Ecology, 81(12), 2000, pp. 3431±3444 ᭧ 2000 by the Ecological Society of America


JONATHAN M. LEVINE Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 USA

Abstract. Ecologists are increasingly ®nding that complex combinations of competitive and facilitative interactions in¯uence the distribution and abundance of . I conducted a two-year ®eld experiment to explore these processes in a streamside community lining the South Fork Eel River in northern California. Speci®cally, I tested the hypothesis that the sedge nudata provides critical stable substrate for other plants during winter ¯oods and protection from herbivores over the growing season. In addition to these facil- itative effects, Carex is also hypothesized to compete with the associated , and thus limit their size and reproduction. To evaluate these hypotheses, I followed the performance of transplanted individuals of Mimulus guttatus, M. cardinalis, Juncus covillei, Conocephalum conicum, and Brach- ythecium frigidum and naturally occurring individuals of Epipactis gigantea on Carex tussocks with dense, thinned, pinned back, or completely clipped Carex stems. The ®ve transplanted species were also planted directly onto the emergent streambed. Though stream- bed transplants grew as well as those on tussocks over the summer, they experienced signi®cantly greater winter mortality, up to 100%, supporting the hypothesis that tussocks provide a critical stable substrate. In contrast, growing season competition by Carex reduced biomass by over 50% for ®ve of the six species and reduced reproductive performance by over 60%. Also, over the growing season, Carex protected M. guttatus and Epipactis from insect larvae and deer, respectively, reducing herbivory by Ͼ75%. Additional results from a deer exclosure treatment showed that the positive effects of this ``associational defense'' were equal in magnitude to the negative effects of Carex competition on Epipactis biomass. The mechanisms underlying these associational defenses and the implications of my results for the relationship between disturbance and facilitation are discussed. I suggest that re- garding plant interactions as combinations of facilitative and competitive components may enhance our understanding of natural communities. Key words: associational defense; Carex; competition; facilitation; Junonia; Mimulus; riparian community.

