IMPACT 2017/18

Curriculum and Extra-Curricular Activities Once again before school was popular as were the range of activities provided at lunchtimes by our skilled staff members. A new timetable of activities has been introduced to enable sporting activities to take place during lunchtime and allow children to improving their skills set and fitness levels. We also ensured a wide range of equipment was available encouraging more children to keep fit and healthy.

Clubs Summer 2017: Multi-Skills, Pro-Skill Soccer, Golf, Street Dance, Summer Games Autumn 2017: Streetdance, Pro-skills soccer, Golf, Football, Full of Beans Fitness Spring 2018: Streetdance, Pro-skills soccer, Golf, Football, , , Judo

Academic Year 2017- 2018 Participation in before school organised activities each week average of 30 children Participation in lunchtime sports activities by midday assistants average of 25 children Autumn Term Before/lunch/afterschool participation Total of 108 per week Spring Term Before/lunch/afterschool participation Total of 99 per week Summer Term Before/lunch/afterschool participation Total of 92 per week

Equipment 2017/18:  Badges- encouraged more children to participate in competitive  Stopwatches- to use to measure progress within PE lesson  Lunchtime equipment- keeping children active during lunchtime  Cargo net for Sports Day

Competitive Sports 2017/18 saw a further increase in the number of competitions entered and consequently the number of children who represented the school (see PE & Sports Calendar below) Number who represented the Percentage who represented the school in at least one match or school in at least one match or tournament tournament Y3 6/31 19% Y4 16/34 47% Y5 14/34 41% Y6 20/29 69%

Coaches delivering specialised sports within the curriculum, and extra-curricular activities have contributed to the increased participation in interschool tournaments and competitions. The profile of inter-school sports is raised by presenting badges to children for the first time they are in a school team each year. In 2016/17 33 badges were given out this increased to 59 in 2017/18.

Overall impact Staff developed knowledge and skills to enhance their own delivery through working with coaches. Pupils made aware of sporting opportunities available to them in their local community. Children offered a range of different skills which has increased participation and longevity.

Overview of PE and Sport 17/18 (Overview includes some events and activities not directly funded by PE & Sports Grant) PE & Sports Calendar

SUMMER 2017 APR MAY tournament Y6 self defence Football coaching Y4/5/6 Tennis Coaching JUNE Y4 Swimming Dodd Cup (Y5) Sports Day Braddock Cup (Netball) JULY Staff v Y6 Cole Cup (football) Cricket tournament Coaching KS2 AUTUMN 2017 SEPT Bike it Breakfast Y6 Swimming OCT Y6 Football tournament Tranmere Rovers Y5 Tag rugby tournament Birkenhead School NOV Bike it Breakfast Futsal Coach KS2 Futsal Coach Golf assembly DEC Y6 Futsal tournament Y4 Futsal tournament Kinball KS2 SPRING 18 JAN Judo assembly FEB Y5 Swimming MAR Tag Rugby tournament Y4 Netball tournament Y6 Cricket coaching KS1 (All Stars) Bikeability Y5 Archery assembly Tennis assembly Cricket assembly

PE Leaders’ Reports to Governors 2017/18 June 2017 A mixed team of Year 6 attended an competition at Pensby High School and conducted themselves admirably. Individual players were also selected for their specific skills. Cricket club will continue after half term and we have a number of fixtures to attend. I attended a free tennis coaching course at Bidston Tennis Centre; as a result of this the school has received £500 of free tennis equipment plus a DVD and book with lesson plans/demonstrations across all year groups for all staff to use. Also from the course, we were able to offer eight students from our Year 1, 2 and 3 classes a block of free coaching lessons at Bidston. As all our students took advantage of this offer, the Tennis Development Officer for Wirral (Chris Thelwall) offered our school a day’s

free tennis coaching. Consequently, on Friday 5th May every class in the school received a half hour session of tennis which was enjoyed by all. Every student in the school was then offered free coaching sessions at Bidston Tennis Centre. By the following Monday morning, twenty of our students had already booked their places. Years 4, 5 and 6 have also benefitted from two full hour sessions of coaching, from Anthony of Soccer@ School, in return for the distribution of flyers. These have been very high quality and engaging sessions.

I have registered the school for the Premier League Partnership, which gives us access to a variety of resources. Following on from this, we have received a free box of reading books and are due to receive free football equipment. Sainsbury’s vouchers haver again been collected and after the audit earlier in the year, equipment will be ordered.

KS1 were offered the opportunity to attend a new cricket activity at Irby Cricket Club. As part of the promotion for this Gareth Moorhouse and Chris Edwards from Cheshire Cricket came in to deliver a whole school assembly. They also worked with Years 1 to 3 for the rest of the afternoon, providing a taste of a new cricket format aimed at younger children.

