

INTERFACE ZERO IS CREATED BY David Jarvis, Hal McLean, Matt Conklin Jr, and Patrick Smith WRITTEN AND DEVELOPED BY Aaron Davidson, Curtis and Sarah Lyon, David Anderson Jr., David Jarvis, David Harriss, Darrin Drader, Hal McLean, James Cambias, Jason Blair, Jeff Ruiz, Joel Waalkens, Jonathan Thompson, John Dunn, Kenneth Spencer, Richard T. Balsley, Rob Weiland, Robin English-Bircher, Sean Bircher, Sean Huempfner COVER BY Ian Llanas GRAPHIC DESIGN Alida Saxon, David Jarvis, Karl Keesler LAYOUT David Jarvis, Thomas Shook ILLUSTRATIONS Adam Kuzcek, Vladimir Manyukhin, Eduardo Brolo, Jason Walton, Ian Llanas, Tan Ho Sim, Sam Manley EDITING & PROOFING Aaron Davidson, Andreas Parducci, Aric Wieder, Carinn Seabolt, David Harriss, Mable Friedman, Mathew Caron, Mike Zebrowski, Rasmus Hilander, Ron Blessing

PLAY TESTERS Ashton Dickerson, James Domanico, Steven Domanico, Amanda Hughes, Matt Lyle, David Harriss, Sean Huempfner, Joel Waalkens VERY SPECIAL THANKS TO EVERYONE ON THE GUN METAL GAMES FORUMS FOR ALL OF YOUR FEEDBACK!!


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CHAPTER THREE: PLOT POINT CAMPAIGNS ...... 80 TELLING THE STORY ...... 80 Creating a Plot Point Campaign ...... 80 CAMPAIGN THEMES ...... 86 BIO HUNTERS ...... 89 EVOLVE OR DIE ...... 97 CYBERPUNKS ...... 118 HUNTING LEVIATHAN ...... 122 PROTECT AND SERVE ...... 148 A FACTOR OF X ...... 161 

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he job of the game master can be daunting. the campaign world you have built. Most official TYou have a story to tell, and to do so, you Savage Worlds settings have them, and for the must wear many hats. You’re a storyteller, a world first time,Interface Zero 3.0 introduces three plot builder, a referee and more. While certainly a point campaigns you can play through. These are challenge, your job can be incredibly rewarding. There’s based off of the three core Campaign Themes; nothing like looking across the game table at a group Bio Hunters, Cyberpunks, and Protect and Serve. of players on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happens next; nothing like listening to them CHAPTER FOUR: SAVAGE TALES chat excitedly about a plan, wonder aloud what might happen next. On the other hand, there’s nothing so hapter four expands on the plot point nerve-wracking as like the “Dead Air” that comes when Ccampaigns, providing you with a glut of you have to constantly look up a particular rule or break savage tales you can run over the course of a the flow of the game to whip up some story element or campaign. Adventure generators for each Plot NPC that is missing from your game. This book is written Point Campaign are also provided. to help you avoid those types of situations. CHAPTER FIVE: THREATS CONTENT OVERVIEW s a GM, you need non-player characters, n this book you’ll find an array of elements Amooks and other interesting creatures and Idesigned to help you create memorable challenges for your players. Chapter five also games in the Interface Zero setting. takes a look at the largest corporations, gangs, and organized crime rings, and finally, gives you a CHAPTER ONE: BUILDING YOUR CITY biohorror generator and a npc generator you can use to make your own creatures and characters. his chapter is all about ways you can create a city. TMuch of this is accomplished by using trappings CHAPTER SIX: 2095 REVISITED to quickly define an area of a city, like suburbs, corporate enclaves, or slums. Similarly, we also look at hapter six takes a deeper look at the world. The organizations such as gangs, major corporations, and CPlayer’s Guide to 2095 provided a wealth of organized crime rings and give them trappings you information about the world and the greater solar can use to define their scope and influence in 2095. system. In the GM’s Guide to 2095, we take another look at the setting, this time with an eye for elements and plot CHAPTER TWO: TOOLKITS hooks you can use to create adventures for your players.

hapter two gives a variety of components CHAPTER SEVEN: OTHER WORLDS Cyou can use to enhance your campaign. You’ll find rules for engaging in corporate warfare, n the final chapter, we introduce a number extreme weather, lifestyles and more. Iof possible spinoffs offInterface Zero’s setting, including a Fantasypunk campaign framework CHAPTER THREE: PLOT we call Cybercanum. In Cybercanum, it’s all real. POINT CAMPAIGNS Magic, creatures of myth and legend all exist in ON TI this futuristic alternate earth and have been here hapter three takes a deeper look at the since the dawn of time. Cybercanum provides

D UC Cthree core campaign themes and gives you new takes on fantasy races such as dwarves, elves,

O some advice for creating your own. Here, we also and orcs, as well as providing two new variants on introduce our plot point campaigns. Plot point myth and legend: dragonkin and jotunn-blooded. TR campaigns are a great way to introduce players to N I

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uilding the megasprawl you’re going to at times to the destruction it has wrought in Bbase your cyberpunk campaign in can its wake. Whole species and habitats have been be a challenge. Not only are you responsible driven to extinction as have human cultures, for creating locations, people, and other story societies, and health. Humanity has become elements, but you must also develop the one with its technology, integrating it into the underlying structure of your world and figure fabric of its being via pharmaceuticals, cybertech, out what makes it all tick. Cyberpunk settings are and personal micro-computers like the Tendril easier than most other settings because the world Access Processor. The destabilizing effect—the you create is—for the most part—the same one sheer culture shock—drives many to tradition you see every day. and religion in search of some deeper meaning Still, the cyberpunk genre is just as speculative to what deep down many see as a meaningless, as any other kind of game you might play. We existence in which mankind is slave to the make assumptions about what life on this planet technology it has birthed. might be in a not-so-distant future using our Life in this world is cheap, while living life for knowledge of the present-day world we live in. most is intolerably expensive. Here, the adults Nobody can predict the future, but Interface Zero have all sold out or become bitter and cold like looks at existing trends in the world, speculates as the walking dead, while the newest generation, to what might happen if these trends continue, with no obvious future path, rebel against their and then assumes the worst possible outcomes. destined inheritance and live their life to the But that’s Interface Zero. You may not want to fullest like torches, most of whom will burn out play in our world, and that’s perfectly fine. This is, all too soon. after all, why this book was written—to give you the tools you need to create the cyberpunk game CHOOSING A SUB-GENRE you want to play. So, let’s get to it.

Y nterface Zero can be played using many

IT THE CYBERPUNK GENRE Idifferent genre styles. Here, we discuss the most popular ones.

R C t the core of the cyberpunk experience is a Afeeling of hopelessness and apathy born of ANIME disenfranchisement, the idea that the systems we know (government, progress, technology, and uch of the early cyberpunk ethos was built capitalism) are broken and out of control and Mon—and continues to thrive in—anime; a NG YOU NG barreling down the tracks like a runaway train. It tribute to how beloved the genre is in Japan (and

DI is the sense of hopelessness as the rich get richer to a lesser extent, the United States). Anime-style L

I at the cost of their neighbors, and the politically cyberpunk tends to be faster, more violent, and connected who can boldly lie to their fellow man more action-packed than the original source and not suffer more than bad poll numbers or a material, while still adhering to the desperation : BU

E slap on the wrist. and vibrancy of the setting. Technology is usually Mixed into this social decay is the rapid and more advanced than in traditional cyberpunk, often dehumanizing advancement of technology. featuring a preponderance of cybernetics, The effect of new tech and the commercial sophisticated power armor, and digitized marketing that supports it drown people in consciousness. As is the case in much of anime, ON TER wave after wave of the next big thing, that, for the cost of war is usually present in some fashion. some reason, we must buy. The drive to advance, Often, the story’s setting has just suffered through ascend, and horde has made humankind blind a horrible conflict or other calamity and mixes CHAP

8 T H E

in a number of post-apocalyptic motifs, such as Sources: (Comics) Judge Dredd, Tank Girl (Film) the rationing of fuel and supplies or the ruins of a Dredd, Priest, Tank Girl, The Matrix Trilogy CYB once great metropolis.

Sources:(Anime and Manga) Akira, Appleseed, POST CYBERPUNK ER Battle Angel: Alita, Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell. ost cyberpunk is a continuation of the G PUNK Pcyberpunk theme and includes many of the FANTASYPUNK same tropes. It adds elements of transhumanism, high technology, and the world village. It

he Fantasypunk genre combines cyberpunk integrates technology more thoroughly with the E Tand fantasy elements to create a world world. Governments tend to have more power in N RE where creatures and beings such as elves, dwarves the post cyberpunk world than those in a pure and dragons inhabit a future dystopian world cyberpunk setting and are often just as corrupt. marked by the common trappings of cyberpunk— Rather than outsiders, the protagonists of are cybertech, futuristic “virtual” hacking, and more involved in their society within this genre megacorporate rule. Magic is commonplace. and have vested interest in maintaining the status Fantasypunk is the most extreme subgenre, quo or at least slowing their world’s decay. In this mashing up fantasy and technology elements regard, post cyberpunk can appear remarkably to make something wildly unique, but it is also similar to contemporary dramas. beloved among many fans of cyberpunk. Sources: (Literature) Snow Crash, The Diamond Sources: (RPGs) Shadowrun (Literature) Never Age, (Literature/Film) Minority Report deal with a Dragon, Find Your Own Truth, 2XS, Fade to Black (Film) Bright TRADITIONAL CYBERPUNK

POST-APOCALYPTIC CYBERPUNK his is a dystopian future world dominated Tby powerful conglomerates, emergent he Post-Apocalyptic cyberpunk genre AIs, virtual reality, and mean streets filled with Tenvisions a world in the aftermath of an outcasts willing to do anything to achieve their apocalyptic event such as a nuclear war or a goals. The rapid advance of technology has singularity event. Fantastic elements such as alienated the citizens of the world from their own psionics and mutated creatures are commonly humanity. Life is cheap here but staying alive can found in this subgenre along with the concept of be expensive. Death often comes quickly and “the last city” where humanity has gathered in one from unexpected quarters in cyberpunk settings. remaining megasprawl—a final outpost walled Protagonists of the genre tend to be disaffected off against the horrors of a devastated planet. outsiders with little chance of making it out of Interestingly, these last cities have elements which their current desperate existence and joining are somewhat contradictory to the idea of a post- mainstream society. Sometimes they don’t even apocalyptic world. Commerce thrives. Political want to, preferring instead to live life on the edge. and law enforcement structures are firmly in place Sources: (Literature) Altered Carbon, William and the average citizen is generally disconnected Gibson’s Sprawl Trilogy, (Film) Bladerunner from the dangers of the outside world.

9 CITY TRAPPINGS help to deal with carbon dioxide output and generally make the air more breathable for the ities and neighborhoods have their own city’s inhabitants. Parks also provide places where Cpersonality. To some extent, purely physical people can go to relax and get away from the slog elements contribute to that personality, including of their daily lives, though even parks present a the city’s climate, architecture, and design. In danger. Hard working people aren’t the only ones addition, the people who live within the region to come to parks. Gangs sometimes claim them and the organizations to which they belong help as territory, fixers and other individuals also use to drive the way that members and outsiders them to conduct business, especially at night interact with one another. Economic factors when sector cops aren’t always around. play a key driver as well. A city dependent upon Size: Medium to Large tourism maintains a better appearance and Situational Rules: Agro Zones dedicated state of repair than one devoted to agriculture to farming are heavily protected, especially in or manufacturing. The community’s sense of Chicago where millions of people rely on them self-worth may also play a factor in its overall to obtain the genetically modified fruits and appearance and interactions. vegetables they produce. The recent blockade of traffic going in and out of Chicago means these DESCRIPTIONS places are more important than ever. Drones are commonplace, as are patrols of sector cops arious zones within the city have the (or professional security forces like Ravenlocke). Vfollowing characteristics: Characters suffer a -1 penalty to Stealth rolls Size: The size of the zone provides a basic guide when in an Agro Zone. Furthermore, anytime to use when applying the trapping to an area characters enter an Agro Zone, draw a card. If of the city. One thing to keep in mind, is that the result is a Club, the characters are spotted the listed size of a particular trapping is always on Drone surveillance, and a security team is malleable; it can be as small as a few city blocks or dispatched to investigate. They will arrive inside large enough to encompass an entire city. Always 1 minute in a medium-sized zone, or 2 minutes feel free to adjust the size to suit the needs of your in a large zone. game. Agro Zones that are parks have different rules

Y Situational rules: City Trappings differ from based on the time of day. If the characters enter

IT other trappings in this chapter in that they have the zone during daylight hours, they are more special situational rules which come into play likely to run into security teams looking for any

R C whenever characters are in the zone. These rules signs of trouble. As above, draw a card. If the may provide a bonus to skill checks or have some result is either a Club or Diamond, the characters other positive effect on the characters, or they have either been spotted by security drones or might impose a penalty which stays in effect so a “concerned citizen” has called a security team long as the characters are in the zone. is dispatched to investigate. They will arrive

NG YOU NG Resources: City Trappings also have a resources inside 30 seconds in a medium-sized zone, or in a

DI entry which gives you an idea of the types of medium-sized park, or 1 minutes in a large park. L

I things or services characters might acquire while During the day, Characters suffer a -2 penalty to in the zone. Stealth rolls when in a park. If the characters are in a park at night, the odds : BU

E AGRO ZONE of being harassed by the cops drop dramatically. Draw a card. If the result is an Ace of Clubs gro zones are a vital part of any urban sprawl. or a Joker, they are approached by a security AThey either provide facilities dedicated to patrol and questioned. No die roll is needed to growing/manufacturing foodstuffs which are then determine how long; the encounter happens ON TER sent to stores (see commerce zones), or (perhaps immediately. While in a park at night, characters more importantly) are parks replete with various enjoy a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls. You can easily trees, plants, and other flora. Put simply, they CHAP

10 C IT CITY TRAPPING SIZE TABLE Y TR Y SIZE DESCRIPTION Small A small City Trapping generally only applies to a few city blocks or a neighborhood. Medium Medium City Trappings can encompass an entire suburb in a given city. I APP Large Large City Trappings can affect multiple suburbs and even small towns

Huge Huge City Trappings affect an entire city, or even an entire geographic region. S NG handle encounters with a security team as a Social Biohorrors such as beetle rats, octogators and Conflict—unless violence breaks out, of course. procyopods and other creatures are also common. Resources: People often come to parks to make Still, despite all of the dangers, people live here. deals to obtain illegal items, or hold meetings While people do live here, usually in fifty-year- where there is privacy, but not so much privacy old apartment complexes or small houses, many that either party will risk outright violence. are homeless, squatting in whatever hole they Employees who work in food production facilities can claim (and defend!). People often come to can sometimes be convinced to sell product Anarchy Zones to lay low until whatever trouble under the table before it gets sent to stores or they’re in blows over. Anarchy Zones are dotted use the shipping infrastructure to smuggle items with small businesses; local corner convenience in and out of the sprawl. stores, unlicensed street clinics, hole-in-the-wall Example Districts: Moraine Hills State Park, bars, sleezy night clubs and similar places. Zion Forest Preserve, Lincoln Park, North Aurora Size: Medium AgroFacs, and Melrose Park. Situational Rules: Characters should expect aggressive behavior when they enter an Anarchy ANARCHY ZONE Zone. When they enter the zone, draw a card. If the result is anything other than a Spade, the narchy Zones make slums look like paradise. characters are going to run into a potentially AThese areas are marked by abandoned or violent situation. Roll on the Anarchy Zone partially burned warehouses, old factories, and Encounter Table and use the appropriate NPCs. a general lack of maintenance on any aspect of Furthermore, people don’t like tourists; they just the underlying infrastructure. Roads are broken. bring trouble. Treat NPCs as Unfriendly or even Water is often toxic. Power is intermittently Hostile for the purposes of making Persuasion available, as is a stable connection to the rolls. TAPstream and Global DataNet. Anarchy Zones Resources: Anarchy Zones don’t offer much are notorious for their lack of law enforcement, in the way of goods. Most people are dirt poor but when the cops do enter this zone, they come and won’t willingly part with anything without a in full battle gear with tactical support (drones, big pay day. That said, there are services available combat hackers running overwatch via satellite to characters willing to brave an Anarchy Zone. connection to their squad, sniper teams, etc.). Street Docs are willing to patch up a character Gang violence is a daily event, as are muggings with no questions asked, so long as they have the and other forms of violence. It must be cryptodollars to pay for it. Illegal cyber-clinics are said, however, that many gangs don’t even also common, though most Cybertech they offer bother setting up territory here unless it’s is cheap gutterware. Biotech might come from a extremely lucrative to do so (See the Southside human, and don’t trust the genetech, no matter Stormtroopers for an example of this type of how cheap it is! Weapons and other types of gear gang). Nearly all instances of gang violence are can be found as well. actually two or more gangs coming to the zone Example Districts: The Gary Hell Zone to settle a dispute. That said, it’s not uncommon to see nomadic gangs claim territory for a short COMMERCIAL ZONE period of time. These gangs try and milk the people living here for all their worth before they Commercial communities specialize in selling move on to other areas of the city. products. All manner of commercial interests

11 ANARCHY ZONE ENCOUNTER TABLE D6 ROLL ENCOUNTER 1 A squad of sector cops (6) stop the characters and start asking questions. 2 1d4 Beetle Rats scurry out of a nearby building and attack the characters. 3 The characters witness an individual getting assaulted by 5 thugs. 4 1d8 gang members on the warpath attack the characters. 5 The characters stumble on a meet-gone-wrong between a corp and a shadow team. 6 Roll twice and use both encounters.

from mom & pop stores to mega corporate big to talk out of turn or give away information box stores are represented here as well as extreme that the syndicate has ordered them not to. luxury stores. Treat NPCs as Uncooperative to Unfriendly for Size: Small to Medium purposes of Persuasion rolls to gather information Situational Rules: Efforts by characters to or request services in this neighborhood due to obtain standard goods gain a +2 to Persuasion. fear of repercussions from the syndicate. When Furthermore, people cater to tourists; they are entering this zone, draw a card. If the result is a their source of income. Treat NPCs as Cooperative Club, roll on the Controlled (Crime Ring) table. for purposes of making Persuasion rolls. Resources: Aside from legitimate goods and Resources: Nearly any non-black market services from businesses in the district, characters product is available in a commercial zone. Only may be able to purchase black market goods and the most basic weapons and/or armors are services here. available, however. Example Districts: Little Cuba, China Town, Example Districts: Carpentersville, The Loop, Chicagoland Stadium, and the Ukrainian Village Burbank, Chicago Medical District, and China Town. CONTROLLED (GANG)

CONTROLLED (CRIME RING) his district is controlled by a powerful Tgang. The gang wields absolute power here,

Y his district is under the “protection” of a demanding anything they want from the civilians.

IT Tcriminal organization. As an example, “Little The civilians live in perpetual fear of incurring Italy” is controlled by the Italian Mafia. Generally, the wrath of the gang members. The gang takes

R C this has a negative impact to the civilians in this a percentage of the income of any business or area as they may have to pay for this protection individual in the neighborhood as well as taking with money goods or services. However, it may anything or, in some cases, anyone they want. have a positive impact as the Crime Ring may Adolescents may be forced to join the gang. mercilessly halt any other criminal activity than Unlike Crime Ring controlled neighborhoods,

NG YOU NG theirs as well as removing any undesirables in gang-controlled districts typically have a short

DI the area. The criminal organization rules with duration. Like locusts, the gang takes everything L

I an iron fist. Store owners are expected to pay they want and soon move on when there is a percentage of their income to the crime ring. nothing left to take. They also may be required to employ members Size: Small to Medium : BU

E of the crime ring to make that member appear Situational Rules: Characters attempting to to have a legitimate income. Civilians in the gain information about the gang from civilians in district are expected to cater to the whims of the this area will usually be met with looks of hooded syndicate members. fear and gain little help if any. Treat NPCs as Size: Small Uncooperative for purposes of Persuasion Rolls ON TER Situational Rules: Characters attempting to to gather information. Characters may, rarely, gain information from the civilians in this district encounter resistance elements in the district that may meet with strong resistance. No one is willing will go out of their way to aid characters that are CHAP

12 C IT CONTROLLED (CRIME RING) ENCOUNTER TABLE Y TR Y D6 ROLL ENCOUNTER 1 D4 Mafia Goons led by a Made-Man accost the characters 2 D4 Local kids follow the characters around and report to the mafia. I APP 3 A local store owner pleads with the characters to help with the syndicate.

4 A store front burns while d4 Mafia Goons stand around and watch S NG

The Syndicate boss can be seen exiting a vehicle and entering a building. 2d6 Mafia Goons, and d4 Made-Man 5 provide protection.

6 Nothing of interest occurs

CONTROLLED (GANG) ENCOUNTER TABLE D6 ROLL ENCOUNTER 1 D6 Mooks accost the characters 2 D6 Mooks and 2 Gang Soldier’s accost the characters 3 D4 armed civilians are creeping about the darkened streets attempting to escape the district. 4 2 Mooks and a Gang Soldier are beating a civilian in the streets. The Gang Leader is holding a rally in the street. Two Gang War Chiefs and d4 Gang Soldiers and D10 5 Mooks look on. 6 A Gang War Chief is riding around the neighborhood on a motorcycle. obviously opposed to the gang. When entering Size: Small to medium this zone, draw a card. If the result is a Club, roll Situational Rules: Characters seeking on the Controlled (Gang) table. information about the corporation may find Resources: Very few resources are available here a treasure trove of loose lips. +1 to networking as nearly everything of value is simply taken by tests. The locals think less about guarding their the gang. tongues inside since there are few ears to hear Example Districts: Ukrainian Village, Sunny them. However, if the characters suffer a critical Heights Condoplex, Koreatown, Downers Grove, failure while networking, there is always the most Roseland, and North Aurora. extreme of response from corporate security. Resources: Products manufactured by the CORPORATE ENCLAVE corporation are readily available while outside products are less available and are significantly his district is entirely controlled by a more expensive than typical prices. Few high-end Tcorporation. All of the residents of the products from external companies are available. district are employees of the corporations and No products that are a competition to the generally access inside is extremely limited to corporation’s flagship products are available. outsiders. Police forces are corporate security. Example Districts: Nortec Tower, Ravenlocke External police forces are only called in during North Sector HQ, Third Life Industries Corporate very extreme situations. Most businesses within Arcology, Kenta Cyber Dynamics Arcology, the enclave are owned by the corporation and Chimera Arcology and Chicago Medical District the few external storefronts inside the enclave pay a significant rental fee for their businesses. FACTION ZONE Storefronts inside the enclave predominantly sell merchandise manufactured or marketed by the faction zone is one where all or nearly all of corporation all of which is sold at a discounted A the residents follow one mindset, whether price to enclave residents. Products from outside this be a religion, a culture, a cult, or some other the enclave are sold at a significant mark up. fundamental principal. Typically, newcomers

13 feel unwelcome in a faction zone unless they LIVEFAC also subscribe to the belief of this district. Communities might be founded under a tenant iving facilities are high concentration residential of anti-technology, back to nature, one specific Ldistricts. Frequently this is lower lifestyles. In religion or nationality, anti-establishment, or some cases, these are extremely large apartment spirituality. The belief structure of the community style structures or prefabricated modular living may not be in alignment with the legal structure accommodations. Outsiders find it extremely of the greater area and thus be in constant conflict difficult to navigate here as residents move from with the authorities. apartment to apartment at a whim and modular Size: Small to Medium living accommodations are placed wherever space Situational Rules: Character that are outsiders is available, including on top of other structures to the community will have difficulty fitting in and or subdividing living accommodations. These making friends in this area. Thus, Persuasion rolls areas are poorly governed as well as under policed. to gather information, purchase products, and illicit Local gangs exert a lot of influence in these areas services are at a -2 penalty. and frequently numerous small gangs may be Resources: Faction relevant items may be very battling against one another for dominance. Due abundant here such as culture specific hand-crafted to overpopulation as well as difficult access for goods. law enforcement, petty crime is rampant here as Example Districts: Antioch, The Hive, Zion Forest are personal crimes such as assault and battery, Preserve, Meissner, and Melrose Park homicide, and rape. Size: Small to Medium INDUSTRIAL Situational Rules: Characters suffer a -2 to Survival (Navigation) rolls due to the unorganized ndustrial communities are built around refining and chaotic nature of this district. Iand manufacturing goods. This process is Resources: Minor black-market items such as seldom clean, often generating a variety of different drugs, handguns, etc. are readily available. dangerous byproducts. While machines are central Example Districts: The Hive, Coffin City, to any modern industrial process, most facilities Hoffman Estates LiveFacs, The Lombard Projects, retain some workers to oversee and troubleshoot and Sunny Heights Condoplex.

Y the process. However, these people must tolerate

IT many environmental hazards in the course of MIGRANT their work. Ancillary businesses are typically

R C associated with the process of manufacturing, eople within this community rarely establish including providing maintenance, installation, and Pdeep connections. They are here only for as construction to the primary industrial companies. long as it takes to finish a job before moving onto These secondary businesses often lead to further another location. As a consequence, they seldom industrial development from other corporations have deep ties to the area. Many are highly

NG YOU NG within a limited geographic region. motivated to move quickly. As a consequence,

DI Size: Regional many demonstrate ethical flexibility when L

I Situational Rules: Efforts by characters to obtain it comes to unusual jobs or responsibilities— industrial tools and goods gain a +2 to Persuasion especially in response to quick payment. checks. See Resources, below. Size: Local : BU

E Resources: Industrialization requires a range of Situational Rules: Characters gain a +2 to raw materials and components in large quantities. Persuasion checks when attempting to hire Example Districts: McHenry Industrial Sector, someone in a Migrant community. Des Plains Recyc Sector, North Aurora AgroFacs, Fox In addition, Migrant communities provide a Lake Biodome, and Downers Grove. convenient place for individuals to disappear. ON TER Members of the community seldom ask questions and are usually reluctant to cooperate with authority figures. Characters CHAP

14 C IT RAD ZONE ENCOUNTER TABLE Y TR Y D6 ROLL ENCOUNTER 1 D6 Glow Roaches 2 D4 Glow Rats I APP 3 D10 Mindless

4 D4 Mindless being attacked by D6 Nuke Rats. The characters may think these are civilians fighting Nuke Rats. S NG 5 A Scavenger searching through the ruins for valuables. A corporate team Made up of an Experienced Security Officer and 4 Typical Security Officers on 6 corporate business. SLUM gain a +2 to Stealth checks within a Migrant community. he dregs of the city have found their way to Resources: Migrant communities provide an Tthe bottom of the barrel but even they have extensive and readily available workforce. These some place to live. Slums are frequently made people are typically highly motivated to take up of cobbled together structures made up of whatever work becomes available. cast-off refuse as well as abandoned buildings Example Districts: Huntly, Lock Port, and Little that are occupied by squatters. These areas are Italy. moderately well policed as it is a breeding ground for the “regular suspects”. Petty crime is common RAD ZONE in this area, but the area has also evolved to protect their own. hat remains of areas within the city that Size: Small to Large Wwere hit by tactical nuclear weapons as well Situational Rules: Characters attempting to as areas that were irradiated by fallout. Survival gain information from civilians in this area may within these zones is precarious as the active find a treasure trove here. “Money Talks” affects radiation is lethal to most living beings within a are doubled here. Characters attempting to use short period. Very few residents and essentially Intimidation for their networking tests suffer a -1 no police or city authority presence exists within penalty as the community protects their own and the zone. Rad Zones are typically cordoned off a critical failure always results in an encounter. to prevent anyone entering or exiting. Biohorrors Resources: Plenty of cheap labor with few caused by disease or radiation such as Glow questions asked is available here. Roaches, Mindless and Nuke Rats are rampant Example Districts: Waukegan, Roseland, The in these areas. Maze, Downers Grove, Ukrainian Village, and The Size: Medium to Large Lombard Projects. Situational Rules: Treat these areas as Hazards (Low Radiation except in limited areas that may SUBURBS be High Radiation) See Savage Worlds. When entering this zone, draw a card. If the result is a uburbs are the white bread of the city. Most Club, roll on the Rad Zone table. Sof the middle class finds themselves living Resources: While these areas are largely in the ‘burbs. if you are looking for action and damaged as well as subsequently looted, they excitement, the suburbs are exactly the last place may have a wealth of salvageable equipment and that you want to look. Suburbs tend to be right materials based on what the area was prior to its next to places of interest and places to work but destruction. possess extraordinarily little of interest to anyone Example Districts: Alleghany Rad Zone, that doesn’t want a small home with a small yard Arlington Heights Rad Zone, and Ukrainian that looks exactly like every other small home Village. and small yard. Size: Small to Medium

15 Situational Rules: While not as heavily SUBWAY patrolled as upper-class areas, suburbs do enjoy a level of protection not found in other low-income ubway districts are made up of the tunnels, areas. Draw a card whenever characters enter the Srails, and power system for the trains as area. If the result is a Club, the characters attract well as the stations, waiting areas, access, and the attention of law enforcement. The sector stores in the underground labyrinth. While the

Y cops don’t stop the characters unless they do stations and the areas immediately surrounding

IT something to prompt it, but a surveillance drone them are brightly lit and well patrolled, the vast is sent to monitor and log their activity. If the warren of tunnels are largely unpatrolled and may

R C characters do engage in illicit activity, or get into be inhabited by any kind of nefarious, darkness- a fight of some sort, 2d4 police officers will arrive loving creatures, whether that is criminals, gangs, in 30 seconds to 1 minute. biohorrors or possibly those that simply want to Resources: On the surface, it seems like there be unseen. isn’t a good reason to go there but making that Size: Small

NG YOU NG assumption would be wrong. Food, for example, Situational Rules: Except in the stations, all

DI is simply better and more readily available, areas should be considered dim to dark for L

I though it is more expensive. Medicine, electronics, illumination. If power is interrupted for some clothing, and other things most sprawlers living reason, much of the area may be considered pitch in suburbs tend to take for granted can be found black. Outside of the stations, wireless access to : BU

E here. It’s also worth noting that if characters need The Deep is hindered here by the thick concrete to lay low, investing in a house or condo is a good and steel construction of the tubes. Due to this idea. Nobody comes to the ‘burbs, after all. interference, any hacking activity from inside Example Districts: Waukegan, Chicago Heights, the Subway to outside or vice versa suffers a -2 Oak Forest, Aurora Barrens, Elgin, Meissner, China penalty. ON TER Town, Downers Grove, and Naperville. Resources: Few resources of interest are available in this area. CHAP

16 CO

Example Districts: Subways are found in Example Districts: The Maze, and Chicagoland R Chicago, though elevated “El” train stations are Stadium. PO more common. R


UPPER CLASS TE aterfront districts are primarily areas of docks, TR he ritzy neighborhoods. This is home of the Wwharfs, piers, warehouses, shipping yards

Telite and it shows. Mansions and estates and beaches. Ships the size of city blocks carrying I APP are the norm here and very few mere homes shipping containers stacked ten high float next to and yards may be found. Security is everywhere giant concrete piers with cranes large enough to and their guns have hair triggers. Litter doesn’t lift a building hovering above them. Typical shops S NG exist and graffiti is unknown. Parks the size of in a waterfront district are those that provide neighborhoods exist merely to give a view for the fishing supplies, boating supplies, and equipment, opulent palaces. as well as shops for tourists enjoying waterside Size: Small to Medium activities. They can be fun leisure locations for the Situational Rules: Unless the characters are family beach trip or dark and corrupt smuggling obviously wealthy with all of the trappings to havens. In most cases these are the loading and demonstrate it, treat residents as Unfriendly for unloading areas for ships and boats. Warehouses purposes of persuasion rolls for networking. temporarily store freight until trucks and trains Resources: Luxury shops are much more arrive to empty them. available here than any other part of the city. Size: Small to Large Common stores are rare. Situational Rules: These areas may be well Example Districts: Gold Coast, Gold Coast City patrolled by security forces (mostly private Mega Plex, and Fox Lake Biodome. security) via land, as well as boats and drones all on the lookout to stop smuggling operations and VICE PALACE prevent theft. Resources: At dockyard locations numerous his region has a tourism-based economy opportunities are available for black market Tdependent upon visitors embracing vices goods as well as good not commonly available in that they ignore at home. Typically, this is this area. They may also be a potential location for associated with a legal system that varies from an escape from a location by sea. surrounding areas in at least one significant Example Districts: Navy Pier, and The steel way. Common vices include gambling, sex trade, yards. or pharmaceuticals. Extreme VR experiences, forbidden animals, or questionable cybernetic CORPORATE TRAPPINGS modifications could also be available to consumers with unusual desires. egacorporations are ever-present in 2095; Size: Local Mtheir influence widespread, reaching deep Situational Rules: When establishing a vice into the halls of government and out into palace, the GM must decide what vices are the vastness of space. Indeed, the largest of most common within the region. When seeking the megacorps are often governments unto these, characters gain a +4 to efforts to obtain themselves, having their own private armies, them through Networking checks. At the GM’s legions of lawyers and access to the best discretion, law enforcement may turn a blind technology money can buy, or science can eye to such activities. Tangentially related vices— create. This section takes a look at the major which may remain illegal—gain a +2 to such megacorporations in 2095 and gives you the tools Networking checks. to create your own. Resources: Goods associated with whichever Megacorps have their own distinct management vice that they specialize in. styles and personalities that resonate throughout their culture. These extend beyond the field of


Local A single neighborhood Regional Known in at least 3–5 major cities National Has holdings throughout a nation Multinational Influential in many countries globally Interplanetary Outposts everywhere humanity exists

CORPORATION INFLUENCE TABLE Rating Effect d4 None d6 +1 to Persuasion and Intimidation d8 +2 to Persuasion and Intimidation d10 +3 to Persuasion and Intimidation d12 +1 and may reroll Persuasion and Intimidation

business in which they operate. Instead, they sums of wealth, we leave it up to you to decide provide a consistent philosophical approach exactly what a corporation has access to. for their interactions with consumers and other Dirty Secrets: All corporations have dirty organizations. Employee actions are generally secrets; things they’ve done, or are planning consistent with these mandates. After all, to do that, if those secrets are exposed, could constant surveillance dictates that those who potentially prove disastrous. To help you come break with them undergo retraining or dismissal. up with game ideas involving these corporations, we’ve added another entry: Dirty Secrets. DESCRIPTIONS Uncovering a secret shouldn’t be a casual thing. Casual Networking rolls won’t reveal a secret

Y orporations have the following outright, but they can uncover breadcrumbs that

IT Ccharacteristics: put the party on the path. See the corporations Type: This entry defines what the corporation on page @@ for some sample dirty secrets.

R C focuses on, be it manufacturing, resource development, private security, etc. AGRICULTURE Size: The size of a corporation impacts many things; how many cryptodollars it is capable of gricultural corporations often have a earning, how well known it is and the type of Awholesome reputation of producing food NG YOU NG influence the corporation can wield to achieve for everyone. This may not be entirely true as

DI its goals. Corporations can be as small as a local they may well have gained their profit share L

I chain of grocery markets or fast-food restaurants, through cutthroat land grabbing and destroying or massive corps spread across the solar system. the smaller companies. These companies may While technically not corporations, there are also grow crops, cultivate them, manufacture those : BU

E entries for privately owned “Mom and Pop” stores. crops into ready-to-eat food products, package Resources: All corporations have assets of them, ship them and sell them to the end some kind; the larger the corporation, the more consumer or they may only do a portion of these they have. These assets can be security forces, processes. In many cases the corporate name may technology, real estate holdings and anything only manufacture the food while owning other ON TER else you might think of. Because corporations subsidiaries or shell companies that perform the (especially the giants) often have access to vast other functions. CHAP

18 CO

Happy Tyme Foods may manufacture and Entertainment companies range from small R market Blast-O Pops but behind the scenes they music companies with a single act up to vast PO also own Honey Hill Farms that grow the crops on conglomerates that produce 200 new videos a R

huge automated farms as well as being primary year each raking in billions of cryptos. A shareholders in Trans-Lane Shipping that delivers NovaHot Music Group is the power behind the TE Blast-O Pops to the markets. throne for Seventh Deadly Sin, a chart-topping TR Size: Regional - Multinational thrash metal group but have basically no other

Influence: D4–D8 contracts. Jupiter Productions, on the other hand, I APP Resources: They often control huge tracts of land. released 37 of last year’s billion crypto videos and look to be beating their record this year. BIOTECH Size: Local - Multinational S NG Influence: D4–D8 iotech companies manufacture and sell Resources: They have contracts for any number Bmedical products ranging from medical of musicians, and actors. services and pharmaceuticals to Research and development, cyberware, bioware, and genetech. FASHION They may be viewed by the public as saviors that create new medicines that save lives and cure ashion corporations are the force behind diseases, or they may be known as the company Fwhat everyone is wearing this year, last that holds vital medicines and medical services year, and possibly even for years to come. These hostage behind insurmountable pay walls. corporations do everything from design new GreyMatter Evolution produces the much outfits, to manufacturing clothing, marketing it sought after NeuroGen10 Alzheimer’s treatment and distribution. that is reputed to cure Alzheimer’s in most In most cases they only do some of those patients in under a year, but the price of the processes such as Aphrodite Cosmetics who is product is so high that it is only available to the powerhouse that creates the newest mega the ultrarich. Morinnia Pharmaceutical Group hot super models to market the latest lipsticks, was in the final stages of releasing Panatrol eyeliners and perfumes but they don’t actually which suppresses cybernetic rejection, but their design or produce any of the cosmetics they product was halted by government regulations. sell. While FABULOUS! Eveningwear designs, Was this because the product was unsafe, or were manufactures, and markets their entire line of other corporations behind the red tape? Often eye-catching dresses and are projected to be the Biotech companies are virtually unknown to the trend setters for years to come. public, but their products are in every hospital Size: Local - National and pharmacy. Influence: D4–D6 Size: Regional to Interplanetary Resources: Limited Influence: D4–D8 Resources: They may control Hospitals as well INVESTMENT GROUP as Research and Development facilities. ther corporations have money, and they ENTERTAINMENT Omake money, but Investment Groups are money. It is all they do. These may range from ntertainment companies are almost small single store investment firms all the way to Euniversally beloved by the masses. While giant banking enterprises with branches in every every company has some nay-sayers, they country and on every planet. These corporations generally have a good reputation. This does not offer a range of services from simply banking your mean that they are altruistic and wholesome, cryptos and returning a miniscule but utterly they may well make their profit by cheating the safe percentage on your investment all the starving artists producing their music or stealing way through ultra-high risk ventures that may scripts from other entertainment companies.

19 quadruple your money overnight or leave you factual or not, these corporations provide the homeless in the blink of an eye. information that individuals, companies and OmniCredit provides absolutely anyone with nations rely on to make informed decisions. an instant cash advance credit but charges In-Your-Face News is a Chicago based news exorbitant fees for their services. They are popular enterprise that started with one guy and a with their customers even while sending many of camera that has grown to control nearly 5% of them into bankruptcy. the national market share of daily broadcast news. Size: Local to Interplanetary Size: Local - Interplanetary Influence: D4–D12 Influence: D4–D12 Resources: They have vast quantities of money. Resources: They have limited resources.


hese are the companies that actually make ilitary contractors manufacture equipment Tthings. Everything from toys to nuclear Mand provide services exclusively marketed weapons, manufacturers are the backbone behind to militaries, whether this is weapons and producing everything that everyone needs to ammunition, vehicles, mercenary units, or planet have. These companies perform tasks ranging buster bombs. They may range from a small from research and design, through manufacturing, corporation that provides a single mercenary marketing, and distributing their products. squad for use by government entities all the way These may range from producing a single line to huge corporations that manufacture the latest of product that is virtually unknown to the in space combat vehicles. consumer through a vast array of products that Rapid Fire sells its services as a twenty-man are in everyone’s home. Manufacturers may be mercenary unit to many of the world’s armies. wholesome companies that treat their employees Bastian Industries produces heavily armored with the utmost of respect and try to produce the combat vehicles ranging from the two-man best product that they possibly can or they may Typhoon Fast Assault Walker to the 100-ton be manufacturing their products in third world Dreadnaught Heavy Tank. nations to avoid the environmental, safety, or Size: Regional to National

Y humane regulations in their home country. Influence: D6–D8

IT ShipRITE! Boxes produce over 500 products Resources: Military weapons, personnel, and centered around storage and shipment of other equipment.

R C products and while nearly everyone on the planet and even off planet has probably handled PRIVATE SECURITY numerous of their boxes, they have likely never heard of them. Meanwhile Morrison Steel rivate security corporations provide police produces a small variety of motorcycles but are Pand protection services to individuals, NG YOU NG well known by anyone that knows motorcycles. corporations, and government entities. At

DI Size: Local - Multinational least that is their marketing materials say. They L

I Influence: D4–D8 may also provide mercenary units, kill-for-hire Resources: Factories, warehouses, and stores individuals, or wet work teams all with plausible deniability. This may range from a night security : BU

E MEDIA guard at the Grub-n-Go all the way to providing all the police services for an entire metropolis. edia corporations are the news. Perhaps Contrary to their reputation as know-nothing Mthey report the events that everyone needs rent-a-cops, their operatives are well trained. to know, or they may manufacture sensational Many of the world’s largest cities hire private ON TER headlines just to grab attention and market security firms to do their police work rather than share. They may range from a small web blogger maintain their own police force. to a huge multinational news network. Whether CHAP

20 CO

Casualty Count has an elite team made up tidy profit once the assets are sold off piecemeal. R entirely of ex-special forces soldiers that they hire Many of these companies have a poor reputation PO out to whoever needs them for a large variety of with the public as they look like vultures feasting R

combat operations, whether well-known or in the on struggling companies, but the acquisition A deepest of shadows. corporation rides their poor reputation right to TE Size: Local - National the bank. TR Influence: D4–D8 Concept Financial Group was swift to purchase

Resources: Combat weapons, personnel, and property from struggling homeowners after a I APP equipment. district fire and subsequent economic downturn saw many homeowners losing their homes to RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT foreclosure. After some bulldozing and rezoning, S NG new construction opened on an extremely esearch and Development corporations are lucrative new commercial center. Rthe minds that make the rest of the world Size: local - National work. R&D companies are typically contracted Influence: D4–D10 by other corporations to design and test products, Resources: These corporations tend to be very formulas, and ideas for them though some of cash heavy as they have funds on reserve for these companies function by doing their own quick purchases. research and then marketing their findings to those that may use them in a finished product. RETAILER R&D companies are rarely recognized by the public but the few who are, are generally thought hether they be a Mom and Pop café of in a positive light as a company that is creating Wor a Multinational big box store, Retail revolutionary products. Little do they know Corporations sell goods and services to the public. that these same companies may be researching Perhaps most of all corporations, they are very new strains of weaponized plagues or other much in the eye of the public. Due to this, they super weapons. have very mixed public approval. They may be Brilliance Inc. has been working behind the viewed as destroying the small shops to gain scenes developing prototype cyberware and market share or they may be viewed as bringing in while no one has ever heard of them, they have much needed jobs and merchandise at a fair price. certainly heard of the devices they have designed Daisey’s Pizzas operates 15 pizza shops that are manufactured by Kenta Cyberdynamics. throughout the European Union specializing in Size: Local - Interplanetary just the right sauce for everyone’s palate. Starr Influence: D4–D10 Mart purchases bulk discontinued goods from Resources: They hold the patent for a great other companies and leases them to the public number of vital subcomponents used in countless for virtually nothing down and nearly nothing a finished products. Have access to state-of-the-art month for a several year term. and prototype technology. Size: Local - National Influence: D4–D8 RESOURCE ACQUISITION Resources: They have a great deal of merchandise. esource acquisition companies make their Rmoney by buying things. While that sounds counterintuitive, they do their research to ensure that every purchase makes a profit when resold. These corporations always have their eyes open for companies that look bad on paper yet are vastly more valuable in assets than their stock prices indicate. A sudden purchase of a controlling share and a fumbling manufacturing plant turns into a

21 TECH COMPANY boast that nearly eight out of ten of Chicago’s residents use their service. OTL Innovations is the ech companies create state-of-the-art primary corporation that manages the satellite Thardware and software. These companies network between Earth and the other planets. tend to be extremely volatile. They create the Size: National - Interplanetary tech that everyone needs this year and next Influence: D6–D12 year they are in the dumpster with last year’s Resources: These corporations often have products. Whether they be on the for front significant resources including, in some of creating the newest updates to The Deep, cases, private armies to protect their physical creating the hottest 3d entertainment systems, infrastructure. or even if they are behind the scenes creating subassemblies for use in medical equipment, EXAMPLE CORPORATIONS these companies are creating new innovations. They often are extremely popular in the eye of he following corporations exist in Interface the public as they release the coolest new gadgets TZero. You can use them as‑is or modify them that everyone needs. Of course, they can and do to suit your own game. These descriptions also charge premium rates for their new devices, but have a Dirty Secrets entry to give you some people are willing to pay. examples of things a corporation might not want Gold Coin Innovations, the developers of exposed to the public. the legendary guts and gore saga Wasteland Warriors are set to release the second installment, ACT OF GOD ARMAMENTS Wasteland Warriors Take the City, promising better uptime, and a refresh rate 10% higher than or over thirty years, Act of God Armaments anything else on the market. Quark Tech, on the Fhas been on the razor’s edge of personal other hand, produces the core Graphics Processor weapons and advanced weapon platform Unit (GPU) that is in 37% of TAPs manufactured development. AGA’s line of personal power armor in the last three years but no one in the public suits represent their dedication to pushing the even knows their name. envelope when it comes to battlefield technology. Size: Regional - Interplanetary AGA weaponry is Overwhelming Firepower, with

Y Influence: D6–D10 the many of their weapons being the pinnacle of

IT Resources: Tech companies have an abundance perfection. of state-of-the-art technology. Type: Manufacturer, Military Contractor.

R C Size: National TELECOM Influence: D10 Dirty Secrets: While Act Of God Armaments elecom corporations provide denies any involvement, they have been Tcommunications. Whether that be a small investigated by several government agencies to NG YOU NG company that manufactures TAP video relays, determine if they were involved in the tactical

DI the companies that provide Deep connectivity to nukes that were dropped on Chicago. L

I towns and cities, all the way up to the companies that own and operate the satellite relays between ALTERNET COMMUNICATIONS Earth and its colonies. To the public these : BU

E companies are largely invisible until their services lterNet Communications is Chicago’s leading fail to work, and then they are utterly despised. Adigital service provider (DSP) for TAP to The Telecom corporations have often been at the fore Deep communications they boast that nearly of over exploiting resources as well as damaging eight out of ten of Chicago’s residents use their the environment all in the guise of better serving service. They have numerous facilities throughout ON TER its customers. the GLU and provide DSP services for hundreds AlterNet Communications is Chicago’s leading of small towns and cities in that area. DSP for TAP to The Deep communications they Type: Telecom CHAP

22 E E XAMPL Size: National Influence: D6 Influence: D8 Dirty Secrets: The “accident” back in 2027 was Dirty Secrets: Chicago residents have not so much an accident as it was a highly illegal complained for years that the entire network experiment that got out of control and narrowly needs to be replaced as it is slow and unreliable, averted a global pandemic by a covert operation CO R but AlterNet continues to patch and add on by persons unknown. to their existing infrastructure rather than do a multimillion crypto dollar critical rebuild project. BIOSOLUTIONS INC. R PO

APHRODITE COSMETICS CHIMERA subsidiary, Biosolutions Inc. has A A a minor presence in Chicago, offering an TI ON phrodite Cosmetics is more renowned for array of biomedical services and simulacrum Acreating some of the most popular super production tech. Much of their work is linked models in the world, more so even than their to Nortec, and the more suspicious Hashtaggers S line of lipsticks, eyeliners, and perfumes. They are out there have tried to establish a stronger headquartered in Venice and have branches only link between the two corporations, suggesting in the trendiest cities in the world such as Paris, Biosolutions is just another front for Nortec New York, Milan, and London. operations. Type: Fashion Type: Biotech Size: Multinational Size: Local Influence: D6 Influence: D4 Dirty Secrets: One of the founding investors, Dirty Secrets: Biosolutions, INC. operates Donna Giovanni is a known sympathizer for the as a subsidiary of CHIMERA, but recently, the Gaia Reclamation Organization, eco terrorist group. megacorporation has started to restrict it’s access to intellectual property, severely hampering BASTION INDUSTRIES Biosolutions’ ability to develop new treatments and tech. CHIMERA openly denies such astion Industries produces heavily armored restrictions to stave off potential losses in the Bcombat vehicles ranging from the two-man stock market, but secretly they are investigating Typhoon Fast Assault Walker to the 100-ton Biosolutions to see if the rumors that the Dreadnaught Heavy Tank. Bastian Industries company is indeed working with Nortec are true; was originally founded in Galveston Texas but and they are. relocated to Bremen Germany in 2085. Type: Military Contractor BRILLIANCE INC. Size: National Influence: D6 rilliance Inc. has been working behind the Dirty Secrets: A surprising amount of Bastian Bscenes developing prototype cyberware and Industries vehicles have been found in the hands while no one has ever heard of them, they have of countries and organizations that have been certainly heard of the devices they have designed sanctioned by the united Nations. that are manufactured by Kenta Cyberdynamics. Binary Solutions Operating out of Stockholm, they have received Binary Solutions is a genetics laboratory in numerous awards for development in electronics Chicago. They have been around for nearly a and cybernetics. century and were once at the forefront of genetic Type: Research and Development engineering experimentation, but their facility Size: National was destroyed by an accident back in 2027. It has Influence: D6 taken decades for them to return to their former Dirty Secrets: Word is, contract negotiations place as a leading research facility. with Kenta Cyberdynamics has hit an impasse Type: Biotech and Brilliance Inc. may soon be looking for a Size: Local new manufacturer to work with. Oddly, new

23 developments from Brilliance Inc. have slowed nanotech armor. If rumors are true, Black Knight significantly, are they holding on to their research Industries is on the verge of a major breakthrough to have a better negotiating point with the next in lightweight “collapsible” body armor. manufacturer? CENTRAL BELARUSIAN STEEL CASUALTY COUNT BS is a privately owned company, run by the asualty Count has an elite team made up Cmembers of the Orlov family, out of Minsk Centirely of ex-special forces soldiers that they in the EU. The corporation has a wide range of hire out to whoever needs them for a large variety interests, most specifically in heavy industry, of combat operations, whether well-known or manufacturing, and aerospace technologies. The in the deepest of shadows. They operate out Orlovs are an odd bunch; they’re the scions of of Bakersfield California and have numerous old-school European nobility and are known for training bases and facilities throughout Southern their deranged behavior and lavish parties. Most California. They perpetually scout for new recruits people assume they play up the “crazy Euro-trash” in various national special forces units, primarily ascetic, since nothing run by drug-addled lunatics hiring North American recruits. gets this kind of power. Type: Private Security Characters who attract CBS’s attention will Size: Regional want to tread very carefully, as more than one Influence: D6 rival company has been targeted and eliminated Dirty Secrets: Casualty Count recently by this literal titan of industry. surprised the industry when they landed a very Type: Manufacturer lucrative contract that Ravenlocke was expected Size: Regional to receive. Ravenlocke’s official response when Influence: D6 asked about it has been, “No Comment” but Dirty Secrets: The Orlov family have been word on the streets is that Ravenlocke is on the secretly providing China with resources in hopes war path. that when/if China does capture the rest of Russia, they’ll give the company development rights BLACK KNIGHT ARMAMENTS in the hotly contested Thawed Lands. Such a

Y betrayal of Mother Russia would surely get them

IT ased out of Flint, Michigan, Black Knight killed if the wrong people found out. BIndustries was the GLU’s premier weapons

R C developer. For years, Black Knight has been at CHIMERA the forefront of personal weapons development. As of Q4 of 2089 Black Knight has been HIMERA is the world leader in biotechnology focused on providing cutting edge armors for Cand related industries. This Brazilian today’s independent contractor. Black Knight company makes some of the world’s best hybrid

NG YOU NG provides versatile armor, built to order. Built technologies, simulacrum, and pharmaceuticals.

DI over the Mythralloy chain, with heavier plating, They also have a sizable market share in the L

I Black Knight armors have a real “old school” hard-tech cybernetics world and produce much feel to them. of Brazil’s military might through its many Type: Manufacturer subsidiaries. Though they make a show of being : BU

E Size: National a compassionate company, anyone who works in Influence: D8 the industries CHIMERA involves itself in knows Dirty Secrets: In the aftermath of the this is a front, and that the corporation is as Reformation War, Black Knight Industries has ruthless as they come. They are also known to be lost much of its influence in North America and bitter rivals with Third Life Industries, a rival in the ON TER has been forced to restructure, even going so far bioforming industry. as to sell their products as drastically reduced ype: Biotech, Manufacturer, Military prices and use the profits to fuel research into TContractor (Dirty Secret). CHAP


Size: Interplanetary Type: Resource Development Influence: D12 Size: Regional Dirty Secrets: While CHIMERA has openly Influence: D8 boasted they do not accept any contracts that Dirty Secrets: Contrary to their altruistic might see their creations used in military projects, reputation, they have made a lot of money this simply is not the case. CHIMERA have throughout the years, purchasing properties worked with a number of governments across the from people in dire straits and reselling it at a world to develop combat simulacra and highly huge profit. secret hybrid treatments aimed at creating the ultimate combat bioforms. It’s rumored that DAISEY’S PIZZAS these creatures (known as cryptids) are let loose in small towns so their creators can see how they aisey’s Pizzas operates 15 pizza shops hunt their prey. Dthroughout the European Union specializing in just the right sauce for everyone’s palate. It is CONCEPT GROUPE FINANCIER hard to say where their corporate headquarters is because all their management seems to work and oncept Groupe Financier was swift to live wherever they want. Cpurchase property from struggling Type: Retailer homeowners after a district fire and subsequent Size: Multinational economic downturn saw many homeowners Influence: D4 losing their homes to foreclosure. After some Dirty Secrets: Nortec Industries seems to be bulldozing and rezoning, new construction paying a lot of attention lately to Daisey’s Pizza, is opened on an extremely lucrative new an acquisition in the works? commercial center. Concept is headquartered out of Quebec City and has offices throughout the province of Quebec.

25 45% of the Tendril Access Processor market, and FABOULOUS! EVENINGWEAR given the recent events in North America, there is speculation that newer, “American” companies are ABULOUS! Eveningwear designs, going to flourish under the Restored United States Fmanufactures, and markets their entire line government. The current Chief Executive Officer of eye-catching dresses and are projected to be the of the corporation is Cam Thi Tuyet, a charismatic, trend setters for years to come. Headquartered in yet fiercely competitive woman hailing from Saigon. Hong Kong, the company was family owned for Cam currently heads up the London headquarters hundreds of years before they rebranded and went of Featherstone Industries, though she has recently public in 2094. Since then they have been taking petitioned the current board of investors to the industry by storm. If you are not wearing a construct a more modernized facility in Vietnam, FABULOUS! dress, you might as well be naked. where the government is notoriously lax when it Type: Fashion comes to regulating cybernetics development. Size: Local Type: Tech Company Influence: D6 Size: Interplanetary Dirty Secrets: While their executives are well Influence: D12 paid, they use the cheapest of sweatshops to Dirty Secrets: Since she became CEO of manufacture their products. Featherstone Industries, Cam Thi Tuyet has been heading up a top-secret program to look into FEATHERSTONE INDUSTRIES ways the Tendril Access Processor can be used to interface with non-human subjects such as dogs, he makers of the Tendril Access Processor, cats, birds, and even wasps and other insects. The TFeatherstone Industries literally changed goal is to eventually control the subjects and use the way people view the world around them. An them in clandestine operations. High-level meetings estimated 99.9% of the people in the solar system with certain governments including the Restored have TAPs implanted in their heads, and up to United States and Mandarinate China have been 2089 well over 60% of those devices were built by fruitful. Featherstone Industries. While other corporations produce and market GOLD COIN INNOVATIONS

Y their own version of the TAP, none have come close

IT to the market share of this tech giant—at least old Coin Innovations, the developers of the before the Flare. In the wake of the Solar Flare back Glegendary guts and gore saga Wasteland

R C in 2089, Featherstone Industries faced enormous Warriors are set to release the second installment, backlash from world governments and watchdog Wasteland Warriors Take the City, promising groups like Stopwatch, all of whom blamed the better uptime, and a refresh rate 10% higher corporation for not updating their product’s than anything else on the market. They recently Intrusion Defense Systems. The gross negligence broke ground on a 220-story building in Manila

NG YOU NG of the corporation indirectly contributed to the that is expected to house all of their employees

DI madness which claimed the lives of millions of including the top four penthouse floors for its L

I people. Stocks plunged as a firestorm of lawsuits executive team. nearly bankrupted the company. Executives and Type: Tech employees in nearly every division lost their jobs, Size: Local : BU

E including Indira Featherstone, the CEO of the Influence: D8 company. For the first time since its creation, a Dirty Secrets: While they are well known as member of the Featherstone family did not run game developers, they have a virtually unknown the company. contract with Japan for some super-secret military In the intervening years, Featherstone Industries application called Project Oni. ON TER has managed to regain a measure of consumer confidence it lost after The Flare, but it’s been a rocky road. The corporation now controls just under CHAP


Size: Regional GREYMATTER EVOLUTION Influence: D4 Dirty Secrets: They have been investigated and reyMatter Evolution produces the much fined numerous times for selling food that does Gsought after NeuroGen X Alzheimer’s not meet any kind of reasonable food quality treatment that is reputed to cure Alzheimer’s standards but who can turn down a Choco-Cherry in most patients in under a year. They specialize Blast-O Pop for a mere 2 cryptos or an any size in treatments for brain conditions. They are NukaFizz smoothie for 1 Crypto any week night headquartered in Bern Switzerland and have after 4 PM. subsidiary laboratories all over the world. Type: Biotech HAPPY TIME FOODS Size: Multinational Influence: D10 appy Tyme Foods is best known for Blast-O Dirty Secrets: They have been accused numerous HPops, a popular snack food known for times of doing unethical experimentation but the outrageous fruit flavor and a tingling sensation. cases against them have never come to fruition. They are, however, actually, one of the leading producers of pre-packaged foods in North America. GRUB-N-GO CONVENIENCES Their national headquarters is Saint Louis. Type: Retailer he mid-West’s most popular convenience Size: National Tstore chain. An urban favorite, they seem to Influence: D6 have a store on the corner of every block selling Dirty Secrets: Rumor has it that their heir a broad range of quick and easy food, drinks, and apparent, Kyle Philips III, has no interest in running daily essentials as well as an eccentric collection of the company after his father sets down the reigns, various gadgets, bric-a-brac and must-haves. preferring to continue his hedonistic care-free life. Type: Retailer


oney Hill Farms is the jewel in North ased in Tokyo, Japan, Kenta Cyberdynamics HAmerica’s breadbasket. They holistically Bis owned and run by Oshi Shinre and Masuki produce wholesome real food from countless Furakawa. The two are world-renowned for their acres of farms, pastures, and orchards in the heart work in cybertech and neural ware. Though of the North American Coalition. Featherstone Industries created the Tendril Type: Agricultural Access Processor, Oshi and Masuki perfected it. Size: Regional Their success has been hard-won, however. Kenta Influence: D4 Cyberdynamics has made many enemies during Dirty Secrets: Popular conspiracy pod-caster, their rise to the top, not the least of which are Remy Morton, has uploaded countless hours of the Triads—sworn enemies of the Yakuza, who footage in his ongoing crusade against Honey are rumored to hold heavy influence over the Hill Farms depicting numerous vat food facilities corporation. hidden within the Honey Hill empire. Type: Tech Company Size: Multinational IN-YOUR-FACE NEWS Influence: D10 Dirty Secrets: While it is no secret that Kenta n-Your-Face News is a Chicago based news Cyberdynamics has ties to the yakuza, what is Ienterprise that started with one guy and a not known is that Masuki Furakawa is deeply camera that has grown to control nearly 5% of disturbed by the crime ring’s growing influence in the national market share of daily broadcast news the corporation. Indeed, Masuki has taken it upon Type: Media himself to employ Triad hit squads to remove key Size: National members from the ranks of the corporation. He Influence: D8 hopes these assassinations will spark a larger war Dirty Secrets: Word on the street is that if between the two crime rings and give him an In-Your-Your face can’t find anything to report, opportunity to cut ties with the yakuza. they make it happen. Ties between the media

Y company and known gangs have been reported MORRISON STEEL

IT by numerous competing companies. orrison Steel produces an exceedingly small

R C JUPITER PRODUCTIONS Mvariety of motorcycles in their plant is Seattle and are renowned by riders everywhere upiter Productions is arguably the most for having some of the highest quality bikes Jsuccessful entertainment company of in the industry. Morrison Steel is one of the the 2090s and by the look of things their best founding companies of Seattle having poured its

NG YOU NG times are yet to come. While the majority of foundation in 1873. And while it has come a long

DI their production is shot on the soundstages in way from its roots manufacturing ship building L

I California, their home offices are in Buenos Aires. parts, Garret Ambrose, a member of the original Type: Entertainment family still sits at the helm of the company. Size: Multinational Type: Manufacturer : BU

E Influence: D10 Size: Local Dirty Secrets: While everything looks good on Influence: D6 the surface, there is a lot of political maneuvering Dirty Secrets: The company was on its last legs going on in the background of the company due throughout the first half of the 21st century but to the current executive team locking their artists it had sudden influx of cash from the husband of ON TER into extremely unforgiving contracts that allows Allison Jasmine Bree, one of the family members no freedoms whatsoever. that saved it from solvency. Word is the invested money was anything but honest and legal. CHAP


proprietary genomes. These custom genomes NORTEC INDUSTRIES are the tech that made CHIMERA the leader in bioforming for decades, and Nortec Industries f a similar perspective as CHIMERA, Nortec wants them bad. Olikes to frame itself as a corporation full of scientific visionaries, striving to build a better NOVAHOT MUSIC GROUP world. Especially since sims have been shown to manifest zeek abilities, Nortec has gone to greater ovaHot Music Group is the power behind lengths to identify itself as pro-zeek, even going Nthe throne for Seventh Deadly Sin, a chart- out of their way to donate funds to several of the topping thrash metal group but NovaHot activist groups I mentioned earlier. One primary basically has no other contracts. Housed in way they use zeeks is to scan the minds of newly Seattle, they have managed to pay their bills and vat-born sims to make sure everything’s aligned they have made a few forays into other acts but in the brainwave department before selling off none of them have panned out. the new “product.” Type: Entertainment Type: Biotech Size: Local Size: Interplanetary Influence: D4 Influence: D10 Dirty Secrets: Due to a technical loophole Dirty Secrets: Nortec industries is pro-zeek, but that NovaHot has overlooked, Seventh Deadly not quite in the way most people think. They have Sin has already made verbal agreements with invested billions of cryptodollars into research another label this will leave NovaHot in a bad towards the creation of what they call “inborne”; situation since they have invested everything into sims “born” with psychic powers. To help further advertising for the next tour. their research, they have been secretly dealing with Biosolutions. As a subsidiary of CHIMERA, Biosolutions has access to the corporation’s

29 Size: International OMNICREDIT FINANCIAL INC Influence: D12 Dirty Secrets: Due to their monopoly on mniCredit Financial Inc. is an industry leader interplanetary communication, they operate Oin individual credit lending. They promise with near impunity. Any planet, station, or that they can provide loans to over 95% of all organization that challenges them faces a freeze individuals seeking credit and that typically in communications. loans can be generated and the Cryptodollars in a person’s account in ten minutes or less. PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT OmniCredit has no physical branches and operates exclusively through The Deep. ounded by Shane Hensley in 1994, Pinnacle Type: Investment Group FEntertainment just celebrated its centennial Size: Multinational anniversary. A giant in the entertainment Influence: D6 industry, Pinnacle Entertainment produces many Dirty Secrets: OmniCredit uses a unique of the solar system’s largest Virtual Massively algorithm to create loans based on risk and, while Multi-Player Online Worlds (VRMMOWs) their reports show that they offer loans that are including Necessary Evil, Weird Wars, East Texas within the range of typical banking practice, University (ETU), Rippers, 50 Fathoms, and the there loans are always at least 5% and sometimes wildly popular Deadlands Universe. as much as 700% higher than national averages. Type: Entertainment Size: Interplanetary OTL INNOVATIONS Influence: D12 Dirty Secrets: Strangely, Shane Hensley TL Innovations is the primary looks exactly the same as he did 90 years ago. Ocorporation that manages the If characters do some digging, they’ll find Mr. satellite communications network Hensley is the same person. Some say he’s between Earth and the other uploaded his mind to a heavily encrypted planets. Headquartered server. Every ten years, Shane downloads in Golden City on Mars, his mind into a custom-made bioroid. The

Y they have over 80,000 process effectively makes him

IT employees throughout immortal. the solar system.


