1635 -1940


Conipiled by


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Stratford, Connecticut, 1660


"Gules, a lion rampant argent holding an esca11op of the same and accompanied in the base by three triangles or; a chief endented argent charged with three escallops or."

Crest-A lion as in the arms.

:.\lotto-Jc' endure pour durer.


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No human being can come into this world without increasing or diminishing the stttn total of htttnan happiness, not only of the present, but of every subsequent age of hu­ manity. No one can detach himself fron1 this connection. There is no sequestered spot in the universe, no dark niche along· the disc of non-existence, to which he can retreat frotn his relations to others, where he ~an \\1ith­ draw the influence of his existence upon the moral destiny of the world; everywhere his presence or absence will he felt, - every­ where he will have companions who will be better or worse for his influence.

Elihu Burritt

"There be those of them that have left a name behind them, that their praises 111ight be reported; and some there be which have left no n1e1norial; who are perished, as though they had never been." 8 B U R R J T T F A ~1 I L Y

Preface In these de111ocratic times it has become a habit of many people to deprecate any reference to, or thought of, and es­ pecially any appearance of pride in ancestry. This to s0111e extent is commendahle since a nrnn's true worth must be measured hy his personal character and achievement. A 111an is no less noble because his ancestors were slaves, nor is he less a knave if he is descended fron1 kings. However, to a thoughtful man, it must ever be a just source of pride to know that his fathers have been honorable, self respecting, law abiding citizens. That they have will­ ingly shouldered their share of public burdens and that they have adhered to high personal ideals. I, as c01npiler of this volume, make no clain1 to con1plete­ ness, but am glad to offer to those who are interested such 1naterial as I have gathered, howevc_r incomplete it must seetn. In the fourth and fifth generations there are, in many lines, lapses which I have been unable to bridge, 111any living tnembers of the fatnily have not been reached and others are not in possession of sufficient data to establish a connection. It is tny hope that, to such of these as n1ay wish to pursue the subject, these records will prove of value. Records of son1e allied fa111ilies have been appended, prin­ cipally such as show inter-marriage with two or more branches of the fatnily. I wish to acknowledge the very kind assistance of many 1ne1nbers of the fa1nily in furnishing their personal and fam­ ily records, and especially to i\l iss Vera Fenn, of Port Byron, N. Y., whose interest has been untiring; to Dr. Alice Burritt of Washington, D. C., who furnished n1e a cotnplete record of her branch of the fa1nily and who first showed n1e a copy of the coat-of-arn1s; to Nlaurice C. Burritt of Hilton, N. Y., for his splendid work on the Giles Burritt branch, and to the tnany others whose natnes cannot he here tnentioned. Of the Coat-of-Artus, Dr. Alice Burritt says, "I first found a description in a vVelsh history and later found the original B U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y 9 design in a history of Brittany." "l'he three scallop shells," she says, ''were bestowed by .. Pope Alexander IV, ( 1254- 1261) to those who had been on crusades to the Holy Land, or on long religious pilgrimages. · The 1notto, "Jc' endure pour

She advances the theory that the name 111ay have been changed to Burritt at the time that the term barratry hecamc ·a sfnonr111 for certain forms of knavery which became widc­ ~t>read~,bottt this ti111e. The conjecture is a reasonable one since the family have always been jealous of the honor of the name. l\1y theory has been that the name, spelled Berret at the time of the beginning of the vV clsh residence, was changed to preserve the proper pronunciation, the ( e) being pro­ nounced like the English ( u ). The two theories, however, Jink together with the result that the name in \Vales became Burritt. Our ancestors did come from Brittany to \Vales about the time of \Villiam the Conqueror, (1066) and the fact that they were land holders in Wales would seem to indicate that they were among his knights at the battle of Hastings. This giving of conquered lands was \Villiams' method of repaying his soldiers. \Villian1 Burritt, his wife Elizabeth and their three chil­ dren were an1ong the very early settlers in A111erica, coming from Glamorganshire, Wales, some titne previous to 1635. \\'illiam Burritt was one of the founders of Stratford, Conn., where records are found as early as 1635 and where he died in 1651. It is thought that the family lived in other Connecticut towns before settling in Stratford. After the death of \Villia111, Elizabeth continued to live in Stratford until her death in 1781. She is reported to have been a keen business woman, buy­ ing and selling 111uch property, but always buying n1ore than she sold. She could neither read nor write but left her mark on the records of the County in many instances.

Coat Armour Heraldry is so far a dead science, or, one 111ight say a dea

To our early ancestors, it meant n1ore. It was a hadge of leadership, distinction and honor. Lord Lindsay says in his "Lives of the Lindsays", "Every British gentleman entitled to bear coat-armour, is noble whether titled or not. It is only in comparatively recent times that this has been forgotten and the term nobility ex­ clusively appropriated by the peerage." "Tinctures" or colors displayed seem to have heen a mat­ ter of taste while the "charges" have a significance, as for instance, the escallop shelJ is bourne by those who have taken part in the crusades. Helmets, before the time of Elizabeth, were of any form with no particular 111eaning, but later by their form, were made to show the rank of the bearer. Helmets of Baronets and Knights were of steel, the visor raised, 1 Hnd they are placed directly facing us. ''affrontee". Other forn1s show Royalty, Lords and esquires. The upp~r one third part of the shield is called the chief and where this is surmounted, it is supposed to have a pe­ culiar meaning. One old writer declares that "The chief is to be given to those that by their high merits have procured the chief place among men." l\1ost shields display some forn1 of wild animal, bird or 111ythical forn1 and these, some writers clain1, were in many instances, chosen to represent sotne circtttnstance in the life of, or son1e peculiar trait dis_tinguishing the bearer. "The Lyon," says Ferne, is the 111ost worthiest of all beastes; yea he standeth as the king a1nong beastes of the fielde. So that by the Lyon is signified principallitie, domin­ ion and rule. \\Therefore, the bearing of this beaste was fitly applyed to a kinges progeny: fortitude and magnanimity is denoted by the Lyon." In other days, too, it must be re1ne111hered that surnames were less a distinguishing 1nark than now; that is, while surnames were first being used, different fan1ilies may have been given the same natne fron1 a like circun1stance, so that a -coat of arms was a surer means of distinction than the name itself and has thus been of great yalue to the historian as well as the genealogist in tracing families and events. 12 BURRITT FAMILY

First Generation

\\TILLIAlVl BURRITT' and his wife, Elizabeth, can1e with their three children from Glatnorganshire, Wales, in an early day, probably sotne tin1e previous to 1635, settling in Con­ necticut and finally becatne one of the founders of Stratford, Conn., where \Villiam died in 1651. Elizabeth continued to live in Stratford until her death in 1681. She seetns to have been a very capable woman, not only rearing her family in such 1nanner as to take a foretnost place in the con1n1unity, but to have been keen in business as well, adding a considerable property to the estate left by her hus­ band. As records show, she apportioned considerable real estate to her sons by conveyance dated April 5, 1675, as follows: "To 111y loving and dutiful son John Burritt, of ye said place, an equal half of my whole accon1111odations in Stratford aforesaid,• being ye allottnent and interest of 1ny deceased husband W 111. Burritt, or by procurement of myself and 111y children, excepting only ye ho111e lot and parcel of land at ye Fresh Pond, in ye old field, ye which has already been contracted to Stephen Burritt," one of which contractions being that "ye afvresaid John Burritt should have ye parcal lying on Quin1L/s Neck &c." Stephen Burritt drew lot No. 40 in division of lands and John Burritt No. 84. Her will is dated Sept. 2, 1681, and she probably died soon after. Children of Wiltian1 and Elizabeth Burritt were:

2. i. STE PH EN. 3. ii. JOHN. iii. MARY, married a Mr. Smith. BURRITT FAl\lILY IJ

Second Generation 2 STEPHEN, (\Villian1 I) born in Glamorganshire, \Vales, and came to America with his parents as before stated. l\tlarried Nov. 8, 1673. Sarah Nichols, daughter of Isaac Nichols of a prominent Stratford fatnily. One of her sisters 1narried Rev. Joseph \Vebb and another Rev. Israel Chan­ ney, pastor of Stratford church from 1665 to 1703, who was one of the founders of Yale College and was chosen its first president, but declined the honor. Stephen was in the list of Freemen at Stratford, 8th month, 7th day, 1669, a lot owner 1671 and confinned by · the General Court as Ensign of the Train Ba1id at Stratford in 1672, appointed J_,,ieutenant Jan. li, 1675, and the Council of Stratford, date of Sept. 18, 1675, ordered that "The Dra­ goons from Fairfield County, being c0111e up, and l'vlajor Robert Treat sending to us to hasten them to their head­ quarters near Suckquackheeg, it is ordered that accordingly the Dragoons of Fairfield shall forthwith march away up to Norwottag and so to our ar111y, under the conduct of Ensign Stephen Burritt and join thetn in the defense of the planta­ tions up the river and to kill and destroy all such Indian enemies as should assault the111 on said plantations." Again at a meeting of Council of the Colony held Nov. 23, 1765, Stephen Burritt ,vas appointed Cotnmissary of the Army, so rapidly was he pro111oted. Hinman, the Historian, calls him, "a noted Indian fighter," and he was also a n1an of affairs. At a town 1neeting held Jan. 1, 1673, he was chosen Recorder, and his beautiful and character-like autograph which thereafter frequently appears on the Town Books, n1ay well be the envy of any of his descendants. In 1689 he was appointed on a con11nittee to assess damages for the changing of Black Creek into 1\Hll River, by which one Robert Lane claitned to have been "pam­ nified". The· satne year he was chosen one of the Townsmen and in 1690 was an auditor of accounts of the 'fown 'T'reasurcr. 14 BURRJTT FAl\lILY

He died Jan. 24, 1697, according to the records on an old to1nbstonc stiJl preserved. T'he inventory of his estate, dated l\ifarch 4, 1697, shows a footing of £ l,177-2s which includes £6-6s as the value of his "anns and ammunition." Stephen and Sarah Burritt had eight children, as follows: i. ELIZAIIETII, horn July 1, 1675.

11. \V11.1.1,n1, horn l\larch 29, 1677. Died young. 4. 111. PELEG. born Oct. 5. l 679. 5. 1,·. Jos1A11, horn 1681. 6. \'. lsRAEJ., horn 1687. 7. v1. C1unu:s. horn 1690. 8. vii. Er11RAL\1, horn 169.3. 9. viii. j A'.\IES. Note: \Ve do not ha\'e record proof that James, named as the youngest son of Stephen, was in reality Stephen's son, but all indications point to this conclusion. If we consider his age and the birth dates of his children, the proven fact that John had only the son Joseph it could hardly have been otherwise. The only alternative would be another Burritt immigrant and we ha,·e never found records of any such.

3 JOHN, (\Villiam 1) horn in Glamorganshire, \Vales, com­ ing to Connecticut with his parents. He married l'vlay 1, 1684, Deborah Barlow, daughter of Thomas Barlow, a large land holder of Fairfield, Conn. He died in Stratford Feh. 1, 1727. He was married a second time l\ifav 5, 1708, to Hannah (Beach), widow of Zachariah Fairchild: 'fhe Stratford rec­ ords show him a lot owner as early as 1671. His will was filed Feb. 17, 1726, naming- his son Joseph as his sole heir and administrato.- of his estate, the appointment being dated Oct. 3, 1727. The estate inventoried to the a111ount of £ 1,754-9s-ld. or $8,538.14. John and Deborah Burritt had one child: 10. i. Jos1-:r11. horn March 12. 1685. BURRITT FAMILY IS.

Third Generation 4 PELEG, (Stephen 2) born Oct. 5, 1679, n1an ied Dec. 5, 1705, Sarah Bennett, daughter of James Bennett. Children: 1. ,vu.LIAM, horn Aug. 28, 1706; haptized Sept. 13, 1706; died Sept. 28, 1706. 11. DANIEL. haptizcd J 708. ( Bridgeport Town records). 111. S.,1u11, horn July 20, 1712. (Stratford Town records). 11. iv. PELE<:, horn Jan. 8, 1720.

5 JOSIAH, (Stephen 2) born 1681, married March 10, 1703, 1\.lary Peat, daughter of Benjamin Peat Sr. Josiah was one of the proprietors of Newtown. Children: 1. ELIZABl.:TH, horn l\fay 12, 170-t; baptized July 23, 1704. (Bridge-_ port Church records). 12. ii. STEPHEN, horn Jan. 7, 1706; baptized Feh. 10, 1706. (Bridge­ port Church records). 13. iii. BENJAMIN 1 T . J ... 9 1708 iv. PnoEBE ! wms ; 1>Orn an ..~ , . 14. v. ,vn.UA~f. horn Jan. 29, 1709.

6 ISRAEL, (Stephen 2) born 1687, 111arried lVlarch 4, 1719, Sarah Coe. l\1oved fron1 Stratford, his birthplace, to Dur­ hatn, Conn. He married a second time, probably about 1735, Sarah Chauncey who was horn Feb. 24, 1711. She was a daughter of Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey of Durhmn, and great­ great-grand-daughter of Charles Chauncey an English emi­ grant. Israel was pr0111inent in the affairs of the conununity and the church and was known as Deacon Israel. Children: 1. MAR\', horn June 12, 1719. ii. ISRAEL, horn' 1736, died 1743. iii. ANN, horn 1743. i\'. CHARI.Es, horn 1746. \Vas a soldier in Revolutionary \Var. 15. v. ,vrr.1.1AM, horn April 8, 1748. ·7 CHARLES\·(,Stephetl2) born 1690, took Freeman's Oath in Stratford in Septentber 1730. l\1arried Apdl 18, 1717, 16 B U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y

1\'Iary Lockwood. He and his wife l'vlary were 111en1bers of the Stratford Church in 1718. Hi~~ wiJJ was dated Jan. 23, 1761. :iviary Lockwood was a daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Burr). Lockwood. Children: 16. i. DANIEL, horn Feb. 17, 1718. 11. Sn:PHEN, horn June 16, 1720. 111. CHARI.Es, horn 1722, died Nov. 12, 1801; married Lucy ...... , who was horn 1727. died 1789. Served in Revolutionan• \Var as second lieutenant Sixth Conn. Regiment, 1777. · 17. iv. lsRAEL, horn April 24, 1726. 18. v. E1.111u, born 1732.

8 EPHRAI:M, (Stephen 2) born 1693, married Feb. 14, 1721, :Mary (Booth) widow of Agur Fairchild. She died Aug. 18, 1726. He tnarried a second time, Jan. 15, 1728-9, Sarah Lewis. Children: . 1. EUNICE, horn Oct. 27, 1722. 11. MARTHA, horn June 11, 1724. 111. ~IARY, horn .l\lay 16, 1729; died l\larch 20, 1731. 19. iv. EPHRIAM, born ·sept. 24, 1730. v. SARAH, horn Feh.2, 1732. vi. EDWARD, horn Oct. 20, 1733. vii. MARTHA, born Sept. 20, 1734. 20. viii. STEPHEN, horn Feb. 14, 1737. 21. ix. \Vu.I.IAM, horn April 12, 1739. x. AnEr., horn Nm·. 3, 1742. xi. LEWIS, horn June 20, 1745.

9 JA~1IES, (Stephen 2) born probably about 1696. His wife was Sarah, although it is possible that this was a second tnar­ riage since there is seventeen years difference between the ages of his two recorded children. Children: i. ANNE, horn 1723. 11. HANNAH, ( daughter of James and Sarah), baptized l\fay 3, 1740, hy Rev. Nathaniel Chauncey*, died Dec. 20, 1820, at Tolland, Mass. Hannah tnarried April 9, 1765, Titus Fowler who was horn at Durham, Nov. 29, 1738; died April 27, 1827, at Tolland, Mass. Served in Revolutionary \Var from Massachusetts. They BURR ITT FA 11 IL Y 17

had a daughter, Hannah, horn Nov. 25, 1772; died Nov. 17, 1845; married Nov. 20, 179-1-, ~Jarvin .l\loore, who was born Nov. 18, 1771. died at Tolland, Aug. 23, 1855. Elizur Datus :\loore, son of :\larvin, horn Tolland, July 26, 1800; died .Nov. 4, 1881; married May 15, 1822, Harriet \Vads­ worth who was horn Sept. 16, 1789; died July 3, 1880. Bennett Elizur ~loorc, son of Elizur Datus, horn June 19, 1828 at ToJJand ; died Aug. .3, 190.3, at \Vinsted, Conn.; mar­ ried Oct. 2, 1861. Jane Flora Starks, who was horn ~larch 18, 1840; died ?\Jay 1Z: 1917, at \Vinsted. Darwin Starks :\loore, son of Bennett E., born Tolland, Feb. 28, 186-J.; married Oct. 7, 1891, Celia \Vebster, daughter of Chas. S. and Jane (Balch) \Vehstcr. She was born Nov. 8, 1865, in New York City. Child: l<'rederick \Vebster :Moore, horn :\lay 16, 1877, at \Vinsted. He married Feb. 28, 1920, May Tull, of \Vashington D. C., and had: Frederick Ashbrook Moore, born Jan. 5, 1923, at Toledo, Ohio, and \V chster Starks 11oore, horn July 4, 1926, at Boston, Mass. *History of Durham, hy \Villiam Chauncey Fowler.


JOSEPH, (John 3) born in Stratford, l\1larch 12, 1685. :Married Nov. 25, 1708, l\1lary \Vakely, daughter of Deliver­ ance and I-Iannah (Nash) \Vakely of Stratford. His will was dated 1"1arch 10, 1750. Children: 22. i. JOHN, born Sept. 7, 1709. ii. HANNAH, horn Dec. 3, 1711. :Married Isaac Beach. iii. DEBORAH, born Sept. 21, 1714; died Jan. 4, 1716. 1v. DEBORAH, horn Feb. 3, 1716. ~larried Jonas Thompson. v. JosJ.:PH, horn June 23, 1719. v1. l\JARY, horn 1720; died 1721. vii. NATHAN, born 1\fay 13, 1721. 23. viii. \Vu.LIAM } ,~ • 24. ix. EBENEZER wms, born 1)ec. 28, 1726. 25. x. SAMUEL, Born Nov. J 1, 1729. 18

Fourth Generation I 1 PELECi, (Peleg- 4) born Jan. 8, 1720, died April 10, 1789. 1;[arried first Dec. 15, I 740, Elizabeth Illackleach, who died at Rippon Parish in 1744. I-le married a second titne on Thanksgiving day, 1746, Deborah Beardsley. flis first wife, Elizaheth, was a daug·h­ ter of Richard Jr. and l\lahitahel (Laboree) Blackleach, a wealthy merchant of Stratford. Children: I. :\I AHITAHEL. 26. ii. Br.ACKLEACH, horn 1742. 27. iii. STEPIH:N, horn 1750. 28. iv. JOEL. v. l'\lABEL. vi. GIDEON. vii. SARAH. viii. l'\L\RY.

12 STEPHEN, (Josiah S) born Jan. 7, 1706, baptized Feb. 10, 1706, according to the Bridgeport Church records. l\tI arried Dec. 26, 1733, Anne Sher111an of Stratford. Settled in Newtown but may later have Jived in the adjoin­ ing town of Fairfield since the anny record of the son Israel states that he was born in Fairfield. Children: 29. i. DANIEi., horn i\lay 22, 17.35. ii. PHEBE, horn l\Jay 17, 17.37. iii. ANNAH, horn :\lay 16, 1739. 30. iv. ANDRI~w, horn May 28, 1741. 31. v. ISRAEi., horn 1744. 32. vi. Jos1A11 I • . vii. SHERMAN j 1 wmS, 1mrn 1761 ·

13 BENJAl\ilIN, (Josiah 5) horn Jan. 29, 1708, married ~lary, daughter of Moses Stilson. Benjan1in catne to Newtown with his parents and spent his life there. The records show that he bought and. sold .111any parcels of xe~I estate, that he deeded to his~son .. Elea-~.u:ertnin•··trnets of)and, one tract being i111proved by a residei-ice. Hi~SGU..At1~IJ:ony was named BURR ITT FA ~l IL Y 19

as executor of his will. l\'I en tinned many times in grand levy. Children: 33. i. ELEAZER, horn April 27, 1737. ,H. ii. A~IOS. Ill. N ,\TIL\N. I\'. BAI.All. 35. v. ANTHONY, horn Dec . .J, 1752, said to have heen youngest son. "'· A daughter who died young.

14 \VILLIA~I. (Josiah 5) horn in Newtown, Conn., Jan. 29, 1709, died 1752*, 1narriecl first time ------, second time, June 7, 1750, Elizabeth Burr**, daughter of Stephen Burr. She was horn Jan. li, 1728, died about 1779. After her husband's death, she n1arricd second, Oct. 11, l 759, Alexan­ der Bryant, and third, 11lay 19, 1761, Reuben Squire. The h01ne was in Redding, Conn. Children: 1. ~IARY, haptized Dec. 16, 1739, at Redding. 11. AmJ AH, baptized Jan. 10, 1741. m. RnonA, haptized Oct. 24, t 742; died April, 1816. I\'. Svnu., haptizcd Redding, Feb. 19, 1744; married hefore 1769, Joseph l\Iurray of Danbury. Bv second wife: v. Ptt1r.r.·1P, horn about 1750; a sergeant in Revolutionary War. vi. \VII.LIAM, horn ahout 1752; lived at Redding in 1773. *Todd's History of Redding, p. 231. ** Jacobus' Families of Old Redding.

15 \VILLIA1VI. (Israel 6) born April 8, 1748, at Dttrhatn, Conn .. married Anne ------. A list of Revolutionary soldiers from Durhant shows Lieut. \Villiam Burritt, Dec. 9, 1777. He emigrated, prob­ ably soon after the war to the northwest part of Connecticut. Children: i. SARAH, horn ~fay 26, 1772, at Durham; died at \Vest Granville, l\fass., Sept. 10, 1837. She married Samuel Parsons of \Vest Granville, Aug. 25, 1794. He was horn Sept. 20, 1769; died Oct. 19, 1841. Samuel and Sarah (Burritt) Parsons had a dau~hter Phoebe who married Amos Hall, they being parents of Julius Hall of Tolland, Mass., father of Mrs. Hattie Hall lVfoore of Winsted Conn. ii. JARED, born l\fay 1, 1774. 20 BURRITT FAMILY

16 DANIEL, (Charles 7) born Feb. 17, 1718, prohably died before his father, that is before 1761, as his father's will left property to his children. He is thought to have been twice 111arried and his oldest son Elijah was probably the son of the first wife. His second wife was Comfort Nichols, born 1678, died 1755, daughter of Richard 'and Con1fort ( Sher- 111an) Nichols. His will tnentions \Vidow Comfort. Children: 36. i. ELIJ A 11, horn 17 43. 11. RoxANNA, who married Richard Huhhe11. m. PENNIAH, who married Samuel Brishane. IV. AMELIA. 37. v. STEPHEN, horn 1753. VI. ROLLINS.

