
#The Observer an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's \ Vol. XII, No. 86 Monday, February 20, 1978 Nemerov provides comic-relief by Marian Ulicny stamps adorned with kings and “This talks about the misery of the Senior Stall Reporter presidents? That we may lick their world, the implacability of nature, “A sandwich and a glass of beer hinder parts and thump their and says that the only thing we can | might cure these ills, if only boys heads.” do about is sing songs and tell and girls were bars and grills,” Nemerov received repeated ap­ stories.” I Howard Nemerov told a sizeable plause for several of his comic He admitted that the bulk of his ! crowd in his Friday evening pres- poems. “Extract From Memiors" work has increased considerably ; entation for the Sophmore Literary related one diary entry written with since his initial speaking engage­ | Festival. coal on a cave wall by the man who ments. “ When I first was invited to “It’s short, so you can take it invented the wheel. When the get up on my hind legs and read my home with you and mull over it,” celestial powers asked him what its verses, I thought I’d have to do a he added. significance for mankind would be, lot of fast thinking and slow talking Poet and critic, Nemerov amused he replied, “I made the damn thing in between to stretch out the his audience with his insights on go around. You fellows figure out verses,” he remarked, adding, the literary profession. “Being a what it’s for.” “Now the only respectable thing writer, you’re involved in a small The poet described “Pockets” as about reading my poetry is that it’s business. By the time you’ve been objects “generally around the ero­ like waiting for a bus. If you miss at it 40 years, you know everybody genous zones” that hold those one, the next one will come along, in it. So my motto is, if you want to “sad and vagrant little coins that and then the next one....” survive the critics, you have toare only passing through.” He Besides writing poetry, Nemerov outlive them,” he stressed. drew chuckles from his listeners has written essays, short stories, He continued by asking a series with “Fiction,” a poem that ap­ and reviews that have been pub­ of poetic riddles. The most popular praised the familiar situation of a lished in national r •’gazines and one, ‘“Power to the People,” ' crowded elevator in which all the volumes of his own material. He is HOWARD NEMEROV posed the question: “ Why are the people “look up with the rapt and also the author of two novels,The stupid look of saints in paintings... Melodramatists and Frederlgo, of until their number’s up, and they the Power of Love. Born in New Closes SLF get u p .” York City, Nemerov attended the Continuing on a more melancholy Fieldston School and Harvard. He tone, Nemerov read a poem about is presently a professor at Wash­ Ellison denounces televisionaging entitled “The West Ap­ ington University. proaches” whose narrator admits, Nemerov’s reading was preceded until you turn into a slug.” by Phil Cackley children, 6 years of age or under, “ I know now how life grows ghostly by students’ musical adaptations of Calling television writing a * ‘filthy Senior Staff Reporter who don’t want their parents to at the close, as any man fades into two of his poems. Soprano Lisa habit” he had given up, Ellison hear bad words to lead them from every man.” Easley sang an arrangement of “A claimed no anount of money could In an “R-rated performance”on the auditorium.” This somber mood was also Primer of the Daily Round.” Jim persuade him to write for tele­ Saturday night, writer Harlan “Nixon is the only dirty word I reflected in “These Words Also,” Johnston, the arrangement’s com­ vision. Ellison spoke about his work, his know and I try not to use that one which captured a moment in a poser, accompanied her on the “I was as good as you can get hatred for television and read two very often. Words are words for garden when a teacher reads a piano. Lisa Jaquez read “The Blue and what I wrote was unpublished stories to a large and me, ”he said. letter from the mother of a student Swallows,” to an original musical garbage, ” Ellison stated, explain very responsive audience in The author of 900 short stories who committed suicide^ Nemerov composition by Carol Shuback. Her ing that he had won the Writer’s Washington Hall. and 32 books, Ellison refused to added a line of optimism with accompanists were Shuback, piano, Guild Award for best Ellison, who sprinkled his talk with categorize his type of writing. “ Somewhere," commenting, and Lisa Liu and Kathy Dunbar, three times—more times than any four-letter words, gave the final “1 don’t understand this obsession flutes. presentation of the week-long with what the label is. I guess I’m other writer. Sophomore Literary Festival. Sit­ a fantacist. I know I’ve never He said he wrote first for series, ting on the steps of the stage written ,” he stated. grew disgusted with that facet of during much of his presentation, Ellison, who wrote television television, then owned to specials Ellison acted like a comedian, screen plays for 15 years, slammed and movies. He grew disenchanted cracking jokes and firing back TV as “the most insidious opiate again, and created his own series repartees to "audience questions. the world has ever invented.” and finally decided to stop writing “This is an R-rated perform­ “The TV is evil,” Ellison said. “It television altogether ance,"Ellison said at the beginning is constructed to turn you mind into “All my experiences with that ol his talk. “ I urge any small a puree of bat sh—. You watch it miserable glass tit were unpleas­ ant,” the writer exclaimed. Ellison’s animosity stems from his feeling that watching television is a Stalemated talks force non-participatory act. He stated that reading a book or listening to radio programs both require imagi­ administrative action nation. “A writer just gives you WASHINGTON fAPj - The Association. Carter, who attended clues, "he said. Carter administration, declaring a strategy session at the White* “Turn them off, that the only that collective bargaining had House Saturday, skipped yester­ thing I can say,” Ellison advised. failed, stepped up pressure for an day’s session. “1 had five sets in the house. I got end to the prolonged coal strike The strike, which began Dec. 6, rid of all but one, and that one is on yesterday by saying it would con­ already has forced some electricity once a week. ” sult with Congress on action to end curtailments as utilities run low on Ellison made a number of deni­ the walkout. coal. Mass industrial layoffs are grating comments about Richard Without being specific, officials feared. Nixon during the course of his talk, said the president was ready to Marshall's effort to produce a comparing Nixon to the Marvel take steps to resolve the strike collective bargaining agreement Comic book character the Hulk. through “less attractive but una­ collapsed before dawn Saturday Ellison said both were perfect voidable" alternatives. when the union rejected industry’s examples of psychotic personali­ Sources said Carter is consider­ revised offer. Since then, Marshall ties. He also claimed TV was ing three alternatives - invoking thehas been in contact with both sides Nixon’s power base. Taft-Hartley Act, calling for legis­ without an indication that further When asked why he did not unite lation to permit temporary federal talks would be helpful. his writing and his liberal views on seizure of the mines, or asking “The possibility still remains for politics, Ellison responded that to legislation for binding arbitration the two parties to resolve their do so would be to create propagan­ in the 76-day dispute. differences," Powell said, reading da. “The only time a politically Asked whether Carter had made a prepared statement at the White inspired, work remains art is when a final choice among the three House. "However, it is clear we the creation transcends the mess­ MAD editor options, White House Press Secre­ can wait no longer to initiate a age,”he explained. An example tary Jody Powell said, “ My suspi­ process for resolving this matter by Ellison used was Picasso’s painting by Tom Ford record was 2-8, and the staff sent cion is he has not." other means. We hope that as this “Guernica”which protests against him issues of MAD to cheer him But another source said invoking process proceeds, both parties wiH a Spanish Civil atrocity, and war in MAD Magazine Associate Editor up. To this day, Homung’s picture the Taft-Hartley Act is unlikely seriously reflect upon the unfortu­ general. Jerry DeFuecio entertained a is the only human being on the because miners are thought unwill­ nate consequences of this breat Someone in the audience asked if gathering in the Library Lounge MAD office walls.” ing to obey an 80-day back-to-work down in the collective bargaining art and life were separate, and Saturday afternoon with comments Later, he described the staff as a order. process," Powell said. Ellison answered that he saw a on humor, the immortal Alfred E. harmonious, fraternal group, “the The announcement of planned Powell set no deadline for Car­ difference between reflecting life in Neuman, the MAD staff’s globe­ usual gang of idiots , made up of consultations with Congress came ter’s next step, but said “major art and writing propagand- trotting antics, and, surprisingly, a retired altar boys and Jews for after a White House meeting at and difficult decisions will have to a for a cause. unique tie between the magazine Notre Dame. Now you have which Labor Secretary Ray Mar­ be made this week."