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16 Pages Price 10,000 Rials 38th year No.12901 Tuesday august 15, 2017 Mordad 24, 1396 Dhi Al Qaeda 22, 1438 Ukraine could facilitate Women’s parliament Zurkhaneh Seifollah Samadian to ’s petchem export makes debut in Iran eyes Olympic inclusion, make sequels to his film to Europe: NPC head 4 12 top official says 15 on Abbas Kiarostami 16

Rail freight transport in Iran up 55% Expediency Council economy — Transit ed via railway in the country during deskof goods via railway the past year, and the figure is planned network rose 55 percent in Iran since the to reach 43 billion ton-kilometers this beginning of the current Iranian calen- year. dar year (March 21) until August 8, com- “We have signed four memoran- pared to the same period last year. dums of understandings with the gets new chairman Some 1.2 million tons of cargo Commonwealth of Independent States was transited via the national railway (CIS) for the promotion of railway network in the past [Iranian calendar] transportation since the beginning of See page 2 year, while the figure is anticipated to current Iranian calendar year,” the of- reach 1.8 million tons this year, Tasnim ficial noted. quoted Ebrahim Mohammadi, the RAI director Saeid Mohammadza- deputy head of the Islamic Republic of deh said in January that railway should Iran Railways (known as RAI), as saying account for 30 percent of freight trans- on Monday. portation in Iran by the end of the He also said that some 27.5 billion Sixth Five-Year National Development ton-kilometers of cargo was transport- Plan (2021).

Kimball lauds Iran’s role in adopting treaty to ban nuclear arms By Javad Heirannia Weapons was adopted so late? TEHRAN — Daryl Kimball, executive A: Unfortunately progress toward the director of the Arms Control Associ- deligitimization, prohibition, and elim- ation in Washington, praises Iran for ination of the world’s most dangerous playing a major role in approving the weapons is a decades-long process, but Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear the new Treaty on the Prohibition of Nu- Weapons in the United Nations. clear Weapons is an important step in “The Islamic Republic of Iran was the right direction. Until now, the inter- an active in the negotia- national community has only concluded tions and was among the 122 states international treaties that seek to pre- that voted to adopt the agreement on vent the spread of nuclear weapons and July 7,” Kimball tells the Tehran Times in require nuclear-armed states to pursue an exclusive interview. negotiations to end the arms race and Following is the full text of the interview: achieve disarmament” (the 1968 Nucle-

Mohammad Kazempour There is a strong emphasis on ar Nonproliferation Treaty) and that pro- nuclear disarmament, but why the hibit nuclear test explosions (the 1996 Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi (L) and the late Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty). 3 perspective New drug death penalty bill to save 5,300 inmates on death row article By M.A.Saki politics TEHRAN — The Iranian ternational, the number of executions in Iran to up to 30 years in jail and a cash fine. By Hossein Askari Deputy editor-in-chief deskparliament has passed a bill dropped 42 percent in 2016. Hassan Norouzi, the spokesman of par- George Washington University to its drug trafficking law that could commute In a recent statement, the watchdog liament’s judicial and legal committee, de- professor the sentences of up to 5,300 inmates current- urged Iranian lawmakers not to miss a histor- fended the bill in a parliamentary debate last ly on death row for drug trafficking. ic opportunity to reject the use of the death week, saying the costs for Iran’s war on drugs Erratic Trump Passed on Sunday, the amendment will penalty for drug-related offences. have almost doubled since 2010. America’s foreign apply retroactively and will restrict the death The new law raises the amounts that can Norouzi said there are 7 million people in- may push Korean penalty to criminals who lead drug-trafficking trigger the death penalty from 30 grams to volved in drugs in the country, including 5.2 policy moral deficit gangs, exploit minors in doing so, carry or two kilos for the production and distribution million drug addicts and 1.8 million drug users. peninsula toward draw firearms while committing drug-related of chemical substances such as heroin, co- Iran’s neighbor Afghanistan produces and losing the crimes, or have a related previous convic- caine and amphetamines. some 90 percent of the world’s opium, most nuclear holocaust tion of the death penalty or a jail sentence of For natural substances such as opium and marijua- of which pour into Iran. The total annual opi- Middle East more than 15 years or life in prison. na, the levels have been raised from five to 50 kilos. um intercepts by Iranian security forces are t had been imagined that the The long-awaited bill gained parliamentary ap- Under the new amendment, the punish- larger than in any other country. oliticians the world over claim world has taken a departure from proval after months of debate. However, it must be ment for those already sentenced to death or Opium production has soared in Afghan- to support human rights in the Ithe barbarity of the First and Sec- approved by the Guardian Council to become law. life imprisonment, except for those meeting the istan since the U.S. invaded the country to Pconduct of foreign policy. They ond World Wars and that people as- According to rights group Amnesty In- new execution requirements, will be commuted overthrow the Taliban in 2001. do so to project “humanitarianism and sume senior posts who are pretty wise rightfulness,” but in practice they pay and think about the consequences of little or no attention to anything but their words and actions; however the FAO advocates on role of soils for offsetting aviation emissions narrow national and personal inter- ascendance of Donald Trump to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unit- of 523 megatonnes CO2 emissions remains to mosphere (840 000 megatonnes of carbon) ests. While this may be the accepted White House proved that we were ed Nations (FAO) recently released a publica- meet their set emission reduction targets. and vegetation (450 000-650 000 mega- modus operandi, it is an approach that wrong and still vulnerable to man- tion that highlights the importance of soil car- The informative note by FAO presents soil tonnes of carbon). invariably has dire consequences that made tragedies. bon sequestration as an option for offsetting carbon sequestration as an option for offset- In the first three meters of the soil, an even may carry over for generations. The Donald Trump’s rhetoric to un- international aviation CO2 emissions. ting this emissions through a market-based larger carbon mass of up to 2,344,000 meg- human mind cannot foresee the wide- leash “fire and fury” against North According to a press release published by mechanism within the Carbon Offsetting and atonnes of carbon are estimated. spread fallout of an initiative, even if Korea that “the world has never seen” the FAO Representation in the Islamic Repub- Reduction Scheme for International Aviation. Soils interact strongly with atmospher- that initiative appears to be limited at may push the Korean peninsula to- lic of Iran, the Organization estimates that The yearly amount of carbon released ic composition, climate, and land cover the time, but initiatives that are sup- ward another disaster: this time a nu- domestic and international aviation together to the atmosphere from aviation represents change. Human capacity to predict and portive of basic human rights always clear holocaust. are responsible for approximately 2 per cent 0.03% of the total carbon stored in soils. ameliorate the consequences of global propagate less resentment and lead Fueling the tension by making re- of global anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Soils represent the largest pool of carbon change depends in part on a better under- to less vengeance and future conflict. peated incendiary remarks invokes the Even considering the technological and on land, with an estimated stock of 1,417,000 standing of the distributions and controls If for this reason alone, human rights idea that the world may degenerate operational improvements planned by the In- megatonnes in the first meter – more than of soil organic carbon. and morality should be inseparable into another disaster that has not been ternational Civil Aviation Organization, a gap the sum of the carbon contained in the at- (See full text at tehrantimes.com) from foreign policy formulation and seen since the Second World War. practice. A good case in point is the In case of a war on the Korean U.S. support for Saddam Hussein in peninsula great powers like China Protests, vigils the 1980s—a support laced with hu- may intrinsically feel threatened and man rights violations and disastrous see the action as provocative and in around U.S. repercussions that are likely to con- that case the situation may get out tinue for many more generations. of control. decry white Unfortunately, not only has the U.S. Political leaders like Barack Oba- learned little from this episode but is ma and analysts were of the opinion supremacist rally today making a similar mistake in sup- that Trump would soften his approach port of the Al-Sauds of Saudi Arabia when he faces the realities as presi- Protesters decrying hatred and rac- that could have even more dire con- dent, but Trump is proving more dan- ism converged around the United sequences. gerous and unpredictable than it had States, saying they felt compelled Let’s go back to 1980. Iraq invaded been imagined. He is becoming more to counteract the white supremacist Iran on Sept. 22. Iraq easily occupied a extreme as the time passes by. rally that spiraled into deadly vio- great deal of Iranian territory, because His extremism has gone to the lence in Virginia. Iran was a country in disarray in the extent that former defense secretary The gatherings spanned from aftermath of a revolution. The United Leon Panetta told CNN on Friday that anti-fascist protests in San Francis- Nations did little to stop the conflict. “we need a president to speak in a co to a march to President Donald The world supported Saddam Hussein steady and calm and stable and re- Trump’s home in New York. and Iran was isolated with no ally ex- sponsible way.” Some focused on showing sup- cept Syria. Within a short amount of Also, more than 60 House Demo- port for the people whom white time, the Iranians pushed the Iraqis crats sent a letter on Thursday to Sec- supremacists condemn. Other out and were threatening Iraq’s south- retary of State Rex Tillerson asking him demonstrations were pushing for ern city of Basra. Fearing the conse- to restrain the president. They said, the removal of Confederate monu- quences of an Iranian victory, the Unit- AFP “These statements are irresponsible ments, 2 ed States and its European allies (the and dangerous.” 13 UK, France and Germany) 13 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y politics august 15, 2017 media highlights Putin discussed Expediency Council gets energy projects with Rouhani - Kremlin new chairman By Ali Kushki Forces Chief of Staff Mohammad Baqeri, and former lawmaker Ahmad Tavakoli. politics Russian President Vladimir Putin TEHRAN — Ayatollah Mahmoud The high-profile secretary of the council, deskdiscussed energy projects and the Hashemi Shahroudi was appointed on Mohsen Rezaei, was kept in the post. situation in Syria during a telephone call with Iranian Monday by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ex-President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President Hassan Rouhani, the Kremlin said in a Ali Khamenei to lead the Expediency also features in the appointment decree. statement on Monday. Council, a powerful body constitutionally The Expediency Council which has the The Kremlin said the conversation was about “joint charged with finding the middle ground responsibility to iron out differences be- projects in the oil and gas, electricity and transport between the Parliament and the oversight tween the Parliament and the GC was not sectors”, while some issues on the international agenda Guardian Council. originally enshrined in the Constitution until were also discussed. Prior to the appointment for a five- before a constitutional reform in 1989. year term, Ayatollah Mohammad Ali The body had been established two Movahedi-Kermani was taking care of years before its constitutional inclusion Rouhani the body for nearly seven months since after a verdict by Ayatollah Khomeini, congratulates new the passing of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi founder of the Islamic Revolution. Rafsanjani who was in charge for nearly The reshuffled assembly has a daunt- Pakistan PM two decades. ing task ahead. Commenting on the ap- Hashemi Shahroudi, 69, had served as pointments, Mostafa Mirsalim, a previous Judiciary chief for ten years, six years of member who appears on the new list, politics TEHRAN — In a message on Sunday which coincided with the Khatami admin- Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi (L) said leading the council won’t be “easy.” deskIranian President Hassan Rouhani istration and four with the Ahmadinejad “After the presidency of the late congratulated Pakistan’s new prime minister, hoping for administration. Prior to the appointment for a five-year term, Hashemi Rafsanjani, leading the Expedi- the expansion of relations between the two neighboring Born in the Iraqi city of Najaf, Hashemi Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi-Kermani was ency Council won’t be an easy task,” he countries. Shahroudi has been the head of an arbitra- said, a reference to the high bar set by Rouhani also expressed the hope that ties between tion body to resolve sticking points among taking care of the body for nearly seven months since the veteran politician. Iran and Pakistan would grow in all fields during Shahid three branches of the government since the passing of Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani “Allocating time to the council is im- Khaqan Abbasi’s tenure, the Iranian government’s official 2011. His five-year tenureship was renewed who was in charge for nearly two decades. portant, and I hope Ayatollah Shahroudi website reported. by Ayatollah Khamenei in 2016. has recovered fully,” added Mirsalim. The new Pakistani premier formed his cabinet on The senior ayatollah is a member of revolution. Hashemi Shahroudi is the third chair- A key obligation of the council is to August 4. the Guardian Council, a panel of six sen- Currently, he is the first deputy chair- man of the council after Ayatollah Khame- oversee the implementation of general pol- ior clerics and six jurists, which vets aspir- man of the assembly. In May, Hashemi nei and Rafsanjani served the body once icies of the country outlined by the Leader. ing candidates in all elections. Shahroudi was hospitalized for days. and four times each, respectively. In his decree, Ayatollah Khamenei In February 2016, Hashemi Shahrou- Also, he is the founder of the Com- New faces in Expediency Council has commissioned the newly appointed Flood in northeast di won a provincial vote to represent the batant Clergy Association. He also played The 44-member line-up includes members with streamlining supervision Iran wrought $45m northeastern province of Khorasan Raza- a key role in establishing the Islamic Su- seven new figures, including outgoing mechanisms to assess and assure an effi- vi in the 88-strong Assembly of Experts preme Council of Iraq, according to the Tehran Mayor Mohammad Qalibaf, pres- cient policy implementation and a struc- damage that supervises and elects Leader of the ayatollah’s official website. idential candidate Ebrahim Raisi, Armed turally coherent management system.

politics TEHRAN — The head of the Man- Senior U.S. senators meet terrorist MKO leader desk politics A senior delegation of the U.S. senators and Finance committees; and Thom Tillis, a member of camp by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. It fought agement and Planning Organization desk has said a recent flood in northeastern Iran has caused met on Saturday with Maryam Rajavi, the Armed Services, Judiciary, Banking, Housing and on the side of Saddam in the Iraqi imposed war on Iran $45.36 million damage. leader of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, Urban Affairs and Veterans’ Affairs committees, also during which the former Iraqi dictator used chemical Speaking in a local meeting with Khorasan Razavi in Albania. visited members of the MKO. weapons against Iranian civilians and military on a officials in Mashhad on Sunday, Mohammad Baqer According to The Huffington Post, Senators Roy During the meeting, Rajavi expressed her gratitude massive scale. The notorious group is also responsible Nobakht said a first installment of the damage will be Blunt, Vice President of the Republican Conference, for the tireless efforts of the U.S. Senate, particularly for killing more than 17,000 Iranians in different acts paid by the government soon. and member of the Appropriation, Select Intelligence, Senator Blunt, regarding the protection of thousands of terrorism, including bombings in public places and Heavy downpours caused flooding in northeastern Rules and Administration, and Commerce, Science, and of MKO members in Iraq, and their safe relocation to targeted killings. and western Iran, killing 11 people and leaving two Transportation committees; John Cornyn, the Majority Albania. Earlier in April, U.S. Senator John McCain met Rajavi others missing, sources reported on Saturday. Whip, and a member of the Judiciary, Select Intelligence, The MKO fled Iran in 1986 for Iraq and was given a in Albania. Russia dismisses House of Parties learns new chairman claims on transfer of Iran’s hardware politics TEHRAN — The presiding board of deskIran’s House of Parties voted 19-0 to Hossein Kamali on Monday as its new chairman for a Second Announcement one-year term. IN THE NAME OF GOD Kamali is currently secretary general of the Islamic ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING Labour Party. He was minister of labour and social affairs from 1989 until 2001 under the Rafsanjani and Khatami administrations. House of Parties is a non-governmental organization, INTERNATIONAL TENDER NO. 96-05/119 consisting of legal and registered political parties. The association was founded in 1997 and is backed Tender Holder: by the government. ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING (IRIB)

Subject of Two-Stage Tender: Daesh nearing its Supply of five chillers with an integrated permanent aerial condenser with the capability of Built-in Free end: Rezaei Cooling with the minimum capacity of 1200 actual KV, appropriate to the climatic condition of Tehran city according to the tender documents

politics Russian Senator Frants Klint- desksevich has dismissed a media Deadline of Receiving Documents: As of publishing second announcement of advertisement latest by the business hour dated August 20, 2017. politics TEHRAN — Expediency Council report claiming that Iranian military hardware deskSecretary Mohsen Rezaei said on had been allegedly sent to Russia. Monday that Daesh (Islamic State) is approaching its Klintsevich, the first deputy chairman of the Place of Receiving Documents: end, yet committing brutal acts to pretend the otherwise. parliament’s upper chamber’s Defense and Se- Secretariat of Tenders’ Commission, Technical Purchasing (KALA) Dept., Media Technology and Devel- curity Committee, told RIA Novosti that there Liberation of Mosul and Aleppo indicates the imminent opment Deputy Office, Bldg. No. 2, IRIB, Jam-e Jam St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran annihilation of Daesh, he said during a ceremony held to is no need to transfer any Iran’s military equip- commemorate martyr Mohsen Hojaji. ment that needs repair to Russia because Mos- Hojaji, a member of the Iranian advisory support team cow had earlier prepared Iranian specialists to Type and Amount of Guarantee for Participating in Tender: in Syria, was captured by Daesh terrorists on August 7 do repairs at home, Sputnik reported. The amount of USD 58,874 which should be in the form of extendable bank guarantee (its equivalent near the Tanf border crossing in southeast Syria, and was Earlier, German newspaper Welt am Sonn- of rials guarantee letter with the free rate of 1.2 coefficient) beheaded afterward. tag reported, citing an anonymous source in “Western intelligence services”, that Tehran had secretly sent some components of heavy offen- Time and Place of Delivering Priced Bid: U.S. attempts to sive weapons to Russia for maintenance in an The sealed A, B & C packages/envelopes should be submitted within one main envelope marked with alleged violation of the 2231 UNSC resolution tender number no later than 15 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 20, 2017 and submitted to the Sec- implicate Iran in via the Syrian territory. retariat of Commission of Tenders. Klintsevich said, “Russia supplied Iran with a Venezuela push large number of military equipment, which, of course, needs maintenance. At the same time Time and Place of Opening Envelopes Russia prepared Iranian specialists who can car- The date of opening envelopes A&B is at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday Sept. 23, 2017 in the office politics TEHRAN — The CIA director has ry out these works themselves.” of Vice President of IRIB Planning and Financial Resources and opening of envelope C will be after desk claimed Venezuela is overrun with Military expert Igor Korotchenko also com- technical evaluation. Iranians, Hezbollah, Cubans and Russians in response to mented on the controversial report. He said questions about Donald Trump’s statements about U.S. that the information is “fake,” adding that it is It should be noted that bidders should hold license from the authorized bodies. military intervention. aimed to present Russia and Iran as the sides Mike Pompeo appeared on Fox News Sunday where which violate UN resolutions. For more information, please contact the following phone numbers: 0098-21-22166313 he responded to comments made by Trump on Friday, “In military-technical contacts with Tehran, It is obvious that cost of publishing two advertisements shall be borne by the winner of tender. in which he said there was “a possible military option” Moscow strictly adheres to the resolutions of E-mail Address: [email protected] for Venezuela. the UN Security Council and does not violate Public Relations Dept. of IRIB The CIA chief said he believes Trump’s comments them. The purpose of this provocation is to cast were an effort to “give the Venezuelan people hope and a shadow on Russia and try to discredit Mos- opportunity to create a situation where democracy can cow’s efforts in the politico-diplomatic resolu- be restored.” tion of the Syrian crisis,” he remarked. I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y august 15, 2017 international