17 ISRAEL, (Charles 7) born April 24, 1726, married Jdary Salter who was born in Antioga, \Vest Indies, June 23, 1725, and died Dec. 21, 1791. Children:. I. ELIZAHETH, married June 12, 17i..J, Daniel Morris and had ( 1) Sarah, horn Oct. 21, 1775; (2) James, horn July 23, 1776; ( 3) Israel, horn July 26. 1778, died July 25, 1837; ( 4) Daniel, horn July 27, 1781; (5) Eli Gould, horn June 23, 1783; (6) Po1ly, born Aug. I, 1786, died ~larch 20, 1815; (7) Nancy, horn July 1. 1790; (8) Elizaheth, horn Jan. 30, 1792; (9) Eunice, horn June 6, 1793; ( IO) \Vinthrop, horn Sept. 21, 1795; ( 11) Betsy, horn l\lay 26, 1798. ( Married Daniel Fairchild Burritt). ( No. 65). II. POI.LY.

18 ELIHU, ( Charles 7) born 1732, died 1793, married Eunice \Vakeman, who was born 1740 and died 1802. A daughter of Stephen and l\if ary (Booth) \Vakeman. He enlisted from Fairfield, Conn., as a private in Captain David Dimon's 4th Company, Colonel \Vaterbury's Rcgi­ n1ent. Children: i. lsAAC, born 1762; died 1\farch 16, 1766. 38. ii. Eunu, born 1765. B U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y 21

19 EPHRAil\'I, ( Ephrain1 8) born Sept. 24, 1730, 1narried Phoebe, daughter of T'hotnas Ufford. Children: 1. SARAH, horn Oct. 1754. 11. CHARITY, horn Feb. 1756. 39. iii. Tno~tAs, horn Jan. 1758. I\'. STEPHEN, horn Dec. 1760. v. EPHRIAM, horn July 1762. vi. PnoEnE, horn July 1764. vii. J,nrns, horn July 1774. viii. LEWIS.

20 STEPHEN, (Ephrain1 8) born Feb. 14, 1737, married Anna, daughter of David Osburn. Children: 1. SARAH, baptized June 1787, died young. 11. BJ.:TSY, born July 1791. m. SARAH, married Jabez Curtiss. 1v. BENJAMIN, born 1793. v. EDWARD. VJ. M,\RY. vii. JonN, lost at sea. viii. PRUDENCE. ix. ANN.

21 \VILLIA.M, (Ephrain1 8) born April 12, 1739. ~1Tarried first April, 1762, l\1Iary French who died l\1larch, 1783. He married a second time April 24, 1784, Sarah Baldwin. Children: i. SARAH, horn 1763. 40. ii. \V11.r.1AM, horn 1764. iii. PATTY, horn 1766. 1v. L1nvrs, horn· 1772. v. EuN1c1-:, horn 1773; died 1774. vi. lsAAc, born 1775. · vii. AnEr., born 1777. viii. SAMUEL, horn 1782 } T . ix. JonN~ horn 1782 i wms. x. MARY, horn 1785. xi. BECCA, horn 1789; died 1790. 22 ll U R R I T T F A ~1 I L Y 22 JOHN, (Joseph 10) born Sept. 7, 1709, died June 29, 1787, in~ Stratford. l\tlarried first, 1731, Mercy Wheeler. Second, Jan., 1733, Phoebe --- who died :March 22, 1789, at the age of 82. Children: I, HEZEKIAH, born Jan. 26, 1738-9; died June 1, 1809. JI. l\lARY, horn Jan. 1741-2. m. PHmrnE, horn June 1744. 41. I\', JoHN, horn 1745. 23 \VILLIA11. (Joseph 10) horn Dec. 28, 1726, died Dec. 14, 1802. l\1arried ~'1arv ---, who was born in 1739 and who died Oct. 18, 1799. Both are buried in Unity Burying Ground, Stratford. Children: 1. REBECCA, married Everard Beach of New M ii ford. 11. PHOEBE, married Philo Booth of Newton. 42. m. EBEN. born April 19, 1762. \Villiam Burritt enlisted as a private in the Revolutionary Army the 13th

locality. Again in 1767 he purchased for sixty-nine pounds, two shillings;' ,'.\lawful money" another acre, still more quaintly desi~nated_ as. '.'n.~ar the. pla«e .callcd:-:!:l~ge.:Hoj," This land ,~s: deeder:l•·fo•lut11 •l>y.:·A:mos;and .Aluga1J··Hmma11. As late as 1791 at the age of sixty-fi\'e, \Villiam was still ac­ quiring land. A deed of that date entitled him, for a considera­ tion of one hundred twenty-eight pounds to a tract of land about sixteen acres in the parish of North Stratford, formerly belong­ ing to Jonathan Edwards, and lying next to land owned by kabod Hawley and Ephriam Beech. On the 27th day of September, 1800, \Villiam Burritt drew his last \Vill and Testament, bequeathing all his furniture and househo1cl goods, except his desk and Bible, to his two daughters, with twenty-eight pounds to Rebecca and eighteen pounds to Phoebe. To his son Ehen he left his desk and great Bil:le and all the rest and residue of his estate. Two years later he died, his · wife 1\lary having pr<>ceded him in 1799.

24 EBENEZER, (Joseph 10) born Dec. 28, 1726. Ebenezer is said to have gone into the wi]derness near Utica, N. Y.

25 SA.l\'IUEL, (Joseph 10) born in Stratford, Nov. 11, 1729, died about 1792. l\tlarried in 1757, l\tlercy Burton, daughter of Solomon and l\tJercy (Judson) Burton. Children: 43. i. JosErH, horn Aug. 9, 1758. 11. EUNICE, born Dec. 21, 1760. 44. m. NATHAN, horn June 6, 1763. 1v. ANN MARY, born July 1770. 2.J BURRITT FAI\lILY

Fifth Gen.eration 26 REV. BLACK LEACH, (Peleg 11) was born in 1742, died Aug. 27, 1792. 1Harried 1765, 1Hartha \,\Telles, daughter of Gideon \:V elles, and direct descendant of Thomas \\T cites, Colonial Governor of Connecticut. His second wife was Deborah \\Tell es. He was perhaps one of the tnost noted men of his time, a staunch patriot, who carried his gun to his pulpit to he ready for Tory raids during the Revolution. I-le was horn in Stratford, graduated fro111 Yale College in the class of 1765 and was ordained to preach the Gospel Feb. 22, 1768. He was captured by a hand of Tories, taken from his bed without clothing and transported to the notorious Sugar House Prison in New York. In the introduction to his "Sketch of Rev. Blackleach Bur­ ritt and Related Stratford Fatnilies," Prof. l\L D. Raymond says: "In a secluded spot on the eastern slope of the Green l\1I ountains is the unn1arked grave of a son of Stratford whose natne well deserves to be illustrious in the annals of the County of Fairfield. A man of liberal culture, of tnore than ordinary gifts, a stalwart Patriot in the stormy days of the Revolution, a pioneer preacher of unusual power, of marked individuality and rugged character, of honorable anc\~stry and no less honorable posterity, such a man was Rev. Bh\ck­ leach Burritt." There was a large fa111ily of children, only the last of which was a daughter of the second wife. Dr. Alice Burritt, of \i\Tashington, D. C., has published a genealogy of the descendants of Blackleach Burritt, Jr., who was one of the sons of Rev. Blackleach. The children were: i. EuNICE, horn 1766. ii. l\J EUSSA, horn Fch. 26, 1768. iii. 1\1 ARTH A, horn Oct. 1770. iv. SARAH, horn Jan. 29, 1772. 45. v. Er~Y, born l\larch 12, 1773. vi. GIDEON, Sept. 15, 1774. vii. DIANTIIA, horn Jan. 9, 1776. viii. Rui;us. horn 1777. BURR ITT FA ~r IL Y 25

-16. ix. lkACKI.EACB, horn Oct. 29, 1779. x. PRUDENCE, horn Nm·. 2, 1782. xi. S,UIUEL, horn March 1784. xii. Sus.\!S'NA, horn ~larch 5, 1785. xiii. SELAH \\'Et.LES, horn 1791. 27 STE PH EN, ( Peleg- 11) horn at Stratford in 1750, married i\lary Keeler. Children: 1. Jom.. married l{uth Dilley. 11. STE PH EN, died ahout 1850. Unmarried. 111. POI.LY, married Jonathan Dilley of Hanover, Pa.

28 JOEL, (Peleg 11). Children: 1. Jom .. 11. ~I ELISSA. 111. DAVID.

DANIEL, (Stephen 12) born i\'lay 22, 1735, 111arricd at New l\ifilford, Conn., Feb. 8, 1756, Sarah Collins. 'fhey settled in Arlington, Vt., where they lived for a num­ ber of years prior to the Revolution, when, being a Royalist, he went to Canada and settled at Augusta near Prescott where he died at the age of 93. Children: 1. Lms, horn Oct. 16, 1756. 47. ii. AnoNIRAM, horn July 16, 1758. 48. iii. Sn:PHEN, horn Nov. 2, 1759. 49. iv. EDMUND, horn Dec. 7, 1761. v. Pnm:nE, horn Oct. 6, 1763. v1. ESTHER, horn May 8, 1765. vii. URANIA, horn Fch. 13, 1767. 50. viii. DANIEi.. 51. ix. MAJOR. x. SARAH. xi. TAMAR. Ref. Orcott's History and Biological Sketches of New Mil­ ford, Conn. 26 ll UR RITT FA !\I IL Y

30 ANDRE\\T, (Stephen 12) born 1\r(ay 28, 1741, at New­ town, Conn., died at Hinesburgh, \ 1t., Aug. 5, 1836, married Jan. 27, 1763, Eunice \\Telles who was born July, 1739, died I\1arch 15, 1835, at Hinesburgh. Andrew is recorded in the census of 1800 in Hinesburgh, Chittendon Co., Vt. Served as a private during the Revolution. ChiJdren: 1. 1\-loLI.Y, horn Nov. 1, 1763; died July 26, 1819; married Jan. 1~ 1785, Ahijah Hawley, son of Capt. Jehiel Hawley, one of the founders of Arlington Vt. They had a son, Lyman Hawley, born June 26, 1801. who married first Betsy Farnsworth and second l\lelissa \\Telles. Lyman's daughter l\lary Burritt Haw­ ley, horn Oct. 29, 1823, married Cyrus Leach. Their son, 1\f yron Buck Leach, horn June 3, 1850 i died Sept. 7, 1925 i married Laura 1\1. Farnsworth, horn July 20, 1849; died Jan. 25, 1933. Their daughter is Dr. Clara Chase Leach, a Baptist medical missionary now stationed at Kityang, South China. ii. TRUEMAN, born July 20, 1767. iii. HANNAH, born April 5, 1771. 52. iv. T1u.v \V., horn June 24, 1776.

31 CAPT. ISRAEL, (Stephen 12) born in Fairfield, Conn., (probably Newtown) 1744, died Shelburne, Vt., Jan. 11, 1833, huried in \Vest Cemetery. Ivlarried first lVIarch 14, 1776, Hester Holahird who died Oct. 2, 1793, aged 37. 1-Ie married a second time, Dec. 21, 1796, Cynthia \\!heeler who died April, 1828. aged 66. Children:. 1. IsRAEL, horn May 24, 1777; died Oct. 15, 1804 . 11. LOMIRA, horn Feh. )9, 1779; died Oct. 15, 1804, at Burlington, Vt., married about 1800, Capt. Horace Loomis of Burlington. Children: Lucia, horn Dec. 30, 1800; died 1877; married John Norton Pomeroy. No issue. iii. REun1<:N HAWLEY, horn March 10, 1781; died Jan. 19, 1784. I\'. PHJLA, horn Feh. 10, 1783; died Dec. 29, 1786. 5.l \'. RrmnEN, horn Jan. 19, 1785. \'I, RACHAEL, horn Aug. 7, 1787; died July 23, 1851, at Norwood Park, .. Chicago, IJI.; married at Shelburne, Feh. 17, 1811, Herman Rowley, Removed to Illinois 1837. One child, Hester, died Shelhurne, 1836. B U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 27

54. vii. GARR,\D, horn Oct. 19, 1789. viii. IRA, horn Sept. 17, 1790; died young.

ix. HANNAH or ANNAH, horn Feb. 121 1792; died 1823.

x. HESTER, born Sept. 261 1793; married Sept. 26, 1810, Henry Judson. Israel had two child!'en by his second wife Cynthia, both died young. Israel is said to have served throughout the Revolutionary \Var from 1775 to 178-l and with the exception of the year 1776, when he is believed to have been with Arnold at Lake Cham­ plain, this scn·icc is substantiated by war department records. Commissioned second lieutenant Jan. 1, 1777. (Connecticut Men in Revolution, Seventh Regiment, Col. Heman Swift, page 218). In 1778 was in Newton Fourth Brigade ~lilitia under Col. Beardsley. He was in the battle of Germantown and at ValJey Forge. , . In 1784 Israel came to Shelburne, Vt., with ahout ten other men and established the town. He probably first· s•~ttled on Spear St., where the Hawleys, who were his friends and neigh­ bors, also located. He finally took up his residence in Shelburne Falls, which was the center of the town, having later. woolen, grist and saw mills, and other activities. Ref. Arlington and Shellmrne, Vt. Town records, Grave­ stones, Revolutionary \Var Records, Pension Document.

32 JOSIAH, (Stephen 12) according to an unverified record, died l\.f arch 6, 1813, aged 52 years, which would make his hirth elate about li61. He was a twin brother of Sherman Burritt who by the same record, died Oct. 6, 1833, aged 72. Both these brothers served in Revolutionarv war, enlist­ ing as privates in Lieut. \i\'n1. I-Iall's Compa11y of Guards, stationed at Bridgeport, in 1777, and serving until 1783. Josiah married Aug. 2, 1784, 1\ifabcl Curtis Baldwin, who was born in New York State Feb. 3, 1768, and moved to Stratford, Conn., in 1780. She died in Derby, Conn., l'vlarch 25, 1852. 'Their first home was in Bridgeport I-Iarbor, but in 1785 they went to New York State. In 1798 they returned to Derby, Conn., where he died. His widow later married ---Stiles. Children: i. Lucv, horn Oct. 25, 1785; died 1811; married Clmmherlnin. ii. P1111.1u,t0N, horn Dec. 20, 1787.

Ei. E1.1zA, ho·rn Feb. 51 1790; died J791. 28 B U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y

h·. PErni\', horn Del'. 6, 179,3. ,,. SARAH, horn l\larch 3, 1796. v1. P1101-:11E, horn Sept. 25, 1798. vii. SHERll.\N, horn Jan. 20, 1801. viii. ~I ARY, horn Jan: 22, 180-l. ix. J,urns, horn Fch. 7, 18-. · From U. S. Pension records of l\l rs. Mabel Curtis Baldwin Burritt Stiles. Report No. 1.

33 ELEAZER, (Benjamin 13) born August 27, 1737, in New­ town, Conn.,' married first lVIay 25, 1757, to Elizabeth Platt/ daughter of Ohidah Platt of Redding, Conn. 3 (Jonas - Isaac:i - Richard') married second to Elizabeth Smith, daughter of Thomas S1nith of Stillwater, Saratoga County, N. Y.; .-tied just prior to February, 1805, survived by his second wife. Children:• of Eleazer and Elizabeth Platt Burritt: 1. SARAH, baptized .:\larch 19, 1758. 11. CHAIUTY, haptized April 27, 1760. 111. ZALllON, baptized April 25, 1762. h-. BAILIW, haptizcd July I, 1764. v. E1,1zAn1n11, lmptizcd Sept. 29, 1765; married --- York. vi. (child stillhorn) Feb. 22, 1767. vii. Pi-:AT, baptized ~lay IS, 1768. viii. AnRAH,\ll, baptized July 1. 1770. ix. T11ol1,,s, h:iptizcd Aug. 30, 1772 (probably died in infancy). Children of Eleazer and Elizaheth Smith Burritt. 55. x. THOllAS, IK>rn 1785. 56. XI. Grr F.S, born Oct. 31, 1788. xii. ~lARY, (no information). All of Eleazer's children hy his first wife were born in New­ town. except Thomas who was horn in Fairfield\ where Eleazer apparently lived for a short time in 1771 and 1772. The first of his sons to he named Thomas was probably horn and may ha,·e died there. No record of any other children born in Con­ necticut Ins heen found. He was hack in Kewtown in 1774, and he was included there in the Grand Levy of August 20, 1776~, for 69£-2s.-6d. He also took the Oath of Fidelity on August 25, 1777, and the Freeman's Oath in 1768 there0• Eleazer was a hrother of Anthony who was administrator of his 0 father's cstate • By 1785 Ill' had disposed of practically all of his property in Connecticut. He disappears from Newtown records ahout this time, indicating that he left the state soon after the Re,·olution. It seems reasonnhlv certain that Eleazer came to New York state ahout this time: From the pension records and papers of B U R R I TT F A 1'1 I L Y 29

his son Zalmon•, and his daughter Elizabeth, we learn that both were living in New York, prohahly in Saratoga County, as early as 1781 to 1785. Elizabeth was ~lrs. York in 1819, and Yorks appeared in the Census of 1790 in Saratoga County. It seems very prohahlc that Eleazer and at least two of his children, were there in Saratoga in 1790". He was recorded in the census of 11 1800 • In 1801 in the Surrogate's office in Saratoga County there was recorded the will of one Thomas Smith of the Town of Stillwater, which divided his estate equally among his six daughters, of whom the oldest was Elizabeth, and bequeathing twenl\·~fi,·e dollars "to Grandson Giles Burrit. "10 The census of 1800 ~ecords a Thomas Smith in the Township of Half l\loon, 11 in Saratoga County, with a family of six persons • Again in 1805, there was filed in the same Surrogate's office, a settlement of the estate of Eleazer Burritt of the town of Galway hy his widow Elizaheth12• All these known facts leave little doubt that Eleazer Burritt of Newtown, Conn., and Eleazer Burritt of Galway, N. Y., were one and the same person, and that Elizabeth Smith, daugh­ ter of Thomas Smith of Stillwater was the second wife of Eleazer and the mother of Thomas ( 1785) and Giles ( 1788). There arc still some things that we do not know that we would like to know pnsitivcly, hut which the poor records of early New York do not reveal. l\luch research by competent genealogists13 supports these conclusions and nothing has heen found to cast douht upon them. Based on this knowledge and research, I have formed the opinions that it is reasonably certain that : Eleazer is descended from Stephen who died in 1698, and Sarah Nichols ( 1674), through Josiah (1681) and Benjamin ( 1708); he lived in New­ town, Conn., from 1737 to the early 1780s ; he removed to Sara­ toga County, N. Y., where he married Elizabeth Smith about 1783 or 1784 and she bore him Thomas and Giles ( 1788), and ~lary ( ?) ; he lived and d;~d there in the town of Galway in 1805, leaving only a small amount of property, most of which (·onsistecl of debts owed to him hy others. Hilton N. Y.,July 15, 1940. ~laurkeC. Burritt.

•Many deeds of record in Newtown clearly show Etcazcr's parentage and the ownership and conveyance of property there by both Eleazer and his father Benjamin, between 1759 and 1785. 2Sec Bailey's "Early Connecticut Marriages" Vol. II. Todd's "History of Red­ ding" states that Elizabeth married Ebenezer, while Bailey says Eleazer. Both accounts came from the same source, viz. the church records of Redding. A com1>etent genealogist (Jacobus) who has investigated the source, l'on­ cl~1dcs that in this instance, Bailey is right and Todd wrong, the error prob­ ably being in copying. There is no record of any kind of an Ebenezer Bur- ritt in Newtown. . 3 Congregational Church Records, Newtown, from co1>Y in vault of Savings Bank. 4 Records of Christ Congregational Church, Fairfield. Sec also ;~ ewtown land records 1773. 30 BURRITT FAMILY

aTown ~e.cords of ~ewtown, Conn., Vol. 4, p()120, 122 and 128. 11 Newtown Land Records 13, Ill> 226 and 359 in 1784 and 1785, and Danbury Pro­ bate Records, File No. 1089. iPension Files S. 16331 and General Accounting Office File G 258. SNeither Eleazer or his sons Thomas and Giles are listed in the Census of 1790. in N cw York state or elsewhere. They may have been staying with friends or relatives and counted with them. 11 Ccnsus of 1800, Book II fl 1081 - One male to 10 years, one to 45 and u1>, one female to 16, one female to 26 and one female to 45 and U(), This doesn't quite fit Eleazer's family, for Thomas should have been 15 and Giles 12 years old in 1800. One of the females could have been their sister l\lary, or others of the family may have been living with them. 10Last \Viii and Testament of Thomas Smith late of the Town of Stillwater, dated Sc1>t. 9, 1800, ()roved and recorded in the Saratoga Surrogates office, Jan. 12, 1801, in the Book of \Vills at() 89. llCensus of 1800, Half Moon Townshi() - "Thomas Smith, Head of Family" p 1036. 12Surrogates Offke of Saratoga County, Box 003, No. 33, Vol. \V. I. fl 280. Also Bond for $800, and "An Inventory of the Goods, Chattels and Credits of Eleazer Burritt, late of Galway, deceased, taken A()ril 19, 1805. taRachel C. \Vilkins of Troy, N. Y., and Donald L. Jacobus of New Haven, Conn.

34 Al\1OS, (Benjamin 13) tnarried Jan. 21, 1768. Children: 1. REUBEN, horn July 13, 1768. ii. JosEPH l Twins. Born April 17, 1772. Joseph died Oct. 27, iii. ANNIS { 1773, and Annis also died young. 1v. URENA, horn Sept. 10, 1774; died Oct. 17, 1776. v. Josm•11, horn Oct. 20, 1776. vi. ANNIS DAYTON, born Feb. 12, 1781. vii. HANNAH SEEJ.Y, born April 15, 1785. viii. BETSY 1-IINMAN, horn Dec. 13, 1787. Newtown vital statistics.

