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Tonal Range.Pdf $5.00 wc would Iikc to thai* sp..@ rmd@ lhoto kbo (su v.ilcy, csrfordi), D.t'f studjd (chrroft, Ndi\ carch'r) md cifrn ftintins (Gledde, C.Xforrir) 6r thcn aisM 6rd Daling tu Phoognplry, D6igl sd Prcdudion by Thc G6phic Ma*.ting Group, rnc. (Fofu cirr. Grfonnr) coPrrocH'r o 1ee5by Normd Eircrpri*q Iic An {shs red.d. IE op} PBJFACB i\kN oaotrrflrtoDcr hi,t*k(d ho "puDch) phorosli| n thr d sphr i ri'Ll bm msc - Nh{c thc shido! Ln {c fttr Marld our,.od rrrcm of.onu, ilr.tuio$ nn bc doDcto rrrYBrrins, d dgir .1.( n,' ,oon h.',h. .n.,.1,.t dM Puhrftcd on thi5 $$j<i i, Prc d i',Nv rorotrrn!cor\o'k i{Lrh orn k sdlr$ h nNiroric,,i. trnns n( idvr nr cxpo!trsift*trcrid, is oppo$dro iLlNrih8 hov ro turinmxki|squiLiryphotoAnphs c<DoDrcn\: Iiirorrdsirc drtrlrn booHctlrn lt rorotr rtPr( iicd t .\_ormi1 pqEourprcducbiodrocdprr 4''?'7/.* IST THINGS IST Inprcpetlyexposed fihn is the singleyeotert .o$e ol p00rt qudttryfi cotorPnorcgruprt, $t $kscd $bjc( miftr Nith m c A iln y! mishr qpcd Fom UDJ(, .otrd ind ovo .xp$.d cmuLnn. r'hc son olihc phoro hb !s to mt ij ,,s.i pi ir!,r.b iri,., ]nrm d.niq in thc ccDt( oainrrci lthc hishLishtsidc ol thc t\rrsso .rt. l.lLinc 'rr Lisht ,Lrd dft ton ryD.-ncob' PiG frcn o4in:r rEsparen<yflrn )orc 6,siviry (lls 'mre tlir'da $i(tltr L!l N l{'irr.n Rtn d E)IPOSURETESTING rN' s$a'n obi(,n( !l Lhsi(r ir. c: !ar.olrr( !6 (t i,i of) lr ANIlziDgrour lishtingtil 'fr'j5 pL : , clribdlios ru nrh mdc(s) 1,r e' it( i!or!!\ gLf's 11,!rliiln,bridirc<n.{r noPifin) nlr,!rN Lddsofthc nrj.( ir rridia'h (L rd righu4 lnff o$ r,i.rk1.m '3N (iN r$r crd rrji.dn io lisri.rir irs uPoDn.i \!L nn Lri isl,rrndns otr or dr -tri 1lrrr scd ri,crch cxponr. rrl iNde hud! frn ftn Pu4,c l'h.c dr nott h lrk 6dJ ofYi(\ iod b. $rc llou rhr ii n 66r rlr oD tiN DcmoryirbhoN rh. rc$nas n,d Hrins r vrnrn rc.orddi i!,id qrrillon ind DNils dudngrur cldu on of thc tdt rt5uLL5r'rro.mdjoo nrtlou marNistr ro indudch rhjr(<ndoutd b.liEhtingLljlgom!, risht;s cq prdn ({id' kdd iqdbcn). -- bd (iaroupmhlsc lrf firmio 4) n'$d on vouf li8htirsrid dr prblish.dlso. oayouilil,n. trtdL,n n <rloricnt to trcibr. 