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The Hierarchic Theory of Liquids and Solids. Computerized Applications for Ice, Water, and Biosystems Alex Kaivarainen CONTENTS Preface Acknowledgments Summary Introduction The new notions and definitions, introduced in the hierarchic theory of condensed matter 1. Theoretical background of the Hierarchic model 1.1 General notions 1.2 The main statements of the hierarchic model 2. Properties of de Broglie waves 2.1 Parameters of individual de Broglie waves 2.2 Parameters of de Broglie waves in condensed matter 2.3 Hamiltonians of quasi-particles, introduced in Hierarchic Concept of Matter 2.4 Phase velocities of standing de Broglie waves forming new types of quasi-particles 3. Concentrations and properties of quasi -particles , introduced in Hierarchic theory of condensed matter 3.1 The concentration of primary effectons, primary transitons and convertons 3.2 The concentration of secondary (mean) effectons and secondary transitons 3.3 The concentration of the electromagnetic primary deformons 3.4 The concentration of acoustic secondary deformons 3.5 The properties of macro-effectons (tr and lb) 3.6 The properties of macro-deformons and macro-transitons (tr and lb) 3.7 The properties of super-effectons 3.8. The concentration of super-deformons (super-transitons) 3.9 The properties of convertons and related collective excitations 3.10 The concentrations of acoustic deformons, excited by convertons 3.11 Some quantitative characteristics of collective excitations 4. Hierarchic thermodynamics 4.1 The internal energy of matter as a hierarchical system of quasi-particles formed by 3D standing waves 4.2 Parameters of deformons (primary and secondary) 4.3 Parameters of transitons 4.4 Parameters of macro-effectons 4.5 Parameters of macro-deformons 4.5a Parameters of convertons and related excitations 4.6 Parameters of super-effectons 4.7 Parameters of super-deformons 4.8 Contributions of kinetic and potential energy to the total internal energy 4.9 Some useful parameters of condensed matter 4.9.1 The frequency of ac and bc) convertons excitation [lb/tr] 4.9.2 The frequency of excitation of Super-effectons and Super-transitons (deformons) cycles 4.9.3 The frequency of translational and librational macro-effectons and macro-transitons (deformons) cycle excitations 4.9.4 The frequency of primary translational and librational effectons and transitons cycle excitations 4.9.5 The fraction of molecules (Fr) in each type of independent collective excitations (quasi-particles) 4.9.6 The number of molecules in each types (i) of collective excitations 4.9.7 The concentration of each type (i) of collective excitation 4.9.8 The average distance between centers of i-type of collective excitations 4.9.9 The ratio of the average distance between centers of excitations to their linear dimension l = 1/ni1/3 5. Heat capacity and radiation of matter in the framework of the Hierarchic Theory 5.1 The relation of hierarchic concept to Einstein and Debye theories of condensed matter 5.2 Relation of the Hierarchic Concept to the Stephan-Boltzmann law of radiation 6. Quantitative verification of the Hierarchic theory for ice and water 6.1 General information about physical properties of water and ice 6.2 The experimental input data for analysis of condensed matter, using pCAMP (computer program for Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties) 6.2.1 The input parameters of ice for computer calculations 6.2.2 The input parameters of water for computer calculations 6.3 Discussion of theoretical temperature dependencies. Anomalies of water and ice 6.3.1 The temperature dependencies of total partition function (Z) and some of its components 6.3.2 The temperature dependencies of the total internal energy and some of its contributions 6.3.3 The confirmation of quantum properties of ice and water 6.3.4 The temperature dependencies of properties of primary librational effectons of the ice and water 6.3.5 Explanation of Drost-Hansen temperature anomalies 6.3.6 The temperature dependences of water density and some contributions to the total kinetic energy of water and ice 6.3.7 The temperature dependencies of translational and librational velocities and corresponding de Broglie waves length of H2O molecules in water and ice 6.4 Mechanism of phase transitions based on the Hierarchic theory 6.5 Mechanism of the 2nd-order phase transitions following from Hierarchic theory 6.6 The energy of 3D quasi-particles discrete states in water and ice. Activation energy of macro- and super-effectons and corresponding deformons 7. Interaction of light with matter 7.1 Polarizabilities and induced dipole moments of atoms and molecules 7.2 Rayleigh formula 8. New approach to theory of light refraction 8.1 Refraction in a gas 8.2 Light refraction