35 ANTHONY, (Benjamin 13) born Dec. 4, 1752, in New­ town, Conn., married first April 8, 1782, Anna, daughter of Agur Curtiss who was born July 20, 1759, and died Sept. 30, 1808. He married a second time l\1larch 26, 1809, Abagail (Lewis) widow of Justus I-Iintnan. Dr. Anthony died April 12, 1839. He studied medicine with Dr. Joseph Perry of Woodbury, Conn., and co111111enced practice in Southbury Society a short time before the Rev­ olution. During that period he acted as surgeon's mate in the serv­ ice. He was taken prisoner and carried to Long I stand but BURRITT FAMILY 31 was released on the intervention of his friend Jabez Bacon of \Voodbury. Children: 1. .MARY ANN, born ~larch 4, 1783; married I~ronson French. 11. Jos1A11, born Oct. 8, 1785; married Urania Hawley. iii. NANCY, horn Feh. 6, 1787; married Truman \\'heeler.· n·. S1-:1.1NA, born May 29, 1789, married \Villiam Hinman. "· BJ-:NJA~IIN, horn Oct. 17, 1791; died young. vi. FI.ORA, horn Sept. 13, 1795; married George Hinman. vii. 1-1 ARRrnT, horn Nov. 19, 1797; married first Daniel C. Beach, second Benjamin Hinman. viii. SALLY, horn ~larch 12, 1800; married Nathan Hinman. 57. ix. ANTHONY B., horn July 12, 1810.

36 ELIJAI-1, ( Daniel 16) born in Bridgeport, in 1743,· died in Bridgeport Sept. 23, 1841. l\1arried (first) Sarah Hall, daughter of John Hall of Bridgeport. He was a man of high character and intelligence, of the strictest integrity and a strong church man. He was born in the satne house in which he lived all his life and which is said to he still standing and in excellent repair. His business combined fanning with blacks111ithing, buckskin leather dressing, and cooperage. He was agent of the Golden Hill Indians frotn 1812 to 1834. Children of Elijah and Sarah Burritt: i. DANrn1., merchant of Bridgeport, known as Col. Burritt. Unmar­ ried. Born 1745. 11. Cm,1 FORT, died young. iii. ANN, married Ephraim \\'heeler Sherman and had three sons and three daughters. 1v. HANNAH, married Silas Shelton of Huntington and had two sons and five daughters. v. ~I !-:RC\', married Capt. James Fayerwcather of Bridgeport. vi. PnoEHE, married Capt. Sanmcl Hawley, No. 2335 in the Hawley record. Elijah married a second time, Sarah Fairchild, of Redding, Conn. Her only child was: vii. MARY, married Rarak T. Nichols. Elijah's third wife was Sarah (Chappell) 't\1cLean. She had by her first husband: i. DR. JonN lHcLEAN, a physician of Norwalk, Conn. ii. SARA 11, who married George \Vaclc of Bridgeport. .12 B U R R I TT F A 1\1 I L Y

37 ST'EPHEN, (Daniel 16) born 1753, died 1815. l'vlarried Hannah Platt A\'ery, who was born in 1763 and who died in 1843. She was a daughter of Rev. Elisha Avery of Norwalk, Conn. Children: 1. CnARLOTn: C., horn 1797; died Aug. 8, 1837. n. 1\IARY ANN, horn 1799; died Dec. 21, 1820. 111. STEPHEN Er.1s11A AVERY BURRITT, horn Nov. 8, 180-t; died April 1825. He is said to have been a young man of striking ability and great promise. He graduated from Yale CoJlegc in the dass of 1824 at the age of 19 years.

38 ELIHU, (Elihu 18) born in Stratford, Dec. 13, 1765, died in New Britain, Jan. 29, 1827. 1\larried July 20, 1793, Eliza­ heth Hinsdale, who was horn Feb. 6, 1775, died Aug. 27, 1843, in New Britain. She was a daughter of Elijah and Ruth (Bidwell) Hinsdale. (John 4, Barnabas 3, Barnabas 2, Robert 1.) Elihu was a farmer and shoemaker. He served in the Rev­ olution. Children: 58. i. ELIJ AII HI NSDAI.E, horn April 20, 1794. ii. ELJZAHETII HINSDAI.E, horn July 22, 1795; married Hezekiah Seymour. iii. E~nr~v, born Aug. 12, 1798; married Capt. Taylor. 1v. GEORGE, born Dec. 5, 1800; died in Georgia, Aug. 22, 1822. v. MARY, horn Feh. 18, 1803; married \Varren \Villiams. 59. vi. \Vu.LIAM, horn July 8, 1805. vii. ISAAC, born May 31, 1808. 60. viii. ELIHU, born Dec. 8, 1811. ix. Eu NICE \VAKEMAN, horn May 2, 1813; married April 24, 1833, Jabez Cornwall of Middleton, Conn. He went to Texas in 1837 and died there in Novemher of that year. She went west as a teacher, under the patronage of Go,·. Slade, and was a passen­ ger on the steamer Atlantic, which was sunk in a collision on the lake. She heha\'ed with great coolness ancl was one of the few saved, losing everything but her night clothing. She mar­ ried Prof. .\. J. Sawyer of Chicago, March 17, 1853. x. AU,fIRA Bmw..:u., horn July 27, 1816; married Nov. 24, 1836, Stenhen Lyman Strickland, horn Sept. 22, 1813; died March 24. 1865. Son of Stephen and Nancy (Tryon) Stricklnnd. ll UR RITT FA ~I IL Y 33 39

T'HOl'v[AS. (Ephrailn 19) born January, 1758, married Dec. 13, 1794, A big-ail Curtiss. Children: i. CURTISS, horn Dec. 13, 1794. ii. CHARI.ES, horn Oct. 23, 179-.

40 \~'IL.LIAM, (\Villiam 21) born in Connecticut, 1764, mar­ ried near Amsterdam, N. Y., Hannah \\'right who died at her first childbirth in 1796. Children: 61. i. lh:NJ AM IN ~ Prohahly horn No\'. R 1796. 62. ii. STEPHEN j twirn-.

41 JOHN, (John 22) born in Stratford in 1745, died in l\'1on­ roe, Conn., July 21. 1818, 1narriecl Elizabeth Blakeman who was born in· Sti-atford July 28. 1745. She was a daughter of Zachariah and Elizabeth (Hall) Blakeman. ( See Blake­ n1an.) They 111ovecl to :Monroe! Conn .. soon after their marriage. John Burritt was a Corporal in Capt. Nichols' Company of L,ight Dragoons. (Conn. in Rev.) Children: I. AHIJAII. II. ~IOREI.E\'. 111. f>JJOEIIE. I\'. A ~1.-\RYJ.IS. ,.. A111c:A11.. horn 1773. vi. lsAAC. vii. ANNE. viii. JAMES, ix. .SAMUEL. 63. xi. Jo11N HEZEKAH, horn Dec. 16, 1781. , ... .,.---c:::::.--==-<:'..9="Cc:::~~r:f)

- BURRITT FAMILY ,l5 42 EBEN, (\Villia111 23) born at Stratford, Conn., April 19, 1762, died at Roxbury, Oct. 10, 1840. Married April 9, 1782, Sarah Fairchild, who was born at Stratford, July 31, 1766, and who died at Roxbury, Nov. 8, 1865, aged 99 years, 3 111onths and 8 days. She was a descendant of Thomas Fairchild, a wealthy merchant who came to Stratford in 1639. The fa111ily had a coat of arms and a good pedigree. Thomas married for his second wife Katherine Craig of , in 1662. Their son Joseph was born in 1664 and tnarried Johanna \,Villcoxon, daughter of Titnothy \:\7illcoxon of Str2tford. Their son Timothy was born in 1687 and marrieci in 1715 Sarah Thompson of New 1-Iaven. Daniel, their son l)orn in 1719, married Hepzibah Lewis of Old l\Hll T'rumbull. Hepzibah's mother was Sarah De Forest, a descendant of the Huguenot De Forests of Avenes, France, according to the De Forest genealogy. Sarah Fairchild, wife of Eben Burritt, was their daughter and was named for this grandmother, Sarah De Forest. · In speaking of the inheritance of fatnily na111es, let n1e note here that following this generation we find the name I .. ewis frequently used as a given name and we may trace it to Hepzibah Lewis, wife of Daniel Fairchild, mother of Sarah Fairchild Burritt. The following will show direct line of descent of Sarah Fairchild Burritt frotn William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, Prime 1\1inister to Queen Elizabeth of England. Fro111· Thomas Sherwood of Sherwood Forest, England, and trom Rohert Seabrook, emigrant frotn England. \i\'illiam Cecil, Lord Burleigh, was horn in Lincolnshire, Sept. 13, 1520. He was secretary of state under Edward \TI. and Elizabeth and Prin1e 1\1inister of ·England for forty years. He 1narriecl lVIildred Co_ke. Their daughter, l\if argaret Cecil, married Erastus Smith. Rev. Henry Smith of \Veithersfield, Conn., married a sec- ond time, Dorothy ---- Philipe Smith, married John B.ird.seye. . Johanna Hirdscye, tnarricd Titnothy \Vilcoxen. Johanna \Vilcoxen, 111ari-ied Joseph Fairchild. 36 ll lJ RR ITT FA l\11 LY

Timothy Fairchild, 111arried Sarah Thompson. Daniel Fairchild, married 1-Iepzibah Lewis. Sarah Fairchild. married Eben Burritt.

SHERWOOD THOl\lAS SHER\VOOD was born in Sherwood Forest, England, in 1586. He lived at Nottingham. This shire is not very large, about fifty miles long by thirty broad. It contains some of the grandest scenery and most charming rural estates of England. 'fhis was the sc<:nc qf the escapades of Robin Hood of legendary fa111e. The family name originated from the Sherwood Forest. 'fhomas Sherwood tnarried Alice Seabrook in England. She was born in 1587. Their children were: i-\nn, born 1620; Rose, born 1623; Tho111as, born 1624, and Rebecca, born 1625. Thomas with his wife and children sailed for America on the good ship "Francis" (John Cutting was the master). T'hey c111barked at Ipswich, April 21, 1624, and landed in l\1assa­ chusetts Colony, Boston, in June of the same year. Thomas Sherwood lived in Fairfield, Conn., and \,Vethers­ field. He was one of the first settlers of the latter place. His name appears on land records of Fairfield in 1643, and when he came here he brought with him his second wife, Sarah, · whom he married in 1643. They had six more children. Tn his wi11, which was dated June 4, 1657, he left one-fourth of his estate to his ·daughter, Rose, wife of Thomas Rumble, and afterwards wife of Thomas Barlow. I-lis property was very large, so much so that he had five overseers, namely: \Villiatn Blackman, Isaac Nichols, John Birdseye, Henry \,Vakely and John \Veils. He served as deputy with Roger Ludlow in Connecticut General Court, 1650. He died in 1659 at Fairfield, Conn.

SEABROOK ROBERT' SEABROOK, father of Alice Seabrook, wife of Thomas Sherwood, was the ancestor in her line first to come to A111erica. He was born in England in 1565 and died in Stratford, Conn., in 1650. He married Alice Goodspeed in England. She was the daughter of Nicholas Goodspeed of Vlengrass, Bucks County, England. They can1e to America in 1624 and settled in Stratford. T'hcir home-lots were 12 B U R R I TT F A ~r I L Y 37

and 13. They had four daughters who were all grown and married before they catne to America. Their husbands he­ came prominent men in the colony. Alice married 'T'homas Sherwood in England and is our ancestress. Johanna married Lieut. Thomas \Vheelcr in England. Emm married Thomas Fairchild (his first wife). Elizabeth married \Villiam Preston. There were no sons. Descent from Seabrook and Sherwood: Robert Seabrook married Alice c;oodspeed. Alice Seabrook married Th

''T'here was always a cheerful word, a joyous smile and sunshine brightness upon her face. 'She looked well to the ways of her household and ate not the bread of idleness.' " 'Her children rise up and call her blessed.' Yea, the Church and the world around rise up and called her blessed also. "Two of her sons and one daughter, the eldest now 81 years of age, were permitted to be present at the departttre of their loving 111other, to smooth as far as human hands and sympathy could do, her passage to the tomb, and to call her blessed; and blessed will that man or won1an he upon whom her 1nantle shall fall, for, she was a woman that feared God the Lord and such shall be praised. 'And her own works praise her in the gates.' " EBEN BURRI'fl' enlisted as a private in the Revolu­ tionary Army in 1776 at the age of 14 years. He served under Col. \Vhitney of Connecticut during the years 1778-i9-80. Applied for a pension April 15, 1833, which claim was al­ lowed Their children were: i. PnoEnE, horn J u)y 28, 178.1; married l\l r. Beach. ii. Po1.1.v, horn Jan. 10, 1786; married David Hawley. 64. iii. L1,:w1s, horn July 2, 1788. iv. SARAH, horn March 7, 1791; married l\lr. Hurd. v. \V11.1.JAM, horn Feh. 8, 1794; died Oct. 26, 18IO. 65. vi. DANrnr. FAIRCHILD, horn April 4, 1797. 66. vii. P1111.o, horn Sept. 25, 1799. 67. viii. Rosw1-:1.1., horn Nov. 9, 1802. 1x. JUI.IA ANN, horn July 4, 1808. x. EuEN \V11.1.JAM, horn ~larch 3, 1811; died April 6, 1812. Among the old deeds still preserved hy members of the family is one showing that in the year 1785, when Ehen was twenty­ three, his father, \Villiam, uFor the consideration of the Pater­ nal lo\'e and good-will and affection that I have and do hear unto my well hclo\'ed son Ehen Burritt," deeded ahout cle\'cn acres of land to him, situated near Daniel's farm, also a small plot adJoining his own dwelling house. Another deed dated l\lay 24, 1792, cotweys to Eben's wife Sarah, for the consideration of 18 pounds and 16 shillings, four acres in North Stratford, hounded on the westerly side hy Daniel's farm Hill and on the south h.v \Villiam Burritt's land. In 1806 Eben mo\'ecl his family to a farm in the eastern part of Roxbury, Conn. This farm consisted of sixty-four acres and the deed was signed hy David Hawley, presumably Eben's B U R R I TT F A 1\1 I L Y 39

son-in-Jaw, as executor of the estate of the former owner, James Shelton, of South Huntington, the consideration heing $1615.77. It was located about one-fourt'1 mile north of what was then known as "Castle Street," and "Grassy Hill Road." This continued to he the family home until the death of Ehen, when it was willed to his four sons. Roswell, the youngest, pur­ chased the interests of his hrothers and lived there during his lifetime. In 188.1 this homestead was sold bv Roswell's two daughters, Sarah Burritt Fenn and Anna ~lariah Burritt, who then moved to Port Byron, N. Y. The farm is the site of a Revolutionary Enmmpment where a brigade of General Nixon's Regiment passed the winter.

. i In my possession is a yellowed sheet of paper on which is written in the painstaking hand of my great aunt Catherine B. Sprague, a list of the children of Eben with the dates of birth and death copied fron1 his old fatnily Bible. So did cheerful aunt Kate add her bit to these records. She gave us more in her stories of these, her grandparents, revealing inci­ dents of their lives and traits of character always w:th an unconcealed pride. Another letter from ?vf rs. Laura E. Camp recounts the story as told by her mother, who was ElizabNh Ann Burritt, first cousin to my great grandfather Lewis. It seems that Lewis and Polly Burritt had sold their farm near Roxbury and were about to leave for western N e-.·v York. The Congregational Church at Roxbury held farewell prayer meetings and, so she said, "sang the most doleful hymns."

It perhaps seemed a final parting since she says, "'The trip was made with ox teams into the wilderness where they cleared a site and built a log house. 'I'hey were prosperous and the family added a great deal materially and spiritually to the town of \t\T eedsport." lV[y own memory goes back to the visit of this same Lewis, who was Eben's oldest son, after the death of his wife, to our home in Illinois. Since this was in 1872 T was four years old at the time, hut this memory has always been c1ear to me. L. L.B. 40 B U R R I TT F A :\I I L Y

43 JOSEPH, (Samuel 25) born in Stratford, Aug. 9, 1758, died in Stratford Oct. 3, 1830. i\[arried in 1778, Sally Ufford who was horn Feb. 19, 1760. She was a daughter of ·1.ieuten­ ant Sa1nuel (born Jan. 21, 1670, died 1746) and Elizabeth (Curtiss) Ufford. Joseph enlisted as a private in the Revolutionary war fron1 Stratford, Conn., and served twenty-seven months fifteen clays, according to application for pension entered by his widow, Sallv.,, Ufford Burritt . A portion of this service was under Captain George Benja- 1nin in Col. Sanntel \Vhiting's Brigade. ( Record of pension received by Sally Burritt found in an old Day Book of Isaac Shennan, containing list of pensions from 1833 to 1836 page 211, also on page 662 "Records of Service of Connecticut

1 ~ len in the \Var of the Revolution" compiled by the Adjutant General. Both books are in the Historical Society rooms, Bridgeport, Conn. Children: 1. SA~IUEL, horn Dec. 18, 1778. 11. ANN l\L\RCY, horn July 18, 1781; married \Villiam Peat. 111. SALLY, horn l\larch 4, 1783; married Isaac Brooks. 68. iv. DAVID, horn Jan. 7, 1785. v. JA~rns, horn Jan. 11, 1787; married April 8, 1812, Betsy---. vi. IsAAC, horn June 1, 1789; married three times, first, J u)y 29, 1811. vii. JosEPH, horn Feb. 9, 1791; died young. viii.JULIA, horn Nov. 16, 1792; died young. 69. ix. JosEPH, horn Aug. 21, 1795.

44 NATHAN, (Samuel 25) born June 6, 1763, married 1791 Sarah vVelles. Children: 1. ABIGAIL \\'ELI.ES, horn Dec. 6, 1791. 11. JonN, baptized April 1793. iii. LEWIS, baptized·June;· 1794. 1v. ROBERT, horn 1800; died Aug. 8, 1802. 70. v. RonERT \Vrr.mm1,•0Rc1-;, horn 1803. vi. \V1LSON. vii. SARAH. ll UR RITT FA ~I I LY 41

Sixth Generation 45 ELY,·(Blackleach 26) born in ~,[arch 12, 1773. He was a practicing Physician in 'T'roy, New York, for nearly thirty years. Had a son: 71. ALEXANDER 1-IAMII~TON, born April 17, 1805. 46 BLACK LEACH, JR., (Rev. Blackleach 23) born Oct. 27, 1779, died Oct. 1, 1830, at Clifford, Pa. l\ilarried Nov. 1, 1802, at Upper \Vhite Hills, Conn.' Sarah Hubbell, daughter of John and Sarah (Curtis) Hubbell, and granddaughter of Lieut. John Hubbell and of James Curtis. Both her father and her two grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolution. She died in Clifford, Pa., Oct. 21, 1870. Children: 1. 1-IEPSY, horn :i\lay 9, 180-t, in Huntington, Conn.; died at Clifford, Pa., Sept. 13, 1887; married June 11, 1827, Zihe Burns .. · Children: (I) Henry Horace, born Sept. 20, 1829; died April 8, 1832. (2) Sarah Ann, horn Nov. 27, 1831; married Oct. 31, 1850, Cyril Crandall. ( 3) Sanford, born Feb. 7, 1834; married (first) July 11, 1854, Tryphosia \Vestgate, (second) Julia, widow of J. B. Lyon, daughter of Ezra Lewis. ( 4) Bur­ ritt, horn June 8, 1836; died May 19, 1897, at Forest City, Pa.; married July 5, 1869, Mary Hansee, daughter of \Villiam Han­ sec. (6) Ziha, horn Oct. 7, 1838; died Feb. 17, 1879; married Phoebe Elizabeth Baldwin, daughter of Chas. Baldwin of Jersey City, N. J. (7) Franklin, horn Feh. 28, 1842; died Aug. 9, 1844. (8) Frank, horn Dec. 11, 1846; died March 22, 1891; married April 12, 1876, Emma Hansee, daughter of \Villiam Hansee. 72. ii. GRANDISON, horn Aug. 1, 1806. 73. iii. SAMUEL, horn :i\larch 31, 1808. t\'. RUFUS, horn June 17, 1811; died Oct. 26. 181.t 74. v. RUFUS, horn :\lay 17, 1814. 75. vi. E1.v, horn Feb. 18, 1817. \'ii. SARAH CAROi.iNF.. horn Att(!, 18, 1819, in Clifford, Pa.; died Aug. 28. 1.897 in Uniondale, Pa.; married March 16, 1840, i\fartial Otis Dimmick, who was horn Dec.16.1817; died Dec. 1, 1908; i.on of Martial and Oshea (Smith) Dimmitk. Children: ( 1) Myrtis, horn March 5, 1846; married Dec. 22, 1866, David LaFayette Stevens, who was horn Aug. 17, 1837, son of David and Eliza (Arnold) Ste,·ens, of Clifford, Pa.: (2) Theron Baldwin. horn June 28, 1847; married Nov. 9, 1869, 42 BURRITT FAMILY

l\fary Jane \Voocl. daug!1ter of Henry N. and Nancy (Young) vVood. ( 3) Nornian Grandison, horn July 15, 1856; married Nov. 21, 1883, Sar:&h Louise Merithen, who was horn July 31, 1861, at Clark's Green, Pa., daughter of Hiram and Ruth (Burt) 1\lerithen. viii. CHARLES, horn l\larch 5, 1823, in Clifford, Pa.; died Oct. 1, 1830.

47 ADONIRA1"1, ( Daniel 29) born July 16, 1758, in Arling­ ton, Vt., retnoved with his father's family to Canada at the outbreak of the Revolution and later settled at lVlaitland, Canada, on the St. Lawrence River. 1-Ie served as Captain in the Canadian Army, in the 2nd Regitnent of GrcnviHe lVfili­ tia during the war of 1812. He was later known as Colonel. He 111arried ------Reacl. Died in Canada in ld56 at the age of 98 years. Children: i. \V1u.1AM, no male issue. 76. ii. READ. 77. iii. CHARLES, born Feb. 28, 1806.

