Interim Report 1 January–31 March, 1January–31 2005

Kungsleden 1 January–31 March 2005

• Profit after financial items was SEK 129 (83) m and net profit was SEK 114 (142) m, equivalent to SEK 6.00 (7.50) per share. • Kungsleden’s rental revenues and operating net increased by 4 per cent and 4 per cent, to SEK 382 (369) m and SEK 264 (253) m respectively. • Six properties were divested for SEK 155 m in the period, generating profits of SEK 20 m and a cash flow of SEK 30 m; 70 properties were acquired for SEK 2,357 m. • Kungsleden is reiterating its forecast of profit for calculating dividends of SEK 600 m for the financial year 2005.

KUNGSLEDEN’S BUSINESS CONCEPT, the most accurate possible impression of the present situation VISION AND STRATEGY and earnings capacity. Kungsleden owns and manages properties, generating high and stable long-term returns. 31 Mar. SEK/ 31 Dec. SEK/ Earnings capacity, SEK m 2005 sq.m 2005 sq.m Kungsleden’s vision is that by means of skilled entrepreneur- Rental revenues 1,754 773 1,450 737 ship and a high level of expertise, Kungsleden will become Operating and maintenance costs –436 –192 –334 –171 ’s most profitable and successful property company. Property tax –50 –22 –43 –22 Ground rent –21 –9 –19 –10 Operating net 1,247 550 1,054 536 We intend to achieve our objectives by: • Enhancing our skilled and businesslike organisation; Book value 15,766 13,291 Property yield, % 7.9 7.9 • Pursuing customer satisfaction through the active manage- Economic occupancy, % 93.2 93.4 ment and enhancement of our property holding; Profit margin, % 71.0 72.7 • Proceeding from our existing holding, and through acquisi- Floor-space, 000 sq.m. 2,268 1,966 tions and disposals, assuring high long-term returns. Property trading in the period exerted a positive impact on Kungsleden pursues the objective of continuously enhancing earnings capacity. In terms of sales price, divested properties’ its portfolio’s risk-adjusted returns. The corporation strives to property yields were 4.9 per cent, while the estimated property constantly maintain high and stable cash flow from operations. yield of acquired properties was 7.9 per cent. Moreover, Kungsleden minimises operating risk by diversifica- The divested properties’ risk-adjusted returns were lower tion in terms of property type, geographical market, tenants than, and acquired properties’ higher than, the portfolio average and by spreading rental contract maturities over time. Kung- risk-adjusted return. sleden avoids development projects, because typically, they Property management had a neutral impact on earnings imply significant cash flow uncertainty. Kungsleden utilises capacity. property trading, which by experience can be successful re- gardless of general economic conditions, to enhance its port- Kungsleden’s results folio’s risk-adjusted returns. Profit for the period was SEK 114 m, a SEK 28 m decrease on the previous year. Return on equity was 11 (16) per cent. The PROFIT property yield was 7.2 per cent in actual terms and 7.9 per Earnings capacity cent in terms of earnings capacity. The actual property yield The continuous realignment of our property holding means at should be viewed in the context of the first quarter normally any given time, the Income Statement does not offer the most being Kungsleden’s worst. accurate impression of earnings capacity. Instead, earnings The operating net increased by SEK 11 m, because Kungs- capacity indicates the appearance of the Income Statement leden’s profit margin grew from 68.6 per cent to 69.0 per cent, as if the properties owned as of 31 March 2005 had been and due to the holding being somewhat larger. The profit from

2 owned for the previous 12 months. The intention is to illustrate property trading increased by SEK 37 m. Administration costs the impact of changes to the property holding, and to create grew by SEK 4 m, and the net financial position improved by SEK 3 m. The tax cost increased by SEK 45 m, mainly because 1 January–31 March 2005

of accounted tax revenues in the previous year. The progress FUNDING of the net financial position is explained by lower interest levels The funding portfolio totalled SEK 9,363 m, and including the than in the previous year: market values of financial derivatives, SEK 9,602 m. 2005 2004 Average interest was 4.90 per cent, against 4.93 per cent Adjusted net financial position, SEK m Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Accounted net financial position –114.8 –117.6 as of 1 January. Meanwhile, the interest fixing period changed Freedom from interest coincident with property acquisitions – –4.4 from 2.41 to 2.26 years. Adjusted net financial position –114.8 –122.0 Interest fixing period as of 31 December 2004 Maturity Nom. amt., SEK m Prop., % Ave. int., % THE PROPERTY HOLDING 2005 4,649 49.7 3.70 As of 31 March 2005, the property holding comprised 433 2006 650 6.9 5.52 properties with floor-space of 2,268,000 sq.m. and a book 2007 475 5.1 6.56 2008 686 7.3 6.22 value of SEK 15,766 m. The properties were located in 104 2009 628 6.7 5.12 municipalities, with the three major city regions of Greater 2010 1,375 14.7 6.61 Stockholm, Greater and the Öresund region 2011 400 4.3 6.56 2012 200 2.1 5.74 representing 63 per cent of property book value. SEK 2,357 2013 200 2.1 5.41 m-worth of properties were acquired in the period, while 2014 100 1.1 5.42 Kungsleden made SEK 78 m of investments in existing prop- Total, loans 9,363 100.0 4.90 erties. In terms of book value, divestments were SEK 136 m, Derivatives 239 Total 9,602 and SEK 125 m in terms of acquisition value.

SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY PROPERTY TRADING The closing balance of shareholders’ equity was SEK 4,174 m In the interim period, 70 properties with floor-space of or SEK 220 per share, equivalent to an equity ratio of 24.9 per 320,000 sq.m. were acquired for SEK 2,357 m. These trans- cent. actions were effected at an estimated property yield of 7.9 per cent. Meanwhile, six properties were divested for a total of THE SHARE AND SHAREHOLDERS SEK 155 m, with profits of SEK 20 m and cash flow of SEK 30 The closing price on 31 March 2005 was SEK 321. Accord- m. These divestments were effected at an estimated property ingly, compared to the year-end 2004 closing price of SEK yield of 4.9 per cent. The prices received were SEK 20 m 251, the share had risen by 28 per cent. above internal valuations and SEK 10 m above external valua- As of 31 March 2005, the number of shareholders was tions as of 31 December 2004. For two of these properties, approximately 14,300, an increase of 900 since the previous the sales value was below SEK 10 m. year-end.

Profit effect Sales, Profit, of divested properties SEK m SEK m No. Shareholder No. of shares % of vote and capital Positive 101.9 20.9 3 Robur Funds 453,150 2.4 Zero 7.5 0 1 Olle Florén with companies 448,000 2.4 Negative 46.0 –1.3 2 Crafoord Foundation 342,000 1.8 Total 155.4 19.6 6 Mellom 336,546 1.8 SHB/SPP Funds 332,622 1.8 Nordea Funds 331,110 1.7 The reporting period JP Morgan Chase Bank, W9 329,109 1.7 Property divestments of SEK 155 m were made in the first FSO Försäkringsföreningen 298,550 1.6 quarter, generating profits of SEK 20 m; acquisitions were Baltic Foundation 260,000 1.4 Swedish Red Cross 256,700 1.3 SEK 2,357 m. The divestments were three office properties, Total, 10 largest shareholders 3,387,787 17.9 two retail properties and one industrial/warehouse property. Board and management 236,200 1.2 The properties were divested at an estimated property yield of Foreign shareholders, other 2,653,443 14.0 Other shareholders 12,681,190 66.9 4.9 per cent. In the first quarter, Kungsleden acquired 42 prop- Total 18,958,620 100.0 erties in the new care category, 12 office properties, nine retail properties, four industrial/warehouse properties, two retirement home properties and one of the ‘other’ type. The properties were acquired at an estimated property yield of 7.9 per cent. 3 Certain properties were re-classified in the period because the previous classification is no longer applicable. 1 January–31 March 2005