INTRODUCTION patterns. Since most current models of plant commu- nity structure (Grime 1979, Tilman 1988, Huston 1994) Ecologists have long appreciated the diversity of mechanisms by which plants in¯uence one another. assume that plant interactions occur through a single Plants change the environment of their neighbors by mechanism such as resource competition, predictions adding or subtracting resources and toxins, affecting from these models may not apply to systems where conditions such as temperature or wind velocity, and simultaneous interactions are the norm (Callaway encouraging or discouraging animals (Harper 1977). 1995). Furthermore, in ®eld ecology, the commonly Thus, a negative or positive effect of one species on used neighbor removal experiment, which only isolates another may result from any number of processes, and the net effect of neighboring plants, may miss impor- even more fundamentally, these processes may operate tant details about interactions involving simultaneous simultaneously, either opposing or reinforcing one an- facilitative and competitive processes (see Discussion). other. Indeed, a growing number of studies indicate that In a parallel discussion of the mechanisms controlling plant interactions are a composite of facilitative and succession, Walker and Chapin (1986, 1987) argued competitive, direct and indirect interactions that com- that successional processes often involve the combi- bine in complex ways to in¯uence the distribution and nation or interaction of facilitative and inhibitory abundance of species (Callaway and Walker 1997, mechanisms, and that this complexity is hidden by net Holmgren et al. 1997, Brooker and Callaghan 1998, Li effects. Other studies that have taken a composite per- and Wilson 1998, Levine 1999). spective have yielded new insights into plant com- The composite nature of plant interactions poses nu- munity structure. Wilson and Nisbet (1997) have found merous challenges to ®eld ecologists and theoreticians that when species interactions are composed of com- interested in how these processes in¯uence community petition and facilitation, abrupt species boundaries can occur along smooth environmental gradients. In addi- Manuscript received 23 September 1999; revised 1 October tion, Callaway (1997) has argued that because plant 1999; accepted 6 December 1999. interactions re¯ect combinations of competition and 3431 3432 JONATHAN M. LEVINE Ecology, Vol. 81, No. 12 facilitation, species arrayed independently along gra- previous year's aboveground production, established dients may be highly interdependent, challenging Whit- tussocks are persistent, experiencing Ͻ0.5% dislodg- taker's (1975) individualistic nature of communities. ment per year, even in a 10-yr ¯ood (J. Levine, un- Despite the growing acceptance of the composite na- published data). ture of plant interactions, the factors that control the Among the most striking features of this community relative importance of the competitive and facilitative is that nearly all of the Ͼ60 plant species living entirely components are only beginning to be understood. Re- in the active channel use sediments trapped within Car- cent papers suggest that abiotic stress and disturbance ex tussocks as their primary substrate. This study fo- determine the importance of these factors (Bertness and cuses on six of these species, selected to be represen- Callaway 1994, Callaway and Walker 1997, Holmgren tative of the perennial herbaceous plants and bryo- et al. 1997, Brooker and Callaghan 1998), though the phytes that characterize the system. These included Mi- disturbance±facilitation relationship remains ambigu- mulus guttatus, the common monkey¯ower, an ous (Bertness 1998). Much of the confusion arises be- abundant low growing rhizomatous dicot, and Mimulus cause most documented facilitations in ``physically dis- cardinalis, the scarlet monkey¯ower, a more erect re- turbed habitats'' (e.g. Wood and del Moral 1987, Chap- lated taxon. Also included were two of the most com- in et al. 1994) actually involve the amelioration of mon monocots, Epipactis gigantea, a clonal stream or- stress following disturbance, as in facilitative succes- chid, and Juncus covillei, a rush. Representing the sion (Connell and Slatyer 1977), and not the direct bryophytes were Conocephalum conicum and Bracy- prevention of disturbances in the ®rst place (Bertness thecium frigidum, the most common liverwort and 1998). Facilitations, however, can directly preclude dis- moss, respectively. turbances, though nearly all evidence comes from in- This study explores the hypothesis that Carex ame- traspeci®c studies (see Harley and Bertness 1996 for liorates bed-mobilizing winter ¯oods and provides review). Well documented interspeci®c facilitations of- moist substrate and protection from herbivores. This ten involve biological disturbance, such as predation hypothesis stems from observations that the below- or herbivory. Associational defenses, where plants pro- ground structures of plants associated with tussocks are tect others from herbivory (Root 1973, Atsatt and probably too small to anchor into a streambed that is O'Dowd 1976, P®ster and Hay 1988) are common in mobilized by winter ¯oods or obtain subsurface mois- habitats with severe consumer pressure. In contrast, ture during dry summer months. In addition, natural herbivory tends to reduce the intensity of competition plants of M. guttatus and Epipactis in dense Carex (Harper 1977, Collins et al. 1998). Consequently, like rarely suffer the herbivory observed on sparsely veg- agents of physical disturbance, consumers may in¯u- etated tussocks or directly on the streambed. I observed ence the importance of competition and facilitation that in these latter habitats, M. guttatus is frequently (Bertness and Callaway 1994). defoliated by larvae of the Buckeye butter¯y, Junonia Resolving questions about the composite nature of coenia, and entire clones of Epipactis are commonly plant interactions requires experiments that isolate the grazed off by coast blacktail deer, Odocoileus hemionus effects of multiple component interactions (e.g. Wood ssp. columbianus. Though Carex is hypothesized to be and del Moral 1987, Callaway 1994, Holzapfel and an important facilitator or ``ecosystem engineer'' sensu Mahall 1999). In this study, I experimentally evaluate Jones et al. (1994), its roots permeate the sediments a complex combination of species interactions in¯u- trapped within the tussock, and its dense stems shade encing the distribution and abundance of plants along the tussock surface over the growing season. This leads the South Fork Eel River in northern California. to a second hypothesis that competition by Carex limits plant size and reproduction during the summer growing System and hypotheses season. The cespitose sedge, Carex nudata, densely popu- lates rif¯e formations along many streams in California METHODS and Oregon. The ®brous roots and rhizomes of Carex Quantifying substrate use by plants in this system form large tussocks that trap riverine sediments during ¯ooding. The tussocks form in the active channel, a All ®eld work was conducted along a 1.5 km stretch habitat maintained by winter ¯oods, but mostly dry at of the South Fork Eel River in northern California, low summer ¯ow. Along the South Fork Eel River in USA. In early June 1997, I sampled the vegetation in northern California, the tussocks are discrete, average a total of 400 0.25-m2 plots spaced at 3-m intervals 30 cm in diameter, and are separated from one another along 30-m transects. These transects (N ϭ 40) were by a mean of 40 cm of barren cobbles and water. They placed at random locations 1 m away from, and parallel emerge from winter ¯ows in the spring, produce thick to, the channel margin. Within each plot, I recorded vegetation, and grow until late summer. During winter the number of ramets of each plant species and the months, Carex is largely submerged and dormant, and substrate (tussock, cobbles, etc.) on which they were is typically subjected to bed-scouring ¯oods. While living (plots typically contained several substrates). For these ¯oods dislodge Carex seedlings and remove the the smaller clonal plants and bryophytes, I recorded December 2000 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN STREAMSIDE PLANTS 3433 their absolute cover, and then branch or ramet number individuals were found in all but the streambed treat- within a 25-cm2 subplot centered in the clone. For each ments. In late May 1997 and 1998, I marked two ramets plot, I also categorized the geomorphic habitat as rif¯e, roughly 6 cm tall with ®ne plastic coated wire in each sand bar, cobble bar, mud, or bedrock. To ensure that of the experimental tussocks with naturally occurring the 400 plots were representative of the actual abun- Epipactis clones. The mean of these two ramets was dances of these habitats, I recorded the linear coverage used for analyses. For Epipactis, 1998 represented a of the habitats on both sides of the 1.5 km stretch of replicate experiment and not a continuation of the 1997 river. This was accomplished by running a series of experiment, since different ramets were followed in the end to end 100-m line transects (N ϭ 30) parallel to, two years. To assess the effects of deer herbivory on and 1 m away from, the ¯owing channel. Epipactis performance, I set up an additional treatment in May 1997 where I caged entire Epipactis tussocks Field experiment with all Carex stems clipped. Twenty randomly located To evaluate competitive and facilitative effects of tussocks with Epipactis were clipped and encircled Carex, I followed the growth and survivorship of nat- with 1 m tall cylinders of chicken wire that was crimped urally occurring individuals of Epipactis, and trans- at the top. Direct cage effects were likely minimal be- plants of M. guttatus, M. cardinalis, Juncus, Conoce- cause of the 5 cm diameter mesh size (1997 measure- phalum, and Brachythecium in the following