48 STEPHEN, (Daniel 24) born Nov. 2, 1759, at Arlington, Vt. lVIoved to Canada with his father at the outbreak of the Revolution. Died in Ontario, Canada, in 1843. He entered the British Anny at the age of nineteen and served seven years. He was dispatch ·writer for Col. Barry St. Leger, Con1111andant of the Royal forces in Canada. He was wounded at Gage's Hill, was present at the taking of Fort Edward and at the surrender of Burgoyne. After the war he and his brother Daniel settled on the upper St. Law­ rence with other discharged soldiers. In 1793 he penetrated the woods thirty miles and founded Burritt's Rapids where he died; he being the first white 111an to explore and settle on the North hank of the Rideau River. His chopping at­ tracted a l'vioha wk Indian, who ordered hitn off the hunting grounds of the tribe. After a desperate struggle he downed the Indian and threatened to brain hin1. 'I'he Indian begged for n1ercy and promised fellowship, which promise he faith­ fully kept. Stephen was 1\1ajor and Lieutenant. Colonel of the 2nd Regitnent, r.renvilJe 1\1ititia and saw service under BURRITT FAMILY 43

General Brock at Fort \¥ ellington in the war of 1812. Fro111 1809 to 1817 he represented Leeds and Grenville in the Leg­ islature. Children: 1. HENRY, born 1791. 78. ii. Eo~IUND, born 1793. 111. SARAH, born 1801. l\'. \\TJLLIAll AUGUSTUS, born 1803. 79. ,.. STEPHEN, born 1805. v1. I-Lnnr.ToN, born 1808.

49 i EDl\1lUND, (Daniel 24) born Dec. 7, 1761, at Arlington, Vt., died in Ontario, Canada, in 1798. Child: CALVIN. 50 . DANIEL, ( Daniel 24) born about 1669, 111arried Electa Landon. Settled after the Revolution with his brother Stephen on the upper St. Lawrence and later was one of the founders of Burritt's Rapids. He located on the North side of the Rideau River, drawing Lot 25 in the first concession of lVlarlborough. I1e served as Captain and lVIajor in the 2nd Regitnent of Grenville ~filitia during the \Var of 1812 and was later known as Colonel. The 2nd Regitnent took part in the following actions: Prescott, Oct. 4, 1812; Salmon River, Nov. 23, 1812; Ogdensburg, Feb. 22, 1813; Chrysler's Farm, Nov. 11, 1813. (Public Archives of Canada.) Children: 80. i. GEORGE LANDON, born :.March 18, 1798. 81. ii. DANIEL HAMLET. 82. iii. \\'ALTER HORATIO, born Sept. 1808. iv. URANIA, married \,Villiam Loucks and had: Alfred, married Caro­ line l\fcrkley; Electa, married \1/ill L·mgh; Edwin, married Harriet .Muckleston; Harriet; Henry Hamilton, married Celia \,Vhite. v. l\hNERVA. 51 l\ifAJOR, (Daniel 24) born about 1771. Children. i. MARCUS. 83. ii. ANSON. B U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y

84. iii. JOHNSON. 85. iv. TRUE~fAN. 86. v. CLEMENT. vi. ELECTA, married Trueman Adams. vii. Pnoli:BE, married Trueman Adams as his second wife. 52 TILLY \V., (Andrew 30) born June 24, 1776, at New­ town, Conn., moved with his father's family to Hinesburgh, Vt., where he died June 2, 1870. iVIarried Hannah Davis. Children: 87. i. NKLSON A., horn Aug. 25, 1804. 88. ii. DANIEL, born about 1810. iii. JANE E., born April 2, 1820. 53 REUBEN, (Israel 31) born Jan. 19, 1785, died Oct. 28, 1815, tnarried first tin1e Sally; no further record. iWarried a second time in 1814, Eunice Sopir. No further record. Child by wife SaJly: ISRAEi,, born 1808; died l\lay 17, 1818. Int. Village Cemetery. On the death of his father this Israel was adopted by his uncle Jarrad. 54 GARRAD, (Israel 31) born Shelburne, Vt., Oct. 19, 1789, died there July 18, 1866, and buried in Village Ce1nc­ tery. lVlarried first titne July l, 1810, Lucia Comstock, daughter of L.evi, Sr., and 1-Iannah (Bakon) Comstock, born 1791, died Sept. 23, 1829. There were no children by this union. Garrard married a second time Jan. 17, 1830, Eliza Roxilana (Harrington) Peckhant, widow of Nathaniel Peck­ ham by whon1 she had: Deborah Harriet, Dec. 12, 1818, and Adeline Amanda, Feb. 19, 1822. Garrad's tnother died when he was five years old and his father re111arried, then when he was eleven his sister Lomira who had mothered him, tnarried and went to Burlington. By consent of his father he was then taken into the home of Levi and Hannah Comstock and they brought him up as their own with their two children, Lucia aged nine, and Levi, Jr., seven. He was ambitious to be a scholar and a successful man and "Aunt T--Iannah" encouraged and helped him. Tn those BURRITT FAMILY 45

days of barter, hooks were hard to come by and one day Aunt Hannah gave hin1 a pair of her old shoes to tear apart and use as a pattern for a new pair. He made the new shoes with great pride, having tanned the leather hi111self, thus learning two good trades. I-I is tanneries later were a source of wealth. Aunt liannah encouraged him to make a box of shoes of different sizes which he sold for good value to a store in a frontier settle111ent and with the money received he bought hooks which he studied, as did other pioneers, by the light of pitch pine knots in the fire-place. He went to school only six weeks in his entire life but he attained an excellent education, liberal, scientific and cul­ tural. His penmanship was especially fine. He obtained all the information available on agrarian prohlems; studied ro­ tation of crops and erosion, set out hundreds of fruit trees experitnenting with different kinds. During the years 1800 to 1810 the old Burritt-Comstock brick house was built. 'The bricks being made from the clay found in the hanks of the brook back of the house, hand made and sun baked. Garrad superintended the construc­ tion of the house and actually built much of it with his own hands. 1-Ie tnarried Lucia Comstock in 1810 and the house was practica1Jy completed at that time. It was a beautiful home, set high. 'l'he double chimneys could be seen from the North and South on the lake and the pilots of the boats used them as a landfall. From the front door was a magnificent view of the l Jake and the Adirondacks and fr0111 the upper windows the Green ?vi ountains could be seen over the rise of land at the East. During the \Var of 1812 Commodore l\ifcDonough built and commanded a fleet on Lake Champlain. He was a guest of Garrad and Lucia. The northwest room on the first floor had not been finished at that time and was tnade ready for his use. liis staff was quartered in the servants' e11 and the buildings surrounding the house yard. Garrad Burritt, his brother Reuben, and his brother-in­ law, Levi Cmnstock, Jr., were among the volunteers of the )Var of 1812 on a request made for sharp shooters. He also aided Co111111odore ivlcDonough in equipping and provision­ ing his fleet which Jay at anchor in Quaker Smith Hay. 46 B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y

\Vhen the Flagship L.. awrence was raised fron1 Lake Eric l\ilarch 1836, a walking stick fron1 the officers' cabin was sent to Garrad Burritt in recognition of his services. It had a buck horn head with four plates. The natne plate has been lost but it is supposed to have had the name of the Connnodore. 'l'he other three inscriptions are as follows: "Taken fron1 the Flagship Lawrence, i\l arch 1836." ''Coin. 0. 1-1. Perry's Victory Lake Eric, Sept. 10, 1813."­ ·•\Ve have n1et the enemy and they are ours." 'T'he cane always carried by Garrad is now in possession of David Burritt .Montgon1ery, his great, great grandson. Garrad was representative from the Town of Shelburne for two years fron1 1823. Posttnaster 1828-1836. Chosen to represent Town of Shelburne in convention to pass on U. S. Constitutional changes proposed by Congress. 'fhe above is taken fron1 information given the co111piler by l\ilrs. C. l\ 11. Shearer of l\'linneapolis, a direct descendent of Garrad which has proven of so n1uch interest as depicting the life of those early pioneers that it has been thus freely used. After describing the visit of Co111modore 1VlcDonough and a later short residence of Garrad in the village and on Shel­ burne Point, she says: ''T'hey then bought fron1 the Comstock heirs their share of the original home built in 1800 and lived there the remain­ der of their lives. 'T'he son Andrew tnarricd and brought his wife there and their children, Charles and Frances ( the writer) were born there." Children: i. LUCIA E1.1zA, horn Nov. 4, 1830; died l\Iarch 10, 1935. 89. ii. ANDREW JACKSON, horn July 6, 1_837 .. Ref. Byron .M. Clark, Battle of Plattsburg, p. 37; Hemmen­ way, vol. 1, p. 877; History of Chittenden Co., p. 670; Dem­ mings Vermont officers 1918, p. 292.

55 THOl\1IAS, (Eleazer 33) born in Saratoga County, N. Y., in 1785 and died April 8, 1862, 111arried the first tin1e about 1820 Dorothy Jennings who was born Feb. 10, 1796, died May 21, 1841. He married a second ti1ne, Catherine --- who was born nilarch 26, 1800, died Oct. 3, 1866. B U R R I T T F A l\l I L Y 47

Thon1as purchased a farm in Corinth, Saratoga County, N. Y., on which he spent his entire life. Children:

1. BAILEY, horn l\larch 9, 1822. Left New York early in life and is said to have gone \Vest. No further records.

11. CHARLOTTE, horn Nov. 11. 1824; died June 18, 1882; married April 5, 1868, Alonzo J. Grippin, whose first wife was her sister 'I• ary. "\.Tno issue.•

111. MARY, horn °Nm·. 30, 1826; died April 23, 186-l; tnarried ~larch 30, 1845, Alonzo J. Grippin, who was horn Oct. 30, 1818; died l\lay 19, 1904, at Bridgeport, Conn. Their children: ( 1) \Villiam A., horn Fch. 2:-;, 1851 ; died l\[arch 11, 1911, at Grand Canyon, Ariz.; marriecl Adella Jack­ son, of Ballston Spa., N. Y., and had: \Viltiam Jackson, horn Sept. 19, 1876; married April 10. 1907, Ethel Kemher; and Edna A., horn Dec. 8, 1888; married SepL 27, 1911, Dudley l\1. Morris. (2) Frances .M .. horn Aug. 14, 1853; died l\Iarch 7, 1883 at Corinth, N. Y.; married \Vallace l\lallery and had: Alfred T. and a daughter, who is Mrs. A. J. DeCetle. (3) Thomas Burritt, horn July 18, 1859; died Sept. 23, 1930; mar­ ried Dec. 25, 1880, Carrie L. Howe of Troy, N. Y. Children: Alonzo J., Jr., born Feb. 24, 1882; died Feh. 14, 1889; Charles Howe, horn Aug. 30, 1883; died Aug. 3, 1885; Jennie l\lay, born Jan. 31, 1885; Ethel, horn Oct. 27, 1887; married Mr. Grey of Bridgeport, Conn.; Bessie, horn July 29, 1889; married R. E. l\liller of N. Egremont, l\lass.; Clifford N., horn April 13, 1891. 90. h·. JAMES, horn Fch. 27, 1829. v. EMELINE, born Oct. 15, 1830; died No\'. 11, 1912; married Dec. 8, 1854, John Ambler, who was horn Oct. 11, 1827; died ~larch 23, 1905. Children: (1) Elsie E., horn April 14, 1856; died Dec. 15, 1856; (2) \Villiam B., horn July 18, 1858; died April 12, 1887; ( 3) Flora E., born Sept. 27, 1862; died Dec. 24, 1881 ; ( 4) Minnie, horn July 23, 1866; died July 17, 1884. v1. CAROLINE, horn Attl{, 18, 1833; died Sept. 7, 1909; married l\farch 31, 1861, Peleg J. Randall, who was ho,n Dec. 19, 1834; died April 5, 1913. They had: James T., horn Oct. 3, 1863; died Dec. 18, 1891; married l\liranda Eggleston and had one child, Gertie l\f., horn July 21, 1885. 48 B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y

56 GILES, (Eleazer 33) born Oct. 31, 1788, in Saratoga County; died Nlarch 2, 1854, at Parma (Hilton), N. Y.; 111arried l\ 1larch 15, 1810, at Sand Lake, N. Y., to Elizabeth, daughter of George and Evelyn Colby Phelps, horn Sept. 10, 1791. at Sand Lake, N. Y.; died ~·larch 3, 1866, at Parma, N. Y. · ( See Phelps in appendix). Children of Giles and Elizabeth Burritt: 91. 1. B.\JLEY, horn April 1. 1811. 92. 11. \V11.1.1A~1. horn Dec. 25, 1812. 93. rn. SEELEY, horn Nov. 29, 1814. 9-J. n·. Pm.LY, horn Nm·. 9, 1816. 95. ,.. ~IALINDA, horn Dec. 18, 1818. 96. ,·1. SYLVESTER, horn Dec. 7. )820. 97. vii. Euz.ABETII, horn Dec. 9. 1822. 98. viii. STEPHEN DAY, horn Nm·. 3. 1824. 99. ix. Tuo~1.As, horn Aug-. 25. l82i. x. MAHALA, horn Feh. 8, 1831; died at Parma, 1\lay 20, 1842. 100. xi. GILES, JR., horn Jan. S, 1834. The records of the descendants of Giles and Elizabeth. while not 100 per cent complete. are nearly so. Those for the first five families lack, perhaps 25 to SO persons for completion. All the others are l'omplete. The records which follow show a total of 777 descendants of whom 145 arc dead, and 632 living as this is written. 398 are nmles and 379 females. A total of 409 per­ sons, 207 males and 202 females have married into the family. Of thes~ marria<.!es, 81 prochu:ed no children while the other 296 resulted in 7i6 children. The count hy generations follows:

DESCENDENTS OF GILES BURRITT BY GENERATIONS (As of April 1, 1940) Generations Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Totals D D L D L D L D L D L D L All 1 Bailey 1 6 0 12 8 4 53 2 6,3 () 25 124 149 2 \Villiam 1 5 0 6 14 2 41 2 63 0 11 16 129 151 6 p1known 6 unknown 3 Seeley 1 9 0 9 6 6 31 3 42 0 6 28 85 113 4 Polly 1 6 0 6 5 1 9 0 14 0 11 14 39 53 5 Malinda 1 ...1 0 6 4 2 19 .l 17 0 13 15 53 68 6 Sylvester 1 2 I 1 5 0 5 0 .l 4 14 18 7 Elizabeth 1 2 0 0 18 4 .16 2 35 9 89 98 8 Stephen 1 5 1 3 10 2 12 0 2 11 25 36 9 Thomas 1 5 ..') 2 10 4 17 0 11 12 40 52 10 Mahala 1 1 1 11 Giles, Jr. 1 6 2 3 12 0 9 0 5 10 28 38 11 49 6 48 98 25 232 12 255 0 41 145 632 777 B U R R I TT F A 1\1 I L Y 49

/ ' .... , I' .,,.. - ....y, ..: ...... ,.


B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 51

DESCENDANTS OF GILES BURRITT Giles Burritt was unquestionably a man of deeds rather than of words. 1-Iis nan1c appears only very rarely in writ­ ten records. Only in old dry census records, in dusty deeds in County.. Clerk's offices and in old wills and records filed in Surrogate's Courts is there to be found any 111ention of him. His achieve111ents were that with his wife, Elizabeth, he reared a family of e1even children on poor land on a hil1top in Rensselaer County about twe1ve miles east of 'Troy; that he moved with all of them across the State to good produc­ tive land in .Mon roe County in \Vestern N cw York and that he established five of his s~ven boys on other fan1B around him before he died at 66 years of age. Al1 this reqtiired phys­ ical sta111ina, courage and determination to i111prove his Jot and that of his fa111ily. 'T'he birth and period of growing to manhoo"d. 1788 to 1810, is quite obscure. He seems to have been born in the town of Stil1water or the town of Galway in Saratoga County, N cw York, on Oct. 31, 1788, the son of Eleazer and Elizabeth Stnith Burritt. \Ve know nothing of his boyhood. The only mention of hin1 in any documents, during this pe­ riod, is in the will of his father-in-law, 'T'ho111as Smith, made in 1800, who left hin1 $25*. I--le had an older brother, Thomas, born in 1785 and a sister ~'fary of whom we know nothing. Tradidon in the fa1nily has it that the father of 'T'homas, Giles and ~,J ary died when they were all quite young and that Giles was ''bound out" to a neighbor or relative - pos­ sibly Thomas S1nith - but there is no confirtnation of this and as Eleazer died in 1805 and Giles would then have been 17 years old the story seen1s improbable. Eleazer appears to have been a lumberman and to have operated a saw 111ill in western Saratoga County.1 As is so often the case the son seen1s to have adopted the vocation of his father, for the next known fact about Giles is that he was the owner or lcssor2 of rights in land in the town of Grafton ( near Sand Lake) in Rensselaer County on a part of the old

*Will of Thomas Smith, dated Dec. 9, 1800, proved and recorded in the Saratoga County Surrogates office, Jan. 12, 1800, in Book l of \Vills at page 89. 1Scttlemcnt of Estate of Eleazer Burritt, Surrogates Records, Saratoga County, .N. Y., Box 003 No. JJ, vol. \V. l. p. 280, 1805. 52 BURR I TT FA ~I IL Y

Dutch Patroon Estate of \T anRensselaerwyck. This may have l>ee11 as early as 1810 or 1811, for Giles was 111arricd at Sand Lake in l\hu-ch 1810 and his first child, Bailey, was horn in 181 l. Here he operated a sawmill and hauled lumber and 111illed logs to the 1narket in Troy. He must have raised cattle and wheat also for the l'vlanor Ledger shows that he was J>aJ'i ng rent2 to the estate in wheat and cattle as well as sundries and cash fron1 about 1813 to 1829. A part of this leased land was sold to Joel Hull :1 in 1821 but all of it was not disposed of until 1838, several years after he had moved to ,vest~i-tl New York. In tile meantime on l\1Iarch 15, 1810, (iiles had 111arricd at Sand Lake, New York, Elizabeth Phelps;' daughter of George Phelps of ,vindsor, Conn., and his wife, Evelyn Colby, ,vho settled in Dutchess County, N. Y., early in the 18th Century. Later me111bers of the Phelps family are found in Gal~·ay, Saratoga County, and this is probably where Giles 111et Elizabeth. I-low they came to settle on the hills · nea1·thc headwaters of Poestenkill Creek in the southern part of tl1e town of Grafton about eight miles fro111 Sand Lake villag-e, we do not know. It was here on a farm of about 1 SO acres 011 the southwest slope of a big rolling hill, with a won­ derful otttlook on this part of the world, that all their eleven childi-c11 were llorn and successfullv reared between 1812 and 1829. [t was a comparatively poot: farming country, well up in the hills ( 1400 feet elevation) and away fron1 the normal flow of travel. ,vhen I visited the place in Septe111 her 1939 all the l>uildings had been burned and only foundation walls and a l11xt1riant sun1ach 1narked the spots where they stood. The la 11d was practically abandoned, but the views were wide ancl eye-filling. It is easy to understand why Giles and Elizabeth and count less others left this unpromising far111ing country and migrated westward. There was hoth a push and a pull away fro111 the hills of Rensselaer County. Rents were high and hard to n1eet (the ledger shows that Giles was behind in his

:.!Van Rensselaer Manor Pa11ers, East Ma nor Ledgers, account with Thomas Nichol~, now Samuel Hutton, now Burritt. In MSS Room Library of State Departnient of falucation. aoeed from Giles and Elizabeth Burritt to Joel Hull, dated Aug. 29, 1821. Re­ ror

4 1'heJps fan1ily; a genealogy in two vols. by Phelps & Sen•in. B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 53

rents), facts which were leading into the anti-rent wars of the late eighteen-thirties. There was little incentive to re­ main. At the same tin1e the Erie Canal had just been opened ( 1825) and many I-I udson Valley settlers were 111igrating westward to the areas west of Syracuse 111ade available by the developers of the Phelps & Gorha1n and the Holland Land Purchases which were then rapidly being taken up. Tales of good timber, level productive land and of 1narkets made available by the canal, were the talk of the day. So early in the spring of 1831 Giles set out, possibly with one of his older boys, possibly with a party of neighbors, to explore this western New York country. Reaching Roches­ ter he started west out the Ridge Road. At Panna Corners, eight miles west, either attracted by the vast stretches of timber below the high Ridge Road, which 1nust have inter­ ested the lumberman, or to visit friends and neighbors who had preceded hitn, he turned north on the Panna road and stopped at what later catne to be called Burritts Corners. Here he soon acquired the title to his first fann in :Monroe County which becatne the Burritt homestead. In 1833 he went back for the re111ainder of his family, te1nporarily left behind at Sand Lake. Early in that year, driving a team of horses and a team of oxen he transplanted and established his large fa1nily in their new home. \Ve have noted the tendency of Giles as well as his father to move about from Connecticut to Saratoga, to Rensselaer,

1 to 1\ ( on roe Counties, New York. This was, perhaps, charac­ teristic of the post-revolutionary period and of the period of expansion. Another characteristic of Giles was his love of the land. In all his n1oves his face was always toward new and 1nore land and never toward the cities. This love of the land he sought to perpetuate in his sons. ,vhen they came of age and married he helped establish then1, every one, on the land. 1--Ie early adopted a policy of starting off each son with one thousand dollars, usually already invested in a farm, and a team of horses. This he did for all seven of his bovs, as ,I well as helping the husbands of his daughters to acquire farms. Several of his sons have followed this exatnple. So it came about that when the pioneer died in 1854, the g-reater part of his fa111ily was settled on fanns in11nediately about hitn, mostly on the same road-the Burritt road. Bailey was on the ho111estead, Sylvester across the road, 54 BURRITT FAMILY

Stephen, Th0111as and Seelev, Elizabeth, Pollv and l\1lalinda · nearby. Only two went c·lsewherc to fan11-\Villia111 to lVlichigan and Giles, Jr., to l\lissouri. Now our esteemed and respected projenitor lies buried in the Parma Cemetery sur­ rounded by th,ese same children-only \Villiam is absent­ and tnany grand-children. \Ve have no record of his thoughts, his desires, his hopes or his disappointtnents; only _of his deeds. He must have had an adventurous, pionee·r spirit; he n1ust have had great energy and determination; he ·n1ust have been a devoted husband and father; he prob­ ably was otherwise a plain man, att- average farmer. He left no other records of his deeds except his children and his land. It is enough if they carry on with his spirit and his foresight and deterinination.

