Leading Freiich Jockey Bc)Oked for Allegiance
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14 MONDAY, DAILY EXPRESS JULY 26. 1937 ENTE All the selections In this table SAFETY DET. ^. CLIVE GRAHAJVl'S GOSSIP i Leading Freiich . are copiTigbt. WORCESTER 2.0.—rer\onl. ZM. 3.0. 3.30. 4.0. 4.30. 5f. • . iiii. lin. 3r. 5f. Im. 2f. lif. rcrvfinl inan) THE SCOUT Cantecncr (n.b.) Citadel (If ab Hazel Kockfoil (If ab Gold Anpel (Ifab Dundee 11. Is Worth (if ab Ellen's (if ab Woo<lPulp) Itawana) (if ab Toffee) Glnpko) Kcspondentla) Jockey Bc)oked WHAT THE Canleener HOOK .«.\Y.S Pervoni Vesuvius rompeia c RclterlnV Hesiwndcntla T.ATfEMIA.M Intolerant Wooil-p'ilp (if ab African SUter Carlos Rockfoll (nap) Lotus (If ah Every Penny of to c« (S. Express) (If al» rervonl) SpellDonnd) (If ab llavvana) (If ab Hazel) (11 ab Correal Gold Angel) . For Allegiance THE ycoUT'S TOTE DOLlJLi;.—Cltailel (alt. Ra\ ana) and KiKkfoil (alt. Glngko). Purchase Price By THE; SCOUT (Cyiit Luckman) T^yHEN Mr. Glorney bid 1,050 guineas for Dundee H. after Mr Kmo JAC QORDON RICHARDS had five off the reel at Probables And Jockeys '' Macomber's two-year-old had won selling race at Kempton in June many wondered whether his new owner would ever recovPT Worcester and should supplement his suc Stexarda: sir R Brooke, Mr T Walker. Col Crawfurd. Dusty Miller, Fonab, 8 Outlaw. Alrican Sister. 10 Santello. 100—7 TOTE DOUBLE.—3.0 anil 4.0. others. his outlay. " " Last year's winner—Biretli (J Simpson, 6. S 2), 3—1. II Madden. cesses there today, but the champion will be 2.0~^''^"-"' ri-\TE. £110 (2-Y,0.>. Five furlones. The Brumeux colt showed himself •1 'JA—WORCESTER FOAL STAKES (2-V.O.). £200 added. Five to be worth every penny of - the 402 renonl (Mr R Delnie-Rodcline). C Pratt" 8 6 Gdn Rlchai '•'•'J^ . lurioiiE*. money paid for him at Hurst Park under no delusions about Goodwood prospects. 001 i:i\rR'!, Isle (ilr M O Hariisan;, .11 .Harucan. 8 6 120 TofTec |.Mr C E Hoa*rdl. Higgs. 9 Beianl £2,000 DOG -ryHEN Cole r o inUisLTfrt iMr A Coiioni. Siration, ij a K Robert- Oil .\o(hlns.Lefi (Mr 3 W Darbyi, Dutton. 8 11 on Saturday. 000 Lady of Lemnos c iMr C S Greeni. E Pijsot:. 8 4 Tackh 010 llatel (Mrs J Dinesi. J Dlne3, 8 5 Beary He beat his Henrj- VIII. Plate rivals He did well Ihcrc with six. wins last ycav, but (here 004 \iriul:i c.iMrs O PreJicom, Bceby. 8 4 -- -. O Mistress I'^se \5ir W Waldroni. R Jones, B 5 Herbert easily, and I liked the way he came from 00 Oniliia C-trrn \,\\T II Barnard liantey , S 1 , 005 I'ompcia r (.Mr S Marksl. S Darling, 8 4 Gdn Kicbards have been Jean seasons, and it was proved wlicn lie drew OILS CrlpKti;.! 1 irr <Lord I C.liirclilJlI. Wellt.-..^. „ . 00 Crpsrrndo (Ll-Ool D E Prideaux-Brunei. Persse, 8 4 Gomei beliind to do so. This horse will stay. work. Tiivon 002 .\pple Core |Mr D Fraseif, D-Pennant, 8 1 K llunicr 005 Full Tide I.Mr W Barnettk R Dawson. 