner and WWII seated from silser medal in the \lens football SLPFBli 011-round close range LSIRISC Sheffield Cutler's last I SC I st Xi I 0 lifildroft1 an old perfurntance fro nt continued to ditIlltnate hue II Saturday. Showing TASC Xl 2 - I limit-mil 1 NIA.ISU kept up their was nail until the 64th minute head, the senior member of TASC Ord XI I 4 ii .Nchl 100 per cent record this that their excellent passing the team recorded at time of moves brought further season as opponents 9mins 21sees - the fourth Womens volleyball rewards. Htintherside were played fastest lap of the day. LULA Isis.? . 11Durhum A handball by a Jackson was supported by off the park. Humberside defender gas,: LUU 2nds 3 -2 S Hallam I lie entire side. inspired Jacob Hickey 10.48) and the two 1-MI/St! a penalty, from IreAhers. Simon lkukin (9.57, aptain Kathy Runner, Mens volleyball which Bonner scored despite and Citric Needham 1 IV ill 1, .red with confidence and the "keeper getting a hand to who pros uted impressive 1.1:1.1 1st% 1 - 4) irlield .i.td skill throughout, and the ball In fast. the mint-mance% no their debuts i.e end result was flattering Humhciside 'keeper played Womens hockey Humbentide Captain Mick Hill t9:481. very well. with the scoteltric making u comeback after LMUSU 1.4 XI 4 - 4 !Nahum LMUSU began the game reflecting more upon the metabolism tremble. look the 1.1U 1st XI 3 -1 S Hallam 3 style, and atter only Oa in visitors' weaknesses glory on the amine leg with u LUU aid Xi 2-2S Hallam .'motet they had taken the defence. gutsy display tts secure second lead through a well-worked place for the team_ goal, made by Bonner and Mens squash Brilliant Hill was dearly pleased to ished by Harting 1 11' S - o nun be back. "After the berside were still Irving t_mt!Sli finished strongly. embarrassing prohlems l'ke settle when Warp w c ut a fine header In, Warn and Womens squash 0 been having t was Just great to ,!., a 50-50 ball writ' the sharp finish by Sweeney I Hull ha' covered in mud again", he -..alkeeper. the hull squirmed made it sit. But the goal of beamed, .d to Harting who netted the game cattle Iwo minute, Leeds.' women (unshed an Womens netball sec again. from time when player of the THE SEVEN DEADLY STRIKES:LMUSU on top torm, as usual admirable ninth with captain tMtIsti 1,1542- 20 S 14atlarn The home side now mat ch Bonnet unleashed .1 outstanding in midfield, hack and improving out Ruth Schofield fastest to 12 32. L.MUSI: It, S :tked to be in complete brilliant 21)-yard quike, g Kerry: Boyle I2 46) and Ruth ram!. hut a loose backpaas Club captain Lisa Medi scoring two and contributin finishing." k Thompson 114.1w helped Womens basketball on Horton was seined upon wits undersiandably to some line passing. moves. Having said that. her tram guarantee is top ten finish. suddenly Humberside deli, hied "Thus is the best We basically outclassed has already scored 211 goals Haltam -re hack In the game. They se seen this tram plot them, but we will be looking in four dames atld ate future Jacob Hickey Kathy 11...mier was to tighten tip more at the look:. bright LEEDS RAG PARIS HITCH 1996 Fri 29th Nov - Sun 1st Dec SIGN UP IN THE RAG OFFICE NOW! Raise enough in sponsorship to claim a full or partial refund on deposit, ferry and coach. 22 LEEDS SILJDEtir Friday rittivrimber I 199f. THEY THINK James Owen, captain of LUU football club the plusses and pitfalls of beer, training and