SOME BURRITT GEOGRAPHY All of Giles Burritt's eleven children were born and 111ost of then1 spel)t their childhood in the town of Grafton, Ren­

esselaer countv.., The homestead' on which (;iles settled about 1910, ,vas located just north of the Grafton-Sand Lake town line on a hill at.elevation about 1400 feet, near the head­ waters of the Poestenkill Creek about 10 miles due east of Troy. The village and. post office of Sand Lake was about six 111iles south west, in the town of Sand Lake. 'l'he farn1 house and barns, burned several years ago and now 111arked only by stone walls and sumach bushes, were located on the southwest slope near the top of the hill with a wide sweep of view to the west and south and east. Below in th creek valley at elevation about 1250 feet was the saw mill the operation of which and sale of logs and lumber in Troy was Giles' chief occupation, along with farming. The coun­ try was described as ''mountainous, broken and heavily wooded," with lumbering as the chief industry, and the soil as "indifferent, stoney and uneven," covered with ti111her, "hemlock, heech, and maple, poorly watered." . Re111oving to Parma, 1VJonroe County, New York, in the early 1830's, soon after the opening of the Erie' Canal, Giles reared 10 of his 11 children to 111anhood and womanhood on the Burritt Homestead farm located one mile south of I-Til­ ton, on the northeast corner of the Burritt road, known as B U R R I TT F A 1\1 I L Y 55

Burritt's corners. He located 111ost of them after marriage on nearby farms on this road, where numbers of their des­ cendents still live. The town of Parma is the second town west of Rochester in i"1onroe county, New York, Greece being the first. It is about six 1niles long and three to four miles wide and is hounded on the south by the town of Ogden, on the west by the town of Hamlin and on the north by Lake Ontario. About eight miles west of Rochester the Big Ridge road, which marks a former shore line of Lake Ontario and the southern boundary of the level plain extending northward to the Lake, intersects Route 136 extending from Spencer­ port in the town of Ogden seven n1iles northward to ·Hilton. 'T'he intersection is known as Parma Corners. Three miles north is Parma Center and one mile farther the road crosses the Burritt Road, extending east and west, and· extends an­ other mile to Hilton and thence four 1niles more to the Lake. Hilton was formerly known as North Parma. l\ilaurice C. Buritt. 57 DR. ANTHONY ll. (Dr. Anthony 35) born July 12, 1810. l\'1arried in 1830 l\larv. Hawlev." Children: i. BENJAMIN A., horn 1839. · ii. SusAN, born Dec. 30, 1843. iii. FRANCES, born Jan. 29, 1846. Dr. Anthonv B. Burritt studied n1edicinc with his father ,I and with Doctors Abraham L. S1nith and Joseph L. Tomlin- son and graduated at the medical depart1nent of Yale Col­ lege in 1832. Practiced in ,v oodbury Conn. 58 ELIJAH HINSDALE (Elihu 38) born April 20, 1794, at New Britain Conn. Died in T'exas Jan. 3, 1838; married Oct. 28, 1826, Ann ,villiams ,vatson of l\,filledgeville~ Georgia. He learned the trade of blacks1nith, and graduated fron1 \ College. I-le had a taste for 1natl1cmatics and gave his attention to that science in order to become a surveyor. T-Te established a boarding school at New Britain, Conn. ,vas author of an astronomical work used in schools, "A Geog­ raphy of the Heavens," and several other works. He edited 56 B U l{ l{ I TT F A l\l I L Y

a paper in Georgia for some years and headed a small colony that went to ·rexas in 1837. He was a large man physically, cotnmanding and dignified in appearance and address, a man of rare talent and worth, but considered somewhat erratic, which perhaps accounted for his stand in opposition to sla v­ ery while in Georgia and the wrecking of his newspaper plant there. He had five children. 59 \VILLIAl\1, (Elihu 38) horn July 8, 1805, at Stratford, died Dec. 11, 1837, married Clarissa Cole, l\ilay 5, 1826. She was a daughter of John Cole of Berlin, Coi1n. Had a son: 101. i. \Vu.LIAM, born 1830. 60 ELIHU, (Elihu 38) horn in New Brittain, Conn., Dec. 8, 1811. Died in New Brittain l\[arch 7, 1879. Unmarried. Elihu Burritt was one of the tnost widely known and best loved tnen of his time. He rose fron1 very hutnhle circun1- stances to a position of world renown by his indomitable en­ ergy and atnbition. His father was a farmer and shoetnaker who raised a large family by close econ01ny and hard labor. \,Vhile a youth Elihu was apprenticed to a blacksmith and worked at the trade until he had tnastered it. He was very fond of reading and spent all his spare time in study which he pursued away into the night using all his spare tnoney for books and borrowing such hooks as he n1ight, often walking 1nany tniles after work to obtain a coveted volume. About the time his apprenticeship was completed his older brother Elijah, who had been sent to College returned to New Brittain and opened a school. He influenced Elihu to leave his trade and enter this school. Later he went to Boston where he could 'have the advantage of libraries and teachers. Here he pursued his studies by himself, working at his trade of blacksmith at intervals to defray his expenses. He was offered help bv friends to enter Harvard College but re-. fused to cotnpromise his indenendencc. It was this spirit of independent thought and action that made him a leader of n1en whose influence was felt in all the nations of the world. Because of his having used his trade to advance himself in BURR ITT FA :\I IL Y 57


B U R R I T T F A ~I I L Y

this way, he has been given the sobriquet of "T'he Learned Blackstnith". He was a noted scholar, linguist, lecturer and reformer; but his greatest influence has been felt through his advocacy of universal world peace. In 1848 he organized the " Congress of Friends of Peace," which was fol1owed by annual congresses in , Frankfort, London, ivl anchester and Edin borough; and it was his influence through this society that averted war be­ tween England and A111erica at the time of the northwest boundary clispute. One writer says of him, "His \ 1igorous philanthropy keeps his nan1e green in the history of the peace movetnent apart fron1 the fatne of his learning." l He was Consul at Birming·hatn, Eng-land, fron1 1865 to 1870. Smne of his books are: "Sparks from the Anvil" ( 1848): "Olive Leaves" ( 1853): and "Chips From 1\1Tany Books" ( 1853). It may not be out of place to here append an article which appeared in a newspaper (The Bridgeport Standard of 1\1ay 10, 1912) on the occasion of the celebration of his one hun­ dredth birthdav held on that date in Bridgeport.


N C'W Britain Honors Illustrious S011 011 Ce11te11ar_\' of His Birth "Bright skies and halmy spring hreezes this morning ushered in Burritt Day, the biggest and best celebration eYer held in New Britain. All New England through its delegates to the New England which is meeting in Hartford this week and whose session this afternoon and eve­ ning is in this city in honor of Elihu Burritt, the first apostle of universal peace, joined with New Britain in honoring her most illustrious son on the centenary of his birth. From early morning until the parade started this afternoon the incoming trains and trolley cars were filled with visitors and at one o'clock this after­ noon one hundred automobiles left Hartford with the delegates to the peace congress. At 2 :30 o'clock, the pilgrimage to the graYe of Elihu Burritt in Fairview Cemetery was begun with the monster parade of school children, fraternal and religious societies and other organizations with floats representing srenes in Burritt's life or symholical of international peace. At the cemetery an international tribute was placed on the grave by repre­ sentatives of twenty nations. First a woman placed a wreath of flowers on the mound and then a man placed the flag of the country that the wreath giver had represented. Principal l\larcus \Vhite, of the State Normal School presided m·er these exercises and he also spoke briefly. 60 B L; R R I T T F A ~I I L Y

This evening in the Russwin Lyceum and in the First Church there will he held mass meetings addressed by Rahhi Stephen \Vise of New York and ex-Governor Utter. of Rhode Island. A centennial chorus of one hundred voices will sing."

61 BENJA:\,fIN, (\Villiam ~O) horn in Derby, Conn., or near New Amsterdam, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1796, died in Elgin, Ill., 1880, married Catherine Noonam. Lived at Johnstown, N. Y., until he came to Elgin, Ill., in 1837. Children: 1. CHARLOTTE, married John 1-1. Hoaglund and had: James, Josiah, Nelson and \Villiam. 11. C\TIIERINE, married George Renwick. 111. PETER, married first Henrietta ~liller, and second Rehecca Mc­ Bride. ~o issue. 102. 1,·. Josu11, horn July 6, 1820. v. HANNAH, married Donald ~lorrison. v1. JANE, married Henry Truesdale. 62 S'T'EPHEN, ( \Villiam 40) born in Derby, Conn., or near New Amsterdam, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1796, died, Seneca Falls, N. Y., June 11, 1886, married April 25, 1816, 1\.Jary Bradley, born l\1larch S, 1798, died Seneca Falls May 13, 1880. Children: 10,t STEPHEN URADJ.l~Y, horn April 25, 1833. Note-There were twelve children in this family, none of the others leaving male descendants. 63 JOHN HEZEKIAl-1, (John 41) horn Dec. 16, 1781, mar­ ried Anna Olive Hawley. Children: 104. i. JONATHAN E1.1s11A, horn l\lay 31. 1802. 105. ii. HARVEY, horn Dec. I, 1803. 111. ER.MINA, horn April 22, 1808; married Henry l\Iulligan. 1v. Et.IZA ANN, horn Feh. 22, 1811. v. Lr-:GRAND, horn July 6, 1814.

64 LE\i\TIS, ( Eben 42) born in Stratford, Conn., July 2, 1788, died at Weedsport, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1873. l\tlarried April 2, 1809, Pollv Warner, who was born in Connecticut Nov. 1, 1789, and ~ho died at Sennett, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1865. B lJ R R I TT FA ~I I I~ Y 61




Lewis and Polly Burritt can1e from Roxbury, Conn., to the 'Town of Ira, Cayuga County, N. Y ., in 1833 and later moved to "Mutton Hill" Town of Sennett, where they had purchased a farm. Children: 106. 1. CHARLES, horn Jan. 9, 1812. ii. CATHERINJ-:, born at Roxbury, Conn., l\Iarch 16, 1813; died at \Veedsport N. Y., Dec. 29, 1897; married Nov. 14, 1838, Ed­ ward B. Sprague, who was horn in 1809 and who died at \~7eedsport, June 21, 1873. He was a son of John Sprague, of Cambridge, N. Y. (Died Aug. 16, 1856). Three children were born to them: ( 1) Lewis B. Sprague, born 1840. He grew to manhood and at the outbreak of the Civil \Var enlisted as a pri­ vate serving until near the close of the war, when he contracted · smallpox and was sent to Chestnut Hill Hospital, Philadelphia, where he died Jan. 2.3, 1863. (2) Alfred John St>n.gue, born at \Vesthury, N. Y., Oct; 29, 1842; died at \Veeclsport, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1912; married Adelaide V. Taylor, daughter of George and Sophronia ( l\Iack) Taylor. Children: Louis \Vitliam, horn Mar. 12, 1877; l\Iaud Ellen, lives in \Veedsport. ( 3) Clarence \V. Sprague, horn at Sennett, N. Y., l\lar. 1, 1845; died at Lis­ bon, S. D.; married at \Veedsport, Nov. 1, 1871, Etta, who was horn at \Veedsport, Jan. 22, 1854. They had three children: Donnie Louise, Kate Ella, Edward \Villiam ( died young). iii. LAURA, horn at Roxbury, Conn., Dec. 2, 1814; died at \Veeds­ port, N. Y., April 3, 1904; married Jan. 6, 1836, Ambrose Olm­ stead Remington, who was horn at Sennett, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1813. He was a son of Rufus (horn Oct. 17, 1780; died Nov. 11, 1845) and Deborah (Olmstead) Remington (born Jan. 22, 1786; died Sept. 4, 18.34). Children: ( 1) l\Iarriette J. Reming­ ton, horn at Butler, N. Y ., Dec. 24, 1836; died Nov. 23, 1908; married Oct. 23, 1861. Frank \V. Putnam. Children: Grace L. Putnam, unmarried; Jay R. Putnam, married Eva Hoyt. Child: Clare. Ernest A. Putnam, married Florence Bowen. Child : ~lodena. Blanche Putnam, horn Oct. 19, 1872; died Nov. 8, 1913; married Frank l\lills. (2) Ambert 0. Remington, born at Rutler, N. Y., July 7. 1842. Scn·ed in the Civil \Var, enlisting in Septemher 1861. \Vouncled at Port Hudson, Florida, June 14, 1863; died June 17, 1863. Not married. (3) Adclsa Ophelia Remington, horn at Butler N. Y., July 10, 1844; died l\larch 29, 1920; married Horace L. Burrill, who was horn at Elbridge, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1841. He is a son of Nelson (horn Ethridge. N. Y., Nov. 25, 1811) and Sophronia (Camphelt) Burrill (horn Dec. 13. 1815). Children: 1-Zaide R. Burrill. horn April 10, 1875; died Sept. 21. 1875. 2-Laura R. Burrill, horn Jan. 21, 1882; unmarried; lives at \Veedsport. N. Y. · iv. JUI.IA ANN, horn l\larch 1817; died April 29. 1891; married George Cady. son of Elias and Diadamia (Eldridge) Cady. Child: Josephine C. Cady. horn at \Veedsport; married Oct. 21. 64 B U R R I TT F A l\l I LY

1%3, Oliver Gildersleeve. Three d1ildrcn were horn to them: C:eorge C. Gildersleeve, horn Nov. 23, 1864; Katherine J. Gil­ dersleeve, horn Jan. 9, 1877; Fred Ii. Gildersleeve, horn May 22, 1879; died Nm·. 17, 1900. Their home is in \Veedsport, N. Y. v. ENOS \V11.1.1,u1, horn Nov. 5, 1818; died 1819. v1. \V11.1.1A!'t1, horn :\lard1 27, 1820; died (kt. 23, 1820. 107. vii. NATHAN, horn Oct. 5, 1822. viii. ELEANOR P., horn in Conn., Aug. 3, 1824; died June 17, 1906; married at Ira, N. Y., Nov. 6. 1844, \Villiam Sheldon, who was horn at Brutus, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1821. He was a son of Daniel and Eliza ( :\lerritt) Sheldon. Children: (I) George l\l. Shel­ don, horn April 3, 18-16; died July I, 1917; married Ella Tryon and Imel four children: Daniel, Adelhcrt, Florence, Harriett. (2) Adelbert B. Sheldon. horn l\lay 21, 1848; died Nov. 29, 1912; married l\larch 15, 1877, Laura l\leech; married a second time Allie Patterson. Children: Henry, Harry, Julia, Lewis, Eleanor. Harry and Eleanor not li\'ing. ( ,1) Frank N. Sheldon, horn Sept. 19, 1850; died March 10, 1899; married Jan. 22, 1874, E,·a Remington. Children: l\lay, \Villiam, Jennie, Guy. (4) \V. Clarence Sheldon, horn Aug.8.1852; died Jan. 7, 1908; married Dec. I, 1880, Lulu \Vehster. Children: Roy, who mar­ ried Leta VanDuzer, and has three children: Bessie, who mar­ ried Ray Hudson; and George, who married Bertha Brazee, and has two children. ( 5) Julia Sheldon, horn Sept. 21, 1858; married at Sennett, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1881, George L. Austin, who was horn at Cato, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1854. and who died Dec. 2, 1901. He was a son of Thomas (horn Stratfordshire, England) and Lydia ( Sinyhem) Austin. Their children are: Frederick Austin, horn l\Jard1 13, 1885; married Dec. 18, 1906; lives in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Florence E. Austin, horn 1\farch 12, 1887. Lives in \Vee

John Z. Warner married l\lartha Nid1ols and had three chil­ dren: Frank Salter, horn Aug. 1876; Laura Elizabeth, born Jan. 28, 1878; Herbert Emerson, horn Aug. 27, 1887. 11. SARAH 1\IARIA, horn Sept. 18, 1822, at Roxbury, Conn., , horn .l\tarch 30, 1824. 1v. l\l ARY EUNICE, horn July 10, 1826, married Fredric Knapp and had five children: Herbert S.; Sidney; Harry Shepard; l\far­ garet Lizzie and Clissold. Harry Shepard was a Vice Admiral during the \\'oriel \Var in command of a United States Fleet operating in European waters in 1919-20. He died April 6, 1923. v. ELIZA JANE, horn l\larch 30, 1828. 110. vi. DANrni. AusTIN, horn Sept. 25, 1829. vii. JUI.IA FRANCES, horn July 21, 1831, died Aug. 17, 1855. l\Iar­ ried Nathan Sanford and had one son, Herlancl Burritt San­ ford. viii. BETSY ~loRRIS, horn 1\larch 7, 18.W, married Frederick Cham­ hers and had four d1ildre11: Susie Sturgis; Jane 1\1 orris; Sarah and Elizabeth. 1x. PHILO, horn Feb. 12, 1837, died ~larch 6, 1866. x. JonN DWIGHT, horn Aug. 31. 1839, died July 28, 1843. x1. MARGARET GRACE, horn Aug. 29, 1842, died Feb. 10, 1843. Daniel Fairchild Burritt owned a fine farm home in Roxbury where he hrought up his large family and where he died at a ripe old age. 66 PHILO.' (Eben 42) horn Sept. 25. 1799, died Oct. 8. 1858. lVlarried l\1la~· 14. 1823. Caroline Downs, who was born April 16. 1804. and who died ~,Jay 30, 1gg9_ Children: 1. SARAH ANN. horn in Connertic11t. l\larch 2.i, 182.J; married Dec. 12. l 849, Amhrose Olmsted. Children: Frank L., horn l\f ay ] 6, 1851; married Feb. 14. Anna Frantz. (2) Ida C., horn Dec. 28, 1852; married Sept. 30, 1874, George l\lann. (3) Ettie M., horn June 2, 1855; married Dec. 30, 1874, Samuel l\richaels. (4) Alice A., horn Aug. 22. 1856: married Oct. 12. 189.1, Thomas Freer. (5) Philo B., horn Nov. 5, 1858; married Oct. 23, 1889, Sarah Zkkafoose. (6) Herhert A., horn April 27, 1865; married June 15.1897, Cora B. Roe. 66 llURHITT FAMILY

111. 11. \V11.uA:-.1 HmrnE.LL, born July 30, 1828. 112. iii. CAI.VIN \Vm.coTT, horn Aug. 8, 1832. 1v. CtL\RU:s M ti.TON, horn Fch. 20, 18.16. Philo Burritt for a time owned and lh·ed in one of the two houses on the home farm hut later sold his interest to his hrother Roswell and 1110\'ccl to the town of Ira, N. Y., where he died. He owned and operated a farm in Ira.

67 ROS\~'ELL, (Eben 42) born at Stratford, Conn., Nov. 9, 1802, died at Roxbury, Nov. 11 1871, married at Roxbury, Conn., Oct. 23, 1825, Ann n-Laria Seward, who was born at Roxbury, Jan. 21, 1807, and died there July 2, 1852. She was a daughter of Benjatnin ·and Siba (Parmelee) Seward. (See Pannelee and Seward in appendix.) RoswclJ Burritt, at the death of his father, purchased from his three brothers their interest in the hotne fann, about one­ quarter mile north of Roxbury and made his home there dur­ ing his lifetime. In 1883 this property passed by sale to other owners. Children: 113. i. ORRIN \VILI.IA:\I, born 1827. · 114. ii. GEORGE \V1Ns1.ow, horn 1829. 115. iii. CHARLES \VAi.LACE, horn 1831. 116. n·. LEWIS llENJA~IIN, born 1834. . v. SARAH JEANETTE, horn at Roxbury, Conn., Aug. 20, 1836; died at Port Byron, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1912; married at Roxbury, Dec. 28, 1858, Henry Harrison Fenn, who was born at Roxbury, ~lay 6, 18J6, and died at Port Byron, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1905. He was a son of Lyman ( horn Bridgeport, Conn., Aug. 2, 1800; died at Shelton, Conn., Oct. 14, 1884) and Fanny (Livingston) Fenn. who was horn July 1, 1809; died Oct. 25, 1869. (See Livingston). Henry Harrison Fenn was educated at "Select School" Roxhury. He learned the trade of hatter in his father's shop and shortly after marriage went to Yonkers, N. Y., where he was foreman in the \Varing hat factory. \\'hen Roswell Bur­ ritt completely lost his eyesight, he and his wife returned to Roxhury and took charge of the home farm which they operated until 1883. At that time they removed to Port Byron, N. Y., and he purchased the hardware business of Lewis B. Burritt, his wife's brother, who had just died. Sarah J. Burritt Fenn was educated at "Select School" Rox­ hury. \Vhen at the age of sixteen her mother died and the duties of her father's household and care of a younger brother and sister fell upon her. She was a woman of quiet sympathetic na­ ture with an enduring faith. Both were mcmhcrs of the Congre­ gational Church at Roxhury and · ~ .. r of the Presbyterian BURRITT FAMILY 67

Church at Port Byron where he was an elder and superintendent of Sahhath school. Their children, horn at Roxbury, are: ( 1) Fannie l\larya, born Aug. 7, 1869, educated at Port Byron High School and Alhany Business College. In 1900 she entered the employ of the 1-1. C. Gutchers Mince l\lcat Co., as private secretary to the president, and later became executive secretary of the corporation. She retired in 19.16 and devotes her time to travel, reading, photography, home and community interests. (2) Vera Belle Fenn, horn Feb. 4, 1874, graduated at Port Byron High School, Genesco Normal, Syracuse University Lihrary School, with continued study at Summer schools dur­ ing her teaching career. Beginning in 1903 as a teacher of Eng­ lish and allied subjects in Belfast, \Vecdsport, Port Byron, and Auhurn, N. Y. High Schools, and librarian of Auburn High Schools. \Vas well known throughout the state as nr educator, lihrarian, author and lecturer. ( \Vho's \Vho in Poetry, 1940). She retired in 1934 and with her sister Fannie lives in Port Byron, indulging in her hohhies of travel, study, water color painting and sketching. 117. vi. H1rnRY E1n-:N, horn 1838. vii. ANN l\L\RIA, horn 1842; died 1897, not married. 118. ,·iii. JonN DWIGHT, horn 1844. 68 DAVID, (Joseph 43) born in Stratford, Jan. 7, 1785, died Nov. 20, 1880. l\ilarried 1807, Anna \Velles, who was born in 1786 and who died Jan. 9, 1857. She was a daughter of Le­ grand and Ca tee (\Velles) \Veil es. Anna \i\T elles was a di­ rect descendant of Governor Thomas \V elles of the Colony of Connecticut. This T'homas \Ve lies came from N orthatnpton, England, in 1636. He was chosen :Magistrate of the Colony of Con­ necticut in 1637, serving 22 years and was Governor from 1655 to 1658. He died 1659-60. His son, John, was born in England and catne to America with his father. 1-Ie was Representative, ~,Jagistrate and Judge of Probate. He married Elizabeth Bourne and had a son John (2) who married ~'f ary, daughter of John I-Iollister. Their son John (3) 1narried l\fary, daughter of Isaac Jud­ son, and had a son \Villiam who married lWary Benjamin. Their son \Villian1 (2) married the first time iif ay 14, 1761. Anna Edwards. i'farried a second titne, Dec. 20, 1784, ~,fary (,8 B U R R I TT F A l\l I LY

Selby. Legrand \V elles was a son of \Villiam and Anna ( Ed­ wards) \i\T ell es. Children of David and Anna ( \Ve lies) Burritt: 119. i. GEORGE, horn April 30, 1808.