treat- ments indicated that cages reduced PAR by Ͻ8%). ments: (1) tussocks where I completely clipped all Car- Every three weeks from 28 May to 29 September ex from the tussock (hereafter clipped Carex); (2) 1997, I nondestructively measured the size of all target tussocks where Carex was thinned to 10 stems/100 cm2 species and maintained the clipped, pinned, and thinned (hereafter thinned Carex; the Carex intercepted 63.9% treatments. For M. cardinalis, I measured node number Ϯ 2.9 [mean Ϯ 1 SE] of photosynthetically active ra- and maximum leaf length; for M. guttatus, ramet num- diation); (3) tussocks where Carex was left dense ber; for Juncus, ramet number and height; for Epipac- (25.89 Ϯ 0.77 stems/100 cm2; 95.7% Ϯ 0.6 of pho- tis, height, leaf number, and maximum leaf length; and tosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intercepted, for Conocephalum and Brachythecium, area. For the hereafter dense Carex); (4) tussocks where I pinned all vascular plants, I also quanti®ed ¯ower number and the Carex stems to the tussock to only remove above- incidence of herbivory. In 1997, Juncus and Epipactis ground competition (hereafter pinned Carex); (5) emer- died back before the other species, and were thus not gent streambed substrate adjacent to tussocks, where measured on the ®nal sampling dates. In order to be species were planted directly into the cobbles, pebbles, able to relocate the transplants in the spring of 1998 and sand (hereafter streambed); and (6) watered emer- (after the winter ¯oods), at the end of the 1997 season, gent streambed adjacent to tussocks, where transplants I marked each transplant with an engraved numbered were placed on the streambed but continuously watered aluminum tree tag, pinned to the tussock with a 10-cm with a gravity driven drip system (hereafter watered ¯agged metal staple. Since pinning was not an option streambed). Treatments were randomly assigned to tus- for marking the position of streambed transplants, these socks, and spaced over four adjacent rif¯es (blocks) were located along transects placed between two along a 1.2-km stretch of river. Rif¯es varied consid- marked sedges. In late spring 1998 I recorded whether erably in the number of tussocks they contained and each transplant survived the winter and I resumed 3- this was re¯ected in the number of plants I assigned wk interval measuring. I did not begin until 18 June to each rif¯e (rif¯es contained 55, 71, 115, and 185 because of high water from a late spring ¯ood. total plants). On the last 1998 sampling date, in addition to taking All transplant species were randomly assigned to the nondestructive measures of size, I harvested the treatment in late May 1997 (see Levine 1999 for trans- plants (aboveground only), and dried and weighed planting details). For each transplant species, there them. These plants provided data for regression anal- were 20 replicates of the four tussock treatments (M. yses relating the nondestructive measures to biomass cardinalis had 19 replicates), and 13 replicates of the for each species (M. cardinalis, R2 ϭ 0.97; M. guttatus, two streambed treatments. Transplants were placed one R2 ϭ 0.90; Juncus, R2 ϭ 0.90; Epipactis, R2 ϭ 0.80; per tussock, except for the bryophytes, which were Conocephalum, R2 ϭ 0.80; Brachythecium, R2 ϭ 0.87; planted two plugs per tussock (one of each species), P ϭ 0.001 for all regressions). These relationships did far enough apart to prevent contact. Naturally occurring not signi®cantly depend on treatment and were used to species were left intact on the experimental tussocks, estimate the biomass of each transplant at all prior sam- though transplants were placed in uncolonized areas. pling dates. Because species in this system have small root systems, belowground interactions with other tussock colonists Carex effects on Mimulus guttatus herbivory were unlikely. Transplant mortality over the growing Observations of damage to M. guttatus by Junonia season was Ͻ15% for all species. coenia larvae over the ®rst year of the study motivated Epipactis was abundant enough in the sedges re- an additional experiment in 1998 in which I repeated ceiving the ®ve transplanted target species that natural the 1997 experiment for M. guttatus, but this time with 3434 JONATHAN M. LEVINE Ecology, Vol. 81, No. 12 a Junonia removal and control treatment in a full fac- sent only the latter, presence or absence of the blocking torial design (12 replicates/treatment combination). I term did not in¯uence the signi®cance of treatment for removed Junonia by hand picking early instar larvae any of the species. Similar problems emerged with off the Junonia removal plants every four days from ¯ower number and seedling biomass data. Following the time Junonia larvae ®rst appear in mid-July until all ANOVAs, I compared the various treatments with the end of the season. Though small, larvae were easy Tukey-Kramer post-hoc tests. Flower number data were to locate due to their distinctive frass. This removal highly non-normal with many zero values, and were technique effectively prevented noticeable damage in thus analyzed with nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis tests, nearly all cases, and did so without introducing cage followed by nonparametric multiple comparisons (Zar artifacts. The three times it failed were cases in which 1999). Watering was not continued in 1998 because of mature larvae, which are capable of causing signi®cant the low survivorship of streambed transplants over the damage in a single day, moved to experimental plants 1997±1998 winter and their failure to respond to water from others nearby. These plants were removed from addition during 1997 (P Ͼ 0.57 for each species). Thus the analysis. for analyses subsequent to 1997 growth and reproduc- tion, the watered streambed and streambed transplants Seedling experiments were pooled. For M. cardinalis, M. guttatus, and Juncus, I also To analyze M. guttatus biomass in the competition explored how competition and facilitation in¯uenced crossed with herbivory experiment, I used two-factor seedling dynamics. For each of the three species, I ANOVA, blocked by site. The importance of the as- added 200 seeds to 100-cm2 plots (N ϭ 20) located in sociational defense was assessed by the interaction all but the pinned Carex and watered streambed treat- term, because it evaluated the degree to which the effect ments. These plots were located one per tussock far of Junonia depended on the Carex treatment. enough away from the transplants to prevent interfer- I used ␹2 tests followed by multiple comparisons for ence, and each plot received one species. I added the proportions (Zar 1999) to evaluate treatment effects on seeds at the natural time of seed release for each spe- the incidence of deer and Junonia herbivory, and on cies. Thus for M. guttatus which ¯owers relatively ear- winter mortality. I used the same analysis for the pat- ly, I added seeds in mid-July 1997, and for the other tern data to determine if a disproportionate number of two species I added seeds in mid-September 1997. Be- individuals of each species was found on Carex tus- cause some of the natural seed produced in a given socks. All analyses were conducted in SYSTAT 7.0 summer does not germinate until the following spring, (Systat 1997) and StatXact 3 (StatXact 1997). The Sep- I also performed a late spring seed addition in June tember 28, 1997 biomass data for the two Mimulus and 1998, once water levels dropped below the tussocks. bryophyte species in dense and thinned Carex treat- Since natural seeds at this time of the year have imbibed ments were used in Levine (1999) for comparison to a prior to the emergence of the tussocks, I stored the different set of treatments isolating indirect effects seeds in river water for two weeks prior to sowing. among competitors (See Discussion). Following germination in 1997 and 1998, I counted seedling number every 3 wk until the end of September. RESULTS These seedlings were unlikely to represent natural re- Substrate use cruits, as no recruits were found in plots that did not receive seeds of that species (i.e., no Juncus emerged While Carex tussocks occupied only 33.05% of the in M. cardinalis plots). In early summer 1998, I re- area in the channel, the 13 most common species (Table corded the survivorship of the 1997 germinants through 1) had a mean of 84% of their individuals on Carex the winter. At the 25 September 1998 census, I har- tussocks. Though I present only the 13 most common vested, dried, and weighed the largest individual in species, the same general patterns were found for the each of the plots. other species in the system (the table stops at M. car- dinalis, as this is the least common transplant species). Statistical analyses Growing season effects of Carex I used ANOVA blocked by site to evaluate treatment effects on transplant biomass at the end of 1997 and Competitive effects of Carex were evaluated by com- 1998. The same analysis was used for seedling number paring the ®nal biomass of the six target species in and ®nal size. When necessary, data were transformed dense, thinned, and clipped treatments. For all species to meet the assumptions of ANOVA. Mortality over but Brachythecium, I found signi®cant effects of com- the 1997±1998 winter unbalanced the number of trans- petition on plant biomass (Figs. 1 and 2) and for all plants in each of the treatments across block in 1998. species but M. cardinalis, signi®cant effects on ¯ower For example, some blocks contained many more number in one or both years (Fig. 3). Though nonsig- streambed plants than others, confounding the blocking ni®cant, trends in M. cardinalis ¯ower number were term with treatment. Thus, I conducted the 1998 anal- similar to those found for the other species (Fig. 3A yses with and without the block effect. Though I pre- and B). The species most suppressed by competition December 2000 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN STREAMSIDE PLANTS 3435

