Preliminary Guide to the 50th Anniversary Meeting

MESA 2016 November 17-20 Come celebrate in Boston! Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is a great place to celebrate!… Boston is a great American city, steeped in the history of the American Revolution. A walk along the 2.5 mile Freedom Trail leads tourists to 16 landmarks that paint a story of a fight for freedom. Today, Boston 50 is a good start… is about first-rate educational institutions and world-class museums. The Back Bay, where the Marriott Copley Place is located, is a foodie's When MESA members gather in Boston in November they will do so paradise. Trendy restaurants mingle with old-time favorites. The area on a momentus occasion, the 50th anniversary of the founding of their is remarkably walkable, though in November you may want to pack association. The 51 founders undoubtedly would be delighted at the your mukluks. MESA celebrated its 20th and 40th anniversaries in success of the entity that they envisioned and created. They held the Boston and we find ourselves in that fabulous city again, celebrating notion that a society that brought together people who studied a curi- 50! ous region would offset the immense isolation they felt within their disciplines. And that, it did. This year’s meeting schedule was modified to accommodate a larger program. Panels will now be 1.75 hours long rather than 2, with only MESA has endured over the years because of the people who cared 15 minutes in between them, and there will be 14 panel sessions rather about it. All the men and women who volunteered to serve on the than 12. The program includes more than 300 sessions. Compare that board of directors and on the many MESA committees were stewards to 127 in 1986, 125 in 1996, and 180 in 2006. of the association, as were the longtime members who joined as young scholars and maintained their membership over the course of their ca- The book will operate on a different schedule as well. It will be reers. They were committed because they saw purpose in MESA’s mis- open on Thursday, November 17 from 4-7pm and on Friday and Sat- sion as “a non-political association that fosters the study of the Middle urday from 8:30am-5:30pm. It will be closed on Sunday. That change East, promotes high standards of scholarship and teaching, and en- was due to union regulations that made the cost of breaking the exhibit courages public understanding of the region and its peoples through down on Sunday untenable. programs, publications and services that enhance education, further This year, we will kick-off the meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30pm intellectual exchange, recognize professional distinction, and defend with the MESA Presidential Address & Awards Ceremony. Panel ses- academic freedom.” sions will run Friday morning through Sunday afternoon. Even at 50, MESA’s story is remarkably young. How the association The pages that follow provide detailed information about the meet- will look in 50 years rests on the shoulders of a new generation of ing. We recommend booking your hotel room immediately to avoid scholars who came into their own in a very different technological age, the possibility of ending up in an overflow property. Be sure to book one that offers new an interesting modes of interaction, of information through the provided link, and just say no to any company that says gathering and sharing, and one that surely poses new opportunities they have anything to do with making reservations for the MESA and challenges for an academic society. meeting. They do not. Headquarters Hotel

Boston Marriott Copley Place Rates/Reservations Cutoff Date October 24 $189 single/double $209 triple $229 quad (plus room tax of 14.45%)


Book through the above link or by phoning the above number. If you are con- tacted by any other housing group about making reservations, please know that they DO NOT REPRESENT MESA and are not authorized to make reser- 110 Huntington Avenue vations for the annual meeting. For the safety of your personal information,

Boston MA 02116 ALERT and to ensure a properly verified reservation at the hotel, do not book rooms through any other housing group. Please use the above link or phone number. Registration Travel

To preregister for the MESA 2016 annual meeting, complete the Airport registration form located on the back page of this program and return it along with payment to the MESA Secretariat. If paying by credit Boston Logan International Airport (BOS). Approximately 6.8 card save a stamp and register online via myMESA (log-in at http:// miles from the Boston Marriott Copley Place. Pre-registration is recommended Ground Transportation as onsite registration rates are higher. The preregistration deadline is October 24, 2016. SHARED VAN $17 each way. Boston Shuttle offers discounted service to/from the Marriott: Category Preregistration Onsite res?USERIDENTRY=MARRIOTTCP&LOGON=GO) full/associate $150 $200 TAXI $40 each way student member $90 $125 LOGAN EXPRESS ( bus) $7.50 each way. Runs every 20 minutes student non-member $120 $150 from 6am-10pm from all airport terminals. Drop off is a Copley Other non-members $200 $250 square, about 1.5 blocks from the hotel. Pick up is at Copley T Station or Hynes Convention Center. logan-airport/to-and-from-logan/logan-express/back-bay/ Book Bazaar SUBWAY $7.40 each way. For route, see the "T" at http://www. Involves taking bus to red line, transfering to The MESA Book Bazaar will be located in the Back Bay Conference green line, and then about a 4 minute walk to hotel. and Exhibition Center on the 3rd Floor. Arguably the largest display of studies titles anywhere, MESA’s annual book bazaar ALERT: Visa Waiver Program Changes will include old and new friends–university presses, small publish- ing houses, independent book sellers, and even artisans sharing their Changes to the Visa Waiver Program may impact travelers who have talents. All will gather in Boston for a three-day festival of books. used the program in the past. You may now be required to obtain a The book bazaar will be open 4-7 Thursday, Nov. 17 and 8:30am- visa to travel to the U.S. For further information, please see: http:// 5:30pm Friday and Saturday (Nov. 18-19). It will not be open on Sunday, Nov. 20. Visit MESA’s website for a list of exhibitors.

You do not have to rent space to exhibit at the MESA meeting. For $40 per title, publications can be placed on view in MESA’s Coop- Panel Chairs Invited erative Book Display. This is an ideal arrangement for individuals, Volunteers are invited to chair non-preorganized panels at the MESA independent authors, and small presses with few Middle East studies 2016 annual meeting. For a list of available panels, please visit MESA’s titles. website at, click on the 2016 logo, and then on “volunteer If you would like additional information about exhibiting at MESA panel chairs.” Email your choices to Mark Lowder at mark@mesana. 2016, please visit MESA’s website or contact Rose Veneklasen at rose@ org. or 520-333-2577 ext. 102. Before you volunteer, please note that MESA membership and an- nual meeting pre-registration are required of all meeting participants. Roommates If you are interested in sharing a room at the Boston Marriott Copley Sponsors Place during the MESA annual meeting, please visit MESA’s website at MESA main- MESA thanks the following for their tains a “roommates wanted” page on its website where those wanting sponsorship of the 2016 anniversary meeting to share rooms can find each other. Child Care Noor Majan Training Institute MESA can help parents find a local provider and will reimburse For providing each attendee with a handsome tote bag. half of the cost of day care services up to a maximum of $200 for the conference. Upon request, the Secretariat will be happy to post contact information of parents who want to share sitting services Ocean County College during the meeting. For further information, please contact Rose Veneklasen at [email protected] or 520-333-2577 ext. 102. For providing each attendee with a stylish lanyard. ! Thank you Page 2 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program MESA Members Meeting

Friday, November 18 v 1200nn-1:30pm v Boston Marriott Copley Place, Room TBA

The members meeting is an annual meeting of the membership open to all members. Voting is restricted to full and student MESA members. The meeting mainly consists Sample Agenda of reports (see agenda at right). Where members play an important role is in voting for the Nominating Committee and on any resolutions that are being presented. A member I. Call to Order in good standing can add names to the list of people who will be invited to run for the II. Report of the Executive Director Nominating Committee, to augment those proposed by MESA’s Board. III. In Memoriam and Moment of Silence IV. 2016 Election of Officers Results Quorum V. Nominating Committee Vote and Call for A minimum of 35 voting-eligible members must be in attendance for votes to be taken. Names Failing that, the meeting can be held but votes cannot be taken. VI. IJMES Report VII. RoMES Report Resolutions VIII. Committee on Academic Freedom Report When important issues are before the membership, resolutions are sometimes presented IX. New Business at the members meeting. Resolutions can originate from MESA’s Board or from the X. Adjournment membership. For resolutions to be acted upon at the 2016 Members Meeting, they must be in the hands of the MESA Secretariat by November 3, 2016. Instructions for submitting resolutions can be found in MESA’s Bylaws which are posted on MESA’s website at

Tools for Paper Presenters

Upload Your Paper to myMESA by Oct. 15 Planning for Your Presentation

Please upload a copy of your paper to the myMESA system so that If you are planning a career in academia, the art of presenting a your co-panelists, especially the chair/discussant, will have access to conference paper is a skill you can and will need to learn. James it. No one else will be able to view your paper except for your co- Gelvin, professor of history at UCLA, kindly made available to panelists. Papers need not be the final copy; drafts are fine. There is MESA tips he shared with his graduate students on preparing and no suggested paper length. Your topic and your depth of coverage delivering conference papers: should determine its length. Plan to present a truncated version of delivering-conference-papers-Gelvin.pdf. As you will learn, there are your paper at your panel. many factors involved in writing a scholarly paper and presenting it at a conference. The bottom line is that preparation is key to a 1. Log-in to myMESA ( successful presentation and to combating nerves. 2. Click the “Annual Meeting” button. 3. Click the “Paper Abstract” button below that. No Show Policy 4. Click the “Submit/Update full paper” button. 5. Under “Upload your attachment” click the “browse” button. We understand that things come up at the last minute that prevent 6. Locate the file on your computer by navigating to the directory a participant from attending the meeting. As a courtesy to your co- where the file is located. panelists, please notify MESA if you cannot attend the meeting. 7. Once the name of your file appears in the box next to the If you are scheduled to participate in the annual meeting in any “browse” button, click the “Save and back to abstract” button. capacity and you don’t show up and haven’t informed the MESA 8. Your file has now been uploaded. Secretariat, you will be considered a ‘no-show’ and will not be eligible 9. Log-out. to participate in the next year’s meeting. A no-show is someone who is not physically present at his/her panel at the conference and hasn’t Want to upload a newer copy later? Repeat above. notified the MESA Secretariat beforehand.

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 3 Presidential Biography Beth Baron City Col and Graduate Center, CUNY

here is a MESA tradition of a president writing about her or his path into the field. Although I was very tempted to break with this tradition (writing about one’s own intellectual trajectory at a time T when the MENA region faces such unprecedented challenges seemed a bit too self-indulgent), I have been persuaded otherwise. It is precisely at such precarious times that we may need to be reminded of why we do what we do—produce scholarship, teach courses, and give public lectures—and how we got here. Before I had ever heard of Title VI, the federal monies that support Middle East studies across the country, I had become familiar with Title IX, the legislation that prohibits sexual discrimination in education. As a high school athlete who grew up close to , I fought for equal access to playing fields, courts, coaching, and equipment, having learned rather early on that female athletes were considered inferior to male athletes. This battle continued into college, where at Dartmouth, a tradition- ally all male institution that had recently gone co-ed, I played Division I soccer, fighting once more for fair treatment on and off the field. Having gone to college with the intention of studying medicine—biology had been a favorite sub- ject—I quickly found that history courses appealed much more than the required ones in chemistry. The smell of the stacks proved intoxicating, the lectures spellbinding, and I got hooked on historical research. For it was through history, particularly social history, that I began to make sense of the gender and other inequities I had experienced or witnessed growing up. Racial conflict had marked my junior high and high school years, and religious discrimination had been a theme in family conversations. Ex- plorations of the past gave these issues historical context and pointed the way to overcoming inequality through social movements. At college, an early interest in Jewish and Israeli history metamorphosed into an interest in Middle Eastern history writ large. Until then I had not visited the region and only later learned of family ties: a great grandfather had been born in Istanbul in the 1860s. This great grandfather, who arrived in the U.S. in the 1890s, is described in an oral history as “a very dark skinned Turkish looking man with a big black moustache.” He only gave up his Ottoman citizenship when the empire allied with Germany in , and it was probably then that my family created the myth that he was Russian to hide his Ottoman past. In a world of binaries, I always assumed that I was white, that is until I travelled to London to study for my MA at the School of Oriental and African Studies. There, in the United Kingdom, many people thought of me as something else, not black but not white either. Among other things, I apprehended how fluid and constructed identity could be and saw how a contracting empire that had drawn many of its former colonized people to its shores treated them. Learning to navigate the city and archives at the center of the British Empire, an empire that played such a dominant role in the Middle East, would prove as invaluable as the analytical skills that Malcolm Yapp imparted to his students. At UCLA, I settled on as the focus of my studies, in part because of the intriguing questions on gender that presented themselves in modern Egyptian history, in part because it was one of the few

Page 4 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program places I could conduct research. When I finally got out into the field to study and collect sources, I often got mistaken for being Egyptian, a mistake that left me in a liminal space, forced to learn and sometimes to follow the codes and expectations for proper gendered behavior. I had gone into the field with a comparative project and the intention of spending two weeks at Dar al-Kutub reading periodicals produced or authored by women. The weeks turned into months, as I changed my research topic—the Arabic women’s press became both the subject and main source of my dissertation. Following in the footsteps of my teachers Gene Garthwaite and Nikki Keddie, my work has focused on social history. This thread has wound its way through my writing on literary culture and society, gender and representa- tions of the nation, and religion and social welfare. In my research, I have looked for the marginalized or forgot- ten, arguing that their stories are key to understanding the past. Whether writing about activists and intellectuals, enslaved Africans and Circassians, orphaned and abandoned children, or missionaries and Islamists, I have strived to give voice to those less often heard. Having moved from London to LA to in the course of graduate studies, I ended up back in New York with a teaching position at City College, City University of New York. Teaching there, on the frontlines in a public university with limited resources has not been easy. But it has been rewarding: City College prides itself on having the most diverse student body in the country, and its location in the heart of Harlem positions it at the crossroads of fascinating cultural, political, and economic currents. It has been a tremendous privilege to serve students who take nothing for granted, who value an education that they have fought hard to get, and who bring to class discus- sions incredible experiences and insights. My students and colleagues, as well as the graduate students who have taught alongside me, have inspired me and affirmed the importance of teaching. At the same time, it has pained me to see the ever widening gap in resources between public universities starved of funds and private institutions awash in them. Working in New York City has also offered a unique perspective on events that have come to define our times: the seeds of the “war on terror” were sown here with the attacks of 9/11 and the drumbeats for the subsequent war in played out at the UN. In early September 2001, right before the toppling of the towers, the trustees of CUNY approved the launching of a Middle East and Middle Eastern American Center at the CUNY Gradu- ate Center. Building MEMEAC with Anny Bakalian, and having the opportunity to foster a close community of scholars and nurture a generation of talented MA and PhD students, has been enormously gratifying. The presence of a vibrant Middle East center made it possible to host IJMES at the Graduate Center. Editing the journal from 2009 to 2014 with Sara Pursley and Jeffrey Culang, the best partners imaginable, was an exhila- rating endeavor. It was also exhausting, and life after IJMES was supposed to be more relaxed. I planned to take time off, learn to meditate, and return to my own scholarship, pursuing a new project that brings me full circle (a social history of medicine in Egypt). I’d also hoped for more time on the hiking trail. But that is not quite how it turned out. The MESA presidency, I thought, was mostly an honorary position. I was wrong. Our international commu- nity of scholars and students is under siege, with some in real peril. This is a time of action: of speaking out on be- half of academic freedom and unfettered debate; of striving to create opportunities at universities for those Middle Eastern scholars and students whose work and lives are at risk in , , and elsewhere; of condemning sexual harassment and violence in the academy and working to end it; and of standing by our commitment to produce the best scholarship that we can and recognize it in new ways.

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 5 FilmFestPreview

Midway through the summer, the FilmFest is hard at work preparing for Boston. With over 140 films under consideration, we are trying to pare about 100 hours of video down to the 38 hours we will show. Some new and uncommon topics join the historical, political, and cultural subjects. We will have something for almost every taste whether you’re looking for something new for the classroom or just a break from pan- els. Here is a sampling of some films viewers will find on the program. In the Image: Palestinian Women Capture the Occupation

In the Image: Palestinian Women Capture the Occupa- tion is a documentary about West Bankers who partner with the Israeli human rights organization, B’Tselem. Their project provides video cameras and training to young women who use them to capture violations of Palestinian’s civil rights by settlers and the military as well as the nuances of living under occupation. Blend- ing interviews with camera women and the footage they have filmed, this video introduces these non-vi- olent activists, humanizes them and sheds light on the complicated situations that have become daily life for Courtesy of Palestinian citizens living in the occupied territories.

Iraqi Odyssey The Occupation of the American Mind: ’s Public Relations War in the Courtesy of Courtesy of AFD/Typecast Films Samir (Jamal al-Din) is an Iraqi-Swiss filmmaker whose large extended Iraqi family is today scattered around the world but historically his kin played im- portant roles in the history of their ancestral home- land. Iraqi Odyssey recounts his family’s stories as it chronicles Iraqis’ dreams of building a modern soci- Israel’s military occupation of Palestinian territory and repeated in- ety after their nation achieved independence in the vasions of the Gaza Strip have triggered a fierce backlash against Is- 1950s. Although coups in the 1960s and 1970s dashed raeli policies virtually everywhere in the world—except the United these aspirations, some of his relatives continued States. The Occupation of the American Mind addresses this critical to pursue their political ambitions. During Saddam exception by focusing on pro-Israel public relations efforts within the Hussein’s dictatorship and Iraq’s post-war transi- U.S. Drawing on analyses of Israel’s decades-long battle for American tion, the family’s concern for their homeland has en- hearts, minds and tax dollars, this video investigates how the Israe- dured. Iraqi Odyssey was Switzerland’s entry for the li government, the U.S. government, and the pro-Israel lobby have 2014 Academy Award Best Foreign Language film. joined forces, often with very different motives, to shape American The FilmFest will show the classroom length version. media coverage of the conflict in Israel’s favor.

Page 6 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program Letters From Baghdad The Tentmakers of Cairo

Courtesy of

Courtesy of In a small covered market, in the heart of Old , four tentmakers expertly hand stitch Khayamiya or appliqué. Historically, Khayamiya decorated the in- Courtesy of teriors of tents but today are wall hangings and cushion The FilmFest will have a “sneak preview” of Letters From covers often adorning tourists’ homes. The Tentmakers Baghdad, the story of Gertrude Bell, the adventurer, dip- of Cairo provides a unique look at the techniques of this lomat, archaeologist and spy who traveled widely in the traditional craft at a time when this art form is gaining Middle East at the beginning of the 20th century. Draw- international popularity and recognition even as its ap- ing on archival film and letters, this documentary traces peal is waning in Egypt. Filmed between 2011 and 2014 Bell’s unlikely rise within British military intelligence. In – from the departure of Hosni Mubarak through the brief the process, she was instrumental in shaping the future of reign of Muhammad Morsi - viewers gain insights into lo- post-Ottoman Iraq, installing its first king and establishing cal opinions about the uncertain political situation and the Iraq Museum. Beyond her colonial and political accom- the collapse of the tourist industry. plishments, Letters From Baghdad reveals that Bell was an explorer caught between two cultures and always in search of her place.

After Spring

Close to 80,000 Syrian exiles lives in the Zaatari Ref- ugee Camp in , the second largest such camp in the world. More than half of the camp’s inhabit- ants are children. After Spring gives viewers an in- timate portrait of the rhythms of the camp, the role of the aid workers and the daily lives of two families as they contemplate an uncertain future. All aspects of refugee camp life are explored, including medical assistance, the self-sustaining economy of its urban center, martial arts classes and even pizza making. However, it all arcs on bringing purpose and edu- cation to the children uprooted from their homes, often termed the ‘lost generation.’

Courtesy of

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 7 Meetings in Conjunction

American Association of Teachers of Arabic wCASA–Center for Arabic Study Abroad

Thursday, 11/17 Governing Board Meeting, 4-7pm, Haru wAASA–Arab American Studies (55 Huntington Ave.) wAATA–American Association of Association Friday, 11/18 Teachers of Arabic Thursday, 11/17 Annual Consortium Luncheon, 12- Thursday, 11/17 Board Meeting, 3-4pm, MIT (3) 1:30pm, Post 390 (406 Stuart St.) Executive Board Meeting, 9am-12nn, Membership Meeting, 6:30-8:30pm, Salon Saturday, 11/19 MIT (3) C (4) Alumni Reception, 5-7pm, City Table (65 Panel, 1-3pm, Regis (3) Exeter St.) Business Meeting, 3:30-4:30pm, Regis (3) wCAORC–Council of American Overseas Research Centers Thursday, 11/17 Reception, 5:30-7pm, Vermont (5) wAGAPS–Association for Gulf & wEWIC–Encyclopedia of Women and Studies wAATP–American Association of Thursday, 11/17 Islamic Cultures Thursday, 11/17 Teachers of Persian Board Meeting, 11am-2pm, Hyannis (4) Thursday, 11/17 Business Meeting, 3-5pm, Nantucket (4) Board Meeting, 7:30am-1pm, Orleans (4) Executive Meeting, 3-5pm, Salon I (4) Happy Hour Reception, 5:30-8pm, Annual Awards Ceremony, 5-7, Salon I (4) Location TBA wFares Center for Eastern Mediterranean Studies wAATT–American Association of wAIS–Association for Israel Studies Saturday, 11/19 Teachers of Turkic Languages Thursday, 11/17 MENA Business History Project, Thursday, 11/17 Reception, 8:30-10pm, Wellesley (3) 2-4pm, Massachusetts (5) Business Meeting, 10-11pm, Arlington (3) Reception, 4-6pm, Vineyard (4) wAIIrS–American Institute of Iranian wFoundation for Iranian Studies and Studies Women's Learning Partnership Thursday, 11/17 Thursday, 11/17 Meeting, 2-6pm, Salon J (4) Board Meeting, 3-5pm, Tufts (3) wAMEA–Association for Middle East Anthropology wAIMS–American Institute for wFulbright Thursday, 11/17 Saturday, 11/19 Maghrib Studies Board Meeting, 1-2pm, Salon A (4) 70th Anniversary Reception, 8-10pm, Thursday, 11/17 Business Meeting, 2-3pm, Salon A (4) Wellesley (3) Board Meeting, 9am-1pm, Tufts (3) Business Meeting, 3-4:30, Wellesley (3) wHarvard University, Center for wAIYS–American Institute for Yemeni Middle Eastern Studies Friday, 11/18 Studies Alumni Reception, 8:30-10pm, Wellesley (3) Thursday, 11/17 Board Meeting, 4-6pm, Orleans (4) wAMEWS–Association for Middle East Friday, 11/18 Women’s Studies wHIAA–Historians of Islamic Art Business Meeting, 5:30-6:30pm, Brandeis (3) Thursday, 11/17 Association Board Meeting, 5-6:30pm, MIT (3) Thursday, 11/17 Friday, 11/18 Majlis, 3-5pm, Salon H (4) Graduate Student Committee Meeting, 5-6pm, Boston University (3) IJMES–International Journal of wAMIDEAST–America-Mideast Members Meeting, 7-8:30pm, Brandeis (3) w Educational & Training Services Dinner, 8:30-10:30pm, Provincetown (4) Middle East Studies Thursday, 11/17 Thursday, 11/17 Education Abroad Academic Editorial Board Meeting, 4-6pm, wASPS–Association for the Study of Simmons (3) Consortium Meeting, 4-6pm, Hyannis (4) Persianate Societies Saturday, 11/19 ISIS–International Society for Iranian wAUC–American University in Cairo Board Meeting, 2-3pm, Northeastern (3) w Friday, 11/18 JPS Editorial Board Meeting, 3-4pm, Studies Reception, 8:30-11pm, Simmons (3) Northeastern (3) Thursday, 11/17 Council Meeting, 2-5pm, Boston University (3) wAUB–American University of General Meeting, 6-7pm, Regis (3) Friday, 11/18 Reception, 7-9pm, Atrium (3)

Page 8 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program wJournal of Persianate Studies wUCLA Center for Near Eastern Saturday, 11/19 Studies Editorial Board Meeting, 3-4pm, Friday, 11/18 Northeastern (3) Alumni Reception, 8:30-10pm, Salon A (4) wOTSA–Ottoman and Turkish Studies wKSA-Kurdish Studies Association Association wUniversity of Michigan, Center for Saturday, 11/19 Thursday, 11/17 Middle Eastern & North African Business Meeting, 11am-1pm, Board Meeting, 3-5pm, Yarmouth (4) Studies Massachusetts (5) Reception and Members’ Meeting, 7-10pm, Arlington (3) Saturday, 11/19 Reception, 7-9pm, Simmons (3) wMECPD–Middle East Center & wPARC–Palestinian American Program Directors wWestern Consortium of Middle East Research Center Saturday, 11/19 Centers Annual Meeting, 10-11:45am, Vineyard (4) Thursday, 11/17 Board Meeting, 12nn-4pm, Brandeis (3) Saturday, 11/19 Meeting, 11:45am-1:45pm, Orleans (4) wMELA–Middle East Librarians wSAS–Society for Armenian Studies Association wWOCMES-World Congress for Tuesday, 11/15 Thursday, 11/17 Executive Council Meeting, 9:30- Middle Eastern Studies Annual Meeting, 8am-5pm, MIT Media Lab Friday, 11/18 (E14-674), 75 Amherst St., Cambridge 11:30am, Salon A (4) Workshop, "Armenians in America", International Advisory Council Wednesday, 11/16 Meeting, 3:45-5:45pm, Yarmouth (4) Annual Meeting, 8am-5pm, MIT Barlos 1-4pm, Salon B (4) Theater (E15-00LA), 20 Ames St., Cambridge Membership Meeting, 4-6pm, Salon B (4) Thursday, 11/17 wYale Council on Middle East Studies Vendor Showcase, 9am-12nn, Simmons (3) wSSA–Syrian Studies Association Friday, 11/18 Thursday, 11/17 Reception, 8:30-10pm, Salon B (4) wMEM–Middle East Medievalists Board Meeting, 3:30-4:30pm, Connecticut (5) Thursday, 11/17 Business Meeting, 5-6pm, New Board Meeting, 11am-1pm, Yarmouth (4) Hampshire (5) Business Meeting, 3-5pm, Vineyard (4) Panel, 6-7:30pm, New Hampshire (5) Reception, 5-7pm, Provincetown (4) wMEOC–Middle East Outreach Council Friday, 11/18 Workshop for Outreach Professionals, 1-3pm, MIT (3) wTAARII–The American Academic Saturday, 11/19 Business Meeting, 5-7pm, Boston Research Institute in Iraq University (3) Thursday, 11/17 Sunday, 11/20 Board Meeting, 2-4pm, Massachusetts (5) Board Meeting, 9-11am, MIT (3) Reception, 7-8:30pm, Vermont (5) Key to Room Locations: The number in parentheses next to the room name indicates the floor on which the room is located. Our meeting space at the Boston Marriott Copley is located wMESA–Middle East Studies on floors 3-5. Association Friday, 11/18 Committee on Academic Freedom Meeting, 5:45-7:45pm, Northeastern (3) Saturday, 11/19 Middle East Center & Program Directors Annual Meeting, 10-11:45am, Vineyard (4) wNew York University, Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies and Dept. of Middle East and Islamic Studies Friday, 11/18 Celebrating 50 Years of Middle East Studies at NYU Reception, 8:30- 10:30pm, Regis (3)

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 9 4-5PM Thursday November 17

SPECIALUndergraduate SESSION Research Poster Session 4-5pm

MESA’s Committee on Undergraduate Middle East Studies presents an

Undergraduate Research Poster Session

Prior to the poster session, the undergraduate students will participate in a workshop meant to hone their research skills by focusing on placing their work in the academic literature, developing research methods, and exposing students to data, archives, and other primary sources in Middle East studies. MESA 2016 attendees are invited to the poster session to engage these young scholars in a discussion of their research. Presenters

