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*!)* Srto.inrr lltiritlt .NKW.-VNEE, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL II, 1962 Triple Winners End Bowl Career Pickering, Pinkley, Brittain The Sewanee College Bowl team, af- ter three wins, met defeat April 1, 1962 Cop Gownsmen in the hands of Florida State Univer. Offices sity 285-130. The los ; tin Sam Pickering, junior from Nash- and a member of Sewanee's 1961-G2 learn could o longer the ville, Tennessee, was elected President Football Team. program. of the Order of Gownsmen in a final Those nominated in the March meet- The Sewanee team arrived in New run-off election held yesterday, Tues- ing of the Order of Gownsmen on York City, Saturday, March 31, after day, April 10, 1962. Also March 14, 1962. included flying from their respective homes elected in the following ~ earlier run-offs were Vice-President students; For President: Mike Cass, That night they went to see The Ed Emenheiser, Dick Greene, Blacks, by Jean Genet, an off-Broad- Wallace Pinkley. junior from Hunting- Hank Haynes, George Lewis, and way production. don, Tennessee, and Secretary Joe Tom Wise. For Vice-President: On Sunday, the team followed the Brittain, junior from Roanoke, Ala- Ralph Capochi- ano, Gerry DeBlois, usual procedure of having lunch at tr John Douglas, Park-Sheraton Jerry Summers, Webb Wallace, David and participating In the final round of the elections Webb, and three practice games. Two games wei Phil White. For Secretary: which began on Wednesday, April 4, Dick won by the Sewanee team, one by Brush, Howie Cockrill, and Ed 1962, Pickering defeated Dick Greene, Hatch. ..core of 480 to 135. At five-thirty Eas' junior from Demopolis. Alabama, for c-rn Standard Time the program wei the top student office. on the air at which time the team lo Formal installation of the new offi- the all-important game. Mostly a cers of the Order of Gownsmen will sponsible for the defeat was Mr New Course take place in All Saints' Chapel on Kemper of Florida State who was e> Tuesday, April 17, 1962. Seniors Roy tremely able on the toss-up questions, Flynn, Julian Beckwith, and Duncan Opens in Fog which gave her team the chant McArthur will install their successors for respectively as President, Vice-Presi- For their last night in New York, the Sewanee golfers. On Saturday, March dent, and Secretary. team saw Gershwin's Porgy and Bess 31, the redesigned and rebuilt course Pickering is a member of Phi Delta at the City Center Music Hall. was formally opened at 1:30 p.m. Ap- Theta, an English major, member of Sewanee's three wins came from de- praised by a Memphis developer as be- the Publications Board, and was As- cisions over John Carroll University, ing worth in excess of $150,000, the sistant Business Manager for the the Universiy of New Hampshire, and nine-hole links will show $40,000 in im- MARCH 1962 issue of The Mountain Mundelein College. As a result of provements for the first time. THE COASTERS, a prize- GoeX. their victories the University received wanee's Spring Weekend G Situated on the edge of the Moun- Pinkley is an Economics and Busi- $5,000 worth of scholarships and, of April 27,1962. tain-top, two holes offer spectacular ness major who has been for the past course, an uncountable amount of ad- views of the valley 1,000 feet below. year Proctor of Barton Hall, perhaps Each green features bent-grass water- its last Proctor. He has also been Each time the expenses for the trip a ed by four nozzles from the four-acre star football to New paid player for the Tigers. York were by the Gen- Los Olvidados' Film Lake Torian located as a hazard in eral Electric Company. In addition Brittain is Proctor of Johnson Hall, the middle of the course. The water L-L-ch team member was allowed to se- and an English major. He is also n reservoir is named for the famous 87- lect two General Electric products for Second in Lenten Series member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity (Continued on page three) either their use or their families'. The team, although they will no longer be on the College Bowl, still Los Olvidados (The Forgotten Ones) ish born Marxist, Buneul fled to ft has another chance to display its Germans to Present id a panel discussion on this film co following the Facist take-ovi knowledge. On April 27, it will ere presented by the Student Vestry Spain. In Mexico, he has become known meet the University of Tennessee in a the Union Theatre on April 6, 1962. for his stark, cruel realism and use of practice game in Knoxville. The U. T. 