TABLE 1. Descriptions, overall incidence, and degree of association with Carex tussocks for the 13 most common species along a 1.5-km stretch of the South Fork Eel River, California.

Incidence Percentage of in 400 ramets 0.25-m2 found on Species Description plots Carex tussocks² Conocephalum conicum Liverwort 0.39 99 Brachythecium frigidum Moss 0.37 93 Equisetum arvense Horsetail 0.37 82 Marchantia polymorpha Liverwort 0.36 69 Mimulus guttatus Common monkey¯ower 0.31 98 Epipactis gigantea Stream orchid 0.28 92 Calypogeja muelleriana Leafy liverwort 0.27 99 Juncus covillei Rush 0.25 51 Agrostis stolonifera Exotic grass 0.16 75 Alnus rhombifolia White alder 0.11 78 Mimulus moschatus Musk¯ower 0.08 95 Plantago major Exotic plantain 0.08 61 Mimulus cardinalis Scarlet monkey¯ower 0.06 99 Note: Target species in the experiment are in bold. ² All species are signi®cantly associated with tussocks (␹2 test, P Ͻ 0.05), given that tussocks occupy 33.05% of the emergent channel. was M. guttatus, which in 1997 grew ten times better, was no greater than on the streambed, even on clipped and produced ®ve times as many ¯owers on clipped Carex tussocks. Moreover, watering streambed trans- Carex tussocks as compared to dense Carex (Figs. 1C plants did not signi®cantly enhance their growth (Figs. and 3C). Though not as dramatic, evidence of com- 1 and 2; for all species P Ͼ 0.57), indicating that water petition was also found for Epipactis, though only after was not limiting to streambed transplants. A concern the confounding effects of herbivores were removed is that clipping might have increased the evaporation (see Results: Associational defenses). Transplants of M. of soil water or increased soil temperature (e.g. Bert- cardinalis and M. guttatus in 1997 and Juncus in 1998 ness and Hacker 1994), and thus reduced some advan- grew signi®cantly better in the pinned versus dense tages of living on tussocks. However, late summer 1999 Carex treatment (Fig. 1A, C, F), suggesting important measurements of a subsequent clipping experiment in- effects of aboveground (light) competition. The ab- dicated that soil moisture was unaffected by clipping solute difference between these two treatments was (F1,22 ϭ 0.15, P ϭ 0.70; see Discussion). Furthermore, greater in 1998 for all three species, though for the two though clipping increased afternoon tussock surface Mimulus species, 1998 differences were not signi®cant temperatures from 25.8 to 27.2ЊC, this difference was due in part to greater variability and reduced survival not signi®cant (F1,22 ϭ 1.41, P ϭ 0.25) and clipped (replication) following 1997±1998 ¯ooding (Juncus tussocks still did not compare to the 37.6ЊC on the survival was 100% on tussocks). In general, the growth streambed. Though the ®nal biomass of M. guttatus of transplants in the pinned Carex treatment, which transplants was markedly reduced on the streambed, only eliminated aboveground competition, and in the additional manipulations showed that this resulted from clipped Carex treatment was similar, suggesting that differential herbivory by Junonia larvae on streambed belowground competition may have been weak (Fig. plants, and not resource limitation (Fig. 4A and B). 1). However, it is also possible that clipping did not completely eliminate belowground effects as some Associational defenses Carex roots were still active (see Discussion). Dense Carex inhibited Conocephalum growth, as For both M. guttatus and Epipactis, Carex provided was evidenced by signi®cantly greater liverwort bio- protection from herbivory. In both 1997 and 1998, the mass in the thinned versus dense treatment (Fig. 2A proportion of M. guttatus transplants completely de- and B). However, 1997 growth in the clipped and foliated by Junonia depended on treatment (Fig. 4A pinned Carex treatments was less than in the thinned and B). Nearly all of the plants on the streambed were treatment (Fig. 2A), suggesting that the former two completely defoliated in both years (Fig. 4A and B) treatments may have overexposed the 1997 establishing and the damage caused by the late summer increase in plants to sunlight. This effect, however, was not sig- Junonia abundance was visible in the growth trajectory ni®cant in 1998 (Fig. 2B). of streambed transplants in July and August (Fig. 1C). I found no evidence that plants grow amongst Carex Overall, I found little variation in defoliation among because the streambed lacks suf®cient resources. For the tussock treatments (Fig. 4A and B), though in gen- all transplant species except M. guttatus, growth (Figs. eral, there was more herbivory on tussocks in 1997 2 1 and 2) and ¯ower production (Fig. 3) on tussocks than 1998 (␹ϭ1 19.33 , P ϭ 0.001). This year to year 3436 JONATHAN M. LEVINE Ecology, Vol. 81, No. 12