HUMAN AND ORGANISATIONAL RESOURCES ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES A new business area, Care Properties, was created coincident This Interim Report is structured pursuant to IFRS, implying with acquisitions of such properties from the western Göta- relatively extensive changes in structure of the Income State- land regional authority and Stena fastigheter. ment, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, and account- Lars Thagesson, COO, has been appointed Deputy Chief ed figures. Executive, effective 7 April 2005. The new accounting principles have resulted in a review of Effective 8 April 2005, Åke Kaur left the group management, the definitions on page 9, and the following changes to risk and his position as regional manager for East region, to be- limits and objectives. come manager of the Care Properties business area. Risk limits regarding the portfolio composition remain un- Henry Fors has been appointed Project Manager for Care changed—a maximum of 30 per cent of rental revenues from Properties; his assignment is to acquire properties in the industrial and warehouse properties and a maximum of 30 per health, schools and care sectors from 1 April 2005. He joins cent of rental revenues from properties located in municipalities Kungsleden from Nordisk Renting. with populations of less than 25,000. However, the equity ratio The average number of employees was 80 (84). limit has been replaced with a target of the interest coverage ratio of multiple 2. The minimum interest coverage ratio is 1.5. Care Properties Kungsleden’s objective of a return on equity of 15 per cent With the formation of a new business area, Care properties, remains unchanged. Kungsleden has discarded its objective Kungsleden intends to become a natural discussion partner of 8.5 per cent property yield on the property portfolio. for Swedish county councils that are seeking the private own- ership of their care properties. The county councils’, which are Dividend policy democratic organisations, main objective is to ensure that its The Board’s ambition is for Kungsleden to achieve stable divi- residents have access to health care and public transport. dends with a high pay-out ratio. The policy implies Kungsleden At present, most of the country’s hospital properties are paying out at least 50 per cent of profit for calculating dividends. owned by county councils and contain large amounts of Profit for calculating dividends means net profit excluding healthcare centres and premises for dental care, rehabilitation items not affecting cash flow such as unrealised value changes, and similar purposes, as well as privately operated medical depreciation and amortization and deferred tax, although re- care and other related activities. Kungsleden has, however, alised value changes are included. Profit for calculating divi- concluded that county councils are increasingly considering dends corresponds to the cash flow statement item cash flow abandoning their role as a property owner, in part to release from operations. capital for their core activities such as specialist and emergen- cy care. This development offers opportunities for further ac- FORECAST 2005 quisitions in this sector. The Board of Directors expects a profit for calculating divi- As a result of Kungsleden’s experience in the retirement dends of SEK 600 m. home segment for example, and its organization, the compa- SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AFTER THE END ny has excellent potential to successfully implement acquisi- OF THE PERIOD tions of care properties and to manage the properties effi- No significant events have occurred. ciently. Like retirement homes, care properties is a real estate category that fits in well with the company’s business concept Jens Engwall of owning and managing properties generating high and sta- Chief Executive ble returns. Stockholm, Sweden, 19 April 2005 PARENT COMPANY FORTHCOMING REPORTS The parent company generated a net profit of SEK –14 (–24) m; Interim Report for January – June 2005, 16 August 2005 its sales were SEK 0 (0) m. Assets primarily comprise the Interim Report for January – September 2005, 20 October 2005 funding of subsidiaries’ property holdings, divided between shares in subsidiaries, at SEK 1,235 (1,705) m, and interest- FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: bearing internal funding of SEK 1,482 (1,692) m. Funding was Jens Engwall, Chief Executive, tel: +46 (0)8 503 05204, mainly through shareholders’ equity of SEK 2,677 (2,283) m mobile: +46 (0)70 690 6550 4 and external debt of SEK 300 (1,306) m. Johan Risberg, Deputy Chief Executive, CFO, tel: +46 (0)8 503 05206, mobile: +46 (0)70 690 6565 Property holding

Kungsledens geographical presence in Sweden Kungsleden’s property categories

Book value Book value North 2% Other 3% Central 12% Care 7%

East 37% Retail 10% Offices 41% Industrial/ West 22% warehouses 14%

South 27% Retirement homes 25% Total book value SEK 15,766 m Total book value SEK 15,766 m

Rental value Rental value North 2% Other 3% Central 13% Care 10%

East 34% Retail 10% Offices 43%

West 26% Industrial/ warehouses 15%

South 25% Retirement homes 19% Total rental value SEK 1,907 m Total rental value SEK 1,907 m

Floor-space Floor-space North 3% Other 3% Central 13% Care 9%

East 31% Retail 9% Offices 36% West 28% Industrial/ South 25% warehouses 29% Retirement homes 14% Total floor-space 2,268,000 sq.m. Total floor-space 2,268,000 sq.m.

The Property holding and earnings capacity in summary

Geographical division East South West Central North Total Number 114 147 102 60 10 433 Lettable floor-space 000m2 713 574 630 292 59 2,268 Book value, SEK m 5,921 4,213 3,511 1,856 265 15,766 Rental value, SEK m 656 483 497 241 30 1,907 Rental revenues, SEK m 607 428 469 221 29 1,754 Operating net, SEK m 444 309 317 156 21 1,247 Economic occupancy, % 93.5 91.1 95.1 92.1 98.7 93.2 Property yield, % 7.5 7.3 9.0 8.4 8.1 7.9 Profit margin, % 73.1 72.1 67.5 70.6 73.6 71.0

Retirement Industrial/ Category Offices homes warehouse Retail Care Other Total Number 160 67 88 38 54 26 433 Lettable floor-space 000m2 807 326 654 213 202 66 2,268 Book value, SEK m 6,556 3,893 2,181 1,523 1,186 427 15,766 Rental value, SEK m 822 360 291 195 186 53 1,907 Rental revenues, SEK m 722 357 269 182 179 45 1,754 Operating net, SEK m 510 279 214 120 99 25 1,247 Economic occupancy, % 89.1 99.7 94.9 94.8 96.5 87.6 93.2 Property yield, % 7.8 7.2 9.8 7.9 8.4 5.8 7.9 5 Profit margin, % 70.5 77.8 79.8 66.2 55.4 55.6 71.0 Financial reporting