ooTB,1.1. in continues 10 [loutish. Fop OU'RT 14 sears point %NW. so illa111, F players arrested for Leeds is going old and you and toles. even rr•.re with the brawling, mounting it, CO '11.0 on or through a a few select injury problems and chums Are crisis. Top ybasing a game of cricket. 1'..,..• successive HUSA players arrested for But the dilemma toasts of and 1111111.11ninsl champion, ' championships have made where In piny. Do you It', the third reason MOW!, brawling. mounting the chits even wore either go to the nearest injury problems. a popular. with the result park where a litter-free defence as generous as cover honndary is GAIN this weekend that there is moo, a huge something of a 'marry. or the debate about the late Matthew level tat expectation do you join WasIni anti AScattish football Harding and a surrounding the club_ INtioar in hammering concerns the gap between strikelorce completely Membership is Zimbabwe In a. rem. Test the bases and the have- nots. The Te/egraph tin lacking in confidence iliCreastrkg every year Mulch? Hassan Rata. 14 ■ sears 227 days. chose the Monday wrote of the and quality. ty il h 1 %et a hundred latter option and made 20 "mini league below the Leeds United are hopefuls turning up to the odd on his debut. Below is Old Firm.- What a relief trials. James Owen. the freefalling towards part of his. post-match that we Sassenarlis dual clot) 4.311Tiltfl, admitted inter% iew which I suffer from this problem. the Premiership drop- lilal there was a downside exclusive's gained after We hest our meen.clubs lone with enough swopping some football and we also base our not to so many trialists. stickers with him. Si, mega-clubs, hid in the momentum that even -With sir matt) people. it PV: SO. Hassan, how did crazy world of the George Graham will was hard to pick out all the you manage to cope with Premiership. we thank the be doing well best players although the it all? fonts gods. with hand on to slow ii situation is now improving Flit: Well mate it's Hultman's. fur with players already moving wicked ylinost :' I'd Southhampton and for down. up from the lower teams." played Brian Lara on me Leicester. Then In direst Megadrise and then 1 was Southampton again. lie is confident, howescr. contrast, Mal bombing ar il the Amen. that come the end .11 the estate on Me bike and I_ Li Li season. his players these gyrates were playing fool hall lir have the ability real cricket. I mean what HE microcosm of add to die 40 THROUGH THE CHANNELS: LUU In action against Durham last weak a brilliant idea. turning a netball applies to the 4 -tub's +Wen game into a proper Twider scheme ot st se tiros Men we wilt lake players The first two teilio• are game and every4hing. so I sporting things The Great horn the second learn so they helped I 11 this respect ts) the col d weIem gPe t al l our had a go, and it went Britain rugby league team find it much harder 1.0 find a tacihriei aiaitatile la them at flouted players hack, a hill ballistic from there. Now had to send home ii i or settled side' Wcetwood "The pitches are a strength first team is I'm mad for it. Souml. their Omer, front the lair The Wel Lis and torrnation tot belle* than at most 4.1111C1- I'W: Hut what about of Nev. icaland to .Int•r ;,, • • capable of going all the are also very Mach up u. date. Universities We went to Hull pressure. the roar of the save n sellnpritis L5IIINI in was and I also expect They have joined the growing the other week and their pitches crowd that has turned hotel hills. OK. I'm sure to the thirds ill number Of learns who riots Were awful. Perhaps the third even the most seasoned many of us a few grand successfully defend utilise the contineatal team pitch could he improved

sportsman to jelly. Jost would do very nicely thank n them al,: - formation although ibis is not hut all in all. Wectwood is how did you cope? you very much, but in no Present form. tam a ipsestion of Jumping MOO good 'venue.-