Protests, vigils around U.S. Korean peninsula tensions ease slightly as U.S. officials decry white supremacist rally play down war risks Tensions on the Korean peninsula eased slightly on Monday as 1 the issue that initially prompted white nation- alists to gather in anger this weekend in Charlottesville, South Korea’s president said resolving Pyongyang’s nuclear am- Virginia. Still other gatherings aimed to denounce fas- bitions must be done peacefully and key United States officials cism and a presidential administration that organizers played down the risk of an imminent war with North Korea. feel has empowered white supremacists. Concern that North Korea is close to achieving its goal of put- “People need to wake up, recognize that and resist ting the mainland United States within range of a nuclear weapon it as fearlessly as it needs to be done,” said Carl Dix, a has underpinned a spike in tensions in recent months. leader of the Refuse Fascism group organizing demon- The U.S. President Donald Trump warned at the weekend that strations in New York, San Francisco and other cities. the U.S. military was “locked and loaded” if North Korea acted “This can’t be allowed to fester and to grow because unwisely after threatening last week to land missiles near the U.S. we’ve seen what happened in the past when that was Pacific territory of Guam. allowed.” “There must be no more war on the Korean peninsula. What- “It has to be confronted,” said Dix, a New Yorker ever ups and downs we face, the North Korean nuclear situation who spoke by phone from Charlottesville on Sunday must be resolved peacefully,” South Korean President Moon Jae- afternoon. He had gone there to witness and deplore in told a regular meeting with senior aides and advisers. the white nationalist rally on Saturday that spiraled into “I am certain the United States will respond to the current sit- bloodshed. uation calmly and responsibly in a stance that is equal to ours,” In Seattle, a rally previously planned for Sunday by the he said. conservative pro-Trump group known as Patriot Prayer While backing Trump’s tough talk, U.S. officials including Na- drew hundreds of counter protesters. Police arrested tional Security Adviser H.R. McMaster played down the risk on three men and confiscated weapons as Trump support- Sunday of the rhetoric escalating into conflict. ers and counter-protesters converged downtown. “I think we’re not closer to war than a week ago, but we are A barricade separated the two groups as police closer to war than we were a decade ago,” McMaster told ABC officers stood by dressed in riot gear. Police said they News’ “This Week”. used pepper spray and blast balls to disperse crowds U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Director Mike Pompeo after fireworks were thrown at officers. In a statement, said North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un might well conduct an- police said they observed some people in the counter other missile test but talk of being on the cusp of a nuclear war People fly into the air as a vehicle drives into a group of activists protesting against a white supremacist rally in protest carrying axe handles and two-by fours as they was overstating the risk. Charlottesville, Virginia. infiltrated the hundreds of peaceful demonstrators. “I’ve seen no intelligence that would indicate that we’re in that In Denver, several hundred demonstrators gathered ue in the Virginia college town, and hundreds of other attended the rally, denied all responsibility for the vi- place today,” Pompeo told “Fox News Sunday”. beneath a statue of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in people came to protest the rally. The groups clashed in olence. He blamed the counter-protesters and police. World stocks rallied on Monday as investors took heart from City Park and marched about 2 miles (3.22 kilometers) street brawls, with hundreds of people throwing punch- Trump condemned what he called an “egregious dis- the less bellicose rhetoric. to the state Capitol. In Fort Collins, Colorado, marchers es, hurling water bottles and beating each other with play of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides,” a However, North Korea reiterated its threats, with its official chanted “Everyone is welcome here. No hate, no fear.” sticks and shields. statement that Democrats and some of the president’s KCNA news agency saying “war cannot be blocked by any power One demonstrator’s sign said, “Make racists ashamed Eventually, a car rammed into a peaceful crowd of fellow Republicans saw as equivocating about who was if sparks fly due to a small, random incident that was uninten- again.” anti-white-nationalist protesters, killing 32-year-old to blame. The White House later added that the con- tional”. In New York, protesters marched from several lo- Heather Heyer. A Virginia State Police helicopter de- demnation “includes white Supremacists, KKK, neo-Na- “Any second Korean War would have no choice but to spread cations in Manhattan to Trump Tower, demanding the ployed in a large-scale response to the violence then zi and all extremist groups.” into a nuclear war,” it said in a commentary on Monday. president denounce white nationalist groups involved crashed into the woods outside of town. Both troopers Some of the white nationalists at Saturday’s ral- Missile doubts in the violent confrontations in Charlottesville. One sign on board died. ly cited Trump’s victory, after a campaign of racially South Korean Vice Defense Minister Suh Choo-suk agreed read: “Call out evil.” A crowd gathered on the street where the crash charged rhetoric, as validation for their beliefs. Some North Korea was likely to continue provocations, including nucle- Charlottesville descended into violence on Satur- happened for a vigil on Sunday evening. They sang of the people protesting Sunday also point to the ar tests, but did not see a big risk of the North engaging in actual day after neo-Nazis, skinheads, Ku Klux Klan members “Amazing Grace” and prayed around piles of flowers president and his campaign, saying they gave license military conflict. and other white nationalists gathered to “take America that mark the spot where Heyer was killed. to racist hatred that built into what happened in Char- Suh again highlighted doubts about North Korea’s claims back” and oppose plans to remove a Confederate stat- Prominent white nationalist Richard Spencer, who lottesville. (Source: AP) about its military capability. “Both the United States and South Korea do not believe North Korea has yet completely gained re-entry technology in material Iraqi cleric Sadr visits UAE after Saudi Arabia engineering terms,” Suh said in remarks televised on Sunday for a Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has flown to the Persian Gulf Last March, he started a sit-in inside Baghdad’s Green Korea Broadcasting System show. state of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on a charter flight Zone to force the government to enact certain “reforms.” The United States and South Korea remain technically still at sent from Abu Dhabi, just two weeks after visiting Saudi Ara- His supporters have also been holding several rallies in the war with North Korea after the 1950-53 Korean conflict ended bia in a string of controversial trips. Iraqi capital. with a truce, not a peace treaty. The Sunday visit was the second by Sadr to the Emirates In April, he called on Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad to Tension in the region has risen since North Korea carried out in as many months, Emirati paper The National reported. resign in the face of foreign-backed militancy, despite Bagh- two nuclear bomb tests last year and two intercontinental ballistic The aircraft was to fly Sadr back to Iraq upon the conclusion dad’s refusal to take position on the conflict. missile tests in July, tests that the North often conducts to coin- of the trip. Also, after visiting Saudi Arabia, the cleric said Iraqi Prime cide with important national dates. He talked with Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, Abu Dha- Minister Haider al-Abadi had to either “integrate into the Tuesday marks the anniversary of Japan’s expulsion from the bi’s crown prince, at a meeting also joined by Emirati For- army the disciplined members” of the Popular Mobilization Korean peninsula, a rare holiday celebrated by both the North eign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed and other ranking Units (PMU/Hashd al-Sha’abi) or put them under severe and the South. Moon and Kim, who has not been seen publicly officials. government control. Sadr had also called on Iraqi authori- for several days, are both expected to make addresses on their The cleric met with the House of Saud regime’s Crown Arab news website, the Saudis also awarded special visas ties to “seize the arsenal of all armed groups,” without elab- respective sides of the heavily militarized border. Prince and Defense Minister Mohammed bin Salman in the to members of Sadr’s office for this year’s Hajj pilgrimage. orating further. Trump has urged China, the North’s main ally and trading Saudi port city of Jeddah on July 30. Sadr, who enjoys a sizable grassroots following in Iraq, PMU has been key to the country’s recapture of cities partner, to do more to rein in its neighbor, often linking Beijing’s Sadr’s office said in a statement later that the Riyadh re- has been avowing views which clash with those of the cen- and towns from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ efforts to comments around U.S.-China trade. China strenuously gime had agreed to pay Baghdad $10 million purportedly tral administration and, at points, even opting for direct op- Daesh) terrorists in recent months. rejects linking the two issues. as aid to rebuild Iraq. According to London-based The New position to the ruling authorities. (Source: Press TV) (Source: agencies) Kimball lauds Iran’s role in adopting treaty to ban nuclear arms 1 The indiscriminate and catastroph- ic effects of nuclear weapons, which if used “The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear would produce devastating effects far be- Weapons means that they are not just immoral, yond the national borders of warring nuclear but they are also illegal,” executive director of the nations, make it clear that the use or threat of Arms Control Association in Washington says. use of these weapons is immoral. The Trea- Request for Proposal ty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons en the legal and political norm against their Construction of Power Plant, Substations means that they are not just immoral, but use. With tensions between nuclear-armed and Transmission Lines in PEISEZ they are also illegal. states increasing, steps aimed at reducing the Based on Build, Operate, Own (BOO) For the first time since the invention of risk of catastrophic nuclear weapons use are South parsian Energy-intensive Industrial Development Company, intends to invite and pre-qualify the Bomb, nuclear weapons development, necessary and should be welcomed. investors and assess the qualifications of investors for financing, management, engineering design, production, possession, use, threat of use, The world’s nuclear-armed states — the construction operations, maintenance, commissioning, procurement, installation and operation of power and “stationing” of another country’s nuclear United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, plant and transmission facilities with the following specifications: weapons on a state party’s national territory France, China, Israel, India, Pakistan, and o Installation and operation of power plant and transmission facilities in PEISEZ based on BOO are all expressly prohibited in a global treaty. North Korea — all boycotted the negoti- o Tender authority: Parsian Jonoub Energy-intensive Industrial Development Company The treaty also requires states to provide as- ations but the world’s nonnuclear weapon Total installed capacity: 4300 MW sistance to those affected by nuclear weap- Weapons, Iran would underscore its exist- state majority are sending them a message o ons use and testing. ing commitments never to acquire nuclear that will be heard: that nuclear weapons use o Commercial operation period: 30 years The new treaty will be open for signature weapons, and would help strengthen the ta- will not be tolerated and concrete action o Land allocation: annual lease beginning September 20. When at least 50 boo against their use and highlight the need leading to nuclear disarmament is overdue. Price: maximum rates equal to Ministry of Power rates states sign and ratify the agreement, it will Today, there are nearly 15,000 nuclear o for the world’s nuclear-armed states to meet Technology applied: Priority with combined cycle, co-generation of heat and power formally enter into force. their disarmament commitments. weapons most of which are in the hands of o The negotiations on the new treaty were the United States and Russia, which deploy o Priority selection of bidders: Parties that do not seek guranteed power, water and steam Q: Can it lead to a disarmament of purchase launched by a UN General Assembly resolu- approximately 1,500 each at this moment. nuclear-armed states? Project is based on BOO tion approved last year. The Islamic Republic A: Unfortunately, without nuclear-armed This is far lower than during the height of the o of Iran was an active participant in the nego- Cold War, but it only takes a handful of these o Project location: Parsian Energy-intensive Industries Special Economic Zone in Hormozgan states on board, the new Treaty on the Pro- Province, City of Parsian tiations and was among the 122 states that weapons to produce catastrophic results. hibition of Nuclear Weapons will not im- Capacity phases: voted to adopt the agreement on July 7. mediately eliminate any nuclear weapons. Q: Supporters believe the treaty o By becoming one of the first countries to However, the treaty can, over time, further will put pressure on nuclear powers to sign the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear delegitimize nuclear weapons and strength- eliminate their nuclear arms. What is Planned Schedule Total Installed Capacity (MW) your comment? 20/03/2020 500 A: Whether the new treaty prompts action 20/03/2025 1000 “Whether the new treaty prompts action on on nuclear disarmament in the near term de- nuclear disarmament in the near term depends, pends, in part, on whether states such as Iran 20/03/2028 2000 in part, on whether states such as Iran and other and other states in the Non-Aligned Movement, 20/03/2031 4300 states in the Non-Aligned Movement, along along with other major non-nuclear powers in Europe, can work together on a focused and Parsian Jonoub Energy-intensive Industrial Development Company hereby invites all investors with with other major non-nuclear powers in Europe, financial & technical resources and appropriate executive background to purchase the qualification sustained diplomatic strategy to push the nu- document (RFQ) within a maximum of 30 days from the date of this advertisement from the address below: can work together on a focused and sustained clear-armed states to renew talks on nuclear risk reduction and disarmament. To avoid a new Address: diplomatic strategy to push the nuclear-armed Rah Shahr Consulting Engineers global nuclear arms race and move closer to a states to renew talks on nuclear risk reduction and No. 3, Hoshyar Alley, Dr. Shahidi St., Haghani Expressway, Vanak Sq., Tehran, Iran

world without nuclear weapons: 1533 disarmament.” (See full text at tehrantimes.com) Tel: +98 21 8217 2240 Fax: +98 21 8888 3868 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 4 economy august 15, 2017 news in brief Ukraine could facilitate Iran’s TEDPIX lost 2 points in a day petchem export to Europe: NPC head

Energy TEHRAN — as Shahdaie said her meeting with the desk Economy TEHRAN — Tehran Stock Exchange Iran’s National Ukrainian ambassador was to follow desk(TSE)’s main index (TEDPIX) slid two Petrochemical Company (NPC) up that agreement. points to end Monday’s trade at 81,659, Tasnim news Managing Director Marziyeh Shahdaie She mentioned the joint venture agency reported. said Ukraine could pave the way for opportunities for Ukrainian investors in As reported, 468 million shares worth 1.15 trillion rials the export of Iranian petrochemical Iran, establishment of a hub in Ukraine (about $30.2 million) were traded through 38,000 deals in products to Europe, Shana news for the export of Iran’s petrochemicals the stock market. agency reported to Europe, and exchanging technical Also, IFX, the main index of Iran’s over-the-counter She made the remarks after a knowledge between the two countries (OTC) market known also as Iran Fara Bourse (IFB), fell 2.1 meeting with Ukraine’s Ambassador as some issues discussed in the points to 918 on Monday, as 186 million securities worth to Iran Sergey Burdilyak in Tehran on meeting. 760 billion rials (about $20 million) were dealt. Monday. The official further said that Ukraine At the end of their Joint Economic is a consumer of Iranian petrochemical Liquidity near Committee’s sixth meeting in products; and quoted Burdilyak as March, Iran and Ukraine inked a saying that Iran-Ukraine trade and also $345b in a month memorandum of understanding on Ukraine’s import of Iran’s petrochemicals cooperation in a wide range of areas have risen noticeably after the lifting of Iran’s National Petrochemical Company Managing Director Marziyeh Shahdaie including petrochemical industry and sanctions against Iran. (R) and Ukraine’s Ambassador to Iran Sergey Burdilyak met in Tehran on Monday.

Economy TEHRAN — Iran’s liquidity stood at Eurasian Economic Union expects to sign free trade deal with Iran this year desk13.14 quadrillion rials (about $344.8 bil- lion) during the third Iranian calendar month of Khordad ASTANA (Sputnik) — A temporary agreement work to sign the agreement with Iran. We expect the country is interested in economic projects of the (May 22-June 22, 2017), according to a report released by on establishing a free trade zone between the the document to be signed in 2017,” Sargsyan told Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member the Central Bank of Iran (CBI). Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and Iran may be reporters following a meeting of the Eurasian Inter- states, the EAEU and the Chinese Silk Road. The figure shows 24.1 percent rise compared to the signed in 2017, Chairman of the Eurasian Economic governmental Council in Astana. In 2016, Russia and Iran agreed to pay for bilat- same time in the previous year, the report said. Commission (EEC) Board Tigran Sargsyan said In June, the EEC, with is the bloc’s main execu- eral supplies of products in national currencies, step- Liquidity in Iran witnessed a 2.5-fold rise during the past Monday. tive body, said that the EAEU and Iran had finished ping up economic cooperation. four years, IRIB news quoted Hamidreza Hajibabaie, the Negotiations between the Eurasian Economic Un- working on the text of the temporary free trade zone The EAEU, comprising Russia, Armenia, Belarus, chairman of parliament (Majlis) ad hoc committee for re- ion (EAEU) and Iran on a temporary free trade zone agreement and that the sides will continue talks on Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, is an international or- viewing the Sixth National Development Plan (2016-2021), agreement are expected to be finished by the next liberalizing mutual market access and coordinating ganization that encourages regional economic inte- as saying in February 1st. EAEU summit, scheduled for October 11. tariff obligations in the near future. gration through the free movement of goods, ser- “The decision has been taken to speed up the Earlier, the Iranian ambassador to Russia said that vices, and people within the union. Japan GDP blows past Iran restarts oil swaps with Caspian states after 7-year hiatus expectations TEHRAN (Platts) — Iran’s oil swap in ed at Neka port on Iran’s shore of the only from a concession in Turkmenistan’s from 2009-2011. Mirkazemi held that (Reuters) — Japan›s economy grew in the second the Caspian Sea has resumed following Caspian Sea. The swap consignments sector of the Caspian Sea -- has recently Iran was losing a few dollars on each quarter at the fastest pace in more than two years as con- a roughly seven-year suspension, Na- will gradually increase in volume, the re- shipped 6,000 mt of Turkmen oil to Neka barrel of Iranian crude swapped for Cas- sumer spending and capital expenditure both rose at the tional Iranian Oil Company reported. port said. However, it did not specify the aboard a Russian-flagged oil tanker. pian oil. Iran also complained that the fastest in more than three years, highlighting stronger do- Under the swap deals, Iran accepts oil origin of the crude. Iran has been expanding the port’s poor quality of the oil received under mestic demand. from other Caspian littoral states to use Iran’s primary swap partners in the infrastructure with the aim of surpassing the swaps was damaging its northern Gross domestic product expanded an annualized 4.0 per- at its Tabriz and Tehran refineries in the past were Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and the volume of Caspian oil trade previ- refineries. cent in April-June, government data showed, more than the north of the country. In return, it delivers Azerbaijan. ously handled. It is currently targeting During the past four years, follow- median estimate for 2.5 percent annualized growth and the the same amount and quality of crude to Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agen- swap contracts of a few hundred thou- ing a change of government and the biggest increase since January-March 2015. its southern oil terminals in the Persian cy reported that the UAE’s Dragon Oil -- sand barrels each. appointment of Bijan Zanganeh as oil Compared to the previous quarter, the economy expand- Gulf region for delivery to international a wholly owned international upstream Iran’s previous Caspian oil swaps minister, Iran has been negotiating with ed 1.0 percent, versus the median estimate for 0.6 percent customers of Caspian oil suppliers. subsidiary of Dubai state-owned Emir- were suspended by former oil minister Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan to growth. Several oil tankers have been offload- ates National Oil Co. which produces oil Masoud Mirkazemi, who held the post restart the oil swaps.

Second Announcement IN THE NAME OF GOD Second Announcement IN THE NAME OF GOD ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING INTERNATIONAL TENDER NO. 96-05/117 INTERNATIONAL TENDER NO. 96-05/118 Tender Holder: Tender Holder: ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING (IRIB) ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN BROADCASTING (IRIB) Subject of Two-Stage Tender: Subject of Two-Stage Tender: Supply of diesel generator (prime) including six generators with the capacity of 2400 KV/ampere in LV Supply of 10 Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) with the capacity of 500KV/ampere along with the level, appropriate to the climatic condition of Tehran city according to the tender documents related batteries (15 minutes) according to the tender documents Deadline of Receiving Documents: Deadline of Receiving Documents: As of publishing second announcement of advertisement latest by the business hour dated As of publishing second announcement of advertisement latest by the business hour dated August 20, 2017. August 20, 2017. Place of Receiving Documents: Place of Receiving Documents: Secretariat of Tenders’ Commission, Technical Purchasing (KALA) Dept., Media Technology and Devel- Secretariat of Tenders’ Commission, Technical Purchasing (KALA) Dept., Media Technology and Devel- opment Deputy Office, Bldg. No. 2, IRIB, Jam-e Jam St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran opment Deputy Office, Bldg. No. 2, IRIB, Jam-e Jam St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran

Type and Amount of Guarantee for Participating in Tender: Type and Amount of Guarantee for Participating in Tender: The amount of USD 113,059 which should be in the form of extendable bank guarantee (its equivalent The amount of USD 64,962 which should be in the form of extendable bank guarantee (its equivalent of rials guarantee letter with the free rate of 1.2 coefficient) of rials guarantee letter with the free rate of 1.2 coefficient)

Time and Place of Delivering Priced Bid: Time and Place of Delivering Priced Bid: The sealed A, B & C packages/envelopes should be submitted within one main envelope marked with The sealed A, B & C packages/envelopes should be submitted within one main envelope marked with tender number no later than 15 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 20, 2017 and submitted to the Secretariat tender number no later than 15 p.m. on Wednesday Sept. 20, 2017 and submitted to the Secre- of Commission of Tenders. tariat of Commission of Tenders.

Time and Place of Opening Envelopes Time and Place of Opening Envelopes The date of opening envelopes A&B is at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday Sept. 23, 2017 in the office The date of opening envelopes A&B is at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday Sept. 23, 2017 in the office of Vice President of IRIB Planning and Financial Resources and opening of envelope C will be after of Vice President of IRIB Planning and Financial Resources and opening of envelope C will be after technical evaluation. technical evaluation. It should be noted that bidders should hold license from the authorized bodies. It should be noted that bidders should hold license from the authorized bodies.

For more information, please contact the following phone numbers: 0098-21-22166313 For more information, please contact the following phone numbers: 0098-21-22166313 It is obvious that cost of publishing two advertisements shall be borne by the winner of tender. It is obvious that cost of publishing two advertisements shall be borne by the winner of tender. E-mail Address: [email protected] E-mail Address: [email protected] Public Relations Dept. of IRIB Public Relations Dept. of IRIB I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y August 15, 2017 ENERGY 5

Oil prices dip on weak Rise of electric car solves little if driven by fossil fuels Chinese refining activity The rise of electric cars will be a pyrrhic victory for the en- vironment if they are powered by fossil fuels instead of re- SINGAPORE (Reuters) — Oil prices there are considerable uncertainties head- newables, according to the UK boss of the world’s biggest dipped on Monday as a slowdown in Chi- ing into 2018,” BMI Research said in a note, offshore wind farm developer. nese refining activity growth cast doubts including the possibility of rising supplies. Matthew Wright, the new managing director of Dong En- over its crude demand outlook, while ris- Shale production in the largest U.S. ergy UK, said the cost of wind farms at sea had fallen so ing U.S. shale output suggested supplies oilfield should rise by as much as 300,000 much that the big issue facing the industry was no longer would likely remain high. bpd by December, according to industry levels of subsidies but how they integrated with the National Brent crude futures, the international forecasts. Grid and emerging technologies. benchmark for oil prices, were at $51.92 Oil production from the Permian Basin “The challenge is that having reached this tipping point in per barrel at 0652 GMT, down 18 cents, or of West Texas and New Mexico is closely terms of its cost competitiveness, how do we integrate more 0.4 percent, from their last close. watched because its low costs and rap- offshore wind into the modern energy system?” he said. U.S. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) id growth have pressured efforts by the “How do we combine it with the rise of electric vehicles, the crude futures were at $48.70 a barrel, Organization of the Petroleum Exporting rise of storage and batteries, smart technology? It’s becoming down 12 cents, or 0.3 percent. Countries to drain a global crude supply a different phase [for the sector].” Chinese refineries processed 0.4 - per glut. The cost of offshore wind power fell by nearly a third be- cent more crude oil in July than a year U.S. energy companies added oil rigs tween 2012 and 2016 (pdf), and the wind farms now gen- earlier at 45.5 million tons, or about 10.71 for a second time in the last three weeks, erate 5% of the UK’s electricity (pdf), compared with 8% for million barrels per day (bpd), data from extending a 15-month drilling recovery, onshore ones. It is the only large-scale form of renewable the National Bureau of Statistics showed but the pace of additions has slowed energy still supported by the government. on Monday. in recent months as firms cut spending Wright, the former chief executive of Southern Water, took This would be the lowest amount on plans in reaction to declining crude pric- over the UK arm of the Danish state-owned Dong in June, a daily basis since September 2016, ac- es. shortly after the company sold off its remaining oil and gas cording to Reuters calculations based on IHS Markit. Overall, markets remain well supplied Drillers added 3 rigs looking for new oil business for £1bn to Ineos. official data. Despite the possible slowdown in Chi- thanks to strong output. in the week to Aug. 11 bringing the to- Dong announced last week that its operating profits were “Runs were slightly below our expec- na, the International Energy Agency (IEA) “Demand is outperforming expec- tal count up to 768, the most since April up by 74% in the second quarter of the year on the back of tations, as fuel demand growth remained said on Friday that it expects 2017 oil de- tations amongst both developed and 2015, General Electric Co’s Baker Hughes new windfarms. The company has invested £6bn in the UK, tepid and stocks were brimming,” said mand growth of 1.5 million bpd, up from emerging markets... However, global energy services firm said in its closely fol- with a further £6bn planned by 2020. Harry Liu, a downstream consultant with a previous expectation of 1.4 million bpd. crude inventories remain bloated and lowed report on Friday. Although Dong will not confirm so publicly, it may be among the offshore wind developers bidding for part of a £290m-a-year pot of government subsidies – known as con- Chevron prepares to confirm commitments to North Sea fields tracts for difference – which are paid for through household Chevron is preparing to reconfirm its raised fears it would turn its back on the percent. Chevron has not previously pub- urging companies in Aberdeen to pur- energy bills. commitment to the North Sea, restart- development. lished an estimate for Rosebank but costs sue new technologies to access as many The auction results are due in early September. Some in ing a bidding process to help unlock the However, Chevron said it would shortly were reported in 2013 in the region of $10 as possible of the estimated 20bn barrels the industry have already predicted that wind farms, due to region’s single biggest undeveloped field relaunch the tender process for the pro- billion. of oil and gas, which it is believed still be built early next decade, will come in cheaper than the deal and considering extending the life of one duction vessel. “We expect to issue invita- The company will also shortly make a lie beneath the North Sea — particularly for the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station of £92.50 per of its main assets in UK waters. tions to bid for the Rosebank FPSO later final investment decision on extending the in a climate where crude prices are ex- Mwh, about twice the wholesale price of electricity. The U.S. oil major is looking again at this year,” it said. life of its Captain field, 145km north-east pected to remain weak for an extended The government’s pledge to ban new petrol and diesel developing the significant but undevel- A final decision may be several years of Aberdeen, which has been producing period. car sales from 2040 was welcome because it would create oped Rosebank oil and gasfield north- away, but the move is likely to be viewed since 1997. The “enhanced oil recovery Both the investment decision for Cap- extra demand for power, he said, but it would be a “bit odd” west of the Shetland Islands, in which it as a positive sign that Chevron and its program” will involve injecting polymer- tain and the relaunch of the tender pro- if vehicles were powered by a fossil fuel such as coal. holds a majority stake. Although it was partners — Canada’s Suncor, Black- ised water into the reservoir and is likely to cess for the Rosebank vessel are due be- “It would be somewhat of a pyrrhic victory at that point, discovered in 2004, the higher costs owing stone-backed Siccar Point Energy and be pursued in two parts. fore the end of the year. A number of the reducing NOx emissions in cities [from diesel engines] for in- to the deep water and often hostile local Ineos — are still committed to the devel- Theo Bull, an analyst at Wood Mac- oil majors and big utility companies have creasing CO2 elsewhere [from a conventional power station]. weather has deterred advancements. opment, which is estimated to hold more kenzie, the oil consultancy, said although been selling assets in the North Sea this The fit between renewable energy and electric is a natural Chevron has been working to reduce than 300m recoverable barrels of oil. the Captain project was less important year, including BP, Royal Dutch Shell, En- fit,” he said. project costs since the oil price crash of Greta Lydecker, president and manag- in terms of production than Rosebank, it gie of France and Denmark’s Dong Ener- More electric cars and large-scale storage facilities would mid-2014, but its cancellation of a $1.8 bil- ing director for Chevron Upstream Europe, would be “significant because of the tech- gy, driving concerns that large companies help with the variable nature of wind power too, he said, lion order last year of a floating production told the Financial Times the company had nology they are using”. were retreating from the region. though he said the importance of its intermittency was “over- and offloading vessel (FPSO) for the field cut the Rosebank pre-oil crash costs by 30 Ministers and regulators have been (Source: Financial Times) played”. (Source: The Guardian) IKCO, Pioneer in Developing and Promoting Relationship with University The link between industry and university is of graduates and industrial and scientific three-month time interval and certain cost. an undeniable necessity, so that strength- elites. For this purpose, IKCO has launched The research projects of Internship Plan are ening the link will cause development and a “call for notice” and invited elites and sci- defined and started according to the latest growth of the two sectors. Formation of entific figures to cooperate and collaborate issues and problems of organization and this relationship juxtaposes the two pow- with the company. In general, IKCO has in the presence of the most experienced ers of “science” and “industry” along with taken giant strides in the field of broaden- professors in different fields. Continuous each other and can cause their synergy. ing its ties with elites and also prestigious interaction over a period of 3 to 6 months The relationship between “industry” and scientific centers. between an academic team consisting of “university” is of paramount importance Signing and sealing multilateral MOU scientific supervisor and several university across the world. for designing and manufacturing product students in various educational levels and On the one hand, university is genera- is the other approaches of IKCO. executive teams in different departments, tor of sciences required by the industry and In this MOU, the two “Sharif” and moreover finding scientific strategies in -or taking advantage of academic sciences in Amirkabir” universities of technology are der to solve prioritized problem of the rel- the industry will lead to the growth, excel- considered as main pillar of the partner- evant organization in the course of project, lence and promotion of scientific level in ship with five reliable and famous foreign paves suitable ground for fulfilling research the country on the other hand. companies. and educational activities as well. Applied training in the universities of Full implementation of this contract is Taking advantage of capabilities and technology and training efficient and en- led to designing and producing exclusive potentials of the university to meet grow- trepreneurship workforce is of the salient platform of this industrial group. In the next ing demand of automotive industry and objectives of the government which will be stage, various products in different models solving problems of various departments materialized under the auspices of rela- including sedan, hatchback, crossover, of the company with the approach of de- tionship with the industry. SUV, hybrid and electric cars will be veloping research culture and teamwork in Given the above issue, the 11th gov- produced as well. Iran Khodro Company (IKCO) are the main ernment has paid special attention to the It should be noted that Sharif Universi- Creation of innovation through support- academic theses in BA and MA degrees objectives of Internship Projects in line with spread of relationship between industry ty of Technology will take part in this giant ing university ideas for the development of (more than 400 titles up to the present promoting technical knowhow and knowl- and university. plan for designing and developing hybrid product and process, commercializing the time), implementation of research projects edge of personnel, removing short-term Unsparing support of the government cars. research achievements of the academic within the framework of internship plan labor shortages. from intellectual and physical power be- Partnership with University in centers with the aim of creation of value (more than 500 titles up to the present Benefitted from potentials and capabil- tween industry and university has led to IKCO and helping shorten the cycle of innova- time), admitting apprenticeships and train- ities available in university, Internship Plan the conclusion of Memorandum of Under- In advanced communities, establishing tion of IKCO are of the other subjects that ees according to the requirement (more has been started since 2000. standing (MOU) between automakers and relationship between main providers of IKCO follows it up in cooperation and col- than 1,000 persons annually), issuance In this regard, cooperating with the uni- academicians in the four-year term of the training and research services i.e. universi- laboration with the university. of certificate of cooperation for academ- versity students to define and implement 11th government. ties and industry is spontaneous, so that an Fulfilling the role of social responsibili- ic teams, paving suitable ground for the projects in MA and Ph.D. degrees required Signing and sealing Memorandum of industrialist without academic knowledge ties of IKCO is of the other titles of IKCO in attendance of staff and personnel of the by Iran Khodro Company (IKCO) at a spec- Understanding (MOU) for generating hy- and degree will not promote and will have establishing relationship with the university. company in scientific seminars with the ified cost is one of the approaches. These brid and electric car between Iran Kho- not any profit for the community as well. In the meantime, paving suitable ground aim of offering knowledge-based prod- subjects are determined and implemented dro Company and Amirkabir University of Iran Khodro Industrial Group (IKCO) car- for fulfilling academic researches with the ucts, taking membership in scientific asso- in the light of the company’s key business Technology is of the salient approaches ried out processes of relationship with the aim of responding to the questions and ciations, granting technical and specialized objectives such as improving and promot- executed by the government in line with university in an organized form. There are research hypotheses, supporting top and equipment to the scientific centers, etc. ing quality, gaining customers’ satisfaction, boosting and strengthening relationship vast and diversified activities in IKCO, the elite students, presenting laboratory and have been considered as salient measures developing new products, future technolo- between industry and university. most important of which is pointed here. industrial services to the academic re- taken by IKCO. gies and managing costs. As the largest automaker in the Mid- Benefited from high capabilities and po- searches as well as supporting publication Internship Projects Meeting research needs of Iran Khodro dle East region, IKCO has been pioneer in tentials of the universities, IKCO has taken of research achievements including book, Hosting internship projects is another Industrial Group (IKCO) by providing re- taking advantage of scientific updates and giant steps in this regard, so that the com- article, patents, etc. are of the main ap- part of the related issues of Iran Khodro search and reteach opportunities in the in- has made all its utmost efforts to create a pany uses capacities of the universities and proaches implemented by IKCO. Company (IKCO) with universities. These dustry for students in the form of defining scientific space between this company, uni- scientific centers for training and promot- In this regard and within the framework projects are the contract concluded with theses in MA, Ph.D. and higher levels has versity and scientific centers. ing technical knowledge and knowhow of of approaches such as conclusion of ap- the universities which includes construction been cited as the main objective behind In addition, IKCO is pioneer in attraction their staff and personnel. plied and research contracts, supporting of some projects in the course of year with supporting students. advertisements

