M in u te s Minutes

Finance and Budget Committee

10.00 am, Thursday, 6 June 2013


CouncillorsCouncillors Rankin (Convener), Bill Cook (Vice-Convener), Corbett, Dixon, Edie, Godzik, Griffiths, Ricky Henderson, Jackson, Mowat (substituting for Councillor Whyte), McVey, Ross and Walker.

1. Deputation: Theatre Trust – Leith Theatre and Thomas Morton Hall

The Committee agreed to hear a deputation from Philip Neaves, John Paul MacGroarty and Jack Hunter, Leith Theatre Trust, in support of the recommendations in the Director’s report (item 2 below).

The main points raised by the deputation were:

 Once on site, the Trust could devote more time to marketing the Theatre to businesses/organisations.

 The Theatre could be used for a number of different purposes, i.e. weddings.

 Relevant organisations had been researched to identify potential sources of grant funding.

 The Trust would be able to apply for Lottery funding to transform the main theatre into a usable condition.

The Convener thanked the Deputation for their presentation and invited them to remain for the Committee’s consideration of the report by the Director of Services for Communities.

(Reference – e-mail dated 20 May 2013, submitted.)

2. Leith Theatre and Thomas Morton Hall

Details were provided of the lease terms and conditions for a five year lease of Leith Theatre and Thomas Morton Hall to the Leith Theatre Trust.


1) To authorise officers to create a five year lease, on appropriate terms and conditions, for Leith Theatre and Thomas Morton Hall to Leith Theatre Trust (LTT).

2) To agree in principle to creating a further 30 year lease, giving LTT full financial responsibility.

3) To agree to end the lease and advertise the opportunity to other groups/organisations if Leith Theatre Trust’s plans did not prove to be viable.

- moved by Councillor McVey, seconded by Councillor Ross.


To approve the recommendations in the report, namely:-

1) To authorise officers to create a five year lease, on appropriate terms and conditions, for Leith Theatre and Thomas Morton Hall to Leith Theatre Trust (LTT).

2) To agree in principle to creating a further 30 year lease, giving LTT full financial responsibility.

3) To agree to end the lease and advertise the opportunity to other groups/organisations if Leith Theatre Trust’s plans did not prove to be viable.

4) To agree that, if no viable options were presented or developed within nine months following advertisement, Corporate Property should progress a financially beneficial asset management solution for the Council.

- moved by Councillor Jackson, seconded by Councillor Mowat.


For the motion - 10

For the amendment - 2


To approve the motion by Councillor McVey.

(References – Culture and Leisure Committee, 22 June 2010 and 24 April 2012 (minute items 3 & 5); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 2 of 18 3. Minute


To approve the minutes of the Finance and Budget Committee of 21 March 2013 and the Special Meeting of the Finance and Budget Committee of 24 April 2013 as correct records.

4. Finance and Budget Key Decisions Forward Plan August and September 2013

The Finance and Budget Committee Key Decisions Forward Plan for August and September 2013 was presented.


To note the Key Decisions Forward Plan for August and September 2013.

(Reference – Finance and Budget Committee Key Decisions Forward Plan August and September 2013, submitted.)

5. Business Bulletin

The Finance and Budget Committee Business Bulletin was presented.


To note the Business Bulletin.

(Reference – Finance and Budget Committee Business Bulletin, submitted)

6. Governance of Major Projects: Progress Report

A quarterly update was provided on the progress of the Major Projects Portfolio.


1) To note the current synopsis of the dashboard reports for the Major Projects Portfolio set out in Appendix 1 of the report.

2) To note the recommendations resulting form the Zero Waste assurance review and the forward schedule of assurance reviews in Appendix 2 to the report.

3) To note the progress made by the Corporate Programme Office (CPO) in establishing a Centre of Excellence in Project Management.

(References – Policy and Strategy Committee, 4 September 2012 (minute item 3); report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 3 of 18 7. Loan to Leisure in Relation to the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena (EICA) at Ratho

At the Finance and Budget Committee of 21 March 2013, the Loan to Edinburgh Leisure in Relation to the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena at Ratho report was continued to allow for a more detailed report to be brought back to Committee.

Further details were provided and approval was sought to write-off the £230,000 loan advanced to Edinburgh Leisure in respect of the operation of the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena at Ratho.