sporting terms it's Only Stay Ilk: Simple really. I had l the thud team certainly the bandwagon The club also me 'Walkman un under me enough 10 keep 01st look welt worth prides Itself on playing the he difference in standard helmet. banging out sonic l'rafford In Ana iirei for a We hacking So tar this beautiful game the way between the teams is ritsimh. top tunes. and that always de season they remain should be played quite large with most n T makes rile concentrate- So what happened to unbeaten. with stability "The formation just happens First team members having Super League? li's 'not Sire fine. hau the name of the game 10 suit the players we hasc iti played at Youth Professional S PW: Just one more thing. exactly super when these —the side ifoes not the first train," James explains level for at least a scarier Hen what about.... young men are deprised of dinner much during "We never play the tong hall. Huck, a key member of the representing their country HR: Can I go please? Pics: a season," be adds, Fes pass and move throughout team playing at the heart of the Hviser's on. Cheers. CM tour - both an honour 1 1 111.'1: are any 1i11..rcs .11 the all the tour defence w as with Darlington and lifetime highlight - for purely financial reasons. ROM the cradle h. the The last tout there in In911 grave This week, inclitred J toes, so six years FSugar Ray Leonard isn't long ellimilt ki make announced his intentions to mitre rite players can at least r.ght agent. at 40,1 think sleep indoors on tour Bur • us is even more ridiculous I'm sure Mai ii1311, 111 tic Hallam given the Lowe-down Under. l5 cricket For hierarchy of sport and I X' !hose of you who don't won't he short of a bob 0: were spoilt tot charters The besieged defence could 01119 Ole Visitors deserved for then WOMENS HOCKEY ▪ Mr LCOlinfli is a LWO. inevitable breakthrough came watch as the loose ball sus resilience and only Lowe and the fur the all-time LUU 4 - t SHEFF HALLAM idler 20 minutes and epitomised smashed home by Freeman. excellent Brooke bothered to ii•• ls tea fighters, What is it the team's hest play Passing maintain their superb nh boxers who can't keep WI) THE RACK By GRAHAM WEBB simply but accurately down the Clinical performances throughout nut .,t the ring' Rungling right flank, LUU destroyed the Freeman could offer no A iihwks", AI 'NO first-half -she third strike came from ‘S:11 , three things. irih certificate Hallam toter and Lowe scared explanation for the xceond perforMatiee secured a solid one of 1-till's ItI short corners foots, i he eenwne lack tit bosses in Faixiabad have brilliantly from an extremely period demise: -"rhe first half victory for a strung LUU team when an intricate most round quality to the ring at present resealed that they base tight angle from Vkillianison•s Wins storming. but we seemed to this Wednesday. Two goals (nun Lowe alone ones• more and her apologies to Nascent. misplaced , ital stoss get a mentat block at Om: Welsh listririat moral Joliette fintsp was son and Roy Softest documentary es Writer The home team controlled the clinical The halt -time goals." Lowe and one 'tom captain hick saw George "I'm pertaining In the actual game, restricting the s !SIMI'S to whistle spatial Sheltie's! from The win maintains 1.1111 's Sarah Freeman cupped a 211- Rather eMbarrassitlettl turd they the hisser land age or Pnlailan's newest the occasional counter attack 101•t record going into next Minnie spell which crushed Used the tweak to reorganise anti waistsitei I once was- and brightest middle order With pressure mounting and week's clash with LIWIJSU and Itylluin's morale motivate themselves. They folernall manage it. hold wuriderkind. Surprise me. Hallam panicking vshetteter in carne should the team manage to keep Atter at frenetic opening, the out the stronger in the second sine of the myriad venni:Ls possesion. a second pal was 4 up their concentration for the Leeds midfield began in impose half As Leeds lost concentration of /3 world title Which fornialtly Failing to clear whole game. if is diffialt to see BS' itself on their lacklustre and enthusiasm A hare lakes me to toy second another Williainvon cross, the Melia slipping up opponems. mid the torward line CritisOlatiori was no Mote