I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 6 international august 15, 2017

A moral failure that How the world is reacting to war of shames America words between Trump and North Korea No previous U.S. president of modern times would have failed to condemn his country’s white nationalists. This By Amanda Erickson we stand by the United States,” Turnbull one did. said, according to ABC. “Be very, very As George W Bush’s speechwriter put it this weekend, Last week, tensions between the United clear on that. If there’s an attack on the it is one of the “difficult but primary duties” of a political States and North Korea hit a boiling point. U.S., the ANZUS Treaty would be invoked leader to speak for a nation in traumatic times. A space Things ratcheted up Tuesday when and Australia would come to the aid of shuttle explodes, a school student goes on a shooting President Trump told reporters that the the United States, as America would spree, a terrorist flies a plane into a building, a hurricane United States would respond with “fire come to our aid if we were attacked.” floods a city. When such things happen, Michael Gerson and fury the likes the world has never He also called on Kim’s regime to stop wrote in the Washington Post, “It falls to the president seen” if Pyongyang continues its provo- its “illegal, reckless, provocative conduct.” to express something of the nation’s soul.” Yet if Donald cations. (He later suggested that his Germany Trump’s words about the violent white extremist mobiliza- world-rattling words might not have been German Chancellor Angela Merkel tion in Virginia on Saturday – which an under-pressure “tough enough.”) Those comments came has called the escalation of rhetoric “the White House was desperately trying to clarify on Sunday in response to U.S. intelligence reports wrong answer.” She has pledged her – are an expression of its soul, America may be on the suggesting that Pyongyang had the ca- country’s support to “any nonmilitary so- road to perdition. pacity to fit a nuclear weapon to a long- lutions,” telling reporters in Berlin: “I don’t The original United States of America was built on range ballistic missile. see a military solution to this conflict . … I white supremacy. The U.S. constitution of 1787 treated On Wednesday, North Korea struck see the need for enduring work at the UN black slaves as equivalent to three-fifths of a free white back, calling Trump’s statement a “load Security Council … as well as tight coop- and gave no rights at all to Native Americans, who were of nonsense,” and accusing the U.S. eration between the countries involved, regarded as belonging to their own nations. After the civil president of being senile and spending But on Friday, Beijing said in no uncer- been in touch with his American counter- especially the U.S. and China.” war, Jim Crow laws enforced segregation across the de- too much time on golf. The country also tain terms that it would not come to North part and had been assured that the White United Kingdom feated south and comprehensively disfranchised African warned that it is working on a plan to Korea’s defense if the Hermit Kingdom House will not do anything on the Korean British officials have called on the United Americans for nearly a century. Writing Mein Kampf in deploy four missiles that would envelope launched a preemptive strike against the Peninsula that would “catch the South off States to dial back the rhetoric. First Secre- the 1920s, Adolf Hitler praised America’s institutional rac- Guam, a U.S. territory with several Ameri- United States. An editorial in the state- guard.” “Both South Korea and the United tary of State Damian Green has said that ism as a model from which Nazi Germany could learn. can bases, in a wall of fire. run Global Times reads, in part, “if North States reaffirmed their promise that as it is “obviously” in Britain’s interests for the Only in the postwar period, and then slowly and incom- Though senior U.S. officials rushed Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. they take step-by-step measures to en- two countries to avoid war; he also called pletely, was meaningful racial equality pursued by the to calm Americans and allies, the presi- soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will sure their security and the safety of their on Trump to “be sensible” and go through land of the free. dent did little to cool tensions Thurs- stay neutral. … If the U.S. and South Ko- peoples, they will coordinate with each the United Nations before undertaking Yet, while American racism has extremely deep and te- day, announcing that his administration rea carry out strikes and try to overthrow other closely and transparently,” a state- military action. According to the Sun, an nacious historical roots, without which the events in Vir- is reviewing its options and that the the North Korean regime and change the ment from presidential spokesman Park unnamed government source has said the ginia on Saturday cannot be properly understood, some military is “locked and loaded,” ready to political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, Soo-hyun said. UK won’t support a U.S. military strike. “The large things have changed for the better over the past 60 #fighttonight. China will prevent them from doing so.” Russia Americans are more than capable of doing or so years. Equal rights have been enforced. Equality has President Trump said “it’s pretty obvi- Japan Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lav- what they might want, or have to do, in the been embraced. America has elected a black president. ous” what his “locked and loaded” tweet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe rov reiterated Friday that Russia will not region without our help,” the paper quoted It would be difficult to imagine any U.S. president of this about North Korea meant on Aug. 11. has long argued for a tougher line on accept a nuclear North Korea. But he the source as saying. more recent period, of whatever party, who would not “We’re either going to be very very suc- North Korea, pushing to strengthen Ja- blamed the current tensions on the Unit- France have responded to the neo-Nazis and white supremacists cessful quickly, or we’re going to be suc- pan’s military and antimissile defense. In ed States and Kim Jong Un’s regime, say- On Wednesday, government spokes- in Charlottesville with anything except explicit condemna- cessful in another way quickly,” he said. recent days, Abe and other senior officials ing that there has been an “overwhelm- man Christophe Castaner told report- tion and disgust. Any president, that is, until this one. Here’s a look at how other countries have reiterated their support of the U.S. ing amount” of “belligerent rhetoric” from ers that his country was “preoccupied” by There is absolutely no moral equivalence between the are responding to this tense situation: president’s strategy. Trump is “putting all Washington and Pyongyang. Lavrov also the situation and urged “all sides” to “act fanatical white supremacists who rallied in the Virginia city China options on the table,” Chief Cabinet Sec- advocated for his country’s preferred so- responsibly.” on Saturday and the equality defenders who demonstrat- In the past, China has tried to act as retary Yoshihide Suga said to the New lution to the crisis — a “smart plan” de- Guam ed peacefully against them, one of whom was rammed something of a mediator between the York Times. “Our government approves of veloped by Russia and China that would Guam Gov. Eddie Baza Calvo has en- and killed by a speeding car allegedly driven by a man United States and North Korea, urging re- that stance. It’s extremely important that have Kim freeze his country’s nuclear deavored to calm nerves and reassure who had attended the neo-Nazi rally. The supremacists straint and caution on both sides. As The the Japan-U.S. alliance further strength- tests in exchange for the United States the island’s 160,000 citizens that they’re hate black people and Jews, and regard white people as Washington Post’s China correspond- ens its ability to deter and respond.” and South Korea freezing their large- safe. In a video address, he said, “There superior. They talk portentously about blood, soil and the ent reported, “China has become deeply That might not sit so well with Japan’s scale drills. is no change in the threat level result- right to bear arms. They admire Hitler and give Nazi sa- frustrated with the regime in Pyongyang, electorate, which largely does not share Live on state television, Lavrov said ing from North Korea events” and that lutes. They fly the flags of the pro-slavery Confederacy and genuinely wants to see a denuclear- Abe’s bellicose position. “If it looks like that “there are direct threats of deploying “there are several levels of defense, all – the ostensible cause of their rallies this summer is Char- ized Korean Peninsula. But it has always the U.S. set off the chain of events that [military] power” and that “the side that strategically placed to protect our island lottesville’s decision, more than 150 years after the south’s refused to do anything that might desta- led to escalation, and Abe didn’t use his is stronger and cleverer” will take the first and our nation.” But Guam also released surrender, to remove a statue of Robert E Lee from a park. bilize or topple a regime which has long relationship with Trump to moderate that, step to defuse tensions. a two-page pamphlet advising residents And one of them committed the sort of act that was right- been both ally and buffer state . … That’s it’s easy to imagine that there would be Australia on how to react to a North Korean strike. ly called terrorism when it occurred in Nice, Berlin and because Beijing does not want to see a a domestic price to pay,” Tobias Harris, a In a statement to 3AW, an Australian “Our island has been a target since London. 13 unified Korean state allied to the United Japan analyst at Teneo Intelligence, told radio station, Prime Minister Malcolm 2013, and even before that,” Dee Cruz, States on its border: Indeed, hundreds of the New York Times. Turnbull said that if North Korea launches a senior watch officer with Guam Home- thousands of Chinese soldiers died dur- South Korea an attack on the United States, Australia land Security, told The Post. “We’re ready, ing the 1950-53 Korean War to prevent On Friday, South Korea said that the will have our back. “America stands by its and prepared, as much as possible.” The real suspense in that from happening.” country’s national security adviser had allies, including Australia of course, and (Source: The Washington Post) Kenya Kenya’s national elections last Tuesday were closely watched around the world, less for the results than for the Iraq’s Turkmen areas become battlefield in Kurdish referendum debate threat of violence that has marred past elections. Barack The Iraqi Turkmen Front, the largest political party rep- their dispersion in areas inside and outside Iraq, in Tur- Obama, whose father was a Kenyan, had been among resenting the minority Turkmen ethnic group, has reit- key and Iran.” those urging the country’s leaders to “reject violence and erated its objection to the Kurdistan referendum sched- “Since 2003, Kurds have sought to displace Turk- incitement.” uled for Sept. 25. In a statement issued July 29, the front mens from Kirkuk and other areas and replace them That has not happened. Raila Odinga, a perennial loser, stressed that the fate of Kirkuk — a particularly disputed with Kurds in a bid to bring about a demographic began crying foul long before the election commission province that is set to be included in the referendum — change,” he added. declared that President Uhuru Kenyatta was re-elected “must be decided by the Iraqi parliament.” In Kirkuk, Jaafar threatened to “internationalize the issue of the with 54 percent of the vote to Odinga’s 45. Odinga’s un- Kurds account for 52% of the population, while Arabs, Turkmens, should their demands continue to be ignored substantiated claims have already touched off rioting in Turkmens and Christians combined account for 48%. The and should the government continue to remain silent parts of the country, and the violence could spread. referendum also includes other areas of contention, in- about their persecution at the hands of the Kurds.” The presidency was one of 1,880 positions Kenya’s 19 cluding ones considered by the Turkmens as their own. Turkmens’ worries million voters were to fill. It was the most closely and nerv- The Turkmen objection to the referendum goes in However, despite this feeling of weakness, the Turk- ously monitored race because of the violence following line with the position of the Iraqi government, which mens and their leaders are still hanging in there. On July past presidential elections, notably in 2007, when more announced July 20 its rejection of the referendum. This Chairman of the Iraqi Turkmen Front Arshad al-Salihi 29, Hassan Tauran, the deputy head of the Iraqi Turkmen than 1,300 people died and hundreds of thousands were raises the possibility of a war erupting in the region be- (2nd L) speaks during a press conference in Kirkuk, Front, told media outlets that the regional tours by the displaced. tween the Iraqi security forces and the armed factions Iraq, June 28, 2014. front aim to convey a message to the world that Turk- Since then the Kenyan government has made admira- supporting them on the one hand and the peshmerga mens’ worries in the post-ISIS stage are caused by the ble changes to the Constitution, devolving considerable forces on the other. This would force Turkmens to take Article 143 of the Iraqi Kurdish referendum and the inclusion of Turkmen areas powers to 47 newly created counties so that the presiden- sides and would place their areas on the confrontation within the territory Kurds seek to establish. tial race would not be a winner-take-all affair. But ethnic lines between the two parties. Constitution considers Kirkuk Meanwhile, Turkmen political forums have been ad- identity still plays a major role in Kenyan politics, with all Those areas, which have been disputed between Erbil an area outside the borders of dressing the many massacres the Turkmens have been but one president since independence, including Jomo and Baghdad since 2003, could be the spark that ignites Kurdistan, meaning that Kurds subjected to, including one in Kirkuk in 1959 and one in Kenyatta, the first president and father of the current one, a war between the Arabs and Kurds at any moment. On Altun Kupri in 1991 by Saddam Hussein’s regime. Turk- coming from the Kikuyu tribe, the country’s largest. Nov. 16, 2016, Baghdad and Erbil mobilized their forces are not entitled to include it in mens were also subjected to an Arabization campaign Both President Kenyatta and Odinga, a Luo, come from against the backdrop of a security dispute in those ar- the referendum. during the Baath regime and a policy of “nationalism families and networks that have dominated Kenyan poli- eas, namely in Kirkuk. This created the real possibility of correction,” which forced many of them to change their tics since independence, and both represent coalitions of armed conflict. The Turkmens, the third-largest ethnicity in broad daylight and with the knowledge of the local national affiliation and become Arabs. On May 9, Human ethnic groups. Odinga has once again fanned the embers in Iraq after the Arabs and Kurds and whose presence in government. Since 2003, Kurdish forces have changed Rights Watch accused the Kurdish security forces in the of ethnic strife. Iraq dates to the Ottoman occupation of the region, are the demographics of the Turkmen regions and imposed city of Kirkuk of forcing Turkmens out of the city. That is disgraceful and unnecessary. International well-aware of the repercussions of such a conflict and are a fait accompli.” Member of Parliament Mohamed Othman Khalidi monitors from the African Union, the United States and concentrated in the provinces of Kirkuk, Salahuddin, Di- Saadoun said he believes that “because of the reper- told Al-Monitor, “The concerns of minorities and differ- Europe said they witnessed no foul play; former United yala and Ninevah, in Tal Afar and rural areas around Mo- cussions of the referendum, a political conflict is rapidly ent communities are mainly driven by the injustice that States Secretary of State John Kerry, co-leader of the sul, as well as in Erbil, Altun Kupri, Kifri, Qarah Tabbah, developing into a military clash between the Kurdish po- has been inflicted upon them under Saddam’s regime Carter Center’s mission of election observers, praised Khanaqin, Gazzrabat (Saadia) and Mandali. litical forces and parties on the one hand and the Arab and the successive governments after 2003, which made Kenya’s election commission for its transparency and dili- Disputed areas parties on the other, as each party seeks to impose its them suspicious of the positions of the other party.” gence. All observers have urged Odinga and other losing Mehdi Saadoun, an activist in the Turkmen Rescue presence in those areas.” He added, “This led all the parties to take extreme candidates to refer any allegations of fraud to the com- Foundation, told Al-Monitor, “Holding a referendum in Jassem Mohammed Jaafar, a Turkmen member of the positions out of fear of undergoing the same injustice,” mission and the courts. these areas is to be expected following the defeat of the Iraqi parliament, told Al-Monitor, “The persecutions and and pointed out that “dialogue, harmony and a proper Odinga’s specific claim is that Kenyatta’s Jubilee party Islamic State [ISIS] in Iraq, as the Kurds seek to extend armed actions are affecting the feeling of coexistence and fair application of the constitution is the solution to hacked into the election commission’s computers to ma- their control as much as possible in the disputed areas with the Kurds in Kirkuk and other common areas.” guarantee the rights and demands of all communities.” nipulate results, using the identity of Christopher Chege by definitively annexing them to Kurdistan while turning He added, “We cannot see these operations unfold Article 143 of the Iraqi Constitution considers Kirkuk Musando, the commission communications manager who a blind eye to the fate of the Turkmens.” without doing anything to help our areas, which have an area outside the borders of Kurdistan, meaning that was murdered a few days before the voting. His death He said, “The peshmerga forces have further sought become dependent on the relations between Baghdad Kurds are not entitled to include it in the referendum. remains unsolved. The commission said that there was an to dominate the areas under the pretext of preparing and Erbil.” Turkmens have been seeking to claim their right to attempt to hack the computers but that it failed. them and securing them for a successful ballot at a time Asked about the reaction of the Turkmens, whose government positions and to teach their children in their All that can and should be checked. But in the mean- when the Popular Mobilization Units threatened to inter- population is estimated at 3.5 million (there are no of- mother tongue. They also have been demanding their time it is imperative that Odinga strongly urge his follow- vene, thus throwing the Turkmens into a quagmire of a ficial statistics), Jaafar said, “The Turkmens will not be administrative rights and have been calling for an end ers to remain calm. At 72, he might mull the idea that a possible bloody war between the two sides.” a difficult card in the conflict because of their limited to the Arabization campaign by the Arabs and Kurdiza- display of respect for the new Constitution would be a far Saadoun added, “Kurdish groups, backed by Kurdish number and practically nonexistent military potential — tion attempts by the Kurds. At the moment, their main better legacy than another bloody spasm of violence. parties and forces, are provoking the Turkmens by car- compared with the Arabs and Kurds. Add to this their concern is the Kurdistan referendum. (Source: The NYT) rying out assassinations, killings and looting operations displacement at the hands of the Kurds, which led to (Source: Al Monitor) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y august 15, 2017 analysis 7