* “I don’t belong to the company and the University of Notre Dame. subway alumni and limousine shall and other top officials SOurces also said there still was of Jews,just because I’m a Jew. I “ The MAD offices have long alumniOne staffer, he con- reviewed the stalemated talks hppe for independent negotiations don’t belong to the fraternity of been a Notre Dame stronghold,” fidpd, won’t go on a Saturday in between the United Mine Workers among the union and the several men, just because I’m a man. I’m : DeFuccio related. “ One year when autumn until he hears the outcome and the Bituminous Coal Operators coal companies* [Continued on page 7] Paul Homung was at ND their [Continued on page 2] the observer Monday, February 20, 1978 3fcThe Observer .News Briefs. De Fuccio speaks Night Editor: Joe Bauer Muriel Humphrey turns 66j [Continued from page 1] Two decades ago, DeFuccio Asst. Night Editor: Sandy Colson WASHINGTON - Muriel Humphrey goes to the Senate on her 66th of the Notre Dame football game. explained, humor was at the Layout Staff: Steve Mayer, birthday today, her bearing, like her name, a reminder of the man expense of the other guy, what he I “ How could you be with a woman, Tom Behney, Jerry Jarzynka, she replaces. The Humphrey chin is still up. As husband Hubert called “ kick ’em in the belly, Kelly thinking about Notre Dame’s Sue W uetcher, Bill Devitt, did in his final months, Muriel Buck Humphrey has found “ a great loss?” DeFuccio reasoned. humor.” It has evolved into “truth humor,” which is more personal John Cassidy deal of sympathy coming my way” in her own time of trial. But true DeFuccio began the session by Editorial Layout: Rosemary and meaningful. “People recog­ to his style and final wishes, she has come to march, not mourn. passing around samples of original M ills Already, in five days at the Senate before last week’s recess, she nize the situation, they’ve lived panels by MAD artists. Several Sports Layout: Bob Brink through it, so they laugh,” he has resettled the office staff, taken her place on two key were by Nonman Mingo, who he Typists: Mark Rust, Anne noted. “Cerebral humor,” made committees, co-sponsored four bills and two amendments to the said is still painting Alfred E. Giere, Theresa Richeson, popular by the comic strip Panama Canal treaties, and huddled with the leadership over Neuman at age 85. Carole Erkmann “Doonesbury,” is also on the rise strategy for relighting her husband’s legislative torch., MAD has 100,000 subscribers, Night Controller: Mardi Nevin (“You don’t understand it, but but DeFuccio added that millions Day Editor: Bob Bernoskie since Gary Trudeau wrote it, it’s more read the magazine. “We’re Copy Reader: D ah rlin g WEATHER funny.” ) the darling of the newstands,” he D ebbie The MAD staff prides itself on its Cloudy today, tonight, and tomorrow, with a chance of light snow. said. The magazine staff consists Ad Layout: Greg Trzupek world wide jaunts. The first of High today in the low 20’s. Low tonight near ten. High tomorrow in of three editors, one publisher, tow Photographer: Leo C. Hansen these took place twenty years ago, the low 20s. are directors, two girls “who Which lamppost tonight, when publisher Bill Gaines decided answer the phone,” and a rotating Hubie? staff of contributing writers and to send the entire staff (“twenty- five MADmen”) to Haiti. Before artists. On Campus ___ they left, they checked their files to The Observer Is published Mon­ If some articles tend to be a little see if they had any subscribers day through Friday except during repetitious, it’s because many of there. They did have one lone exam and vacation periods. The the staffers have been doing MAD subscriber,whose subscription ran Observer Is published by the 10 am-noon rector's workshop, "utilizing the hall j-board educa­ students of Notre Dame and Saint for years, he noted, adding that out concurrently with their visit. tionally," cce. Mary's College. Subscriptions there is disappointingly little new Upon their arrival in Haiti the staff may be purchased for 120 per year (110 per semester) from The 12 noon discussion, by faculty on wolff's "understanding material. rented nine jeeps, hoisted a MAD Observer, P.O. Box O, Notre banner, drove to the subscriber’s Dame, Indiana 41551. Second raw ls," memorial library. DeFuccio said that due to a house, walked up to the door, class postage paid, Notre Dame, three-month lag between Indiana, 41551 handed him a renewal slip, and 12-6 pm turntable clinic, spon by services commission,the nazz of an idea and actual publication, The Observer Is a member of asked for their $2.00. the Associated Press. All repro­ they must try to treat subjects that “We like to do things in a big duction lights are reserved. 12:15 pm teaching/learning lecture series, "leading group are “most familiar to the most way,” DeFuccio deadpanned. discussions," dr. ruhe, spon. by educational media people.” The delay in printing can office, 242 o'shag. for teaching assistants and grad especially be a problem with the students movie take-offs, which DeFuccio described as the “ Keystone of each PREPARE FOR: 12:15 pm mass, every day during lent, fr. griffin, lafortune issue .” Staff members try to see ballroom advance screening of the films, but MCATDATLSATBMAT the film studios aren’t 12:30-1 pm movie, "equal protection clause," spon. by women's cooperative. They then must M E* OCATVAT-SAT rights association, rm. 105 law school. decide whether the movie will be popular enough to warrant spoof­ 1 3 ?3 0 pm workshop, j-board chairman and members, cce ing it in MAD. In that respect they MI,III*ECFM8*FLIX'VQE have been fortunate, although they NATL DENTAL BOARDS * NURSING BOARDS 5:30 pm meeting, circle k club, south dining hall faculty dining have suffered through “few r99X«09«i (MnBgnwR# 4& MKNwN room bom bs.” There IS • difference!!! 6:30 pm junior night, spon. by college of a&l, library aud. Despite MAD s popularity, DeFuccio said that he is not For Igfor— Bo« Mease Call. 6:30 pm track m eet, nd vs northwestern, home satisfied with its current form, Collect - “MAD has ceased to grow. When West Lafayette 6:30-8 pm judo and self-defense class, new members welcome this you’re winning, why change the week, spon. by nd judo club, acc wrestling pit game plan?” He would like to see - gpccieueTB w e t m e the magazine get more sophisti­ Serving Bloomington, Indianapolis, South 7 pm basketball, st. mary's college vs nd-angela athletic cated. “I hate when MAD does lend Fbr Locations In other dtiee facility take-offs of TV sitcom s.” They only Outside N.Y. State Only CJU1TQIIFKL **22117*2 have one gimmick, he argued: Canton In Motor US Cities Toronto, Peerto Mco sad lagseo, twttmtool 7:20 pm duplicate bridge, ladies of nd, faculty and staff “people are in a home setting, and AACAT, DAT, and LSAT classes; duplicate bridge, university club one gets exasperated. They don’t now forming. reflect human nature.” 8 pm lecture, "performance conventions in beethoven's early works," prof. eva badura-skoda, univ. of Vienna, spon. by music dept. 115 crowley recital hall Artists of America Inn Presents

9-11 pm nazz, grateful dead nite with mike tsubota and rex delcam p, basement of lafortune evening??? meeting,groundskeepers rights coalition, lafortune K alcove, 1st floor HQ

TUESDAY MORN 6:40-8 am wsnd 640 am, mikeridenour and kerry rhoa PANAMA CITY BEACH 9 Days and 8 Nights in Florida’s Miracle strip. Freshwater Pool, the Warm Gulf Waters, and the Slieil some Glistening White Sands.