LEEDS STUDENr Focus November I Mb 23 aveia 5tqya,z.ii 100 fq041.44.14 No.21: Rocket Ronnie IT'S ALL OWEN By Ben Burgermon • %Rut{ ist 1995. Spurs justified their FA. Cup ✓einsllutrnieni h. producing tells Julian Betts about the moo entertaining game of the competition in the 5th round replay at Suillhamidon. Spurs 'turned a playing the 3-5-2 system itso goal dericit into a 6-1 extra-time iletory. inspired by 'super sub' Ronnie while Owen Junes and Mike Lari about line eltect, on the body Rosenthal. did :hest time ut Norwich send Whatever their off-the-field Usaalry a headless chicken. Eve ton respectively uctiyitics. Englund still did that night he played like a I-lowest-1 top billing must go alright In Euro 96, Paul player possessed turiforturisacly the ex •Ounn international Cruscoigne hit the nail on the after the game an e snretstu was Molefe The ecnil e- fay re, 'red head when he claimed, jokingly performed i His but-crick Of fulfilled every schoolboy's or not. that he and his Rangers arulfspaird brilliance Made the dream by rIcoring in front cif team matrs weir encouraged In night se remarkable ad.000 people against Cameroon. get plaalcred trigelhel in osier to Arriving tale In dixenvei Unfortunately he only plays help Muhl tip team sprat Spurs a goal down, the evening occasionally. lacking the Lill! have gone , t. •H-. • ..tinted halls Le rin"ler Ihen necessary dedication to pick Ir the past few year,. ..,red a second front Ore spin tiling•eltup for full of the mill have hecome depends iif ,•,. ! inning Francis to lend on unistervity games Who can no play tuutbull. although Iuckry Ronnie This did nothing to blunt hini! nut toile in the same way as Paid raise the spirits of the Mersun and Tully Adams disillusioned Spurs contrugent ewcatals are the train to First t attic Orr,' Porotliw, Rut a salter relics ^alike and beat and will form the then the HrurAlayerx AMA. and tun thundetous 25 yarders NthgleSt obrilaele to ROSA now frierigaria have agreed to law, he was promptly saccerts_ The second learn were sponsor the club In rel.' 11 I, - proclaimed us the Messiah land recently tronnees1 5-1 and that kilt worth Mound 14Crii who says 'Spurs an. ale SOP will be hard to close as socks) the footttlIcr■It!..e the Vol, Tickle!! 01111 tiler Shalliehain NeWeastie have the added as phi 'titling goal) rill thew added the fourth could the advantage of being able to call post-match pis. up. emmatri,tionalls drained Spurs on a professional witch. Beer Nrcul6e +La+, however. f i :it :co e\rillitd•tsc the However this Is a harrier that not a happy marriage. The at- is in the process of being license ugiced to pin up the rash la y the htidged- -"FM fairiy confident of if team mcmhers would bus +impleted I he tool, total gaffing someone. 1 have already crates 1,1 herr. A single crate ,rfaugers were hugging each phoned Leeds United about wa.s Isought throughout the ertinte ',liter white the More 'gaffing homebody from their yegt and. unsurprisingly. dies adventurous were attempting to youth team to heir us out hilt it were none hut kern to ronfinue daft, c 111•: wax around lifetime of Howard with their 4iTionsoNlitr. hot . ,1 k• ■nr,pe VilikInson's sacking MO , , v! nothing has horn shire... ,"sic .; , it steles in the sports MENS TENNIS few years ago when on; roamer handbook. a Inenddy felon wax captain, he mano.ced 1.0 get Aspirit is ern:nal:leer! HOPES of LI I w(liring. a Moon Graysonor [A-II:eau-I through it range at social Seennd ellnkeellthe 41111.14044 Clef ill help nut - activilic_s. Increasing the social sserr dashed by a strung A coach stoisild certainly wsiled .t the club has been Ilrudfard sick.,, who nut out 4-2 ,rapist.