The Community Cooperation on ESCO
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ESCOmmuner The Municipalities of Kalundborg, public sector. The project is ex- sourcing, power generation and en- Middelfart and Gribskov have pected to identify barriers and draw- ergy supply, and risk management. formed a partnership in ESCOmmu- backs of ECSO and find solutions to ner. The purpose of the project is to these. The ESCO performs an in-depth promote and disseminate the use of analysis of the property, designs an Energy Performance Contracting Beside the energy benefits, energy efficient solution, installs the (EPC) and Energy Service Compa- ESCOmmuner also focus on creat- required elements, and maintains nies (ESCO's) in Denmark. ing a new industry, and focus on cre- the system to ensure energy savings ating innovation in local communi- during the payback period. The sav- Through the project, the three mu- ties. This due to the increased de- ings in energy costs are often used nicipalities wish to prepare a master mand for craftsmen and installers to pay back the capital investment of plan, which will equip Danish munici- who specialize in sustainable energy the project over a five- to twenty- palities with tools to prioritize and solutions, the use of energy-efficient year period, or reinvested into the FACTS: use ESCO-contracts as a way of en- equipment and renewable energy. building to allow for capital upgrades The project is expected to last for two years and has a ergy optimizing their buildings. that may otherwise be unfeasible. If total budget of app. 13 mil- An Energy Service Company the project does not provide returns lion DKK. Where 6.5 million Based on experiences from demon- (ESCO) is a professional business on the investment, the ESCO is of- DKK is funded by The EU Re- gional Fund, 3.3 million DKK stration projects in the three munici- providing a broad range of compre- ten responsible to pay the differ- are funded by The Danish palities, and inspiration from abroad, hensive energy solutions including ence. Enterprise and Construction Authority and the last 3.3 the master plan will try to define a designs and implementation of en- million DKK are financed by framework on how ESCO's can be ergy saving projects, energy conser- the partners. used and integrated in the Danish vation, energy infrastructure out- The contract is signed be- tween The Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority and the Municipality of Kalundborg Gribskov Municipality Kalundborg Municipality Middelfart Municipality.