30 September 2002

Dear Mr. Alvarez-Couceiro,

Thank you for your letter dated 28 August 2002 in which vou invitrd n,c to atteud ,he General Assembly of the Club of MadrM on 25 "

As Mr. Danilo Turk, Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs

hletter f B AU8USt 2 2 b th Ur goals and ™m ° assisting countrie°° ' s° in th°e proces -a s of

Yours sincerely,

Kofi A. Annan

Mr. Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro Secretary General Club of Madrid J) JLfJLLU OCT - 1 2002 Note to Mr. Doyle


Please find attached, for the Secretary-General's signature a letter to Mr. Alvarez- Couceiro, Secretary General of the Club of Madrid. As you can see, I have suggested that the head of UNIC Madrid attend the General Assembly of the Club.

Danilo Turk 25 September 2002

cc: Mr. Prendergast Ms. Kane NATIONS UNIES


Kevin Sean Kennedy Principal Officer

Executive Office of the Secretary-General

To: Mr. Sergei A. Ordzhonikidze Date: 1 October 2002 Director-General United Nations Office at Geneva

Fax: 41-22-917-0002 Page: loflS

Subject: Club of Madrid

For your information and attention, kindly see attached.

Best Regards.

Kevin. S. Kennedy

S-3840C, United Nations, NY USA 10017 Telephone: (212) 963-6821 Fax: (212) 963-1185 E-mail: 10/01/02 TUB 12:37 FAX 212 963 1185 EXEC OFF SEC-GEN/EXT REL



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Kevin Sean Kennedy Principal Officer

Executive Office of the Secretary'General

To: Mr. Sergei A. Ordzhonikidze Date: 1 October 2002 Director-General United Nations Office at Geneva

Fax: 41-22-917-0002 Page; 1 Of 15

Subject: Club of Madrid

For your information and attention, kindly see attached.

Best Regards.

Kevin. S. Kennedy {g B

Felipe IV, 9 - Tdcha. • 28014 Madrid tel. 91 52372 16-fax 91 5320088 Ji e-mail: VE OFFICE CLUB DE MADRID OF THE ETARY-GENERAL

Mr. Secretary General United Nations First Avenue at 46th Street I, 10017 New York USA

Madrid, 24th September 2002

Dear Mr. Annan,

We are pleased to send herewj^th^ revised^ Assembly of the Club of Ma3?fd7

you a major problem.

Shortly you will receive a new travel proposal for your approval.

We look forward to seeing you in Madrid.

Best regards,

Lucinio Munoz Assistant to the Secretary General J) CLUB DE MADRID

GENERAL ASSEMBLY - Madrid 24-25 of October 2002

Preliminary Agenda

th October 24 Arrival of participants. Transfer to the Hotel.

13:30-15:00 Buffet available 19:30 Welcome drink 20:30 Welcome dinner

October 25th

08:30 Departure from Hotel to La Quinta Palace 09:00 Welcome 09:15 Introduction, agenda review and logistic Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro 09:30 Information about the constituent meeting and ratification of decisions Kim Campbell/Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro 10:45 Proposal of New Members Kim Campbell 11:15 Coffee break 11:45 Report of the Secretary General and debate Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro about projects and activities 12:30 Departure for Zarzuela Palace 13:00 Audience with H.M.King Juan Carlos 14:30 Lunch 16:30 Nicaragua: present and future. Main challenges President Bolanos Presentation and debate 17:45 Coffee break 18:15 UNDP Project in LA. Presentation and debate D. Caputo/G. O'Donnell 19:30 Departure 20:30 Formal dinner

October 26th 08:30 Departure from Hotel to La Quinta Palace 09:00 Members to comment on potential new projects 10:00 Budget proposal Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro 10:15 Proposal for next General Assembly Kim Campbell/Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro 10:30 Coffee break 11:00 Yugoslavia: present and future. Presentation and debate President Kostuniza (pending confirmation) 12:15 Coffee break 12:45 Building trust in divided societies T. Phillips Presentation and debate 13:00 Miscellaneous 14:30 Lunch Note to Mr. Kennedy


Please find attached a revised draft letter for the Secretary-General's signature addressed to the Secretary-General of the Club of Madrid. Mr. Ordzhonikidze's participation is suggested, in line with Mr. Riza's suggestion.

1 Danilo Turk 27 September 2002

cc: Mr. Prendergast Ms. Kane Note to Mr. Turk

Attached is a letter to the Secretary-General from the Secretary General of the Club de Madrid informing him of the formal incorporation of this body. It also advises the Secretary-General of the body's first General Assembly, to be held on 25 October in Madrid and invites him to attend or to send an observer.