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Reserve Your Seat NOW! and give you six weeks at Field Contact: Pat O’Connell Air force KUTi: 283-3556 Gateway I* a Great Way «f Life Monday, February 20, 1978 the observer s p t w o c b Roots program SU Director to be nominated to be offered from field of six applicants by Rob Cymbaluk by Jack Pizzolato “I like the Steering Committee “They have to be aggressive in Senior S taff Reporter quite a bit,” Gryp said. “I was dealing with problems and have a In an effort to acquaint students chairman of the Board of Directors wide enough scope to deal with and with the city of South Bend and its Student Union (SU) Steering and it was a clumsy group,” he stay on top of all the commis­ dependence on its many diverse Committee members will begin continued, “ because it was difficult sions.” neighborhoods, the second Neigh­ reviewing applications and inter­ to get the student body president borhood Roots program will be held Liturgy center viewing candidates, today, for the vice-president and treasurer on Sunday, March 5. Focusing positions of Student Union director together for a meeting.” Gryp SU Briefs on the smaller neighborhoods as announces and comptroller. remarked that since everyone on building blocks of the city, the Six students, all SU members, the Steering Committee is a Union Roots program will offer students ahve applied and will be considered member, there is “no confusion The Student Union announced the opportunity to become involved training program for the director’s post. They are: about what is going on.” Friday that singer Jackson Browne in an experiential learning situation Junior Gary Luchini, director of Discussing the type of person the will appear in concert at the ACC and to actually participate in the The University of Notre Dame’s advertising and poster distribution Steering Committee will be looking on April 1. The concert will be ethnic traditions of a community. Center for Pastoral Liturgy has for the SU Services Commission; for to fill the SU director’s spot, sponsored by the Student Union in According to publicity director, announced a training program, Sophomore Bill Roche, assistant Gryp observed that “We’d like a cooperation with Concerts West. Kevin Walsh, the goal of the “ Preparing Liturgies for Children services commissioner; Junior person who can rise above the SU Director Tom Gryp has project is “ to show that the heart of and Young People,” to be held on Eugene Woloshyn, assistant ser­ arguments and the daily problems drafted a proposal dealing with South Bend’s strength and unity as campus this week. vices commissioner; Sophomorethat crop up.’ the type and quality of entertain­ a city lies in the successful inter­ The program will emphasize the Curt Hench, SU executive aid; “The Student Union director has ment that should be presented action of the diverse entities of liturgical ministry of the person wh Junior Joe LaCosta, SU ticket to make sure everyone is doing on the Notre Dame campus. The which it is comprised.” Stressing must assist young people from first manager; and Junior John Dzimin- their job,” Gryp stated, “and that proposal stemmed from the contro­ its uniqueness, Walsh points out grade through junior high school to ski, director of Campus Press. there is almost a constant stream of versy over the Dec. 3 Cheech & that the program enables the celebrate their faith. Dr. John Only one student, Junior Account­ events being scheduled. You can Chong concert and will be sub­ participants to explore “the racial, Barry Ryan, associate director of ing major Maureen Carney, has tell by talking to someone if they mitted shortly for discussion by the cultural, and ethnic distinction of the Center, said, “Our intention is made a bid for the office of SU have a broad outlook,” he added. SU Steering Committee. each neighborhood along with the to give those who work with comptroller. factors that comprise the self-iden­ children an understanding of the tities of the communities.” liturgy and its adaptation to chil- The SU Steering Committee will nominate, from the six applicants, Pollard edits Responsible for coordinating the ren that will assist them in plan­ a new Student Union director. That project is a committee composed of ning their liturgies with confi­ nomination will be subject to the both professors and students and is dence.” virology perspectives approval of the studnet govern­ headed by Fr. Don McNeill, direc­ Jean Marie Hiesberger, noted tor of the Center for Experiential ment’s Board of Commissioners specialist in children’s liturgies, The tenth volume of the “Per­ diseases, isolation of five human Learning, and Prof. Tom Broden, before March 1. The Steering will present a series of illustrated spectives in Virology” series edited wart viruses, an assessment of viral director of the Institute of Urban lectures on the relationship beween Committee’s selection of a new SLI comptroller will not require the by Dr. Morris Pollard, chairman insecticides which could replace Studies. liturgical celebration and children’s and professor of microbiology at chemical insecticides, a genetic Although similar to last seme­ Board’s approval. developmental stages. Associate the University of Notre Dame and analysis of virulence in influenza ster’s Roots program, the upcom­ editor at the Paulist Press, Hies­ Outgoing SU Director, Tom director of Lobund Laboratory, has viruses and other subjects. ing event presents several new berger is coauthor of six liturgy Gryp, said that he was disa- been published by Raven Press, features. Cars are scheduled to resource kits, “ Let Us Pray,” and pointed with the number of people . leave the Library Circle at 2:30 and general editor of the “ Come to the who applied for the two posts. The series recounts the proceed­ will proceed on a tour of various Father” series of religious educa­ “We didn’t get enough publicity,” ings of the Gustav Stern Symposia The current volume includes 13 neighborhoods. In addition to the tion curricula as well as the Gryp commented, adding that “ I’m on “ Perspectives in Virology” held papers reviewing significant deve­ every two years. The most recent students attending, the drivers will five-year curriculum program, afraid that only people within the lopments in virology. It reports the be members of Notre Dame faculty “ Family.” Union knew about applying for the meeting was held in February first confirmed propagation of 1977 . and staff and will also be provided Rev. John Gallen, S.J.. director positions.” He blamed the situa­ hepatitis B viral antigen, which the learning experience. Upon of the Center, and staff member tion on a “lack of communication could revolutionize methods of arrival to St. Adalbert’s Parish, the Sister Kathleen Hughes, R.S.C.J., with the Observer.” A specialist in virology, epide­ participants will be treated to a tour will explore the theological, pas­ obtaining antigen for use in screen­ miology and pathology, Pollard has Last Friday was the deadline to of the church and a performance by toral and liturgical implications of ing blood for transfusions. It also been editing the series since it apply for the positions of Student the St. Augustine’s Church Choir. the liturgy. Planning and prepara­ reports on new human virus began in 1959. The program will then be high­ tion of model liturgies for children Union director or comptroller. In past years, the selection process lighted by a host of speakers, will be supervised by Ryan and began in the latter part of March. including McNeill, Broden, Prof. Father Thomas Jones, C.S.C., of INTERNATIONAL CAFE This change, according to Gryp, John Kromkowski, Prof. John St. Joseph’s parish, South Bend. will be “the first opportunity for Spon. by International Students (Organization Roos, Prof. Tom Swartz, Olga Villa Froi further information and continuity in the Student Union and Ben Johnson who “will offer registration, contact the Notre some reflections and supplemen­ Dame Center for Pastoral Liturgy, history.” “No longer,” Gryp explained, S en ior B ar tary information about the South 283 - 8801 . Bend Community and neighbor­ “will a director run out on the /Happy Hour incoming man on April 1. We’ll hoods in general.” Directly following will be a have a month where I’ll be a lame duck, and where I can work with $ 1.00 traditional Polish wedding feast Feb21 and a discussion concerning further Election meeting the new director, convey ideas, and opportunities'for student involve­ "ive him a chance to get oriented.” HFirst B eer ment in urban settings. Cars will for CILA officers The selection of a Student Union 9:30 pm return to the Library Circle at 7:15 director and comptroller wil be the Everyone Invited Free that evening. For those interested in the CILA first major task of the SU Steering Registration for the tour will take (Community of the International Committee, which was formed place in the dining halls from Lay Apostolate) officer elections, under the new student government Sunday, Feb. 26, through Tuesday, there will be a general meeting in constitution. The Steering Com­ Feb. 28. In addition, pre-registra­ the Library Auditorium on Sunday, mittee, which replaced the old SU Lenten