Plant Syst. Evol. 246: 109–125 (2004) DOI 10.1007/s00606-004-0127-1

Phylogenetic relationships in , subgenus Vignea (), based on ITS sequences

M. Hendrichs1, S. Michalski2, D. Begerow1, F. Oberwinkler1, and F. H. Hellwig2

1 Universita¨tTu¨bingen, Botanisches Institut, Lehrstuhl Spezielle Botanik und Mykologie, Tu¨bingen, Germany 2 Universita¨t Jena, Institut fu¨r Spezielle Botanik, Jena, Germany

Received August 6, 2003; accepted December 5, 2003 Published online: March 26, 2004 Ó Springer-Verlag 2004

Abstract. To evaluate the sectional classification in subgroups are strongly supported, the relationships Carex, subgenus Vignea, the ITS region of 58 between these subgroups remain only poorly of 20 sections was analyzed with Neighbor Joining resolved. (NJ) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Sections Dioicae, Physodeae and Ovales Key words: Bayesian analysis, Carex, Vignea, ITS, are found to be monophyletic, with C. bohemica well molecular phylogeny, systematics. integrated in the section Ovales. Section Heleonastes turns out to be monophyletic, if C. canescens is Carex subgenus Vignea (Beauv.) Nees is treated separately in section Canescentes. Section morphologically characterized by the lack of Elongatae is monophyletic, but C. remota is placed in section Remotae and C. bromoides in section a prophyll surrounding the base of the axis of Deweyanae. In both analyses, six representatives of partial inflorescence (cladoprophyll), mostly section Arenariae cluster together in a terminal bisexual spikes and usually 2, rarely 3 stig- group, whereas C. disticha, C. repens and C. siccata mas. It has been regarded as a natural lineage form a basal cluster. C. maritima, as the only within the genus Carex L. since the early member of section Incurvae, shares this basal systematic studies in the 19th century (e.g. position. C. chordorrhiza is ascribed to section Schweinitz 1825, Dumortier 1827, Fries 1835, Chordorrhizeae and not ascribed to the paraphyletic Kunth 1837, Tuckerman 1843, Drejer 1844). section Divisae. C. vulpina and C. otrubae are Nearly a quarter of the species of Carex are assigned to section Vulpinae and separated from members of subgenus Vignea. In North the heterogeneous section Stenorhynchae. The other America it comprises about one third of the members of sections Divisae, Muehlenbergianae, recognized Carex species, in Eurasia estima- Multiflorae and Stenorhynchae are scattered throughout the trees. The representatives of section tions reach from 25 to 30% (Ball 1990, Foetidae are dispersed in both analyses, section Egorova 1966). In the worldwide monograph Paniculatae appears to be non-monophyletic in the of Georg Ku¨kenthal (1909) subgenus Vignea molecular results as well. contains 20 sections with 140 species in his The subgenus appears subdivided in at least four broad species concept. Since then, number of larger subgroups in all analyses. Whereas these species has at least tripled, due to a narrower 110 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) species concept and to new findings especially sequences of both strands were combined and outside Europe. For North America, 168 proof-read with SequencherTM 4.1 software (Gene species in 17 sections are described (Ball and Codes Corp., Michigan) and BioEdit (Hall 1999). Reznicek 2002), the Flora of Russia and The sequences reported in this study have been adjacent countries (Egorova 1999) covers 320 deposited in GenBank (see Table 1). The alignment species in 25 sections. contained 614 nucleotide sites. After removing ambiguously aligned positions (220–233), 600 sites For subgenus Carex, the potential of the remained for analyses with 234 variable sites (ITS1: ITS region for phylogenetic interpretations on 129, 5.8S: 8, ITS2: 97). The ingroup alone contained the sectional level was recently demonstrated 220 variable sites. The alignment is available upon (Roalson et al. 2001, Hendrichs et al. 2004). request. For subgenus Vignea, the available molecular Phylogenetic analysis. DNA sequences were data are scarce. Recent molecular studies aligned using Clustal X (Jeanmougin et al. 1998). focused mainly on family and subfamily Some manual corrections were done in Se-Al relationships (Muasya et al. 1998, Yen and v2.0a7b (Rambaut 2001). The likelihood ratio test Olmstead 2000) or on species of subgenus as implemented in Modeltest 3.0 (Posada and Carex (Waterway and Olmstead 1998, Starr Crandall 1998) selected TrN + G (Swofford et al. et al. 1999, Roalson et al. 2001). For better 1996) as substitution model (details below). A understanding of sectional circumscriptions in Bayesian method of phylogenetic inference using a Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo subgenus Vignea we analyzed 58 species (MCMC) approach was carried out as imple- mainly from northern Europe including mented in the computer program MrBayes (Huel- sequences of 12 species derived from GenBank senbeck and Ronquist 2001) with GTR + I + G (see Table 1). (Swofford et al. 1996) as substitution model. Four incrementally heated simultaneous Monte Carlo Markov chains were run over 2 000 000 genera- Materials and methods tions. Trees were sampled every 100th generation, collection and DNA extraction. The analyzed resulting in an overall sampling of 20 000 trees. To species of Carex are listed in Table 1. Assignment obtain estimates for the a posteriori probabilities, a of sections and subsections corresponds mainly to 50% majority rule consensus tree was computed the concept of Ku¨kenthal (1909). Total genomic from those trees that were sampled after the process DNA was isolated from fresh or dried leaf tissue had reached stationarity (burnin ¼ 2000). This either by crushing the plant material in liquid Bayesian approach of phylogenetic analysis was nitrogen with a micro pestle or by shaking the repeated five times, always using random starting samples for 3 min at 30 Hz (Mixer Mill MM 300, trees and random starting values for the model Retsch, Haan, Germany). DNeasy Plant Mini Kit parameters to test the reproducibility of the results. (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) was used following the Branch lengths were estimated under the maximum manufacturer’s protocol. likelihood criterion using the same substitution PCR and sequencing. The ITS region (ITS1, 5.8 model in PAUP 4.0b10 (Swofford 2002). S, ITS2; about 700 bp) was amplified with the Neighbor joining analysis (Saitou and Nei primer pair ITSL (Hsiao et al. 1995), ITS5 and ITS4 1987) was done with PAUP 4.0b10 (Swofford (White et al. 1990) or ITS5i and ITS4i (Roalson 2002) using genetic distances estimated under the et al. 2001). PCR was performed as described in maximum likelihood criterion and TrN + G as Hendrichs et al. (2004). The PCR product was substitution model with the following settings: purified with QIAquick PCR Purification Kit base frequencies A ¼ 0.235075, C ¼ 0.273445, (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The dsDNA obtained G ¼ 0.281677, T ¼ 0.209804; rate matrix was sequenced directly on both strands using the AC ¼ 1.00000, AG ¼ 2.25212, AT ¼ 1.00000, ABI PRISM Big DyeTM Terminator Cycle CG ¼ 1.00000, CT ¼ 6.34211, GT ¼ 1.00000; Sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (PE Applied Bio- gamma distribution shape parameter ¼ 0.357885. systems) on an automated sequencer (ABI 373A, PE Support for internal nodes was estimated by 1000 Applied Biosystems and LICOR 4000). The neighbor joining bootstrap replicates under the M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) 111

