ThursdaY 22 november 2012 • No 5007 • Vol 143 Gazette

Council and Main Notices 179 Advertisements 183 Committees 176 Consultative notices: Council of the University: Consolidation of small trust funds Notifications of Vacancies 186 Approval of nomination of external member of Council General notices: University of Oxford Gazette publication arrangements Council of the University: Colleges, Halls and Societies Changes in Regulations: Appointments: External Vacancies (a) Committees reporting directly to University Administration and Council or one of its main Services Supplement included with this issue: committees (1) to No 5006: Topic for Discussion: (b) Regulations for the Student Visiting Professorships: the libraries and their future 159–174 Fitness to Study Panel Medical Sciences (c) Delegacy for Military Instruction (d) Personnel Committee Electoral Boards: (e) Research Committee Professorship of Economics (f) Socially Responsible Investment Newton Abraham Visiting Review Committee Professorship in the Medical, (g) Income grant from the College Biological and Chemical Sciences Contributions Fund Musical and other Events: General Purposes Committee of Council: Lincoln Changes in Regulations: Exhibitions: Saïd Business School and Business Magdalen Advisory Council

Council of the University: Lectures 181 Register of Congregation

Examinations and Boards 181 Congregation 178 Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Congregation 26 November: Philosophy Degree by Resolution Examinations for the Degree of Master of Congregation 27 November: Science Presentation of Vice-Chancellor's Oration Changes to Examination Regulations: Social Sciences Board

For details of University events, see the ‘Events’ page of the Staff Gateway:

175 176 University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012

Council and Main Committees

Council of the University Council of the University (b) policies in respect of issues or activities which are University-wide; Approval of nomination of external Changes in Regulations (c) procedures for identifying and member of Council Council has made the following changes in managing risks across the University's Under regulation 9.3 of Council Regulations regulations, to come into effect on activities; 2 of 2002, the nomination below shall be 7 December. (d) the governance and performance deemed to be approved unless not later (a) Committees reporting directly to of the University's subsidiary than 4 pm on Thursday, 29 November, Council or one of its main committees companies; the Registrar has received from not fewer than 20 members of Congregation a written Explanatory Note (e) the University's relationships with request for a postal ballot to be taken in external bodies; These changes in regulations serve to respect of that nomination. indicate that the two co-opted members (f) the public understanding of the Approval of nomination of Sir Crispin of the General Purposes Committee may aims and activities of the University; Davis as an external member of Council be internal or external members and place (3) subject to regulation 3.7, advise certain restrictions on the composition The nomination by Council, under the Council and its other committees on of the quorum of the General Purposes provisions of section 4 (7)–(10) of Statute VI, the establishment of new University Committee, with a view to ensuring the of Sir Crispin Davis, MA Oxf, as a member legislation and on amendments to quorum is appropriately representative. of Council for four years from Hilary term existing legislation; 2013, is submitted for approval. Text of Regulations (4) make recommendations to Council Note on the nominated external member of 1 In Part 3 of Council Regulations 15 of on appointments by Council to Council 2002, concerning the General Purposes University committees, bearing in mind Committee, delete existing regulation 3.2 the gender balance on such committees Sir Crispin Davis graduated in Modern and substitute (new text underlined): and in general having regard to the History (Oriel, 1970). He then worked for appropriate representation of the various Procter and Gamble from 1970 to 1990, '3.2. Subject to the approval of Council on interests within the collegiate University; holding a series of senior positions in the UK each occasion, the committee may co- and Germany before becoming President opt up to two additional members, who (5) allocate statutory posts to a college of the company's North American food may be internal or external members, for or society and approve changes to such business. Between 1990 and 1993 he was such periods as the committee shall deem allocations or associations, on behalf of Group Managing Director for Guinness appropriate.' Council. Group, and then became Chief Executive 2 Ibid, delete existing regulations 3.5 to 3.67. The committee shall have power Officer for Aegis Group plc, a leading global 3.6 and substitute (new text underlined, to make, amend, and repeal regulations media service company, between 1994 and deleted text scored through): concerning any of the following matters, 1999. From 2000 to 2009 he was Chief on condition that it shall bring forward Executive Officer of Reed plc. '3.5. The quorum1 of the committee shall to Council for decision any case which it He was knighted in 2004, for services to include at least one Head of Division and at considers to raise particular difficulties.' publishing and information. Sir Crispin is a least one of the three members appointed non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline, by Council. 1Further regulations pertaining to the quorum of the a member of the Global Advisory Board committee appear in Council Regulations 15 of 2002, 3.56. In particular, the committee shall: for Citigroup, and a member of the Council regulations 1.6–1.7. These specify that the quorum for all Council's committees, unless otherwise specified, is one- and the Board of Trustees of the National (1) advise Council on matters of a third of those members eligible to vote upon the business Trust. He has in the past served on the reputational or ethical nature which are of the committee in question. Development Board of the Tate (2002–7) of material significance and do not fall and the Oxford University Press Finance wholly within the remits of the other (b) Regulations for the Student Fitness Committee (1994–9). Sir Crispin has been committees of Council; to Study Panel an external member of Council since Hilary (2) keep under review: Explanatory Note term 2009. He is currently the chairman of the Committee to Review Salaries of Senior (a) the University's compliance The following change increases the University Officers, and a member of the with legislation and regulatory membership of the Student Fitness to Study Finance Committee and of the Nominations requirements; Panel to make it easier to find sufficient Committee. members for each sitting of the Panel. University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012 177

