Equine therapy: Horses help veterans struggling with PTSD 1 September 2021, by Cara Murez

"When they realized that, I don't want to call it a dependent relationship with the horse, but kind of as equals with the emotional balance with the horse, they realized that, 'maybe I do need some help,'" he said. "It was a good stepping stone into a traditional therapy."

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the attack that caused the death of dozens of people, including 13 members of the U.S. military last week, is dredging up a lot of memories for veterans, Ryba noted.

"We're at a very pivotal moment where programs like this ... and the other military support programs for veterans are of the utmost importance," Ryba said. "We see the suicide rate continuing to rise. These problems are getting worse and not better, and we really need the support from the public and from others to be able to fund this kind of research so that we can find tools to be able to help veterans (HealthDay)—As a Marine Corps veteran who that need it." served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Matthew Ryba understands what life in a combat zone can The new study assessed the equine therapy do to soldiers' minds, leaving many struggling with program known as the Man O' War project for post-traumatic stress disorder. veterans at the Bergen Equestrian Center in northeastern New Jersey. Now, new research shows that equine therapy might go a long way in starting the healing process Study authors Prudence Fisher, a research for these veterans. In the program, participants scientist at New York State Psychiatric Institute, learned about horses, stroking their sides, cleaning and Yuval Neria, professor of medical psychology hooves and building trust with the animals. at Medical Center, founded the equine therapy project. Ryba helped recruit vets for "We saw with the study that a lot of people who the fledgling program. were not amenable to going into traditional therapy because they had an idea of what mental health Easing of symptoms therapy was because they had this kind of ingrained, sense of, 'I don't need help. I'm a "We were totally open to it not working," Fisher military service member. I'm stronger than this kind said. of a thing,'" said Ryba, who is now director of community outreach and education for the Military The study was conducted from July 2016 to July Family Wellness Center at New York 2019, enrolling 63 veterans who had PTSD. They Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center were men and women with a wide range in ages. in . Their PTSD was assessed by a clinician and

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through self-reporting before they started the The program is a gentle introduction to therapy, program, mid-treatment, after treatment and three with opportunities for participants to ground months later. themselves, help each other, and learn about communication and self-regulation, Fisher added. Researchers grouped the participants into teams of typically four veterans plus two horses, a mental The study was an open trial, which makes it harder health professional, an equine expert and a third to say the changes the participants experienced staff person, to be another set of eyes. were specifically because of the horses. A randomized, controlled trial with different types of The participants received eight weeks of weekly treatments, would be more definitive. The findings 90-minute sessions with the horses, where they were published Aug. 31 in the Journal of Clinical might talk about their PTSD, but didn't speak . specifically about their traumas. The study results are encouraging, said Dr. In addition to recording and assessing the process, Stephen Stern, a psychiatrist and adjunct professor the researchers worked with manual writers to in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral create a detailed book of the therapy protocol, to Sciences at the University of Texas Health Science help guide other programs in the future. Center at San Antonio. It's also important to be careful about how to interpret it, he added. The researchers found that equine-assisted therapy (EAT) showed real promise. Both the staff and the participants were likely enthusiastic, which can have an effect on people's "Our study would say, it could work, but what we symptoms, said Stern, who wasn't part of the looked at is, does a specific type work? We're not research. The study also included a lot of human speaking for equine-assisted therapy as the whole interaction with veterans in small groups and study field," Fisher said. "But I think it is a good indication staff, alleviating some of the loneliness experienced that it does work, that there is something about it by those with PTSD. that can be really, really helpful." "I think the paper itself was really very good and The veterans had marked improvement in PTSD they didn't hype their results at all, but I think it's symptoms and in depression after the treatment important that the public not overinterpret this," ended, and that persisted even three months later. Stern said. "Yes, this is encouraging, but we don't know to what extent this therapy actually had an Stepping stone to more therapy? effect and we need to study it further."

Though training has already begun to help other More information: The U.S. National Institute of programs try this type of project, it may not be a Mental Health has more on post-traumatic stress good fit for all equine-based programs, Fisher said. disorder. Having a mental health professional on the team is critical for certain mental health conditions, she said. Copyright © 2021 HealthDay. All rights reserved.

"PTSD is a serious illness. People can get worse. My own personal opinion is if you go to a program and think you're getting treatment, then you might not be going to [other] treatment that might help you," Fisher said. "So, it's really important that you have somebody who keeps an eye on what's going on and knows if you're getting worse or you're getting better."

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APA citation: Equine therapy: Horses help veterans struggling with PTSD (2021, September 1) retrieved 1 October 2021 from https://medicalxpress.com/news/2021-09-equine-therapy-horses-veterans- struggling.html

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