Table 1. Species analyzed in this study Species Locality/Vouchery GenBank accession no. Carex alma L. H. Bailey USA, California AF285025 Carex appropinquata Schum. Germany; HMH 3358 AY280549 Carex arenaria L. Germany; SMC 126 AY280529 Carex athrostachya Olney USA, Washington; JM 132 AY280539 Carex bicknellii Britton USA, Michigan AF285039 Carex bohemica Schreb. Germany; SMC 75 AY280532 Carex bonplandii Kunth Costa Rica; HeRB 6108 AY280563 Carex brizoides L. Germany; HMH 503 AY280546 Carex bromoides Schkuhr USA, Tennessee; JE AY280534 Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Sweden; HMH 2776 AY280567 Carex canariensis Ku¨k. Spain; HMH 2938 AY280558 Carex canescens L.a USSR, Siberia AF284990 Carex canescens L.b France; HMH 2282 AY280550 Carex chordorrhiza Ehrh. Sweden; HMH 2804 AY280568 Carex curvata Knaf Germany; SMC 131 AY280530 Carex davalliana Smith Germany; HMH 1413 AY280542 Carex densa L. H. Bailey USA, Washington; JM 161 AY280538 Carex diandra Schrank Denmark; HMH 1931 AY280551 Carex dioica L. Germany; HeRB 2185 AY280543 Carex disticha Lam. Germany; FO 8396 AY280571 Carex divisa Huds. France; FO 18408 AY280552 Carex divulsa Stokes Germany; HMH 1792 AY280553 Carex duriuscula C.A. Mey. Canada, AF027436 Carex echinata Murray Denmark; HMH 1920 AY280559 Carex elongata L. Germany; FO 9351 AY280560 Carex foetida All. France; HMH 2292 AY280544 Carex fracta Mack. USA, California AF285030 Carex heleonastes Ehrh. Germany; HMH 2946 AY280566 Carex hoodii Boott USA, Washington; JM 129 AY280537 Carex jonesii L. H. Bailey USA, California AF285038 Carex lachenalii Schkuhr Sweden; HMH 2692 AY280564 Carex leavenworthii Dewey USA, Texas AF285033 Carex leersii F.W. Schultz France; HeRB 3031 AY280554 Carex ligerica Gay Germany; SMC 120 AY280531 Carex loliacea L. Sweden; HMH 2955 AY280565 Carex macloviana d’Urv. Sweden; HMH 2957 AY280562 Carex macrocephala Willd. USA, Oregon AF285017 Carex macrorrhiza Boeck. Argentina, Santa Cruz AF285018 Carex maritima Gunn. Switzerland; JM 146 AY280570 Carex muricata L. Estonia, Muhu Island AF285036 Carex muskingumensis Schw. Canada; SMC 181 AY280541 Carex otrubae Podp. Germany; HMH 1776 AY280556 Carex ovalis Good. Germany; HMH 1780 AY280561 Carex paniculata L. Switzerland; HMH 2865 AY280557 Carex parallela (Laest.) Sommerf. Sweden; HMH 2780 AY280545 Carex pinetorum Liebm. Bolivia; LPB AY280540 112 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae)