Text of Regulations (1011) a person an external member University, and in the colleges, societies appointed by the Admiralty Board of the and Permanent Private Halls, is as fully In Part 2 of Council Regulations 1 of 2012, Defence Council; reflected within the total membership of the delete section 2.1 and substitute (new text committee as is reasonably practicable.' underlined, deleted text struck through): (1112) a person an external member appointed by the Army Board of the (e) Research Committee '2.1. There shall be eight up to sixteen Defence Council; members of the Panel, no fewer than four Explanatory Note and no more than eight of whom shall be (1213) a person an external member The following change adds an external appointed by Council and four no fewer appointed by the Air Force Board of the member to the Research Committee's than four and no more than eight by the Defence Council; membership. Conference of Colleges, all of whom shall (13) an external member appointed by be members of Congregation. Members Text of Regulations the Principal of the Royal Agricultural shall hold office for four years and at the College, Cirencester; In Part 6 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002, expiry of that term shall be eligible for re- concerning the Research Committee, appointment.' (14)–(19) six members of Convocation delete existing regulation 6.1 and substitute elected as provided in regulation 5.3 (c) Delegacy for Military Instruction (new text underlined, deleted text scored below; through): Explanatory Note (20) a person an external member '6.1. The Research Committee shall consist The following changes to the membership appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of of: of the Delegacy for Military Instruction Oxford Brookes University; remove a redundant slot; enable a person to (1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) (21) a person an external member be appointed by the Principal of the Royal who shall chair the committee; appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the Agricultural College, Cirencester, as the University of Reading.' (2) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as college contributes a number of students may be agreed between them; to the University Service Units; and replace (d) Personnel Committee the term 'person' with the term 'external (3), (4) two persons appointed by Council Explanatory Note member' in response to a Council regulation from among the members of Council; change by which the term 'person' is now The following change adds an external (5)–(8) four persons appointed by understood to mean an internal committee member to the Personnel Committee's Council, one of whom shall be external to member. membership, and reduces the number of the University and the other persons to co-opted members by one. Text of Regulations be appointed from the divisions; Text of Regulations In Part 5 of Council Regulations 2 of 2004, (9) one external member appointed by concerning the Delegacy for Military In Part 4 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002, Council; Instruction, delete existing regulation concerning the Personnel Committee, (910)–(1617) two persons appointed by 5.1 and substitute (new text underlined, delete existing regulation 4.1 and 4.2 and each Divisional Board; deleted text struck through): substitute (new text underlined, deleted text scored through): (17),(18), (19) two members of college '5.1. There shall be a Delegacy for Military governing bodies appointed by the Instruction consisting of: '4.1. The Personnel Committee shall consist Conference of Colleges; of: (1) the Vice-Chancellor; (19),(20), (21) two graduate student (1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Personnel (2), (3) the Proctors; member representatives, appointed and Equality), who shall chair the by the Graduate Committee of the (4) the Assessor; committee; Oxford University Student Union, one (5) the Commanding Officer of the (2) one member of Council appointed by from the Medical Sciences Division or Oxford University Officers Training Corps Council; Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences (or his or her representative); Division and one from the Humanities (3)–(5) the Proctors and the Assessor; Division or Social Sciences Division.' (6) an officer nominated by the (6) the Chairman of the Committee of Commanding Officer of the Oxford (f) Socially Responsible Investment Senior Tutors; University Officers Training Corps; Review Committee (7)–(10) the heads of each of the divisions; (7) the Officer Commanding the Explanatory Note University Air Squadron (or his or her (11) one external member appointed by The changes below increase the external representative); Council; membership of the Committee. (8) the Officer in Charge of the (1112)–(1415) one person appointed by Text of Regulations University Royal Naval Unit (or his or her each of the divisional boards.' representative); 1 In Part 29 of Council Regulations 15 of 4.2. The committee may co-opt up to seven 2002, concerning the Socially Responsible (9) an officer nominated by the Officer six additional members, on condition that Investment Review Committee, delete in Charge of the University Royal Naval the committee shall always ensure by the existing Regulation 29.1(4), and substitute Unit; use of its power of co-optation that the range (new text underlined): of interests and concerns in the faculties, (910) the Chichele Professor of the departments and academic services of the History of War; 178 University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012