3 2 Crouch BEATS ALL u^^ i...,uenm, I.MI Ci heiia.rson.. banticr. 8 i Gcihln 200 Joan >\ (Mr C NUhli. Edwards, 8 1 ....P rrendertasi blanks all four days at Ascot last month lhat, in the case 45a .>loiiopo]>' (Mrs Laccy*. Come. 8 1 OO Air KOV4I (Sir C T Pulleyt. H Jelllss. 7 15 Bookmakers, lor once, had the bette: 1 waiil lo." OOo trurus i.Mr K J Marslial',!, Cundeil. 8 1 E Srailli 00 Itroken Komance (Mr E T Tiioraton-SmUh), Templeman. 7 lo of the afternoon's exchanges. Dorchester of good horses, the jockey must have the right mounts. 04(1 Ininlcranl (Mr K B S Mftriini. S .Mjr^ln, 8 1 llicliardson Klebardsan Gin started the programme on On S.iturday t OOO Wcc Ijs-i (Mr SUiari May). T R Lejder. 8 1 W Wing _ Missal r (Capt A S Willi). P Bell. 7 15 D SmitU ominous note. StHIeen f (Mr T B Rlmelll. T Kiaiell. 8 1 . RECORDS Studios—antj, I don One or his most-fancied rides 000 t:rat and Tttrreni (ilr W J Rimeili. T Riniell. 3 1 ... Also engaged.—Carlos, Fair Day, Royal Marcher, Pretty Star, 005 KeU Veneer i iMr U VoutiEi. « Youn^, 8 1 :.W Ilvans Black Night Gown. Finchln Bannoch g. Lovelock. countryside or a bn •will be Mr. Strassburger's French- put Clairvoyant lib. above expected new WAS not unprepared for the success Also enEKEed:—Most CharniinE. Toyapple. The Clocl;, Jubilee HetllnB Forecast.—9—t Haiel. 7—2 Pompela c, 9—2 Toffee, 'write the music foi bred Firozepore in the Stewards' stable companion Donatello IL and 8ibs. Navy, siiorii. Old Hil. Rose at .MarUiile. Monastic Hasre 1. More KruU 7 .N'a:hiOB Left, Broken Romance, Crescendo, lO Mlisal I, Full 11(3e, I of Nosegay In the Duchess ol York in front of Le Ksar. f. Liitle -Cherub. Bachelors tale E. St Edmundsbury. Bella Ragawa, 100—a oEhers. stakes, for he had run very prominently IN TRIAL the one to be direc Cup tomorrow, AnUial.- Pagltacco, Lcm-Onn. Old Girl. Last year's winner—Diplomat (J Sirell, 9 7). 3Q—100. V Smyth. against Puzzler at Newmarket. Good northern youngster. Seventh Itellinc I'oreca^t.—5—2 Pervoni, 7—2 .Mo'nopolv. 5 Intolerant. gun in a week's tir I realise that the older Red Garter Wonder, will tackle Tahir at 71bs. in STAKES (3-Y.O.), £100 added. One * * . * . By J. S. BRADFORD Ellens Iste, a Indiicreel, Apple Core. Roydennis. JUO—8 oiiiers. His victory wilt ciicoura;;e hopes In So please iniagu win have a pull of 191bs. for a short- the Ham Stakes tomorrow. Mirza II. La»l jear-s wlnrifr—renance (Gdn llichards. 8 C). 4—5. C Pratt. EXHAM BRIDGE, the Southend- fLavant) should give a stone and more the clmniti of .Alarm Hell for the Porter, -who proba head at Newmarket, but both were 0^;^Q—V.\nKFlELO fS) PK\TE. £110. One laiU. Stetrards' C"P. H trained dog. who began the vSr away on Wednesday over a furlong less. .— -_in>(ea {.Mr J Rose), Cowle. 