5) orc you hrc alrer.d yu l ''o. d -o i|.p, Doft lorgd b shte (l.g) drr rn,,! for a.h .xpGtrn. Al9, n i' \pcr o il]id crposrc ({. p.ee30) 16) Hr. rof filD pnr$scd j$r rrcu $odd n' a x{mn isisnftnt nr,- dr krs s nld rhc GiY U5i,,gi rnlmision dcDsitomftr, yorr ph.n, Lih lilpbbiblv csabhslir]l pn,ltr lrponrc ny rionhcdpronrd tMt is i rin \yin \ia $u{oD tbr }on,I,ou Lrb. ndndqd! .td 4tiLann tututu Jor ,turtk 5.i*i!t' n4utid\ FLASH METER CALIBRATION rrc rrid.n r .nlFsa n q i) ! i ,f.tri,,sr!!, rdriri n !, d,!,r,! irtr,r J rso nq i rtrrrr.L,r dliLdr rirD rp. s||n1sn'/:no|u(nNnl]nl't '! ri) '(i ' r*orr t00 riso ouDhr6 ihii 6c.oN obtrotrs L) r,,.r*ins 6rn *D5iti!i,rhrccd) br oncktop.rres tu rso tufr 6lmrlad 6vonc f.*op nuss $c Iso nnnbr ro lr. an h hJt L,."?/,'r..^ + rl rmdidondllrtso nh,b$ rt ruodcd E{'pr' OocsoF linr thin Iso 6,1is rcncd Iso r20 (n.t lso 123),mdon. *.p 6icrth3Drso l20nftrmel rso 250(,nn rso 240), r'd $ f,nrh Th$ 5mi Ifmr do nor inid sicndln x(tr tr b(rN. dic olibnlior is.onr, scD iathcicnulnn'nbtrn tu. lThn (Nodiosi n(6$rv Lnprt b Jd rso is b:sd on po{.d .fs!, yhnh iic nor vhok rmbt^ ) 3) lvhcnIso n drrtcd h )^ sop ind.h.nr5,^ rhq,irc i6o!c,clcrf t$d li,so ISo nrmb( dekr ftnd ISONnbusn l qil(ui in |Elt H.n.c, thcsa[.rn bedp!'d.d q iiDpLyda6]hs orhil ,s dtrEbs5thn & itrcrdvor dr drrl. r:u,,trj Thc fln,bd xJierrso 400vurd 6c 500(250 doubkd), 3odtr nuDbcrihsd.als M db.20(lElaor40),odsolo'nl a) IorL $opthos$,thcnulri|li.fnr4inthtposnivcdn.dodrnJ r!,,1r, rso a0 rLs 71$p = 40 x 1.4 = rso s6. iod rso 40 fri,n6% *,rr -.10x 0 I = l!aj!. WHAT YOU SEE IS -^IO? WIIAT YOU GET! coloLlilD lis i s.ttr bul irsr i l lomlntrec rh. h sr$ (bdo\n gttrtiLf. dd L.mni i r i ! D]it(l mi cj ro{ar MxcE0r No6) risin?::, rrd.ird 4L/r {o0'. !d Litro prirbs hk$ it d$r b pdi$ 47r to 2r {o0sj dqudhg or dt cobi rus hbotrr4/r {op1 rr\rd dr!r.\' r od_vrbDLI r/ no|s ro\rrd nr hilliLisliri.Llo\alr. rh. priftlo$ 'r1N.*!( trdLd \lor srd di lt rstLnin scdc.lh rlrcnrd rii$ n( r.d n, n nncnol phok,gnplN d rircL) urdcrhnd $c obrc(nasind ihr oind !h' itunc olihc fhor,siirh rhr n .cpldtrd,on rh( lmig6 bcLos ljm c rtsrotrihlq l lhc.o(m|ln) nr4n,Lrt.rh. ronnNscor$t i,bjcntu prcdG nr!.lq Ed dlcd A WORD ABOUT GAMMA rutjc \cqr b on i. \ I' 'nrv r.o(r !!did rf.(i)r ', i"Dir "r (. ir. nnsc)!nri,Nr$!t$orfh lLrcs'qi( d,( JoNi rhcsrqio dit i,,,k\nr old d,t mlJ (tdon" r 6L//]ioP5 fo' mN PrDbsrrfrr! io |q NN r /] nol\ fr\Pug 0b Good dposrc n.rc*ed Nhendr nid om.fllr sbj.