69 · JOSEPH. (Joseph 43) horn Aug. 21, 1795, died l'vlarch 9, 1889. :Married June 17, 1816, Asenath Curtiss of East Haven, Conn. His second wife was I Jucinda, widow of 1\1I r. Van­ dyke, of Covert, N. Y. In October following their marriage Joseph and Asenath Burritt left their home in Stratford for Ithaca, N. Y., where he entered a partnership with \Villian1 P. Burdick in the jewelry business, with whom he was associated for nearly a quarter of a century. He was a 111en1her of the l'vlethodist Church, a l\1lason, was a director in the 'T'ompkins County National Bank and held a num her of local offices. There were eleven children born to hitn, the last of which was a daughter of the second wife Lucinda, viz: 120. i. JosEPII CURTISS, horn Jan. 26, 1817. 11. 11ARY ANN, horn De:•: 15. 1819; died l\larch 20, 1821. m. SusAN JANE, horn Sept. 20, 1821 ; died l\larch 30, 1853; married l\larch 7. 1839. John P. Gauntlett, who came from Portsmouth, En~{land. After her death he married l\lary Jane, daughter of George Burritt of Stratford, Conn. ( see Geor{!c 119). Children: ( 1) Jane Asenath, horn l\lay 12, 1840; died Nov. 13, 1858. (2) John Charles, horn July 22, 1842; married October 16, 1879, l\lary Celestia McGraw (horn July 24, 1848) and had: Anna Jane, horn Oct. 22, 1880 and l\linna Celestia, horn Nov. 23. 1884. ·(3) l\lary Olivia, horn Sept. 1, 1845; married Sept. 22. 1870, Arthur Benjamin Brooks of Ithaca, a descendant of Isaac Brooks and Sally Burritt of Stratford ( see Joseph and Sarah Ufford Burritt). Children: Alfred Charles, horn July 28, 1871 ; John Gauntlett, horn Aug. 26, 1874. 121. iv. CHARI.Es DAVID, horn l\lay 29, 1823. v. \\'11.1.I,\M J--h-:NRY, horn Nov. 27, 1824; died l\larch 12, 1825. v1. :MARY ANN, horn June 29, 1826; died Dec. 12, 1882; married first May l. 1851, Elsworth S. Van Hocsen, who died Dec. 29. 1853. l\larriecl second March l 7, Charles \V. Smith. He died Dec. 10, 1887. No children. vii. BENJAMIN, horn Aug. 27, 1828; died Sept. 9, 1828. viii. CAROi.IN i~ AMA.NDA. horn Sept. 12, 1829; died Jan. 4, 1893; mar­ ried Sept. 20. 1853, Horace Augustus Merriam, who died Aug. ,l 1879. Chilclrcn: ( 1) Charles Burritt, horn June 4. 1854; died Sept. 3, 1854. (2) Franklin Ashhttry, horn June 7, 1857; BURR I TT FA ~I l LY 69

married Feh. 6. 1891, Eva Bell, daughter of \Villiam H. Stickles, of Newark, N. J. (.1) Ella Bell, horn Dec. 8, 1859; married Dec. 16, 1879, Theoclorus Van \Vyck, of :\fount Vernon, N. Y., and had: Harolcl, horn July 14, 1882. ( 4) Frederick Lincoln, horn July 9, 1865; married June 10, 1897, Lillian Eugenia, daughter of Lorin Clark of :\lount Vernon, N. Y. 1x. SA1u11 CoRNEl.1.\, horn June 19, 18.B, died Oct. 4, 1868, mar­ ried Jan. 11. 185-1-. Cha·r:es F. \ Villiams, and had: Cornelia F .• horn· Oct. -1-. 1868. She is a teacher in the public schools of Ith:1ca, N. Y. x. FR.\NCES ~L\IUA, horn :\lay 7, 18.~8. died April 2, 1894. :\lar­ ried April 1-1-. 1859. Lawrence P. Kennedy. Children: ( 1) Alvah Burritt, horn ~larch 17, 1864, married :\lay JO, 1895, Nellie Grace, daughter of Prof. \Vorks of the \Veslevan Semi­ nary at Lima. N. \'. They are lh·ing in Ithaca, N. v.: and had: David \Vorks. horn Feh. 19, 1897, died :\larch 27, 1897. x1. AM El.IA E1.1zA, horn Jan. 24, 18-1-8, married Oct. 22, 1865, George E. Priest, who was an editor of the Ithaca "Journal." Children: ( 1) Louise V., horn Sept. I, 1867, married :\larch 22, 1887, Edward E. Ingalls; (2) Jessie E., horn Jan. 2, 1870, married April 8, 1890, \Villiam T. Armstrong, of :\fount Ver­ non, who has for some time heen on the editorial staff of the Ithaca "Journal"; ( J) Maud \Vinifred, horn Sept. 1, 1877.

70 ROBER'f \,VJLBERFORCE, (Nathan 44) born in Strat­ ford, 1803, tnarried Emily Ray. Children: J. EMILY LENA iii. Al.JD,\ 122. JV. ROBERT 12.t v. N1-:w1u.1. Fu:Tc1n:R, horn· 1839. iO BURR ITT FA ~I IL Y

Seventh Generation 71 DR. ALEXANDER HAl\lTLTON. (Dr. Ely 45), born in Troy, N. Y., April 17, 1805. He studied tnedicine with his father and graduated at the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York in the spring of 1827. He practiced alopathy in \Vashington County until 1838 when his friend and relath·c, Dr. John F. Gray, induced him to investigate the hotneopathic system and exa1nine its tnerits. He visited New York to witness the success of Gray and I-lull and soon becaine satisfied with the ne\\ medical s,,stem. In a few n1onths he located in Penn­ sylvania and {vas a pioneer in Crawford county where he devoted hitnself to the study of the new system. He practiced at Conneautvitle, Pa., and then went to Bur­ ton. In 1850 he was appointed to the chair of obstetrics in the Vv estern Homeopathic College. hut ill health caused hin1 to resign. He afterwards removed to Canandaigua, N. Y., and then to New Orleans, La .. where he remained until his death. He was still in practice in 1876.

72 GRANDISON, (Blackleach Jr. 46) born Aug. 1, 1806, at Huntington, Conn., died at iWauston, \~Tis., Oct. 2, 1878. ·Married at Lacawanna, Pa .. Sarah \Villiams Johnson, who was born .Ju1v .,, 29, 1810, at Scituate, R. I. Children: 124. i. CHARLES GRAXDisox. horn Nov. 6, 1831. ii. JonNSON, horn ~larch 17, 183-l; died June 18, 1907, at the Sol­ diers Home at l\lonta Vista, Colo. He served through the Civil \Var. Unmarried. iii. SELIN,\, horn ~larch 18, 1836; died ~larch 14, 1837. 1v. SARAH Sin.INA, horn Dec. 18, 1836; married ~lay 1, 1863, Augus­ tus \V. Sumner, son of \Villiam and Ester (Baron) Sumner, of ~liddleton, Conn. Children: ( 1) \Villiam Henry, horn Sept. 21, 1864; married Au[!. 17, 1888. Ellen Hant·ock, in San Jose, Calif. (2) Ester Augusta, horn Sept. 21, 1866; married Oct. .~0. 1888, Agnew Kinnear, in San Jose, Calif. ( 3) \Vallcstein, horn Oct. 28, 1868, died June 29, 1907; mnrricd Feh. 1, 1891, l\fahel F. \Vhite. ( 4) Helen Selina, horn A\1g. 15, 1871 ; mar­ ried Jan. 7, 1896, Arthur Covert. ( 5) Charl,~s Maurice, horn April 21, 1874; married March 12, 1802, Beltrice Nichols, who died Aug. 2, 1903; m«rried a second timl' Jan. 28, 1907, Lulu B. Hill Il U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y 71

v. \V11.LIAM HENRY, horn l\larch 20, 1840. He was teaching in Min­ nesota when the Civil \Var broke out and enlisted in the 1st l\linnesota Volunteers. \Von honors at Gettyshurg. \Vas killed in a skirmish two weeks before his enlistment expired and is huried in the Soldiers Home Cemetery in \Vashington, D. C. 125. vi. RONI.AND, horn Feh. 6, 1842. 126. vii. JoHN GREY, horn Sept. 22, 1844. viii. ELLEN l\lARCELLA, horn l\larch 29, 1847; married Byron Nelson Souther, who was horn June 2, 1847, son of John and Caroline E. Souther. ix. l\J ARcus LEON ARD, horn April 17, 1850; died at Ouray Colo., July 1, 1897. 73 SAl\,l UEL, ( Blackleach, Jr. 46) born at H ttntington, Conn., l\1larch 31, 1808, died at Uniondale, Pa., June 20, 1863. 1\tlarried Sept. 10, 1836, Amanda Nichols, dattghter of Eli and Eunice (Dimmick) Nichols. - Children: 127. i. LOREN, horn July 25, 18.37. 128. ii. IRA NICHOLS, born Dec. 28, 1838. 129. iii. PHILO, horn April 11, 1841. iv. ALICE, horn Nov. 7, 1841; graduated from New York l\ledical College and Hospital for \Vomen in New York City April 11, 1879. Practiced in Oakland, Calif., 14 years. Elected vice president State Homeopathic Society. Removed to \Vashington, D. C., in 1893. Is very much interested in family genealogy and is author of "The Family of Blackleach Burritt Jr." pub­ lished in \Vashington in 1911. 130. v. PAYSON, horn July 16, 1846. 131. vi. NEWELL, horn Dec. 9, 1851. vu. ANNA BLANCHE, horn July 25, 1855; graduated from the Train­ ing School for Nurses connected v:ith the Homeopathic Hos­ pital in \Vashington, D. C., in April, 1895, and is now practic­ ing her profession. viii. LIi.LIAN, horn Feh. 16. 1858; married Fenlon Baker Brock, who was horn Aug. 13, 1859, son of Alvin Dunsmore and l\fargaret ( Chanery) Brock of Bangor, l\lainc. 74 RUFUS, (Blackleach, Jr. 46) born 1Hay li, 1814, at Un­ iondale, Pa .. , died Feb. 15, 1892, at Clifford. Pa. i'vlarried Oct. 29, 1840, Caroline Burdick, who was born Aug. 31, 1819, and who died t\'lay 8, 1864. She was a daughter of Sitneon and Catherine (Broton) Burdick. I-le married second, Oct. i, 1865, Susan Selina 72 BURR ITT FA ~r IL Y

Avery, who was horn at Arrarat, Pa., Oct. 7, 184.l She was a daughter of Daniel and Rosanna ( Henderson) Avery. Children: 1. HENRIETTA, horn Aug. 12. 18-ll; died Nov. 1. 189,i, in Scranton, Pa. ~larried December 1, 1863, Ehen Brownell, son of Benja­ min and :\largaret (Coyle) Brownell. Children: ( 1) Burritt, horn Sept. 22, 1861; married first Edith :\lary Courtney, who who died No,·. 23, 1895; married a second time July 17, 1901, Charlotte Elizaheth :\larkwick; (2) Ernest ~larion, horn Feb. 20, 1870 ; married Aug. l O. 189,t Alice Thomas. ( 3) :\ faggie Loui_se, horn ~larch 1, J-875, died Oct. 7, 1883. (-l) Eben Jr. horn Feh. 9, 1878; married June 16, 190-l, Lillian :\lay Hughes. (5) Stella, horn April 19, 1879; married ~larch 15, 1898, George Owen. 1.32. ii. BL\CKLEACH, horn August 31, 18-l-3. J.B. iii. EDWIN LE GRAND, horn June 15, 18-l-9. iv. HELEN LomsE, horn Sept. 2, 1852; married July 29, 1884, Al­ fred Johnson, son of John and Sina ( Hokanson) Johnson, of Topaska, Sweden. Live in Doland, Spink County, S. Dak. v. FRANCINA ADELIA, horn Dec. -l. 1855; died Dec. 19, 1859. Children by second marriage, ,.,. Susm FRANCINE, horn Dec. 4, 1878; married ~larch 8, 1893, in \\'incisor, N. Y., Homer Nicholson, who was hon.t June 9, 1871. He is a son of A. A. and :\latilda Nicholson. v11. Run1 E~DIA, horn :\larch 8, 1886; married Nov. 27, 1902, Ralph Thurston Burdick, who was horn ~larch 9, 1860; died Decem­ ber, 1909. He was a son of Avery and ~lary (Gilbert) Bur­ dick. 75 ELY, (Blackleach, Jr. 46) horn at Uniondale, Pa., Feb. 18, 1817, died at \i\Tan·en, Pa., Dec. 11, 1901. l\ilari-ied in Derby, Conn., Nov. 7, 1841, Charlotte Corne­ lia Hawkins, who was horn Nov. 14, 1823, and who died ~1arch 14, 1897. She was a daughter of David and Mary Hawkins. Children: 1. l\lARY JANE, horn l\lnrd1 31. 1814, at Huntington, Conn., died Sept. 24, 1909, at \\'arren, Pa. Married first, Abram P. Hoag­ land, who was horn in 1838, at Millstone, N. J. Son of Abram and Cornelia Hoagland. He died Oct. 11, 1866. She married a second time, John l\Juir, horn in Scotland, June 22, 1823. Their home was in Carhonclale, Pa. B U RIR I TT F·A M I LY 73

U4. 11. JoHN CONSIDER, born July 23, 1846. iii. CORNELIA Er.1ZAHETH, born June 30, 1848, at Bridgeport, Conn.; married Sept. 4, 1869, Alfred S ..\VHmarth, who was born in Honesdale, Pa., June 9, 1847. 1v. HARRIET ADEi.IA, horn Oct. 4, 1850, at Bridgeport; died July 4, • 1909, at \\Tarren, Pa. v. IDA CAROLINE, horn l\lay 4, 1853, at Bridgeport; married April 18, 1877, Benjamin Dimock, who was horn at Carbondale, Pa., Jan. 28, 1845. Son of George and Sarah Dimock. v1. CHARI.OTTE L1NOLE, born at Honesdale, Pa., July 19, 1857; mar­ ried J. L. Rowley, of \Varren, Pa. US. vii. ARTHUR GRINNEI.L, horn :\larch 16, 1860. 136. viii. EARl. \V HEELER, horn Aug. 7, 1863.

76 READ, (Adoniran1 47) was a lawyer and first Judge of -Probate o( _Perth County, Ont., Canada. Children: 137. i. DAVID, who was clerk of Probate of Stratford, Can., and four daughters.

77 CHARLES, ( Adoniram 47) born Feb. 28, 1806; died Oct. 23, 1879; 111arried ~1lartha Dultnage, daughter of Colonel Dultnage of Prescott, Ont. Children: 138. i. Ar.DEN, horn Feb. 7, 1830. 11. ADONIRAM, Jived in l\Ieaford, Ont. 139. iii. JonN DULMAGE, horn Aug. 7, 1840. 140. 1v. ALHERT, horn June 19, 1845. v. MAGGIE, married Rufus Brown of llrockville, Ont. v1. ---, married J. R. Swaze, Thorold, Can. v11. ---, married J. H. Snyder, Attercliffe, Can. viii. ---, married Thomas E. Smithers, Rensselaer Falls, St. Law­ rence Co., N. Y. 78 EDlVfUND, (Stephen 48) born at Burritt's Rapids, Ont., Canada, 1793; died at Thornburg-, Ont., 1877; married first Annie Perrine, and second Anna Dunham of the County of Leeds, near Brochvillc. I-le was lieutenant-colonel of ~fllitia. Of his six children the first four were of the first wife. Children: 1-1-1. i. lh~NttY Osc:oom:. l·orn 1R?2. ii. MARTHA. nmrrie,1 Josel'h Lo11schle of l\rontrea1. 74 BURRITT FAMILY

iii. MARY, married Aaron 1\'lerrick, of 1\lcrrickviJle, Ont. iv. OuvE, married Chas. Collins of l\lanotick, Ont. v. EDMUND, of Easton's Corners, married Hester Reid. 142. vi. ALEXANDER, born 1830. 79 ST'EPH EN, ( Stephen 48) born 1805. Children: I. HAMILTON. II. ALFRED. Ill. HENRY. IV. 0SCJ\R. v. ARTHUR. 80 GEORGE LANDON, (DaniP1 SO) horn March 18, 1798; 111arried- Sarah Adan1s. Children: 143. i. HAMLET GEORGE. ii. EDGAR. 111. RUFUS. IV. ALPHEUS DANIEL. v. ALBERT. VI. MARY. vii. SARAH.

81 DANIEL HAI\1LET, (Daniel 50). Children. 1. Lucius. II. EDGAR. 111. WILLIAM. 82 \i\T ALTER HORATIO, M. D. (Daniel SO) born at Bur­ ritt's Rapids, Ont., Sept. 1808; died at Peterboro, Ont., 1886. He graduated from Fairfield l\1edical College, New York State in 1833, practiced in Stnith's Falls, Ont., front 1835 to 1870. when he 1110\'ed to Peterboro, Ont. His wife was Maria Schofield. Chi1dren: i. MARJA, mnrriccl H. C. Roe-er~. 144. ii. HORATIO CnARU:s. horn 1840. BURRITT FAMILY i'S

m. HENRIETTA, married Abel R. \\Tard and had: Hattit Muria, mar­ ried \Viii Sherwood; Mary Eliza, married David Breckenridge; Haro1d Burritt, married Jean Bousoir. 1v. ELIZA, born 1844; died 1927. )45. V. }AMES HENRY. 146. vi. °DANIEL 1-IERHERT, horn 1852. 83 ANSON, (1\ilajor 51 ). Children: i. SYDNEY. ii. TRUEM A?\'. 84 JOHNSON, (l\tlajor 51). Children: J. .MAJOR. ii. GEORGE H. iii. ERASTUS. 85 TRUEl\tlAN, (Major 51). Children: J. AUGUSTUS. 11. EDWARD. m. TRUEMAN. IV. !vlARcus. \'I. STEPHEN. 86 CLE1\1ENT (l\tfajor 51.). Children: i. ELIHU. ii. ALONZO. 87 NELSON A., (Tilly \iV. 52) born Aug. 25, 1804, in Hines­ burgh. \Tt.: died Jan. 24, 1857; tnarried Chloe A. Gray, daughter of Elijah Gray who was born April 14, 1807; died Feb. 3, 1873. Children: 147. i. 1\1 ARQUIS F., born Oct. 18, 1827. 148. ii. OscAR C., horn March 5, 1829. 149. iii. L1~vERETT SHERMAN, horn fulv 29, 1833. iv. l\·IATILDA. • • v. HENRY B., horn Aug. 28, 1843; died Nov. 7, 1900. 76 BURRITT FAMILY

88 DANIEL, (Tilly 52) born about 1810; 1narried Cornelia A. Davenport, who was born 1815; died l\tfarch 26, 1889. Lived at Hineshurgh, Vt. Chi1d: 1SO. i. GEORGE A., horn 1840.

89 AN1)REW JACKSON, (Garrad 54) horn at Shelburne, Vt., July 6, 1837; died there n'larch 1, 1884. Interred Shel­ burne \Tillage Cetnetery. nlarried Nov. 30, 1856, Clarissa Adelia Lake, daughter of 1-lazelton and Deborah ( :Wliller) Lake. She was born at Shelburne, Aug. 5, 1837, and died at :Wlinneapolis, 1vlinn., n'1arch 30, 1914. 'T'heir h01ne was the old Burritt house on the banks of Lake Champlain. Children: 151. i. CHARLES GARRAD, born 1860. u. FRANCES ELIZA, born Sept. 4, 1864; married June 26, 1901, Charles l\loses Shearer, who was horn at Swanders, Ohio, Nov. 19, 1865. No children.

90 JAl\tIES, (Thomas 55) born in Corinth, Saratoga Co., N. Y., Feb. 27, 1829; died there Jan. 29, 1906; tnarried ~'larch 22, 1865, Harriet A. Davis, who was born in New Ipswich N. H., July 9, 1844, and who died in Corinth, Sept. 22, 1907. She was a daughter of Elisha (born in n1Iason, N. H., Nov. 19, 1812; died \Vest1ninster, l\'lass., lVIan,h /, 1901), and Rox­ anna (Jeffs) Davis. Roxanna Jeffs l ia, :;; ~·· .1s born in New Ipswich, N. H., Aug. 3, 1808, and die\' :1~ ,.::,ien Falls, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1854. Children: i. ADA ROXANNA, born Aug. 7, 1867; died 1\larch 17, 1869. ii. IDA EMELINE, born June 3, 1869. B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 'l7

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91 BAILEY, ((iiles 56) horn Aprill, 1811 at Grafton, (Sand Lake) N. Y.: died July 8, 1892, at Hilton, N. Y.; married (first) Jan. 22, 1831, to Dehorrah, daughter of An1os and Hannah Hu11; born Oct. 16, 1808, at Sand Lake, N. Y.; died ivlarch 17, 1880, at Hilton, N. Y.; married ( second) April 12, 1881, at Parma Center, N. Y., to Thankful Randall Colla­ mer, daughter of Aaron and Olive Randa]]; born July 25, 1825, at Covington, N. '{.: died Feb. 25, 1909, at North Chili, N. Y. Bailey appears to have acquired the farm at the east end of the Burritt Road and farmed there until after his father's death. Later he turned over this farn1 to Seth I-Iol­ den, who married his daughter Frances and returt1cd to the old homestead which he owned and occupied until his death in 1892, when it passed to his son, Beverly. Bailey's thrift enabled hin1 to assist each of his children in establishing themselves on good farms. He was a supporter of Genesee \Vesleyan Seminary at Lima, N. Y., where he possessed a life scholarship. Bailey had six children. Children: 152. i. SARAH ELIZABETH, horn Dec. 13, 1831. 15,l ii. EsTIIER ANTONETTE, horn Oct. 6, 183.t 154. iii. ME1.v11,u: Cox, horn Oct. 11, 1836. 155. iv. HANNAH FRANCES, born March 20, 1839. v. GRAFTON, horn June 24, 1842; died July 16, 1842. 156. vi. BEVERLY ,v AUGH, horn June 30, 1844. Perhaps most prominent and pleasing an1ong the tnemo­ ries (*) clinging to the old homestead located at what was locally known as Burritt's Corners, was the annual reunion at Christmas. Often others of the sons and daughters of Grandfather and Grandmother Burritt were there to join in the holiday festivities but l'vlelville and his growing family seldom failed to be on hand. I recall very vividly the trip from our home, sotnetimes hy horse and buggy, tnore often by horse and sleigh. to Grandfather's spacious house. He, Grandfather, Aunt Esther and Cousin Jessie DeLa\1ergnc who lived with Grandfather and Grandmother had provided a full larder of Christmas dainties and had set up the Christ­ mas tree in the spare bedroom that overlooked all four ap- \proaches to Burritt's Corners. And how vividly I recall

(•) From Rcrollcrtions of Bailey's grandson, Olin Howard Burritt. 82 BURRITT FAMILY

Grandtnother ju1nping up and down and clapping her hands joyously like a child, though she had already reached her three score years and ten, as she exclaimed, "J-Icre come 1\ilellie's folks. Here they arc!" And l\J ellie's folks stayed for as long a holiday celebration as l\'lellie's duties as a pastor would pennit. Another happy memory is the morning pray­ ers that followed breakfast as surely as the sun rose. Grandtnother's larder filled with a great variety of well­ cooked foods was not the only source of goodies. \Vhatever time we visited at Grandmother's there was always fresh fruit available-apples, pears, peaches, plums, gra1;es, ber­ ries in season and cherries, currants, blackberries, stra wher­ ries, gooseberries, and an ample supjJly of fresh vegetahles in sununer, for Grandfather's farm and garden were a just source of pride. His reputation as a good farmer was ex­ celled by none and equalled by few. Before the days of scien­ tific fanning Bailey Burr.itt understood and applied scientific principles to farming - rotation of crops, keeping always sufficient stock, chiefly horses and cows, to produce ample fertilization of his fields. At regular intervals. Grandfather, Grandmother and Aunt Esther drove the fifteen miles to Rochester to exchange butter and eggs for groceries. These were the days before creameries when butter was made at hmne. Crandfather Burritt• was civic-tninded, too. He was ac­ tivelv interested in maintaining in the community the hest possible school in the little red school house which was lo­ cated on a site taken from his farm. And he supported and encouraged the singing schools 111aintained in the school house during the long, dreary winter 1nonths. In the days when the school houses were utilized for religious services, the itinerant preacher and his fan1ily were welcome guests in r;randfather's home whose hospitality they shared. It was one of Grandfather's cardinal principles to support all the regular church services. Only illness kept him from attendance upon the Sunday morning and evening services and the n1id week prayer meeting at the Free ~1 ethoclist Church at Parma Center. He always sat in the front row during the services. Nor did he neglect the Sunday School, which he attended regularly and in which he was a teacher for many years. Bailey Burritt was a pillar of his church BURRITT FAMILY 83

and his pastor never had a more loyal supporter. lW oreover, he lived his religion as all who knew him would testify. It was apparent in all his dealings with his fellow-tnen.