To agree to the write-off of the loan of £230,000 advanced to Edinburgh Leisure in respect of the operation of the Edinburgh International Climbing Arena at Ratho.

(References – Act of Council (No. 24), 28 June 2007; Culture and Sport Committee, 12 March 2013 (minute item 11); report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

8. Corporate and Transactional Services Improvement Programme

A quarterly update was provided on the progress of the Corporate and Transactional Services Improvement Programme.


1) To note that progress had been made in planning and defining the approved Corporate and Transactional Services Improvement Programme and that key resources had been recruited.

2) To note the programme was on target to achieve the financial savings targets defined in the Council report.

3) To note that the next quarterly update would be provided to the Committee in September 2013.

(References – Act of Council (No. 11), 31 January 2013; Finance and Budget Committee, 21 February 2013 (minute item 5); Finance and Budget Committee, 21 March 2013 (minute item 4); report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

9. Freedom of Information (FOI) Update

Details were provided of Freedom of Information (FOI) performance during 2012, and the current initiatives taking place to improve compliance, performance, and the management of information within the Council.

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To note the developments and initiatives outlined in the Director’s report.

(References – Act of Council (minute item 13), 31 January 2013; report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

10. The City of Edinburgh Charitable Trusts – Donations from the Surplus Fire Fund

Approval was sought for a donation of £26,648 to the Sick Kids Friends Foundation to partially fund the purchase of a Mini Image Intensifier for the Burns Unit of the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh.


To approve the donation of £26,648 to the Sick Kids Friends Foundation to partially fund the purchase of a Mini Image Intensifier.

(Reference - report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

11. Connected Capital Programme Status Update

An update was provided on Edinburgh’s ‘Connected Capital’ Programme bid to the Urban Broadband Fund (UBF) as part of the UK Government’s Super-Connected Cities Initiative.


1) To note the current status of the Connected Capital Programme and that the approach was in line with other successful Urban Broadband Fund (UBF) Cities across the UK. 2) To note that the fixed broadband capital infill programme would not now proceed as a result of the requirement for an EU state aid investigation.

3) To note that the Council had undergone a significant re-scoping exercise in very short timescales to redefine the programme to comply with the criteria and meet UBF outcomes.

4) To agree to the re-scoped proposals set out in sections 2.3 and 2.4 of the Director’s report.

5) To agree to Option C set out in section 2.5.1 of the Director’s report, namely to pursue the bid, if given approval by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), but ensure that for each element of the programme, a cost benefit analysis is carried out prior to a decision being taken on proceeding.

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6) To agree to the approach towards implementation set out in section 2.5 of the Director’s report.

7) To delegate authority to the Director of Corporate Governance to approve the terms and conditions of the grant funding with BDUK. (References – Corporate Policy and Strategy Committee, 16 April 2013 (minute item 6); report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

12. Supply of Educational Materials - Excel Framework Agreements

Approval was sought for the adoption of the Scotland Excel Framework for the supply and delivery of educational materials for the period 7 June 2013 to 31 March 2017.

Decision 1) To approve the adoption of the Scotland Excel Framework for the Supply and Delivery of Educational Materials for the period 7 June 2013 to 31 March 2017. The Committee was asked to note that this award had an estimated total cost of £4.6m with an approximate total saving of £299,000 over 46 months. 2) To agree that a key part of the adoption would be a programme of communication to frontline staff within schools with lead responsibility for purchasing to ensure that the benefits of the framework were understood and that appropriate supplies could continue to be secured.

(Reference - report by the Director of Children and Families, submitted.)

13. Provision of Notebook and Tablet Devices - Adoption of the National Framework

Approval was sought for the adoption of the Scottish Procurement Framework for the provision of notebook and tablet devices.


To approve the adoption of the Scottish Procurement Framework for the provision of notebook and tablet devices for the period 7 June 2013 to 27 May 2014 with the option to extend for two further twelve month periods to 27 May 2016.

(Reference - report by the Director of Children and Families, submitted.)

14. Extension of Children and Families Care Contract

Approval was sought to further extend the Children and Families Care contract for residential care services with Dean Orphanage and Cauvin Trust up to 31 March 2015 with the current contract value price of £817,000 per annum.

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 6 of 18 Decision 1) To approve the extension of the contract with Dean Orphanage and Cauvin Trust for Residential Care Services, due to expire on the 30 June 2013, until 31 March 2015.