Table 1 (continued) Species Locality/Vouchery GenBank accession no. Carex praecox Schreb. Germany; SMC 149 AY280527 Carex pseudobrizoides Clavaud Germany; SMC 97 AY280526 Carex remota L. Germany; HMH 3354 AY280548 Carex repens Bell. Poland; SMC 93 AY280528 Carex siccata Dewey USA, Washington; JM 125 AY280536 Carex spicata Huds. Germany; HeRB 624 AY280555 Carex stenophylla Wahlenb. Spain; JM 9772 AY280535 Carex stipata Muehlenb. USA, Wisconsin; JE AY280533 Carex vallicola Dewey USA, Wyoming; FO 31030 AY280569 Carex vernacula L. H. Bailey USA, Oregon AF285022 Carex vulpina L. Germany; HMH 3359 AY280547 Carex vulpinoidea Michx. USA, Texas AF284968 Kobresia capillifolia (Decne.) C. B. Clarke China, Xinjiang AF284984 Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori & Paol. USSR, Siberia AF284985 Kobresia sibirica (Turcz. ex Ledeb.) Boeck. USSR, Siberia AF284986 y Acronyms of herbaria and collections: GOET: Herbarium University Go¨ttingen; HeRB: R. Berndt (private collection); HMH: M. Hendrichs (private collection); FO: F. Oberwinkler (private collection); JE: Herbarium Haussknecht, Jena; JM: J. Mu¨ller (private collection); LPB: Herbarium Nacional de Bolivia; SMC: S. Michalski (private collection); TUB: Herbarium Tubingense; WM: W. Maier (private collection); Origin of sequence: Roalson et al. 2001 Origin of sequence: Starr et al. 1999 same model settings. The unrooted phylograms NJ topology (compare Fig. 1 with Fig. 2). from neighbor joining and MCMC analyses were Parsimony analyses revealed consistent results, rooted with three species of the genus Kobresia but with lower statistical significance (Hend- Willd. from GenBank. richs et al. 2003a). Rooted with three species of the genus Kobresia, the members of subgenus Vignea Results group as a highly supported monophyletic The different runs of Bayesian phylogenetic lineage. The use of Kobresia as outgroup for analysis yielded consistent results. Stationarity our analyses is justified through the results of of the Markov chains was reached after molecular investigations in the relationship of approximately 200 000 generations of trees, the genus Carex (comp. Yen and Olmstead i.e. after 2000 trees had been sampled. Thus, 2000, Roalson et al. 2001, Hendrichs et al. we discarded the first 2000 trees and included 2003b). 18 000 sampled trees in the 50% majority rule The sectional delimitations within subge- consensus tree of each run. One of them is nus Vignea have been of great difficulty and given in Fig. 1. The phylogram obtained by constant rearrangement since the early the NJ analysis is shown in Fig. 2. In both approaches. Of the 20 traditionally accepted analyses the supported clusters contain the sections represented in our analyses only same species, and the tree topology of the sections Dioicae, Physodeae and Ovales are MCMC analysis correlates with that of the NJ found to be monophyletic. C. bohemica, often analysis. In general, statistical support is placed in section Schellhammeria, appears higher in the MCMC topology than in the fully integrated in section Ovales. Section M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) 113

Fig. 1. Bayesian inference of phylogenetic relationships within Carex subgenus Vignea. Metropolis-coupled Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of an alignment of nuclear sequences from the ITS region using the general time reversible model of DNA substitution with gamma distributed substitution rates and estimation of variant sites. 50% majority rule consensus tree from 18 000 trees that were sampled after the process had reached stationarity. The topology was rooted with three species of the genus Kobresia. The numbers on branches are estimates of a posteriori probabilities. Branch lengths were estimated using Maximum Likelihood and are scaled in terms of expected numbers of nucleotide substitutions per site. The groups marked with ‘‘–’’ do not include all analyzed members of the specified section 114 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae)

Fig. 2. ITS phylogram of Carex subgenus Vignea obtained by neighbor joining analysis using TrN + G as substitution model (parameters are given in the text). The topology was rooted with three species of the genus Kobresia. Percentage bootstrap values of 1000 replicates are given at each furcation values smaller than 50% are not shown. Branch lengths are scaled in terms of expected numbers of nucleotide substitutions per site. Groups marked with ‘‘–’’ do not include all analyzed members of the specified section Macrocephalae is represented in our analyses treated in separated section Canescentes. only by C. macrocephala. Section Heleonastes Section Elongatae is marked monophyletic, is found to be monophyletic, if C. canescens is whereby C. remota is placed in section M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) 115