8 8 beaten then by modest Mino, and I 200 Lady'.s SUpiier (.Mr B W Darbyi, Dullon, 8 5 • * • • by winning the Lincoln, then reachM has convinced himi Another of Aga Khan's youngsters' in 21Q Ilreaderusl (Mr E Harper). E Harper. 4, 9 . OOO Miss Gold.dlBgec (M P Goulbourne). Goulbourne 8 5 R Lynch the final of the Gold Collar Sd tS am sure Persse will not flatter him ";»'"!:P""i» UMr C_V Tabort. Tabor. S. 9 ......E Smith Mtun (Mr D A Jackson), PowelL 8 5 crazy, locked alone La-Li will appeal to the professionals. 000 Woodhousc (Mr Tuckcn. E Pnrkcr 6. 9 - Prank Hartigan Is an extraordinary semi-finals of the Derby, won hi! 040 Wlnninc Hand (Mr Claude Leigh), M Marsh. 8 5 F Hunter .rainer In many ways. His horses always in an hotel bedro self that his much-Iancied.Red Gar- One of her opponents could be Thamar. o51 Canleener (Mr L A Cundell), Cundell. 7. 8 11 Crouch 002 Itockfoil (Lord Londonderrvp. o Bell. 8 5 , first classic. The Scurn.-. at ClSntT^ 4j,l Thorndoivn (Mr Frank Hardyt. J Russell. 4. 8 11 000 niack Prince (Mr F W MoTley(. M HartlEan. 8 5 :..Cliff Richards 00k wonderfully well. Their appearance Like Saturday's convincing winner. 002 l,a BUtUiere (Mr V Hunii J E DavU. 5, 8 11 00 Majority (Mr T A Watl). T Walt. 8 5 5 nt times decepUve, and has led me inro on Saturday when fimshhig thr« : the week-end, whl Dundee IL. she has been "promoted 200 Vitality (Mr T R RimcU). T HlmcH. 6 8 11 Gelhio 000 Aehfll (Mr J K ^Vhltney). J Anrhony. 8 5 Beary error more than once. Nosegay certainly lengths ahead _ of the favQurft? looked a picture of health and fitness be - play. You play. from sellers." They often take far more OJO Arrbani-ep.-.l 1—-(MrJs iP W»v Dcii)Bell), rP oiriiBell. t.4. a8 6o. D Smith .Mso cncagedi Milton Abbas, Glngko. Correa, Duratc, Sun of Iran. Orluck's Best with old "Curlev"hr 1 COPYRIGHT SAFETY BET : 000 lirst Spear iCapt A. G„ Fcnwtckt„ • kt.. F GurneyGurney.. 5. 8 6 Aclaeon. Crown Victory. Silver Lance, Lob(ingiiIa. Every Thing Goes. fore the Duchess of York Stakes. One winning than maiden plates. realised tTils even more sharp!" when ne no means disgraced third * ; Signing the famou : WORCESTER ; 000 Non-Slip (Mr G Henderson) Bankicr" . 4". 8" 6 The Planter. Wlnnlnij Star, Knlghtbrook, Theobald's Green, Ma 000 Green .Molly (Mr T A Watti. Colllne. Princess Sonny, Imperion. Gyppo. Qasr Shlrln. Schoolgirl, stood :n the wlimer's unsadrtllne enclosure Tliere was a great " Scurr^-" crowd r^- Day" man was a v : 2.0—PERVONI : 200 Lady's "sfipperVMr B ifDarby), Dutton. 3,"7"'8!"!!!!!! —afterwards. 000 nlveruencc (Mr F A G»illlm>, Gwlllim. o. 7 8. Kirby Melo. Pomi Rosa the occasion, and even though ih^ r*^ move on Jack But oOO Spellbound (Mr Y J Kltkpatrick). Wclleslcy. 5. 7 8 1'ower Betllni: Forecast.—3—4 Rocktoil. 7—2 Kettering, 5 Galnska, » « * Itself w-as all Hexliam it ^^^^ ar^ • Double: - ; Marshal rides La Blottlerc or Brcadcrust. Maroc. 6 Black Prince, 8 Aclilll, 100—8 others.