2) To approve the proposals for Children and Families and Services for Communities to jointly commission a Residential Care Service and Visiting Support Service. This would provide a basis for the procurement of services by March 2015. (References – Policy and Strategy Committee, 4 October 2011 & 7 August 2012 (minute items 8 & 12); report by the Director of Children and Families, submitted.)

Declaration of Interest

Councillor Edie declared a financial interest in the above item as a Chair of the Care Inspectorate, and left the meeting during the discussion on this item.

15. Delegated Authority for an Autism Specific Respite and Day Centre – Appointment of Contractor

Delegated authority was sought to enable the Director of Health and Social Care and the Director of Services for Communities to enter into contracts on behalf of the Council for a new build autism specific respite and day care service at Pefferbank.

Decision To agree to grant delegated authority to the Director of Health and Social Care and Director of Services for Communities to accept a tender on the basis that the contract sum was within the budget allowance for the projects. (References – Health, Social Care and Housing Committee, 24 May 2011 (minute item 19); joint report by the Director of Health and Social Care and the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

Declaration of Interest

Councillor Edie declared a financial interest in the above item as a Chair of the Care Inspectorate, and left the meeting during the discussion on this item.

16. Specialist Care Home Places

Details were provided of a procurement exercise undertaken to provide three types of specialist care home services.

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1) To note that the funding for the step down service would be from the Change Fund in year one. Ongoing funding had been agreed by the NHS Lothian’s Finance and Resources Committee.

2) To note that the funding for the respite service would be met through the approved demographic monies for older people.

3) To approve the award of two contracts to Bupa Care Homes (ANS) Ltd, one for a specialist respite unit and one for step up/step down places in two units.

4) To approve the award of one contract to Care UK Community Partnership Ltd for step up/step down places in two units.

5) To delegate authority to the Director of Health and Social Care to contract further step up/step down places to satisfy the original requirement of sixty places.

6) To authorise the Director of Health and Social Care to agree the final terms of the contracts and to enter into the contracts.

(Reference – report by the Director of Health and Social Care, submitted.)

Declaration of Interest

Councillor Edie declared a financial interest in the above item as a Chair of the Care Inspectorate, and left the meeting during the discussion on this item.

17. Advertising Street Furniture and Large Format Advertising Contract

An update was provided on discussions with prospective suppliers for the grant of a new street furniture contract coupled with the prospects for letting new large format advertising contracts.


To note the current position and authorise the Director of Services for Communities to continue with the procurement of both the street furniture and large format advertising contracts and report back to Committee on the option which delivered best value on completion of tendering.

(References – Finance and Budget Committee, 29 November 2012 (minute item 11); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

18. On Lending To Registered Social Landlords

Approval was sought for loan funding to Registered Social Landlords (RSL) and their subsidiaries to support the development of affordable homes in the city.

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1) To approve loan funding of £4,007,554 for Dunedin Canmore Enterprises to provide forty-one affordable homes at Beaverbank Place.

2) To approve loan funding of £2,436,967 for Dunedin Canmore Enterprises to provide twenty-five affordable homes at the Fruitmarket Site, Hutchison Road. 3) To approve loan funding of £3,787,954 for Dunedin Canmore Enterprises to provide forty-one affordable homes at Powderhall Brae.

4) To agree that any unused funds would be subject to a review of investment priorities for affordable housing supply in line with the Strategic Business Case for New Homes reported to the Health, Wellbeing and Housing Committee on 23 April 2013.

5) To note that the loan requirement might be reduced when valuations were undertaken on the completed homes in line with paragraph 2.4 of this report. (References – Act of Council (No. 7), 30 June 2011; Finance and Resources Committee, 31 July 2012 (minute item 17); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

19. Kitchen and Bathroom Improvements in Council Housing

Approval was sought for the award of two term contracts for up to a maximum of four years for the delivery of kitchen and bathroom upgrading works.


To approve the award of two term contracts for up to a maximum of four years for the delivery of the kitchen and bathroom upgrading works to CeeJ Ltd and Mitie Property Services on an equal citywide basis within designated Neighbourhood locations over the term of the contract.