Morning Prayer 3 tion will be held for underclassmen Feb. 26 at 7 p.m. Board of Directors, consists of: in certain classes. The registration Anyone considering an officer Gryp; outgoing Comptroller Col­ fee is $2.00 and all are encouraged position should write a brief state­ leen McGrath; Movie Commis­ • 7:30 am Monday - Friday to attend the Roots program. ment on their qualifications and sioner Bonnie Bona; Services Com­ Those who purchase tickets and what they want to accomplish in missioner Mike Schlageter; and • Sacred Heart Church baptistry decide not to participate are asked ClLA. These statements should be Social Commissioner Orest Dey- (near the Lady Chapel) to contact Theresa at 7802. Staff submitted to the Student Activities chakiwsky. Bona, Schlageter, and members willing to drive should office in LaFortune by Tuesday, Deychakiwsky were chosen to serve e All members of the ND/SMC community # contact Mary Beth at 3351. Feb. 21 and they will appear in the on the Committee by the other Feb. 23 newsletter. Student Union Commissioners. are invited. Computing OPEN Center The Observer’s election 11 A.M. announces for editor-in-chief 7 DAYS A class schedule WORLD’S GREATEST PIZZA WEEK The University of Notre Dame is Wed., March I. Computing Center has announced its schedule of spring classes. Any ND-SMC student The noncredit, tuition-free ALL MAJOR SPORTS classes will meet from 3:30-4:30 interested in running ON 7 FT T.V. p.m. in Room 115 of the Computing Center. Preregistration is required for groups. must submit a resume famous5 SUPER SUPPER The schedule includes: - “Introduction to Job Control and contact Marti (1715) 6 - 7:30 MON - TUESJ C O - WED W E Language (JCL),” Feb. 20. - “Program Utility Routines for Pizza-Chicken- Tape (PURT)-A Rap Session,” by Wed., Feb. 22. ■Spaghetti-Salad Feb. 23. - "Debugging Techniques,” All You Can Eat ’ 2 ! 8 Feb. 28 and March 2 and 7. - ‘‘Introduction to Command Procedures (CLISTs),” March 9, 14 a y 7 and 16. SOUTH BEND |* / A n c lela I 323 E. Ireland Rd. 291-7500. For further information, contact ■231 Edison Rd. 2S9-55isl N.D.I Stephen J. McNally, Computing [sh a k eY'S Center, 283-2811. '.VI 111 seriously folks,< He The Observer EDITORIAL BOARD an indepenent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint many's Marti Hogan E:ditor-in-Chief Martha Fanning Coping during Managing Editor The Observer is published by students of the University Bob Brink Asst. Managing Ed of Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College. It does not Kathy Mills Executive Editor necessarily reflect the policies of either institution. The Maureen Flynn Editorial Editor news is reported as accurately and as objectively as Barb Breitenstein Exec. News Editor tne Blizzard possible. Editorials represent the opinion of a majority of J ean Rowley St. Mary's Editor the Editorial Board. Commentaries, opinions and letters Katie Kerwin News Editor /*f buchwoId are the views of their authors. Column space is available Barb Langhenry News Editor to all members of the community, and letters are Paul Stevenson Sports Editor “ It’s terrible, ” he said. “ I tried to encouraged to promote the free expression of varying Pat Cole Special Projects Ed. WASHINGTON—How did people make the 3:45 from Penn Station opinions on campus. Tony Pace Features Editor cope when they were stuck in their but it was canceled. So I had to get homes during the blizzard? In a room here. 1 never lived through Business Manager Sue Quigley Box Q order to find out I made several anything like this. Wait a minute, Advertising Manager Steve Bonomo Notre Dame Copy Editor Joan Fremeau |; telephone calls to friends in New there’s room service.” He went off Production Manager Karen Chiames Ind. 46556 Photo Editor Leo Hansen York during last week’s snow­ the phone and I heard him say to storm. someone, “ Honey, did you want The first call I made was to Bob red wine or white wine with your Monday, February 20, 1978 Simon who Jives in Monsey. chicken?” Then he came on again. Mrs. Simon answered the phone. “So like I said, no one here can “ He’s outside. I’ll call him .” move. All we can do is wait it out. Ten minutes later, Simon got on I couldbe here for days. Hold it will the phone huffing and puffing. you? ...Honey, turn down the TV “What are you doing?” I asked set, will you?... You’re lucky you him. aren’t here. I wouldn’t wish this on “ Shoveling the #& /!## drivewayanyone...Not too much .swee so I can get the car out.” tie...I’ll never forgive the Long “You’re not going to drive to­Island Railroad for what they did to P.O. BOX Q day?” me last night.” “ Got to. Got to get to the store if it “Well, at least you’re safe," I kills me.” - said. “What for?” “If you call sharing a room at the accessible from Tokyo. You can ski sents another possible example of “My wife’s out of cigarettes. Waldorf Astoria with a salesman in the Japanese Alps, go swimming conflict with our “ideals.” We She’s afraid she’s going to die if from Syracuse during the worst Think of the in the Pacific Ocean, see ancient have the right to demand some she doesn’t get a cigarette.” blizzard in 20 years being safe,’ shrines and temples in Kyoto and answers. “That bad, huh?” then you don’t know anything Nara, and climb the beautiful Mt. Peggy Osberger “ She’s sucking on a strand of raw about snowstorms. Listen, I have to possibilites Fuji. Japan’s climate is as varied as spaghetti now, but she says it isn’t go now...my turtle soup is getting America's. And from Tokyo, the same thing. She tried to make a cold.” extended trips are possible to such cigarette out of oregano leaves, but The last call I made was to my Dear Editor: places as Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Flynn review they wouldn’t stay in the news­ sister in Kew Gardens. I would like to congratulate the Kong. paper.” “Edith, are you all right?” University of Notre Dame for their Many students express concern contains “Suppose the store isn’t open “I’m fine. ” most recent and significant contri­ that they will not be able to afford a when you get there?” “How’s Harold?” bution to mankind. This latest year overseas. However, there is “She told me . to smash the “ I wouldn’t know.” achievement most certainly sur­ no additional expense involved, error windows and loot. “Why, where is he?” passes the recent efforts of our and there are ample opporutnities Dear Editor: “But you could get prison for “He’s right here.” nationally ranked football team, to earn additional spending money Kate Flynn’s review of poet Karl that.” “ If he’s right there how come you and I dare say that even Fr. by teaching English. “She says it doesn’t matter. She don’t know?” Nieuwland’s discovery of synthetic Shapiro’s reading contains an There will be a short organiza­ unforgivable error. Shapiro com­ says she’ll bring the kids up every “We haven’t been talking for two rubber has been put to shame by tional meeting tonight at 7:30 in the mented that his “ plea for precipita­ Saturday to visit me, as long as I days. As long as you’re on the this most momentous discovery. basement of LaFortune. Any inter­ get her the cigarettes. I’ve got to phone tell him that dinner is ready I speak, of course, of the tion from the pisser on high ” was ested students should attend; there “ not meant for blasphemy but for go. She’s rifling through the gar­ if he wants some.” mind-boggling time warp which is no committment. alliteration.” Ms. Flynn apparently bage compactor to see if she can Harold came on the phone. I said, has been firmly established in our heard liberation instead. Her gross find a butt.” “ Edith says dinner is ready.” very own O'Shaughnessy Hall. It Mark Gailogly error is not understandable. She “ Let her do it,” I said. “ Tell her I'm not hungry,” he seems clear that one can virtually Paul Vosti “This is the third time she’s gone replied. add three minutes to one’s life by continues to capitalize on her mistake by commenting that “ Sha­ through it. She found all the butts Edith came on the phone. I told simply entering that hallowed piro showed more of his liberated on the first go-round. She won’t her, “He says he’s not hungry.” place. The world is surely in debt believe there aren’t any left.” She said, “Tell him that’s too to this fine institution for an perceptions...” Wake up Kate! Another Alliteration makes sense, liberation “Okay,” I said. “ And have a nice damn bad.” additional three minutes of time. does not! day.” “Hey, listen. I’m calling long Think of the possibilities! Pauila M. Groves The second call I made was to a distance. I just wanted to find out hypocrisy? friend on Long Island. His wife told how both of you were.” “ Arne Saknussemm” me he didn’t make it home and was “Wonderful,” she replied. “Be­ ing stuck in you apartment for two Dear Editor: stuck at the Waldorf Astoria. I days in a snowstorm with your Last week the Notre Dame St. Patrick's called my friend at the Waldorf husband is the next best thing to community was confronted with the Astoria. Unique study possibility of yet another hypocrisy Day “ Are you all right?” I asked. having a second honeymoon. ” here on campus in the form of Paul opportunity Hellmuth, Secretary of the Univer­ sity’s Fellows, the