NEW JERSEY BANK — Miss Dreher Teaches at St

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NEW JERSEY BANK — Miss Dreher Teaches at St •3*-. ', In cajo of emergency ' e Zip Code • '•!•]•' M" '''-'" •• . 376rO4OO for Police Deporlmdnt Springfield is I or First Aid Squad '« 3764)144. for. Fire Department *, 07081 : f v.-iy Tliutvdoy by T.u.iiu. Pul.lnliin VOL. 41 NQ. 34 Mulling Addnau .. N:jr~THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1970 1 PTUTUoi *?, iprlnail.ld, KJ. 07081 M.lll V ly , ' Poiil m Sii'inulmld, M.J 15 Cents Per Cqp Top police differ on traffic effect of shopping centers - -. By AliNERGOLD some 270,000 vehifcles a day "on d slow day in /Police officials, in cornthunities- with-largo' June." .<•'_. • • •shopping .centers which might be comparable to Tlie chief added that traffic backs intd^. ihe one expected to be built by Alexander's secondary roads, "but only during the Christ- , Department Store in Springfield disagree on mas rush and when there arc major sales. He Lhe effects die.' ,s(ore:j have on local traffic said dial there iff; no traff 1c problem during patterns, ihcLeiidcr discovered tWs week. school hours. Reports of the shopping center, con- Chief'Nicholas commented that Paramus, structed on tlia south side of Rt. 22, widi ac- wilh some 30,000 residents, has th> three cess from S. Springfield avenue, have aroused- "large shopping centers and tworna jor Industrial , concern among _ many Springfield residents. areas. Auiive, he said, call for 51 percent^, They have predicted "traffic jams throughout of die work of his department, for bothtrafflc the town, an well, ay sliarply Increased de-T" -;—--—"TT^ (Continued op page 4) vices. Proponents uf the plan liave said that it would 'liriijj£_iiL-£iibstanti;il irfx revenue.. (See editorial on Page Fuurv)~ ~ '"" ~' Poof opens June 20) Police Commissioner James Conlon of Union v said diat there .ire no significant local traffic membership available problems'stemming from dicTwoGuysstoreat Morris avenue and Rt. 22. He pointed out diat Tho Springfield Municipal.. Po"6I" wJU open access. ,,10 - tlie store is facilitated by..a-jug- Saturday, June 20, A Recreation Pepartment handle turn on Morris avitnue, buUt^jvith sQb-%~ spokesman said that memberships are stili Htandal financial support bythe'gfore. available. * Conlon added that tlie Two Guys store is lo-^_ Badges for the pool can beplcked up June 8 cated beside two major traffic arteries. He ro 20 at the Sarah Batley Civic Center from" 9 said diat the 'Springfield project" appeared to • a.m. to 5 p.m. They also can be picked up on ' be in a more vulnerable spot, as farjas traffic Wednesday and Thursday evenings, June 10, is concerned. ' / 11, l/and 18, from 7 to 9:30.J|. ._. " . 1 ONr THE DOTTED UNE— Pupils at Florence Gtudlneer School hold the first'sign-In1 oi abuse plan at the school. Signers sport- buttons which-illustrate their support for the T1IE SUORTinLUSMALLinMUlbumcauscs tHB 1 Agi-f— No* Mjk'-pmps»m-Tt;ny a i-n Wfgirtng- n pl»figA which Is part of the anti-drug campaign. Additional'sign-ins'are planned. 's no local ^(raffle, problems at all, according fo Police Chief Paul Tigag. Hesaiddiatonlycon- Primary voting gestion in the area occurs at die end of die day, when a large insurance firm in,the area dls^,, 656 students misses its workers. The Short Hills Mall, he noted, is remote irom tlie Millburn residential runs righrtftfwn areas. "' Paramus, widi three large-shopping.Centers— sign a 'Not Me'containing some 80 stores, does have ^Omema- jor problems, Police~Cliief Jolm Nicholas told the party lines the I_<eadery They are nil located in the vicinity Tuesday's primary election held few sur- _of a ~cloverleif "hfilcWg Rt. 4 and Rt. 17. drugs The qonstruction of the centers In the 1950s prises throughout the "state, and Springfield '"did createproblems for us, because of a lack followed the pattern. -The two senatorial can- VIA Tlio first "sign-in** of the**! Afiree-NotMc" didates, who were the only ones with' any i aartpaigti committee was held at tlie Florence of foresight," Cljjlef Nicholas added. He noted that a traffic count of the two highways showed , . noticeable opposition, led handily In the town- ML i. Gaudinoer School last Friday. With ship, as they did almost everywhere else In Vei*y—ntOe^IpIahhlhg "^HnTc Beca"0s"e~bf~ generally ligbt voting. -eighth grade class trips the next two weeks, the committee decided to rc-sciiedulu tlie Sen. Harrison' A." Williams Jr. swept to ".sign-in" for last week. With.little prelim- Welrcheck, Caprio S21>votes from local Democrats. His opponent, inary publicity, 656 middle school youngsters Hudson County State Sen. Frank J; Guarini, 1 Nijjned die VM9 Me** pledfief and received garnered 121,' - • , ' 1 "Not Me* buttons, it was reported by Ellen support guidelines _ Nelson G. Gross,'Republican organization -Kumpf, .chairman""of'tlie local organization* choice, led by almost as comfortable amargln "It was beyond our wildest dreams tliut die for tenant, landlord over James A, Quaremba, 4D8"to 125. James kid:; would respond widrso^udieii^iusiasm/* A. Gavin had 36 votes. ;i|ie said, *..."" -•••.. • • •./*•" Robert Weltchek and Arthur Caprio^ I)pmo- One significant difference might be that ScliooL officials gave eudorseijieui to tlie —crariC'canLUdates for .Tpwnsliip CfiVrrtnittee,- -Williams was among* the top men on the program-and have* called, irrh" f i rT-wr-'p-'il "s^ep till;; week released a statement supporting —Democratic side, while Gross trailed the forward in combating tlie dru^~ situation in apartment dweller;;' right** to proper service other Republican nominees. 