30 E E XAMPL their skills offensively, as well as hold interrogator QUARK TECH roles for “fact-finding” missions. Type: Manufacturer, Military Contractor, Private uark Tech produces the Core Graphics Security QProcessor that is in 37% of TAPs Size: Interplanetary CO R manufactured in the last three years. Influence: D10 Development is in the works for a new chip Dirty Secrets: Ravenlocke is rumored to have that is purported to outperform every other zeek black ops teams, since many of their squads R PO processor for TAPs currently on the market. They tend to survive against seemingly impossible odds.

are headquartered in Prague and own dozens of A subsidiaries worldwide through shell companies, REAPER ARMS TECHNOLOGIES TI ON most of which, even the locals do not know are associated with Quark Tech. eaper Arms Technologies is a privately Type: Tech Rowned weapons manufacturer, out of Seattle S Size: Multinational WA. Relatively new to the market, they have Influence: D10 focused on innovating personal arms and armor. Dirty Secrets: They have been linked to Their CEO, Donovan Harrison, is an enigma who numerous dark web hacking groups that are actively avoids publicity, but his wife and heiress reputed to be on the payroll to protect their to Morrison Steel, Allison is quite the renowned trade secrets from being stolen. Oddly, no socialite. employee that has strategic level knowledge of Rather than courting the military as many their technology has ever left the company. of their competitors do, Reaper Technologies markets to the private sector. An unusual, yet RAPID FIRE SECURITY mostly successful venture for them, as they have drawn praise from many firearm enthusiasts, apid Fire Security sells its services as a twenty- but have yet to earn the respect or status of Rman mercenary unit to many of the world’s their peers. armies. This corporation, operating out of New Type: Manufacturer Orleans, is staffed by a total of thirty-five people, Size: Regional 20 of which are boots-on-the-ground combatants. Influence: D4 They are led by retired General Steven Watkins Dirty Secrets: Their CEO, Donovan Harrison, of NAC military renown and have seen action in was a renowned mercenary who made his money over 30 countries worldwide. doing illegal work for hire. Type: Military Contractor Size: Local SHIPRITE! BOXES Influence: D4 Dirty Secrets: Rapid Fire has been cited for war hipRITE! Boxes produces over 500 products crimes in several of its engagements but nothing, Scentered around storage and shipment of so far, has cost them their contract. other products and while nearly everyone on the planet and even off planet has probably handled RAVENLOCKE SECURITY numerous of their boxes, they have likely never heard of them. ShipRITE! Boxes is headquartered his military-focused corp has major bases in Milwaukee Wisconsin and does its entire Tthroughout the world, offering highly trained operation out of a 250,000-square foot factory. guards and specialized weaponry to anyone with Type: Manufacturer the credits to hire them. When you’re a corp Size: Local this big, trying to conquer such a wide variety of Influence: D4 industries, you can’t really be picky about who Dirty Secrets: Numerous environmental you hire. Plus, zeeks can easily be trained to use groups have reported that ShipRITE! dumps excess amounts of waste into Lake Michigan,

31 but they have never been officially cited by any Type: Transportation government agencies. Are the environmental Size: Local groups exaggerating or does ShipRITE!’s deep Influence: D6 pockets reach all the way to the Governor’s office? Dirty Secrets: Windy City Cabs doesn’t look too closely at their employee’s backgrounds STARR MART and have been cited several times for employing undocumented drivers and ex-cons. tarr Mart purchases bulk discontinued goods Sfrom other companies and leases them ORGANIZATION TRAPPINGS to the public for virtually nothing down and nearly nothing a month for a several year term. he following trappings are used to describe Headquartered in Atlanta, their successful sales Tvarious organizations in 2095. These types of strategy has allowed them to expand to over 50 groups typically have their own agendas which stores throughout the NAC and GLU. can—and often do—run counter to those of Type: Retailer other organizations. These types of organizations Size: Multinational might be affiliated with a corporation, a national Influence: D6 government, or even secret organizations who Dirty Secrets: They are remarkably adept at cater to the needs of the shadow community negotiating lucrative development projects around the world. for their new stores. Word is they know which politicians are amenable to “campaign ACTIVIST GROUPS contributions”. ctivist groups are formed to raise awareness TRANS-LANE SHIPPING Aof an issue of some sort. Common issues include environmental activism, human rights, f you have been inconvenienced by the freedom of speech, gun rights, etc. Whatever the Iseemingly countless road trains rolling across cause, the activist group is highly motivated to the NAC, you may well have seen Trans-Lane make sure their agenda succeeds. While most shipping at work. Trans-Lane Shipping has been activist groups resolve themselves to act within

Y transporting goods since way back in the 20th the bounds of the law, more than a few hold no

IT century, founded in Indianapolis Indiana in 1979. compunctions with resorting to illegal actions to Type: Transportation further their goals.

R C Size: Regional Size: Any: Activist groups run the range Influence: D4 from grass roots organizations in your local Dirty Secrets: They have been running on neighborhood to multi-planetary organizations. borrowed money and borrowed time for many Influence: Varies based on the size of the years and it is only a matter of time before the organization, but generally d6-d10. Activist

NG YOU NG owners are going to have to file for bankruptcy or groups can be very persuasive under the right

DI have a massive downsize to stay afloat. circumstances. L

I Resources: There is no specific resources entry WINDY CITY CABS for Activist Groups. Generally, Activist Groups rely on effective communication to get their : BU

E indy City Cabs is one of the last taxi message out, as well as the ability to respond Wcompanies around that still uses real people quickly to developing situations (A political behind the wheel with less than 25% of their rally, an earthquake, news of police brutality, taxis being automated. Windy City drivers are etc.). Activist groups also build their influence known to be more willing to take a fare to or by generating contacts all across the world (and ON TER from the more dangerous neighborhoods and beyond). The individuals they contact are often in questionable locations in Chicagoland than other positions of power, or generally have access to the cab companies, when offered a good enough tip. information the activist group needs. Characters CHAP

32 O R

involved with an activist group gain a +1 bonus Size: Multinational GAN to Research rolls to gather information related to Influence: d10 the issues the group are concerned with. I DECLASSIFIED ZA SAMPLE ACTIVIST GROUPS ON TR TI ON eclassified are a hacker group notorious he following groups are just a sampling of Dfor hacks against myriad governments and Tthe possible groups you can create. Also, megacorporations across the solar system. They real-world activist groups are not off-limits, either. consistently post datadumps in the TAPstream

Change.Org, People for the Ethical Treatment exposing all manner of dirty secrets ranging from APP of Animals (PETA) and especially Greenpeace corporate sponsored human rights violations certainly have a place in 2095. to government black ops. Recently, Declassified I exposed the National Identification Centers in the NG BAN THE BARCODE Restored United States’ practice of disappearing hybrids and zeeks who sought naturalization into S he group calling itself Ban the Barcode is an the newly reformed nation. Tactivist group demanding equal rights for Size: Interplanetary all simulacra across North America. While they Influence: d12 are generally peaceful and focused on lobbying the newly reformed Restored United States NOAH congress, there have been reported incidents of outbreaks of violence at protests in simulacra nfamous for unleashing GLUTTON on the production facilities outside Denver, Colorado Iworld in 2028, the group known as NOAH and Mobile, Alabama. The outspoken leader of have risen again in recent years in response to the group, Samuel Styre is a simulacrum who the continued pollution of the world. While managed to escape from a labor camp in New severely diminished in numbers, NOAH has Los Angeles and make his way to Chicago, where a large number of activists around the globe he formally requested asylum. Ban the Barcode is who commit to acts of eco-terrorism targeted based in the free city of Chicago where they have at megacorporations such as Central Belarusian strong support among the growing simulacrum Steel, AgroFac Industrial Solutions, and United population. Petroleum, a multinational consortium of oil and Size: Regional (North America) natural gas magnates. Influence: d10 in Chicago, d6 in The Size: Multinational Restored US. Currently, Ban the Barcode has no Influence: d10 representation in the Republic of Texas, and are relatively unknown outside North America. THE INSTITUTE FOR HYBRID RIGHTS

CRYPTOKON he Institute for Hybrid Rights has been Taround since the early 2060’s in response to he hacker group known as Cryptokon stylize acts of violence against genetic hybrids. While Tthemselves as “ethical hackers;” individuals generally a peaceful organization, the IFHR have who strive to improve cybersecurity in all facets of found themselves forced to defend themselves society, be it corporate security or strengthening against aggression from radical extremist groups, the IDS protocols of the Tendril Access Processor. particularly Skin Deep. During the 2070’s and The group formed in the wake of the Charon event much of the 2080’s instances of violence had and the resultant destabilization of Europe. While been on the decline, but after 2090, hybrids have Cryptokon doesn’t advertise their headquarters, found themselves increasingly persecuted against many believe the group is based in Sweden. The across the world, especially in the Restored face of the group is a 20-something woman who United States, where the government actively calls herself TraceRoute. monitors the hybrid population. The current

33 leader of the Institute For Hybrid Rights is Parker CRIME SYNDICATES AND Lewis, a fox hybrid hailing from the Republic RESOURCES of Texas. Parker found her calling as an activist after she experienced a brutal attack on a Dallas Generally speaking, all organized crime community center regularly attended by at-risk rings tend to have access to the same items hybrid teens. (Chemtech, Cybertech, weapons, etc.) or Fifteen people (all hybrids) were killed when services (Prostitution, gambling, smug- members of Anglo-American Resistance Militia gling, etc.), though some might specialize (AARM) set off a bomb in the gym. After that, in certain areas, while others can have a Parker briefly engaged in vigilante attacks against monopoly on a particular item or service. the extremist group until a member of the IFHR As such, there are no notes for resources saved her life. She joined the group shortly after, one might obtain though a given crime and quickly rose through the ranks, becoming syndicate. the leader of the group after the previous leader, Jonah Grey was murdered by AARM. The Institute’s membership and influence has grown under Parker’s leadership, but many members Influence: Generally, d12 in the organized secretly worry she is starting to lean more towards crime ring’s area of influence, d8 in other parts violence as a response to racist aggression rather of the sprawl, though other factors can influence than peaceful protest. this rating. Size: Regional Influence: d8 SAMPLE CRIME SYNDICATES

CRIME SYNDICATES ne thing is true in 2095 when it comes to Oorganized crime—the more things change, orruption is commonplace in 2095, often the more they stay the same. Virtually every Creaching to the highest levels of city criminal organization operating in the present day government, and the various crime syndicates can be found in 2095. We’ll go over the obvious are behind all of it .While megacorporations ones here so you can get some information about

Y are known for their dominance and influence the major players in the underbelly of society,

IT in most aspects of life in 2095, the myriad crime specifically in the city of Chicago—the default rings across the solar system are also powers city for the setting.

R C unto themselves, lords of the seedy underbelly of Note: The information on the crime rings in this the sprawl, and their authority is absolute in the section should be considered an update to the territory they control. All cities have a number material presented in the Player’s Guide to 2095. of criminal organizations vying for dominance, even going to war with each other when tenuous THE BLACK ROSE SYNDICATE

NG YOU NG alliances fail.

DI Size: Generally Multinational or Interplanetary. ome think the Black Rose Syndicate are just L I Colonization of the solar system not only opens Sa heavily organized gang, but nothing could new opportunities for commerce and exploration, be further from the truth. Indeed, that’s likely but it also provides fertile ground for organized what they want you to think. The reality is the : BU

E crime to take root. Life is hard in the colonies, Black Rose Syndicate is a widespread organization and people often look for any diversion they that caters to the shadow community, providing can find to ease the tension of life in such hostile contracts, access to specialized equipment and environments. Mars, for example has elements safe haven in times of need. The organization of the Triads working to provide colonists with has bases of operation in every major city on the ON TER access to drugs, water, and even extra air in planet and likely on other colonies throughout exchange for favors or cryptos. the solar system. CHAP


The Black Rose Syndicate accepts contracts from importance. Revealing any information about the anyone (known as a contractor) who can pay for Black Rose Syndicate to non-members results in their services. The contractor pays a price which an open bounty on the traitor’s head. is known only to the Syndicate’s leadership. Those Size: Multinational contracts are then listed on a highly secure TOR Influence: d12 (The Onion Router) network where potential operatives can silently bid on them; the person THE BRATVA VORY or team who submits the lowest bid gets the contract, and the Black Rose Syndicate takes the n the chaotic five years since 2090, the difference between what the contractor paid IBrotherhood have expanded their territory and the operator(s) bid. To keep things honest, in Chicago, but not without undergoing changes contracts are rated by roses, one being the of their own. The former Pakhan (boss) of the lowest price range and generally worth 50,000 Bratva-Vory—Oleksy Kovalik—was brutally and 200,000 cryptodollars, five being extremely murdered by Shestyorka (soldiers) loyal to Artur lucrative with potential payouts in the six to Solokoff, the ranking Brigadier (Avtoritet in seven figure range. This gives bidders a general Russian) of the Chicago faction. As Pakhan, Artur idea of what range the bidding will start at. has managed to all but wipe out the Cartoli crime The Black Rose Syndicate is an exclusive family’s presence in Little Italy. The expansion organization. They don’t accept just anyone of their territory is of great concern to the 14k who applies for membership. Applicants must Syndicate. have a solid reputation (at least d10 street cred) The current Dragon Head—a man known only and exceptional bonafides. Moreover, once the as The Banker—has recently gone underground, applicant is accepted, they must adhere to a strict leaving Li Xiao to handle his affairs. Many believe code governing their behavior when dealing with the Dragon Head is close to death and expect other members, especially when on Syndicate- Li to take his place. The Brotherhood currently owned property. Secrecy is also of paramount control the Ukrainian Village, Little Italy and are

35 beginning to move into Burbank. Geography The Bratva Vory, however; they’ve aggressively aside, the Bratva-Vory has soldiers throughout cut into the Cartoli crime family’s territory, using Chicago who operate in cells—usually in night the Black Rose Syndicate to hit their capos and clubs and shopping centers in various LIVEfacs soldiers. At least one consigliere—Bruno “Fat (Living Facilities) on the South Side. Boy” Garboni—was killed at a mob-owned night Size: Multinational, though it is rumored the club in Little Italy. Johnny Cartoli, the boss of the Brotherhood is establishing operations on Ceres. Cartoli family, has vowed revenge, but in truth Influence: d12 in Chicago and Much of Eastern their numbers are dwindling. It’s rumored that Europe, d8 elsewhere. Johnny is looking for outside help to beat back the Black Rose Syndicate and is willing to pay THE MAFIA handsomely. Johnny has also reached out to the Valentini family in Las Vegas in hopes of obtaining he mafia has operated in the Second City for their assistance. Tas long as it has existed. Frank “The Enforcer” Size: Regional (The Cartoli Family) in Chicago. Nitti, Jack “Machine Gun” McGurn, Lester Joseph Elsewhere in the world, the Mafia should be “Baby Face” Nelson, John Dillinger and of course, considered Multinational. They haven’t spread Al Capone rose to fame and notoriety in Chicago. out into the solar system as of yet. The early part of the 21st century saw a steep Influence: d12 in Little Italy, d8 in the rest of decline in mob presence, partly because of the Chicago (The Cartoli Family), D12 in Italy, and efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation d10 in other parts of Europe. (FBI), but in truth the rise of street gangs such as the Black Disciples, Latin Kings and the ever- THE 14K SYNDICATE growing presence of MS-13 contributed more to the mafia’s weakened state in the city. This state ometimes called “Black Societies,” the of affairs would continue to get worse until The STriads are a Chinese crime ring with secret Death happened. societies throughout the solar system. They While ultimately as ruthless and brutal as are often decentralized with each organization any gang, the mafia has always presented itself acting independently from other Triads. Unlike as a family. Once under the umbrella of their other organized crime rings, the Triads have a

Y protection, a person could feel safe, so long somewhat esoteric ethos; they require, initiation

IT as they paid the price for the mafia’s shield. rituals (blood sacrifice) and the 36 Oaths—codes Businesses could flourish, especially “mom and of conduct all triad must obey upon penalty of

R C pop” stores. There were always downsides of death. With the emergence of the psion, many course, but during the chaotic years of The Triads across the world have been actively Death and the Second Civil War, people gladly recruiting zeeks with Chinese ancestry into traded financial stability for security in the face of their ranks. Asian-themed hybridization has rampant gang violence and a general lack of law also become popular with many soldiers getting

NG YOU NG enforcement. In many ways, the crime families of reptilian-themed cosmetic modifications, though

DI Chicago helped save the city in those days. some have taken this to extremes, shaping their L

I The crime families of the city grew in the bodies to look closer to dragons. intervening years between the 2050’s and 2090’s Originally based in Hong Kong, the 14k but as Chicago became a city-state unto its own, Syndicate originally established operations in : BU

E many people from other parts of the old US came San Francisco and Los Angeles during the late seeking freedom from oppression in nations such 1800’s when Chinese migration to work on the as the North American Coalition. The city grew, railroads was at its peak. After the destruction of and so did the number of criminal organizations, much of California’s infrastructure in 2051, the all of whom looked to the mafia’s territory with 14k Syndicate moved to Chicago, where they have ON TER greedy eyes. The Triads carved out their pieces been ever since. With The Dragon Head in hiding, of the city, but largely stayed content within the it has fallen on Li Xiao to lead the 14k Syndicate bounds of the territory they held. Triad to war with the Bratva Vory. CHAP

36 O R

Size: Interplanetary: The Triad has established EXAMPLE EXTREMIST GROUPS GAN societies as far out as Mars. Influence: d12 in China Town and throughout he following two extremist groups are active I Asia and Australia, d8 elsewhere. Tin North America in 2095, though many, ZA many others exist around the globe. ON TR TI ON EXTREMIST GROUPS ANGLO AMERICAN RESISTANCE MILITIA xtremist groups have one thing in common; Ethey dedicate their lives to hate. Whether ommonly known as “AARM”, the Anglo- it is the color of someone’s skin, religion, sexual CAmerican Resistance Movement formed APP preference, gender identity, nationality or any in the aftermath of the War of Reclamation in other number of things, extremist groups exist response to the integration of Atlantica, Cascadia I to cause misery to their chosen prey...even to and the United Combine back into the Restored NG the point of killing themselves if it ensures the U.S. They claim decades of separation from hated enemy dies too. In 2095, there are many the North American Coalition (Who they see S extremist groups across the world and even as the “true” United States) has resulted in the across the expanse of the solar system. Perhaps dilution of the Anglo-American bloodline. The not surprisingly, many of the groups which group has launched a number of bloody attacks existed in the early part of the 21st century are against National Identification Centers set up still around. by the Restored United States government. Most people were optimistic that society would Strangely, these attacks have actually united breed hate out of the gene pool, but that didn’t both the Restored United States government happen. Many groups actually grew in numbers, and activist groups in the sense that they both especially during The Death when chaos swept vehemently oppose AARM. James Jones is the the planet. Hybridization technology only made vocal leader of AARM, pumping his racist agenda things worse, especially in the Southern United throughout the Global DataNet from an as-of-yet States and Eastern European nations where white unknown location. supremist movements are once again on the rise. Size: Regional Psions in particular are targeted in large numbers. Influence: d8 Middle Eastern nations persecute zeeks daily, and in the Restored United States, they are forced to SKIN DEEP register with the government or go underground for fear of arrest, or worse. ot all extremist groups you’ll find in 2095 are Size: Interplanetary. The Global DataNet has made Nanti-hybrid or zeek. Some consist of those it easy for extremist groups to spread their agendas who have grown tired of being discriminated anywhere and everywhere. Some groups are even against and have decided to rise up. Skin Deep backed by national governments either openly or is one of those groups. Skin Deep have been secretly—sometimes both. involved in a number of high-profile attacks Influence: d8 There are far more people who hate against humans and human 2.0 in various cities these groups than there are those who believe in across the Restored United States, especially their cause. in Atlanta, St. Louis, Denver and most recently Resources: We leave specific types of resources Sal Lake City, where religious intolerance is at blank in this section. The stock and trade of extremist an all-time high when it comes to zeeks and groups isn’t always about the control of a resource, hybrids. Many consider Skin Deep to be nothing like Chemtech, or a service, like prostitution; more than a large gang, but the group’s attacks extremist groups are more focused on executing have a level of sophistication that generally their agenda. It’s true that some will likely engage don’t happen without considerable backing in criminal activities to finance their operations, and from outside sources. The group has access to you are free to decide how they do that. military grade equipment including weapons, drones and explosives, and the hacks they’ve

37 pulled off against Restored United States GANGS AND LOYALTY government installations clearly indicate the group has operatives working in municipal and Loyalty to the gang is everything. If there federal buildings across the country. As of yet, is anything close to a law governing gangs, no individual has been identified as the leader of it is the idea that you don’t betray a fellow the group. gang member. As a general rule, all gang Size: Unknown members should have the Vow (Major) Hin- Influence: d8 and growing drance. If you are running a game where the players are members of a gang, it’s perfectly GANGS reasonable to require characters to take the Vow (Major) Hindrance. If you do this, it angs have always been a plague on civilized would be a good idea to offset this penalty Gsociety, but in 2095 there are gangs with perhaps an extra starting Edge. everywhere. Even the most heavily protected sectors in a given city have a gang presence. Gangs have their own code of honor all members must adhere to if they want to stay in the gang. That for the death of Nona Dowell’s—the leader of the said, these codes are often open to interpretation, AAOD—sister. El Muerto 13 is still strong enough to and many poseur gangs tend to ignore them. One challenge Nona Dowell and her crew, though rumors thing is inviolate, though, and that is respect. The have spread throughout the streets that Nona is in quickest way to get on the bad side of a gang is to danger of losing her head after she was spotted with somehow disrespect them, an act that can be as Jesús Salazar and his crew at Sonora Blue, a night simple as being in the wrong place at the wrong club in Little Cuba. Her avenging angels (war bosses) time, saying the wrong phrase, or any number of want to know why she’s been hanging out with the other of miscues of etiquette. leader of the Mexican Mafia. Some believe Nona and Not all gangs are bloodthirsty, however. Some Jesús are getting tight, while others think it’s a play to form to protect the people in their neighborhood wipe out El Muerto 13, but nobody knows for sure, and don’t look to go to war with other gangs and if they do, they aren’t saying. or expand their territory. They may or may not The Angels of Death still control the smuggling

Y engage in criminal activities, but don’t hesitate game through the 1-88 Hampshire Port of Entry,

IT to throw down if they feel the need to protect though the Reclamation War and subsequent siege their turf. of Chicago has made it much more difficult to get

R C Size: Local contraband in and out of the city. Restored United Influence: Generally, d10 in their territory; d8 States forces have cracked down hard on the shanty in other parts of the sprawl, though other factors towns all across the wall, destroying many of the can modify this stat. tunnels running into the city, and many in the Angels of Death want Nona to send soldiers under the wall

NG YOU NG EXAMPLE GANGS to reassert their control over the shanty towns.

DI Thus far, the archangel of the gang hasn’t given the L

I he following Chicago gangs are the most order; a hesitation that has only hurt her rapidly Tnotorius, though many more are active. deteriorating street cred with the gang. Size: Local. The Angels of Death have upwards of : BU

E AURORA ANGELS OF DEATH 9,000 members, and their numbers are only growing with each piece of territory they take. ne of the largest gangs in Chicago, the Aurora Influence: d10 in the Aurora Barrens, Naperville, OAngels of Death are undisputed lords of the and parts of Vertigo City; d8 in other parts of the ghetto known as the Aurora Barrens. In the last five sprawl. ON TER years the gang has only grown in size, expanding their territory into Naperville and Vertigo City, where they have all but wiped out Damage INC. as payback CHAP

38 O R

BURNERS in power in the United States after The Death, GAN when borders closed and the administrators of the he Burners are another gang that has increased FEMA districts started treating even the smallest I Ttheir numbers in the past few years, even instances of lawlessness as capital crimes. Cities ZA going so far as to extend their territory outside of across the fractured country were little more than ON TR TI ON the Arlington Heights Rad Zone and into areas of war zones during those days, but the largely brutal Carpentersville and Coffin City. The moves have tactics of the administrators worked. Gangs like been prompted by growing rates of cancer and MS13, the Mexican Mafia and others were forced other radiation-related diseases, and a sudden rise underground…but they didn’t dissolve entirely.

in mutated creatures. The leader of the Burners— After the Second Civil War ended, Ms13 rebranded APP Megaton—believes that someone is using the zone themselves as El Muerto13 and began to slowly build as a testing ground for new, rad-resistant biohorrors. their numbers in many cities in The North American I The creatures attack his family night and day, and Coalition, the Southwest Dead Zone, The Republic NG fears if he doesn’t get as many people living in of Texas, and Cascadia; but they primarily took up Arlington Heights out soon, nobody will be left. roots in Chicago. Then, the walled city boasted a S Size: Local. Roughly 1,000 members are affiliated population of close to ten million people, many of with the gang. whom were refugees from the war-torn old U.S. The Influence: d10 in the Rad Zone gang saw an opportunity to capitalize on the chaos by establishing smuggling routes along the southern DAMAGE INC. wall, specifically in the Cresthill Immigration Zone, which was closest to Little Cuba, the gang’s base of amage INC. was one of the largest gangs in operations. From there, they were able to grow their DChicago, but they have come under attack by influence and power by smuggling in all manner of the Aurora Angels of Death, a war which has seen illicit materials; guns, drugs, people...You name it, over half their number die or leave the gang. The they could get it. war started a few years back when one of the gang’s By 2090, El Muerto13 had risen to notoriety, war chiefs—Sonny Screamer—and his set, drunk becoming one of the three largest gangs in the and high, decided to hit an Angels of Death party Chicago sprawl. The next five years would see them at the War Horse, a popular AAOD bar on the edge change leadership, with Jesús Salazar coming to of Damage INC’s. territory, but still inside real estate power after Baron de Huesos mysteriously died in a controlled by the AAOD. Turns out, the Angels fire. With Jesús in power, El Muerto13 has moved to were celebrating the marriage of Nona Dowell’s expand its territory into Oak Forest, bringing them sister—Shayna Dowell—and Danny Diamondback, a into close proximity with one of the largest gang high-ranking avenging angel. Long story short; Sonny in Chicago—the South Side Stormtroopers. Jesús shot Nona’s sister in the face, killing her instantly. Salazar has no compunctions about going to war Shortly after, Sonny disappeared and hasn’t been with the Stormtroopers. Interestingly, it’s rumored on seen on the streets in years. Damage INC currently the streets that he’s been open to a possible alliance has no leadership, and most say it’s only a matter of with the Aurora Angels of Death. Recent sightings time before the gang is completely wiped out. with Nona Dowell have led to rampant speculation Size: Local. Damage INC has perhaps 200 members within the ranks of both the Angels of Death and El left. Muerto 13. Influence: d4; Currently they don’t control any Size: Regional. Nobody can be sure exactly how sizeable territory. many members of Muerto 13 exist in the Restored United States and the Republic of Texas, but it is EL MUERTO 13 estimated that around 8000 members operate in Chicago. ometimes confused with the Mexican Mafia, El Influence: d12 in Little Cuba and many other SMuerto 13 are an offshoot of MS13, a notorious parts of South Chicago. international gang that grew to notoriety during the early part of the century, but rapidly declined


newer gang, the Faceless Masses are a he Southside Stormtroopers are a gang A themepunk gang whose members have Tnotorious for their brutality and humanist/ undergone radical biosculpting to remove racist agenda. They are the largest gang in Chicago

Y nearly all of their facial features. They also wear with chapters all across the city. Their leader, a

IT business suits shaded in cobalt blue, black and Human 2.0 known only as the Commander, is grey, which is indicative of their structure. The wanted for hate crimes against hybrids, free

R C gang has been most active in the Central and simulacra, psions, and anyone who isn’t Caucasian. North Side of Chicago particularly in Glenview, Some claim the South Side Stormtroopers are Waukegan, the Gold Coast and The Loop, where secretly backed by elements within the Restored they are known for vicious attacks on corporate United States government. The gang claims the employees. The Faceless Masses have also been Gary Hell Zone and The Maze as their territory.

NG YOU NG tied to vandalism and outright assaults on the The SSD are vicious when it comes to defending

DI Malbrand Corporation arcology. Because of their their territory, and always seem to have access to L

I biosculpting, nobody has been able to identify military-grade weapons and equipment. While the leader, who is known as Pinstripe for the suit they haven’t actively expanded their turf since he always wears on pirated TAPstreams. 2090, recent clashes with El Muerto13 and smaller : BU

E Size: Local. It’s not certain how many Faceless gangs on the fringes of their zone of influence has are in Chicago, but some estimate the number at led some to believe a gang war is coming soon. 2000 members. Size: Local. The most current estimates claim Influence: d8 and growing throughout the the South Side Stormtroopers have upwards of North Side. 12,000 active members. ON TER Influence: d12 in the Maze and Gary Hell Zone; d8 elsewhere in Chicago. CHAP



he previous chapter gave you a wealth of forced to sell off assets, the size of the company Ttools you can use to build your city. In this is reduced. This is represented by the loss of chapter, we dig into some sub-systems you can Holdings Tokens. use to enhance various elements of your game. INFLUENCE CORPORATE WARFARE egacorps have their own distinct “Megacorporations are like any other animal driven Mmanagement styles and personalities that by hunger and excess. They're the big fish in the resonate throughout their culture. These extend pond. Cyberpunks, Wage Slaves and Blue Platers beyond the field of business in which they operate. are the little fish that get eaten along the way. But Instead, they provide a consistent philosophical not everybody's going to just sit there and take it. approach for their interactions with consumers That, mon ami, is where you come in.” and other organizations. Employee actions are generally consistent with these SO, YOU WANT TO TAKE mandates. After all, constant surveillance ON THE MAN dictates that those who break with them undergo retraining or dismissal. The truly disturbing aspect orporate warfare runs similarly to the Mass of this is when the people involved buy into the CBattles rules found in Savage Worlds, the hype and the company’s philosophy becomes a primary difference being that a corporate conflict type of doctrine and its spokesmen become quasi is protracted. Rather than taking on a corporation cult leaders. in a single session, this conflict will stretch out To represent a company’s influences, the Game over entire campaigns, with players changing Master will need to devise a Spokesman for sides more than once. the company. This NPC provides support rolls to the CEO. Stats for the Spokesman should FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS mirror the Corporation they work for, i.e. the Media Spokesman for Galaxy Entertainment he Game Master determines the type of might have a Performance skill at d10, while a Tbusiness, influence, size and resources. Spokesman Attorney at Act Of God Armaments Review the Corporate Trappings and consult could have the Intimidation or Persuasion skill the Corporate Holdings Chart to get an idea of at d8. No matter how the company Spokesman how big and scary you want your megalodon does it, they aid the CEO in his Battle rolls during to be. Once the business is set up, the Game the conflict. If other stats are needed for the Master needs to devise a CEO (Use the stats Corporate Spokesman/Support character, use ITS for Corporate Executive found in Interface Zero the stats for Corporate Executive. 3.0 but add the Battle skill at d8 or d10, Game Master's choice) BACKING OOLK SIZE AND RESOURCES hey’re just too big, you can’t take them on— Twithout help. A group of cyberpunks might

WO: T WO: he size of a corporation impacts many be able to take down a local business in a session Tthings: how many cryptodollars it is capable or two, but an interplanetary conglomerate is too of earning, how well known it is and the type of big. To really stick it to the man, the party needs influence the corporation can wield to achieve its a Backer, i.e. whoever contracts the fixer. The T TER goals. In mechanical terms, a corporation's size is Backer will be an NPC, perhaps a rival Executive represented by the number of Holdings Tokens it or Agent of some kind, but they follow the same has throughout the conflict. As the company is rules as the CEO. Choose an NPC that fits the CHAP

42 CO


Regional 10 A

National 15 TE WAR FA RE Multinational 20 Interplanetary 30 role of the Backer and give them a d8 or d10 in The success or failure of the previous mission the Battle skill (GM’s choice). The party has 5 grants the players’ side of the conflict +1 to +4 on tokens to themselves but depending on the size the Battle roll, depending on how well they did in of the Backer (employer), the Game Master may the previous mission. These Battle rolls continue grant 5,10 or 15 more tokens to be used in the throughout the campaign, with the CEO’s ongoing battle. Spirit rolls being the method of the company maintaining morale. THE FIX IS IN RESTRUCTURING Corporate war should last several game A sessions and make up the backbone of a orporations are designed to reduce the risk campaign. Corporate Wars are similar to Mass Cto investors. When the management of a Battles. The primary difference being that the corporation loses money, their positions are in party completes a mission and at the beginning jeopardy. One move in the corporate playbook of the next game session, the Game Master rolls is to replace a member of the team and hype for the Spokesman and CEO while one of the up the person taking their place. In game terms Players rolls for the Backer. when a corporation’s morale is broken, rather

43 than the company being routed, the GM can and, in some cases, permanently in countless restructure the company. This means the CEO locations across the globe. is replaced with another NPC. Doing so grants the Game Master a +2 to their Battle roll for that ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS turn. Game Masters can only Restructure once per 5 tokens. If morale breaks twice within a five- nvironmental effects are typically stationary token loss, the company falls victim to a hostile Eareas of some type of hazard. The takeover and a new company is set up in its place. effect typically dissipates and reoccurs at an unpredictable frequency. BEHIND THE SCENES ACID RAIN s tokens are gained or lost, the size and Ainfluence of both sides will change. The he term acid rain has evolved since it was Game Master is aware of the Backers goals and Toriginally coined in 1852. Initially it had may decide the conflict is over when some other merely been lower PH rain that over time caused goal is reached. If morale breaks on the side of a more rapid than usual deterioration of stone the backers, they might choose to cut and run, and concrete structures. Now, acid rain means, taking their bonus tokens with them. (the party get under cover before it melts your skin off. It has 5 tokens) may not actually be low PH (acid) it also could Alternatively, employers may even turn on the be high PH (base) or any variety of high chemical player characters to tie up loose ends or use them contaminant. as scapegoats. Effect: All characters affected must make If the player’s side runs out of tokens, the a Vigor roll every hour for a minor or every corporation knows who they are and can choose minute for a major Hazard. Failure results in to retaliate in a number of ways, legally or covertly. a Shaken (physical) and Distracted condition, Critical failure results in a Wound. Incapacitated ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS characters do not bleed out and suffer the AND WEATHER Ugly Hindrance as well as any injury. The Ugly Hindrance lasts for the same duration as the t the close of the 21st century, millennia of Injury; thus, it may clear up once the wounds are Apolluting the environment, global warming, recovered, or it could be permanent. destruction of forests, overpopulation and Example: Ninetoes Lou and his group are urbanization have wreaked havoc on the natural around Mount Rainier as it erupts. Though balance of the planet. Unprecedented weather they are well outside the area directly conditions as well as hazardous living conditions impacted by the heat and explosion, the have become the norm in most places on the day’s slow drizzle through the sulfur dioxide planet. Tornadoes of higher intensity than typical develops into acid rain. The GM rules that ITS occur seemingly at random in a much broader this is a major acid rain hazard and everyone portion of the world than was common in the in the group must make a Vigor Roll every 20th century, including the first ever F6 tornado, minute to resist the effects. OOLK previously thought to be impossible within Earth’s atmosphere that hit the Midwest in 2084. BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION Hurricanes of greater intensity than usual happen

WO: T WO: more often than usual. Rogue waves, volcanic Weaponized diseases, super viruses, airborne eruptions, earthquakes, as well as blizzards, gale bacteriological agents, as well as countless other winds, heavy rains and thunderstorms have all biological contaminants have managed to thrive increased in intensity as well as frequency at an in certain locations, occasionally migrating short T TER alarming rate throughout the 21st century. Man- distances and spreading. made hazards such as acid rain, caustic fog, and Effect: All characters affected must make a biological contamination zones occur frequently Vigor roll every week for a minor or every day CHAP

44 E NV for a major Hazard. Failure results in a point of DROUGHT Fatigue. A Critical Failure results in a debilitating IR disease. ountless regions throughout the world have ONM Example: Rose, Charlie, and Darq Lyte Chad significant droughts over the last fifty years are running a mission in Mexico City. with some droughts lasting in excess of ten years. Unbeknownst to them, the neighborhood that Areas that had previously been healthy farmland E N they have set up a safehouse in is subject to and plainlands are now classified as deserts. T

the lingering effects of a three-year-old attack Characters in drought conditions may face heat AL E of weaponized smallpox which the GM rules a and thirst. See Savage Worlds. minor biological contamination. After the first week in the city, they must all make a Vigor HURRICANES FF

roll to avoid the effects of the Hazard. E t the beginning of the 21st century, an C AN TS CAUSTIC FOG Aaverage of 11.3 named storms occurred per year with 2.1 becoming greater than category mog used to be an unpleasant fog that took on 3. Near the close of the century, the average is

Sunusual colors, smelled bad and purportedly 22.7 named storms and 9.2 category 3 or higher D W E caused diseases such as cancer and COPD has evolved hurricanes. Named storms have been forming as well. Industrial air pollution builds up and settles farther north and south of the equator than ever

over an area encasing it in a thick veil, impossible to before as well. A see through and nearly as impossible to breathe. Characters that are caught exposed in a T Effect: all affected individuals must make a Vigor hurricane may be lifted and thrown or struck H ER roll every hour for a minor every 10 minutes for a by flying debris. Consult the Weather and Other major Hazard. Failure results in a point of fatigue. Environmental Damage table. Base severity Critical Failure results in exhausted. Vision obscured Moderate. Deal a card to each player every 15 by dense fog, -1 penalty for minor, -2 for major. minutes exposed in a hurricane. Example: Wrex and his team are in the ruins of Old Detroit. As the sun begins to set, they notice STORMS a thick fog beginning to coalesce. They think little of it until their eyes begin to burn and they are evere weather is simply a standard coughing in agony. The GM rules that this is a Soccurrence. Rising temperatures have caused major caustic fog hazard, and everyone must nearly unpredictable weather conditions with make a Vigor roll every ten minutes to avoid the year-round storm numbers and ferocity much effects. As the horde of mindless pour in from all greater than in the past. Characters can expect sides, they also suffer a -2 penalty on all actions severe weather to occur at least once a week and, requiring sight due to the thick fog. in many cases, lasting more than a week. Storm sewers may overflow leaving several inches to WEATHER EFFECTS feet of water on the streets. The next day may be unbearably hot and humid with temperatures eather conditions since the beginning of above 100 degrees. Winters may be uncommonly Wthe 21st century have become increasingly mild with many historically snow bound regions erratic with stormfronts of unfathomable size and experiencing mild temperatures and a second ferocity wreaking havoc across the globe. Decade growing season. Others may have 30+ inch long draughts have virtually decimated regions blizzards and temperature below -50 degrees. while storms and flooding have crippled others. Lakes can freeze solid and trees can explode from Rising sea levels from decreased polar ice have the cold while people are trapped in houses and flooded sea-side communities. vehicles literally buried in snow. Characters that are caught exposed in a storm may be buffeted by strong winds, struck by flying debris, incur damage from severe cold, or even

45 be struck by lightning! Consult the Weather and falling debris. Consult the Weather and Other Other Environmental Damage table below. Base Environmental Damage table below. Base severity severity Lesser. Deal a card to each player every 15 Moderate. Deal a card to each player every minutes exposed in a storm. minute exposed in an earthquake. Earthquakes typically last d10 minutes. TORNADOES VOLCANOES ornadoes have always been fearsome and Tdevastating occurrences that are hard to Due to the increased movement of the tectonic predict and impossible to prevent but with the plates, which is also causing earthquakes, there increase in severe weather in general, tornado is a dramatic increase in the activity of existing frequency and severity has ramped up as well. volcanoes as well as the formation of new In North America’s tornado alley, the number volcanoes. The eruption of a volcano has several of tornadoes has increased by over 60% in the results, not limited to a flow of molten lava last 75 years and the number of those tornadoes causing countless fires, there is also the pyroclastic becoming F5 tornadoes, previously thought to be wave which flattens everything in its wake, as well the most fearsome tornado that could occur on as clouds of poisonous and acidic gases. Earth, has increased by over 250%. The reason it Characters that are caught exposed in a was previously thought to be the most fearsome volcanic eruption may be knocked down or is because in 2084, an F6 tornado tore through struck by falling debris. Consult the Weather and tornado alley, utterly obliterating numerous small Other Environmental Damage table below. Base towns and deforesting over 10,000 acres of land. severity Moderate. Deal a card to each player Characters that are caught exposed in a every 5 minutes exposed in a volcanic eruption. tornado may be lifted and thrown or struck by Eruptions typically last d4 hours and have an flying debris. Consult the Weather and Other effective (damaging) area of ten miles from the Environmental Damage table below. Base severity volcano. They may also face acid rain or caustic Moderate. Deal a card to each player every 5 fog. See Environmental effects in this chapter. minutes exposed in a tornado. WEATHER AND ENVIRONMENTAL OTHER EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE TABLES OCCURENCES f directed to the tables from an f the weather is not enough to make Ienvironmental event, draw a card as Icitizens of a modern world declare that described in the event. In the case of a club, they surrender to mother nature, she has not consult the table for effects. played all her cards yet. The number and severity of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has MODIFIED HINDRANCES ITS skyrocketed as well. Anemic: As a Major Hindrance, characters EARTHQUAKES suffer a -2 on all rolls to resist the effects of OOLK Environmental Hazards including radiation. arthquakes have plagued residents of Efault zones since the dawn of civilization. NEW EDGE: HEALTHY

WO: T WO: Most earthquakes cause little more than mild disorientation and the plates in the cupboard may Requirements: Novice, Vigor d6 rattle but rarely a major earthquake may occur. Healthy characters have a strong constitution Those that do may level cities, flatten mountains, making them virtually impervious to debilitating T TER raise the sea floor, and cause countless loss of life. effects. They add 2 to Vigor Rolls made to Characters that are caught exposed in an resist Fatigue. earthquake may be knocked down or struck by CHAP


WEATHER AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE TABLE CARD EFFECT 2 - 4 Use one step below the base severity 5 - 10 Use the base severity J – K Use one step above the base severity A Use two steps above the base severity Joker No effect H

SEVERITY EFFECTS E W IDER S SEVERITY EFFECT Mild Character suffers one level of Fatigue from Bumps & Bruises (See Hazards) Lesser Character suffers d4 damage (ignoring armor). This roll may blow up. Moderate Character suffers d6 damage (ignoring armor). This roll may blow up.

Severe Character suffers 2d6 damage (ignoring armor). This roll may blow up. R S OLA Deadly Character suffers 2d8 damage (ignoring armor). This roll may blow up.


SOLAR SYSTEM RAPID DEPRESSURIZATION Y STE “I never thought I'd see a place more dangerous safe environment is more than just moderate than the Chicago Sprawl. Ami, I was wrong. A temperatures and air to breath. The vacuum M of space can do horrible things to the body. If he solar system can be a dangerous place. player characters find themselves in a situation THere are a few elements you should keep where their air supply is consistent, but their in mind when running adventures taking place pressure is rapidly removed due to being exposed off-planet. to the void (like a hole in their space suit) they have a number of rounds equal to their Vigor AIR SUPPLY to normalize the pressure or suffer the effects of a debilitating disease. For characters that are Zeros need to be aware of their air supply at already exhausted, consider the condition a all times. The average lifespan without a steady lethal disease. supply of oxygen is two minutes. In game terms when a character's air supply is at 20%, the Game TRAVEL WITHIN THE Master should call for them to make Vigor roles to SOLAR SYSTEM resist Fatigue. This should continue every round until the air supply reaches 10%. At this point, the n space there is no up or down, only to and character has a number of rounds equal to their Ifrom. With this in mind, the measurement Vigor die before they are Incapacitated. These used to calculate distance is the Astronomical characters may be revived if someone can get Unit (150 Million Kilometers, the distance from them to an oxygen rich environment and stabilize the Earth to the Sun). them, but they will remain Fatigued for 2d6 days. What used to take months now takes weeks, thanks to the VASMIR III propulsion engine, but RADIATION plotting a course in the void means crunching numbers most of us couldn't even conceptualize. number of systems used to make life in the To begin, the Navigator plots a course. This is A void possible require nuclear power to meet a challenging Dramatic Task (see Dramatic Task their energy needs. Unless properly maintained, in Savage Worlds). The Navigator utilizes his these systems can leak radiation. Science skill and can be assisted by a researcher See Savage Worlds for Radiation hazards. or Navigation Sprite. Success means the course

47 is free of obstructions and the ship arrives in its Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, desired location, failure means either the ship has Strength d8, Vigor d8 to reduce speed to avoid an obstruction, thus Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge increasing travel time, or the ship has missed d6, Fighting d6, Hacking d4, Intimidation d4, the rendezvous point by 1d6 Astronomical Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Science (Geology) d6, Units [AU]. Shooting d6, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7(2); Strain: 0 MOVEMENT Edges: Soldier, Brawny Cybertech: Tier 2 TAP arger Ships and Orbitals have simulated Gear: Armored Vacsuit (+2, Full Body). Drill Lgravity, but less opulent crafts require their (Str+d4; AP 6), Mining Tools, Locator Beacon crew to utilize Mag boots or tether systems. Mag Boots: Mag Boots are a piece of outerwear MEDIC that couples to and decouples from metallic surfaces. The operator is subject to the rules for n integral part of the colony staff, Medics difficult ground but doesn't require the craft be Aidentify diseases and treat injuries. powered. Mag Boots are a necessity for search Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, and rescue or salvage operations. Strength d6, Vigor d6 Tether System: Tether systems are a low-tech Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, solution in a high-tech environment. Simply put Hacking d4, Healing d10, Intimidation d4, it's a polymer strap connected to points along the Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Science (Biology) d10, causeway. The crew members can move half pace Shooting d4, Stealth d4 but need to roll their Athletics skill to “run”. If one Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5; Strain: 0 part of the strap is broken, the crew member can Hindrances: Code of Honor only move in the direction that remains tethered. Edges: Healer, Miracle Worker If the crew member loses contact with the tether, Cybertech: Tier 2 TAP, Respirator/Environmental they will be unable to move unless they can think Filters (+2 vigor to resist poison and disease), of some other way to generate thrust. Cranial pen light (light for operating) Gear: Scrubs, Doctor’s Bag, Medical Supplies OFF ROAD COLONY FREELANCERS ometimes a ship needs to be out of sight and Sout of mind of the solar authority figures. Freelancers work for hire. If you can find them, Smugglers, Marauders, Doomsday Cultists, and they may be able to fill out your roster. Introverts that want to take the scenic route need But be careful, freelancers are work for hire and to go Off Road or slide outside of the designated your rivals could have hired them first. space lanes. Going Off Road applies an additional Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, ITS -2 to the Navigation rolls to leave or reenter the Strength d6, Vigor d6 space lanes without interruption of travel. Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d4, Hacking d4, Intimidation d4, Notice OOLK COMMON EXTRAS d6, Persuasion d6, Shooting d6, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7(2); Strain: 0 he following NPCs are common throughout Hindrances: Code of Honor or Greedy (Choose

WO: T WO: Tthe solar system. one) Edges: Connections, GM’s choice MINER Cybertech: Tier 2 TAP Gear: Light Armor (+2, arms, torso, legs). Melee T TER n the various mining operations of the solar weapon (Str+d4), Light Pistol (Dmg 2d6) Isystem, workers toil to collect resources needed by their employers. Special abilities CHAP

48 RDS OFT HAZA LAW ENFORCEMENT (SOLAR • Qualified: (+2) Depending on what they MARSHAL, STAR SECURITY, COP) do, increase your freelancer’s attributes one attribute at d10 or two attributes at d8. he system has more than one type of law • Skilled: [+3] Give your freelancer 3 Skill Tenforcement. Their connections will vary points to improve their essential Skill to a d8 depending on who they swear allegiance to. or round out their other Skills. Jurisdiction varies but throwing their weight • Professional Edge: Give your freelancer one around is universal among authority figures.

Professional Edge related to what they do. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, H Strength d6, Vigor d6 E W IDER S VOID SCREAMER Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d6, Hacking d4, Intimidation d4, Notice n apocalyptic cult and terrorist organization, d6, Persuasion d6, Science d6, Shooting d6, Athe Void Screamers serve the AI Styx/ Stealth d4 Ferryman in its goal to push humanity out of the Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9(4); Strain: 0 wider solar system and contain them to Earth. Edges: Connections, Soldier R S OLA Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Cybertech: Tier 2 TAP, Bounty Board (+2 Notice Strength d6, Vigor d6 to identifying known criminals) Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d4, Gear: Shock Truncheon (Str+d4) Stun, Medium

Fighting d4 Hacking d4, Intimidation d6, Notice armor (+4, Full body), Pistol (2d6+2; AP 2) Y d8, Persuasion d4, Piloting d6, Repair d10, STE Research d8, Science (Astro-Navigation) d6, WILDCARDS Stealth d6, Thievery d8 M Pace: 5; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5; Strain: 0; Street SUPERVISOR/PIT BOSS Cred: d0 Hindrances: Vow (Major), Wanted (Major) iners have to answer to someone, and Edges: Jack-of-all-Trades, Improvised Fighter, Mexecutives need someone to blame. A McGyver Pit Boss and Supervisor make up the middle Cybertech: (Gutterware) Tier 1 TAP management of a mining operation. Gear: Robes, junk, patchwork Vac Suit, Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Improvised Melee weapons and Bombs Strength d10, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d8, Common VOID SCREAMER ZEEK Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Hacking d4, Intimidation d8, Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Shooting d6, Stealth d8 Strength d4, Vigor d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 10 (4); Strain: 6 Skills: Athletics d4, Fighting d4, Common Street Cred: d6 Knowledge d6, Notice 4, Persuasion d4, Psionics Hindrances: Obligations d8, Stealth d4 Edges: Brawny, Command, Combat Reflexes, Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 6(1); Strain: 0 Inspire, Natural Leader, No Mercy, Packfighting, Hindrances: Delusional, Vow (Major), Wanted Tactician, Two-Fisted (Major) Cybertech: Tier 2 TAP, Credentials (access to Edges: Arcane Background (Psionics), Power company message board) Points Gear: Armored Vacsuit; reinforced (+4, Full Body). Powers: Empathy, Mind Reading, Telekinesis Drill (Str+d4; AP 6), Mining Tools, Locator Power Points: 15 Beacon Cybertech: (Gutterware) Tier 1 TAP Gear: Leather jacket (+1), scrap jewelry, patchwork Vac Suit, Improvised Melee weapons

49 EXECUTIVE/COLONY LEADERSHIP worth of stable environment), Rifle (Range: our typical yes person. These people may 12/24/48; Damage: 2d6+1; AP 2; ROF 3). Marauder Yhold leadership roles, but they do the Personal Craft, Light Repair Drone bidding of their corporate or government masters. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, COMMON VEHICLES Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge ere are just a few of the most common space d8, Hacking d10, Intimidation d8, Notice Hcraft you’ll find in the solar system. d8, Persuasion d8, Research d8, Science d10, Shooting d6, Stealth d6 GEEHAWG Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 5 (1); Strain: 1; Street Cred: d10 single person craft that’s popular among solar Hindrances: Obligations, Secret A enthusiasts, the GeeHawg is synonymous Edges: Connections, Filthy Rich, Followers with the culture of Space Bikers. Cybertech: Tier 4 TAP, Assistance (AI Sprite) Size: 3; Handling: +2; Top Speed:.5 AU; Gear: Armored business suit (+4 torso, arms, legs) Toughness: 10(2); Crew: 1; Cost: 250,000 Notes: Requires pilot to wear vac suit with air supply. MARAUDER (CYBERNETIC ENHANCED BIOROID) MARAUDER PERSONAL CRAFT

xperimental skinless bioroids covered in bio sed exclusively by cybernetic enhanced Estasis jelly and packed into an environmental Uassets, the Marauder is a single person suit, Marauders are the solar system’s most craft with enough firepower to destroy a much dangerous creation. These deniable assets are larger craft. dispatched by their masters to destroy the Size: 2; Handling: +2; Top Speed: 15 AU; competition or eliminate known threats with Toughness: 10(2); Crew: 1; Cost: Military extreme prejudice. Reports of them are spotty, Notes: No internal fuel supply or atmosphere, since they kill everyone that can identify them. requires pilot power cell interface, Micro Repair Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Drone, Stealth System. Weapons: Heavy Laser, Strength d8, Vigor d10 2x micro rockets (Dmg 4d8 Heavy Weapon), Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge Magnetic landing gear. d4, Fighting (Unarmed) d8, Hacking d4, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, JUNK SLED Piloting d8, Research d4, Science d8, Shooting d8 (Pistols, Rifles), Stealth d6, Survival d8, Thievery sed by Void Screamers as a kamikaze, the d6 Ujunk sled is a crude rocket with a single pilot Pace: 6; Parry: 7 (1); Toughness: 15 (6); Strain: 5; used to aim towards the target. ITS Street Cred: d8 Size: 4; Handling: -1; Top Speed: .2 AU; Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Ruthless (Minor), Toughness: 8(2); Crew: 1; Cost: Salvaged Secret (Major-their existence), Ugly (Major-no Notes: Trust propulsion, Dmg 4d8 Heavy Weapon OOLK skin) Edges: Calculating, Level Headed, Martial Warrior, SHUTTLE/SPACE CAB Soldier

WO: T WO: Cybertech: Tier 3 TAP, Exotic Biotech esigned for transport between orbitals, the Enhancements (+2 Toughness; Vat- grown Eyes DSpace Cab is a small transport craft with a [Infravision]; Voice Modulator [+2 to test when focus on short range travel. attempting to impersonate someone], Tool Kit Size 6; Handling 0; Top Speed: 2 AU; Toughness: T TER embedded in hand, Self-contained Power Cell). 25(10); Crew: 2+4; Cost: 450,000 Gear: Containment Suit (+6 armor, Mag boots, Notes: Tether system Full environmental protection with one week CHAP

50 L I F

CIVILIAN GROUND VEHICLES TABLE EST TOP SPEED VEHICLE SIZE HANDLING TOUGHNESS CREW COST ASTRAL UNITS ES YL Company Craft 10 0 25 AU 55(10) 14 6 million Geehawg 3 +2 .5 AU 10(2) 1 $250,000 Hauler 4 -2 20 AU 35(10) 2+4 2.5 million Junk Sled 4 -1 .2 AU 8(2) 1 Salvaged Maurader 2 +2 15 AU 10(2) 1 Military Personal Craft

HAULER LIFESTYLES GREATER THAN tilized by mining operations, the Hauler is D12 Ua two-person cab with powerful engines. Lifestyles can go well beyond d12. These It’s designed to link up with cargo units and are citizens who have risen to the top one transport goods between orbital bodies. percent of society. They are men and Cab Size: 4; Handling: -2; Top Speed: 20 AU; women who command billions, even tril- Toughness: 35(10); Crew: 2; Cost: 2.5 million lions of Cryptos in wealth. They want for Notes: AI assisted navigation, Mag boot system, nothing and can spend more on a bottle of Container attachment [Size 10] organic wine than most geeks spend on rent for the year. COMPANY CRAFT Generally, this kind of wealth shouldn’t be available to the characters. You could run fully staffed corporate transport, good a game where the characters are financial A for diplomats, executives, or public moguls trying to build an empire of wealth, relations stars. which sounds fun, but isn’t really cyberpunk. Size: 10; Handling: 0; Top Speed: 25 AU; If you decide to run that game, then Life- Toughness: 55(10); Crew: 14; Cost: 6 million styles should be an abstraction anyway, as Notes: AI assisted navigation, Full-service bar, the characters can get whatever they want Simulated gravity whenever they want it. LIFESTYLES world of 2095 has six lifestyles, each based on nstead of handling the crew’s day to day a die type. Iexpenses by counting every Cryptodollar spent, it is easier to use the Lifestyle Setting LIFESTYLE CHECKS Rule. This isn’t the Wealth Setting Rule; crews are still expected to buy mission gear and other ifestyles are determined on a month by essentials out of pocket. Instead, this is a quick Lmonth basis. At the beginning of each and easy way to keep track of how the crew is month, the character declares what Lifestyle living without extensive, not to mention needless, they wish to enjoy or endure. They then make record keeping. a Lifestyle check. This is done with the Lifestyle Each character starts the game with a d6 die and may be helped with Support and Savings. Lifestyle die. This is not an Attribute die but First, the character determines if they want acts like one—players may spend Bennies when to live it up for the month (live beyond their checking it, get their Wild die, and benefit Lifestyle die), tough it out (live below their from Support when making Lifestyle rolls. The Lifestyle die) or live within their means (same characters are also assumed to be living the as their Lifestyle die). They then roll a Lifestyle Getting By Lifestyle when the game starts. The check for the month.

