The Ukrainian Weekly 1982, No.8
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb CBOFOAA^SVOBODOBODAA PUBUSHEramiaD BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATIOnN INC. A FRATERNALWee, NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATIOkN У Vol. t No.; THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1982 25 cgits WCFU Presidium meets in N.Y. Patriarch Josyf is 90 World congress of Ukrainians slated for 1983 in Canada by Dr. Walter Dushnyck chlibnyk reported on the work of the Presidium of the Secretariat from July I NEW YORK - The fourth congress to the end of December 1981, while of the World Congress of Free Ukrai Alexandra ICowalsky gave an extensive nians will be held in 1983 in Canada, report on the work of the WCFU according to a decision adopted at the Human Rights Commission. meeting of the Presidium of the WCFU Mr. Bazarko reported on his travels, Secretariat held here on Saturday, visits and meetings. In compliance with January 30. a decision of the Presidium to mediate ThQ)fifst WCFU congress was held in between the UCCA Executive Commit 1967 in New York, the second in 1973 in tee and leaders of organizations which Toronto, the third in 1978 again in New do not participate in the UCCA, he was York and, therefore, the fourth WCFU responsible for two meetings — on will be held in Canada next year. August 20 and October 9, 1981 - at The session, chaired by WCFU Presi which both sides expressed their views dent Ivan Bazarko, was attended by and demands. So far no compromise eight each from Canada and the United has been reached, but the general trend States. of thought in the community is that Archbishop-Metropolitan Maxim such a compromise should be attained Hermaniuk of Canada reported that, on in the spirit of the first WCFU congress. the basis of jnutual agreement, the On September 27, 1981, a working Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the session o`f^he"WCFU Secretariat's Ukrainian Catholic Church will jointly Presidium was held in Toronto, at observe the 1,000th anniversary of which it was decided to implement the Christianity in Ukraine in 1988. The decisions taken at the plenary session of decision, adopted on June 27, 1981, in the WCFU Secretariat in June 1981. Toronto, reads as follows: Taking advantage of their presence in "...We, the representatives of the the United States, Mr. Bazarko held Ukrainian Orthodox and the Ukrainian meetings individually with Presi Catholic Churches outside Ukraine, dium members from Europe, Illia fully cognizant of our great responsibi Dmytriw, Stepan Mudryk and Omelian lity before God, Christ's Church and Kowal; he also conferred with Dr. God's Ukrainian people who suffered Wolodymyr Janiw, rector of the Ukrai throughout their history and suffer now nian Free University in Munich. He also so much evil and disrupting influences informed the gathering about the activi from their enemies, express the necessity ties in Vienna of the World Council of | to observe jointly the unusual and Social Service and the United Ukrai historic jubilee of our Ukrainian nian American Relief Committee people..." (UUARC). The statement was signed by Metro Through the efforts of these two politans Mstyslav, Hermaniuk and Ste groups a special relief committee was phen Sulyk and the Very. Rev. Dr. established in Vienna under the chair Semen Sawchuk. manship of Dr. Serhiy Naklowycz, Metropolitan Hermaniuk further to help all Ukrainian refugees in added that the form and methods of the Vienna. The committee also helps joint observance are now being studied Ukrainian refugees in their efforts to and will be made public when finalized. immigrate to the United States, Canada In turn, the Rev. Sawchuk, speaking oi Australia. Among the members of on behalf of the Ukrainian Greek- the committee are the Rev. Dr. Alexan Orthodox Church of Canada, explain der Dzerowych and the Rev. I. Dakhov- ed the position of his Church, which in sky. The committee needs substantial general was the same as that funds which it is hoped will be provided presented by the previous speaker, by the Ukrainian communities of the namely that the agreement with the United States and Canada. Ukrainian Catholic hierarchs of the Mr. Bazarko also reported that he United States and Canada is in full visited Metropolitans Mstyslav and force. Further steps regarding the form Sulyk, as well as Bishop Basil Losten, of observance will be elaborated upon whom he apprised of current WCFU by appropriate commissions. matters. Patriarch Josyf I He expressed his opinion to the effect Mr. Bezchlibnyk reported on the that religious observances should be work in the WCFU office in Toronto, Patriarch Josyf I, primate of the Church in Ukraine in the 1940s. held simultaneously in all Ukrainian the current correspondence with various communities in the diaspora, with member-organizations and his repre "Pomisna" Ukrainian Catholic Church, Patriarch Josyf, who is also a cardinal, Ukrainian lay organizations holding sentational duties. turned 