Remotae and C. bromoides is referred to C. diandra and C. canescens. However, the section Deweyanae. These two sections are relationships between these subgroups are only represented by one species each in our dendro- weakly supported. grams. In both analyses, six representatives of Chromosome numbers of the species stud- section Arenaria constitute a well supported ied are listed in Table 2, giving the chromo- group. C. disticha, C. repens and C. siccata, some counts available in literature. traditionally treated in section Arenariae, fall into a basal cluster. C. maritima, as the only Discussion member of section Incurvae, shares this basal position in our dendrograms. C. chordorrhiza The sections and species discussed are is referred to section Chordorrhizeae and is not arranged in order of position in Fig. 1, starting treated in the paraphyletic section Divisae. at the base of the dendrogram. C. vulpina and C. otrubae are assigned to Sections Incurvae, Macrocephalae and re- section Vulpinae and separated from the lated species. A highly supported group in heterogeneous section Stenorhynchae. Circum- both analyses (a posteriori probability 100%, scription of sections Divisae, Muehlenbergi- bootstrap value 99%) comprises C. hoodii, anae, Multiflorae and Stenorhynchae was C. maritima and three species ascribed to always regarded as very difficult and artificial section Arenariae by Ku¨kenthal (1909): in larger parts (e.g. Ku¨kenthal 1909, Ball and C. siccata, C. repens and C. disticha. Carex Reznicek 2002; comp. Table 2). The members siccata forms a monophyletic group with of these sections are mainly scattered through- C. maritima which was placed in the mono- out the trees. If two or three species cluster typic section Incurvae by Ku¨kenthal (1909). together, these are labeled in our dendrograms C. disticha is originally an Eurasian endemic, as core-groups, marked with a ‘‘–’’ to indicate but introduced to North America. It shows that not all analyzed members of the specified closer affinity to C. hoodii, which Ku¨kenthal section are included. The representatives of (1909) ascribed to the large and inhomoge- section Foetidae are dispersed in both analyses. neous section Muehlenbergianae. These two According to our analyses, section Paniculatae subgroups are highly supported (a posteriori appears to be non-monophyletic as well, even probability 100%, bootstrap value 92%). though well-defined by gross morphology. Although different sectional classifications for The ITS region is useful in defining sections C. maritima and C. disticha have been pro- within subgenus Vignea and reveals at least posed (e.g. Egorova 1966, Hylander 1966, four larger subgroups comprising different Chater 1980, Ball and Reznicek 2002), the sections. In a first subgroup species tradition- group as a whole is not congruent with any ally ascribed to section Arenariae cluster existing sectional concept. C. repens is a local together with C. hoodii and C. maritima.A endemic species with three disjunct areals in second well supported cluster includes mem- Central Europe, a hybrid origin was sometimes bers of sections Ovales and Heleonastes suggested (e.g. Chater 1980). It differs mor- together with C. chordorrhiza. Species of phologically from C. arenaria only by a greater sections Muehlenbergianae, Vulpinae and number of spikes and the absence of a scale- Elongatae form a third well supported sub- like prophyll at the base of spikes. In molec- group with C. canariensis, C. foetida and ular dendrograms, C. arenaria and other C. paniculata included. The largest subgroup members of section Arenariae cluster together comprises species of sections Arenariae, as a group at the greatest possible distance in a Physodae, Dioicae and Multiflorae together terminal branch. Interestingly, this group as a with C. remota, C. alma, C. macrorrhiza, whole is characterized by a specific indel in C. leavenworthii, C. appropinquata, C. jonesii, alignment-position 10 and a characteristic C. vernacula, C. stipata, C. bromoides, C. divisa, sequence pattern in positions 120–123. 116 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae)

Table 2. Species, sections, and chromosome numbers. The classification mostly follows Ku¨kenthal (1909) Species Section Chromos. no. (2n) Carex alma L. H. Bailey Multiflorae Kunth Carex appropinquata Schum. Paniculatae Kunth 64 Carex arenaria L. Arenariae Kunth 56, 58, 64 Carex athrostachya Olney Ovales Kunth 68 Carex bicknellii Britton Ovales Kunth 76, 78 Carex bohemica Schreb. Schellhammeria (Moench) Kunth 62, 64, 80 Carex bonplandii Kunth Ovales Kunth Carex brizoides L. Arenariae Kunth 58 Carex bromoides Schkuhr Deweyanae Tuck. 64, 66, 68 Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Heleonastes Kunth 56 Carex canariensis Ku¨k. Muehlenbergianae Tuck. 58 Carex canescens L.a Canescentes Fries 54, 56 Carex chordorrhiza Ehrh. Chordorrhizeae Fries 62 Carex curvata Knaf Arenariae Kunth 58 Carex davalliana Smith Dioicae Tuck. 46 Carex densa L. H. Bailey Multiflorae Kunth Carex diandra Schrank Paniculatae Kunth 50, 54, 60 Carex dioica L. Dioicae Tuck. 52 Carex disticha Lam. Arenariae Kunth 62 Carex divisa Huds. Divisae Christ 58, 60, 62 Carex divulsa Stokes Muehlenbergianae Tuck. 56, 58 Carex duriuscula C.A. Mey. Physodeae Christ ex Ku¨k. 52 Carex echinata Murray Elongatae Kunth 56, 58 Carex elongata L. Elongatae Kunth 56 Carex foetida All. Foetidae Tuck. 58 Carex fracta Mack. Ovales Kunth Carex heleonastes Ehrh. Heleonastes Kunth 56 Carex hoodii Boott Muehlenbergianae Tuck. 58, 60 Carex jonesii L. H. Bailey Stenorhynchae Holm Carex lachenalii Schkuhr Heleonastes Kunth 58, 62, 64, 74 Carex leavenworthii Dewey Muehlenbergianae Tuck. Carex leersii F.W. Schultz Muehlenbergianae Tuck. 58 Carex ligerica Gay Arenariae Kunth 58 Carex loliacea L. Heleonastes Kunth 54 Carex macloviana d’Urv. Ovales Kunth 82, 86 Carex macrocephala Willd. Macrocephalae Ku¨k. 74 Carex macrorrhiza Boeck. Divisae Christ Carex maritima Gunn. Incurvae Ku¨k. 60 Carex muricata L. Muehlenbergianae Tuck. 56, 58 Carex muskingumensis Schw. Ovales Kunth 80 Carex otrubae Podp. Vulpinae (Carey) Christ 58, 60 Carex ovalis Good. Ovales Kunth 62, 64, 66, 68 Carex paniculata L. Paniculatae Kunth 60, 62, 64 Carex parallela (Laest.) Sommerf. Dioicae Tuck. 43, 44 Carex pinetorum Liebm. Ovales Kunth Carex praecox Schreb. Arenariae Kunth 58 Carex pseudobrizoides Clavaud Arenariae Kunth Carex remota L. Remotae Aschers. 62 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) 117