51 LIFESTYLES DIE TYPE LIFESTYLE IMPACT Natural healing rolls are made at -4. Spending Impoverished: Living on the streets. Ragged clothes. more than one month Impoverished gives the Less than d4 No sanitation. Get food where you can. Anemic and Ugly Hindrances until the Lifestyle can be improved. Barely Enough: A tiny studio apartment or coffin Natural Healing rolls are made at -2. Spending room. Poor or secondhand clothes. Access to a sonic more than one month with Barely Enough D4 shower every now and then. Can only get the cheapest gives the Ugly Hindrance until the Lifestyle can street grub, but not every day. be improved. Getting By: A medium sized studio or a one-bedroom apartment. Decent clothing and maybe one nice D6 No impact. outfit. Built in shower. Mostly fast food, but enough to stock a fridge and cook a decent meal now and then. Doing Well: A large-sized studio apartment or a small house somewhere in the burbs. The clothes are new D8 and stylish, with a couple designer labels in the closet. Natural healing rolls are made at +2. Food is good and there’s enough to go out to a classy restaurant from time to time. Living in Splendor: A nice brownstone or large house Natural healing rolls are made at +4. Spending with some land. You’re wearing mostly designer stuff, more than one month Living in Splendor gives the D10 with a couple one-off pieces that set your wardrobe Attractive Edge until the Lifestyle drops to Doing apart. You know the first names of several chefs Well or below. around town. Rolling in It: A penthouse apartment or large estate. Natural healing rolls are made at +6. Spending Designers send you clothes to help get their brand out more than one month Rolling in It gives the Very D12 there. Celebrated chefs from around town come to Attractive Edge until the Lifestyle drops to Living in your place to cook for you. Splendor or below.

If the character wishes to live within their failure and a -2 on a Critical Failure. A supporting means and the check is a success, it means they character can use their Savings to help their own maintain their Lifestyle without issue or drama. Lifestyle rolls, but not for other characters’ checks. On a raise, they have a windfall of some sort and A character may also want to live it up and gain one point of Savings. (See below for more live one die type higher than their Lifestyle die. information on Savings.) The Lifestyle check is made at -2 for every level On a failure, the character runs into some over their current Lifestyle die. If the check is unexpected bills or expenses and has a hard time successful, the character enjoys that Lifestyle making rent. They may spend a point of Savings for the month, but it comes at a cost. For the ITS to get them through the month, or they can cut following month only, the character’s Lifestyle die expenses and live one Lifestyle lower than they will be reduced by one die type. A success with a expected. raise brings the luxury of their new Lifestyle with OOLK On a Critical Failure, the character runs into a no loss of a Lifestyle die the following month. financial disaster. They must spend 3 Savings to On a failure, the character couldn’t get the live within their means. If they don’t have the Cryptos together. Any Savings they spent on the

WO: T WO: Savings or if they just want to tough it out, they check is lost, and they must live the lifestyle equal can drop two Lifestyles. For example, they could to their current Lifestyle die. On a Critical Failure, drop from Doing Well (d8) to Barely Enough (d4). the character has reached too far. Any Savings If a character Supports another character’s spent on the check is lost, and the character’s T TER check and that check fails, they suffer a penalty. Lifestyle drops one level below their current They don’t gain a Savings on a success with a raise Lifestyle die. but do suffer a -1 to their own Lifestyle check on a CHAP

52 L I F

A character may tough it out or live a Lifestyle EST lower than their current Lifestyle die. When MEDICAL TREATMENT AND LIFESTYLES they do, they gain a +2 to their Lifestyle check ES YL for every level of Lifestyle they are going to live The Player’s Guide to 2095 lists costs for less than their current Lifestyle die. On a success, medical equipment and treatment. If the they live that lowered Lifestyle and gain a Savings, characters are injured and require emergent two Savings with a success with a raise. On a or acute care and they pay for it, they gain failure, they’ve mismanaged things and live the all the benefits of that care without penal- lowered Lifestyle without accruing any Savings. ties from their Lifestyle. On a Critical Failure they live the lowered Lifestyle The Modifiers to Natural Healing checks for and must pay a Savings or live a Lifestyle one the lower and higher Lifestyles reflect the additional level lower. sanitation and nutrition of the character’s living conditions. These impact a charac- EDGES AND LIFESTYLES CHECKS ter’s overall health and ability to convalesce but shouldn’t impact any emergency care. haracters with the Rich Edge gain an increase Cof die type to their Lifestyle die. Very Rich characters gain two die types. The Fame Edge gives characters a +1 to their Savings reflects the character living within a Lifestyles checks, while Famous characters gain budget and watching their daily spending. A a +2. When you’re famous, people want to give character can accumulate Savings either by a you stuff. Windfall or by living a Lifestyle that is below their Some characters can just find good, if not current Lifestyle die. They may stash away as completely legal, deals. This includes swanky many Savings as they wish. places to crash while the owners are out of town A character can spend one Savings to gain a or eating at the finest restaurants without having +1 on a Lifestyle check. They may spend up to to pay. If the character doesn’t mind living a little four Savings on any check. They may also spend on the edge, they may use their Streetwise bonus a Savings in certain circumstances to keep from on their Lifestyle checks. The GM may decide dropping into poverty. that living on shady deals will catch up to the character someday. A failure on a Lifestyle check INCREASING THE LIFESTYLE DIE might mean they were squatting in someone else’s penthouse, which will lead to a different he Lifestyle die increases through character kind of problem. Tadvancement. For Cyberpunks and Cleaners, A character may also take the Connections you could increase their Lifestyle die by 1 for Edge to help with their Lifestyle. If they dedicate every Tier or every other Tier of Advancement, a Connection to Lifestyle, they get a +2 to all their dependent on how comfortable you want the Lifestyle checks. characters to get. For Cops, it’s okay to never increase their Lifestyle die, telling them their COPS AND LIFESTYLES salaries are fixed, though they might get an increase if they get a promotion. f you are running the Protect and Serve ICampaign Theme, you might want to skip Lifestyle checks. Assume the crew lives in corporate or government subsidized housing, and they are given enough to maintain a Lifestyle of at least Getting By. You could increase their Lifestyle one die type per Tier or every other Tier of advancement. SAVINGS

53 BUYING LIFESTYLES ALTERNATIVE – BUYING LIFESTLYES LIFESTYLE DIE COST f you’d rather skip the Lifestyle checks, the Less than d4 No cost IGM may have the characters buy their D4 $1,500 Lifestyle at the beginning of the month. The D6 $4,000 characters declare what lifestyle they want to live D8 $6,000 for the month based on the buying lifestyles table. When the character makes their Lifestyle D10 $12,000 payment for the month, they gain all the benefits D12 $24,000 and penalties of that Lifestyle. Living in poverty ABANDONED BUILDING for months at a time still has its problems and living in prosperity has its perks. bandoned buildings are fairly anonymous Amaking them hard to find, but they are also SAFE HOUSES typically run down and offer no services such as power and water. They have no inherent security rom time to time, characters may find it except some questionable doors and walls. They Fnecessary to find a safe house to lay low. also have no nosy landlords preventing you from This may be a temporary flop that they will hide making whatever changes you want. in for a few days or weeks, or this may be the Advantages: If the characters simply claim the character’s permanent lair with all the amenities building, there is no base price per month. The of home and a security system that makes the characters can put in any funds they wish to place a veritable fortress. The price a character install any Security options that they want. pays for a safe house depends on the location Disadvantages: The building may already be and the security options. Most locations have claimed by squatters or gangs that the characters Advantages and/or Disadvantages due to the may have to deal with. There is no power or water nature of the location. Additional Advantages provided to the building. and Disadvantages may be assigned that will Base Cost: 0 if the characters simply claim the adjust the price of the safe house. building. If they wish to rent or purchase the Regardless of the type and purpose of the safe building it can be rented for 250 C$ per 1000 house, the first thing they will need to choose is square feet. It can be purchased outright for 5 C$ the location. per square foot.


The following section looks at various locations partments are typically small residences for safe houses. Athat are in close proximity to other similar ITS SAFE HOUSE LOCATION LOCATION AVAILABLE SECURITY OPTIONS

OOLK Abandoned Building Any Apartment Portable Security System, Security Cameras Business Front Security Cameras, Portable Security System. May rely on existing security from the business.

WO: T WO: Coffin Motel Portable Security System Estate Any House Any T TER Industrial Location Security Cameras, Portable Security System. May rely on existing security from the business. Motel/Hotel Portable Security System Outdoor Location Portable Security System CHAP

54 S AF structures. Typical apartments have a living room, • Large Business: 10,500 C$ per month E HOU kitchen, bathroom and 0 to 3 bedrooms. An apartment with 0 bedrooms is a studio apartment COFFIN MOTEL and the living room doubles as a sleeping area.

A studio apartment is 500 square feet, and each n a coffin motel, a guest has a space that is SES additional bedroom adds 150 square feet. Iextremely small, often a four foot by four Advantages: Unless a party seeking the foot by eight-foot horizontal space with others characters has an exact address, it is difficult to immediately above, below and to the sides. These locate a specific apartment out of the countless “rooms” are coffin-like containers that slide out ones in an area. -2 to Networking rolls to locate of the wall, lower to floor level for entrance and characters in an apartment. egress then return to their space. Amenities consist Disadvantages: Neighbors. Neighbors mean of little more than a mattress, sink and a comp that you cannot use automated defenses due terminal. Restrooms are shared between the spaces, to perpetual false alerts as the neighbors move typically one restroom per twenty rooms. around. Also, neighbors talk. For every 48 hours Advantages: They are extremely cheap and all that characters remain in the same apartment, but impossible to locate. Apply a -3 to Networking reduce the Networking penalty by one. If the rolls as well as Investigation and Notice rolls to find characters have any visible Security Options, an individual without having an exact location. decrease this by one additional point per 48 hours. Disadvantages: There is no space. Housing Base Cost: 1 C$ per square foot per month. more than two people in one space is extremely Minimum of one month. An Apartment cannot be uncomfortable. If more than two people attempt purchased unless the entire structure is purchased. to share a single “room” for 24 hours or longer, all must make a Vigor roll every 24 hours, suffering a BUSINESS FRONT level of Fatigue on a failure. Base Cost: 50 C$ per night. he characters are hiding out in an existing Tbusiness of some kind. This may be a back ESTATE room, an upper apartment, or a basement of the business. Any type of business is possible, though n estate is much like a house, but typically has some may be less available than others. Perhaps Amuch more land and is much larger as well. the characters are hiding out in an apartment over It has a greater amount of privacy than a house a garage, a back room of a bar or the basement of due to its distance from other structures. An estate an accounting firm. may have one large house, like a mansion, or it may Advantages: Customers. With customers have several smaller structures, but it typically has coming and going from the building, it is more a structure foot print of around 15,000 square feet difficult to track a character to their safe house. and has a significant amount of land, 5 to 10 acres -2 to Investigation and Notice rolls to track the in an urban area or 50 to 100 acres in a rural area. characters to their safe house. Existing security. It has at least 2 garages. The characters may utilize the existing security for Advantages: Privacy and a lot of room for the business. amenities. While it may be fairly obvious where Disadvantages: It is a business. If the characters the structure is, knowing what is going on there make too much noise or draw too much attention is another story entirely. There may be structures to themselves, such as a gun fight, they can expect such as swimming pools, VTOL pads, large garages, to deal with their business landlords as well as etc. sector cops and security professionals. Disadvantages: They are extremely expensive. Base Cost: Business fronts can range in price Base Cost: 10 C$ per square foot and acre per depending on their size. month. 200 C$ per square foot and either 10,000 C$ per acre in a rural area or 50,000 C$ per acre • Small business: 4,500 C$ per month in an urban area to purchase. • Medium Business: 7,500 C$ per month

55 HOUSE to 3 bedrooms. In a 0-bedroom location, the living room shares the bedroom function. Typically, this house is typically 2,000 square feet including is approximately 1,000 square feet plus 150 square A a two-stall garage, small yard space in front feet per bedroom. and behind, three bedrooms, living room, kitchen Advantages: Anonymous. Like an apartment, and two bathrooms. Houses can be rented or there are countless people coming and going purchased. Additional space may be purchased and unless a pursuer knows the exact address in the form of a basement, second floor, an and room number, they suffer a -2 penalty to outbuilding in the yard, etc. Networking rolls as well as Investigation and Advantages: Privacy and Versatility. Generally, Notice rolls to track a character to their bolt hole. any kind of work can be done to add Security Additionally, they may choose an Advantage from Options without too much attention being drawn the list of Advantages for each star above 3 stars to the work. A house can have any kind of Security at half price. Options installed. Since it is free standing, it is far Disadvantages: People talk. For every 48 hours easier to detect unauthorized visitors than one that characters stay in the same motel/hotel, the where numerous neighbors are nearby. penalty for being anonymous is reduced by one. Disadvantages: Houses are more expensive Additionally, the GM may assign a Disadvantage than apartments and the police response time to from the list of Disadvantages for each star below a house is comparable to an apartment once gun 3 stars. shots start ringing out in the neighborhood. Base Cost: 100 C$ per night multiplied by the Base Cost: 2 C$ per square foot per month. 60 number of stars for the motel/hotel. C$ per square foot to purchase. OUTDOOR LOCATION INDUSTRIAL LOCATION n outdoor location may be a secluded he safe house is within an industrial structure Awoodland campsite or a cardboard box in an Tof some kind, be it an actual factory, a alleyway. Either way, you are not paying for it, but warehouse or some other kind of manufacturing you have little to no shelter from the elements, not facility. to mention protection from incoming ammunition. Advantages: Like a business front, the safe house Advantages: Does not cost anything. It has no can share the Security Options that the industrial address, so it is not easily found. location already has. There may also be convenient Disadvantages: Unprotected. No Utilities. amenities available such as a workshop, VTOL Pad, Base Cost: 0 etc. Disadvantages: Like a business front, drawing ADVANTAGES attention to yourself will draw the ire of your landlords. A firefight in the factory is going to draw dvantages improve a safe house in some ITS the police or private security extremely quickly. Amanner that is not directly a security option. Base Cost: 5,000 C$ per month. Cost is the price per month. In the case of a hotel or other safe house that is paid for daily, the cost OOLK MOTEL/HOTEL is 1/10th of that shown per day. In the case of a purchase, the cost is multiplied by 25. ery similar to an apartment but rented per

WO: T WO: Vnight rather than per month. There is a huge DISADVANTAGES range, however, in quality of the room. This is based on the “star” system. A one-star motel may isadvantages reduce the cost of a safe house have the same square footage and room count as at the cost of penalties and inconveniences

T TER D a five-star hotel, but there are significantly more in the structure. Taking a Disadvantage that is the roaches and fewer comforts. A typical motel/hotel direct opposite of an Advantage that has also location includes a living room, bathroom and 0 been taken is not allowed. For example, Improved CHAP


ADVANTAGE COST DESCRIPTION E HOU Food is provided at the safe house. Range determines the quality Amenity: Catering 500 C$ - 1,000 C$ of the food.

Some form of entertainment is available. This could be anything SES Amenity: Entertainment 200 C$ to 2,000 C$ from a high-end stereo to adult entertainment services. Transportation is readily available at this location. This could range Amenity: Transportation 50 C$ - 5,000 C$ from a tube pass, a bus pass or even a chauffeured limo for enough money a month. A stash of a valuable commodity that the character may need. Weapons, Drugs, etc. The Character may use these items during 10 – 25% the value Cache their stay but is responsible for the fee as well as repaying any of the of the Cache cache that is used such as ammunition, etc. The range of the cost is influenced by how rare / illegal / etc. the commodity is. The location has an easy way in or out. This may mean a first-floor apartment right next to the exit, a house right off the interstate, etc. Easy Access/Exit 200 C$ - 1,000 C$ Range of cost is based on how convenient it is. Quick access to an airport is more expensive than access to a fire escape, for example. Secure storage for a vehicle. This would be an additional garage for Garage/Hanger 100 C$ or 200 C$ safe houses that already have a garage. 100 C$ for a garage, 200 C$ for a hanger. Increase the network security of the safehouse. A typical safe house is considered a Network (Civilian), for 300 C$, it becomes a Network (Corporate) and for 5,000 C$ it becomes Network (Government Improved Digital Security 300 C$ or 5,000 C$ or Military). Hacking individual security options, such as security cameras, are done at a -2 or -4 penalty based on the level of Advantage. Increases the physical structure of the location. Default toughness of 8 for doors would increase to 10 for 25% or 12 for 100%. This is universal, so it applies to windows and walls, as well as housings Improved 25% or 100% of the cost of for Security Options such as cameras and sentry guns. Object Physical Security the safe house toughness of a window is 4, this is increased to 6 or 8 for example. This does not grant any Security Options, but it does improve Security Options that you have purchased. The safe house is in a location that is difficult for intruders to get Isolated 250 C$ to. In the case that the character is located by an intruder, allow the character a Notice roll to identify that intruders are incoming. A fully functional medical bay. Assuming that a person with the correct medical training is available, any kind of medical procedure may be performed here. Additionally, treating wounds during Medical Facility 350 C$ the golden hour in a medical facility grants a +2 to First Aid rolls. Further natural healing rolls in a safe house with a medical facility receive a +2 bonus as well. This building uses independent power and utilities, and its location has been carefully scrubbed from The Deep. Attempting Off the Grid 250 C$ to use Investigation and/or Notice to locate the safe house either physically or via The Deep is at a -2 penalty. The safe house has all the frills. Water fountains, Persian carpets, 75% of the base cost of the Opulent crystal chandeliers, the works. +2 to Persuasion rolls when safe house negotiations are being done on your home ground.

57 ADVANTAGES TABLE CONT. One room (up to 10% of the square footage of the safe house) is heavily reinforced. For 250 C$, the structure of the room has 4 Panic Room 250 C$ or 350 C$ points more toughness than the structure of the rest of the safe house. For 350 C$ this room also has independent utilities (power and water) from the rest of the structure. This may also be viewed as clueless neighbors, depending on the character’s preference. The neighbors here are very unhelpful to others seeking the character’s whereabouts. (Either they don’t know Protective Neighbors 500 C$ that the safe house exists, or they refuse to share information with outsiders). Networking rolls by others seeking the safe house suffer a -2 penalty. The building has access to water and power from more than one Redundant - Utilities 400 C$ source and does not lose access to these features if the normal utilities are stopped by outsiders. The building has a hard line or some other route to The Deep, so if Redundant – 400 C$ someone uses a blocker to inhibit access to The Deep, the character Deep Access continues to have access. For 150 C$, A safe is built into the structure, behind a picture, in a closet, etc. It has a capacity of 8 cubic feet (2’ cubed), has an object hardness of 14, and anyone attempting to open it with Lockpicking or Hacking suffers a -4 penalty. Additionally, due to its concealed Safe/Vault 150 C$ or 5,000 C$ location, intruders suffer a -2 to Notice rolls to locate it. For 5,000 C$, a vault is built into the safe house structure. A vault has a capacity of 512 cubic feet (8’ cubed), has an object hardness of 16 and anyone attempting to open it with Lockpicking, or Hacking suffers a -6 penalty. A secret doorway is very hard to locate from one side or the other. It may be virtually invisible from the outside of the building, but it looks like a typical door from the inside or vice-versa. This assumes Secret doorway 100 C$ a man-size door. For a vehicle-size door, double the cost. To have a door concealed from both directions, purchase this Advantage twice. An intruder seeking to locate the door suffers a -4 penalty to Notice rolls. One room (up to 10% of the square footage of the safe house) Secret Room 350 C$ is concealed. Intruders attempting to locate the room suffer a -4 penalty to Notice rolls. The safe house has access to a VTOL pad. This may be on the VTOL Pad 400 C$

ITS grounds or on the roof of the structure, etc. The safe house has a workshop area, perhaps this is an automotive garage, an electronics shop, a gun shop, etc. It is equipped with the tools necessary to perform most typical operations of this type. OOLK Workshop 250 C$ The workshop grants a +2 to rolls for the applicable skill—Repair, Electronics, etc. This option could be used also to indicate some kind of special purpose room such as a refrigerated, airtight, soundproof, or clean room. WO: T WO:

Physical Security and Decreased Physical Security other safe house that is paid for daily, the credit cannot be taken together. Disadvantages cannot is 1/10th of that shown per day. In the case of a T TER bring the cost of a safe house below 50% of the purchase, the credit is multiplied by 25. base cost of the safe house. Credit is the price reduction per month. In the case of a hotel or CHAP


DISADVANTAGE CREDIT DESCRIPTION E HOU Decrease the network security of the safe house. A typical safe house is considered a Network (Civilian). With this Disadvantage, the safe Decreased Digital Security 150 C$ house is considered a Machine (Simple) for Hacking purposes. Hacking SES individual Security Options, such as security cameras, are done with a +2 bonus. Decreases the physical structure of the location. Default toughness of 8 10% the for doors would decrease to 6 with this Disadvantage. This is universal Decreased Physical Security cost of the so it applies to windows and walls as well as housings for Security safe house Options such as cameras and sentry guns. Object toughness of a window is 4, this is decreased to 2 for example. The location has no easy way in or out. This may mean an upper-floor 100 Difficult Access/Exit apartment with no nearby fire escape, or a house on a back road or long C$ to 400 C$ driveway. The credit is based on the level of challenge of the access. The safe house is infested with bugs, rats or some other unpleasant invader, or it is near a loud perpetual disturbance such as a rail yard, factory or rave club that makes sleep a near impossibility. Occupants Inhospitable 500 C$ must make a Vigor roll every 24 hours or suffer a point of Fatigue. Each additional roll is at a cumulative -1 (thus -1 on the second roll, -2 on the third etc.). Your Safe house is underground, in the forest or somewhere where The No Deep Access 200 C$ Deep is entirely out of range. No rolls involving The Deep are allowed at this location. Your safe house does not have access to water or power. Androids No Utilities 100 C$ cannot recharge and equipment requiring power is non-functional. Everyone seems to be minding your business in this neighborhood. Opponents seeking the character receive a +2 bonus on Networking Nosy Neighbors 200 C$ Rolls to locate the character since everyone seems to be watching the character and is happy to share that information. The safe house is in a shared living space, perhaps this is a homeless shelter, a derelict subway station occupied by many squatters or perhaps the character simply has roommates. Regardless of the reason, Public 100 C$ privacy is something you can only dream of. Any secrets that the character tries to discuss here are bound to be overheard. Any secret stashes are sure to be uncovered. The safe house is subject to routine investigation by authority figures. Perhaps the restaurant you are hiding in has frequent health inspectors, the factory has safety inspectors or your apartment is routinely investigated by the landlord. Regardless of the situation, black market Subject to Scrutiny 150 C$ merchandise or illegal substances are likely to be located, suspicious activities will be identified and the police notified. Each month (or day for a daily residence), draw a card. If a Club is drawn, the authority figures visit at an inopportune time. Access to The Deep is spotty at this location due to some kind of interference. Any time that a character attempts to access The Deep, The Deep – Brown outs 100 C$ draw a card. If a Club is drawn, The Deep will not be available for this operation. Perhaps it is poor wiring or intermittent solar panels, power at this safe house is unreliable. Androids recharging here take 25% more time to Utility - Brown outs 75 C$ charge. Any time a character seeks to use power for a procedure, draw a card. In the case of a Club, power is not available.

59 hopes that the frequent comings and goings SECURITY OPTIONS of other residents makes his tail lose sight of him. The apartment is pretty bare, but it has a ecurity Options are security features that a state-of-the-art VR gaming system (Amenity: Scharacter can add to their safe house. Except Entertainment). Unfortunately, with the Chicago where noted, these are a one-time purchase and “L” elevated train passing almost within reach of do not add to the monthly cost. his window, he may go insane before his tail gives up (Inhospitable). EXAMPLE SAFE HOUSES LOCATION COST Apartment. 500 square feet. 500 ariah and his crew are being sought by the ADVANTAGES Bratva (Russian Mafia) for an action that the P Amenity: Entertainment 600 Bratva took to be an insult. The team decides to DISADVANTAGES lie low in an abandoned warehouse in Burbank. They chose the location due to its proximity to Inhospitable -500 two interstates and a tube station. (Easy Access Monthly Cost 600 / Exit). inetoes Lou needs to lie low for a while One of the loading bays is in good condition so Ndue to a bit too much heat from his last they are able to use it as a garage (Garage). The hit. He decides to stash himself in a back room other squatters in the building are trustworthy of Francesco’s Pasta Bistro in Little Italy. It is and are tight lipped toward other outsiders pretty nice that the owners let him pop into (Protective Neighbors) but they have no interest the kitchen and grab food whenever he is in in personal space (public). The team spreads the mood (Amenity: Catering), but having to some money and food around with the squatters squeeze behind the stoves and duck through with the assurance that they will let the team a low archway makes it very hard to get in and know if anyone comes poking around (Guards). out quickly (Difficult Access / Exit). Since the Since there are no utilities here, the team buys restaurant has been cited several times for health a Portable Generator, Porta Potty, and portable violations, the health inspectors may pop by at cooking unit. any time (Subject to Scrutiny). Location Cost LOCATION COST Abandoned Building 0 Business Front: 4500 ADVANTAGES Small Business ADVANTAGES Easy Access/Exit 700 Amenity: Catering 750 Garage 100 DISADVANTAGES Protective Neighbors 500 Difficult Access/Exit -300 DISADVANTAGES ITS Subject to Scrutiny -150 Public -100 SECURITY OPTIONS Monthly Cost 4,800 Guards (5) @ 50 C$ each 250 OOLK Monthly Cost 1,450 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Portable Generator, 1,900 WO: T WO: Porta potty, and Portable Cooking Unit link is looking to lose a tail that has been on T TER Bhim for quite a while. He decides to stash himself in a studio apartment in the Renaissance Gardens Apartment complex in Roseland. He CHAP


SECURITY OPTION COST DESCRIPTION E HOU Alarm System 1,000 C$ Alarm systems generate a notification when either another linked security system or a door or window sensor is triggered. This notification may be an audible alarm, a silent message to the SES occupant or both. Automated 5,000 C$ plus the cost Automated Weapon Systems are smart systems that implement a Weapon System of the weapon and any weapon and an associated targeting system. Any weapon included improved skills cost. in Interface Zero may be used as the weapon in these systems. The Automated Weapon System has a base skill of d4 in Notice and Shooting. The cost to raise these skills is 2,000 C$ per die type per skill. Biometric Locks 1,000 C$ Biometric Locks use a character’s bio-signature in the form of a fingerprint, palm print, or retinal scan to identify the correct occupant. This is essentially a two-factor identification in conjunction with the occupant’s TAP. Biometric locks do not have a physical key and therefor are not able to be opened with the Lockpicking skill. Price is per door protected by a biometric lock. Guards 50 C$ - 1,000 C$ per month Living guards have always been a part of security and regardless of the technological accomplishments of the 21st century, there is still little that exceeds the full range of ability that a skilled guard can provide. The cost range is an indication of the level of skill of the guard and must be paid per month. For 50 C$ one might be able to entice a local vagrant to send a notification to the occupant if they see someone trying to force entry. A uniformed guard standing at the door with a gun can expect to be paid at least 250 C$ per month and will have a d6 Notice, Shooting and Fighting skill with no Wild Die. To entice a guard with d8 skills, an occupant may expect to pay 600 C$ or more per month while a Wild Card guard can expect to earn 1,000 C$ per month or more. Motion 1,000 C$ - 10,000 C$ A wide variety of systems may be utilized to detect motion at a Detection System distance, from as simple as a string with tin cans tied to it to as advanced as ultrasound sensors or thermographic heat detection systems. The occupant may define the nature of the Motion Detection System and the price is determined by the Notice skill of the system as well as any bonus that the system receives in its opposed Stealth test verses the intruder. Motion detection systems are considered to be active guards. The cost is 1,000 C$ for a d4 Notice skill with an additional 1,000 C$ per die type improvement with a maximum of d10. The occupant may additionally pay 2,000 C$ per +1 bonus to the opposed Stealth test of the system with a maximum bonus of +3. Surveillance Cameras 500 C$ to 750C$ Cameras allow remote viewing of a location or they may be set to per Camera record the area that they cover. A camera is not a smart system and does not send any kind of notification based on its recording. For that functionality, a motion detection system is required. For an additional 250 C$ the camera may pan up to 360 degrees.

61 omfort Rest Night Inn in Waukegan dozen security cameras installed to round out the Cadvertises itself as “All you need for a night’s over-all security of the building. rest without all the frills that you never use.” What it really means is that you get a coffin-sized LOCATION COST sleeping chamber that you need to crawl in and (PURCHASE) out of. At least it is very anonymous. The building Estate: 20,000 square feet, 200 acres 6,000,000 looks like it was built to withstand a nuke drop ADVANTAGES (Improved Physical Security), but the reinforced Amenity: transportation 125,000 roof and walls completely block access to The Deep (No Deep Access), or maybe management Garage (4) 10,000 is blocking it for a reason. Hanger 5,000 VTOL Pad 10,000 LOCATION COST Improved Digital Security 125,000 Coffin Motel 50 Improved Physical Security 6,000,000 ADVANTAGES Medical Facility 8,750 Improved Physical Security 13 Redundant Utilities 10,000 DISADVANTAGES Redundant Deep Access 10,000 No Deep Access -200 Safe/Vault 125,000 Daily Cost (Disadvantages cannot bring the 25 DISADVANTAGES price below 50% of the base prices) Difficult Access/Exit -7,500 Security Options eaper has been running the shadows for Rseveral years now and has made a great Alarm System 1,000 deal of money while earning a stellar reputation Automated Weapon System (6) (Reaper 128,550 among the fixers in Chicagoland. He decides to Arms Rt240c d12 Shooting skill, D12 spend a little of his significant savings on an out- Notice skill) of-the-way home. Something modest, maybe fifty Motion Detection System (D10 Notice 10,000 rooms and half a dozen garages on 200 acres. This skill, +4 to opposed Stealth rolls) is his dream house and he wants to be safe, so he Security Cameras (12) 9,000 hires a personal driver (Amenity: Transportation), Purchase Cost 13,694,800 both for his fleet of vehicles (Garage (4)) as well as his personal rotor craft (Hangar, VTOL Pad). He has a state-of-the-art network installed or reasons he doesn’t like to talk about, (Improved Digital Security) as well as reinforcing FJester has a serious aversion to daylight. He the walls and doors and installing bullet proof decides to purchase a house to lay low in when glass (Improved Physical Security). A full medical he is not running operations in Chicagoland. ITS bay is installed (Medical Facility), and he has a Unfortunately for him, he is not able to make separate well and back-up generators installed the meetings with his building contractors due as well as a hard line to The Deep (Redundant to them only meeting during the day, so he asks OOLK Utilities, Redundant Deep Access). He has a his friend Dragon to attend the meetings and get room-sized vault (Safe/Vault) installed beside his the house situated for him. Little did he know bedroom to keep his personal items safe. that Dragon’s preference in building style is very

WO: T WO: He has it built with a stellar view perched atop open and airy with a lot of windows. (Opulent, a high hill just north of the Gold Coast, but the Decreased Physical Security) Lucky for Jester that long winding road to his home does take some they installed a secret room that lets in no light. time to get to (Difficult Access/Exit). He has an He adds a secret door to the outside that leads to T TER alarm system, half a dozen automated turrets, a his secret room as well, so he can get in and out top-of-the-line motion detection system and a unnoticed. He has retinal image scanners that link to his security system installed at all the doors. CHAP

62 S AF E HOU LOCATION COST (PURCHASE) hips has a world-renowned hacker buddy House: 2,000 Square Feet 120,000 Cthat is coming into town for a few days for ADVANTAGES a job. His friend, PH03N1XX, is going to need

to stay off the radar as well as have an extreme SES Opulent 90,000 amount of bandwidth to The Deep. Chips sets Secret Door 2,500 him up in a room in the West Heights Hotel, a Secret Room 8,750 4-star establishment. While the hotel looks typical DISADVANTAGES for its type, the building’s network is surprisingly Decreased Physical Security -12,000 good (Improved Digital Security) and has a SECURITY OPTIONS dedicated hard line to The Deep (Redundant Biometric Locks 1,000 Deep Access). Alarm System 1,000 LOCATION COST Purchase Cost 211,250 Motel/Hotel: 4 Star 400 avarish is a well-established fixer with his ADVANTAGES fingers in every pot. One deal that he has T Improved Digital Security 300 arranged is a safe house in an unused corner in Morrison Steel, a motorcycle manufacturing Redundant Deep Access 400 plant in North Chicago. He rents this location Daily Cost 1,100 to customers in need. He maintains a locker full of a variety of weapons that he allows his owling Moon has always felt more guests to use for a nominal fee if they replace the Hcomfortable in the forest than in the city. ammo (Cache). His arrangement with Morrison When he decides to create a permanent home, Steel allows his guests to use a work area in the he chooses to set up in the west side of Zion factory for their repairs (Workshop). Since the Forest Preserve. Who needs a roof over your safe house is inside the factory, it is difficult for head when you have the star lit sky and friendly intruders to get to without the factory workers tree branches to block the rain? Howling Moon seeing it happen (Isolated). Due to the nature loves his privacy and having no address makes it of the arrangement, anyone using this area is unlikely for anyone to stop by (Off the Grid), and assumed by the factory workers to belong there. it is worth a couple hundred Cryptos a month Thus, if asked, they have nothing of interest to say to keep it that way. Even though he loves the about the visitor(s). The only problem that the great outdoors, he does decide to pick up some safe house has is that all the moving machinery camping supplies in the form of a Porta Potty, plays havoc with access to The Deep making it Portable Cooking Unit, and Solar Tent. unreliable (The Deep – Brownouts). LOCATION COST LOCATION COST Outdoor Location 0 Industrial Location 5,000 Advantages ADVANTAGES Off the Grid 250 Cache: 10,000 C$ 1,000 Monthly Cost 250 Isolated 250 Additional Equipment Protective Neighbors 500 Porta potty, Portable Cooking Unit, and 1,200 DISADVANTAGES Solar Tent The Deep – Brown outs -100 Monthly Cost 6,650

63 OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT TABLE GEAR COST WEIGHT DESCRIPTION Perimeter Light System 100 10 A series of lights wired together that can be set to create a large burst template of light or may be strung out in a line to create a path of light three squares wide (18’) by 9 squares long (54’). Requires a Large Battery Porta Potty 200 15 Provides a portable sanitary waste disposal unit. Portable Cooking Unit 200 10 Requires a Large Battery. Portable Generator 1500 50 A system that provides the equivalent of grid power. Androids can charge off this system. Equipment that needs to be plugged in can receive power from this system. Portable Security System 3000 30 This is the equivalent of a motion detection system. It has a 100’ radius and has a Notice skill of d6. This system requires grid power or a portable generator. Satellite Downlink 2000 15 Sometimes you are in a place where access to The Deep is not available. A satellite downlink is a portable system that provides access to The Deep in a 100’ radius. This system requires grid power or a portable generator. Solar Tent 800 20 A 4-man tent that has a solar array as its external surface. Provides the equivalent of Large Battery power to connected systems. Tent 200 10 A 4-man tent. Provides protection from the elements. If the characters have winter clothing, this is adequate to sleep in winter conditions.

SECURITY SYSTEMS Building security systems can be effectively represented using the Dramatic Task system (see n many Campaign Themes, the player the Savage Worlds core rules). A single character Icharacters spend a great deal of time trying might overcome the security if trying to sneak into to get into places where they are not allowed to a building alone. Alternatively, a team could each use be. Some may have the best intentions, but few their specific skills to overcome different elements express concerns with the law. Even PCs with of the defenses. In some cases, it can even be legal authority may bypass proper bureaucratic appropriate for a group of characters to support one channels when the situation requires it. To do another. This section provides some ideas for different so, the characters need to overcome whatever security elements and how to integrate those into a security measures a location’s owner has Dramatic Task. It also suggests what levels of defenses chosen to implement. This can include basic may be appropriate for different types of facilities. ITS elements such as locks, but may also include traps, surveillance devices, and even AI systems DEFENSIVE TIERS prepared to notify the authorities of an intrusion. OOLK n many cases, the characters willingly accept ny time the player characters wish to break Iinjuries as the price of doing business—after Ainto a facility, the GM needs to decide just how all those can be healed. A razorwire cut or a few much the owners chose to spend fortifying that

WO: T WO: burns from an acid spray are transient. However, location. This needs to reflect the owner’s philosophy, the arrival of authorities or the transmission of resources, and value that they place on that location. a recording of the characters at the location To a certain extent, this is obvious. A rented space in a has far more significant ramifications, including storage facility is unlikely to have more than a padlock. T TER potential incarceration. In an effort to avoid such A nanotech, biological research facility has far more risks, discretion and stealth are often the very sophisticated measures in place. The important highest priorities. aspect is identifying what types of elements would CHAP

64 SE be in place both in the extreme example and in the SECURITY WORTH CU RIT middle ground. These need to be proportionate. he second factor to consider when

SECURITY ASSETS Timplementing security is the relative worth S Y of the location. Part of this is a measure of the he first factor in considering the level of security intrinsic value of the assets that the facility Y Tis the owner’s available assets. If a single person contains. However, the relative worth of the STE owns the facility, then security is proportionate to facility to the company as a whole must also their personal resources. A single-family home in be considered. A warehouse filled with aging M a middle-class neighborhood is unlikely to have a paperwork or file archives might not need to S full-time security guard or a flamethrower mounted be secured, if those papers are simply company in the door camera. Conversely, a megacorporate records. However, if those archives represent research facility is certain to have vastly more proof of ownership deeds to the organization’s sophisticated measures because executives recognize holdings, then security could be far higher. A that the company’s future may depend upon the company that has dozens of semi-redundant discoveries made at that location. The Security Assets facilities might place those at a lower value, Tier presents Asset Tiers. Note that not every facility even if each one contains valuable research utilizes the maximum possible resources available information. The Security Worth Tier presents to an organization. Corporate policies might limit Worth Tier examples. security spending, or a company may believe that a facility’s location or relatively low profile contribute to its security.

SECURITY ASSETS TIER Tier Description 1 Single person of middle to lower class income. 2 Small, local company or affluent individual. 3 Mid-sized corporation, small government, or extremely wealthy individual 4 Large corporation, mid-sized nation 5 Megacorporation, superpower nation

SECURITY WORTH TIER TIER DESCRIPTION 1 Low security corporate archives, entry level training facility 2 Consumer facing facility, low-risk office space 3 Offices with access to high security data, location with assets easily liquidated 4 High security archives, typical research facility 5 Executive retreat, cutting edge research

SECURITY VALUE TIER TIER DESCRIPTION 0 Low worth or liability, inherited or easily acquired property 1 Peripheral facility, expertise outside of the organization’s primary focus 2 Part of the owner’s future plans 3 Highly prized asset, central to corporate focus 4 Expected to rapidly appreciate in value

65 SECURITY VALUE succeed, the characters are going to need to act fast and have lots of important tools and bonuses he final major wild card to consider when ready to assist with their multi-actions. Tdesigning an appropriate security plan for The GM may adjust these values at their own a facility is the relative value the owner places discretion. In some cases, it may be appropriate upon it. If the company or individual’s livelihood to reduce the overall difficulty due to extenuating is entirely dependent upon that facility, then they circumstances. If the organization is trying to are likely to invest a significant portion of their keep a lower profile or if the facility receives a assets upon its security. Conversely, if they place lot of traffic, then security may be reduced. If the little value upon it, then they are less likely to location is physically isolated, then the characters secure it properly. This could represent a holding might have more time to bypass security before that is inconsistent with the organization’s core they trigger a response team—or that team might business or a recent acquisition that is poorly simply require more time to arrive. understood. The Security Regard Tier presents Regard Tier examples. SPECIFIC MEASURES

DRAMATIC TASK ORGANIZATION n many cases, the GM and the players Imay wish to explicitly identify the types of he aforementioned Security Assets, Worth, security measures that protect a facility. Different Tand Value are all key to configure the types of security elements can lead to different Dramatic Task for penetrating the security ramifications for success or failure throughout systems. Add the Security Assets and Worth the Dramatic Task. This also offers the benefit that together to determine the total number of efforts to break into different types of facilities tokens that each character involved in the task have vastly different feels for the characters must acquire. Then, subtract the Security Value involved. This section presents example security Tier from the total to determine the number of measures, though GMs are encouraged to rounds they have to complete the task before develop their own alternatives. security responds, with a minimum of 2. For example, the three-member team wishes PHYSICAL SECURITY to break into the offices of a newly established technology corporation. The small company has lements that prevent a person from entering limited assets, having not yet released their first Ea facility are classified as physical security. In product. However, they believe that they have many cases, their obvious nature serves as an a cutting-edge device that could shred through effective deterrent to intrusion. When that proves most network security systems. They only have insufficient, intruders’ risk substantial injury. one location, so these offices—and everything Brute force and toughness are often the simplest they contain—are absolutely central to their means to overcoming these types of defenses, ITS future success. Reviewing the chart, the small though network and social engineering can offer company gives it Security Assets Tier 2. The alternative paths to success. location is office space with high-security data, OOLK giving it Security Worth Tier 3. The company WALLS expects their creation to grow rapidly in value, so they would assign Security Value Tier 4. hysical barriers are common and range

WO: T WO: Using those values, the Dramatic Task requires Pin integrity from a simple chain link fence an intrusion team to acquire 5 tokens (Assets 2 + to dense metal barriers. They may be largely Worth 3) per character participating in the task. ornamental and only a few feet in height or Since there are three teammates, that works out they can tower over outsiders, creating an air of T TER to be 15 tokens. Unfortunately, they only have 2 mystery for what lays beyond them. Characters rounds to acquire all of those tokens. (5 tokens are most likely to bypass a wall with an Athletics – Value Tier 4, with a minimum of 2). In order to check. Usually a single success is adequate, though CHAP

66 SE there may be penalties if the wall is exceptionally activates traps throughout a particular section CU RIT high, particularly hard to climb, or topped with of the complex. spikes, razorwire, or monofilament wire.

In the event of a failure on the Athletics check, GUARDS S Y the character suffers damage from falling or the barrier’s hazards. A Complication with ighly armed guards routinely patrol secure Y a wall reveals hidden traps. Failure during a Hfacilities, often wearing the latest in armor STE Complication represents the character getting and making use of cybernetic enhancements. stuck on the wall. Such guards are often in communication with one M another and with outside security forces, so that S TRIPWIRES they can rely upon quick support responses. The Security Guard extra (see page @@) is generally avigating through hallways or open fields at appropriate for this check. Stealth is the most Nnight can prove treacherous if those areas common way to bypass guards, though some PCs are laced with tripwires. A simple fall is awkward may use Persuasion and Bribery. enough, but often these traps also trigger alarms A single check can be enough to bypass guards, when they sense motion. Bypassing tripwires is a though if the PCs have to bypass multiple guard simple matter of a Notice check for the characters stations, it can be appropriate to call for a moving through them. Carefully hidden wires or check at each. A failure could just leave a guard exceptionally fine construction may impose a suspicious and trigger a call for backup but not penalty to this check. an alarm. A Complication yields a guard who is The size of the tripwire field dictates the number particularly attentive or in a more combative of Notice checks required to move through it. A mood than normal. Failure during a Complication single failure could lead to a tumble that might represents a guard who has successfully called in damage any fragile equipment a character additional support. carries. A Complication with a tripwire could be that there are far more of them than previously NETWORK SECURITY expected. Failure during a Complication represents the character triggering an alarm after etwork security represents the electronic falling over an active tripwire. Nand computerized elements that defend a facility’s physical and electronic assets. In AUTOMATED TRAPS many cases, AI systems monitor these defensive elements, only triggering alarms under a specific otentially lethal traps come in a broad range set of conditions. In some instances, human Pof different shapes and sizes. In each case, employees may be slower to respond to network when triggered, a character comes into contact alerts, especially if they have any reason to believe with the assault of a weapon. That might be a rifle, that the intrusion could be a drill. flamethrower, or an axe. The type of weapon and the trigger mechanism are entirely subject to SENSORS the GM’s creativity. In every case, the only way to avoid damage is to carefully avoid having the his general category refers to visible light weapon’s detection sensor notice the character. Tcameras, motion sensors, electromagnetic This is usually overcome with a Thievery check to sensors, pressure sensors, and audio sensors. Each deactivate the trap. Particularly well-concealed or of these different types of devices continuously sensitive triggers might penalize that check. scan a particular region of the facility for Normally a single Thievery check disarms any anomalous results. In most cases, smart automated traps. A single failure, however, sets algorithms are capable of distinguishing between the weapon off. An automated trap Complication false positives and actual intruders, but they are reveals that multiple traps share a single hair not always perfect. Hacking or Electronics are the trigger. Failure during a Complication loudly most common skills to overcome sensors.

67 A single check can usually bypass any particular sensor, though complex systems may require multiple tokens. A failure might trigger only a single sensor, which an AI or guard might consider a false alarm. A Complication reveals that the system has been upgraded or adds another element that could trigger the system—typically an animal that has entered the sensor’s detection range at the worst possible time. Failure on a complication not only triggers alarms but leaves a recording on the system, potentially identifying the player characters.


ome facilities may choose to Sincorporate more dangerous threats. These could be an intrinsic part of the work done at the facility, or it may simply be a measure of how precious the owners consider the sight. Examples could include defensive animals, airborne contagions, or even radiation. GMs should be careful when choosing to incorporate any of these, as they have lethal potential. In each instance, required skill checks represent a familiarity with the methods involved in appropriately handling these threats. Failure could leave the characters exposed to dangers without even realizing that they were present. ITS OOLK WO: T WO: T TER CHAP

68 V IRT VIRTUAL REALITY These items weren’t introduced in The Player’s Guide to 2095 simply because we hadn’t tackled UAL RE irtual Reality is a core element in many this element of the game yet. If your group Vcyberpunk settings. The notion of a hacker wishes to engage in VR, use the following table “jacking in” and running a hack against a megacorp for pricing guidelines.

in virtual reality has been around since Case first AL started “Punching Deck” in Neuromancer. It’s HEADGEAR QUALITY IT almost expected that characters can do this sort Y of thing in their cyberpunk game. ike anything purchased on the open market, Interface Zero is different. Lyou get what you pay for. The descriptions Virtual reality exists, but the megacorps are below provide a basic guideline for how VR smart. They don’t open themselves up to a VR Headgear can have an impact on a character’s hack by exposing their critical systems to virtual virtual reality session. reality traffic. Megacorps limit their online/ Quality: Basic Headgear virtual presence to stores where people can Requirements: Characters must have a Tendril order their products, post reviews, and interact Access Processor rated at Tier 1 or higher. with customer service bots. Like today, the Performance: Standard headgear will get you biggest risk of a hack on one of these sites is the there, but you’ll likely wish it didn’t. The VR potential exposure of their customer’s personal experience with this tech is baseline. Many areas information. Hackers won’t find information are pixelated to such an extent that it’s sometimes about top secret research projects, or databases hard (at the GM’s Discretion) to determine what listing their employees by hacking a corporate they are without a successful Notice roll. Digital network (though they might meet a contact who food tastes off; it’s like the neural processors can pass along said information); to obtain that can’t figure out how something should taste, type of information a character must physically so everything tastes like chicken. Oftentimes penetrate their offices and hack the computer characters will experience lag, especially if they systems and networks. All that said, virtual are in heavily populated worlds such as The reality can be a dynamic element of your Interface Deep, or any of the worlds which make up the Zero game. Deadlands Universe. There is an upside to having this gear, though. You can’t feel pain and thus, ACCESSING VIRTUAL REALITY you ignore any instances of Fatigue (Bumps and Bruises) while in VR. haracters can easily access any virtual reality Lag: Any time a character with this headgear Cworld in existence. All they need is the gear engages in virtual combat or other activity (such to interface with it. We refer to these interfaces as Chases or Dramatic Tasks) which stresses as VR Headgear. VR Headgear contains all of the the headgear’s processors she runs the risk of software needed to translate the user’s sensorium incurring lag. If her Action Card is a Club, she has into a virtual environment. It’s designed to plug become lagged. She has the Hesitant Hindrance into plug into the Tendril Access Processor’s CPU. for the next 3 rounds. Once the VR headgear is synced with the TAP, the Example: Twitchy is in a boss fight against character is able to enter any VR world they have a Kraken in a remote island in the Devil’s an active subscription to and interact with it as if Cross (See the 50 Fathoms VR World for they were really there. more information). When the fight starts,

VR HEADGEAR QUALITY REQUIREMENTS PERFORMANCE COST Basic Headgear Tier 1 TAP Lag heavy, low-quality sensorium input 100 cryptodollars Advanced Headgear Tier 2 TAP Intermittent Lag, good sensorium input 500 cryptodollars State of the Art Headgear Tier 3 TAP Superior Connectivity (Lag spikes are extremely rare), 2,500 cryptodollars real life sensorium input

69 Twitchy draws a Jack of Clubs! His headset Quality: State of The Art Headgear is experiencing a massive lag spike! The next Requirements: Characters must have a Tendril round Twitchy draws Ace of Diamonds and Access Processor rated at Tier 3 or higher. a three of Hearts and must take the three. Performance: Welcome to the dream stream, The Kraken draws a 5 of Spades and goes virtuality as it was meant to be experienced. The before Twitchy. tastes, textures, smells, sounds and resolution are better than real life, and so are you. Your State- Quality: Advanced Headgear of-the-Art headgear has been custom designed Requirements: Characters must have a Tendril to provide such an immersive experience that Access Processor rated at Tier 2 or higher. you enjoy a +1 to any Notice and Persuasion Performance: Advanced headgear has checks. However, the pain you feel while in VR improved buffering technology and mid-to-high is heightened to such an extent that it can seem level Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) capable unbearable at times. You suffer a -1 to any rolls to of rendering virtual domains in exceptional avoid Fatigue (Bumps and Bruises). quality, though the neural processors still have Lag: Any time a character with this headgear some trouble translating sensorium input. Lag engages in virtual combat or other activity (such spikes happen infrequently, but they don’t last as Chases or Dramatic Tasks) which stresses ITS exceedingly long. At the GM’s discretion, you the headgear’s processors, he runs the risk of also enjoy a +1 to Notice checks when running incurring lag. If his Action Card is an Ace of Clubs, this headgear. There is a slight downside— you he is lagged. She has the Hesitant Hindrance for OOLK feel pain. No modifiers are applied to any rolls to a single round. avoid Fatigue (Bumps and Bruises). Lag: Any time characters with this headgear MULTIPLE LAG CONDITIONS

WO: T WO: engages in virtual combat or other activity (such as Chases or Dramatic Tasks) which stresses haracters do not suffer additional lagged the headgear’s processors, they run the risk of Cconditions if they draw another Club while incurring lag. If their Action Card is a Jack, Queen currently under the effects of lag. T TER or King of Clubs, they become lagged, and gain the Hesitant Hindrance for the next 2 rounds. CHAP

70 V IRT


hen characters enter virtual reality, they ost of the time characters don’t die in a Whave avatars; virtual bodies which they use MVirtual World; they just respawn. It’s totally to interact with whatever VR world they are in. up to you as to where they respawn in context AL The avatar can move, fight, run, touch, hear, and of the VR world, but here’s a tip: As someone IT even taste and smell(!). We don’t wish to bog you who plays in MMORPG’s it really sucks when the Y down with a ton of unnecessary rules for creating respawn point is far away from the action. To an avatar. In 2095, VR technology is advanced avoid friction, consider allowing characters to set enough that any aspect of a living person or their own spawn point by spending a Benny. creature can be replicated with ease. The only All that said, there are VR environments (see The difference is the quality, which is determined Deep on page @@) where anything goes! Indeed, by the headgear the character uses. With this in some worlds have specialized environments mind, you can go about making VR characters in where people come to suffer pain in all its myriad one of three ways: forms and even the thrill of death. These people actually let the developers of the worlds use the • Use existing characters: This is the easiest blackest malware to cause physical damage to way to go about it. Just let the players use augment their virtual sensations, and occasionally their existing characters to interact with VR. they die from the experience. These VR domains All the Savage Worlds rules are the same. are only hinted at in this book; we don’t condone Characters can gain fatigue, Wounds, etc. and situations where players are subjected this even die. The main difference is that death sort of thing. isn’t real. They just respawn! See Character Death for more details. ADVENTURES IN VR • Make new characters: If you want the group to have different characters than those they n the surface, savage tales set either entirely play in the real world, simply have them Oor even partially in virtual reality might not create new ones. You can set the starting seem interesting, but in 2095 VR is a great place Rank based on what you feel is appropriate for characters to engage in all sorts of activity, like and let the players do the rest. This gives the meeting contacts. It’s certainly much safer than players more choices. Maybe an android your bog-standard meet at a night club or some character wonders what it might be like to other cliché. Beyond simple meetings, however, be human and chooses to go that route, consider using VR as a storytelling element. or your group’s cyborg character chooses Perhaps a piece of information critical to the an avatar that isn’t cybered, so they can completion of a mission exists in a virtual world, experience touch and taste again. and characters must enter VR and interact with • Import characters: If you’re running a game the world to find it. Or maybe they must interact in some other game (such as Deadlands, or with (or kill) a virtual entity, like an elusive AI, or Weird Wars) simply use those characters! even a raid boss! There’s nothing stopping you. If you wish to give characters a skill they might not otherwise have in their “home” setting (Like Hacking or some other relevant skill), give them the skill at a d6. That skill obviously can only be used while in a VR World.