FIG. 1. Growth responses of the four target species to various treatments in a ®eld experiment. For all sampling dates, except 25 September 1998, symbols represent mean estimated biomass ϩ 1 SE. For 25 September 1998, the symbols represent actual mean biomass. Note the different scales for the y-axes. Symbols for each sampling date are only offset to ease viewing of the error bars; different treatments were not sampled at different times. For the ®nal sampling date in each year, treatments sharing a line were not statistically different from one another (Tukey tests). Block effects were not signi®cant. The ``thinned'' and ``clipped and caged'' treatments in (H) were signi®cantly different from one another. * P Ͻ 0.05; ** P Ͻ 0.01; *** P Ͻ 0.001.

variation is consistent with personal observations that the M. guttatus transplants, which varied with treatment Junonia larvae and adults were more abundant in 1997. (Fig. 1C and D). Results, however, were inconsistent Although these results suggest that Carex tussocks with this alternative explanation because in the 1998 provided protection from Junonia herbivory, it is also Junonia removal treatments described below, trans- conceivable that Junonia was responding to the size of plants on the streambed were similar in size to those December 2000 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN STREAMSIDE PLANTS 3437

FIG. 2. Growth responses of the two bryophyte target species to various treatments in a ®eld experiment. For all sampling dates, except 25 September 1998, symbols represent mean estimated biomass ϩ 1 SE. For 25 September 1998, the symbols represent actual mean biomass. Symbols for each sampling date are only offset to ease viewing of the error bars; different treatments were not sampled at different times. Note the different scales for the y-axes. For the ®nal sampling date in each year, treatments sharing a line were not statistically different from one another (Tukey tests). The absence of a line indicates a nonsigni®cant effect of treatment in the ANOVA. Block effects were not signi®cant. * P Ͻ 0.05; ** P Ͻ 0.01; *** P Ͻ 0.001. on clipped Carex tussocks (P ϭ 0.47), yet over 80% is consistent with the more intense herbivory that year of the former were defoliated in comparison to none (Fig. 4C and D). Since Epipactis ramets in neither the of the latter (Fig. 4B). dense Carex treatment nor the clipped and caged Carex Consistent with the intertreatment variation in her- treatment were subjected to herbivory, growth differ- bivore pressure, plants on the streambed experienced ences between these treatments were the result of in- the greatest increase in growth relative to other treat- hibition by the Carex unconfounded by deer herbivory. ments in response to Junonia removal, increasing over I found that in the absence of deer, Carex reduced Epi- tenfold (mean Ϯ 1 SE of Junonia removal plants ϭ 2.17 pactis growth by one half (Fig. 1G and H). This result Ϯ 0.4 g, mean Ϯ 1 SE of Junonia control plants ϭ 0.19 was veri®ed by reanalyzing the data with all eaten g Ϯ 0.07). In contrast, on Carex tussocks, regardless plants removed. Uneaten ramets on clipped Carex grew of the treatment, Junonia had no effect on plant bio- to over twice the size as uneaten ramets in dense Carex mass. The importance of this associational defense was in both 1997 (F1,9 ϭ 5.68, P ϭ 0.044) and 1998 (F1,13 re¯ected in a signi®cant treatment ϫ Junonia inter- ϭ 9.97, P ϭ 0.008). action in the ANOVA (F ϭ 11.88, P ϭ 0.001). Also 4, 109 Winter mortality signi®cant were main effects of Junonia (F1, 109 ϭ 7.05,