Rend Beiruti, NYU Abu Dhabi-On Dubai’s Baqalas: effects of Josephine Lippincott, Arcadia U-Parallel authorities in Syria: standardization policy on Baqalas and communities comparing civil society organizations and armed opposition groups Miguel Angel Fuentes Carreño, Sciences PO-Transnational Meraleigh Randle, Christian-Accessing the hidden fifty LGBT and activism in , Egypt and Iran percent Emily Edwards, Loyola New Orleans-Searching for a room of Alyssa Scheiner, Boston U-The consequences of demographic one’s own: rethinking the Iranian diaspora in Persepolis, Shahs of aid distribution: the case of Syrian refugees Sunset, and A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night Casey Smith, Wesleyan-East bank Jordanian-Palestinian rela- Mekarem Eljamal, Michigan Ann Arbor-Coptic participation tions and the securitization of humanitarian aid in the Egyptian Revolution and prospects for decreased marginal- Myung-In Sohn, NYU Abu Dhabi-The greater derivation: an ization exploration of divinity in Arabic philological thought Billy Ford, Holy Cross U-How decentralization in southeastern Adam Syed, Boston U-Understanding urban development in Turkey could diffuse tension between the Kurds and the Turkish through social media government Guillaume Sylvain, NYU Abu Dhabi-National social studies Christina Go, Yale-The Thousand and One Nights: not valid for curriculum and historical consciousness in UAE K-12 schools travel to Iraq Daniel Waqar, UNLV-Modern conflict in the divided city: a Nancy Ko, Harvard-In the shadows of change: alliance and Jew- history of power imbalances and violence in Hebron, the Israeli- ish alliances in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, 1905-1911 Occupied West Bank Margit Lindgren, NYU Abu Dhabi-Influences of the “Arab Darren Wan, U -Imagining the lands below the winds: Spring” on the political landscape and leftist movements in the Arabic and Persian sources on Southeast Asia in the early modern Gulf; A case study of the Kuwaiti Progressive Movement in period post 2011

Page 10 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program Program

7:30pm-9pm v Room TBA

2016 Presidential Address

Beth Baron City Col and Graduate Center, CUNY

2016 MESA Awards Ceremony

Please join MESA in recognizing the very best in the field in 2016, including presentations of the following awards:

Albert Hourani Book Award Houshang Pourshariati Iranian Studies Book Award Malcolm H. Kerr Dissertation Awards MESA Mentoring Award Jere L. Bacharach Service Award Academic Freedom Award Undergraduate Education Award MESA Graduate Student Paper Prize

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 11 8-9:45AM Friday November 18

TODAY’S AFFILIATED MEETINGS 4298 Text and Technology: Exploring Jehan Al Mahmoud, Georgetown- the Materiality of Early Arabic Intertextuality & framing in the Saudi 1-3pm Periodicals Arabian Women2Drive Campaign on Twitter MEOC Workshop for Outreach Organizers: Hala Auji, Adam Mestyan Professionals Roundtable MIT (3) Sponsored by 4354 Doing Research in Iran: 3:45-5:45pm Syrian Studies Association (SSA) Strategies and Experiences WOCMES International Advi- Organizer: Beatrice F. Manz sory Council Meeting Chair: Dana Sajdi, Boston Col Yarmouth (4) Discussant: Nadia Al-Bagdadi, Central Sponsored by 5-6pm European U American Institute AMEWS Graduate Student of Iranian Studies (AIIrS) Committee Meeting Anthony (Antoine) Edwards, Boston University (3) Washington and Lee-Majmu’ Fawayid: Chair: Beatrice F. Manz, Tufts 5:30-6:30pm miscellany in Beirut’s first Arabic periodical AIYS Business Meeting Adam Mestyan, Harvard-Technology and Judith A. Lerner, NYU Brandeis (3) Euro-Egyptian imperialism: the first Arabic Candace Mixon, UNC Chapel Hill 5:45-7:45pm military journal, 1873-1877 Eric Lob, Florida International MESA's Committee on Academ- Hala Auji, American U Beirut-Al-Tabib Justine Landau, Harvard ic Freedom Meeting and representations of identity in early Linda Komaroff, LACMA Northeastern (3) Arabic medical journals from Beirut 7-8:30pm Rana Issa, U Oslo-Lughat al-Jarāʾid AMEWS Members Meeting 4356 Intellectual and Legal Culture in the Ottoman Empire Brandeis (3) 4317 Sustainability and Environ- Organizer: Jane Hathaway 7-9pm mentality in the Modern Middle East AUB Reception Organizer: Chris Gratien Atrium (3) Chair/Discussant: Jane Hathaway, Ohio State 8:30-10pm Chair: Laura Goffman, Georgetown Harvard CMES Reception Discussant: Rosie Bsheer, Yale Wellesley (3) Bogac Ergene, U Vermont; M. Safa Saracoglu, Bloomsburg U-Corruption, 8:30-10pm Nancy Y. Reynolds, Washington U St. Ottoman style NYU Reception Louis-The stone sustains: disaster anxiety Yeliz Cavus, Ohio State-Ottoman Regis (3) and the Aswan High Dam, 1956-1980 historians at work: historiographical debates 8:30-10pm Michael Christopher Low, Iowa in academic journals of the late Ottoman UCLA Reception State-The petro-state and the “saltwater period Salon A (4) kingdom”: expertise, environmentality, and Patrick Scharfe, Texas Tech-The origins 8:30-10pm the origins of desalination technology in and Ottoman identity of Mehmed Ali Pasha’s Yale Reception Turcophone elite Salon B (4) Zozan Pehlivan, McGill-20 para per 8:30-10:30pm kıyye: state efforts to contain locust AMEWS Dinner infestations in nineteenth century Ottoman Provincetown (4) 8:30-11pm Chris Gratien, Harvard-Seeds of resistance: AUC Reception the endurance of Çukurova’s local cotton Simmons (3) 4328 Language and Politics in the Middle East and North Africa Organizer: Nadine Hamdan

Francesco L. Sinatora, Georgetown- Language, identity and participation on a group of Syrian dissidents’ Facebook pages Gareth Smail, U Penn-The politics of language pedagogy in provincial Nadine Hamdan, Georgetown-Nasrallah - salesman of what it means to be Lebanese

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4385 Intelligence and Transnationalism 4419 Policing and Punishment in the Alexandra Hoffmann, U Chicago-The in Peace and War Making of the Modern Middle East Sindbād-nāma and The Seven Sages: A Organizers: Steven Wagner, Hilary Falb Organizer: Michael Farquhar comparative look at “the moral of the story” Kalisman Chair: Kent F. Schull, Binghamton 4446 Interdisciplinary Approaches Chair/Discussant: Roger Owen, Harvard Discussant: Lisa Hajjar, UC Santa Barbara to the Situation of Moriscos in the Iberian Peninsula (16th and 17th James Casey, Princeton-Sacred Will Hanley, Florida State-The police and centuries) surveillance: Indian Muslims, Syrian waqf, the people in turn-of-the-century Egypt Organizer: Lisette Balabarca and the evolution of state surveillance in Michael Farquhar, King’s Col London- Syria 1918-1930 Historicising the politics of law and Chair: Lisette Balabarca, Siena Col Steven Wagner, McGill-British order in neoliberal times: Egyptian police Discussant: Chad Leahy, U Denver intelligence, the caliphate, and the Arab discourse on crime, security and economic movements 1914-16 transformation Jillian Williams, U Bristol-Eating like Roberto Mazza, U Limerick-Fabricating a Golnar Nikpour, Wisconsin Madison- Muslims: Moriscos and the Valencian massacre: the evacuation of Jaffa in 1917 The humanist prison: scholarly and state Inquisition Hilary Falb Kalisman, Furman U-“Ruhi discourses on crime and punishment in David Freidenreich, Colby Col-Moriscos the Ingenious:” a transnational agent during Pahlavi Iran as in Spanish Christian rhetoric the First World War Jeff Eamon, NYU-Policing the Elizabeth Ashcroft Terry, Austin Col-A Islands: labor, race, and the historical origins Morisco’s application for knighthood: the 4406 Saints and Sultans: Sufi of foreign recruitment opinions of twenty-four theologians on Literature Between Religion and behalf of Don Pedro de Granada Venegas Politics in the Ottoman Empire Roundtable (1607) Organizer: Kameliya Atanasova 4430 Towards an Egyptian History 4470 Youth, Education and Democracy of the 1970s and 1980s: Research Chair: Jamal J. Elias, U Penn in the Middle East Questions and Sources Discussant: John Curry, UNLV Organizers: Ayca Alemdaroglu, Daniele Organizers: Hanan Hammad, Relli I. Cantini Shechter Jonathan Allen, U Maryland-Traversing geographies of power and sanctity: Taha Mohamed Sallam, U Minnesota-The last Chairs: Hanan Hammad, TCU; Relli I. Al-Kurdī’s encounters with 18th century great hope for transforming the lives of girls: Shechter, Ben-Gurion U Ottoman political power and identity the rhetorics of girls’ education in upper Zeynep Elbasan, Indiana U-From Trabzon Egypt Lucie Ryzova, U Birmingham, UK to Constantinople: Molla Sheikhzade Yahya Amanda Tho Seeth, U Marburg- Zeinab A. Abul-Magd, Oberlin Efendi’s convoluted route to the top as an Democratizing academia: new concepts of Vivian Ibrahim, U Mississippi Ottoman Sufi master in the 16th century socialization at Tunisia’s universities Kameliya Atanasova, U Penn- Daniele Cantini, Halle U (Germany)- 4442 Literary Encounters Across the Metaphysics as political commentary: Youth in (higher) educational spaces – Mediterranean representations of political power in Ismail researching university students in Jordan, Organizer: Cameron Cross, N. Ipek Hakki Bursevi’s tuhfe works ethnographically Huner-Cora Oscar Aguirre Mandujano, U Roozbeh Shirazi, U Minnesota- Washington-Poets, statesmen, and mystics: Examining the education of uncertain Chair/Discussant: Franklin D. Lewis, U poetry and political networks at the citizens: youth negotiations of higher Chicago fifteenth-century Ottoman court education in Jordan N. Ipek Huner-Cora, U Chicago-Deceit and dishonor: the Widow of Ephesus in the Ottoman context Karla Mallette, Michigan Ann Arbor- The travels of Kalila and Dimna: Dīn goes west Cameron Cross, Michigan Ann Arbor- Love, death, and conversion in and Córdoba: The case of Varqa & Golshāh and Floire & Blancheflor

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4501 Alternative Preservation David Stenner, Christopher Newport 4639 Symbolic Politics & Cultural Practices of ‘Cultural Heritage’ in the U-Looking towards the future: Morocco’s Contestation in Turkey Middle East Arab-language press, the Holocaust, and Organizer: Mirjam Brusius post-European memory after 1945 Chair: John M. VanderLippe, New Schl Abdelilah Bouasria, U Montana-Between for Social Research Chair: Mirjam Brusius, Oxford gratitude and exactitude: the Moroccan monarchy and its Jews during the Holocaust Torsten Janson, Lund-Inventing sacred Trinidad Rico, Texas A&M -, Joshua Schreier, Vassar Col-The polemics spaces: Islamic symbolism in Turkish visual vernacularization and cultural heritage of Muslim-Jewish relations in the wake of politics Ian Straughn, Brown-Spirits of heritage, Vichy Sezin Öney, Bilkent-Autonomy and spectres of ruins: treasure hunting, symbolic power of the ‘intellectual’ and archaeology and the influence of the jinn 4604 Walls, Borders and Boundaries: the political power in Turkey: from the Stephennie Mulder, Texas Austin-Local Displacement and Confinement in the desired ‘wise people’ to undesired ‘academic or universal?: imagining antiquity and its MENA Region signatories for peace’ localities in Islamicate societies Organizer: Randa R. Farah Senem Yildirim, Ipek U-Arendtian politics Katharina Galor, Brown-: in the context of Turkey: The interplay of archaeologists versus residents? Discussant: Randa R. Farah, Western U deliberation and agonistic pluralism Canada Didem Ünal-Abaday, CUNY- 4542 Being a Syrian Refugee: Exploring pious women fashion designers’ Representation and Agency in the Zeinab McHeimech, Western U Canada positionalites in the contemporary gender Syrian Refugee Crisis -Between the readable and unreadable: regime in Turkey Organizer: Cecilia Baeza crossing borders through graffiti scrawls Abdulla Majeed, Western U Canada 4641 Urban Traditions & Discussant: Paulo G. Hilu , U -Belonging and the imperial reconfiguration Transformations Federal Fluminense of Baghdadi memory through space Berke Torunoglu, Wisconsin Madison- Chair: Pinar Batur, Vassar Col Ching-An Chang, U Edinburgh-The Displacement and citizenship: Ottoman plans economic elites of Syrian refugees: a for deportation of Greeks 1868-69 Eliana Abu-Hamdi, UC Berkeley-Public neglected group of crisis alleviator Susann Kassem, Graduate Inst Geneva- housing as an agent of social transformation Thomas Vladimir Brond, Roskilde UNIFIL’s “Blue Line,” sovereignty, and in Amman, Jordan U-Contentious labels through time and spatial contestation in southern Lebanon Azat Gundogan, Cornell-The end (or space: refugees and revolutionaries in beginning?) of Istanbul as we knew it: Lebanon and Europe 4627 The Gulf Beyond the Arab Spring peripheral urbanization and experiences Maai Youssef, Paris 1 Panthéon- from the margins Sorbonne-Syrian refugees in Egypt, a Chair: Marianne Laanatza, Lund U Alison B. Snyder, U -The common voice to face propaganda and imported passage, now an authentic uncertainty in exile Jessie Moritz, Australian National U-A expression of Istanbul’s urban tradition, Cecilia Baeza, PUC-SP-Syrian refugees transnational opposition: Bahraini human must not disappear in Brazil: negotiating identity in times of rights networks in the international sphere Sanket Desai, U Arkansas Fayetteville-A economic crisis Patricia Ward, Boston U-Beyond dollar suburb for Christians: the Daura Project signs?: Gulf states, UNHCR and shifting and the dissonance in Iraqi urbanization, 4593 Historical Comprehension and refugee relief practices 1950-1958 Moral Judgement of World War II and Susanne Dahlgren, National U the Holocaust: The View from North Singapore-The state crisis in : the Africa quest for the Republic of South Arabia, other Organizer: Samir Ben-Layashi statutory solutions and the fight for power Hae Won Jeong, SOAS London-Nation Chair: Daniel J. Schroeter, U Minnesota branding and soft power strategies in post- Discussant: Susan Gilson Miller, UC Davis Arab Spring Bahrain

Samir Ben-Layashi, Hebrew U Jerusalem-Towards a multidirectional history and memory of WWII in North Africa

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4658 Women and the Economy 4685 Religious Texts, Scholarship, and Thematic Interpretation Conversation Crystal A. Ennis, Leiden U-The 4701 Reframing the Debate About gendered complexities of promoting female Chair: Dale J. Correa, Texas Austin Secularism in the MENA Region: entrepreneurship in the Gulf Religious Violence, Secular Violence, Leyla Keough, Massachusetts Carl Sharif El-Tobgui, Brandeis- and the Question of “Real” Politics Amherst-A desirable domestic in Istanbul: Revelation and sound inference (husn al- Organizer: Suzanne Schneider Moldovan maids and their employers nazar) in Ibn Taymiyya’s Dar’ Al-Ta’arud Gail Buttorff, U Kansas; Bozena Holly Robins, UCLA-Al-Awza’i’s letters Chair: Gregory Starrett, UNC Charlotte Welborne, U Nevada Reno; Nawra Al to ‘Abbasid authorities: a new source for Lawati, Sultan Qaboos U-Oil and its understanding the role of an eighth-century Liora R. Halperin, U Colorado Boulder impact on female labor force participation in religious scholar Suzanne Schneider, Brooklyn Inst for the GCC Russell Hopley, Bowdoin Col-Conversion, Social Research Mariam Nagi, U Dublin-“If she wants false conversion, and deportation: the Ajay Chaudhary, Brooklyn Inst for to spend her money to upgrade, she Christian community of Seville under Social Research can”: gender, cultural capital, and the Almoravid rule K. Soraya Batmanghelichi, Brooklyn cosmopolitan class in Cairo Hussein Abdulsater, American U Beirut-The Inst for Social Research Essence of the human being in classical theology 4680 Performing Identities & Authenticities

Chair: Hilary Kalmbach, U Sussex

Cal Margulis, UCLA-Playing race: representations of blackness in the comedies of Yaʿqūb Ṣannūʿa Michael O’Toole, U Cincinnati-From Zeybek to Zeybreak: reimagining Anatolian dance in diaspora Andrea Shaheen Espinosa, Texas El Paso- Negotiating tradition: Syrian performers and the right to play in Buenos Aires, Argentina Ali Almajnooni, U Arkansas-Riddled performances: history and memory in the tribal poetry of Saudi Arabia Carolyn Ramzy, Carleton U-“The revolution did not happen”: the hidden transcripts of Cairokee’s post-revolution rock music

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SPECIAL SESSION 4320 What’s Love Got To Do With It? Political Imagination and Discourses of Love 4711 BDS, MESA, and the Politics of Academic Associations Organizer: Amy Kallander Organizers: Samera Esmeir, Joshua Stacher, Kent State, Sherene Seikaly, UC Santa Barbara Discussant: Irvin Cemil Schick Chair: Samera Esmeir, UC Berkeley Vivian Solana, U Toronto-“There is no romance in the desert”: on love and Michelle Hartman, McGill revolution in the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Charles Hirschkind, UC Berkeley Republic Huri Islamoglu, Bogazici Amy Kallander, Syracuse U-What is Mary N. Layoun, Wisconsin Madison love?: how romance and courtship crafted Judith E. Tucker, Georgetown the modern Tunisian subject Asli Zengin, Brandeis-Politics of love/ The Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) movement began over a decade ago as a Palestinian initiative that made three demands: ending the Israeli occupation of the loving politics: notes on the LGBTQ West Bank and Gaza, the full and equal rights of Palestinian citizens in Israel, and the movement in Turkey implementation of the Palestinian right of return. Since then, BDS has been widely Secil Yilmaz, Graduate Center, CUNY- discussed in academic circles in and Western Europe. Across universities Negotiating love in the late Ottoman period throughout North America and Europe, undergraduate and graduate students, alongside faculty, have critically engaged this strategy. Numerous student unions, scholars, and 4329 Ottoman Seas 1 academic associations adopted BDS. In turn, there was significant political pressure on Organizer: Murat Cem Mengüç academic institutions to disavow the strategy. The engagement with BDS has given rise to various questions of who has “academic freedom”; what is “free speech”; and what Chair: Virginia Aksan, McMaster is “objectivity.” These questions unfolded just as the erosion of higher education, the corporatization of the university, the adjunctification of academic labor, and the general Discussant: Palmira Brummett, Brown precarity of academic work took hold in new ways. At this critical juncture and as several hundred MESA members have signed calls for academic boycott, this panel explores BDS Michael Polczynski, Georgetown-Steppe as a political and intellectual strategy as it relates to academic associations in general, as sea: the Black Sea and the figurative and to MESA in particular. The panel reflects on the relationship between producing littorals of the de t-i kıpçak knowledge and practicing politics in Middle East studies. The panelists, representing Michael Talbot, U Greenwich-Protecting different areas of expertise in Middle East studies, offer insights on the practice of BDS, the Mediterranean:ş Ottoman legal and its significance and interventions in the contemporary higher education system, the naval responses to maritime violence in the relationship between politics and scholarship, and question of responsibility. They also eighteenth century reflect on the role of and the pressures on MESA in particular and academic associations more broadly. This panel contributes to an important and unfinished conversation that Isacar Bolanos, Ohio State-Beyond the has been taking place among MESA members, affording them access to a wider range of Hindiyya Barrage: Ottoman hydraulic works opinions within their organization. on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers during the nineteenth century Emily Neumeier, U Penn-The “image value” of Ottoman fortifications 4309 Nationalism and Its Alternatives: Tala Jarjour, Yale-Music, materiality, Minorities and Their Material intangibility, and survival in religious 4333 South by East: Decentering and Culture in the Middle East minority traditions of the Middle East Reorienting Intellectual and Literary Organizer: Fadi Dawood Exchanges in the Middle East, North Roundtable Africa, and South Asia Organized under the auspices of Organizer: Levi Thompson 4311 Teaching Turkish in the 21st Modern Assyrian Research Archive (MARA) Century: How to Develop a New Organized under the auspices of Curriculum the University of Chair/Discussant: Irene Markoff, York U Organizer: Funda Derin Humanities Research Institute Fadi Dawood, NATO Association of Sponsored by Canada-Minorities by any other name: Asiri American Association of Chair: Stephen Sheehi, Col of William and the status of Christians in the Middle East Teachers of Turkic Languages (AATT) and Mary Alda Benjamen, Maryland College Park- Discussant: Kamran Rastegar, Tufts Between negotiation and resistance: Assyrian Sylvia W. Önder, Georgetown press and popular culture in the 1970s Alexander Jabbari, UC Irvine-Flipping the Deniz Tat, AATT Nadia Younan, U Toronto-Assyrian Persianate script: Urdu in 20th century Iran Guliz Kuruoglu, UCLA traditional dance, stateless nationalism, and Levi Thompson, UCLA-Badr Shākir Al- Nilay Sevinc, AATT the body as material object Sayyāb’s transnational turn Burcu Karahan, AATT Page 16 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program 10-11:45AM Friday November 18

Ghada Mourad, UC Irvine-Mohamed 4396 Arabic Commentaries on the 4423 The Meaning of Imperial Rule: Leftah’s unruly masculinity and modernity Hippocratic Aphorisms: Form, Evidence from Colonial Morocco Suleiman Hodali, UCLA-Aḥmad Fāris Strategies and Purpose Organizer: Etty Terem Shidyāq in Malta and modern Arabic Organizer: Nicola Carpentieri philology Sponsored by Organized under the auspices of American Institute 4334 Is Saudi Foreign Policy ‘Islamic’? the University of Manchester for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) Organizer: Anna Viden Kamran Karimullah, U Manchester-Pain, Chair/Discussant: Adria Lawrence, Yale Discussant: Robert Vitalis, U Penn embodiment, ensoulment: a post-classical (ca. 1100-1900 CE) medical debate on pain between Eric Calderwood, Illinois Urbana- Anna Viden, U Penn-Theorizing the Abu Al-Faraj Ibn Al-Quff (d. 1286 CE) and Champaign-What is Spanish colonialism in Salman Doctrine within the context of Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi (d. 1209 CE) Morocco, and why does it matter? the increased Saudi-Iran/’Sunni-Shia’ Nicola Carpentieri, U Manchester- Itzea Goicolea-Amiano, European hegemonic rivalry Classification and concepts of phrenitis in U Inst-Performing and constraining Brandon Friedman, Tel Aviv U-The Arabic commentaries: on the meaning of colonization in the Spanish occupation of origins of Saudi nuclear energy research and birsām and sirsām Tetouan (1860-62) facilities Peter E. Pormann, U Manchester-Rhazes Etty Terem, Rhodes Col-Constructing the the commentator?: fragments of Muḥammad modern Muslim woman in colonial Morocco 4338 Israel’s Global Arms Economy: ibn Zakarīyā Al-Rāzī’s lost commentary on Adam Guerin, Eckerd Col-“Civilizing” Multidisciplinary Approaches to the the hippocratic aphorisms the countryside: environmental myth, Post-9/11 Security State Elaine van Dalen, U Manchester- agricultural development and the Organizer: Shimrit Lee Rhetorical strategies in the medieval reinvention of rural Morocco, 1924-1940 commentaries on the hippocratic aphorisms: Discussant: Noura Erakat, George Mason Arabic metadiscourse in Ḥunayn Ibn Isḥāq 4432 The Art Salon in the Middle East: and Ibn Abī Sādiq Migration of Institutional Patronage Mtanes Shihadeh, Mada al-Carmel- and Its Challenges The political/diplomatic role of the Israeli 4407 Experimental Methods in the Organizers: Nadia von Maltzahn, military and high-tech industry Middle East Monique Bellan Shimrit Lee, NYU-Making violence Organizer: Dana El Kurd consumable: professionalism and Sponsored by technofetishism at the Israeli arms expo Discussant: Luai Allarakia, U Houston Association for Modern and Contemporary Art of the Arab World, 4374 Honoring Fatema Mernissi: Ekrem KaraKoç, Binghamton-How Iran & Turkey (AMCA) Personal and Professional Impact foreign policies of other nations affect Organizer: Nawar Al-Hassan Golley domestic policy attitudes: the case of Discussant: Kirsten Scheid, American U Lebanon Beirut Chair: Nawar Al-Hassan Golley, Kimberly Guiler, Texas Austin-From American U Sharjah prison to the parliament: evidence from a Dina A. Ramadan, Bard Col-Society of the Discussant: miriam cooke, Duke priming experiment in Turkey lovers of the fine arts and the formation of Elizabeth R. Nugent, Princeton-The an Egyptian artistic “awareness” Mary Ann Fay, Morgan State-Where will politics of repression: experimental evidence Monique Bellan, Orient-Inst Beirut-The the troubled women go: Fatema Mernissi’s from Cairo University Egyptian avant-garde defying the salon memoir of growing up in the harem of her Dana El Kurd, Texas Austin-The effect Nada M. Shabout, U North Texas-The childhood of international involvement on state- Baghdad avant-garde’s unofficial salons Nayereh Tohidi, CSU Northridge- society relations: the case of the Palestinian Nadia von Maltzahn, Orient-Inst Reading Fatema Mernissi in Iran: Mernissi’s Territories Beirut-Guiding the artist and the public?: impact on Iranian feminist debates Salon d’Automne at Beirut’s Sursock Doris H. Gray, Al Akhawayn-Fatema Museum Mernissi: A Sufi wanderer and women’s rights pioneer Nimat Hafez Barazangi, Cornell-Fatema Mernissi and the Hadith: agent of social change

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Roundtable Mimi Hanaoka, U Richmond-Authority 4597 Mass Displacement and and identity in early Medieval Persianate Struggles over Identity in the 4434 The Destruction of Cultural Islamic historiography: methodologies for Contemporary Middle East Heritage in Yemen and Current reading hybrid identities and imagined Organizers: Shamiran Mako, Noora Preservation Efforts histories Lori, Emily Cury Organizer: Daniel Mahoney 4507 Atatürk and the American Chairs: Augustus Richard Norton, Sponsored by Missionaries: Resistance and Boston U; Denis J. Sullivan, American Institute Accommodation in the New Turkish Northeastern for Yemeni Studies (AIYS) Republic Organizer: Carolyn Goffman Discussant: Kevan Harris, UCLA Chair: Daniel Mahoney, Austrian Academy of Sciences Michael Limberg, U Connecticut- Shamiran Mako, Northeastern-External Trusting the terrible Turks: the YMCA in intervention, state weakness, and forced Krista Lewis, U Arkansas Little Rock Turkey, 1923-1939 displacement in post-2003 Iraq Lamya Khalidi, CNRS Carolyn Goffman, DePaul U-Toppling Emily Cury, Northeastern-Violence, McGuire Gibson, U Chicago the walls and lifting the veil: the American memory and the construction of David B. Hollenberg, U Oregon College for Girls, Atatürk, and the new sectarianism in the Syrian civil war Turkish Republic Noora Lori, Boston U-Statelessness 4454 The Crisis of Masculinity in Kent F. Schull, Binghamton-From Aintab through state-building: the impact of Middle Eastern Literature and Culture to Aleppo: Joseph Booth and the exodus of the identity management upgrades on displaced Organizer: Nicole Fares Mormon-Armenian community post-WWI populations in the UAE Faith J. Childress, Rockhurst U-From Sarah Tobin, Brown-Sectarianism and Chair: Nicole Fares, U Arkansas “upstart” to “savior”: changing views of identity among Syrian refugees in Jordan Discussant: Hanadi Al-Samman, U Ataturk at American missionary schools Virginia 4650 Political Economy of the Arab 4556 Jazz Combos, Reading Circles, Spring Jedidiah Anderson, Wofford Col-Exotic Military Bands: Integrating the and benighted, or modern yet victimized?: Auditory into Late and Post-Ottoman Chair: Clement Moore Henry, Texas the predicament of the Arab queer Social Histories (1880s-1920s) Austin Nadine Sinno, Virginia Tech-“I get Organizer: Maureen Jackson to deflower at least one. It’s my right!”: Gerasimos Tsourapas, U Birmingham- revealing the precariousness of hegemonic Chair: G. Carole Woodall, U Colorado Labor migrants as political leverage?: masculinity in Rashid Al-Daif’s writings Colorado Springs population mobility and coercion in the Arab Nicole Fares, U Arkansas-Of swords and Discussant: Senem Aslan, Bates Col world pigeons: emasculation and power play in Hayat Alvi, US Naval War Col-The Lebanese culture Maureen Jackson, U Washington- jasmine economy: Tunisia’s post-revolution Kaveh Bassiri, U Arkansas-From Ottoman brass bands: the militarization of a economic status revolutionary to reformist: Masud Kimiai global amateur phenomenon Isabel Schäfer, Humboldt U Berlin- and the transformation of masculinity Nicholas Tochka, U Maryland-From (Youth)Unemployment in Tunisia: coping subject to citizen?: national agency and with the (skill) mismatch between job offer 4484 New Perspectives on Late auditory culture in the Albanian diaspora, c. and job demand on the labour market Antique Iran and Iraq 1880-1910 Organizer: Michael Pregill G. Carole Woodall, U Colorado Colorado Springs-Jazz combos: defining a district, Organized under the auspices of defining a sound to a post-Ottoman era ILEX Foundation Pelin Kadercan, Brown-Re-imagining a marginalized identity: music and Alevi youth Chair: Michael Pregill, Boston U in Istanbul (1930s to the present)

Rahim Shayegan, UCLA-On diachrony in Sasanian studies Jason Mokhtarian, Indiana U Bloomington-Religious polemics in Sasanian writings Thomas A. Carlson, Oklahoma State-The long shadow of Sasanian : the limits of Iraqi Islamization to 950

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4665 Controversies in Twentieth 4681 Socio-Political Developments in Thematic Century Egypt Lebanon Conversation 4704 Is There an Early Modern Chair: Tarek El-Ariss, Texas Austin Hicham Safieddine, Rice U-Beirut’s Muslim Mediterranean? developmental institutionalists: towards a Organizers: Andrew Devereux, Loyola Mitch Bacci, Texas Austin-Smugglers history of post-WWII Arab economic thought Marymount; Mayte Green Mercado and state-builders: heroin trafficking and Magnus Dolerud, U Bergen-The institutional development in interwar Egypt nonviolence movement in the Lebanese peace Session Leader: Mayte Green Mercado, Heba Arafa, Georgetown-Dreams of movement Michigan Ann Arbor alternative modernities on the Nile Jennifer Philippa Eggert, U Warwick, Yasser Sultan, Georgetown-The legacy UK-Women and war in Lebanon: non-state Gillian Weiss, Case Western Reserve U of Al-Bannā: between gradualism and political violence, female combatants and Nabil Matar, U Minnesota radicalism organisational decision-making Daniel Hershenzon, U Connecticut Joyce Van De Bildt, Tel Aviv U-The battle Eric Dursteler, Brigham Young U over the establishment of a museum for the Cornell H. Fleischer, U Chicago 1952 revolution in Egypt Weston Bland, Wisconsin Madison- Re-envisioning the communal sphere: the contestation of Coptic institutions, 1943-1955

Attention MESA Members...

