Munich Personal RePEc Archive Plague, Politics, and Pogroms: The Black Death, Rule of Law, and the persecution of Jews in the Holy Roman Empire Finley, Theresa and Koyama, Mark George Mason University, George Mason University 19 June 2016 Online at MPRA Paper No. 72110, posted 20 Jun 2016 15:15 UTC Plague, Politics, and Pogroms: The Black Death, Rule of Law, and the persecution of Jews in the Holy Roman Empire Theresa Finley§ Mark Koyama§ George Mason University George Mason University This Version: June 16, 2016 Abstract: This paper explores the institutional determinants of persecution by studying the intensity of the Black Death pogroms in the Holy Roman Empire. Political fragmen- tation exacerbated competition for the rents generated by Jewish moneylending. This competition made Jewish communities vulnerable during periods of crisis. We test this hypothesis using data on the intensity of pogroms. In line with our model, we find that communities governed by Archbishoprics, Bishoprics, and Imperial Free Cities experienced more intense and violent persecutions than did those governed by the emperor or by secular princes. We discuss the implications that this has for the enforcement of the rule of law in weak states. Keywords: Black Death, Political Fragmentation, Legal Fragmentation, State Capacity, Jewish History, Persecution JEL Codes: N13, N43, K00 §
[email protected]; Department of Economics, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. §
[email protected]. Department of Economics, George Mason University, VA 22030. 1 Introduction The rule of law entails equality before the law for all and the protection of minority rights (see Bingham, 2010).