(References – Finance and Resources Committee, 16 June 2009 (minute item 10); Act of Council (No. 1(e)), 7 February 2013; report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

20. Lease and Option to Purchase the Premises at 24 McLeod Street, Edinburgh

Approval was sought to grant a twenty-five year lease and option to purchase of the former clinic at 24 McLeod Street to the Edinburgh Prison Officers Club.

Decision To approve the grant of a 25 year lease and option to purchase of the former clinic at 24 McLeod Street to the Edinburgh Prison Officers Club on the terms and conditions

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 9 of 18 outlined in the Director’s report and on such other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Director of Services for Communities and the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance (Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

21. Sale of Shop and Properties at 193/197 Canongate, Edinburgh

Approval was sought to dispose of the Council owned shops at 193/197 Canongate to the sitting tenant, the Di Sotto family. Decision To approve the disposal of 193/197 Canongate to the tenants, the Di Sotto family, at market value subject to the terms and conditions detailed in the Director’s report and other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Director of Services for Communities and the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance. (References – Act of Council (No. 3), 22 December 2011; report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

22. 63 Niddrie Mains Terrace – Use and Management of Community Space

Approval was sought to appoint a preferred organisation to take forward further discussions with the Council with regard to a lease of the community space at 63 Niddrie Mains Terrace and the management of equitable community access to that space.

Motion 1) To approve the appointment of Caring in Craigmillar (CiC) as the preferred bidder to use and manage the community space in the building subject to lease for up to 5 years being agreed and further discussion about consultation and risk.

2) To note that the Director of Services for Communities had delegated authority to conclude the lease agreement on behalf of the Council as the lease would be no more than five years and the rent would be no more than £50,000 a year.

- moved by Councillor Rankin, seconded by Councillor Cook.

Amendment To reject the recommendations in the Director’s report and ask officers to undertake full consultation with community groups in Craigmillar and report back the findings to the Committee.

- moved by Councillor Walker, seconded by Councillor Corbett.

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 10 of 18 Voting

For the motion - 10

For the amendment - 2


To approve the motion by Councillor Rankin.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

23. Portobello Toddler Hut , 28 Beach Lane

Approval was sought to grant a long lease to the Portobello Toddler Hut (PTH) at 28 Beach Lane, which was currently used to operate a playgroup. The long lease would facilitate PTH’s fundraising of a project to construct a new building at the site, as the current single storey wooden building was no longer fit for purpose.

Decision To approve an 80 year lease of 320 sq m of land or thereby at 28 Beach Lane, Portobello to Portobello Toddler Hut at a nominal rent of £1 per annum and on other such terms and conditions as may be agreed by the Director of Services for Communities and the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance, subject to the lease not being concluded until Portobello Toddler Hut had secured funding for their new build project. (Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

24. , Edinburgh

Approval was sought to grant Edinburgh World Heritage Trust (EWHT) a long lease, conditional on Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) funding being confirmed within two years, of the former Tron Kirk, Edinburgh. Decision 1) To authorise the Director of Services for Communities to enter into exclusive detailed negotiations with EWHT on Heads of Terms for the grant of a long lease of the former Tron Kirk, High Street.

2) To note that further reports would be submitted to the Committee detailing the provisionally agreed Heads of Terms and the progress EWHT was making toward obtaining funding for the conservation and fit out works. (Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 11 of 18 25. Craigmillar Hearts Community Club – 201 Craigmillar Castle Avenue

Approval was sought to grant delegated authority to the Director of Corporate Governance and the Director of Services for Communities to appoint, on receipt of tender, a contractor to undertake the refurbishment of the property at 201 Craigmillar Castle Avenue for use by the Craigmillar Hearts Community Club.


1) To appoint a contractor to undertake the reinstatement of the premises at 201 Craigmillar Castle Avenue subject to the receipt of tenders within the allocated budget project of £655,000 (inclusive of fees and costs).

2) To approve the lease of the refurbished premises to Craigmillar Hearts Community Club on the terms and conditions to be agreed by the Director of Services for Communities and the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance.

(References – Finance and Budget Committee, 29 November 2012 (minute item 13); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

26. Sale of Land at Groathill Road South

Approval was sought for the disposal of an area of land at Groathill Road South, Edinburgh.