MESA Members Meeting

12-1:30pm Room TBA

See page 4 for details.

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Roundtable 4330 Ottoman Seas 2 Roundtable Organizer: Murat Cem Mengüç 4300 Ethics of Researching Middle 4347 Ba’thism, Islamism, and ISIS Organizer: East Politics Chair: Palmira Brummett, Brown Michael Brill Organizer: Jillian M. Schwedler Discussant: Nabil Al-Tikriti, U Mary Washington Chair: Joseph Sassoon, Georgetown Chair: Jillian M. Schwedler, Hunter Col, CUNY , Naval War Col Monterey Christine Isom-Verhaaren, Brigham Craig Whiteside Young U-Establishing an Ottoman naval Kevin M. Woods, Inst for Defense Analyses Marc Lynch, George Washington vision: reforming admirals Hayreddin Pasha Cole Bunzel, Princeton Amaney A. Jamal, Princeton and Mezemorta Pasha Aaron Faust, Independent Scholar , U Southern California , CSU San Marcos Laurie Brand Murat Cem Mengüç, Seton Hall Ibrahim Al Marashi Lisa Wedeen, U Chicago U-Memories of the war in the sea, Safai’s Michael Brill, Georgetown Sarah Parkinson, Johns Hopkins history of the Ottoman conquest of Jason Brownlee, Texas Austin Naupaktos and Methoni 4364 Ismaili Thought Through the Sona Tajiryan, UCLA-From Surat to Izmir Medieval and Modern Periods: 4313 Arab Jewish Belonging in the and Venice: Armenian diamond and gem Gender, Exegesis and Metaphysics Middle East After Israel’s War of 1948 merchants in early modern global trade Organizer: Khalil Andani Organizers: , Bryan Roby Chelsie May Joshua White, U Virginia-The Kadi of Malta: piracy, captivity, and law in the Khalil Andani, Harvard-The monorealism ʿ Discussant: Orit Bashkin, U Chicago Ottoman Mediterranean of Aga Khan III: echoes of Ismā īlī neoplatonism and Akbarī ontology , Brandeis-Shaping Hebrew , Harvard-Ismailism Aviv Ben-Or 4341 Political and Legal Contestations Shahrad Shahvand culture in Arabic: Sami Michael’s Arabic under the influence of Ibn ʿArabī: some Over Gender-Based Violence in Post- fiction of the 1950s metaphysical views of Āqā Khān Maḥallātī Revolutionary Egypt , Michigan Ann Arbor- (d. 1881) Bryan Roby Organizer: Hind Ahmed Zaki Expressions of belonging and identity in Paul Anderson, Harvard-Projections: Mizrahi social justice protests 1948–1958 gendering the spiritual in Ismāʿīlī cosmology Chelsie May, U Chicago-Intersectionality, Aaron Viengkhou, Harvard-The true belonging and the immigration of Arab path (satpanth): narrative hermeneutics Jewish women: reading Louise Cohen, Chair: Mariz Tadros, Inst of (taʾwīl) in the Ismāʿīlī Gināns Shoshana Levy and Shoshana Almoslino Development Studies between Iraq and Israel Discussant: Helen M. Rizzo, American 4398 Places and Spaces in Pre-Modern Aziza Khazzoom, Indiana U U Cairo Arabic Writing from the Islamic West Bloomington-Identification patterns of Organizer: Sabahat Adil Francophile Iraqi Jews in Israel Hind Ahmed Zaki, U Washington- Survivors and not victims: the movement Discussant: Zayde Antrim, Trinity Col 4314 Assessing the Legacy of Fayz against public sexual violence beyond the Muhammad “Katib-i Hazarah” politics of recognition Nizar F. Hermes, U Virginia-“It eclipsed Organizer: Robert D. McChesney Marta Agosti, SOAS London-Five hundred Cairo and outshone Baghdad:”: Ibn Rashiq’s mob-sexual assaults and one FGM case: forgotten city-elegy for Qayrawan Mehdi Khorrami, NYU-The evolution of whose laws rule women’s rights in Egypt? Rosemary Admiral, Illinois Urbana- stylistics and aesthetics in Siraj Al-tawarikh: Angie Abdelmonem, State- Champaign-Space, mobility, and gender in the emergence of Fayz Muhammad “Katib” “Social” and “political” fissures: anti-sexual medieval Fez as a modern storyteller harassment activism in Egypt Sabahat Adil, U Colorado Boulder- Shah Mahmoud Hanifi, James Madison Susana Galan, Rutgers-Al-Shawāriʿ Seeking baraka in Tlemcen: knowledge U-European capital and the environment in Limīn? whose streets?: on public space, production, circulation, and saintly piety in Fayz Muhammad’s Siraj Al-Tawarikh sexual violence, and the memory of the the Islamic west Amin Tarzi, Marine Corps U-The revolution in post-revolution Cairo Gretchen Head, Yale NUS Col-Space, relationship between Fayz Muhammad and identity, and genre in 17th century Morocco Mahmud Tarzi Robert D. McChesney, NYU-Fayz Muhammad Khan as historian of Afghanistan

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4414 Tunisia Five Years After: The 4424 New Issues, Perspectives and 4463 Challenging 19th Century Gulf Forgotten Structures of Revolutionary Sources in Armenian Studies Historical Narratives Practices? Organizer: Umit Kurt Organizers: Kristi N. Barnwell, Victoria Organizers: Sami Zemni, Benoit Hightower Challand Sponsored by Society for Armenian Studies (SAS) Chair/Discussant: Fahad A. Bishara, Chair: Emel Akcali, Swansea U NYU Discussant: Sami Zemni, Ghent U Chair: Barlow Der Mugrdechian, CSU Fresno Noah Haiduc-Dale, Centenary Col, NJ- Benoit Challand, New Schl for Social Discussant: Umit Kurt, Harvard Piracy in the Gulf and the exploitation of Research-The revolutionary praxis of environmental knowledge civility in Tunisia and its legacies Emre Can Daglioglu, Clark U-Revisiting Kristi N. Barnwell, Illinois Springfield; Ester Sigillo’, Scuola Normale the Ottoman courts-martial of 1919-1920 Jane Bristol-Rhys, Zayed U-Revisiting Superiore-The Islamic associative system under the light of new archival documents Shaykh Shakhbut’s legacy: a lexicon of in post-revolutionary Tunisia: which links Arda Melkonian, UCLA-“Human difficult shaykhs between social development and social trafficking” during the Armenian genocide Victoria Hightower, U North Georgia- cleavages? Varak Ketsamanian, Princeton-The Maritime violence: re-thinking claims of Fabio Merone, MENARG-Islamism and Hunchakian Revolutionary Party from 1891- piracy in the lower Gulf Salafism confronting the revolution: the cost 1895 of governing through consensus Anna Aleksanyan, Clark U-Ritualized 4472 Crossing Borders: Transnational Joachim Ben Yakoub, Ghent U-Art as rapes and body destruction of the Armenian Histories of the Colonial-Era Maghrib subversive practice: the aesthetics of the women during the genocide Organizer: Samuel Anderson Tunisian revolution 4441 Slave Women and Free Men: Sponsored by 4417 Centennial of What? (Re) Mediating Social Change in the American Institute Acknowledging the Relationship Medieval Middle East for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) Between the 1916 Arab Revolt and Organizer: Karen Moukheiber Mandate Politics Chair: Samuel Anderson, UCLA Organizers: Carl Shook, Sami Sweis Sponsored by Discussant: Jonathan Wyrtzen, Yale Middle East Medievalists (MEM) Discussant: Yoav Alon, Tel Aviv U Chris Silver, UCLA-Musical censorship Chair: Leslie Peirce, NYU and the politics of listening across the Carl Shook, U Chicago-The state-building Discussant: Karen Moukheiber, interwar Maghrib function of border outposts along the Iraq- American U Beirut Sara Rahnama, Johns Hopkins-The Najd frontier, 1918-1932 international dimensions of the interwar Yoni Furas, Tel-Aviv U-Pedagogic Pernilla Myrne, U Gothenburg, Sweden- Algerian debates over “the woman question” impossibilities in mandate : greater Free women and slave women in premodern Graham Cornwell, Georgetown-Feeding Syria and the colonials syllabus Arabic erotic literature the indigènes: diet and colonial policies in Joel Veldkamp, U Chicago-The 1926 Lev Weitz, Catholic U America- French North Africa elections in Aleppo: a crystallizing moment Concubinage and Christians in the Abbasid Samuel Anderson, UCLA-From Algiers Sami Sweis, U Chicago-From revolt to Caliphate to Atar: Algerian teachers, Mauritanian mandate: locating the Arab nationalist Maryam Kamali, Harvard- students, and “Franco-Muslim” education, project in Transjordan 1916-1925 Transformations in the social status 1910s-1950s of the slave women in Iran from the Khwarazmshah to the Mongols Mustafa Banister, U Bonn-Princesses born to concubines: a first visit to the women of the Abbasid household in Mamluk Cairo

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4515 Between Folklore, Literature, 4533 Creating Jordan: Artistic 4581 Beyond the Theater: and Politics: Circulation of Narratives Production in a Divided Nation Renegotiating Iranian Cinema in the Eastern Mediterranean Organizer: George Potter Through Technological and Industrial Organizer: Tsolin Nalbantian Adaptation Discussant: Samer Al-Saber, Florida Organizer: Laura Fish Chair: Tsolin Nalbantian, Leiden U State Discussant: Nader K. Uthman, NYU Chair: Jamil Al-Thawahrih, U Utah Chair: Karin Wilkins, Texas Austin

Marcela Garcia Probert, Leiden U-The Rory Sykes, Northwestern-”We are Claire Cooley, Texas Austin-Hearing Layli mobility and use of saints and sanctuaries in all fedayeen”: Palestinian and Jordanian and Majnun on screen: Persian talkies come Palestinian historical, folkloric and political representations of the Battle of Karameh to Iran from narratives Rayya El Zein, Graduate Center, CUNY- Kelly Houck, Texas Austin-Kanun films Elena Chiti, U Oslo-No homeland in this Class, concerts, cosmopolitanism: Amman as from 1965 – 1978: experimenting with world: Alexandrian Arab cosmopolitanism in emerging “cultural hotspot” revolutionary ideas in Pahlavi Iran the shadow of the Great War (1911-1922) Kimberly Katz, Towson-Social history of Blake Atwood, Texas Austin-What will Eftychia Mylona, Leiden U-A presence crime: Jordanian rule in Hebron, 1950s the neighbors think?: Iran’s underground without a narrative: the Greeks in Egypt, video clubs, 1982-1993 1961-1976 4535 Arabic Study Abroad in Laura Fish, Texas Austin-Resurrecting the Haneen Omari, Leiden U-Beyond spatial- Comparative Contexts: Towards an Iranian film industry: diasporic distribution temporal narratives in Palestinian literature: Integrated Approach networks of Iranian popular film the case of Ḥussein Barghoutī Organizer: Ahmed Idrissi Alami 4622 Shifting Patterns 4532 Probing the Process: Beyond American Association of Teachers of Arabic of Authoritarianism and Outcomes-Based Studies of Democratization Contentious Politics

Organizer: Yasmina Abouzzohour Chair: Azzedine Layachi, St. John’s

Chair: Brahim Chakrani, Michigan State Chair: Lisa Anderson, NYU Abu Dhabi Nimah Mazaheri, Tufts-No Arab Discussant: Mohammad T. Alhawary, Discussant: Asef Bayat, Illinois Urbana- bourgeoisie, no democracy?: the Michigan Ann Arbor Champaign entrepreneurial middle class and democratic attitudes since the Arab Spring Brahim Chakrani, Michigan State- Lisel Hintz, Cornell-Sticks and stones Kristen Kao, U Gothenburg-Rigging Increasing the sociolinguistic competency revisited: satire and insult in the escalation democracy: maintaining power through of heritage Arabic speakers in study abroad of Turkey’s Gezi protests authoritarian electoral institutions in Jordan programs Dina Bishara, Harvard; Elliott Colla, Sabina Henneberg, Johns Hopkins- Ahmed Idrissi Alami, Purdue-Learner- Georgetown-Downtime contention: the Governance after authoritarian breakdown in generated content as/in experiential daily politics of sit-ins in Egypt North Africa : the first provisional governments learning in Arabic summer study abroad Trevor Johnston, Harvard Kennedy in Tunisia and Libya in 2011-2012 programs Schl-When cooptation fails: the spatial Kourosh Rahimkhani, Binghamton- Mohammed Bounajma, Al-Akhawayn dynamics of protest and repression in Mapping the incumbency disadvantage in U-Arabic culture and literature courses Bahrain electoral authoritarian regimes: the case of through blended learning for advanced Yasmina Abouzzohour, Oxford- Iranian parliamentary elections students in study abroad programs Outsmarted, co-opted, and repressed: Dris Soulaimani, NYU Abu Dhabi-Study understanding the Moroccan monarchy’s abroad and service learning: the view from strategic manipulation of protesters the global campus

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4628 ISIS and the Regional 4640 The Contemporary State in Dimensions of the Syrian Civil War Turkey

Chair: Geoffrey D. Schad, U Penn Chair: Hootan Shambayati, Florida Gulf Coast U Didier Leroy, Royal Military Academy of Belgium; Elena Aoun, Catholic Jessica Doyle, Ulster U-State control of U Louvain -Fighting for our own: the civil society organizations: the case of Turkey involvement of Lebanese non-state actors Kyle T. Evered, Michigan State- in the Syrian conflict and the sources of the Erasing the place of dissent: democratic power of identity politics authoritarianism and the inscription and Maysam Behravesh, Lund- elimination of Gezi Park graffiti Hypersecuritization: or how the Islamic State Yesim Arat, Bogazici-The decline of manages the savagery democracy in Turkey: authoritarian bargain Curtis R. Ryan, Appalachian State- and institutional decay Crossfire: Jordanian policy between ISIS and Thematic the Syrian Civil War Conversation 4709 Unraveling the Middle East II: The State of Flow, Fixity, & Global Futures Organizer: Wilson Chacko Jacob

Session Leader: Wilson Chacko Jacob, Concordia

Michael Gasper, Occidental Cyrus Schayegh, Princeton Mohammed A. Bamyeh, U Pittsburgh Andrew Arsan, U Cambridge

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4312 Postcolonial Shame 4323 Rethinking the “Saddle 4376 The Multiple Audiences of Organizer: Anna C. Cruz Period:” Concept History and New Ottoman Science: Popularization and Temporalities for Modern Middle Circulation of Medical and Alchemical Molly Theodora Oringer, UCLA- Eastern History Theories and Practices Othering Palestine: tourism as a discourse of Organizers: Susanna Ferguson, Angela Organizer: Miri Shefer-Mossensohn conquest in the postcolonial Giordani Douja Mamelouk, U Tenneessee Chair/Discussant: Miri Shefer- Knoxville-Colonial feminism and the Chair/Discussant: Samera Esmeir, UC Mossensohn, Tel Aviv U shaming of Tunisian women Berkeley Mohammad Salama, San Francisco Sara Nur Yildiz, Orient-Inst Istanbul- State-Reclaiming Quranic exegesis: Amīn Nir Shafir, UC San Diego-Nasihat and irvānī’s Arabic and Turkish regimen Al-Khūlī and the new methods of tafsīr the politics of morality in the early modern of health guides: popularizing medical Anna C. Cruz, Tufts-Contemporary Islamic world knowledgeŞ in the Turkish vernacular in the Moroccan odalisques: employing colonialist Hoda Yousef, Denison-Recasting early Ottoman realm fantasies to contest postcolonial shame ignorance and illiteracy in the nineteenth Robert G. Morrison, Bowdoin Col-The century interest in Latin medical texts at Beyazit II’s Roundtable Susanna Ferguson, Columbia U-Tracing court Tarbiya: educating children across the Tuna Artun, Rutgers-An anonymous 4319 Electrifying Middle East and nineteenth century divide notebook from seventeenth-century Istanbul North African Studies Angela Giordani, Columbia U-Making and the popularization of alchemy Organizers: Ziad M. Abu-Rish, Janell philosophy in interwar Egypt: towards Rainer Broemer, IU Istanbul Medical Rothenberg a genealogy of falsafah in the twentieth Faculty-Alchemy in Ottoman medicine: century Galen, Paracelsus, Ömer ifai (d. 1742) Chair: Laleh Khalili, SOAS London Roundtable 4451 Islamic ReligiousŞ Authority Pauline Lewis, UCLA Between the Arab World and Europe: Ziad M. Abu-Rish, Ohio U 4336 Negotiating Activism in Multi-Tasked and Multi-Tasking Omar Jabary Salamanca, Columbia U Academia Nida Alahmad, Ghent U Organizer: Marie Grace Brown Organizer: Mohammed Hashas Gokce Gunel, Columbia U Janell Rothenberg, George Washington Chair: Eve Troutt Powell, U Penn Chair: Deina Abdelkader, Massachusetts Lowell 4321 Networked Texts: New Ways of Stephen Sheehi, Col of William and Discussant: Ayse Almila Akca, Free U Seeing the Arabic Textual Tradition Mary Berlin (750-1500) Marie Grace Brown, U Kansas Organizers: Maxim Romanov, Sarah Michelle Hartman, McGill Jan Jaap De Ruiter, Tilburg U-The Bowen Savant making of Muslim authority in the 4362 The Causes and Consequences Netherlands Chair: Matthew S. Gordon, Miami U of Political Participation and Social Sara Borrillo, U L’Orientale in Naples- Movements in the Middle East Islamic female religious authority between Maxim Romanov, U Leipzig-Of a Organizer: Peter Krause agency and governmentality: from the network and a node: “The History of Islam” Moroccan model to “multicultural” Europe of Al-Dhahabi (d. 1348) and its place in the Chair/Discussant: Amaney A. Jamal, Niels Valdemar Vinding, U premodern Arabic textual tradition Princeton Copenhagen-Imams of the west: between Sarah Bowen Savant, Aga Khan Islamic authority and Muslim leadership U-Khurasan and its literary networks in the Yael Zeira, U Mississippi-Civil society Mohammed Hashas, LUISS Guido Carli late 10th-early 11th centuries: Arabic letters institutions and participation in anti-regime U of Rome-The European : negotiating at the rise of Persian literature resistance in Palestine a religious authority in crisis Najam Haider, Barnard Col/Columbia Nadya Hajj, Wellesley Col-Women, U-The myth of margins: mapping Shi’i information ecology, and political historiography participation in the Middle East Majied Robinson, U Edinburgh-Text Richard Nielsen, MIT-The circumscribed reuse and nasab: outlining by genre authority of female preachers in the Salafi movement Peter Krause, Boston Col-Strength in weakness: how weak radical flanks drive the success of social movements

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4452 A Tribute to the Work of Mary 4502 Kurdish Artistic Expression, 4521 Archival Practices, Violence, and Ann Tétreault (1942-2015) Resistance, and the State: Literature Memory Organizer: Farah Al-Nakib Organizer: Christian Sinclair Organizer: Seth Anziska

Sponsored by Chair: Seth Anziska, U Col London Kurdish Studies Association (KSA) Discussant: Khaled Fahmy, Harvard

Chair: Christian Sinclair, Moravian Col Katherine Maddox, Texas Austin-A Chair/Discussant: Gwenn Okruhlik, place in time and space: memory at a private National U Singapore Mahroo Rashidirostami, Exeter-Kurdish archive in Lebanon theatre of resistance under the Baath, 1975- Sherene Seikaly, UC Santa Barbara- Jocelyn Sage Mitchell, Northwestern 1991 Palestine as archive Qatar-Gender and the public/private sphere: Francesco Marilungo, Exeter-“I carved Shira Robinson, George Washington- insights from Mary Ann Tétreault my name on Diyarbakir’s walls”: literary The promise and limitations of Israel’s Geoff Martin, U Toronto-Institutional representations of Diyarbakir as a castle of archives autonomy and economic change in small Kurdish resistance Rosie Bsheer, Yale-The archive question: states: Mary Ann Tétreault’s contribution to Joanna Bochenska, Jagiellonian politics, power, and the violence of history in the study of oil politics U-Between honour and dignity: Kurdish Saudi Arabia Farah Al-Nakib, American U Kuwait-The modern literature’s attempt to rethink politics of occupation: Mary Ann Tétreault’s identity and resistance 4544 Moving Tastes: Food Memories take on the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait Amir Sharifi, CSU Long Beach-Kobani, in Motion Claire Beaugrand, Ifpo, oPt WAFAW- literary hermeneutics of Kurdish resistance Organizer: Anne T. Meneley From stories of democracy to histories of the literature margins: enlarging the spectrum of Kuwaiti Alana Levinson-LaBrosse, Exeter/ voices American U Iraq, Sulaimani-Comrade to critic: the rift between Kurdish poets and the 4461 Egypt is Not Algeria is Not Iran: Kurdish state Chair: Anne T. Meneley, Trent U The Politics of Comparison in the Discussant: Nefissa Naguib, U Oslo Middle East 4504 Provincializing the Core: Impact Organizer: Aaron G. Jakes of Provincial History on Egyptian Ari Ariel, Boston U-“There the food was National History 1850s to 1920s more tasty”: Yemeni Jewish food, movement Chair/Discussant: Matthew Hal Ellis, Organizer: Stephanie Boyle and memory Sarah Lawrence Col Sara Hefny, Brown-Cibus Nostrum: Chair: Liat Kozma, Hebrew U refugee commensality in Italy’s “migrant Arthur Asseraf, Oxford-Mirror colonies: Discussant: Paul Sedra, Simon Fraser crisis” comparisons between French Algeria and Farha Ghannam, Swarthmore-Memory Italian Libya, 1911-1939 Mohamed Gamal-Eldin, New Jersey and social mobility: taste, class, and gender Aaron G. Jakes, New Schl for Social Inst of Technology/Rutgers-Watering in urban Egypt Research-Peaceful wars and unlikely the urban: canals, irrigation, water and the Jennifer Dueck, U Manitoba-The foods unions: the vernacular politics of comparison growth of Suez Canal cities they carried: the journey of Lebanese cuisine in colonial Egypt Hanan Hammad, TCU-Political instability to North America Ahmed Dailami, Oxford-So that they may of interwar Egypt from a local edge: the Al- never return: militancy and monarchy in Mahalla Revolt of 1925 Arabia after the Islamic Revolution Stephanie Boyle, New York City Col Hussein Omar, Oxford-Colonialism by of Technology, CUNY-The province as comparison: Christians, Muslims and empire anecdote: cholera, Tanta and Egyptian in Egypt, 1882-1911 national history 1848-1907 Peter Gran, Temple U-Biographical dictionaries as a source for the study of the history of Asyut from the early 20th century onward

