FORTRESS SCOTLAND FORTRESS SCOTLAND SCOTTISH CND Published by Scottish CND, 15 Barrland Street Glasgow, G41 1QH Tel: 0141 423 1222
[email protected] September 2004 1 FORTRESS SCOTLAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report would not exist without the work of several people. James N. started the project in the summer of 2003 before leaving to begin postgraduate studies. The bulk of the report has been produced by Paul C. who spent many long hours searching the World Wide Web to track down information whilst patiently putting up with the pedantry of other Scottish CND activists. Paul deserves the thanks of anybody who finds something of interest in this report as well as from everyone interested in promoting the cause of Peace in Scotland. Without his tremendous contribution, this report would not exist. Carol A. designed the front cover whilst Lucy A. helped put together the maps. Allison H. painstakingly proof-read the final draft and the report was printed with the help of staff and volunteers in Scottish CND’s office. 2 FORTRESS SCOTLAND FORWARD The stag at bay. Glens and bens. Castles and ceilidhs. The familiar shortbread-tin images of Scotland are clichéd but effective symbols for a country where tourism is a major earner. The bonnie, bonnie, banks of Loch Lomond are famed in song. But few who take the high road towards the “steep steep slopes of Ben Lomond”, realise that among the traffic hazards they may face en route are convoys carrying nuclear bombs, which regularly share the same road. Or that they are a few miles from the biggest arsenal of nuclear bombs in Europe – Coulport, a short hike away over the moors to Loch Long.