92 \VILLIA?\l 1 (Giles 56), horn Dec. 25, 1812, in Grafton (Sand Lake), N. Y.: died Feb. 3, 1892, at Big Rapids, l'vlich.; 2 married Feb. 24, 1838, to Polly Townsend , daughter of John and Elizabeth Townsend, at Kendall, N. Y.; born April 4, 1808, at Ovid, N. ·y_: died Feb. 3, 1889, at Big Rapids. In addition to his early training as a farmer, \,V,il liam, sec­ ond son of Giles, also learned the coopers trade. He n1ust have had some of his father's adventuresome spirit and de­ sire to try new country - a characteristic which may have been encouraged by his ambitious wife who was said to have been of southern descent - for he asked his father for the cash instead of the customary thousand dollars worth of land and a team of horses with which Giles sought to set each of his boys up in business, and soon after his marriage (about 1842) he set out for the then frontier wheat raising state of l\,fichigan. Settling on then moderately good land in Lap·eer County in the eastern central part of that state, and being industri­ ous he soon accumulated some property. It is related by his grand daughter3 that so1neti1ne thereafter, along with his son-in-law and neighbor Orville Compton, he becan1e the victin1 of a clever swindler who sold them stock in a concern alleged to own patent rights for the tnanufacture of a churn. Tn this transaction both \\Tilliam and Orville are said to ha vc lost atl they had. This was a terrible crush­ ing blow and g..-catly influenced vVilliatn's future. vVith his sole remaining property - a horse, an ox and an old wagon, - he set out westward again to begin life anew. His proud

1 \Villiam and all his family spell their name Burrett. It is spelled so on the tombstones at Big Rapids. This is the exception, and according to family tradition is believed to he incorrect. Sec Chapter on the Burritt Family in "Foster and Allied Families," Ithaca, 1897. Also "The Family of Blackleach Burritt, Jr., by Dr. Alice Burritt, 1911. 2 Polly Townsend was first married about 1828, and was a widow when she mar­ ried William Burritt. A son of this first marriage, horn in 1829, went to Mich­ igan with his mother and step-father and died there in 1902. He is buried on the family lot at Big Rapids. :t Eunice Gilmore. BURRITT FAMILY

but loyal wife Polly shared with hin1 all the hardships of this pioneer life. ']'his time he settled on poorer lighter land in l\tl ecosta County in western i\J ichigan. 1-J ere he cleared the land on a new 160 acre farm, where his son George Fred, and later his grandson Claude, have since carriecf on. He is buried on land he donated for the cemetery, the only son of (iiles who does not rest in the hon1e cetneterv at Panna Cen­ ter, N. Y. The walnut trees which he planted along the high­ way hy his last home in lVlichigan, still grow there as a fit­ ting memorial to this courageous, if disappointed, pioneer. Chilc'ren of \VilJiam and Polly T. Burrett': 1 157. i. l\lARY, horn Feh. 13, 1839. 158. ii. JOAN (JOSEPHINE). horn April 9, 1841. l 59. iii. ELIZABETH SOPHIE, horn Jan. 22, 1843. 160. i\'. GILES, horn Feh. 17, 1847. 161. ,.. GEORGE FRED, horn Feh. 14, 1851. 93 SEELEY. (<;ilec; 56). horn Nov. 29, 1814, at Sand Lake, N. Y.; died July 18. 1897, at Panna, N. Y.: married Jan. 1. 1835, to Sophia. daughter of l'v[atilda and Joseph Amidon of Sand Lake, N. Y.: horn Jan.21.1817; died June 14, 1884, at Hilton, N. Y. Seeley, like so many others of his fa111ily at the time, was a farmer and located about a mile from the old homestead. I-Jc was said to he industrious and thrifty. After · the close of the Civil \Var, in his early sixties, he sold his farm and retired to the village. His son remembers him in his later years as a retired, country gentleman. He was ex­ ceedingly religious and was accuston1ed to attend all church services, hoth Sunday and week day at the Freewill Baptist Church at Hilton. It is said of hi111 that on Prayer 1\rfecting night he 'A'<>Uld invite all who might he in his household at the time to attend the meeting with him. J f it was not con­ venient for them to go he would excuse himself and attend alone. Children of Seeley and Sophia A. Burrctt :* 162. i. D1~XTER, horn 1\f arrh 27, 1836. 16.l ii. 1\IAI.INJ>A 1 Twins, horn Au~. 18, 18.~8; iii. MATH.DA J ~latilda died Nov. 25, 1838. 164. iv. SEJ<:f.lW JR., horn Fch. 27, 1841. v. SARAH E1.1zAn1nn, horn 1\Jay 29, 1843; died l\fay 30, 1853.

•This family also spells the name with an "c". Sec William. BURRITT FAMILY

165. vi. LonEM A J., horn 1\f ay 4. · 1846. 166. vii. CYRUS ADEi.BERT, horn Dec. 10, 1851. 167. viii.HIRAM, born Sept. 11, 1857. ix. JosEPH \V., horn Aug. 24, 1848; died Feh. 29, 1852.

94 POLLY, (Giles 56), born Nov. 9, 1816, at Sand Lake, N. Y.; died l\.Iay 5, 1899, at Parma, N. Y.; married July 12, 1834, to l\1artin Amidon, son of ~Jatilda and Joseph Atnidon of Sand Lake; born Sept. 9, 1812, at Chatsworth, Iowa; died August 19, 1882, at Clarkson, N. Y. Polly outlived her hus­ band hy seventeen years. Children of Polly and 1'1lartin Amidon: 1. A.MANDA, born Aug. 9, 1837 (adopted); died April 27, 1872. 168. ii. NELSON, born March 10, 1840. 169. iii. ELIZABETH, horn Sept. 13, 1841. 170. iv. HIRAM, born Aug. 7, 1844. 171. v. DELPH ENE, horn April 23, 1848. 172. vi. CYRUS, horn 1\fay 27, 1850. 173. vii. GILES, horn July 22, 185,t 95 l\1f A LINDA, (Giles 56) born Dec. 18, 1818, at Sand Lake, N. Y.; died Oct. 1, 1908, at \Vayne, N. Y.; married July 30, 1836. to \Villiam 1\loreland; born July 13, 1813, at !viilo, N. Y.; died 1\1l ay 19, 1889, at Allentown, Pa. l\1Talinda was said to be a cheerful, jolly person. She was regarded almost as a mother by her younger brother, Sylvester. After n1arriagc she lived away from home, 111ostly in the vicinity of Corn­ ing, N. Y., but she used to con1e back to 1:1anna frequently. ~,r alinda was of a religious turn of mind and often expressed herself in verse. She outlived her husband nearlv., twcntv. years. Children of ~,r alinda and \Villiam l\f ore land: 174. i. S1m1.1~Y. horn Feb. 18. 1838. t 75. ii. l\L\RY E., horn Sept. 25, 1841. 176. iii. Hur.1>,\ S., horn ~larch 9, 1845.

96 SYL \TESTER, ( Giles 56) horn Dec. 7, 1820, in the town of Grafton. Rensselaer County. N. "\'.: died at Hilton. N. Y., Dec. 7. 1900. at exactly 80 ,·cars of aire: married on Oct. 31, 1846. to Eunice Rarbct·, daughter of Nathan and Eunice 86 llURRITT FAMILY

(\Yay) Barber of his nati\'e county, born April 1, 1825, at Sand Lake, N. Y., and died Sept. 8, 1905, at Hilton. Coming to Monroe county with his father and fa1nily when 13 years old, he was established on a fann across the road fron1 the old Giles ho1nestead on the Burritt road and there he spent the re111ainder of his life. The fanns of Sylvester and his next younger brother Stephen adjoined and the two broth­ ers were ahnost inseparable, exchanging farm work, visiting back and forth with their fan1ilies and establishing their chil­ dren on neighboring fartns. It wa~ said of him "he was a 1nan of quiet spirit, industrious a: (. frugal, of sound judg- 1nent and kindness of heart, possessing, perhaps more of the peculiarities r.nd traits of character of his father than any others of his fatnily." Children: 177. i. RosALIA E., born April 26, 1854. 178. ii. NEWTON S., born Feb. 25, 1860. 179. iii. LORETTA B., horn ~lay 15, 1865. 97 ELIZABETJ-I, (Giles 56) born Dec. 9, 1822, at Sand Lake, (Grafton), N. Y.; died Oct. 3, 1854, of tuberculosis at Parma at age 32. She married Nov. 6, 1844, John ·raber, son of Dennis and T'hursa 'T'aber, born l\ilay 26, 1819; died Dec. 8, 1900. Although Elizabeth died young and had only two children her descendants are among the n1ost nuemnrus of Giles' children. Her two children had 8 and 10 children respectively and their descendants number 95, of whom 89 are living. Children: 180. i. EMIU.INE, horn Jan. 23, 1845. 181. ii. HENRY G,\I.USHA, horn ~larch 6, 1848. 98 STEPHEN DAY, (f;iJes 56) born Nov. 3, 1824, in the town of Grafton, Rcnssaelaer County, N. Y.: died at Parma, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1889. 1vf arried first time Oct. 8, 1845, La­ vinia. daughter of ,vittian1 and 1\1artha Cox, horn Oct. 7, 1~26: died April 25, 1879; n1arried a second time, Anna, <1:iughter of James Darwin and Betsy Chase, horn April 30, 1847: died April 30, 1938, age 92. BURRITT FAMILY 87

Stephen can1e to \,V estern New York with his father's family about 1833 and spent the re1nainder of his life there. Set up in business by his father on a farm adjoining that of his older brother Sylvester, he was engaged in fanning all his life. A good neighbor and citizen and an active church member. He was chosen to represent his town as supervisor in 1875 and at one time was nominated by the Prohibition party for member of the Assembly from his district. Children: 182. i. Om.No Cox, horn Aug. 5, 1847. 183. ii. \VII.LIAM s., born June 11, 1851. ·]84. iii. l\lARY LAVINA, horn Sept. 20, 1855. 185. fr. FRANK M., born Jan. 24, 1859. 186. ,,. ~lARTHA, horn Oct. 19, 1862. By second wife, Anna Chase Burritt. 187. vi. ~IAURICE CHASE, horn Feb. 4, 1883. 99 TI-IOlVIAS, ( Giles 56) born Aug. 25, 1827, at Sand Lake, (Cirafton), N. Y.; died July 7, 1908, at Parma, N. Y.; 111ar­ ried Dec. 6, 1849, to Frances Harriet, daughter of Bannister C. and Nancy Booth Newell; born Feb. 18, 1829; died Oct. 1, 1897. After his marriage Thon1as acquired the fann on the south Hilt road, about three 1niles from Hilton. The house is back fro111 the road across a small stream. A great­ great grandson of 'fhomas' brother Bailey now owns t~is farm. Here his fatnily was born and reared. In 1870 he lost two of his children; Frecmont, twin of Lamont, and Jessie, with scarlet fever. This was a blow from which his wife, Harriet, nc,·cr fu11y recovered. After her death, his young­ est daughter, who married \,Villiam Unger, took over the farm, and lived there until about 1938. Thomas then went to live with his son, Ferdinand, at Parma Center, and died there in 1908. I-Ic was said to he a man of mediun1 stature, of a kindly disposition, jolly and a good neighbor and farmer. He attended the Preshytcrian Church. Children: 188. i. Eu.A L., horn Sept. 25, 1852. 189. ii. Atirnr,IA F., horn Sept. 11, 1854. LAMONT 1)90,1 iii. 1 Twins. horn Att'!. 24, 1856; i\', FR1<:1-:11,t0NT I Fremont died 1870. v. JESSIE, born 1858; died 1870. 191. vi. TnoMAS F1-:RDINAND, born May 8, 1862. vii. J-LvrTrn BONETA, horn Nov. 29, 1869. 88 BURRITT FAMILY 100 GILES JR., (Giles 56) born Jan. 5, 1834, at Sand Lake, N. Y.; died _i\,[ay 15, 1891, at Chicago, Ill., and buried at Panna, N. Y.; married first time Jan. 10, 1854, Harriet M. Hicks who was horn Feb. 4, 1836; died Jan. 21, 1863, at Panna. He tnarried a second titne, Dec. 15, 1864, lvlary Jane Conradt, born Jan. 27, 1845, at Brunswick, N. Y. Tragedy came early into th~ life of Giles Jr. \\Thile han­ dling a gun, it accidentally fired over the crib of his youngest chi]d and ki11ed the mother when she was on]y 27 years old. After his second marria•ge, to change the scene and to help hi111 get a new start in life, his o]der brothers Sylvester and Stephen helped him to buy a farm in lWissouri, near lvlead­ vitle. This was after the Civil \Var. These brothers made yearly visits to _i\,[ eadville and aided Giles Jr., for many years afterward. Children by first tnarriage: 192. i. SEVILIA ORB.LA, horn Sept. 29, 1855. 193. ii. SYI~VRSTER \\T1L1.IAM, horn Sept. 29, 1857. 194. iii. STEPHEN DAY, horn July 22, 1860. By second 111arriage: 195. iv. CHARI.ES Pnn.Lir, born Dec. 17, 1865. v. G1mRGES HENRY, horn ~lay 24, 1868; died Feb. 14, 1877. vi. ESTELLE ~IAun, horn July 22, 1875; died Feh. 15, 1877. 196. vii. EDWARD ARTHUR, 1h.. rn Dec. 17, 1879. 196a. viii. CHESTER ALLEN, horn Dec. 8, 1881.

101 \VILLJA.i\1, (\Vitliam 59) horn 1X30; died 1912; 111a,Ticd Elizabeth .i\1aria Hart who was born 1832 and died in 1908. She was a daughter of Philip and Maria ( Judd) I-fart and descendant of Stephen Hart, an early settler. Child: 197. i. \Vu.LIAM T110~1As, horn 1864.

102 JOSIAH, (Benjamin 61) horn at Johnstown, N. Y., July 6, 1820; died at Elgin, Ill., Feb. 22, 1883; married at I-f alf Day, Lake County, 111., Aug. 29, 1866, Ellen 1Vf. \Vhitney, BURRITT FAMILY 89

who was horn at Gainsville, N. Y., in 1848. Their home ,vas in EI gin, I 11. Children: I. ELIHU. 11. EVART J., horn Aug. 20, 1868; died Feh. 19,11; lived at Evanston, Illinois. 111. PEnrn B., horn Jan. 2, 1872; lived at Elgin, Illinois. n·. LAURA \VnrTNEY, horn June 23, 1880; married 1914, \Vatter Uphof.

103 ST'EPHEN BRADLEY, (Stephen 62) horn Od~. N. Y., April 25, 1833; died Bayonne, N. J., Jan. 27, 1909: married at Seneca Falls, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1855, lVlargaret Ken1p who was born at Paisley, Scotland, ~if arch 20, 1836; died Bay­ onne, N. J., ~'[arch 24, 1913, daughter of John and l\·lary (Crawford) Kemp who catne to An1erica fron1 Paisley, Scot­ land. Children: 198. i. LEsr.m A1.t1soN, horn Fch. 3, 1857. 199. ii. C1rnsnrn CRAWI<'ORD, horn Aug. 3, 1860. 111. Loms LEON, horn Dec. 14, 1866.

104 JONA'fJ-IAN ELISHA, (John Hezakiah 63) born at Huntington, Fairfield County, Conn., ~Jay 31, 1802, died at 1 ~ Iau1nee, III., 1879; married En1ily nfllls who was born in New York State 1806; died Urbana, Ill., 1871. Lived in New· York State until 1837 when they left Camphcllstown, N. Y., for Chicago, 111. Children: i. Dt.\NTIIA, horn Horsehead N. Y., 1827. 200. ii. \VtLLIAM \VAt.I.ACE, horn 1829. 111. AM,\NDA ~Im.VINA, horn Painted Post, N. Y., 1834; married 1859 George H. Blaker, who was horn 1835; died 1920. Son of Echylus and Mary (\Vatson) Blaker. Children: ( 1) Alida, horn 1860. (2) Julia, horn 1861; married 1882, Elliott Pratt Keeler and had : Adeline, 1884 ; Florence 1886. l\J rs. Julia Blaker Keeler lives in Painsvillc, Ohio. ( ,1) Emily, horn 1865. ( 4) Jennie, horn 1872. 201. iv. Jo11N HARVRY, horn 184,l v. Er.ovsu, horn 1849. vi. J-IAP.RJETT. vii. ANN Et.tZA. viii. How ARI>. 90 BURRITT FAMILY

105 DR. HARVEY, (John Hezekiah 63) born in Huntington, Fairfield County, Conn., Dec. 1, 1803; died at l\1au1nee City, Ohio, Feb. 10, 1868; tnarried Annah \V. Babcock, who was born in Connecticut April 14, 1810, died 1\!Iaun1ee, Ohio, Feb. 4, 1879. Children: 1. AGATHA, horn 1833; died June 11, 1855. 11. ERMINA, born Feb. 1837; died April 13, 1837. 202. iii. \V1u.1A~1 HARVEY, horn at Gilead, Ohio, 1842.

