Welcome to Cockfield

We hope you will be happy here and find our welcome book useful to get you started with what we are, what we do and how you can quickly settle and get to feel at home.

We are very proud of Cockfield. Over the years we have won many awards most recently in 2012 when we were both Babergh and Village of the Year.

As a community we have a lot to offer and we hope you will join in, contribute and benefit from the many social and recreational opportu- nities available.

As a resident you are automatically a member of the Community Coun- cil and we hope you will subscribe to Green Links, our Village Maga- zine, which works hard to keep the village in touch with itself.

We have an active website, www.cockfield.org.uk, where you will find a link to subscribe to our email broadcast list to receive reminders of up- coming events and other matters of village interest.

Our dustbin day is Friday or Monday depending which part of the vil- lage you live in, alternate weeks black and blue bins. If you would like a brown bin for compostable waste please contact Babergh and Mid Suf- folk Council. The number on the contacts page.

We are active recyclers , you will find in the Village Hall car park bottle, clothing, shoes, paper and aluminium can banks these benefit the Vil- lage Hall, Parish Council and School.

We hope you enjoy looking through these pages and if you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Janne Janne Cutting-Keyton Welcome Pack Coordinator 01284 828264 or [email protected]

Published and distributed by Cockfield Parish Council. Cockfield Village Hall

Built in 1974 in partnership with, the then, West Suffolk County Council as a dual use facility, our fine Village Hall is utilised by the school during school hours and is available for community use or private hire at all other times. There is also a smaller meeting room which is available at any time.

Full Kitchen Facilities Main Hall seats 150+ Large Car Park Disabled Toilet PA and full Projection System, Hearing Loop Sectional Stage Crockery and cutlery for 100+ Free Wi-Fi

For more details or hire rates please contact; June Pettit [email protected] Cockfield Carpet Bowls Club

So, what is carpet bowls? It’s a game played on long mats which we roll up and store in the hall. The club owns all the equipment, so there’s nothing for members to provide apart from uniform shirts for matches. The bowls are much smaller than the ones used for the outdoor game, but do have a bias which makes them roll in a curve.

There are 18 members in our club, and on Monday evenings you will find us enjoying ourselves in the village hall; we are always pleased to meet new residents. During the summer months we often have practice eve- nings when you will be welcome to have a go. From September to April is the main league season, and we often have two matches a week, with Monday being our home match night. Spectators welcome! Just come along to the hall at 7.15pm and give us a cheer!

The bowls club has been going for about 25 years, and we are quite successful in two local leagues – Suffolk and . We have won numerous trophies and com- petitions in the past couple of years, and usually finish near the top of the league tables.

One highlight of the season is the annual charity event which we host, when we normal- ly manage to raise about £1,000 for a local good cause such as the St Nicholas Hospice or the Air Ambulance. This is held in February and is so popular that we have to limit the number of entries to 80 bowlers!

About half of our members live in or near Cockfield, and the rest come from Bury –

despite the wide range of ages in the club we all get on well together.

Suffolk are national champions, and the Cockfield club is proud to have four members in the county squad.

In summary, it’s a very sociable game at club level; you get to meet people not only from Cockfield but also from many other local villages, both at home and away. And anyone can play; you don’t need to be super fit or sporty.

We all look forward to seeing you there! [email protected]

A Warm Welcome awaits you at

Cockfield Community Coffee

10.30am - noon at Cockfield Village Hall 4th Thursday in the month

Everyone Welcome - Brica & Book Stalls

Further details from [email protected]

No charge but a donation towards refreshments would be welcome

St Peter's Church Cockfield

A friendly welcome awaits you at your local Church!

St Peter's has been a place of Christian worship for nearly a century, where people gather together week by week to engage in God's mission of love to the world. There have been many Rectors over the centuries, but the most notable is probably John Knewstubb who attended the fa- mous Hampton Court Conference of 1604 which resulted in the transla- tion of the Bible into English.

The Church is part of a group of Churches known as a Benefice which includes five other villages - Bradfield St Clare, Bradfield St George, Little Whelnetham, Felsham and Gedding. People from across these villages attend worship at Cockfield, and bring with them a diversity of traditions and experience.

The Church community continues to grow and works with other organisa- tions in the village to help bring people together to worship, celebrate, care and learn. The community is well known for its hospitality and social activities which include some fundraising aspects as well as fellowship.

The yearly calendar includes a Summer and Autumn lunch, concerts, plant sales and coffee mornings. There are also two home groups that meet in the village for those who want to study the Bible in more depth.

