D, Presidential Candidates Await Voters Decision

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D, Presidential Candidates Await Voters Decision 411 ...... the Vote ses Calling Talent Theme SACRAMENTO (UP1)tine. "rillent" is tomorrow's Co- G. fir01,111 and IA. Gov. Edinund Rev them el A special variety .Anderson have asked ve method, Glen M. show will supply "meat" for tlw -idling dope 7,464,026 voters in (allfornla night's at:thine., says Ka re Et 110tit sPri,te sote III toiloy's presidential to /Outs. ehainnan. ,1.1,14111 and to vote fairly. eleellon Bath tan and off-camptis talent a2tart at Ill perform, slat- reports. Diane flay in a panto- fliiN foreign ' . au Barbara SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE hi -monthly 4111110 " t Purpose in VOL. 48 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8, 1960 NO. 30 4p,(!disaetentthea, HOOK AND LADDER JAZZ N. and the Five Plus Two Jazz Combo art from the Presidential Candidates the Middle tan Ernbas,a Plans 'Hot Time' Tomorrow The red shirts, white suspenders together for over ten years. Await Voters Decision and tire hats of the Firehouse Five The first professional appear- ls BOI: I- till/ 311 edge' on I he %ice pi esidelit. In national campatsit and SJS stu- at the pm. plus Two will brighten the stage ance of the group was at as Hul- The 1960 pi. d election it pre-elect iota eoUrit at electoral dents and faculty have bten quick zilifornis in. of Morris Dailey auditorium to- , lyvv(xxl night club where they re- campaign, which first stirred to votes, the senator is believed to to take part. (search and morrow night at 7:30. vived the Charleston. life on the morning of Nov. 9., have 197 votes against 112 for The Young Democrats and at electronic 'rickets will be on sale today I Playing the jazz of the "Roar- 1956, and has since developed into Richard Nixon. Both are short. Young Republicans base in the Outer thrived if ies 100101 and tomorrow Quad. ing Twenties" in danceable tempos, one of the most active, closely-. however, of the magic 269 votes on the activity of the last few' oing The Dixieland band is made up the Firehouse Five plus Two has labor, fought battles in our history, has . necessary for election. The tiff- nxiiths. Mcmbers of both organi- ire used is a of Walt Disney artists, writers and been described as an "assurance of finally reached its climax. The ferenve lies in the 17 states which zations yolunteered as precinct lprojects directors who have been playing success to any dance party for cat. two candidates. Richard M. Nixon are classed as "d4ubtful" and up uorkers for their local headquar- pits which it plays." and John F. Kennedy, have quit for grabs by either candidate. ters where they helped distribute Members of the group include the campaign trail to await the: The Republicans, however, are campaign literature arid conduct center sna Ward Kimball, leader and trom- ,.. tea's' decision. far from discouraged by the un- telephone campaigns 1$-/4 million bone; Danny Alguire, trumpet; Free Tickets On both sides, there is the on-, promising predictions. Top GOP Ora campus. SJS students have Il (loots George Prober!, soprano sax; Dick in comfortable realization that this strategists, such as Stan McCaf- benefited by the efforts of the Roberts, banjo; Don Kinch, tuba; election, perhaps more so than any ' fery, u-ho spoke on campus last young politicians who invited of- FAidle Forrest, drums; and Frank previous one, may be undecidedU week, expound the theory that the ficials and candidates of both par- For Concert Thomas. piano. until the last vote is counted. Kennedy campaign reached its ties to present their campaign I ARE With this thought in m i n d. peak three Weeks ago and has views before students and faculty. Democratic and Republican cam- since slowed to a walk. Nixon's SUPPORTING CAST Available Halftime Activities paign workers on all levels have campaign, they say, is just now Under the spons-irship of the , for the Elizabeth abandoned the joh of "selling" reaching its effective crest and YDs. the Governor of Oklahoma, their respective candidates in fav- the polls are not recent enough Seliwitrzkopf concert will be awn,: To Hear New Song J. Howard Edmondson appeared in HEM or of -getting tout the vole." to reflect this change. able to students through Thurs- A 1,i,, nod -.lig. Ciimt iin. the Inner Quad to voice his sup- KENNEDY HAS EDGE HOT LOCAL BATTLE day in the Student Affairs busi- 'Spartan," will be introduced at ' port ol the Democratic candidate The much disputed pulls indi- On the local scene, the battle ness office. TI116. the halftime activities of the Fres- for president. Earlier. Mrs. Jewel cates that Senator Kennedy has has been no less heated than thel Tickets at $2 will go on sale no-SJS game this Friday night Rogers. who seconded the