'Improved' Dance The Young and the Damned, the animal symbolism team will be on the College Bowl some in his pictures. English title for this picture, is a mov- Among his better known films are On Friday night, April 27, the Ger- Negro folk humor seems to have no story on slum children in Mexico Mexican Bus Ride, The Young and the man Club will present the Coasters in equal today and gives them a most City. Damned, and Robinson Crusoe. In the its second presentation of the year, original sounding presentation. A few The story is centered around Pedro, latest issue of New Republic, the After the very successful Mid-Winter's Bells Ring Out of their other hit songs include fatherless boy of the slums and his an article on Buneul. dance featuring Chuck Berry, the Ger- "Framed," ''One Kiss Led to Another," attempt to escape the evil which sur- Dr. Bates introduced the film, and man Club, headed by Dick Greene, be- For Polk, April and "Riot in Cell Block Number 1s him. Pedro leaves the street Dr. Caldwell moderated the panel dis- gan almost immediately to contact sev- April concerts on the 56-bell Leoni- gang of which he is a member and gets cussion which followed. The panel in- eral "name" groups about the country. The dance will be held das Polk Memorial Carillon in Shapard s job. After being accused of steal- cluded Lucas Myers (English Depart- After discussing the different possi- in the Or- mond-Simkins Gymnasium from nine Tower began on Sunday, April 1, 1962 ing from the store where he works, ment), Robert Duvall (Seminary), and bilities, the members decided on the to one Wih a 4:00 p.m. concert played by War- Pedro is fired. His mother then com- Jerry Johnson and Charles Hoover Coasters, and committees were formed on Friday night, April 27. Again, ing the gym will be decorated the McCrady. Included in his all Bach mits him to a state farm, where for (College). to make plans for the coming event. by Club and cold drinks will be served program was an entire sonata. the first time in his life, he feels want- Chief points brought out by the panel The Coasters, who are famous for as be- fore. Dress will be informal with stu- Yesterday, Tuesday, April 10, a spe- ed and trusted. Pedro runs away from concerning the film were: the com- their hit songs of 1957, "Searchin" and dents required to wear coats ties. cial concert in honor of the birthday of the farm and returns to the slum be- plete absence of God from the life of "Young Blood," should prove to he and Cocktail dresses will be appropriate Bishop Leonidas Polk, born in Ral- cause money entrusted to him is stolen. these people and the superimposing ot even more entertaining than Berry for girls. eigh, North Carolina, on April 10, 1806, He is finally killed by the demonic magic upon Christianity, the helpless- was. They are quite well-known all was played by student carillonneur Jaibo, leader of the street gang, for ex- ness of innocence before the power of over the U. S. and appear regularly at Several improvements over the last Thomas Midyette. The program, play- posing him as the murderer of another evil, and the implication that socialism night clubs in New York, Chicago, and dance will be made. A more fed at 12:30 pm, consisted of hymns is the answer to the evils of big cities. Washington. Their music, along with public address system, and cold drinks; and "The Old North State", the only Luis Buneul, the director of Los OI- Question Seven, the last movie of the riotous antics, give them one of will be sold at two locations. song mentioned by Bishop Polk in hi vidados. has been called the least Lenten program, will be presented on nost amusng acts in show busi- Tickets will go on sale some time known of the better directors. A Span- Monday, April 16, 1962. Their ability to present modem next week at $3.00 per couple. Another special concert will be givei tomorrow, Thursday, April 12, obserV' City String ing the Third Anniversary of the dedi- Group AAUW to Hold cation of the Leonidas Polk Memorial Carillon. Hymns of praise and thanks- Presents Concert Pilgrimage in Ala. giving will be played. On Tuesday. April 3, the University On Sunday, April 15, 1962, the Thomas Farrar, student carillonneur Concert Series presented the Music i Huntsville branch of the American As- will play concerts at the close of the the Round players. The group con sociation of University Women will U:00 a.m. service on each Sunday in sisted of Julius Hegyi, director and vi conduct a pilgrimage through famous April. Special afternoon concerts will olin; Richard Strawn, violin; Thoma Huntsville, Alabama, homes of the Civil also be given each Sunday at 4:00 p.m.