Whiting out Black Lives Matter Defense Secretary “Mad Dog” Mattis visits by Dr. Melina Abdullah free and enslaved people. It encouraged them to rise Google and Amazon up against chattel slavery, possibly serving as an im- Until Nov. 9, 2016, the night of the presidential elec- petus for the 1831 Nat Turner rebellion. During the By Andre Damon tion, Black Lives Matter (BLM) was a force that not first anti-lynching era in the late 19th and early 20th only demonstrated in the streets, disrupted business centuries, black independent papers—best represent- U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis said in a statement Wednes- as usual and organized in black communities. It also ed by Ida B. Wells’ Memphis Free Speech and Head- day that North Korea would face the “destruction of its people” if it was constantly on the air of virtually every media out- light—called for black outmigration, armament and did not comply with the demands of the United States. let in the nation. Brown faces, with the “Black Lives economic independence. The retired Marine Corps general, given the name “Mad Dog” Matter activist” title chyroned beneath their names, As television news entered the homes of 90 per- for his bloody conquest of the Iraqi city of Fallujah in 2004, issued regularly occupied at least one of the four quadrants cent of Americans by 1960, so, too, did the civil rights this genocidal proclamation as he was departing for a trip not to filled by talking heads on MSNBC, CNN and local movement. The rise of television and coverage by a forward operating base, but to the headquarters of Amazon in news shows, and any reference to policing or race in print news and radio were a constant consideration Seattle and a Defense Department agency in Silicon Valley that this nation was thought to be invalid without com- for strategists like Martin Luther King Jr. who used works closely with tech firms such as Google. ment from Black Lives Matter. images of black “pure nonviolence” to elicit emotion, With the United States closer to nuclear conflict than at any The voices of BLM co-founders Patrisse Cullors, grow the movement and appeal to the morality of the point since the end of the Cold War, Mattis’ visit was an indication Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi were in high demand, masses. Images of strong young black people wear- leena Lyles who was killed by Seattle police in front of the increasingly vital role played by the U.S. tech giants not just and on-the-ground BLM organizers were regularly ing black berets and leather jackets and carrying guns of three of her children after she called for help with in the conduct of wars abroad, but in the censorship and suppres- pulled into conversations about local efforts that had into the State Capitol helped push the Black a suspected burglary, or of the “in policy” rulings in sion of political opposition at home. garnered national attention. We said the names of Power movement into full swing. And the haunting the separate deaths of 14-year-old Jesse Romero and In the preparation for war against North Korea, and very pos- blacks killed by police and hashtagged them on so- image of 12-year-old Hector Pieterson’s lifeless body 18-year-old scholar-athlete Kenny Watkins, both killed sibly its ally China, Mattis and the U.S. military are well aware that cial media so they reverberated through intense echo being frantically carried away from a South African by Los Angeles police. Networks say news-show rat- they face their greatest potential adversary at home, in the form chambers, humanizing the victims and pushing back police force that had opened fire on schoolchildren ings are at an all-time high, but public opinion sur- of mass working class opposition to war. The growth of militarism against police attempts to posthumously assassinate took the anti-apartheid movement global. veys show there is a public desire to shift away from and war are always accompanied by expanding attacks on dem- their characters. Most recently, we saw the innocence that danced the singular focus on Donald Trump. ocratic rights and the development of authoritarian forms of rule. Then, like the turning of a page, the changing of a out of the eyes of Tamir Rice; the sobs of Lezley Public Black Lives Matter forums continue to draw In the U.S. today, the military, the intelligence agencies and channel, the dropping of a curtain, Black Lives Matter McSpadden crying out for her murdered son, Mike capacity crowds, like the recent standing-room-only major media outlets are working with technology companies, in disappeared from the public sphere. The day after Don- Brown; the attempt of Diamond Reynolds’ 4-year-old crowd at Politicon. There is no shortage of items that the first instance, Google, to institute systematic censorship aimed ald Trump was named the newest occupant of the White to soothe her as they both witnessed the murder of require a Black Lives Matter perspective—even within at silencing left-wing, antiwar web sites. The chief target of this House, Black Lives Matter no longer mattered to the Philando Castille; and the way Korryn Gaines attempt- the Trump agenda: the recent call for increased police operation is the World Socialist Web Site. mainstream press. And it must be framed that way: Black ed to mother and comfort her 5-year-old son—even brutality by Donald Trump (and the giddy laughter Over the past three months, in the name of combating “fake Lives Matter has been “whited out” of the national me- as she died from bullets fired by Baltimore police. And and applause of police receiving the message); the news” and promoting “authoritative” content on the Internet, dia, even as the work intensifies and the movement con- there were so many more heartbreaking, enraging deploying of federal troops to Chicago, making black Google has implemented a change to its search algorithm that tinues to grow. Media has either been duped by Trump’s images, words and phrases—like Eric Garner’s “I can’t communities literally occupied territories; calls for an has slashed the search traffic of leading left-wing web sites by 45 weapons of mass distraction or is actually complicit in breathe”—that poured life into the Black Lives Matter end to affirmative action and the erosion of public percent. This political censorship operation has reduced traffic to shifting public attention away from what is arguably the movement. education; and the contrast between the swift action the World Socialist Web Site from Google searches by more than most significant movement of this generation. taken against Minneapolis police officers when they two thirds. Of course, the initial singular focus was to be ex- The day after Donald Trump killed Justine Damond—a white bride-to-be—and the The censorship algorithms rolled out by Google no doubt fig- pected. There was the shock of it all. No one expected was named the newest closing of ranks when members of the same depart- ured prominently in Mattis’ discussions with tech executives. The “President” Trump to be an actual title—maybe an in- ment killed Jamar Clark and Philando Castille. If media nominal purpose of his visit, however, was to integrate Silicon Val- teresting hypothetical laughter-filled conversation over occupant of the White House, is to be a check on institutional power, then main- ley firms even more closely into the booming and lucrative busi- cocktails, but not the current frightening reality. Many Black Lives Matter no longer stream media must be challenged to not become the ness of waging war. believed the nation had evolved further than it had and mattered to the mainstream public relations arm of the Trump regime, either in- On Thursday, Mattis met with Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos at the could not fathom that blatant racism—far beyond po- press. tentionally or tacitly. tech giant’s headquarters in Seattle. lite anti-blackness—could strike a chord with the ma- While coverage by mainstream media has been a On Friday, he spoke at the headquarters of Defense Innova- jority of white voters. Media, when done responsibly, amplifies voices useful tool, mainstream media is also corporate me- tion Unit Experimental (DUIX), a Defense Department unit located Somehow, liberals and progressives missed, or and perspectives that might not otherwise be heard. dia and essentially shares the class interests of the two miles from the Google campus in Mountain View, California. chose to ignore, the suppressed yet seething vitriol It is a check on power, a balancing of moneyed inter- regime we seek to topple. As movements grow and Among the unit’s advisors is Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Goog- of a huge swath of white Americans who traded their ests with those who have fewer resources. For resist- evolve, it is imperative that we recognize, support, le’s parent company, Alphabet. grandfathers’ white sheets for their own red caps. For ance and other transformative movements, demon- utilize and invest in independent media that is more Mattis said the Pentagon’s partnership with Silicon Valley via these white people, “Make America Great Again” was stration and mass action are meant to disrupt systems willing to offer alternative perspectives that challenge DUIX would make the U.S. military “more lethal and more effec- like holding up a noose, reminding black people of of oppression and raise public awareness. Resistance the existing hegemony. tive” than ever before. DUIX awards military technology contracts the targets seared onto their backs and affirming the has a theatrical component that meets its fullest po- Black Lives Matter must refuse to give power to to U.S. hi-tech firms. disposability of indigenous people and brown folks. tential when there is an audience. When organized Trump or complicit media to white out our move- The operation has already awarded more than $100 million in MAGA meant that (white) women knew to keep them- actions are not covered by media, when voices are ment. We cannot become demoralized and actually contracts for 45 pilot projects in areas such as artificial intelligence, selves “pretty” with blonde hair, red lipstick and closed muted and perspectives are drowned out, it severely believe the “movement is dead” stories in the media. autonomous machines and outer space. Its web page encourag- mouths; that queer and trans folks were swept back limits the reach of movements. Demonstrations might We must commit ourselves more fully to the move- es technology firms to “tap into a $100+ billion market.” into closets; and that the disabled were nuisances, disrupt the status quo and get messages out to im- ment and on-the-ground efforts, and we must apply During his visit, Mattis proclaimed, “We’ll get better at inte- not people. Under Trump’s America, poor people are mediate circles, but the ability to elicit mass support is the disrupt-and-build model to our media strategy— grating AI advances out here into the U.S. military” as a result of poor because they deserve to be, and religious free- significantly thwarted. building alternative outlets and disrupting media that the unit, which he said would “grow in influence and impact” on dom means the right to recite Christian prayers in the In the little more than six months since Trump has advances oppressive propaganda and attempts to the military. Among the projects rolled out by DUIX, according Oval Office and lock Muslims out of the country while taken office, 594 people have been killed by police, 22 mute our voices. Black Lives still Matter, whether it to Bloomberg News, is a system to coordinate air strikes against percent of those people black (double the proportion makes news headlines or not. targets “such as fleeing vehicles.” of the black population) and an additional 19 percent (Source: Truthdig) 13 of “unknown” race. These are almost identical num- bers to those of 2016, when news coverage of these killings was at a high. Black Lives Matter has responded to new killings and continuing cases through mass demonstrations and constant pressure at public meetings. It bird-dogs elected and appointed officials, calls for the firing of N.I.O.C National Iranian police chiefs (like LAPD’s Charlie Beck, who leads the Second Announcement 396.2152 Drilling Company most murderous department in the nation), demands the prosecution of officers who kill and brutalize our people and provides support to families most im- bombing their homelands. All this was jarring—espe- pacted by state violence. BLM also engages in acts of cially to whites who see themselves as open and liberal. nonviolent direct action, doing policy work, conduct- For the Trump regime, the constant media atten- ing community canvasses, making budget demands, tion is a second victory. Trump thrives off continual proposing community-based solutions, making inde- coverage of his agenda. The larger impact of this shift pendent media (like the “clapback” against the Na- is the way power is being redirected away from the tional Rifle Association), engaging in spiritual work people and growing mass movements and monop- (like the national #SacredResistance effort launched olized by the white-supremacist-patriarchal-heter- in April), participating in political artistry and much onormative capitalism as embodied by Trump and his more. Since its founding just four years ago, the ranks regime. Trump’s tweets, shake-ups and meltdowns are of Black Lives Matter has swelled globally to 40 chap- Brief discription of subject: weapons of mass distraction meant to draw attention, ters and upward of 10,000 members. National Iranian Drilling Company(NIDC) address pasdaran Blev., Airport Saqare, Ahvaz, Iran hereby intends to purchase its diverting it from the resistance movements he loathes. Black Lives Matter is moving from its infancy to its requirements from qualified and interested tenderers through two-stage public tender (semi-pressd) upon following terms and conditions: They are an attempt to quash any viable alternatives institution-building stage, with a sophisticated plat- A) Qualitative evaluation of tenderer: to his intention to swiftly sweep virtually all resources form and abolitionist agenda that calls for the dis- The evaluation is based on article ( J ) implementing regulations of the law of tenders and also carried out base on worksheets qualitative and power into the hands of his own class. For Trump, mantling of prisons and policing as we know them evaluation inquiry in the tender doucments. Minimum acceptable point of quality is 60. Black Lives Matter must be brought down because it and intense investment in the resources that make B) Preparation of tender documents: not only directly challenges his agenda but also calls communities safe, peaceful and healthy—like perma- Purchasing of documents: for the end of a system of policing that protects his nent housing, mental health services, quality educa- In order to receive the tender documents, 510,000 Rials should be paid to SIBA account number 2174652205004 of NIDC in Bank Meli class interests. tion, youth programs, good jobs with good wages, Iran and providing the original deposit receipt. Notice: According to N.I.D.C technical and commercial committee rule, the limitation for job referals in procurment field is four active Media is not without agency in this. If media is tru- and arts and culture programs. The method is called ly free (and that is questionable given the corporate and in process contract. “disrupt and build”: At the same time hundreds of Reciving of documents: ownership of mainstream media), it must challenge folks pour into the streets and successfully demand Tenderers must be obtain the quality evaluation documents along with tender documents maximum ten days after the date of second the Trump agenda in two important ways. First, those the firing of the officers who killed Kisha Michael and publication in person at the following address: Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign who would be most impacted by the new regime’s Marquintan Sandlin in Inglewood, Calif., BLM is also Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN agenda must be asked for perspective on what all this preparing the next generation for leadership with Notice: Only the real or legal persons who apply to purchase and recieve tender ducments from foreign procurment department in due means to them. Next, at some point (like now), the Youth Activist Camps and Freedom Schools offered date and participates in tenderwill be known as tenderer from tender committee. shock of the Trump presidency must subside and we worldwide this summer. There is plenty for mainstream C) Delivery of call quality evaluating: must engage in real discussions about the future of media to cover.Instead, though, the faces that occupy Tenderers shall submit the completed documents including qualification worksheets in form of software in cd and documentary within this nation, with movement organizers talking about television screens have faded back to pre-Obama-era 14 days from last day of document recived deadline to the following address: Hall No.:107, 1thfloor ,Tender Committee, Building agendas and positions those agendas define.The me- monochrome, with the occasional media person of operations, National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. dia is vital to resistance movements—and to black re- color incestuously plucked from other network news D) Tender Guarantee: sistance movements in particular. Media has been a programs and one or two network “contributors” pep- Type of guarantee: tool since the antislavery movement. “David Walker’s pered in. The talking heads now speak exclusively to A)Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that have activites licensed by the Central Appeal,” published in 1829, was distributed to black the latest Trump antics—with no mention of Char- Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. B) The original cash deposit receipt paid to National Iranain Drilling Company. Duration of credit guarantee: Black Lives Matter is moving from its infancy to its This duration should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum For one time in initial credit amount. institution-building stage, with a sophisticated platform and More on this & other tenders is accessible by click on. WWW.NIDC.IR abolitionist agenda that calls for the dismantling of prisons Foreign Procurement Dept and policing as we know them and intense investment in the National Iranian Drilling Company تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 23/5/96نوبت دوم resources that make communities safe, peaceful and healthy. 96/5/24 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 international august 15, 2017 When the president is un-American By Paul Krugman in our effort to live up to our ideals, as we all too often do, for things they haven’t done — like Trump bragging about In short, these days we have a president who is really, at least we realize and acknowledge our failure. job creation that has continued at more or less the same truly, deeply un-American, someone who doesn’t share the Remember back in 2008, when Sarah Palin used to talk Questioning Obama’s place of birth pace as under his predecessor — or which never even hap- values and ideals that made this country special. about the “real America”? She meant rural and small-town But the man who began his political ascent by falsely pened, like his mythical victory in the popular vote. In fact, he’s so deeply alienated from the American idea residents — white residents, it went without saying — who questioning Barack Obama’s place of birth — a blood-and- Real Americans understand that being a powerful public that he can’t even bring himself to fake it. We all know that supposedly embodied the nation’s true essence. soil argument if ever there was one — clearly cares noth- figure means facing criticism. That comes with the job, and Trump feels comfortable with white supremacists, but it’s She was harshly condemned for those remarks, and ing about the openness and inclusiveness that have always you’re supposed to tolerate that criticism even if you feel amazing that he won’t even give them a light tap on the rightly so — and not just because the real, real America is been essential parts of who we are as a nation. it’s unfair. Foreign autocrats may rage against unflattering wrist. We all know that Putin is Trump’s kind of guy, but it’s a multiracial, multicultural land of great metropolitan areas Real Americans understand that our nation was born in a news reports, threaten to inflict financial harm on publica- remarkable that Trump won’t even pretend to be outraged as well as small towns. More fundamentally, what makes rebellion against tyranny. They feel an instinctive aversion to ty- tions they dislike, talk about imprisoning journalists; Ameri- at Putin’s meddling with our election. America America is that it is built around an idea: the idea rants everywhere, and an underlying sympathy for democratic can leaders aren’t supposed to sound like that. Speaking of which: I have no more idea than anyone else that all men are created equal, and are entitled to basic regimes, even those with whom we may currently have disputes. Trump exploiting his office what Robert Mueller’s probe into potential collusion between human rights. Take away that idea and we’re just a giant But the present occupant of the White House has made Finally, real Americans who manage to achieve high of- Russia and the Trump campaign, questionable financial ties, version of a two-bit autocracy. no secret of preferring the company, not of democratic fice realize that they are servants of the people, meant to possible obstruction of justice and more will find. Trump is act- And maybe that is what we have, in fact, become. For leaders, but of authoritarian rulers — not just Vladimir Pu- use their position for the public good. In practice, human ing very much like someone with something big to hide, but Donald Trump’s refusal to condemn the murderous white tin, but people like Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan or Rod- nature being what it is, many officials have in fact taken we don’t yet know exactly what that something is. supremacists in Charlottesville finally confirms what has rigo Duterte, the leader of the Philippines. When Trump financial advantage of their office. But we’ve always under- Whatever role foreign influence may have played and become increasingly obvious: The current president of the visited Saudi Arabia, his commerce secretary exulted in the stood that this was wrong — and presidents, in particu- may still be playing, however, we don’t need to wonder United States isn’t a real American.Real Americans under- absence of hostile demonstrations, an absence ensured by lar, are supposed to be above such things. Now we have whether an anti-American cabal, hostile to everything we stand that our nation is built around values, not the “blood the repressiveness of the regime. a leader who is transparently exploiting his office for per- stand for, determined to undermine everything that truly and soil” of the marchers’ chants; what makes you an Amer- Real Americans expect public officials to be humbled by sonal enrichment, in ways that all too obviously amount in makes this country great, has seized power in Washington. ican is your attempt to live up to those values, not the place the responsibility that comes with the job. They’re not sup- practice to influence-buying by domestic malefactors and It has: it’s called the Trump administration. or race your ancestors came from. And when we fall short posed to be boastful blowhards, constantly claiming credit foreign governments alike. (Source: The NYT)

Apt in Mahmoodieh Palace in Commercial Villa In Jordan Office in Valiasr 120 sq.m, 2 Bdrs., new & clean, Tajrish/ Elahieh duplex villa, 1000 sq.m, flat, from 250 sq.m up to 7000 sq.m cozy, close to shopping mall and duplex, 7000 sq.m land, 2200 sq.m completely renovated, green commercial office, ready for Valiasr st. in a peaceful neighbor built up, 8 Bdrs., renovated, green garden, outdoor pool, parking, renting to foreign companies, hood, furn $1900 & unbelievable garden, water fall, good access to highway lobby, parking lot, good access Suitable for Foreigners spj, parking, completely Suitable for foreign Companies to highway renovated, big saloon Ms.Diba: 09128103206 Ms.Sara 09128103207 $50000 $30000 Suitable for Ms.Diba: 09128103206 Apt in Velenjak Residency & Embassy Very Nice Office in Jordan 1th floor, 270 sq.m, 3Bdrs., fully Ms.Diba: 09128103206 New Whole Buildin in Elahieh 88 sq.m, furn/unfurn, furn, diplomatic, nice and cozy 32 Apts, each Apt is 140 sq.m, one Only $1200 Available for Rent $3000 Villa apartment in Mahmoodieh duplex Apt 250 sq.m, 670 sq.m Ms.Sara 09128103207 Ms.Diba: 09128103206 good location, 120 sq.m with built up, 250 sq.m land, so shiny, separate entrance, very close to the quit & cozy, parking Super luxury new Apt in Elahieh th Apt in Zafaranieh public transport, double gals Price reasonable Good for Embassy 2 floor, 140 sq.m, 2 Master rooms, 5th floor, 350 sq.m, 4 Bdrs., fully windows, peaceful area, large Holder of Ms.Diba: 09128103206 nice view, full of diplomats, spj, furn, excellent view, spj, nice garden, swimming pool, secured, gym saloon, lobby, green garden, servant and maid service available ISO 9001:2008 furn/unfurn, parking, $4200 balcony with flower boxes New Commercial Building upon request Only $1850 ISO 10004:2012 Ms.Diba: 09128103206 $6500 in Saadat Abad Ms.Diba: 09128103206 suitable for foreigners and diplomats ISO 10002:2014 unbelievable building, each floor Limited Offer in Aqdasieh 1500 sq.m, flat, 180 parking Apt in Tajrish Ms.Sara 09128103207 From Oxford Cert Universal 120 sq.m, 2 Bdrs., fully furn, very Suitable for foreign companies 3th floor, 150 sq.m, 3 Bdrs., semi clean & nice, $4200 Ms.Diba: 09128103206 furn, nice & cozy, renovated Luxury Villa in the North Ms.Sara 09128103207 $3000 duplex, 1200 sq.m built up, 2000 Whole building in Jordan Ms.Diba: 09128103206 sq.m land, 5 Bdrs., big saloon, each floor 126 sq.m, duplex store, Office in Jordan servant, indoor pool, Spj, 110 sq.m to 240 sq.m, full of open space, full glass, smart AC, renovated, beautiful and green foreign companies , could be flat, Amazing Apt in Kamranieh furn/unfurn, storage, 900 sq.m garden, semi furn, renting parking lot with extra visitors 170 sq.m, 3 Bdrs., club room with also for Iranian pkg, suitable for companies parking, lobby, security, 100 pp capacity, lobby cozy & $18000 negotiable to use as Office renovated, almost new beautiful $3000 Suitable for Embassies Each floor available for Sale & Rent Price per each sq $40 Ms.Sara 09128103207 Ms.Diba: 09128103206 Ms.Sara 09128103207 Ms.Diba: 09128103206