- Ole ..aantt.lid at Ith: ..:Ihh. important st .1t1 clue:, admitting winners. .I• the tuft-ill Ira'runi,! •111:aior, trial it needed inint,..,,,I.: -1 he flu: donne wtax done in Mc 4 , nut t4leal Ihe 6111;1111, 111,15 r s",ct.il L 'de is Sett :1■Ilf , 11 her WI singles rubber. as igeth lett 1 LETS MUR-DURHAM! LUU try In vain to bier& the deadlock In the Durham match tam Wednesday 11.11414',I int,' lh,! Lit...-M:111isc LI a, the scar alit; .1, . ore ,,i Ah-ant 21, hetnud Malt Whipple. .11 I 1 .italuhd f ■It(1. Jet ,.le•, ..! 41, e,,411e uLli Alci .2vel , rAllir' Spindler and Alistair 1,+.1111Cis•d Iii make an appear:no< I .4,.1 !,. •.11 ot$H 4 .tr , 014114....1 is - Nlcllll were all delcided in rum ..Moildi 0 night's training r11.' iii-•H2 ,.i,.. 1. ., Th. ■1111. slidight saris, althraigh Michael so-stint, althourlt this could hase 'The formation just happens to suit rita...ci added bird to wm 3 6. h- Iiilire 44.4 du A I al t h e Inc( shut rr:cis •"1 , ''-1 and key t' Leeds in the Monday flight is roue, night inoish A. foothill! does appear on 4 , ii the players we have in the first team. Ncollint an" is h i ,able Thursdays hot there ore Po mails .; rabl-sers i., salsaer dray. peoffie on the asittittni thin wu won1,1 he kicky Ii, 171(.:21 jilt, ,i LW play their next match We never play the long hall. It's pass and sweat • ....II, Boer and food:tall LI. away at Sheffield. Men r4.1111,.1 gone welt together ill• ioa ii,_i their final game is at York move throughout all the four teams.' .1,14 I II, . • wIclt o• L!all.ed v‘rvn • in, cru •1.4 1..1 011,r h..3.0, II rhICI 1.1111.1 An Alleuint i.e,une...4 bole, 411 I.. 'MAIL kilo) •11,1741., i, t 011.- Back to the drawing board Russell Runless MENS HOCKEY MENS RUGBY UNION Located a to iii the minute 44.11,14 ‘4,e In11411.'utn4-111e411.. 4.4noefle4.1 plcmature csit InoiL Ow gotta' LAS 111.1) 11.11',• secs) LMUSU 2nd XV 0 - 19 HALLAM t.sdlf till's .tr.1,1)t1c.s ssL'ir 2rid Mickey stria le tit sow': •111}. IOW goals Scrlippy. ertrelb. 1•44 t.144 rate Allier an By ZAKI COOPER hour (ilicliteld's 1,elit-si Inger Llt.t"ed and Just one win, hull this !line I lw reilLariLler 01 the first butt was ■1■,11' i, 11,MCV411/1 AFTER consecutive losses to Newcastle. Ikpciul lent' Sisk to "Lin al kV Li deserscs.1 aniund. the ,tappy hank] it burst it retain Darlium and Manchester. LMLISI,l'a US- Ten imitates tiler 311. poWerf1111TUTZnitLE different. gosseision and lets opportunities came the Two crushing away sictunes, •second team suffered.dcfrat again, this ...steed another tr.. 414, he blushed aside way of either side (hi ut the rare .end 4 I line lei a well-organised Sheffiekt Hallam two despairing tirlensisr .11.111cm:ea in 5.11 RI Sunilerland 00.A.L,4101n4 whin LMUSU had a scoriae side, at Beckett Park. LMLISLI wire es-tin in the corner against Yolk, were followed opeurtimay. they were dented by excellent linable to muster a single point on the LMUSU captain Ben Sturgun was must recently by an equally lad ditch tackles. quick to imam tail that the dIeliglb al his impressier 1.1 irturriph over wi nth+ rani whilst the visitor; replied with The seismd half was dominated by team had been Tat ,kged dust to. injury He Tecside thanks to a couple .04 three tries of their man sheffield in trn:y turned up the heat to inliethis taken goats from line When I2141)Sil won a pctrailly alter ilea wits In upbeat mend despite his team's Hallo flow, damage in Itteit opparieras- Currently to tip rot minute. nobody %timid have preilided lad -fatale perharialice shtaild lose fiartancl • Leeds were linable to win consistent Men dive:um. the !iccoOLls ore that a heave defeat was On the curds won today 1ke started OK hot welt' pLY.