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4576 Fractures Within 4648 Pedagogy and Language Policies 4684 Palestine: Institutions, Alliances, Historiographies of the Urban Resistances Organizer: Huma Gupta Chair: Muhammad S. Eissa, Eissa & Associates Chair: Abigail Jacobson, Van Leer Organized under the auspices of Jerusalem Inst Aga Khan Program Hanan Hassanein, American U Cairo- for Islamic Architecture (MIT) Assistive technology for reading to dyslexic Tamir Sorek, U Florida-The Palestinian students learning Arabic as a foreign flag is back: ‘Arab soccer in a Jewish state’ Chair: Nasser O. Rabbat, MIT language revisited Discussant: Sibel Bozdogan, Harvard Olivia Martina Dalla Torre, U Lumière Rebecca Granato, Al Quds Bard Col- Lyon 2-Decoding multilingual language Model prisoners: the emergence of an Chantal El Hayek, MIT-Historiography practices within a Palestinian NGO alternative Palestinian leadership of Levantine Beirut (1830–1930): questioning Nilay Sevinc, AATT-Conceptualizing and Katherine Natanel, Exeter-Apathy and modernist and postcolonial narratives designing a Turkish language course the politics of resistance in Israel-Palestine Iheb Guermazi, MIT-Spaces of sexuality Afaf Bataineh, Zayed U-Language policy Harel Chorev, Tel Aviv U-Between a in the Islamic city: a history of the Karti: the in federal institutions of higher education in Palestinian integration and disintegration: brothel of Tunis the UAE the case of the Hebron alliance Huma Gupta, MIT-Picturing Sha`biyyah Hanada AL-MASRI, Denison U-Digital Lyndall Herman, U Arizona-Being Gazan: on the margins of Baghdad: Kamil Chadirji pedagogy and developing oral proficiency: a identity, institutions, and internationality in and Al-Ahali in the 1930s case of Arabic students at the beginning and the Gaza Strip Sarah Rifky, MIT-Urban myth of : a intermediate levels story of sculptures Thematic 4657 Arab-Iranian Intellectual Conversation 4587 Masculinities, Conservatism and Exchanges and Political Encounters 4699 Global Arab America: Power Relations in Contemporary Cosmopolitanism and Its Discontents Chair: , Grand Valley State Turkey James F. Goode Organizers: Pauline Homsi Vinson, Organizer: Asli Cirakman Suad Joseph, UC Davis Arash Reisinezhad, Florida International-Pre-revolutionary Iran and Asli Cirakman, Middle East Technical- Chair: Pauline Homsi Vinson, Diablo How conservative are the conservative Shia Lebanese 1958-1979 Valley Col businessmen in Turkey Gholam R. Vatandoust, American U Kuwait-Pan-Iranism, pan-Arabism and Betul Eksi, Marmara U-Public policing Carol Fadda-Conrey, Syracuse U pan-Islamism: the dispute between the Shah and multiple police masculinities in Turkey Michael Malek Najjar, U Oregon of Iran and Gamel Abdul Nasser of Egypt Selin Akyuz, Bilkent-Becoming a master: Sarah Gualtieri, U Southern California , Illinois Urbana- masculinities and entrepreneurship in Amirhossein Teimouri Bassam Haddad, George Mason Champaign-Round-the-clock revolution Turkey Lisa Hajjar, UC Santa Barbara of 1979: divergent perceptions of the Arab 4605 Vestigial Revolutions, Malleable revolts in Iran Messaging, and Illiberal Democracy: Yusuf Unal, Emory-Sayyid Qutb in Iran: Failures and Resilience in Maghribi translating the Islamist ideologue in the State and Society Islamic Republic Organizer: William A. Lawrence, George Washington 4674 Ottoman Provinces: Commerce and Communities Jacob Mundy, Colgate-Towards a political economy of state failure in Libya Chair: Robert Zens, Le Moyne Col Yahia Zoubir, KEDGE Business Schl, France-Algeria at fifty-five: authoritarian Jameel Haque, Graduate Center, CUNY- rule by other means Conflict and cooperation: American trade in Monica L. Marks, Oxford-Between late Ottoman Baghdad and Basra dragons and dinosaurs: youth participation Hania Abou Al-Shamat, U Florida- in Tunisia’s Ennahda party Rethinking commercial practices and laws in Azzedine Layachi, St. John’s-Of Ottoman Syria: merchants’ interactions with constitutionalism, liberalism and democracy the Islamic courts in Morocco: the limits that work Alex Schweig, U Arizona-Remaking the old city: the Anatolian railroad and Eski ehir’s late nineteenth century urban transformation ş Page 26 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program 5:45-7:30PM Friday November 18

Roundtable Roundtable 4378 Representation and Elite Behavior in Politically-Polarized 4325 The Middle East and Global 4349 The Political Theology of ISIS: Turkey Environmental Historiography Beyond the Binary of Politics and Organizer: Sabri Ciftci Organizer: Chris Gratien Religion Organizer: Amal Ghazal Chair: Ekrem KaraKoç, Binghamton Chair: , Harvard Chris Gratien Discussants: A.Kadir Yildirim, Rice U; Chair: , Stanford Shahzad Bashir Ekrem KaraKoç, Binghamton Alan Mikhail, Yale , Rutgers , American U Beirut Nukhet Varlik Ahmad Salim Dallal David Wiltse, South Dakota State-Ideal Jennifer L. Derr, UC Santa Cruz Suleiman A. Mourad, Smith Col point estimation and parliamentarian Toby C. Jones, Rutgers Amal Ghazal, Dalhousie U behavior in the Turkish Grand National Graham Auman Pitts, Georgetown Sohaira Siddiqui, Georgetown Assembly , Georgetown Faisal Husain Marwa Shalaby, Rice U-From town 4358 “Orthodoxy” and “Heterodoxy” councils to the grand national assembly: 4343 In the Neighborhood of War: in the Early Modern Ottoman Empire women’s electoral representation in Turkey Organizer: Everyday Specters of (Dis-)Order in Jane Hathaway Michael Wuthrich, U Kansas-Campaign Jordan priorities and polarization in elections in Organizer: Yazan Doughan Chair/Discussant: Gottfried Hagen, Turkey Michigan Ann Arbor Sabri Ciftci, Kansas State; Tevfik Murat Chair: , U Chicago/GIGA Yazan Doughan Yildirim, U Missouri -Representation Discussant: Jillian M. Schwedler, Vefa Erginbas, Providence Col- and ethnic conflict: Kurdish insurgency and Hunter Col, CUNY Reappraising religiosity in the reign of parliamentary behavior in Turkey Murad III: Mustafa Darir’s Siretun Nebi and , U Jordan-Troubling the its unspoken content Sara Ababneh 4448 Widening the Net: New Sources, political: women in the Jordanian day-waged , Ayse Baltacioglu-Brammer Methods, and Insights in the Arabian labor movement Binghamton-One word, many implications: Peninsula , GIGA Inst of Middle East the term “Kızılba ” in the early modern Andre Bank Organizers: Sean Foley, Jocelyn Sage Studies, Hamburg; , Ottoman context Yazan Doughan Mitchell U Chicago/GIGA-In the neighborhood of John Curry, UNLV-ş Formation of a Sunni the Syrian war: local political economy and orthodoxy or an ongoing negotiation?: Chair: Jocelyn Sage Mitchell, meaning-making in northern Jordan making sense of the works of Cemal El- Northwestern-Qatar , U Virginia-Rights Halveti (d. 1499) and Karaba `Ali Veli (d. Mary Pancoast Discussant: Elizabeth Derderian, in exile: the vernacularization of rights 1686) Northwestern discourses by Syrians in Amman Jane Hathaway, Ohio State-ş El-Hajj Beshir , U Chicago-On the uses Agha and Ottoman attitudes toward Sufism Zachary Sheldon Matthew MacLean, NYU-Infrastructure, of disorder in Amman: young Iraqis and the and Shi’ism spatial transformation, and the emergence of urban “garden” the UAE citizen in the 1970s 4366 Political Parties in the Arab Dylan Baun, U Alabama Huntsville- 4348 Regimes for Handling the World: Continuity and Change Exploring “sectarianism from below” in Organizer: Lise Storm Bahrain Organizer: Jacob Hoigilt Sean Foley, Middle Tennessee State- Chair: Michael J. Willis, Oxford “Brought to you by the House of Benson Chair: Jacob Hoigilt, Peace Research and Hedges in Arabia”: how big tobacco Institute Oslo Anne Wolf, Oxford-‘Dégage RCD!’ regime used modernity and Islam to conquer Saudi breakdown and the rise of internal dissent Arabia , U Bergen-A catch 22: in Ben Ali’s Constitutional Democratic Rally Kjersti Berg Callie Jones, Maryland College Park- Palestinian refugees and the politics of Party (1987–2011) Doing the right thing: gender and ethical humanitarianism Lise Storm, Exeter-Parties and elections in decision-making in Kuwait Jacob Hoigilt, Peace Research Inst Oslo- the Arab world: continuity and change Handled without care: social breakdown in Francesco Cavatorta, U Laval- east Jerusalem Clientelistic or programmatic voting in the Marte Heian-Engdal, U Oslo-Searching Arab world for an “antithesis” to repatriation: Manal A. Jamal, James Madison U-Party international efforts to (dis)solve the politics in the Palestinian Territories Palestinian refugee problem Jorgen Jensehaugen, U Col Lillehammer-Palestinian autonomy without the Palestinians

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4473 Networks of Capital: Land, Anne De Jong, U Amsterdam-Shaped 4546 “Islamic Governance”: Markets, and Community in the by the field: shaping the field: on how Constraints and Opportunities Levant and North Africa political, ethical and personal dilemmas of Organizer: Gianluca P. Parolin Organizers: Kristen Alff, Vladimir doing ‘fieldwork under fire’ shape/deform Hamed-Troyansky scholarly knowledge Chair: David Taylor, AKU-ISMC Erika Alejandra Cortes, Independent Chair: Joel Beinin, Stanford Scholar-Between nostalgia and despair: Gianluca P. Parolin, Aga Khan Discussant: Aaron G. Jakes, New Schl for reflections on fieldwork among Syrians in U-(Reluctantly) embracing legal positivism? Social Research Turkey Al-Tahtawi on the 1814 French constitution Vivienne Matthies-Boon, U David H. Warren, U Edinburgh- Basma Fahoum, Stanford-Remembering Amsterdam-Narrating trauma in Egypt: on Republicanism, authoritarianism, and the subterfuge among Arab Palestinian tobacco being human and human beings in political Egyptian nation-state: the ambiguous legacy cultivators under the British rule 1920-1948 science of Rifa’a Al-Tahtawi Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Asifa Quraishi-Landes, U Wisconsin Stanford-Refugees and capitalism: land 4531 Dynamics of Sectarianism: The Law School-Not your father’s Islamic State: and investment in Ottoman Transjordan, Case of Lebanon Islamic constitutionalism for today’s Sharia- 1890-1914 Organizer: Barea Sinno minded Muslims Rebecca Gruskin, Stanford-Phosphates: local dissidence and global agriculture in Chair: Melani Cammett, Harvard 4550 Looking Back to Look Forward: Gafsa, Tunisia, 1890s-1970s Discussants: Sarah Parkinson, Johns North African and Iberian Relations Kristen Alff, Stanford-The business of Hopkins; Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, in the 16th and 21st Centuries land: Levantine joint-stock companies, land, Harvard Kennedy Schl Organizer: Veronica Menaldi law, and Greek-Orthodox networks, 1838- 1925 Nils Hagerdal, Princeton-Ethnic Sponsored by cleansing as military strategy: lessons from American Institute 4505 A Reassessment of Albert Lebanon, 1975-1990 for Maghrib Studies (AIMS) Hourani’s ‘Politics of Notables’ After Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl, Harvard 50 Years Kennedy Schl-Patterns of fighting in the R. Scott Hussey, U Florida-Christian Organizer: Benjamin Smuin Lebanese Civil War: contrasting logics of captivity in Tetouan, Morocco: A post- sectarianism and political power nexus of Iberian Christian, Chair/Discussant: Peter Sluglett, Amanda Rizkallah, UCLA-Wartime Muslim, and Jewish interactions National U Singapore territorial control and local politics in post- Robert Hultgren, U Minnesota-The war Beirut beginnings of an “other” M. Talha CICEK, SOAS London- Melani Cammett, Harvard-The perils of Veronica Menaldi, U Minnesota- Negotiating empire in Hijaz: politics of power-sharing: public goods provision in Prophesizing the future Iberian/North notables and Ottoman tribal governance Lebanon in comparative perspective African relations: a case study of one set of Benjamin Smuin, UC San Diego-Doctors, Barea Sinno, Rutgers-Sectarian mental understudied 16th century Iberian pliegos lawyers, and extremists: ‘Abd Al-Rahman models Carol Ready, U Minnesota-“Una lengua Al-Kayyali and a new politics of notables in extranjera”: language policy in the Spanish interwar Syria 4540 Citizenship, Equality and city of Ceuta Harrison Guthorn, U Virginia-Notable Sovereignty in Post-Revolution compromise: the Legislative Council of Tunisia 4555 Approaches to Historiography in Transjordan and elite rights during the Organizer: Nadia Marzouki, CNRS the Early Islamic World British mandate Organizer: Richard Heffron Corinna Mullin, U Tunis-, 4520 Conflicting Fieldwork in the higher education and national security: (re) Sponsored by Middle East: Feelings, Obligations, producing and contesting hierarchies of Middle East Medievalists (MEM) Trauma and Theory sovereignty and citizenship in post-uprising Organizers: Dr. Anne De Jong, Marina Tunisia Chair: Fred M. Donner, U Chicago de Regt Habib Ayeb, Paris 8 U-France-From Sidi Discussant: Elizabeth Urban, West Bouzid to Kasserine: food sovereignty, land Chester U Chair: Sheila Carapico, U Richmond rights and social uprisings in Tunisia Hamza Meddeb, European U Inst-A Kyle Longworth, U Chicago-Dionysius Marina de Regt, Vrije U Amsterdam- hijacked democracy?: extraversion and of Telmaḥrē and Syriac perspectives of the “Ittassilli, ya Marina”: friendship, sovereignty in post Ben Ali Tunisia early Islamic period frustration and despair in Yemen Max Ajl, Cornell-Technical aid to big Ilkka Lindstedt, U Helsinki- wheat: the Green Revolution in Tunisia Historiography and ḥadīths

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Richard Heffron, U Chicago-The Vit Sisler, Charles U in Prague-Who is Tanya Lawrence, Yale-An age of transmission and compilation of knowledge listening to your fatwas?: social network vernacular cosmopolitanisms: the Iranian in Abbasid Syria analysis of Islamic sites’ audiences on community of the late Ottoman Empire Antoine Borrut, U Maryland/Inst for Facebook Saghar Sadeghian, Yale-A socio- Advanced Study-The cultural memory of Fatima El Issawi, London Schl of historical approach to Claude Anet’s “La early Islamic Egypt Economics/Essex U-Towards an Perse en Automobile” alternative public space?: A Moroccon case 4625 Egypt After January 25, 2011 study Thematic Suncem Koçer, Kadir Has U-Framing Conversation Chair: , Ben-Gurion U a new national framework: Turkish and Yoram Meital 4700 BDS and Middle East Studies: Armenian media on constitutional changes Historical, Political and Legal , US Naval Academy- Clarissa C. Burt Dimensions, Year 2 Hassan Teleb’s “Anjiil al-Thawra wa 4656 Gender and Sexuality in Iran Organizer: Abdel Razzaq Takriti Qur’aanuhaa”: from Idaa’ah to the poetry of the January 25 Revolution Chair: Fatemeh Hosseini, Georgetown Abdel Razzaq Takriti, U Houston , Cairo U-Ruling elites, Shimaa Hatab Rima Kapitan, Kapitan Law Office producing Islam and transition predicament Samaneh Oladi, UCSB-Women’s Omar AlShehabi, Gulf U for Science and interpretive possibilities and constraints in Egypt Technology Somaia M. El Sayed, Cairo U-Egyptian Norma Claire Moruzzi, Illinois Chicago- youth: a retreat to abstention? Commodifying ourselves: transgender and Solava Ibrahim, U Cambridge-The neoliberalism in contemporary Iran revolution of rising expectations: ‎ how the Mostafa Abedinifard, MacEwan uprisings affected deprived communities in U-Hegemonic masculinity and the policing Egypt of heterosexuality: gender and transgender Asya R. El-Meehy, United Nations- in two Iranian films—“Be Like Others” and Popular committees in Cairo: analyzing “Facing Mirrors” urban activism post-Mubarak 4671 Contested Politics: Libya, 4645 Kurdistan and the Ottoman Morocco, Syria Empire Chair: Ghassan E. El-Eid, Central Chair: Stefan Winter, U Quebec Montreal Connecticut State

Barbara Henning, Bamberg U-Of Brynjar Lia, U Oslo-Rebel governance by passionate Ottomans and republican Jihadi militant groups in the Middle East homemakers: marginalized narratives and Matteo Capasso, Durham U-‘Narratives mnemopolitical agendas in the history of the of a revolution’ and ‘fantasies of a good life’: Ottoman-Kurdish Bedirhani family what happened and what could happen in Nilay Ozok Gundogan, Binghamton- Libya since 2011 Census-making as a social process in Fouad Gehad Marei, Free U Berlin- Ottoman Kurdistan, 1840-1850 Governing in the meanwhile?: understanding Emine Rezzan Karaman, UCLA-The justice and governance in the Syrian insurgency making of the Ottoman-Persian border and Tara Deubel, U South Florida-Urbanizing the imposition of Osmanlilik in the majority the Sahara: the politics of settlement and Kurdish frontier in the late nineteenth and urban development in El-Ayoun early twentieth centuries 4673 Scenarios of Cosmopolitanism 4647 Performance, Media & Public Spaces Chair: Samy Ayoub, Texas Austin

Vika Gardner, Hampshire Col-A Muslim Robert Landau Ames, Harvard- televangelist preaches science: Zakir Naik Modernizing Sufism: Safī ‘Alī Shāh’s Mīzān constructs authority through science Al-Ma’rifah and late Qajar epistemic culture Anas Alahmed, Indiana U Bloomington- Keren Zdafee, Tel Aviv U/Talpiot Col- Internalized Orientalism in media representation Cosmopolitan gaze, Egyptian caricatures: following the 2011 Egyptian revolution the role of foreign local artists in the making of Egypt’s satirical repertoire during the ‘cosmopolitan era’ (1882-1936)

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 29 8-9:45AM Saturday November 19

TODAY’S AFFILIATED MEETINGS Tsolin Nalbantian, Leiden U-The 1958 4444 Did Economic Inequality Drive (Armenian) Civil War in Beirut the Arab Spring?: Quantitative 10-11:45am Approaches Middle East Center & Program Roundtable Organizer: Djavad Salehi-Isfahani Directors Meeting 4326 Where is Culture Now?: The Vineyard (4) Chair/Discussant: Melani Cammett, Place of Cultural History in Middle 11am-1pm Harvard East Studies Kurdish Studies Association Organizer: Dylan Baun Business Meeting Caroline Krafft, St. Catherine Massachusetts (5) U-Inequality of opportunity in higher Chair: Dylan Baun, U Alabama Huntsville 11:45am-1:45pm education in the Middle East and North Western Consortium of Middle Africa Kevin W. Martin, Indiana U East Centers Meeting Ragui Assaad, U Minnesota-Inequality of Hoda Yousef, Denison Orleans (4) opportunity in income and consumption in Sherene Seikaly, UC Santa Barbara 2-3pm Egypt Farzin Vejdani, Ryerson U ASPS Board Meeting Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, Harvard- Northeastern (3) Equality of human opportunities in the 4353 Traversing and Transgressing 2-4pm Middle East and North Africa Boundaries in Armenian History Fares Center for Eastern Medi- Ishac Diwan, Harvard Kennedy Schl- Organizers: Richard Antaramian, terranean Studies MENA Busi- Who are the democrats?: opinion changes in Dzovinar Derderian ness History Project the wake of the Egyptian uprisings of 2011 Massachusetts (5) Chair: Asbed Kotchikian, Bentley U 3-4pm 4449 Knowledge Production and Discussant: Gerard Libaridian, JPS Editorial Board Meeting Ottoman Empire: Travelogues in the Cambridge, Mass. Northeastern (3) Long Nineteenth Century 4-6pm Organizer: Zeinab Azarbadegan Houri Berberian, CSU Long Beach- Fares Center for Eastern Medi- Crossing imperial and ideological frontiers: terranean Studies Reception Zeinab Azarbadegan, Columbia U-Ruler Armenian revolutionaries and ideas in motion Vineyard (4) of the roads: Nasir Al-Din Shah and Iranian Dzovinar Derderian, Michigan Ann 5-7pm sovereignty in Ottoman Iraq Arbor-Transgressing legal and communal MEOC Public Business Meeting Mostafa Minawi, Cornell-An officer and a boundaries: marriage and Ottoman Boston University (3) gentleman in East Africa Armenians, 1840s-1870s 7-9pm Selim Karlitekin, Columbia Sebouh Aslanian, UCLA-Boundary Reception U-Unjamming the ummah: Ottomans crossing, identity, and early modern Simmons (3) traveling to India in the long 19th century mobility: letters of racommandazione 8-10pm Tania Bhattacharyya, Columbia U-From and the eighteenth-century travels of an Fulbright 70th Anniversary Re- Bombay to Basra: between empire and self- Armenian gem merchant from Istanbul ception determination in the Persian Gulf, 1916-1918 Richard Antaramian, U Southern Wellesley (3) California-Traversing ecclesiastic 4459 Moving Homelands: Migrations boundaries, or how Mkrtich Kefsizian tried and Memory in the Twentieth Century 4324 Cities & Histories at the to break the Armenian millet Periphery: Borj Hammoud of Greater Organizer: Beeta Baghoolizadeh Beirut, 1970-2016 Thematic Organizer: Joanne Nucho Conversation Chair: Reem Bailony, Georgetown Discussant: Akram F. Khater, North Organized under the auspices of 4377 Teaching History of Islamic Carolina State American University of Beirut Science and Technology Organizer: Miri Shefer-Mossensohn Edward Falk, UC San Diego-The Chair/Discussant: Suad Joseph, UC Davis imaginary mountain: Lebanon in the mahjar Chair: Miri Shefer-Mossensohn, Tel Aviv U memory Jared McCormick, Harvard-Of cars, Alma Rachel Heckman, UC Santa Cruz- bridges, rivers, and borders: Syrian (Kurdish) Ahmed Ragab, Harvard Divided dreams: Moroccan Jewish migrations men in Naba’a Justin Stearns, NYU Abu Dhabi and politicized identities in the 1960s Joanne Nucho, Pomona Col-The end(s) of Daniel Stolz, Northwestern Lindsey Stephenson, Princeton- informality in Borj Hammoud Kutlughan Soyubol, Graduate Center, Preserving their place in Kuwaiti history: Mona Fawaz, American U Beirut- CUNY Iranian migrants and the history market Narrating Beirut from its peripheries: a view Beeta Baghoolizadeh, U Penn-But, from Nab‘ah/Bourj Hammoud (1950-1975) where are you really from?: mapping a racial homeland in Iran, 1928-1980 Page 30 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program 8-9:45AM Saturday November 19

4486 Gulf Politics Beyond Rentierism Avner Wishnitzer, Tel Aviv U-”Meet me Jeff VanDenBerg, Drury-Regional Organizer: Sofia Fenner by the lantern on Jaffa Street:” A nocturnal permeability and Tunisian foreign policy history of late Ottoman Jerusalem after the uprisings Chair: Sofia Fenner, U Chicago Haggai Ram, Ben Gurion U of the Dhia Ben Ali, U Arkansas-The double Negev-The dawn of imperial and edge: exploring the contradictory roles Tyler Schuenemann, Massachusetts international control: The (under)world of of civil society organizations in Tunisian Amherst-The public life of natural hashish consumers in interwar Palestine politics disasters: solidarity, expertise, and development in 4522 Imperial State Practices and Local 4572 Perspectives on State Formation Andrew Leber, Harvard-Decoding the Perspectives in Early Ottoman Syria and Nation Building in Post-Gadhafi Kefala: understanding variation in Gulf Organizer: Charles L. Wilkins Libya: International Influence and migrant labor Domestic Challenges Benjamin N. Smith, Florida Sponsored by Organizer: Jean-Louis Romanet International-On the dune grass frontier?: Syrian Studies Association (SSA) Perroux Suburbanization and the imagined geographies of urban desirability in the Gulf Chair: Abdul-Karim Rafeq, Col of Chair/Discussant: Jacob Mundy, Colgate Courtney Freer, London Schl of William and Mary Economics (LSE) Kuwait Programme- Discussant: Stefan Winter, U Quebec Kumru Toktamis, Pratt Inst-(Re-) Tribalism and hydrocarbon wealth: Montreal entrenchments in Libya examining dynamics of the rentier bargain Haala Hweio, Northern Illinois U-The in Kuwait Linda T. Darling, U Arizona-Resource role of Libyan women in the state building extraction in a conquered province: the process: opportunities and challenges 4488 Emotion, Affect and Political changing role of Ottoman Syria in the mid- Irene Costantini, U York-When state Transformations in the Middle East 16th century formation meets statebuilding: external Organizer: Cilja Maren Harders Charles L. Wilkins, Wake Forest- actors and the Libyan transition Ottoman elite recruitment and the case of Jean-Louis Romanet Perroux, Discussant: Amy Austin Holmes, Janbulad Bek b. Qasim (d. ca. 1575) Brandeis-Challenges and failures of the American U Cairo Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, American U military intervention and state-building Beirut-Seeking the house of felicity: Arab efforts in Libya Cilja Maren Harders, Free U Berlin- encounters with the new capital-city Istanbul “Midan-moments”: affective solidarity and Malissa Taylor, Massachusetts 4589 Communicating Politics in the emotional liberation in mass protests in Amherst-Suleyman the Magnificent in the Middle East: Objects, Spaces and Egypt and Turkey eyes of early modern Damascene writers Voices in Political Narratives Bilgin Ayata, U Basel, Switzerland-Kurdish- Organizer: Bilge Yesil Turkish relations after the Gezi protests: Roundtable affective estrangement or affective solidarity? Chair/Discussant: Bilge Yesil, Col of 4539 Reflections on the Reading and Dina Wahba, Free U Berlin-Affect, Staten Island, CUNY Writing of Biography emotions and the production of new Organizer: Yoav Alon gendered political subjectivities in the Will Youmans, George Washington- Egyptian Revolution Political mobilities and smartphones in Yoav Alon, Tel Aviv U Derya Özkaya, Free U Berlin-Affective MENA: a case study of AJ+ Araby Liora R. Halperin, Colorado Boulder politics of the Gezi Park protests and their Ece Algan, CSU San Bernardino-The Joel Parker, Tel Aviv U aftermath politicization of rape as a consequence of Peter Wien, Maryland College Park western modernity and conservative Islamism: 4491 Leisure and Its Discontents: Competing media narratives in Turkey 4559 Tunisia in Transition: Domestic Contesting Public Practices and Pelin Kivrak, Yale-A car movie without Politics and Foreign Policy in Popular Spaces a racing scene?: negotiating modernity in Challenging Times Organizers: Haggai Ram, Lior B. Sternfeld Iranian vew wave films Organizer: Dhia Ben Ali Chair/Discussant: Ted Swedenburg, U 4626 Public Service & Syndicates in Chair/Discussant: William A. Lawrence, Arkansas Egypt George Washington Lior B. Sternfeld, Penn State-Cafe Rachel A. Sternfeld, Indiana U Andrea Kavanaugh, Virginia Tech-The Polonia and cabaret: reinventing nightlife in Pennsylvania-Egypt’s professional impact of information sources on political Tehran in the 1940s syndicates: opinion aggregators or captured information efficacy in Tunisia: a case study Alon Tam, U Penn-Cairo’s coffee-houses, institutions? of the 2014 elections 1860-1960: between leisure and friction Fabian Stroetges, Durham U-The international dimension of Tunisia’s political

transition: what role of the European Union? MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 31 8-9:45AM Saturday November 19

