February 7, 1986 Griet-Nser
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February 7, 1986 griet-nser. Ottawa, Feb. 7, 1986 reportVol. 15, No. 2 Official Glebe logo design unveiled president Jim McCarthy, Judy Moody, owner of Glebe Apoth- Alderman Rob Quinn and John By JOAN OVER Richards of Davidson's Jew- ecary, and other GBG mem- Leaning, Moody unveiled the The first official Glebe ellers, Simone Sauvé of the bers, included refreshments top three designs. Other logo was unveiled and awards Glebe Meat Market and Don and entertainment by the designs entered in the cont- presented on Monday, January Hewson of Hewson, Bridges Nepean Stage Band. est were displayed on the 20, at The Framing Experi- and Smith. Following brief speeches walls of the shop. ence on Bank Street. The unveiling and awards by GBG president Ernie Saar, Leaning said Coulter's The winning design was event, organized by Claudia GCA president Jim McCarthy, semi-circular black-and- submitted to the contest by white design was chosen be- Mary-Lou Coulter, 31, a cause of its "simple and di- graphic artist employed at rect presentation, showing City Hall. Second and third the environment of the place awards went to Judith Glebe, the houses, the water Bainbridge and Bill Kretzel. and trees." All three are Glebe resid- Coulter, who has been a ents. Glebe resident for four The Glebe logo contest has years, said she was surpris- been a major project of the ed but delighted that her Glebe Business Group which design was chosen. She said was formed in the spring of the design was inspired by 1985. the semi-circular stained Seventy-five contest ent- glass windows adorning many ries, some from high school Glebe homes. students and some from as Potential uses for the far away as Toronto, were logo include shop signs, submitted. shopping bags, billboards, The judging took place in advertising literature and December under the chairman- video screens. ship of architect John Lean- A reproduction of Coult7._ ing of Leaning and Associ- PhotoDavicISchryer er's design appears with the ates. Other judges were GCA president Jim McCarthy presents the award for the GBG column in this edition. Glebe Community Association winning logo to Mary-Lou Coulter. Council approves study for adult crossing guards city in Ontario without an attended because the schools the city. By JOAN OVER adult crossing guard pro- feel they are too dangerous COESP asked that the pro- Ottawa City Council has gram. Vanier and Nepean, to be patrolled by children. gram be implemented by Sept- approved $5,000 for a study smaller cities to the immed- In January, the Council of ember of 1986 and that $150, of the need for adult school iate east and west of Otta- Ottawa Elementary School 000 of city funds be alloc- crossing guards at dangerous wa, both have adult guards. Parents (COESP) presented ated to hire adult crossing intersections throughout the Most of the hazardous int- city councillors with rec- guards at minimum wages. city. Approval for the ersections are in the Glehe ommendations for implement- At a board meeting on Jan- study came late last week and Ottawa South. Some of ation of a crossing guard uary 27, the Ottawa Board of during the city's annual them are being patrolled by program and a study report Education also expressed its budget discussions. children as young as nine outlining the need for 43 support for an adult cross- Ottawa is the only large years old and others are un- guards in various areas of CROSSING GUARDS - p. 2 New plans for Whyte House development being drafted for 13 condo- land in its natural state. By INEZ BERG miniums which when completed They had the support of res- The prospect of 520 Queen should retail in the range idents but ran into zoning Elizabeth Driveway as a site of $300,000. difficulties. Further, the for a condominium develop- The Macbeths became in- high costs involved, and in- ment is once again in the volved in purchasing the sufficient financial return, planning stages, this time site in December 1985 when made a retirement home un- with new players and a re- Melgro Holdings' option with feasible. duced number of units. the current owners, the Baz- In January the Macbeths On January 25 the Glebe ilian Order, lapsed. Melgro joined forces with Wolfgang Community Association heard had been unable to raise Mohaupt to beat out another that the option to buy the sufficient financing to pro- offer from Melgro Holdings property had definitely been ceed with their 16-unit to purchase the site. Their taken over by Judith and plan. offer was accepted and, as Doug Macbeth. In conjunct- Originally the Macbeths Judith Macbeth said, "We ion with Wolfgang Mohaupt, planned.to create a retire- were forced to realistically an Ottawa architect and fin- ment home in the Whyte House assess development prosp- ancial backer, new plans are and maintain the surrounding HYTE HOUSE - p. 2 N EWS from page 1 Crossing guards estimated to cost $200,000 annually ing guard program. , gram but, he said, "It would Quinn said he supports the variable of unreliability. 