90 on Wednesday, February 17, as endured 18 years of imprisonment by the their own events. There are expecta Mrs. Kowalsky, speaking on behalf weeklong jubilee celebrations were held Soviet regime for refusing to betray the tions that all other Ukrainian Christian of the WCFU Human Rights Commis in his honor in Rome. Ukrainian Catholic Church and for fidelity denominations will join the common sion, gave an extensive report about the The patriarch is the only living con to the Holy See. historical observances. commission's activities. Inasmuch as fessor of the faith in the Universal On the occasion of his 90th birthday, the Madrid Conference had continued, Catholic Church and is the only member and the 65th anniversary of his priest Reports Sen. Paul Yuzyk, chairman of the of the Ukrainian Catholic Church hierarchy hood, The Weekly pays tribute to Patriarch commission, and his collaborator. to survive the Soviet destruction of that Josyf on pages 6 through 9 of this issue. Messrs. Bazarko and Wasyl Bez- (Continued on page 13) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1982 No. 8 Soviet language policy: two steps forward, one step back ? by Dr. Roman Solchanyk have been expected as a result of the Georgian history in the republican lopment of the national languages is not officially sanctioned policy of bilingua schools.6 merely an indicator of their equality; the A policy of emphasis on Russian and lism for the non-Russians came to the At the present time, it is impossible to main point is that knowledge and native-language bilingualism coupled surface in at least three republics: make even a preliminary assessment of cultural values are internalized easier with a campaign to improve the teach Lithuania, Estonia and Georgia. the consequences of these developments and faster in the native language."1 ing and study of the Russian language in In Lithuania, there seems to be on the further evolution of Soviet Admittedly, both Messrs. Kulichenko the поп– Russian republics, both of widespread opposition to current Soviet language policy. Nonetheless, it should and Fedoseyev may be characterized as which have been accorded a prominent language policy. This is reflected in the be pointed out that there are indications "liberals" within the continuum of views role in Soviet nationalities policy during more than 5,000 signatures appended to at least some ` Soviet experts on the on the national question currently the past several years, have elicited a statement in defense of the Lithuanian national question may be having second existing in the Soviet Union, and protests and, in some cases, demonstra language sent in the autumn of 1979 to thoughts about how language policy in therefore they might be expected to tions in at least three republics: Lithua the Central Committee of the Commu the Soviet Union is being put into support the balanced approach to the nia, Estonia and Georgia. How such nist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) practice. interrelationship between the Russian manifestations of resistance have affect and to republican party and govern Specifically, opinions are now being and non-Russian languages. Moreover, ed Soviet language planning is difficult ment authorities.3 Moreover, the pro heard cautioning against the dimuni- if their views are objectively examined, to gauge with any degree of precision. It blem of linguistic Russification is a tion of the native languages as a result of it must be concluded that they are is interesting to note, however, that constant theme in the diversified samiz- the renewed emphasis on Russian as the advocating nothing less and nothing some Soviet experts in the field of dat publications coming out of Lithua inter-nationality language of all Soviet more for the non-Russian languages nationality relations have recently nia. citizens. This argument has been put than is already provided for in the urged a balanced approach to the forth in a recent book by Mikhail Soviet Constitution and guaranteed by implementation of language policy in In Estonia, nationality tensions lay Ivanovich Kulichenko, head of the existing legislation. the USSR. Indications of increased behind several mass demonstrations Sector for the Theory of Nations and Because of the positions that both of concern for the development of the that took place in Tallinn and other National Relations in the Department these men hold, however, their pro native language have also come to the cities in early October 1980; in turn, the of Scientific Communism of the Insti nouncements on nationality affairs surface in Ukraine. demonstrations prompted 40 Estonian tute of Marxism-Leninism in Moscow. deserve to be carefully evaluated. In this intellectuals to address a letter to Mr. Kulichenko maintains that the connection, it is not entirely fortuitous Pravda and the republican newspapers characterization of Russian as the inter- that a condensed version of Mr. Fedo- In the past several years, there has been Sovietskaya Estonia and Rahva Haal.