Table 2 (continued) Species Section Chromos. no. (2n) Carex repens Bell. Arenariae Kunth 70 Carex siccata Dewey Arenariae Kunth 70 Carex spicata Huds. Muehlenbergianae Tuck. 58, 60 Carex stenophylla Wahlenb. Physodeae Christ ex Ku¨k. 60 Carex stipata Muehlenb. Stenorhynchae Th. Holm 48, 52 Carex vallicola Dewey Muehlenbergianae Tuck. Carex vernacula L. H. Bailey Foetidae Tuck. Carex vulpina L. Vulpinae (Carey) Christ 68 Carex vulpinoidea Michx. Multiflorae Kunth 52, 54 Chromosome counts compiled from: Bo¨cher 1938; Dalgaard 1991; Davies 1956; Delay 1971; Dietrich 1972; Heilborn 1922, 1924, 1928, 1939; Kjellqvist and Lo¨ve 1963; Lo¨ve and Lo¨ve 1981; Moore and Calder 1964; Moore and Chater 1971; Murı´nandMa´jovsky 1976; Naczi 1999; Rothrock and Reznicek 1996; Tanaka 1942a, 1942b, 1948; Whitkus 1981, 1991 and fide FNA 2002

It is worth mentioning that Ku¨kenthal this group as a whole is characterized by (1909) arranged the monotypic section Incur- inflorescences with gynaecandrous spikes. vae at the beginning of the sections in subgenus Members of section Heleonastes cluster Vignea, unfortunately without any explana- together, except C. canescens, which therefore tion. The separation from section Physodeae is referred to as a single member of section and section Foetidae is limited to the contour Canescentes in our dendrograms. C. lachenalii, of spikes and the number of spikelets. known from Europe and North America (as In our trees, C. vallicola and C. macroce- C. bipartita All.) occurs as sister taxon to phala appear as members of subgenus Vignea, Eurasian C. loliacea, both sharing subarctic each in an isolated position. C. vallicola, distribution. Ku¨kenthal (1909) ascribed distributed in pacific North America, is tradi- C. loliacea to section Tenuiflorae, the sister- tionally ascribed to section Muehlenbergianae. section of Canescentes. Later authors (e.g. This heterogeneous section is divided into Mackenzie 1931–1935, Kreczetovicz 1935, almost six different parts in our dendrograms. Hylander 1966) transferred this species to However, a core group can be detected and is section Heleonastes in a broader sense, com- discussed below. C. macrocephala is the only prising sections Canescentes and Tenuiflorae. three-stigmatic species integrated in our anal- C. heleonastes, the name-giving species, is yses. The isolated position of this species connected to them at short distance. Also supports the concept of section Macrocephalae C. brunnescens can be integrated into this (e.g. Ku¨kenthal 1909, Mackenzie 1931–1935, highly supported group (a posteriori probabil- Ohwi 1936, Egorova 1999, Mastrogiuseppe ity 100%, bootstrap value 91%). Surprisingly, 2002). On the other hand it can be concluded the striking morphological similarity between that C. macrocephala and presumably also its C. brunnescens and C. canescens is not reflected East Asian sister taxon C. kobomugi Ohwi are by molecular data. true members of subgenus Vignea. These Carex chordorrhiza is characterized by a species can not be separated based on the unique gross-morphology with long-creeping presence of three stigmata as Kreczetovicz overground tillers and preference of very moist (1935) proposed by establishing the new sub- to wet habitats. It was ascribed to section genus Megalocranion Kreczetovicz. Divisae by most caricologists (e.g. Ku¨kenthal Sections Chordorrhizeae, Heleonastes and 1909, Mackenzie 1931–1935, Ohwi 1936, Cha- Ovales. With the exception of C. chordorrhiza, ter 1980, Egorova 1999) and placed in section 118 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae)