P ϭ 0.009) and treatment (F4, 109 ϭ 23.28, P ϭ 0.001). For each species, winter mortality on the streambed

Block was nonsigni®cant (F3, 109 ϭ 0.52, P ϭ 0.672). was signi®cantly higher than on tussocks (Fig. 5). That Another associational defense was found for Epi- streambed plants were dislodged was further supported pactis, which suffered less herbivory by deer when by the fact that I found no trace of the deceased plants. growing in dense Carex. In both 1997 and 1998, none For the bryophytes, 95% of the Conocephalum and of the marked Epipactis in dense vegetation suffered 100% of Brachythecium were removed from the herbivory, while over 75% of the marked ramets in streambed, in comparison to 60% mortality on tussocks 1997 and 50% in 1998 were completely grazed off in for Brachythecium and 20% for Conocephalum (Fig. the clipped Carex treatment (Fig. 4C and D). In ad- 5B and D). Mimulus guttatus showed similar results dition, eliminating deer herbivory from the clipped (Fig. 5C). Of all species, Juncus and M. cardinalis Carex treatment by caging led to a Ͼ100% increase in survived best on the streambed though even they ex- plant biomass in 1997 (Fig. 1G) and over 50% increase perienced 70±80% mortality, a large difference in com- in 1998 (Fig. 1H). The stronger effect of caging in 1997 parison to the roughly 10% mortality on tussocks (Fig. 3438 JONATHAN M. LEVINE Ecology, Vol. 81, No. 12

FIG. 3. Reproductive responses of the four vascular plants to various treatments in a ®eld experiment. Bars represent mean ¯ower production ϩ 1 SE at the end of the 1997 and 1998 growing season. Note the different scales for the y-axes. Treatments sharing a letter were not statistically different from one another (post hoc nonparametric multiple comparisons). The absence of letters indicates a nonsigni®cant treatment effect in the analysis. Note that 1998 streambed mean ¯ower production represents just a few individuals, providing little statistical power to detect differences between streambed and tussock treatments. * P Ͻ 0.05; ** P Ͻ 0.01; *** P Ͻ 0.001.

5A and E). Survivorship of M. guttatus also depended showed a similar, but nonsigni®cant trend (Fig. 5A). on the Carex treatment. Transplants subjected to dense One concern is that winter survivorship recorded over Carex suffered twice the winter mortality as did plants the 1997±1998 El NinÄo might not be representative of in the clipped Carex treatment (Fig. 5C). M. cardinalis other years with less total discharge. However, data December 2000 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN STREAMSIDE PLANTS 3439

FIG. 4. Herbivory patterns in the various treatments. For M. guttatus, bars represent the proportion of all transplants that were completely defoliated in 1997 and 1998. Note that the 1998 defoliation results come from M. guttatus transplants established in 1998 following the same protocols as the 1997 experiment. For Epipactis, bars represent the proportion of all ramets in 1997 and 1998 grazed by deer, which typically left just a few leaves and several centimeters of stem. Treatments sharing a letter were not statistically different from one another (post hoc multiple comparisons for proportions). from an on-site gaging station indicated that peak bed- thinned Carex treatments. Even in these treatments, mobilizing ¯ows over the 1994±1995, 1995±1996, mean survivorship was Ͻ0.5%. 1996±1997, and 1998±1999 winters were comparable or more severe than over the 1997±1998 winter (M. DISCUSSION Power, unpublished data). Nearly all plant species lining the channel of the South Fork Eel River use the sediments trapped within Seedling results Carex tussocks as substrate. The most common vas- As was found for the more mature plants, seedlings cular plant and bryophyte species had a mean of 84% were inhibited by Carex. The number of seedlings at of their individuals growing within tussocks, signi®- the end of the growing season was signi®cantly greater cantly more than would be expected by chance given in the clipped versus dense Carex treatment for all that tussocks occupy 33% of the emergent channel sub- species (Fig. 6A±D). In addition, there was a trend for strate (Table 1). Tussock formation, and the subsequent greater seedling size when Carex was clipped (Fig. 6E± colonization by other species is common in many other G). The facilitative effects of Carex on seedlings were herbaceous communities throughout the world, includ- more ambiguous. As was found for more mature plants, ing grasslands (Watt 1947), freshwater marshes, peat- seedling growth in the streambed and clipped Carex lands (Dawkins 1939, Tomaszweska 1993), salt marsh- treatment was similar (Fig. 6E±G). Juncus and M. gut- es (Castellanos et al. 1994), and alpine systems (Bill- tatus growth on the streambed was actually somewhat ings and Mooney 1959, Tsuyuzaki and Tsujii 1992). greater than on clipped Carex tussocks, though growing The more general phenomenon of plants creating sub- season survivorship was lower on the streambed (Fig. strate for others is particularly common in riverine sys- 6). Mimulus guttatus was the only species that ger- tems. Vegetation is well known to stabilize stream- minated in 1997 prior to winter ¯ooding, and was thus banks (Hupp and Simon 1991) and several studies have the only species for which I obtained winter survivor- suggested that plants stabilizing substrate can be crit- ship. Overall, survivorship was very low in all treat- ical to the establishment and survival of others (Harris ments, with the only survivors found in the clipped and 1987, Dudley and Grimm 1994). For example, Johnson 3440 JONATHAN M. LEVINE Ecology, Vol. 81, No. 12