group of highest alternative Dear Editor: ranking officials at Notre Dame. Have you considered spending John Marks, a former State Dear Editor: D0 0 BTESBURY next year in Japan? Freshmen and Department employee and co­ In the “Letters” column of the sophomores are eligible to study author ofThe CIA and the Cult of October issue of Notre Dame at Sophia University in Tokyo Intelligence, stated in a talk on Magazine, I questioned the appro­ through the Notre Dame Foreign campus recently that Hellmuth priateness of the team name Studies Program. Since all classes served from the 1960s-1974 as head “Fighting Irish” in view of the will be conducted in English, prior of Anderson Security Consultants, scandalous intra-Christian fighting knowledge of Japanese is not Inc., a firm allegedly owned and in Northern Ireland. The expected MR. VILUAMS? MR. DURR! THANK YOU, required. operated by the CIA. Marks said pro and con responses appeared in RIGHT ON S IR ! IT 'S The Tokyo Program offers a the firm conducted illegal surveil­ the December issue, some quite \ TIME! WEL­ GOOD TO unique opportunity to those people lance of domestic anti-war and civil COME TO B E BAC K ! bellicose. I who would like to extend their rights activists, while disguising REDSKIN college experience beyond the itself as a private industrial securi­ I would like to suggest an COUNTRY! bounds of the structured academic ty consultant. alternative outlet for the religious m / atmosphere of Notre Dame. Not In other words, Hellmuth lent his fervor of those letter-writers who only will your understanding of a name and respectability as a front baptize murders and bombings foreign country increase, but pas­ behind which these illegal activities with the words “sacred struggle” sing over to another culture can took place. When contacted by The and “God-given right to be give you greater insight into the Observer, Hellmuth refused to hum an” . culture of America, the weaknesses comment on the exact nature of his How about a non-tradidonal that are ignored or the good points firm’s business and said he didn’t observation of St. Patrick’s Day? that are often taken for granted. want to discuss the allegations Instead of beer-guzzling and The program is definitely not for which had been made. aggressive boasting, how about a everyone, but those who do partici­ The matter raises serious ques­ public recognition of the sin of pate can enjoy the Japanese life­ tions. If the allegations are true ethnicism? How about a liturgy to style in a way no tourist could. (and the evidence that they are is NO, NO, I U A S JUST show that the Notre Dame family is BACK? Sophia University is located in strong), why is Paul Hellmuth still HERE AUJHHE AGO BOFFO. I H A S first Christian, and only secondar­ YOU'RE A HOW'D COMPLETELY the center of Tokyo, a city which on Notre Dame’s Board of Fellows? FOR A CONFIRMATION ily Irish or Irish-American (or NATIVE OF TT GO? EXONERATED. combines the mystery of the East Are the Fellows and Board of HEARING ON M Y AP­ American) and a public commit­ P.C.? M om 'S THE with the sophistication of the West Trustees aware of the possibility of POINTMENT A S A M ­ ment that when our Christianity VEAL HERE? in an exciting way. Spread through­ his CIA connections? BASSADORS CHINA! clashes with our ethnicity, as it / out the city are many entertain­ I feel that the high-ranking must, our Christianity will come ment and cultural districts where University officials should be ad­ first? you will find Japanese theatre, dressing these important questions films, discos, museums, publicly. But each of us - students, To be specific, I suggest that the traditional Japanese gardens and staff, faculty - has the responsibili­ Student Body, the Administration, just about anything else you could ty to challenge this situation. and the Alumni Organization pro­ imagine. You can explore the The groundskeeper issue has claim this St. Patrick’s Day a day of sidestreets of Tokyo anytime with­ been reminding us that Notre public prayer and fasting for the out fear, for it is truly a safe city. In Dame is not the bastion of morality cause of peace in Northern Ireland. short, your campus is all of Tokyo. and justice which we sometimes Patrick J. Roadie ( 3 ^ The rest of Japan is easily think, and now this situation pre- B.S. "60, M .S. '63, Ph.D. '68 Monday, February 20, 1978______the Observer §

F ebruary 20 - 24 T h is Week A t The Main Building Career Development Center Saint Mary's College SCHEDULED FOP. WEEK OF FEBRUARY 27 284-4431

Interviews are for seniors and graduate students. Sign-up Interviews Name D ate Major Desired schedules are In Boom 213, Main Building. Interview times must be signed for in person. The sign-up period a t th e Moore Business Forms Mon. Feb. 20 B u sin ess Placement Bureau w ill be from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. Lincoln National Sales Corporation Tues. Feb. 21 A ll Majors

a* . 27 Allied Chemical Coro PPG Industries Thurs. Feb 23 B u sin ess N3N BTn ME, EE. 8M in ChE. Chase Manhattan Bank B.F. Goodrich Thurs. Feb. 23 Bus. /Acc./Mkt./F in./ MBA with Fin background or concentration. Ind. Mgm./Prod.Mgm/ Chubb & Son P e r. Mgm./ B in all disciplines. Property & Casualty Ins. Texaco Fri. Feb. 24 B us./A cc. For: Underwriter Trainee, Claims Adjustor Trainee, Operations Trainee. Location: . Citizenship I EM C orp. Wen. Feb. 22 A ll Majors not required. Action/peace Corps/Vista - LeMans Lobby Tues. Feb. 28 A ll Majors City National .Bank of Detroit "U .S. Navy Wen. March 1 A ll M ajors A ll BBA, General Foods Carp ♦Sears Roebuck Thurs. March 2 Ret. Mgm/Cdt. Sales/ B in CE, EE, Engr Sci, ME. 3 in Acct. «JSA Cnbr/Data Proc/Cpywr. with Acct background or concentration. ♦M iles Lab Fri. March 3 Chem./Acc./Comp.Sc/ General Motors Corp M ath. MBA with Acct/Fin bkgrd or conctrn. (Primarily ♦Prudential Insurance Fri. March 3 A ll M ajors f i r s t y e a r MBA's f o r stu m er em ploym ent. " - 0 “ * — • ■— > — 1 —' i n s w a p * . . WORKSHOPS: Mutual Benefit Life of New Jersey B in AL and BA. ------TITLE DATE TIME INSTRUCTOR LOCATION g .S. Steel Corp C a n c e lle d . Resume C linic Sun. 2 /1 9 7 -9 p.m . Mary Ann Daly Student A ffairs

Consumers Power Co Interview Skills Mon. 2 /2 0 3 :1 5 -5 :1 5 Mary Laverty Exec. Board Room BBA and MBA. K in ME and ChE. BM in to. Waiter E. Deuchler Associates, Inc Assertive Training Wen. 2 /2 2 3 :1 5 -5 :1 5 Suzanne Areson Student A ffairs BM In ME, EE, CE. Inland Steel Co. Indiana Harbor Works Values Clarification Thurs. 2/23 7-9p-m . Kathleen Rice R egina B in BE, MB, ChE, MEIO. Bfffi in M et. SM in Decision Making Analytical, Inorganic and Physical Chem. Require­ ments cancelled for Acct. Job S earch Sun. 2 /2 6 7 - 9 p.m . Beltsy Twitchell M cCandless Mobil Oil Corp 8 in AL and BA. S k i l l ID Mon. 2 /2 7 7 -9 p.m . Leslie Wilson Holy Cross Lobby Mutual of New York Insurance Co C a n c e lle d . i N o rth e rn T ru s t Co . . . i - . v 1 -“t:. __, ------■■■ -■ — ■ ■ - - ■ B in AL. MBA with Acct/Fin bkgrd or concentration. S ign up for a ll interviews, workshops and events at the CDC, Student A ffairs Wing, Change in Bus. Admin, requirements. 175 LeMans H all. Procter A Gamble Paper Products BM In ChE, ME, MEIO, BE. MBA with BS in Engr. Wallace Business Forms. Inc B in H tt. Feb 28/Marl Great-West Life Assurance Co. Croup Div ND press publishes novel Essex Group, Inc B ia Acct. B In ME and Ct’E. The University of Notre Dame rest in 1907, he grew up between written in Romanian. Most await Indiana & Michigan Electric Co Press has published its first novel World Wars, decades of freedom in translation and publication in other B in EE and ME. and the first English translation of Romania between struggles for languages. MlUer Brewing Co Romanian author Mirceal Eliade’s independence and the demands of Among his well-known studies B In ME. masterwork in fiction, The Forbid­ a socialist state. inthe history of religions are The National Bank of Detroit den Forest. Since completing Forbidden Myth of the Eternal Return, » in Acct, Pin. The first of Eliade’s novels to be Forest, Eliade has written no other Images and Symbols, Myth and Yellow Freight System, Inc published in English, Forbidden novels, but he continues to produce Reality and From Primitives to B in Mgt, Mkt. MBA with Mgt/tfct bkgrd or conetrn Forest was translated by Mac short stories and , all Zen. Linscott Ricketts and Mark Park ACTION/Peace Corps/VISTA Stevenson. Originally titled Noap- BM in all disciplines. JD. tea de Sanziene (“ The Night of St. Steelcase Inc John” ), it was begun in 194 and not B in Mkt. completed until five years later, Mar 2 L. S. Ayres Co when it was immediately translated THURS B In AL and BA. Also interviewing for Sycamore Shops. into French and published in 1955 B ankers T ru st Co as Foret interdlte. The Romanian C a n c e lle d . edition did not appear until Century 21. Chapman Co., Inc 1970-71. B In AL end BA. Rescheduled from Jan. 30. Eliade is a distinguished histo­ Emerson E le c t r i c Co rian of religions who has taught at grateful dead night MBA with Acct or Mkt bkgrd or conctrn. the University of Chicago’s Divinity G.T.B. Automatic Electric School since 1957. Born in Bucha­ B in EE and Comp S c i. tonite