IRANIAHOME Real Estate SH.LAVASANI 09123103526 Tel: 88888007 Fax: 88675936 Specialise dans la location de villas, appartements, ou bureaux pour une clientele essentiellement etrangere. Fichier tres riche a votre disposition. Advertising Dept: [email protected] Mr. Ahrabi (franco phone) 430 51 450 - 430 51 405 0919 2571076 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y august 15, 2017 health 9 Things to do to get yourself out Skin cancer symptoms you can’t see of a social anxiety rut By Markham Heid Most of the time—99 out of 100 cases—skin cancer is How to break free from a pattern of socially anxious behavior clearly visible on the outside of the body (though realizing that a funky mole, rash, blemish or lesion is malignant isn’t always so easy). Yet there are exceptions to every rule, and this one is no different. Of course, an advanced melanoma could—depending on its location—cause pain, headaches, or other non- skin symptoms. But by that point you would likely have “a pretty large, ulcerated tumor or wound on the skin,” says Zaineb Makhzoumi, MD, a surgeon and assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. “It’s not something you wouldn’t notice.” What we’re talking about here are the rare exceptions in which non-skin symptoms are your very first clue that you have skin cancer. Here are seven signs you should know about, just in case you happen to fall into that unlucky 1%. Lumps beneath your skin You can’t see them. But if you feel lumps beneath your skin—especially in areas like your groin, armpit, or neck— those may be an indication of skin cancer that has spread to your lymph nodes, says Jeremy Davis, MD, a clinical instructor and surgeon at UCLA Health. “It’s not common, but there are situations where your immune system takes care of the primary mole or skin lesion even though the cancer itself has metastasized,” he explains. “So the cancer started on your skin, but you never saw it.” A good rule of thumb: If you find a lump anywhere, see your doctor. Abdominal pain Along with your lymph nodes, melanoma can spread to your liver. If that happens, you may experience pain in the By Arlin Cuncic 17. Sign up for a cause SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) can be “upper right quadrant” of your abdomen, Davis says. He’s Social anxiety disorder (SAD) affects up Join a cause that you believe in and quick to add that this sort of pain is related to many health to 13% of the population. People with seriously debilitating and the best that will get you out into the community conditions, some of which aren’t too scary (like gallstones). SAD suffer in all areas of their lives; treatment approach involves combining and meet new people. Help animals So don’t freak out—but do see a doctor they have trouble making friends and find adoptive homes, walk for charity or Breathing problems cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and/ fight third world hunger. Find a purpose maintaining friendships, finding life or medication (such as SSRIs). Once a melanoma has metastasized, it could also spread partners, finding work and building a beyond yourself and your space in to your lungs, Davis says. “If it goes to the lungs, it could the world, and some of the mundane career, and even getting through the want and need, others are left guessing present as shortness of breath or a persistent cough,” he 11. Stop trying to be perfect problems of the day might seem just that. mundane aspects of daily life. what you are thinking or how you feel. explains. If you’re experiencing those symptoms, “the odds Perfectionism and social anxiety often 18. Strike up a conversation Although SAD can be seriously 5. Join a support group are against it being melanoma,” he says. “But you still want go hand in hand. Everything that you say Do you shy away from talking to debilitating, and the best treatment Whether you join a brick-and-mortar to get checked out.” and everything you do doesn’t have to be strangers? Do you avoid eye contact at approach involves combining cognitive- support group or an online group, you Achy joints perfect. Make a point of being imperfect the grocery store? Do you look at your behavioral therapy (CBT) and/or will find the company of others who Along with your lymph nodes, lungs, and liver, your and taking chances for a day. feet in the elevator? Today, instead of medication (such as SSRIs), there is understand what you are going through bones are one of the places a melanoma may spread— 12. Take a vacation doing what you normally do in those much that can be done through self- comforting. even if your skin symptoms have resolved themselves, Davis As simple as it sounds, sometimes situations, try doing the opposite. help to overcome social anxiety. Make the most of your time with says. If that’s the case, you may experience arthritis-like we all just need a change of scenery. If Engage the other person in a bit of Self-help strategies often draw on the group; be encouraging and look symptoms like joint pain. If you can’t figure out why your you are really stuck in a socially anxious small talk, just for the sake of getting the the effective components of other more for ways to help others. Your acts of knees or hips are aching, see your doctor to sort it out. mindset, try taking off for a weekend to practice and learning not to be. traditional treatment approaches. For kindness will be paid back to you. (Source: prevention.com) a new locale, even if it is a solo trip. Soak (Source: verywell.com) example, self-help might incorporate 6. Say “I am nervous” up some of the local cultures, aspects of relaxation, thought Everyone who speaks in public gets a and immerse yourself in a reprogramming, and exposure to little nervous. One of the best antidotes different pace. “SHAHR” Welfare Complex, a Gem in Northern Iran feared situations. for anxiety about public speaking is At the same time, try on If you suffer from mild to moderate to simply acknowledge how you are a different way of looking at social anxiety, you might just feel like feeling before you begin. yourself. You are more than Special Offer for Travelers Who Want you are in a rut most of the time. What In many settings it is completely your social anxiety, and it is the best way to get out of a rut? Do acceptable to start off your speech doesn’t define who you are. to Enjoy a Trip in Northern Iran something. with a laugh and a comment such 13. Read a book In hot days of summer, travelers, who choose the coastal towns of Mazandaran 1. Start an exercise program as “Forgive me if I stumble over my We are not talking about Province for recreations alongside of the sea with breathtaking views, will If you do not already exercise words, you see I just get a little nervous romance novels here. Choose experience a memorable days with their families in “SHAHR” Welfare Complex. regularly, start planning a program speaking in public.” Immediately you either a motivational story Travelling to the northern cities of the country and visiting must-see sites and for yourself today. Exercise not only are helping yourself out of the rut or a self-help book and set sceneries of the Caspian Sea is one of the first decisions taken by families for increases feelings of well-being and of slipping into a panic attack while about a course of change summer trips and holidays. reduces anxiety, but if done in the speaking. Others will also be more based on what you read. Meanwhile, most travelers prefer to use the coastal waters of Mazandaran company of others it offers the chance forgiving than you might think. If you really want to Province to make unforgettable memories along with family or friends. to build up your social skills in a relatively 7. Buy yourself a new outfit break out of your rut while Among coastal cities of Mazandaran Province, Izadshahr is an ideal place for non-threatening environment. Retail therapy is obviously no cure making your way through summer trips due to its favorable climatic condition. This city is located at 8 km If you don’t have the resources or for social anxiety, but sometimes the book, join an online SAD West of Mahmoudabad and 7 km east of the Noor city in Mazandaran Province. the time to join a gym or participate clothing really can make you feel like a support forum and post “SHAHR” Welfare Complex is one of the best welfare and recreational hubs in in regular exercise classes, there is still new person with a new attitude. Try to about what you are doing Izadshahr which is offered to the northern travelers. It has a beautiful residential lots that you can do. Consider taking up get yourself out of a rut by purchasing to make changes in your life, walking or running or practice yoga at something outside your comfort zone. according to the book. You and tourist area along with all amenities and facilities and can be considered as the most suitable option for staying a few home. Choose a unique accent piece both to may find others join in your days along the Caspian Sea. 2. Set some goals try something new and to give others quest. This modern and newly-built complex is equipped with 188 seafront apartment units, constructed in seven floors with a Part of goal setting involves deciding a conversation starter when they first 14. Do something unique view, located in a dreamy town for passengers and travelers special of ESKANO. where you want to end up, but it meet you. exciting All units of this residential and welfare complex are equipped with two- and three-bedrooms, duplex, fully furnished (with also involves learning and setting a 8. Cherish being alone Try something totally off- stylish and classy furniture). It should be noted that the beachfront terrace has increased the attractions of the surrounding benchmark of where you are now. One Some people with SAD are also the-wall like a hot air balloon environment to a great extent. way to do this is by taking some self- natural introverts; this means that they ride or a zip-line adventure. Of the other amenities of this Complex, it should be referred to the private beach, a children’s park, a football field, beach assessment quizzes to see how you recharge their emotional batteries by Lose yourself in an exciting volleyball, , Ping-Pong, a gym, a bike ride, a swimming pool, sauna and Jacuzzi as free of charge, etc. score in terms of social anxiety. spending time alone instead of in the adventure and forget about On the other hand, senior managers of “SHAHR” Welfare Complex have considered special offer for government Then down the road, after you have company of others. your social anxiety. Best of all, departments and organizations and can benefit from special discount within the framework of conclusion of a yearlong started to get yourself out of the rut, you You don’t have to become a social the next time someone asks and/or long-term contract. can take the quiz again and see if your butterfly to overcome social anxiety; you what you do for fun, you scores have improved. Remember not be comfortable being who you are. If will have a great story to tell. to compare yourself to others in terms that involves choosing to time alone 15. Replace negativity of social success; compare yourself to to gather your thoughts (rather than with positivity how you were doing one week, one because of fear), there is nothing wrong Being positive is month, or one year ago. with making that choice. contagious. If you have a habit 3. Start saying “Yes” 9. Go somewhere new of seeing the world through Perhaps you have gotten into a rut of Do you follow the same routine a negative lens (which most saying “No” to everything. Instead, why every week? Visit the same grocery people with SAD tend to do), not start saying “Yes?” If you are invited store, same gas station, eat at the same try becoming an optimist, if to do something social, try to make a restaurant, or walk the same block? only for a day at first. habit out of accepting the invitation. Try breaking out of your routine Replace any negative Although you might feel anxious at by going somewhere new. Not only thoughts with more positive first, over time the more you do, the will your challenge your social anxiety alternatives. See if that doesn’t less fearful you will become. The next about new surroundings, but you help you start to climb out of time an invitation crosses your desk or might discover you have been missing your rut. someone at work asks you to join the out on some great aspect of your 16. Surround yourself group for a coffee break, make an effort neighborhood. with positive people to go. 10. Join toastmasters If at all possible, try to 4. Start saying “No” If you have a significant fear of spend more time with positive Are you a pushover? Do others make public speaking, make a point of people; people who love you, unrealistic demands on your time or joining Toastmasters International... believe in you, and see the treat you poorly, but you feel powerless today! This group has helped people beauty in who you are despite to stand up for yourself? This is a time around the globe improve public your social anxiety. to learn how better to say “No” and how speaking skills and overcome speech Spending time with these to be more assertive. anxiety. Best of all, the group provides people will make you feel For more information about the facilities of this Complex and other units, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the You don’t have to go along with feedback for each other, so it is a great good and help you to weather following number: 01144536231, 01144536250 and/or 02144536093. everything that everyone wants, and if chance to meet people and make new any rough times as you try to “SHAHR” Welfare Complex’s Address: you don’t clearly communicate what you friends. make changes in your life. Golsar No. 3, Izadshahr, Noor, Mazandaran Province I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 10 heritage & tourism august 15, 2017

Tehran event to spotlight Amir Chakhmaq Complex: Tabriz as capital of Islamic tourism A photogenic destination Tourism TEHRAN — The 28th National Crafts Ex- deskhibition which is to be held in Tehran is set to dedicate a special section to the city of Tabriz which will be the capital of Islamic tourism in 2018.

A view of the Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site “Tabriz 2018” is amongst the side section programs for the 28th National Crafts Exhibition and the ancient city will be introduced distinctly in terms of its rich travel potentials, A file photo shows people visiting the three-story Amir Chakhmaq Complex in , central Iran. handicrafts, and culture,” Mehr quoted Pouya Mahmoudian, Tourism TEHRAN The against the darkening sky and cop- sert landscape. The city has an interest- ‘Visit view at night’ the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Organiza- desk tion’s director for exports as saying on Monday. 19th-century Amir per-colored sunlight is captured within ing mix of people as well, some 10 per- Some places really come alive at night Back in December 2015, Tabriz was named as the capital Chakhmaq Complex with its imposing each alcove. cent of whom follow the ancient religion when lit up and this is one of them. The of Islamic tourism for 2018 by the inter-governmental Organ- three-story facade is one of the abun- A pedestrianized square overlooking of Zoroastrianism. fountains in the foreground change ization of Islamic Cooperation. The ancient city was also de- dant tourist hotspots of Yazd, an oasis the complex is usually full of visitors. It Yazd is wedged between the northern colors as does the facade. Great atmos- clared a World Craft City by the World Craft Council in 2015. city in central Iran. is landscaped with a vast pool, illuminat- Dasht-e Kavir and southern Dasht-e Lut phere with lots of people around. (Rdella Craftspeople native to 31 provinces are scheduled to Located on a square of the same ed fountains, well-manicured trees and on a flat plain ringed by mountains. from the UK, visited April 2017) showcase their skills at the halls no. 14, 15, and 25 of the name, the prominent complex is noted shrubs that lend an attractive foreground Under tourists’ eyes: ‘Looks good in the dark’ Tehran Permanent International Fairground from August for its eye-catching rows of symmetrical to the splendid vista at night. Here is a select of comments that vis- An impressive front looks cool at dusk 23 to 29. sunken alcoves, which are perfectly lit up Underneath the complex is a small itors to the complex have posted to Tri- or in the night. During the day the square The event will touch upon woodwork, illuminated manu- following the sunset. bazaar with rows of two-story arcades. pAdvisor, one of the most popular travel in front of it is full of people. Around it are script, miniature, textile printing, enamel, leatherwork, hand- The structures that make up the com- Once an important station on the Silk websites in the world: many small shops and restaurant. (Graido woven products, calligraphy, traditional musical instruments, plex include a , a , Road, the historical structure of the Yazd ‘Worth a quick trip’ form Switzerland; visited May 2017) metalwork, and marquetry, amongst a lavish patchwork of a bathhouse, a cold-water well and a was named a UNESCO World Heritage This building is a facade, although Worth a visit but nothing spe- other works. where Shiite Muslims come to- site back in July. It is home to plentiful there is a shopping arcade through the cial gether for observing special religious historic , minarets, and pub- facade in the middle. We paid a quick vis- This is a nice place. It might look like a ceremonies, all of which have been de- lic-religious buildings it during the daytime, and passed by at mosque in some pictures but it is not. It Hilton plans to open 30 signed in accordance with traditional lay- Most buildings boast the presence of night. I recommend dropping by at night has a nice architecture. There is a square out principles. gorgeous wind-catchers (badgirs) atop as it is beautifully lit. It is very popular in front of it and a few shops around it. more hotels in the UK The perfectly proportioned niches their rooftops. The walls of the ancient with locals and it is only a short walk from Some locals advised us to buy sweets on the façade may seem at their best city are adobe and mud brick, which the old town and the Jameh Mosque. from the shops there as they considered American hotel giant Hilton is planning on increasing the size and most photogenic late in afternoon, seem glittering under the sunlight and (J0anned568 form Australia; visited May them some of the best in the city. (George of its UK­estate by almost 25pc in a vote of confidence in the when towering exterior appears to glow blending naturally into the adjacent de- 2017) X. from Greece; visited April 2017) British economy as it moves to leave the European Union. Hilton, which is majority owned by U.S. private equity gi- ant Blackstone, is due to open 30 hotels over the next two years as it moves to cement the nation’s place as its second 22 properties added to Iran’s natural heritage list largest market outside the U.S. heritage TEHRAN — Iran’s The Lake of Ghosts can be traced The new openings will include sites in London, as well as deskCultural Heritage, back to sometime between the Middle regional cities like York and Leeds, with a particular focus on Tourism, and Handicrafts Organization Cretaceous to the Quaternary periods, its Hampton and Hilton Garden Inn brands. The company has recently inscribed 22 natural spots Qomi noted. only opened six UK hotels in 2016 so the growth rate is a and landscapes on the national herit- Measuring roughly 300 by 700 me- step up. age list, IRNA reported on Saturday. ters, the lake is peppered with some The plans will include the Lincoln Plaza London in Canary The properties are located in dead threes that contribute to the sce- Wharf, the second UK hotel in its Curio division, a collection the provinces of South Khorasan, nic vista of the lake that is positioned in of independent hotels that retain their identity but are run Mazandaran, and Qazvin in eastern, the heart of a forest, he added. by Hilton or under a franchise agreement. The latest set of northern, and west central parts of The official also briefed about the growth plans follow the company opening the largest Hamp- the country respectively and some Danial Cave which is located 5 km ton by Hilton hotel in the world at Stansted, meaning it now of which are associated with the Cre- south of Salmanshahr in Mazandaran has sites at 18 UK airports. taceous and Quaternary geological province, saying that the property fea- eras, said Ali Qomi, an official with the tures two bat halls, needle-shaped sta- Round the globe CHTHO. lactites, fixed temperature throughout Amongst the most prominent the year and drinkable water. Changdeokgung Palace ones on the shortlist are the Lake of Qomi added that the cave is situat- Ghosts and the Danial Cave both in ed in the intersection of two faults that Complex Mazandaran and the Black Land of come from different geological eras. Tabas in South Khorasan, he added. A view of the Lake of Ghosts in Mazandaran province, northern Iran. The small Having an opulent tourist circuit Constructed in the 15th century during the Joseon Dynas- The Black Land is situated some 120 lake is peppered with some dead trees that add to its charm. with 22 UNESCO World Heritage sites, ty, the Changdeokgung Palace Complex occupies a 57.9 kilometers south of Tabas and in the Wildlife Refuge. This geological phe- period, which started about two million Iran seeks to acquire greater share of ha site in Jongno-gu, in northern Seoul, South Korea at northernmost point in the Naiband nomenon dates from the last glacial years ago, the official explained. the global tourism industry by 2025. the foot of Ungbong Peak of Mount Baegaksan, the main geomantic guardian mountain. Changdeokgung is an exceptional example of official Brits accused of terrorism in Spain as hotel bed numbers slashed and tourists intimidated and residential buildings that were integrated into and Spanish activists have accused Brits of lorca and Ibiza as boozy British groups Balearic Island tourist minister, Biel Spaniard landlords make millions from harmonized with their natural setting. The complex was terrorism in Spain as the Balearic govern- are accused of causing mayhem around Barcelo, accused foreigners of lawless renting rooms to revelers. originally built as a secondary palace to the main palace ment brings in plans to curb the thou- coastal towns. behavior, saying measures could “bring Street protests by anarchist groups of Gyeongbokgung, differentiated from it in its purpose sands of UK citizens spending millions in New plans will cut that number to order” to the booming industry. in Barcelona, Mallorca and the Basque and spatial layout within the capital. the region. 120,000 over the next few years and 70% Aggressive protests have broken out Country called for tourism to be banned Situated at the foot of a mountain range, it was de- Holiday hotspots like Mallorca and of the beds assigned will be in Mallorca. in Spain as protesters screamed at holi- while graffiti in the streets labelled holi- signed to embrace the topography in accordance with Ibiza are set to limit the number of hol- Anyone breaking the laws will be fined daymakers to “go home”. daymakers “terrorists”. pungsu principles, by placing the palace structures to the idaymakers to the islands as locals clash up to €400,000. Flares were set off in Palma, Mallorca, New rules will ban flat owners from south and incorporating an extensive rear garden to the with visitors. Tourism minister Alvaro Nadal has said as hardliners accused holidayers of caus- renting their apartments via websites north called Biwon, the Secret Garden. The number of beds sold to tour- he is urging lawmakers to protect visitors ing chaos on in their towns. such as Airbnb and Homeaway unless ists will now be capped at a combined from “those who perpetrate and instigate A tourism boom has allegedly seen they obtain a special license to do so. 623,624 on the popular islands of Mal- acts against tourism”. locals “priced out” of popular areas as (Source: express.co.uk) How to navigate art galleries in any city (a web search, your hotel concierge or a local newspa- art galleries such as Koeing & Clinton but with works by By Shivani Vora per are good resources for this), choose those with the up-and-coming artists. Whether you’re vacationing in a big city or a small town, newest shows. Also, pick a diverse mix so that you see Ten galleries is the limit checking out the local art galleries makes for an enjoy- a range of art styles and media — some galleries show A day of gallery hopping should include visits to no able day out, said Natasha Schlesinger, an art historian only paintings while others focus on photography, sculp- more than that. “Even though many art galleries don’t who created ArtMuse Discover Galleries, an app that ture or installations. Try to visit a gallery on the day a exhibit more than a few dozen works at a time, the guides users through New York City’s more than 1,000 show opens because the artist whose works are on dis- art you see will be a blur if you go to too many,” Ms. The official and residential buildings that make up the art galleries. play is often on hand. “You’ll see the art but also get to Schlesinger said. “In my experience, I’ve found that 10 or complex were designed in accordance with traditional “So many places around the world have a gallery meet the artist, which is always fun,” Ms. Schlesinger said. fewer is the ideal number.” palace layout principles. scene that’s either burgeoning or established, and visit- Hit different neighborhoods Have a viewing strategy Changdeokgung was used as the secondary palace to ing these galleries is a chance to see some high-quality In large cities, art galleries are often concentrated in When you arrive at a gallery, take a news release and Gyeongbokgung for 200 years, but after the palaces were art and get a pulse on local art trends,” she said. different neighborhoods according to the style of art a checklist of the exhibited works; Ms. Schlesinger said burnt down during the Japanese invasion in the late 16th But how should you pick the galleries to check out they exhibit, and Ms. Schlesinger suggested hitting a few that both are generally available at the front desk. The century, it was the first to be reconstructed and since then and best appreciate the art they display? Here, Ms. areas so that you get a broad perspective of that city’s news release will have a biography of the artist, and the served as the main seat of the dynasty for 250 years. Schlesinger shares her advice on gallery hopping with gallery scene. list will have the relevant information about the works The property had a great influence on the develop- success. In New York City, for example, the Upper East Side of you’re seeing — art galleries usually have no labels for ment of Korean architecture, garden and landscape plan- Have a list Manhattan has galleries showing works by 19th-century the pieces on display. If you have questions about the ning, and related arts, for many centuries. It reflects so- Some cities around the world like London and Hong artists like Claude Monet — Acquavella Galleries is an art, feel free to ask for a gallery sales associate, even if phisticated architectural values, harmonized with beautiful Kong are home to several hundred art galleries, so hav- example. Chelsea has contemporary art galleries like Le- you’re not looking to buy — sharing their knowledge surroundings. (Source: UNESCO) ing an edited list of the ones you want to visit is essential. hmann Maupin, which displays works by established art- with visitors is part of their job. Once you research the galleries in your destination ists, while Bushwick, in Brooklyn, also has contemporary (Source: The New York Times) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y august 15, 2017 science 11 CRISPR-modified ants go “space A recent study uncovered 91 previously unknown volcanoes cadet” without a sense of smell hidden under the ice If a human being loses the sense of smell, by parthenogenesis to create a colony of it’s a massive inconvenience. But in ants, clones. This was the case in the study by a Antarctica’s ice sheet hides a massive system of volcanoes, it’s a crippling handicap that prevents team from The Rockefeller University that one that is comparable to volcanic regions in East Africa and them from participating in ant society. used clonal raider ants (Ooceraea biroi) western North America, according to a new study, which A pair of independent studies from two that don’t have queens in their colonies found 91 previously undiscovered volcanoes, some over teams used CRISPR technology to genet- and single, unfertilized eggs develop as 12,600 feet tall. ically alter ants to remove their ability to clones. Volcanoes aren’t completely unknown in Antarctica: some “smell,” which resulted in their inability to Odorant receptors poke up through the existing ice sheet, while other studies interact with normal ants and produced Previous research had discovered have examined exposed outcrops. However, ice blankets changes in their brains. that even though ants have 350 genes the surface of the continent, making it impossible to directly Ants live in societies that are so organ- for odorant receptors, all of these are study the underlying geology. ized that they are the go-to metaphor for associated with a single co-receptor. A team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh’s political regimentation. This organization This means that to eliminate an ant’s School of GeoSciences examined a digital elevation model is so strong that ant colonies are often sense of smell, it isn’t necessary to called Bedmap 2 DEM. That survey created a surface eleva- described as a superorganism, with indi- eliminate the 350 receptors, but just tion model using radar imaging, which the team examined, vidual ants being little more than subunits the single Orco co-receptor. This was looking for volcanic structures. of a much larger, more complex organ- done using CRISPR technology, which Series of criteria ism. is a recent genetic engineering tech- The team created a series of criteria for identifying This not only makes ants a fascinating nique based on a defense mechanism probable volcano cones: a mound that has a certain topic of study in themselves, but also pro- used by bacteria to sample the DNA of length vs. width ratio and which has an elevations of vides a way of learning more about ge- intruders, mark out trails, determine one be very obvious. attacking viruses so they can identify more than 328 feet (100 meters), which were then ex- netics. This is because altering the genes another’s status, and send instructions to Another advantage of working with future attacks and fend them off. amined from multiple angles to discern its shape. From of ants can result in changes in complex tell ants where to go and what to do. This ants is that all the ants in a colony are By cutting out a group of odorant that data, the team put together a five-point criteria to behavior inside the colony. This is espe- means that if you alter the genes affect- very closely related and some species of receptor genes called 9-exon-alpha OR gauge how confident they were that each structure was cially true if those genes affect the ability ing pheromone receptors, the effects will ants can actually be induced to reproduce that produces a protein called Orco, the a volcano. of ants to detect pheromones through Another advantage of working with ants is Rockefeller team was able to prevent a The study resulted in the discovery of 178 cone-shaped their antennae – what in mammals would powerful set of pheromones called hy- structures in a region that researchers named the West be called a sense of smell. that all the ants in a colony are very closely drocarbons from being detected. The Antarctic Rift System. Of those structures, researchers Recognizing one another related and some species of ants can actually altered larvae were carefully grown, then found that 138 are likely volcanoes, based on their con- Pheromones are the glue that hold ant be induced to reproduce by parthenogenesis introduced into the colony to prevent the fidence criteria. society together. These chemicals allow other worker ants from rejecting them. The identified volcanoes range from 328 feet (100 meters) ants to recognize one another, to detect to create a colony of clones. (Source: newwatlas.com) to just over 12600 feet (3850 meters) in height, with cones that range from about two miles to just under 40 miles in di- meter. Of those volcanoes, 91 had not been previously been New ultrathin semiconductor materials exceed some of silicon’s capabilities identified, and the study’s authors explain that the density Electrical engineers at Stanford have identified two sem- Exposing silicon to oxygen during manufacturing gives of the volcanoes in the WARS is approximately one volcano iconductors – hafnium diselenide and zirconium disele- chip-makers an easy way to isolate their circuitry. Other per 4800 square miles. This puts the region in the company nide – that share or even exceed some of silicon’s desirable semiconductors do not “rust” into good insulators when of other massive volcanic regions around the world, such as traits, starting with the fact that all three materials can “rust.” exposed to oxygen, so they must be layered with ad- the East African Rift, which has around one volcano per 4500 In this greatly enlarged cross-section of an experi- ditional insulators, a step that introduces engineering square miles. mental chip, the bands of black and white reveal alter- challenges. The massive ice sheet nating layers of hafnium diselenide – an ultrathin semi- Not only do both ultrathin semiconductors rust, they The results could have major implications for our under- conductor material – and the hafnium dioxide insulator. do so in a way that is even more desirable than silicon. standing of the region and the massive ice sheet that covers The new materials can also be shrunk to function- They form what are called “high-K” insulators, which en- it. The study’s authors explain that they aren’t able to de- al circuits just three atoms thick and they require less able lower power operation than is possible with silicon termine if any of the newly-discovered volcanoes are active, energy than silicon circuits. Although still experimental, and its silicon oxide insulator. but note that their survey should be able to help fuel future the researchers said the materials could be a step to- As the Stanford researchers started shrinking the studies to help determine that. They also don’t believe that ward the kinds of thinner, more energy-efficient chips diselenides to atomic thinness, they realized that these volcanic activity has played a role in the present retreat of the demanded by devices of the future. ultrathin semiconductors share another of silicon’s secret ice sheet. One is that it is blessed with a very good “native” advantages. in computing, called the band gap – is in a just-right range. However, they do believe that the presence of volcanoes insulator, silicon dioxide or, in plain English, silicon rust. The energy needed to switch transistors on – a critical step (Source: nextbigfuture.com) in the area will play a role in how quickly the sheet retreats in the future. They cite studies of glaciers in Iceland, which were helped along by the heat by underlying volcanic activity. In the future humans will use brain to brain communication There’s other implications as well: the team says that there’s Elon Musk wants to get inside your head. nal cord stimulation to treat neurological monitoring and stimulation technologies. nies involved in neuroscience and brain evidence that the removal of a kilometers-thick ice sheet can In April, the Silicon Valley billionaire an- pain. Maiques is happy Musk has entered research, says, the “(human) brain is the lead to an increase in volcanism, something that’s also been nounced plans to launch Neuralink — a Frequencies targeting brain the neurotech field. most complicated organ on the planet.” seen in Iceland. company dedicated to developing a The “cochlear implant was invented With new technologies, including ar- The neurotechnology industry produces (Source: The Verge) brain-to-machine interface to cure brain 20 years ago, and with electricity and tificial intelligence, “there is a lot of room $165 billion in yearly revenue, he says, ailments like paralysis and memory prob- the right frequencies targeting the brain, for startups and new companies,” she but 90 percent of that revenue comes lems and help people compete with ro- it allows people to hear,” he says. “That says. from pharmaceuticals for neurological The bees are better, but bots when the artificial intelligence rev- sounded impossible back then.” And Brain’s mysteries disorders like Lou Gehrig’s disease, or they’re not all right olution makes human brains obsolete. great gains require great brains, Deer Jennifer French, co-founder and ex- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, as well as Musk says this will be accomplished by says. “Ben Franklin didn’t know how to ecutive director of Neurotech Network, post-traumatic stress disorder and de- Remember when all the bees were dying? When we were implanting tiny electrodes into the brain harness electricity, but he and others a nonprofit that advocates for and ed- pression. Annual revenue from neurolog- headed for, as Time magazine put it in a cover story in 2013, — allowing for things like download- knew it was the key to something. Now, ucates the public about implantable ical devices is about $10 billion. “A World Without Bees”? ing and uploading memory and casual we know how to use electricity in very technology, says investments in neu- If Musk is successful, he will run into brain-to-brain communication. specific ways. It’s exciting to see how Mr. roscience and neurotechnology from a swamp of ethical issues. “Neurosci- Leaders in the neurotechnology field Musk might change how we think.” the Brain Research Through Advancing ence raises questions about technology, welcome Musk’s arrival, while neuroeth- Humans have been trying to mess Innovative Neurotechnologies Initia- art, entertainment, warfare, religion and icists and others urge caution. The en- with their brain waves to solve diseases tive started by the Obama administra- what it means to be human,” Lynch says. deavor may sound like science fiction, but since ancient times: The Romans and tion have been critical in exploring the And these considerations will be difficult it’s feasible, says Timothy Deer, president Greeks used to put electric fish on top of brain’s mysteries. to address in the short term, says Peter of the International Neuromodulation their heads to relieve pain, says Ana Mai- Zack Lynch, founder of Neurotech- Reiner, professor and co-founder of the Society, a nonprofit group of researchers ques, CEO of Neuroelectrics, a company nology Industry Organization, a global National Core for Neuroethics. and developers dedicated to using spi- that develops noninvasive wireless brain trade association representing compa- (Source: Newsweek) Cognitive abilities seem to reinforce each other in adolescence One of the most striking findings in psychology is that ment, a consequence of genetics, an emergent phe- in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for almost all cognitive abilities are positively related - on nomenon of a dynamic system or perhaps all of these Psychological Science. average, people who are better at a skill like reasoning things to varying degrees?” The team observed that the best explanation for the are generally also better at a skill like vocabulary. Solving abstract puzzles improvement in skills over time was the so-called ‘mutu- I do remember that, so I was pleasantly surprised to see This fact allows scientists and educational practition- In a new study, scientists from Cambridge, London, alism’ model. This model proposes that cognitive abilities this headline earlier this month: “Bees Are Bouncing Back ers to summarize people’s skills on a wide range of do- and Berlin led by Kievit directly compared different help each other during development: In other words, From Colony Collapse Disorder.” mains as one factor - often called ‘g’, for ‘general intelli- proposed explanations for the phenomenon of ‘g’ and better reasoning skills allow individuals to improve their The bees got better! Great! Now we can all find some oth- gence’. Despite this, the mechanisms underlying ‘g’ and how it develops over time. Data was used from a Well- vocabulary more quickly, and better vocabularies are er looming environmental disaster to freak out about. its development remain somewhat mysterious. come-funded longitudinal cohort (NSPN), where 785 associated with faster improvement in reasoning ability. The rest of the article by Bloomberg’s Alan Bjerga didn’t “What this so-called ‘g-factor’ means is still very much up late adolescents, ages 14 to 24, were tested on two oc- These findings are crucial to our understanding of entirely support that assessment, though. Yes, a U.S. Depart- for debate,” explains researcher Rogier Kievit of the Cognition casions approximately 1.5 years apart. They focused two cognitive abilities, as they suggest that small differences ment of Agriculture survey had found that the number of and Brain Science Unit at the University of Cambridge. subtests reflecting key domains of ‘g’, namely fluid rea- early on in childhood may lead to larger differences later commercial honeybee colonies was up over last year and “Is it a causal factor, an artefact of the way we create soning (solving abstract puzzles) and vocabulary (know- on, and help partially explain how ‘g’ arises. that the percentage of colonies lost was down. But then there cognitive tests, the result of our educational environ- ing the definitions of words). Their findings are published (Source: EurekAlert) was a beekeeper telling Bjerga that his bee colonies were a lot weaker than they used to be, and an entomologist saying that while colony collapse disorder was a “blip in the history 1st Intl. Oceanographic Conference in West to Be Held on Oct. 30-31 of beekeeping,” that’s because it’s been “vastly overshadowed The First International Oceanographic Conference fields, promoting scientific level of thinkers, re- by diseases, recognizable parasites and diagnosable physio- in West Asia will be held at International Conferenc- searchers and students through familiarizing them logical problems.” es of Olympic Hotel on Oct. 30-31, 2017, the Public with the latest updates and achievements in the Colony collapse disorder entered the lexicon in the winter Relations Dept. of National Oceanography and Atmos- world, 2- Establishing the relationship between of 2006-2007, when beekeepers began finding hives aban- pheric Sciences Research Center reported. the needs of various marine industries with the doned by their apian inhabitants but showing no other signs For his part, Dr. Naser Hajizadeh Zaker Head of findings of researchers in various marine areas, 3- of distress. the Research Center said: “This prestigious Con- Promoting the status of the status of the Islamic The bees had just disappeared. In the UK, they called it ference will be held in the presence of scientists, Republic of Iran in the field of marine exploration Mary Celeste syndrome, after the merchant ship discovered thinkers and researchers of member states dubbed in the region by providing appropriate facilities for off the Azores in 1872 with not a single passenger aboard. “Oceanography Regional Center in West Asia” such the transfer of knowledge and experiences of dif- The mysterious and apocalyptic nature of these disap- as Iraq, Oman, Pakistan, India, Turkey and some ferent countries, etc. pearances caught the attention of the news media, environ- western countries.” In the end, he said: “The Plan to set up “Regional mental groups and some politicians. The main topics of the Conference will be as follows: rine Hazards, Technology and Marine Engineering, etc. Oceanography Center in West Asia” was submitted Losses in beekeeping, though, don’t mean exactly the Marine Meteorology, Climate Change, Physical Ocean- Elsewhere in his remarks, he pointed to the by National Atmospheric Sciences and Oceanog- same thing as losses in other agricultural endeavors. The ography, Biological Oceanography, Oceanographic most important objectives of this Conference as raphy Research Center and to Iran National UNES- number of commercial bee colonies did dip a bit around the Biochemistry, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Marine follows: 1- Exchanging views, transferring expe- CO Commission in 2010 with the aim of promoting time of the initial colony collapse scare, but it has actually Geology, Marine Pollution, Law and Policy of Sea, Ma- riences and new achievements in various marine oceanography sciences in the country and region.” grown since then. (Source: The Bloomberg) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 12 women august 15, 2017