To approve the disposal of the land at Groathill Road South, extending to 280 sq m (334 sq yds) or thereby, on the terms and conditions outlined in the Director’s report and on such other terms and conditions to be agreed by the Director of Services for Communities and the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

27. Transportation of Food Containers – Result of Procurement

Approval was sought to appoint a single supplier framework agreement to deliver and uplift food containers from schools production kitchens and deliver to schools dining centres including lunch clubs, within the City of Edinburgh.


To approve the appointment of a single supplier framework agreement to deliver and uplift food containers from schools production kitchens and deliver to schools dining centres including lunch clubs, within the City of Edinburgh, to Sheridan Myers Management Services for a period of three years with an option to extend for a further year.

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 12 of 18 (Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

28. Home to School Transport and Additional Passenger Journeys – Result of Procurement

Approval was sought to appoint fifty three contractors to a framework agreement to service the Council’s requirement for home to school transport and additional passenger journeys.


To approve the establishment of a framework agreement to service the Council’s requirement for home to school transport and additional passenger journeys and the appointment of contractors for each respective lot as detailed in Appendix 2 to the Director’s report.

(References – Policy and Strategy Committee, 29 September 2009 (minute item 11); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

29. Summary Report on Property Transactions Concluded Under Delegated Authority

Details were provided of the lease agreements, etc concluded in terms of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation to Chief Officials.


To note that the three transactions detailed in the Director’s report had been concluded in terms of the Council’s Scheme of Delegation to Chief Officials.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

30. Gas Main Replacement – Wester Hailes Road

Approval was sought for a Deed of Servitude over the land at Wester Hailes Road to formalise the gas mains replacement.


To authorise a Deed of Servitude over the land at Wester Hailes Road to formalise the gas main replacement.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 13 of 18 31. Proposed Ground Lease at Warriston Recreation Ground for a Community Tennis Court

Approval was sought to grant a twenty five year lease of land at Warriston Recreation Ground to Warriston Community Tennis Club (WCTC), for the construction of a single tennis court for use by members of the newly formed club.


To approve a twenty five year lease of land at Warriston Recreation Ground to WCTC on the terms outlined in the Director’s report and on other terms and conditions agreed with the Director of Services for Communities, the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance and WCTC.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

32. Proposed Lease for Land and Redundant Shower/Changing Rooms at Malleny Recreation Ground to Currie Rugby Football Club

Approval was sought to grant a new sixty year lease that would combine two existing leases to Currie Rugby Football Club (CRFC), the first being a ground lease for the ground that their existing Club House was built on and the second lease was for an adjacent shower/changing block.


To approve a new sixty year lease of the shower/changing block and area of ground where CRFC’s Club House was built on at Malleny Recreation Ground on the terms outlined in the Director’s report and on other terms and conditions to be agreed among the Director of Services for Communities, the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance and CRFC. (References – Finance and Resources Committee, 20 March 2012 (minute item 12); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

33. Lease of Housing Revenue Account Land at Wester Hailes Town Centre and Morvenside Union Canal

Approval was sought to lease approximately 0.056 hectares of Housing Revenue Account (HRA) land between Murrayburn Road and the Union Canal and 0.118 hectares of HRA land between Morvenside and the Union Canal.


1) To approve the lease of the sites to Scottish Canals, subject to consent from Scottish Ministers for the lease of HRA land under Section 12 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 1987.

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 14 of 18 2) To grant delegated authority to the Director of Services for Communities to negotiate and conclude the lease, including authority to instruct the Head of Legal, Risk and Compliance to settle the conveyancing formalities associated therein.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

34. 22 McLeod Street, Edinburgh

Approval was sought to enter into negotiations to sell the premises at 22 McLeod Street to the Plumb Centre at market value.


1) To note that 22 McLeod Street was surplus to requirements.

2) To approve entering into negotiations for the potential sale of the property at 22 McLeod Street to the Plumb Centre and to note that provisionally agreed terms would be reported back to the Committee for approval.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

35. Former North British Rubber Company Building, Gilmore Park/Fountainbridge Road – Proposed Disposal

An update was provided on discussions being held with Edinburgh Printmakers to agree Heads of Terms for the disposal of the former North British Rubber Company Building.


To note that discussions were continuing with Edinburgh Printmakers to agree Heads of Terms. Once the terms of the sale were provisionally agreed a further report would be submitted to the Committee.