'29.1(4)–(6) up to three external persons (c) the Peter Moores Dean of the Saïd appointed by Council who shall bring Business School; Congregation recent and relevant expertise of investment (d) the Associate Dean of Executive management to the working of the Education; committee;' (e) the Faculty Dean; 2 Ibid, renumber existing regulations 29.1(5)–(7) as 29.1(7)–(9). (f) the Chief Operating Officer; (g) Income grant from the College and not fewer than fifteen persons Contributions Fund drawn from the international business Congregation 26 November community, appointed by Council after Explanatory Note consultation with the Dean the School Degree by Resolution This regulation authorises the income grants Board, following a nominations process which Council, on the recommendation of carried out by the Chair of the Business the College Contributions Committee, has Advisory Council and in consultation This content has been removed decided to make out of the accumulated with the Dean.' as it contains personal balance of the College Contributions Fund. The sums listed are maxima. Council of the University information protected under the Data Protection Act. Text of Regulations Register of Congregation A sum of £360,000 shall be paid in 2012–13 Mr Vice-Chancellor reports that the as an income grant to Worcester College following names have been added to the under the provisions of section 6 of Statute Register of Congregation: XV (approved with effect from 8 April 2009, see the Gazette of 23 April 2009, p 932). The Cockman, M E, Keble grant is provided for the following purposes: Coleman, M L, Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics (i) for maintenance, a sum of £320,000, Darnborough, J E, Faculty of Music of which £20,000 is to be used as a Gehmlich, K, Department of contribution to the cost of employing an Cardiovascular Medicine Assistant Bursar; Congregation 27 November 2 pm Jarvis, M J, St Cross (ii) for development office expenditure, a Lorimer, J S P, Hertford Presentation of Vice-Chancellor's sum of £40,000. , N, Centre for Cellular and Oration Molecular Physiology General Purposes Committee of Council O'Reilly, J, Wadham The Oration delivered by the Vice- Parker, A J, Somerville Chancellor on 2 October will be presented Changes in Regulations Picard, R G, Green Templeton and may be discussed. Pollard, P J, Wellcome Trust Centre for The General Purposes Committee of ¶ The Oration has been published as Human Genetics Council has made the following changes in Supplement (1) to Gazette No 5000. Tan, J-C, Balliol regulations, to come into effect on Wilson, A N, Oxford Learning Institute 7 December. Note on procedures in Congregation Divisional and Faculty Boards Saïd Business School and Business ¶ Business in Congregation is conducted in Advisory Council For changes in regulations for examinations accordance with Congregation Regulations see 'Examinations and Boards' below. Explanatory Note 2 of 2002 ( regulations/529-122.shtml). A printout The following change transfers authority for of these regulations, or of any statute or approving membership of the Saïd Business other regulations, is available from the School Business Advisory Council from Council Secretariat on request. A member of the Council of the University to the School Congregation seeking advice on questions Board. relating to its procedures, other than Text of Regulations elections, should contact Mr P Burns at the University Offices, Wellington Square In Part 2 of Council Regulations 25 of 2002, (telephone: (2)70193; email: paul.burns@ concerning trusts, in § 312 delete existing; questions relating to 5 (1) and substitute (new text underlined, elections should be directed to the Elections deleted text scored through): Officer,M s S L S Mulvihill (telephone: '5. (1) There shall be a Business Advisory (2)80463; email: Council consisting of: (a) the Vice-Chancellor; (b) a person appointed by the Benefactor or his successor in title; University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012 179