Claire Perez, UC Berkeley-A medical Alyeh Mehin, U Arizona-The influence of 4687 Texts, Acts, and Interpretations revolution? the politics of health care in Turkish soap operas on middle class working in Medieval Islam post-Mubarak Egypt women of Mashhad Gregory Hoadley, UC Berkeley- Chair: Andrew Magnusson, U Central Knowing measures: the evolving concept 4678 Re-imagining Literary Works Oklahoma of “statistical awareness” and the political and Concepts economy of official data in Egypt Alison Marie Vacca, U Tennessee- Soha Bayoumi, Harvard-“The dignity of Chair: Esra Tasdelen, North Central Col Connectivity and power in Caliphal Armenia doctors”: socio-professional mobilization and and Albania political activism in post-Mubarak Egypt C. Ceyhun Arslan, Harvard-Redefining the Nassima Neggaz, Oxford-The Baghdadi Ottoman literature: Ziya Pasha’s Harabat and neighborhoods of Bab Al-Basra and 4646 Early Modern Turkish Republic comparative Middle Eastern literatures Al-Karkh: a micro history of Sunni-Shi‘i Hannah Scott Deuchar, NYU-Writing episodes of violence in medieval Baghdad Chair: Serpil Atamaz, TOBB U of ‘nahḍa’: a term and its transformations, (945-1258 AD) Economics and Technology 1850-1880 J.R. Osborn, Georgetown-Arabic script Jocelyn Wright, Texas Austin-Spectres of and unicode: technical legacies, challenges, Murat Metinsoy, Istanbul U-Rural l’Étranger: (re)imagining Camus in Algerian and futures crimes, violence and banditry as peasants’ literature Christian Mauder, U Göttingen-The everyday politics in early republican Turkey Shaikha Almubaraki, UC Berkeley-The birth and early life of the Mamluk Sultan Emine Ö. Evered, Michigan State- cinematic Cairene house and its context in Qānṣawh Al-Ghawrī (r. 1501-1516): literary Ye ilay and Turkey’s past and present the “Cairo Trilogy” and historical analysis of an unpublished politics of temperance, prohibition, and Alya ElHosseiny, NYU-The Orient: a late Mamluk manuscript alcoholş regulation phenomenology of strangeness in early Roger A. Deal, U South Carolina Aiken- Arabic novels The everyday life of a policeman in late Ottoman Istanbul 4679 Audiences, Circuits, and Caner Yelba ı, SOAS London-Civil war at Contested Identities in Film and the end of the empire; Circassian opposition to Television from the Middle East the nationalistsş of Ankara in 1920 Chair: Pelin Basci, Portland State 4659 Gender and Activism Nadia G. Yaqub, UNC Chapel Hill- Chair: Marianne Bøe, U Bergen Shaping the future of Arab cinema: the sinima badilah movement of the early 1970s Michela Cerruti, EHESS-New visibilities Josh Carney, U South Florida-Cases of of female bloggers in the Syrian virtual death: performative mourning among the public space publics of Turkish TV drama Gizem Turkarslan, Koç U-Acts of Yaron Shemer, UNC Chapel Hill-The citizenship; a comparative study of women’s Egyptians are coming: cinematic and literary movement and gender regimes in Tunisia incursions from Israel’s southern neighbor and Turkey Reem M. Hilal, Allegheny Col-Othering Wajeeha Choudhary, Drexel-How does Muslims: the depiction of Islamists in the the Pakistani subaltern subject speak?: a series Ad-Dā`iyah and Duniyaa Jadidah visual discourse analysis of Malala Yousafzai Emma Sundkvist, Lund-Making or breaking resistance: women’s rights activism in contemporary Egypt

4672 Turkish-Iranian Encounters

Sevil Cakir Kilincoglu, Leiden U-Women in radical left in Iran and Turkey during the 1970s Navid Fozi, Middle East Technical, Ankara-Diasporic counterpublics: Iranian asylum seekers in Turkey

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SPECIAL SESSION Sarina Wakefield, Open U-Museum development in Abu Dhabi: hybrid processes 4710 Explaining Divergent Outcomes: The Arab Spring Five and cross-border relations Years On Elizabeth Derderian, Northwestern- Representing the cosmopolitan UAE: Organizer: Shamiran Mako, Northeastern citizenship and temporality in exhibitionary practice Chair: Val Moghadam, Northeastern 4346 Technological Zones in the Joshua Landis, Oklahoma U Middle East: Engineering Politics Out Max Abrahms, Northeastern of Flows of Energy and Infrastructure Lisa Anderson, NYU Abu Dhabi Organizer: Katayoun Shafiee Amaney A. Jamal, Princeton Chair/Discussant: Gokce Gunel, The events that culminated in the Arab uprisings of 2011 markedly altered analyses of Columbia U Arab-region politics. While countries that constitute the Middle East and North Africa have—and continue to be - home to some of the world’s longest standing authoritarian Natasha Pesaran, Columbia U-Aligning regimes, the uprisings and revolutions challenged previous notions of authoritarian interests: the Iraq Petroleum Company and durability as republics, monarchies, secular, and theocratic countries across the region the dispute over the route of the Iraq- experienced varying degrees of instability sparked by protest movements calling for Mediterranean oil pipeline, 1925-35 socio-economic and political change to the authoritarian status quo. Beginning in Fredrik Meiton, Northwestern-Dual and Tunisia late 2010 and quickly spreading to Egypt, and Morocco, Bahrain, Libya, Syria, relational: Palestine as technological zone and Yemen, the uprisings differed greatly in degree and scope resulting in divergent Katayoun Shafiee, National U outcomes for the people and places of the region. Although the events initially Singapore-Properties of petroleum: created a shockwave throughout the region as governments, previously impervious to Ango-Iranian oil and the 1901 D’Arcy Oil change, grappled with containing domestic threats to their stability from their citizens, Concession responses varied drastically. While some regimes were overthrown following decades of rule, others acquiesced to citizen demands by engaging in various concession- 4390 Exchanges and Encounters in making processes, others heavily suppressed the protest movements in order to Modern Afghanistan maintain their hold on power, and in the case of Egypt, experienced re-emergent Organizer: Akbar Rahel authoritarianism following regime change. A critical question remains: What explains divergent outcomes? This Special Session gathers leading experts in order to explain Chair: Robert D. Crews, Stanford the processes and dynamics of change and stagnation of the Arab Spring. Hakeem Naim, UC Davis-Afghanistan and the Ottoman Empire: trans-regional 4302 Yemen: From Zaydi Revivalism Adam C Seitz, Marine Corps U-Strategic responses to modernity and state formation to Huthi Expansionism implications of Huthi expansionism, Mejgan Massoumi, Stanford-The sound Organizer: Marieke Brandt perpetual insecurity and internal war in of Kabul: Ahmad Zahir, Radio Afghanistan Yemen and the politics of popular culture, 1960-79 Sponsored by Akbar Rahel, U Washington-Scholarly American Institute 4308 The Politics of Time and exchanges between the Azhar and Kabul: Material Heritage Through the for Yemeni Studies (AIYS) Islamic education in modern Afghanistan Museum Framework in the Arabian Peninsula Chair: Daniel Martin Varisco, Qatar U 4409 Palestine: Capital and Material Organizer: Amal Sachedina Discussant: Najam Haider, Barnard Col/ Culture Columbia U Organizer: Toufoul Abou-Hodeib

David B. Hollenberg, U Oregon-The Chair/Discussant: Beshara Doumani, curriculum and channels of knowledge for Brown contemporary Zaydi ‘ulama’ in the Yemeni Chair/Discussant: Karen Exell, UCL Qatar highlands Dina Matar, SOAS London-The PLO’s Marieke Brandt, Austrian Academy Thomas Fibiger, Aarhus U-Proper culture work: culture capital and activism in of Sciences-Itineraries of expansion: the religion in the glocal Gulf museum: questions the making of a revolutionary movement Sa‘dah Wars revisited of inclusion and exclusion Toufoul Abou-Hodeib, U Oslo-Work and Peter Salisbury, Chatham House- Amal Sachedina, National U Singapore- labor: Palestinian embroidery in exile Antiauthoritarianism, outreach and The Nizwa Fort: refiguring the politics misdirection: unpacking the Houthis’ march of Ibadi religiosity through a museum continued next page to Sana’a and beyond narrative in the Sultanate of Oman

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Hanan Toukan, Free U Berlin-Too close Kathryn Kalemkerian, McGill-(E) 4567 Revolutionary Affects: At the for comfort?: On Lebanon’s Palestine, (in) merging masculinities: the case of three Crossroads of Aesthetics and Politics visibility, and art Ottoman-Beiruti men and the challenge of in the Middle East methodology Organizer: Baran Germen 4422 Theorizing Clarity and Style: The Kifah Hanna, Trinity Col-Writing the Development of Bayān Through the body in Lebanese war literature Chair: Ahmad Nadalizadeh, U Oregon Centuries Organizer: Rachel Friedman 4519 Fight and Exit in the Syrian Civil Daniel Carnie, UC Irvine-Flat death: War necropolitics of photography in paradise now Chair: Pamela Klasova, Georgetown Organizer: Holger Albrecht Ahmad Nadalizadeh, U Oregon-Abbas Discussant: Lara Harb, Princeton Kiarostami, repetition, and the affective Chair: Holger Albrecht, American U Cairo politics of event Rachel Friedman, Williams Col- Discussant: Steven Heydemann, Smith Col Kenan Sharpe, UC Santa Cruz-Between Theorizing clarity across disciplines: Al- modernism and realism in the Turkish 1960s: Bāqillānī’s explanations of bayān in his Uṣūl Nazek Jawad, U South Florida-Revolution the stakes of a literary debate Al-Fiqh and Iʿjāz Al-Qurʾān texts or retaliation: contested meanings in the Baran Germen, U Oregon-Melodramatics Abdallah Soufan, Georgetown-Revisiting Syrian uprising of Turkish modernity: Vurun Kahpeye (1926) Ğurğānī’s concept of bayān Amy Austin Holmes, American U Cairo- and the affective politics of narratives of Avigail Noy, Harvard-Bayān and ʿilm State-building, gender, and the Kurdish victimhood al-bayān militias of northern Syria Nora Kalbarczyk, Ruhr U Bochum- Yasser Munif, Emerson Col-Nation 4577 Turkish Transnationalisms and Systematizing the hermeneutical toolbox: against state: popular nationalism and the the Stakes of Comparison Fakhr Al-Dīn Al-Rāzī’s conception of bayān Syrian uprising Organizers: Etienne Charriere, Kristin Kevin Koehler, American U Cairo-Flee Dickinson Roundtable or fight: how grievances drive military insubordination in violent domestic conflict Chair: Etienne Charriere, Michigan Ann 4455 Breaking the Two Stone Tablets: Arbor Experiments in Teaching Outside the Roundtable Discussant: Kristin Dickinson, Michigan Standard Textbooks, Narratives, and Ann Arbor Assignments in Survey Courses 4529 Being Social on Social Media: Organizer: Heather N. Keaney Academia, the Digital Humanities, Ilker Hepkaner, NYU-Following Atatürk and the Middle East in Israel: public spaces dedicated to Mustafa Sponsored by Organizer: Christine D. Baker MESA's Committee for Kemal Atatürk in Israel and the possibility of “Turkish-Jews” Undergraduate Middle East Studies (CUMES) Rustin Zarkar, NYU Duygu Ula, Michigan Ann Arbor-Viewing Amanda Rogers, Georgia State gender: politics of comparison in Mustang, Beeta Baghoolizadeh, U Penn Chair: Dwight F. Reynolds, UC Santa Zenne and Conscience Juan Cole, Michigan Ann Arbor Barbara Jason Vivrette, UC Berkeley-National Christine D. Baker, Indiana U Penn literature defi(n)ed: writing beyond Turkish Brian J. Ulrich, Shippensburg U in the work of Mehmet Ya ın and Yılmaz 4545 Ghazali and His Interlocutors Nancy L. Stockdale, U North Texas Odaba ı Organizer: John Walbridge Jessica Hunter-Larsen, Colorado Col Ba ak Çandar, Appalachianş State- Heather N. Keaney, Westmont Col Transnationalş Turkish(es) in Murat Discussant: Elizabeth R. Alexandrin, U Jane H. Murphy, Colorado Col Uyurkulak’sş Tol Manitoba 4474 New Directions in the History 4599 The Maghrib on Edge: New State Seyed Asghari, Indiana U-The and Literature of Lebanon: An and Citizen Strategies in the Face of Maktab-i Tafkīk and its opponents in the Interdisciplinary Discussion of Gender Regional Turbulence, Turpitude and contemporary Shī’a seminary in Iran and Sexuality Retrenchment John Walbridge, Indiana U Organizer: Christine B. Lindner Organizer: William A. Lawrence Bloomington-Is God really light? Eiyad Al-kutubi, Indiana U-Al-Fayḍ Al- Dima Ayoub, Middlebury Col-Gender, Haizam Amirah-Fernandez, Real Inst Kāshānī and Al-Ghazālī: reclamation of the dialect, and translation in post Civil-War Elcano-The Maghreb and : from “Iḥyā’ ‘Ulūm Al-Dīn” Lebanese literature conflicting neighbors to pragmatic partners Yasin Basaran, Indiana U-Taking Christine B. Lindner, Murray State-The Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, Tel Aviv Avicenna seriously: reevaluation of Al- “very peculiar trials” of Susan Wortabet: an U-Challenging the state, redefining Ghazali’s objections on creation intersectional study of an entangled history the nation: the contemporary Amazigh in late Ottoman Syria movement in turbulent times

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Karima Benabdallah, UCL-Jihadist Kutbettin Kilic, Indiana U Bloomington- 4691 Islamist Discourses in MENA competition and the quest for stability in an Ethnic category and ethnic group: a era of uncertainty conceptual approach to the Kurdish issue in Chair: Andrea L. Stanton, U Denver William A. Lawrence, George Turkey Washington-Subaltern economics in Caroleen Sayej, Connecticut Col-The the turbulent Maghrib: state and civilian 4664 Economic and Social Change in Ayatollahs of Iraq: the politics of the post- strategies in an age of retrenchment 19th and 20th Century Egypt Saddam era Mohamed Daadaoui, Oklahoma City 4632 Courts, Texts, & Interpretations Chair: Sarah Ghabrial, Columbia U U-Islamism and the state in Morocco: between Al-‘Adl’s rejectionism and PJD’s Chair: Sebastian Guenther, U Goettingen Tamer Elshayal, Harvard-“The Solar “refo-lution” Empire” that never was Sami Emile Baroudi, Lebanese Peter Kitlas, Princeton-Defining balad Bård Kårtveit, U Oslo-Tales from the American U-Contemporary Islamist al-Sūdān in Mālikī fiqh barracks: social positioning and self- perspectives on international relations: the Jessica Mutter, U Chicago-Evolving presentation among former conscripts in the discourse of Sheikh Muhammad Abu Zahra representations of religious conversion in Egyptian military (1898-1974) Syrian historical writing, 640-850 CE Yosra Moussa Sultan, NYU-Nineteenth Menderes Çinar, Baskent U-Islamist de- Youcef Soufi, U Toronto-Whose century Cairo: encounters and conflicts moderation: the case of Turkey’s Justice and disputation? which rationality: the purpose Ahmed Dardir, Columbia U-(Discursive) Development Party of 10th century Islamic legal disputations crowd control and the birth of the licentious Vish Sakthivel, Oxford-The Algerian MSP: Sharon Silzell, U Arkansas Monticello- space Islamist relevance and rethinking the local Reading an “unreadable” book: Kufic Evan Murphy, Illinois Urbana- Qur’ans and the articulation of Islam Champaign-The second agricultural Thematic Sohail Hanif, Oxford-Arguing the law: revolution in nineteenth century Egyptian Conversation unravelling the dialectic of Al-Marghīnānī’s thought 4698 Funding Opportunities for MENA (d. 593/1196-7) Al-Hidāyah Region Research 4683 Intellectual and Political Organizer: Maggie Nassif 4644 Courts, Texts, & Interpretations Experiences of Middle Eastern Jews Session Leader: Maggie Nassif, Chair: Carter V. Findley, Ohio State Chair: Yaron Ayalon, Ball State Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt Jeffery Dyer, Boston Col-Ottomans abroad Shelly Shaul, Tel Aviv U-From in a world war: Ottoman consulates in the immigration to re-colonization: Zeinab Mohamed Ibrahim, Carnegie western Indian Ocean during World War One deconstructing competing narratives in the Mellon U Qatar Charalampos Minasidis, Texas Austin- life-stories of Moroccan Mizrahi immigrants Maysa Abou-Youssef Hayward, Ocean Mobilizations, mass politics, and total war: in 1950’s Dimona County Col the radicalization & politicization of Ottoman , U Arizona-Between Kamilia Rahmouni James A. Miller, MACECE veterans during the “war decade” (1911-23) socialism and communism: an intellectual R. Kirk Belnap, Brigham Young U Önder Akgül, Georgetown-The war upon history of Tunisian Jews from 1910 to 1956 the desert: engineering landscapes in the Dario Miccoli, Ca’ Foscari U, Venice-The Sinai Desert during the Ottoman military ‘Exit and Expulsion of Jews from Arab Lands expeditions in the First World War and Iran Day’ in today’s Israel: memory, Kate Dannies, Georgetown-Total war in ethnicity and politics Ottoman Beirut, 1914-1918 Zachary Smith, U Penn-Depoliticization, repoliticization and Mizrahi politics in Israel 4654 Kurds in Contemporary Politics

Susan Benson-Sokmen, U Toronto-The poetics of political violence: women of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party and feminism’s forgotten history of armed struggle Murat Yuksel, Nisantasi U, Turkey-Local militias and peace processes: the case of the village guard system in Turkey Peyman Asadzadehmamaghani, U Central Florida; Gunes Murat Tezcur, U Central Florida-Ethnic rebels, religious loyalties: the Kurdish insurgency in Iran

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4322 Success as Subjugation: Anat Mooreville, UC Davis-The World Health Nilay Ozlu, Topkapi Palace/Bogazici- Palestinian Education Under Settler Organization and the problem of regionalization: From palace to a museum: visions of Colonialism Israel in the Eastern Mediterranean modernity of the late-Ottoman and early- Organizer: Mai Abu Moghli republican eras 4371 From Medieval to Longue Durée: Secil Dagtas, U Waterloo-Urban place Sponsored by South and Central Asia in the 12th- making and Ottoman modernity in Antakya Palestinian American Research Center 13th Centuries Aline Schlaepfer, U Geneva/American U (PARC) Organizer: Alka Patel Beirut-The Ottoman legacy of modernity in 20th century Iraq Maha Shuayb, Ctr for Lebanese Studies- Chair: Alka Patel, UC Irvine Inclusive exclusion: education of Palestinian 4468 Variation and Change in Modern Blain Auer, U Lausanne-Intellectual Written Arabic refugee students in Lebanon Mai Abu Moghli, UCL Inst of Education- exchange, travel and the transmission of Organizer: Zeinab A. Taha Violence in Palestinian Authority boys knowledge across Central and South Asia of schools in the Occupied West Bank the 12th-13th centuries American Association of Teachers of Arabic Nadim Nashif, Baladna-Association for Tamara Sears, Rutgers-Building between centers: the materiality of military travel Arab Youth-Israeli control over Palestinian schools within the Green Line and the fortification of the central Indian

Joshua Stacher, Kent State-Occupation’s landscape Chair: Zeinab A. Taha, American U Cairo Manan Ahmed Asif, Columbia consequence: struggles for academic freedom U-Qabacha’s legacy in Palestinian universities Dalal Aboel Seoud, American U Cairo- Michael O’Neal, Independent Scholar- Pedagogical implications to language Loyalty, service and benefit: hierarchies and 4342 Challenges of Authoritarian variation intermediaries in the Ghūrid polity Legitimation in the Middle East Kristen Brustad, Texas Austin-What is Organizer: Noa Schonmann not new about variation in written Arabic 4379 Purpose, Cross-Purpose, Re- Alexander Magidow, U Rhode Island- Purpose: Performance and Politics in Jason Brownlee, Texas Austin- Periods of development in the history of the the Classical Arabic Qasida Democratization in an age of Arabic language Organizer: Suzanne P. Stetkevych authoritarianism: why the Arab world’s Zeinab A. Taha, American U Cairo- political travails are unexceptional Variation in Egyptian printed media Noa Schonmann, Oxford-Legitimacy in Chair/Discussant: Muhsin Al-Musawi, Columbia U the shadow of violence: justifying Egypt’s Roundtable relations with Israel Allison Hartnett, Oxford-Give and take: Cynthia Brandenburg, Georgetown-The 4487 Capitalism and Class in the why authoritarian regimes redistribute in elegy as double-edged sword: Jarīr’s rithā’ to Middle East: Reflections on the Arab MENA his wife Uprisings Ferdinand Eibl, London Schl of Ali Alnahhabi, Imam U-Restructuring Organizers: Angela Joya , Koenraad Economics-Why is there no Equatorial the society: Sudayf Ibn Maymūn’s panegyric Bogaert Guinea in the Gulf?: subversion, rents, and performance before the Caliph Abū Al- human development in the Middle East ʻAbbās Al-Saffāḥ Chair: Toby C. Jones, Rutgers Suzanne P. Stetkevych, Georgetown- 4344 Shaping International Mourning and performing: Al-Maʿarrī’s Christopher Parker, Ghent U Governance: The League of Nations elegy to Al-Sharīf Al-Ṭāhir Al-Mūsawī Koenraad Bogaert, Ghent U and UN in the Middle East (1920-1985) Hamad Obaid Alajmi, Kuwait U-Re- Angela Joya, U Oregon Organizers: Anat Mooreville, Nova purposing the jahiliyya Sara Salem, Inst of Social Studies Robinson Karim Malak, Columbia U 4403 The Ottoman Roots of Modernity Ahmed Kanna, U of the Pacific Chair/Discussant: James L. Gelvin, UCLA in Middle Eastern and Southeast Paola Rivetti, Dublin City U European Cities Reem Bailony, Georgetown-Competing Organizer: Stefan Peychev internationalisms and the Syrian revolt of 1925 Mehmet Celik, Texas Austin-Building a Liat Kozma, Hebrew U-Egypt, the League provincial capital: Ottoman modernization in of Nations and illegal traffic the city of Ruse, 1864-1878 Nova Robinson, Seattle U-Lebanese Stefan Peychev, Illinois Urbana- women, “eastern” women’s rights, and the Champaign-Whose modernity? UN Commission on the Status of Women transformation and continuity in the making of modern Sofia (1858-1912)

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Roundtable Michelle Lynn Kahn, Stanford-Kicking 4578 Political, Social, and Religious out the Turks?: Turkish remigrants between Reform in the Age of Social Media 4494 Knowledge Production, Ankara and Bonn in the 1980s Organizer: Nadia Oweidat Exclusion, Inclusion: The Ian Goldstein, UC Berkeley-Maghreb in Repositioning of Armenians in the Algarve, Gharnati in Granada: Arabic Chihab El Khachab, Oxford-Rethinking Ottoman and Turkish Historiography Fado, Flamenco Andalusi, and musical state control over media production in Egypt Organizer: , MIT Lerna Ekmekcioglu memory as modes of belonging Nadia Oweidat, Kansas State-The new generation of Islamic thought reformists and 4536 No Going Back: The Road to their use of social media: the cases of Bihiri, Gender Transformation in the Arab Nasr and Harqan World Soumia Bardhan, Kansas State-Cairene Chair: Vahe Sahakyan, Michigan Ann Organizer: Rita Stephan women, graffiti, and online social networks: Arbor Pinterest as a platform for social, political, and religious reform efforts David E. Gutman, Manhattanville Col Adel Iskandar, Simon Fraser-The alpha Carel Bertram, San Francisco State and the omega: divination, deliverance, and Rachel Goshgarian, Lafayette Col Maro Youssef, Texas Austin- delusion in digital Egypt Bedross Der Matossian, Nebraska Lincoln Authoritarian states and women’s rights: the Yasar Tolga Cora, Michigan Ann Arbor case of Algeria 4582 Transformation into Multicultural Alyson Wharton, U Lincoln (UK) Mounira Maya Charrad, Texas Austin- Society in Turkey: Challenges from The power of words: debates about gender in Old Minorities, Diasporas and New 4518 The Production of Space in post Arab Spring Tunisia Migrants from Syria Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Rula Quawas, U Jordan-Barefoot feminist Organizer: Emel Topçu Century Egypt classes: a revelation of being, doing, and Organizer: Kyle Anderson becoming Chair: Tuba Duman, Social Sciences U Rita Stephan, U Maryland-Linking the Ankara Chair: Ziad Fahmy, Cornell Cedar Revolution and the Arab Spring Discussant: Shana E. Minkin, Sewanee: Nadine C. Naber, Illinois Chicago- Ayse Guc, Social Sciences U Ankara- U of the South Shaking up singular gender analyses of the On the eve of becoming a transnational Egyptian revolution community: the responses of Syriac Nefertiti Takla, UCLA-Subaltern violence Christians to Turkish nationalism and the spatialization of class relations in 4547 New Research on Legal Reform Tuba Duman, Social Sciences U Ankara early interwar Alexandria in North Africa and the Broader -Poverty of local Arabs in anliurfa: fighters Jennifer L. Derr, UC Santa Cruz-The Middle East or victims? well-watered subject: economy, disease, Organizer: Matt Buehler Filiz Aydin, Social SciencesŞ U Ankara and the relationship between space and -Turkey as a diaspora state: the role of subjectivity in colonial Egypt Chair/Discussant: John P. Entelis, Crimean Tatars, Circassians, and Balkan Lucia Carminati, U Arizona-Port Saʿīd, Fordham U immigrants in defining the “new” national 1870-1890: nothing but scum jettisoned upon identity in Turkey the edge of the desert; crime and empire in a Yüksel Sezgin, Syracuse U-Reforming Emel Topçu, Social Sciences U Ankara- provincial port-city “Shari‘a” in non-Muslim democracies: The challenge of Syrian migrants to mono Kyle Anderson, Cornell-The Egyptian understanding the role of civil judiciaries cultural national ideology of Turkey labor corps: migrant labor, imperial logistics, Dorthe Kirsten Engelcke, U Göttingen- and the social history of modern Egypt The Moroccan women’s judges club: to what 4600 Tunis Capitale: The Historic City extent has it shaped the application of the and Its Built Environments 4524 Europe and Its Others: Historical 2004 family law? Organizer: Daniel E. Coslett Perspectives Matt Buehler, U Tennessee-Bribes and Organizer: Victoria M. Phaneuf judges: results from an original survey on Chair: Iheb Guermazi, MIT citizen perceptions of judicial corruption in Chair: Maisa C. Taha, Montclair State Morocco Edna Bonhomme, Princeton-The port Katja Zvan Elliott, Al Akhawayn- and the city: trade and plague in late Silvia Marsans-Sakly, Fairfield U-The Innovative ways of using post-Arab Spring eighteenth-century Tunisia Orient as masked avenger: Mediterranean constitutions to promote universal human Nancy Demerdash-Fatemi, Philipps-U crossings and cosmopolitanism in “The (women’s) rights: the case of Moroccan NGOs Marburg-A Sephardic vernacular?: Victor Count of Monte Cristo” 1815-1845 Valensi’s architecture of Tunisian habitation Victoria M. Phaneuf, U Arizona-Terror Daniel E. Coslett, U Washington- and the “other” in France: representations of Antiquity’s afterlife in the built the 1995 and 2015 Islamist attacks in French environments of postcolonial Tunis newspapers