71 VR WORLDS PLOT POINT VMMOS: SAVAGE VIRTUAL WORLDS he following VR worlds are the most popular, Some game-spaces in VR share a lot of Tthough many, many more exist. common rules and framework, and even Note: Pinnacle Entertainment has kindly allow characters to directly cross over allowed us to introduce a few of their most between them as though they were the popular game settings as fictional VR worlds. All same game. The following MMOs are artwork is copyright 2020 Pinnacle Entertainment. connected like that; all of them feature Used with their permission. instanced adventure content called “Plot Points.” Within a Plot Point, a group of THE DEADLANDS UNIVERSE players won’t run into any random players. Some Plot Points can exit to other games hrough this VRMMO, players can access one within the Plot Point genre of MMOs as Tof several settings: the supernatural cowboys well as where you originally entered them. of the Weird West, the hardboiled ghost stories It can matter where you entered, though, of Deadlands Noir, the post-apocalyptic magical because each game does have some unique cowboy land of Hell on Earth: The Wasted West, rules that carry over, wherever your char- and the magical space cowboys of Lost Colony. The acter goes. If you exit the connected game third of these settings serves as a hub for travel space, items, and character changes unique between them, and to the other MMOs like this, to these Savage Virtual Worlds will be saved from within the game, because besides the Tunnel but may not carry over into other VR spaces. in orbit allowing characters who can get there access to the Lost Colony, the titular “Deadlands” in the Wasted West contain magical portals. Downside: unless your respawn point is the Boise Anonymity, should one wish it, is an essential Temple, the Temple o’ Doom, or a first nations holy component of The Deep. The avatar is just a site, there is a chance when you respawn that you virtual representation of a person, which means a become Harrowed. If you try to take Ghost Rock person can be anybody they want, anything they outside a Deadlands Universe game, though, it want, or even nobody at all. That ambiguity of converts into the new game’s local currency. identity allows people to conduct other types of business without fear of retribution in meat space. THE DEEP People can buy drugs, weapons, falsified TAP identities, stolen cybertech, unlicensed genetech, ot a VR World in the sense that it’s a game, and any other thing not available on the open NThe Deep is vast open world structured like market. They can contract assassinations, an endless virtual city. People come to The Deep kidnappings and obtain any other service or item for any reason you can think of; social interaction they want; if they know who to talk to. ITS and shopping being the prime reasons. Anything While many watchdog groups and federal you might ever want, or need can be found in The agencies monitor The Deep, the VR World is Deep and, while smart corporations keep their essentially the Wild West; it’s too big to be OOLK most sensitive servers offline, they all maintain regulated with any real effectiveness. The cyber storefronts where people can buy their products agency known as Stopwatch maintains an active and have them delivered in a timely manner. presence in The Deep and have made some high-

WO: T WO: Similarly, any type of social group or activity you profile arrests of known human, simulacra and can think of exists in this virtual space. Indeed, android traffickers and have even taken down the very structure of The Deep (buildings, parks, a few major hacker groups, but ask any agent subways, etc.) is a place one can go to interact and they’ll tell you the experience is like playing T TER with like-minded people and take part in virtual Whack-A-Mole. activities. But these are not the only reasons people come here. CHAP

72 V R WO R L DS

73 Situational Rules for The Deep: Unlike other VR Worlds where it’s easy enough to take a look NECESSARY EVIL at a published game setting and use it’s setting rules, The Deep needs some guidelines you can heavily PVP-based MMO, though there is follow if or when your group decides to take the A also an in-depth set of Plot Points, players dive into this virtual world. can take the role of either aliens or the former supervillains fighting them. Star City also provides • Combat: Just like any other VR World, if ample tools and resources players can manipulate a character gets into a fight with another to create their own content, from building secret person in The Deep, use whatever character bases staffed with AI characters to creating they created to resolve it. custom equipment, or even designing their own • Death: Unlike popular game worlds, there Plot Points. It can be hard to actually complete really isn’t much stopping a person from such projects, though, since nowhere in the using malware designed to cut through VR game world is truly safe from PVP activity and headgear and damage their opponent’s TAP it all must be done in-game. Luckily, respawns or Brain. This doesn’t happen a lot; most are extremely generous, since aliens are mostly people are satisfied with simply destroying interchangeable unit types, and supervillains the avatar (often called Derezzing, or Slicing) have access to a variety of escape methods and and knocking the person offline, but as insurance policies that allow respawning without GM you can certainly up the stakes if you penalty having “escaped” your defeat. wish. If characters get while in The Deep, their connection is severed, and NOTHRANNON: AGE OF EXPLORERS they are knocked back into the real world. In most cases this means they take a Shaken othrannon: Age of Explorers takes place in condition, but as mentioned above, some Nthe world of the same name. The game is brainers might use malware to physically set against a backdrop of intrigue and adventure, harm the characters. If this is the case, use where characters of all races and all walks of the effects of the malware to determine life have taken up good King Hagathor’s call to exactly what happens. venture into mysterious land known only as the Nameless East and find his sons Breg and Onar. EAST TEXAS UNIVERSITY Two years ago, the two set out to map the region in hopes of finding the mythic kingdom of Tor- n the surface, ETU presents a campus Drannoth. They haven’t been heard of since. Oand town full of college life inspired mini- The main story arc of the game is told in Plot games, and even actual college-level lectures Points, with endless procedurally generated side- and exercises you can learn from in the VR quests presenting themselves based on where environment. Of course, the real meat of the the characters are at any given time, regardless ITS game is in the High Strangeness and Supernatural of their Rank. Surprisingly, while many have Plots. With a storyline of Plot Points to follow, finished the end-game content, nobody has been and procedural Strangeness encounters, there posting spoilers in the TAPstream, leading some OOLK are plenty of demons and cryptids to fight and to believe the ending isn’t the same for everyone. cultists to counter. Players can travel to other Other, more conspiratorial folks claim Gun Metal games from here if they complete the “Secret Games—the creators of the world—have been

WO: T WO: of the Burn” Plotline, gaining the ability to actively removing any spoilers they find, either open the dimensional portal there. Respawning by enforcing copyright laws, or hacking the the same student character comes with some sources directly. harsh penalties based on hospital stay and T TER missed classes. CHAP

74 V R WO R L DS

75 even going so far as to delete enemy factions and associated lodges from the servers. This doesn’t happen as much in non-PVP servers, however. Characters can also form guilds, commonly known as lodges. As characters gain experience and reputation with the lodge, they can unlock access to special Rippertech and Ripper Labs. The most current expansion of Rippers has players travelling all over the world, combatting the machinations of the Cult of Apep.


nother game containing multiple distinct Asettings united by a theme, through this military horror MMO characters can take part in the wars of ancient Rome, the Great War (parts I and II) of Europe and its colonial empires, and the sequel to them in a Tour of Darkness in Vietnam. The content in these games features a mix of military action played fairly straight and weird encounters with zombies, mutants, and other strangeness. Magic isn’t as accessible to players RIPPERS as in Deadlands, and a given player is expected to take on different character roles in each war The highly popular Virtual World known as setting, rather than time-traveling between them. Rippers gives players a chance to experience life Respawning is harsh in these games: you lose in the Victorian Age—with a twist. Characters most of your progress and start a new soldier. are known as Rippers, masters of a dangerous technology known as Rippertech; grafts and 50 FATHOMS implants created by “ripping” supernatural abilities from defeated creatures such as vampires, espite being designed for PVP, this werewolves, and others. Rippertech can be Dswashbuckling pirate MMO is actually home extremely powerful. Implant too much, though, to a startling degree of player mass cooperation. and your character can suffer from psychosis. Rather than raiding each other’s ships in pirate After character creation, players must choose actions, players found that the in-depth commerce membership with one of the following factions: system in the world of Caribdus, with various trade ITS • Frazier’s Fighters goods and prices shifting based on AI characters • Masked Crusaders who use up and produce in-game goods, was • Old Worlders much more fun to play with cooperatively. The OOLK • The Order of St. George magic system has multiplayer synergies, and by • Rosicrucians running ships with all players and no AIs, the • Slayers player community have turbo-charged the game’s •

WO: T WO: Witch Hunters economy and built massive fleets and works of These factions offer special benefits of architecture. Fans of the game’s swashbuckling membership, though they all have their own Plot Points complain that the developers gave up agendas, and are often pitted against each other. continuing the plot to focus only on the more- T TER Indeed, many faction wars erupt in PVP (Player popular commerce and building systems, but Versus Player) servers. Malicious programmers they’re the minority of players. have been known to take things to the extreme, CHAP

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“Storytelling reveals meaning without Ultimately, the Game Master has a lot of control committing the error of defining it.” over the story’s direction, but you should not ~ Hannah Arendt take that to mean that you control the story. Use narration to guide the characters along, rather TELLING THE STORY than forcing them along the story’s path. Nothing hurts a game more than the idea that there is a he art of storytelling is nearly as old as stories forgone conclusion and that ultimately it doesn’t Tthemselves. In times long past, people would matter what the characters do or what rolls they gather in their homes or around a fire and tell get. The characters are the story and should be tales to one another. These stories could be the ones making the difference. entertaining or frightening, or both. They could, like a parable, impart some great insight, or be so CREATING A PLOT abstract as to resemble a dream. POINT CAMPAIGN In Interface Zero, the Game Master has the job of presiding over the story’s development but does hink of creating a series in the same way that not have a monopoly on the story being told. The Tyou might were you a television producer Game Master serves as her players’ senses—a creating a drama for TV. Most popular TV cinematographer of the mind's eye if you will. series today are broken into seasons with some When the heroes open a door into a dirty back overarching plot, which are then further broken alley, it is the Game Master’s duty to describe the down into several episodes, or plot points. Each alley and clue the characters into why it is so dirty. plot point further details the stories of the show’s S The way you describe it (dark and claustrophobic principal protagonists, while slowly advancing the or piled with reeking sun-ripened garbage) will go season’s overarching plot (or at the very least, not GN a long way to determining the mood of the game. derailing it). An Interface Zero series can be broken While players only have one part to play— down the same way using the following elements. their hero—you, as the Game Master, have the responsibility of playing everyone else in the SETTING series’ cast and trying to make them all distinct.

I T CAMPA You are charged with coming up with their looks, tuff has to happen somewhere, and your

N mannerism, motives, and goals. If the nefarious Schoice of setting often determines the sort I corporate agent provocateur comes up with a of stories you are going to tell. An Interface Zero plan to expose the hero’s real allegiances, you game can be as large as you like, from several

T PO must come up with the plan. major cities to the inside of a studio apartment If that weren’t enough, you are also charged or even someone’s head. with being entertaining as well. Give your players It is important that the setting stays consistent,

: PLO options and the freedom to take the story places and by that we mean that the corner bar should you hadn’t thought of. Help them get more not suddenly appear ten miles away in the next attached to their characters by rewarding them town during the next game, unless there is REE with opportunities to shine, and not just because an in-game reason for such a change (like the H of their character’s skills, but because of their adventure is all happening in VR for instance). If character’s personalities and backgrounds. Put the setting becomes inconsistent, players start them in situations that test their morals as well wondering more about geography than what T TER as their abilities. their characters are going to do next. CHAP

80 Cre

Most series are probably going to be set in a large humanity, the world of Interface Zero, being home a

city, for convenience's sake. Because Interface Zero to simulacrums, artificial intelligences, uploaded ti

is much like our world, one easy way to ensure digital personalities, enhanced humans and even ng a P consistency and score some interesting locations human/animal hybrids, stresses it like never before. for adventure is to purchase a city map or travel If a player chooses one of these races, creating guide, or if you happen to live in the city you wish a hero viewed as less than human or even an to set your series in, try your local visitor’s bureau. abomination immediately makes the issue a key lo Remember, though, that things are likely to have element of the campaign.

changed a lot in the intervening 70+ years, so Conversely, pure-blood humans might also find t P extrapolate a little. At the same time, alter things themselves drawn into the debate, whether pro or to fit your chosen mood and theme. Plot out a few con. The notion of playing a hero bravely pushing o i

locations that your player’s characters are likely to back against bigotry and calling for an expansion n

visit (a homeless shelter, the local street doctor, the of civil rights to include these new sorts of people t C residence of the local deputy lodge master, a high- seems obvious and leaps immediately to mind. For

class restaurant and the Kenta Cyberdynamics this reason, a campaign taking the other tack, one ampa i LIVEFAC in Chicago), mixing a few real locations devoted to keeping artificial life forms in check, from our world updated to 2095. presents itself as an interesting if controversial alternative. THEME gn POOR VS. RICH he theme in terms of a series is best Tdescribed as an unanswered (and perhaps he inequalities in wealth between the hyper unanswerable) question posed repeatedly over Trich and those just trying to break even are the course of one or more episodes. The various more pronounced. In an Interface Zero game, episodes within the series, as well as the series’ arc, most government services are outsourced to pose the question in a variety of ways, and it is corporate contractors and most taxes are now the heroes’ actions that ultimately answer it. The rolled into monthly subscription or pay-per-use theme can be nearly anything, though it should fees. Generational debt, mass unemployment, and pose a question that is difficult to answer (such as: lack of opportunity all mean most people will live “What is it to be human?” “Why do people hate?” at the same economic level their forebears did, or “Does wealth bring happiness?”). Each story their only respite coming in the form of state and within the series should touch on, if only subtly, the corporate-backed entertainment, inexpensive overall thematic question from as many angles as food assistance programs, or criminal activity. possible. HERO VS. NATURE CONFLICT his is a conflict that pits man against the onflict is core to any story. Without it there is Telements. Humanity's rape of the natural Cno story and certainly no interest. Adversity world has brought about dangerous environments is the medium through which characters rise or beyond those featured in the stories of Jack London. fall. In Interface Zero, characters can be subject to In 2095, the world is dotted with toxic-wastelands, all sorts of conflict, from internal moral choices radioactive fallout zones, polluted slums, deep to running gun battles. These are a sampling ocean habitats, colonies throughout the solar of potential conflicts the characters might find system, as well as the deserts and mountains of themselves embroiled in: today. The damage humans have inflicted on the ecosystem has been repaid with dangerously HUMAN VS. NON-HUMAN extreme weather patterns that make El Nino look like a passing spring rain. hile each generation grapples with how Wtechnology and social progress redefines


o, you want to stick it to the Man? Feel they n the end, it turns out there are no real Swronged you somehow and now you want Iheroes or villains in the world of the future justice? Or maybe you just a piece of the pie? It — just products of a system so broken most ain’t as easy as it looks. The company has an army take it for granted, like death and taxes. Such a of corporate lawyers, media security specialists, series seeks to expose the dark side of so-called AIs, and in many cases in the post-collapse benevolent social constructs such as community, world, their own private mercenary armies. governance, love, wealth and even rationality. Each company has its own way of defending its Heroes struggle against society as a whole while interests, so heroes might find themselves on the being viewed as radical malcontents, or perhaps receiving end of anything from a subtle smear even criminally insane. campaign to a simulacrum murder squad. Or, if they are company men themselves, they might HERO VS. SELF be the troubleshooters. ome of the most difficult battles are not CORP VS. CORP Sagainst external forces, but our own inner demons. In such a conflict, the hero’s own he profit line is all that matters in a game fears and vices might prove to be their worst Tof competing megacorps. Companies enemies. In a world of digitalized memories, the will do whatever it takes to get and maintain heroes might also be pitted against AI aspects the edge over their competition. Corporate constructed from their own personalities or espionage, cover-ups, insider trading, sabotage, simulacrums built to be their equal. The only way embezzlement, and shifting alliances punctuate to defeat such external manifestations might be a conflict where loyalty is bought and sold like to face up to and then take advantage of their everything else. A series dealing with corporate own shared flaws. S warfare might see characters freelancing for one (or both?) of the corporations as deniable assets PLOT GN who gather all manner of information, steal prototypes, and even key employees as a way of he plot is the sequence of events within the destabilizing the target corps’ infrastructure. Tseries. Unlike traditionally created works, the Game Master does not have complete control NATION STATE VS. NATION STATE over the course of the story. The players’ input,

I T CAMPA and the randomness of the dice will invariably

N series dealing with nations often revolves alter the story’s progression. Still, the plot is in I A around ideologies and espionage. Characters many ways the story and the Game Master will might play spies, assassins or propagandists who still need to at least thumbnail the rough events

T PO spread disinformation in enemy territory. The of the series before it is fit to present to the characters might even be involved in an insurgent players at the game table. campaign with the goal of destabilizing the nation. How the heroes navigate the plot is what makes

: PLO the story memorable. Plots have beginnings LAW ENFORCEMENT VS. CRIME (which set the stage and offer the hook that invites the heroes into the situation), middles REE hether as criminals, bounty hunters, sector (that explore the theme), and ends (which resolve H Wcops, or corporate or private detectives, the plot). The plot tends to build up during the heroes come face to face with many of the the middle until, as the player in “Rosencrantz moral gray areas within the future legal system. & Guildenstern Are Dead” states: Generally T TER Forensics and investigation become intertwined speaking, things have gone about as far as they with shadowy informants, evidence tampering, can possibly go, when things have gotten about and the fine art of the double-cross. as bad as they can reasonably get. That's when we CHAP

82 Cre get a climax—the point of final decision within THE REAL END a

the story, followed by a denouement which wraps ti

up the last few plot threads (or more commonly When a series comes to an end (as all good ng a P these days: the threads that will not be picked stories should) you should have a plan, and up until the next sequel). Each of these is a here, in the planning stage is where you distinct phase of the plot, which we will briefly should start formulating it. It should be describe below. big and worth remembering by the players: lo something they will tell stories of in the

IN THE BEGINNING… years to come. It is likely that you will not t P reach the resolution point via the path you eginnings are foundation of the story. The had first imagined, but you should have the o i Bplace where you as the Game Master can put end in mind all the same. As events occur n your first stamp on things and set the mood, tone, within the course of the series, make what- t C and direction of the story. This all requires a good ever minor course corrections you need to deal of focused description, so don’t be afraid to get you to there. It is entirely possible that ampa i go a little overboard here. A well-set stage will the heroes’ actions might even suggest a have your players using the props, places and better end, in which case, feel free to make people you supply here for games to come. At changes as logic permits. Even still, you this point, you need to establish the baseline of should always have a finish line in sight, and gn the world the series is set in. Show your players be actively working toward it. Without that what “normal” looks like before you yank it all goal, your series might very well wither on out from under them. Give them reasons to love the vine and die amid a maze of subplots or hate their setting, and want to protect, change, and side quests. So, remember keep your or flee from it. In general, you want to start your eye on the prize. beginnings with a bit of bang. It doesn’t have to be a “Bond” opening, but it should catch the players’ and their heroes’ attentions. This bang may or may not lead directly into the middle. In a role-playing game, the middle is the most fluid point. Heroes are generally given THE MIDDLE GROUND several options at this point, and they may take the adventure in any number of unforeseen iddles are very often the most difficult phase directions. As the Game Master, you must choose Mof design, because so much can happen here. whether to go with the flow or nudge the group The middle is a maze of choices where subplots sit back in place. To be extreme in either direction like landmines waiting to be tapped. Because you is to risk your game. Players like direction from are not navigating it yourself, but relying on the time-to-time, but they also enjoy their freedom. players to do so, it can become very complex. My The trick is to know which one to employ and only advice on this is to try and remain as flexible when. That comes from experience and knowing as possible, while at the same time offering the your group. players a bread crumb trail of clues or alternate paths—perhaps with unexpected twists and THE END (CLIMAX) challenges of their own—should they lose their way to the climax. he climax. The final showdown. The big While progressing along you should build up Treveal. Here the heroes finally confront their the stakes. The risks and challenges should both foe and give him what for, or perhaps die in the grow and become more personal to the heroes attempt. All the major action should lead (or at until the adventure draws near its climax. This the least appear to lead) to this point, and if that time to spring all your sorted twists and reversals, means you have to alter your previously scripted slowly increasing the pressure on the party. grand finale because of something unexpected that transpired in the middle, so be it. Don’t make

83 this scene too easy for the group. They should DECAY have a good solid plan for dealing with their nemesis or the problem at hand. They should also he toxins in the air eat at man’s cities, and at have to overcome a twist or two along the way. Thumanity itself. The world is slowly rotting Ultimately, it is the Game Master’s responsibility and dying around the heroes, as evidenced by to provide the necessary keys to the heroes’ the destruction of the ecosystem, wastelands, success during the middle. Whether the heroes ruins, and the rusted shells of cars that dot them. take the Game Master’s clues and hints or use the Everyone is sick here in one way or another. key in the right fashion or instead go their own Entropy is everywhere, as are the items used to way is another story, but once again the Game ward it off. Everything seems to be falling apart, Master needs to be adaptable. If the characters morals included. come up with a reasonable way of dealing with the climax, you should consider the option. FRENETIC

MOOD verything is constantly in motion and no Eone really knows what the future holds. This ood is the spice of the series. Mood is the is the mood of the Singularity, the shifting neon Mfeel or emotion invoked by the story in the landscape of the hyper real world, the constant players, and by default, their characters. Invoking background buzz of information. The world is a mood is one of the harder parts of Narrating, one filled with sleepless nights of racing thoughts, but it’s well worth the effort. A well-invoked and uncertainty. Travel and high-speed chases are mood allows for deeper immersion into the game a hallmark of this mood. Change is everywhere, world by touching upon an emotional thread, like but not always visible. All the characters in the fear, hope, wistfulness, or fun. frenetic world (Game Master and player alike) Think about mood in the same way a movie tend to act without too much forethought, flying director might. In a passionate romance, sets are by the seat of their pants, and living off of fear S often dimly lit and filled with deep reds, the music and adrenaline. Never sit down when Narrating a is pitched at a certain tone, and the movements frenetic adventure. GN of the actors’ flow like a dance. A horror film, in contrast, includes long periods of suspenseful IDEALISTIC buildup punctuated by sudden discordance. The shadows are cold and isolating, rather than he world is filled with lofty ideas and noble cozy and warm. Interface Zero can play to any Tpurposes, a stark contrast to the usual

I T CAMPA number of moods (including the aforementioned cyberpunk setting. Things are bright, and shiny,

N examples), the following are just a few more to and new, like a blazing dawn as seen from a I get you started. penthouse or Olympus on high.


here are new, never-before-seen horizons to hings are not all that they seem to be when

: PLO Texplore. Sudden dangers are present around Tthis mood is in effect. The world is a balance every corner in a series with an adventuresome of shadow and light. No one seems to have all the bent. A hero cannot advance without taking answers. The heroes themselves should probably REE daring risks, and everything seems boldly colored never piece it all together (at least not now). H and over the top. Mooks (minions) are aplenty, Instead they’ll have to rely on themselves to fill in as are cliffhangers and skin-of-your teeth rescues. the missing puzzle pieces as they navigate a world Everything happens in just the nick of time, or if of lies, half-truths and secret agendas. T TER you prefer, not a moment too soon. CHAP

84 Cre

OPPRESSIVE hidden organic urges. This mood plays up those a

blood instincts in the face of cold technological ti

he world seems claustrophobic, brooding, indifference. ng a P Tcrushing down on the backs of the characters. Big Brother seems to always be VIOLENT watching. People toil like robots and the future seems unchanging. Everyone here seems tired eath is swift, messy, and almost arbitrary lo and worn taskmasters on down. Only the super Din a game where the mood of violence affluent seem unaffected. holds sway. There are periods of brooding t P punctuated by sudden flares of aggression like VISCERAL an angry red light flashing in the shadows on o i

an oppressively summer’s night. Fights tend to n

t’s all about blood, sweat, sex, and the resemble Tarantino movies rather than bloodless t C Idrive to survive at any cost in the face of 1950s westerns, and the vicious tools of bodily the impending Singularity. In a visceral setting, harm seem to be everywhere. Most characters ampa i humanity is an animal with all the powers and hold physical confrontation as the first, last, and flaws of his primitive ancestors trapped in a only means of conflict resolution, and many are cage of his own making. Modern society, logic, maimed in some way because of it. and advanced technology play the parts of gn jailor, tamer, and cell that fence in our mostly

85 CAMPAIGN THEMES Warfare Campaign Theme deals with characters who run a corporation, then starting them at n the previous section we discussed various Novice Rank doesn’t make sense; the characters Ielements of a story. This section shows should have some experience running a corp. you how to take those elements and develop Veteran or even Heroic rank would make a better frameworks for your game that we call Campaign fit, as a Corporate Warfare Campaign Theme sees Themes. Campaign Themes are designed to help the characters at the top of (or close to it!) their you and your players mutually decide on the chosen profession. Similarly, the Cyberpunks style of game you’re going to play. We outlined Campaign Theme has characters starting at the core Campaign Themes in the Player’s Guide street level poseurs looking to make a name for to 2095 to give players a base to start from. In this themselves. Novice rank, or possibly Seasoned section we expand on them and give you rules works best in this case. you can use to create your own unique Campaign Themes. Finally, each of the core Campaign STARTING WEALTH Themes contains a Plot Point Campaign. tarting Wealth is always tricky. On one hand, BUILDING CAMPAIGN THEMES Syou want to be sure and give the group enough cryptodollars to get the things they need he following rules are designed to help you (remember Origins give starting gear as well), but Tcreate the framework for the type of game not so much that they can get anything they your group wants to play. want right off the bat.Interface Zero’s economy assumes a couple of things about the world: FORMAT • Tech is cheap: Whether you are talking n the Player’s Guide to 2095, Campaign about various augments (Biotech, Chemtech, IThemes have a basic format; Name, Cybertech, etc.), weapons, body armor, or S Description, Rank, Starting Wealth, Team Roles, various gadgets, the majority of this stuff is The Stage, and Story Elements. We’ll revisit these priced to sell. Corporations want characters GN here, but for you GM’s out there, we add a few buying their stuff, and they have to compete more categories to help you further flesh out the with each other for every cryptodollar they Campaign Theme. get. Price things too high, and suddenly nobody is buying, stocks are falling, board NAME AND DESCRIPTION members are angry, and people lose their

I T CAMPA jobs. • N hese elements seem pretty straightforward; Tech is ubiquitous: Everyone seems to be I Tthe former labels the Campaign Theme sporting the latest augment, wearing the and the latter describes it. There’s not much to newest clothes, driving the coolest car.

T PO say here, but it should be noted that the name Heck, even the blue platers and gutterpunks and description of the Campaign Theme should somehow manage to squirrel away enough reinforce each other. Don’t name your Campaign cryptos (or max their credit cards) to look

: PLO Theme “Corporate Warfare” and describe it as a the part, even if they are living above their theme where characters play gangers who seek to means. Characters are no different, especially dominate the streets. if their Street Cred might suffer. REE H RANK Keeping those things in mind, we suggest most Campaign Themes should start with 5,000 he Rank of the Campaign Theme determines cryptodollars. T TER Twhen it begins. This is important, as players need to build characters that can fit the roles commonly expected of them. If a Corporate CHAP


TEAM ROLES plays sector cops. That isn’t the case—especially in 2095. Long gone are the days when the lone police officer and hat roles do players assume in your Campaign her partner patrol the streets. These days, the police head I WTheme? Are they special operatives working out in teams four or five. While everyone is proficient in T GN for a government, or freelancers who take the tactical combat, sector cops need at least one hacker to jobs nobody else can or want to do? Having clear monitor definitions of character roles helps players create TAP security for the team and quickly lookup H E

characters that fit in your story. For example, playing schematics for a building or geographic area. Drone M a character with a Street Samurai Edge in a Protect support can be critical, especially if/when the squad find ES and Serve Campaign theme doesn’t make much themselves outnumbered. Psions who can read minds sense. On the other hand, a private investigator and emotions are welcome, and everyone should have concept can work in any number of games. Below some basic knowledge of healing. are some examples of concepts for the three core Campaign Themes. THE STAGE Common roles in a Bio–Hunter Campaign Theme: Hunters typically deal with strange creatures, here will your games take place? Are your and more often than not, the people who made Wcyberpunks working exclusively in a single city like them. Characters with a deep understanding of Chicago, or are they engaging in missions that take them biology and genetics can quickly identify potential all over the world and even out into the solar system? problems when dealing with a certain type of Does the Bio–Hunter Campaign Theme take place in biohorror are especially vital; one never knows one city, or do the characters hunt biohorrors in non- precisely what some of the horrific amalgamations urban environments? Knowing where the game will take of fringe science are capable of, and such knowledge place before the campaign begins is crucial to planning might be the difference between life and death. adventures, encounters, and even the non-player Characters who can hold their own in a fight are characters your players meet along the way. obvious choices, as are medics and people who know One thing you should also keep in mind; the stage the ins-and-outs of the sprawl; knowing all the dark isn’t necessarily fixed. As the heroes rise in Rank, they corners of a city can be useful when tracking down may attract the attention of people and organizations some of these beasts. Hackers play a lesser (but still who want to hire them to perform services or take on useful) role in a Bio–Hunter Campaign Theme, but larger roles. someone who knows how to break into places the For example, in a Protect and Serve Campaign old-fashioned way is just as effective. Psions are Theme, the characters start off as patrol officers, but also a good fit in a Campaign Theme dealing with there’s nothing saying that as they rise in rank, they get monster hunting. promoted and become detectives, or even get assigned Common roles in a Cyberpunks Campaign to special task forces that often take them all over Theme: In a Cyberpunks Campaign Theme, the world. characters can come from all walks of life. Ex-soldiers In a Cyberpunks Campaign Theme, the characters may commonly engage in shadow operations and are be invited to join elite organizations similar to the one in quite useful when the bullets start flying, as are other the John Wick series of movies. Once in the organization, combat-oriented archetypes such as the cybermonk they gain access to exclusive locales (like the Continental and iconic street samurai. Hotel) and can obtain equipment not normally found You’ll want at least one hacker, a drone rigger, a on the streets. Membership has privileges, and in such an person who can pull double duty as both the “face” organization, characters may have the opportunity to get of the team and some other critical role such as an lucrative contracts doing the type of work not previously investigator. Negotiations and investigative work available to them on the streets. Each Campaign Theme pair well together. Other roles include ace pilots and explores possible locations you can use in your game. especially healers. Common roles in a Protect and Serve Campaign Theme: At first glance, a Protect and Serve Campaign Theme seems pretty straight-forward: everybody

87 STORY ELEMENTS on books you’ve read, movies or television shows you’ve seen, etc., so go back to them he Campaign Theme you choose determines and make some notes. Pay attention to the Tthe type of stories you wish to tell, but each personalities the hero interacts with. Ask Theme deserves special consideration when it yourself what makes them memorable and comes to story elements; bones which frame apply those qualities to your npcs. The more the core of the game. In the previous section detail, the better. we discussed conflict and mood. Story elements • Stereotypes: Look at common stereotypes take those concepts and help you use them as found in various media and think about how guidelines when creating adventures. they might fit into your Campaign Theme, In a Protect and Serve Campaign Theme, the and then write them with a twist. Maybe conflict is Law Enforcement VS. Crime, but the that Confidential Informant (CI) in your Mood can include a number of concepts. Violent Protect and Serve campaign isn’t a ganger is generally and obvious choice; sector cops are or some other criminal, but the sprite in constantly fighting against criminality, but other the TAP of someone in the organization elements can be used. Using the mysterious you are investigating. The Sprite sends Mood in the Protect and Serve game is great for coded messages to the characters when stories where the characters have to track down it gets information that the group should serial killers or even uncover corruption in the know. Maybe the shady, hard to reach fixer department. the cyberpunks deal with all the time is In a Cyberpunks Campaign Theme, characters actually the lead singer in a rock band, or might be idealists (Idealistic Mood) who fight a corporate purchasing agent. One thing against the system (Heroes VS. The System about stereotypes, though. Don’t use them Conflict), while a Bio–Hunter Campaign Theme to negatively portray any ethnic group, can incorporate the Human VS. Non-Human and sexual orientation or gender. Terrorists are Human VS. Nature Conflicts. Visceral, Violent and not synonymous with the religion of Islam, S even Adventurous Moods are great choices for nor is it appropriate in the slightest to paint characters who hunt bio-horrors for a living. the cab driver as someone of middle eastern GN descent. The fashionista doesn’t have to be COMMON NPCS gay; the professional athlete doesn’t have to be a black male, and the bigot certainly haracters don’t exist in a vacuum. They doesn’t have to be a southern white Cinteract with non-player characters all the Christian. •

I T CAMPA time, and not just because an adventure demands Real Life: Finally, take a look around you.

N it. Non-player Characters add spice to your game, Who do you interact with on a daily basis? I and a certain level of authenticity to the world I’m not necessarily talking about friends and as a whole. Who do your cyberpunks interact family, though they can certainly inspire

T PO with on a daily basis? What’s the name of the you. Think about your common interactions bartender or bouncer at their favorite nightclub? with various people you see every day; the What about the fixer who always seems to have cashier at the coffee shop or grocery store,

: PLO the equipment the characters want? Who do your a co-worker you barely know, the wait staff sector cops squeeze for information when they at a restaurant or that asshole you can need to find a kidnapper? So, how do you create never seem to avoid. What aspects of their REE non-player characters that fit into your game? personalities can you draw from to make H Here are a few suggestions to help you out. interesting non-player characters?

• Inspiration: Where do you draw your Once you’ve found your inspiration, make some T TER inspiration from? There’s a reason you want basic notes about their personalities and how you to be the game master, and most likely it’s want to role-play them. You don’t need to write because you want to tell stories loosely based entire stat blocks here (unless you really want CHAP

88 B I O HUN O to). These characters are there to reinforce the in the trenches facing insurmountable fear and setting. If the characters use them to gain some gnashing teeth that makes a hunter what they are. kind of benefit, a note or two about relevant skills,

services they offer, and the roles they play in the STARTING WEALTH TERS game are all that you need in the beginning. You’ll find that as the game progresses the initial notes io hunters begin play with 5,000 you made are expanded and modified until the Bcryptodollars. They should expect to equip npcs have taken on a life of their own! themselves with everything that they need to begin facing bio-terrors. While the team should SETTING RULES not skimp on weapons and armor, a medkit and drones can play no less of a role in keeping n the Player’s Guide to 2095 we listed Setting them alive. IRules from the Savage Worlds rules which we felt were appropriate for the genre as a whole. THE STAGE Those are Conviction, Gritty Damage, More Skill Points, Multiple Languages, and Wound Cap. Most Interface Zero campaigns take place in the All of these are perfectly fine for any Campaign urban sprawl and bio hunters is little different, Theme. That said, we’ll also provide some new but bio hunters, perhaps more than any other setting rules in each Campaign Theme that we campaign type, may potentially take missions in feel help reinforce the elements of said Theme. the great outdoors, all across the globe, or out You should also feel free to add or subtract setting among the other planets and asteroids. rules as you see fit. STORY ELEMENTS BIO HUNTERS ypical adventures, as the name implies, has n a Bio-hunters Campaign Theme, the Tcharacters facing bio-terrors. There is a near Iharacters are unsung heroes who keep the endless variety of threats, however, that a mission city safe from mutated “bio-horrors;” creatures might take. One night they may be hunting that have escaped the confines of a research lab mindless in the Gary Hells, and the next night (or were intentionally released!) and live in the they are on a flight to Eastern Europe to hunt dark corners of the sprawl. lycanthropes. The Bio Hunters Campaign Theme helps you do just that. Modern genetic experimentation COMMON NON-PLAYER and cybernetic enhancement are not the only CHARACTERS threats that bio hunters face either. Often it is as important to clean up a threat and keep it out • Sector Cop of the eyes of the public as it is to eliminate the • Federal Agent threat in the first place. • Cyber Punk • Bounty Hunter RANK • Mad Scientist • Corporate Geneticist io Hunters tend to begin at Novice rank, • Bio-Horrors of numerous types. Blearning the ropes through trial and error as they come up through the ranks. GMs may choose to begin a campaign at a higher rank such as Seasoned going with the assumption that these bio hunters have been around for a while. A good bio hunter is not just a collection of stats and good equipment, it is experience



91 creatures that are aberrations in God’s eyes. SETTING RULES The Memphis Monster Hunters are a small group that, according to their Deep feed, have hroughout history, individuals have taken slain over 300 bio-horrors and mutants in the Tupon themselves the task of protecting Memphis area. Though the group has little proof others from creatures of horror. Organizations to back up their claims, there are a small handful have existed that gathered these hunters together of grainy images on their Deep feed that have and guided them upon their tasks. While many not been entirely debunked. Bio-Horrors Inc. is eldritch creatures have been hunted to extinction, a group of nine individuals in the Seattle area new ones continue to arise through natural that hunt creatures for pay. Their advertisements evolution and dabbling of corrupted minds. Now promise swift creature removals for reasonable at the close of the 21st century, due to the rise of fees and they have 21 positive reviews on their genetic experimentation, radioactive mutation, U-Sell Marketplace account. Whitechapel is an and biological hazardous waste, new creatures organization based out of London that have are appearing at an alarming rate. Some of the hunted bio-horrors for pay worldwide including Bio-Horrors have mastered the ability to blend the very well-known case where they successfully in with humans. So much so, in fact, that there recaptured a genetically created Tyrannosaurus have been cases of supernatural beings inhabiting Rex in Dubai after it escaped from a Chimera prominent political and social circles. Corporate facility. Fantasy Safari Tours sells all-inclusive bio-horror ORGANIZATIONS hunting experiences in the Australian Outback to any number of individuals that can come up with here have been countless organizations their 60k cryptodollar fee and allow trophies or Tthrough the years that have eliminated carcasses for a further150k bag fee. Montgomery supernatural aberrations. Some of these Steel has thousands of likes on his Deep feed for organizations and individuals are well known and his solo hunts of numerous creatures over the last S their names and accomplishments have passed 17 years including his most popular feed of a rare down through stories and legend. albino werewolf. Rumors abound of Aphrodite GN Individuals and organization that have hunted Cosmetics operatives being spotted with heavy these creatures and who hunt them now can vehicles and weapons in the Altana area during generally be identified as specific types: Altruistic an attack by a 30-foot winged crocodile that has individuals and organizations who hunt creatures not been seen since. Requests for information for the public good, greedy individuals and from Aphrodite Cosmetics have been met with

I T CAMPA groups that slay monsters for profit, egotistical denials of their presence in the area though no

N groups and individuals that hunt beasts for end of unofficial photos have come in from the I glory or trophies, organizations and individuals public refuting their claim. who seek to capture the creatures for their own In Chicago, the Unnatural Biological Interdiction

T PO use, and finally government or police employed Department (UBID) is a municipal organization, organizations or individuals who hunt creatures as funded by the city with the express responsibility a profession. Organizations and individuals exist of eliminating unnatural threats within the

: PLO that interact with these creatures in other ways as walls. Rumor has it, with three radiation zones, well, such as groups and individuals that seek to numerous corporations specializing in genetic protect these animals viewing them as rare and research, and a huge population, any number REE endangered species, as well as organizations and of whom may be amateur geneticists, the UBID H individuals who intentionally create monstrosities is kept very busy and they are always recruiting to cause havoc and chaos. those brave (or foolish) enough to join their ranks. Modern organizations that are currently PETAL (People for the Ethical Treatment of All T TER known or who are reputed to exist include Lifeforms) has tens of thousands of members Deorum Clypeus, a holy organization boasting worldwide that view the destruction of any kind over 200 members in 81 countries that hunt of creature, even those created unnaturally and CHAP

92 B I O HUN O those that are inherently violent and dangerous, BIO‑HUNTERS AND THE is utterly unforgivable. Finally, there have been SUPERNATURAL numerous cases of ‘biological terrorism’ where If you are running a Fantasypunk game,

organizations, such as The Black Cloud, have you may very well want to use the Bio-Hunt- TERS intentionally created bio-horrors and released ers Campaign Theme. In such a setting, the them in public areas to cause as much injury and characters may be dedicated to wiping out death as possible. demons, vampires, werewolves and other Player characters in a Bio Bunters campaign nightmarish beings. my work individually, in a group, or may be part This Campaign Theme can easily be of a larger organization that helps guide and modified to emulate tv shows such as coordinate their activities. Supernatural, Buffy The Vampaire Slayer and many more. GENERAL EQUIPMENT The weapons and equipment are provided to help you get started. ere are a few pieces of general equipment Hcharacters might find useful. Bio Signature Tracker: A handheld device with a display on the top surface. The bio signature SPECIAL EQUIPMENT tracker scans an area in a cone template in front of it. Anything in that template that is not “human” he following section introduces a variety will be indicated. The device ignores anything Tof weapons and equipment designed for with a mass of less than 10 pounds to eliminate fighting supernatural creatures. insects and other pests. The test requires a full round to scan a cone template, anything that MELEE WEAPONS does not remain within the cone template for the entire duration of the scan is not identified. Stake: This is simply a sharpened piece of wood. The device makes a Notice roll with a skill of Though it has a price, in most cases these may be its rating. On a success, each being in the area is made with a standard success on a Repair roll if correctly identified as human or not human. On wood and a knife or other object to sharpen it are a failure it gives a negative result, and the area available. If it is used in combat against a foe that is must be rescanned. On a result of a 1, the device not otherwise incapacitated, it will be destroyed on gives a positive result on one creature in the scan any strike, whether it does damage or not. area chosen at random. Note: this device only Tactical Stake: This is a weaponized form of a determines if a target is human or not. It does not stake; it requires skilled craftsmanship, and it is indicate what the target is and it will trigger as a made of high-quality wood that has been treated positive result on other player races that are not and hardened. If used in combat versus a foe that is human or human 2.0. It cannot sense through not incapacitated, it has a chance of being destroyed solid surfaces. whether it does damage or not. After a strike, roll a Foot Trap: Foot traps have existed for over 200 d6, on a result of 5 or higher it is destroyed. years with little modification. No point improving a design that has stood the test of time. Typically, these kinds of traps have a strong spring and metallic jaws that snap closed over the foot and ankle of the victim. See Trapping Foes

GENERAL EQUIPMENT ITEM COST WEIGHT Bio Signature Tracker: Rating: d6, d8, d10, d12 1k, 2k, 4k, 8k 8 Foot Trap: Size 2 or smaller, 3-5, 6-8, 9 or larger 10, 15, 30, 150 5,10,20,50

93 SPECIAL AMMUNITION TYPE COST MULTIPLIER Retroviral DNA Ammunition: This ammunition has an enzyme core that causes debilitating effects to 8 creatures with semi-stable DNA (Generally those that have been created through genetic alteration). Creatures that are hit by this ammunition are distracted, if they are hit with a raise, they are vulnerable as well. This ammunition does no damage. Silver Rounds: These rounds are plated in silver and can stop the regenerative ability of creatures, like 11 werewolves, that are susceptible to silver. UV Rounds: These rounds emit a burst of UV light when they impact. Targets, such as vampires, that are 9.5 vulnerable to sunlight may be injured by these rounds.

ENTANGLER AMMO SIZE CLASS HARDNESS WT. COST -2 or smaller 6 3 12 -1 8 5 10 0 10 5 10 1-2 12 5 10 3-5 14 7 12 6-8 18 10 25 9 or larger 20 20 150


S Entangler Net Gun 6/12/24 N/A 0 1 1 D6 12 +4 2500 Notes: Entangle: On a hit, the target is Entangled. On a Raise the target is Bound. GN

MELEE WEAPONS WEAPON DAMAGE MIN STR WT. CONCEAL COST Stake Str + d4 D4 .75 0 5 Note: This is an improvised weapon I T CAMPA Tactical Stake Str + d4 D4 1 0 10 N I Note: This weapon has been designed for balance and grip and is not an improvised weapon.



Entangler Net Gun: The net gun fires a large HUMAN DOMINANCE

: PLO net that spreads as it flies. The gun also needs a compressed air cylinder that is good for 12 shots Requirements: Novice, Any Race other than minus the (largest) size class of the ammo. Cost Human or Human 2.0 REE for the air cylinders, which weigh 2 pounds each, our Hero is remarkably adept at concealing H is 10. Ytheir non-human nature. Opponents Nets are available for different size classes of attempting to identify a being with this edge foe and have a -1 penalty to hit for each size suffer a -2 penalty to do so. This applies to devices T TER class large or smaller that the target is than the used to make this examination as well such as the intended target size. Bio-Signature Tracker. CHAP

94 B I O HUN O NEW HINDRANCE The team has tracked him down because they suspect that he is involved in the high number of missing women in his neighborhood. They pull

INHUMAN NATURE (MINOR) aside the curtain shielding his laboratory from TERS the rest of the basement and recoil at what they eings with this Hindrance find it extremely see. The partially vivisected body of a woman Bdifficult to blend in with humans. lies on a gurney, organs float in jars surrounding Opponents attempting to identifying such an the corpse and blood still drips from the table’s individual as non-human apply a +2 to their rolls surface. Several other gurneys stand in a row, to do so. This applies to devices performing the the dismembered bodies upon them beginning test as well including the Bio-Signature Tracker. to putrefy in the damp basement air. The adventurers should roll vs Fear using the Nausea FEAR modifier. The adventurers are seeking a creature that has ith the amount of truly terrifying foes that been reported to be attacking individuals in the Wthe hunters will be facing on a regular basis, area. After hours of no luck, they hear a growling Fear should be a significant factor in Bio-Hunter sound from a nearby alley. Entering the alley, they campaigns. GMs should emphasize the horror of are shocked to witness a large wolf like creature the creatures that the adventurers are facing and feasting on the remains of its human prey. Still should roll Fear checks appropriately. For most warm blood and entrails are spilled on the ground people in the modern world, there simply are no around the body. Suddenly the creature looks up, monsters anymore. Adventurers likely grew up in straight into the eyes of the adventurers. Blood a home that was generally safe. drips from its jowls and a fearsome growl begins The adventurers enter the basement lair of the at the base of its throat. The adventurers should Doctor Eugene Frey, formerly a noted surgeon but roll vs Fear using the Terror modifier. recently fired due to his unusual behavior at work.

95 conversation using a Persuasion roll or they TRAPPING FOES might use Taunt or Intimidate to hold the foe in place. Perhaps a Shooting roll could be n many cases, a Bio-Horror needs to be used to shoot around the foe. Icaptured rather than killed. Capturing a • Triggering: In most cases, the trap needs to foe may require a great deal of planning and be triggered by an action from the trapping preparation to accomplish. In some cases, the group. If it is triggered merely by the presence purpose of a trap is to kill a foe that cannot be of the foe in the correct area, such as a defeated in any other way. It is up to the GM and pressure plate or something similar, then players to decide together whether they will be no triggering action is required. However, doing a trap and whether the GM will allow it in in many cases, a triggering action such as, any given circumstance. pulling a lever, or activating a NET object, or Trapping a foe will use the Dramatic Task something similar is used to trigger the trap. mechanic. The party will devise a series of steps Typically, any kind of physical trigger would to capture their foe. Simply throwing a foot trap be an Athletics roll, but certainly there are on the path and waiting for the foe to wander cases where Hacking, Shooting, or some into it is virtually never going to work. The GM other skill may be used. should decide how difficult the task will be for the creature to be captured and the team will put TYPES OF TRAPS together a plan to accomplish it using whatever skills they feel are relevant to the task. layers may elect to set up elaborate traps Special Options that are available during a Trap Pwhich will have to be prepared in advance Task include: to capture the foe. These actions should be roleplayed and may require trait rolls to • Herding: The trapping party attempts to accomplish. For example. The team decides to move the target in an intended direction. trap a master vampire in a cage so that he will be S To do so, they perform a trait test defined affected by the sun in the morning. In preparation, by the action that they are intending to do. they purchase the trap using a Persuasion roll GN For instance, if they intend drive the foe back to find a seller and agree up on a price. The into the sewers by screaming and yelling at it trap is then placed at the warehouse that they and startling it. This may be an Intimidation choose and is concealed by the door frame and roll. Driving it by striking at it may be a is covered by a tarp that can be pulled away Fighting roll. The foe may be directed down with the warehouse’s crane. All of these actions

I T CAMPA a specific path through a building by using require time and several trait tests are used to

N hacking to lock any other doors. accomplish it. I • Baiting/Luring: This is similar to Herding but is directing the foe to move towards a trap • Foot Traps: A foot trap is placed in an area

T PO location rather than away from a stimulus. and concealed using a Stealth roll. When the This may be done by placing bait that the foe target nears the trap, they will make a Notice desires such as some kind of food, in which Roll with a target of the original Stealth roll

: PLO case a Survival roll may be appropriate. to detect the trap. Luring the foe towards a trapping individual • Snares: A Survival roll is used to place a such as the damsel in distress, will likely be a snare. When it approaches the snare, the REE Perform roll. Taunt may also be a viable trait target makes a Notice test with a target of H roll for targets that are intelligent. the original Survival roll to detect the snare. • Stalling: In some cases, the creature needs to remain in a specific location. A trapping In both cases, if they succeed on the Notice roll, T TER individual will state what they wish to do to they avoid the trap. If they fail, they step in the stall the foe and make an appropriate Trait trap and are Entangled. If they fail by 4 or more, roll. Perhaps they wish to engage the foe in they are Bound. CHAP

96 E VOLV EVOLVE OR DIE MUTATES VS. BIOHORRORS What is the difference between a mutate r. Danielle Jordan is a brilliant geneticist. She E Dwas initially hired by GeneGenie to develop and a biohorror? Mostly terminology. O R bioweapons that could be sold to contractors as Mutates are genetically mutated animals they track down escaped mutate experiments. while biohorrors can be human experiments DIE The data returned to her from the weapons has gone wrong or things like sentient plants. startled her. She’s convinced that mutation is the Biohorror is the more popular term as the future for humanity, and the sooner evolution media has adopted it to discuss any sort of occurs, the better. Her plans are to create an non-human creature (and in some cases, immensely powerful mutagen agent and deploy misidentified hybrids). Mutate is more often it as an airborne agent in Chicago. The Player used by professionals, such as scientists who Characters are the ones who stumble across the study them, cleaning crews who hunt them plan...and the only ones who can stop it. and corporations who eliminate them as a service. Using different terms can quickly THE MUTATE MENACE convey whether the character you’re por- traying is an expert on the subject or just a utate is a term for normal animals that have frightened amateur. Mundergone rapid changes to their DNA. When you’re in the dark with two shots left These changes often make them more dangerous in your gun, that can mean the difference to normal humans. This can be a simple thing between the good kind and the bad kind of such as a massive change in size or something paperwork after the hunt. complex like cross breeding of animal traits. A mutate could be anything from a cat the size of a deer to a chimpanzee with razor sharp feline Sometimes, humanity’s effect on nature is claws. These creatures can be most often found overlooked until it is too late. A company might in the wild, but they can also be found in the dump a failed soy food into a landfill, where abandoned or unobserved parts of cities, such rats feed on it to grow large and weirdly colored. as empty factories or even the HVAC systems of When they run out of the foodstuff, the rats seek giant arcologies. Wherever Mother Nature might it out elsewhere. If it doesn’t exist, then those go unchecked, there’s a good chance a mutate will rats become a problem. They get emboldened adapt and thrive in that hidden space until their and start seeking out new sources of nutrition discovery causes someone to call a cleaning crew. that can handle their accelerated metabolism. Rapid mutation is caused by several factors. Once these rats fled and hid from humans and The last century has put the planet through an light, now they might swarm and attack. Smart unprecedented amount of instability. Nuclear cleaning crews will take some time and do some fallout, chemical spills, climate change and several legwork when they land a contract to investigate other factors have literally changed the face of the root cause of a mutate infestation rather the planet. The natural world is doing its best than always go in guns blazing. Figuring out why to adapt to these changes and sometimes the a creature is causing trouble can save a lot of time, things it creates are a strange waypoint to a new energy and ammunition. creation. Some corporations might be willing to Mutates can also be escaped corporate pay extra to cleaning crews that go through the experiments. These are often the most dangerous time and effort to bring in a naturally mutated contracts of all. Not because of the capabilities of creature in for study. Smart crews make sure the creature, though that is often true because to include any sort of capture bonuses in their they are often engineered to test weaponry contract to ensure that clients don’t suddenly or in some cases be deployed as weapons. The have a change of heart on lethal methods to danger comes in corporate contracts from avoid paying an invoice. non-disclosure agreements, layers of secrecy and company paranoia. Companies are loath

97 to give out information to cleaning crews, even the club. The crew must protect the crowd, information that can be the difference between kill the monsters and keep a legendary band life and death. Cleaning crews need to be aware from having their reunion ruined. that lab experiments might have undisclosed • Feral Streets (Seasoned): The next plot abilities and weaknesses that the owners point features the return of Da Bear, who tips don’t want to become known on the streets. off the bio-hunterto a source of an uptick Information is power in the corporate world and in biohorrors and mutates. It’s a designer lack of information is deadly. drug called Feral that boosts the abilities of hybrids and reduces baseline humans to OVERVIEW animalistic, adrenaline-fueled beasts. Da Bear directs the crew to a manufacturing center volve of Die begins with a team of rather located in a barely seaworthy freighter in Einexperienced cleaners working for Chicago harbor. An action-packed battle GeneGenie. Their first job leads them down a ensues as the crew takes on drug dealers, series of events that calls their employer’s motives mutates and biohorrors defending their lair. in to question and gets them involved in a plot to If the crew takes any prisoners, they learn infect the whole world, or at least Chicago and a the shocking truth that Da Bear was using few other cities, with a retrovirus that will cause them to eliminate his biggest competition great harm. Can they unravel the plot and stop it, and now he’s cornered the market on getting or will they be forced to adapt to a wildly different Feral to the streets. environment as they and their loved ones are • Site Fifty-Seven (Veteran): The next major forever altered by science gone awry? plot point comes when the crew is hired for The following savage tales comprise the Evolve a corporate contract with a hidden agenda. or Die Plot Point Campaign. Officially, the crew is hired to handle a biohorror outbreak in a secure corporate • High Rent District (Novice): The campaign prison run by SecServ. Unofficially, the crew S starts off with a standard call to a GeneGenie is asked to extract a scientist by the name clean-up crew. A flying creature has holed of Dr. Danielle Jordan from the black site GN up in a construction site. It’s a perfect job underneath the prison where SecServ was for a new crew: one creature, an isolated running genetic experiments on its prisoners. location and minimal collateral damage. The good news is that the crew will have The cleaners track the beast to its nest and access to some pretty impressive resources exterminate it but find something unusual for the assault. The bad news is that they will

I T CAMPA inside: an encrypted datachip and evidence need them because heading into a biohorror

N that the creature was once an employee of hive will be their hardest contract to date, I GeneGenie. possibly ever. • Ratbatspider Attack (Novice): The second • Corporate Retreat (Veteran): The

T PO plot point takes place in an underground penultimate plot point switches things up club on the night of a reunion concert to an infiltration of GeneGenie corporate featuring a legendary band named Killers in headquarters. Ethan Steiger or some other

: PLO Chrome. The crew has to track down a single ally decodes the datachip from the first mutate before the show. Doing so gets them adventure and learns that GeneGenie is tickets to the show and, more importantly, mixed up with Feral. They ask the crew to REE sits them next to Da Bear, a hybrid fixer with meet with them and they barely arrive in H connections to the streets of Chicago and time to hopefully stop an assassination to pharmaceutical corporations looking to attempt on their friend. The evidence points illegally test products out on the streets. The back to GeneGenie and encourages the T TER concert proves to be more raucous than crew to infiltrate company headquarters to expected when the loud music causes an find the truth. At worst, they discover that entire nest of the creatures to burst forth into GeneGenie has been supplying drug dealers CHAP

98 E VOLV with the ingredients to make the drug to instead of men. All it took were a few high- increase their own business by making more profile hunts in Chicago, New York and Denver

mutates and biohorrors for their crews to for GeneGenie to expand throughout the North E clean up. At best, they also get a tip on Dr. American continent. O R Jordan’s plans with her improved version Public calls are important to GeneGenie’s of Feral; one that permanently changes bottom line, but their status as the leader in a DIE DNA and is about to be released on an growing industry has started to net them more unsuspecting audience. lucrative government and corporate contracts. • Three Red Eyes (Heroic): The climax of Most new crews are on-call to take contracts to the plot point campaign comes when the the general public. These contracts pay out on a players discover Dr. Jordan’s ultimate plan. commission basis, while organizational accounts She’s going to send three devices full of the offer a stipend in between calls to ensure mutagen on planes bound for locations the crew’s readiness. That makes the rivalries throughout the world via O’Hare Suborbital between the public contractors and the private Airport where they will detonate and infect staffers flare up from time to time. When the thousands of people with violent mutations. home office signs a new contract, these groups The crew will have to either disable or destroy do what they can to either sign on as full-time the drones and catch Dr. Jordan before she employees or to get a nice raise for holding escapes to try again. Unfortunately, she’s another service contract. got two layers of protection; corporate For those folks unwilling or unable to pay for security at the airport and members of Da GeneGenie’s services, there are some alternatives Bear’s gang. The bio-huntermight be out a to hiring on a netstar and hoping they are a good job at the end of the campaign, but they’ll hunter and not just a good editor. Budget hunters have saved a city from a terrible mutagen often take the jobs GeneGenie turns down as not outbreak that should get them plenty of profitable enough, such as a housing complex street cred to find more freelance work. pooling their money to clean out a creature from their abandoned rooms. The biggest foreign GENEGENIE CORPORATION competitor, Sivana, has made in-roads with a few contacts in Eastern cities, but those are up he strange effect of environmental change in the air with the changeover to the Reformed Thas had on animals throughout the world United States. allowed for strange mutations of beasts big and GeneGenie’s rapid rise as a company has small. Some people sought out these creatures made it a tempting target for buyouts and to be hunted, at first to protect their homes other corporate intrigue. Not only has it seen a and loved ones, but later to gain a bit of fame. steady rise in profits over the past three years in Where opportunity knocks, monetization follows. a growth industry, but its Chicago headquarters There are still plenty of lone hunters and freelance would also give any parent company a foothold crews, but most people look to corporate relief in the difficult to enter Free City marketplace. So when some strange thing has nested in their far, none of the maneuvers by potential buyers basement. Specifically, they call a bio-hunterfrom has leaked out into the public sector. Some of GeneGenie to investigate, track and kill the beast. the bioweapons innovated by the company have GeneGenie established itself as one of the first imitators in use by rivals, though this is just as professional investigation and extermination likely reverse engineering rather than silent strikes companies a few short years ago. They hired a against company labs. Unless there’s a major mixture of scientists, mercenaries and marketing change in direction for the company, GeneGenie professionals to get their names on everyone’s is the bio-hunter corporation to beat. minds. They provided some of the original bio- hunters with advanced bioweapons in exchange for promotional consideration. Those crews taught the mercenaries how to fight monsters

99 geneticist and an expert on hybridization. To CAST OF CHARACTERS help finance the project, she also leaked an early version of her mutagen as a street drug he following characters play major roles in that became the new sensation Feral. The drug TEvolve ort Die. affected hybrids in unique ways but was also useful to humans as an adrenaline trigger and DR. DANIELLE JORDAN rush addiction response. Now, the time has come for her to put her plan anielle Jordan grew up in a corporate in motion. Jordan developed her mutagen to a Darcology with every opportunity to excel. form that’s transportable and fast acting. Her She loved living in the arcology. Her favorite thing street contacts are able to get the mutagen into to do as a child was to travel to the highest level a place where the ultimate experiment will take she could find and look out the windows over the place, O’Hare Suborbital port. All she has to do rest of the city. A curious nature and precocious is get to a place where she can observe from a face got her fairly high up in the building. She had distance and watch humanity face its greatest a knack for convincing people to let her get away challenge. with it. A tiny girl wouldn’t cause much trouble Dr. Jordan is the main villain of the Evolve or Die just looking out a window for a moment or two, campaign. Dr. Jordan’s main goal is to field test would she? her mutagen agent by releasing it into the public The bending of permissions and her desire to in three major cities. Her targets are Chicago, seek out information made her an excellent fit Washington DC and Paris. Chicago is her home for the science track of her arcology’s corporate base and the bomb is something of a thank you development program. She settled on genetic to her true corporate masters, GeneGenie, for studies because of its implications in both the paying to work on the mutagen while working at health and cybernetics fields. Once again, she a black lab under a prison. Washington is to put felt like she was on the top floor looking down the change right in the face of the new United S over two massive sprawls. But this time she didn’t States government and prod them to action. Paris like the view. She saw a disturbing trend and spreads her mutagen around the world. GN wondered if she could change it. Her cold, calculating demeanor will rarely, if There was plenty of evidence that humanity was ever, crack in front of the characters. The forced changing the world. Whether or not the changes hybridization of millions of people is a necessary were positive or negative didn’t matter because step in the evolution of humanity. She will not be they were happening no matter what. The one stopped and if anyone becomes an obvious threat,

I T CAMPA constant involved was humanity itself and it she will order Da Bear to send some hard boys at

N was resistant to change. It built new life forms them until they either quit or die. There is a small I and versions of itself but these were met with possibility that, after the final attacks happen, she fear and violence. Even when it went to space it might be persuaded by the crew to feel remorse,

T PO brought back minerals and resources to affect a but by then it will be too little, too late. global scale. When Dr. Jordan started to work on a hybrid process adaptation, something clicked (WC LOGO) DR. DANIELLE JORDAN

: PLO inside her. Humanity needed a massive change event Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d12, Spirit d8, much like the nations they created truly evolved Strength d4, Vigor d6 REE only after massive external pressures. Mass cyber Academics d10, Electronics d8, Hacking d4, H Skills: modification or uploading of personalities was Healing d12, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, Repair d8, unlikely, but a one-time event, such as a bombing Science d12, Shooting d4 or natural disaster, could be the catalyst for Pace: 6; Parry: 2, Toughness: 5 T TER the change humanity needed to begin a true Gear: small pistol (2d8+1, AP 1), lab coat, Tier 4 evolution. She worked on the personal project TAP for many years while developing her skills as a Edges: McGyver, Mr. Fix It, Scholar (Science) CHAP

100 E (WC LOGO) GILLAN ROYCE VOLV GILLIAN ROYCE Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d10,

obody gave Gillian Royce anything; she’s Strength d6, Vigor d6 E Ntaken it all. She’s the middle child of a Skills: Academics d4, Common Knowledge d8, O R corporate middle manager and learned early on Electronics d4, Intimidation d10, Performance that if she wanted attention that she had to get d6, Persuasion d10, Taunt d10 DIE it herself. She was a wild child that settled down Pace: 6; Parry: 2, Toughness: 8 (3) once she realized she could take advantage of Gear: small pistol (2d8+1, AP 1), hostile takeover suckers and get paid for it legally. Gillian learned suit, Tier 3 TAP to work the angles early on and it’s done nothing Edges: Connections, Humiliate, Faceman, Strong but help her in her climb up the corporate ladder. Willed Her siblings stalled out in their careers while Gillian made the jump to GeneGenie right as it ETHAN STEIGER was breaking out. In her position as District Manager, Gillian o kid ever wants to grow up to be middle directs how the calls and funds get directed Nmanagement. Ethan Steiger certainly didn’t to the offices throughout the city. Chicago is want to, instead opting to go to school for the company’s first and biggest marker, so this psychology. His test scores put him at the higher position affords Royce a lot of power. Most of end of the middle of the pack, which meant her supervisors are focused on either expanding corporate recruiters more or less passed him by. GeneGenie’s market share or fending off buyouts He bounced through a few lower level companies and rivals long enough for the company to until he ended up as one of the first employees expand. She’ll tell those above her in power that of GeneGenie. Working at a startup grabbed him she’s fair and balanced with her distribution of in a way few other companies did. The rise of the resources but everyone below her knows she company allowed Ethan to be in the middle of it plays favorites. More often than not, unless they all as it went from a rented office in an industrial follow protocols to the letter, the crew will butt park to several offices in several industrial parks heads with Gillian and struggle to find proper throughout Chicago. funding for everything they want. She has no Steiger’s talent with people makes him an problem pulling rank or pitting other members excellent corporate liaison. Ethan coordinates of the company against the crew to get the results between the companies that hire GeneGenie, she wants. the home office and the cleaning crews out in Gillian is the jerk boss that the crew must deal the field. He’s there to make sure that everyone is with. She doesn’t care about saving the day or happy. Managing the demands of three masters stopping the mutagen, she just wants to make is definitely a challenge, but it’s one that Ethan sure that the paperwork is filled out and she gets manages more often than not. When the time her cut. At least, she does at the beginning. She comes to make a choice, he usually prioritizes his might have a change of heart if the crew gets people first, his company second and the client Ethan killed or she might also be working on the last. Much of his job is there to make sure it never inside of GeneGenie for Dr. Jordan. Royce is meant comes to that. Training cleaning crewmembers to be a wildcard that can adjust the difficulty of costs the company more than losing a customer the campaign based on how the players play. If to a rival. they’re feeling strong and confident, that’s a great Ethan will be the point of contact at GeneGenie. time for a betrayal. If they’ve gotten beaten down, He’s a sympathetic character and will stand by the let Royce show a little mercy and support. crew as much as he can even when they start to act against the interests of the company toward the end of the campaign. It also makes him a prime target for retaliation whether through the corporate intrigues of Royce, a hit squad from Da Bear or even a dose of mutagen from Dr. Jordan.