Consultative notices (b) the Faculty of Law Prize and the Commission for the purposes of the Scholarship Fund has purposes that Charities Act 2011. Consolidation of small trust funds are substantially similar to all of the Department of Plant Sciences purposes of each of the above funds; Faculty of Law On 5 November, Council approved the (iii) resolve for the purposes of sections On 5 November, Council approved the consolidation of a number of existing 267–274 of the Charities Act 2011 that half consolidation of five existing trust funds trust funds into one new trust fund by the of the property of the Martin Wronker into one new trust fund by the passing of passing of a resolution for the purposes of Prizes Fund should be transferred to the a resolution for the purposes of section section 268 of the Charities Act 2011 (“the Faculty of Law Prize and Scholarship 268 of the Charities Act 2011 (“the Act”). Act”). The approval of Council and the Fund, and half to the Medical Sciences The approval of Council and the resolution resolution passed for the purposes of the Divisional Fund of University of Oxford passed for the purposes of the Act shall be Act shall be effective 15 days after the date Development Trust to be held for the effective 15 days after the date of publication of publication of this notice unless written purpose of funding an annual prize in of this notice unless written notice of a notice of a resolution, signed by at least 20 medicine, Council being satisfied that: resolution, signed by at least 20 members members of Congregation and calling upon of Congregation and calling upon Council (a) it is expedient in the interests of Council to withhold such approval and such to withhold such approval and such furthering the purposes of the above resolution, has been given to the Registrar resolution, has been given to the Registrar fund for its property to be transferred by noon on 3 December. The full text of by noon on 3 December. The full text of as set out above; and the resolution is set out below (see also the the resolution is set out below (see also the Gazette of 25 October, p 101). (b) the Faculty of Law Prize and Gazette of 25 October, p 100). Scholarship Fund and the Medical Council agreed to: Council agreed to: Sciences Divisional Fund of (i) note that the gross income of each of University of Oxford Development (i) note that the gross income of each the following funds in its last financial Trust, taken together, have purposes of the following funds (“the Funds”) year did not exceed £1,000 or that the that are substantially similar to all of in its last financial year did not exceed market value of each fund does not the purposes of the above fund; and £10,000, that the Funds do not hold any exceed £10,000, and that therefore designated land and are not companies (c) that each of the Faculty of Law section 281 of the Charities Act 2011 or other bodies corporate, that the Funds Prize and Scholarship Fund and the applies to them: hold permanent endowment, and that Medical Sciences Divisional Fund of (a) Brooks Memorial Fund therefore the Funds comply with the University of Oxford Development requirements of the Charities Act 2011: Trust has purposes that are (b) Gertrude Witt Fund substantially similar to one or more of (a) Chiles Award Fund (c) Harley Prize of the New the purposes of the above fund; Phytologist Trust (b) John Morris Prize Fund (iv) resolve that the resolutions at (d) Jimmy Elliott Memorial Fund (c) Martin Wronker Prizes Fund (ii) and (iii) above be notified to the University Gazette and, provided that (e) Mrs H B Fielding Benefaction Fund (d) Peter Birks Memorial Fund no notice of a resolution calling upon (f) Nancy Lindsay Memorial Fund (e) Winter Williams Prizes and Council to annul or amend the proposals Studentships Fund; is received by the Registrar by noon on (g) School of Forestry Jubilee Prize the eleventh day after the day on which Fund (ii) resolve for the purposes of sections the proposals are published, resolve 267–274 of the Charities Act 2011 that all (h) Styles Memorial Prize Fund that copies be sent to the Charity the property of the Chiles Award Fund, Commission together with a statement (i) Villar Bequest Fund John Morris Prize Fund, Peter Birks of the University’s reasons for passing Memorial Fund, and Winter Williams (j) Wilson Scholarships in Forestry them. If the Charity Commission requires Prizes and Studentships Fund should be Fund; further steps to be taken the Registrar transferred to the Faculty of Law Prize is authorised to take such steps as are (ii) resolve for the purposes of section and Scholarship Fund, Council being necessary. Once the above resolution 281 of the Charities Act 2011 that the satisfied that: takes effect the Trusts Administrator above-mentioned funds should be (a) it is expedient in the interests of is authorised to take such steps as are freed from the restrictions with respect furthering the purposes of each of necessary to transfer the property of to expenditure of capital that apply to the above funds for its property to be the Funds in accordance with the above them, Council being satisfied that the transferred as set out above; and resolutions and any guidance given by purposes set out in the trusts to which 180 University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012