The Church works closely with the local Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School which is virtually next door. End of term ser- vices, nativities, Easter celebrations and other learning activities are often held in the Church to enhance the children's learning. An annual Sum- mer Holiday club for 5-11 year olds is held in the village hall too.

There is a rota of services across the benefice, and St Peter's normally holds two 11am services and an 8am service each month. There are also special services at key points on the year such as Mothering Sunday, Re- membrance, Easter and Christmas. All the benefice services are adver- tised through the village magazine, Green Links, and are on the village website. They are also advertised in the benefice magazine, Reaching Out and on the benefice website at www.cockfieldbenefice.com. There is also a benefice facebook page at facebook.com/ cockfieldbenefice. Some of our services are livestreamed as well as being held in Church.

Do contact the Rector for further information: Revd Sharon Potter on 01284 828599, 07825 086063 or email [email protected]

Or contact the Churchwardens at [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you!

An illustrated history of the Church is available in the Church, which is open every day from 8am - 4-6pm (daylight hours). [email protected]

Green Links

Green Links is a lively, independent, not for profit publication with no affiliations to any religious or political groups.

An annual subscription to Green Links costs £3.00. For this you receive 12 copies which are delivered to your door.

Local businesses are able to advertise, depending on available space, advertising rates are very reasonable and Sue Harrison, the advertising manager, will help with the typing and layout if required.

Green Links is your magazine and as Editor I am happy to receive any articles, poems, letters, notices, for sale items etc. Maybe you would like to write and let others know of your experiences of moving to Cockfield? It would be very good to hear from you.

If you would like to receive Green Links, please contact David Simpson on [email protected]

To advertise please contact Sue Harrison on [email protected]

Any editorial items please contact the editor Janne Cutting-Keyton on 01284 828264 or e-mail [email protected]

May we take this opportunity to welcome you to the village.

Cockfield Parish Council

The Council meets 10 times a year (no meetings August or December) on the last Thursday of the month in the Village Hall from 7.30pm. These are public meetings. The Parish Clerk, Steve Ball, may be contacted on 01284 828987 between 10am and 4pm or by email at [email protected]

Due to Lockdown there was no Annual Parish Meting in 2020 but here is the Chairman's Report from 2019 which gives a real flavour of what the Parish Council does.

Chairman’s report for the Annual Parish Meeting 30th May 2019

Introduction: It has been another busy year for the Parish Council with the work load and administration process forever expanding. Our Clerk Steve Ball manages to keep his sanity with the flurry of emails that land every day from District and Country councils. In April we expressed our thanks to Barbara Ruffell and Rod Portwood who retired from the Council. The remaining members were returned un-opposed for the next 4 year term with no election being held due to the overall lack of candidates. At our first meeting we welcomed Ian Levett as a new councilor and will subsequently be looking to co-opt the one remaining vacancy.

County and District Councilor: The Parish Council thank both Clive Arthey and Robert Linsey for their endeavors in representing the village at the District and County Council level. Clive was also nominated by the Parish Council in the national LGIU awards for 2018. In early May we were joined by Margret Mayberry as our new joint district counci- lor for the ward in which Cockfield is now situated in, following the electoral boundary reviews. Despite all the good work the Parish Council at times do become frus- trated at the apparent inefficiency of these organizations which no doubt is accentuated by the ever-increasing pressures on finances and resources.

Emergency Services: Cockfield continues to be a relatively safe and secure environment and consequently we see emergency service resources being deployed to more de- manding locations. Although a key initiative the village has taken on, is to raise aware- ness of vehicle speeding and road safety issues. Ralph Turner and Rodney Williams ro- tate the location of two mobile speed activated signs, which feedback indicates is much appreciated around the village. To this end we are looking to provide a further device to increase visibility in more areas simultaneously.

Further safety signage is being looked into to be installed at Great Green to warn of the play area. Another safety driven feature relates to SCC’s significant reduction in verge cutting. Therefore, the village is progressing this ourselves with an approved contractor. This is now with the full support of SCC!

Local Needs Housing: The Council, represented by Robin Morley, are still stakeholders in the overall team delivering the development and reports in Green Links keep residents informed of progress. Orwell Housing are now in possession of the land and site works will commence towards the later part of the year.

Planning: We still see a high level of planning applications and more recently appeals. As statutory consultees this does demand a high proportion of time to make our con- sistent and considered responses. Regrettably we find BDMDC planning department do not always align with our thoughts.