101 Ethan might have to die to show the seriousness Chicago. Many gang leaders have corporate of the crew’s predicament but if they save him, patrons and when Da Bear becomes the main they’ve got a friend for life. source of Feral in the city, his relationship with Dr. Jordan becomes strong. When the crew discovers (WC LOGO) ETHAN STEIGER her true plan, Da Bear becomes the muscle that she uses to make sure it goes well. Any friendships Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, he may have with the crew gets blown away. It’s Strength d4, Vigor d4 just business to him, unfortunately. Skills: Academics d8, Electronics d8, Hacking d10, Persuasion d8 (WC LOGO) DA BEAR Pace: 6; Parry: 2, Toughness: 4 Gear: briefcase, suit, Tier 2 TAP Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Edges: Lucky Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletic d8, Driving d6, Fighting d10, DA BEAR Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Repair d6, Shooting d8, Survival d6, Thievery d8 ulius Cheek loved his mother. She loved Pace: 6; Parry: 7, Toughness: 10 (2) Jhim back no matter what. When he got Gear: assault rifle (2d8+1, AP 2, RPF 3, recoil into trouble at school, picked up by the cops suppression, three-round burst), armored coat for breaking windows or even when he started (2), Tier 3 TAP being sent to prison for real. She was the first to Edges: Brawler, Hard to Kill, Frenzy, Improved see him whenever he would walk out of getting Frenzy in trouble, wrap him up in a big hug and tell him Special Abilities: “Baby bear, everything is going to be alright.” That • Claws: d12 +d6, +2 to Athletics to climb was the last thing she said to him before she died. • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim He would have gotten that phrase as a tattoo on or Dark illumination but not Pitch Darkness S his body but by then he had already begun his • Quirk: lethargic and prone to resting hybridization into a bear. GN Julius was running with GPZK when his mom died. The Gage Park Zoo Crew were a gang that made its mark by being almost exclusively hybrid. There were gang members that were not able to afford the process and they were considered

I T CAMPA second class citizens by the hybrid members.

N Julius scrimped and saved for his surgeries but I his desire to belong to a new family also pushed his ambition. He took on bear DNA not only

T PO because of his mother but also because the traits he loved about bears; their loyalty, their ferocity and their ability to seem calm and complacent

: PLO right up until they need to rip somebody’s arm off. When Julius took a place of leadership in GPZK, he stopped using his given name entirely and Da REE Bear was born. H The PPC coincides with Da Bear’s rise as the leader of GPZK. He’s meant to be seen as something of an ally when the crew first meets T TER him. Da Bear likes the crew but he also knows a tool when he sees it. Feral is his path to the top of the gang and marks him as a power player within CHAP

102 E VOLV damaged by the biohorror in the upper levels EPISODE 1: HIGH RENT DISTRICT meaning the crew either has to repair the lifts or

make their way up through a network of ladders, E he campaign kicks off with what sounds like scaffolds and breathtaking views of Chicago. O R Ta pretty routine job. Eichstadt Construction The sabotage is also a clue that something is on the job building a high–rise apartment is unusual about the contract. The elevators DIE building called Azure Delta. They’ve detected aren’t shut down because of chewed through some flying creature that’s nesting up in the power cables or organic matter wedged in the higher, uncompleted floors. No humans have machinery. Human hands and human intelligence been injured but the creature has destroyed some have disabled them. Wires are cut and software is of the rotodrones used to carry materials up the locked down. Neither the construction company side of the building. The drones show evidence nor the security crew knows who is responsible of claws damaging the tough outer shells and but both blame each other. recoverable footage shows a quickly moving blur The problems were caused by the biohorror throwing one drone into another. The crew’s nesting in the upper floors. It was once wholly objective is simple; stop whatever is up there as human and wishes to be left alone while it quickly as possible. The longer the construction considers its next move. Slowing down access is delayed, the more money that Eichstadt up the building is part of the solution. When Construction loses. the crew persists, the creature moves to its next Before the crew can get into position they have option and ambushes the crew. These are hit to deal with another contractor. Fishburn Site and run attacks to try and scare off the cleaners. Services was hired to provide security for the The biohorror displays a surprising amount of workers and is not pleased another firm is coming intelligence. If the crew is clusters around one of in to try and solve this problem. The on–site their members trying to mechanically repair or supervisor, Nora Jackson, isn’t going to let a bonus data hack the operating software of an elevator, for additional services blow away. She’s going to it creates noises and other distractions to draw sandbag and make life as difficult as possible for out their numbers. If the crew opts to free climb the crew. She’ll refuse to give up the access code up to the top floor, the creature observes who is to the elevator. She’ll insist on tagging along with struggling the most either through poor rolls or the crew. She’ll take whatever opportunities she lowest Athletics score and attacks the weak link. can to undermine the crew’s success. It makes use of its flight and claws but if it takes a Resolving the Jackson situation can go many wound, it flees upward, directly to its nest. different ways. The crew might cut her in on The creature’s nest is on the 19th floor of the whatever commission they get for the contract. building that is mostly girders and temporary They might intimidate her or let her deal with one planks for the construction drones to maneuver of the challenges they face on her own to see if she upon. It’s a rickety, dangerous situation on its own, succeeds or fails. They might leave her behind on but it is made worse by the fact that there is an the ground floor and ignore her during the ascent. intelligent, deadly creature defending the area She’s a problem that needs to be dealt with but as a nest. whatever solution the crew comes up with will The biohorror was once a SecServ supervisor deal with her...for now. If it feels like there wasn’t named Damon Allen. He discovered that Dr. a resolution, Jackson makes a good complication Danielle Jordan was doing her own research later in the campaign. Maybe she shows up at the into mutagenic substances using the resources wrong time during an investigation or Fishburn at her day job as a scientist at a corporate black Site Services ends up guarding another place the site. Allen collected evidence onto a secure data crew must clean out. chip and was prepared to turn it over to his Getting into the high rise is something of a supervisors when Jordan found out he was spying challenge. The building is still under construction on her. She injected him with her mutagen, and and while there are automated lifts, not all of he stared hybridizing into a flying lizard creature them are working right. The lifts have been not unlike a classic Pteranodon. He fled to this

103 (WC LOGO) DAMON ALLEN high rise to figure out how to change himself back and hid the chip in his nest constructed from Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, weatherproofing wrap and various lunch bags Strength d10, Vigor d8 left behind by workers. Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Notice d6, Unfortunately, the mutagen has kept changing Repair d4, Stealth d8 his DNA and he’s rapidly losing his faculties. By Pace: 6; Parry: 6, Toughness: 12 (4) the time the crew reaches Allen’s nest, he’s more Gear: none beast than man and his primal desire to protect Edges: Quick his nest overrides any ability to explain who or Special Abilities: what did this to him. He is likely not a match for • Beak: d10 + d4 a collection of armed crewmembers but he’s not • Claws: d10 +d6, if damon hits a target with going to go down without a fight. He uses the two claw attacks on the same turn he can terrain and his flight abilities to his advantage. He make a free beak attack swoops past, attacks with claws, and then flies • Flight: Damon can fly at pace 8 and his run away as best as he can. die is a d8 when flying The key to the end of the adventure is not • Scaly Hide (4) whether or not Allen survives but the players • Size 2: In his new form Damon is larger than find the datachip that he’s desperately protecting. a human They may come up with a plan to drive him off, such as setting a fire or a sonic device. They EPISODE 2: RATBATSPIDER ATTACK might collect enough information about his life that they use it too calm him down. They may rom the highest of the high to the lowest also decide to just put him out of his misery and Fof the low. This call comes from a dingy, collect their checks. Allen might regain enough underground club that’s known as a location sense to press the chip into a crewmember’s where the music’s great, the drugs are cheap, and hand before fleeing or maybe crawling back to life is cheaper. Liquid Johnny’s uses an old–school S the nest to curl around the lunch box that the neon light above its door. When the light goes on, chip is stowed inside. the locals know it’s going to be a long, loud night. GN The chip is a way to guide the players toward No sooner does the pink light flicker to life than the main campaign elements. Players will most the bio-hunterarrives on the scene. The show likely take one of two avenues with the chip. must go on even if it means a few more holes They might hand it off to an NPC to take care in the wall and more strangely colored stains on of it. Ethan Steiger is an excellent choice for this the floor.

I T CAMPA role, but any ally directly connected to the crew The creature causing a ruckus is a small thing

N might take an interest in the chip. This takes the roughly the size of a potato. The staff designated I chip off the table but lets its reintroduction help it a ratbatspider when it was first discovered players realize that the next mission is central to nestled in the stockroom. The rat part comes

T PO the storyline. from the size of the creature and its ability to The other tactic is keeping the chip and trying to scuttle past any attempts to catch it. The spider crack it on their own. If the crew includes a hacker, part comes from the multiple legs the creature

: PLO they will likely try to do it themselves. The chip uses, though there is some argument between won’t crack at once but it’s also not necessary to the members of the bar staff whether or not it make the player roll for it. What they want are has six or eight legs. The bat part comes from a REE clues and if the GM hands out a clue at the end webbing between the multiple legs the creature H of each session to the player, that will let them has, allowing it to glide or perhaps even fly up to not only steer the story but get to listen to player the rafters of Liquid Johnny’s. The crew will need speculation on the next Plot Point. to figure out what abilities the creature has are T TER true and which are the result of a three–day chip bender washed down by smuggled liquor. CHAP

104 E VOLV The crew might blast the creature after an This is an excellent opportunity for a crew that’s extended cat and mouse chase through the bar’s spent most of the job being clever and careful basement stuffed full of old show souvenirs and a chance to cut loose and let the bullets fly. E dangerous chemicals for consuming and cleaning. Swarms of ratbatspiders make juicy targets for O R Feel free to make use of the Innocent Bystanders area effect weapons like shotguns and grenades. rule. Even though there are two more acts to The dive nature of Liquid Johnny’s means a few DIE the adventure, instilling a fear that one wrong more scorch mark and bullet holes aren’t going round might set the whole place on fire adds to drive the property value down. The crew some great tension to the chase. The crew might might also try and get some of the other NPCs enlist some of the staff members to help trap the they met along the way to help in the battle. They ratbatspider. This is a great strategy if they want might even find themselves fighting alongside to close off doors and escape routes until they Killers In Chrome who have not been afraid to can get the mutate into one room and finish it get their hands bloody during their long career. off with a quick burst from a weapon. They might The crew might also decide that Liquid Johnny’s also lure it into a trap they built in the field. Living is a lost cause and do their best to save as many specimens are always useful to GeneGenie’s club goers as possible by ushering them out into weapons division and also mean a big fat bonus the streets. added onto the check. The streets outside Liquid Johnny’s seem like a No matter how the crew catches the safer place right up until the Candy Rippers show ratbatspider, they earn an unexpected bonus— up. This bike gang with red and white striped VIP seats for the evening’s concert. Liquid Johnny’s colors is looking for a fight. Liquid Johnny’s was has a stellar act lined up, a surprise reunion of on their turf and nobody told them about the Killers In Chrome. Lead singer Lemon Lee just got cleaning crew, the ratbatspiders and definitely out of a strict rehab lockdown and she’s likely to about the Killers in Chrome concert. They are go right back in after spending the night in one likely to mistake the armed and covered in of her favorite blackout spots. The crowd is a goo bio-hunteras a rival gang looking to bust mix of high rollers and low lives. This is a great off a chunk of their holdings. They might start opportunity to mix in NPCs from other parts shooting right away if you’re itching for a big of the world as well as ones from this particular climactic battle. Chances are the crew will be a campaign. This is the moment when the crew little banged up and not ready to throw down should meet Da Bear, who used his connections with a hard crew of cyberippers. to make sure he’ll see the KiC live. He’s having a The crew finds an unusual ally in keeping good time and befriends the crew, hooking them things cool with the Candy Rippers. Da Bear up with drinks as the lights dim for the show. has no interest in getting shot up either. He’s Lemon Lee takes the stage and the whole club a little overextended at the moment, having shakes. She’s stayed sober for the set but there’s snuck into Candy Ripper territory to enjoy a another problem; the ratbatspider dispatched by once in a lifetime Killers in Chrome show. He’s the crew was only a scout. Killers in Chrome’s ear dealt with the Candy Rippers before. Da Bear rattling sound wakes up the rest of the nest and is willing to help the crew talk their way out of they spew forth into Liquid Johnny’s like an angry, the situation. He’s also curious to see how they skittering flood. Ratbatspiders are everywhere handle themselves. Even though the bio-hunteris and the crew must prioritize who gets rescued armed to hunt mutate creatures, Da Bear has first? The legendary rock band? The fixer full of been around long enough to know that having great connections? The establishment that they another set of eyes and guns that are reliable is can now charge emergency rates? What was never a bad thing. going to be a rare benefit of working as a bio- The crew might decide to throw down with hunternow becomes a frenzied cloud of gunfire the Candy Rippers. It should be a tough fight and negotiation. Make sure to enforce the that’s winnable. The gang has more firepower Innocent Bystanders rule. than tactics and if the crew exploits that, they’ll walk away with some extra firepower for their

105 next call. The Rippers might also be convinced KILLERS IN CHROME to let the crew walk in exchange for some future considerations. This is a great way to get the bio- Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, huntermixed up in some side jobs that might Strength d6, Vigor d6 fit the extralegal mode of a classic cyberpunk Skills: Electronics d4, Fighting d6, Performance campaign, or it might be a way to get the crew d8, Shooting d6 into one of the other Plot Point campaigns in the Pace: 6; Parry: X, Toughness: X (X) book. The bio-huntermight count on Da Bear to Gear: musical instruments, TAP help them talk or sneak past the Candy Rippers, Edges: Work the Room but they might also turn him in to his rivals. He’ll Candy Rippers survive either way because he’s integral to the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, next Plot Point adventure, but how they treat Strength d6, Vigor d6 him will affect just how he approaches them Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, about a new street drug that might affect their Shooting d6 next few jobs. Pace: 6; Parry: 5, Toughness: 7 (2) Gear: Assault rifles (2d8+1, AP 2, ROF 3, recoil RATBATSPIDER suppression, three–round burst), armored coat (armor 2), Tier 2 TAP Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d4, Strength d4, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Stealth d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 7, Toughness: 4 (2) Gear: none Special Abilities: • Armored shell (2) • Flurry of Teeth and Claws: d4 +d4 damage, S AP 2 • Scurry: The ratbatspider can rapidly hide GN beneath things, squeezing its body in to spaces much smaller than itself. If it runs and ends it movement out of sight it may immediately make a Stealth roll to hide. • Size (–3): Attack targeting a ratbatspider

I T CAMPA suffers a –4 penalty. N I T PO : PLO REE H T TER CHAP

106 E VOLV EPISODE 3 – FERAL STREETS THE EFFECTS OF FERAL It’s very possible that during the campaign he next step in the campaign comes a few E Tweeks later within the game world. The that one of the players decides to take a O R GM should run a Savage Tale or two in between dose of Feral either as an experiment or as a Ratbatspider Attack and this mission. Fans of way to enhance their abilities. DIE foreshadowing should also drop in a hint or A dose of Feral lasts for about an hour. two about Feral during these missions. Feral is During this time, hybrids may choose one a street drug on the rise in hybrid communities. of their edges from their initial bonuses and In hybrids, it enhances whatever animal abilities increase the bonus during the duration. If their genetic treatment has given to them. It gives it’s a die bonus, the die becomes one size normal humans a rush of adrenaline that makes bigger. If it’s a static bonus, the number them feel braver, faster and invincible. Da Bear is doubled. reaches out to the crew to show them first–hand Humans who take a dose of Feral consider what this drug does. the rank of cards drawn in combat to be one The call takes the crew to an address near higher during the duration of the drug. Armor Square. Most of the buildings here are Once the hour is over, the user rolls a d6. either bombed out or armored up thanks to the On an odd result, they take a level of fatigue. nightly battles in the street. The address leads to On an even result, they take a wound that an old car dealership that falls on the armored can only be healed naturally. side. After a quick weapons check by “security”, the crew enters into an impressive garage full of slick rides, illegal parts and a beaming Da Bear things don’t go their way Ricardo is much more welcoming them into his world. As he takes interested in escaping captivity. them into the basement, he catches them up on Da Bear understands what he’s asking is not any information about Feral the crew might not either technically legal nor is it part of the already have. If they’ve done their own research, crew’s job. He hammers home the danger they he’ll listen to their experiences and shake his head just faced from Ricardo and offers to pay the sadly about how the drug is making things on the generously for taking on the drug smugglers. He streets bloodier. wants evidence brought back that the shipment Da Bear leads them into the basement to show was destroyed such as video recorded of the bags them the effects of the drug. One of his boys, of drugs burning up. Ricardo, was discovered using the drug on a If they say no, that’s okay. Da Bear understands regular basis. Ricardo is currently chained up to a and sends them on their way. If they refuse, it’s a car lift because he’s become so unstable from the good time to have a Savage Tale ready to play. The drug. Ricardo’s mane is matted, and he looks like story progresses the same either way, except Da he hasn’t slept in days. Da Bear takes out a dose Bear has to spend more of his time and resources of Feral in a pill form with tiny spots inked on cornering the market on Feral. It also means the the side. He shoves the drug into Ricardo’s mouth next time he sees the crew they are dead to him. and tells the crew to watch what happens. The smuggler’s rendezvous goes down at a Ricardo growls to life and strains against his place known on the streets as the Red Rocks. chains. Da Bear tells the crew what he wants as The location gets its name from the wreckage Ricardo’s growls get louder and the chains strain pushed out of the city from the destruction to contain the beast. Da Bear has a line on a huge and rebuilding into Lake Michigan. Most of the shipment of Feral coming into the city. He wants wreckage is made up of red steel beams from the crew to hit the shipment and leave it burning fallen skyscrapers that jut out from the sea. It on the shore. Before the crew can give him an makes an ideal loading place for the delivery of answer, Ricardo breaks free of his chains. He’s not illicit cargo. As the crew arrives, they see two much of a match for Da Bear and the crew but if gangs in the middle of the deal. The Cherry

107 Bombs are buying the Feral and a hybrid smuggler survivors of the meet who tipped off Da Bear to crew called the Dirty Turtles. the location also coming in for a payday. Something in the deal is about to go wrong. The key part to the end of the episode is to show Maybe the Cherry Bombs cut their offering price. that Da Bear can’t be trusted anymore. This might Maybe the Turtles crack a leering joke about the play better as a scene after a later case for Game girl gang’s leader. At some point the exchange Masters afraid their crews might get themselves of cash and goods becomes an exchange of killed throwing down with Da Bear having home bullets and blood. The crew will get drawn into field advantage. The crew might recognize some the fight as one of the gangs will mistake them Feral dealers on the streets coming from Da Bear’s as backup for the others. If the crew lets the crew. He won’t take their calls and any attempts fight play out, the Turtles gain the upper hand, to physically see him at a known location will be drive off the Cherry Bombs and decides to take met with glowers and other dismissals from Da their merchandise back to their boat to find Bear’s crew. another buyer. Each gang has one Extra for each member of the WC LOGO RICARDO crew and a Wildcard leader. If the Wildcard from a side or half the Extras are taken out, that gang Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, flees. Both gangs will be happy to fight it out but Strength d10, Vigor d10 if the crew decides to play it like they are cops Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, or authority figures, the gangs will scatter much Shooting d6 earlier. Destroying the four large duffle bags filled Pace: 6; Parry: 7, Toughness: 8 with Feral is not difficult. A fire will do it quickly Gear: TAP while dumping the drugs into the water might to Edges: Brawler haunt the crew as animals get into the drugs and Special Abilities: become biohorrors. • Claws: d10 +d8, +2 to Athletics to climb After the battle, the crew returns to Da Bear’s • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim S chop shop to collect on a job well done. He and Dark illumination but not Pitch Darkness pays what he promised and is also feeling a little • Quirk: teasing, pounces on perceived GN generous. The crew can feel free to take one of weakness the cars out of his shop as a bonus. There are a lot of exotic beauties in the garage as well as (WC LOGO) MINA ST3M (LEADER OF transport vehicles that put their corporate issued THE CHERRY BOMBS) minivan to shame. He’s willing to cut them a deal

I T CAMPA for 50% off what normal modifications might cost Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d8, Spirit d8,

N to show how happy he is with their work. There Strength d6, Vigor d10 I is a big string attached if the crew takes up Da Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d6, Driving d8, Fighting Bear on the modification offer. He wires the car d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d8,

T PO to record whatever the crew does in and around Shooting d10, Stealth d8 the vehicle to monitor them. This lets him report Pace: 6; Parry: 7, Toughness: 7 back anything they might say about Feral or Gear: tactical tomahawk (d6 +d6, AP 1), PDW

: PLO mutagens back to Dr. Jordan. (2d6-1, AP 1, ROF 3, recoil suppression), armored Before the crew leaves and after they’ve gotten coat (2), smartgun system, Neurotactical paid, something happens that tips them off to Da wetware REE Bear’s dubious nature. He sent them to destroy Command, Counterattack, Fervor, First H Edges: the meet to help himself become the main source Strike, Hold the Line of Feral in Chicago. It might be as obvious as a dropped box suddenly slipping out dozens of hits T TER of Feral as it was being loaded into a car. It could also be catching a conversation with one of the CHAP

108 E CHERRY BOMBS VOLV • Amphibious: Swim pace 6, no penalties for Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, acting in water

Strength d6, Vigor d6 • Shell (2): Covers back only E Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, • Quirk: slow, shy O R Shooting d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5, Toughness: 7 (2) DIRTY TURTLES DIE Gear: assault rifles (2d8+1, AP 2, ROF 3, recoil suppression, three-round burst), armored coat Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, (armor 2), TAP Strength d8, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, (WC LOGO) SHELLBAAK (LEADER OF Shooting d6 THE DIRTY TURTLES) Pace: 6; Parry: 5, Toughness: 7 (2) Gear: assault rifles (2d8+1, AP 2, ROF 3, recoil Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, suppression, three-round burst), armored coat Strength d10, Vigor d10 (armor 2), TAP Skills: Boating d6, Fighting d8, Special Abilities: Pace: 6; Parry: 6, Toughness: 9 (4) • Amphibious: Swim pace 6, no penalties for Gear: chain blade (2d6+4, AP 2, crit fail hits user), acting in water combat shotgun (1-3d6), osteoderm implants • Shell (2): Covers back only (2), TAP • Quirk: slow, shy Edges: Mighty Blow, Nerves of Steel, Special Abilities:

109 signal leading deeper into the facility. There was EPISODE 4 - SITE FIFTY-SEVEN clearly some sort of riot that occurred between the prisoners and the guards and, as the crew This Plot Point should come shortly after the winds its way through bloody corridors and blast bio–hunters hit Veteran status. At this point in doors dented by explosives, there should be the campaign, they should be feeling confident plenty of chances to ratchet up the tension. Let in their abilities as cleaners. Corporate feels the the players face off against an altered prisoner or same way too and puts the crew on a big-time two as they creep along the darkened hallways contract. The briefing for this should reflect but save any big confrontation for the final act some changes. Ethan won’t be giving it; at the after they’ve located Dr. Jordan. These prisoners most, he’ll be standing next to the briefing officer should be eerily similar to the half-man half- looking worried and uncomfortable. This is a bat creature from the first Plot Point. Hybrids priority business-to-business contract, says the where the transformations went horribly wrong officer. The crew will be transported immediately instead through careful genetic cultivation. These to a location only known as Site Fifty-Seven. biohorrors are unlikely to take out heavily armed After they arrive, they are given weapons free heroes, but their makeup and abilities should authorization to eliminate any and all biohorrors cause the crew to wonder what diseased mind encountered on site. might create these things. To assist these objectives, the briefing officer Dr. Jordan’s signal is coming from the medical escorts the crew to a semi-truck parked near the ward but when the crew arrives, she’s not there. office and opens the door. Inside is a veritable Let it sink in for a moment, then unleash an candy store of equipment; high tech armor, attack, not by biohorrors, but by survivors afraid massive firearms and anything else the crew has the crew is here to kill them to keep the true been longing to play with since the campaign purpose of Site Fifty-Seven quiet. If the crew can began. The new officer will even suggest bits diffuse the situation well enough to talk to the of equipment as well while reminding them of survivors, they’ll discover that purpose. Site Fifty- S their mission; strike fast, strike hard and clear the Seven is actually located below the prison, where location of the biohorror threat. The crew has a the genetic experiments happen. That site is what GN short time to gear up and go. There’s a VTOL on created the biohorrors plaguing the prison. It’s the way to take them to the site. also where Dr. Jordan is holed up. If the crew Once on board the aircraft, Ethan delivers wants to get paid, they need to go into the heart a second briefing. Officially, they’ve been of the hive and get her. contracted by the owners of SecServ to clear a Travelling into the subbasement will require

I T CAMPA prison site that’s been overrun by biohorrors. But a little more work than expected. Perhaps the

N they also have a second objective that comes crew has to rappel down the shaft and blow a I directly from GeneGenie. The crew must extract hole in the roof of the locked down elevator to one of the medical personnel from the prison. get inside. Perhaps the crew needs their hacker

T PO Ethan gives each member of the crew a dossier to run the system and wrest control away from on Dr. Danielle Jordan and says her recovery is the SecServ hackers that are remotely trying to the true priority. Once she’s been found, the crew delete every bit of information on the servers.

: PLO can call for an evac and GeneGenie will handle Or the crew might have to convince one of the any blowback from SecServ. Her last reported survivors in the med lab to accompany them into location was the medical ward. Ethan gives the the secret lab because the biometric scanners will REE crew a bio tracker to help locate the doctor. only work for them. Let the crew solve this issue H The crew arrives at the prison site to find it as it wishes and then let them make their way to deserted on the outside. Getting into the facility the secure site. shouldn’t be too much of a problem as SecServ The secret site is in much better shape than the T TER knows they are coming. But this is also the building above. Contrast the industrial feel of the opportunity to play up some classic bug hunt prison with the frosted glass walls of the research moments as the bio tracker chirps a proximity site. Getting access to areas and information CHAP

110 E VOLV within the secret corridors is an excellent way will need to be checked and double-checked for a hacker to shine. The trick is not to impede and that will take time away from the campaign. progress if the hacker doesn’t make their rolls. Players are naturally paranoid about these things, E Instead, introduce complications that make the so if the briefing officer congratulates them on O R crew’s job tougher but still moves them closer a job well done and lets them keep whatever to finding Dr. Jordan. Maybe a short encounter equipment they brought back, the players might DIE with some biohorrors empties one of their best think they are bugged or worse. Let the players weapons of ammo. Maybe they have to leave start to wonder how long before GeneGenie some valuable equipment behind while they decides to clean house. It will put them in the crawl through ductwork to get around a locked mood for the next Plot Point soon after. blaster door. When they finally meet Dr. Jordan, she’s relieved to see them but also still on guard. GUARDS She can’t leave yet because she’s currently backing up her data from the experiments. She Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, knows she needs it to bargain with GeneGenie Strength d6, Vigor d8 once she’s out of the facility. She knows her value Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, but she also knows the entire project will be Notice d8, Shooting d6 worth even more to the company. She’s willing Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (4), Toughness: 13 (5) to share any financial rewards from GeneGenie Gear: Shock truncheon (d6+d4), army surplus with the crew if they can keep her secure long pistols (2d6+1), riot gear (5), riot shield (Parry enough to download all the data on Site Fifty- +4), Tier 3 TAP Seven. A last stand is coming and the players Edges: Brawny should get a little time to prep for it. The server room is not the best place to hold out as stray PRISONERS bullets and collateral damage will likely mean lost data and less bonus money for the crew (use the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Innocent Bystanders rule). They can make their Strength d8, Vigor d8 stand with Dr. Jordan or they can find a corridor Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Shooting d6, to hold as the wails of the biohorrors come closer Stealth d6 in an attempt to kill one of the horrible people Pace: 6; Parry: 5, Toughness: 6 that made them what they are. Gear: Improvised weapons (dd +d4), TAP The final battle should offer plenty of fast action, (deactivated) unexpected heroics and last-minute escapes. The biohorrors are coming for Dr. Jordan and LURKERS the ones in the lab should be pushed away from humanity even more than the ones in the upper Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d4, levels. Adopting a structure beyond just a combat, Strength d6, Vigor d8 such as a Dramatic Task or even a chase, puts Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8, Stealth d10 pressure on the crew to get Dr. Jordan to safety. Pace: 6; Parry: 6, Toughness: 6 The dramatic task could be opening the doors Gear: none back from the server room to the exit doors of Edges: Acrobat the prison because the massive motions of the Special Abilities: biohorror horde triggered a lockdown. Or the • Bendy: Lurkers can squeeze in to a space up horde could be chasing the crew as one big mass to Size -1, they can extend their arms up to and once the crew evades them, they can make it 2" (6 feet) back to the evac zone and breathe easy. • Claws: d6 +d6 Crewmembers might expect a screw job after • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim such a mission like this. Would it be easier to and Dark illumination but not Pitch Darkness kill everyone who knew about Site Fifty-Seven? Possibly. But that means every job from now on

111 CHASERS If the crew can get the files on The Cookbook, they Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6 (A), Spirit d6, can confirm that GeneGenie was endangering the Strength d6, Vigor d6 public by releasing their own biohorrors and then Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d10, Notice d8, getting hired to clean them up. Stealth d6 Ethan Steiger gets wind of what the crew finds Pace: 8; Parry: 7, Toughness: 5 out, regardless of whether he decoded the chip Gear: None or the crew did. He wants to help. He’s seen Special Abilities: not just the awful things the crew has hunted • Claws: d6 +d6 but the beasts brought in by the other crews. • Low Light Vision: Ignore penalties for Dim If GeneGenie has been responsible for some of and Dark illumination but not Pitch Darkness them, he wants a hand in taking the company • Scent: Chasers can track by scent. down. If they aren’t responsible, he wants to be • Sprint: chasers roll d8 for their Run dice able to clear the company so he can go back to work with a clear conscience. Getting Ethan to BRUTES stay home will take a bold move like knocking him out or keeping him confined. If the crew ends Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4 (A), Spirit d8, up doing something like that, they’ll shatter their Strength d12, Vigor d12 relationship with him. Skills: Athletics d10, Fighting d8 Ethan can be a great sounding board for the GM Pace: 6; Parry: 6, Toughness: 14 (4) as the crew hashes out potential plans for how Gear: none to approach running GeneGenie HQ. Ethan can Edges: Frenzy steer the plan toward something both the GM Special Abilities: and the crew will enjoy. Whether it’s a tense data • Claws: d12 +d6 hack run under cover of midnight or a ridiculous • Scaley Hide (4) distraction featuring a fake visit from a foreign • Size (2) dignitary, a player planned heist will always hook S better than something predetermined. It’s also EPISODE 5 - CORPORATE RETREAT okay to go with something that’s a little lighter GN hearted; most of the Plot Point episodes of the y now, the crew is aware that there are a campaign have been dark and serious. The crew Bfew different things going on involving will appreciate a little breather before the big biohorrors on the streets of Chicago. GeneGenie action movie climax of the campaign. isn’t just cleaning up the streets; its involved in GeneGenie is located in the NuLoop in

I T CAMPA producing some of the horrors they’ve faced. downtown Chicago. The company isn’t big

N It’s time for a run on their bosses to connect a enough to build its own skyscraper in the I few strings and get an idea of where it all leads. revitalized area, but it does command the 35th Hunting biohorrors is the main focus of this floor of the Loranger Building. The primary access

T PO campaign but Interface Zero is still a cyberpunk points are the elevators leading from the main game. There’s always room for a run on a lobby. Secondary access points are fire stairs, one corporate HQ. on each side of the building. The best space to set

: PLO This plot point kicks off with a resolution of up an onsite staging area is on the 37th floor two an earlier element. The datachip acquired from floors above near the east stairwell. The office Damon Allen’s nest is finally decrypted. The space there is rented but empty. Other offices REE information reveals might not be shocking, but might be willing to host and help the players, H it does point back to GeneGenie. Dr. Jordan but it will cost a little time and a lot of money was quietly corresponding with members of to convince the occupants to go on vacation for the company and offering biohorror recipes in a few days. T TER exchange for discreet funding and payments for The crew likely heads into the office suspecting her own projects. The files refer to a hidden server The Cookbook to be hidden in some sort of server called The Cookbook located in the company HQ. room or hidden alcove in the building. Dr. Jordan CHAP

112 E VOLV transferred data to a portable drive they while Cookbook. The crew’s worst fears are confirmed: coming out of Site Fifty-Seven. That drive, the Dr. Jordan has been creating biohorrors for origin of The Cookbook, has long been destroyed. GeneGenie to send out into the world. The E The Cookbook is hidden in plain sight; it’s a monsters cause trouble and then GeneGenie O R memory partition in the cyber brain of Nancy- gets a call to come take care of them and profits. 19, the android office manager and receptionist. Not all the biohorrors the crew faced were DIE Nancy-19 is unaware of the partition. Uploads manufactured, but they will recognize one or and downloads to The Cookbook only occur two. There’s also something called Launch Project during her down cycle and maintenance periods Redeye involving three containers of mutagen which happen every week or so. The crew has a being used in a biological attack at O’Hare choice to make; try a datasteal while Nancy-19 is Suborbital Airport. It doesn’t take long before the active and run a higher risk of being discovered or decryption of the Redeye file is interrupted by the do it during a down cycle and waiting a few days door being kicked in. while pretending that everything is fine back at Gillian Royce arrives followed by armored the office. Regardless of the timing there are three corporate security. She’s tracked them through main components to the heist; get in, access The Ethan’s emails and is here to collect the Cookbook’s data and get out. proprietary information in their position. If they A daylight heist is more about deception and hand it over to her right away, they will merely distraction. There are plenty of reasons to come be terminated instead of arrested. Explanations to the office during the day. Paperwork needs to fall on deaf ears. Even when presented with be filled out, training classes need to be taken, or evidence of wrongdoing Royce brushes off any the crew might even accompany Gillian Royce pleas. When the crew hands over the drive or to one of her meetings with her superiors and when the argument hits an impasse, the leader express an interest in management. Accessing of the corporate security team checks off to the the Cookbook means taking Nancy-19 offline next recovery plan. His team shoots Royce and for at least a half hour. Skilled hacking can lower attempts to kill all the other witnesses, namely the downtime, but the crew will have to keep the Ethan and the crew. office running while she’s being hacked and also Once the crew survives the assassination they keep anyone looking for Nancy-19 distracted must dig a little deeper into Launch Project until she returns. Getting Nancy-19 back to Redeye. There are three mutagen devices that are her routine should be simple as well as getting going to be used at O’Hare Suborbital. One device somewhere safe with the information. is set to go off there while two are expected to be Going in at night is about stealth and infiltration. transported somewhere else. The data allows the Nancy-19 is less of a problem because she’s in her crew to rig up remote trackers to find the three charging chamber and maintenance pod but the potential bombs. office has two layers of security. One is provided The time they are scheduled to go off? by GeneGenie and the other is provided by Later that day. SecServ for the Loranger building. GeneGenie’s physical security mostly is made of a few motion SECURITY GUARDS detectors and solid network security. SecServ has security drones, a pair of live security officers Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, but fairly lax computer security. A smooth run Strength d6, Vigor d8 means hitting the light computer security of Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, the Loranger to draw off the physical elements Notice d8, Shooting d6 while running an onsite hack of Nancy-19’s secure Pace: 6; Parry: 5, Toughness: 7 partition. A crew that does their homework will Gear: shock truncheon (d6+d4), army surplus figure out this fairly quickly but if it goes down pistols (2d6+1), Tier 4 TAP the other way don’t be afraid to play hard. Edges: Brawny After the heist, the players have likely set up a secure location to browse the contents of The

113 (WC LOGO) NANCY-19 crew. Da Bear’s hybrids are more likely to throw Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, down for a fight. They’re mostly keeping an eye Strength d6, Vigor d6 out in the main Hive concourse because they don’t Skills: Academics d10. Common Knowledge have tickets to get into the concourses. Normally, d10, Electronics d8, Hacking d6, Intimidation d6, half a dozen hybrids hanging out would cause Performance d6, Persuasion d8, Research d10, concern, but the Hive is one of the busiest places Science d4 for foot traffic on Earth. The hybrids aren’t afraid Pace: 6; Parry: 2, Toughness: 5 to cause a scene. Da Bear has assured them that his Gear: suit, Tier 5 TAP boss, Dr. Jordan, will have the influence and cash Edges: Face Man to throw around to get them back on the streets Special Abilities: before dawn. • Construct: +2 to recover from being shaken. GeneGenie has contacted Silversun, the private • Dependency: Requires one hour of charging security corporation providing security for O’Hare every 24 hours. Without proper charging Suborbital. Silversun will have the crew’s data on file, Nancy-19 becomes Fatigued each day until which makes getting past the security checkpoints incapacitated. A day after that she dies. Each into the terminal out of the Hive exceedingly hour spent recovering restores a level of difficult. Silversun is there to arrest and capture and Fatigue. as long as the crew doesn’t shoot back, they might • Environmental Weakness: -4 to resist be able to escape and still accomplish their mission. electrical hazards, +4 damage from electrical A data hack can secure some false identities that attacks including EMP. could get crew members through security but the • Vow (Major): To serve GeneGenie to the more fake papers the hacker makes the less likely best of her abilities. it is they will get out unscathed. Silversun’s security focus is the concourses near the planes. EPISODE 6 - THREE RED EYES Only one of the three mutagen devices are rigged to detonate. The other two are being carried by S t seems like heading to one of the most associates of Dr. Jordan to other places where they Isecure public facilities on Earth minutes after will be installed into detonation devices at their GN becoming corporate fugitives is a terrible idea. destinations and deployed by other hirelings of There’s no other way to stop the mutagen bombs Jordan. There’s a lot of ground to cover at O’Hare from going off. The players must do it themselves. Suborbital so it’s likely the crew will split up. It’s This plot point should be run directly after the up to the GM to keep up the tension as the crew previous one for an action-packed finish to the searches for the devices. Cut between the teams

I T CAMPA campaign. frequently. Use the same technique that media

N O’Hare Suborbital is one of the main reasons does. Right before the crew resolves an important I Chicago remains a free city. The revenue it action like a roll to Notice a bad guy or clipping a collects from passenger traffic, shipping traffic wire, cut away to another team.

T PO and spaceport launches fill the city’s coffers while The one device set to detonate now has been also providing a stable deterrent for any nations set up in the center of the Hive. It’s been disguised to mess with what works. The city has not been as part of an art installation full of strange color

: PLO shy to order temporary public safety shutdowns in blends odd shapes and sudden strange noises. the past involving nations or corporations where The actual device is about a yard long by a foot diplomacy has failed. The sprawling terminal called wide. Disarming it is a Dramatic Task involving REE the Hive features dozens of concourses for air Electronics or Repair rolls. If none of the players H travel and one dedicated to launching passenger have this skill an NPC such as Ethan or Gillian travel to orbital facilities and beyond. has it, in which case the player’s tasks become There are a few different factions looking to keep persuasion/intimidation rolls to help the NPC keep T TER the team from accomplishing their goals. calm while disarming. If the task fails, the bomb Dr. Jordan has enlisted the help of Da Bear and detonates. This is the end of the campaign after all, his criminal associates to keep an eye out for the all bets are off, but if the characters carry on into CHAP

114 E SILVERSUN SECURITY OFFICERS VOLV a new campaign, the player and the GM should decide if the character was killed or is not a hybrid Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, when the story resumes. Strength d6, Vigor d8 E The second container of mutagen has been Skills: Athletics d8, Fighting d6, Intimidation d6, O R checked into a flight bound for Washington, DC. It Notice d8, Shooting d6 is going to be detonated on the National Mall. Due Pace: 6; Parry: 9 (4), Toughness: 13 (5) DIE to the recent reformation of the United States, this Gear: shock truncheon (d6+d4), army surplus particular plane is being boarded on the tarmac. If pistols (2d6+1) or assault rifle and no riot shield the crew comes in as passengers they will have to (2d8+1, AP 2, ROF 3, recoil suppression, three- go through an extra layer of scrutiny (and need round burst), riot gear (5), riot shield (Parry +4), to have tickets for the flight to be let through the Tier 4 TAP door). A crew that disguises itself as ground crew, Edges: Brawny however, just has to sneak or talk their way past the crew that’s loading the luggage on the plane. AFTERMATH The container is inside an CFC Bears gym bag in a solid silver bottle. ome GMs might want to keep Dr. Jordan Da Bear carries the third mutagen container Soff the board to reuse as a villain in a later through security to Concourse 78A where an campaign. In this case it’s one of her employees international suborbital flight to Paris is now using her ID chip and cash to fulfill the same boarding. Da Bear hands off the bag that contains role. The louder the crew operates during the the mutagen, packed in an airtight plastic bag, final parts of the campaign, the more likely it is to a lightly disguised Dr. Jordan, who is going to she doesn’t risk coming to O’Hare Suborbital in personally deliver the mutagen for the final bomb the final Plot Point. Dr. Jordan disappearing feels before disappearing into the Eurasian Union to more authentically cyberpunk as the rich and find new sponsors for her research. No weapons powerful get away without the consequences of are allowed in the concourse but Da Bear is a their actions but the players might be unsatisfied formidable fighter with natural claws and strength if they don’t at least get a shot at taking the main far greater than a normal human. Jordan has no bad guy down in the final scenes of the campaign. problem abandoning Da Bear to a fight or a The crew might not be able to stop the three terrible fate. This part of the adventure could lead mutagen bombs. Chicago is the most directly to a moment where part of the team battles Da disastrous as there may be crewmembers, friends Bear and the other runs a chase with Dr. Jordan in and allies directly affected by the bomb. The the lead. If she wins the chase, she makes it to the attack on O’Hare International also weakens plane just as the door closes. Chicago’s resolve and the next time that the At the end of it all, the crew has hopefully Reformed United States pushes against Chicago stopped several shipments of mutagens from she may finally open her doors for protection. The causing unwanted mutations happening at sites DC bomb gives the RUS government an excuse to around the world. Ethan and Gillian, if they are ramp up paranoia and scapegoats in the hybrid still alive, will testify on their behalf. GeneGenie, community. They aren’t interested in the truth as not wanting the truth about their association they are in finding enemies within and without with a bioterrorist to get into the media, offers to stir up fear that leads to control. Anti-hybrid the crew generous severance packages on the views become more public across the US, even basis of signing non-disclosure agreements about in Chicago. Lastly, the French bomb rattles the everything that happened. Or they can go to unity of the Eurasian Union. More and more the media and become celebrity whistleblowers countries wonder if the Union truly provides the dodging corporate assassins in between newsfeed security that it claims if it can’t stop its citizens interviews. There are no completely happy from being mutated. endings in Interface Zero, but there are plenty of interesting ones.



117 CYBERPUNKS THE STAGE he Cyberpunks Campaign Theme is for those Twho want to play a quintessential cyberpunk ike most Interface Zero games, the game. Players assume the roles of freelance LCyberpunks Campaign Theme generally contractors (often called Street Samurai, or plays out in the urban sprawl. That doesn’t mean Ronin) who operate outside the law, undertaking all missions happen there (or even in just one city). dangerous missions…for a price. Examples of a Cyberpunks can—and often do—travel all over Cyberpunks Campaign theme in various media the globe, and deep into the solar system. Indeed, include Altered Carbon, Neuromancer, Mona the Hunting Leviathan Plot Point Campaign on Lisa Overdrive, Count Zero, Mr. Robot, John page @@ takes the characters all across the world. Wick, Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man, Heat, and many, many more. Characters in a STORY ELEMENTS Cyberpunks Campaign Theme tend to be self- serving; Characters are out for themselves, looking ommon story elements in a Cyberpunks to make a name on the streets, squirrel away as CCampaign Theme touch on a variety of many cryptodollars as possible, and eventually subjects. Cyberpunks are free to do whatever retire in luxury while the rest of the world burns. they want. One night might see them infiltrating a Megacorp, and the next night they might get RANK hired to protect a diva who wants a night on the town. Still other adventures might see the yberpunks tend to start as Novice characters, cyberpunks smuggling weapons to a resistance Cor at best, Seasoned. A Cyberpunks game group who are fighting to remove a dictator focuses on characters who strive to be the best from power. They might also work to stop a at what they do. This requires time, and a little bit corporation from dumping toxic waste in a river of luck. Yes, with Savage Worlds it’s relatively easy running through a populated area. How you S to create characters who are statistically superior handle these story elements largely depends on (and characters ARE heroes, after all), but the how focused you want the campaign to be. Any GN cyberpunk genre (and especially this Campaign (or all) of the types of missions can fuel entire Theme) is much more than great stat blocks, cool campaign arcs. Cyberpunks Campaign Themes Edges and a bunch of cybertech; to be respected, are often wild, visceral games punctuated with you have to prove yourself, and that requires time. elements of urban decay and near-constant Starting at Veteran, Heroic or even Legendary violence.

I T CAMPA Rank assumes the characters have already put

N their time in and have earned their place among COMMON NON–PLAYER I the legends of the shadow community. CHARACTERS

T PO STARTING WEALTH Bounty Hunters • Corporate security yberpunks start with 5,000 cryptodollars. • Fixers • : PLO CPlayers need to feel like they can adequately Gang members outfit their characters with the things they • Hackers need to play their role. If a drone jockey can’t • Media Icons REE afford to get a drone during character creation, • Other cyberpunks H or a medic can’t afford medical supplies, then • Sector Cops something’s wrong. T TER CHAP

118 CYB

For instance, maybe the characters were hired SETTING RULES to steal the prototype of a new weapon system ER

from Act of God Armaments. The corporation PUNK THE WAY OF THE GUN could be the enemy; that seems like the obvious choice, but maybe the weapon system was

ll too often cyberpunks find themselves scheduled to be sold to another organization. S Aembroiled in the schemes of people or When the organization finds out, they vow to organizations wielding great power and influence. exact revenge on the individuals responsible Yes, it’s an obvious cliché, but to quote Harsha for the theft—the characters. Maybe another Bogle; “clichés are clichés because they are true.” shadow team had been hired to steal the device Cyberpunks are paid to stick their noses where by yet another competitor, and the characters they don’t belong. They learn secrets best kept beat them to it. hidden, get involved in clandestine operations Now, the shadow team wants revenge. This is a and events that can upset the balance of power in really good way to introduce subplots into your certain circles. Of course, there are consequences campaign and impress on the players that their that come from knowing too much. characters are ultimately, small fish swimming in Cyberpunks make enemies much faster than a big pond. they make friends. Heck, even so-called friends If the characters gain an enemy, roll on the are likely to betray them at some point; it’s an Enemy Tables and use the results to create an unfortunate reality of life in the sprawl. Money enemy, their motives, and possible methods is a motivating factor in every relationship in this they use to exact revenge upon the character(s). Campaign Theme, and it’s just a matter of time Optionally, you can just pick the entries you feel before someone gets greedy and turns on the make the most sense for your game. group. Worse, the character’s enemies find ways to get leverage. This means family, true friends ENEMY and anyone they ever had business dealings with can be used against the characters. It’s a hard ho’s coming after the team? Before you get truth, but attachments can be liabilities in a Winto the other details, you’ll need to figure Cyberpunks Campaign. out who’s coming for vengeance. As a Game Master, it can be a challenge to bring the revenge element to the game table. Everyone • Anonymous 3rd Party: The offended party wants to have fun, but if players are constantly has some sort of connection to the events wondering if their actions will result in the death of the mission. The person or persons might of someone they know, if characters are always be investors who lost a ton of crypto, a expecting the betrayal of a friend or associate, secret organization or some other individual the game becomes boring and frankly, frustrating. with more than a passing interest in what You want to use these elements sparingly and happened. avoid picking on people. • Celebrity: The PCs screwed over a celebrity That’s important. in some way and they want payback. Players who always have their characters • Corporation: The characters have made suffering consequences of a mission are an enemy of a megacorporation. The size eventually going to stop playing. It can hurt real- of the corp is up to you. See Organizational life relationships, too, so avoid singling out one Trappings on page @@ for guidelines to player at all costs. create your own. Optionally, you can choose After each mission, draw a card. If the result is one of the existing megacorps on page @@. a Club, the characters gain an enemy. Optimally, • Fixer: The characters screwed the person this enemy should be linked to the mission in who contracted them for the job. some way, though that doesn’t necessarily need • Gang: The characters crossed a gang, and to be true. they lost street cred because of it. The streets are watching, and if the gang doesn’t hit

119 back—and hard—other gangs will see it as MOTIVE a weakness to be exploited. • Government Agency or Bureaucrat: hat’s their beef? Were they betrayed? Was A government agency or a high-profile Wsomeone close killed? Weere they robbed? government official has been negatively Figuring out the motive is key to creating a impacted as a result of the last adventure good enemy. and wants justice. • Shadow Team: Another group of cyberpunks • Betrayal: The characters betrayed the are bent on getting revenge for something enemy in some way. They might have taken the characters have done on the previous payment for a job and never completed it, mission. sold out a trusted confidant, etc. Whatever • Organized Crime Ring: The actions of the the case may be, the npc wants retribution. characters have infuriated the leaders of • Crossed an Adversary: The team messed an underworld organization. This could be with the wrong person or organization. Time the Yakuza, Triads, Bratva Vory, Chicago’s to teach them a harsh lesson. Black Rose Syndicate, or some other group. • Crossed a line: The characters pushed things Organizational Trappings on page @@ for too far. In some ways this is like a betrayal, guidelines to create your own organization but it could be as simple as changing the or choose from one of the established crime job’s parameters or doing something they rings on page @@. weren’t supposed to (interviewing someone, • Victim: Someone has suffered because of opening that briefcase, etc.). In any case, the the actions of the characters. It could be a enemy wants retribution. relative of someone who died, someone who • Interfered with a plan: The characters did lost social standing, was fired from their job, something that wrecked someone’s plans. suffered a disfigurement or severe injury, etc. The enemy might have had a short-term goal This category is extremely broad, and you are or was in the process of bringing something S encouraged to be creative when fleshing out to fruition. Maybe the characters stopped the victim. a corporate merger, or an arms deal. They GN might have found themselves in the wrong ENEMY place at the wrong time. As a result, a major D10 ROLL TYPE investigation into a criminal group was 1 Megacorporation wrecked. There are a lot of ways to go with 2 Shadow Team this result. • I T CAMPA 3 Organized Crime Ring Loss of property/money: A milk-run

N gone wrong, hijacking a shipment, stealing

I 4 Victim(s) sensitive datafiles or anything else of value 5 Government Agency is a good reason to get vengeance, and the 6 Anonymous 3rd Party

T PO enemy of the characters is highly motivated. 7 Celebrity • Loss of someone: Death and loss is a strong 8 Fixer motivator, nakama. Maybe someone close

: PLO to the character’s enemy was caught in the 9 Gang crossfire and died. Maybe that person was 10 Roll Twice and use both results. Ignore a the target of an assassination, or even a REE score of 10 on future rolls. kidnapping; corporations pay good crypto H to get ahold of the competition’s assets, and that includes CEO’s, scientists, engineers, etc. • Loss of Street Cred: The characters’ enemy T TER has lost face, and the characters must pay somehow. For the enemy, this is likely the only way to recover her reputation. This CHAP

120 CYB

motive is especially true for celebrities, gangs, framing them, often for some criminal act and crime syndicates. Megacorporations and the enemy had planned to do all along, like ER

world governments generally only worry murdering a high-profile target and pinning PUNK it on the characters. This can lead to some MOTIVE tense moments as the characters scramble D8 ROLL RESULT

to clear their names. S 1 Crossed an Adversary • Collateral Damage: The enemy wants to 2 Loss of someone close exact revenge on the characters by making 3 Loss of property/ Money their friends and family suffer. Nobody is safe in this option; not even the dog. Be 4 Betrayal careful with this option, though. It can cause 5 Interfered with a plan frustration if you start killing off everyone. 6 Crossed a line Always give the characters a way to save their 7 Uncovered a dirty secret friends and family. 8 Loss of Street Cred • Coercion: Getting leverage on the heroes is an effective way to exact revenge. Find dirt about this if their reputation results in the on the characters and use it to get them in loss of revenue or causes scandals. a position where they have no choice but to • Uncovered a dirty secret: The characters do as the enemy says. Megacorps love to get found out soemthing they weren’t supposed leverage; it’s much more satisfying to have to. This might have been the goal of the their enemy in their pocket, so to speak. mission, or the heroes uncovered the secret • Scorched Earth: If the enemy uses this by accident. option, nothing is safe. They’ll use all of their resources to wipe out the characters and METHOD anyone they ever knew. The enemy must be enormously powerful and influential to ow will they get payback? There are tons of choose this option. If things have gotten to Hways this can happen, and while we leave the this point, the characters are going to have specifics to you, we provide some basic categories a hard time of it. This option can wreck a to help you along. campaign really fast, so only consider using it if the heroes have pissed off a major • Assassination: Strangely enough, this is the crime syndicate megacorporation, or a most honorable choice. They punched you, government. you punch back, but harder. There’s no need to get innocents involved. The enemy might METHOD choose to do it themselves or more likely, hire a team to make the hit. D6 ROLL METHOD • Disinformation: The enemy wants to hurt 1 Scorched Earth the heroes’ rep. Disinformation campaigns 2 Disinformation are good ways to cause loss of Street Cred, 3 Assassination which in turn can affect their ability to 4 Collateral Damage obtain specialized equipment, get work, and generally show their faces in any locale that 5 Coercion requires exclusive membership to enter, like 6 Entrapment a popular nightclub. • Entrapment: Similar to a disinformation campaign, the enemy entrapment option wants the characters off the streets. Governments and megacorps often choose to make an example of the characters by

121 HUNTING LEVIATHAN or destroying these powerful figures, Leviathan offers them membership and support, and a new everal members of the party have been seeing mission. If they fail, they may find themselves Smysterious graffiti recently: a stylized whale, in a forgotten prison, written out of the history branded or painted onto burned-out corporate books, with nothing to lose, or fleeing from a offices and trashed back-alley hideouts, even cut rising world power, the only bearers of the secret into dead bodies, markings from a mysterious of its bloody rise. saboteur group, it seems. It’s too frequent to be ignored, too regular to be a coincidence. PLOT POINTS And then a mysterious figure reaches out to one of them in the middle of a mission, introducing he fixed points of this campaign are the himself only as the Captain. He claims to know Toriginal mission, the finding of Leviathan, the organization behind the graffiti, a sinister the reversal, and the final showdown. Everything terrorist group responsible for hundreds of deaths else can be switched around, changed up, and and the destabilization of nations, from Russia adapted as necessary. Because the adventures to the Restored United States of America. The span the world, it can easily be mixed into other Captain offers funding and a clue to start their adventures, too. hunt, delivered in an old-fashioned envelop If you want to add the adventure in to another by courier. one, the Leviathan symbol can show up nearly The characters may choose to embark on anywhere. Graffiti on an elite bank, carved into missions around the world, led on and funded the body of a dead politician, on a business card by the mysterious figure, or they may ignore the dropped in a strip club. Maybe they wander into warning. If the characters ignore the warning, one a Leviathan operation, or cross paths with the of the members of the online group is found dead organization. They might bump up against the with the same brand. These murders continue org for years before they begin investigating. until the characters investigate. The key players are the Whaler, who sends S Once the characters begin investigating, them on their mission, his right hand, Ezra, and they find clues about a shadowy organization Leviathan’s leader, Elija. These three are the cogs GN that seems to be operating around the world, of a powerful conspiracy run by someone more stirring trouble and chaos. The characters begin shadowy and sinister even than they are. This interfering in these efforts, thwarting the group. controlling figure isn’t brought into the light here. Around the midpoint of the campaign, they It might be the big bad in your existing campaign, discover that this group, Leviathan, is actually it might be one of the characters in a sourcebook,

I T CAMPA seeking to overthrow despots and tyrants and or someone connected to a character. That’s

N bring the world back to some sort of peace, using up to you. I tactics of activism, disruption, sabotage, and If you prefer to wrap up with this campaign, the informational campaigns, as well as occasional Whaler was acting alone, funded by his illegal and

T PO targeted violence. The characters have been immoral dealings. pawns used to disrupt Leviathan’s efforts in the The Whaler maintains his cloak of benevolence twisted revenge fantasy of a powerful CEO and through a simple tactic: the stated desire for an

: PLO his traitorous aide. orderly resolution to humanity’s ills that doesn’t Chasing the Captain back to the source reveals step on toes or stir the waves. He claims to work that he is William Willingham, CEO of Act of God through politeness and communication, while REE Armaments, which is striving for more chaos and employing kill squads and mercenary hunters to H war. Leviathan has done major damage to their exert his control over the world. efforts, but old, bad blood lingers between them. The adventure arc closes with the characters T TER facing off against the Captain and his goons, who are Heroic and Legendary-rank, and then the First Mate and his goons. If they succeed in exposing CHAP

122 HUN


Suggested Rank: Seasoned t some point during these investigations, NG L his chapter presents several options for Asomeone is approached by a masked courier, Tlaunching the campaign, with suggested carrying a paper letter in an envelope. The ways for hooking into existing stories. envelope reveals no clues: it has been steamed, E V

wiping away any fingerprints, and the handwriting I SCENE 1 inside is mechanical and precise. The gray wax A T

seal bears a new symbol: a harpoon. HAN he heroes have been noticing a strange The letter describes their recent movements Tsymbol wherever they go. A stylized symbol and touches on key points of their investigation, of a monstrous whale has been showing up making it clear that the writer is familiar with everywhere, recently: in dead bodies, on the one their goal. The missive concludes: intact window of a vandalized elite bank, even in “I await you at the Berus Court. Come soon, you a DJ’s visuals the other night. Once or twice might are not the only ones who seek Leviathan.” have been a coincidence, a new drug or celebrity The letter is signed, simply, Ahab. criminal, perhaps. This is more than coincidence. At some point between when the characters Someone is sending a message. receive the letter and when they go to the club, The local law enforcement will have records they will find a small group of bodies—one per of sixteen incidents locally where the symbol character—laid out, shoulder-to-shoulder. On appears in some form, and the files will be flagged. each cheek is the Leviathan symbol, cut across If the heroes aren’t careful, that flag sets off an with the harpoon. alarm bell, and someone high up the food chain takes notice. SCENE 3 There is a sharp divide between the types of cases where the symbol is found: four are on erus Court is a club very popular with high-profile targets [Research] — a vandalized Bwealthy young parties. It is just trashy bank rumored to store money for oligarchs, two enough to be anonymous, exclusive enough to political assassinations, and a car bombing— keep from being raided, and supplied with a while the rest are on more mob-style hits, steady supply of the best (and worst) drugs and terrorism events, and other, smaller criminal acts. indulgences on the market. A higher-level investigation [Research -2] will A prostitution ring runs out of Berus Court, reveal reports from nearly a dozen other sites as does a betting service. The club is a hotbed around the world. Some locations only have of illegal activity and vice, but it regulates itself two or three high-profile hits, others show the well and its employees and workers seem to be distribution of the city the heroes are in—a few moderately happy. Anything and everything is high-profile hits, and a rash of lower-level hits. available here, but secrecy is the price. Most are big cities, with a few small towns. Inside, the labyrinth of rooms is nearly pitch- Separating the high profile from the smaller black, filled with a glowing mist that seems to be incidents reveals a pattern [Research -2]: a mix of water and some low-level hallucinogen. escalating from petty mob bosses and corrupt The staff wear cybernetic gas masks grafted to town politicians, the targets are now big banks their faces, black body suits, and night-vision and big whales. After each, a bulletin hits the lenses, giving them a sinister, paramilitary look. Deep, exposing the victim’s crimes: racketeering, The music is low, a deep, grinding bass that is felt, human trafficking, arms deals, drug dealing, more than heard. government destabilization, human rights The only other light in the room is from the violations. Someone is cleaning house on a world- bank of TV screens around the room and on the wide scale. ceiling. They are a maelstrom of photos: puppies, war crimes, smoking wreckage with twisted bodies, tranquil water gardens, birthday parties,

123 famous trials. If anyone is paying close attention A deep silence falls, only the drums rolling [Notice -2], they start noticing a rhythm to the through the floor. The voice’s final command is far visuals, and other images, thin overlays on the deeper and rawer than the previous words, filled screens, painted onto walls in the background, with hate and emotion. tattoos. Leviathan is here. “Break their back and you will never want Servers approach the heroes, offering earpieces. again for anything. Watch your back. The earpieces are not infected with any virus or Remember, they are everywhere.” trap, they are simply single-use communication devices fitted with a self-destruct that will trigger SCENE 4 in ten minutes. The staff doesn’t know anything else; the devices were waiting on the front desk s the last words fade, servers again approach. when they arrived with a note about how to AThis time, they hand the heroes a single identify the targets. If anyone has night vision paper file, a charmingly antiquated way to pass goggles or other specialized visual equipment, information. The earpieces now self-destruct they may notice [Notice -1] that their hand with a small fizzle that tickles but doesn’t do any stamps, applied when they entered, are now harm. They are generic and will not reveal any glowing in the shape of a harpoon as the ink information if investigated. reacts with something in the mist. This is the As the heroes make their way out of the club, identification the servers were given. If the heroes flashbang grenades begin detonating near the return to the desk, they find someone else there, back. Armed guards rush forward, shoving and no sign of the woman who was there earlier. partiers out of their way, but are quickly sniped. If the heroes accept the earpieces, a cultured, There do not seem to be any civilian casualties. artificial voice immediately comes on, and The attackers wear white in an unusual style the screens around the room begin flashing that seems to be vaguely Middle Eastern—white through crime scene photos and videos from the headscarves under gas masks, long white robes Leviathan cases. over white trousers—and are using powerful S rifles and handguns, rather than machine guns. “Welcome, hunters. I will not mince words: They ignore the heroes, instead rushing toward GN You have seen the work of Leviathan; you have a room to the side of the building. Breaching seen its foul deeds and cruel destruction. It is the door, bright light spills out, heightening the a blight on this world, a cancer sowing blood screams and uncertainty. The attackers disappear and distrust. They started as nothing, their inside, returning a few minutes later with bits of goals laudable: distribution of wealth, safety technology. Inside the room, four figures lie dead,

I T CAMPA and justice for all, equality. They tasted blood bullet holes between their eyes. Single clear kill-

N then, my own blood, the blood of my family, shots for all of them. I and grew greedy.” The heroes may attempt to intercept the attackers, but they will be fighting the crowd,

T PO The speaker’s voice is gaining a mythic cadence, the blindness from flash bangs, and the choking stentorian one moment, vanishing the next, rising smoke. If they come close, the attackers fire at and falling in a hypnotic cadence. With the deep them, not hitting them, but seeming to intend to

: PLO heartbeat of the music, and the grim scenes on scare them off. the screens, the entire effect is oddly threatening. Should the heroes manage to intercept one, • “Now they follow their own whims, burning their captive is immediately shot by a sniper from REE and killing across the world, seeking to somewhere outside. Clearly this group has no H sow only destruction. Their lofty goals are interest in being found. If the heroes follow them forgotten, they have fallen from the path, outside, they jump into a fast car and disappear they are the darkness they once hated. in the distance. T TER They are the enemy of order, and they must As the last partiers leave the building, it erupts be stopped.” in flames. On the ground in front of the club is a plastic business card with the Leviathan logo. CHAP

124 HUN

LEVIATHAN RETRIEVAL TEAM Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge

d6, Fighting d8, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, TI

Leviathan retrieval team is eight highly Persuasion d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 NG L A trained paramilitary types equipped with Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 17(8); Strain:9 top-of-the-line cybernetics to enhance speed, Edges: Double Tap, Strong Willed response time, and survivability. Built-in filters Gear: Tier 3 TAP , Black Knight Industries Heavy E V

for breath and adaptive lighting keep them from Vest (Armor 6), RT-328t Vengeance Pistol I being easily incapacitated through gas or light. (9mm) (Range:12/24/48 Damage:2d6 AP:2 A T

They favor posting two snipers outside their target Shots:6), 3 Grenade Flashbang (Range: 5/10/20, HAN for situation control, while four enter the location, Disorientation, Flash), 3 Clips for Rt-328t and two remain outside to facilitate escape. Vengeance. Cybertech: Kenta Cyber Dynamics Dreadnaught LEVIATHAN OPERATIVES (8) (+1 Vigor Die, +2 Toughness, +2 Armor, +4 Vigor rolls vs Poison, CyberEyes (Flare Compensation, he operatives wear white in an unusual style Lowlight Vision) Tthat seems to be vaguely Middle Eastern— 2 Outside Operatives also have: BK Penetrator white headscarves under gas masks, long white Rifle (6.5mm) (Range: 36/72/144, Damage: 2d8 robes over white trousers. AP:2 Shots: 6), 3 Clips for BK Penetrator Rifle. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d6, Vigor d10

125 CLUE TABLE # OF RAISES RESULT 1 A conversation was overheard in a coffee shop. The name Leviathan was mentioned. 2 Several known agitators have been seen in St. Petersburg recently. 3 Documents which look to be for a non-state-sanctioned press release were found. 4 A known Leviathan matriarch was spotted entering St. Petersburg. 5 A low-level Leviathan asset was captured and tortured, revealing that he was being prepped for a protest

CHAPTER 1: INTO THE DEPTHS The heroes may either receive this information passively, as an info dump, or you may wish to Suggested Rank: Seasoned let them discover clues on their own through networking. SUMMARY If you are giving them clues, the table offers suggestions, or you might want to pull in he characters step into a dark underworld, sources from other campaigns or interactions. Tchasing the elusive Leviathan. Their first stop Each success and raise on a Research check will is in Russia, where they must disrupt the planning provide a clue. of a massive riot. The Captain appears and praises them, offering up another clue. SCENE 2 This chapter brings the characters into the hunt for the first time. The suggested location t. Petersburg is a wealthy, stable town, a place is somewhere in Russia–cold, remote enough to Swhere oligarchs conduct their business and be difficult to get to, but big enough to hide a store their wealth. The inequality is staggering, powerful weapons operation, preferably on the expertly divided between a small society of the S coast, but it is certainly possible to do this in any ultra-powerful, and the powerless serfs who serve location where oligarchs and corporations rule, them. And make no mistake: St. Petersburg is GN including the Restored United States. an Orwellian town. Commoners have no rights The point of this chapter is to introduce the unless it pleases the whim of their masters. characters to the reality of this mission: it’s big, It is the perfect place for a massive protest. The brutal, and spans the world. It will pit them central square is an open plaza dedicated to the against powerful figures and put their lives in history of the Great Bear. TV cameras stream

I T CAMPA danger, potentially for a very long time. constantly, tourists take selfies, and dozens of

N sanctioned vendors peddle expensive tchotchkes. I SCENE 1 There are crowds to blend into, and plenty of avenues of escape.

