Armadale Road Duplication Biological Assessment November 2015

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Armadale Road Duplication Biological Assessment November 2015 Armadale Road Duplication Biological Assessment November 2015 Prepared for Main Roads Western Australia Report Reference: 8206-15-BISR-1Rev0_160418 This page has been left blank intentionally. Armadale Road Duplication Biological Assessment Prepared for Main Roads Western Australia Job Number: 8206-15 Reference: 8206-15-BISR-1Rev0_160418 Revision Status Rev Date Description Author(s) Reviewer M. Love A 04/12/2015 Draft Issued for Client Review C. Harding R. Archibald J. Oates Revised Draft Issued for Client B 01/02/2016 J. Oates R. Archibald Review Revised Draft Issued for Client C 12/04/2016 J. Oates R. Archibald Review 0 18/04/2016 Final Issued for Information J. Oates R. Archibald Approval Rev Date Issued to Authorised by Name Signature A 08/12/2015 V. Clarke S. Pearse B 01/02/2016 V. Clarke S. Pearse C 12/04/2016 V. Clarke S. Pearse 0 18/04/2016 V. Clarke S. Pearse © Copyright 2015 Astron Environmental Services Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. This document and information contained in it has been prepared by Astron Environmental Services under the terms and conditions of its contract with its client. The report is for the clients use only and may not be used, exploited, copied, duplicated or reproduced in any form or medium whatsoever without the prior written permission of Astron Environmental Services or its client. Main Roads Western Australia Armadale Road Duplication – Biological Assessment, November 2015 Abbreviations Abbreviation Definition ASS Acid Sulfate Soils cm Centimetres CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation DBH Diameter Breast Height EPA Environmental Protection Authority (State) EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) FCT Floristic Community Type GPS Global Positioning System ha Hectares km Kilometres m Metres mm Millimetres Parks and Wildlife Department of Parks and Wildlife P Priority PEC Priority Ecological Community sp. Species singular spp. Species plural T Threatened TEC Threatened Ecological Community WC Act Wildlife Conservation Act 1950 (State) WoNS Weed of National Significance °C Degrees Celsius Page | ii Main Roads Western Australia Armadale Road Duplication – Biological Assessment, November 2015 Executive Summary Main Roads Western Australia is planning to extend the duplication of Armadale Road between Anstey and Tapper Roads in Banjup. A biological assessment of key flora, fauna, soil, groundwater and surface water values and potential sensitivity to impact, was conducted within a 50 metre buffer of the existing road and along a 400 metre length of all side roads. The outcomes of the survey will be used in the environmental assessment and approvals process; specifically, they will assist in the preparation of Clearing Impact Assessment and Vegetation Management Plan and may be used in State or Commonwealth referral documentation. Three vegetation associations were described and mapped for the survey area: Banksia woodland, Melaleuca preissiana damplands, and Kunzea glabrescens tall shrublands. None of these represent a Commonwealth or State-listed Threatened or Priority Ecological Community. Much of the survey area comprised of cleared and degraded area and vegetation along the survey area was rated as Poor to Very Good condition. One hundred and three vascular flora species were recorded within the survey area. No Commonwealth or State-listed threatened flora species were recorded. One State-listed Priority flora species was recorded, Dodonaea hackettiana (Priority 4), which was recorded in vegetation rated as in Degraded condition. Twenty-seven introduced (weed) species were both recorded in unmarked quadrats and opportunistically within the survey area. Four of these, *Gomphocarpus fruticosus (Narrow Leaf Cotton Bush), *Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum Lily), *Moraea flaccida (One-Leaf Cape Tulip) and *Rubus species (Blackberry) are listed as declared pest plants in Western Australia (Department of Agriculture and Food 2015), but not listed as Weeds of National Significance (Australian Weeds Committee 2012). A large number of conservation significant fauna species have been previously recorded within the vicinity of the survey area and were identified in the desktop review. These include 17 species that are listed as threatened under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and/or the State Wildlife Conservation Act 1950. However, given the degraded and disconnected nature of the fauna habitat found in the survey area, it is unlikely that these species would be expected to occur. The remaining 66 species are listed as Migratory under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and/or as Priority species by the Department of Parks and Wildlife and were also rated as having a low likelihood of occurring. One conservation significant species was recorded in the survey area, the Forest Red-tailed Black- cockatoo. This species is listed as Vulnerable under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and Scheduled 3 under the Wildlife Conservation Act 1950. Recent evidence of foraging on marri fruit by this species was recorded at one location. The Banksia woodland fauna habitat type within the survey area would provide some foraging opportunities for black cockatoo species due to the presence of Proteaceous plants such as Banksia and Hakea species, which when flowering, are a high priority food for this species. However, this habitat was generally degraded and does not constitute as ‘quality’ foraging habitat and therefore would not be significant for the black cockatoos in the local vicinity. In addition, neither breeding habitat nor potential future breeding trees were recorded and hence referral under the guidelines by the Commonwealth (Department of Sustainability Environment Water Population and Communities 2012) is not required. Referral to the State Environmental Protection Authority is Page | iii Main Roads Western Australia Armadale Road Duplication – Biological Assessment, November 2015 unlikely to be required given the low impacts to biodiversity values within the Project area. However, a number of recommendations for further field investigations were identified: • A targeted winter survey for Drakaea elastica (T) should be considered within the areas of Kunzea glabrescens tall shrubland in good or better condition to confirm the presence or absence of this species. • Clarification and possible re-evaluation of some boundaries and management categories for wetlands intersecting the survey area. • Several wetland areas immediately adjacent to the survey area may also require further survey if they have the potential to be impacted from the proposed works. • For any potential works undertaken in the survey area that require dewatering, drainage works or excavation of more than 100 cubic metres, an Acid Sulfate Soils investigation should be carried out. If Acid Sulfate Soils are found to be present, then an appropriate Acid Sulfate Soil Management Plan would be required. Page | iv Main Roads Western Australia Armadale Road Duplication – Biological Assessment, November 2015 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Project Background ..................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Scope and Objectives .................................................................................................. 1 2 Environmental Context .................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Climate ........................................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Geology, Landforms and Soils ..................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Acid Sulfate Soils ......................................................................................................... 5 2.3 Surface Water and Hydrology ..................................................................................... 5 2.4 Vegetation ................................................................................................................... 5 3 Methodology ................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Desktop Assessment ................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Field Survey ................................................................................................................. 8 3.2.1 Vegetation and Flora Survey ....................................................................................... 8 3.2.2 Fauna Survey ............................................................................................................. 11 Black Cockatoo Assessment ....................................................................... 11 3.3 Taxonomy and Nomenclature ................................................................................... 12 3.4 Limitations of the Survey .......................................................................................... 12 4 Results ........................................................................................................................................... 14 4.1 Seasonal Conditions
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