Financial Matters: Of course, these building developments, do generate Community Infrastructure Levy funding to the village (Parish CIL) which is to be used on village pro- jects and we are currently exploring where this could be best used. Vigorously encouraged by Clive Arthey Cockfield has been extremely successful in ap- plying for and securing Babergh CIL 123 funding. This has facilitated the purchase of the Glebe land, amenity land associated with the McKenzie development together with the residual railway line. More recently the repairs and restoration of the Victorian culvert / bridge at Bruffs Line.

During the year, like many villages, we have been able to provide the defibrillator at the village hall and offered training to a large number of people.

We would thank our Internal Auditor Lyndon Mills for his work to ensure all matters are in order prior to examination by our external auditors.

Greens Report: Great Green is in good order. Thanks go to Carl Brinkley and the Foot- ball teams for their consideration of the conditions during the winter which this year has not been so severe. The drainage problems appear to now be resolved and further work in maintaining the surface with weed control and soil condition is progressing. As ever thanks go to those hardworking individuals whose efforts keep all the other greens in excellent presentation.

As no doubt villagers will have noted, we have a new village sign carved and installed by a very modest resident, but in recognition of this tremendous effort we are hosting a formal “unveiling” event on the 14th June where we are supporting his charity at the West Suffolk Hospital. Therefore we are asking residents to come along and participate in this event on Parsonage Green.

The two redundant red heritage phone boxes will be renovated during the summer.

Earls Meadow / Bruffs Line: The joint project with the Community Council, Rodney Wil- liams and his work groups keep up the good work in this area. With the land purchases of the open space at Mackenzie Place, the further stretch of railway and the Glebe Land now reaching completion we are looking at finalising additional management plans for these areas.

Parish Paths: Ralph Turner reports on the Path situation, this is always challenging with the county council financial resources given to maintenance. There is a continued reli- ance on local land owners and volunteers to keep paths open and we thank them for their efforts. Special thanks go to Paul and Jackie Heather for their work in clearing vegetation en- croaching on the Howe Lane pathway.

Cemetery: Rodney Williams and Ralph Turner have again kept the cemetery grounds in excellent condition despite the ever-challenging weather conditions.

Highways: Roads and pavements continue to deteriorate with minimal attention from Highways engineers as repairs are route hierarchy based We do encourage all resi- dents to report pot holes etc on the council’s web portal as we are informed this will obtain some action. Janne Cutting-Keyton chases up SCC as we did have some items mysteriously disappear from view without being closed out! Derek Southgate - (Chairman) Catholic Church of Our Lady Immaculate and St Joseph

Coldham Cottage, Bury Road, IP29 4PL

Telephone 01284 830393 Email: [email protected]

The times of services are as follows: Sundays 10.30 am Tuesdays 9.30 am Fridays 10.15 am Holy Days of Obligation 7 pm

Earls Meadow and Bruff's Line Recreation Area

Whether it's a family picnic, dog walking, bird watching, river dipping or just a stroll Earls Meadow and Bruffs Line fits the bill.

Accessed from the village network of footpaths and running alongside the river Brett this unspoilt area is yours to enjoy.

Cockfield Community Council

Cockfield Community Council was established, as a charity, in 1968 with the objective of funding a new Village Hall. Following the achievement of this objective in 1976, we turned our attention to providing recreational facilities and other amenities to im- prove the lifestyles of the community residing in the village.

The Council is managed by a board of 16 voluntary Trustees, with four honorary offic- ers – Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, to oversee and organise the various events which are held in the village and administer grants to other village organisations.

In the beginning members paid a subscription of 6d (old pence) per week which, over the years, increased to £3 per year. However, from the year commencing 1st November 2016 the Trustees voted to abolish the annual subscription and rely upon our fundraising efforts to support our objectives. This means that we are able to in- vite all residents of Cockfield to consider themselves members of the Community Council.

We support, on an ad hoc basis, various projects which have been undertaken in the village. Some examples are; Support of the village’s major celebration events A donation to the Parish Council towards the purchase of additional land at Earl’s Meadow and the refurbishment of the Sports Pavilion A contribution towards new windows and doors for the Village Hall and towards the refurbishment of the Village Hall Toilets and Kitchen Purchase of a surround sound system and projector for the Community Cinema Support for the replacement of and extension to the provision of play equipment on Great Green A contribution towards the purchase of a new community Mini Bus

We also carry out a number of continuing activities in the village The Monthly Community Cinema Management and maintenance of the community minibus, which is available to use, subject to a payment for mileage, by any member of the Community Council over the age of 25 holding a clean driving licence The annual Village Show, Art Show, Golf Day and the New Year’s Day Hangover Hike