Acroarrhenae, subsection Foetidae by Bailey support. C. fracta and C. pinetorum appear (1886). Fries (1845) established the section closely related to this core group of Ovales in Chordorrhizeae, which was accepted by Mac- both dendrograms. kenzie (1931–35) and Reznicek and Catling The South American species C. bonplandii (2002) and is used in our dendrograms. The with scarcely winged perigynium was treated closer relationship to the core group of as member of section Elongatae by Ku¨kenthal Heleonastes is well supported in both analyses (1909). It was referred to section Ovales by (a posteriori probability 100%, bootstrap value American authors (e.g. Bailey 1886, Macken- 99%). zie 1931–1935). C. pinetorum also has a weakly Species of section Ovales are distributed winged perigynium in comparison with mainly in North and South America, from C. athrostachya. Many transitions between the Arctic to Patagonia, with the greatest wing-structures can be found in section Ovales diversity in the mountains of the western (Reznicek 1993). United States (Reznicek 1993). Ku¨kenthal A specimen of C. macloviana from Swedish (1909) listed 21 species in this section, com- Lappland was studied. It clusters well in bining many similar taxa as subspecies and section Ovales, but the relationship to other varieties under a comprehensive species name. species of the section remains unresolved. The Mackenzie (1931–35) favored a narrow spe- disjunct distribution of C. macloviana and cies concept and listed 73 taxa for North many closely related species in North America America, Mastrogiuseppe et al. (2002) (Whitkus and Packer 1984, Whitkus 1988, accepted 72 species. In contrast to other Mastrogiuseppe et al. 2002) would be worth sections, the circumscription of section Ovales detailed investigations. is rather precise: cespitose growth, spikelets Sections Elongatae, Muehlenbergianae and gynaecandrous, perigynia flattened, more or Vulpinae. The molecularly highly supported less broadly winged. However, many transi- cluster (a posteriori probability 100%, boot- tions exist and species-delimitation in this strap value 98%) comprises species of different section is therefore rather difficult (Reznicek sections. 1993). Section Schellhammeria is separated Carex elongata and C. echinata cluster from section Ovales only by the smaller together with high support, thus showing the perigynium. Therefore the position of difficult separation of section Elongatae from C. bohemica within section Ovales could be section Muehlenbergianae; the position of expected and was shown by Roalson et al. C. remota is discussed below. According to (2001) in a smaller species sampling. Bailey the molecular data, C. elongata is not closely (1886) and Mackenzie (1931–35) placed the related to section Canescentes, as was already American sister taxon C. synchnocephala Ca- assumed by Russian authors (Kreczetovicz rey in section Ovales. The densely capitate 1935, Egorova 1966). The achene epidermis, inflorescence and the protruding leafy lower- densely covered with nodular protrusions of most bracts of C. bohemica can also be found the many silica bodies (Toivonen and Timonen in species of section Ovales: C. athrostachya is 1976), shows striking similarity between characterized by a leafy basal bract. C. elongata and C. echinata. This morphology The analyzed members of section Ovales strongly supports the grouping based on form a very homogeneous group with high molecular data. support in both dendrograms (a posteriori Carex paniculata is widely distributed in probability 100%, bootstrap value 94%). The the northern hemisphere, Australia and New name-giving Eurasian species C. ovalis is Zealand. It is one of the conspicuous sedges naturalized in North America and many other growing in large tussocks. Although it appears parts of the world. It clusters together with to be very similar to C. appropinquata and C. bicknellii and C. muskingumensis with high C. diandra in gross morphology and in M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) 119 chromosome number, the three species, classi- MCMC analysis with 100%, in NJ with only cally included in section Paniculatae, appear at 62%. It is characterized by an almost stable separate positions in the molecular trees. chromosome number of 2n ¼ 58. A single The core group of section Muehlenbergi- chromosome count of C. vulpina (2n ¼ 68) anae, although not highly supported (a poste- has to be verified. Also species of section riori probability 83%, bootstrap value 78%), Arenariae form a highly supported lineage in comprises 4 very similar species mainly dis- molecular trees and share a stable chromo- tributed in Europe. In many floras it is referred some number of 2n ¼ 58. to as aggregate of C. muricata. C. divulsa was Regarding the highly supported larger introduced in North America and other parts cluster (a posteriori probability 100%, boot- of the world. The distinction to C. leersii is not strap value 98%), including C. paniculata and easy, therefore the latter is often treated as section Elongatae, chromosome numbers are subspecies of C. divulsa (e.g. Chater 1980, rather homogeneous reaching from 56 to 58, in Sebald 1998). According to ITS data, these C. paniculata up to 62. two species are well separated. C. leersii, Sections Deweyanae, Multiflorae, Remotae, collected in France, seems closely related to Canescentes, Dioicae, Physodeae and Arena- C. muricata from Estonia. C. spicata, morpho- riae. The terminal group appears well sup- logically characterized by the swollen spongy ported in MCMC analysis. In NJ analysis basal part of the perigynium, is clearly sepa- C. canescens is placed distantly and the whole rated in our dendrograms. It is distributed in cluster is not supported. The unexpected Eurasia and North Africa and was also intro- position of C. canescens is discussed below. duced to North America. To clarify the Carex divisa and C. diandra cluster circumscription of the fairly diverse section together with C. bromoides at a basal position Muehlenbergianae a larger sampling, especially in this terminal group. C. divisa seems closely of North American species, is required. related to C. diandra in MCMC analysis, In both analyses, section Vulpinae is a sister whereas the NJ dendrogram reveals a closer group of the core cluster of section Muehlen- relationship to C. bromoides, both positions bergianae. The two species studied, C. vulpina, without significant support. the True fox sedge and C. otrubae, the False In its gross morphology C. diandra is a fox sedge, share identical ITS sequences. Thus, slightly atypical member of section Panicula- the morphologically closely related taxa can- tae, normally not growing in dense tussocks. not be distinguished by ITS data. The perigynium is significantly smaller than in Carex canariensis, a local endemic of the other Paniculatae-species. There are also Canary Islands described by Ku¨kenthal (1900) micromorphological differences in achene epi- and referred to section Muehlenbergianae,isa dermis structures (Toivonen and Timonen close relative to the group. Ku¨kenthal (1900) 1976). In our molecular tree C. paniculata postulated differences to C. paniculata, which and C. appropinquata are separated and belong is supported by ITS data. to different clades. Carex foetida, the name-giving species of The next group is weakly supported in section Foetidae, is distributed in the central MCMC analysis (a posteriori probability and western Alps and the Pyrenees. It is 67%). It comprises mainly North American adapted to moist meadows covered by snow species of different traditional sections, indi- for long periods. A basal position in subgenus cating that the separation of sections Mueh- Vignea, as was supposed by Ku¨kenthal (1909), lenbergianae, Stenorhynchae and Multiflorae is not supported by molecular results. might be artificial. The group including C. canariensis, Carex stipata is distributed in North C. foetida and the core-groups of sections America and East Asia and is treated in Muehlenbergianae and Vulpinae is supported in different sections in the regional floras (e.g. 120 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae)

