WEDNESDAY MORNING, 15 MAY 2019 CLEMENTS, 8:00 A.M. TO 10:30 A.M. Session 3aABa Animal Bioacoustics and Signal Processing in Acoustics: Bioinspiration and Biomimetics in Acoustics III Rolf Muller,€ Chair Mechanical Engineering, ICTAS Life Sciences District (Mail Code 0917), Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061 Chair’s Introduction—8:00 Invited Papers 8:05 3aABa1. Biomimetic sonar echo parameters form cognitive maps. Roman B. Kuc (Elec. Eng., Yale, 15 Prospect St., 511 Becton, New Haven, CT 06511,
[email protected]) A biomimetic audible sonar probes 2.5D targets and processes binaural echoes to extract values of eight parameters to generate two- dimensional cognitive maps. Targets are configured using posts connected by tangential planes. Being tuned to recognize posts and planes, the sonar produces a cognitive map that is composed of these two components. A platform with translational and rotational degrees of freedom employs right-ear dominance to implement a landmark-centric scanning trajectory whose step size adaptively changes with echo information. The sonar tracks the target by maintaining a constant first echo arrival time and equalizes binaural echo times to form singular echoes. When observed, singular echoes identify landmarks defined by post radii and locations. The mapping pro- cess employs five states from detection to termination that passes through the singular echo state. Separate states detect post pairs that exhibit echo interference and planes that exhibit echo amplitude differences. The scanning process terminates when the current landmark parameters match those of the first landmark. Two targets configured with three posts and an added plane illustrate the procedure.