INCOME STATEMENT Reporting period Interim period 12 months 2005 2004 2005 2004 2004/2005 SEK m Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Apr–Mar Property management Rental revenue 382.3 368.6 382.3 368.6 1,442.3 Operating and maintenance costs –103.5 –100.3 –103.5 –100.3 –347.4 Property tax –10.2 –12.7 –10.2 –12.7 –47.3 Ground rent –5.0 –2.9 –5.0 –2.9 –19.6 Operating net 263.6 252.7 263.6 252.7 1,028.0

Property trading Sales revenues, net 155.4 500.7 155.4 500.7 2,358.7 Book value Acquisition value –125.0 –468.0 –125.0 –468.0 –2,176.9 Realised value changes –10.8 –50.0 –10.8 –50.0 –78.0 –135.8 –518.0 –135.8 –518.0 –2,254.9 Trading net 19.6 –17.3 19.6 –17.3 103.8

Administration costs –39.1 –34.8 –39.1 –34.8 –143.2

Operating profit 244.1 200.6 244.1 200.6 988.6

Net financial position –114.8 –117.6 –114.8 –117.6 –453.2

Profit after financial items 129.3 83.0 129.3 83.0 535.4

Unrealised value changes Investment property 15.3 122.3 15.3 122.3 9.7 Derivatives –13.8 –91.5 –13.8 –91.5 –21.1 1.5 30.8 1.5 30.8 –11.4

Profit after value changes 130.8 113.8 130.8 113.8 524.0

Tax –16.4 28.7 –16.4 28.7 330.1

Net profit 114.4 142.5 114.4 142.5 854.1

Average number of shares 18,958,620 18,958,620 18,958,620 18,958,620 18,958,620 Earnings per share 6.00 7.50 6.00 7.50 45.10

6 Financial reporting


SEK m 31 Mar 2005 31 Mar 2004 31 Dec 2004 ASSETS Properties 15,766.4 13,202.5 13,452.2 Receivables, etc. 826.9 215.6 953.3 Liquid assets 201.8 159.3 67.3 TOTAL ASSETS 16,795.1 13,577.4 14,472.8

LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Shareholders’ equity 4,174.1 3,566.4 4,059.7 Interest-bearing liabilities 9,602.0 9,102.0 9,685.3 Operating liabilities, etc. 3,019.0 909.0 727.8 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY 16,795.1 13,577.4 14,472.8


SEK m 31 Mar 2005 31 Mar 2004 31 Dec 2004 Closing balance, prev. year 2,827.9 Adoption of IFRS 596.1 Opening balance 4,059.7 3,424.0 3,424.0 Dividends 0.0 0.0 –246.5 Net profit 114.4 142.5 882.2 Closing balance 4,174.2 3,566.5 4,059.7

CASH FLOW STATEMENT Reporting period Interim period 12 months 2005 2004 2005 2004 2004/2005 SEK m Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Apr–Mar Operations Profit after financial items 129.3 83.0 129.3 83.0 535.5 Realised value changes, properties 10.8 50.0 10.8 50.0 78.0 Adjustment for items not included in cash flow from operations 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 3.2 Tax paid –0.5 –2.6 –0.5 –2.6 –20.9 Cash flow from operations 140.1 131.0 140.1 131.0 595.8

Change in working capital Increase(-)/decrease(+) in operating receivables 13.6 30.6 13.6 30.6 –126.7 Increase(+)/decrease(-) in operating liabilities 58.1 310.4 58.1 310.4 –229.2 71.7 341.0 71.7 341.0 –355.9 Cash flow from operations after change in working capital 211.8 472.0 211.8 472.0 239.9

Investment activity Acquisitions of properties –2,434.7 –307.4 –2,434.7 –307.4 –4,809.2 Disposals of properties (acquisition value) 125.0 467.9 125.0 467.9 2,177.0 Net investments in machinery/equipment –0.7 –0.9 –0.7 –0.9 –1.6 Net investments in long-term receivables –0.6 –10.7 –0.6 –10.7 –8.1 Cash flow from investment activity –2,311.0 148.9 –2,311.0 148.9 –2,641.9

Financing activity Loans drawn down 2,722.0 0.0 2,722.0 0.0 2,713.9 Loans amortised –488.3 –465.4 –488.3 –465.4 –22.9 Dividends 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 –246.5 Cash flow from financing activity 2,233.7 –465.4 2,233.7 –465.4 2,444.5