nomina- Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 14 and according to Roger S. Muzzy, as- tion of Vice President Nixon at 15. to !avidly and the general pu- sistant professor of music. the GOP convention, spoke to SJS DIXIELAND JAZZ trombonist Ward Kimball and his Firehouse Stanford Teacher blic. The song, written by Frank W. We Want Mickey? students about the ho-publican Five Plus Two plan to fan the flames of "Good Time Jazz" tomor- naval rights policies Cllizaiwth Schwawkopf is recog- Erickson, professor of music, will row at 7:30 p.m. in Morris Dailey auditorium. Tickets are $1, !Ito, l'opt-t. to Nilo INa. The candidates for the 29th Mied as one (il the greatest oper- be played by the SJS marching To Discuss Cuba and general admission. and $1.50 for reserved seats. They will be Nloune make out at,, ambassadors 29th atic sopranos. She is known also band with Professor Erickson as state assembly posts also artist. sold today and tomorrow in the Outer Quad. from the United States? at.priareti. to debate campaign is- as a concert guest conductor. At TASC Meet Dr. Martin S. Allutaid, assist- sues before the campus population. The singer began her career as Dr. Gus Lease of the music de- "Cuba- ant professor of sociology, might Faculty groups also invited po- a coloratura soprano and her first partment will be the guest vocalist. will be discussed by Dr. supply the answer at 3:30 p.m. litical speakers to campus. Several impornint role in the Berlin opera Professor Erickson, a member Paul A. Baran, a member of the Strauss' tomorrow in CH 227. Hat will j candidates for the fourth district Is was that of Zerbinetta in of the American Society of com- Office Completes Survey Stanford university department of "Adriadne auf Naxos," one of the speak on "The Comics. Ameri- county supervisor appeared here itories posers, authors and publishers economics, as the second most difficult coloratura roles in program can Ambassadors Alward." at a toem her on the invitation of sever- B4l has published over 70 composi- opera repertoire. of the TASC series on contempt,- meeting of the sociolagy club. al professors who supported one tions which include two sym- Her voice later developed "the racy problems Thursday at 3:30 Club president Roger Langton of the candidates phonies. He has worked as an ar- On is Student Housing said eyeryone inyited. ttry greater warmth, richness and dra- ranger for Dragnet, the Voices of p.m. in cafeteria Rooms A and B. matic expressiveness" for which Dr. Ath\OOd is a British Walter Schumann and Disney- The recently completed housing part of the registration procedure. said Ben Zlataroff, TASC educa- Rd. she is known today. Her hest Zen who has lectured in India, land and has been a guest con- survey for the fall semester shows This semester, however, the sur- tion chairman. known roles are those of the Mar- and taught at syytoilew, ductor at nine schools and fie a total of 6384 SJS students under vey was coordinated with the new What is more basic to horg university Ns Millie schallin in Strauss' "Der Rosenka- the Amlie, Midwest national s:ilier" and Fiordiligi in Mozart's band clinic. 21 are living In approved housing housing rule to determine which needs of the Cuban people -free- ral American schools. The song will be handed out .at -Cosi fan 'Tutte." or with parents or guardians. students were not living in ap- dom frorp economic bonda, the game and sung by the stu- Robert Baron, housing coordina- proved housing. Journalist, Miss Schwar:zkopf will sing political fresslom? Is the I: D, 15 at 8:15 p.m. in dents after the presentation of tor, explained that the survey is The survey indicated that 3981 ADS To Meet Tuesday. Nov. States embargo a wise one? Wtiat Professor Erickson and Dr. Lease, made by Murris Dailey auditorium. his office as a regular students under 21 are living with effect does it have on our allies Alpha Delta Jessional Student, Dies parents or guardians or commute such as Canada and Mexico? What advertising fraternity. will hold a 15 miles or more. The remainder social and land reforms have tak- meeting in the Spartan cafeteria Veteran newspaper-woman and of these students are expected to en place since the revolution? tomorrow night at 7. according to foreign correspondent Millie Ben- Dance Symposium world be living in approved facilities. Ap- Dr. Baran. who recently visited Bob Clark, ADS president. nett Amlie. who came to San Jose wire proved facilities, which can acco- State Cuba. will answer these and other Pete Edmondson. account exec- to earn a degree in journal- modate 3461 students, include dor- questions, cots -lull live ism after spending over 40 years CANDIDATES IN LAST RID PUSH for O'Mara and Ormsbee ad- Draws 250 Buffs mitories, some apartments, board- spokesman.
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