(References – Finance and Budget Committee, 21 March 2013 (minute item 13); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

36. Appointments to Sub-Committees etc.

The Committee was invited to appoint the membership of its Sub-Committees and Working Groups for 2013/14.


1) To appoint Councillor Edie in place of Councillor Aldridge on the Property Sub- Committee.

2) To approve the appointments as detailed in the Appendix to this minute.

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 15 of 18 3) To note that the Committee Terms of Reference and Delegated Functions specified that the membership of the Committee’s Policy Development and Review Sub-Committee would be the same as the parent Committee, and that the Vice-Convener of the parent Committee would be the Convener of the Sub- Committee.

(Reference – report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

37. The City of Edinburgh Charitable Trusts – Donations from the Surplus Fire Fund

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business for the reason that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.

Approval was sought for donations of £1,500 from the Surplus Fire Fund for two individuals that had been seriously injured in fires in the Edinburgh area.


To approve donations of £1,500 from the Surplus Fire Fund for two individuals who had been seriously injured in fires in the Edinburgh area.

(Reference – report by the Director of Corporate Governance, submitted.)

38. Sale of South Gyle Wynd

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business for the reason that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.

Approval was sought for delegated authority to appoint preferred bidder status for the disposal of the Council owned site at South Gyle Wynd.


1) To note the offers received for the disposal of the site at South Gyle Wynd.

2) To authorise the Director of Services for Communities, in consultation with the Convener and Vice-Convener, to appoint preferred bidder status.

3) To note that the decision would be referred back to Committee for information.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 16 of 18 39. Sale of 9 George IV Bridge

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business for the reason that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 6 and 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.

Approval was sought for the sale of the Children’s and Music Libraries Annexe at 9 George IV Bridge to Merefern Ltd.


1) To approve the sale of 9 George IV Bridge to Merefern Ltd on the terms outlined in the Director’s report.

2) To agree that a further report was brought back to the Committee on the outcome of the consultation.

(References – Policy and Strategy Committee, 10 June 2008 (minute item 12); Act of Council (No. 12), 26 June 2008; Policy and Strategy Committee, 6 December 2011 (minute item 4); report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

40. Kerbside Recycling Contract Covering Period 31 July 2013 to 31 January 2015

The Committee resolved in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 that the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business for the reason that it involved the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 9 of Part 1 of Schedule 7(A) of the Act.

Approval was sought for a further extension of the Council’s current Kerbside Recycling Contract with Palm Recycling Ltd which would end on 31 July 2013.


1) To approve a further extension of the Council’s Kerbside Recycling Contract, which ended on 31 July 2013, until 31 January 2015.

2) To note the need to incentivise continual improvement during the contact period; in reducing missed collections, ensuring all materials presented appropriately were uplifted and that boxes were returned in an orderly way to properties.

(Reference – report by the Director of Services for Communities, submitted.)

Finance and Budget Committee – 6 June 2013 Page 17 of 18 Working Groups Appendix

Joint Consultative Group (JCG) – 6 members – Convener and Vice-Convener of Finance and Budget Committee, 1 Labour, 1 SNP, 1 Conservative and 1 Green member.

Councillor Rankin (Convener) Councillor Bill Cook

Councillor Burns Councillor Dixon

Councillor Chapman Councillor Whyte

Elected Member ICT and Digital Sounding Board (Formerly known as the Smart City and ICT Digital Sounding Board until 21 March 2013) - 8 members –Convener and Vice-Convener of the Finance and Budget Committee, 2 Labour, 3 SNP,1 Conservative (there is 1 Conservative vacancy which has not been filled), and 1 Green.

Councillor Rankin Councillor Gardner

Councillor Booth Councillor Lunn

Councillor Bill Cook Councillor Ross

Councillor Dixon Councillor Whyte

Corporate Health, Safety and Well-Being Group – Vice Convener of the Finance and Budget Committee.

Councillor Bill Cook 6 Departmental Health and Safety Champions

8 Trade Union Representatives

Property Sub-Committee – 10 members – Convener and the Vice Convener of the Finance and Budget Committee, 2 Labour, 2 SNP, 2 Conservative, 1 Green, and 1 SLD.

Councillor Rankin Councillor Griffiths

Councillor Bill Cook Councillor Jackson

Councillor Corbett Councillor McVey

Councillor Dixon Councillor Mowat

Councillor Edie Councillor Walker

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