Muslim woman wins Women’s parliament $85,000 lawsuit after police forcibly remove her hijab makes debut in Iran The city of Long Beach, California, will pay $85,000 to settle womenTEHRAN — The first The representatives of different groups a 2016 lawsuit filed by a Muslim woman after an officer deskassembly of female of people including teachers, academics, forcibly removed her hijab, or headscarf, when she was in experts in Iran, dubbed “women’s governmental or non-governmental police custody. parliament” opened in the city of Torbat-e managers, traders, councilors, farmers, The incident started when Kirsty Powell and her husband Heydariyeh, northeastern Khorasan and religious figures will be present at the were pulled over by police for driving a "low rider" car, Razavi province, on Sunday. women’s parliament. according to the lawsuit. The Parliament aims at boosting The creation of women’s parliament is Powell was the passenger, but was arrested after police women’s role in social decision-making in line with the 20-Year Outlook Plan and found a warrant under her name for a shoplifting incident. and will provide consultation services to the Constitution and it makes efforts to Powell's husband requested a female officer handle the the provincial council of planning and make the process of decision making for arrest, according to the suit, but the arresting officers denied development, IRNA reported. women-related affairs more logical. the request and told Powell she had to remove her hijab. Similar assemblies are to be formed in For the first time in Iran’s history six Powell spent the night in prison without her headscarf. It all cities of Khorasan Razavi by the end of women joined the city council of Tehran was returned when her husband posted her bond. this summer. in a situation that the total number of The lawsuit states Powell was "forced to appear in a publicly The number of members of the members of the council has decreased available booking photo without her religious headwear." women’s parliament depends on the from 31 in the 4th council to 21 in the 5th. Adding," As a result of the foregoing deprivations of the population of the city and it will vary from Women made up one tenth of the free exercise of her religion, Kirsty Powell suffered severe 35 to 45 members. Only in the capital city members of the 4th council, while discomfort, humiliation, and emotional distress." of Mashhad the number of members will currently they make up about one third Powell filed the lawsuit in April 2016, alleging the police be 65. of the members. department had violated her First Amendment rights. "She cried throughout the ordeal and experienced humiliation when both her religious beliefs and personal integrity were violated," the lawsuit said. ISIS just started using female suicide bombers, but Boko Haram CNN's calls to the Long Beach City Attorney's Office were not returned. has been doing it for years CNN affiliate KABC-TV reported the Long Beach Police In a desperate bid to cling to the Iraqi city of Mosul, Suicide bomb aftermath Maiduguri Nigeria Department changed its policy in November 2016 to allow the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) has recently The scale of its use of women as suicide bombers an arrested person to wear religious headgear unless there started deploying dozens of female suicide bombers. sets Boko Haram apart from other militant groups. is a safety concern. The development marks a shift in ISIS ideology, The Tamil Tigers deployed 44 female suicide bombers The Council on American-Islamic Relations announced which had previously proscribed women from taking over 10 years in its war in Sri Lanka, a figure that the settlement in a press release praising Powell. front-line roles in battle. pales in comparison to the Nigerian group’s frequent "We commend Kirsty Powell for choosing to defend her But in Nigeria, Boko Haram has for years been use of women over the past three years. right to religious freedom and taking action." weaponizing women and young girls, sending them But the tactic represents a rupture with the Powell told the Council on American-Islamic Relations into the middle of crowded marketplaces to blow ideology of other Islamist groups, such as ISIS when she filed the suit she wanted to be the last Muslim themselves up. In fact, since the Nigerian militants and Al-Qaeda, according to Elizabeth Pearson, woman who has this experience. carried out their first recorded suicide operation, an associate fellow at the Royal United Services "I want my Muslim sisters to always feel comfortable in April 2011, more women have been sent on the Institute (RUSI) in London. “ISIS and Al-Qaeda, like and safe wearing a hijab and to stand up for what's right," deadly missions than men—and the number is only other Salafi jihadi movements, operate according to she said. likely to continue rising. clearly demarcated roles for men and for women,” (Source: CNN) Of the 434 suicide bombers Boko Haram says Pearson, who has written a piece on the topic has deployed since April 2011, 244—or 56 for a forthcoming CTC volume on Boko Haram. percent—were identified as female, according to a “Men are really admired as warriors—male violence recipe of the week comprehensive study of the phenomenon by experts is revered—[while] female violence is not permitted at the Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at the U.S. and is mostly transgressive.” Watermelon-mint paletas military academy West Point. Eighty-one of the Pearson points to Shekau as the driving force “These Mexican frozen pops are just what you need on a hot bombers were identified as children and teenagers; behind Boko Haram’s adoption of female bombers. summer day.” four times as many were girls, the study reported. Shekau, who has led Boko Haram since 2009, Ingredients: The trend for women to be deployed is increasing, A woman campaigns for the release of the Chibok girls pledged the group’s allegiance to ISIS in 2015; a year 1/2 cup water too: Since the start of 2017, nearly two-thirds of abducted by Boko Haram in a demonstration in Lagos, later, Boko Haram split into two factions after ISIS 1/2 cup white sugar, or to Boko Haram’s suicide attackers were female. Nigeria, on May 29, 2014. One of the Chibok girls has attempted to replace Shekau as its leader. taste During its eight-year insurgency in northeast reportedly been rescued alive. “For Shekau, publicity was crucial,” says Pearson. 4 cups cubed, seeded Nigeria and its surrounds, Boko Haram was perhaps “[The] Chibok [abduction] permitted him the chance watermelon never at the center of international attention as Muhammadu Buhari came to power in Nigeria in to really cause hysteria and fear with a wave of young 1 teaspoon chopped much as when it abducted close to 300 schoolgirls 2015, the insurgents have hemorrhaged territory female bombers...Although females as combatants fresh mint from their dormitories in Chibok in April 2014. The to Nigerian forces and reverted to guerrilla warfare. are not condoned by a majority of Islamist scholars, 1/2 lime, juiced kidnapping caused global figures—such as then U.S. Cheap, low-spec attacks—deploying a suicide he was willing to ignore this to make headlines and 1/2 teaspoon grated lime first lady Michelle Obama—to decry the group’s bomber costs an estimated $150—are perfect for to terrify communities.” zest brutality and call for the girls to be returned. that cause. Outside of the recent deployment of women in ISIS’s 1/4 teaspoon Boko Haram and its then leader, Abubakar There are practical reasons as to why Boko battle for Mosul, there have also been instances of Directions: Shekau, realized at that point the impact of women Haram has turned to women—many of whom were attempted or successful female suicide bombers used Mix water and sugar in and girls being caught up in its insurgency and coerced, but some of whom volunteered—to carry by Islamist movements in Bangladesh and Indonesia. a small saucepan and bring started to capitalize, says Jason Warner, one of the out its suicide attacks, according to the CTC study. Pearson says the mushrooming of women as bombers to a boil, stirring to dissolve lead authors of the report and director of the CTC’s Women and girls are generally thought to be in Nigeria is partly a function of the local context, but sugar, about 5 minutes. Africa profile. nonthreatening and are less likely to be searched by the concept has the potential to spread. “We can’t rule Remove from heat and let cool. “The international outcry over the kidnapping of male security forces, particularly in an area as socially it out—and it’s possible that in the many ISIS wilayat Blend sugar syrup, watermelon, mint, lime juice, lime zest, the Chibok girls demonstrated to Boko Haram the conservative as northern Nigeria. Women can hide [provinces, such as the ISIS branch in Egypt’s Sinai and salt in a blender until liquefied, 1 to 2 minutes. Pour the profound potency of gender and youth, underlining suicide devices more easily, either underneath billowy region], female violence may be more tolerated than in mixture into 10 ice pop molds. that involving the most vulnerable demographics clothing or even under infants carried on their backs. Iraq and Syria, where it’s largely been absent.” Freeze paletas for 2 hours and insert wooden sticks or both as victims and perpetrators of violence could Women are more easily coerced into such missions Warner agrees. Boko Haram has proven women handles into the molds; return to freezer and freeze until demonstrate its resolve to its cause and ruthlessness than men, and when they do strike, the insecurity to be a cheap and effective means of spreading solid, 12 to 24 hours. of intent,” Warner tells Newsweek via email. that’s generated is palpable. “No one, even women terror in northeast Nigeria. Less than two months after the Chibok abduction, and children, can be trusted,” says Warner. “My prediction is that, increasingly, terrorist Boko Haram demonstrated its new strategy when Women are also used to hit different targets, groups around the world will learn the lesson that learn english a middle-aged woman on a motorcycle blew according to the report. While male suicide bombers Boko Haram seems to have learnt quickly: that Daddy Please! herself up near a military barracks in Gombe in the are likely to be sent to attack a government institution unexpected bombers in the form of women and northeast, killing a police officer. or Christian church, women and children are sent to children offer distinct advantages—physically and A: Hey daddy! You look great today; I like your tie! By the Women have increasingly become Boko civilian locations, such as markets and camps for operationally—that men cannot,” he says. way, I was wondering can I…? Haram’s trademark weapon of war. Since President those displaced by the insurgency. (Source: Newsweek) B: NO! A: I haven’t even told you what it is yet! B: Okay, okay, what do you want? Gum infections linked to several cancers in women A: Do you think I could borrow the car? I’m going to a Older women with gum infections are parts of the body, Wactawski-Wende said. concert tonight. more likely to get many common cancers Bacteria destroy connective tissue B: Um… I don’t think so. I need the car tonight to pick up than their peers who have perfect oral between the teeth and gums, forming your mother. health, a recent study suggests. pockets where the infection can persist A: Ugg! I told you about it last week! Smelly Toes is playing, Researchers focused on what’s known and eventually be ingested or inhaled and Eric asked if I would go with him! as periodontal disease, serious infections from saliva or enter the bloodstream B: Who’s this Eric guy? in the mouth that are caused by bacteria through inflamed gums, Wactawski- A: Duh! He’s like the most popular guy at school! Come on, in dental plaque. Daily brushing and Wende said. Then, bacteria may lodge dad! Please! flossing can prevent gingivitis, the in other body sites causing inflammation B: No can do... sorry. milder form of periodontal disease, but that may increase the risk of cancer. A: Fine then! Would you mind giving me 100 bucks? untreated cases can lead to permanent The study wasn’t a controlled B: No way! damage to the gums and bone. experiment designed to prove how or if A: That’s so unfair! Compared to women without oral poor oral health causes cancer. Key vocabulary health problems, women with periodontal the School of Public Health and Health more likely to develop cancer. Another limitation is that the study by the way: used to change the topic of a conversation disease were 14 percent more likely to Professions at the University at Buffalo in Certain cancers, such as breast cancer, relied on women to accurately recall wonder: think about if something is possible develop cancer, the study found. New York. lung cancer, and gallbladder cancer, were and report their periodontal disease, the concert: a public performance of music The biggest risk was for cancer of “Here we found an association with associated with higher risk in smokers authors note. pick up: go and get the esophagus, which was three times cancer,” Wactawski-Wende said by with periodontal disease. Others, such as Even so, the findings build on earlier popular: very well-known and well liked more likely in women with periodontal email. “Although not certain, maintaining melanoma, were associated with higher research linking periodontal disease to an bucks: informal word for dollars disease. Women with periodontal disease optimal oral hygiene may help to reduce risk in women who had never smoked but increased risk of cancer, said Jiyoung Ahn, unfair: not fair, not just were also 31 percent more likely to be the risk of developing cancer.” did have periodontal disease. a population health and environmental Supplementary vocabulary diagnosed with lung tumors, 73 percent Periodontal disease was associated The data are from 65,869 women medicine researcher at New York University suit: a set of clothes that usually consists of a jacket and a more likely to get gallbladder cancers, with increased risks of several types aged 54 to 86 who answered surveys Perlmutter Cancer Center in New York City, skirt or pair of pants that are made out of the same material 13 percent more likely to have breast of cancer in postmenopausal women, between 1999 and 2003. By 2013 - after who wasn’t involved in the study. play: a piece of writing that tells a story through the actions tumors and 23 percent more likely to even in women who had never an average follow-up of more than eight “It is clear that good oral hygiene and and words of characters and that is performed on a stage have melanoma. smoked, researchers note in the journal years - researchers had identified 7,149 regular dental visits are basic components drop off: to go and leave someone at a certain place “We know that periodontal disease Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and cases of cancer. of maintaining good oral health,” Ahn said no way: I cannot do it, it is not possible can lead to tooth loss if not treated, and Prevention. While the exact causes for the by email. “This study provides a rationale lend: to give (something) to (someone) to be used for a it is also associated with diabetes and Compared to women without periodontal connection between periodontal disease for having good oral health for cancer period of time and then returned other chronic diseases,” said senior study disease, current and former smokers with and cancer aren’t clear, it’s possible that prevention.” (Source: irlanguage.com) author Jean Wactawski-Wende, dean of these oral infections were roughly 20 percent bacteria travels from the mouth to other (Source: Reuters Health( I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y august 15, 2017 world in focus 13 Netanyahu backs partitioning Erratic Trump may push Korean peninsula toward Iraq for Kurdish state nuclear holocaust Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya- The news comes about two months hu has expressed interest in partitioning after Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Lar- 1 Trump’s order to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris Iraq and establishing an independent ijani warned about bids to break up Iraq, climate agreement, which is intended to save the warming Kurdish state in the country during a saying Iraq’s partitioning serves the inter- planet Earth, sounded the alarm that he is reckless, careless, meeting with a delegation of 33 United ests of Israel. ignorant and unbelievably erratic. States Republican congressmen. “The Zionist regime seeks Iraq’s disin- The Israeli premier expressed his tegration,” Larijani said during a meeting “positive attitude” toward a Kurdish state with Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in the northern areas of Iraq, saying the in Tehran on June 21. Kurds are a “brave, pro-Western people Israel has a longstanding relationship who share our values,” a source who par- with the Kurds, whom it regards as one of ticipated in the meeting held on Thurs- the few non-Arab allies in the area. day said, the Jerusalem Post reported on A report published in the New York- Sunday. er magazine in 2004 said Israeli military Netanyahu does not frequently speak and intelligence operatives were active in publicly about the politically highly sensi- Kurdish areas and providing training for tive issue which also worries Turkey. commando units. The last time Netanyahu addressed According to the report, Israel has the issue publicly was in 2014 when he been expanding its presence in Kurdistan While the world was expecting a German-like reunification said in a speech that Israel should “sup- and encouraging Kurds, its allies in the of the two Koreas, the U.S. and North Korea, through their port the Kurdish aspiration for independ- region, to create an independent state. war rhetoric, are reviving the ghosts of the 1950-53 Korean ence.” (Source: Press TV) War in which about 3 million were killed. In case of a war either first started by the U.S. or North Ko- rea it is the Korean people, both in the South and the North, Restaurant attack by gunmen in Burkina Faso leaves people killed, injured who will be the chief victims. It has been estimated that tens An attack by gunmen on a Turkish restaurant that began in Ouagadougou. armed groups. of thousands of people would be killed in the first hours of late on Sunday left at least 18 people dead and eight Police spokesman Guy Ye told AP that the target of A January 2016 attack at a cafe left 30 people dead. the war. wounded in the capital of Burkina Faso, a West African the attack was a Turkish restaurant known as Aziz Is- The three attackers in the 2016 massacre were of The Korean peninsula is like a divided family which its peo- country that has seen a surge in violence by armed tanbul. foreign origin, according to al-Qaeda in the Islamic ple’s heart beat for each other and those in South Korea hate groups over the past few years. Witnesses told AFP news agency that three armed Maghreb (AQIM), which claimed responsibility in the af- inflammatory remarks by Trump. The figure was released early on Monday by Burkina men arrived in a 4x4 at around 9:30 pm (21:00 GMT) and termath along with the armed group known as Al Mour- Faso’s communications minister Remi Dandjinou. opened fire on customers seated outside the restaurant. abitoun (The Sentinels). There was no immediate claim of responsibility for At least one of those killed was a Turkish national, ac- But the terror threat in Burkina Faso is increasingly the violence, which continued into early Monday. cording to Turkey’s foreign ministry, and another person homegrown, experts say. Earlier, authorities and witnesses suggested that killed was French. The northern border region is now the home of a Defense Secretary “Mad three assailants had been killed by security forces, but The French President Emmanuel Macron condemned local preacher, Ibrahim Malam Dicko, who radicalized Dandjinou revised the figure down to two, and said the what he described as a “terrorist” attack. and has claimed recent deadly attacks against troops Dog” Mattis visits Google security operation “has ended”. Burkina Faso, a landlocked nation in West Africa, and civilians. His association, Ansarul Islam, is now con- and Amazon Security forces were at the scene with armored vehi- is one of the poorest countries in the world. It shares sidered a “terrorist group” by Burkina Faso’s government. cles, as reports of shots fired near an upscale restaurant a northern border with Mali, which has long battled (Source: agencies) 7 Following his prepared remarks, Mattis added that the U.S. military was “ready” with “military options” against North Korea. Yemen cholera cases soar past half-million: WHO Even more important to the Pentagon than the utility of Cholera is believed to have affected more than 500,000 gently seek a political solution. the tech giants in waging war abroad is the use of their com- people in Yemen and killed nearly 2,000 since late April, Meanwhile, nearly 3.3 million Yemeni people, in- munication infrastructure to shape public opinion and block the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday. cluding 2.1 million children, are currently suffering from the expression of antiwar and oppositional sentiment. A ma- A full 503,484 suspected cases and 1,975 deaths are acute malnutrition. jor player in this sphere is a think tank called Jigsaw, a subsid- attributable to the outbreak that erupted last than four “The situation remains dire. Thousands are falling iary of Google’s parent company, Alphabet. Jigsaw is headed months ago in the war-ravaged country, a WHO over- sick every day. Sustained efforts are required to stop the by Jared Cohen, a former State Department advisor to both view showed. spread of disease. Nearly 80 percent of Yemen’s children Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton. The United Nations health agency said the speed need immediate humanitarian assistance,” the UN state- Jigsaw’s most prominent project is a web commenting at which the deadly waterborne disease was spreading ment noted. censorship system called “Perspective API,” which it calls “a had slowed significantly since early July, but warned that The UN officials urged Yemeni leaders to find “a new tool for web publishers to identify toxic comments that it was still affecting an estimated 5,000 people each day. peaceful political solution to the conflict” and called on can undermine a civil exchange of ideas.” WHO warned that the disease had spread rapidly the international community to “redouble its support for Developed in cooperation with major U.S. newspapers, due to deteriorating hygiene and sanitation conditions, the people of Yemen.” Jigsaw has already been implemented to flag comments for with millions of people cut off from clean water across “They must be paid their wages so that they can con- Since March 2015, Yemen has been under relent- deletion in the New York Times comments section. This week, the country. tinue to save lives,” he said. less airstrikes by the House of Saud regime fighter jets WikiLeaks noted that a comment containing the language “Yemen’s health workers are operating in impossible WHO said that it and its partners were “working as part of a brutal campaign against the country in an “The CIA armed Islamists in Syria, killing thousands” would be conditions,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus around the clock” to support the national efforts to halt attempt to reinstall the former president, Abd Rabbuh flagged as 66 percent “toxic” by Perspective API. A comment said in a statement. the outbreak, adding that more than 99 percent of peo- Mansur Hadi, a staunch ally of Riyadh. declaring that “the U.S. government is wonderful” is labeled “Thousands of people are sick, but there are not ple who contract cholera in Yemen can survive if they The campaign has seriously damaged the country’s zero percent “toxic,” while “the U.S. government is corrupt” is enough hospitals, not enough medicines, not enough can access health services. infrastructure. Local Yemeni sources have put the death flagged as 71 percent “toxic.” clean water,” he said, also lamenting that many of the More than 15 million people in the country have no toll from the Saudi regime war at over 12,000, including In the second quarter of this year, Google spent more than it doctors and nurses needed to rein in the outbreak had access to basic healthcare. many women and children. had ever previously spent, nearly $6 million, to lobby the U.S. gov- not been paid for nearly a year. Tedros called on all sides in Yemen’s conflict, to ur- (Source: agencies) ernment. This was more than was spent by any other U.S. company. Google had the closest of relations with the previous White House. The Intercept reports that “Google representatives at- tended White House meetings more than once a week, on America’s foreign policy moral deficit and losing the Middle East average, from the beginning of Obama’s presidency through 1 facilitated the transfer of in- government reflecting Iraq’s Shia ma- ly set aside all consideration of human al-Awamiyah in Eastern Saudi Arabia October 2015.” ternationally banned WMD and their jority). Similarly, Iran supported the U.S. rights in its carte blanche support of since May 2017, and the indiscriminate The Intercept report added, means of production to Iraq. Using these invasion of Afghanistan, and again when the regime in Saudi Arabia, one of the bombing of civilians in Yemen; and in “Nearly 250 people have shuttled from government ser- chemical weapons on Iranians, Saddam its enemies were somewhat neutralized, most repressive regimes on earth—no addition to these, the embargo of Qa- vice to Google employment or vice versa over the course Hussein was successful in holding Iran Iran saw this as an opportunity to influ- religious or political rights (all churches, tar, an act of war, has caused undue of [the Obama] administration,” and concluded, “No other at bay, resulting in tens of thousands of ence a friendlier regime to moderate the synagogues and religions besides the hardships on tens of thousands of Qa- public company approaches this degree of intimacy with Iranian fatalities and huge numbers of threat of U.S. forces from the East. More- Wahhabi version of Islam are banned and tari and foreign civilians. government.” permanently disabled. Later and most over, given its experience since 1980, with no election of rulers or tolerance of These and other human rights abus- The growing partnership between the tech giants and duplicitous, the U.S. and its Western Allies Iran, as is its right, has been committed their criticism). As the U.S. affords the es will have fallout that no one can even the military is in line with the findings of the U.S. Army War invaded Iraq on the pretext that Saddam to building its defenses against outside Al-Sauds unprecedented political and begin to predict today. America’s com- College, which, in a series of recent reports, declared that Hussein had WMD and was dangerous; aggression. Surely, Iran’s need to take military support, sells them all manner plicity in these crimes, all in the name of controlling the growth of political opposition was a major ele- ironically, if weapons had been found these measures is understandable after of arms and gives them the cover of the national interest and the war on terror, ment of contemporary military strategy, and that control over they would have had their origin in the it was invaded, isolated and subjected to “war on terror” to do as they wish, Amer- will bring America much shame. America Internet communications was “vital” to military operations. West! the only intrastate WMD attack on record ica is complicit in the crimes and abuses will lose the moral high ground that had In a study titled “Social media, the vital ground: Can we But Saddam Hussein’s use of WMD since WWII? that the Al-Sauds are committing and taken decades to nurture, affording it un- hold it?” published in April, the Army War College noted, with Western complicity and support has Iraq’s use of WMD on Iran, and the will continue to commit. A partial list precedented global soft power. America “The impact of social media on the media environment had other unimaginable consequences. thousands of casualties in the war have of Saudi human rights abuses, some of will find itself on the wrong side of his- has been widely recognized, as has the ability of extremist Iran’s theocratic system’s successful de- been acknowledged by no other than which have been referred to as crimes tory. The turmoil that is likely to erupt and adversarial organizations to exploit the media to publi- fense of its people, facing unprecedented former Prime British Minister Tony Blair in against humanity by independent ob- in the Middle East will hasten America’s cize their cause, spread their propaganda, and recruit vulner- isolation, has afforded it with its principal a BBC Radio 4 interview on Aug. 10, servers include: the military crackdown exit from the region. America will have able individuals.” source of legitimacy and has kept it in 2017. As to be expected, Mr. Blair oppor- and human rights abuses in Bahrain lost the Middle East by setting aside its It went on to conclude that power. The system, with the support of its tunistically forgot to mention the source during the Arab Spring that continue support of human and political rights “Social media will increasingly have a direct impact on vir- citizens, recognized that it could not rely of the WMD! even today, the beheading of Sheikh for short-term commercial and personal tually all aspects of military operations in the 21st century,” on the international order for security. Yet today the U.S. is again embarked Nimr al-Nimr and other peaceful pro- gains. and that the military had to expand its control over social Iran was delighted at the U.S. invasion of on a path that is likely to result in even testors in 2016, the imprisonment, Hossein Askari is professor of business media, “in particular, its use in deception and Psychological Iraq and grabbed the opportunity to en- more negative fallout and conflict in the torture and beheading of countless and international affairs at George Wash- Operations (PSYOPS).” gineer the installation of a Tehran-friend- future. protestors since the Arab Spring, the ington University. Control over online communication will become increas- ly regime in Baghdad (Shia-dominated The Trump administration has open- siege and shelling of the Shia village of (Source: Huffington Post) ingly significant amid what one Defense Department report published last month warned was an “increasing chasm be- tween governments and their governed over the basic right A moral failure that shames America to rule.” 6 is the head of state’s duty to stand up, explicitly and of Trump’s inadequacy for the presidency. The con- That report concluded, The racist violence unequivocally, against racists and those who promote cern is that Trump’s blathering was wholly deliberate “Today, all states are experiencing a precipitous decline in Yet, in his first response on Saturday, Trump utter- racial violence. Trump was found wanting. until the White House got worried by the reaction. their authority, influence, reach and common attraction,” as ly failed in his primary duty to uphold equality and That would not have happened under Bush, for all The worry is that he recognizes that his election has populations are presented with “myriad alternative sources of speak the truth about the racist violence that had his faults. Nor is it true of top Republicans like Cory empowered angry white people, including those political alignment or allegiance.” taken place. Instead of placing the blame where it Gardner, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Orrin Hatch, who describe themselves as “alt-right” but who Yet another report, published last year, warned that grow- belonged, on the supremacists and Klansmen who none of them social liberals, who were all quick to should be called what they are – white suprema- ing international antagonisms were leading to an intensifying triggered these events, and rather than stand up for call the supremacists out. Even the Senate majority cists. The hope is that this dishonest and morally crisis of “social order.” the indivisibility of equality and tolerance before the leader, Mitch McConnell, who is few people’s idea of shaming moment will define Trump for sufficient It concluded that states “now all wrestle with one anoth- law, Trump’s words were by turns slippery, banal and an ideological exemplar, condemned the racists. But decent Americans that he will not be trusted again. er over competing interests while standing on quicksand— morally compromised. It was not true that the vio- Trump did not. Sadly, the evidence of modern America gives too threatened” not only by national rivals, but by “the fragile and lence in Charlottesville came from “many sides”, as It is hard to believe that the omission was an few grounds for optimism. restive social order they themselves rest on.” Trump evasively said, before repeating his evasion. It oversight and hard to treat it merely as a reminder (Source: The Guardian) (Source: WSWS) I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 14 world sport august 15, 2017