T PO he information in the file proves to be more The days leading up to the protest are surreal. Tin-depth research on Leviathan, clearly Sanctioned by the state, the protest turns out to garnered from some secret source the heroes be a Freedom Demonstration, assuring the world

: PLO were not able to find. It shows a clear pattern that the citizens are all Happy, Content, and Free of escalation and points out communication in their servitude. Placards must be approved patterns that seem to herald a burst of by the authorities, official chants and talking REE Leviathan activity. points have been distributed, and the oligarchs’ H There are bits of communication and travel pet media is primed with set interviews of pretty, that seem to indicate a location in Russia as the happy people. next target. It claims that a massive anti-oligarch Leviathan aims to show the truth. They have T TER protest is being scheduled, and that Leviathan is obtained copies of the official guidelines, as well planning to inflict some act of terror on it. as video of the process. A captive state official told them when the interviews were scheduled CHAP

126 HUN for, and who would be targeted. Leviathan is to be their hunt: London. Whether they choose to take the stick in the wheels, hoping to draw attention this step immediately, or complete other business TI to the abuses. The state prides itself on its live in Russia, is up to you. NG L delivery, a way to boost its credibility. CHARLIE SEVAL SCENE 3 E V

hechnyan by birth, Seval is a refugee who fled I he day of the demonstration is windy and to Germany when a bitter neighbor reported A C T

Tchilly. Leviathan agents, bundled in thick him to be gay. He crossed paths with Leviathan HAN coats, filter in through the crowds, taking up and immediately offered to go back into Russia. position. The crowd, dressed in its Sunday best, Now he is a Leviathan captain, orchestrating begins the march, and the cameras start rolling. demonstrations and sabotage through the The first agent to appear is a woman, throwing Moscow and St. Petersburg areas. He stays hidden off her coat and climbing onto a planter behind by being out in the open, playing the part of a the man being interviewed, she holds up a huge low-level lackey and clerking at a small hotel. In sign. My children and husband died in a fire in reality, he has strong connections to nearly every Aleksey Sokolov’s factories. She shrugs out of her facet of anti-oligarch Russian interest. dress, and her naked body is covered in tortured Charlie is an intensely average man, in size, looks, burn scars. height, and mannerisms, the perfect agent. His The police rush her, but the crowd surges, and name is likely not Seval, but it is easy for records she slips off the planter and out of sight. to get lost in Russia… Another protester runs onto camera, their implants casting Hyper Objects of the living conditions of a serf family. Elsewhere, an agent WC LOGO CHARLIE SEVAL talks about the secret pipelines into the EU that smuggle sex slaves, weapons, and drugs. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d8, Everywhere, the orderly protest is tipping Strength d6, Vigor d6 into chaos. Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d6, Common Caught between these obvious agents and the Knowledge d8, Fighting d4, Hacking d6, Healing need to maintain their image for the cameras, d4, Intimidation d4, Notice d6, Persuasion d8, the police mill, chasing after first one agent and Shooting d6, Stealth d8, Taunt d8 then another. Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7(2); Strain:0 At this point, loudspeakers come to life, offering Edges: Charismatic, Command, Tactician rewards for these “Mandarinate agents who are Gear: Tier 3 TAP, UP Street Jacket (Armor 2), sowing discord and chaos.” RS-92l Pistol (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6 The heroes may choose to attempt to capture AP:1 Shots: 8), 1 additional RS-92l magazine the agents to hand over to the police, or they may disrupt them while they are attempting to demonstrate. If they choose to capture them, they may also choose whether to hold onto the captive or turn them over for a reward. The protest dissipates quickly, an utter failure. Leviathan graffiti is everywhere, as though an army of agents struck, though, in reality, it was only four, supported by the protesters who stood up to their government. If the heroes managed to apprehend any of the agents, another letter is delivered, congratulating them on their success. With this letter is enough information to lead them to the next stage on


lga and her family were working in Sokolov’s eviathan’s London target is an information Oweapons factories when a machine Lbroker, a power player on the world stage. malfunctioned and caught fire. Ammunition She has spies in every major city on earth, that had been stored too close to the machine including within the governments, and uses her likewise caught fire, and the old building went power to disrupt and control. Leviathan wants up in flames. Nearly three hundred people died, to send the structure toppling by removing her. and many more were badly burned. Olga’s entire When the heroes arrive in London, the family died, and she is plagued by burn scars over information is sketchy at best, and Luci is used to most of her body. She survives by doing small threats on her life. She does not care for warnings, technical repairs around town, and on a small as her information is generally far better than pension from Leviathan, who has been waiting anyone else’s. There may be several attempts on to use her. her life, she is a powerful woman in an important position, and one of Leviathan’s primary targets. OLGA ANASOVA But she is of vital importance to the Whaler, and most of these attempts are thwarted. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Finally, Leviathan triggers the agent they placed Strength d6, Vigor d6 inside her organization long ago: Halcyon Rogers, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, a man not trained as a killer, but as a mole. It is a Fighting d4, Hacking d4, Notice d6, Persuasion desperate move, but every day Luci lives is a day d6, Shooting d4, Stealth d6 they lose more ground. Terrified, he botches the Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 5(0); Strain:0 attempt, putting Luci into the hospital, but failing Edges: None to kill her. Gear: Tier 1 TAP Against his direct orders, he panics and flees first to a safehouse, and then out of London entirely. S CHAPTER TWO: SHADOWS IN THE DEEP LUCI BORGES (WC) GN

Suggested Rank: Veteran uci is an elderly woman of Pacific Islander he characters journey on, chasing hints and Ldescent. Separated from her parents Tclues, disrupting events. Locations may during the Brexit years, she grew up in foster include space, California, South America. care, bouncing around until she caught the eye

I T CAMPA As the heroes pursue Leviathan, they find of a wealthy woman slumming it in a down-

N themselves drawn into a web of shadows. heel club. At sixteen, she became the live-in I Leviathan is not a centralized organization, it is lover, and eventually wife, of one of the most hundreds of pods spread out across the world, powerful women in England. Luci studied the

T PO each operating under a sort of captain. They people around her, eventually making her debut operate under a central guiding mission, but in society, at eighteen, as the daughter of a lost their methods vary wildly. Even if an entire pod is royal Filipino family, a fiction she has maintained

: PLO captured, it is generally useless for tracking down carefully, even establishing a paper trail. any others. Her wife died when Luci was only twenty-five, A sophisticated and yet elegantly simple system leaving her entire fortune to the former street kid. REE of code words, known identities, and fail safes Grieving her love, she threw herself into amassing H protect the members of Leviathan, and while the sort of power that would keep her from ever some of that information is in the folders, there suffering privation again. are still many areas no one can read. Luci uses her old street smarts, her connections, T TER and her wealth to rule much of the information that passes through the world. She is not well known in society anymore, but everyone who is CHAP

128 HUN anyone seeks her out for information, and even SCENE 2 blessings on new ventures or regime changes. TI

Mere de la Connaissance, many call her, the s Rogers flees London, attempting to outrun NG L Mother of Knowledge. Athe agents on his tail, he accidentally exposes an important secret: there is a safehouse beneath LUCI BORGES (WC) the Thames, an old service tunnel. Investigation E V

[Research -2] of the location reveals a sloppy I Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, secret indeed: Rogers is heading to Stockholm. A T

Strength d4, Vigor d4 Leviathan’s presence in Stockholm is a well- HAN Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d4, Common established but embattled stronghold. Directly Knowledge d10, Hacking d6, Intimidation d6, struggling against the Christian Knights Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Research: d8, Stealth Brotherhood, or CKB, they have suffered many d4, Taunt d6 losses both public and secretive. They are more Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4(0); Strain: 0 visible there, sometimes surfacing into the light Edges: Connections, Streetwise, Strong Willed to destabilize the CKB, sometimes drawn kicking Gear: Tier 4 TAP and screaming out of the shadows when the CKB gains the upper hand. HALCYON ROGERS Rogers flees straight to the Stockholm safehouse, too panicked to be aware that he is being fidgety, small, flighty man, Halcyon Rogers followed. He was a little too good at collecting A came from a moderately well-to-do family information and knows the location of several that lost everything when their firm was caught safehouses he was never supposed to know about. in the middle of a hacking scandal. Both parents Leviathan has a major action planned against committed suicide, and Halcyon was snapped the CKB, aiming to infiltrate their castle and up by Leviathan, who trained him as a mole find out what is really happening behind the and dropped him into London’s elite society scenes. They are relying on chaos created by the as a personal assistant. He soon caught Luci’s Brotherhood of Lodbrok, a neo-Viking terrorist fancy, and spent the next ten years working his organization that is attempting to draw the CKB way through the ranks to be close enough to into open war. attempt murder. Halcyon’s arrival sets everything into a tailspin. Halcyon has little backbone, no dreams, and The disastrous event in London is discovered, as quite a lot of fears. He is not steady at the best of is Halcyon’s tail. Cleaners are sent out to take care times, but his absolutely meek, terrified persona of the problem, but it is too late. Rather than take makes him easy to trust. Who would this little this vital action, Leviathan’s Stockholm division mouse be speaking to? packs up and vanishes into the suburbs, leaving Halcyon sleeping peacefully in the safehouse, HALCYON ROGERS utterly unaware. He knows nothing about Leviathan but reveals Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, that Borges has been selling information on Strength d4, Vigor d6 Leviathan to a man who calls himself the Captain, Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d4, Common who seems to be American. He is able to send Knowledge d6, Hacking d4, Notice d6, some small bits of information to the characters, Persuasion d4, Research: d8, Stealth d4 including the network ID the Captain uses with Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 7(2); Strain: 0 Borges, which traces back to Texas. He also reveals Edges: Investigator that Leviathan is in a war with Act of God, the Hindrances: Yellow powerful Texas arms manufacturer. Gear: Tier 3 TAP, UP Street Jacket (Armor 2), Halcyon suggests that, perhaps, the heroes RS-007 Whisper Palm Pistol 8mm (Range: should learn something about Leviathan besides 12/24/48, Damage: 2d4 AP:0 Shots: 6) what the Whaler is telling them. He suggests that they travel to Tartus, Syria, where they may learn

129 something of interest. He has clearly been primed many memories haunted the cities for many of for this but offers compelling evidence. the former citizens, who had found life elsewhere. But home always calls too loudly for some THE BROTHERHOOD OF LODBROK people to ignore. The sons and daughters of refugees began trickling back, clearing streets and small, neo-pagan, fascist cult which claims working alongside the survivors who had stayed. A to emulate the Viking heroes of old, the Fractured families built new families out of those Brotherhood has set its sights on the CKB as a who had no one, adopting orphaned children and perfect way to demonstrate the superiority of elders who had seen their entire families killed. the Viking heritage and begin a war that will drive Over time, ignored by the world, Syria rebuilt. all “interlopers” out of Sweden. They have been As the world spun into chaos around them, they hammering at the CKB for months, the brutality leaned on the lessons they had learned as a of their tactics escalating as they attempt to bait diaspora of refugees to survive. the CKB into open conflict. They are currently Leviathan was heavily involved in the recovery. having no such luck, the CKB utterly refuses to The small town of Tartus, on the coast of the engage with them, but they use social media to Mediterranean Sea, had significant strategic keep themselves visible enough that the CKB importance to both Israel and Turkey, nearly doesn’t feel it can retaliate without playing into triggering several wars. Leviathan exerted its their hands. influence, pulling strings so that both nations The Brotherhood is rumored to have withdrew, leaving Tartus to grow. been involved with car bombings, botched The town is now a haven on the coast, filled with assassinations, hostage-taking, and inciting refugees from around the world who have been riots. However, for a group of people who wear welcomed with open arms by the Syrians. They traditional garb and carry big, archaic weapons, run an egalitarian society, working together to they are surprisingly hard to pin down. The police survive the heat and temperature fluctuations. are frustrated and offering rewards for anyone Many of the refugees are highly skilled, but they S who can end this chaos. use their gifts to make life in the community better, rather than for profit, and Tartus is self- GN LODBROK GANG STATS sufficient, and well-guarded. A new nation is forming, centered on Tartus, Gang: Medium (20 – 50 Members) built of refugees, orphans, and widows. Syria Typical member: looks toward a new spring, and Leviathan’s goals Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, are clearly displayed, here: an end to the power of

I T CAMPA Strength d6, Vigor d6 the few, by whatever means.

N Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, In Tartus, the characters have the opportunity I Fighting d6, Hacking d4, Notice d6, Persuasion to learn about the arms markets that control a d4, Stealth d4 large part of their world. Many of Tartus’s citizens

T PO Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 7(2); Strain: 0 have fled here after their homes were destroyed, Gear: Tier 1 TAP, Thick Leather Jacket (Armor 2), or their loved ones killed in war. Some are hiding, Axe, Hand (Str+d6) knowing too many secrets to ever be safe. If the

: PLO characters search for information [Research -2; SCENE 3 the characters learn about one shell company per success and raise], they may find many of the REE yria was hit very hard by climate change, shell companies and contracts Act of God uses H Swhich seemed, for a while, determined to to conduct its business without exposing itself to finish what the wars had begun. The cities, ruined, open danger or backlash. bombed-out shells, baked in the brutal sun. Too T TER CHAP

130 HUN

SHELL COMPANIES being caught in the crossfire, but they are not

being targeted…yet. TI

• Omen Manufacturing: A small company As Leviathan comes under siege, they move NG L that manufactures specialty ammunition. into high alert. The heroes might find themselves • Black Oak Holdings, LLC: A shell company followed or struggling against subtle opposition making dirty bombs under the guise of as Leviathan quietly works to hinder them. If E V

“biochemical research.” they have been striking out against Leviathan I • Sanders & Sons Distribution: A shipping pods openly, they may find themselves targeted A T

company that moves arms into illegal hands. in return. HAN • Athens Incorporated: Technically a security Another letter arrives, filled with subtle threats company that runs mercenary groups into and assurances. The Captain has another catch: a hot zones. pod working out of Darwin, opposing the power struggle there in an attempt to protect the land. TARTUS RESIDENTS Something big is planned there. If the characters look into Act of God, they • Aisha: A former soldier from Dublin. She was may discover that there are rumors the CEO is a mercenary for Athens Inc. until she saw spiraling into madness, becoming erratic and something she shouldn’t have. unpredictable. • Adam: A secretary who used to work in the Act of God corporate headquarters. He WILLIAM WILLINGHAM, CEO OF ACT OF found traces of money pointing to terrorist GOD ARMAMENTS funding. • Imrana: A Pakistani woman whose entire William Willingham was born into power: family was wiped out by Athens Inc. son of John Willingham, founder of Act of God mercenaries acting on behalf of an Indian Armaments, he grew up surrounded by privilege. warlord. Groomed from a young age to take his father’s • Cixin: A Chinese national who worked in a place, he found himself CEO of Act of God at the Black Oak Holdings bomb factory. age of thirty-seven. He is now forty-nine, and his detractors have SCENE 4 grown as quickly as his company. Never a particularly focused or intelligent heir, he seems fter Tartus, the Captain and Leviathan to have succeeded through luck, a powerful Aboth escalate. Leviathan is targeting arms board of advisors, and his wife, Karen, the heiress shipments, supply trains, corporate offices, and of a breathtaking oil fortune. The board has made manufacturing plants. There are few deaths, numerous efforts to cut him out of the picture, but a great deal of destruction and disruption. but Karen has stymied them at every turn. There Leviathan is also using the Deep to their are many who think that she is the true power advantage, broadcasting information about the behind William, but that is, in fact, William’s atrocities Act of God funds. aide, Ezra. The Captain triggers a wave of attacks against Regardless, William is carefully managed by suspected Leviathan figures. The Leviathan Karen and Ezra. A balding, thin man, he spends branding is obvious, and local news, wherever much of his time in Denver, playing the genial the heroes are, is beginning to talk about this host and glad-handing politicians and contacts, terrorist organization. The heroes are at risk of pressuring them into favorable deals with his company.

131 WILLIAM WILLINGHAM WC At some point, an altercation between two Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, people breaks out. One is a hybrid, working for Strength d6, Vigor d6 Magnate Corps, one of the companies looking to Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Common benefit from exploiting the Gorge. The other is Knowledge d4, Fighting d4; Hacking d4, Notice in her mid-teens, a young woman with dark skin d6, Persuasion d8, Research: d4, Stealth d4 and curly hair. She is a protester attempting to get Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Toughness: 7(2); Strain: 0 signatures in the airport. Edges: Aristocrat, Connections It isn’t clear who threw the first punch, but they Hindrances: Clueless tangle quickly, and the protester proves to be a Gear: Tier 3 TAP, Boardroom Jacket (Armor 2), strong fighter, quickly dominating the hybrid, who AGA-Prophet Pistol (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: clearly is not used to fighting. If they aren’t pulled 2d6+1 AP:1 Shots: 7) apart, she steps back and addresses anyone who is watching, denouncing the proposed changes. CHAPTER 3: RED OF She seems to have proprietary information, which TOOTH AND CLAW leaves the hybrid looking worried. If no one intercedes, security comes and grabs Suggested Rank: Veteran her, arresting her for disturbing the peace. If he agreements protecting the Green Gorge someone intervenes, they will need to convince Tfrom exploitation are under siege. This year’s her that she’s more useful out of jail than in. If AUC will be hearing several efforts to open the they do so, she will show them out of the airport Gorge up for mining and development. Leviathan, through a back route that avoids the rush and any interested in preserving as much of the natural law enforcement. world as it can, is intensely opposing these efforts. One they are clear, she introduces herself as Blackmail, bribery, and open threats are Kini, a fifteen-year-old activist whose family has circulating as the delegates prepare for the been in the region for centuries. She explains the summit. Leviathan is doing what it can to foul ancestral worth of the land, and the grave insult S the works but has found that other interests that the corps are inflicting by now destroying the brought their own agents in, too. The entire area land they once stole. She explains that her people GN is embroiled in an undercover war, fighting for are working hard to block the development control over the narrative. however they can from signatures to outright The air is one of desperate, furtive negotiation. disruption. Delegates front and haggle, restaurants are filled They have recently begun working with a with business dinners, cafes are full of lay people mysterious group who is trying to help them

I T CAMPA speculating. thwart the corporations. She doesn’t have much

N Blending in here is relatively easy, there are information about them, but they have all the I hundreds of people from all over the world. The hallmarks of a Leviathan pod. heroes might take the role of visiting journalists, If the characters choose to help the hybrid

T PO activists, or aides. instead, he tells them that the corporations are almost assured of victory in this case. Big SCENE 1 money is moving behind the scenes, driven by

: PLO an unknown funding source. He offers resources he airport is chaotic. Darwin is small and and information fairly openly, and although doesn’t receive much traffic most of the he quizzes the heroes a little about why they

REE T year and lacks the infrastructure to support the are there, he doesn’t seem too concerned with H current influx. Lines are long, tempers are short, evasion or redirection. and everyone wants their problem fixed now. The He is an aide to a CEO, so although he doesn’t benefit is that everyone is talking loudly and using necessarily know high-level information, he T TER their titles and pedigrees, creating a fantastic knows a lot of things about appointments, opportunity to figure the players out. schedules, and interests. This information may be CHAP

132 HUN MATHEW LEWIS WC very useful to the heroes or may distract them from everything else going on. Race: Hybrid (Canine/Dog) TI

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, NG L KINI Strength d6, Vigor d6 Cybertech: Acme LMS LTD. Knowcomp fifteen-year-old Aboriginal girl, Kini grew (Knowledge: Politics); Parque Electronica E V

A up with a profound understanding of the Tarantula Drone Hand I nature of power and protest. Both her mother Skills: Athletics d4; Common Knowledge d6, A T and grandmother, as well as several other relatives, Fighting d4; Hacking d4, Knowledge (Politics) HAN spent their lives fighting for Aboriginal rights and d6; Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Repair d6; Research heritage spaces. Kini’s first memory is of sitting on d4; Stealth d4 her mother’s shoulders, holding up a sign. Pace: 8 (Run die d8); Parry: 4; Toughness: 7(2); She’s a serious and focused teenager who loves Strain: 6 bright floral prints, boys, and vintage rock’n’roll. Edges: She knows a lot about Darwin and can direct the Hindrances: Loyal characters anywhere they need to go. Gear: Tier 3 TAP, Boardroom Jacket (Armor 2) She is also a Leviathan agent and has shown a strong leadership potential. Her matriarch is SCENE 4 currently distracted by a family tragedy, and Kini has been thrown into a position she is not hether Ellsworth-Morgan lives or dies, remotely ready for. Wevidence pointing at a Leviathan conspiracy immediately falls into the heroes’ hands, maybe KINI too conveniently. They will need to decide whether or not to pursue Leviathan, chasing the Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Darwin pod, or look at the event more closely to Strength d6, Vigor d6 discover what really happened. Skills: Academics d4, Athletics d6, Common The Darwin pod, knowing they are being Knowledge d4, Fighting d6, Hacking d6, Notice targeted, will be desperate to escape the city. d6, Persuasion d4, Research d6, Stealth d4 They are largely younger operatives, drawn from Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 5(0); Strain: 0 activist and Indigenous backgrounds, so their Edges: connections across Australia give them a high Hindrances: Driven (Major-Saving Green Gorge) chance of success. However, they may make Gear: Tier 2 TAP mistakes in their rush, allowing the characters to catch up to them. MATTHEW LEWIS JANE ACHARYA he epitome of the man who just wants to do This job, collect his paycheck, and go home at The leader of the Darwin pod, Jane Acharya is a night, Matthew Lewis wishes the summit would transwoman from India. She came to Darwin to just get over with. He usually likes his job as an fight for the Gorge as a protester and was quickly aide, but his boss is angry and frustrated, and recruited by Leviathan. She works as an attorney, demanding that Matthew work long hours, which using her contacts and influence to try and is interfering with his relationship with his fiancé. thwart corp plots. She has made massive strides Matthew enjoys tinkering in his spare time, and in encoding protections for natural and heritage some of his implants are decidedly experimental. spaces in Australia, using her eloquence and iron- However, if the characters need repairs or clad knowledge of Australian legal precedents to upgrades, he will know where to send them. thwart the huge international teams the corps keep bringing in to exploit the natural wealth. Her son was recently diagnosed with a virulent blood disease. Her focus on his care has distracted

133 her from Leviathan and left her open to outside If the characters accept, she sends them a plots. Kini, her protégé, has been working hard time and date, and a token of her good-faith: to keep everything running, but lacked the intercepted letters with the same seal as the ones experience to see the incident in time. Jane has the mysterious figure sends the heroes, spelling asked to step down, but someone seems to have out kill orders for another team. discovered this loophole in time to exploit it. If the characters do not accept, Willa will send Jane is a tall, elegant Indian woman who favors Kini to them. Kini will have the intercepted letter, sharp suits in dark colors. Her voice is sure and and a strong warning for the heroes: they are strong, flavored with a soft southern India accent. pawns who are quickly outliving their usefulness. Her hair is cut in a sharp bob, and she wears traditional jewelry. WILLA SEBELL

JANE ACHARYA WC Leviathan Matriarch out of Aliceplex, A Willa has spent decades fighting from the Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, shadows. With a deep knowledge of Australian Strength d4, Vigor d6 politics, history, and culture, Willa has a history Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common of protecting the continent and its interests. She Knowledge d6, Hacking d4, Knowledge (Law) d6, has a vibrant network of contacts, a foothold in Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Research: d8, Stealth d4 every regional government, and a rapport with Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 7(2); Strain: 0 the Indigenous peoples. Edges: Investigator, Connections Willa is a fixer, traveling around Australia to Gear: Tier 3 TAP, ED Boardroom Jacket (Armor 2) put out fires. She is close to Jane and was already on her way to take over the Darwin pod until CHAPTER 4: ALBATROSS a suitable successor could be found when the plot unfolded. Suggested Rank: Veteran Willa is an older woman, tiny in build, with dark S he characters stumble on a Leviathan figure skin and hair from her Indigenous heritage. Her Tthe Captain did not lead them to and face is heavily wrinkled, her hands are strong and GN discover that the group is aware of them and elegant. She favors bright clothes and loves a trying to reach them. Leviathan offers to talk. good party, often visiting the hottest clubs when If the characters accept, Leviathan illuminates she travels. them to the real situation. In the middle of their Willa is far more powerful than she appears and discussion, another group attacks. Leviathan has a major role in the campaign.

I T CAMPA melts into the night. If the characters do not

N accept the truce, they soon find the bodies of the WILLA SEBELL (WC) I group, and realize they are being followed. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6,

T PO SCENE 1 Strength d4, Vigor d4 Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d4, Common s the characters search for clues or chase Knowledge d8, Knowledge (Australia) d8, Notice

: PLO Adown the Leviathan pod, Willa Sebell d6, Persuasion d6, Research: d8, Stealth d4 arrives in town and begins triaging the situation. Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Toughness: 4(2); Strain: 0 She intercepts a message the mysterious figure Edges: Connections REE is sending the heroes and begins putting the Small H Hindrances: pieces together. Gear: Tier 3 TAP, RT-328t Vengeance (9mm) She contacts the heroes, attempting to arrange (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6 AP:2 Shots: 6) for a neutral meeting. She mentions Kini and T TER Halcyon, showing that she is very aware of what has been going on. She suggests the Neon Raspberry, a hip pop-up club in Little Jerusalem. CHAP

134 HUN



he Neon Raspberry is a pop-up club created Many years ago, a young woman saw NG L Tjust for the AUC. Specializing in retro music, bulldozers roll over her family’s home in Britney Spears, N’Sync, and One Direction Palestine. She vowed then that she would score wide-leg pants, dark lip-liner, and hippie E

never stand by again. She left her desolate V dreads. Most of the attendees are young, in homeland and went to school, working I style, and high as kites. It’s the perfect place for a A her way through China, Saudi Arabia, the T meeting, more a roving block party/parade/jam United States, and Russia. She learned lan- HAN session than club. A few drunk club rats might guages, studied the history of protest and stumble into a serious discussion, but they won’t disruption, and learned languages: Russian, remember a thing. Mandarin, revolution, incitement. Willa is right at home here, wearing black She began taking part in demonstrations leggings and an oversized plaid shirt with white and protests, but quickly discovered that sneakers. Her hair is carefully curled, and she any ground gained was lost with interest. dances through the crowd, singing along with the No one was capitalizing on the work being blissed-out kids around her. It’s almost enough to done. No one was guiding the ship. distract from the two lean figures who shadow She began building something that could her, the woman with golden eyes in a dark take that ground and hold it. A monster face, and the androgynous figure moving with beneath the waves, organized, hidden, agile. a remarkably fluid cadence. Willa travels with Not a monolith, but a network. She did protection, the best there is. not name it, but her enemies did once the If the characters approach Willa openly, she bloodletting started. leads them through the party, interspersing Leviathan. The monster in the deep. a story of betrayal and greed with the revelry Her first victory was against a young around them. warlord. The man who would one day run Act of God Armaments found his valuable THE SHARKS contracts in Colonbajo lost to a clever political play. Then a shipment enroute to eviathan works primarily through disruption, India went missing, only to turn up in a war Ldistraction, and knowledge, but it is not so against the very people who had paid him naïve as to think violence is never necessary. Its for them. Again, and again, the monster answer to the corporate kill squads and various bit, but it was never enough. The world’s mercenary black ops teams are the Sharks, kids thirst for weapons could not be sated, and rescued from bad situations and given a chance to though she bloodied him, she withdrew to strike back at the injustice that surrounded them. the shadows as he rose to power. While not all of Leviathan’s rescues become Bad blood never dies in Texas, they say. Sharks, many do. Plenty of queer kids are still He’s still out there. Still smarting from his disowned by their parents and find purpose humiliations. He wants blood, and he finally and safety in being the best there is, others are found the right knife. liberated child soldiers, trafficked children, or kids You. orphaned by the rising violence in the world. They are given a home and family, filled with stories of heroism and protection, and trained relentlessly. They are often sent out on real- The result is a small cult of heroes with a strong world training missions, facing real threats, long sense of morality, lethal training, and powerful before they finish their training. Those who show bonding to the people who saved them. They themselves to not be suitable are moved to other were raised with strict kindness and honesty, jobs. Anyone who becomes cruel or unreliable is ensuring nearly flawless loyalty. quietly put down.

135 The Sharks guard the most vulnerable Leviathan SCENE 4 assets, high-level leaders, and traveling captains. Each has a name they took during training, illa offers the characters a choice: go their something that defines them and separates them Wway, continuing to do the bidding of the from their previous lives. mysterious figure, or work on Leviathan’s behalf Willa Sebell is always accompanied by Tiger, a as unknown shadow agents, rooting out the woman originally from Egypt, and Wudao, a non- traitor and finding the mysterious figure. binary Chinese-Australian. They are devoted to She explains the situation more fully as Tiger her, and as two of the best Sharks in Leviathan, patches Wudao’s shoulder. John Willingham, CEO have kept her safe for many years. of Act of God Armaments, made some threats against Leviathan a while back. Although John SCENE 3 passed recently, his son, William, seems to have taken up the vendetta. illa pauses in her story and seems to be about As Act of God is influencing the people of Texas Wto continue when Tiger launches herself into and looking to expand their wealth, they seem to the crowd, scattering partiers like bowling pins. be cleaning up old business. Many political rivals Before anyone can even react, two man are dead have met with accidents or been arrested for on the ground, the silenced pistols they were anything from treason to unpaid parking tickets. carrying between Tiger’s feet. Wudao shelters Rival manufacturers have found their shipments Willa with their body, moving her quickly toward stolen or sabotaged, and AoG had significant shelter as gunshots begin to crack around the presence at the summit. party. Wudao takes a hit to the upper shoulder Nobody has stuck in their craw like but pushes through and gets Willa to safety. Leviathan, though. Tiger goes down under three masked men, If the characters choose to assist Leviathan, fighting furiously but overwhelmed. Wudao is Willa gives them money and a list of contacts pinned with Willa, unable to get a clear shot. they can turn to. She explains that Willingham S If the heroes choose to help Willa, they will need is believed to be traveling to Denver, negotiating to subdue—by whatever means necessary—eight with the RUS, away from his personal fortress and GN more armed attackers. The hostiles are carrying private army. There will not be a better time to silenced pistols, knives, and flash-bang grenades. go after him. They are only here to assassinate Willa and do If the characters decline to go after Willingham not know that the heroes are meeting with her, and the mysterious figure, you can wrap the so they will be taken by surprise if the heroes Leviathan plot here, or use the Trail Ran Cold

I T CAMPA intervene. chapter below to close up the threads.

N If the heroes manage to capture one of the I operatives alive, he may be willing to talk in WILLA’S NETWORK exchange for living. He explains that several teams •

T PO have orders to kill Willa, that someone within Babywhale: A hacker based in Aliceplex, Leviathan is a turncoat who is sharing information. Babywhale is able to circumvent most He doesn’t know who it is, but Willa does. systems, often wandering through corporate

: PLO Wudao shoots the captive when he has shared personnel files for the fun of it. all of his information. If pressed, they shrug and • Medika: A transporter who supplies the say “We cannot risk the enemy knowing we have isolated communities between Aliceplex and REE stumbled across their plan. They would have Darwin. Kini’s auntie. H killed him and known our plans.” • King Arthur: A celebrity figure known for living as his namesake, a good cover for his actual talents of information-gathering and T TER planning. CHAP

136 HUN

CHAPTER 5: FIRE IN THE WAVES YOU LOOK FAMILIAR TI The characters will be challenged if their NG L Suggested Rank: Heroic photos have made it into police hands. If aranoid and suspicious, the characters begin you want to make this a potential branching tracing the mysterious figure, following the E

P point, maybe to give the option for a daring V clues he gives to search out traitors in Leviathan, escape, they may need to succeed in a test. I and either killing or outing them to the group. A Failure will land one or more of them in cus- T

One of the other groups attacks them. tody and burn any connections to Medika HAN and her caravan. The more characters who SCENE 1 fail the test, the higher the chance that everyone will be caught. here is a brief window of time before If they do end up in custody, Willa will Tsomeone realizes the heroes are no longer in send operatives to help break them out, but the Whaler’s pay. With Darwin in an uproar, travel it will delay their mission significantly, and in and out of the city is nearly impossible even could tip off the Whaler. with clean documents. For the heroes, it may be next to impossible. Willa’s network, however, includes Kini’s auntie, a caravanner who transports goods into the Australia, surviving heat, venomous snakes and interior. She also runs a smuggling network that spiders, raiders, and weather that has claimed handles people, rare goods, and information. For thousands of lives. a price, she is willing to take the heroes from She doesn’t speak often but has a singing voice Darwin to the Aliceplex, where they can call on which fills the night and is said to charm even another resource to get transportation out of the snakes. Australia. Medika’s Darwin headquarters are in a small AUNTIE MEDIKA WC warehouse in Little New York, guarded by men with machine guns and machetes. She greets Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, the characters warmly enough and gives them Strength d6, Vigor d6 uniforms and papers showing them to be long- Skills: Athletics d4, Common Knowledge d8, term members of her team. Careful makeup Driving d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, is applied here and there, subtly altering the Piloting d6, Research: d8, Shooting d6, Stealth characters’ appearance. d4, Survival d6 Pace: 5 (Running Die d4); Parry: 5; Toughness: AUNTIE MEDIKA 7(2); Strain: 0 Edges: Auntie Medika is a strong woman in her mid- Hindrances: Slow (minor)(Prosthesis) thirties who lost a leg to a tiger snake bite. Her Gear: Tier 3 TAP, RT-328t Vengeance (9mm) prosthetic is wooden and carved with traditional (Range: 12/24/48, Damage: 2d6 AP:2 Shots: 6) motifs and blessings. She leads a caravan that travels through some of the deadliest parts of

137 SCENE 3 With the proper reassurances and soothing tones, he might accept this excuse and give them fter escaping Darwin, the characters more time but will insist that some of his people Afind themselves in the outback. Always contact them. He also tries to send them to Rio dangerous, it has become more extreme, more to tackle Leviathan there. deadly, with climate change. Searing heat, If they resist, they are burned and now have a venomous creatures, and violently unpredictable hefty reward on their heads. He has no tolerance weather challenge even experienced caravanners. for disloyalty but does not yet know that they are Roads can wash out in a moment, bandits strike working with Leviathan, just that they no longer without warning, and there are a number of small work for him. Within five days, he will receive survivalist communities with private militias to that information, and all available kill teams will watch out for. be turned to focus on the heroes. They are now Medika makes many stops as she goes, selling racing the clock. or giving to the small farms, communities, and If they linger for more than a day, one of their even bandit camps that struggle to make a living fellow operative teams will take a run at them. If out here. She is unfailingly fair, which has won her they successfully defend themselves, they may safety and respect even among the worst scum be able to deliver valuable tech and information hidden in this forsaken waste. to Leviathan. If they fail, escaping the city will This is a great chance for the characters to become much harder. meet interesting characters, get lost, become Aliceplex has a robust transportation network, embroiled in territorial disputes, get punched and they are easily able to find a way out of the by a kangaroo, lose all connection to the Deep, city to travel to Denver. have a really amazing experience tripping some experimental drug, or find religion. The campaign CHAPTER 6: THE WHITE WHALE has been heavy and serious, and there is plenty of room for hijinks and shenanigans to let your Suggested Rank: Heroic S players blow off some steam and get ready for the enver, the burgeoning capital of the RUS, is rest of the adventure. Dstill a brown, cold city. After traveling across GN Some suggestions are included below, but the outback in late spring, early autumn will be feel free to make up your own on this road trip a shock to the system. Winters in the heartland through hell. Make Medika regret her generosity! are harsher than ever, and many of the passes are already closed. SCENE 4 What the city lacks in charm, it makes up

I T CAMPA in bustle. A sense of industry and frenetic

N fter a long, hot, dirty trip, Aliceplex looks excitement fills the streets. Everyone is excited I Alike Heaven. This is where Medika refuels about the possibility of Texas joining the RUS, and restocks before striking back out on a sensing it to be a powerful marker of the power

T PO different trajectory, meeting the needs of other RUS has amassed. Anyone who isn’t excited, one communities. way or another, has learned to simply shut up She bids them farewell, perhaps with great relief, and listen to their parents, neighbors, coworkers,

: PLO and vanishes into the heat shimmer again. They and bartenders discuss all possible angles of the will not have to wait long, though, Medika’s little situation. sister, Kini’s mother, is waiting to guide them into The new capitol complex is grandly constructed REE the city and on their way. of Rocky Mountain granite, carved with H By this time, the Whaler likely knows that traditionally American motifs: eagles, serpents, something has happened. If they went out of weapons, and soldiers through the years. Iconic contact during their journey, they return to a scenes are laid out in elaborate murals, statues T TER series of angry messages and warnings. They pay homage to powerful leaders or manufacturers, may choose to respond to the Whaler, letting and everyone in the complex seems to be him know that Darwin became too dangerous. polished, professional, and proud of the setting CHAP

138 HUN they are walking through. The subtle stench to uphold his plans when he is absent. If the of toxic patriotism rolls through the complex, characters approach her aggressively, she will not TI perhaps driven by the propaganda playing from hesitate to summon more guards. If they are able NG L video screens around the plaza, or maybe from to convince her to speak to them, they may find the vendor selling the dog tags of fallen soldiers, small bits of information, but may not know she or the regular recitals of the national pledge that is delaying them while her husband’s chief aide E V

school children are reciting beneath the flag. hurries to her side. I This is the new America, in all its violent, bloated, A T uber-patriotic glory. Don’t look suspicious, it’s SCENE 3 HAN easier to question a corpse than a human. he tall, spare man introduces himself as SCENE 1 TEzra, and questions the characters about their goals. If he learns that they feel used by eviathan thinks that Willingham will be Willingham, he expresses shock and dismay. He Lstaying in the Stars & Stripes Manor, a hotel reveals that Willingham has been increasingly for the ultra-wealthy and powerful, situated next unreliable lately, worrying the board of to the government plaza. This hotel frequently directors. He lets numerous hints slip, including hosts world leaders and corporate CEOs. Their that William is in space, consulting on the security is top-of-the-line, but sometimes the development of a new interorbital weapon. strictest security is the easiest to avoid. He states his deepest apologies for the trouble The hotel hosts many powerful figures from the characters have gone to and offers them around the RUS, and other corporations and recompense if they will simply go on their way world governments. If anyone powerful owes the and allow the board to handle the issue. characters a favor, it is possible for them to find If they accept, he pays them a sizeable sum that figure here. and they depart without incident, only to wake If the characters do make it through security, up three days later with pounding headaches, they may access the hotel records to discover somewhere remote, without any contacts or that Willingham owns the penthouse suite. supplies, or anywhere else that is convenient for This should not be an easy challenge, even with your next adventure. Willingham not in residence, the guards are If they refuse, he becomes agitated and watchful and experienced. Any small mistake will demands that security remove them immediately. trigger alarms that summons the entirety of the He threatens the characters if they so much as Denver police force, who will gladly shoot to kill, approach Willingham, claiming that he is unwell and if they miss, another organization can easily and that he is a matter for the family to handle. brand anyone a treasonous terrorist. SCENE 4 SCENE 2 f the characters remain in Denver, or attempt fter accessing the hotel, the characters Ito chase their target down in space, they Adiscover that Willingham is not in residence. will find themselves dealing with Willingham’s However, his wife is, along with their young son. security force, which has been alerted to a threat. Karen Willingham is an heiress, the source of the This is the full might of the Act of God private money that allowed William to take Act of God army, and it will not be easy to evade. from regional success to international juggernaut. Ezra is, in fact, conspiring against Willingham. Her family has been powerful since before Europe Willingham has actually become erratic and discovered running water, and they do not intend unpredictable recently, and Karen considers to let that power slip through their fingers. him a liability. Ezra is far more trustworthy and Karen Willingham is a powerful, dangerous focused, and Karen is more than willing to use foe, and although she does not know what her this opportunity to disgrace her husband and husband has been up to, she is quite willing facilitate the change of power.

139 will jettison the capsule, which will begin falling CHAPTER 7: WHIRLPOOL to earth, before they can get to him. If they get to him in time and can disable the Suggested Rank: Legendary electronics that control the release, they will ware that his plans have backfired, but not finally be able to confront them. Ayet anticipating the true danger from his wife and aide, Willingham settles on his fortified SCENE 4 station, intending to wait the characters out. The Peacemaker is a giant orbital platform. Act illingham, once captured, alternately begs of God has a stockpile of illegal weapons on the Wand threatens. He suspects Ezra, and when platform, as well as enough supplies to last out he learns of the conversation the characters had any apocalypse. If they want him, they’ll have to with his aide, becomes enraged. He blames Ezra crack his impenetrable shell to get him. for Leviathan’s success and threatens to kill the characters and Ezra himself. He lets slip that Ezra SCENE 1 is the one behind the Leviathan hunt. The heroes may decide to kill him, take him ursued by the Captain and Ezra, the prisoner for Leviathan, or leave him behind and Pcharacters find themselves in trouble. Denver escape while they can, perhaps in the safe room is a heavily militarized city with a sophisticated pod. Any direction they go, they will be wanted surveillance system, and there are many people murderers, blamed for the assassination of one both figures can call on. of America’s allies and a shining example of leadership. SCENE 2 CHAPTER 8: THE MONSTER’S JAWS he bunker that is the Peacemaker is built Tto withstand direct strikes from missiles. Suggested Rank: Legendary S Its huge water tanks, hydroponic gardens, and he heroes head for Earth, believing that on-board kinetic generators make it virtually Ttheir mission is completed. However, news GN impossible to starve into submission. The only items begin proliferating, talking about the new weakness is its electronics, which the Peacemaker head of Act of God, Ezra Morrow, the death of relies on to function, and its sheer size. Although Karen Willingham to terrorists, and the manhunt cameras and small fighters cruise the area, it is underway for those terrorists. Moreover, some impossible to keep every inch of the ship in sight stories are reporting that William has been

I T CAMPA at all times. killed by assassins he hired to root out a secret

N A subtle approach will not be easy, nor fast, but organization but double-crossed. I it might work. Ezra has taken advantage of the situation to seize control of Act of God. It is unclear if he also

T PO SCENE 3 killed Karen Willingham, but highly likely. He has been ruthless with his takeover, purging contracts, nce the characters are on board, they must ordering mass layoffs, and hiring in new staff.

: PLO Ohunt through the ship for the Whaler’s Ezra is actually a Leviathan asset. He was panic room. This will require plenty of combat, recruited to be a pair of eyes within the Act of as the Peacekeeper is stuffed with weapons, both God, as Elija realized early on that the company REE finished and in testing. would be a threat. However, he proved far more H The panic room itself is a small suite with a ambitious than she realized, and began laying large supply of food and water, hidden behind his own plans and operations. He forged a close double doors. It is also a camouflaged escape pod connection with Karen and established a wedge T TER which is controlled from inside. If the characters between her and William. He also set William up take over the Peacemaker, rather than simply for several humiliations and failures, all of which subduing the soldiers in their way, Willingham contributed to his decline. CHAP

140 HUN

Ezra has been playing kingmaker for a while now. are moving through the fight too easily, or if you

William was never a strong figure, prone to bouts want to make them realize that the entire city is TI of megalomania, followed by crippling paranoia. against them. NG L Ezra fed ruthlessly on this, stoking both his fears and his obsessions, letting him build his own pyre. TEAM ALPHA He focused William on his old humiliation at E V

Leviathan’s hands, subtly playing on his fears with eam Alpha, an all-female team out of Dublin, I security threats, news articles, and engineered favors working off of information and having A T T events blamed on Leviathan. the upper hand. There are six of them, cousins HAN Ezra is now in control of Act of God, believing, and sisters, and they have survived missions whole-heartedly, that he can usher in a new era around the world in hellish situations. of peace through the use of force. FIRST TEAM OPERATIVES (5) (WC) SCENE 1 Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, anting to remove the last wild card, Ezra has Strength d6, Vigor d10 Wtriggered a manhunt for the heroes. Every Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge other team has been given documentation d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d6, claiming that the heroes were hired assassins Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d8 working for Willingham in a kind of elaborate Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 13(6); Strain:2 double-cross. He is offering a huge reward Edges: Rock and Roll, Strong Willed for their capture, “dead or alive,” and quieter Gear: Tier 4 TAP , BKI Fortress Riot Armor preferences that they be dead. In the meantime, (Full) (Armor 6), AGA Hand of Cain (9mm) he has withdrawn to Texas and the private Act of (Range:12/24/48 Damage:2d6 ROF: 3, AP:1 God compound there that is, for all intents and Shots:30), 3 Clips for AGA Hand of Cain. purposes, a military base. Cybertech: Gxarha Iizibhamua Smartgun system The reward has spurred some competition between the teams, and only three are left to HACKER OPERATIVE (WC) hunt the heroes. These remaining teams will find the characters not long after they land and Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts 10, Spirit d8, initiate a massive firefight with them. This may be Strength d6, Vigor d6 one, two, or all three teams, depending on how Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge much your players enjoy open combat. d6, Fighting d6, Hacking d10+2, Notice d6, If only one team attacks them, the others track Persuasion d4, Shooting d6, Stealth d4 them from that point, attempting to waylay them. Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness:11(6); Strain:4 If all three teams attack, skip to the next scene. Edges: Cutter If they are attempting to reach the corporate Gear: Tier 4 TAP, Black Knight Industries headquarters, the other team will waylay them Heavy Vest (Armor 6), AGA Rhino10 (10mm) before they can come close enough to threaten (Range:12/24/48 Damage:2d8, AP:1 Shots: 6), 1 the government workers, knowing that even the Clip for AGA Rhino10, 2 AGA Jericho Drones. best lawyers won’t protect them if they start a Cybertech: Acme LMS LTD. Systems Support war on the RUS capitol steps. Computer. The second team ambushes them on the city streets in a berserker attack that takes no heed TEAM BETA of civilians or law enforcement. Armed to the teeth, they are relying on the Act of God lawyers eam Beta is known for making a statement. to protect them if they get caught. TThey have no interest in subtlety, preferring If law enforcement joins at all, they have been to charge headlong into anything and see bought by Ezra or William and join the enemy what happens. team. This is a good strategy if the characters

141 BETA OPERATIVES (4)( (WC) CYBORG DRONE JOCKEY Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Race: Cyborg Strength d8, Vigor d8 Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts 10, Spirit d8, Skills: Athletics d8, Common Knowledge Strength d6, Vigor d6 d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, Notice d4, Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth d4 Driving d10, Fighting d6, Hacking d6, Notice d6, Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 12(6); Strain:2 Persuasion d4, Piloting d10, Shooting d6, Stealth Edges: Rock and Roll, Frenzy d4 6 Operatives: Gear: Tier 3 TAP, BKI Fortress Riot Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness:17(12); Strain:0 Armor (Full) (Armor 6), SO Monofilament Edges: Ace (Piloting) Katana (Damage: Str+d8+1, AP:3),AGA Rapture Gear: Tier 3 TAP, Black Knight Industries (6.5mm) (Range:12/24/48 Damage:2d8+1 ROF: Heavy Vest (Armor 6), AGA Rhino10 (10mm) 3, AP:2 Shots:24), 3 Grenade, Fragmentation (Range:12/24/48 Damage:2d8, AP:1 Shots: 6), 1 (Range: 5/10/20, 3D6 MBT), 3 Clips for AGA Clip for AGA Rhino10, 2 AGA Jericho Drones. Rapture. Cybertech: Cybertech: Gxarha Izibhamu Smartgun system SCENE 2 TEAM CHARLIE he third team will be waiting for them at the his team of cyborgs do not bother with TAct of God compound, just outside the walls. Ta name. They have been used by Act of The compound is on the shores of what was God for years, and are experienced, tough, and once Lake Lyndon B. Johnson but is now God’s well-funded. Lake. The area was once home to a number of small communities and commuter towns, but CYBORG COMBATANTS Karen’s father purchased or stole the land surrounding God’s Lake, walled it off, and created S RACE: Cyborg a private paradise able to withstand nearly any Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, apocalypse. GN Strength d10, Vigor d10 The third team is working with the family’s Skills: Athletics d8, Battle d6, Common security, and attacks as soon as the heroes have Knowledge d6, Fighting d10, Intimidation d8, gained access to the compound. They have use Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Shooting d10, Stealth of air support, as well as war drones, and will d8 unleash everything they can on the heroes. They

I T CAMPA Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Toughness: 19(12); Strain:2 know they are the last team and will go to the

N Edges: Rock and Roll, Frenzy bitter end in an attempt to claim the reward. I Gear: Tier 3 TAP, BKI Fortress Riot Armor The family’s home is on a point that juts out into (Full) (Armor 6), AGA Rapture (6.5mm) the lake, surrounding it on three sides with water.

T PO (Range:12/24/48 Damage:2d8+1 ROF: 3, AP:2 The outer wall is patrolled, but not as heavily as Shots:24), 3 Grenade, Fragmentation (Range: it once was, and has fallen into disrepair in a few 5/10/20, 3D6 MBT), 3 Clips for AGA Rapture, places. The characters may be able to slip into the

: PLO AGA Swarm Gollemmech. compound here. Cybertech: There is only one access point for the family’s home, which is on a spit of land jutting out into REE the lake. The land access is heavily controlled, and H the water has regular patrols by boat. Armaments look out over the water from the palatial home. This is the stronghold of the world’s T TER biggest weapons manufacturer, and they spared no expense. CHAP

142 HUN

The best access point is through the lake. The lake itself is deep but edged with shoals of shallower CAMPAIGN OPTIONS TI water that lead up under overhanging trees. The If you want to continue this into a new NG L house’s security is focused on the perimeter, campaign where the heroes are running for allowing the people of the house to live without their lives, or going up against Texas or the watching for traps and alarms. If the characters can E

RUS government, you can adjust this scene V get to the shores, they will have an easier time of it. so that Ezra is playing the part of martyr, the I A small inlet is carved into the rocky spit, offering A loyal scion who, grieving, is stepping into T cover to come up within reach of the house. From place to keep his friend’s legacy going. He HAN here, they will have to contend with cameras, is, in fact, live-streaming this entire scene, drones, dogs, and private security. However, the painting a target on the characters so that, family prizes its roughshod Texas roots (ignoring even if they survive, he has a final revenge. the fact that it came to money through oil and slaves) and has left the area around the house with rugged, natural landscaping, offering boulders, SCENE 4 bushes, and trees to hide behind. If all else fails, they can simply allow themselves to s Tiger steps back, Willa calmly claps three be captured, and break out, rather than in. Atimes, slowly. The old woman is sitting on a counter, perfectly calm, surrounded by dead and SCENE 3 captive bodies, sipping a mimosa. Her Sharks stand easily next to her, ready to intervene, but f the characters have been captured, they will not at all hostile. Ibe brought to Ezra in handcuffs and under Willa calmly outlines Ezra’s treachery and heavy guard. Once they have gained entrance to ambition and reveals that she has been aware the house, by whatever means, they find Eshmael of his greed for a while. While he was feeding sitting at a meal. Willa is with him, her body William’s paranoia, she was feeding Ezra’s greed, guards standing fully armed but relaxed behind clearing a path for him to make his move. Now her. It is clear that she is here at least partly of she has set Act of God back, putting the board her own volition. The heroes will now either in chaos as they look for a new chairman. And, of need to escape, or, if they won their way in here, course, Leviathan has just the right asset in place… they would need to clear out some security on She stops here, a merry twinkle in her eye, and their way in. explains that they don’t need to know more than Ezra attempts to distract the heroes with tales that, it would just put them in danger. She moves of his grand ambition while his personal security on to tell them that, while she did not hire them moves in. As he grandstands, his security teams, or intend them to be a part of this, they have the security attempts to subdue them, and shown themselves to be honorable and successful. another fight breaks out. She offers them a place in Leviathan as a mobile Ezra has two full teams of security in the house, team, continuing to pursue the organization’s sixteen highly-trained ex-special forces armed interests in the RUS. She also informs them that with top-of-the-line gear. Two of them attempt sufficient evidence to clear their names will to move Ezra out of harm’s way, while the others be found, and they will no longer be wanted tackle the heroes, intending to kill them. criminals. Willa’s bodyguards will attempt to move her out If the characters attack her, Tiger and Wudao of harm’s way, but will not intervene, despite Ezra’s respond with force. Willa is also armed, and a clear surprise. Ezra will not fight, he is a business formidable foe. If they win, the others are dead, man and kingmaker, not a fighter. If the guards and they are now free to go on their way, but they are subdued or dispatched, he will surrender. are still wanted for the murders of William and A coward, he will offer up any information the Karen Willingham. heroes might need, but before he can do so, Tiger pulls a pistol and shoots him in the head.

