FORM-XXI (See rule 28A)

STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES 1,/ 1,.MAKtibOOPI.•••2*E1).MISiisif/.. Member, *National Assembly/Provincial Assembly, Punjab/Sindh/Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/Balochistan from constituency No. 4+A .... from the seats reserved for women/non-Muslims hereby declare on solemn affirmation that no immovable and movable property, including bonds, shares, certificates, securities, insurance policies and jewellery, other than specified herein below, is held by me, my spouse(s) and dependents on

30th day of June.....a/0


Present value Cost of Assets Remarks of Property

(1) (2) (3) (4)


Open plots, houses, apartments, commercial buildings, under construction properties, agricultural property, etc.

(a) Held within *

(;) 74 AC-145 Ifl n' L.--cf (iisbo 0 r lidad c..eaoki, (14 -15o tee>049-00 (U) u a, Jpe,44 pope I (42, ..i•q.t. 0 . ) , . (b) Held outside Pakistan* C10 OOP DIV—. 61 (i) (ii)


(a) Business capital within Pakistan

(i) Name of business (ii) Capital amount

(b) Business capital outside Pakistan

(i) Name of business (ii) Capital amount

(c) Assets brought or remitted from outside Pakistan*

(i) Bank drafts/Remittances (ii) Machinery (iii) Other

*Details to be annexed.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (d) Assets brought out of remittances from abroad*

(e) Investments (i) Stock and Shares (ii) Debentures (iii) National Investment (Unit) Trust (iv) ICP Certificates (v) National Savings Schemes - Defence Savings Certificate - Special Savings Certificate - Regular Income Certificate (vi) Unsecured loans (vii) Mortgages (viii) Any other p gi 2E r6 000 As .,...3In v coo--ero (f) Motor Vehicles ** Make Model Reg. No. (i),SuLuk) 2.012_ MN 31C1 (o 1.0Ke-611 V 14.(f4- ) (ii) glEttitAN (g) Jewellery, etc.

(i) Weight 100 Tor-ii ( °One/ li mie-) :: 5 See per' (ii) Description / A qd.P 23 &Or- (h) Cash and Bank Accounts* (i) Cash in hand (ii) Cash at Bank Account No. Bank & Branch p Current ht_ .PK- LCD 31 b-4' RS:. 1 9991/2- ...... 0 Deposit Mk Savings 14,44., Ni // LA aCANT" Other Deposits loco 8712-760017 7 S :4 232_--ry (i) Furniture, Fittings & articles of personal use. 10-:-.. 1113ov --te eyfri citi laahrbi)

(j) Assets transferred to any person (i) Without adequate consideration, or (ii) by revocable transfer

(k) Foreign passport if any (i) Number of passport (ii) Name of country

(I) Any other assets go u 66. 50, l A A., i. ; m 'Yeed fil 14 I 0 On t°1 i' * Details to be annexed. ** Use extra sheets if necessary. Rs tr- 2-510*p/00D-10 3 LIABILITIES

Present value of Remarks Property 1 2 3

(i) Mortgages secured on Property or land (ii) Unsecured Loans owing ( (iii) Bank Overdraft e.O. ...-• 6 2,..-r44.- maitkclarPA. (iv) Bank Loans / R ACM #.. ‘../ o w AspziF Dosir 1 (v) Amounts due under Hire Purchase 0*e. 4/3 962— Agreement 1 (vi) House Building Loans (vii) Advances from Provident Funds etc. (viii) Other debts due* .. (ix) Liabilities in the names of minor children (in respect of assets standing in their names) Total

*Details to be annexed.


I, Mr./Ms/Mrs Pi1.4..g.ftilevni..:17,aux1)..#41.11001 K), W/o, D/o State on oath that I am a citizen of Pakistan and have not acquired the citizenship of a

foreign state.


I, Mr./Ms/Mrs—MAW- 4001v) 144:1/.C.A. HAPt7'// S/o, W/o, D/o..p1.11414fteat7.....010.1114.1k1.41.41)...SIMO 1HAS4Wri State that I have no objection to be declared disqualified after due notice if information

concerning myself in relation to acquisition of citizenship of any foreign state is provided by any foreign state to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, . 4 VERIFICATION

I, Mr./Ms/Mrs PIP1411,4014-D $41/60 #1441&0/ S/o, W/o, D/o0AKit..121,60.../SerSAL./119.401). do hereby solemnly declare that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above statement of the assets and l' ilities of myself, my spouse (s), dependent (s) is correct and complete and nothin• has been as on 30th June,....24.1.3 concealed therefrom.

Date P 2403 Signature

PCPP1-2631(2013)ECP-20-05-2013-3000. A 1


IMMOVEABLE PROPERTIEs: Acre Kanal Marla 1. Mauza Gharyala 12 01 09 2. Mauza Bazdarwala 03 06 11 3. Chak No 5/M.R 03 06 00 4. Chak No 7/M.R 01 04 00 5. Mauza Patal Mundah 43 06 07

1. Agricultaral Land Acre Kanal Marla

In his own name 65 00 07 District & Muzafargarh

Owned by wife 10 07 10 District Multan 04 02 11 Mauza Makhdoom Rasheed 06 04 19 Mauza Gharyala

Urban Properties:

1. 2 Kanal Hashmi House, Makhdoom Rasheed (Inherited) 2. 8.33% Share in Property No 2572/WXJA&A-1&B (Purchased Value) 160,000-00 Qilla Kohna, Qasim Bagh, Multan. ( In the name of Javairia Javed Hashmi - Minar) 3. 1 Kanal House in Makhdoom Rasheed owned by wife. (Inherited)


1. Share in Makhdoom Cotton Factory 200,000 - 00 (Makhdoom Rasheed of Javairia Javed Hashmi — Minor)

2. Investment in Agriculture by Javed Hashmi 1,200,000 -00 3. Investment in Agriculture by wife 500,000 - 00

Agriculture Implements 500,000 - 00