in liquids and solids 9. Hierarchic theory of light scattering in condensed matter 9.1 The traditional approach 9.2 Fine structure of scattering 9.3 New hierarchic approach to Brillouin scattering 9.4 Factors that determine the Brillouin line width 9.5 Quantitative verification of the hierarchic theory of Brillouin scattering 9.6 Light scattering in solutions 10. Hierarchic theory of the Mössbauer effect 10.1 General background 10.2 Probability of elastic effects 10.3 Doppler broadening in spectra of nuclear gamma-resonance (NGR) 10.4 Acceleration and forces, related to the thermal dynamics of molecules and ions. The hypothesis of Vibro-gravitational interaction 11. Interrelation between mesoscopic and macroscopic properties of matter, resulting in number of new theories , verified quantitatively 11.1 The state equation for a real gas 11.2 New general state equation for condensed matter 11.2.1. The analysis of new general state equation of condensed matter. The internal pressure calculation for ice and water 11.3 New theory of vapor pressure and its computerized confirmation 11.4 New theory of surface tension and its confirmation 11.5 New theory of thermal conductivity and its confirmation 11.6 Hierarchic theory of condensed matter viscosity 11.6.1 Quantitative verification on example of water 11.6.2 Quantitative verification on example of ice 11.7 Brownian diffusion 11.8 Self-diffusion in liquids and solids 11.8.1 Self-diffusion in solids 11.9 Hierarchic approach to proton conductivity in water, ice, and other systems containing hydrogen bonds 11.10 Regulation of pH and shining of water by electromagnetic and acoustic fields 11.11 A new optoacoustic device: Comprehensive Analyzer of Matter Properties (CAMP), based on the hierarchic theory 11.11.1. Possible applications of CAMP for aqueous systems 11.11.2 The concept of using GeoNet for detection of coherent terrestrial and extraterrestrial signals 12. Hierarchic background of turbulence , superfluidity and superconductivity 12.1 Turbulence: a general description 12.2 Hierarchic mechanism of turbulence 12.3 Superfluidity: a general description 12.4 Hierarchic scenario of superfluidity 12.5 Superfluidity as a hierarchic self-organization process 12.5.1 Verification of the inaccessibility of the b-state of primary effectons at T ≤ Tλ 12.6 Superfluidity of 3He 12.7 Superconductivity 12.7.1 General properties of metals and semiconductors 12.7.2 Plasma oscillations 12.7.3 Fermi energy 12.7.4 Cyclotronic resonance 12.7.5 Electroconductivity 12.8. Microscopic theory of superconductivity (BCS) 12.9. Hierarchic scenario of superconductivity 12.9.1 Interpretation of the experimental data, confirming a new superconductivity theory 13.Hierarchic theory of complex systems 13.1. The independent experimental and theoretical results, confirming mesoscopic Bose condensation (mBC) in condensed matter 13.2. Protein domain mesoscopic organization 13.3. Quantum background of lipid domain organization in biomembranes 13.4. Hierarchic approach to theory of solutions and colloid systems 13.4.1. Definitions of hydrophilic, hydrophobic, and the newly-introduced “clusterphilic” interactions, based on the hierarchic theory 13.5. The multi-fractional nature and properties of interfacial water, based on hierarchic theory 13.5.1. Consequences and predictions of the new model of interfacial solvent structure 13.5.2 Comparison of experimental data with theoretical predictions of the interfacial water model 13.5.3. The predictions, related to both the third fraction (SSBC) and the forth fraction: orchestrated by superradiation water (SOW) of new interfacial model 13.5.4. Possible role of interfacial water near cell’s microfilaments in morphogenetic field formation 13.6. Distant solvent-mediated interaction between macromolecules 13.6.1. Possible mechanism of water activity increasing in solutions of macromolecules 13.7. Spatial self-organization (thixotropic structure formation) in water-macromolecular systems 13.8. The antifreeze and ice-nucleation proteins 13.8.1 Theoretical model of the antifreeze proteins (AFP) action 13.8.2 Consequences and predictions of proposed model of AFP action 13.9. The properties of the [bisolvent - polymer system] 13.9.1 The possibility of some nontrivial effects, following from structural and optical properties of the [bisolvent - polymer] systems. 13.10. Osmosis and solvent activity. 13.10.1. The traditional approach 13.10.2. A new approach to osmosis, based on the hierarchic theory of condensed matter 13.11 The external and internal water activity, as a regulative factor in cellular processes 13.12 Distant solvent-mediated interaction between proteins and cells 13.13 The cancer cells selective destructor 14. Macroscopic oscillations and slow relaxation (memory ) in condensed matter . The effects