Abdullah Ahmed Althabt

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Abdullah Ahmed Althabt THE ROLE OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES IN LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: THE CASE OF ARRIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA By Abdullah Ahmed Althabt PhD Thesis School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape Newcastle University Thesis Supervisors Prof. Frank Moulaert Dr. Susannah Gunn ( August 2013 ) Abstract This research was initially concerned with the delivery of balanced development to localities from central development planning and strategies. The scope of the study targeted the regional level as a medium that may facilitate the delivery of development, and as an instrument for national development planning to reach localities. The aim of the research was to make recommendations on optimizing regional instruments for the spatial allocation of development resources in Saudi Arabia. The research is centred on Saudi Arabia. The critical studies of spatial development in this country have revealed the current situation, of a central planning system that is organized in a governance structure that assigns to regional bodies the basic role of progressing socioeconomic development. The studies are in almost complete agreement regarding the absence of an active role for regional planning, which is supposed to complement national policies and allow them to be delivered to localities. This has confirmed the need for in-depth investigation into the role of regional level intervention in facilitating local development. Intellectual studies undertaken have been based on regional development theories as well as regional development planning and policy. These studies formulated a conceptual framework for the research, which has emphasized the necessity of detailing the enquiry on regional development to be inclusive and to reflect actual local conditions. This includes the setting of factors for local economic production and the platform upon which the processes of development take place. They should be arranged to allow for the outcomes of economic development to reach all spaces and utilising all sectors, which takes place through the governance system. Accordingly this research has included an empirical enquiry, with interviews to gather detailed information regarding the practice of development in the field and to uncover the difficulties and deficiencies as perceived by the practitioners. The interviewees comprised key officials of the main governance and development institutions on national, regional and local levels. Arriyadh region was selected for this mission, including the Almajmaah County as representative of its localities. The study has produced results around two major foci: the first studying and analysing the current establishment and instruments for delivering regional development policies, the second exploring the institutional structures through which the available development resources are utilised in the planning system and activities: currently and prospectively. The results have revealed a lack of coherence in the governance system which has led to the disintegration of the institutional network in the country. The governance structure appears to lack the balanced distribution of devolution, administratively and financially. It also ignores the development of human resources in a way that reflects real needs and intended outcomes. Thus, the research confirms the need for a more coherent institutional arrangement at each spatial level and on the governance structure existing between the various spatial levels, while remaining consistent with the political system. The end result should be more autonomy for regional authorities, while maintaining national consistency. i Dedication This thesis is dedicated to: - My parents. - The souls of relatives and friends who passed away while I was away from my home country working on this research to achieve my dream. - The community of learners to whom I belong, and am proud to contribute back to them with this thesis. ii Acknowledgement I would like to comment, upon the completion of this work, that it has been a major part of my life. The people and institutions who are involved in a way or another in the production of this thesis are really part of my life now. I would like first to present my gratitude to King Saud University for offering me a scholarship. As a sponsor, King Saud University was supportive for all the needs that emerged during my study, including financing a field trip to carry out the case study. Without such valuable support, I would not have had the chance to complete my studies and achieve my dreamed ambition. On another side, I am indeed grateful to Professor Frank Moulaert for supervising my thesis. Professor Moulaert has been a strong, committed supervisor along the research journey. I learnt a lot from him both at the professional and personal level. He made himself available whenever needed. His input to the knowledge I have acquired during this research was tremendous and highly valuable. I believe that a big thank you to Frank does not give him justice. I also thank Mr Tim Shaw, the previous dean of SAPL, who was my second supervisor for the early stages of my research. He was keenly supportive and helpful especially in focusing the approach of my research within the wide range of relevant subjects. To this end, I must pay a tremendous appreciation to Dr Susannah Gunn who took over as a second supervisor. Dr Gunn was extremely supportive and encouraging at times when such humane consideration and support is most needed. I am indebted to her enormous and limitless help. I cannot see myself at this stage without her strong stance beside me until the very end. Last but not least, there are many people who were influential, inspiring and supportive at the personal level. I believe I was blessed with great friends whom I met during my stay in Newcastle upon Tyne. I spent the years of study within a wonderful community that provided me and my family with joy and warmth. The list of friends is long and beyond the scope of this brief acknowledgement. Indeed, I am thankful to Ghadah, my wife, who joined me on my travels and supported me consistently to achieve my goal. She has dedicated all her time to take care of me and our kids. This makes her a complete partner in this achievement. I also carry sense of appreciation to my cheerful kids: Abdulrahman, Sarah and Mohamed for their patience to my extended absence from home working on this research. The last and most important devotion of sincere appreciation is due to my parents. I will always be indebted to their true and continuous compassion as well as their permanent prayers they offer me. Above all the aforementioned, I devote all the grace to almighty ‘Allah’ for uncountable blessings I have obtained. iii Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................................... i Dedication ......................................................................................................................... ii Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................ iii Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... iv List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... xi List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... xii Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................................. xiii CHAPTER 1 : INTRODUCTION 1 - 1 Background ............................................................................................................... 2 1 - 1 - 1 Spatial levels of development (region and locality) ............................................. 3 1 - 1 - 2 Spatial development in Saudi Arabia ................................................................... 5 1 - 2 Purpose of the study .................................................................................................. 7 1 - 2 - 1 Research problem ................................................................................................ 8 1 - 2 - 2 Research aim ...................................................................................................... 10 1 - 2 - 3 Research strategy ............................................................................................... 10 1 - 2 - 4 Analytical questions ........................................................................................... 11 1 - 2 - 5 Scope of the study .............................................................................................. 12 1 - 3 Methodology ........................................................................................................... 13 iv CHAPTER 2 : THE RISE AND TRANSFORMATION OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLANNING IN SAUDI ARABIA 2 - 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................ 15 2 - 2 Background to development planning in Saudi Arabia .............................................. 16 2 - 2 - 1 Historical background to the political progress towards national development .....16 2 - 2 - 2 Progressive evolution of the institutional organization for development planning 18 2 - 2 - 3 The rise of regional level of development planning .................................................21
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