X-Ray Diffraction and Spectroscopic Techniques
X-RAY DIFFRACTION AND SPECTROSCOPIC information that is averaged over macroscopic areas, in contrast TECHNIQUES FROM LIQUID SURFACES AND to scanning probe microscopies (SPMs), where local INTERFACES arrangements are probed (see, e.g., SCANNING TUNNELING MICROSCOPY). For an inhomogeneous interface, the reflectivity is David Vaknin an incoherent sum of reflectivities, accompanied by strong Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics Iowa State diffuse scattering, which, in general, is difficult to interpret University, Ames, Iowa definitively and often requires complementary techniques to support the x-ray analysis. Therefore, whenever the objective of the experiment is not compromised, preparation of well-defined DOI: 10.1002/0471266965.com077 homogeneous interfaces is a key to a more definitive and Cite: Characterization of Materials, John Wiley & Sons, 2012 straightforward interpretation. The X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy technique near total INTRODUCTION reflection from ion-enriched liquid interfaces were developed at the same time as the diffraction techniques (Bloch1985, Yun and X-ray and neutron scattering techniques are probably the most Bloch 1990, Daillant 1991) adding insight into ion adsorption and effective tools when it comes to determining the structure of phenomena at liquid interfaces (Shapovalov 2007). The facile liquid interfaces on molecular-length scales. These techniques tunablility of photon energy at synchrotron x-ray facilities are, in principle, not different from conventional x-ray diffraction enabled the extension of the fluorescence technique to obtain the techniques that are commonly applied to three-dimensional near-resonance surface x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES) crystals, liquids, solid surfaces etc. However, special of specific interfacial ions (Bu and Vaknin, 2009). Photon diffractometers and spectrometers that enable scattering from energy tunability also facilitated the application of anomalous fixed horizontal surfaces are required to carry out the diffraction and spectroscopic methods commonly used for bulk experiments.
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