Frankfurter Buchmesse 2018
TOPIC ON THE PAGE MAGAZINE SUMMER 2018 INSIDE: Political Books | Gov’t Policies | Freedom to Publish | IPR Summer Book Picks | 2018 Frankfurt Preview Guide A Big Year for Politics & Publishing INSIDE: 2018 Frankfurter Buchmesse Preview Guide Learn about this year’s book fair highlights including new exhibition areas, VIP speakers, and can’t-miss conferences and events. Turn to page 18 » Publishing Perspectives / Summer 2018 PUBLISHING PERSPECTIVES / FRANKFURT BOOK FAIR 2016 1 Letter from the editor Editorial: ‘All Politics Is Local’ – Not Anymore s we look ahead to the Frankfurter Buch- inent a force that it becomes the primary chal- #OnTheSamePage this autumn—its celebration Amesse this year (October 10 to 14), it’s hard lenge faced by the Nigerian book publishing in- of the 70th anniversary of the UN’s Universal not to marvel at the old line “All Politics Is Lo- dustry (Page 11). Declaration of Human Rights—it’s easier than cal,” usually associated with the former Speaker Translators have some things to tell us about ever to realize that we are all having one conver- of the US House of Representatives, Tip O’Neill. how stories cross borders. As Takami Nieda sation, in all our many languages, in all our many His political memoir, All Politics Is Local, and Oth- tells us, when she translates from Japanese into markets, with all our many readers and authors er Rules of the Game, was published in 1993 by English, “It’s always interesting to observe how and colleagues. Times Books. Western readers ... often respond to literature We are talking about decency, respect, sup- What a difference 25 years makes.
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