Cash flow for the period 134.5 155.5 134.5 155.5 42.5 Liquid assets, opening balance 67.3 3.8 67.3 3.8 159.3 7 Liquid assets, closing balance 201.8 159.3 201.8 159.3 201.8 Financial reporting

KEY FIGURES Reporting period Interim period 12 months 2005 2004 2005 2004 2004/2005 Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Jan–Mar Apr–Mar Property-related Earnings capacity Property yield 7.9 Economic occupancy, % 93.2 Profit margin 71.0 Actuals Property yield 7.2 7.6 7.2 7.6 7.1 Economic occupancy, % 93.1 93.2 91.4 93.5 92.1 Profit margin 69.0 68.6 69.0 68.6 71.3

Financial Return on total capital, % 6.4 6.0 6.4 6.0 6.5 Return on equity, % 11.2 16.4 11.2 16.4 22.1 Interest cover, multiple 2.1 1.7 2.1 1.7 2.2 Equity ratio, % 24.9 Gearing, multiple 2.3 Mortgage ratio, % 60.9

Data per share Share price 321.00 Dividend, SEK 15.00 Total yield, % 48.4 Dividend yield, % 5.8 P/E ratio, multiple 8.4 P/CE ratio, multiple 7.2 Operating surplus, SEK 13.90 13.30 13.90 13.30 54.20 Profit, SEK 6.00 7.50 6.00 7.50 45.10 Cash flow from operations, SEK 7.40 6.90 7.40 6.90 31.40 Property book value, SEK 831.90 Shareholders’ equity, SEK 220.30

No. of outstanding shares 18,958,620 Average number of shares 18,958,620

8 Definitions

Earnings capacity: properties disposed of as of the balance sheet date Financial terminology are excluded, and properties acquired by no later than the same date are Return on equity: profit in relation to average shareholders’ equity. Stated included as if they had been owned for 12 months. Otherwise, the calcula- for profit before and after tax. Average shareholders’ equity is calculated as tion is based on the following assumptions: the total of opening and closing balances divided by two. • For those properties where 12 months have passed since Kungsleden took possession, actuals for the last 12 months are included; Return on total capital: profit after financial items plus interest costs less in- • For those properties where more than six months but less than 12 terest subsidies in relation to average assets. Average assets are calculated months have passed since Kungsleden took possession, actuals are as the total of opening and closing balances divided by two. recalculated to 12-month equivalents; Beta value: the share’s correlation with the market’s average performance. • For properties where less than six months have passed since Kungsleden A beta value of less than one implies that a share price has fluctuated less took possession, data from acquisition calculations are used. than the SAX (Stockholm All-share Index). Beta value is a key component of the CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) used to calculate the market’s required rate of return on the share. The CAPM indicates that a low beta Property terminology value implies a low required rate of return. Beta values relate to a period of Property yield: the operating surplus for the year in relation to the average 12 months. book value of properties. However, the property yield for the earnings Mortgage ratio: interest-bearing liabilities in relation to property book value capacity is calculated as earnings capacity in relation to the book value of at year-end. properties at year-end. Dividend yield: dividends paid in the year in relation to the share price at the Operating net: rental revenue less operation and maintenance costs, beginning of the year. ground rent and property tax. Shareholders’ equity per share: shareholders’ equity in relation to the Operation costs: costs for electricity, heating, water, property care, clea- number of shares at year-end. ning, insurance and ongoing maintenance. Book value of property per share: book value of property in relation to the Economic occupancy: rental revenue, rental discounts and rental losses in number of shares at year-end. relation to rental value. Cash flow from operations: operating profit less net financial items Economic vacancy: assessed market rent for un-occupied floor-space in adjusted for value adjustments and items not included in cash flow from relation to rental value. operations, and for changes in working capital and tax paid. Property type: the properties’ primary usage (see “Distribution of floor- P/E ratio: share price at the end of the period in relation to earnings per space”). share, in accordance with prevailing forecasts. Year-end share prices in Rental revenues: rent invoiced, plus supplementary items such as remu- relation to the following year’s EPS are used for historical values. neration for heating, property tax, insurance claims and other revenues, less P/CE ratio: share prices at the beginning of the year in relation to cash flow rental losses and rental discounts. from operations. Rental value: rental revenues plus assessed market rent for un-let floor- Earnings per share: profit after tax at year-end divided by the number of space, rental discounts and rental losses, less other revenue. shares at year-end. Accommodation type: floor-space distributed by usage. Interest cover: profit before net financial items in relation to net financial Maintenance: measures intended to maintain a property and its techni- position. cal systems. Relates to planned measures entailing the replacement or Gearing: interest-bearing liabilities at year-end in relation to shareholders’ renovation of parts of a building or technical systems. Also includes tenant equity. adaptations. Equity ratio: shareholders’ equity including minority shares at year-end in Distribution of floor-space: distribution by accommodation type implies relation to total assets. that the floor-space in a property is distributed by usage. There is a division between office, housing, retail, hotel, development, industrial and warehous- Total yield: the total of the share’s price gains and dividends paid in the year ing. Distribution by property type means the property is defined by that type in relation to the closing share price at the beginning of the year. of floor-space that represents the greatest proportion of total. Accordingly, Profit for calculating dividends: net profit excluding items not affecting a property with 51 per cent of its floor-space used as offices is considered cash flow such as unrealised value changes, depreciation and amortization an office property. and deferred tax, although realised value changes are included. Profit for Area-based occupancy: let floor-space in relation to total lettable floor- calculating dividends corresponds to the cash flow statement item cash space at the end of the period. flow from operations.