Coutinho left out of Six things we learned from Liverpool´s Champions League play-off squad Real Madrid Vs Barcelona Barcelona target Philippe Coutinho has been left out of It was a case of ‘do not adjust your sets’ Germain’s spending – but Barca are just go- Liverpool’s squad for the first leg of their Champions League on Sunday night. Real Madrid really were ing to have to accept that, close their eyes play-off away to Hoffenheim. playing in aqua-marine and they really were and write the checks. The 25-year-old attacking midfielder was not involved as comfortably superior to Barcelona at the Gerard Deulofeu looked impressive in Liverpool drew 3-3 away to Watford in the opening round Camp Nou in the first Clasico of the season. last week’s friendly against Chapecoense of the Premier League season on Saturday, with manager Barca’s spirit kept them in the game but but he was exposed against tougher com- Jurgen Klopp claiming prior to the game at Vicarage Road if referee Ricardo De Burgos had spotted petition. Both Coutinho and Dembele will that a back problem was the reason for Coutinho’s exclusion. Luis Suarez’s dive then the score would add attacking threat to a team now lacking However, speaking after the match, the German have been even more emphatic. it after Neymar’s departure. suggested apparent fitness concerns were not the only The Camp Nou was heavily populated Ernesto Valverde’s squad selection factor at play, after rumours emerged indicating Coutinho with tourists – one spectator even wore a speaks volumes submitted a transfer request on Friday. half-and-half Barça-Madrid shirt with ‘Me- It was clear from Valverde’s squad and Klopp said: “I have to accept decisions from the owners, naldo’ on the back, presumably a combina- team selection who he does and doesn’t that’s how it is, and sometimes from players, but for this tion of Messi and Ronaldo. fancy. He wants Arda Turan out of the club. moment I just have to concentrate on my team.” It was the first Clasico of the season and He wants Thomas Vermaelen moved on. He Liverpool’s owner Fenway Sports Group last week it did not go well for the home side but how wants Munir El Haddadi loaned or sold. released a statement insisting they would not consider any much did it teach us about what’s coming He wants Sergi Samper loaned out. And offers for Coutinho, with Barca reportedly having had a bid this season? it also seems he would not mind losing Ser- of €100million turned down as they seek to replace Brazil Los Blancos are by far the world’s gio Roberto and Andre Gomes if the mon- forward Neymar, who moved to Paris Saint-German for a best They have mourned the loss of Xavi and standing in midfield. There will be rota- ey was right. He also doesn’t seem to fancy world-record fee of €222m. They currently have the best squad in Xabi Alonso and David Villa. tion this year and no one will be able to Javier Mascherano. It remains to be seen if Coutinho will leave Anfield for world football by some margin. We expect This 21-year-old from Mallorca is not a complain because there is so much quality Paulinho can be Barcelona’s mus- Camp Nou before the transfer window shuts on August 31. there to be a gap between them and La replacement for any of those players but he throughout the squad…. cle man But the former Inter star was not named among the Liga’s minnows but this was Barcelona and does have the look of world class about him. Oh and one more thing: if they are go- The new coach does seem to want 22-man squad picked to travel to Germany for Tuesday’s they could not compete. Zidane doesn’t like picking out individu- ing to miss out on Kylian Mbappe they real- Paulinho, however. The world may be showdown at Rhein-Neckar-Arena. The gulf in overall quality was never als but it was hard not to on Sunday night ly shouldn’t shed too many tears. He wants scratching its head as to why a player Tot- (Source: BBC Sport) more plain than when on the hour both after that stunning late goal. to be first choice wherever he goes. Madrid tenham sold for £13m is now Barca-bound sides made their first substitutions. Barcelo- Mbappe wouldn’t be guaranteed a could not guarantee him that. for £36m but Valverde made much of the na brought on Denis Suarez and Real Ma- place in Madrid’s XI Barca are crying out for Neymar’s fact that his team were overpowered in drid brought on Cristiano Ronaldo. No one is an automatic selection any replacement midfield, when speaking in his post-match Thomas wins PGA Marco Asensio is destined for more. Not Gareth Bale, not Karim Benzema, The new signings cannot come soon press conference. The Brazilian midfielder Championship for first greatness not even Ronaldo. Isco is just as worthy of enough. Ousmane Dembele and Philippe will press high and stop Barcelona getting Marco Asensio is going to become a starting berth. Coutinho are both over-priced in this crazy muscled out of things. major title Spain’s best player over the next ten years. And so is Mateo Kovacic who was out- market – made even crazier by Paris Saint (Source: Daily Mail) CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (Reuters) — Justin Thomas capped off a major season that belonged to an aggressive Bolt vows ‘never again’ after emotional London farewell new breed of fearless young Americans when he stormed to Usain Bolt took an emotional final bow on the track at the with a piece of the 2012 track as a memento before he em- a two-stroke victory at the PGA Championship on Sunday. end of the World Championships in London on Sunday be- barked on his celebration lap, slowly soaking up all the non- At 24, he followed in the footsteps of then-23-year-old fore declaring that, definitely and definitively, there was no stop cheers from the 56,000 full house - all to a Bob Marley Jordan Spieth’s British Open triumph and the U.S. Open way he would ever return to sprinting. soundtrack. He went over to the 200 meters and 100 meters victory by 27-year-old Brooks Koepka, suggesting a bright After embarking on a special lap of honor so slow that you start lines, knelt down and crossed himself. future for American golf. could not believe that we were saying farewell to the world’s “I was saying goodbye to my fans but to my events also,” he Thomas, one of the longest drivers on tour, started the fastest man, Bolt was asked by reporters already missing him said, admitting he had been close to tears. final major of the year ranked 14th in the world, not one of whether he might ever change his mind. And after taking rather longer than the 9.63 seconds the favorites after recent poor form, but came through by “No, I’ve seen too many people come back and make it took him to win the 100 meters crown here in 2012, he executing under pressure as many of his rivals withered. things worse and shame themselves. I won’t be one of those eventually stopped at the finish line and gave everyone “I just had an unbelievable calmness throughout the week, people who come back,” Bolt said firmly. his trademark lightning bolt impression. throughout the day,” Thomas said after lifting the Wanamaker Twenty four hours earlier, the 30-year-old Jamaican’s match- Before he had set off on the lap, he had told the crowd he Trophy. “I really truly felt I was going to win. I was just very less sprint career had ended painfully on the last leg of the 4 maican athletics, wanted him to become his coaching assistant. just wanted to entertain and put on a show. confident. I didn’t get flustered. x 100 meters relay final as he crumpled to the ground in the “So we’ll see how that goes,” Bolt smiled about the man He did just that before also getting a rare round of ap- “I was a lot more calm than I thought I would be. I thought London Stadium with a hamstring injury. who has put him through a lifetime of pain. plause in the press room from “some of you guys who wrote I would be very shaky. At one point I looked at my hand it was Bolt, who admitted that it had been a terrible end of a And the great man even had reporters laughing bad things about me”. Asked what he hoped his legacy would a little shaky but that’s why you play.” “stressful” championship for him after also losing his 100 when he gave them a vision of what a 50-year-old be, he paused for a moment before saying: “I’ve proved with The serenity served Thomas well after a slow start, as he meters crown, said he had felt consoled on Sunday when Usain Bolt might end up doing. hard work anything is possible. I personally think this is a good bided his time before vaulting to the front with four birdies in someone told him “Muhammad Ali lost his last fight too — “I’ve no idea. Hopefully, with three kids, married, still in track and message to the kids. ‘Push on, be strong, be as good as you a sizzling seven-hole stretch mid-round. so don’t be too stressed about it”. field, trying to help the sport, watching it grow,” he said. can be’ - that’s a good legacy to leave’.” He then held firm over the dangerous final water-lined Already he was looking forward to an exciting future, he WONDERFUL NIGHT He was also adamant that he would “preach” to youngsters three holes, known as the ‘Green Mile’, hoisting a seven-iron said, with his management camp talking to IAAF President It was a wonderful night of celebration for athletics’ greatest about avoiding the evil of performance-enhancing drugs. to 15-foot at the par-three 17th before sinking the putt to all Sebastian Coe, about what he might be able to do for the entertainer with Bolt honored one last time at the stadium where “The sport hit rock bottom last year and the year before but secure victory, a bogey at the last academic as he carded sport in an ambassadorial capacity. he achieved the second of his three Olympic sprint doubles. and now we’re on the way back up,” he said. 68 to finish at eight-under 276. He also revealed that his coach Glen Mills, the sage of Ja- Coe and the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, presented him (Source: Reuters) Federer stunned by Zverev in Montreal final German fourth seed Alexander Zverev upset Roger Federer N.I.O.C National Iranian 6-3 6-4 in the Rogers Cup final in Montreal on Sunday to join Second Announcement 1396.2083 Drilling Company the Swiss right-hander as the most trophy-laden player on the ATP Tour this year with five titles. The 20-year-old German, who arrived in Montreal fresh from his triumph in Washington, proved up for the task right out of the gate as he had the Swiss second seed on his heels from the start on a sunny afternoon. Zverev was poised and aggressive off the ground to create space for his power game and displayed some short-angled winners off thumping forehands and backhands to grab an early break for a 3-1 lead. He consolidated for a 4-1 cushion and ulti- mately closed out the opening set after a mere 30 minutes. Federer, who entered the match 5-0 in finals this year, started he was always a great idol growing up for me,» Zverev said during his to find his groove early in the second set but suddenly appeared trophy presentation. «The greatest player of all time, beating him in a Brief discription of subject: out of sorts while Zverev broke in the seventh game to pull ahead final, not just any final but in the final of a Masters 1000, is amazing.» National Iranian Drilling Company(NIDC) address pasdaran Blev., Airport Saqare, Ahvaz, Iran hereby intends to purchase its requirements from 4-3 and held on for a surprise win that took 68 minutes. Federer spent six months on the sidelines in the second qualified and interested tenderers through two-stage public tender (semi-pressd) upon following terms and conditions: The victory over the 19-times grand slam champion was half of last season but has returned to his very best this year A) Qualitative evaluation of tenderer: the second ATP World Tour Masters 1000 title of the season for by winning five titles, including a pair of grand slams at the The evaluation is based on article ( J ) implementing regulations of the law of tenders and also carried out base on worksheets qualitative Zverev, who also beat Novak Djokovic in Rome. Australian Open and Wimbledon. evaluation inquiry in the tender doucments. Minimum acceptable point of quality is 60. «This one against Roger is something so special for me because (Source: Reuters) B) Preparation of tender documents: Purchasing of documents: In order to receive the tender documents, 510,000 Rials should be paid to SIBA account number 2174652205004 of NIDC in Bank Meli Iran and providing the original deposit receipt. Ronaldo hit with five-match ban for red card, Notice: According to N.I.D.C technical and commercial committee rule, the limitation for job referals in procurment field is four active and in process contract. Reciving of documents: pushing referee Tenderers must be obtain the quality evaluation documents along with tender documents maximum ten days after the date of second publication removing his shirt during the celebration, and then quickly in person at the following address: Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign receive a second yellow after De Burgos Bengoetxea ruled Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN the Portugal captain had dived to try to win a penalty. Notice: Only the real or legal persons who apply to purchase and recieve tender ducments from foreign procurment department in due date and Ronaldo reacted to being sent off by pushing De Burgos participates in tenderwill be known as tenderer from tender committee. Bengoetxea. The Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) C) Delivery of call quality evaluating: banned Ronaldo for one match for drawing the red card, Tenderers shall submit the completed documents including qualification worksheets in form of software in cd and documentary within 14 days and the other four for pushing the official. from last day of document recived deadline to the following address: Hall No.:107, 1thfloor ,Tender Committee, Building operations, National That was just one major talking point on a night which Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. also saw Gerard Pique’s own goal put Madrid ahead, Lionel D) Tender Guarantee: Type of guarantee: Messi equalise with a controversial penalty won by Luis A)Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that have activites licensed by the Central Suarez and Marco Asensio score a screamer to put his side Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. fully in control ahead of Wednesday’s second leg at the B) The original cash deposit receipt paid to National Iranain Drilling Company. Santiago Bernabeu. Duration of credit guarantee & quotation: Ronaldo has also been fined €3,805 for his actions, while This duration should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum For one time in initial credit amount. Cristiano Ronaldo has been banned for five matches after Madrid was fined €1,750. More on this & other tenders is accessible by click on. WWW.NIDC.IR pushing referee Ricardo De Burgos Bengoetxea during Real Ronaldo is set to miss the second leg of the Spanish Foreign Procurement Dept Madrid’s 3-1 Spanish Super Cup first-leg win at Barcelona Super Cup against Barcelona as well as Madrid’s four National Iranian Drilling Company on Sunday. opening La Liga games against Deportivo La Coruna, Ronaldo’s 24 minutes as a substitute at the Camp Valencia, Levante and Real Sociedad. Nou saw him score a superb goal, pick up a booking for (Source: ESPN تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 23/5/96نوبت دوم 96/5/24 I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y august 15, 2017 sport 15