143 ASSEMBLY CALL OTHER ADVENTURES eviathan agents have seeded themselves Below are some potential adventures involving Lthroughout the school, and one of their Leviathan agents you might consider using during assets has set up a “sponsor appreciation” party. the Plot Point Campaign, or even after it ends. The parents, faculty, and students are all invited, along with key influencers from the school’s THE TOLLING BELL circles. Leviathan agents are blending in at all levels, preparing to make a statement. he Korolevskaya Akademiya is the best The day leading up to the party is a whirlwind in Tschool in Russia, drawing from top families the school. With so many influencers and donors around the world. Known as the Kingmaker attending, everyone is rushing to make the best School, Korolevskaya is the mixing ground where impression. Tempers are short, arguments flaring the young elite come to forge connections, receive in the hallways. The chaotic activity makes a the bare minimum of education, and enjoy all the perfect cover for moving into the school and privilege their parents’ money provides them. attempting to gather information. It is also a hotbed of politics, terrorism, and The party is a formal affair. Jewels grace the limbs sedition. Several of the students are being of nearly every attendee and playing “spot the groomed by their parents or governments to paste” can make for a fun way to pass the time. gather information and forge networks for future Grandstanding and negotiating is happening in expansion. Currently, a student from Boston every corner, parents are putting their children on is a bought agent of the Mandarinate, sowing parade, and the hypocrisy and greed is palpable. discontent and picking up slivers of information to help the Mandarinate further its hold on PARTY TIME Russian territory. A Russian student, desperately hiding that her family has lost its fortune, is bout an hour into the party, Leviathan strikes. S siphoning any information she can find to AThe lights go out, and the screams start, attempt to hand the Mandarinate more powerful uncertain at first, but randomly ramping up into GN assets in exchange for her tuition and lifestyle. full-throated cries of horror and fear. Oligarchs The instructors are little better. A combination of bellow for their private security, students threaten lesser children of the great houses, those genteel vengeance, and bodyguards trip over each other poor who were disinherited from the family, and as they struggle to get to their charges. genuinely talented instructors, the scheming for The lights finally come back on, and the screams

I T CAMPA power and position is a toxic swamp where only intensify. Five dead bodies are on the floor, red

N those with sharp teeth and good reflexes survive. files pinned to their chests. The two informants I Getting into the school is easy enough: they have Mandarinate flags stuffed into their mouths, are desperate for fundraisers and janitorial staff one other male student, and two oligarchs are

T PO alike. Potential benefactors can learn an immense also dead. amount simply by watching the instructors The files reveal that the male student has jockey for potential and attempt to by favor been terrorizing the local population, stealing

: PLO and support. Janitorial staff, too unimportant children and forcing them to fight to the death to be noticed, can access nearly any part of the for the amusement of a small fraternity. The academy without comment. other members of that fraternity are named, and REE Leviathan has had their eye on this school for a inspection reveals that each has been branded H while, believing (correctly) that the Mandarinate with white paint on their backs. has a cell here that has worked its tentacles into One oligarch is found to have taken part in the St. Petersburg. A strike against the school also genocide of three Mandarinate towns, just to test T TER damages or hamstrings many powerful families. the weapons his firm manufactures. The other… More importantly, it could draw out Mandarinate the other is simply marked with a broken harpoon. agents elsewhere. CHAP

144 HUN

Leviathan has been collecting information on

ADVENTURE SEEDS them for a while. TI

The Brotherhood is hyper-violent, paranoid, NG L selection of optional adventure seeds for and often high on metabolism-boosting drugs. A the characters to play through. Most of There is no “arrest them peacefully” option, these will slot into the campaign anywhere, and their compound needs to be broken into and E V

offer options to burn off time, level up, or gather destroyed, and the Brotherhood with it. I information. They can also be used after the A T adventure, either as clean-up, or Leviathan jobs. SEED 4 HAN

SEED 1 eam A’Chiad has been working for the TCaptain for about six months, brought lack Oak Holdings has been manufacturing on to protect arms shipments. However, they Bdirty bombs for Act of God. A man in Tartus, discovered that the shipment they are guarding Cixin, has information about their locations is to be delivered to an American terrorist and processes. There are several interested notorious for targeting and harming children to parties who would like Black Oak exposed, shut control their parents. Team A’Chiad reaches out down, or ended. to any contacts they have, asking for assistance in covertly removing the target before he can gain SEED 2 control of dirty weapons and more guns.

untie Medika has been bringing supplies to a SEED 5 Aremote outpost in the outback for over five years. The people don’t have much, but they are artus is a peaceful town that hides many proud of themselves for being self-sustaining and Tdark secrets, and it seems someone is selling free of the rampant corruption in the urban areas. those secrets. A woman named Imrana contacts On her last run, she discovered a town that had the heroes when they enter the city, afraid she is been wiped out. Bodies decomposing in homes, next. If they can root out this traitor, it will save animals dead, too, signs of violence and chaos. many lives. She suspects a chemical or biological weapon of some sort and asks for help tracking down the SEED 6 source of this horror. eviathan has heard of a human trafficking SEED 3 Loperation taking children out of poor regions of unincorporated North American areas he Brotherhood of Lodbrok has finally gone and selling them to Texans and RUS individuals Ttoo far, as one of their hijackings resulted as servants, soldiers, and worse. They want this in the death of a minister’s son. The police have operation stopped. had no success in bringing them down, but



147 PROTECT AND SERVE operations throughout a state, country, or even worldwide or system wide. In an Interface Zero f your group wants to play cyberpunk games campaign, Protect and Serve characters may also Iin the vein of Blade Runner, Judge Dredd, find themselves working for special departments Robocop, or Ghost in the Shell, the Protect or task forces such as those specifically tasked and Serve Campaign Theme helps you design with pursuing rogue simulacra, hunting adventures and entire campaign arcs where Cyberterrorists, participating in prototype player characters work for some type of law cybernetic experiments, halting the activities of enforcement agency. rogue Ais or robots, etc.


rotect and Serve campaigns tend to have Protect and Serve campaign generally follows Pcharacters begin at Novice Rank though A a team of police officers performing missions a GM may prefer to begin with characters at relating to stopping crimes, protecting civilians, Seasoned Rank. Protect and Serve characters challenging gangs, as well as other opposition are usually rookies at the beginning of their to criminal activity. Other missions may be careers seeking to make the world a better place. undercover operations, stopping organized Through years of commitment, experience and crime, hunting dangerous fugitives, as well as learning, a young patrol officer may eventually investigating police corruption. find himself a seasoned detective, an advanced A variety of opportunities for campaigns exist tactics expert, a grizzled sergeant or even a as a Protect and Serve character is not always respected Captain. Perhaps though, they have a typical municipal beat cop. Most cities have taken a different course and become a dreaded a variety of policing agencies ranging from the bounty hunter, an operative for an agency or a city employed municipal police department, relentless Private Detective. corporate police agencies under contract with S the city, as well as federal agencies with their own STARTING WEALTH operatives, and even bounty hunters bringing in GN fugitives for pay. rotect and Serve characters utilize the PRequisitioning system detailed under COMMON NON-PLAYER Stetting Rules. Players begin with 5,000 CHARACTERS Cryptodollars. Headquarters will provide an

I T CAMPA officer a uniform, body armor, weapon, squad car, The following NPCs/threats are common in a

N and/or mission specific equipment. Protect and Serve Campaign Theme. I • Criminal THE STAGE • Gang member •

T PO Snitch ost Protect and Serve campaigns take place • Police commander Min an urban environment, with characters • Commissioner •

: PLO stationed in precinct within a district in the Mobster sprawl. Often the officer is not authorized to • Federal agent work outside of the 20 block or smaller radius • Bounty hunter REE to which they are assigned. That said, in other • Rookie cop H campaigns, particularly those were the officer • Seasoned cop is not functioning as a typical beat cop, they • Detective may find themselves working throughout the • Civilian T TER city or any environment the GM selects. Bounty hunters and Federal Agents might operate on a larger stage, hunting fugitives and performing CHAP

148 P R

TYPES OF OF LAW ENFORCEMENT quarry. A bounty hunter represents the guild that O she works for and therefore is bound to behave in TE

he following section is designed to give you a professional manner. C Tsome tools to use when running a Protect Bounty hunters work independently either as T AN and Serve campaign. Note that, while the a single individual or a small team. Occasionally, weapons, armor and equipment have a price tag Bounty hunters will team up with other bounty associated with them, they are not available on hunters to satisfy a particularly challenging D SER the open market. bounty. Typically, a bounty holder would place a bounty with a specific guild, pay the retainer and

BOUNTY HUNTERS await the results of their bounty. It has occurred, V however, for a bounty holder to be desperate for E urisdiction: if you want to hear a police results and place a bounty with several guilds Jsergeant swear, say the word jurisdiction to simultaneously. In these cases, several bounty her. Bounty hunters exist because all agencies hunters may be seeking the same quarry and have jurisdictional limitations. It is complicated who ever returns with the bounty first will get for the police to work outside their precinct, so paid. In these cases, no guild would ever consider sometimes they call in a bounty hunter to catch refunding the holder’s retainer. their perp. Federal agents are not allowed to work The bounty hunter is expected to follow all outside the country, so a bounty is issued. It is laws in the pursuit of her bounty. As a result, not cost effective for corporate agents to work sole responsibility for a bounty hunter’s actions off planet, so a bounty is issued. None of those resides exclusively within the bounty hunter agencies can work outside of extremely strict herself. Any infraction of the rules as well as legal legal guidelines while bounty hunters are free to repercussions are the responsibility of the bounty operate without the jurisdictional restrictions hunter and they should not expect the guild to the others incur. Not to mention bounty hunters pay their bail or provide legal representation are expendable assets and don’t cost the agency though it is not unheard of for a guild to assist a anything unless they are successful. particularly well renowned bounty hunter with Bounty hunters are licensed and registered their criminal defense. through several organizations. These organizations—sometimes called guilds or CORPORATE SECURITY unions—are theoretically mandated to prohibit employment of known criminals and other avenlocke is one of the most well-known, but undesirables, but since they exist outside of any Rnot by any means the only corporate security given nation’s jurisdiction, they have extremely force that is contracted by cities as police forces. liberal oversight. These groups tend to be more In many cities, Corporate Security is contracted likely to hire a person who can get results than to augment the existing municipal police force. they are to worry too much about how many In a few cases, cities have entirely disbanded their countries the new employee happens to be municipal police and use corporate security wanted in. exclusively. Corporate security is expected to Bounty hunter guilds provide a hunter with a perform police roles, obeying all the laws of the rank denoting her skill level which in turn denotes city, and following police procedures agreed upon what bounties the hunter is permitted to take. between the corporation and the city. In most This rank is generally earned through successful cases, corporate procedures are very similar to bounty captures as well as reviews by bounty but not exactly the same as municipal police holders. Too many complaints and/or dead and this is often a point of contention between bounties may result in a bounty hunter losing municipal police and corporate security forces. rank. Rules have been established to regulate Corporate Security Officers (CSO’s), in general, bounty hunter behavior. Bounty hunters are not are paid per ticket issued and per criminal allowed to interfere with another bounty hunters apprehended as well as a base monthly rate. As pay day. They may not steal another hunter’s such, there is a slight difference between the

149 agenda of municipal police versus corporate of influence beyond that of a typical police force. police. It is in the interest of municipal police Even city states like Chicago have their own to prevent crime, while it is in the corporate version of federal agencies. These agencies trace officer’s best interest to stop criminals in the act. their origins way back to the late nineteenth Corporate security has the reputation for getting and twentieth centuries with titles such as the the nice jobs in the nice neighborhoods, but Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Federal Bureau this is not entirely the case. While the corporate of Investigation (FBI), National Security Agency security does typically patrol the better districts, (NSA), US Marshals Service, Bureau of Alcohol, they also respond to high risk missions that the Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Drug municipal police are not equipped to handle. Enforcement Agency (DEA), etc. Many of these CSO’s are hired by the corporations and are agencies operate in secret throughout their overseen by the police commissioner alongside nation or in some cases throughout the world the municipal liaison officer. It is the responsibility and even into space. of the corporation to perform background checks Due to their secrecy and the very special as well as provide training to its officers. Typical guidelines they are required to follow, local police corporate security training has two different are all-to-often not aware of their presence inside paths. New officers with no prior experience their jurisdiction and numerous instances have must complete a nine-month school involving occurred where federal agents have come into both educational training and rigorous physical conflict with municipal police forces, corporate training. Once completed, they will go through a security forces, and even bounty hunters while three-month location specific training for specific performing their duties. rules pertaining to the final location that they will Federal agencies frequently recruit new agents be working. Officers that were hired from other from municipal police, corporate security, and police forces or through military training forgo the military through an extremely rigorous the nine month school and instead only are vetting process. Once hired, all new agents—even required to complete the three month location experienced police and private security forces— S specific training as well as some remedial training undergo extensive educational and physical from the nine month course to fill in areas that training, often taking years to complete. Only GN are lacking in. once they have completed the necessary training CSO’s tend to be on a bit of a dead-end path are these recruits officially titled agents and sent within corporate politics. Only rarely does a into the field. A federal agency’s vetting process CSO transition from security to an internal role is quite different than those of the corporate and within the hierarchy of the corporation. Typically, municipal police and as such they look at any

I T CAMPA they will follow a career path within the security potential recruit that shows promise. They very

N branch of the corporation advancing through rarely employ and train a fresh face out of high I several levels of security officer before advancing school as an agent. Criminals can be flipped, and to a Security lieutenant position where they may often work with federal agencies as informants.

T PO head a subdivision of a CSO precinct. Once in Federal agents are paid relatively well for their the executive ranks of the security department, work, but they have very little opportunity for they might eventually promote to a captain advancement. Rarely does an agent ever advance

: PLO heading an entire precinct. Only from there beyond the title of senior agent. Sometimes they might they promote to corporate headquarters may advance to overseeing other agents or even as a Liaison Officer, Security Commissar, or even to assistant director of an agency though again, REE VP of Security. it’s not a common occurrence. The head of nearly H every agency is an appointed position or even an FEDERAL AGENCIES elected official. Federal agents often operate in very small T TER ederal Agencies, often referred to as teams with no backup available. As such, most F“Alphabet Cops” are agencies managed by have the authority to demand assistance from the federal government and are assigned areas municipal police and, depending on their CHAP

150 P R contract, corporate security. Outside of their officers, lieutenant, and potentially captain in O nation of origin, federal agents typically operate charge of an entire precinct. TE with no safety net whatsoever and are in dire C straits if they are caught during their activities. It WHAT DO THEY THINK OF T AN is not a myth that often the nation that they work EACH OTHER? for refuses to admit that the agent is theirs and the agents suffers the full consequences of their hat do the various Protect and Serve D SER action with no assistance from the government. Wcharacters think of one another? In general, each organization considers themselves the best

SECTOR COPS and the others as lesser in some degree. V Bounty Hunters: Bounty hunter think of E ector cops are hired by the city to fill most Corporate Security (Rent-A-Cops) as suits Stypical police roles. Beginning officers are pretending to be police, answering to ‘the man’ usually assigned to an area that they patrol (a and generally doing as little as they can. Sector beat). Within this area, it is their responsibility cops at least work for a living and they are to apprehend criminals, prevent crimes, issue generally okay as long as they don’t get too anal tickets for minor criminal infractions and to about the bounty details. Federal Agents (Feds) gather information and secure the crime scene a bunch of suit-wearing-do-nothings more for more significant criminal activity. They are interested in looking good in sunglasses than also called upon to assist detectives and other helping the public. senior personnel in more significant operations Corporate Security: Corporate Security both within and outside of their patrol area. Officers typically view Bounty Hunters (Scum) Police officers typically work in small teams of as little more than criminals and thugs working two to four individuals. Generally, these officers for cash and nothing else. They view Municipal have a variety of expertise including advanced Police as uneducated servants working crap driving techniques, drone operation, hacking, jobs for crap pay. They look at Federal Agents firearms specialist, and melee specialist. All (Spooks) as aloof and elitist politicians that think officers are required to have a satisfactory level of themselves as above everyone. of firearms as well as melee experience, driving, Federal Agents: Federal Agents view Bounty and communications skills. Hunters (Mercs) as a necessary evil, easily used Typically, sector cops are recruited after and disposed of to achieve a goal. They view completing a one or two-year certification in Corporate Security (Corps) as corporate thugs an EDU-fac (Educational Facility). Some are beating up the public to further their corporate admitted to a police academy for initial training agendas. Finally, they think of Municipal Police which includes police procedure as well as a (Locals) as subservient that are there to be used general education on the law. Once inducted as needed. into the police they undergo rigorous physical Municipal Police: Municipal Police view Bounty training including marksmanship and melee Hunters (Hunters) as licensed criminals that combat technique with an emphasis on subdual come in and make a mess and get paid big bucks and apprehension training. to do the same thing that they are getting paid a Sector Cops are generally the least well-paid of stipend for. They view Corporate Security (Corps) all law enforcement organizations though they do as high paid grunts that do not have to follow have a good degree of mobility within their field. the same rules that they do. That does not stop Numerous levels of patrol officer are available them from turning in their applications anytime as well as branching into investigative detective a job is available. They view Federal Agents (Feds) work. Other branches include police hacking, as being full of themselves and afraid to get their forensic investigation, undercover operative, and hands dirty doing any actual work. That does not other specializations. Over a full career, a simple stop them from turning in an application from beat cop may expect to advance through several time to time though. degrees of beat cop, sergeant in charge of several

151 STARTING CORRUPTION SETTING RULES ll protect and Serve characters begin he following section is designed to give you Atheir career with d4 Corruption (unless Tsome tools to use when running a Protect this is altered by Edges and Hinderances). This and Serve campaign. represents a clean cop that is new to the force and has done nothing to impinge upon her honor. BASIC ACADEMY TRAINING Low Corruption is an indication of a clean and trustworthy servant of the law. As this value ll sworn sector cops must complete a basic increases in die type, it represents an officer that Aacademy of training before they can start the has crossed some lines, either to shortcut due job. This means that most characters in a sector process or in criminal activity of her own. cop campaign should start with the Patrol Officer Note: Despite all the references to “cop”, Origin They could, as an option, all start with the Corruption is equally applied to Bounty Hunters, Patrol Officer origin and an additional origin, but Corporate Security, and Federal Agents as well. they would start with 2 less Skill Points to spend. USING CORRUPTION CORRUPTION orruption can be used for personal gain or s long as people have been people, those Cto forward an agenda. Passively, Corruption Ain authority have found a way to take has the negative effect of lowering the opinion advantage of that authority for personal gain. of other police against the corrupt cop. Even Since the inception of the police force, an if nothing can specifically be pinned on an opinion has existed that the police themselves offending sector cop, other officers and police do not obey the laws that they are chartered to officials will simply feel that something is off enforce. This opinion has steadily increased over about the offending character. Perhaps all of her S time to the point that in the eyes of many, nearly busts just go a little too smoothly or inconvenient every police officer and official is irreconcilably evidence tends to vanish. Maybe the inheritance GN corrupt. Not every act of corruption is, in fact, for from a dead rich uncle just happens too often. On personal gain. Popular movies and books have the flip side, characters with a high Corruption made heroes of cops that are overly violent or may occasionally be approached by nefarious who skirt legal procedures to get the job done or NPCs seeking to use the character’s Corruption to ensure that the criminal “goes down for a long to mutual advantage. This may come in the form

I T CAMPA time”. Overly zealous interrogation techniques, of a bribe for removing evidence or for warning

N planting evidence, suppressing evidence, illegal of upcoming police activity. This is always up to I search and seizure, wrongful incarceration, the GM to decide. improper arrest, and other morally repugnant Finally, if a character’s Street Cred is greater than

T PO techniques are used by otherwise “good” cops to their Corruption, apply a -1 to all rolls involving ensure that their suspect does not get away with Corruption as the character just appears a little the crime and, while these have the benefit of too squeaky clean to the criminal elements they

: PLO getting perpetrators of crimes off the streets, they interact with. If the character’s Corruption is are illegal and corrupt actions as well. This is not greater than their Street Cred, apply a -1 penalty to say that absolutely every cop crosses the lines, to all uses of Street Cred as the character appears REE nor is it saying that every cop that does cross the a little too untrustworthy to the individuals she H lines are doing it for the public good. Countless is interacting with. cases of true crimes have been proven to have Corruption is not a Trait, but it is used very been perpetrated by officers of the law. similarly. Corruption rolls may Ace, Bennies may T TER Corruption in Interface Zero is handled very be applied, a Wild Die is applied, and they may similarly to and in direct opposition of Street Cred. be benefit from support rolls by allies. A failure on a Corruption roll applies a penalty to future CHAP

152 P R

Corruption rolls and increases the likelihood of Street Cred. He makes his Corruption roll (d6 O Corruption gain, a Critical Failure may result in and Wild Die) and rolls a 9, applying the -1 TE the character being caught in the act and face penalty from having a Street Cred higher than C the disapproval of her superiors. A success grants his Corruption, he succeeds with a raise. Officer T AN the character the boon that they are pursuing Friendly gains 1100 Cryptos and even leaves a (with the associated chance of Corruption gain trail pointing to someone else. at the end of the adventure). A Raise grants D SER the character the favor they are seeking with a SQUEAKY CLEAN reduced chance of Corruption gain.

Allies: A corrupt cop can elicit the aid of ike “On the Outs”, characters with d4 V specialized nefarious elements (Hacker, Medic, LCorruption are viewed as being insignificant E Thief, etc.) to assist her for up to a month or she by darker elements on the streets who will never may call in the help of a group of hoodlums or approach for lucrative partnerships. other corrupt cops for a week. These are typically low power NPCs and are up to the discretion of GAINING AND REDUCING CORRUPTION the GM. Disable Camera: Disabling the body cam in orruption can quickly grow out of control police armor only requires a Repair roll to do, but Cfor a character and this should be a cause to do it in a manner that allays suspicion requires of concern. At the end of each session, the GM a successful Corruption roll. should decide if a character should make a Money: A corrupt sector cop can usually come Corruption roll. If the character used Corruption up with money when she wants it. Whether it at all during the adventure, including supporting be skimming funds out of confiscated money rolls for another character, the character should or shaking down criminals or even legitimate make a Corruption roll. If the character had a businesses, the character makes a Corruption Failure or Critical Failure on a Corruption roll roll. On a success, she receives 1d6 hundred during the adventure, apply a +1 to the roll. If the Cryptodollars, on a Raise it is 2d6 hundred character received a raise on their Corruption roll Cryptos. A failure elicits no money and a critical during the adventure, they apply a -1 to this roll. If failure may result in getting caught red handed or the character receives a success on this roll, they the victim fights back in some manner. will gain a die type of Corruption. With a Raise, Secrets: Whether it is using “advanced they gain two die types. On a Failure, there is no interrogation techniques” or squeezing a snitch, change. Finally, on a Critical Failure they lose a die a corrupt cop can make a Corruption roll to type of Corruption. acquire information that she has not been While it seems odd to add Corruption on a able to elicit through conventional channels. positive result, using Corruption is encouraging Alternately, the GM may allow characters to use the gain of Corruption and the higher a Corruption instead of Persuasion or Intimidation character’s current Corruption, the more likely in Networking. she will gain more. Thus, Corruption is a slippery Support Rolls: Characters can support each slope. However, on an adventure where the other in Corruption rolls using their own character does not use Corruption at all, they Corruption or an appropriate skill. They do risk must also make a Corruption roll. In this case, on Corruption gain by working in this manner. a Success there is no change, on a Critical Success, the character actually GAINS a die type of Example: Officer Friendly finds that he needs Corruption. On a Failure or Critical Failure, they money and decides to make a Corruption roll lose a die type of Corruption. Thus, it is much to skim a little money from the funds seized harder to pull oneself out of corruption and in his latest arrest of a drug smuggler. While change the minds of one’s coworkers than it is to Officer Friendly has bent a few rules in the past fall into corruption. Any time a character gains and has a d6 Corruption, he has accomplished a die type of Corruption, they lose a die type of quite a few notable acts as well and has a d8 Street Cred. Increasing Street Cred, however, has

153 no influence on Corruption. A Benny may be FORCE CONTINUUM used to reroll like a typical Trait roll ector cops aren’t free to use force as they Example: At the end of Officer Friendly’s Splease. Unlike Cyberpunks or Bio-Hunters, mission, he must make a Corruption roll they are employees of a government or a because he snatched some of the money during corporation bound by the laws set by the local his bust of the drug smuggler. Remembering government. If your campaign is taking place that he had a raise on that roll, Officer Friendly in Chicagoland, your sector cops are employees makes his Corruption roll with a -1 applied. of Ravenlocke Security, but they must obey the The sector cop rolls a 5, applies the -1 and letter of the law of the City of Chicago. This ends up with a success. His Corruption is means that they must observe strict guidelines changed to a d8. for the use of force. Most law enforcement agencies apply the EDGES AND HINDRANCES principles of the Continuum of Force. The Continuum defines five levels of force that an he following Edges and Hindrances officer can use. It states that an officer may Tare written with a Protect and Serve use whatever force is considered reasonable to campaign in mind. complete their mission, to protect themselves or protect others. This usually means an officer may use one level of force greater than the level they SLIPPERY are being confronted with. The levels of force are: Requirements: Novice othing sticks to this character. Apply a -2 • Constructive Force: The presence of the Nmodifier to Corruption rolls to determine if officer; her uniform, utility belt, the marked they gain Corruption after an adventure. Further vehicle, and lights, is an application of force. S on a critical failure they reduce their Corruption Constructive Force is allowed in all situations. by two die types instead of one. Note: This only • Verbal Force: The use of verbal commands GN affects gaining and reducing Corruption, not to elicit subject compliance. using Corruption. • Physical Force: Using empty-handed techniques, such as pressure point holds or LUCKY REQUISITIONER striking with the hands or feet. • Mechanical Force: The use of handheld or

I T CAMPA Requirements: Novice melee weapons or less than lethal projectile

N his cop always gets everything she asks weapons, such as expandable batons, I Tfor. Apply a +2 on her Persuasion rolls to chemical sprays, Tasers, and rubber bullets. requisition equipment. If she spends a Benny • Deadly Force: Any force with a high

T PO to recover requisition points, these points may probability of causing death or serious bodily exceed her maximum limit. harm, such as the use of a firearm or using mechanical force to the head or groin. : PLO DIRTY (MINOR/MAJOR) Example: a cyberpunk who resisting being restrained, (Physical Force), may be met with REE his cop is just plain dirty, as a minor a Taser, (Mechanical Force.) If that cyberpunk H Thindrance she begins with a d6 rather than elevates the confrontation by pulling out a a d4 Corruption. As a major hindrance she also club, (Mechanical Force), the sector cop may applies a +2 modifier to Corruption rolls to use her firearm (Deadly Force). T TER determine if she gains Corruption. What this means is that sector cops shouldn’t be a group of ‘murder-hobos’. Legally, they can’t CHAP

154 P R rush into every situation guns a blazing and REQUISITION POINTS O mow everyone down. The squad must always TE use thought when applying force. If they use an starting character gets 5 requisition points C inappropriate amount of force, there are a lot of A to acquire equipment, plus an additional T AN cameras and video recording devices in 2095, and point per advance. Requisition points refresh at they may have to face a disciplinary board. If their the beginning of each new mission.. A group of use of force is egregious, they may face some time characters may pool their requisition points to D SER in the Chicago Penal Sector. have access to more expensive equipment that These guidelines aren’t as complicated or the entire team can use. A character may not restraining as they seem at first. The whole request items for another character. A character V concept is one of reasonableness. Always ask may spend a Benny to immediately recover 5 E yourself, was the response reasonable? requisition points (this may not exceed their starting requisition points). REQUISITIONING GEAR Each mission a Protect and Serve character will decide what equipment that they require ince Protect and Serve characters work for and must make Persuasion tests to receive Ssome organization, it is the responsibility those items. If a character gets a success on their of the organization to equip their employees Persuasion test, they pay the cost of requisition with the tools that they need to do the job. This points and receive the item. If they get a raise on requisition system is a means by which characters that test, they receive the item at 75% the cost. can acquire equipment for use during a mission. If they fail the test, they do not receive the item This equipment is expected to be returned in and are penalized 50% of the cost. If they roll a good condition, except for disposable items, such critical failure, they do not receive the item and as ammunition. are penalized the entire cost of the item. A roll is If a character routinely returns equipment made for each item that they request. damaged or does not return equipment, they A character may exceed their available points, can expect that their ability to acquire these but they receive a -1 penalty to their Persuasion items will be significantly curtailed. (Requisition test for each point that they exceed their modifier penalties). For every 5 requisition points requisition points. If a character attempts to worth of equipment—or a portion thereof— push the limits of their requisition points and fail retuned damaged or not returned, incur a penalty their Persuasion test putting them below zero of -1 for the next two missions, this penalty then remaining points, those points should be tracked reduces by one for each mission thereafter until and will not be available at the beginning of the the penalty is gone. Continued return of damaged next mission. equipment or failing to return equipment Example: Frank is a starting character with will increase the existing penalty. Abusing the 5 requisition points. He has a satisfactory gun requisition system may also incur legal trouble. and light armor from his origin but decides that the mission would go better with a Example: Officer Friendly had a very difficult squad car. He spends 3 requisition points and mission and returned to the precinct with his makes a Persuasion roll, scoring a success and medium armor filled with holes and his squad is assigned car 13. Later during the mission, car a smoldering heap. With 6 requisition he decides that he needs some surveillance points worth of damaged gear, Officer Friendly equipment and spends 1 requisition point to can expect a -2 penalty to all gear requisitions acquire 1800 C$ worth of gear. He makes his for the next two missions and a -1 penalty the Persuasion roll but fails; he does not get the following mission. Hope he has a better next equipment and losses 50% of 1 requisition few missions. point (rounded up to 1). Bad luck for him. Frank tails his suspects on foot until they gather into a bigger group than he feels safe confronting without some more firepower. He

155 REQUISITION TABLE ITEM REQUISITION COST REQUISITION MODIFIER Ammunition 3 clips 1 +1 APC (1 per team) 10 -3 Assault Rifle (3 loads of Ammo) 5 -3 Heavy Armor 5 -2 Heavy weapons (3 loads of ammo) 8 -3 Light Armor 2 0 Luxury Car (Civilian, Flashy) (1 per 2 characters) 6 -3 Medium Armor 3 -1 Melee Weapon 1 +0 Motorcycle 2 0 Off Road Vehicle (1 per 2 characters) 3 -1 Other Equipment (C$ 2000) 1 0* Police SUV (1 per team) 4 -1 Prisoner Transfer Van (armored) (1 per team) 5 -2 Shotgun, Rifle (3 loads of Ammo) 3 -1 Sidearm, 3 clips of ammo 2 +0 Squad Car (1 per 2 characters) 3 0 Submachine gun (3 loads of ammo) 4 -2 Surveillance Van (Filled with surveillance 5 -2 Equipment) (1 per team) SWAT Van (Armored UPS truck) (1 per team) 5 -2 S Undercover car (civilian car) (1 per 2 characters) 2 -1

GN VTOL Assault (1 per team) 10 -4 VTOL Surveillance (1 per team) 8 -2 VTOL Transport (1 per team) 7 -2

returns to the precinct and requests a shotgun. PHALANX CAMERA NETWORK

I T CAMPA With only two points remaining, Frank is

N forced to make the test at a -1 penalty for he Phalanx Camera System is a set of mini I the missing point. Even with the -1 penalty Tvideo cameras that are designed to aid in for a shotgun and the further -1 penalty for the legal issues surrounding many security forces

T PO exceeding his points, Frank still scores a success and their actions. Almost all police, agencies, on his Persuasion roll and gets his shotgun. At bounty hunters and corporate security forces the end of the mission, Frank returns with use them, and it is often mandated that they do.

: PLO three captured criminals, and his squad car They are intended to stream constant video to a and shotgun in good working condition. For remote server, so the actions taken by the wearer his next mission he will be penalized one would be captured and stored for review for legal REE requisition point for exceeding his limit on purposes or disciplinary evaluation. The wearer H this mission. does not have the ability to turn them off, and if they were to not be able to transmit the stream BASIC EQUIPMENT (due to interference, or other impedances), both T TER the wearer and server are alerted. The following item is appropriate for the Protect Each camera contains storage for nearly 10 and Serve Campaign Theme. hours of footage that can be transmitted in CHAP

156 P R



RS Covering Fire Security Armor (Torso, Arms, Legs) +2 D4 7 475 C

Notes: Hyper tagged (Police Identification), Camera (torso) T AN RS Taking Fire Medium Security Armor (Torso, Arms, Legs) +4 D6 10 525 Notes: Hyper tagged (Police Identification), Camera (torso) D SER RS Vanguard Heavy Security Armor (Torso, Arms, Legs) +6 D8 18 1,000 Notes: Hyper tagged (Police Identification), Camera (torso)

RS Take Cover Security Helmet (Helmet) +6 D4 4 2,250 V

Notes: Integrated Tactical Radio (rating 3) with radio headset. E situations where it cannot connect to the server RS TAKING FIRE SECURITY ARMOR and resumes uploading data as soon as the connection is resumed. If more than 10 hours avenlocke’s standard armor for active pass before it reconnects, it only keeps the most Rsecurity forces, the Taking Fire line offers recent 10 hours; all data prior to that would superior protection to the wearer, with only a be lost, though it can be found backed up in minimal increase in weight. Designed to be worn the server. all-day in varied scenarios, the Taking Fire line Often dubbed ‘Fail-links’ by those required to protects any wearer while out in the field. wear them, the system is nefariously unreliable, as wearers have been able to disable feeds without RS VANGUARD HEAVY SECURITY ARMOR alerting the servers or scramble the pictures to make their feed otherwise inadmissible. While he Vanguard line is a heavy-duty armor, there is legal disciplinary action for intentionally Toffering optimal protection for the most altering a feed, it has not stopped the wearers serious life-treating conditions. Riot control, from doing so. special forces operations, assaults, or other scenarios where the risk of serious injury is high. ARMOR RS TAKE COVER SECURITY HELMET he following types of armor are commonly Tused by Ravenlocke Security teams, though esigned to work in conjunction with any of they can be used by other agencies. Dthe Ravenlocke Securities line of security Hyper-Tags on this armor typically display armor, the Take Cover helmet offers ideal head an officer’s badge as well as their department protection, with minimal reduction in the and precinct but corporate security may use it wearer’s hearing or vision. Each helmet comes exclusively to show their corporate logo, etc. This equipped with an integrated tactical radio, armor is available in any color requested, often allowing them hands free communication with police colors or corporate colors. other team members and/or their headquarters. These helmets can easily have the Phalanx RS COVERING FIRE SECURITY ARMOR cameras installed on them as well. They come with removable face shields. he most basic armor for security forces Tworldwide. Covering Fire armor is designed for optimal protection for low-risk security personnel. Commonly worn by support personnel more so than active duty patrolmen.

157 to a dozen, it also has ample armor and weapon VEHICLES storage racks as well as room for other equipment.

he following vehicles are available in a Protect POLICE MOTORCYCLE Tand Serve Campaign Theme. motorcycle, fitted with lights and a siren used VEHICLE NOTES A by security forces for expedient personal deployment. A fairing provides protection from Non-Descript: The vehicle is built to be fire coming from the front. unremarkable, possibly resembling a delivery or service vehicle. It typically does not look remarkable POLICE APC in any manner. -1 to Notice rolls to be identified as a police vehicle when among other vehicles. large heavily armored transport, equipped A with a manned turret that can be fitted with SQUAD CAR an array of lethal (or non-lethal) options. Has room enough to transport up to 8 fully equipped security-issued car is designed for a driver personnel into any engagement with a rugged off- A and passenger, with the back seat of the road suspension. vehicle intended to securely restrain suspects. The back seat is caged and is not able to be PRISONER TRANSPORT VAN opened from anyone in the back. They may be fitted with a secure weapon storage in the front heavily armored step van designed for or trunk (for a shotgun or rifle). Most squad A secure prisoner transpiration. The rear is a cars are fitted with lights and a siren denoting virtual safe. With two 5x5 seated cells and bench their agency. seating for two armed guards within. The rear is customizable, allowing different configurations S POLICE SUV to be used (larger cells, more guards, or even to transport things other than prisoners. GN police-SUV allows seating for 4, plus a secure A cage in the rear, designed to securely restrain DRAGONFLY SURVEILLANCE/ suspects within. Offering better protection than PATROL VTOL the squad car, its larger size allows more people or gear to be easily transported. VTOL fitted with a high-definition

I T CAMPA A surveillance system. Precise enough to

N SURVEILLANCE VAN identify individual persons on the street, or track I a vehicle speeding through the city streets, yet step-van with an array of audio and video broad enough in scope to cover a city block

T PO A surveillance equipment in the rear, accessible simultaneously. only from the cab and/or rear door. It is often a nondescript vehicle intended to blend in with CONDOR TRANSPORT VTOL

: PLO the environment. As such, it will often resemble a local delivery or maintenance vehicle to not n armored VTOL, able to deliver up to a attract unwanted attention. dozen personnel into a hostile environment.

REE A A large, rear bay door allows immediate H SWAT VEHICLE deployment, and storage of a multitude of weapons and gear. large, armored van designed for the secure T TER A transportation of security forces into dangerous engagements. Simple seating for up CHAP

158 P R



Squad Car 4(large) 0 130 13(3) 1+4 45K T AN Notes: Air bags, additional armor, may or may not be painted in police colors, rear passenger compartment fitted with restraints and only openable from the outside. Lights and Siren. D SER Police SUV 5(large) 0 130 15(3) 1+7 60K Notes: Air bags, additional armor, may or may not be painted in police colors, rear passenger compartment fitted with restraints and only openable from the outside. Lights and Siren. V

Surveillance Van 5(large) 0 115 14(2) 1+2 150k E Notes: Air bags, Rear compartment fitted with audio and video surveillance equipment and communications equipment. Non-descript. SWAT Vehicle 6(large) -1 110 16(4) 1+13 100k Notes: A large Step van. The rear compartment has storage racks and compartments for weapons and armor and simple seating for 12 people. The vehicle has increased armor. Police Motorcycle 1 +1 130 9(1) 1+1 5000 Notes: Lights and Siren. May or may not be painted in police colors. 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead. Shots received from the front grant an additional 2 points of armor to the character. Police APC 6(large) -1 50 20(5) 2+8 700k Notes: Four-Wheel Drive, Heavy Armor, Weapons: Medium MG (in Turret) Prisoner Transport Van 6(large) -1 60 18(4) 1+5 500k Notes: Heavy Armor, Rear compartment has 2 jail cells and a seating area for two guards. Dragonfly Surveillance/ 5(large) +1 140 12(2) 1+1 300k Patrol VTOL Notes: May or may not be painted in police colors. Condor Transport VTOL 7(large) 0 120 15(2) 2+12 400k Notes: Rear ramp drops down for rapid deployment of 12 troops. Racks and compartments to store weapons and armor. Hornet Assault VTOL 6(large) 0 140 14(3) 2+4 600 Notes: Rear ramp for rapid deployment of 4 troops. Weapons: 2x Linked Medium MG (forward Pintle mount).

HORNET ASSAULT VTOL WEAPONS his sleek, yet armed and armored VTOL is Tdesigned to end engagements with maximum he following weapons are available in a efficiency. Two forward mounted machine guns TProtect and Serve Campaign Theme. as well as seating for up to 4 operatives. Often dubbed hornets, their nickname is deserved, as SECURITY TRUNCHEON panic hits when they take to the sky. ne of any number of varieties of defensive Oclub-type weapons. The most typical design of this weapon is a straight club with a perpendicular side bar six inches down the side.

159 WEAPONS WEAPON RANGE DAMAGE AP ROF SHOTS MIN STR WT. CONCEAL COST Security Truncheon - Str + d6 - - - D6 1.25 0 125 Notes: +1 Parry Shock Truncheon - Str+d6 - - - D6 1.25 0 250 Notes: +1 Parry, Stun, Requires Battery RS Lawmaker 12/24/48 2d6 1 1 17 D6 2 0 375 Pistol (9mm) Notes: Biometric Safety, Tactical Rails RS Riot Cop 12/24/48 1-3d6 0 1 10 D6 6 +3 175 Shotgun (12G) Notes: Biometric Safety, Tactical Rails RS Long Arm 24/48/96 2d8 2 1 8 D6 8 +4 550 Rifle (6mm) Notes: Biometric Safety, Tactical Rails, Medium Range Scope, Snapfire

SHOCK TRUNCHEON PERSONAL WEAPONS The squad will earn a salary during their similar design to the security truncheon, employment, and they can certainly pur- A this has an integral shock system that may chase their own personal weapons and disable an opponent. firearms. Given the events of the Plot Point Campaign, it’s probably a good idea that RAVENLOCKE SECURITIES they have a stash of their own. However, LAWMAKER PISTOL it’s against regulations to use a personal S firearm or weapon while on duty. If they he Lawmaker pistol is the most common get caught doing so, they will face severe GN Tsidearm of security forces worldwide. disciplinary action. Biometric safety prevents the weapon from Also, if they get caught purchasing weap- being used by anyone other than the officer to ons or illegal goods from the Black Market, whom it is assigned. This weapon carries the most (see The Player’s Guide to 2095), they will ammunition of any standard firearm. also have to face the board and discipline. I T CAMPA


T PO he old Texas Rangers slogan, “One Riot One TRanger” lives on in the Riot Cop Shotgun. t times, all security forces require a guardian Ten rounds of 12-gauge ammunition, Biometric Aangel. In those situations, a security sniper

: PLO safety, and tactical rails makes this a fearsome with a Long Arm rifle may well save the day. weapon, that is safe from being used by others and adaptable to any conditions. REE H T TER CHAP

160 A FAC

A FACTOR OF X up to the gang, they can identify them as a small- time group named Purity First, usually based out he Protect & Serve plot point campaign of the Gary Hell Zone. Now the gang seems to T O assumes that the squad is a group of sector have extraordinary powers, like zeeks, The squad T R OF X cops working for Ravenlocke Security in South does what it must stop the gangers. Chicago. They are rookie officers, Novices, and the Case #2–Is it Murder?: The squad is dispatched tough streets of the Southern Sector is where RS to The Maze, where there’s a report of some sector cops go to learn the ropes. bodies being found. Their job is to cordon off the The story starts like many Tales, with the squad area until Ravenlocke Investigations can show up encountering a new and dangerous drug called to process the scene. What they find when they get X-Factor. This drug appears to give the user super- there makes the squad’s skin crawl. A half a dozen powers for a short period of time. It makes the androids have been brutally murdered and posed user a zeek, more particularly it temporarily gives like mannequins in a sick diorama. One of the them the Arcane Background (Gifted), (see The Androids is still ‘alive’, and volunteers to give the Player’s Guide to 2095 for information about squad his memory-chip, an act that will end her X-Factor.) existence, but will point to the identity of the killer. As the squad investigates the new narcotic, The memory chip shows a man with they find that there’s much more to it than extraordinary powers attacking and kidnapping they could have imagined. The drug isn’t an the androids. It also shows the man torturing all exotic compound from a faraway land, but a the androids, and eventually killing them and concoction that was developed and is being posing them. The last thing the Android recorded produced in their city. Their superiors start to the man saying was, “And I’ve just started.” build roadblocks in their investigations, and The crew must track down this madman and soon the squad begins to suspect some of their stop him before he can kill again. superiors have been corrupted and are working Case #3–Rumble in the Hell Zone: The squad for the pharmaceutical company testing the drug. is dispatched to the Gary Hell Zone, where In the end, the squad must decide whether to there’s a report of a large fight in the streets. The risk sacrificing their careers to save the lives of initial reports are of rival gangs openly battling countless innocent citizens of the city or back off one another, but with such violence they are and let their superiors win. endangering innocents. When the squad arrives what they see is more BREAKDOWN of a massacre than a fight. The same gang that was responsible for the Yorktown assault, Purity Case #1–Wilding at Yorktown: The squad is First, is wiping out a rival gang. Just as the squad is dispatched to a disturbance in the Yorktown getting the situation under control another squad Shopping Center. The initial report is that a group of sector cops, the HIU, or Heavy Interdiction of gangers are vandalizing property and harassing Unit, strolls in and takes over before the squad the shoppers, and that they are too much for the can investigate any further. The HIU tells the center security to handle. As the squad gets closer squad to clear the scene, this is their investigation the call gets upgraded, the gangers have begun by authority of Colonel Teklu, Sector Chief of destroying property, stealing merchandise, and South Chicago. assaulting citizens. Case #4–Lil Loco: Using the auto-injector as When the squad arrives, they see a path of a clue, the squad discovers that the Purity First destruction that’s been cut through the mall. gang was using a new drug called X-Factor. It can Shop windows have been shattered, merchandise temporarily give you psychic, or zeek abilities, or has been thrown everywhere and people are lying it’ll kill you. They are contacted by an investigative injured. There’s even structural damage to the reporter and hacker named Azeeza Langah, buildings. who tells them she’s been looking into X Factor Finding the gangers isn’t difficult, the squad just for weeks, ever since the Yorktown Shopping follows the path of destruction. When they catch Complex incident. She’s found out that the drug

161 is being distributed by an arm of the Mexican and even gives them a civilian security badge that Mafia known as Muerto 13, headquartered in he used to get into the lab compound to pick up Little Cuba. Azeeza needs them to plant a hacker the X Factor. dongle on a Muerto 13 computer in Little Cuba Case #6–A Long Night in the Steelyards: The to get the evidence she needs to find the source lab is a secured facility in the Steelyard section of of X Factor. Chicago. Getting in won’t be easy. Azeeza gives Before the squad can investigate further, they the squad a repeater dongle that she says will are summoned by Colonel Mamo Tibebu Teklu. allow to gain access to their systems, and she says He orders them to stop their investigation and she’ll stay in her van to hack in as soon as the hand all evidence and leads they’ve developed dongle is planted. over to the HIU. Security at the facility is serious, they shoot to The squad must choose whether to follow their kill, and the place is crawling with drones and leads on their own or hand everything over to robots. Once inside and the dongle is planted, the the HIU, where they are certain the case will die. squad knows it’s time to leave. Before they can As they are making their decision, another report make their escape, the squad is cornered by the of super powered Purity First gangers comes in. HIU and Colonel Teklu. This time the squad isn’t This time the gang has attacked the Church of suspended but arrested and taken to the Chicago the Divine Inspiration, a congregation catering Penal Sector. to the Human 2.0 population. Dozens of people Case #7–Tangle with Cash: Wearing orange were injured or killed including entire families jumpsuits and shackled at the wrists and ankles, and children. the squad takes the long road train ride into the If they investigate the hideout of the Muerto Chicago Penal Sector, a thirty square-mile block 13, the squad finds it heavily guarded. The of murderers, rapists, drug smugglers and thieves. Muerto 13 aren’t trying to hide their presence, And not one of them likes former sector cops. they are instead flaunting their strength. Once The squad is housed in a pod run by the inside the squad can plant the dongle. Moments Mexican Mafia. The pod boss, a man who goes by S after getting into the hideout, the HIU arrives the named Cash, tells the squad they aren’t ever along with Colonel Teklu, who isn’t happy. He going to make it out of there alive. If the squad GN puts the squad on administrative leave for their has the evidence to implicate their boss and the insubordination. Corp, they must find a way to get it out there. If Case #5–Finding Turtle: A few days after their Azeeza already has it, they can only wait for her suspension the squad is met by Azeeza Langah. to expose the truth and, hopefully, be released She data-mined the Lil’ Loco’s systems and found before Cash has his way.

I T CAMPA out that X-Factor is a proof of concept narcotic Case #8–Saving Azeeza: Azeeza is good to her

N for a biological weapon program being headed word. When she publishes her story, every major I by Doctor Chul-Soo for GreyMatter Evolutions, a media outlet picks it up. GreyMatter Evolutions multinational biotech company with a laboratory was illegally testing a drug that cost dozens of

T PO in South Chicago. Langah doesn’t know where the lives. The story implicates the Southern Sector lab is, but she might know someone who does. Security and Colonel Teklu and is enough to get Purity First picked up the first few shipments of X the squad released from prison.

: PLO Factor directly from the lab. A Purity First ganger As soon as they are released and the squad has named Turtle recently contacted Azeeza and told access to the Global DataNet, they see a message her he knows where the lab is and will exchange from Colonel Teklu, who has Azeeza and wants REE that information for a safe way out of the Gary to meet with them. H Hell Zone. The crew is told to meet at a private hanger Turtle isn’t easy to find, and he doesn’t surrender in GYY. Once there, the squad is ambushed by easily. Instead he runs, terrified for his life. He’s Colonel Teklu and the HIU, who want one last T TER convinced the squad is there to kill him. When shot at them. When the fight doesn’t go their way, he finds out the truth, he’s happy to cooperate Teklu and the HIU flee with Azeeza in a VTOL car. for protection. He tells the squad where the lab is The squad must chase them through the crowded CHAP

162 A FAC skies of Chicagoland to save Azeeza and capture Starting Patrol Unit: Elantra Engineering Patrol the corrupt Sector Chief. Bus, (Size 5 large, Handling 0, Top Speed 140, Toughness 15(4), Crew 1+6, NOTES: Additional T O PACING AND TIMING space for 2 restrained prisoners, emergency R OF X lights and sirens, Datapad with CAD – Computer here’s a short explanation at the start of Aided Dispatching – applications.) Teach Savage Tale when it’s best to start it in the campaign. Some preplanning is always good GETTING THE CALL when starting a new campaign. It’s intended that this campaign last most of the he squad receives a dispatch through their squad’s career. Start the campaign with Wilding at TTAPS ordering them to respond to the Yorktown when the crew is still Novice. It doesn’t Yorktown Shopping Complex for a disturbance. have to be the first case of their career, but it Several calls for service have come in reporting should be close to the start. The second case Is It a group of gangers running through the center, Murder?, is also appropriate for Novice but could destroying property, and attacking civilians. As be run in Seasoned. the squad responds, more calls for service come Cases 3 and 4 should be spread out through in, one after another, some with video feeds the squad’s Seasoned Tier. Run other cases in showing gangers dressed in black and white between, either something original or use the jumpsuits destroying a storefront in an interior Adventure Generator, (see page @@), to come up section of the shopping complex. One of the with something. Always have the activities of the gangers, a smaller woman wearing her black hair gangs and the use of X Factor in the background. styled back into long, straight spikes and wearing Azeeza Langah will contact the crew in Lil’ Loco goggles smashes a store display to pieces with a once the Church of the Devine has been attacked single blow of her bare hands. and it makes the news. Dispatch informs the squad that emergency The second half the campaign should happen medical response a few minutes out and they’ve rapidly. If the squad is Veteran by the time, authorized lights and sirens the whole way. they start Finding Turtle, you could run them consecutively. Inserting one or two original cases ON SCENE between Finding Turtle and A Long Night In The Steelyards, or between Tangle With Cash and he squad responds to a large indoor Saving Azeeza would work as well, and could get Tshopping complex that is part of Yorktown. the crew to Heroic, which would help with the The building is 5 to 7 stories tall and takes up two extraordinary action in Saving Azeeza. city blocks. It’s immediately apparent this was a building that was built in sections, with parts CASE #1–WILDING AT YORKTOWN being added on every few years. No two parts of the building look alike, with some sections built he first Case assumes that the squad is a as glass boxes, others with faux brick and small Tnewly minted group of Sector Cops assigned widows, and still others in retro sci-fi chrome and to the southern sector of the Chicagoland Sprawl. steel. Outside the main entrance a large crowd The squad starts with the following assigned gear: has gathered. They look panicked, out of breath, Starting Gear: RS Duty Vest, (Torso, +4 armor, and some show signs of injury. minimum Strength d6, Wt. 6), RS 340 Justice Once inside it won’t be hard for the squad to Duty Pistol, (9mm, range 15/30/60, Damage find the gangers. They’ve left a trail of debris 2d6+1, AP 1, ROF 1, Shots 15, minimum Strength and destruction through the mall, occasionally d6, Wt. 4.5, Conceal -1, accessories tactical littered with assault victims who are being tended rail, detachable light, detachable Stun Gun), 2 to by good Samaritans. As the squad follows the additional magazines of 9mm ammunition, trail of destruction it becomes obvious that some personal communicator, personal audio / visual retailers have been hit harder than others. The recorder, 2 handcuffs, uniform and badge. Chrome Depot, Designer You, and Epi-Couture

163 being the hardest hit. (All of these retailers cater CONCLUSION to the augmented crowd; hybrids, cyborgs and Human 2.0 mostly.) ot catching the gangers, causing civilian After following the trail for a few moments, the Ninjuries, or causing additional property squad hears shouting and crashing from the 3rd damage will hurt the squad’s Street Cred. The level near the pedestrian bridge to the second Yorktown Shopping Complex is covered in high- building. There they see four gangers dressed in res security imagers, so the squad won’t be able black and white form fitting jumpsuits trashing to hide anything they do. Catching all the gangers, the Fauna Fashion store, a retailer who caters especially in a spectacular fashion or after a to hybrids. The store employees, some of them long foot chase, might result in a boost to their hybrids, are in the promenade outside the store, Street Cred. injured and terrified. As they arrive the squad sees After capture, the gangers will ‘lose’ their gifted one of the gangers lash out at the front windows powers quickly as the X-Factor wears off. They are of the store, a bright purple whip of energy forms die-hard true believers in their cause and will not as he moves his arm, slamming into the glass and talk to the sector cops except to insult them and shattering it in a spray of glass and chrome. make threats. They will offer no explanations for The gangers will not go quietly. They are driven their temporary powers. Ravenlocke won’t do a by a confidence of having what they think are toxicology test for some low-level gangers who superpowers, and they are on a mission. They will are only accused of gross vandalism and some fight until two of them fall, then the remaining minor assaults, so getting clues about any drugs two will flee through the pedestrian bridge into they are using is a dead end, for now. the building across the street. If the squad pursues, If the squad follows up on the gangers at all, run a 7-card foot chase through the shopping they’ll find out they are a part of Purity First, a center. The Maneuvering skill is Athletics and the human-supremist gang that believes altering Range Increment is 5. For complications use the human DNA or adding mechanical parts to table below. the body makes a person less than human, not S MALL CHASE COMPLICATIONS GN CARD COMPLICATION Numbered Spade Eu da Toilette: Just before the runner arrives a product tester sprays a cloud of fra-grance in the air that catches the runner full in the face. Make a Vigor roll to resist the cloying effects of the scent or be Distracted until the end of their next turn. Face-Card Spade Product tester: A staff members outside of a fragrance / cosmetics / skin care retail-er steps out and

I T CAMPA asks the runner if they can ask them a question. The runner must make a Maneuvering roll at -2 or

N be Bumped. I Numbered Hearts Just Waxed That: The runner hits a patch of flooring that’s been newly waxed. Make a Maneuvering roll or be Bumped.

T PO Face-Card Hearts Empty the Bin: The custodian picked exactly this moment to empty the trash bin. Make a Maneuvering roll at -2. Treat any Failure as a Critical Failure. Numbered Diamond MOVE!: There’s a large crowd of teenagers in front of the runner. Make an Intimida-tion roll to get

: PLO the crowd out of the way or be Vulnerable until the end of their next turn. Face-Card Diamond Soya-Smoothie: A bystander with a 1.5-liter frozen Soya-Smoothie steps right in front of the runner.