Area-based vacancy: vacant floor-space in relation to total lettable floor- Profit margin: operating surplus in relation to total rental revenue. space at the end of the period.

9 Property


2 Year of Lettable floor-space, m construction/ Industrial/ Retirement Total Name Municipality Locality Address conversion Offices warehouse homes Retail Residential Hotel Other floor-space

Market Area East Retail property Brf Midas 5 Stockholm Stockholm Lilla Nygatan 16 1929, 1979 – 420 – 766 – – – 1,186

Market Area South Office property Apoteket 2 Eksjö Eksjö Nybrogatan 4 1929, 1963 797 – – 206 749 – – 1,752 Söderport 7 Malmö Malmö Gustav Adolfs Torg 43 1885 927 24 – 558 556 – – 2,065 Herkules 34 Trelleborg Trelleborg C B Friisgatan 4 1970 4,041 30 – – 341 – – 4,412

Industrial/warehouse property Strömma 1:1 Karlshamn Karlshamn Strömmavägen 1929, 1950 5,082 12,070 – – – – 312 17,464

Retail property Bokhandeln 2 Eksjö Eksjö Nybrogatan 6 1929 – – – 809 683 – – 1,492

10 Property


2 Year of Lettable floor–space, m Construction/ Industrial/ Retirement Resi– Total Rental Rental Vacancy, Name Municipality Locality Address conversion Office warehouse homes Retail dential Hotel Other floor–space revenue value %

Market Area East Retirement homes Ruddammen 29 Stockholm Stockholm Roslagstullsbacken 10, Yxvägen 37 – – – 5,488 – – – – 5,488 6,750 6,750 – Marknaden 1 Täby Täby Attundafältet 14-16, Attundavägen 4 – 168 – 9,730 125 – – 5,369 15,392 16,800 16,843 0.1

Industrial/warehouse property Fotografen 5 Tyresö Tyresö Mediavägen 7 – – 1,060 – – – – – 1,060 750 750 –

Care properties Tappström 1:50 Ekerö Ekerö Bryggavägen 8 – 261 – – – – – 2,425 2,686 2,858 3,112 8.2 Vendelsö 3:1716 Haninge Haninge Skomakarvägen 20 – – – – – – – 1,525 1,525 1,684 1,684 – Ribby 1:451 Haninge Västerhaninge Klockargatan 13-27 – 855 470 – 315 326 – 5,117 7,083 5,521 6,617 9.8 Illern 9 Huddinge Huddinge Stuvsta Torg 4-6, 10-14 – 54 10 – 461 – – 2,716 3,241 3,870 3,900 0.8 Medicinaren 14 Huddinge Huddinge Diagnosvägen 8 – – – – – – – 2,137 2,137 2,443 2,443 – Kallhäll 1:32 Järfälla Järfälla Kopparvägen 2B – – 38 – – – – 2,168 2,206 1,698 2,000 14.8 Exemplet 2 Sollentuna Sollentuna Edsbergs Torg 1, Yxv. 37 – 709 – – – – – 1,903 2,612 2,243 2,451 7.1 Akka 8 Stockholm Bromma Tranebergsplan 1-3 – 340 – – 231 – – 3,403 3,974 5,022 5,022 – Jullovet 1 Stockholm Älvsjö Annebodavägen 4-6 – 1,310 – – 23 – – – 1,333 1,253 1,253 – Forellen 2 Tyresö Tyresö Bollmoravägen 14-20 – 761 45 – 557 – – 5,223 6,586 6,368 6,416 0.3 Ösby 1:76 Värmdö Gustavsbergs Gustavsbergs Centrum – – – – 808 – – 3,758 4,566 5,846 5,846 –