Zurkhaneh eyes Olympic Ganjzadeh, Mehdizadeh top of Karate World Ranking inclusion, top official says Iranian karatekas Sajad Ganjzadeh and Amir Mehdizadeh head the rankings of their categories in the World Ranking, Sports President of International Zurkhaneh released by World Karate Federation. deskSports and Koshti Pahlavani Federation Defending world champion and one of the most successful (IZSF), Mohsen Mehralizadeh, says that they hope to add the karatekas in the category Ganjzadeh is the leader of the Male Iranian sport to the Olympic Games. Kumite +84kg. Zurkhaneh ritual is a traditional heroic sport in Iran. It The 25 year-old combines martial arts, calisthenics, strength training and music. competitor has earned gold “IZSF has been founded in 2004 and we a long way to in the Karate 1-Premier go. At the moment, we are proud to say that Zurkhaneh League Paris and Dubai and sports have been recognized by 85 countries and some claimed silver at The World of the countries have founded Zurkhaneh federation,” Games so to confirm his Mehralizadeh said in the press conference held in IZSF’s status of ruling force of the headquarters in Tehran on Monday. category. “Zurkhaneh is set to make its first appearance at the Asian European Championships Games. We keep in touch with Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) runner-up Enes Erkan of to add the sport to the Asian Games but we need at least 20 Turkey keeps the second Asian members for participating in the games,” he added. place while promising “Japanese and Korean countries introduced their traditional Achraf Ouchen of Morocco sports, namely judo and taekwondo to the world and the takes the fourth place thus sports are parts of Olympic Games at the moment, but they showing the remarkable worked so hard for many years to do that. We have to be momentum of younger patient since it will take time to introduce the sport to the generations in high-level Karate. world,” Mehralizadeh stated. Presenting an impressive track in international “Zurkhaneh is not only a sport, it belongs also to our competitions, Mehdizadeh heads the ranking of Male culture and our religion. The origins of some sports including Kumite -60kg. wrestling in Iran have come from Zurkhaneh,” the IZSF The defending world champion added the gold medal at president said. the Asian Championships and the silver at The World Games “Zurkhaneh sports were included in the 4th Islamic to his impressive tally of awards so to climb to the top of the Solidarity Games in Baku, Azerbaijan and has been added qualification of the category. to the Association for International Sport for All (TAFISA) for (Source: wkf.net) some years,” Mehralizadeh concluded. Ex-Iranian weightlifter Falahatinejad Iran advance to FIBA Asia Cup passes away quarter-final Asian Women’s Volleyball Championship: Iran beaten by Australia

Iran lost to Australia at the 19th Asian Senior Women’s Volleyball Championship on Monday. The Iranian team lost to their opponent 3-1 (23–25, 25–22, 25–20, 25–22) in Pool H. Iran will face Hong Kong on Tuesday in the 9th–12th classification. The Persians have already Sports TEHRAN — Former the men’s 77 kg weight class at the 2003 Sports Iran beat Jordan 83- break, pestering Jordan into 25% lost to Chinese (3- deskIranian weightlifter World Weightlifting Championships in desk71 in the battle of shooting, and led by as many as 1) and Thailand (3-0) and Mohammad Ali Falahatinejad passed Vancouver, Canada, for a total of 357.5kg. the two undefeated teams in Group A 22, as Jordan were chasing from the defeated the Maldives (3-0) away at the age of 41 on Monday. Falahatinejad also won a bronze of the 2017 FIBA Asia Cup on Sunday. early stages. in the competition. Falahatinejad was hospitalized in medal at the 2002 Asian Games in Bu- Another near triple-double Mah’d Abdeen had 22 points and The 2017 Asian Tehran’s Omid Hospital last week after san and claimed a silver at the 2003 from Hamed Hadadi (17 points, 7 9 assists to lead Jordan in the loss. Women’s Volleyball he was diagnosed with a bad kidney Asian Championship in Qinhuangdao. rebounds and 9 assists), and Behnam Iran basketball team will play host Championship is being infection. He will be laid to rest on Tuesday in Yakhchali’s 20-point, 10-rebound Lebanon on Wednesday. held from 9 to 17 August The former weightlifter of Iran na- Tehran’s Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery. double-double proved to be enough The top five teams in the 2016 2017 in the Philippines. tional team finally lost his battle with The Tehran Times staff also offers its for Iran, who finish atop of Group A FIBA Asia Challenge will earn an extra The matches are being held in two cities, namely Binan the disease. heartfelt condolences to his bereaved at 3-0. berth in the 2017 FIBA Asia Cup for and Manila. Falahatinejad won a gold medal in family. Iran took a 43-26 lead into the their respective sub-zones. (Source: Tasnim) Iran earn fourth successive win at Volleyball World Championship Asian Qualifier N.I.O.C National Iranian Sports Iran earned their fourth successive win Second Announcement deskat the 2018 FIVB Volleyball Men’s World 1396.2154 Drilling Company Championship Asian Qualifier. Igor Kolakovic’s men defeated Qatar in straight sets (25- 22, 25-19, 25-18) at the 6,000-seater Rezazadeh Stadium in Ardabil, northwest of Iran. Iran national volleyball team defeated South Korea, China, Kazakhstan and Qatar in the five-day tournament. Iran and China qualified for the FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship as the Pool A’s top finishers. Japan and Australia have previously qualified for the prestigious competition as Pool B’s top finishers. The 2018 FIVB Volleyball Men’s World Championship will be jointly hosted by Italy and Bulgaria. Brief discription of subject: Hosts Italy and Bulgaria and defending champions Russia, Serbia, Finland, and Belgium from Europe plus National Iranian Drilling Company(NIDC) address pasdaran Blev., Airport Saqare, Ahvaz, Iran hereby intends to purchase its Poland have automatically qualified for the next year’s Japan, Australia, Iran and China from Asia have also booked requirements from qualified and interested tenderers through one-stage public tender (compressed) upon following terms and conditions: World Championship. France, the Netherlands, Slovenia, their tickets through continental qualifiers. A) Qualitative evaluation of tenderer: The evaluation is based on article ( J ) implementing regulations of the law of tenders and also carried out base on worksheets qualitative evaluation inquiry in the tender doucments. Minimum acceptable point of quality is 60. B) Preparation of tender documents: Iran top-ranked in 1st WTF President’s Purchasing of documents: In order to receive the tender documents, 510,000 Rials should be paid to SIBA account number 2174652205004 of NIDC in Bank Meli Iran and providing the original deposit receipt. Cup - Asian region G-2 Notice: According to N.I.D.C technical and commercial committee rule, the limitation for job referals in procurment field is four active in the minus 54-kilogram, 63-kilogram, minus 74-kilogram and in process contract. and minus 87-kilogram weight categories respectively. Reciving of documents: Mohhamd Salar Vahidi also received a silver medal in the Tenderers must be obtain the quality evaluation documents along with tender documents maximum ten days after the date of second minus 68-kilogram section. publication in person at the following address: Hall No.:113, 1thfloor, Foreign Mehdi Eshaqi, Hamidreza Hadiyan, Alireza Aliyari and Procurement Dept., National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN Sajjad Mardani earned four bronze medals in the minus Notice: Only the real or legal persons who apply to purchase and recieve tender ducments from foreign procurment department in due 54-kilogram, minus 58-kilogram, minus 68-kilogram and date and participates in tenderwill be known as tenderer from tender committee. over 87-kilogram classes respectively. C) Delivery of envelopes of bids and call quality evaluating: South Korea sat in the second place with four gold and Tenderers shall submit simultaneously envelopes of bids including bank guarantees (a)financial offer (c) and stamped and signed of one silver medals. Uzbekistan rounded off the podium, tender ducuments (b) along with qualification worksheets in form of software in cd and documentary within 40 days from last day of having pocketed three silver and three bronze medals. document recived deadline to the following address: Hall No.:107, 1thfloor ,Tender Committee, Building operations, National Iranian Drilling Company, Airport square, Ahwaz, IRAN. Meanwhile, Iran women’s national taekwondo team D) Tender Guarantee: stood on the third podium, having garnered two silver and Type of guarantee: two bronze medals. A)Bank guarantees or guarantees issued by non-bank institutions that have activites licensed by the Central The South Korean women’s national taekwondo team Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iranian men’s national taekwondo team has clinched finished first, having snatched six gold and three bronze medals. B) The original cash deposit receipt paid to National Iranain Drilling Company. the title at the first edition of World Taekwondo Federation The South Korean squad was followed by the Chinese outfit, Duration of credit guarantee & quotation: (WTF) President’s Cup - Asian region G-2 in Uzbekistan, which bagged one gold, two silvers and two bronze medals. This duration should be valid for 90 days and extendable maximum For one time in initial credit amount. thanks to its admirable displays of spinning kicks and fast The first edition of World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) More on this & other tenders is accessible by click on. WWW.NIDC.IR kicking techniques at the tournament. President’s Cup - Asian region G-2 started in the Uzbek Foreign Procurement Dept The Iranian team claimed the top position of the chart, capital city of Tashkent on August 11 and finished on National Iranian Drilling Company having won four gold medals through Ebrahim Safari, August 13, 2017. تهران تایمز : نوبت اول 23/5/96نوبت دوم 96/5/24 Soroush Ahmadi, Mehdi Jalali and Ahamad Mohammadi (Source: PressTV) prayer times Noon:13:09 Evening: 20:13 Dawn: 4:52 tomorrow) Sunrise: 6:24 (tomorrow) august 15, 2017 art&Culture I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y www.tehrantimes.com Managing Director: Ali Asgari Editor-in-Chief: Hassan Lasjerdi Seifollah Samadian to make sequels Editorial Dept.: Fax: (+98 21) 88808214 — 88808895 [email protected] Switchboard Operator: Tel: (+98 21) 43051000 Advertisements Dept.: Telefax: (+98 21) 43051450 to his film on Abbas Kiarostami Public Relations Office: Tel: (+98 21) 88805807 Subscription & Distribution Dept.: Tel: (+98 21) 43051603 artTEHRAN — Seifol- www.eshterak.ir Distributor: Padideh Novin Co. desklah Samadian has an- Tel: 88911433 Webmaster: [email protected] nounced his plan to make sequels to Printed at: Kayhan - ISSN: 1017-94 “76 Minutes and 15 Seconds with Abbas Kiarostami”. No. 18, Bimeh Alley, Nejatollahi St., Tehran, Iran P.o. Box: 14155-4843 Speaking during a session that the Zip Code: 1599814713 Iranian Artists Forum organized on Sun- day to review the montage film about Abbas Kiarostami, he said, “Kiarostami was one the best people came in front of my camera.” “I hope to make two or three sequels to ‘76 Minutes and 15 Seconds with Ab- bas Kiarostami’,” he added. The film is currently on screen at Teh- ran’s Art and Experience Cinemas dedi- cated to screening art films. Samadian who accompanied Kiaro- Kiumars Purahmad donates stami in most of his projects made the film based on an idea from Kiarostami’s his own scripts to Film son, Ahmad, and it had its premiere at the 73rd Venice Film Festival few months Museum of Iran after Kiarostami’s death in 2016. artTEHRAN — Filmmaker Kiumars Purahmad He used the pictures and films that deskhas donated a collection of his own took from Kiarostami backstage during screenplays to the Film Museum of Iran. the projects. In an interview conducted before the premiere of the film, Samadian said, “In the film, we face a picture of Kiarosta- mi as a filmmaker, photographer, poet, graphic designer, video artist and even a Director Seifollah Samadian (R) and critic Shahin Amin attend a review session for “76 Minutes and 15 Seconds with Abbas carpenter, and above all, a natural born Kiarostami” at the Iranian Artists Forum in Tehran on August 13, 2017. (ISNA) lover of work and life who never can be described by words.” that his father “had his most comfort- This film, which its title refers to the paid to the great artist at many inter- During a memorial service held for able and safest moments of his life in duration of Kiarostami’s life, 76 years national events after his death on July Kiarostami earlier last year, Ahmad said front of this man’s camera for 30 years.” and 15 days, was screened at tributes 4, 2016. McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Tehran museum to review movies digitizing books by Iranian scholars by Theo Angelopoulos artTEHRAN — The artTEHRAN — deskInstitute of Islamic desk Objects from Kiumars Purahmad are on display in a section Eleven movies by Studies of Canada’s McGill University is prominent Greek film director Theo dedicated to the veteran filmmaker at the Film Museum of digitizing books by Iranian Islamic scholars Iran in Tehran. Angelopoulos will be reviewed at the in a project to provide an easy access to cinematheque of the Tehran Museum The scripts will be sent to a section displaying a collection of the major sources of information about of Contemporary Art. other objects from the veteran director, the museum announced Islamic sciences, the McGill’s Institute of The movies will be screened before on Monday. Islamic Studies has announced. the review sessions, first of which will The donated screenplays include “The Night Bus”, “The Last The books are kept at the library of the be held on Wednesday, the museum 50 Steps”, “Where Are My Shoes” and “Open Parentheses”. Tehran branch of the McGill’s Institute of announced on Monday. Purahmad’s has previously donated 29 awards and four Islamic Studies, which is implementing the “Reconstruction” (1970), “The honorary diplomas that he received at various events to the project with the help of the University of Travelling Players” (1975), “The museum. Several other screenplays, letters and film props are Tehran. Hunters” (1977), “Alexander the Great” also on display in the section. So far, over 100 book titles have been The Tehran branch of the McGill’s (1980), “Voyage to Cythera” (1984) The jury grand prize that Purahmad won for “The Night Bus” digitized in this project, which gives an Institute of Islamic Studies was established and “Landscape in the Mist” (1988) are at the Asia Pacific Screen Awards in 2007 is also among the easy access to some of the most important at the Ferdowsi Auditorium of the Faculty among the films. “The Dust of Time” (2008) will also go donated items. manuscripts and reference materials of of Literature at the University of Tehran “The Suspended Step of the on screen. Iranian directors, including Asghar Farhadi, Ebrahim different Islamic Sciences, many of which in 1969. Since then, several academic Stork” (1991), “Ulysses’ Gaze” (1995), The sessions are scheduled to be Hatamikia, Rakhshan Bani-Etemad, Yadollah Samadi, and Rasul are accompanied by introductions or projects have jointly been carried out by “Eternity and a Day” (1998), “Trilogy: held every Sunday and Wednesday Sadr-Ameli, have also donated collections to the museum. translations into foreign languages. the universities. The Weeping Meadow” (2004) and until September 20. Oscar-nominated writer “Annabelle: Creation” levitates to no. 1 with $35 million Joe Bologna dies at 82 LOS ANGELES (Variety.com) — “Annabelle: Creation” by Sony’s “Baby Driver,” which took in $1.5 million this week- may not be able to save the summer -- which, after this end. PHOENIX (AP) — Oscar-nominated writer Joe Bologna died weekend, will only fall farther behind last year’s pace -- but it Meanwhile, Lionsgate’s new release “” is Sunday. He was 82. is doing its part to frighten audiences into theaters. pulling in $4.9 million from 1,461 locations. Those are mea- Bologna died in the Los Angeles area after a three-year bat- The latest from New Line and Warner Bros, which serves ger earnings, but also a low theater count. The adaptation tle against pancreatic cancer, his manager Matt Sherman told as the fourth installment in what has become the “Conjur- of ’ hugely-popular 2005 memoir mostly The Associated Press. ing” extended universe, is casting its evil eye on $35 million appealed to women, who made up 80% of the audience. The actor and director was married to actress Renee Taylor, from 3,502 locations. That’s a strong start for the horror flick, Audiences have been generally receptive, earning the mov- who credited his doctors for prolonging his life so he could re- which was made for about $15 million. ie an A- CinemaScore, while critics are more mixed (50% ceive a lifetime achievement award at the Night of 100 Stars for The track record for the franchise is strong -- “Annabelle” of RottenTomatoes). reunited with “Short Term ($37.1 million); “The Conjuring” ($41.9 million); and “The 12” director Destin Daniel Cretton for the project, which also the Actors’ Fund of America on Feb. 26. Director David F. Sandberg poses at the LA Film Festival Conjuring 2” ($40.4 million). David F. Sandberg directed the stars and . “He had a beautiful life,” Taylor said in a statement. gala screening of “Annabelle: Creation” in Los Angeles, Cali- sequel about a dollmaker whose creation terrorizes a group In limited release, Paramount’s “An Inconvenient Sequel” Born Dec. 30, 1934, Bologna was a native to Brooklyn, New fornia, U.S., June 19, 2017.(Reuters/Mario Anzuoni) York. After he graduated from Brown University with a degree in of orphan girls. For those invested in the “Conjuring” canon, added 376 theaters this weekend for a total of 556 where quel “Nut Job 2: Nutty by Nature” appears to be a miss. art history, Bologna served in the Marines. it serves as a prequel to the first “Annabelle.” Stephanie Sig- it’s expected to make $800,000. TWC expanded Taylor From 4,003 locations, the animated adventure should earn Bologna and Taylor married in 1965. man, Talitha Bateman, Anthony LaPaglia, and Miranda Otto Sheridan’s “Wind River” to 45 locations, where it is earning $8.9 million. That’s less than half of the first “Nut Job” mov- “Joe was a loveable man, a kind soul, a good friend and al- star in the pic that critics have generally given a thumbs up $642,067 -- the studio plans to continue the film’s expansion ie, which opened to $19.4 million before going on to take ways a pleasure to be with,” Sherman said. to (it currently has an 68% on ). to between 600 and 700 locations next weekend. Neon’s “In- in $120.9 million worldwide during its run. The sequel’s Bologna was nominated for an Oscar in 1971 for best adapt- “Annabelle is scary as hell,” said Jeff Goldstein, distribution grid Goes West,” starring Aubrey Plaza and Elizabeth Olsen, story centers around a group of animals who attempt to ed screenplay for “Lovers and Other Strangers.” He won an chief at Warner Bros. “And it’s exciting to see how broadly should make $141,216 from just three locations. And A24’s save their home from being bulldozed and turned into an Emmy in 1973. audiences enjoyed it,” he said, adding, “I think our marketing Robert Pattinson-starrer “Good Time” is opening in four amusement park. He had a string of television appearances, but he was best team did a fabulous job.” theaters to $137,625. After “Nut Job 2” is Sony’s “Dark Tower” which underper- known for the 1982 comedy “My Favorite Year.” The same studio’s “Dunkirk” continues to show strong This time last year, “Suicide Squad” suffered a steep sec- formed during its opening weekend, and continues to slide. Bologna was a voice actor for the 2006 animated film “Ice during its fourth weekend, as it holds onto second place. ond weekend drop to $43.5 million. But that is still more than With $7.9 million from 3,451 locations, the movie looks to Age: The Meltdown” and had a role in the 1999 Adam Sandler One of the lone bright spots in a generally dismal summer this weekend’s winner. And while Disney’s “Pete’s Dragon” fal- slip 59% from its first frame. The same studio’s “Emoji Mov- comedy “Big Daddy.” for the box office, Christopher Nolan’s World War II epic tered, Sony’s “Sausage Party” surprised with $34.3 million, or should make an additional $11.4 million this weekend, push- ie” is rounding out the top five with $6.6 million from 3,219 about the same as “Annabelle: Creation” this year. That is to ing its domestic total past the $150 million mark. theaters, just ahead of Universal’s “Girls Trip” which is closing say, the box office continues to slip behind, and the summer Egyptian artist creates While it should land in the top three, Open Road’s se- in on the $100 million milestone. That landmark was just met of hell is only getting hotter. portraits out of burnt Tehran gallery to hang works by National Toy Festival tobacco Slovenia-based Iranian artist to open in Tehran today ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (Reuters) — In a small studio littered artTEHRAN — An exhi- artTEHRAN — The Insti- with empty cigarette packets in Egypt›s second city, Alexandria, deskbition of paintings by desktute for Intellectual De- Abdelrahman al-Habrouk sits hunched over a sheet of paper the Slovenia-based Iranian artist Azita He- velopment of Children and Young Adults making portraits with tobacco. dayati will open at the Persian Idea Gallery (IIDCYA) will host the Third National Toy The cigarettes fuel his art; he breaks them in half, painstak- on Friday. Festival opening today. ingly traces out monochrome images of celebrities or animals A collection of 12 paintings will be on Over 90 organizations and toy compa- with the fine flakes of tobacco, then sprinkles his creations with show in the exhibition until August 23 at nies will be displaying their latest produc- gunpowder and sets them on fire. the gallery located at 28 Azar Alley, Kolah- tions during the event, the IIDCYA report- The resulting scorch-marks on the white paper form the por- duz St., Shariati Ave. ed on Monday. trait. This is the first solo exhibit of the artist. A number of meetings and workshops Habrouk, now 23, started using unusual materials to make She had showcased her works at several are scheduled to be organized on the images a couple of years ago, experimenting with coffee, salt group exhibits before 2008 when she or- sidelines of the festival. and sand before settling on the tobacco technique because it ganized her first solo exhibition in Slovenia. Visitors can also donate their used is more durable. Since then, she has held four exhibitions in dolls to the charity organizations estab- «The idea is that I›m trying to make the art live longer,» he the southeastern European country. lished at the venue to be later handed to told Reuters. In 2015, she displayed her works along the children’s hospitals in Tehran. «I wanted to make something good out of something that is with a group of Iranian and German artists The festival will be running until August considered harmful,» he added. in Germany. 19 at the institute located on Hejab St. A poster for third National Toy Festival