We would be grateful if DPA could prepare a draft reply for the Secretary- General's signature.

Thank you.



H.E. Kofi Annan Secretary General United Nations Organization First Avenue at 46th Street New York, N.Y. 10017 U.S.A. .

Madrid, 28th of August 2002

Dear Mr. Secretary General,

I have the pleasure to inform you that < h^c^ the Jfonnal incorporation, of the Club, of Madrid, whose members are former Heads of State and Government ;

The main objective and priority of the Club of Madrid is to contribute to strengthening democracy in the world and to help countries in a process of democratisation or consolidation; its activities shall have a practical approach and aim at making feasible and realistic recommendations to be implemented and to help in the implementation. To this purpose the Club of Madrid is willing to join forces and cooperate with other institutions and organizations sharing the same objectives, hi this sense, as you probably know, we have just signed an agreement with the UNDP to cooperate in an important project they are carrying out aimed at strengthening democracy in Latin America aimed at strengthening democracy in this region.

The creation of this organization was unanimously approved at the Closing Plenary Session of the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation, held in Madrid last October, with the participation of 35 Heads and former Heads of State and Government. The initial members of the Club of Madrid are the former Heads of State and Government who participated in the Conference as well as representatives of the two constituent foundations; other former Heads of State and Governments of democratic countries will be invited in the future to become members of the Club of Madrid.

The personal experience of the members of the Club of Madrid and the in depth knowledge of the problematic of the democratisation and consolidation processes of the more than 100 experts who participated in the Conference (and who have offered to cooperate with the Club of Madrid), are two very important assets for the successful analysis of the problems identified and the recommendation of potential solutions.

Felipe IV, 9 - l°dcha. • 28014 Madrid tel. 91 523 72 16 • fax 91 532 00 88 e-mail: CLUB DE MADRID

As you will see in the attached documents, President Cardoso has been appointed President of the Club of Madrid, position that he will assume once his present term as President of is concluded. Kim Campbell, former Prime Minister of , appointed Deputy President, will act as President till January 2003.

For your information we are sending you some documents about the_Club of Madrid, its mission and activities."We are "also the Hook published by FRJDE about the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation, where the creation of trie Club^/ of Madrid was approved^ ' "

The first General Assembly of the Club of Madrid will take place in Madrid next October 25th. We would be veryjionoured if .you, or some other representative of the United Nations, could attend this General Assembly as an observer. For your information, I am sending herewith.the meeting's prelimma^ Agenda. (,*.<£/ ^.,,.^ i ,~)

We are at your disposal if you have any questions or need some additional information and look forward to a potential further cooperation with your organization; in this sense we would be very pleased to have the opportunity to meet you and explain with more detail the objectives and intended activities of the Club of Madrid.

Yours sincerely



Constituent Meeting of the Club of Madrid

The signatories of this declaration, former Heads of State and Government who participated in the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation, and the representatives of the two promoting foundations (The Fundacion para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Dialogo - FRIDE - and the Gorbachev Foundation of North America-GFNA-), convened as founding members, have held a constituent meeting to give legal form to the creation of the Club of Madrid. In this way, they are fulfilling the mandate they were given at the Conference, held in Madrid last October. The closing plenary session of the Conference unanimously voted to create the Club of Madrid.

This Permanent Committee, whose members will be former Heads of State and Government of democratic countries, is created with the clear vocation to continue the work started by the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation. Its main objective and top priority will be to strengthen democracy in the world.

To this end, the Club will promote, stimulate, support and implement initiatives and activities, and participate in projects seeking this objective; more specifically, it will act as an advisory body and support group for those countries involved in processes of democratic transition and consolidation who should request their services. Its action will take an eminently practical approach, and will be focused on producing realistic and feasible recommendations to be implemented or to co- operate in the implementation of recommended actions.

The Club of Madrid has two very important assets for its work: the personal and practical experience in these processes of its members (former Heads of State and Government), and the extensive knowledge of the problems involved in the processes of democratic transition and consolidation of the experts who took part in the Conference, and who have offered to put their co-operation and counselling at the disposition of the Club of Madrid. As such, they will be appointed Fellows of the Club of Madrid and called upon to participate in all those projects that may benefit from their specific knowledge and experience.

The Club of Madrid also has a clear vocation to maintain its independence, but it hopes to count on the support of national and international institutions and agencies and of democratic governments to promote and support its activities. CLUB DE MADRID

The head offices of the Club of Madrid will be in Madrid, the city in which the project originated and where its General Secretariat will be located, although it may establish national chapters or offices in any country where there are members.

The governing bodies of the Club of Madrid will be the General Assembly, with the participation of all its members, the Executive Committee, which will also include representatives of the two promoting and constituent foundations, and the General Secretariat.