Ku¨kenthal 1909, Mackenzie 1931–1935, Ohwi differing in only 1 bp in ITS sequence. The 1936). The only European species in this distant position of C. canescens to other group is C. appropinquata. It is a typical members of section Heleonastes in molecular member of section Paniculatae. Gross mor- trees is surprising and was never recognized in phology and ultrastructure of achene epider- other caricological studies. C. canescens is mis (Toivonen and Timonen 1976) suggest a known to hybridize easily with species of closer relationship to C. paniculata. However, nearly all sections in subgenus Vignea this is not supported by ITS data. The three (Hylander 1966, Flatberg 1972, Toivonen members of section Paniculatae integrated in 1981). This extreme hybridization potential is our analyses do not appear closely related to shared only by C. remota and C. echinata and each other; yet the unsupported positions in is still not understood. Morphological struc- the ITS dendrograms do not allow conclusive tures of the perigynium and the achene groupings. epidermis, (Toivonen and Timonen 1976) can- Carex densa and C. vulpinoidea cluster not be used to explain the exceptional position together, but they are clearly separated from of C. canescens revealed by ITS data either. C. alma, the third species of section Multiflorae Ku¨kenthal (1909) placed C. remota in in our analyses. C. vulpinoidea originated from section Elongatae, together with C. elongata temperate North America and is naturalized in and C. echinata, the latter erroneously named parts of Europe. C. stellulata Good. (Ku¨kenthal 1911). Micro- Carex leavenworthii is one of nine species of scopic structures of the achene epidermis in the inhomogeneous section Muehlenbergianae C. remota differ considerably from those of studied in our analyses. Ku¨kenthal (1909) other members of section Elongatae (Toivonen separated section Muehlenbergianae from sec- and Timonen 1976), thus supporting our tion Bracteosae on the basis of rhizome devel- molecular result. C. remota is positioned dif- opment and the basal structure of the ferently in both analyses, but it has no close perigynium. Mackenzie (1931–35) united both relationship to members of sections Elongatae sections to one species-rich section Bracteosae. and Canescentes, contrary to what had been Ball (2002) considered section Bracteosae to be postulated by Egorova (1966). We therefore endemic to Central and South America and separate sections Remotae and Elongatae in accepted sections Phaestoglochin and Stellula- our dendrograms. C. remota is distributed tae for North America, which were established from northern Africa to northern Europe up by Egorova (1966, 1999) for the Flora of to 63 North. It is known as one of the Russia. None of the proposed classifications most intensively hybridizing Carex species. corresponds with our present molecular re- C. remota hybridizes not only with C. arenaria, sults. Therefore only the core group of Mueh- C. brizoides, and C. canescens, but also lenbergianae is labeled in our dendrograms (see with C. appropinquata, C. otrubae, C. divulsa, above). C. spicata, C. paniculata, C. echinata, The interpretation of C. vernacula as an C. elongata, and C. ovalis (Ku¨kenthal 1909, American variety of the European C. foetida Nannfeldt 1977, Toivonen 1981, Jermy et al. (e.g. Ku¨kenthal 1909, Reznicek 2002) is not 1982, Sebald 1998). supported by ITS data. C. vernacula and Carex alma, traditionally placed in section C. foetida appear in distant positions in both Multiflorae, and C. macrorrhiza, ascribed to dendrograms. The closer relationship between section Divisae, cluster together with high C. vernacula and C. jonesii is well supported in support. In MCMC analysis these taxa occur both analyses (a posteriori probability 100%, in sister position to C. canescens. bootstrap value 81%). Carex duriuscula was treated as the Sibe- Carex canescens is represented in our rian variety of C. stenophylla by Ku¨kenthal analyses by a Siberian and a French specimen (1909). In our analyses, these two species are M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) 121 well separated by long branches, but show no specimen from inland sands of eastern Ger- closer relationship to any other member of many. The group as a whole is also character- section Divisae; therefore we labeled this well ized by almost similar chromosome numbers supported group as section Physodeae (Chater of 2n ¼ 58 (C. arenaria up to 64). 1980, Egorova 1999). It occurs in sister Carex praecox and C. brizoides are well position to the three European members of characterized species, distributed in southern section Dioicae, C. davalliana, C. dioica and and continental Europe except the northern C. parallela. regions. Taxonomically C. curvata has been Ku¨kenthal (1909) placed section Dioicae in treated differently in European floras. Parent subgenus Primocarex. The vast majority of (1974), Chater (1980) and Sebald (1998) con- caricologists (e.g. Bailey 1889, Heilborn 1922, sidered it as a common hybrid of C. praecox Kreczetovicz 1935, Ohwi 1936, Nelmes 1952, and C. brizoides.Ku¨kenthal (1892, 1909) and Egorova 1966, Toivonen and Timonen 1976, Schultze-Motel (1967–1980) treated it as a Nannfeldt 1977, Chater 1980, Cochrane 2002) subspecies of C. praecox. Molecular analyses included section Dioicae in subgenus Vignea, reveal a closer relationship to C. praecox than which is supported by our data. The terminal to C. brizoides, without giving a clue to the spike can consequently be interpreted as a origin of the taxon. C. pseudobrizoides was reduced composite