the funds are subject could be carried (c) J Burtt Davy Research Scholarship Appointments out more effectively if the capital of Fund the funds could be expended as well as University Administration and Services (d) Samuel Wilson Fund income accruing to it, rather than just Head of Administration and such income; (e) Sherardian Campaign Fund Divisional Secretary, Humanities (iii) note that the gross income of each (f) Sibthorpian Professor of Plant Division of the following funds in its last financial Science Fund Lynne Hirsch, MA, Acting Divisional year did not exceed £10,000, that such (g) Study of Agriculture Fund; Secretary and Senior Assistant Registrar funds do not hold any designated land in the Humanities Division, has been and are not companies or other bodies (vi) resolve for the purposes of sections appointed Head of Administration and corporate, and that therefore sections 267–274 of the Charities Act 2011 that Divisional Secretary in the Humanities 267–272 of the Charities Act 2011 apply all the property of the funds listed at Division with effect from 1 December 2012. to them: (v) above should be transferred to the Department of Plant Sciences General This notice supersedes the notice dated (a) Brooks Memorial Fund Purposes Fund, Council being satisfied 1 November 2012. (b) Gertrude Witt Fund that: Visiting Professorships (c) Harley Prize of the New (a) it is expedient in the interests of Phytologist Trust furthering the purposes of each of Medical Sciences the above funds for its property to be (d) Jimmy Elliott Memorial Fund transferred as set out above; and The Medical Sciences Board has conferred (e) Mrs H B Fielding Benefaction Fund the title of Visiting Professor of Immunology (b) the Department of Plant Sciences on Professor Constantino Lopez-Macias, (f) Nancy Lindsay Memorial Fund General Purposes Fund has purposes BSc, MSc, PhD, for a period of three years that are substantially similar to all (g) School of Forestry Jubilee Prize from 14 November 2012. of the purposes of each of the above Fund funds; Electoral Boards (h) Styles Memorial Prize Fund (vii) resolve that the resolutions at (i) Villar Bequest Fund (iv) and (vi) above be notified to the Composition of an Electoral Board University Gazette and, provided that (j) Wilson Scholarships in Forestry The composition of the electoral board to no notice of a resolution calling upon Fund; the post below, proceedings to fill which are Council to annul or amend the proposals currently in progress, is as follows: (iv) resolve for the purposes of sections is received by the Registrar by noon on 267–272 of the Charities Act 2011 that the eleventh day after the day on which Professorship of Economics all the property of the funds listed at the proposals are published, resolve Appointed by (iii) above should be transferred to the that copies be sent to the Charity Department of Plant Sciences General Commission together with a statement The Master of St Catherine’s Mr Vice- Purposes Fund, Council being satisfied of the University’s reasons for passing (Pro-Vice-Chancellor) Chancellor1 that: them. If the Charity Commission requires The Warden of All Souls ex officio further steps to be taken the Registrar Professor L Samuelson Council (a) it is expedient in the interests of is authorised to take such steps as are Professor T Venables Council furthering the purposes of each of necessary. Once the above resolutions Professor R Goodman Social Sciences the above funds for its property to be take effect the Trusts Administrator Board transferred as set out above; and is authorised to take such steps as are Professor B Javorcik Department of (b) the Department of Plant Sciences necessary to transfer the property of Economics General Purposes Fund has purposes the Funds in accordance with the above Professor K Roberts Department of that are substantially similar to the resolutions and any guidance given by Economics purposes (or any of the purposes) of the Commission for the purposes of the Professor F Zilibotti Department of each of the above funds; Charities Act 2011. Economics Professor V Crawford All Souls (v) note that the gross income of each of General notices the following funds in its last financial year did not exceed £10,000, that such Gazette publication arrangements funds do not hold any designated land and are not companies or other The finalGazette s of Michaelmas term bodies corporate, that such funds will be published on 29 November and hold permanent endowment, and 6 December. Publication for Hilary term that therefore sections 267–274 of the will begin on 10 January. The usual deadline Charities Act 2011 apply to them: arrangements will apply. (a) Curator of the Fielding Herbarium Fund (b) Forestry Professor Fund University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012 181

Revised Composition of an Electoral Board Lectures Examinations The revised composition of the standing electoral board to the post below will, as at and Boards Hilary 2013, be as follows:

Newton Abraham Visiting Professorship in the Medical, Biological and Chemical Sciences Appointed by Colleges, Halls and Societies Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Professor R V Thakker Mr Vice-Chancellor1 Christ Church The Rector of Lincoln ex officio Professor M Stevens Council Riot from Wrong Professor G A P Council An exclusive screening of a documentary This content has been removed Holländer on the August riots will be held at 4.30 pm, Professor R G Ratcliffe Council as it contains personal followed by a question and answer session, Professor S G Davies Mathematical, information protected under on 28 November in the Blue Boar Lecture Physical and Life Room, Christ Church. the Data Protection Act. Sciences Board Professor C J Schofield Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board Professor Dame Kay E Medical Sciences Davies Board Vacancy2 Medical Sciences Board Professor D J T Vaux lincoln

1Appointed by Mr Vice-Chancellor under the provisions of Statute IX, Sect 10 and 11.

2With the agreement of the Medical Sciences Division and Mr Vice-Chancellor, this elector position, previously occupied by the incoming chair of the board, remains vacant for the time being.

Musical and other Events

Lincoln A concert will be given at 8.15 pm on 26 November in Lincoln Chapel by the Third Quince, a musical trio featuring Victoria Couper, voice, Liam Byrne, viol, and Arngeir Hauksson, lute. Free admission; tickets are available from Dr Jonathan Hicks at [email protected].


Magdalen A preview of the paintings of Francis Hamel will taken place at Magdalen’s Grove Auditorium, prior to the show transferring to London. Opening hours: 11 am–5 pm on 30 Nov and 1 Dec, and 11 am–1 pm on 2 Dec. 182 University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012

This content has been removed as it contains personal information protected under the Data Protection Act.