Mar 2 /3 American Can Co with T h u rs /F ri B in Acct, Fin, Econ. Fisher sponsors Lady Arrow Rex Delcamp A ll BBA. Hesburgh lecture and Mar 3 Aqua-Chem, Inc Fr. Theodore Hesburgh will speak Mike Tsubota F r i B in MB and ChE. tonight at 8 p.m . in the basem ent of Wffi. H. B lock Co Fisher Hall. The lecture is spon­ 9 -11 pm B in Mkt and Mgt. sored b y the Fisher Hall Academic Electronic Data Systems Corp Com ission. MBA. Prudential Insurance Company of America B in AL and BA. COMMONS Corby's Sealed Power Corp ‘Support Your B in ME and Met. Youngs town Sheet and Tube Co — Mon - Thurs Local C a n c e lle d . after 5:00pm ■BEER BUST ’■ Pitcher of arty Tues Nite 8 -3 Musicologist lectures Beer tonight on Beethoven Viprice Eva Badura-Skoda, eminent the University of Innsbruck. She viz/ Viennese musicologist, will give a has studied at the Universities of free public lecture tonight at 8 p.m. Heidelberg and Vienna, and has purchase Prof. Badura-Skoda, a leading worked with musicologists Wilhelm scholar and editor of Viennese Fischer and Curt Sachs, among Classical music, will lecture on others. She was chairman of the of performance conventions in musicology department at the Uni Beethoven’s early works. The versity of Wisconsin at Madison in large pizza lecture, sponsored by the Notre the 60’s, where her husband, Dame department of music, will pianist Paul Badura-Skoda, was CAFRYOUTFeZA take place in the recital hall of the concurrently artist in residence. &IOJOB Crowley Hall of Music. In addition to her lecture tours and participation in international o s i n x Widely published in the United seminars. Prof. Badura-Skoda is States and Europe, Prof. Badura- currently serving on the faculty of 233-055 Skoda received her doctorate from the University of Vienna. 6 the observer______Monday, February 20, 1978 Guerillas surrender Commando raid

LARNACA* Cyprus [AP] - The gunmen seized hostages and In Cairo, a government statement Egyptian commandos defied the during negotiations were taken to said, ‘ Prime Minister Mamdouh Cyprus government and charged the four-engined plane that flew Salem telephoned Cypriot authori­ through Cypriot gunfire last night them and their 15 captives out of ties yesterday morning to inform to storm a jetliner and free 15 Cyprus. them Egypt was sending a com­ captives held by two Arab terror­ mando force to help rescue the ists. After an airborne odyssey span­ hostages.” Egyptian television The self-proclaimed Palestinian ning much of the Middle East in interrupted its programming with guerillas surrendered to the which half a dozen Arab and other news of the commando raid. plane’s crew during the assault and countries refused landing permis­ The Cypriot spokesman said,“We the hostages were freed, a pilot sion, the plane put down in the told the Egyptian troops not to take are haw reported. Witnesses said at least East African nation of Djibouti any action, but they ran out of the avana am 15 Egyptians were killed. It was early yesterday. There it was plane and began firing indiscrimin­ not known if any hostages were refueled and returned to Cyprus. ately.” injured. Both terrorists were About three hours after it landed Egyptians were shooting at the captured and one was wounded, here, and negotiations had re­ control tower, and Cypriot Presi­ Egypt’s official Middle East News sumed, the Egyptian raiders flew dent Spyros Kypriano “was forced Agency reported in Cairo. in aboard a C-130 transport plane to take cover to avoid being hit. At The Egyptian raid triggered an and the firelight erupted. this point the Greek Cypriot nation­ angry exchange between the Miltiades Christodoulou, the al guard opened fire to protect Cypriot and Egyptian govern­ Cypriot spokesman, told reporters lives,” Christodoulou said. ments. Cyprus said the attack the Egyptian military transport Kypriano was in the tower over­ caused needless bloodshed just as carrying the raiders landed under seeing negotiations with the gun­ the terrorists were preparing to “false pretenses” at Larnace Air­ men who reportedly were seeking free their 11 hostages and the four port. safe passage to an unspecified y « te crewmen of the Cyprus Airways “Cairo had informed us it was socialist country, when the Egypt­ Direct any questions to DC-8. sending a plane with Egyptian ian plane landed. The terrorists Rob Civitello The ordeal began Saturday when ministers to take part in negotia­ immediately closed the doors of the 272-4577 the two assassins, who identified tions,” he said. jetliner. themselves as Palestinians, gunned down Egyptian newspaper editor Youssef el-Sebaei in a hotel CANT m A lobby in Nicosia, the Cypriot capi­ tal. [WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY GIVE BLOOD

Residents of Breen-Phillips and St. Ed’s who have volunteered to donate blood are reminded to do so tomorrow through Thursday. MUSIC SALE SU to offer JOEL THE STRANGER Florida guide including J u s t The Way You Are Scenes From An Italian Restaurant The Student Union Social Com­ Movin O ut (A nthony's Song) mission is planning to publish a Only T he G ood Die Young/Vienna guide to Florida for this sprin break. Any students from Florid or merely interested, who would t willing to work with them on the guide should contact Sunr Schramm at #6244. RCA COLUMBIA UNITED ARTISTS

SUPERTRAMP " S u W t f t r S " GALAXY ♦ * 5 •* 5 • , j t , , f | • l : * * * : V r n




531 N. Michigan Available at Notre Dame Bookstore 233-4957 . .

Monday, February 20. 1978 the obseoar TleeZ%r^^kt%oma7ityon7!s^or NOTICES classifieds break. Leave the 17th, Brian, 1641. Need ride to Indianapolis or Bloomington Ellison closes SLF Sophomore gym shorts are In; all sizes. LOST: a pocket camera somewhere Feb. 24. Call 1361. between North Dining Hall and Admlni- finished Saturday morning, while Antone who took Dynamic Reading or startion building on Saturday of snows­ Need four GA Marquette tickets. Call [Continued Grom page 1] sitting in the “Morris Detention Evelyn Wood, Info wanted - satisfied or torm - Please call Ruth, 1317. not. Call Brian 7-8 pm, 3013. Dale 8766. not a Buckeye, just because I come Center.” The first was titled “The from ,” he said. “I belong to FOUND: a pair of women’s gloves, tan PERSONALS Birds Come Home to Roost” and One roomate to share Campus View Apt. with leather palm, about a week ago my friends and my work.” concerned a man who is visited in Please call 277-3509. Saturday behind the bookstore. Call 8472 “My work is the most important reverse order by all the women he to claim. Overeaters anonymous meeting is now on thing for me,’’Ellison added “I ever knew. MOTORCYCLISTS - Interested in riding campus! Call 289-6021 for time and to Florida at Easter Break - Tom LOST: Green and ski cap. Cafetria. , would betray anything for my The second story, read later 287-7743. place. art -parents, lover, country.” during the talk, was called “The Reward. Please call Paul, 8540. Someone in the audience shouted, Man Who Was Heavily Into Happy Birthday to the very popular J.P. Last chance to get your class. ’80 shorts. LOST: One red and green scarf, probably (or is it P.J.?) McGuire. With love, from “Justice?” He replied “Anything, Revenge.” It was about a building Soph, office, 1-4 pm. in South Dining Hall. Call 6326. your admirers, anything.” contractor who cheats an old man Joan and M argie Another member of the audience and who suffers a terrible death Looking for a band for your party or LOST: San Francisco license plate-key formal? Attalla can give you what you shouted, “ How do you define art?” because of it. chain with name “ maureen” - please call Dear South Quad Mystery Man, need. For the best In boogie and rock 6856. Ellison snapped back, “What I Both stories were partially auto­ Thanks for the Valentine Carnation! around call Fred at 277-34411. Your “ Dining Hall Darling” from 421. w rite.” biographical and Ellison explained LOST: one blue ski glove (lefthand) Ellison read two short stories, in detail about the incidents from TYPING DONE between the Rock and Alumni. Lost on Steve Fitzmorris, one of which he said he had i which the stories came. Reasonable Rates Thursday, Feb. 2, appx. 4:45 pm. If Congratulations on making that big Call 8086 found please contact George at 1248. step toward you M.D.! We’re proud of you! alt S i« S Accurate, fast typing. Mrs. Donoho, LOST: gold cross necklace on SMC Adam, Mare, Pat, Ed & the Gang avaitaW e 232-0746, Hours - 8 am to 6 pm. campus. Reward, Cathy - 5454. Wis, TYPING. Reasonable arets Call 8051. LOST:'maroon ski jacket at Library Bar Wood at 15’s little boy feet will become Sat. nite. Special X-Mas present - man feet when he turns 16. Dissertations, manuscripts typed. IBM Reward. Call Kevin 1655. Pauli Selection II. Linda’s Letters. 287-4971. LOST: A pair of large brown-framed Dave - Anyone wishing to vote in the Indiana eyeglasses in a brown case. Reward. The flowers were beautiful. Don’t give May elections should contact Mo at Call Rocky, 1773. up hope despite the odds the best is 4-1-4001 before Spring Break. yet to come. You’ll see in M arch. Love FOUND: silver wire-framed glasses out­ you, MORRISSEY LOAN FUND side the ACC before the Maryland game. Penny (remember) Student Loans at one percent interest Call 1475. monthly, $20-$150. One day wait. Due in Jane-Bo, thirty days. LaFortune basement, 11:15 - LOST: ladle’s gold watch at Mardis Gras ConsCongratulations on the grat play! Beat 4 L 12:15, M-F. SL Sat. Linda, 7812. SMC!! j on sale: Love, Big Sister CONTACT LENS WEARERS - Save on FOUND: M en’s gloves in room 343 PS: good luck on all those tests. 