Work with the churches in Cockfield to organise the annual Carols on the Green service Fund the Cockfield Web Site Organise various and diverse entertainments with our recently introduced Cockfield Community Cinema, dances, quiz nights, comedians and many others

Details of all our activities appear monthly in Green Links and are also on the Village Website – www.cockfield.org.uk We also have an e-mailing list which circulates use- ful information to members – you may register for this service through the website


Cockfield Community Council MINIBUS

The Cockfield Community Council minibus is operated from Hewicks Haulage located on the A134 (postcode IP30 0LJ) To book please email [email protected]

Users are reminded that all drivers must be in possession of an up to date blue driver’s permit which is valid for one year from date of issue and may be obtained at Cockfield Post Office and Stores.

Cockfield Sports Pavilion

This building has recently been refurbished with new showers, heat- ing system, flooring and redecorated.

The Parish Council is looking to make Sports Groups and general

social gatherings aware of it's availability for hire.

This facility may well suit your needs.

To find out more please email; [email protected] Cockfield Contacts October 2020 Web

CATEY Pre School Teresa Rutterford [email protected]

Cockfield Carpet Bowls June Pettit [email protected]

Cockfield Cemetery Ralph Turner [email protected]

Cockfield Charites Tony Box [email protected]

Cockfield Congregational Church Pastor Gordon Hold 01284 762663

Cockfield Football Club Joe Brinkley [email protected]

Cockfield Netball Club Lindsee Summers [email protected]

Cockfield Post Office Barbara Turner 01284 828201

Cockfield Primary School Trudie Harkin Headteacher [email protected]

Community Council Secretary Janne Cutting-Keyton [email protected]

Computer Circle - eNews Neil Ashton [email protected]

County Council - Local Member Robert Lindsay 07738 264087

[email protected]

Dentist Lavenham Dental Practice 01787 247058

Paul Rolph & Associates 0178 247046

District Council Babergh Offices 0300 1234000

Local Member Clive Arthey 01787 211316

[email protected]

Local Member Margaret Maybury 01787 464358

[email protected]

Doctors Practice 01787 378226

Earls Meadow/Bruffs Line Rodney Williams [email protected]

Footpath Warden Ralph Turner [email protected]

Friends of Cockfield School Mark Aston [email protected] FOCSA

Green Links- Village Magazine Janne Cutting-Keyton [email protected]

Minibus Hire (office hours only) Carl Brinkley [email protected]

Parish Council Clerk Steve Ball [email protected]

Pavilion Administrator Rodney Williams [email protected]

Pharmacy The Lavenham Pharmacy 01787 247284

Stanningfield & District Agg. Club David Simpson [email protected]

St Peters Church Rev. Sharon Potter 01284 828599

Church Wardens Norman Kelly/Dave Smith [email protected]

Village Hall - Bookings June Pettit [email protected]

Secretary Vera Shepherd [email protected]

Village Recorder Brenda Dyer [email protected]

Women's Institute Secretary Suzanne Veal [email protected] Useful Contacts Aerials Wavelength 01449 678653 Bottled Gas Bridge Farm 01787 247522 Builders Guy Rule 827637 Paul Sainsbury 07785 582556 Burning Oil Butler Fules 03457 240241 Geoff Petroleum 01284 753861 Boiler Servicing GRD 01787 247540 Carpenters Fred Durso 828186 Robin Perry 828710 Tony Sheppard 828377 Carpet Cleaning Rothwells 01638 428060 Chimney Sweep ECO 01359 232335 Chimney Matters 789663 Cleaning Time for You 01359 258991 Digger & Small Plant Hire Dave Tarling 827132 Decorators SEP 01787 375824 Dry Cleaning Collected from the Post Office 828201 Electricians Kevin Seggie 830786 Fencing Tarling 01359 242496 Firewood David Hodge 828231 Garden Services Green Matters 728044 RW Services 828965 Milkman Milk & More 03456 063606 MOT Services WA Watts 828325 Newspapers weekly Collected from the Post Office 802201 Newspapers Sunday Sicklesmere Post Office 01284 386303 Pest Control Bury & District Pest Control 220096 Plumbers The Clean Plumber 765453 Public Houses Horseshoes Inn 828177 Septic Tank Emptying Cargate 386538 Nunnaways 01359 232716 Tree Services Bradnam's Tree Services 388756

These are a selection of local contractors. No endorsement is given to any contractor by this publication. Other local contractors are listed in Green Links and on the Cockfield website. Cockfield's Footpaths