Changes to Examination Regulations

For the complete text of each regulation listed below and a listing of all changes to regulations for this year to date, please see examinationregulations. Social Sciences Board

MPhil in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology

MPhil and msc in Medical Anthropology, MPhil, msc and mst in Social Anthropology, MSc in Cognitive and Evolutionary Anthropology to provide greater clarity of requirements for the award of each of the degrees in order to avoid cases arising in which a student can be awarded a degree having not passed all components

MSc in Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology (a) amendment to deadline (b) clarification of ambiguous content University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012 183


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The Department of Psychiatry is conducting 585014. an NHS-funded study looking at preventing Domestic services cognitive decline in ageing, developing new Restoration and conservation of methods of slowing effects of ageing on antique furniture DP Gardening Services. RHS-trained the brain, and developing treatments for gardener available across Oxfordshire. Carry mild cognitive impairment. After a baseline John Hulme undertakes all aspects of out garden makeovers if selling or renting out assessment, you will undergo 4 weeks of restoration. Thirty years’ experience. your property or just taming your wilderness! computer-based cognitive training aiming to Collection and delivery. For free advice, All aspects of garden services including hard improve all aspects of higher brain function. telephone or write to the Workshop, 11A High landscaping. Fully insured, friendly advice, Four weeks later, you will have 2 brain scans St, Chipping Norton, Oxon, OX7 5AD. Tel: free estimates (within 5 mile radius of OX5). to measure changes in brain function. Anyone 01608 641692. Member of Buy with Confidence scheme. aged 60 and above and fluent in English may Excellent references. Contact Debbie Payne on be eligible to participate. Compensation for Services offered 07810 420711 (mobile) or www.dpgardening. time and travel expenses. For information: for more information. [email protected] or 01865 613197. Big or small, we ship it all. Plus free pick Houses to let Do you care for someone who uses telecare up anywhere in Oxford. Also 24-hour equipment at home? The AKTIVE project photocopying, private mailing addresses (24-hour access and mail forwarding An Englishman’s home is his castle – so is trying to find out how telecare – including the saying goes. We don’t have too many pendant alarms, motion sensors and fall worldwide), binding, fax bureau, colour photocopying, mailing services and much castles, but we do have a constant supply of detectors – affects older people and those good-quality property to rent in Oxford city. who care for them. We would like to interview more. Contact or visit Mail Boxes Etc, 266 Banbury Rd, Oxford. Tel: 01865 514655. Fax: QB Management is one of Oxford’s foremost carers in Oct–Dec to find out what it’s like to letting agents, specialising in letting to care for an older person and whether telecare 01865 514656. Email: staff@mbesummertown. Also at 94 London Rd, Oxford. Tel: academics and other professionals. We aim to makes an impact. We can either call you at provide the friendliest professional service in a time convenient for you or host you at the 01865 741729. Fax: 01865 742431. Email: [email protected]. the city. Visit:, call: 01865 Institute of Population Ageing on Banbury Rd. 764533, or email: [email protected]. If you have experience of telecare equipment, Tree surgery. Town and Country Trees we would like to hear from you. We will Ltd, established in 1993, providing practical Woodstock: absolutely pristine 2-bedroom/ provide a gift of £20. If you think you can tell help and advice in all aspects of tree and 2-bathroom coach house with its own parking us about your experiences of care and telecare, shrub maintenance throughout Oxfordshire space. A 15-min regular bus service to and please contact our research team on: 01865 and surrounding areas. Dedicated and from Oxford. A 3-min walk into Blenheim park. 612816/[email protected]. environmentally sympathetic practitioners Furnished or unfurnished, £1,100 pcm. For in tree care and preservation. Contact Paul more info please contact margie@polotimes. Oxford University Newcomers’ Club Hodkinson on 07976 261850 or 0845 458 2980. The Oxford University Newcomers’ Club at Three-bedroom semi-detached house, Headington. Two reception rooms, garden, the University Club, 11 Mansfield Rd, OX1 3SZ, Airport/taxi service. Highly reliable service, welcomes the wives, husbands or partners of 20 years’ experience of getting you to the parking. Furnished. New kitchen. Gch. Quiet visiting scholars, of graduate students and of airport stress free. Business or pleasure. area. Near schools, shops, hospitals. Frequent newly appointed academic members of the Comfortable Mercedes saloon or Volvo Estate buses to city centre or 10 mins’ cycle; £950 pm University. We offer help, advice, information and 7-passenger XLWB Mercedes for those plus bills. Tel 07812 909943. and the opportunity to meet others socially. with lots of luggage. Child seats available. Are you a dog lover? Our north Oxford house Informal coffee mornings are held in the club Fully licensed and insured. Sample car prices: is available from mid-Dec to late Jan if you every Wednesday 10.30–12 (excluding the Oxford to Heathrow, from £75; Eurostar, £95; are happy to look after a friendly springer Christmas vacation). Newcomers with children Cambridge, £125. Call Clive Roberts to discuss spaniel, 1 or 2 people welcome. Length of stay (0–4) meet every Fri in term 10.15–11.45. We your needs or for advice. Account customers is negotiable, and arrangements can be made have a large programme of events including welcome. Mobile: 07917 566077. Home: 01865 for temporary care of the dog if you wanted to tours of colleges, museums and other places of 778608. Email: [email protected]. be away, for example over Christmas. Email: interest. Other term-time activities include an [email protected]. Carpenter/joiner. For bookcases, wardrobes, art group, book group, informal conversation etc, made on site to your specifications. group, garden group, antiques group and an Furnished/unfurnished 2-bed semi- Portfolio available. Call Rob Guthrie on 01608 opportunity to explore Oxfordshire. Visit detached house, Kidlington, 29 Dec through 667423 (evening) or 07961 444957 (daytime). our website: 2013. Twenty-three-ft lounge, double glazing, Email: [email protected]. Web: www. oxforduniversitynewcomersclub. c/h, open fire, enclosed garden with lawn, parking, water meter, PV solar panels, band A council tax. Good bus routes into Oxford. Suit Antiques bought and sold Frances Carroll Nutrition. I am a fully qualified, regulated and insured nutrition couple or small family. If you need a temporary Antiques and decorative objects bought and therapist who would like the opportunity to home this could be for you. Rent £850 sold. Fireplace-related items – grates, firetools, support you in reaching your optimal health. pm. Enquire about including bills. Contact [email protected]; 01865 373198. University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012 185