FIG. 5. Winter mortality of the ®ve transplanted target species in the various treatments. Bars represent the proportion of all transplants that died over the 1997±1998 winter. Treatments sharing a letter were not statistically different from one another (post hoc multiple comparisons for proportions).

(1994) observed that in a small Kansas stream, the small herbaceous plants and bryophytes that charac- roundleaf monkey¯ower better survived ¯ooding when terize the system. During the growing season, Carex growing in a sedge meadow as compared to the stream- competition reduced plant size and reproduction for all bed. Such facilitative interactions seem general and are species but Brachythecium (Figs. 1±3). That Brachy- assumed in many stream restoration efforts (Dahm et thecium was not suppressed is not surprising consid- al. 1995), though rigorous experimental studies of these ering the shade tolerance of most mosses (Glime and interactions are rare. In part, such investigations have Vitt 1984). been precluded by the size and longevity of many ri- In this experiment, I used clipping to remove com- parian plants. The assemblage of herbaceous species petition by Carex. Like all approaches to neighbor re- along the Eel River provided a rare opportunity to ex- moval, this approach has its limitations, particularly plore the complex interactions among streamside for assessing belowground competition (Aarssen and plants. Epp 1990). In this experiment, clipping seemed to af- The results of this study indicated that the effects of fect more than just aboveground stems, because in Carex on other plant species in this system resulted 1999, a full one year after clipping was terminated, the from multiple processes, some separated seasonally, previously clipped tussocks were less than one-®fth as while others operated simultaneously. For all species productive as unclipped tussocks. This concurs with in the experiment, Carex tussocks provided an impor- the ®ndings of many studies that repeated and complete tant stable substrate during winter ¯ows (Fig. 5). De- removal of aboveground biomass depresses root pro- pending on the species, plants growing directly on the duction in graminoids (e.g. Ruby and Young 1953, Car- streambed experienced 70±100% winter mortality, as man and Briske 1982, Ruess et al. 1983, Stanton 1983, compared to 0±60% on tussocks, suggesting that ¯ood- Simoes and Baruch 1991; and see Jameson 1963 for ing maintains the spatial association of Carex with the review). Nevertheless, how much nutrient or water December 2000 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN STREAMSIDE PLANTS 3441

