Excursion Waasland Scheldt Polders and Land Van Saeftinghe (March 19, 2013)

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Excursion Waasland Scheldt Polders and Land Van Saeftinghe (March 19, 2013) Excursion Waasland Scheldt polders and Land van Saeftinghe (March 19, 2013) Iason Jongepier1,3, Katrien Heirman1, Tine Missiaen1 & Peter Vos2 1) Renard Centre of Marine Geology – Department of Geology and Soil Science, Ghent University, Krijgslaan 281 S8, B-9000 Gent, Belgium 2) Deltares, Daltonlaan 400, 3584 BK Utrecht, The Netherlands 3) Department of History, Antwerpen University, Belgium Morning Program: Waasland polders OVERVIEW MORNING PROGRAM 1. Verrebroek: great reclamations / peat extraction (13th and 14th C.) 2. “Grote Geule”: large scale tactical inundations (end 16th C.) 3. Doelpolder Noord: geology and future developments 4. Doel-town: relations with Antwerp and absentee landownership (16th – 19th C.) 5. Prosper farmhouse: the rise and influence of the Arenberg family (17th – 19th C.) Border 3 5 4 2 1 I. Jongepier 1. Borringstraat, Verrebroek 2. Kreek, Kieldrecht 3. Zoetenberm, Doel 4. Pastorijstraat, Doel 5. Belgische dreef, Kieldrecht 1. INTRODUCTION: THE WAASLAND SCHELDT POLDERS FROM THE LATE MIDDLE AGES ONWARD Around 1000 AD the Northern Waasland area existed of a large swampy area, intersected by two embranchments of a Pleistocene sand ridge. In this swampy area were extensive peat lands located, which were excavated from the 12th century onward. Towns were located on top of the sand ridges. By the end of the 16th century, almost the entire area was embanked but the large scale tactical inundations of the late 16th century resulted in an almost complete drowning of the area. A large tidal inlet developed as a consequence of this drowning. From the 16th to the 20th century, the area was re-embanked, mainly under the influence of rich citizens and nobility. The present day “Land van Saeftinghe” is the only reminder of the former tidal marsh. th I. Jongepier End 16 C. 1654 1688 1784 1846 19th C. Saeftinghe 2. VERREBROEK AND PEAT EXTRACTION A. The Great Reclamations During the late Middle Ages, the “Great Reclamations” took place. The following scheme gives the underlying motives for the large-scale peat extraction that occurred from the 12th century onwards. I. Jongepier B. Peat in the Waasland polders The Waasland polders are located on the upper East of the Pleistocene sand ridge of Maldegem- Stekene. In between the embranchments of this sandy ridge, conditions were favorable for peat growth from around 6000 BP. This peat is actually an accumulation of partially decayed vegetation. Peat forms in wetland conditions, where flooding obstructs flows of oxygen from the atmosphere, reducing rates of decomposition. Peat formation can be groundwater-induces or rainwater-induced (resulting in so-called “peat bogs”). I. Jongepier ( G: Gistel; H: Hulst; V: Verrebroek; W: Waasland Scheldt Polders) (adapted after Crombé, 2005) C. Peat transactions in Eastern Sealand Flanders and the Waasland area. From the 12th century the Counts of Flanders started to sell and grant large surfaces of peat lands. In the Waasland Area the Lords of Beveren instigated the reclamations of the extensive peat lands by founding two reclamation centers: Kieldrecht and Verrebroek. D. Relicts in the landscape The drainage of the peat lands was done by digging many ditches, perpendicular on a reclamation axis (mostly a road or waterway, indicated in blue). In the areas were the late medieval surface was not covered by post medieval tidal deposits, this plotting pattern is still visible in the landscape. 2 . “GROTE GEULE” AND TACTICAL INUNDATIONS A. Eighty Years War (1568-1648) During the Eighty Years war, the Waasland polder area was a frontier zone, which had a profound impact on the area. Eighty Years’ War, (1568–1648), the war of Netherlands independence from Spain, which led to the separation of the northern and southern Netherlands and to the formation of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (the Dutch Republic). The first phase of the war began with two unsuccessful invasions of the provinces by mercenary armies under Prince William I of Orange (1568 and 1572) and foreign- based raids by the Geuzen, the irregular Dutch land and sea forces. By the end of 1573 the Geuzen had captured, converted to Calvinism, and secured against Spanish attack the provinces of Holland and Zeeland. The other provinces joined in the revolt in 1576, and a general union was formed. In 1579 the union was fatally weakened by the defection of the Roman Catholic Walloon provinces. By 1588 the Spanish, under Alessandro Farnese (the Duke of Parma), had reconquered the southern Low Countries and stood poised for a death blow against the nascent Dutch Republic in the north. Spain’s concurrent enterprises against England and France at this time, however, allowed the republic to begin a counteroffensive. By the Twelve Years’ Truce, begun in 1609, the Dutch frontiers were secured. Fighting resumed in 1621 and formed a part of the general Thirty Years’ War. After 1625 the Dutch, under Prince Frederick Henry of Orange, reversed an early trend of Spanish