A variety of clubs have continued at lunchtime and after school including judo. There was also a whole school judo assembly with active participation. Mrs Anstiss has met with Full of Beans to discuss providing some of our clubs going forward and they are providing a varied programme. Preparations are under way for Sports’ Day next half term, weather permitting.

Upcoming Fixtures: Tuesday 23rd May- Houlihan Cup quarter final knockout competition at Liscard Primary. The semi-finals, should we get through will be held in June. Monday 19th June- Kwik cricket at Caldy cricket club Monday 26th June- Girls cricket at Irby cricket club Thursday 15th June- Dodd cup (football) Thursday 22nd June-Braddock cup (Netball)

November 2017 We were fortunate to have Sports’ Day on our first attempt. All children participated well and the winning house was Boardman. Year 6 took part in a Kwik Cricket competition at Calday and yet again Cricket club proved very popular. Year 4 completed their swimming block in the summer term. A mixed year 5 team won an inter school netball competition at Pensby High School. Years 5 and 6 received tag rugby coaching from England Rugby and a team took part in a competition at Pensby High School. We have just received further free equipment from the Premier League after a successful application. This includes a variety of equipment specifically for football training but also items that can be used across sessions. It is very impressive and we are grateful for their continued support. The Sainsbury’s’ vouchers collected this year have been mainly used to purchase large goal posts for the playground (previous ones were lost in a storm and we had been making do with small ones). These appear to have been well received and lots of children are making good use of them. Street dance has continued this term which is still proving popular. Andy Simpson, one of Schools’ Direct students, is a fully qualified football coach and has been offering an after school club. There has also been a fitness club. In order to improve the fitness levels of KS2, an adaption of the Couch to 1K activity has been introduced. Students are encouraged to improve their own performance each week as part of their PE lessons. After attending training, Mr Snow has delivered a staff meeting on how to get children more active. Brain breaks are to be introduced in lessons and every opportunity taken to make our students active. Mr Snow and I will continue to work on this and will also arrange a Health Week later in the year. Year 6, last half term, completed a two-week swimming block. RA is continuing to liaise with our cluster schools to price alternatives for swimming and we are considering a number of options. Year 5 have attended a tag rugby competition where they were able to show enthusiasm and improvement across their matches despite being relatively inexperienced in the sport. Year 6 took part in a football competition at Tranmere during which one of our players was scouted for Tranmere. Some members of Year 5 are due to attend a tag rugby festival later this month at Birkenhead School. Tranmere are also due to deliver an assembly introducing Futsal and will be working with KS2. Later, in December, representatives from across KS2 will be taking part in Futsal competitions at Tranmere. There will also be a tri-golf assembly this half term. A variety of discussions have taken place regarding the extra PE funding that is due to be received and hopefully a number of projects/purchases will be made as a result. Some new equipment has already been purchased to ensure safety in the larger classes.

March 2018 A mixed team of Y5 attended a Rugby Festival at Birkenhead School. They received coaching from sixth formers and then took part in four matches (lost first match then drew two and won last one). They had an excellent afternoon. KS2 have also benefited from specialist tag rugby training during PE sessions from Miss Ogden (associate teacher) who was with us last term and is herself a rugby player. I have been in discussion with Vicky Trant from Pensby High School and we are hoping to increase sporting links between the two schools. Y5 has successfully completed its two-week swimming block, making pleasing progress. We were fortunate to have a whole school Futsal assembly followed by coaching sessions from a qualified coach for KS2. After this, we then took two separate mixed teams from Y6 and Y4 to compete in January in Futsal competitions at Tranmere. Both teams did very well against stiff competition. Pupils in UKS2 were also able to attend an after school Fustal club last half term

where they were also able to practise some Spanish. The coaches were very impressed with our pupils and are keen to work with them in the future. Our pupils were also able to take up an offer to watch professional Futsal at Tranmere for free and one of our students was a winner in their raffle. KS2 also enjoyed a Kinball session before Christmas using specialist equipment available to use through LJMU. There has also been a Judo assembly and there will be a Judo club this half term. Street Dance club has continued to be popular and I was fortunate to attend their end of half term demonstration which was of a very impressive standard. As part of a new initiative, I have signed us up for Super Movers. This was launched with a live active maths lesson from Anfield in which Y3 and Y4 took part. It was very motivating and all children were clearly engaged. The link to the website has been made available to all staff to encourage active brain breaks and to promote active learning. Y4 have been particularly enjoying learning their times tables with some of the Premier League Mascots. In addition to this, the FA has also provided skills links clips to model best practice in PE skills. All staff has been actively encouraged to use these. Preparations are also under way for active maths during Maths Day and for Health week in June.