REE Make a Maneuvering roll at -2 or be Vulnerable until the end of their next turn. H Numbered Club Auto-Massage Chairs: The promenade is littered with automated massage chairs. Make a Maneuvering roll or be Entangled in the mess. Face-Card Club Strobe Lights: Does anyone really like strobe lights enough to have a whole kiosk dedicated to them? T TER Make a Maneuvering roll at -2 or be Shaken. Joker Through, Not Around: You make your way through the crowds and kiosks. Gain 2 cards in a basic move this turn. CHAP

164 A FAC more. They are a relatively new gang that’s been might be the most violent of the Purity First reported only a few times in South Chicago in the gangers in Yorktown. She’s manifested the Boost last few months. / Lower Trait power and has 11 Power Points left. T O Her power manifests as a purple glow around R OF X PURITY FIRST GANGERS the target. She prefers to boost her Fighting and Strength. If she is one of the gangers who flees, she he Purity First gang believes that the human will boost her Athletics as well as the Athletics of Tgenome is sacred and shouldn’t be messed any other ganger who flees. She will also lower with. Humans are the creation of a higher power the Athletics of any squad member who gets and divine in design, and altering that design is an close to her. unforgivable blasphemy. They’ve been inspired by groups like the Knights of Jehovah in Denver. TURTLE Use the statistics for the Gang Soldier, (see pg. @@), but remove all the Cybertech. Instead, each urtle is a young man of average height of the gang members is under the influence of the Twho is a little overweight. A bulging belly drug X Factor. They temporarily have the Edge of sizable proportions is pushing his black and Arcane Background (Gifted). They use their Spirit white jumpsuit to its limit. He has temporarily instead of Focus for their Arcane Skill. Each has a gained the Bolt power and has 10 Power Points unique power. left. His power manifests as a long, purple whip that extends from his hands. When attacking the MILK MIKEY squad, Turtle will use the Damage modifier to do as much damage as possible. ilk Mikey is the senior member of the group Min the Yorktown Shopping Complex. He’s tall SCARY HARRY and well built, with dark black hair, striking green eyes and a very pale complexion. He’s temporarily Scary ‘Harry’ Harriet is a tall, thinly built young gained the Havoc power and has 11 Power Points woman with a shaved head. Her face and head left when the squad arrives. His power manifests are covered in brightly colored tattoos that as long, spaghetti like tendrils that extend from shift and move as she does. Unsurprisingly, she’s his fingertips and whip around in Cone Template. temporarily gained the Fear Power. She has 9 Mikey likes to boost his power to the max and will Power Points left. Her power manifests by altering use the Strong modifier when attacking the squad. her appearance so she looks like a demon bathed in purple fires of Hell. When the squad arrives, CASSANDRA V she’ll use the Area of Effect modifier to try to scare them away. small, slightly built woman with her black A hair styled back in harsh spikes, Cassandra

165 as they roll down the street. Some will be seen CASE #2–IS IT MURDER? activating their TAPs or using old fashioned Data Pad as they go by. n the second case, the squad uncovers more The Maze is exactly as it is named. The streets Iclues about the strange goings on in the are winding, with many ending in dead ends or streets of south Chicagoland. Run a few cases streets that have been blocked by piles of debris. between the conclusion of Wilding at Yorktown It only takes a few minutes of driving before the and the start of this tale, perhaps the last of the squad sees the first jump bikes paralleling them squad’s Novice career. At the start of this Tale the on another street. Not soon thereafter a dozen squad should be aware there’s a new drug on the jump bikes will pass them, flying by at top speed street, but they don’t know its name or its effects on either side of their squad car, the bike’s engines other than the temporary use of zeek powers. screaming as they go. In this Tale the squad discovers firsthand some The real trouble starts when the squad stops at of the devastating effects of the new drug. They a lighted intersection. A modified EE Oasis cargo investigate a horrifying multiple murder crime van pulls in behind them and turns on a dozen scene and discover it is the grizzly work of a single bright, LED lights. As soon as the lights come on mad man. They uncover a clue that could help four bikers riding MS Street Boss’ pull in front of them track down the murderer and keep him the squad’s vehicle on the cross street. The jump from killing again. bikers hop off their rides, each of them carrying a submachine gun. Behind them, 4 more gangers GETTING THE CALL will empty out of the van, each of them with a submachine gun as well. t’s a night like many others in south Chicago. The gangers are wearing red leathers and the IThe squad is working an overnight shift in patches of the Gypsy Wheelers. They consider The Maze. This is usually a cushy assignment this part of The Maze their home and want the because they aren’t expected to go into The Maze, sector cops to leave. They won’t fight to the death. S but instead they patrol its perimeter to keep the If the squad incapacitates any gang member, denizens of the Mase from wandering out and make a group Spirit roll at +2 for remaining GN causing trouble. The only remarkable thing about members. Make another roll each time a ganger the evening is that it’s snowing. Heavy, grey flakes is incapacitated with a -1 modifier for each ganger are falling to the ground and instantly turning that is down. If they fail, they will turn tail and run. into a filthy sludge on the streets. The air is cold When the Gypsy Wheelers have been delt with and damp, sticking to the squad’s skin and lungs. Dispatch will tell the squad to continue to the

I T CAMPA At 0223 hours, they receive a dispatch to go into crime scene, and a cleanup crew will take care of

N The Maze to secure a crime scene. There’s been the location of the gun fight. I multiple reports of bodies found on the street, and Ravenlocke Investigations is responding. The • GYPSY WHEELERS (6): Use Gang Soldier,

T PO squad’s assignment is to secure a safe way into (see page @@), but arm each with an Uzi, The Maze for the detectives and to cordon off the (see SWADE Core.) crime scene. • GYPSY WHEELER BOSSES (2): Use Gang

: PLO War Chief, (see page @@.) EN ROUTE ON SCENE REE he biggest problem with getting into The H TMaze is, well, getting into The Maze. The fter clearing from the gunfight with the Gypsy jump bike and road gangs don’t like sector AWheelers, the squad makes it to the scene, security coming onto their turf, and they aren’t and what they find is truly horrific. The lights of T TER afraid to attack anyone who is caught trespassing. their patrol car illuminate a curved concrete wall Play up the tension as the squad enters The along one of the main drives of The Maze. This Maze. Every person they pass will watch them part of the wall is somewhat famous because it CHAP

166 A FAC has an original work of the guerilla hyper-graffiti prepare bags for the bodies. As soon as he notices artist Grinsberg named, “The Suffrage.” This work (or is told) that all the victims are androids, he is an animated Hyper Reality scene portraying will tell his personnel to forget the bags, that this T O urchins being tortured in old biblical ways; two is now just a property crime. He’ll tell them to R OF X being drawn with ropes, two being spiked on hurry up because he doesn’t want to be in The long poles, two being eviscerated, and one in Maze any longer than he must, especially for, ‘Just the center being crucified. Posed in front of the a property crime.’ painting are seven Androids, all apparently dead, It’s up to the squad whether they share the data in the exact position of the painting behind chip with Jacka. If they offer it to him, he won’t them. Each shows signs of extended abuse; burns, show much interest. He’ll just hold out a plastic amputations, and deep wounds. bag. Once he has the chip, he’ll throw it into one Upon arrival, the squad must make a Fear check of his coat pockets. If the crew askes for it back at -2 to overcome the sight of the horrible scene Jacka will tell them to suit themselves and will before them. happily give it back. When the squad begins to section the area, one of the androids, a young woman with a • HYMAN JACKA: Use Detective, see pg. @@. spike buried deep in her abdomen, will roll her • VID-DRONES (4): Use the AOG Light Recon head and whisper to the closest member. (This Drone with no weaponry. might call for another Fear check.) She’ll cough • PERONNEL (3): Use the Traits for the Blog out bright blue fluid and weakly ask for help. Any Journalist with no Edges or Hindrances. squad member can make a Repair roll to know that she is beyond help at this point, the spike is probably millimeters from her CFP, (Central ITEM #1 – CRYSTALINE DATA CHIP (1) Fluid Pump / heart). The spike can’t be removed RECOVERED FROM ANDROID #4 without killing her instantly, and help is too far away to save her. he squad can use whatever resources they The Android will tell the squad her name is Rama, Thave to read the data chip. Rama decrypted and she’s been free for more than 2 years now. the information before she died, so access to the She doesn’t know any of the other Androids, but information is as easy as putting it into a reader. she watched as they were all tortured for days and Getting the information will take some time and set up in this little display. All the other victims effort. Rama installed several layers of protection have had their forward temporary memory chips into her inorganic brain to protect her from removed, but the killer forgot to take hers. She hackers. The crew will have to Hack the system, begs the squad to remove hers, knowing it will Datamine, and log out. end her existence instantly. With that request, a Rama’s Chip: Tier 3, IDS -4, Programs – small drawer like compartment will slide out of Mindfrag, Partition Viper the front of her forehead, a crystalline chip rests When they find what they want they see it is in the holder. The moment a squad member lifts truly horrific. It starts with Rama being ambushed, the chip out of the tray Rama will go limp. attacked from behind with a stun gun. When she is reactivated, she’s bound and gagged and tied • RAMA THE ANDROID: See the Cast of to a vertical board. The other Android victims Characters section. can be seen taped to boards in a circle around a dimly lit room. In the center of the circle is a table RAVENLOCKE SECURITY covered in rough, dirty looking tools. A small human male wearing only a pair of thick, round oments after the squad’s encounter with glasses and a sinister smile, is hunched over the MRama, a utility van with the Ravenlocke table examining the tools. Investigations squad arrives. A supervisor named The next hours of the recording shows the Hyman Jacka starts directing his personnel and a naked man slowly working his way around the small swarm vid-drones to record the scene and circle, taking turns to torture each of the androids.

167 He starts by cutting off their access to their pain section of the building is where he tortured and centers so the Androids can’t turn them off. He killed the androids, and he also has his black then uses to torture and mutilate the androids, utility van parked here. He’ll try to climb into one at a time. his van and drive into The Maze. If he makes it, The next recordings are fuzzy and difficult to the squad will have to Chase him. Any Chase in read. They show the man, now dressed, quickly The Maze will attract the attention of the Jump posing the android bodies in front of The bike Gangs. Suffrage. He then jumps into a black utility van and drives off. • SUPIAN ISAEV: See Cast of Characters. The squad can use Hacking to enhance the • URBAN PUNK RAVE REAVER: See page @@ image of the van to get a registration number. The van is registered to Supian’s, a haberdashery CONCLUSION in The Maze not too far from the crime scene. The business is registered to Supian Isaev, a f the squad captures Isaev in a chase through Chicagoland resident. His home residence is the IThe Maze, they will get a one die bump to same as his business, a quick check of the records their Street Cred. shows he owns the whole building. Isaev will leave a crucial piece of evidence behind. With a Notice Roll in the haberdashery LOCATION – SUPIAN’S HADERDASHERY the squad will find an empty auto-injector for the X Factor. If the squad doesn’t already know upian Isaev is a paranoid man. He’s a human- anyone who can examine the injector, they may Ssupremist and believes that altering the use Networking to find Doctor Baird Bisgaard, a human form is a sacrilege to the Great Maker. mad Street Doc and chemist, (see below.) He Worse than that, the false idols, the Androids can analyze the injector. It’s empty, so he can’t and Bioroids, are the worst. They represent man’s comment on the contents, there isn’t enough attempt to best the Great Maker, and each is a to analyze, but he can tell the squad that this S blight upon the world. injector isn’t something you find on the street. Isaev also hates authority. It’s why he works and This narcotic probably has corporate sponsorship. GN lives in The Maze. Sector cops rarely pass by his Dr. Bisgaard will tell the crew he’s seen this shop, and that suits him just fine. Just in case the compound before, and that it’s being called X cops do come to his place, Isaev bought some Factor on the street. He’s not ready to tell the security a few years ago. He got his hands on a crew where he’s seen it before, though. He can used Urban Punk Rave Reaver robot. It’s stored also tell them this drug wasn’t built in a basement;

I T CAMPA behind a false wall at the back of his tightly it has corporate sponsorship.

N packed store. The squad will also receive a formal notice of I If the squad approaches him and begins to inquiry from Colonel Mamo Tibebu Teklu, Sector ask questions, he’ll deny any knowledge of the Chief, south Chicagoland. The Sector Chief wants

T PO androids or the scene. If the squad becomes a written explanation from the squad. They are aggressive or they begin to move in to arrest conducting an unauthorized investigation into him, Islaev will active the robot, whom he a cleared property crime, and he wants to know

: PLO affectionately calls Alvi. why. This inquiry doesn’t go any further than When Alvi attacks Isaev will inject himself with a letter of reprimand, but the Sector Chief has a dose of X Factor. His power is Invisibility. Once served them notice that he’s watching. REE hidden he flee, running through the back of his H store and into the space next door. He will have • DOCTOR BAIRD BISGAARD: See Cast of to spend a round or two to take his clothes off, Characters the X Factor doesn’t affect his clothing. The next T TER CHAP

168 A FAC

car on one side street. On another a group might CASE #3–RUMBLE IN walk out in front of the squad’s vehicle and linger THE HELL ZONE there for a moment, baiting them to do anything. T O The relative quiet doesn’t last long. One of the R OF X here should be a break between Is It Murder squad members hears gunfire to the east. It’s not Tand this case. Reports of gangers exhibiting just a single shot, but a battle. To investigate the zeek powers should pop up every now and again, squad must go into the Hell Zone. and several investigative reporters have begun to report on X Factor, but most of them are EN ROUTE considered conspiracy theorists and delusional by the main-stream corporate owned media. he trip into the Gary Hell Zone is, well, Hell. The best of these reports comes from a young TThe moment their squad car passes the line woman named Azeeza Langah, who is drawing between the civilian sector and the Hell Zone conclusions about corporate involvement proper, things change. The streets get darker and with the drug. seem to be more wet. The walls are dirtier. The The squad should be an Advance or two into buildings seem to watch them as they move. Seasoned before trying this Tale. It’ll start with a loud thump on the side of the car, maybe they hit something, or maybe GETTING THE CALL someone threw a rock at the car. Then more thumps, some very loud. If the squad is looking, t’s another cold night in Chicagoland and they’ll sometimes see arms throwing objects out Ithe squad is on the tough end of another of second and third story windows onto their overnight shift, this time they’ve been assigned vehicle. Then the Molotov cocktails start to fly. to the Gary Hell Zone. Getting to the scene is a Multi-Person Dramatic The GHZ isn’t usually patrolled, it’s essentially Task lasting 3 rounds. The operator of the squad a war zone. Ravenlocke and Sector Security car must use Driving each turn, but the other keep their personnel out of the Zone for the members of the squad can use whatever skill protection of their officers and property. The makes sense. Unlike most Dramatic Tasks, this squad is told that the order came from the top, one is filled with Complications the squad must they are assigned to the Gary Hell Zone for the overcome. If the driver is dealt a face card, draw foreseeable future. an additional Action Card to determine the Even driving around the edges of the GHZ is Complication. tricky business. The squad will constantly feel Failing the Dramatic Task means the squad must eyes upon them, people watching them from spend another round trying to get to the scene. the shadows. Play up the tension here. The squad Each additional round of the Dramatic Task is an might spot a group gathered around a burning automatic Complication.

GARY HELL ZONE COMPLICATION TABLE CARD RESULT Spades That’s Going To Leave A Mark: The Zoners drop something big on the vehicle. The squad car takes 3d6 damage. Hearts I Can’t See: A lucky shot from a Molotov cocktail spreads fire over the front of the car. The driver can’t see and makes her driving roll at -2. Diamonds Roadblock!: There’s a pile of burning debris across the road up ahead. The driver has the choice of going around the debris and removing 2 Success Tokens from their pile or going through the debris and caus-ing 3d6 damage to the vehicle. Clubs They’re Shooting At Us: A single gunshot rings out. The vehicle takes an automatic Critical Hit from the Chase Rules Critical Hit Chart. (See Savage Worlds Core Rules.) Joker It’s a Shortcut: By barreling down an alley and making a quick turn you take a short cut. Add 2 Success tokens before any rolls are made this round.

169 ON SCENE two drones are buzzing along the street, harassing S the Purity First with expertly placed gunfire. hen the squad arrives what they see isn’t so If the squad joins in the fight, the Neon Forsaken GN Wmuch as a fight between two street gangs will help battle the Purity First gangers. The as a massacre. The fight is taking place at a enemy of my enemy kind of thing. That will last T-intersection with five to eight story buildings on until the Forsaken see an opportunity to take out either side. Like everything else in the Hell Zone the squad, then all attention will fall on the squad. these buildings are mostly dark and very close to The Purity First will fight to the end. They

I T CAMPA the street. What little light there is here, mostly are zealots and the X Factor has given them a

N oranges and reds from barrel fires, is reflected in feeling of invulnerability. The Neon Forsaken I the puddles that perpetually cover the street. will not fight to the end, they are much more A half a dozen bodies are lying in the street, all pragmatic, and they will flee the scene at the

T PO wearing the green, pink, and black colors of the first opportunity, especially Cenaida who has no Neon Forsaken, a medium sized street gang that interest in meeting any member of sector security. controls this section of Hell Zone. Another eight The squad will know from radio traffic that

: PLO Forsaken are holed up in an abandoned brick and additional units, including the HIU, or Heavy concrete apartment buildings at the top of the T. Intervention Unit, is only moments out from their In the street, gathered behind piles of debris for location. If the squad wants to do something they REE cover, the squad sees six familiar black and white must act quickly. H jump suits of Purity First. The Neon Forsaken are holding the Purity First gangers back because their drone jockey, a young T TER woman named Cenaida the Exonaut came to help with her chest of toys a few moments before. Her CHAP

170 A FAC T O R OF X

NEON FORSAKEN • PURITY FIRST 6: Power Teleport, Power Points 13 • NEON FORSAKEN (6): Use Gang Soldier, page @@ INVESTIGATION • NEON FORSAKEN LEADER (1): Use Gang War Chief, page @@ he squad knows they only have a few • CENAIDA THE EXONAUT: See Cast of Tmoments before the scene is flooded with Characters. Ravenlocke personnel. They can make Notice rolls at -2 for the poor lighting and debris. If they PURITY FIRST Succeed, just before the HIU arrives they will find an unused X Factor auto-injector filled with PURITY FIRST (6): Use Gang Soldier, page @@. the narcotic. With a Raise they also find an old- Remove the Cybertech and add the following. fashioned handheld communicator. It’s up to the squad whether they will hand this • PURITY FIRST 1: Power Entangle, Power over to the HIU, who will take over the scene as Points 9 soon as they arrive or hold onto it themselves. • PURITY FIRST 2: Power Damage Field, What’s most surprising is that Southern Sector Power Points 7 Chief Colonel Mamo Tibebu Teklu will come • PURITY FIRST 3: Power Illusion, Power on scene with the HIU. The squad won’t need Points 10 a Common Knowledge roll to know it’s highly • PURITY FIRST 4: Power Intangibility, Power unusual for the Colonel to leave HQ, let alone Points 5 wander into the Gary Hell Zone. The Colonel will • PURITY FIRST 5: Power Telekinesis, Power immediately grill the squad and demand to know Points 10 the details of what happened. Once satisfied that they don’t have anything important, he’ll order to

171 them to maintain the outer perimeter while the Once this is started it’s one continuous story to HIU handles the rest. the end of the Plot Point Campaign, so make sure the squad is experienced enough to handle • SECTOR CHIEF COLONEL MAMO TIGEBU what’s coming. TEKLU: See Cast of Characters. • HEAVY INTERDICTION UNIT: See Cast of GETTING THE CALL Characters. he call for this Tale comes when the squad is CONCLUSION Toff duty. A while after their meeting with Dr. Bisgaard and the Rumble in the Hell Zone, they he squad’s just been through a tough fight, are contacted by a woman named Azeeza Langah Tand now they are on a rookie’s duty standing who claims to be an investigative reporter who in the Gary Hell Zone securing a crime scene has information on the mysterious auto-injector while the residents yell insults and throw rocks the squad found. If they agree, Azeeza would like at them. If they were smart, they have a full auto- to meet for breakfast at the Happy Time Café in injector of X Factor. Burbank, a pre-war styled diner with black and The unused injector can be brought to Dr. Baird white checkered floors, chrome accents and Bisgaard, For a price, or favor, the eccentric doctor server-bots on rollers. can tell the squad that isn’t a compound that was Azeeza is nervous. She starts as Uncooperative made in a garage lab, this ‘beauty’ was made in a on the Reaction Table, (See SWADE Core.) She’s lab. He will also tell them they aren’t the first ones not used to talking with sector cops unless she’s to bring him an auto-injector. If the Doctor trusts interviewing or exposing them. She never saw the squad, he’ll tell them that an investigative herself becoming allies with any. If the squad reporter brought him the same thing about a members do anything to ease her nerves she’ll week before. The Doctor won’t give the squad calm down and tell them what she knows. If she’s the reporter’s name, but he will volunteer to put very trusting of the squad, she will out herself as S her in touch with them. The truth is, he’s going to the hacker Magpie, who has been posting truth tell the reporter about the squad anyway, if they messaging on the Global DataNet for years. GN consent or not. MUERTO 13 • DOCTOR BAIRD BISGAARD: See Cast of Characters zeeza starts by explaining most people are Aunder the impression that the Mexican

I T CAMPA CASE #4 – LIL’ LOCO Mafia only controls the Chicago Penal Sector, but

N they have a significant operation in the south I n this Savage Tale, the squad begins to Chicago sector of Little Cuba. A branch of the Iuncover the mystery of X Factor. They meet MM known as Muerto 13, runs the entire sector,

T PO with a Red Hat hacker and investigative reporter and it’s rumored that there are tunnels under the named Azeeza Langah, who tells them she’s city going to the Penal Colony allowing the MM found the drug’s distributor. It’s a man nicknamed to go back and forth at will.

: PLO Lil’ Loco, a dangerous member of the Muerto 13 Azeeza tells the squad that she’s discovered gang out of Little Cuba. all distribution of X Factor, the street name Run a few Savage Tales between Rumble in the of the drug in the auto-injectors, is run by a REE Hell Zone and this one. Make sure a little bit of Muerto 13 boss named Lil’ Loco. She’ll provide H time has passed. Mention an occasional DataNet the squad with surveillance photos of Lil’ Loco report of super-powered gang members causing and his headquarters. She’ll also tell the squad trouble in south Chicagoland to keep the squad she believes there’s an active cover-up of this T TER thinking about X Factor and the auto-injector drug. Azeeza believes she’s the only one actively they found. Run this Savage Tale when the squad investigating X Factor, and all the major news is at the end of Seasoned or starting Veteran. outlets are staying away from reporting about CHAP

172 A FAC any super-powered gangers. She also believes that Sector Chief Teklu will not harbor any questions or human-supremist groups are heavily involved complaints. Make it clear this is not a conversation, with X Factor. They are the only ones who have but a full dressing down. They are going to be T O used it so far. assigned to the graveyard shift in the Gary Hell Zone R OF X During their breakfast, the squad will get a for the foreseeable future. When done, the Sector message from southern sector to report to Chief will tell the squad they are dismissed, and he headquarters immediately. goes back to his datapad.

• AZEEZA LANGAH: See Cast of Characters. • SECTOR CHIEF TEKLU: See Cast of Characters.


hen they arrive at the southern sector et some time pass after the meeting with Sector Wheadquarters, they are told by the duty LChief Teklu. Tell the squad how miserable their sergeant that they are to report to Sector Chief new assignment in the Gary Hell Zone is, maybe Teklu’s office immediately. This is a summons that run a couple encounters for emphasis. (Something should make even a veteran sector cop’s stomach with a Bio-Horror would be outstanding.) About turn over. a week later, the squad is contacted through the The Sector Chief’s office is a splendid office on the DataNet by Azeeza, who sends them a story she’s top floor of the headquarters building. It occupies just written about an attack on the Church of the the entire northern half of the floor and has views Divine Inspiration in Burbank, a church whose of downtown Chicago and Lake Michigan. The congregation is mostly Human 2.0. An attack busy airspace of Chicagoland is abuzz with VTOL by what appeared to be super-powered gangers. transports, and the orange, hazy air of the city Dozens of families were injured in the attack. A makes the view look like a painting. The chief’s desk man and his family, a wife and three children, were is a full 3 meters across and made from ornately all killed. carved African Blackwood. The carvings on the desk Azeeza will explain that the other news outlets depict extinct African mega-fauna, lions, elephants, are reporting the attack as an unfortunate battery giraffes, and water buffalo. explosion and fire, and not an attack. This version of Teklu will make the squad wait while he reads the story comes directly from the Southern Chicago from a datapad, letting the silence of the room Sector Security. Azeeza has surveillance and witness build tension. After what seems like an hour, he recordings of the attack that clearly show Purity First finally looks up and addresses the squad. He’s not gangers using superpowers to destroy the church. pleased, he’s gotten reports that the squad has been What Azeeza needs to break the story open is the talking to press. He knows about the meeting the source of X Factor. She knows the Muerto 13 and Lil’ squad had with Azeeza that morning. He’s orders Loco is distributing it, but if she could find out who the squad to stop all association with any member is making it and get evidence of the cover-up, she of the press. They must turn over any evidence or could break the story open. Even the major DataNet intelligence they might have on the new drug that’s outlets couldn’t ignore that. been reported in southern Chicago and are to Her plan is to get a repeater dongle installed on a cease and desist all investigative activities regarding Muerto 13 datapad or computer, giving her access that alleged new narcotic. He also tells the squad to their system and records. She explains even street that they are on administrative probation starting gangs keep computer records, and she’ll only need a immediately, and any infraction could lead to few minutes of access to get what she needs. (If the immediate suspension or termination. squad has a Hacker, she can certainly help. Azeeza The squad might suspect that Teklu has them will need her to hack the local security to get access. under surveillance. The truth is, he doesn’t. He’s Maybe even install a ‘back door’ instead of the watching Azeeza and saw the images of the squad repeater dongle.) having lunch with her. • AZEEZA LANGAH: See Cast of Characters.

173 OFF THE BOOKS Lil’ Loco will show up the moment the squad makes entry into the office building. (For Lil’ Loco, he squad must decide. If they go after the use the GANG LEADER in The Player’s Guide to TMuerto 13 and try to plant the repeater 2095, page @@. He is a Wild Card, so he gets 2 dongle, they’ll be going it alone and off the Bennies and has 3 Wounds.) He’ll tell the squad books in an unauthorized operation. They won’t they better run, that the cops are on their way. have access to their usual duty gear, which is He’ll tell them he has a legitimate business here, secured at headquarters after every shift. They and if the cops catch them, they’re going to get won’t have their squad car, their weapons, armor, tossed into the Chicago Penal Sector with the rest communication gear, nothing. of his ‘familia’. The crew will need to get their gear from the If the squad makes it into the warehouse and Black Market, (see Player’s Guide to 2095, page they make a successful Notice roll, they will a @@.) They’ll have to use their own cryptos to get pallet of auto-injectors identical to the one they the gear they’ll need for the infiltration. found in the Gary Hell Zone. The packaging on the pallet reads GreyMatter Evolutions, but LOCATION – LIL’ LOCO’S HIDEOUT no address.

il’ Loco’s lair is an abandoned post war • AZEEZA LANGAH: See Cast of Characters. Lwarehouse in Little Cuba. The building • MEURTO 13 GANG MEMBERS: See Borg is surrounded by a three-meter fence topped Thugs, Experienced Borgs, Gang Soldiers and with concertina wire. Surveillance cameras sit Gang War Chief on page @@. atop fence posts every 10 meters and at every • LIL’ LOCO: See Gang Leaderon page @@. corner. The warehouse has large loading bays He’s a Wild Card. on either side, with what looks like an office on the northern end. At night, the place is lit CONCLUSION with powerful LED lamps, and armed patrols S constantly roam the grounds. il’ Loco is good to his word. Within a few It is up to the squad how they want to approach Lrounds of making his threat, the southern GN this. They can go fast and hard, shooting their way sector Heavy Introduction Unit, along with in to plant the dongle, or try to sneak in. Azeeza Colonel Teklu arrive. The squad can try to escape will wait in her utility van, datapad in hand ready and run, which would set up a Chase with the to activate the dongle the moment it’s planted. HIU in pursuit. They might be able to escape She will not actively participate in the intrusion through the tunnels under the warehouse if

I T CAMPA except to remotely defeat some security measure they find them, but these lead directly to the

N or another. Chicago Penal Sector and the warm embrace I For the Muerto 13 gang members, use whatever of the Mexican Mafia, and a whole other set of combination of Borg Thugs, Experienced Borgs, fun Savage Tales. The tunnels could also have

T PO Gang Soldier, and Gang War Chief you feel is some denizens of their own that could prove appropriate. If you truly want to challenge the challenging to the squad. squad, throw in a Cyber Hound or two to shake If the squad does get away but doesn’t handle

: PLO things up. the video surveillance of Lil’ Loco’s headquarters, The only computer systems in the compound they’ll be called in by Teklu the next day and are in the office section of the building. Plugging put on administrative leave. It is possible that REE the dongle into any active computer will send the squad could get away clean here, and that’s H a ping to Azeeza, and she’ll start her work. fine as well. Teklu will suspect them but will have She needs 2d6 rounds to get the information no evidence. she needs, and the dongle must stay in place. If they surrender, the HIU will place them in T TER Removing it and plugging it back in means she’ll restraints and treat them like criminals. They have to start all over. will ignore the obvious evidence of the drug trade happening at the warehouse, asking each CHAP

1 74 A FAC other if they see anything other than a breaking It doesn’t take long for Azeeza to contact the and entering by a bunch of disgruntled off-duty squad. She gives them the information she got sector cops. from the intrusion, that she’s found the company T O Colonel Teklu will be furious and will place the name and the scientist responsible for creating R OF X entire squad on administrative leave pending X Factor, Doctor Chul-Soo of GreyMatter termination the minute he sees them. He’ll tell the Evolutions. HIU to remove the restraints and tell the squad She wants to meet but warns them they are all they are lucky to be leaving with their freedom. under surveillance. Azeeza can shake hers, but What Teklu and Lil’ Loco don’t know is if Azeeza the squad will have to get creative to defeat the was able to find what she needed. drones that have been tailing them since they were put on leave. • SECTOR CHIEF TEKLU: See Cast of Characters. • AZEEZA LANGAH: See Cast of Characters. • HEAVY INTERDICTION UNIT: See Cast of • SURVIELLANCE DRONES (One per squad Characters. member): Ravenlocke Securities Firefly, see The Player’s Guide to 2095 page @@. CASE #5 - FINDING TURTLE CLEARING THEIR NAMES his Savage Tale is can be run immediately Tafter Lil’ Loco, but there’s room for other he only way out of this mess is to clear their Savage Tales. The squad is on administrative leave Tnames by exposing GreyMatter and the and are facing termination and perhaps criminal conspiracy with the Southern Chicago Sector charges, but they can do some private work or Security. The problem is Azeeza has no idea continue to investigate things on their own. Late where the GreyMatter lab, or Dr. Chul-Soo is. She one day after being put on leave, they hear from does have a lead. the last person in Chicago they wanted to hear Azeeza’s been contacted by the last of the from, Azeeza Langah. gang Purity First. Turtle, one of the gangers the Azeeza tells the squad there’s a way to clear their squad chased in the Yorktown Shopping, has names. The squad must find the last of the Purity gone back ‘home’ to the Gary Hell Zone to hide. First gang named Turtle. The squad encountered He contacted Azeeza and told her that Purity Turtle at the Yorktown Shopping Complex. He’s First is being hunted down and killed by heavily since been released from the Penal Colony and is armed sector cops, and he wants to ‘surrender’ hiding in the Gary Hell Zone to survive. If Turtle to someone who can offer him safe passage out was killed during Wilding at Yorktown, use one of the Zone. of the other Purity First gang members who Azeeza doesn’t know where in the GHZ Turtle survived. If none of them survived, make up a new is hiding, but he’s the key to unlocking the whole gang member for the squad to find. conspiracy.


t this point, the squad’s backs should be inding Turtle should be no easy feat. He’s Aagainst the wall. If there’s been any time Fa long-time resident of the GHZ, and he between Lil’ Loco and the start of this tale, knows his way around. During the search there’s they’ve spent that time conferencing with union more than a few obstacles in the squad’s way. representatives and attorneys, trying to figure a Residents: Any street gangs tough enough to way out of their legal problems. The news is grim, carve out a space in the Hell Zone, won’t want Sector Chief Teklu is out for blood and he wants anyone walking through their territory without their jobs. The squad is also aware that they are paying a toll. They also won’t be very helpful or now under constant surveillance. forthcoming with any information about Turtle

175 unless the squad can convince them they are and manufacturing plant for X Factor. If they trying to save him. let Azeeza know this, she tells them the lab will Bio-Horrors: There are random bio-horrors have all the evidence they’ll need to expose who have taken up residence in the GHZ. The GreyMatter, Dr. Chul-Soo, and the dirty cops in squad could run into one in any dark alley or the Southern Sector. abandoned building. They are always looking for a quick and easy meal. CASE #6 – A LONG NIGHT The HIU: The Southern Sector Heavy IN THE STEELYARDS Interdiction Unit is actively patrolling the GHZ looking for any member of Purity First, especially his case can be run immediately after Finding Turtle. If they spot the squad, they’ll just open fire. TTurtle, or the squad, as private citizens, can To find Turtle, the squad could use Social find some adventures of their own. They might Networking. The whole thing could be an be fully on the run at this point, especially if they extended Dramatic Task as well, peppered with were identified by the HIU. The squad should be a few encounters. Gunfire in the Hell Zone is a well into Veteran at this point, but they are on regular occurrence, so the squad won’t attract the run and without the usual gear and loadouts any undue attention if they get into a violent that comes with being a sector cop. They’ve situation. gone rogue and are trying to expose a dangerous Once Turtle has been found it’ll take a bit for conspiracy while clearing their names. them to convince him they are there to help. The If you run interviewing adventure between last time Turtle saw the squad they were chasing Finding Turtle and A Long Night in the Steelyards him through the Yorktown Shopping Complex. the squad will have Turtle in tow. This won’t be With some effort, the squad should be able to easy because Turtle, though somewhat humbled convince Turtle that they are his only way out. by his recent near-death experiences, is still a Having the HIU enter the scene as they talk with human purist and will say terrible things to any Turtle might help convince the ganger of the squad member who isn’t a Human 1.0. S squad’s good intentions and will certainly bring some conflict to the scene. GETTING THE CALL GN If the HIU does catch the squad talking with Turtle, that’s an excellent reason to run a Chase urtle will be anxious to tell the squad where scene out of the GHZ, either on foot or in a Tthe lab is. He just wants to find a safe place vehicle. If the squad does get caught in a chase, to hunker down and get a hot meal. He also has use the Complications Table from Case #3 – a security card for the lab that he lifted from one

I T CAMPA Rumble in the Hell Zone. of the workers. The card should open the outer

N doors of the facility. I • TURTLE: See Wilding at Yorktown. Azeeza is also anxious to get any information • BIO-HORRORS: See pages @@ to @@. she can from GreyMatter Horizon. She needs •

T PO GANGERS / RESIDENTS: Use Extras from proof that these drugs are being manufactured page @@ to @@. in Chicagoland, and she wants to find the • HEAVY INTRADICTION UNIT: See Cast of direct connection between GreyMatter and the

: PLO Characters. Southern Sector Security. She gives the squad another repeater dongle and wishes them luck. CONCLUSION REE • See Wilding at Yorktown. H TURTLE: f the squad gets Turtle out of the Gary Hell • AZEEZA LANGAH: See Cast of Characters. IZone, he’ll tell them that the Purity First gang got the first delivery of X Factor directly T TER from a place called Greyzone Horizons, or some such thing. What the squad learns is that Turtle can lead them to the GreyMatter Horizons lab CHAP

176 A FAC

THE LAB IN THE STEELYARDS • HINA ‘MS. TITAN’ MAHAT: Use the Experienced Borg on page @@. She is a Wild urtle tells the squad that the GreyMatter Card with 2 Bennies and 3 Wounds. T O Horizon’s lab is deep in the Chicago T R OF X Steelyards, an inhospitable stretch of the Chicagoland southern shoreline. The facility is LOCATION–GREY MATTER HORIZONS built like a fortress to keep the denizens of the nearby Gary Hell Zone out. It’s built on an old t first glance, it doesn’t look like there’s any dock with two broken cranes that the lab uses as Aplace to put a lab and a manufacturing watchtowers. plant. If the squad watches for a while, they’ll see Breaking into the GreyMatter Horizon’s lab civilian personnel leaving the Conex stack from presents some difficult challenges. The yard hidden doors, and other personnel leaving the is constantly patrolled by a pair of RS Echelon ‘abandoned’ small cargo ship. Security Robots. Even in darkness, the squad can The Conex stack has been hollowed out and see the three horizontal orange optic ports of the houses the manufacturing plant. The interior of Echelons as they march through the yard, one the stack is one large space lit by modern LED clockwise and the other counterclockwise. lighting. There is an area filled with sophisticated There are two ten-story tall loading cranes machinery where the drugs are made, along with in the yard as well. The cranes no longer work, a robot-controlled assembly line where the drugs but they’ve now been outfitted with large LED are pressed into auto-injectors. The other half of search lights that can flood the entire area with the space is filled with storage racks that house stark white light in a single beam. Each tower is pallets of X Factor. manned by two Ravenlocke Security guards. The abandoned tanker ship, called the Grey The head of security is a woman named Hina Bounty, is also a ruse. The superstructure and ‘Ms. Titan’ Mahat, a veteran mercenary who has below decks have been converted into a modern settled into a ‘retirement’ job for Ravenlocke laboratory space. Contrary to the exterior, the lab Securities. space is sterile white ceramic walls and clear glass. Raising any alarms in the yard will bring a Everything is lit by the display walls, which are squad of five guards, Ms. Titan and one of the filled with blue text showing complex chemical Echelon robots. Any kind of gunfight will bring equations and scrolling data. an additional squad of guards in 2d4 rounds. The If the squad is caught inside the manufacturing second Echelon robot will not abandon its patrol the plant, the workers will not stand and fight. no matter the circumstances. Instead, they’ll use the robots to attack the squad. The loading dock has a large stack of Conex There are six robots. storage containers. The stack is five containers long, seven containers wide, and four to six MANUFACTURING ROBOT containers high. There is a small office building near the front gate. Still tied to the dock is an old Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit -, Strength 260-foot tanker ship. It has a 3-story main castle d10, Vigor d8 and a flat deck for stacking containers. The ship Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6 used to be blue and white but is now mostly bare Pace: 4, Parry: 5, Toughness: 12 (4) metal and rusted. Edges: None Special Abilities: • RS ECHELON SECURITY ROBOT (2): see • Armor +4 Player’s Guide to 2094, page @@. • Construct: +2 to recover from being shaken, • RAVENLOCKE SECURITY GUARDS: For all Ignores 1 point of wound penalties, does not the guards use, the SWAT Trooper om page breath for suffer from disease or poison. @@. • Robot Mind: Immune to Tests against Spirit • Resilient: Can take One Wound before they are incapacitated.

177 The lab doesn’t have any robots, but the squad should be able to find the office of Chul-Soo, the CASE #7 –TANGLE WITH CASH head chemist without any problem. The office has several computer stations and piles of records, all he squad is in some trouble now. If they of which would implicate GreyMatter Horizons Tescaped from the GreyMatter Horizon in the manufacturing of X Factor. A quick search facility in the Steelyards, they are on the run. of the office and a Successful Notice roll will If they’ve been arrested, they will be sent to the reveal a series of communications between most dangerous place in the city for a former cop, Dr. Chul-Soo and Southern Sector Chief Teklu. the Chicago Penal Sector. These communications are discussions between Run this Tale immediately after A Long Night the Doctor and Sector Chief about the testing in the Steelyards unless the squad got away. The of X Factor and using the Purity First and several squad should be well advanced into Veteran other gangs as subjects. It also outlines using or even Heroic at this point. They’ll need every Teklu’s connections with the Mexican Mafia and advantage they can get to survive this. Lil’ Loco for distribution. The Doctor’s office is a jackpot of evidence. GETTING THE CALL

• MANUFACTURING WORKERS: Has a d6 in he crew gets the call for this Tale as they are most Traits. No special gear. Tbussed into the main gate of the Chicago Penal Sector. Located just north of the Arlington SOUTHERN SECTOR’S FINEST Heights Rad Zone, the Penal Sector is a city within a city. It boasts fifteen-meter tall concrete walls nce the squad has found what they need all around, the tops of which are covered in thick Othey will hear the approaching sirens. By coils of razor wire. Tall watch towers stare into the the time they exit the lab they will see dozens sector every 50 meters along the wall, with the of Ravenlocke vehicles pulling up to the lab. It tallest towers, small skyscrapers onto themselves, S looks like the entire Southern Sector Security is at each of the four corners of the wall. rolling up to the dockyard. They can even see two GN Ravenlocke marine units pulling up next to the UPON ARRIVAL tanker ship. The squad is surrounded. They have a few he squad is in a street train made up of an moments to plan, but things are looking very Tengine and seven secure transportation cars. grim. Fighting their way out can only end one way. Each car is packed with one-hundred inmates,

I T CAMPA If they surrender, Sector Chief Teklu orders them some nervous, some bored, but all heading to

N to be arrested and booked. lock up. The squad feels the eyes of the other I inmates on them the whole trip. • SECTOR COPS: Use Swat Trooper on page @@. The street train comes to a halt in a large empty

T PO indoor space. Built specifically for the loading CONCLUSION and off-loading of inmates, this long, rectangular room is brightly lit with LED lights running the

: PLO t’s always possible that the squad could find length of the ceiling. Down the middle of the Ia way out of the shipyard without being space bare plati-steel columns hold up the tall arrested, but highly unlikely. If they do escape, roof, and along the walls is a caged in catwalk REE they are now wanted felons and every sector where dozens of Ravenlocke Security personnel, H cop and bounty hunter in Chicagoland will be all armed with long weapons, watch as more after them. Security personnel orders the new inmates off If they are arrested, they are stripped, searched, the transports. T TER booked, and transported to the Chicago As soon as the squad climbs off the transport Penal Sector. one of them will be attacked by three inmates, one of which is armed with a shiv. They will try CHAP

178 A FAC to sneak up on the squad member to get The A COED PRISON SYSTEM Drop on them.

Modern prisons separate male and female T inmates for a variety of reasons. It’s a real O

PENAL SECTOR INMATE R OF X possibility that your squad of sector cops Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, is made up of both men and women and Strength d8, Vigor d8 separating them would be problematic and Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, detrimental to your gaming session, so the Fighting d8, Intimidate d8, Notice d6, Persuasion Chicago Penal Sector does not separate d4, Stealth d6 inmates. The D2 pod contains men, women, Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 7 trans and gender-nonspecific inmates. The Hindrances: Ruthless cells should be segregated, so cell D2-12 Edges: Brawler might be a female cell and D2-21 is a Gear: Shiv (Str + d4) non-specific cell, but they all share the D2 After 2 rounds of fighting, everyone will hear common space. several shots ring out. Most of the inmates, Sexual assault is a real problem in modern especially those who have been in the Penal prisons and is one of the main reasons for Sector before, will drop to the ground on their segregation. This Plot Point Campaign and bellies, their fingers interlaced behind their head. Tale doesn’t address this issue. It’s a game If a squad member was injured, she’ll be roughly after all, and subjects like this just aren’t hauled off to the infirmary for stitches. If no one something we like ‘playing with’ in our lei- was injured everyone involved in the fight, even sure time. Your table is your table, however. the squad members, will be hauled to Ad Sec If you and your players are comfortable for a night. tackling these issues do as you please.

• RAVENLOCKE SECURITY PERSONNEL: Use SWAT Trooper, page @@. the new guys to their cells. He introduces himself as Cash, the cell boss. As soon as the security SURVIVING THE SECTOR officer leaves Cash smiles and tells the squad he is in charge. He also tells them he may be half a he squad is housed together in a pod of the rhino, but he hates pigs. TPenal Sector called Deta 2, or the 2nd pod Cash, and the rest of the pod for that matter, are of the D building. The pod is two-stories high aware that the squad are former sector cops. Lil’ and located on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Loco and the Muerto 13 got word to the Chicago D building. It has a main common room with Penal Sector that the squad was on their way, and circular tables and chairs, all of which are metal everyone is eagerly waiting for the chance to get and permanently bolted to the floor. Along the their hands on them and welcome them properly. western and northern walls are the cells, each 3 The Ravenlocke security guards in Delta 2 are meters by 4 meters and with enough bunks for happy to look the other way, but they can’t 10 inmates a piece. A central stairway leads to the ignore the obvious and no one wants to catch second level, which overlooks the common area an extra murder charge, so the inmates must and is identically laid out with cells. wait for the right opportunity. There’s also jail The normally cacophonous noise of the pod politics that must be considered. Whoever gets becomes instantly silent the moment the squad to finish off a former sector cop will earn some enters. All eyes are on them. After a moment the cred, a valuable commodity in lock up. There are squad, carrying all their new belongings including heated discussions going on behind the scenes to their mattress, can start to hear whispers. Finally, determine who will get that privilege. a mountain of a rhino hybrid stands from one of Finally, the squad isn’t an easy target. Any squad the tables and walks up to the squad. He tells the member who has a Street Cred of d8 or better security officer he has it from there, and he’ll get might even find an ally or two in the pod, an

179 enemy of Cash or the Mexican Mafia who could smallish man with thick, round glasses and slicked see the squad member as muscle or an advantage back black hair. The secret he’s keeping is that he’s in their politics. a bioroid, a synthetic man. He was vat grown to be used as replacement body parts for a wealthy • CASH THE POD BOSS: See Cast of Characters. gargoyle businessman, but he escaped the facility years ago. He was engineered with a brilliant mind A DEADLY SANDBOX and found a use for it with the SSST. Dox may see the squad as an opportunity to get rid of Cash un the squad’s time in Chicago Penal Sector and give himself some breathing room. Of course, Ras a sandbox adventure. Introduce some of he might just hate them like everyone else. the NPCs listed below and make up a host of your Feel free to add as many factions and NPCs as own and see what the squad does. The NPCs are you can handle, the more the merrier. The squad only presented with their nicknames. should feel constant pressure when they are in D2. C0MPL3X: A rare sight in the Prison Sector, Everyone there wants something, and no matter C0mpl3x is a Human 2.0. She’s tall with shining how useful the squad may be to some, they are dark chestnut brown skin, penetrating black eyes still considered the enemy. and silken hair. Even in prison, where everyone looks ill-kept after the first day, C0mpl3x sparkles. CONCLUSION She’s also extremely dangerous. She’s in prison waiting trail for thirteen murder charges. She How long the squad spends in CPS is up to you worked as an assassin for a mysterious employer and the squad. The possibilities for tense, action she won’t divulge under any circumstances. So far, packed scenarios are almost limitless. Eventually she’s risen above all of the pod politics, but if she the squad gets what information they may sees an opportunity to seize power, she’ll take it, have been able to sneak out of the GreyMatter either by eliciting the aid of the squad members Horizon’s lab to Azeeza, or she publishes the data or by killing one of them. she’s already got. When the story of what’s going S JUMBO THE TURK: Jumbo is the leader of a on at GreyMatter hits the major news outlets small group of Bratva-Vory that are housed in D2. won’t be able to ignore it, and the conspiracy will GN He’s not Turkish but he was given the nickname become the headline for days. What’s worse is the by Cash when he arrived, and it’s stuck since then. Chicago Defense Force decides to get involved, Jumbo is a cyborg with an artificial left arm and and Obsidian Wolf himself, Obed Lothem, vows eye. Like all cyborgs in the CPS, his augmentations to get to the bottom of things. Vids are shown have a regulator on them that makes them act as every 15 minutes of the Obsidian Wolf and a

I T CAMPA normal limbs. On the streets, Jumbo was a fierce group of his Defense Force personnel raiding the

N enforcer who knew how to use his augmentations dockyard facilities of GreyMatter Horizons and I to his advantage. (Augmented Warrior Edge.) If taking Dr. Chul-Soo off in restraints. the Bratva-Vory could take some glory away Eventually, the charges against the squad will be

T PO from the Mexican Mafia by killing the sector dropped and they’ll be released from the Chicago cops themselves, they’d be delighted. Of course, Penal Sector as free men and women. the new blood could also help tip the balance of

: PLO power in the pod if they were allies. DOX’WSHIQUWE: The leader of a small group of South Side Storm Troopers living in D2, he REE and the other three members try to keep to H themselves in D2-211, a second-floor cell against the west wall. They’ve set up their cell like a small fortress, with a member always on guard T TER outside of the cell. DOX is a former washer for the SSST, he was an expert at cleaning club money and redistributing it as spendable crypto. He’s a CHAP

180 A FAC

It’s a rainy, cold night when the squad arrives. CASE #8 - SAVING AZEEZA Hints of a far off stormfront and the occasional rumble of thunder can be heard. T O t’s up to you and your campaign whether The hanger is a large, rectangular building 50 feet R OF X Ithe squad walks out of prison and back into across and 45 feet deep. Like all hangers, it has their jobs as sector security. This final Tale works one large door on the south end, and a standard whether they are back on the job or not. It might door on its east and west walls. This hanger was be fun to keep the squad as civilians for a while, bult specifically for VTOLs, and the roof retracts but the players may be anxious to get back to a in four large folding panels. It’s a premanufactured pure Protect & Serve campaign. plasti-steel box. The only lights are some standing For this Tale, the squad will need access LED work lights Teklu set up in the center of the to combat gear. Whether that’s through the hanger to illuminate the bound and gagged Southern Sector quartermaster or weapons they Azeeza. There are three VTOL cars, one of which get from the black market is up to you. Teklu has warming up for their escape, two VTOL Bikes and a VT Valkyrie. (See The Player’s Guide GETTING THE CALL to 2095, page @@.) The members of the HIU will lie in ambush in pon release, the squad finds out that and around the hanger and wait for the squad. Uformer Southern Sector Security Chief Teklu will wait in a folding chair next to Azeeza, Mamo Tigebu Teklu is a wanted fugitive on the who has been taped to another folding chair in run. A warrant has been signed for his arrest the middle of the hanger. The plan is to ambush and for the arrest of the members of the Heavy the squad while Teklu brags, then take the VTOL Interdiction Unit. Car and escape to Denver. They will dump Azeeza Within a day of release the squad will be out of the VTOL along the way. contacted by an unknown caller. It’s Teklu’s voice, If the fight with the squad starts to turn against but all the squad sees is Azeeza, bound to a chair the HIU and Teklu, he’ll snatch up Azeeza and and gagged. She looks terrified, her brown eyes jump into the VTOL. He has a remote to open the opened wide as she tries to breathe through the roof, which takes 2 rounds, and once clear he’ll thick silver tape over her mouth. The squad can take off and try to escape. hear Teklu’s unmistakable voice off camera telling them he has Azeeza, and if they ever want to see IN PURSUIT her again the squad will come, unarmed, to GYY at midnight. He also tells them if they involve eklu and the remaining members of the HIU Ravenlocke or any other agency, he’ll leave her Thave taken off in a VTOL with Azeeza. Rain for dead and they’ll never find him. is starting to fall in heavy sheets as they take off. As if to announce their ascent, the night sky • FORMER SECTOR CHIEF TEKLU: See Cast flashes bright white with high altitude lightning. of Characters. Moments later the heavy crash of thunder echoes in the hanger. TEKLU’S PLOT There are two VTOL cars, two VTOL Bikes and a VT Valkyrie left in the hanger. Any squad ormer Sector Chief Teklu is seeking member who makes a Successful Notice roll will Fvengeance. He blames the squad for his see a lockbox on the wall that might contain the current situation. Everything was fine until those control fobs for the vehicles. Hacking the lockbox meddling squad members got involved. open, or ‘hotwiring’ the vehicles takes 3 rounds Teklu and his ‘chromies’, the former members and a requires a Successful Hacking roll. The of the Heavy Interdiction Unit, are in a private hack will require the use of a TAP. A Raise means hanger at GYY. the squad can hack the lockbox or vehicle in 2 rounds. If the squad can’t hack the systems, they

181 ARIAL CHASE COMPLICATIONS CARD COMPLICATION Spades Lightning strike: The VTOL takes a lightning strike to the engine compartment. The engines temporarily shut off. As an action, one of the squad members must make a Repair roll at -2 to restart the engine. The VTOL is bumped this turn. Hearts Rain in sheets as thick as lead: A heavy gust of wind blows in everyone’s face. As a free action, everyone in the vehicle must make an Athletics roll or be Distracted until the end of their next turn. Diamonds Heavy tilt left: The VTOL must make an unexpected turn left to avoid another vehicle. All the passen-gers, (not the driver), must make an Athletics roll at -2 or be Vulnerable. On a Critical Failure, the passen-ger is tossed from the passenger compartment and is hanging on the side. Clubs DIVE!: A drone appears from nowhere and the driver must put the VTOL in a sharp descent to avoid it. Make a Maneuvering roll at -2 or the vehicle is Bumped. Joker Cut them off: The driver spots a shortcut, through a tunnel or under a crowded pedestrian bridge. Make a Maneuvering roll at +2. A Success grants an extra Chase Card advancement.

can use Repair or Electronics at -2 to hotwire the CONCLUSION VTOLs instead. Set up a Chase with 9 cards. Place Teklu and the apturing or killing Teklu and HIU, and HIU on the third card if the squad was able to get Ceventually saving Azeeza, means the squad into the air in 2 rounds, or the 4th card if it took has saved the day. Azeeza’s story has exposed them 3 rounds. The squad starts on the first card. GreyMatter Horizons and their operation is being The Maneuvering Skill is Piloting or Driving at -2. investigated by the Chicago city officials. The The range increment is 15. squad has removed a dangerous new drug from Teklu will try to Flee as soon as he can. Each the city streets, brought down an evil corporation round he will make a Piloting roll to get as far and exposed corruption in their own department. S away as possible while he relies on the remaining members of the HIU to shoot back at the squad. AFTER THE PLOT POINT GN If the squad makes it to the same card, they will threaten to throw Azeeza out of the VTOL. t the conclusion of A Factor of X, the squad If the driver is dealt a club, use the following Ashould be Heroic Tier or maybe higher. Aerial Chase Complications table. They’ve saved the city from a conspiracy that was Shooting the VTOL out from under Teklu killing dozens of innocent civilians, but they’ve

I T CAMPA and the HIU isn’t the answer. That would mean also lost their jobs with Sector Security.

N that Azeeza will plummet to certain doom. The There’s plenty of ways to continue a game after I squad must Board the other VTOL to save Azeeza. the Plot Point Campaign. The squad could go Leaping aboard a speeding VTOL that’s streaking back to work for Sector Security, their names

T PO through the skies several hundred feet from the are now cleared. They can continue to Protect & surface in a lightning storm should be a daunting Serve until retirement. task, but the squad members are heroes. Play up They could also take jobs as private security,

: PLO the tension and danger of the chase. maybe travelling the world or even going to outer space. They could also go on as private • FORMER SECURITY CHIEF TEKLU: See Cast citizens and get embroiled in the Cyberpunk PPC REE of Characters. The Eighth Fragment, and the circumstances H • HEAVY INTRADICTION UNIT: See Cast of surrounding the Artificial Intelligence Charon Characters and the 5.5.5.. • AZEEZA LANGAH: See Cast of Characters. T TER CHAP

182 A FAC

Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d6, Common CAST OF CHARACTERS Knowledge d8, Healing d10, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Research d10, Repair d10, Science T O d12, Stealth d6 SECTOR CHIEF COLONEL MAMO R OF X TIGEBU TEKLU Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 5 Strain: 6 amo Teklu is a tall, well-built man with Hindrances: Delusional (Believes every and all Mebony skin and bald head. He stands almost conspiracy theory), Phobia (The color blue), unnaturally straight, and he’s athletically built Quirk (Talks about the conspiracy theories with wide shoulders and a thin waist. He is always constantly) seen wearing the best tailored suits. Edges: Mr. Fix It, Scholar, Healer If anyone were asked to use one word to Gear: Tier 4 TAP, Nanite Cellular Regenerator, 3 X describe him it would be precise. He notices Stimulant Inhaler, Trauma Stabilizer, Triage Patch, everything and is a deeply intelligent man with the equivalent of a Community Hospital great ambition. Tech: Chimera Industries GNOSys Augmentation Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d10, Spirit d6, (Causes his Hindrances) Strength d8, Vigor d8 Skills: Athletics d6, Battle d10, Common SUPTAN ISAEV, MASS MURDERER Knowledge d10, Fighting d8, Hacking d4, Intimidation d10, Notice d8, Persuasion d6, uptan Isaev is a disturbed man. Something Shooting d10, Stealth d6 Sin his past causes him to hate androids. Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 9 (4). Anytime he sees one he spends days thinking Strain: 6 about it, dreaming up different and wonderous Hindrances: Greedy, Vengeful ways to torture and dismember the creature. He Edges: Command, Command Presence, Hard to sees them as an infectious species, a blight on the Kill, Hold the Line, Strong Willed world and an insult to the Great Maker. Gear: Tier 4 TAP, ED The Guardian (Armor +3), RS Isaev believes in the purity of the human body, 007 Whisper Palm Pistol but he’s not adverse to some chemical aid from Tech: Bastion Cybertech Hi Power Self-defense time to time. He justifies this by telling people it’s Cyberlimbs, Gxarha Izibhamu Smartgun System not a change or alteration of the human form, but just an augmentation of what was created by the DR. BAIRD BISGAARD, STREET DOC higher powers. AND GARAGE GENE SPLICER Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6 r. Bair Bissgaard is a street doc and gene Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Dsplicer, running an underground surgical Fighting d6, Intimidate d8, Notice d6, Persuasion facility in south Chicago that services those who d4, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 want to stay off the radar. His most frequent Pace: 8, Parry: 5, Toughness: 7 (2) client, though, is himself. When he sees a piece of Hindrances: Ruthless, Vow (kill every Android biotech, he thinks he could benefit from he buys he sees) it and installs himself. His biggest problem is he Edges: Fleet Footed, Marksman, Thief likes the kind of biotech that causes the strangest Gear: Long, curved knife (Str + d6), AOG Prophet, side-effects, and it shows. Stun Gun Dr. Bisgaard has a well-stocked surgical facility, X Factor: Power Invisibility, Power Points 15 recovery rooms, and can install and repair any biotech and cyberware. He can also analyze any chemical compound. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d12, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

183 RAMA THE ANDROID Skills: Academics d6, Athletics d6, Common ama is one of a handful of androids who Knowledge d8, Electronics d6, Hacking d10, Rhad found some measure of peace working Notice d8, Persuasion d8, Research d8, Stealth in Chicago. She was a ‘free’ android, her former d6 owner died two years before and left it in his Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 5 will that she be released from duty. Her nature Strain: 6 lent itself a career in a manufacturing plant in Hindrances: Driven, Code of Honor, Curious southern Chicago, the repetitive nature of the Edges: Brave, Charismatic, Investigator, Streetwise, work didn’t bother her mechanical brain. She Hacker, Batch Edit, Cutter worked, she had ‘friends’, and she lived what Tech: TAP (IDS: 4, PAN: 4), Berger-Suisse Ocular passed for her life. Implants, ACME LMS LTD: System Support Then she was captured by Suptan Isaev, and Computer he destroyed all of that. He ambushed her and tucked her away in his ‘fun room.’ There, he HEAVY INTERDICTION UNIT played with her and several other androids for days before dispatching each of them with a lso known as Teklu’s Chromies, the Heavy single shot of electricity to the head. AInterdiction Unit, or HIU, is a handpicked In Rama’s case, he missed. Well, mostly. She group of the toughest warriors Teklu could find knows from internal diagnostics she’ll never in the Southern Sector. They are fanatically loyal recover, but she’s still alive. For now. to Teklu and will execute his orders no matter Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit d4, what they are. Strength d8, Vigor d8 There are 5 members of the HIU. For each, use Skills: Academics d8, Athletics d8, Common the SWAT Trooper, (page @@), as a base, and add Knowledge d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, the following: Pace: 6, Parry: 4, Toughness: 6 Hindrances: Dependency, Environmental • Sector Security Officer Glen ‘Banks’ S Weakness, Outsider (Major), Driven Welser: Bastion Cybertech Heavy-Cyber Abilities: Arms, Strain 8, Strength d10, Edges Steady GN • Construct Hands, Rock and Roll!, Rapid Fire. • Skilled • Sector Security Officer Tamara ‘Flechette’ • Strong Rupp: Benkei Bionics Medical Nanite, Kenta Cyber Dynamics Oyumi Infiltrator, Strain 7, AZEEZA LANGAH, INFOBROKER AND Edges Steady Hands, Gun Fu!, Enlightened

I T CAMPA INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER Gun Fu! • N Sector Security Officer Kioshi ‘Slice’ I zeeza Langah is a skilled hacker who uses Aguera: Kenta Cyber Dynamics Kenjutsu Athe handle Magpie and sees the injustices Cyber Arms, Masamune Systems Sanso,

T PO of the world around her. Unlike most residents of Strain 6, Skills Fighting d10, Edges Chicago, Azeeza is willing to do something about Ambidextrous, Cybermonk, Martial Artist, it, and she’s regarded in many circles as the best Martial Warrior, Two-Fisted • : PLO investigative reporter in the city. Sector Security Officer Gabriel ‘Tank’ De She’s a smallish woman with light mocha skin, Avila: Kenta Cyber Dynamics Dreadnaught dark hair, and bright gold glowing eyes. She has Cyber System, Strain 7, Vigor d8, Armor REE a pleasant way about her, and most people feel 15(8), +4 to resist airborne poisons H instantly comfortable when they meet her. She’s • Sector Security Sergeant Marco also shrewd and driven and uses her personal ‘Tiny’ Minyaya: AGA Gunhand, Benkei charm to her advantage when she must. Bionics Ashigaru Gunhand, Strain 9, Skills T TER Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit d8, Shooting d10, Edges Rapid Fire, Rock and Strength d6, Vigor d6 Roll! CHAP

184 A FAC CENAIDA THE EXONAUT enida has lived in the Gary Hell Zone her entire life, born and raised, and she’d have T C O it no other way. At a young age she realized her R OF X survival depended on the company she kept, so she joined what she though was the toughest gang around, the Neon Forsaken. That, and she liked the clothes. As she grew up, she found she had a knack with robots and drones. Now she’s one of the gang’s leaders, and the person they all call on when things get tough. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d6, Fighting d6, Notice d6, Persuasion d6, Piloting d8, Repair d6, Shooting d8, Stealth d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 6(2) Hindrances: Loyal, Small Edges: Beast Bond (Drones), Beast Master (Drones), Batch Edit Gear: AOG Jericho Assault Drone, Fire Support Drone


ash is MMFL, Mexican Mafia For Life. He Cwas born in Little Cuba and will die in the Chicago Penal Sector unless he decides to leave. He runs the 2nd pod of the Delta building in the PS, or Penal Sector. Cash was a street enforcer for the Muerto 13 before he was arrested. He’s a hybrid, a half man half rhino. He’s a towering figure standing almost 7 feet tall and weighing over 300 pounds. Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Common Knowledge d4, Fighting d8, Intimidate d8, Notice d6, Persuasion d4, Stealth d6 Pace: 6, Parry: 6, Toughness: 9 Hindrances: Ruthless, Quirk (Direct and forthright) Edges: Brawler, Combat Reflexes Abilities: • Horn: (Str + d8, +4 damage at the end of one Fighting action in which it Runs, moves at least 5’ (10 yards), and successfully hits with its horns.) • Size +1