( k r tlr or dr point on tlr .,^r Tllls lrNs niddlc enr' (139i snr') b look lkc dddle s!y, nd rDcnly d( sorl is lor :I dr odrcr torcs ol t1rcphoto to repmdRc rccumtch crc q,hitc appcirs a i. truc $l& ind bhck Ar' crpctrr Fitli r ron.l njrgc thr uc drr dr.ds inb thc 1c" iD/d "shotrldcr" miv suffcr a lcs ofhiEHisnt or ihidoN dchil, dcp.ndins on thc dtrction ofthc srol l hqc D4 bc !D.s qh.n x.j\n. <nidrE os ind should( poin$ b .rcrr r pi ticuh.Drcd Hdr,thdk.yobj.rj\.It rno! *hdc L\Ac p.in6 re bcyoDddr sop. ofthn 6ookkt lfrou rcdd Likcto b(omc nbrc knorvL cdsc.bc iboui photo f.nri!,mdq! TWO TONAL ELEMENTS - Subject alrl Lighting Irlu.L,!f'li[ ullg. n aLs.d !N 1) sullEcr thr n,6r(d a' h! i 'Dsr! s,di rn,c rh i. od l.ltk r5l)l$!i nrtu1 snp,j! o!l)(. r d,oM 1rl1r, LTCH|ING Il'. onl 'r,s. I !n r$, o Jr iLugr is iLdnl dnnrld, Lr gs@Ws SUBIECT TONAL RANGE d9 LIGHTING TECHNIQUES anl I r0 15ri) arirto i rish r.n rNdN' r id risdrPJs ^s D. drq: !,r^,b ,it'jgi,t = :11;ti.::i". ,lt MEASTIRTNG TONAI RANGE vou ber!tool lot nedsuthgtond rcnge luing a "shoot" +qof roNArMIGE (!2 |,oPr] cih*i dposure(c€y crd Erdhs) r) sd rhc qmB lc6 ro thc doircd 73 .pclM. A4jur thc de$ or dntua of th. ddn ristu udl ih. 'fd,l fsh 'tu radhs Fo' de sny6rd s r . nr..rld,toudo.6 yinmbrEdbyf.mi1 ljgh! uing eution tut b h*. uy EbE or sbdlM or dE cfd rn r euld ou& a Fr!. nd Mdjng (s. p.&s 16-17). 2) ch* yrtr asbp mg. 6y blina fid ffi ndings.f dr lgh6t :nd ddkdr .ls ofif,e srbkt ilft ]rD Nishb m.i'6j' Adjar yd tshing a.(.wy b nrL rE rh{ dE s.ld.d &tds.r4 do notfiIbdqf/4udthchisibligitzrrdonorRrdDoEilnf 6. Ndi@ d.r !\c @65* hofrr dtr 716 bft rhn nrke r]tm .pp.r rldlBik iie,nttu r pmbr.n rh! you ft m$lc b lolE @m- oleElywirh Lislri.s Echffi. you cr tr] lMg mrLup o Juy elin d ddlins lpny on prod$b. Or, in .em. c.c, ptdng r poldizing 6lE dcr thc on.n lcnsodld @ inc Us[t Furc ru ontd or .linimE dn d Clrc .nd p6bld highiighb A ruL olthmb is ihd Crudifl stin rc0.c6 rbour 36x oft[. ltlr (on st p noE thm thc sEysd). ftis b.ins th.6a, or<tdpou. cdd b. idided by opeing Se end lcis otu $op fiom thc rknsc ncrr adjns blan .trofdr .kin, ! illahed bclq USING THE FLASH METER ,tt, rrtr,trrrn.t { H* tr seE.ll@utions Fno tr&irg rgt&dB ndd re.dings! I ) Bc c to pli( rherlsh Nkr .lor r, lhc n,bjd {nhout (srrDs. 2) Shierddrt iickr r'rom*av rishtth* <r d .ntcrinto ttic phom pitl 3) ncarcnrl thitli8hido* norglnorofthcsubjc(orthcsny d and pDvldc i fil$ rcrdins. hdcllghiFs,<,!dig' lhy rghr b 4r' o' rhl n.d, ftcI@ngdlig|lghtgl.Eotr stdoi.ddt.dyboh6 LIGHTING TECHNIQIIES - To control tonal fallge A CEANGE OF CLOTHING: c P( 5i, \c ha$jirLuJcd ir ai rNs 'rhc l,trnnD .1r r dhvn ro drt rjshr$i pir or rM n'bjcd HrNc, in $G os (iLro\c lcri) inrrc$, lhrh is th.
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