1 .Springfield, "When youngsters are'f'.iven the and maintenance standardsj adding that this Incumbent Rep. Florence I . Dwyer led ' v responsibility of helping dietnsulvcs, it is has been an is sue of long standing among apart- all Republicans, as she usually does, with much more effective than* adults 'trying-, to ^inent dwellers in Springfield, 572 votes. Daniel F'. Lundy, who will carry ~ influence die dunking of die teeu-ajjer/' one ' — Citing a resolution and ordinance introduced tlie DcinocratiC'banner-aguiust-her in Novem- official -commented.. / |>y Democratic Comniitteeman Nat Stokes, ber, had 493. This program, is specifically aimed at dial Weltchek and Qaprio called for "action now" lu die nominations for Township Committee concept, teen-a^enj influenciuj' .udier youn&- Instead of simply '.'promises, hearings' and candidates, all- four -contenders . were un- I 9 iiturs on tlieir_own level 10 initiate a start in opposed. Republican Mayor Henry J.Bult- TUNEFUL TEENS — Mayor Henry J. Bultman Joins in a musical ~ They, are, from left, Karen Peters, Sally Grelner, Ginny Harb.ii.-k, reducing the problems of'druy, Their statement1 follows: mau.Jr, had 532 voles; His runnlrigmate, Interlude with Springfield Cadette Girl Scouts' who lasr week were . Cindy Kloux, Laurie Ross, Holly lluneke, Nancy Soos and Gladys "Anodicr ""siyn-in"iiJ pliiiined forHIext week - "Muny of us tiyid to think of Springfield J. Scott Donlngton, had ^526^ Their Demo- capped as senior ecouts and presented first class scouting awards. Roth. .._._' _ • ~ " '.•'••' at die school, and a group of (Jaudineer "Not us a community oi homeowners—families in _ cratic opponents are A. ArthiurCnpria^with Me" teen:; will travel to'thc Sujames Sciiool prfvate, one-family houses; worried about 547 votes, and Robert T. Weltchek,^wtflir" -to hold a "sign-in" diere lifcim junction with taxes and cral^rarts ancruxperiaiciug the joys a program on ding abusc-to-bo lusldtomorrow.__ -of— raising children—in a wonderful town! The three incumbent Republican freeholders Eight Girl Scouts Tenants' committee selects Molt? pouter parties are planned, Ko-thac Actually, there is a sizeable population living also stiowed sirengd»-in—Springfield. Their Spriii&fluld residents can. bo continually in Springfield which nines not fit this picture. vote totals were: Jerojno M. Epstein, 529/ renilnded of-die "Not Me" concept by having, ' Tljeso are tho apartment dwellers. - . Artliu- A. Manner, 534," and Charles S. Tracy receive honors at tlio insli'iiia visiblejdiroughout die town. If any 'The families living in npartnionts in 539. .,... :....—: — • - representatives, alternates ieen-ai>cr can-have or urrangu a poster p:trcyf : t _Sprliirfield ^slmre^many problems with those The Democrats did-luive a contest for die -•ho is ui^cd to contact^t:lleu-Kampfat ii7 >-632B " living In private homo;;, bur they also"face- "freeholder nominations. The three organization Court of Awards Three onc-ycur representatives were elected constnictlon of more KUburbiiii liuuslny. • .- •••for mate rial;— • — some unique ones. The major difference is in choice;; led easily, as they did throughout the lilglic-Cadette Girl Scouts from Troop 471, recently by dip newly-formed Tenant and Man- Mayor Henry j. Uultman und Township A "NntMc-"bt>oMtc^cliibiy now be ing planned the ureas of maintenance and service'of their county. Tlicy/wuro: Thomau W. Lonj n Springfield, wero capped as senior scouts und agement AdvlsoryComriiittec.The meeting wa;; Coinmiueiiiiuu Nathan Stokes also offered so diat adults will liave aii opportunity to help •residences. • ; votes; Harold J. Sejtniou«*-Jrn l"'l,andEverett w<re presented with tlie first cluss scout held at Jonathan Dayton Regional I Ugh School remarks. • - • -fmtincc die cost,of tltejirogram' without huvlng' "A private home-owner provides his-own.- award, which is the highest award in Girl with more than 200 tenants in attendance. Two l(L_h}s_iuWtvss,' aa chairman,- Harolil- II., a direct ctyinecLion widi it. The ciuitpuign thus •-. When 'something breaks, he flxji^Jj^-^VtiCir" urinin;; against them weru-Charle:; E. Scouting, at a recent Court of Awards. The other representatives were elected, as - Liebsklnd clibd die recuiii Issuunce of a orn.'J'' will' coiitinile to operate op a teen-age level. :;ornethln)V i:; dir.tVj jjt^ii«.tnTfTCTiTrmay do ;i McNally, with -i7-votcs;-Muriel Kranowstd.
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