'Jt* monday, 3.120 Miru brand name hard and soft lens supplies. Niewland. Call 272-2548 to claim. Send for free illustrated catalog. Contact Hey DAK: Thursday, a/ 2.3 Lens Supplies, Box 7453, Phoenix, Ari­ WANTED Are you happy now? 1'00" 5:0 0\ sophomore, zona, 85011. My Bets C office. Lafortune basenerit ND AND SMC ARTISTS: W e are TENNIS PROS AND ASSISTANT PROS: Bill Higgins- establishing individual studios and a Seasonal and yer-round clubs; good Scared me when I thought you forgot. gallery on our upper level. Work, exhibit playing and teaching background. Call As always, the answer is a hearty YES! and sell in a pleasant atmosphere. We 301-654-3770 or send two resumes and Come visit. want a good mix of painting, photography two pictures to : Col. R. Reade, W.T.S., BFA sculpture, silk scree, picture framing, 8401 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 1011, handcrafts, etc. Apply for space at Chevy Chase, MD.. 20015. Haircuts, cheap styles, trims. SMC 4530 Aquinas Book Shop, 435 S. Michigan St. Betsy. Help ! I need Marquette tickets. Call NEED QUALITY TYPING? Executary Annne 4983. Need four GA tix for Marquette game. Inc., Professional typing service IBM SMC 4530 - Betsy. correcting selectrics. 85 cents per page ND - M ississippi basketball progra minimum. Call 232-0898 "When you needed. Call collect, 616-471-1377. Jap (408) want the best.” You do have a secret admirer” Models needed for photographer de­ Love, Secret A dm irer Lenten confessions heard Monday veloping portfolio. No experience neces­ through Saturday at Sacred Heart begin­ sary. Call for details, 616-471-1377. Sandy Rogaski - ning at 7 pm. Anyone wishing to make The men of Notre Dame don’t appointment for confession may phone Desperately need ride(s) to Miami - appreciate you! Campus Ministry at 6536 or 3820. Lauderdale area for sping break- Will for the gong show share driving and expenses. Call Mickey Purple Socks, FOR RENT 3364 or Matt 3349. Throw away your PENCIL! It’s the big 20, you’e ready for the REAL THING! Need two tix to N.C. State gam e. Call Available for Sept., five bedroom house, 277-5137. M orrissey Loan Fund, also three bedroom apartment. Call My body shall remain my own. Sorry Nancy Humbarger, 234-9364. Need four tix for Marquette game. Call M.PO’H SATURDAY— 277-5137. For rent next school year: Completely Kristen, 25 FEBRUARY furnished 4 bedroom house a couple Need one or two GA Loyola tickets. Call Happy 19th a little late. Hope it was a blocks from campus. No security Bill 232-4499. happy one. Love ya’ ® s 117 Lyons problems, safe neighborhood, easy walk to campus. Call 277-3604. Momxand Dad need two GA tix to Sjrc.isored by the SMC Social Commission! Marquette. Please call Rich, 1172. Dear Mr. AMTM Two furnished houses for rent next school You may have the title but I have the Call Nan Murray 4298 (SMC) by Feb. 22 year - nine month lease, 4 bedroom and 5 WANTED: Ride to Ft. Lauderdale for two talent! bedroom. Near ND, off street parking. girls for spring break. Will share driving Ms. Friday Call 234-2626. and expenses. Call Jean or Mo - 4-1-4001. Easy job. Call 233-7949 anytime S-M-W, or from 8 am to 2 pm on T-Th-F. Sunshine Celebration FOR SALE Need 6 GA and 5 student tickets for the Marquette game. Will paybig bucks! To the hateful chick from South Easl and Call Kevin, 287-5737. Georgia: Dagum - couldn’t forget your 18 [Notre Dame Student Union] FULL COLOR C0T00N BOWL PIC­ 1/2. Happy half Birthday. presents TURES NOW AVAILABLE. CALL 8982. TWO TICKETS FOR MARQUETTE: Call Rich, 1173. Little Hershey Kiss, FOR SALE: BIC 981 urntable only three Wanna make some chocolate? months old. Comes with SHURE M9IED Need four GA tickets to any weekend Miss Nestle cartridge, walnut base and dustcover. home basketball game. Call 4-1-5745. M ust sell, Call 3058. Pretty kinky, huh. FOGHAT Need two Marquette GA tickets. Call Frozen yogurt machine. Great for money Diane, 7883. Call gorgeous Mary, alias Katy Scarlett minded student. Refreshing for the and wish her a happy 19th birthday. 5221 warm days ahead. Call Erma at Taco WANTED: Two Marquette tix. Will pay 2 North Rico - 291-3142. easonable sum of $$. Call 1612. Dear RAA Marantz 2216 three months old. Best I am in dire need of two M arquette B-Ball Congratulations! Your dreams are ofer call Mike, 1580. tix. Will pay your price, call 1612. coming true, and if anyone desreves that, it is YOU! Love, Panasonic AM-FM stereo with turntable Need up to 8 GA tix for Marquette game. K. Enrigat and cassette player-recorder plus two Call 1772. PS: Of course, I’ll be your brides maid. speakers. Excellent condition, 1 and 1/2 years old. $150. Need 2 or 4 Marquette tix, 8504 or 8502. Dear Mr. September, Your thoughtfulness made my day. FOR SALE: Realistic TR-801 8 track Desperately need four GA Marquete tix. You’re a real doll! player-recorder tape deck. VU meters, Call 1423. The Calendar Girl many extras. Like new, Make offer. Call Steve 8209. Must have one GA Marquette tic. Will To AML Escort Service - and special guest pay $$$. Call Bill 1978. H ere’s to Observerpersonals, dinner, a WHY PAY MORE? Planner Records has dozen red roses, and the best Valentine’s STARZ all $7.98 list Ip’s for only $5.29. All $6.98 Need four tickets to Marquette game. Day ever! list Ip’s for only $4.59 (plus tax). Planner Call Kim, 272-4869. MLA Memeber of the Court Records, 322 Planner, Phone 2741. Need ride to NYC area Feb. 23. Marice Last chance to get your class 80’ shorts. Sph. Office, 1-4 pm. monday feb 27 7:30 pm LOST AND FOUND 1312. notre dame a.c.c. Wanted: One student or GA Marquette Sophomore gym shorts are in. All sizes. LOST: one black wallet with identifying ticket. Call Bill, 7781. cards (Brendan Taylor) porbably between Carmen - Get rich quick! Just call 272-5843 and sell Feliz cumpleunos from your All seats reserved: Sorin and ACC sometime early last week. nrcfobiology friends. I don’t care about the money, but I me your Marquette ticket. Ask for Brian. $7.00 Aoor Festival Style desperately need the wallet - call 8467. OVERSEAS JOBS- Summer, year round S. $7.00 Reserved Chair Style Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, Is your April 2nd homework done yet??? $6.00 Reserved Bleacher LOST: one sterling neclace between gym etc., all fields, $500-1200 monthly, expen­ 4. ACC and Alumni. Medal is a cross ses paid, sightseeing. Free information - To the “ Clark Kent” of Microbiology: On sale at Student Ticket office, ACC surrounded by a triangular shelter. Save W rite BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. 14, Now they spell class “ L1U1C1A1S.” L J me from suicide! Brian, 3774, 7958. Berkeley, CA 94704. JMJ a tha obaarvflr " Monday, February 20. 1978 leers split Duluth series, remain in 6th place

by Chip Scanlon killing by the Irish while Brian Sports Writer Burke occupied the box, Collier lost the puck to the troublesome Roth­ The Irish leers captured and lo$t stein, who skated in with his line on fifth place in the WCHA over the a lone defender and dumped a pass weekend, moving past Michigan in | to Mark Pavelich for an easy flip the standings by virtue of their past Peterson. Five minutes later, decisive 7-3 victory over Minne­ Pavelich emerged from a face-off sota Duluth Friday night, only to flurry with the puck, skated in front sink back to sixth by virtue of of Peterson and lifted the puck over Saturday’s disappointing 5-4 loss. his right shoulder for a 3-2 Bulldog It was all Irish Friday night. Greg lead going into the final period. Meredith opened the scoring at UMD came out for the final frame 5:23 with a power-play goal after like they were killing a twenty- UMD goalie Rick Heinz had b ee n , minute penalty, dragging the puck called for tripping. Tom Michalek and killing time in an effort to keep followed with a score 33 seconds the Irish offense off balance. later on assists from linemates Bob 1 But Notre Dame continued to Baumgartner and Kevin Humph­ apply the heat until Tom Mich reys, and the Irish were ahead to aiek’s shot rebounded off Heinz to stav. Bob Baumgartner in front of the Mark Pavelich opened the scor­ net, who slid it past the goalie’s ing for the Bulldogs at 12:08 to stick to tie the score with 7:35 gone. make it 2-1, but Kevin Nugent got UMD’s Harrington scored on that one back with a thundering assists from McDonald and Kuiyk slapshot from the right wing that at 13:10, and Terry Fairholm blew past Heinz’s outstretched backhanded his own rebound past glove, for a 3-1 Irish lead. Heinz at 14:22 to make it 4-4. Notre Dame maintained their But it was to be the night of the frantic first-period pace throughout defensive error, which is why the game, combining heads-up Bulldog Center Davey Johnson stick handling with aggressive found himself all alone in front of fofechecking to contain the action John Peterson at 15:26, when for the most part in the UMD zone. Mitch