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4663 Social Protection and Welfare PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Policies

Annabelle Houdret, Deutsches Inst 4713 Proposal Writing and Research Design: How To Fund für Entwicklungspolitik/German Your Ideas Development Inst (DIE)-Towards a new Organizer: Suad Joseph social contract for the MENA region?: rural concerns and perspectives Sponsored by MESA GSO, EWIC Outreach Project, Arab American Julia Shatz, UC Berkeley-Governing the Studies Association, Association for Middle East Anthropology, and the local child: infant welfare centers in mandate Association for Middle East Women's Studies Palestine Hadi Salehi Esfahani, Illinois Urbana- Chair: Suad Joseph, UC Davis Champaign-Gender and social protection in Iran: who receives social assistance? Those embarking on academic careers must master the art of writing proposals Marcus Walton, Brown-Between the lines: for research funding. Whether you are conducting research for a dissertation or bread, moral economy, and the discourse of book or seeking support for a special project-locating and securing funding is welfare in Egypt critical. This workshop will provide expert guidelines on how to write compel- Gamze Cavdar, Colorado State-Social ling proposals from the initial phrasing of the research question, step by step, protection under the AKP in Turkey to the research outcomes, significance, dissemination, and public outreach. It will also address such issues as identifying and working with funding agencies, 4666 Construction of Scientific effectively communicating research methodology and goals, preparing budgets, Knowledge and planning for the dissemination of results. The workshop will be led by Suad Joseph, Professor of Anthropology and Women and Gender Studies, University Chair: Salman Hameed, Hampshire Col of California at Davis. She has taught proposal writing and lead workshops for students, faculty, administrators, and NGO practitioners for over 30 years. Infor- Sally P. Ragep, McGill-Science textbooks mation about proposal writing may be found on Dr. Joseph's website at http:// from the later period of the Khwārizm Shāhs Please sign up for the work- Mehmet Alper Yalcinkaya, Ohio shop in advance by sending an email message to Mark Lowder at mark@mesana. Wesleyan/Carlos III de Madrid-Science and org. Before the workshop, please browse Professor Joseph’s website and read the alliance: the politics of science education in document, “Components of a social science and humanities research proposal.” Turkey in the early Cold War era Danielle K. Adams, U Arizona- Multivalent stars, clouded expertise: a genealogy of Arab celestial complexes in Thematic Abbasid astronomical histories Conversation Scott Trigg, Wisconsin Madison-Reading the cosmos: astronomy and theology in the 4695 GCC Higher Education: Its Many commentaries of Fatḥallāh Al-Shirwānī (d. Faces and Possible Futures 1486) Organizer: Dale F. Eickelman

4689 Saudi Arabia: Swords, Slavery, Chair: Dale F. Eickelman, Dartmouth Col and Origins of ISIS Daniel Martin Varisco, Qatar U Ahmed H. Ibrahim, Qatar U; Mariam I El-Sayed el-Aswad, United Arab Al-Mulla, Qatar U -Slavery in the Arabian Emirates U Gulf: historical and contemporary contexts Al-Johara H. Al-Thani, NYU Chris Kirkpatrick, Graduate Center, Rawda Awwad, American U Kuwait CUNY-Najd Al-ʿArdah: Saudi Arabia and Rogaia Abusharaf, Georgetown Qatar dancing with swords, 1932-1952 Ondrej Beranek, Oriental Inst, Czech Academy of Sciences-The Islamic State and taswiyat al-qubur

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4359 From Arab-Russian to Arab- 4425 Beneath and Beyond Gender Thomas Patrick Martin, Penn State- Soviet Cultural Encounters: Are There and Sexuality: Cultures of Friendship, Identities in transition: Muslims soldiers in Continuities? Sociality, and the Erotic in the WWI Organizer: Margaret Litvin Modern Middle East Odile Moreau, Montpellier U-IMAF Organizer: Pelle Valentin Olsen Paris 1-Ottoman-German aid to Moroccan Chair/Discussant: Margaret Litvin, local resistance to French colonisation Boston U Discussant: Haytham Bahoora, U during the Great War Colorado Boulder Nabil Matar, U Minnesota-Arab orthodox 4469 The Future of Iraq: Lessons of writers, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire Murat C. Yildiz, Michigan Ann Arbor- Past Policies Suha Kudsieh, Col of Staten Island, “My dear brother”: bonds of friendship in Organizer: Brooke Fisher, Tufts CUNY-Shaykh Muhammad ‘Ayyad Al- Ottoman sports clubs Tantawi’s journey to tsarist Russia (1840- Noga Efrati, Open U-Joining the Organized under the auspices of 1850) Effendiyya?: the case of Paulina Hassun Fares Center for Spencer Scoville, Brigham Young Pelle Valentin Olsen, U Chicago- Eastern Mediterranean Studies U-Arab perspectives on Russian revolutions Cruising Baghdad: masculinity, sexuality, and homoerotic desire in the works of Dhu Discussant: Nadim Shehadi, Tufts 4392 Hey You, Precarious Worker: Al-Nun Ayyub Are You Afraid of BDS? Graduate Lucie Ryzova, U Birmingham, UK-‘Abd Satgin Hamrah, Tufts-The Iran-Iraq War: Students, Untenured Faculty, and the Al-Mun‘im’s camera passions: sexuality, evolution, framing and proxy wars Politics of Political Commitments intimacy and stardom in interwar Egypt Shahla ALKli, Tufts-The implicit state Organizer: Omar Sirri of the Kurdistan region: path toward tacit 4427 African Slavery and Its Legacies acceptance by the inter-state system Omar Sirri, U Toronto-Being a graduate in the Late Ottoman Empire and Avner Golov, Tufts-Deterrence during the student in a time of BDS: experiences, Turkey: Power Relations in the Gulf War of 1991 lessons, and the academy Everyday Jennifer Mogannam, UC San Diego- Organizer: Michael Ferguson 4493 Literature and/or History? Palestinian organizing and the academic Analyzing Literary Elements disconnect Solmaz Celik McDowell, Yeditepe and Narrative Strategies in Arab Omar Zahzah, UCLA-Discourse in praxis: U-Enslaved Africans and their involvement Historical Writing political struggle as the living site of in crime in the 19th century Ottoman Empire Organizer: Pamela Klasova interpretive delimitation Özgül Özdemir, Boğaziçi U-Thirst for Sponsored by Rima Kapitan, Kapitan Law Office- freedom: the attempted escape of a young Middle East Medievalists (MEM) Strengthening the tools of activism at enslaved African woman in the 19th century academic institutions through law and Ezgi Cakmak, U Penn-African slave or collective action African servant?: a discussion on the forms Chair: Rachel Friedman, Williams Col of “free labor” in domestic servitude in the Discussant: Antoine Borrut, U 4413 Religion and Secularism in late Ottoman Empire Maryland/Inst for Advanced Study Palestine and Israel Michael Ferguson, SOAS London-African Organizer: Stacey Gutkowski slavery in the Ottoman Empire and the Peter Webb, SOAS London-Memories and violence of the archive myth: the reconstructions of pre-Islamic Discussant: Joyce Dalsheim, UNC Arabian battles in Charlotte 4460 North Africa: A Forgotten Front David Larsen, NYU-Agony in prose: During the First World War? the poet Ka‘b b. Mālik on his ostracism at Craig Larkin, King’s Col London-An Organizer: Odile Moreau Islamic movement inside the Israeli state: Aaron Hagler, Troy U-Peeking backstage: secularising religious resistance? Chair: Odile Moreau, Montpellier shattering the narrative and parabolizing Sophie Richter-Devroe, Inst of U-IMAF Paris 1 the fitna in Ibn Al-’Adim’s Bughyat Al-Talab Graduate Studies-Tibb ‘Arabi: Naqab Discussant: Julia Clancy-Smith, U fi Ta’rikh Halab Bedouin women’s healing practices beyond Arizona Pamela Klasova, Georgetown- the religious/secular divide Dramatizing narrative through eloquent Stacey Gutkowski, King’s Col London- Habiba Boumlik, LaGuardia Community speech: the khuṭab of Al-Ḥajjāj b. Yūsuf in Cultivating the reasonable hiloni self: a case Col, CUNY-Teaching French to North history and adab works of secular self-fashioning? African soldiers in the French colonial army Una McGahern, Newcastle U-”They go to Wilfrid J. Rollman, Boston U-United get a gun”: hidden histories of violence and States-Moroccan relations during the Great the politics of rumour in Israel War: ambiguities and aspirations, 1914-1919

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4523 Nasir-i Khusraw and His 4569 Political Dissent and Activism in 4614 Generations, Ruination and Associations: Shifting Biographies Post-Arab Spring Egypt Memory in Egypt 1952- 2011 and Affiliations in the Appropriations Organizers: Mirna Wasef, Dina Organizers: Nada El-Kouny, Momen M. of the Persian Poet, Philosopher and Mansour El-Husseiny, Mohammed Ezzeldin, Aya Fatimid Da`i (Summoner) Nassar Organizer: Shiraz Hajiani Chair: Babak Rahimi, UC San Diego Aya Nassar, U Warwick-Monuments of Daniel Beben, Nazarbayev U-A tale of two Mirna Wasef, UC San Diego-Changing the state: urban space, commemoration and masters: the uses and reuses of discipleship Tahrir: street art, political dissent and nationalism in 1970s Cairo narratives in the legendary biographies of changing citizenship in post-Arab Spring Mohammed Ezzeldin, CUNY-Failed Nasir-i Khusraw Egypt revolutions, premature temporalities: Arwa Shiraz Hajiani, U Chicago-Second fiddle: Nadine Sika, American U Cairo-Youth Salih and the post 1967 generation in Egypt an examination of the constructions of collective agency in the aftermath of Egypt’s Nada El-Kouny, Rutgers-The master and protégé relationship between “coup-volution” materialization of generational disjunctures Nāṣir-i Khusraw and Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ and Steven T. Brooke, U Louisville-Mr. in rural Egypt its later inversions in the legitimations of Morsi’s machine: Islamic infrastructure Momen M. El-Husseiny, Cairo U-Once authority in Nizari Ismailism and electoral mobilization in Egypt’s 2012 opon a time, a modernist building on the Nile Nourmamadcho Nourmamadchoev, presidential elections Inst of Ismaili Studies-The place Dina Mansour, Orient-Inst Beirut- 4623 Reproduction of Meaning in the and significance of Nasir-i Khusraw in Reinventing revolutions: the moral politics Diaspora Badakhshan of cyberactivism in the case of the Egyptian secularist movement Erin Hughes, U Edinburgh-The national 4552 Competing Epistemologies: dilemma of refugee admissions: the Assyrian Modernizing and Traditionalizing Roundtable and Chaldean diaspora in the United States Trends in the Arabian Gulf from the Iraq War through ISIS 4596 Middle Eastern Cities: New Organizer: James F. Toth Fanny Christou, U Poitiers/American Directions in Urban History U Beirut/Sciences Po Paris-The political Organizers: Fatemeh Masjedi, Joel Chair: James F. Toth, Zayed U mobilisation of the Palestinian diaspora in Parker Discussant: Nathalie Peutz, NYU Abu Sweden: contribution to the redefinition Dhabi of the Swedish mainstream and of the Chairs: Fatemeh Masjedi, Free U Berlin; homeland politics Lior B. Sternfeld, Penn State Habibul Khondker, Zayed U-Knowledge Emanuela Dalmasso, U Amsterdam- society and foreign talents in the UAE Overseas citizens at a time of unstable Joel Parker, MDC El-Sayed el-Aswad, United Arab authoritarian rule: Morocco and its diaspora Emirates U-Traditional culture and during the 2011 political crisis 4609 Publics and Counterpublics in vernacular architecture in the Emirates Dov Waxman, Northeastern-Diaspora the Late Ottoman Press society peacemakers?: the role of American Jews in Organizer: Harry Bastermajian James Redman, Zayed U-When social ties the Israeli-Palestinian peace process become frayed: monetized alternatives to Hakki Gurkas, Kennesaw State-From wasta in Kuwait 4637 The Syrian Civil War, Refugees, private to public: changes in commemorations Frank Fanselow, Zayed U-The UAE & Regional Responses of Rumi and Haji Bektash Federal National Council elections 2015 Harry Bastermajian, Harvard-Gender, Chair: Andrea L. Stanton, U Denver domesticity, and the ideal Ottoman citizen Roundtable as represented in Armenian periodicals of Anna Reumert, Columbia U-Intimate 4561 Non-traditional Methods for Istanbul, 1898-1908 strangers: notes on Syrian refugees in Beirut Teaching Traditional Languages Ekin Enacar, U Chicago-Are we free yet?: Matthew Goldman, Swedish Research Organizer: Maxim Romanov limits of freedom of press in the first year of Inst-Istanbul-Repertoires of refuge: the Young Turk Revolution explaining divergent responses to refugees in Chair: Marie-Claire Beaulieu, Tufts Madeleine Elfenbein, U Chicago-Teodor Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon Kasap and the making of an Ottomanist Alyssa Miller, Duke-Precarious itineraries: Marie-Claire Beaulieu, Tufts public, 1870-1877 Tunisian routes to war in Syria Kamran S. Aghaie, Texas Austin Matthieu Cimino, Oxford/Sciences Po- Maryam Foradi, U Leipzig The war next door: the Syrian policy of Israel Matthew Thomas Miller, Washington U since 2011 St. Louis/Maryland College Park Maxim Romanov, U Leipzig

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Chair: Gunes Murat Tezcur, U Central 4712 Academic Freedom Under Assault: A Roundtable on Florida Recent Developments in Egypt and Turkey Organizer: Laurie Brand Meltem Odabas, U Arizona-Tweeting from Gezi Park: social media and repression Chair: Laurie Brand, U Southern California backfire Defne Bilir, Florida State-The digital Khaled Fahmy, Harvard-The precarious state of academic freedom in Egypt divide within and between Turkey and the Vickie Langohr, Col of the Holy Cross-Expanding the borders of the forbidden U.S.: the promises of social media in dealing in Egyptian universities with the solutions to bridge the divide Asli Bali, UCLA-Denying academic freedom by law in Turkey Ladin Bayurgil, Boston U-Experience Asli Z. Igsiz, NYU-Academic freedom and political stability in contemporary of urban transformation among Istanbul’s Turkey doormen: a case of urban displacement Ayca Alemdaroglu, Northwestern- MESA’s Committee on Academic Freedom monitors the entire region for cases Politics of the past, politics of the future: of academic freedom violations. While CAF’s work has long been overwhelm- governing youth in Turkey ingly in defense of individuals suffering from or threatened by loss of academic job, compromised access to research or travel, or worse, in recent years, the 4692 Museums, Place, and Memory committee has increasingly been dealing with broader assaults against academ- ic freedom. While the worst examples have been in countries where conflict has Chair: Melissa Figueroa, Ohio U led to massive destruction of facilities and loss of life, we have also seen country cases in which there have been increasingly widespread violations absent such Andrea Pauw, U Virginia-Moriscos in dire security challenges. While the general climate relating to freedom of ex- nineteenth-century historiography and art pression has been deteriorating across the region, Turkey and Egypt stand out Elisabeth Friedman, Illinois State- as particularly notable examples of increasingly vicious state repression against Qalandiya International and the new spaces academic freedom in its various manifestations. In Egypt, the continuing un- of Palestiian art certainty of the political transition in the context of a brutal military-security Katie J. Hickerson, U Penn-Clothes of regime has produced a dangerous academic and research terrain in which for- contention: the pageantry and politics of the mer red lines are shifting or have blurred. In Turkey, against the backdrop of an Mahdist Jibba already clear authoritarian turn, in mid-January the government has launched Ozge Sade Mete, Bellevue Col-Cosmopolitan a wave of administrative, judicial and security assaults in the wake of the pub- and feminist memories: four provincial lication of the now famous Peace Petition regarding the escalating violence in museums in Turkey the country’s southeast. In CAF’s experience, the criminalization of all 1,128 academic signatories of this Petition, and the arrests, dismissals and threats to Thematic which the signers were subjected, represented the broadest targeted assault Conversation against academics that we had ever seen--until the even more far-reaching and staggering developments since the 15 July coup attempt. This roundtable brings 4694 Evaluating and Incentivizing together four top scholars who have or are working with CAF, and who have Digital Scholarship in Middle East been monitoring closely and writing about the deterioration in these freedoms. Studies Their interventions will seek to place the recent developments in broader socio- Organizer: Amy Singer political and historical context, removing developments in the academy from what is often their relative isolation and analyzing them as integral parts of Session Leader: Amy Singer, Tel Aviv U ongoing political transitions. Sabine Schmidtke, Inst for Advanced Study Sarah Bowen Savant, Aga Khan U Intisar Rabb, Harvard Law Schl Bogac Ergene, U Vermont Virginia Aksan, McMaster

MESA 2016 Preliminary Program u Page 41 4-5:45PM Saturday November 19

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP Roundtable 4368 Sykes-Picot at 100: Mapping, 4714 Professional and Career Pathways Migrants, and Myths Organizer: Rita Stephan Organizer: Stacy Fahrenthold, UC Berkeley, Melanie Tanielian, Michigan Ann Arbor

Chair: Andrew Patrick, Tennessee State Chair: Rita Stephan, U Maryland Laura Robson, Portland State Aaron Faust, Independent Scholar Jonathan Wyrtzen, Yale Maro Youssef, Texas Austin Lauren Banko, U Manchester Jon Danilowicz, U.S. Department of State Nick Danforth, Bipartisan Policy Ctr Steven Wagner, McGill While most academic institutions prepare their students for academic careers, other viable options include joining the public service. Approximately 20 4381 Reform, Violence and percent of federal employees have a master's degree, professional degree or Revolutionary Organizations in the doctorate, and about one in four American Nobel laureates have been federal Late Nineteenth-Century Ottoman East employees. This panel discusses how joining the public service at the U.S. Organizers: Yasar Tolga Cora, Umit Kurt Department of State can be an opportunity to work on high priority issues that impact diplomacy, security, and prosperity in the world, including human Chair/Discussant: Janet Klein, U Akron rights, environment, energy, food security, public health, and technology – all while experiencing a unique career. The panel will examine the various career Edip Golbasi, Simon Fraser-The anti- opportunities and challenges to joining the foreign service (FSO) or the civil Armenian riots of 1895–1896: the “climate of service, as well as the pathways programs for students. violence” and intercommunal strife in the Ottoman eastern provinces Umit Kurt, Harvard-The breakdown of a previously peaceful coexistence: the Aintab 4315 Exploring the Field: New 4355 The Middle East in Latin America Armenian massacres of 1895 Perspectives on Middle East Studies in Organizer: Ellen McLarney Toygun Altintas, U Chicago-The making the United States of an anti-Armenian “disorder”: Hamidian Organizer: Zachary Lockman Chair: Ellen McLarney, Duke massacres in the province of Bitlis Yasar Tolga Cora, Michigan Ann Arbor- Discussant: Robert Vitalis, U Penn Lily Balloffet, North Carolina State- Early Armenian “revolutionaries”: local, Nuestras Malvinas & the Suez: Argentine national(-ist), revolutionary? Osamah Khalil, Syracuse U-A time of solidarity in the early non-alignment era national emergency: U.S. foreign policy and Ellen McLarney, Duke-Connecting the 4384 The Moriscos’ Testimonies After Middle East expertise community: Islamic media and institutions Their Expulsion from the Iberian Jessica Winegar, Northwestern-The in Argentina Peninsula politics of Middle East studies from the Camila Pastor de Maria y Campos, Organizer: Lisette Balabarca viewpoint of anthropology CIDE-Mexican Islam: transnational Nathan Citino, Rice U-Dilemmas of leaderships and institutionalization Chair: Chad Leahy, U Denver American exceptionalism in the Middle East Discussant: Catherine Infante, Amherst Col Zachary Lockman, NYU-Rethinking the history of US area studies/Middle East Diana Galarreta-Aima, U Virginia-“The studies supporter of religion against the infidel,” a Morisco’s testimony Melissa Figueroa, Ohio U-Theater reminiscences: the politics of memory after the expulsion of the Moriscos Teresa Soto, CSIC-More glory to the poets: Ibrahim Taybili and Morisco poetry in exile Lisette Balabarca, Siena Col-Poetry and religious polemics: Spanish Christian influences on a Morisco author in exile

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4399 Technology and Transnational 4447 Reconfigurations of Modern Space 4534 Women and Politics in MENA: Networks in the Middle East Organizer: Noa Shaindlinger Representation, Participation, and Organizers: Killian Clarke, Gozde Agency Guran Chair: Noa Shaindlinger, U Toronto Organizer: Mona Tajali

Chair/Discussant: Arang Keshavarzian, Dina Fergani, U Toronto-Staged Chair: Mona Tajali, Agnes Scott Col NYU modernity: theatre and the ethics of progress Discussant: Marwa Shalaby, Rice U in colonial Egypt Waleed Hazbun, American U Beirut-New Samar Nour, U Toronto-The Cairo mental Aili Mari Tripp, Wisconsin Madison- ‘empires of the air’?: Middle East airport asylum as a colonial space Women’s national and local legislative hubs and the shifting geopolitics of global Ian Costa, U Toronto-The dialectics of representation in the Maghreb aviation reform in modern Iran Mona Tajali, Agnes Scott Col-Women and Gozde Guran, Princeton-Technology and Kyle Gamble, U Toronto-The poetics of party politics in Turkey and Iran economic informality: cross-border money the apartment in Lebanese Civil War fiction Zoe Petkanas, U Cambridge-Women in transfers in Beirut and Istanbul the national constituent assembly: gendering Laleh Khalili, SOAS London- 4456 Culture and Contention in the Tunisian constitution Quartermasters of capital: military logistics Modern Iraq Rania Maktabi, Østfold U Col, Norway- and the making of maritime connections in Organizer: Elliott Colla Female lawyers and patriarchal state laws in the Arabian Peninsula Morocco, Lebanon and Kuwait after 2011 Killian Clarke, Princeton-New media, Chair: Elliott Colla, Georgetown old networks: how protest diffused in the Discussant: Sara Pursley, NYU 4543 Whither Turkey? Turkish Egyptian uprising Authoritarianism in Perspective Amir Moosavi, NYU-Speaking of violent Organizer: Koray Çalı kan 4418 The Legacy of A.I. Sabra: New pasts during a violent present: writing the Perspectives on the History of Science Iran-Iraq War after 2003 Chair: Koray Çalı kanş, Boğaziçi U in Islam Kevin Jones, U Georgia-‘Do not leave those Organizer: F. Jamil Ragep pure virgins’: class, gender, and the cultural Karabekir Akkoyunluş , U Graz-Beyond politics of nationalism in post-revolutionary “competitive” authoritarianism? electoral Dedicated to the Memory of A.I. Sabra Iraq, 1958-1963 integrity and state capture in post-Kemalist Suneela Mubayi, NYU-The outsider Turkey Chair: Robert J. Wisnovsky, McGill then and now: the Su luk͑ in modern Arabic Behlül Özkan, Marmara U-The Discussant: Robert G. Morrison, literature production of knowledge in the AKP’s Bowdoin Col Qussay Al-Attabi, Brown-Sartre in creation of an authoritarian system Baghdad: commitment, communism, and Ozan Varol, Lewis & Clark Law Schl- Elaheh Kheirandish, Harvard- Arab nationalism Stealth authoritarianism “Checkered history” recolored: the changing fortunes and misfortunes of optical works in 4506 Inventions and Reinventions in Islamic and European lands Modern Twelver Shi`i Islam Tzvi Langermann, Bar Ilan U-Ibn Organizer: Omid Ghaemmaghami Al-Haytham’s commentary to Ptolemy’s Almagest Discussant: Roy Mottahedeh, Harvard Alnoor Dhanani, Harvard-Vision, visual rays, and perception in kalām: A preliminary Mina Yazdani, Eastern Kentucky enquiry U-Clerical cooperation and Islamic F. Jamil Ragep, McGill-One Ibn Al- radicalism in 1940s Iran Haytham or two: the evidence from Omid Ghaemmaghami, Binghamton- astronomy The messianic turn in modern Twelver Shi`i Islam: notes on Ali-Akbar Nahavandi’s Fine Wonders of Beauty Babak Rahimi, UC San Diego-Internet Mahdism in the (re)shaping of Shi‘i Iran Reza Masoudi Nejad, SOAS London-The political geography of Shi’i pilgrimage in the Middle East

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Roundtable ISSUES IN THE PROFESSION WORKSHOP 4562 Anthropology, Ethics, and Political Engagement on Palestine/ 4715 Confronting Sexual Harassment in the Academy Israel Organizer: Beth Baron Organizer: Amahl Bishara Chair: Beth Baron, City Col and Graduate Center, CUNY

Fatma Müge Göçek, Michigan Ann Arbor Eve Troutt Powell, U Penn Chair: Fida Adely, Georgetown Simona Sharoni, SUNY Plattsburgh Sexual harassment of students and faculty is not a new problem in the academy. Suad Joseph, UC Davis This problem is especially acute for graduate students and junior faculty across Amahl Bishara, Tufts fields of study. Research suggests that 30% of graduate students surveyed stat- Sa’ed Atshan, Swarthmore ed that they experienced some form of sexual harassment in the course of their Fida Adely, Georgetown study. This finding has remained consistent over the past three decades. A new wave of survivor-led student activism in the United States has forced colleges and 4568 Beyond Nationalism: Clashing universities to review their existing policies on sexual harassment and sexual as- Identities Between Islamism and sault. However, the issue of faculty harassers has been largely ignored. Authoritarianism in the Post-Arab Spring Organizer: Dina Mansour, Orient-Inst Beirut Professional associations like MESA can play a role by facilitating discussion of these issues. Participants will analyze the problem of sexual harassment in the Organized under the auspices of academy, examine possible responses to the problem, explore the establishment Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN) of a code of conduct for MESA, and share resources designed to raise awareness among faculty and students. Jiwon Choi, Exeter-Reconstruction of settler privilege and indigenous resistance: a new approach to societal cleavage in Bahrain since 1999 Charles Joukhadar, U Arizona-Building 4660 Gender and Conflict: Activism, Sami A. Ofeish, U Balamand; Rima intercultural competence through linguistic Resilience, and Disengagement Majed, Oxford -Lebanon’s sectarianism, landscapes and film clips change, and failure of consociationalism Chair: Marya Hannun, Georgetown Stefano Fogliata, U Bergamo-Between 4638 Politics & Legitimacy in Tunisia disaffiliation and shifting identities: the case Zeynep Balcioglu, Northeastern-Packing of Palestinian refugees currently fleeing to Chair: Daniel E. Coslett, U Washington relations: a case study on young refugee Lebanon from Syria women’s capability to form social capital Hani Awad, Oxford-Understanding Michael Marcusa, Brown-Tribalism, Kenny Schmitt, Exeter-The Murabitiyyn the clashes between the state and local resistance and the political imagination in and of Al-Aqsa : communities in Cairo’s peri-urban fringe contemporary Tunisia transforming resistance, nationalism, (the case of Kerdasa) Rory McCarthy, Oxford-Tunisia’s and gendered activism in Jerusalem and Ennahda in prison: rethinking strategy and Palestine 4612 Developing and Measuring reclaiming dignity Touria Khannous, Louisiana State- Intercultural Communicative Gabriel Rubin, Montclair State-Tunisia’s Gender, violence and representation in Competence in Study Abroad and At- post-revolutionary legacy: security, human contemporary Algerian women’s cinema Home Programs: Insights from Arabic rights & transitional justice Liyana Kayali, Australian National Organizer: Sonia Shiri Tofigh Maboudi, Loyola Chicago- U-Palestinian women’s perceptions of Constituting democrats: participation, popular resistance actions in the Occupied Mohamed Ansary, U Arizona-Using deliberation, and constitutional legitimacy West Bank technology for increasing students’ multiple in Tunisia literacies and intercultural competence Sonia Shiri, U Arizona-Measuring the impact of short-term study abroad: ICC development and maintenance Riyad Alhomsi, U Arizona-Technology integration to foster students’ ICC and increase motivation