0.B.E. trustee John Smart have been better if they idea of adult crossing Street safety for children estimates the annual expend- (the city) had given approv- guards, but feels it should should be approached on a iture for adult crossing al in principle to the'idea be "based on a volunteer surer basis than that, and guards at closer to $200,000 and then started negotiating program." we should be willing to en- but said he hopes the 0.B.E. with the school boards." Smart disagrees. He said, sure that the system is might be willing to pick up Capital Ward Alderman Rob "Volunteer programs have the there and is stable." about a third of the cost. Smart said approval for a study is better than out- from page 1 right rejection of the pro- Whyte House plans could mean reduced height ects." the Driveway and five condo- on Broadway Avenue, just While they feel it is fin- miniums on the northwest north of the site, they are NCC predicts ancially necessary to go side of the site. considering modifying the with a condominium develop- In preliminary discussions height of the northernmost record turnout ment, she said, "We wanted with the GCA, achitect Wolf- unit. to opt for a plan where gang Mohaupt indicated that Judith Macbeth said, for Winterlude everybody would come out the creation of an entirely "Plans are still in the pre- winners." new set of plans may include liminary stages and we are To this end, they plan not reducing the height of the seeking further backing." By JOAN OVER to build on the wooded east units facing the Driveway The group will be making a and northeast slopes of the and building them in brick full presentation of their With the addition of act- site. Four units are slated so they will contrast with plans to the community at ivities at Lansdowne Park for the Whyte House and the the main building. To avoid the next meeting of this year, the National Cap- the other nine will consist of the original concerns about Glebe Community ital Commission'is predict- Association four freehold units facing light blockage to properties on Tuesday, February 25. ing a record turn-out for Winterlude, even if the wea- ther doesn't co-operate. high polar bear snow sculpt- Organizers hope a winter ure to the canal at Fifth zoo at Lansdowne will att- Avenue. THE OTTAWA WOMEN'S CREDIT UNION ract about 300,000 visitors In previous years, during and help draw the focus away Winterlude, Lansdowne Park from Dow's Lake and the can- was used mainly for its al should the weather turn parking facilities. warm,,_ -The-zoo-will feature- -At-a news conference-an--- :01) a large variety of northern- January 22, the park's dir- climate animals including ector, John Gray, said city aft Am polar bears, Siberian tig- officials hope that, by in- %or %se ers, buffalo, lynx, arctic cluding more Winterlude act- fox and timber wolves. ivities, the park "will de- Along with the Avalanche velop a significant profile l?(/ slide and an Inuit village, with the public." other attractions at Lans- Outside Lansdowne, Winter- downe during Winterlude in- lude highlights include $15 clude the Ottawa Winternat helicopter rides, hot-air THE FULLY GUARANTEED RRSP: ional Indoor Games, which ballooning, the Molson get under way at 6:30 p.m. Trotting Classic, outdoor Safeguard Your Future. on Friday, February 7, and figure skating and snow the Grizzly Polar Bear Fest sculptures. pub night with Ottawa Valley Winterlude runs from Feb- entertainer Wayne Rostad, ruary 7 to February 16. Op- also on February 7, beginn- ening ceremonies will take INSTANT TAX RECEIPTS ing at 7 p.m. place on Dow's Lake on Fri- The Lansdowne Skatewalk day, February 7, at 8:30 Three investment options will enable skaters to put p.m. and at Lansdowne Park to suit your needs on their skates in the car on Saturday, February 8, at and glide past a 10-foot 7 p.m. Highly competitive interest rates No administration fees PLANNING A TRIP SOUTH Monthly savings plans available Don't spend your first week on the beach under an Each PLAN insured up to $60,000 umbrella. You can take full advantage of your holiday RRSP loans available by tanningfirstat We will help Supertan.SUNTAN CENTRE you build a base safely and conveniently. See results in only a few short sessions. A great winter break! VALUABLE COUPON ($7.00) W.,41E.4e,Iti 'It .4041, aft.31Ii ,41-.111C wg,IreVte.W,31te.leli.a.Velle,ste Specialized Banking Services 190 MacLAREN (Corner of Elgin) To Meet Your Financial Needs.