FIG. 6. (A±D) Effects of treatment on seedling numbers over time. Symbols for each sampling date represent mean seedling number ϩ 1 SE and are only offset to ease viewing of the error bars; different treatments were not sampled at different times. For the ®nal sampling date for each species, treatments sharing a line were not statistically different from one another (Tukey tests). Block effects were not signi®cant, except for Juncus (F3,71 ϭ 6.26, P ϭ 0.001). (E±G) Effects of treatment on ®nal seedling biomass in 1998. Bars represent mean biomass ϩ 1 SE. Treatments sharing a letter were not statistically different from one another (Tukey tests). Note the different scales for the y-axes. * P Ͻ 0.05; ** P Ͻ 0.01; *** P Ͻ 0.001. competition that remains in clipped treatments is un- tilization experiment with M. guttatus, Juncus, and clear (Aarssen and Epp 1990), and in this study, even Conocephalum planted into clipped and dense tussocks though some Carex seems to have been killed, some suggested that the growth of these species was not nu- regrew. Thus my results may have underestimated be- trient limited. (M. guttatus: F1,38 ϭ 0.37, P ϭ 0.546; lowground competition for nutrients or water. These Juncus F1,38 ϭ 1.15, P ϭ 0.291; Conocephalum: F1,18 factors, however, may be minor. A separate NPK fer- ϭ 0.20, P ϭ 0.657). The other major belowground 3442 JONATHAN M. LEVINE Ecology, Vol. 81, No. 12 resource, water, is highly available in this system due predators, or functioning as decoys (Root 1973, Atsatt to the partial submergence of tussocks in stream water. and O'Dowd 1976). Even in late summer 1999, tussock sediments were Junonia, the specialist herbivore of M. guttatus at- Ͼ30% water by mass, and this high soil moisture was tacked and defoliated almost all of the plants on the unaffected by clipping (see Results). streambed in both 1997 and 1998, while plants on tus- In addition to the direct competitive effects of Carex socks suffered much less herbivory (Fig. 4A and B). during the growing season, Carex also provided pro- Given that adult Junonia use visual cues to search for tection from herbivores for both Epipactis and M. gut- oviposition sites (Hafernik 1982), the most likely hy- tatus (Fig. 4). For Epipactis biomass, the positive ef- pothesis for the differential herbivory of M. guttatus fects of this ``associational defense'' were equal in planted directly on the streambed is that these plants magnitude to the negative effects of Carex competition were more visible to adult Junonia when on the light in 1997 (Fig. 1G), and to a lesser degree in 1998 (Fig. background of the streambed versus the less contrasting 1H). Other plant interactions mediated by a third spe- background of the tussock. Nevertheless, Junonia may cies have been shown to be prevalent in this system. also be using chemical cues to search for oviposition Levine (1999) examined the interactions between the sites (Hafernik 1982, Scott 1975). Further experiments species living on tussocks, and showed that Carex sup- are required to tease apart these speci®c mechanisms, pression of M. guttatus released Conocephalum and M. though the other potential processes behind associa- cardinalis from competition by M. guttatus. For Con- tional defenses seem less likely. The tussocks were not ocephalum, this effect was stronger than direct Carex a decoy for herbivores, as Junonia does not eat Carex. competition, resulting in a net positive interaction. In addition, given that the clipped tussocks with no Three important points emerge from these results. vegetation structure still provided protection from her- First, the interaction between Carex and each associ- bivory, it is unlikely that Carex physical deterred Ju- ated species re¯ects multiple component interactions. nonia oviposition or harbored predators. For example, M. guttatus experiences facilitation by Slightly different mechanisms may underlie the pro- Carex during scouring ¯oods, as well as competition tection from deer herbivory that Epipactis obtained in and protection from herbivores over the growing sea- dense Carex (Fig. 4C and D). For Epipactis, it was the son. Conocephalum experiences the same ¯ood-related stems of the Carex that provided the protection, though facilitation and competition, but also bene®ts from an whether herbivore pressure would have been even more indirect facilitation mediated by M. guttatus (Levine severe on the streambed was not examined. Because 1999). The second major point is that the interactions Carex stems are silica rich, scabrous, and dif®cult to between Carex and the associated species, though com- distinguish from Epipactis at a distance, the most likely plex, were somewhat consistent across species: similar mechanism underlying this effect is that Carex phys- facilitative effects of Carex were found for bryophytes, ically deterred deer, or visually concealed Epipactis graminoid and nongraminoid monocots, and dicots. ramets. Associational defenses involving ungulate And while the degree of competitive suppression varied grazing have been found in many other systems in- among species (Figs. 1 and 2), much of this variation cluding African savanna (McNaughton 1978), Califor- depended on whether the species was a bryophyte or nia oak woodland (Callaway 1992) and Northern U.S. vascular plant. Furthermore, while the associational de- forests (Buckley et al. 1998). fense was important for only two of the species, these Effects of competition on winter mortality were the only two suffering severe herbivory. Because of this consistency across species, I believe that the Competition by Carex reduced the size and repro- interactions uncovered in this study may apply to the duction of nearly all species in this study, but for M. full range of species living on Carex tussocks. The third guttatus in particular, competition over the growing point is that these interactions were intimately tied to season may have reduced the ability of M. guttatus to winter ¯oods, providing rare experimental evidence for survive winter submergence and ¯ood scour. Plants in facilitations that directly preclude agents of physical the dense Carex treatment had twice the mortality of plants in the clipped Carex treatment (Fig. 5C), even disturbance from operating. This result supports the though all were alive at the time of ®rst submergence. prediction that facilitations are important forces in dis- Similar, but nonsigni®cant trends were found for M. turbed habitats (Brooker and Callaghan 1998). cardinalis (Fig. 5A). Plants in dense Carex may have Mechanisms underlying the associational defenses been unable to produce enough roots to suf®ciently anchor into tussocks or may have been unable to ac- Associational defenses occur when plants that are quire enough carbon during the growing season for susceptible to herbivory gain protection from herbi- maintenance respiration over the period of winter sub- vores when associated with other plants (P®ster and mergence. Regardless of the speci®c mechanism, ex- Hay 1988). Plants provide these defenses by physically amples of interspeci®c competition in¯uencing the or chemically deterring herbivores, reducing the visual ability of a species to withstand agents of disturbance apparency of vulnerable plants, harboring herbivore are rare. The best intraspeci®c examples come from the December 2000 INTERACTIONS BETWEEN STREAMSIDE PLANTS 3443 marine intertidal. Sand¯at bivalves growing in high Power, W. Satterthwaite, W. Sousa, K. Suttle, J. Williams, density are particularly susceptible to pulses of sedi- and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful comments on the manuscript. Discussions with M. Mack and E. Berlow mentation (Peterson and Black 1988), while crowded were instrumental in formulating ideas about the composite barnacles and mussels are more likely to be dislodged nature of plant interactions. M. D. Bowers provided advice by waves (Paine and Levin 1981, Bertness et al. 1998). and encouragement for work with Junonia. This research was supported by an NSF Dissertation Improvement Grant, the The composite nature of plant interactions U.C. Natural Reserve System, a Sigma Xi grant in aid of research, and the California Native Plant Society. Financial An importance consequence of the composite nature support for ®eld assistance was provided by NSF grant DEB- of plant interactions is that the effects of one compo- 9615175 to M. Power. Stipend was provided by an NSF Grad- nent interaction may depend on another. Results from uate Research Fellowship, and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. this study suggest that if tussocks did not stabilize sub- strates, a much smaller proportion of the population of LITERATURE CITED each species would be found on tussocks. Reducing Aarssen, L. W., and G. A. Epp. 1990. Neighbor manipulations this proportion would also reduce the importance of in natural vegetation: a review. 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