UTT -1- A Theory of Unconscious Thought Ap Dijksterhuis & Loran F. Nordgren University of Amsterdam To appear in: Perspectives on Psychological Science Running head: UTT This research was supported by a grant from NWO (016.025.030). Address for correspondence: Ap Dijksterhuis, Social Psychology Program, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[email protected]. We would like to thank Tanya Chartrand, Pamela Smith, Dan Wegner and Tim Wilson for helpful comments on an earlier draft. UTT -2- Abstract We present a theory about human thought named the Unconscious Thought Theory (UTT). The theory is applicable to decision making, impression formation, attitude formation and change, problem solving, and creativity. It distinguishes between two modes of thought: unconscious and conscious. Unconscious thought and conscious thought have different characteristics and these different characteristics make each mode preferable under different circumstances. For instance, contrary to popular belief, decisions about simple issues can be better tackled by conscious thought, whereas decisions about complex matters can be better approached with unconscious thought. The relation between the theory and decision strategies, and between the theory and intuition, are discussed. We end by discussing caveats and future directions. UTT -3- “One might almost believe that half of our thinking takes place unconsciously…I have familiarized myself with the factual data of a theoretical and practical problem; I do not think about it again, yet often a few days later the answer to the problem will come into my mind entirely from its own accord; the operation which has produced it, however, remains as much a mystery to me as that of an adding-machine: what has occurred is, again, unconscious rumination.” Arthur Schopenhauer Imagine you are looking for a new house.