Oil Mill Gazetteer

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Oil Mill Gazetteer Oil Mill Gazetteer OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE NATIONAL OIL MILL SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION VOL. 36; No. 2 WHARTON, TEXAS, AUGUST, 1931 PRICE TEN CENTS ESTABLISHED ESTABLISHED 1878 1878 MORE THAN 50 YEARS OF SERVICE PNEUMATIC — MECHANICAL ELECTRICALLY WELDED ALL STEEL BALL BEARING PERFORMS SEVEN OPERATIONS MAKES SIX SEPARATIONS Five air currents pass through seed, each controlled by operator. Cleaned gray and cleaned black seed delivered separately. No oil mill can afford to run one season without this machine. Linter buyers and users say lint from seed cleaned on the new No. 199 worth from $2.50 to $4.00 more per bale. It pays for itself each season. Saves on linter saws, huller knives and cake mill plates. Operated for two full seasons under 24-hour service. The BAUER BROS. CO. Manufacturers SPRINGFIELD, OHIO SPROUT 9 WALDRON BALL BEARING OIL MILL EQUIPMENT Monarch Hull Packers put a 100 pounds of hulls into a 26x40 sack Monarch Sand and Boll Reels enabling the use of second hand are effective agents for the re- sweet feed bags as a big saving. moval of sand, bolls and trash. Time-Proved Machinery that is mod- ern in design. Rugged in construction and efficient in operation. The Monarch Line includes Meats Purifier, Cake Mills, Shakers, Hullers, Hull Beaters, Seed Cleaners, High Pressure Hull Packers, Meal Bolters, Sand and Boll Reels, Meal Grinders, Monarch Shakers are fully coun­ and Cake Breakers. terbalanced and are made through­ out of iron. If desired they can be Let us help you put your mill on a equipped with air separation. more profitable basis. An experienced Oil Mill Engineer is available to assist you with your planning. Catalog CO 22 sent on request. SPROUT, WALDRON & CO., Inc. Box 472 MUNCY, Pa. Monarch Cake Grinders grind cake sufficiently fine in one grinding REPRESENTATIVES: for ordinary requirements. Larger, heavier and substantial enough to E. E. STEED.................... 684 Moreland N. E., Atlanta, Ga. stand the wicked service of oil mill HARDWICKE-ETTER ................................... Sherman, Texas operation. August, JS31 _________________OIL MILL GAZETTEER_______________________________________P‘ g ' { President Turner’s Message There seems to be an idea in the minds of methods poupled with the knowledge of what a many mill managers and superintendents to in­ ton of seed is really worth is the best remedy to crease their tonnage the comng season, thereby put the mill back on a sound basis. reducing crushing cost. This is not a new idea by I am looking for some interesting letters in the any means. Yes, they are going to increase tonnage August issue of the Gazetteer. I have asked our to save a little working cost. They will save a little good old staunch friend, T. J. McNulty, for a labor, perhaps waste a little more fuel with the letter and I am betting on Mack to give us an already overloaded boilers, engines and motors. eye-opener, also Homer Barnes of Memphis, Use a little more press cloth, work in a rush from Tenn., and F. L. Woodward, Caldwell, Texas. Monday morning until Saturday night, have more I hope all of the members of the Association will dissatisfied labor which means waste. Every move read Secretary Denney’s letter and receive it in toward increasing tonnage means a shorter run­ the same spirit in which it was written. Let me ning season and a longer dormant season. Cutting insist on all that are in the rear with their dues pay off all labor, in some instances the superintend­ up and not be suspended for the small sum of ents, and starting the next season with a new $3.00 Either the Gazetteer or the proceedings organization. A scramble for seed which means of the Dallas Convention is worth more than the higher prices and less margin of profit, glutting price of your dues. I am sure the entire member­ the market for a few weeks with products and ship appreciated the good letters from our Vice forcing prices down. A few years like this and President Charley Rankin and our good friend, you will see more mills in the junk heap. A good K. A. McLachlin of Loving, N. M. I feel like now many managers of today will have to go into the that the vacation season will soon be over and insurance business and the superintendents will all the vice presidents I have asked for a letter go into the chicken business. for publication in the Gazetteer will send these We will all agree there is something wrong in letters in. Naturally the membership axpects the Denmark. Fast running in my opinion will not officers to be a