Corbin hit Johnson with a Don Lucia opened the second perfect pass, Johnson hit the nets period scoring with a slap shot from with a solid wrist shot, and the right point after Geoff Collier Minnesota-Duluth hit the Irish with had won the face-off to Heinz’s Goalie Len Moher goes to the ice to stop a shot in Friday night's game against Minnesota Duluth, a hard defeat. right and dumped thepuckback. It which Notre Dame won 7-3. The Irish couldn't of 6th place, however, as they lost Saturday “Mental mistakes killed us,” was a good example of the way that night, 5-4. [Photo by Leo Hansen] insisted Coach Lefty Smith after the Irish were able to control the psychological boost. if Friday night’s game was corner to give Notre Dame the lead Saturday night’s loss. ‘“ Instead of game and apply consistent pres­ The third period was anticlima- encouraging to fans who have at 2:39. With UMD defenseman, making them earn their goals, we sure on Heinz, who faced 46 shots. tic. Tom Michalek made it 7-2 early watched their Irish skate back from Tom Madson, whistled off for gave them to them on a silver Collier added a power-play goal on with a slap shot from just inside an 0-8 record to the play-offs, elbowing at 13:14, ND was pres­ platter.” at 16:46 after A1 had the blue line that tipped Heinz’s Saturday’s game was a setback. ented a power-play opportunity Smith noted that the Bulldogs been whistled off for tripping to glove on its way into the net. Don Notre Dame skated as well and hit that turned from gold to dust when tend to rely on a few good skaters make it 5-1. Junior Right Wing Hedlund and Kevin Nugent were as hard as the night before, but John Rothstein poked the puck free for most of their offensive power. John Rothstein fired a shot be­ off the ice at the time, doing two careless passing and momentary from the point man and skated in “ Kids like Harrington and (Dan) tween Goalie Lenny Moher’s knees minutes each for roughing follow­ defensive breakdowns supplied alone on John Peterson to score a Lempe and Rothstein are fast at 19:22 to pull the Bulldogs to ing a brief disagreement in the Minnesota-Duluth with a cluster of break away shorthanded goal. In forwards. They get out there and within 3, but Kevin Nagurski near corner, the only flare-up in an easy scoring opportunities on their that single flash of blade and stick, move the ouck.” scored his first career goal 15 otherwise clean contest. John Har­ way to a 5-4 wim. Rothstein served notice that the We’ve got a tough eight or nine seconds later on assists from John rington closed the scoring with a The Irish appeared to be in control Bulldogs weren’t about to be days ahead of us,” noted Smith. Freidmann and Dan Byers to give hard wrist shot from a face-off at when Steve Schneider tipped in a manhandled again. “ We’ve got Michigan State Friday the Irish a 6-2 bulge and a 9:36. Greg Meredith shot from the The Irish continued to move the and Saturday, then we have to go puck well in the second period. up to Grand Forks (North Dakota) Geoff Collier made it 2-1 with a for two games Monday and Tues­ quick backhander from right in day. It’s going to be pretty tough.” Irish jeopardize front of Heinz that caught him by If the Irish play like they did on surprise. But agian, UMD came Friday night, the road might be a with loss to Southback. After some brilliant nenaltv bit easier. by Bob Keen ing opportunities. Dave Batton let before fouling out late in the game Sports Writer the Irish with eight points, with on quite a controversial call. Williams adding six. South Caro­ Augustus led all rebounders in In Columbia, South Carolina on lina shot 50 percent from , the game with ten. Indeed, the Saturday the Notre Dame basket­ but more importantly they did a determining factor in the contest ball team, by losing its second good job of rebounding against a may well have been the South game in a week, to the Gamecocks, much taller Irish team. Carolina 31.-27 rebounding margin. 65-60, seriously jeopordized its Beginning the second half in “ You’ve got to give credit to Frank chances of attaining a bid to the much the same fashion as the first, and his kids today, ” said Phelps. NCAA Tourney. Notre Dame hit their first five shots “They played the entire game with Actually, the Irish jumped to a spurting to their second seven great intensity and I felt the key to quick 8-2 lead after Senior co­ point lead of the game, 41-34. the first half was their work on the Sports captain Don “ Duck ” Williams hit a Again the Irish squandered their b o a rd s.” 20 foot jum per. After a time-out chance to take control of the game “Our kids hung in there with a South Carolina regrouped and cut by committing three straight turn­ lot of guts,” McGuire emphasized. the margin to just a field goal, 10-8. overs that directly led to six “They were out of it twice - in the On Notre Dame’s next possession unanswered Gamecock points. second half when we fell seven Kelly Tripucka went to the basket South Carolina finally took the lead behind and in the first half when drawing the foul. The Gamecock 48-47 on a basket by senior captain they shot all those technicals.” Weekend Sports Results players and bench took exception to Jackie Gilloon. The Gamecocks The loss drops Notre Dame’s the call, however, and subse­ were never to relinquish the lead as record to 17-5 with ju st three The Irish Fencing team increased their season record to 11-0 and quently Golie Augustus and Head Notre Dame could get no closer games remaining before the NCAA their winning streak to 78 matches by downing Michigan State 24-3, Coach Frank McGuire were asses­ than within one. makes its selections for the tourna­ and Ohio State 17-10. The Women’s Epee team raised their record to 6-1 by defeating Michigan State 6-3. sed technical fouls. Freshman Depite the loss of both Graziana ment. Should the Irish falter in any standout Tripucka calmly sank all and Gilloon with five fouls in the of these contests the selection five foul shots to give Notre Dame finala minutes of the contest, Notre committee may have second The Irish Track team collected 13 points to finish 13th among a comfortable seven point lead. Dame was unable to make the doubts. Although Notre Dame field of 17 teams in the Central Collegiate Championships. Chuck The Irish failed to capitalize upon clutch steals and shots necessary to made the tournament several years Aragon qualified for the NCAA National Competition at Cobo Hall a situation in which many less overcome the South Carolina lead. ago with a 18-9 record, one must in Detroit on March 10-11. experienced teams, in similar situ­ Instead, the Gamecocks displayed realize thatthey had also won 11 out ations, have turned the contest into the poise of a veteran and well- of their last 12 gam es. With this in The Notre Dame Swim team lost over the weekend to Monmouth a route. Instead, the Gamecocks disciplined club sinking almost 86 mind, Tuesday’s battle with the College of New Jersey, which is ranked fourth in the country in Wolfpack of State Jrept their composure playing percent of their free throws, includ­ Division III. Monmouth amassed 69 points to the Irish’s44 points. soundly at both ends of the court ing two by Freshman Kevin Dun becomes the most crucial game of and narrowed Notre Dame’s mar­ leavy with just 13 seconds remain­ the season. ing in the game that sealed the The Notre Dame Wrestling squad placed first out of a field of 24 gin to just a bucket in the final teams in the Wheaton Tournament held this past Friday and minutes of the half. More impor­ victory. Belles to host Williams and Batton carried the Saturday. The Irish collected 82 points, just barely defeating Drake tantly, after center Jim Graziano University with 81 and one quarter points. Marquett took third picked-up his third foul sending Irish, scoring 19 and 16 points women cagers respectively, most of which came olace with 53 and one quarter points. him to the Gamecock bench, The St. Mary’s Belles will host McGuire slowed down the tempo of from long range over Carolina’s, tenacious zone defense. However, the Notre Dame Women’s Basket­ In the Midwest Collegiate Ski Association Championships held on the contest, keeping his club ball Team tonight at 7 p.m. in the withing striking distance until the the rest of the team never became a Saturday, the Irish Ski team took top honors with 119 points. factor on the offensive end of the Angela Athletic Facility. This will Minnesota placed second with 82 points, while Western Michigan half. In fact, Karlton Hilton’s be the second meeting between the desperation jumper from 25 feet at court, shooting only 45 percent for University finished third with 72 points. the game. Although the Game-, two teams, with the Irish having the Ibuzzerl knotted the score at 29. won the first game 61-51. The cocks didn’t shoot: much better, The Notre Dame Women’s Basketball team raised their season Notre Came managed to shoot confrontation will be the first ever they made them when they had to. only 44 percent from the field in the between the two teams in the new record to 10-2 with a 62-50 victory over the Titans of Marion Gilloon led Carolina with 15 pointsj first half despite many good scor­ Angela facility. College.