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4677 Representations Respond to Thematic 4716 Kurdish Studies: A 50-Year History & Trauma Conversation Retrospective Organizer: Michael M. Gunter 4706 Reading Middle Eastern Zeina Maasri, U Brighton-Draw me a gun: Literatures Comparatively children’s books in the trenches of the ‘Arab Organized under the auspices of Organizer: Roberta Micallef Hanoi’ Ahmed Foundation for Kurdish Studies Katty Alhayek, Massachusetts Amherst- Session Leader: Somy Kim, Boston U Media realism in time of war: identification, Chair: Robert W. Olson, U Kentucky interactivity, and symbolism in Syrian Sandra G. Carter, U Houston television drama Michael Rubin, American Enterprise Roberta Micallef, Boston U Jeannette E. Okur, Texas Austin-Turkic Inst-Problems in Kurdish studies Abigail Gillman, Boston U Muslims’ literary response to the uninvited Vera Eccarius-Kelly, Siena Col-Kurdish Somy Kim, Boston U Russian “guest” studies in Europe Hend F. Alawadhi, U Rochester-Asma’a Michael M. Gunter, Tennessee Tech; (2011): representing HIV/AIDS in Arab Mohammed M.A. Ahmed, Ahmed cinema Foundation for Kurdish Studies-Kurdish studies in the United States 4682 Social and Religious Practices in Ottoman History

Emin Lelic, U Chicago-The seven ways of physiognomy: constructing an Ottoman typology Ahmet Serdar Akturk, Georgia Southern U-Family, empire, and nation: the Bedirkhan family and the changing perception of the family origins in the late and post-Ottoman periods

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Lakhdar Brahimi

“Ups and Downs and Elephants in the Room: Personal Reflections on UN Peace Operations”

with introduction by Beth Baron City Col and Graduate Center, CUNY

akhdar Brahimi has been Algeria’s Foreign Minister (1991-1993) and its Ambassador to Egypt, Sudan and the Arab League of States in Cairo (1963-1970) and to The United Kingdom (1971-1979). From 1984 to 1991, He served as Under-Secretary General of the League of Arab States. During that time, he negotiated the Taef Agreement, which put an end to the Civil L War in Lebanon that had lasted 15 years. During his country’s struggle for independence, Brahimi represented Algeria's National Liberation Front in Indonesia (1956-1961). He took part in the work of the Non-Aligned Movement, since its first Conference, in 1961, in Belgrade, and in that of the Organization of African Unity (now the African Union), since its creation, in1963. After retirement from national public service, in 1993, he started a new career with the United Nations. After undertaking a number of missions on behalf of the Secretary General of the United Nations, he led the United Nations Observer Mission to South Africa (UNOMSA), which observed South Africa’s historic democratic election, which ended Apartheid and brought Mandela to power. He also led UN Missions to Haiti (1994-1996) and to Afghanistan (1997-1999). In 2000, he chaired an Independent Panel on UN Peace Operations, which produced a report on how to improve UN action in its core activity, which is the maintenance and restoration of Peace and Security in the World. (The report is commonly known as the “Brahimi Report”). In 2001, following the 09/11 terrorist attacks, he chaired the Bonn Conference on Afghanistan and went on to lead the United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan (UNAMA). In 2004, following the invasion and occupation of Iraq, he helped form a national government with the mandate of restoring the sovereignty of that unhappy country. In 2007, Brahimi was asked to chair another Independent Panel, which produced a report on how to protect UN staff and property around the world. He was then again called back to be the Joint Special Representative of the United Nations and the League of Arab States for Syria (2012-2014). Lakhdar Brahimi spent 2 years (2006-2008) at the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) in Princeton, two Semesters as a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics (LSE) in 2008 and 2009, and taught a course at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sciences Po), in Paris, in 2011, 2012 and 2015. Ambassador Brahimi studied Law and Political Science in Algiers and Paris, but left without graduating to join his country’s struggle for independence. He was awarded Doctorates Honoris Causa from (in the order in which they were granted): The American University of Beirut, in Lebanon; The University of Oxford, in the UK; The University of Nice, in France; The University of Bologna in Italy; The University of the Free State, in South Africa, The Institut d’Etudes Politiques of Paris, in France Lakhdar Brahimi is currently a member of The Elders and a number of civil society organizations and has been active in various associations with leading Universities and Institutes. Lakhdar Brahimi is married, with three children and 6 grand children

Page 46 u MESA 2016 Preliminary Program Saturday evening after the Plenary Address DJ Bassam is bringing the beat to


Featuring a mix of electic Global Rhythms and a strong dose of Middle Eastern music.

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TODAY’S AFFILIATED MEETINGS 4373 The ‘Alawis and the Origins of 4436 Women as Agents and Symbols Political Confessionalism in Syria, of Change in Early Twentieth Century 9-11am 1908-1963 Turkey MEOC Board Meeting Organizer: Stefan Winter Organizer: Serpil Atamaz MIT (3) Chair/Discussant: Ussama Makdisi, Rice U Chair/Discussant: Hale Yılmaz, Southern Illinois Carbondale 4369 Christian Missionaries in the Fabrice Balanche, Lyon 2 U-The Alawites Post-Colonial Middle East of Syria: from the mountain refuge to the Esma Erdogan Kilic, Indiana U-The Organizer: Asher Orkaby city making of Muslim women in Turkey: a Stefan Winter, U Quebec Montreal- comparative analysis of the Gulen Movement Chair/Discussant: Heather J. Sharkey, Between confessional differentiation and and the Ismailaga Sufi Brotherhood U Penn radical assimilation: the ʿAlawis of Syria and Elif Mahir Metinsoy, Galatasaray Southern Anatolia between Abdülhamid and U-Ordinary Turkish women’s perception of Melanie Trexler, Valparaiso U-Southern the Turkish War of Liberation and resistance to social and political change Baptist missionaries and the state of Israel: a Max Weiss, Princeton-Imagining the from World War I to the end of national lesson from Lebanon, 1982 ʿAlawis between history and literature struggle (1914-1923) Fatima Alsayegh, UAE U-Missionaries in Serpil Atamaz, TOBB U of Economics the post-colonialism era in the Arab Gulf 4405 The Individual as the Subject of and Technology-The day has finally John Barrett, LeTourneau U-The impact Historical Inquiry: Four Cases from arrived: women’s participation in the of American protestant efforts to “civilize Egypt and Palestine elections of 1930 and 1935 and Christianize” the Middle East (1819-1939) Organizer: Hussam Raafat Ahmed Inci Sariz-Bilge, Massachusetts Annalaura Turiano, IREMAM-The Amherst-Ambiguity in the reception of Salesian missionnaries in Egypt (1950- Chair: Khaled Fahmy, Harvard Turkish modernization by women from an 1970): converting mission into technical Discussant: Laila Parsons, McGill autobiographical viewpoint cooperation? Asher Orkaby, Harvard-The Southern Hussam Raafat Ahmed, McGill-Taha 4467 Arab Culture and Politics in Baptist Medical Mission to Yemen, 1964-2002 Hussein between the independence of the Times of Crisis Egyptian universities and the state Organizer: Jeremy Randall 4370 Gendered Critical Kurdish Khaled Fahmy, Harvard-Translating Studies: Rethinking Nationalism, modern medicine into Arabic: the work of Jeremy Randall, Graduate Center, Conflict and Identity Muhammad ‘Umar Al-Tunisi CUNY-Affective subjectivities as a counter Organizer: Nadje Al-Ali, SOAS London Laila Parsons, McGill-The limits of social to sectarianism: the cinema of Maroun biography: a case study Baghdadi Chair: Ayse Betul Celik, Sabanci U Mark Sanagan, McGill-Writing ‘thick Mary Jirmanus, Independent Scholar- Discussant: Cilja Maren Harders, Free narratives’ from thin sources?: social Where to militant cinema?: possibilities for U Berlin biography’s place in the historiography of militant documentary in the Arab world past the modern Middle East and present Haje Keli, SOAS London-‘Cutting the flesh’ Ziad Dallal, NYU-Sovereignty, contingency to save the family: gender-based violence in Roundtable and Arab tragedy Elizabeth Benninger, NYU-Yusuf 4428 Middle Eastern Sports Studies: Isabel Käser, SOAS London-From Idris and the political reconfiguration of The State of the Field gendered violence to gendered resistance - a “masrah” transnational study of Kurdish women’s Organizers: Danyel Reiche, Andrea L. Stanton movements in eastern Turkey (Bakur) and 4499 War, Social Reform and Social northeastern Syria (Rojava) Medicine in the Middle East (19th- Danyel Reiche, American U Beirut Ayse Betul Celik, Sabanci U-Gendered 21st Century) Murat C. Yildiz, Michigan Ann Arbor approach to Turkey’s peace process: is a Organizers: Philippe Bourmaud, Andrea L. Stanton, U Denver common future possible for the women of Gulhan Balsoy Turkey? James M. Dorsey, S. Rajaratnam Sch of International Studies Latif Tas, SOAS London-Gendering peace Chair: Camila Pastor de Maria y and conflict in transnational context Campos, CIDE

Seyma Afacan, Oxford-Intellectual efforts to medicalize, stigmatize and individualize love in the late Ottoman Empire

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Hratch Kestanian, Graduate Center, 4563 50 Years Ago: The 1967 War’s 4575 Ethical Possibilities and Political CUNY-Doctors, disease, and death at the end Impact on Arab Americans and Arabs Imaginaries in the Middle East, Past of the Ottoman Empire in America and Present Philippe Bourmaud, U Jean Moulin Organizer: Randa Kayyali Organizers: Jeffrey Culang, Casey - Lyon 3/IFEA (Istanbul)/IFPO (Beirut)- Primel From beneficence and sectarian healthcare Sponsored by to social medicine?: fighting tuberculosis Arab American Studies Association (AASA) Jeffrey Culang, Graduate Center, from the Ottoman Empire into the mandates CUNY-“The Shari‘a must go”: the politics of Chair: Evelyn Alsultany, Michigan Ann religious freedom in Egypt’s liberal age 4510 Politics and Piety: Negotiating Arbor Saraf Aditi, Johns Hopkins-Ajal and the Subjectivity in Twentieth-Century Discussant: Sally Howell, Michigan politics of untimely death in Salafism Dearborn Jenna Rice, Stanford-Accounting with kin: Organizer: Aaron Rock-Singer mutual obligation and historical imagination Salim Yaqub, UC Santa Barbara-A in Saida, Lebanon Jacob Olidort, George Washington- Widening circle: Arab American and non- Casey Primel, Columbia U-On ants and Whither Salafi methodology: Albani, the Arab-identified activist groups, 1967-1980 bees: finance and Islamic reform in colonial Taqrib Series, and a compass for Islamic Randa Kayyali, George Washington- Egypt politics Remembering the 1967 War: transnational Ari Schriber, Harvard-Politics as politics, memory and identity Roundtable metaphysics: transcending the Salafi label in Suraya Khan, Rice U-Transnational 4591 State of the Research on Non- early-twentieth-century Islamic modernism alliances: the AAUG’s advocacy for Palestine State Voluntary Movements in the Farah El-Sharif, Harvard-Manufacturing and the third world Post-2011 MENA Region “tradition” and contemporary classicism: Pamela Pennock, Michigan Dearborn- Organizer: Jean-Louis Romanet a textual analysis of Al-Buti’s anti-Salafi From 1967 to Operation Boulder: the erosion Perroux polemics of Arab Americans’ civil liberties in the 1970s Aaron Rock-Singer, U Penn-Beards, Chair: Jean-Louis Romanet Perroux, barracks and barbershops: contemporary 4565 New Forms of Authoritarianism Brandeis negotiations of Salafi masculinity and Social Mobilization in MENA Discussant: Berna Turam, Northeastern Organizer: Bruce Rutherford 4527 Negotiations of Space in Berna Turam, Northeastern Nineteenth-Century Ottoman Writing Chair: Michele Penner Angrist, Union Col Hande Ramazanogullari, Istanbul Bilgi U Organizers: Ceyda Steele, Beyza Lorenz Discussant: Eva Bellin, Brandeis Nadwa Aldawsari Fabio Merone, Middle East and North Ramazan Hakki Oztan, U Utah- Bruce Rutherford, Colgate-Egypt’s new African Research Group Regulating the literary space: politics of authoritarianism under Al-Sisi moveable type in the late Ottoman Empire Samer S. Shehata, Doha Inst for 4595 Power and Institutions in Times Ali Bolcakan, Michigan Ann Arbor- Graduate Studies/U Oklahoma-Discourses of Transition: Case Studies From the Translating change: politics of language and of violence and repression: Al Ikhwan Al Medieval Middle East literature in late Ottoman Empire Irhabiyeen and Egypt’s “war on terrorism” Organizer: Paula Manstetten Beyza Lorenz, UCLA-World making in Vickie Langohr, Col of the Holy Cross- narrative: real and imaginary spaces in Breaking taboos: new forms of activism Ian D. Morris, U Amsterdam-Elephants Ottoman literature against public sexual violence in Egypt are never forgotten: exotic animals in early Ceyda Steele, UCLA-Between private and Jeannie Sowers, U New Hampshire- Umayyad diplomacy public, secrets of the intimate space: the first Comparative environmental mobilization in Hugh Kennedy, SOAS London-“Sultan” Ottoman woman novel the Middle East and North Africa in the tenth century David Siddhartha Patel, Brandeis- Paula Manstetten, SOAS London-The ‘Sunnis and Shias, and Kurds, oh my!’ institutionalization of education in Syria patterns of ethno-sectarian mobilization and under the Seljuqs and their successors (11th non-mobilization in the MENA – 12th centuries) Rasmus Bech Olsen, Birkbeck Col U London-The Sultan and the city: the topography of power in Mamluk Damascus 1250-1400

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4634 Security & Confrontation 4670 Tunisia’s Democratic Transition: Thematic Progress and Challenges Conversation Chair: Ami Ayalon, Tel Aviv U 4705 International Law, Sovereignty Janine A. Clark, U Guelph; Ellen Lust, and Subjecthood in the Late Ottoman Emily Gade, U Washington-Violence and U Gothenburg-Not the only game in towns: Empire civilian support for militancy: evidence from the Tunisian transition from the local Organizers: Lale Can, Aimee Genell, the 2015 Intifada perspective Michael Christopher Low Ali Oskrouchi, Florida International- Daniel Zisenwine, Georgetown-Post- Unconventional deterrence doctrine: does revolutionary truth and reconciliation Session Leaders: Michael Christopher it work for a revisionist would-be nuclear efforts: lessons from Tunisia Low, Iowa State; Lale Can, City Col, weak-state? Daniel Tavana, Princeton-Mass CUNY Julie Norman, Queen’s U Belfast- partisanship after the ‘Arab Spring’: Negotiating detention: prisons as sites of evidence from Tunisia Will Smiley, Reed Col/NYU confrontation & compromise in Israel- Jean-Baptiste Gallopin, Yale-What Will Hanley, Florida State Palestine do you fear? Tunisia’s transition and Faiz Ahmed, Brown Holger Albrecht, American U Cairo- coordination problems during regime change Aimee Genell, U Miami Out of order: military insubordination in mobilizing societies 4686 Iran: Past and Present

4662 Literary Madness and Discipline Ashkan Rezvani-Naraghi, U Wisconsin Milwaukee-Tehran between the two world Chair: Alya ElHosseiny, NYU wars: spatial codification as a means of subjectification Maxim Yosefi, Ben-Gurion U of the Andrew Magnusson, U Central Negev-Ethics and Religious Ideology in early Oklahoma-Rhetorical Zoroastrians: Arabic poetry: the problem of slander constructing the early Islamic other Tara Stephan, NYU-Myth and wonder: Pascale Barthe, UNC Wilmington- medieval Islamic writings about ancient Languages across empires: Persian in Egypt seventeenth-century French travel Myriam Sabbaghi, U Chicago-Madness narratives and the erotic in the ghazals of Zīb Al-Nisā Thomas Benfey, Princeton-“Poverty” and Makhfī the “poor” in Sasanian Zoroastrian discourse Raymond K. Farrin, American U Kuwait-Female empowerment in Arabic popular literature: heroines in 1001 Nights

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4304 In the Flesh: Middle Eastern Moulouk Berry, American U Dubai- Roundtable Bodies and the Construction of Power Divorce in Lebanese Muslim Shi`i Relations jurisprudence: a reform law? 4443 Minority Regimes and the Limits Organizer: Sivan Balslev Linda Sayed, Michigan State-Narrating of Belonging in Early Republican history: Hizbullah’s efforts to inscribe time Turkey Organizer: Chair: Avner Wishnitzer, Tel Aviv U and place for the Shi`a of Lebanon Ipek K. Yosmaoglu Discussant: Wilson Chacko Jacob, Bashir Saade, U Edinburgh-Hizbullah’s Concordia U Ashura: identity, ethics, and the problem of Chair: Benjamin Carr Fortna, U Arizona the past , U Graz Leila Asadi, Arizona State-Necropolitics Eric Lob, Florida International-The Kerem Oktem and Muslim female bodies in online war on export of Iran’s development model to Lerna Ekmekcioglu, MIT terror Lebanon: the case of Jihād Al-Bināʾ Amy Mills, U South Carolina , Northwestern Ran Levy, Tel Aviv U-Medical experts Ipek K. Yosmaoglu “speak” with dead bodies: forensic medicine 4382 Practicing Nationalism Between and criminal intent in mandate Palestine State and Society in Israel, Turkey, 4450 Narrative Strategies in Early Sivan Balslev, Van Leer Jerusalem Inst- and Iran Islamic Historiography Organizer: , Brown Creating better (looking) Iranian men: sport, Organizers: Anat Goldman, Elise Nancy Khalek scouting and soldiering under Reza Shah Burton , Brown-“Relate to the Nimrod Ben Zeev, U Penn-Body Reyhan Durmaz people what you saw on the two sheets:” building: skill, harm, risk, and race among Discussant: Senem Aslan, Bates Col construction and citriculture laborers in The role of hagiodiegesis in the formation of Islamic notion of sanctity early 20th century Palestine Elise Burton, Harvard-Blood lines: defining national populations in Middle Daniel Mahoney, Austrian Academy of Sciences-Medieval reports of Muslims 4316 Coercive Apparatuses After the Eastern genetics research looting pre-Islamic burials Arab Spring Anat Goldman, U Washington-Privatized , U Tübingen- Organizer: Sarah Weirich commemoration and the image of the nation: Mehmetcan Akpinar November 10th in Turkey and Memorial Day Contesting narratives advocating Abū Bakr’s primacy in belief Chair: Marc Lynch, George Washington in Israel after 1985 , Brown-Atoning for Discussant: Eva Bellin, Brandeis Moriel Ram, Technion Israel Inst of Michael Payne Technology, Architecture and Town Karbala: sacrifice, ritual, and memory in the martyrdom of Al-Husayn Sharan Grewal, Princeton-To coup or not Planning-Colonial configuration and the to coup: the Tunisian military in 2013 geopolitics of identification: Israel’s rule of Sarah Weirich, U Pittsburgh-The coercive the Syrian Druze in the Golan Heights, 1967- 4475 Deconstructing Al-Manar apparatus in Tunisia: paradigms lost? 1981 and the Legacy of Rashid Rida: Hicham Bou Nassif, Carleton Col-Coups Samer Al-Saber, Florida State-A Transnational Islamic Reformism and and nascent democracies: Egypt and Tunisia permission to perform: artists crack the Authority in the Early 20th Century in a comparative perspective codes of the state’s censor Organizer: Aaron Glasserman Shana Marshall, George Washington- Chair: , Dartmouth Col Follow the money: how certain economic 4437 What Was New About the Nahda? Susannah Heschel Discussant: , Tel Aviv U activities do (or don’t) generate political Organizer: Peter Hill On Barak resources for the Egyptian military , Columbia Chair: Hussein Omar, Oxford Aaron Glasserman U-Revealing Islam in Chinese: Rashid Rida 4375 The Shi’a of Lebanon: New and Sino-Muslim reformism in the 1930s Approaches to History, Politics, and Jane H. Murphy, Colorado Col-Normal- , Columbia U-Debating Religion izing the gharib sciences: Egypt 1750-1850 Roy Bar Sadeh Gandhi in Al-Manar Organizers: Mara Leichtman, Michigan James McDougall, Trinity Col Oxford- , SOAS London-Bosnian State, Rola El-Husseini, Graduate Knowledge in transit: Maghribi writers and Dzenita Karic Center, CUNY their worlds, ca. 1750-1850 ulama’s quest for authority and Al-Manar , Berlin Graduate Peter Hill, Oxford-The first Arabic Oriana Gaetaniello Schl Muslim Cultures and Societies- Chair: Nadim Shehadi, Tufts translations of enlightenment writing: Establishing new channels for intellectual Discussant: Augustus Richard Norton, Damietta, 1808-1818 exchange: Rashid Rida and his School for Boston U Nicole Khayat, U Haifa-Reform through education: early biographies of Peter the Islamic Mission and Guidance (1911-1914) Nabil Hage Ali, Georgetown- Great in Arabic (1833-1850) Reconceptualizing Islam in 1970s Shī`ī Lebanon: the “men of

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Roundtable 4592 Ottoman Modernization Thematic Reconsidered: Complexities of the Conversation 4480 Media Studies in the Arab World Transformation of Ottoman Scientific Organizer: 4620 Mediterranean Crossroads: May Farah Thought Spanish-Maghribi Relations in Past Organizer: Hasan Umut Organized under the auspices of and Present American University of Beirut Organizer: David Stenner Ercument Asil, Alliance of Civilizations Inst, FSMVU-Approaching Islam as cultural Chair: David Stenner, Christopher Chair: May Farah, American U Beirut tradition: the example of natural theology in Newport U nineteenth century Ottoman popular science Hatim El-Hibri, American U Beirut Kenan Tekin, Columbia U-Redefining Isabella Alexander, Emory Helga Tawil Souri, NYU scientist, philosopher, and literati in the late Eric Calderwood, Illinois Urbana- Omar Al-Ghazzi, U Sheffield Ottoman Empire Champaign Marwan M. Kraidy, U Penn Abdullah Haris Toprak, Istanbul U/ Elena Arigita, U Granada ISAR-The place of “ulum-i nafia” (useful 4483 Taking Control of the Ancient knowledge) in technology transfer: Tedbirat-i 4630 Legal Contests & Disputes, Part I Greeks: Intentionality and Agency in Pesendide of Ebu Sehl Numan Efendi the Transmission of Greek Knowledge Hasan Umut, McGill-Historiographical Chair: Madeline C. Zilfi, Maryland Organizers: Uwe Vagelpohl, Jose formation of an “engineer”: how is Ismail College Park Ignacio Sanchez Sanchez Gelenbevi’s scholarship narrated in Tarih-i Cevdet? Organized under the auspices of Elizabeth Brownson, U Wisconsin Omer Koçyigit, Leiden U-The change Parkside-Muslim family law in Palestine the University of Warwick in intellectual orientation of the Balkan today: the draft family law, women shari‘a Muslims from Istanbul to Cairo in the court judges, and Palestinians’ views on reform Simon Swain, U Warwick-If you can’t interwar period beat them, make them work for you: Greek Salma Waheedi, Harvard Law Schl- Constitution and constitutionalism in physicians in Ibn Abī Uṣaybiʿah 4608 Teaching and Learning Arabic Bahrain: from text to context Jose Ignacio Sanchez Sanchez, U Language and Culture: Questions and Sohaira Siddiqui, Georgetown- Warwick-Sharḥ and prejudice: Ibn Riḍwān’s Nuances Codifying the Hudud: law, ethics and the critique on the transmission of Greek medical Organizer: Jonas Elbousty knowledge transformation of Islamic law in modernity Uwe Vagelpohl, U Warwick-Just the Organized under the auspices of Mohammad Afshary, U Kent, UK- facts, doctor: Galen epitomes and didactic Qalam Wa Lawh Center for Arabic Studies Lawyering as everyday utopia: the praxis summaries in medical teaching and practice of Egyptian activist lawyers after the 25 January Revolution James Weaver, U Zurich-Arguing with the Chair: Jonas Elbousty, Yale ancients: Greeks in Muʿtazilī doxography 4635 Crafting National and Ethno- Abdullah R. Lux, San Diego State- Religious Identities 4584 Mapping Complexity with Imagining Iraq: CALL frontiers, game engines Digital Methods: Untangling Political and pedagogical implications for TAFL Riva Gewarges, McMaster-A postcolonial Challenges in the Mediterranean Adil Elkhiyari, Qalam wa Lawh Center perspective on : the erasure Basin and Europe for Arabic Studies-An assessment of Assyrian people’s identity Organizer: Arnaud Kurze framework for successful Arabic study Marta Saldana, Georgetown Qatar- abroad programs Identity crafting and citizenship policies in Chair: John P. Entelis, Fordham U Youssef Salhi, Georgia Southern U-Re- the GCC Discussant: Gabriel Rubin, Montclair inforcing stereotypes: analysis of stereotypical State images in Arabic language textbooks 4636 Water and Power Politics: Said Hannouchi, Wisconsin Madison- Palestine and Lebanon Arnaud Kurze, Montclair State- American college students’ and Moroccans’ Transitions, control and resilience: expectations of conformity to cultural norms securitization politics in Egypt and Tunisia Stephen P. Gasteyer, Michigan State- Chris Lamont, U Groningen-Mapping The human right to water and sanitation: politics in post-Qaddafi Libya the case of Palestine for assessing the Cindy Reiff, Exeter-Contentious politics in opportunities and potential pitfalls of a the digital age: youth activism in Tunisia discourse Linda Piersma, U Groningen-The Donna Herzog, NYU-Water wars: securitization process of Syrian refugees in the battle over the privatization and the Dutch social media discourse monopolization of Israel’s water sector

