ThursdaY 22 november 2012 • no 5007 • vol 143 Gazette Council and Main Notices 179 Advertisements 183 Committees 176 Consultative notices: Council of the University: Consolidation of small trust funds Notifications of Vacancies 186 Approval of nomination of external member of Council General notices: University of Oxford Gazette publication arrangements Council of the University: Colleges, Halls and Societies Changes in Regulations: Appointments: External Vacancies (a) Committees reporting directly to University Administration and Council or one of its main Services Supplement included with this issue: committees (1) to no 5006: Topic for discussion: (b) Regulations for the Student Visiting Professorships: the libraries and their future 159–174 Fitness to Study Panel Medical Sciences (c) Delegacy for Military Instruction (d) Personnel Committee Electoral Boards: (e) Research Committee Professorship of Economics (f) Socially Responsible Investment Newton Abraham Visiting Review Committee Professorship in the Medical, (g) Income grant from the College Biological and Chemical Sciences Contributions Fund Musical and other Events: General Purposes Committee of Council: lincoln Changes in Regulations: Exhibitions: Saïd Business School and Business Magdalen Advisory Council Council of the University: Lectures 181 Register of Congregation Examinations and Boards 181 Congregation 178 Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Congregation 26 November: Philosophy Degree by Resolution Examinations for the Degree of Master of Congregation 27 november: Science Presentation of Vice-Chancellor's Oration Changes to Examination Regulations: Social Sciences Board For details of University events, see the ‘Events’ page of the Staff Gateway: www.ox.ac.uk/staff/events 175 176 University of Oxford Gazette • 22 november 2012 Council and Main Committees Council of the University Council of the University (b) policies in respect of issues or activities which are University-wide; Approval of nomination of external Changes in Regulations (c) procedures for identifying and member of Council Council has made the following changes in managing risks across the University's under regulation 9.3 of Council regulations regulations, to come into effect on activities; 2 of 2002, the nomination below shall be 7 December. (d) the governance and performance deemed to be approved unless not later (a) Committees reporting directly to of the University's subsidiary than 4 pm on Thursday, 29 November, Council or one of its main committees companies; the Registrar has received from not fewer than 20 members of Congregation a written Explanatory Note (e) the University's relationships with request for a postal ballot to be taken in external bodies; These changes in regulations serve to respect of that nomination. indicate that the two co-opted members (f) the public understanding of the Approval of nomination of Sir Crispin of the General Purposes Committee may aims and activities of the University; Davis as an external member of Council be internal or external members and place (3) subject to regulation 3.7, advise certain restrictions on the composition The nomination by Council, under the Council and its other committees on of the quorum of the General Purposes provisions of section 4 (7)–(10) of statute vI, the establishment of new University Committee, with a view to ensuring the of Sir Crispin Davis, MA Oxf, as a member legislation and on amendments to quorum is appropriately representative. of Council for four years from Hilary term existing legislation; 2013, is submitted for approval. Text of Regulations (4) make recommendations to Council Note on the nominated external member of 1 In Part 3 of Council regulations 15 of on appointments by Council to Council 2002, concerning the General Purposes University committees, bearing in mind Committee, delete existing regulation 3.2 the gender balance on such committees Sir Crispin Davis graduated in Modern and substitute (new text underlined): and in general having regard to the history (oriel, 1970). he then worked for appropriate representation of the various Procter and Gamble from 1970 to 1990, '3.2. subject to the approval of Council on interests within the collegiate University; holding a series of senior positions in the UK each occasion, the committee may co- and Germany before becoming President opt up to two additional members, who (5) allocate statutory posts to a college of the company's North American food may be internal or external members, for or society and approve changes to such business. between 1990 and 1993 he was such periods as the committee shall deem allocations or associations, on behalf of Group Managing Director for Guinness appropriate.' Council. Group, and then became Chief Executive 2 Ibid, delete existing regulations 3.5 to 3.67. The committee shall have power Officer for Aegis Group plc, a leading global 3.6 and substitute (new text underlined, to make, amend, and repeal regulations media service company, between 1994 and deleted text scored through): concerning any of the following matters, 1999. From 2000 to 2009 he was Chief on condition that it shall bring forward Executive Officer of Reed Elsevier plc. '3.5. The quorum1 of the committee shall to Council for decision any case which it he was knighted in 2004, for services to include at least one Head of Division and at considers to raise particular difficulties.' publishing and information. Sir Crispin is a least one of the three members appointed non-executive director of GlaxoSmithKline, by Council. 1Further regulations pertaining to the quorum of the a member of the Global Advisory Board committee appear in Council regulations 15 of 2002, 3.56. In particular, the committee shall: for Citigroup, and a member of the Council regulations 1.6–1.7. These specify that the quorum for all Council's committees, unless otherwise specified, is one- and the Board of Trustees of the National (1) advise Council on matters of a third of those members eligible to vote upon the business Trust. He has in the past served on the reputational or ethical nature which are of the committee in question. development board of the Tate (2002–7) of material significance and do not fall and the Oxford University Press Finance wholly within the remits of the other (b) Regulations for the Student Fitness Committee (1994–9). sir Crispin has been committees of Council; to Study Panel an external member of Council since Hilary (2) keep under review: Explanatory Note term 2009. He is currently the chairman of the Committee to Review Salaries of Senior (a) the University's compliance The following change increases the University Officers, and a member of the with legislation and regulatory membership of the Student Fitness to Study Finance Committee and of the Nominations requirements; Panel to make it easier to find sufficient Committee. members for each sitting of the Panel. University of Oxford Gazette • 22 november 2012 177 Text of Regulations (1011) a person an external member University, and in the colleges, societies appointed by the Admiralty Board of the and Permanent Private Halls, is as fully In Part 2 of Council Regulations 1 of 2012, Defence Council; reflected within the total membership of the delete section 2.1 and substitute (new text committee as is reasonably practicable.' underlined, deleted text struck through): (1112) a person an external member appointed by the Army Board of the (e) Research Committee '2.1. There shall be eight up to sixteen Defence Council; members of the Panel, no fewer than four Explanatory Note and no more than eight of whom shall be (1213) a person an external member The following change adds an external appointed by Council and four no fewer appointed by the Air Force Board of the member to the Research Committee's than four and no more than eight by the Defence Council; membership. Conference of Colleges, all of whom shall (13) an external member appointed by be members of Congregation. Members Text of Regulations the Principal of the Royal Agricultural shall hold office for four years and at the College, Cirencester; In Part 6 of Council regulations 15 of 2002, expiry of that term shall be eligible for re- concerning the Research Committee, appointment.' (14)–(19) six members of Convocation delete existing regulation 6.1 and substitute elected as provided in regulation 5.3 (c) Delegacy for Military Instruction (new text underlined, deleted text scored below; through): Explanatory Note (20) a person an external member '6.1. The Research Committee shall consist The following changes to the membership appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of of: of the Delegacy for Military Instruction Oxford Brookes University; remove a redundant slot; enable a person to (1) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) (21) a person an external member be appointed by the Principal of the Royal who shall chair the committee; appointed by the Vice-Chancellor of the Agricultural College, Cirencester, as the University of Reading.' (2) one of the Proctors or the Assessor as college contributes a number of students may be agreed between them; to the University Service Units; and replace (d) Personnel Committee the term 'person' with the term 'external (3), (4) two persons appointed by Council Explanatory Note member' in response to a Council regulation from among the members of Council; change by which the term 'person' is now The following change adds an external (5)–(8) four persons appointed by understood to mean an internal committee member to the
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