The , Mr. Fernando Henrique Cardoso has been unanimously appointed as the first President of the Club of Madrid by the participants in the constituent meeting. He has accepted the appointment, which will become effective when his term as President of the Federal Republic of Brazil finalises, in January, 2003. Until that time, Mrs. Kim Campbell, former , who has been appointed as Executive Vice President of the Club of Madrid, will assume the functions of the President.

Mr. Alvarez-Couceiro, Vice President of FRIDE, who, as the Executive Director of the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation, was responsible for organising said Conference, has been appointed Secretary General. CLUB DE MADRID


The Club of Madrid is an independent organization whose main purpose and priority is to contribute to strengthen democracy in the world.

To this effect, it will promote, stimulate, support and carry out initiatives and activities and participate in projects seeking this objective. Specifically, it will act as a consultative body and support group for those countries involved in a process of transition to democracy.

The personal and practical experience of its members, former Heads of State and Government, in processes of democratic transition and consolidation, is not only a distinctive characteristic of the Club of Madrid; with the cooperation of high level experts, it is also a working tool to convert ideas into practical and feasible recommendations to be implemented. CLUB DE MADRID


Introductory note:

Taking into consideration the mission and goals of the Club of Madrid, its activities should be focused on producing practical and feasible recommendations to be implemented or helping in the implementation of recommended actions. Research, analysis and preparation of reports are among the tools to reach this objective.

The Club of Madrid could in some instances cooperate with and coordinate its activities with other institutions that share its goals.


• To prepare general, regional, country or "ad hoc" reports concerning the democratic situation in countries or areas, either by initiative of the Club or by request of third parties, and to make recommendations to improve their democratic structures and practices • To promote, stimulate and support sociological, political and economic analysis and research related to processes of democratic transition and consolidation • To disseminate up-to-date information regarding the topics discussed at the Conference on Democratic Transition and Consolidation

• To organize working groups or task forces to support processes of democratic transition and consolidation, when so requested • To organize general, regional or "ad hoc" conferences to analyse and discuss the problematic of democratic transition and consolidation and propose specific measures to support and improve such democratisation processes m To promote bilateral or multilateral meetings and act as facilitator in processes of democratic transition • To take part in missions and projects seeking to improve or achieve the democratic development of specific countries and make practical and feasible recommendations CLUB DE MADRID


President: Fernando Henrique Cardoso, President of Brazil Executive Vice President: Kim Campbell, Former Prime Minister of Canada Secretary General: Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro Vice President of FRIDE


Former Heads of States and Heads of Government

Anibal Cavaco Silva, Former Prime Minister of Jose Maria Figueres, Former President of Eduardo Frei, Former President of Cesar Gaviria, Former President of Lee Hong-Koo, Former Prime Minister of Korea Valentin Paniagua, Former President of Julio Maria Sanguinetti, Former President of Adolfo Suarez, Former President of the Government of , Former Prime Minister of , Former President of

Members of the constituent Foundations

Diego Hidalgo, President of FRIDE George Matthews, President of GFNA Jose Manuel Romero, Fellow of FRIDE Anthony Jones, Vice President and Executive Director of GFNA CLUBofc MADRID


Former Heads of State

•H. E. Former President of the

•H. E. William J. Clinton Former President of the of America

• H. E. Leonel Fernandez Former President of the

• H. E. Jose Maria Figueres Former President of Costa Rica

• H. E. Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle Former

• H. E. Cesar Gaviria Former

• H. E. Osvaldo Hurtado Former President of

• H. E. Former President of

• H. E. Valentin Paniagua Former President of Peru

• H. E. Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada Former President of

• H. E. Julio Maria Sanguinetti Former

• H. E. Mario Scares Former

• H. E. Ernesto Zedillo Former

Former Heads of Government

. H. E. Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo Former President of the Spanish Government

• H. E. Kim Campbell Former Prime Minister of Canada

• H. E. Anibal Cavaco Silva Former Prime Minister of Portugal

• H. E. Felipe Gonzalez Marquez Former President of the Spanish Government

• H. E. I. K. Gujral Former Prime Minister of

• H. E. Lee Hong-Koo Former Prime Minister of Korea

• H. E. Former

• H. E. Adolfo Suarez Former President of the Spanish Government

• H. E. Hanna Suchocka Former Prime Minister of Poland CLUB DE MADRID

Representatives of the constituent Foundations

' Diego Hidalgo President of FRIDE

• George Matthews President of GFNA

> Jose Manuel Romero Trustee of FRIDE

1 T. Anthony Jones Vice President and Executive Director of GFNA

Secretary General

• Antonio Alvarez-Couceiro Vice President of FRIDE