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Kevin Boueri, Boston U-Reexamining the 4661 Sexuality: Religion, 4676 Environment, Space & Time in Lebanese state through water: sect, class, Transgression, and Rights Literature and politics in Mount Lebanon Owain Lawson, Columbia U-Phase “A”: Chair: Lucy L. Melbourne, Saint Negin Djavaherian, Independent redesigning the Litani River, 1948-1956 Augustine’s U Scholar-Nurturing ties between Arby Leena Dallasheh, Humboldt State-When Ovanessian’s theatre and architecture: U.S. aid didn’t come to the rescue: Nazareth, Osire Glacier, Bishop’s U-The impact of staging ‘Vis and Ramin’ at the ruins of the Israeli state and water politics the construction of sexuality on women’s Persepolis (1970) rights in Morocco Sharif S Elmusa, American U Cairo- 4643 Anthropology of Islam & the Amina Zarrugh, Texas Austin-The Bedouin, place, and environment in desert Family politics of forced disappearance and the literature policing of piety and masculinity in Libya Drew Paul, U Tennessee Knoxville- Chair: Abdul Rahman Chamseddine, Anne Marie Butler, SUNY Buffalo- Topographies of literary estrangement in Georgetown Qatar Tunisian sexual politics: contemporary Haifa artistic engagements by women and queers Mojtaba Ebrahimian, U Arizona- Hikmet Koçamaner, Harvard-Governing Indira Falk Gesink, Baldwin Wallace U-The Transforming times in Mohammad Ali the family through religion: the Directorate ‘complex sex’: hermaphrodites in Islamic legal Jamalzadeh and Sa’di: a chronotopic analysis of Religious Affairs and the politics of the discourse family in Post-Kemalist Turkey 4693 Labor, Commerce, and Taxation An Van Raemdonck, Ghent U-The 4669 Changing Spaces: Fluidities, in Ottoman Turkey politics of religious speech in an era of Contests and Ruptures in the transnational rights discourse: campaigning Mediterranean Basin Sinan Dincer, Leiden U-Taxation and against FGM/C and the interpellation of identification of migrants in the Ottoman religious leaders Andrew Bellisari, Harvard-Decolonizing Empire Sevgi Adak, Aga Khan U-Politics of the French Algeria in Israel: French and Algerian Mehmet Kuru, U Toronto-Labor mobility family and the feminization of the religious land claims to the waqf of Abū Madyan, 1948- in early modern Eastern Mediterranean: sphere under the AKP government in Turkey 1963 reconstruction of a city - Izmir (1688-1691) Mary Momdjian, UCLA-The death of Suraiya Faroqhi, Istanbul Bilgi U-‘Fast 4651 Labor and Labor Conflicts in Iran David Altaras: identity and plurality at the food’ in Istanbul during the 1600s and 1700s: and Egypt crossroads of the Mediterranean the unexpected prominence of kebab Claudia Esposito, Massachusetts Chair: Giuseppe Acconcia, Bocconi U Boston-Voids, rifts and straits: visualizing Maghrebi-Mediterranean histories Kaveh Ehsani, DePaul U-Working for oil: Nicholas E. Roberts, Sewanee: U of the shifting politics of labor in the Iranian oil South-The politics of the dead in mandatory industry Palestine Agnieszka Paczynska, George Mason- Jonathan McCollum, UCLA-Nationalizing Labor protests in Sisi’s Egypt: the paradox of Mediterranean spaces: Libya and the Aegean repression in the Italo-Turkish War, 1911-1912 Peyman Jafari, Leiden U-Fluid history: revisiting the Iranian Revolution through oil strikes Dina Najjar, International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas- ‘A woman here is not only a woman but both a woman and a man’: Egyptian women’s performative strategies to gain power and access resources

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4327 Salisbury’s Legacy: 175 Years of 4365 Borders and Boundaries in the 4387 Law as Social History in the Late Arabic Studies in the United States Mashreq Ottoman Era Organizer: Roberta L. Dougherty Organizers: Matthieu Cimino, Daniel Organizers: Omar Cheta, Kathryn Meier Schwartz Organized under the auspices of Yale Council on Middle East Studies Chair: Leïla Vignal, Oxford Chair/Discussant: On Barak, Tel Aviv U Discussant: Matthieu Cimino, Oxford Chair: Frank Griffel, Yale Junaid Quadri, Illinois Chicago- Discussant: Brian T. Edwards, Daniel Meier, U Geneva-Theoretical Transregionalism in fiqh discourse at the Northwestern approaches for bordering the Middle East turn of the twentieth century Raffaella A. Del Sarto, SAIS Europe, Johns Omar Cheta, Bard Col-Forger and swindler: Roberta L. Dougherty, Yale-Salisbury Hopkins-Contentious borders and regional evolving views of the legal profession in the and Arabic in New Haven and beyond order in the Middle East and North Africa nineteenth and twentieth centuries Steven Blackburn, Hartford Seminary-125 Mohamed-Ali Adraoui, National Ceyda Karamursel, SOAS London-Suing years of Arabic instruction at Hartford U Singapore-The issue of borders and for freedom: slaves, slaveholders, and the Seminary sovereignty in the Islamist thought from the state in the reform-era Ottoman Empire Heather J. Sharkey, U Penn-Oriental early years to the present times: illustrating Kathryn Schwartz, Harvard-The law in studies, semitics, and Arabic at the the path towards democratization through print, late Ottoman Cairo University of Pennsylvania: local and global Islamist thinkers’ production on geopolitics politics in shaping the field Noam Leshem, Durham U-No man’s land: 4397 Controversy, Scandal and Rumor Hani Bawardi, Michigan Dearborn- history, theory and political stakes in Modern Algeria and Tunisia: The Orientalist fidelity and Arab Syrian awakening: Role of Public Opinion in Instigating the paradox of modernity and American 4383 Generations of Dissent: Cultural Political and Social Changes protestantism in nineteenth century Levant Production, Oppositional Aesthetics, Organizer: M’Hamed Oualdi and the State 4339 Ibadi Archives: Thinking with Organizer: R. Shareah Taleghani Thomas Serres, UMR Développement et Spaces from Manuscript Libraries to Sociétés-Thomas Serres: from “Qui tue qui” Digital Repositories Chair/Discussant: Eman Morsi, to “Bled Miki:” controversies and political Organizer: Paul Love Dartmouth Col uncertainty in post-conflict Algeria M’Hamed Oualdi, Princeton- Chair: Amal Ghazal, Dalhousie U Zeina G. Halabi, UNC Chapel Hill-Refiguring Embezzlement and bribery in late Ottoman “conscience, consciousness, and eloquence”: the Tunisia (1850s-1880s): the conflicts over Valerie J. Hoffman, Illinois Urbana- revolutionary poetics of Arab rap policies and moral values in printed Champaign-Ibāḍī archives in Oman and Alexa Firat, Temple U-Literary documents, courts and public opinions Zanzibar representations of outlaw activists in the Nadia Marzouki, CNRS Paris-Blasphemy, Amanda Propst, Florida State-The state Jordanian literary field free speech, or political affair, the Jabeur of Ibadism online Yasmine Ramadan, U Iowa-Aesthetics of Mejri affair in Tunisia (2012-2014) Augustin Jomier, Fondation-Thiers dissent: Muhammad Al-Bisati’s magical realism Muriam Haleh Davis, UC Santa Cruz- CNRS-Toward an Ibadi patrimony: R. Shareah Taleghani, Queens Col, CUNY- Martyr or traitor?: economic development manuscripts, printed books and libraries in Forms of dissidence: genre, narrative structure, and national memory in Algeria Algeria, 19-20th centuries and authority in Syrian prison literature Paul Love, Al Akhawayn-Building Ibadi 4401 Global Reactions to ISIS/DAESH: manuscript archives in Tunisia: the Salim b. 4386 The State and Social Conflict in Diversity and Antipathy Ya’qub Library in Djerba Egypt Under the Sisi Regime Organizer: Judd King Organizers: Dina Shehata, Hesham Roundtable Sallam Mattias Dahlkvist, Umeå U-Rejection of violence and state-building in Islam – the 4345 Digitizing Women’s and Gender Chair/Discussant: Hesham Sallam, Stanford case of India’s Maulana Wahiduddin Khan History: A Way Forward for the Field? Judd King, American U-The motivated Organizer: Nova Robinson Zeinab A. Abul-Magd, Oberlin-The cognition of ISIS conspiracy theories in Turkey officer has saved the nation: military Ali G. Scotten, Scotten Consulting- Chair: Nova Robinson, Seattle U bureaucrats and businessmen in Egypt Iranian perceptions of ISIS: conspiracy Dina Shehata, Al Ahram Center for theories and foreign policy implications Hoda Elsadda, Cairo U Political and Strategic Studies-Patterns of Arthur Hatton, Georgia Southern Afsaneh Najmabadi, Harvard U political resistance and mobilization under U-Psychological inflexibility and American Akram F. Khater, North Carolina State the Sisi regime reactions to ISIS propaganda Secil Yilmaz, Graduate Center, CUNY Ashraf El Sherif, American U Cairo-Will Susanna Ferguson, Columbia U the ‘taifas neo-Mamluk state’ end in Egypt?

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4402 Towards a Historiography of 4476 Geographical Connotations of Charles D. Smith, U Arizona-Imperial Self-Narrative the Elections in Turkey mindsets: the Balfour Declaration, the Organizer: Muhsin Al-Musawi Organizer: Kaya Osmanba oğlu Gülsen Palestine mandate and the denial of Arab history Discussant: Sahar Ullah, Columbia U Chair: Metin Heper, Bilkentş Mouannes Hojairi, American U Cairo- Discussant: Michael Wuthrich, U Kansas The Balfour Declaration in the press of the Boris Liebrenz, U Leipzig-Arab early Lebanese republic merchants in their own words - letters from Kaya Osmanba oğlu Gülsen, Social the 18th ct. Eastern Mediterranean Sciences U Ankara-Gerrymandering in 4516 E.G. Browne and His Iranian Muhsin al-Musawi, Columbia U-Reading Turkish elections:ş (re)setting the rules of the Interlocutors: Knowledge Production registers as autobiographic historical probes: game Beyond Orientalism the past in the present Edip Asaf Bekaroglu, Istanbul Organizer: Assef Ashraf Kristina Richardson, Queens Col, CUNY- U-Measuring party nationalization in Public and private inscriptions of the self in a Turkey: 1950-2015 Chair/Discussant: Sholeh A. Quinn, UC 16th-century Aleppan craftsman’s diary Esra Dilek, Bilkent-Election speeches Merced Ali H. Akhtar, Bates Col-Contextualizing before and after peace negotiations: an archival administrative sources using analysis of the 2011 and 2015 general Assef Ashraf, Yale-Portrait of a young narrative evidence: Arabic, Ottoman elections in Turkey scholar: the diaries of E.G. Browne Turkish, and classical Malay literary works Dominic Parviz Brookshaw, Oxford- on the 15th- and 16th-century silk routes 4495 (Un)Settling Arab Refugees: In defence of Qajar poets: the personal Regimes of Inclusion and Exclusion dimensions to E.G. Browne’s appreciation of 4415 Histories of Capitalism in the in the Middle East, Europe, and the early nineteenth-century Persian poetry Middle East United States Farzin Vejdani, Ryerson U-Iran’s “Lord Organizer: Johan Mathew Organizer: Lucia Volk Byron”: commemorating and contesting E.G. Browne in early twentieth-century Iran Chair/Discussant: Roger Owen, Harvard U Discussant: Nefissa Naguib, U Oslo 4517 Liminal Spaces from Sacred to Johan Mathew, Massachusetts Amherst- Dawn Chatty, Oxford-The duty to be Urban: The Friday Mosque and the City On principals and agency: reconsidering generous (Karam: contesting rights-based Organizer: Suzan Yalman trust in Arabian economies asylum in the Middle East) Fahad A. Bishara, NYU-“No country Francesco Vacchiano, U Lisbon- Discussant: Suzan Yalman, Koç U but the sea”: Dhows, empire, and the “Waiting for the Syrians”: hospitality, domestication of international law, 1890-1905 mobility and the “refugee crisis” in Portugal Farshid Emami, Harvard-The city and Sreemati Mitter, Brown-“No doubt the Lucia Volk, San Francisco State-From its dual Friday mosques: the sacred and the actual oranges have already been consumed “political” to “humanitarian” asylum: Arab urban in Safavid Isfahan by the British public”: Palestinian citrus refugee experiences in Germany between Fadi Ragheb, U Toronto-The city growers sue Barclays bank, 1956 1985 and 2015 as liminal space: holy sites and Islamic Marcia C. Inhorn, Yale-Arab refugees, pilgrimage to Jerusalem during the Mamlūk Roundtable reproductive exiles, and regimes of exclusion period (648-922/1250-1517) on the margins of Detroit Abbey Stockstill, Harvard-Directionality 4435 Beyond the Square: Urbanism in the ceremony and urban project of and the Arab Uprisings 4498 Reception, Interpretation, Almohad Marrakesh Organizer: Claire Panetta, Deen Sharp and Implementation of the Balfour Ayse Hilal Ugurlu, İstanbul Technical Declaration: Imperial Mindsets and U-Changing spatial and political relations Chair: Ahmed Kanna, U of the Pacific Communal Perspectives between “the city” and “the mosque” in the Organizer: Mouannes Hojairi nineteenth century Ottoman Empire Deen Sharp, Graduate Center, CUNY Duygu Parmaksizoglu, Graduate Chair: Mouannes Hojairi, American U 4610 Slave Commerce in the Medieval Center, CUNY Cairo Islamic Middle East Azam Khatam, City Institute York U Organizer: Matthew S. Gordon Claire Panetta, Graduate Center, CUNY Michael J. Reimer, American U Cairo- Helga Tawil Souri, NYU Reception and instrumentalization of the Chair: Matthew S. Gordon, Miami U Balfour Declaration among Jews, 1917-1937 Martin Bunton, U Victoria-Where the Hend Gilli-Elewy, Cal Poly Pomona- balance lies: British officials, the Balfour Origins of slaves in early Islamic society Declaration and the Permanent Mandates Matthew S. Gordon, Miami U-Abbasid Commission cities and their slave markets continued next page

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Elizabeth Urban, West Chester U-The 4652 Political Economy: Past & 4675 Sufism in Context practice of slave-prostitution in early Islamic Present urban centers Chair: Amira El-Zein, Georgetown Craig Perry, U Cincinnati-Desperately Markus Loewe, German Development seeking the medieval Near Eastern slave Inst-How relevant is the regulatory Philip Murphy, UC Santa Barbara-A trade environment for micro and small reality without a name or a name without enterprises?: evidence from Egypt, India and a reality: an analysis of renaissance and Thematic the Philippines and lessons for the World decline in contemporary Moroccan Sufism Conversation Bank’s Doing Business agenda Feyza Burak Adli, Boston , Inst of Development U-Transformation of the Islamic gender 4618 Sex and Sexualities in the Middle Mariz Tadros Studies-The political economy of targeting norms: Sufism, modernity and gender in East and North Africa religious minorities in the aftermath of Arab Turkey Organizer: Angel M. Foster revolts: the case of Copts of Libya and Egypt Jeremy Farrell, Emory-Reconstructing , McGill-A public space of early Sufi biography: evidence from Al- Chair: Angel M. Foster, U Ottawa/CRHC Ali Karimi commerce and culture: the life and death of Iṣfahānī’s (d. 430/1038) Ḥilyat Al-Awliyāʾ Char Chata Bazaar in Kabul, 1646—1949 , U Arkansas-The problem Laurence O. Michalak, UC Berkeley Baris Basturk , NYU-Expanding the of orthodoxy, confession and the ideals of Lisa L. Wynn, Macquarie Peter C. Valenti socioeconomic historiography of Saudi 15th-century Ottoman Sufism: the case of Arabia and the Ottoman Empire: the trade E refoğlu Rumi’s Tarikatname 4621 Authoritarianism: Persistence networks and political impact of the ‘Uqaylat and Resistance of the Najd ş , Yale-Social currency: monetary Chair: Hind Arroub, Fordham U Ellen Nye flows in 18th-century Ottoman and British political economy Konstantin Ash, U Central Florida-Some people want the fall of the regime: explaining semands for regime change in the Arab world 4667 Compassion, Morality and Intersubjectivity Youssef Chouhoud, U Southern California-When tolerance matters most: Chair: , Bard transforming political culture following Elizabeth Saylor authoritarian breakdown Maha Nassar, U Arizona-Affirming Maria Josua, German Inst of Global and humanity: Palestinian views of African- Area Studies, Hamburg-Authoritarian American struggles in the 1950s and ‘60s learning, regional diffusion, and domestic , Boston Col- factors: how Egypt and Uzbekistan seek to Gorkem Ozizmirli Challenging the moral state: Azizi’s legitimize repression Shehrengiz and depictions of prostitutes Nadine Kreitmeyr, U Tuebingen- , American U Sharjah- Incubating authoritarianism: social A. Tylor Brand Compassion fatigue and the burden of other entrepreneurship networks in Jordan, Egypt people’s poverty in the Syrian famine of and Morocco World War I , Texas Austin-Empathy, 4631 Legal Contests & Disputes, Part 2 Rachel E. Green intersubjectivity and violence as theoretical framework in Hoda Barakat and Hanan Al- Maja Janmyr, U Bergen-Syrian refugees in Lebanon: precarity of legal status Shaykh Rahma Abdulkadir, NYU Abu Dhabi- Women’s empowerment in Morocco: assessing attitudes towards family law reforms Carly Krakow, U Cambridge-The politics of access under occupation: international law and violations of the human right to water in the West Bank and Gaza Bruce Boville, Texas Austin-Themes and concerns of the Saudi Permanent Council for Issuing Fatwas

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Roundtable 4471 Engaging a Fractured Law: 4530 Examining the Role of the Rights, Identities, and Legal Activism Auteur in the Arab World 4332 Bleak Prospects?: Tourism, in Turkey Organizer: Samirah Alkassim Travel, and Heritage in an Era of Organizer: Joakim Parslow Regional Upheaval Sponsored by Organizer: Waleed Hazbun Chair: Resat Kasaba, U Washington Association for Modern and Discussant: Ceren Belge, Concordia U Contemporary Art of the Arab World, Chair: Waleed Hazbun, American U Beirut Iran & Turkey (AMCA) Jessica Mecellem, Loyola Chicago- Emily Schneider, UC Santa Barbara Narrative contestation and the legal complex Nezar Andary, Zayed U-Intertextuality Laurence O. Michalak, UC Berkeley in contemporary human rights prosecutions Sandrine Gamblin, American U Cairo and trauma: Muhammad Malas as the Joakim Parslow, U Oslo-Fractured transnational, Syrian, and Arab auteur Ala Al-Hamarneh, U Mainz engagements: on the origins and Marcia C. Inhorn, Yale Samirah Alkassim, The Jerusalem fragmentation of Turkish cause lawyering Fund-Dead auteurs and their legacies in the associations post-cinematic age 4433 Experiences of Transnational Onur Bakiner, Seattle U-The Kurdish Institution-Building in the Arabian Peter Limbrick, UC Santa Cruz-Critical issue before the European Court of Human auteurism: thinking across Arab modernisms Gulf and Indian Ocean Regions Rights Organizers: , and cinema Laura Goffman Kimberly Guldeniz Kibris, Leiden U-The limits of Wortmann Najat Rahman, U Montreal-Landscapes Turkishness in political crimes between 1945- of erasure and the cinematic language of 1960s Istanbul Discussant: Nathaniel Mathews, Kamal Aljafari Northwestern 4485 Subordinating Religion to the 4537 What Happened to Waqf in the State: How Institutions Shape Islam , Harvard-The Long Nineteenth Century? Rethinking Kimberly Wortmann Organizer: Annelle Sheline articulation of Ibadi Madhhab identity in the Economic History of the Middle East Zanzibar and Oman Organizers: Sotirios Dimitriadis, Zoe Chair: Steven Heydemann, Smith Col , Wisconsin Madison- Griffith Stephen Pierce Discussant: Jocelyne Cesari, U Domesticating charity: urban Omani wakf in Birmingham 20th century Zanzibar Chair: Beshara Doumani, Brown , Georgetown-Hospitals Discussant: Hadi Hosainy, Texas Austin Laura Goffman Annelle Sheline, George Washington- and their communities in early twentieth- The unintended effects of promoting Zoe Griffith, Brown-Selling to the state: century Bahrain and Muscat moderate Islam Alex Boodrookas, NYU-The making of waqf property and the rise of agricultural Murat Somer, Koç U-Moderation, state monopolies in nineteenth century Egypt a foreign working class: labor activism and regulation and moderate Islam in Turkey state formation in eastern Arabia, 1930-1970 Nora Barakat, Qatar U-Pious foundations? waqf and reform in nineteenth century Syria 4512 Queens, Ghosts, Damsels and 4457 Cairo and the Nile: Attitudes Elcin Arabaci, Georgetown-A price to pay Modernity’s Distress - Novels and for modernization?: plundering of Evkaf in Towards Urbanism History in Arab and Ottoman Societies Organizer: Heba Mostafa 19th century Bursa Organizer: Orit Bashkin Sotirios Dimitriadis, SOAS London- Chair: , American U Cairo Administrative reform and urban real-estate Magda Mostafa Chair/Discussant: Nicole Khayat, U Discussant: Nezar AlSayyad, UC Berkeley in Ottoman Salonica: the case of the Makbul Haifa İbrahim Pa a waqf Heba Mostafa, U Kansas-The Nile as Ghenwa Hayek, U Chicago-The many 4553 Blackş Palestinian Solidarity and nexus: between veneration and mediation in faces of Zenobia, 1871-1941 the Islamic period Anti-Blackness: A Way Forward A. Holly Shissler, U Chicago-Before it Organizer: Noura Erakat Amir Gohar, UC Berkeley-Greening and changed: a Tanzimat author’s view of the era opening the banks of the Nile, a proposed of Selim III demonstration project in Maadi, Cairo Discussant: Noura Erakat, George Mason Orit Bashkin, U Chicago-Historical Yahia Shawkat, 10 Tooba-Gentrifying the lynching: violence, ethnicity, and religious Sophia Azeb, NYU-Football is faster than Cairo corniche for the “benefit of the public”: minorities in novels from Bilad Al-Sham socialist and neoliberal (ab)use of legislation politics: Sudan, Egypt, and FIFA boycotts Esra Tasdelen, North Central Col- to reshape Bulaq’s water-front; 1955–2015 Greg Thomas, Tufts-Comrades, captivity Historical fiction as a tool of literary and sunlight Magda Mostafa, American U Cairo- modernity: the novels of Ahmet Hikmet and Cairo: a juxtopolis and its Nile Jurji Zaydan

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4573 Infrastructure, Expertise, and Colin Mitchell, Dalhousie U-Mir Husain 4655 Minds, Bodies & Cures Political Authority in the Middle East Maybudi and the emergence of the Safavids Organizers: Ahmad Shokr, Shehab Ferenc P. Csirkes, Tuebingen U-Sadiqi Fatih Artvinli, Acibadem U-Pinel of Ismail Beg and language ideologies in Safavid Istanbul: Dr. Luigi Mongeri (1815-1882) and Persia the emergence of modern psychiatry in the Chair/Discussant: Sarah El-Kazaz, Ottoman Empire Oberlin 4602 What Are the Underlying Causes Yasin Tunc, Wisconsin Madison-Mental of Violent Conflicts?: Syria’s War Five hygiene and re/conceptualization and Shehab Ismail, Columbia U-Science Years On control of child delinquents and vagrant versus sentiment: the water supply Organizers: Leïla Vignal, Marwa children, Turkey (1930-1950) controversy in British colonial Cairo Daoudy Burcak Ozludil Altin, NJIT/Rutgers- Ahmad Shokr, Swarthmore-Managing Reconstructing spaces of madness: an mobility: railways, cotton, and anti- Chair: Samer Abboud, Arcadia U Ottoman asylum colonialism in interwar Egypt Discussant: Bassam Haddad, George Begum Adalet, NYU-Infrastructures of Mason 4668 Ideological and Intellectual modernization: highways and mobility in Crosscurrents in the Colonial postwar Turkey Leïla Vignal, Oxford-Physical destruction Maghreb Sophia Stamatopoulou-Robbins, Bard and human displacement in Syria: violence Col-Litter and the shrug: thinking the as a means of warfare, violence as a political, Katrina E. Yeaw, Georgetown-The limits politics of infrastructure through garbage in social and economic (dis)order of civilization: gender, culture and education twenty-first century Palestine Marwa Daoudy, Georgetown-The Syrian in colonial Libya uprising (2011): revolution, environment and Youssef Ben Ismail, Harvard-Islam 4579 Grounds of Comparison: Remapping security modernism, ethical crisis and the Muslim Arabic Literary and Cultural Studies Nader Hashemi, U Denver-The sense of commonality: a reading of Al- Organizers: Asma Al-Naser, Maya sectarianization of the Syrian conflict: the Majalla Al-Zaytuniyya in 1930s Tunisia Kesrouany, Eman Morsi salience of authoritarianism over theology Ramla Bedoui, Yale-Ṭāhar Ḥaddād and the Tunisian model from 1956 until 2014 Discussant: R. Shareah Taleghani, 4633 Public Opinion, Policy Making, Michelle Mann, Brandeis-Not quite Queens Col, CUNY and Reform: Past and Present citizens: the politics of Muslim Algerian military service in World War One Maya Kesrouany, NYU Abu Dhabi-In Kiran K Phull, London Schl of Economics a language not its own: remapping the and Political Science-Theorizing public 4688 Issues in the Ottoman Empire: genealogy of Arabic literary criticism opinion in non-democracies: the rise of public Boundaries, Belonging and the Asma Al-Naser, McGill-Comparative opinion research in the Arab world Ottoman Way Arab/American studies: Palestine and Ghazal Poshtkouhian Nadi, American American imperial culture U-Electoral budget cycles in hybrid regimes: Ozgur Ozkan, U Washington-Cultivating Johannes Stephan, U Bern-Reconstructing an analysis of fiscal policies in Iran imperial patriotism: minorities and response the Arabic novel: toward an inclusive literary Jeffrey G. Karam, Brandeis-Reconsidering to universal military conscription in the history ‘from within’ 1958: America at the crossroads of the Arab Cold second constitutional period Eman Morsi, Dartmouth Col-Beyond the War Patrick J Adamiak, UC San Diego- region, beyond the genre: reading Arabic Erin Snider, Texas A&M-Ideational Circassian settlement and Ottoman cultural production through a South-South capture: social networks and the limits of civilization in Quneitra, southern Syria: comparative lens discourse in Middle East policy-making 1878-1914 Pinar Odabasi Tasci, U Akron-Beyond 4590 Diplomatics, Law and Language 4642 The Anthropology of Sociability the Midye-Enez line: reclaiming Edirne Politics in the Early Modern Turco- during the Balkan Wars Persianate World Afsane Rezaei, Ohio State-Codes of Side Emre, Texas A&M-The “Ottoman Organizer: Ferenc P. Csirkes conduct and negotiation of community in the Way” in sixteenth century Egypt: a Iranian domestic rowze preliminary analysis of its critics and Chair: Sholeh A. Quinn, UC Merced Karem Irene Said, Stanford-The popular supporters politics of sociality in low-income internet Zahit Atcil, Istanbul Medeniyet use in Tunis, Tunisia U-Background of the first Ottoman-Safavid Idil Akinci, U Sussex-‘Politics of belonging’ treaty in 1555 in the cosmopolitan Persian Gulf Abdurrahman Atcil, Istanbul ehir Fethiye Meltem Turkoz, I ık U-Tables U-Three Ottoman jurists’ opinions about the of solidarity: improvisation and moral Safavids and the Qizilbash from theŞ first half positioning at the Yeryüzü Sofrasış of the sixteenth century

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4690 Women, Work, and Leadership

Chair: Mirna Lattouf, Arizona State

Fatima Koura, Independent Scholar- Narratives of Muslim American women in the workplace Maia Carter Hallward, Kennesaw State- Women’s leadership in Oman: opportunities and challenges Alessandra L. González, U Chicago- Kuwaiti college student perceptions of women’s political leadership: pre- and post- election assessments Julia Gettle, Brown-A contradictory inheritance: the professional legitimacy of a Lebanese midwife between systems of women’s medical practice

Thematic Conversation

4702 Orientalisms from the Periphery II Organizer: Maria Cardeira Da Silva-

Maria Cardeira Da Silva, CRIA/FCSH- NOVA Paola Gandolfi, U Bergamo

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