Market Area West Care properties Nödinge 38:25 Ale Nödinge Klockarevägen 16 1985 – – – – – – 1,514 1,514 799 940 15.0 Skepplanda 2:118 Ale Skepplanda Albotorget 5 1985 – – – – – – 1,640 1,640 1,332 1,475 9.7 Tollered 4:1 Ale Älvängen Göteborgsvägen 26 1964, 1977, 1988 – – – – – – 2,688 2,688 2,125 2,577 17.5 Fonden 1 Borås Borås Sörmarksgatan 199-205 1978, 1998 – – – – – – 4,683 4,683 3,188 3,296 3.3 Milstolpen 2 Borås Borås Smörhulegatan 2 1981, 1995 – – – – – – 2,543 2,543 2,286 2,386 4.2 Samariten 4 Borås Borås Klinikvägen 33-48 – – – – – – – 12,009 12,009 10,470 10,470 – Kråkhult 1:32 Borås Dalsjöfors Uppegårdsgatan 2 1977, 1978 – – – – – – 6,241 6,241 4,466 4,466 – Sik 1:142 Borås Fristad Tärnavägen 6 1977 – – – – – – 2,665 2,665 2,308 2,324 0.7 Sandhults-Rydet 1:230 Borås Sandared Strandvägen 11 1989 – – – – – – 1,631 1,631 1,620 1,675 3.3 Rydboholm 1:145 Borås Viskafors Hagkällevägen 2 1981, 2000 – – – – – – 2,161 2,161 1,833 2,003 8.5 Misteln 10 Essunga Nossebro Ängsgatan 3 1985 – – – – – – 1,971 1,971 1,622 1,705 4.9 Läkaren 1 Falköping Falköping Sankt Olofsgatan 8 1948, 1995, 2003 – – – – – – 3,649 3,649 3,295 3,520 6.4 Njord 32 Falköping Falköping Parkgatan 49 1945 – – – – – – 613 613 507 507 – Dyrtorp 1:77 Färgelanda Färgelanda Håvestensvägen 5 1977, 1991, 2001 – – – – – – 6,769 6,769 4,910 4,982 1.4 Flugsvampen 1 Herrljunga Horsbyvägen 16 1978, 1999, 2001 – – – – – – 2,905 2,905 2,989 3,005 0.5 Norr 5:3 Hjo Karlsborgsvägen 4 1965, 1991 – – – – – – 5,747 5,747 4,835 4,835 – Björken 7 Karlsborg Björkstigen 2 1972, 2000 – – – – – – 2,213 2,213 1,920 1,920 – Kullen 18 Lilla Edet Järnvägsgatan 8 1980, 1985 – – – – – – 8,865 8,865 7,938 8,448 6.0 Passagården 1:32 Lilla Edet Lödöse Långgatan 11-13 1985 – – – – – – 638 638 173 261 33.7 Tuntorp 4:34 Brastad Lärkvägen 4 1981 – – – – – – 1,478 1,478 1,329 1,329 – Slätten 18:6 m.fl Lysekil Lysekil Lasarettsgatan 1 1932, 1948, 2002 – – – – – – 16,903 16,903 14,740 15,940 7.5 Pilen 12 m.fl Mariestad Drottninggatan 1 1946, 1960, 1983 – – – – – – 13,433 13,433 11,846 11,996 1.3 Dingle 1:87 Dingle Trädgårdsgatan 9 1984 – – – – – – 628 628 544 544 – Sälgen 19 Skara Malmgatan 36 1967, 1971, 1980, 1982 – – – – – – 14 357 14 357 11,770 11,903 1.1 Dunshult 7:1 Skövde Skövde Hästskovägen 2 1983 – – – – – – 862 862 515 598 13.9 Klockstapeln 4 Skövde Skövde Knoppaliden 3 1986 – – – – – – 688 688 443 443 – Heljeröd 1:15 Sotenäs Hunnebost. Heljerödshemmet, Pl 1395 1931, 1987, 1992 – – – – – – 1,124 1,124 1,155 1,155 – Tändstickan 19 Tidaholm Västra Drottningvägen 11 1982 – – – – – – 4,511 4,511 3,434 3,546 3.2 Ärlan 1 m.fl Ulricehamn Nygatan 7 1915, 1977, 1995, 2003 – – – – – – 8,056 8,056 5,861 6,569 10.8 Klövern 3 m.fl Vänersborg Vänersborg Östergatan 1 1910, 1966, 1977 – – – – – – 12,050 12,050 8,653 8,733 0.9 Eken 5 Åmål Åmål Skolgatan 4 1922, 1937, 1966, 2001 – – – – – – 6,499 6,499 5,066 5,423 6.6