Summertown. Furnished 2-bedroom for more information or call: beach perfect for bucket and spade family duplex with designated parking and a lovely Oxford sales: 01865 759500; Witney sales: holidays. Short winter breaks available from communal garden. Available for sublet 15 01993 705507; Headington lettings: 01865 £200. Tel: 01865 558503 or 07917 864113. Feb–15 Sept. Spacious. Bathroom on each 761111; Summertown lettings: 01865 554577; Email: [email protected]. See: floor (shower, bath). One huge bedroom with East Oxford and student lettings: 01865 en suite bathroom. Second bedroom set 244666; Witney lettings 01993 777909. as a study. Washing machine, dishwasher. Beautiful town house in pretty village of Dishes, bedding, towels provided. Quiet road Academics, parent or students looking for a Mairena in the Alpujarras, Andalucia. Three with good access to shops and restaurants nice place to stay: short- or long-term B&B or double bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, large open- in Summertown and to city centre. Email for self-catering rooms/apartments. High-quality plan living area with wood-burning stove. photos; £1,050 pcm. Contact zehavits@yahoo. accommodation in welcoming private homes Large roof terrace with stunning views. com. in many Oxford locations and surrounding Mareina is on the GR7 walking route and a area. B&B from £25/night, £170/week, all few km from the Sierra Nevada National Park. Flats to let inclusive. Long-term discount available. TV, Great area for walking, horse riding and cross- free wireless Internet, tea/coffee facilities, country skiing. Easy access from Almeria, use of microwave. Linen and weekly laundry Granada and Malaga. Sleeps 6. From £350 pw. University Land Agent’s and service. For information, tel: 01865 435229, Email: [email protected]. Accommodation Office email: [email protected], or visit: www. Property for sale The University Land Agent’s and Accommodation Office maintains registers Self-catering apartments Seventeenth-century stone 4-storey town of University housing, and of private rental house in oldest part of historical Langres, accommodation, available to full-time OxfordShortlets offers a portfolio of high- near the cathedral, on the ramparts. Very students, academic visitors and some quality, self-catering, short-let properties as large sitting room with extensive views, 3 employees of the University. See www. an excellent alternative to hotel, guesthouse double bedrooms, second large sitting room, accommodation.ꆱ or bed and breakfast accommodation in 2 kitchens (1 very nicely fitted), bathroom, Oxford and surrounding villages. Wide shower room, large vaulted cellar, oak spiral Visiting Oxford? We have studio, 1, 2 and selection of quality homes available for staircase, original oak beams and floors, 3-bedroom apartments conveniently located short-stay lets from 1 week to several months. inset stone window seats. New heating for the various colleges and University OxfordShortlets caters for professional system. Furniture in light oak made by local departments, available from 1 week to several individuals, groups or families visiting Oxford craftsman. The birthplace of Diderot, Langres months. Apartments are serviced, linen for holiday, business, academic and relocation is an unusually well-preserved ancient town, provided, rental includes all bills. Most of our purposes or for temporary accommodation close to the wine areas of Champagne and guests are visiting academics like you. Details, between homes. Tel: 01865 311696. Fax: 01865 Alsace, and within easy reach of Switzerland, photos and prices on our website: www. 511010. Email: [email protected]. Germany and Italy. Four clean quiet lakes Email: info@weeklyhome. Web: nearby for safe swimming, fishing, boating. com or tel: 01993 811711. Walks unlimited. For sale unfurnished or Short-let self-catering: Midsomer Cottage furnished €110,000. For details and photos, New 1- and 2-bedroom apartments is a delightful 3-bedroom Victorian cottage please email [email protected]. available in OX2 on short or extended lets. with open outlooks, situated in the riverside uk. Self contained, with under-floor heating, all village of Iffley, with easy access walking or amenities including linen, changed weekly by bus to the city. There is a living room with or on request. Let fully furnished; all bills WiFi, breakfast/kitchen, deck and gravelled included. Off-street parking, garage store garden. Available 12–30 Nov and 3–22 Dec. for bicycles or bike loan available, on U1 bus Contact [email protected] or 07908 route through town. Close to supermarkets, 422534/01491 875939. shops, station and A34. Rent from £450 pw. For further information: John Strickson 07957 Holiday lets 583529. Midhurst. Romantic, primitive, 2-bedroom House swaps gamekeeper’s cottages at foot of South Downs: fires, polished floors, simple kitchens, many House swap wanted: house or minimum books, internet access, no TVs (writers’ haven) 2-bedroom apartment in Oxford city centre – or for bigger groups, a gorgeous, antique- 1 Apr–30 June. On offer: San Diego, California – filled, unspoiled (but very comfortable) 316 sq m, 4 bedrooms, 3 fireplaces, 7 miles 5-bedroom 17th-century farmhouse. On own from Pacific Ocean, 17 miles from University of organic farm – woods, valleys, river, bluebells, California, hot tub, sauna, swimming pool; and wildlife. Available weekends; low winter Taos, New Mexico – 316 sq m, 4 bedrooms, prices; big Oxford discount. Pictures at www. 3 fireplaces, 4 acres, stream, 1.5 miles Taos or email Plaza, 90 mins north Santa Fe. Contact David [email protected]. Mares: [email protected]. Cornwall, cottage and restored chapel in quiet hamlet on South-west Coastal Footpath Accommodation offered within 100m of the sea and minutes from Caerhays and Heligan. Each property sleeps 6. Scott Fraser – market leaders for quality Comfortably furnished, c/h, wood burner and Oxfordshire property. Selling or letting, buying broadband. Ideal for reading, writing, painting, or renting, we are here to help. Visit www. walking, bathing, bird watching. Beautiful 186 University of Oxford Gazette • 22 November 2012