hundred per cent. remedy the trouble, but better milling and business Very truly yours, J. TOM TURNER, President. Vice President Urges Preparation Upon the publication of this letter I presume Pedro, Coah., Mexico, who attended the A. & M. all South Texas mills will be running or ready to Short Course in 1929. He states that he is very start and I am just wondering how many of us sorry he could not attend the short course this will be able to run the entire crush without any year and sends his best regards to all of the class loss of time on account of break downs. Loss of of 1929, and especially to Prof. Thornton. time, due to any cause, is one of the many things I hope to see a letter from “ Old Timer” in the we have to think about and be prepared for, be­ next issue of the Gazetteer. It is an easy matter cause the cost is sometimes very great. The effects for him to start an argument on any subject he of a break down are more noticeable when we desires and we all profit by the question and have a house full of seed, some being hot, and a answers arising in the course of the arguments. desk full of shipping instructions. Come on, Old Timer, let us hear from you. I think a good plan for us all to follow is, after Respectfully, C. W. RANKIN, Vice President. we have completed all repair work and ready to ------- ------------ start, to make a general nspection of all machnery McNULTY GIVES SOUND ADVICE that is liable to give trouble and see that this I just received a letter from Mr. J. Tom Turner, machinery is properly adjusted and repaired so President of the National Oil Mill Superintendents as to avoid trouble that might occur in the middle Association, and when I read same I came to the of the crush. conclusion that he came straight from the shoul­ President Turner reminds us about our scales, der and states what he expects from the members one of the most mportant pieces of machinery we have about the mil. As he stated they must of the Association. Well, here is what he stated: be watched very closely and kept in good shape “I expect you to give us something for the Gaz­ if you expect to make a showing. Not only the etteer for the month of August; suit yourself but track scales,, but all small scales that are used don’t fail me,” and I am going to do my best as in the mill should be tested and adjusted every I expect to attend the next meeting and don’t day. want Tom to get after me. I sincerely hope that Secretary Denney does I hope he can get the boys to writing and we not have to suspend anyone for the non-payment should. Tom Turner does things from the heart; of dues. Boys, wake up and send the secretary why not help him and the Association. Tom will your check for your back dues, for we need you. sure help you if you will let him know you need I assure you that the benefits derived from this help. I have written so much that I have about association wll repay you many times the small run out of something that would help but I will amount of dues you pay. try again. I have just received a letter from J. J. Carillo, If you will recall at the Dallas convention, many Stop! Look! Listen! Let’s Talk Press Cloth What Was Your Experience the Past Season? Did you get your Press Cloth as needed to take care of your Crush? If your contract was with us you got it; moreover, you got it per that contract. Our products are known throughout the world for their excellence and our contracts for their dependability and responsibility. Our reputation is established on products and de~ liveries. Why take hazards during your important Crushing Season? Why have anxieties about the quality of your Press Cloth and your deliveries? Insure your supply of Press Cloth for next Season by placing your contract with us. Oriental Textile Mills — AGENCIES— Atlanta, Ga.......... .......................................... Security Warehouse Company Columbia, S. C.... .....................Kaminer & Company, 1327 Main Street New Orleans, La. .....................George B. Aarons, 441 S. Peters Street Memphis, Tenn.. Tennessee Terminal Warehouse, 613 S. Front Street SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM FACTORY OR ABOVE AGENCY POINTS MAIN OFFICE AND MILLS NEW YORK OFFICE HOUSTON TEXAS 67 WALL STREET Page 5 August, 1931 OIL MILL GAZETTEER interesting ideas were brought out; there were If you don’t you will have to work at something also figures placed on a black board so they could else and please tell me what that will be at the be understood. In fact, we had a wonderful edu­ present time. cational meeting. Some new ideas were brought Yours truly, T. J.
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