-sessa stied the deity-awl and they WOO luaidlls placed iii 14.41 tat this !real. However the kirk was 1t1nihnes1 lit full- temipajed t.". injuries ;,ail Inert playing con Pic: Dan Brayshaw penned in their own hall' for Math of the Ind perhaps even repeal IfIc hick Nkt Roberts Sono Sheffield pressed til pulaticat. I tinwq.,,h1 our sr:Coati !weal. Their 0.1114e was not helped SA title to Pala formats!, and the brute force of their 'nitwit Susie) gals Jul nest player' ni RESULTS NEVER LUU-SE SPECIAL Leeds University's Hockey, ootball club captain football and eveals all rugby page 22-23 inside Yet another win in the basket for CATCH THAT! Uni women ""■1111111P"' Leeds' Ultimate Frisbee team qualify for MINERS BASKETBALL LUU 56-40 SHEFF HAL

By Paul Brown A STRONG team World Clubs Championship in Vancouver performance helped LUU overcome By Larry Larkin 'Tribal Desire' and 'Red Sheffield Hallam on from Leicester. Wednesday night 'CATCH 22' finished a They then securest fifth place commendable Fifth at thanks to a convincing 17-ti and maintain their last weekend's National demolition of Osiord side 'The five-match unbeaten Funky Monks' with intense run. Championships to defense and disciplined offense guarantee their place on proving the key to their slicer!, Led by centre Sarah the world stage in in the playsiff. Lock who scored 17 Canada next summer. Ultimate m Leeds is now ai points, the team were in an all-time high Alongside Despite losing their first Front throughout, at 'Catch' and Leeds' other tsuun three matches including a times by as many as ten -.fedi Children' ate 'Dolly narrow 15-13 defeat by the Mix:lure% the newly formed points, in a physical but highly skilled world clubs University women's outfit who never niggly game in side 'Violently Happy'. finished an excellent third at the which they displayed 'Catch' recovered well and Nationals and also won the some virtuoso fast-break scored sound victories over 'Spirit Trophy' attacking play. Despite a late rally by the visitor, thanks largely lo superb point-guard Anna Hay's 25 points. Leeds comfortably held on to win. Couch left floss was - .cry plew,ed- with the pertminuncr. saving -We Played really well very hard • ♦ • on offence and defence " He also praised point•guard Carolyn Swords. who often initiated the excellent ball movement that sealed the sictory.for -genii's everybody involved " Astute we of titre-cuts by Husk and assistant coach Paul ■■■■ .. •• • Ryan helped steady the team during a had spell at the mart PIZZAS of the second hall where they were outscored 10-4 by the CURRIES visitors. floss also acknowledged PASTA Lock's contribution on defence, saying he -thought DONERS we out-rehounded them". an area in which she was indeed FREE dominant "She works hard all the time, using her head. mist HOME DELIVERY SERVICE played really well with 3 Ion orders over £5.00 within a 4 trine radius fouls The gutsy play of the home APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES lean against a side that reached the quarter-final stage last year must bode well for 10% DISCOUNT FOR STUDENTS LUU', prospects this term. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Hos, added. "We're beating had teams by a lot, SUN-THURS 5PM-1AM which is nice. We have some FRI-SAT 5PM-2AM gond talent here, good CATCH US IF YOU CAN: Frisbee specialists In competition at the weekend Pie: Pots Cotton shooters."