successes and scored significant victories. The Franco-Dutch alliance of 1635 led to the French conquest of the Walloon provinces and a sustained French drive into Flanders. The republic and Spain, fearful of the growing power of France, concluded a separate peace in 1648 by which Spain finally recognized Dutch independence. (adapted from http://www.britannica.com) B. Catastrophic outcome for the Waasland polders Prior to the large-scale tactical inundations almost the entire area was embanked. Present day Land van Saeftinghe Doelpolder Noord I. Jongepier As a result of the deliberate destruction of the northern dikes by retreating troops, almost the entire area flooded and the “Saeftinger Gat” (inlet) was formed. The “Grote Geule” (great tidal channel) is a remnant of this inlet. This map (1664) depicts the situation at the beginning of the 17th century. © Rijksarchief C. Re-embankment complications: “wielen” After the inundations, the Waasland polders got re-embanked in successive phases. This led to complications. The “wielen” on the map below are dike repairs after storm surges, whereby large maelstroms were to be found at the breaching points. 3. DOELPOLDER NOORD A. Study area Field work area in Doelpolder Noord. The three main study areas were chosen on land (Doelpolder Noord), on the marsh and tidal mudflats, and the Scheldt river. On the lower right the Doel nuclear powerplant. Doelpolder Noord and the adjoining marsh/mudflats are a nature reserve nowadays (compensation for the harbour expansion). B. Pleistocene Contour map of the depth of the top of the Pleistocene sand ridge that extends all over north- western Flanders. This sand ridge is now covered by several meters of marine clay, peat, and fluvial clays and sand. During harbour construction works it was discovered that the tops and flanks of this sand ridge were inhabited from the final Palaeolithic to early Neolithic times (Crombé 2005). © Jeroen Verhegge C. Soils Due to successive embankments we find a repeating pattern of soil distribution in the area. At the former sea dikes of embankments the lightest particles (clay, green) were deposited, while more northerly in the former tidal marsh and in the tidal channels heavier particles (loam and sand, resp. orange and blue) were deposited. Doelpolder Noord (Green: clay; orange: loam, blue: sand) D. Harbor extension Due to harbor extension the Doelpolder will totally be transformed: at the location of Doel town a new dockyard (the “Saeftinghedok”) will emerge. An industrious zone will surround this dockyard. The northern Doelpolder will be (further) transformed into a nature compensation zone. Doelpolder Noord Doel I. Jongepier (Green: nature compensation; blue: dockyard; pink: industrial zone) E. De-embankment The Hedwige and a part of the Prosperpolder will be de-embanked into a tidal marsh, connected to the current “Land van Saeftinghe”. © Natuurpunt F. Deurganckdok Further southward, archaeological excavations carried out during the construction works at the “Deurganckdok” showed that the tops and flanks of the Pleistocene sand ridges contained numerous prehistoric sites (Final Paleolithic to Early Neolithic ). From the mid Neolithic until the early middle ages the area turned into a large peat marsh; so far no archaeological proof was found from this period (Crombé 2005). © Philippe Crombé 4. DOEL TOWN AND DOELPOLDER A. Development The late medieval Doelpolder covered a far larger area then the current one. Doeltown did not exist, instead, three small dwellings were to be found at the border of the embankment. I. Jongepier Present day Doel-town N © Rijksarchief After the tactical inundations, a smaller area was re-embanked in 1613/1614 and Doel-town was founded. Present day Doel-town N © Rijksarchief B. Relations with Antwerp The proximity of Antwerp had a large influence on the development of the area. For instance, large numbers of grain was exported from Doel to Antwerp. Harvest Harvest Harvest (Monthly grain transports Doel to Antwerp, hl.) C. Absentee landownership Rich Antwerp citizens owned large parts of the Doel and Oud-Arenbergpolder (indicated in red). I. Jongepier Present day Doel-town 5 . “PROSPERHOEVE” A. Arenberg family The House of Arenberg originated in the Eifel region in the Rhineland-Palatinate. The first Count of Arenberg was mentioned in the early 12th century. Although the County itself was in present-day Germany, the Arenberg resided mostly in the Southern Netherlands, in what is now Belgium. The present Duke and Princes of Arenberg descend from Charles of Arenberg (1550-1616), Count of Arenberg, elevated to the rank of Prince-Count of Arenberg in 1576. In 1587, he married Anne of Croÿ (1564-1635), Duchess of Aerschot and Princess of Chimay, who obtained the Seigneury of Beveren . Anne's brother, Charles II de Croÿ (1560-1612), died childless, passing the line of Croÿ-Aerschot to the House of Arenberg. In 1644, Emperor Ferdinand III of Habsburg conferred the title of Duke of Arenberg to Philip Francis of Arenberg, and his descendents in male primogeniture, and the title of prince to all other family members of the name.
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