Notifications of Vacancies

Please refer to the website, or contact the Colleges, Halls and Societies External Vacancies email address shown, for further details of the vacancy. For a full list of vacancies in the St Catherine’s; Tutorial Fellowship and Newnham College, Cambridge; Volterra- University and colleges, see University Lecturership (CUF) in Law; Fietta Junior Research Lecturer in Public about_the_university/jobs. £42,883–£57,581; 22 January; www.stcatz. International Law; £21,171 plus benefits; 14 December ; The University is committed to equality and newnham/academic-posts valuing diversity. Somerville; Director of Development; competitive salary; 14 December; www. University of Oxford Wolfson; Library Assistant; £8,190 (15 hrs Department of Education in association per week); 3 December; with Linacre; University Lecturership in uk/vacancies Education (Mathematics); £42,883–£57,581; noon, 13 December; Worcester; fixed-termL ectureship in the_university/jobs/academic/index/131212/ English; £24,520–£27,578; 10 December; ac11327j Department of Politics and International Relations in association with Magdalen; University Lecturership in Comparative Political Economy; £42,883–£57,581 (plus college allowance of £11,000); noon, 9 January; university/jobs/academic/index/090113/ ac11326j

Published with the authority of the University­ Gazette copy must be received in the week Gazette online: of Oxford by Oxford University Press; before publication. Deadline: noon on registered as a newspaper at the Post Office; Wednesday. Inclusion is subject to availability Gazette Office, printed at Oxuniprint, Langford Locks, of space. Public Affairs Directorate, University Offices, Kidlington, Oxon OX5 1FP. Certain sections in the Gazette include official Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JD announce­ments by the University but the tel: Oxford (2)80549 Subscription charges: Uni­ver­sity accepts no responsibility for the email: [email protected] see content of any other material in the Gazette. or tel Oxford (2)80545 Editor: Next Gazette: Thursday, 29 November. D L Dooher, ma Oxf

Deputy Editor: R S Cuomo, AB Bryn Mawr, MA Massachusetts