Market Area Central Office properties Björnen 1 Karlstad Karlstad Drottninggatan 30 1940, 1976, 1990 1,287 308 – 635 – – – 2,230 2,459 2,386 60.6 Björnen 13 Karlstad Karlstad Fredsgatan 10 1876, 1906, 1953, 1962, 1975, 1989, 1994 3,664 3,624 – – – – 127 7,415 6,668 6,558 33.0 Bälgen 9-11 Karlstad Karlstad Elverumsgatan 27 1958, 1959, 1964, 1968, 1988, 1991 2,780 – – – – – – 2,780 2,090 2,090 – Freja 13 Karlstad Karlstad Drottningatan 6 1963, 1965, 1991, 1993 3,890 47 – 1,743 923 – – 6,603 7,036 7,496 61 Gruvan 1 Karlstad Karlstad Kungsgatan 6 1909, 1929, 1967, 1996 1,872 44 1,266 1,272 539 – – 4,993 5,122 5,146 0.5 Hybelejen 17 Karlstad Karlstad Verkstadsgatan 20 1929, 1993 2,871 55 – – – – – 2,926 1,802 2,363 23.7 Hyttan 11 Karlstad Karlstad Nygatan 17 1978 2,288 – – 214 1,140 – – 3,642 2,825 2,935 3.7 Kanoten 7 Karlstad Karlstad Lagergrens Gata 7 1988, 1989, 1996 9,291 144 – – – – 731 10,166 11,962 13,758 13.1 Loke 1 Karlstad Karlstad Herrhagsgatan 38 1920, 1950, 1986, 1991 1,908 48 – – 495 – 454 2,905 1,100 1,725 36.2 Släggan 13 Karlstad Karlstad Sågverksgatan 20 1981 860 64 – 576 – – 349 1,849 612 773 20.8 Trätälja 10 Karlstad Karlstad Fredsgatan 3 1961, 1962 1,388 26 – 639 645 – – 2,698 2,698 3,001 10.1 Tvätten 2 Karlstad Karlstad Romstadsvägen 10 1929 2,055 510 – – – – – 2,565 2,017 2,030 0.6

Industrial/warehouse properties Blåsten 3 Karlstad Karlstad Stormgatan 6 1975, 1995 430 1,717 – – – – – 2,147 651 1,011 35.6 Bromsen 6 Karlstad Karlstad Ramgatan 7 1967, 1973, 1990, 1991 1,041 2,083 – 170 – – 87 3,381 1,769 1,838 3.8 Spärren 7 Karlstad Karlstad Rattgatan 6 & 8 1968 471 1,462 – – – – – 1,933 846 1,540 45.1

Retail properties Björnen 7 Karlstad Karlstad Järnvägsgatan 7 1965, 2001 1,534 89 – 1,361 – – 291 3,275 4,359 4,556 4.3 Druvan 13 Karlstad Karlstad Västra Torggatan 11 1947, 1949, 1988 1,493 52 – 1,968 347 – 415 4,275 4,407 4,938 10.8 Duvan 13 Karlstad Karlstad Hamngatan 18-20 1986, 1987, 2001 3,271 75 – 4,896 – – 338 8,580 18,677 19,181 2.6 Duvan 3 Karlstad Karlstad Järnvägsgatan 6 1987 2,445 – – 1,963 – – 15 4,423 4,718 5,557 15.1 Duvan 5 Karlstad Karlstad Drottningatan 5 1990, 2003 2,354 20 – 2,673 – – – 5,047 6,296 7,764 18.9 Gripen 11 Karlstad Karlstad Herrgårdsgatan 20 1962, 2002 1,508 – – 2,424 366 – – 4,298 4,032 4,226 4.6 Höken 11 Karlstad Karlstad Drottningatan 9 1963, 1982, 1988 957 100 – 5,642 277 – 794 7,770 10,228 10,470 2.3 Mercurius 1 Karlstad Karlstad Västra Torggatan 8 1905, 1929, 1995 – 327 – 1,797 1,204 – 26 3,354 4,385 4,505 2.7 Mercurius 3 Karlstad Karlstad Västra Torggatan 12 1870, 1929 712 62 – 741 – – – 1,515 1,236 1,466 15.7

Other Höken 13 Karlstad Karlstad Drottningatan 9 1983 – 17 – 1,642 5,584 – 459 7,702 7,567 7,761 2.5

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Regionkontor Öst Guldgränd 5 Box 70414 107 25 Stockholm Tel 08-503 052 00 Fax 08-503 052 01

Regionkontor Syd Elbegatan 5 211 20 Malmö Tel 040-17 44 00 Fax 040-17 44 19

Regionkontor Äldre- boende Guldgränd 5 Box 70414 107 25 Stockholm Tel 08-503 052 00 Fax 08-503 052 01

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