spike with only one-dimen- treated as ‘species incertae sedis’ by Ku¨kenthal sional lateral branches. The common hybrid- (1909). Chater (1980) presumed identity with ization with species of subgenus Vignea C. reichenbachiana Bonnet; Lucen˜ o (1994) (C. canescens, C. maritima, C. lachenalii, postulated identity with C. brizoides. The C. echinata) was already mentioned by phylogenetic position of C. pseudobrizoides is Ku¨kenthal (1909). Additional and independent not congruent in the two dendrograms; a close support for the integration of section Dioicae relationship with C. praecox, as suggested by in subgenus Vignea is lent through the rela- MCMC analysis, is only weakly supported. tionship of Carex-specific parasitic smut fungi An interesting morphological character of (e.g. Nannfeldt 1968, 1977). In MCMC anal- the Arenariae-group is the existence of a scale- ysis, C. dioica and C. parallela appear closely like prophyll at the basis of spikes. It appears related, in the NJ tree a closer relationship of to be absent in all other species of subgenus C. davalliana to C. parallela is indicated, as it is Vignea (Ku¨kenthal 1909, Egorova 1999). also by chromosome numbers (comp. General aspects of the subgenus Table 2). Vignea. Subgenus Vignea was considered to The terminal cluster comprises species be a natural group within genus Carex by most ascribed to section Arenariae with Eurasian caricologists. This morphological concept was distribution. This group includes C. arenaria as recently confirmed by ITS and chloroplast name-giving species and is supported in both DNA sequence data (Starr et al. 1999, Yen and analyses (a posteriori probability 100%, boot- Olmstead 2000, Roalson et al. 2001). strap value 82%). A heterogeneous assemblage The delimitation of sections within this of species, traditionally placed in Arenariae, subgenus is very difficult and remains artificial was discussed above and is apparently not in most parts. However, our molecular results belonging to the core group as revealed by our allow better sectional circumscriptions and data. We concentrate in the following on the understanding for the species studied. Thus, well supported terminal Arenariae-group. the relationships between sections are well Within this clade, only C. arenaria and resolved by ITS sequences, revealing at least C. ligerica appear closely related in both four larger subgroups, which are highly sup- analyses. C. arenaria is well adapted to sandy ported in all analyses (see above). habitats, distributed mainly in the coastal Chromosome numbers (Table 2) appear areas of temperate Europe. We studied a rather homogeneous in subgenus Vignea, not 122 M. Hendrichs et al.: Carex, subgenus Vignea (Cyperaceae) indicating whether fission or fusion of poly- Bailey L. H. (1889) Carex. In: Gray A. (ed.) The centric chromosomes was predominant. It is manual of the botany of the Northern United noticeable that two groups revealed by molec- States. American Book Co., New York, pp. 587– ular analyses might be characterized by their 622. chromosome numbers. The well supported Ball P. W. (1990) Some aspects of the phytogeog- group including C. canariensis, C. foetida and raphy of Carex. Canad. J. Bot. 68: 1462–1472. Ball P. W. (2002) Section Phaestoglochin. In: Flora the core groups of sections Muehlenbergianae of North America Editorial Committee (ed.) and Vulpinae and also the terminal cluster Flora of North America. Oxford University including members of section Arenariae share Press, New York, pp. 285–297. a chromosome number of 2n ¼ 58. Ball P. W., Reznicek A. A. (2002) Carex Linnaeus. Although the composition of some sections In: Flora of North America Editorial Committee has become clearer in the course of the present (ed.) Flora of North America. Oxford University study, no taxonomic conclusions are drawn. Press, New York, pp. 254–572. As was argued for subgenus Carex (Hendrichs Bo¨cher T. W. (1938) Zur Zytologie einiger arkti- et al. 2004), a worldwide approach is necessary schen und borealen Blu¨tenpflanzen. Svensk Bot. to understand the natural groups within the Tidskr. 32: 346–361. subgenus Vignea. Chater A. O. (1980) Carex L. In: Tutin T. G., Even after 200 years of intensive work in Heywood V. H., Burges N. A., Valentine D. H., Walter S. M., Webb D. A. (eds.) Flora Euro- the genus Carex, we are far from understand- paea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, ing the natural delimitations of sections within pp. 290–323. the well-defined subgenus Vignea. Due to the Cochrane T. S. (2002) Section Physoglochin. In: limited number of species studied so far answer Flora of North America Editorial Committee only a few problems could be solved and many (ed.) Flora of North America. Oxford University open questions remain. Nevertheless, the pre- Press, New York, pp. 299–301. sented dendrograms can give at least new Dalgaard V. (1991) Chromosome studies in flow- stimulation for detailed investigations in mor- ering from Macaronesia II. Willdenowia phological characters of the species. Ultra- 20: 139–152. structural data of achene epidermis (Toivonen Davies E. W. (1956) Cytology, evolution and origin and Timonen 1976, Starr and Ford 2001) and of the aneuploid series in the genus Carex. microscopic features of leaf anatomy (Shep- Hereditas 42: 349–365. Delay J. (1971) Halophytes et e´cotypes maritimes. herd 1976) have shown some potential and Inf. Ann. Caryosyst. Cytogenet. 5: 29–40. their exploration should be resumed. Dietrich W. (1972) IOPB chromosome number reports. XXXVI. Taxon 21: 333–335. 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