106 . · CHARLES, (Lewis 64) born at Roxbury, Conn., Jan. 9, 1812; died at Rockford, IJJ., lVIarch 12, 1886. 1'1arried at Au­ burn, N. Y., Jan. 18, 1837, Laura l\'laria Ren1ington, who was born at Auburn Jan. 24, 1816, and who died at Rockford, Ill., April 8, 1878. She was a daughter of Rufus (born in Connecticut, Oct. 17, 1780; died at Auburn, N. Y., Nov. 11, 1845), and Debor.ah ( Oltnsted) Remington (born at Ridgefield, Fairfield County, Conn., Jan. 22, 1786; died at Auburn, Sept. 4, 1834). (See Oltnsted). Charles Burritt catne fro111 Roxbury. Conn., to Cayuga County, N. Y .. with his parents in 1833. As a young man he worked at farming with his father during the summer and taught school in winter. After his marriage he was for a tin1e superintendent of the poor for Cayuga County and · later fonned a partnershio with his brother-in-law Jacob Beach. in the operation of a "Furnacen and Hardware busi­ ness in \Veedsport. N. Y. They manufactured and sold, plows, cultivators. hand tools and stoves, which latter were a novelty at the time. On the death of his partner he sold the business to his cousins, 0. W. Burritt & Bro., and it is now being conducted under their name by members of the family. It was soon after this that Charles and Laura Burritt can1e with their family to Rockford, 111., viz. in the fa11 of 1855. The farnily came by rail as far as Belvidere, about twelve miles cast of Rockford, where they spent the winter. Household goods and horses were shipped by boat fron1 BURRITT FAMILY 91



Buffalo to Chicago. I\.f r. Edward Sprague, a brother-in-law nnd the oldest son George, then fifteen years of age, coming with the goods and driving out from Chicago. 111 the spring of 1856 they purchased the farm in the Town of Owen, \Vinncbago County, five miles north of the City of Rockford, where they 1nade their home until their death. This farm is still owned by a member of the fatnily. He served in different local offices, principally town clerk and assessor; was active in organizing the Congrega­ tional church at Owen Center, but later with his wife united with the Second Congregational church at Rockford where they remained active 1ncn1 hers during their lives. Their children: 1. LucY ANN, horn July 5, 1838; married Feb. 6, 1867, \Villiam N. ~ I oore, who was horn Dec. 24, 1839. They had two sons, Rol­ lin, horn Jan. 1, 1868; died ahout 1900; Alva L., born April 16, _I 872: married Dora Miller, and have: Lee, Carle, Clara, Ruth. Live at Los Angeles, Calif. 203. ii. GEctUiE ALFORD, horn June 17, 1840. 204. iii. Rm:us HENRY, born Sept. 23, 1842. i\', FRANCES .MARY, born m Cayuga Co., N. Y., Nov. 5, 18-t4; died at Rockford, Ill., No\', 1, 1921 ; married at Rockford, Dec. 27, 1864, Charles Egbert Brown, who was born in Rhode Island, Sept. 15, 1841, and who died at Rockford, Ill., Dec. 7, 1922. He was a son of Morey and Lucy (Pease) Brown, who came to Rockford from Rhode Island l\tay 28, 1838. Children of Frances ~r ary (Burritt) Brown and Charles E. Brown are Harry \V., horn Sept. 1866; died at Sperling, 1\lanitoha, Can­ ada, Oct. 28, 1938. He married Fanny M. Johns and had eight d1ildren: Nellie Laura, horn Dec. 28. 1869, married Charles E. Jackson; ~[ahel, horn Oct. 20, 1872, married Bert Rowen and have two daughters; l\Iorey, born 1877, married Essie \Villiams, lives in Los Angeles, Calif.; Ralph Egbert, horn Nov. 13, 1880, married Jan. 25, 1900, Viola 0. Phipps, daughter of Homer and Effie (Sarver) Phipps. They have five children and live at Auburn,· N. Y.; and l\Iaud Estelle, horn July 17, 1885, married Ernest C. Stokhurger, and has three daughters: Marian Laura Stokhurger, born July 15, 1909; Dorothy Louise Stoklmrger, horn May 17, 1911; Fannie Ernestine Stokhurger, horn Aug. 16, 1912. 205. v. Dw1mtT NATHAN, horn April 10, 1848. ,,i. IDA MARIAN, horn Sept. 1, 1851, in Cayuga Co., N. Y.: died Dec. 30, 1926, at Redlands, Calif.; married Sept. 1, 1873, at Rock­ ford, Ill., Frederick Phillip l\folancthon Knapp, who was horn Jan. 15, 1847, a son of Elder Jacob and Elccta (Payne) Knapp who came to Rockford from Albany, N. Y., in 1847. Elder 94 B U R R l TT F A M I L Y

Knapp was a famous Baptist preacher and evangelist of his clay. Children of Frederick P. 1\1. and Ida Burritt Knapp are: ( 1) George \Villis Knapp, horn Rockford 111., June 5, 1874, died Redlands, Calif., June 22, 1899. (2) Fred Clayton Knapp, horn Rockford, 111., Feb. 4, 1876; married at Redlands, Calif., 1\Iay 24, 1911, Ethel 1\Iay Cowgill, who was horn at Zanesville, Ohio, June 2,3, 1882, daughter of Alva Byron and Nell~e (Broomhall) Cowgill. They have one daughter, Kathryn Claire Knapp, born at Los Angeles, Calif., July 11, 1912. (3) Laura 1\Iaria Knapp, horn at Rockford, 111., July 19, 1878; married at Redlands, Calif., Dec. 19, 1900, Henry \Vesley Gordon, who was born at Broadhead, \rVis., Jan. 28, 1876. Their children are Doris Electa Gordon, horn at Redlands, Calif., Jan. 28, 1903; Mary l\larjoric Gordon, horn at King City, Mo., Jan. 30, 1905; Alica Adelaide Gordon, horn at King City, :Mo., Aug. 20, 1907; ~lalcolm Knapp Gordon, horn at King City, l\lo., July 12, 1909; Julian, who died in infancy; Laura Jeanette, horn at San I .uis Ohispo, Calif., April 29, 1920. The present home is at Vista, Calif. ( 4) Rufus Burritt Knapp, horn at Parkershurg, Iowa, Sept. IO, 1gso; married at Redlands, Calif., Dec. 25. 1901, Dora Margaret \,Vi Ilia ms, who was horn at .Morristown, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1878, a daughter of Josiah and 1\lollie E. (Ellis) \Villiams. They have: Evalyn \Vinifred Knapp, born at Redlands, Dec. 12, 1902; Roy Ellis Knapp, horn at Redlands, Feb. 7, 1905. (5) Dwight Eugene Knapp, horn at Parkershurg, Iowa, Dec. 13, 1887; married at San Francisco, Calif. ; July 9, 1911, Grace O'Neal. They have: Mary Grace, horn 1\lay 4, 1912, at Los Angeles, Calif.; Kenneth Edward, horn Santa Barbara, Calif.; Oct. 17, 1914; Rufus Sterling, horn at Arcata, Calif.; Ort. 15, 1919. 206. vii. CHART.Es L1-:w1s, horn July 16, 1855.

107 NATl-IAN, ( Lewis 64) born at Roxbury, Conn., Oct. 5, 1822; died at Sennett, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1865. lVIarried at Ira, N. Y., 1854, Susannah Phelps, who was born April 22, 1825, and who died 1\-f ay 1 f, 1908. She was a daughter of Luther and Ruth Phelps of New York State. There were born to them three children, two of whont died in infancy. Jay, the son, lived about two years, the other, a daughtet·, died a baby. i. MARY, horn at Sennett N. Y ., April 22. 1858: died Feb. 2, 1905. She was married at \Veedsport, Oct. 18. 1876. to Burt E. Shel­ don, who was horn at \Veedsport, M nrch l. 1352, amt who died At>ril 10, 1909. He 'was a son of John and Anna Sheldon of \Vecclsport, N. Y. Their chilclrcn: ( t) Susie A., horn Oct. B u R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 95

'( .. ,·.• .• I J . ( , \..



1877. (2) Harry J., horn .May 5, 1879; died Aug. 7, 1883. (3) L<'on.B., horn Ang. 24, 1881; died March 2, 1914. (4) Donald S., horn No\', 2.1, 189

108 EBEN LE\,V IS, ( Lewis 64) horn at Roxbury, Conn., March, 1828; died at Sennett, N. Y., Dec. 21, 1876. Married at Virgil, N. Y., Fch. 10, 1864, Sarah Eliza Chris­ n1an, who was born at Virgil, Aug. 24, 1842, and who died May 28, 1890. She was a daughter of Jacob (born;at Hebron, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1818, died 1889) and Phoebe (Perl

109 HENRY FAIRCJ-IILD, (Daniel Fairchild 65) born in Roxhury, Conn .. J\,f arch 30. 1824. l'vfarried at Roxburv Feb. 13, 1849, Chloe Pamelia Fenn, who was born at Roxbury 98 BURRITT FAMILY

Jan. 28, 1826, and who died June 16, 1894. She was a daugh­ ter of Lyman (horn Aug·. 30, 1800) and Fanny ( Livingston) Fenn. Children: i. Ar.In: 0., horn Dec. 16, 1851; married Oct. 7, 1874, H. E. Brad- ley. Lives at Orange City, Fla. ii. JUI.IA F., horn Nov. 18, 1855; died Jan. 2.~. 1879. iii. Dwm11T F., horn (kt. 8, 1859. n•. FANNIE ~I.. horn ~lay 22, 1861. Lives in Roxbury Conn., and Orange City, Fin.

110 DANIEL AUSTIN, ( Daniel Fairchild 65) horn in Rox­ bury, Conn., Sept. 25, 1829; died Feb. 26, 1910; married i\lay 28, 1851, Julia Livingston, who was horn at Roxbury, Conn., July 2, 1831, and who died April 7, 1907. She was a daughter of \Villiam i\1liller (born lvlarch 20, 1804) and Sarah i\Hnerva (Edwards) (horn Feb. 20, 1807) Livingston. (Sec Living­ ston in appendix). Austin Burritt was b,>rn on a Roxbury, Conn., farm. 1-Ic hccame a hatter and ior a time after his marriage worked at \\Tarring Hat Factory in Yonkers. N. Y. 1--fis later years were spent at \Vaterhury, Conn. Both he and his wife died at the home of their daughter Florence at Newtown, Conn. Children: i. \Vu.LIAM FAIRCHILD, horn l\fnrch 14, 1852; died 1881, unmarried. ii. FLORENCE LIVINGSTON, horn Jan. 21, 1854; married Oct. 10, 1877, Charles Beers. iii. }Essrn FRANCES, horn .July 10, 1857; married Nov. 29, 1891, Thomas E. :Mower. iv. ALIDA GRACE, horn June 9, 1862; married Aug. 10, 1887, Fred l\L Fagg, who only lived about two y,!ars after the marriage. On May 6, 1899, she married Richard J. Ashworth. Their son, Harold Ashworth, is a lawyer living in \Vaterhury, Conn. v. AusTIN HENRY, horn May 19, 1864; married Ja11. 12, 1889, Jen· nie Robinson. vi. Pnn.o EDWARD, horn Nov. 2, 1866 i married Fch. 20, 1901, Helen Winchell. 208. vii. Cn,\lH.E~ MoRRrs. horn Fch. 19. 1870. viii. ,Tur.TA E1.1ZARETH, horn 'May 25. 1875: died in infancy. B U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 99

1 1 1 \,VJLLJAM HUBBEL, ( Philo 66) horn July 30, 1828; married Carrie Van Ness. Children: I... Ln.r.v, died young. II, loNA, married \,Villiam Dunham and had Clinton . 209. iii. IVES D'ARCY. 1v. ZAm1-:, married De Francisco. v. BIRD. v1. ETm~r.. married Prague and had: Caroline, Florence, Burritt, and Leo.

112 CALVIN \,VOLCOTT, (Philo 66) born at !Auburn, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1832, died at Auburn, Aug. 21, 1908; marri~d in the 'I'own of Ira, Cayuga County, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1863, Lucy S. Johnson, who was born at Ira Dec. 8, 1841, and who dic

113 ORRIN \iVILLIAlVI, (Roswell 67) born in Roxbury. Litchfield County, Conn., l\1Iay 6, 1827; died 1898; tnarried Elizabeth Bell, daughter of General Isaac Bell of \Veeds­ port, N. Y. She died in 1896. Orrin was early apprenticed to learn the trade of store designing and general tinning. In 1850 he went to \\T eeds­ port, N. Y., where he was employed in the manufacturing and hardware business of Beach and Burritt, the junior member of the finn, Charles Burritt (No. 106), being his cousin. He continued in this employ until in 1852 when, on the death of Jacob Beach, he purchased the business. He took into partnership, his brother, Charles \VaJlace Burritt, and on his death in 1863, his brother Henry Eben Burritt. This business, known as 0. vV. Burritt & Bro., was success­ fully conducted during the life of the partners and is still in operation under the sa1ne firn1 name. "0. \V.", he was fa111iliar)y known, was of an inventive as' ., - turn of tnind and invented 1nany excellent devises in his tine JO(l BURRITT FAMILY

of work. Among these were the Burritt I >uplcx Seamer and the Burritt Crosslock Seamer. These and others of his inventions arc still being made and sold by the firm, now under the management of Fred N. Burritt. \Vas an active 1ne1nher and officer in the 1\1I cthodist church, metnber of the Board of Education, and active in the building and im­ proving of his city. Child: i. B1-:1.u:, who married James Palmer and had: Bessie, who lives in \Vashington. D. C., and Marjory. who married \,Varren Duns~ ton, amt has one daughter, Dianne. Lives in \Vcedsport, N. Y.

114 GEOR(;E \VfNSLO\V, (RoswelJ 67) born nt Roxbury, · 1829; married Augusta Beach and lived in Bridgeport, Conn., and Ncvv York City. Child: 211. i. G1-:0RGE.

115 CHARLES \VALLACE. (Roswell 67) horn Roxbury, Conn., 1831; died at \Veedsport, N. Y., 1863; married Fran­ ces Belt of \Veedsport. ,v as in partnership with his brother Orrin \V. in which business he was active until his death. There was one son : i. LINNEANs, who died in infancy.

116 LE\VIS BENJAi,JIN, (Roswell 67) born in Roxbury, Conn., 1834: died in Pott Byron, N. Y., 1883; n1arried Louisa Kearney. who died in ) ._:99. He served in the Navy during the Civil \Var. being fire1nan, l st class, on board the ship 1 ~ Tonitor. Children: i. N Er.1.rn, married Lee Knapp. died young. ii. N1-:TTrn, married Jay Foatz, died young. iii. BI.ANCHJ-:, married Howard Crouse of Syracuse, N. Y. He lost his life in an auto accident in 1924. She lives in Detroit, Mich.

117 HENRY EBEN, (Roswe11 67) born in Roxbury, Conn., ScJlt. 18, 1838; died in \Veedsport, N. Y., 1897. Until he was 20 years o)d he attended school and worked on his father's B U R R I TT F A ~f I L Y IOI

farm in Roxbury. J-fe then spent three years in Bridgeport and New York City as clerk in the grocery business. He went to \V eedsport, N. Y ., in Sept. 1863, to take the place of his brother Charles \V., who had just died, in the firm of 0. \1/. Burritt & Bro. Two vears later he 111arried Frances Bell Burritt, widow of his ht:other- Charles. He became managing partner in the firm and was senior partner in the hanking· firm of Burritt & Son. He was successful in business, industrious and honorable in his dealings and had a host of friends. The family lived in a beautiful home of \' an Buren street, \V ccdsport. Children: 212. i. FRi-:mmrcK N. ii. ~lrNNrn, who married Frederick Harrington, and had: l\lax, died in infancy; Burritt Clark Harrington, horn April 12, 1891, at \Veedsport, N. Y.; married Charlotte Frisch Jacohs, who was horn June 26, 1893. She was a daughter of Charles Henry and ~(ary Elizaheth (Bradley) Jacohs, of Pennsylvania. Children of Burritt C. and Charlotte Harrington arc: Burritt Clark, Jr., horn at ~(urree, India, ;\fay 26, 1918; l\lahlon Jarnhs, horn at Lucknow, India, Sept. 17, 1920; ~Jnry Eliza­ heth, horn at Lucknow, Jan. 21, 1924; James Paul, horn at Lm·know, Dec. 25, 1925; \Villiam Seward, horn at l\lussoorie, India, i\(ay 18, 1932; John Bradley, born at \Villiamsport, Pa., June 18, 1937. Burritt Harrington graduated from Princeton University in 1913. took two years of theological training at Union Seminary. N. Y., comhinecl with postgraduate study at Columhia University, where he ohtained his A,;\L degree. He spent seventeen years in missionary work in India. At the time of this writin~ he is a memhcr of the faculty of the \Villiams­ port Junior College, \,\'illiamsport, Pa. DORIS FRANCJ~s HARRINGTON. youngest daughter of Frederick and Minnie Burritt Harrington is in social service work in New York City.

118 JOHN D\1/IGI-IT. (Roswell 67) horn 1844 at Roxbury, C.onn. Died 1916 at \Veedsport, N. Y. l\tfarried 1875, Jennie Louise Fenn, who wa~ horn at ,vaterhury, Conn., in 1856. Sh~ was a daughter of Lyman Fenn and sister of Henry Harri~on Fenn who married Sarah J. Burritt. (See 67) (See al~o Livingston). Child: i. L11.UAN MAY, horn at vVaterhury, Conn., 1885; married 1910. 102 BURRITT FAMILY

119 GEORGE, (David 68) born in Stratford, April 30. 1808; died in Stratford Jan. 15, 1889. lvlarricd July 4, 1830, Cathe­ rine Jane Curtis, who was born Oct. 22, 1809, and who died 1\1l ay· 7, 1891. She was a daughter of Nehemiah and Polly (Curtis) Curtis. rl'his N ehetniah Curtis was born Jan. 13, 1775, and died Sept. 30, 1835. He was a direct descendant from John Curtiss, one of the first settlers from England who died Dec. 2, 1707. · Polly (Curtis) Curtis, wife of Nehemiah, was born March 10, 1783, and died Sept. 17, 1817. Children of George and Catherine (Curtis) Burritt: 213. i. Li-:w1s, horn l\larch 21, 1831. ii. MARY JANI-:, horn Aug. 8, 1833, in Stratford; died in Ithaca, N. Y., Jan. 30, 1909; married Feh. 14, 1854, John P. Gauntlett, who was horn May I, 1813, and who died May 8, 1875. Children born in Ithaca, N. Y., ( 1) Frederic Lewis, horn Nov. 24, 1854; died No\', 24, 1858. ( 2) Snrnh Louise, horn Jan. 6. 1857 i

120 JOSEPH ClJRTISS, (Joseph 69) horn Jan. 26, 1817; died Ivlay 22, 1889. l\1arried first time Jan. 30, 1839, Hetty l\ilaria Lord, daughter of Harley Lord, and married a second time, Jan. 2, 18i5, Julia Atwater, daughter of Leonard Atwater of Ithaca. He was in the jewelry business in Ithaca and was one of the founders of the Second l\ilethodist church of that city. There were five children, the youngest being a son of the second wife, Julia ·. twater. i. ELLEN MARIA, horn Jan. 1, 1841; married July 11, 1860, \,Villiam Henry \Vilson, and had: ( 1) Fred \iVilliam, horn Nov. 20, 1862. (2) Herbert George, horn May 16, 1865; married Oct. 2, 1889, Donna Louise, daughter of William Freer of Ithaca. (3) Carrie Bell, born Nov. 21, 1870 ~ died Oct. 24, 1872. BURRITT FAMILY JO.l

214. ii. Enw1.r-. Jos1w11. horn Sept. 17, 1843. iii. HETTY E1.1zA, horn ~Jay 14, 1847; died January 8, 1888; married first January 1, 1864, Ogden Hoffman Hall, horn April 10, 1844; died Jan. JO, 1871. l\Jarried second Ort. 30, 1873, Henry Townley. Children: ( 1) Lizzie Sinclair Hall, born Jan. 28, 1865; died l\Jay 28, 1868. (2) \Villiam Burritt Hall, horn Feh. 19, 1866; married Alice \Vest Fielder, of Dansville, N. Y., horn July J J, 1866, and had : Edwin Fielder, horn J nne 8, 1892, and Harold Glen. horn l\la:·· i6, 1894. ( 3) Hetty Bell Townley, horn Sept. 3, 1874. n·. CAROLINJ~ AucmsTA, horn June 30, 1851 ; married Jan. 28, 1873, Edgar Avery Atwater of Ithaca. They moved to , Iowa, and Imel: ( 1) Horace Burritt, horn Feb. 17, 1874. (2) Laura Ellen, horn March 2, 1876; married June 9, 1897, Jesse Floyd Jackson of ~lanchcst<.>r, Iowa. ( ,l) Florence Rell, born April 27, 1879. l 215. v. Jos1~P11 ATWATJ-:R, horn June 6, 1876.

121 CI-IARLES DA VI D, (Joseph 69) born lVIay 29, 1823; died at Jthaca, N. Y., l'vf ay 7, 1856; married first time, Aug. 27, 1844, Jerusha vV ebster Lord, daughter of Harley Lord. He married a second time, Nov. 19, 1854, Orpha Iantha Ran­ dall. daughter of Joshua Randall of Catnden, N. Y. He was graduated from the College at l\ifiddletown, Conn., in 1843. He joined the Oneida 1\1ethodist Conference and was given his· first pastorate at 1\1TcGrawville and succeeding ones at Skaneateles, Norwich, Ithaca and Cazenovia, and was for a time president of the \Vesleyan Female Seminary at Delevan, Ohio. He was eminently successful as a preacher and educator. Children: i. MARY ELIZA, horn at Middletown, Conn., ~lay 31, 1845; died Aug. 9, 1845. ii. CHARI.Es PADDOCK, horn July 1847, at Havana, N. Y.; died Aug. 1847. iii. MARY LoRD, horn Sept. 7. 1848, at Skaneateles, N. Y.; married July 14, 1874, George E. Foster, of Milford, N. H., and had: Jesse \Vehster Foster, horn Feh. 11, 1880. iv. EitMA ELIZA, horn Oct. 1850; died Aug. 1851. 216. ,,. CnARI.Es RANDAi.I,, horn Oct. 8, 1855. 122 ROBERT, (Robert \Vilberforce iO). 1Vfarricd Carrie Beers. Children: i. IDA MAY. 104 BURRITT FAMILY

ii. IN,\. m. l\hNNrn. JV. \VILSON. 217. v. ROBERT.

123 NE\iVELL FLE'TCHER ( Robert iO) horn 1839; died 1929: 111arried Sarah Lucy 1-Iitchcock, who was born at Fair Haven, Conn., 1845; died 1895. She was a daughter of Rob­ ert (born 1815; died 1861) and A higail (Blakeslee) I-litch­ cock, who was born 1817: died 1893. Newell Fletcher Burritt served in the Civil \Var as Sergt. in Co111pany H., 15th Reg. Connecticut Volunteers. After the war he was a carpenter hy trade and in his later years spent n1uch of his time in writing. He died at the Tagus Soldiers Home at Augusta, lVIe. Children: J. CLARENCE. ii. AUGUSTUS. iii. HORACE. 218. iv. ROBERT. 219. v. EDWARD EARLE, horn :\larch 25, 1877. BURRITT FAMILY 105

Eighth Generation

124 CI-IARLES GRANDISON, (Grandison 72) born Nov. 6, 1831; died Dec. 18, 1891; 111arried 'fhcodosia Ann Co111pton of Cloverdale, Ky. Children: 1. CHARLES Co~1PTON, horn April 1, 1861; died l\larch 4, 1865. 220. ii. GEORGE DUTY, horn April 27, 1863. iii. EDITH ELLEN, horn l\[arch 28, 1866; died July 12, 1908; married March 26, 1883, Theodore ~I. \Vinsor. 1v. SARAH ~IARCELIA, horn :\lay 15, 1868; married Nov. 17, 1890, Adelbert S. Roddie.

125 RON LAND, ( Grandison 72). born Feb. 6, 1842; died at Ton1ahawk, \Vis., June 1, 1905. ~,r arried in Red vVing-, l\tlinn., Oct. 14, 1866, to Ivlary Kerns who died July 4, 1894. Children: 1. GRACF. SELINA, born Jan. 30, 1868; married Robert Kopplin, Sept. 16, 1884. Children: ( 1) Grace Augusta, horn Nov. 21, 1885. (2) James Leonard, horn July 21, 1887. (3) Jessie Anna, born April 12, 1889. ( 4) Charles \\'alter, horn Aug. 24, 1892. (5) Robert Kerns, horn Feb. 28, 1895. (6) George Frederic, born Jan. 18, 1896. (7) Mary EsteJla, born Jan. 14, 1909. ii. MARY EsTEI.LA, born July 14, 1869; married Duncan Carmichael. Children: (I) Forest \Villiam, horn Dec. 30, 1887. (2) Dun­ can, horn June 22, 1890. (3) Violet May, horn .May 2, 1892. (4) Carleton, horn Oct. 14, 1897. (5) Bruce, born April 29, 1900. (6) Robert Ronland, horn April 12, 1906. iii. R0NLAND GRANDISON, born Aug. 5, 1871. iv. JOHN KERNS, born ~larch 20, 1874. v. HARRY, born March 14, 1876. ,,,. ROBERT HENRY, horn May 23, 1880; died in hospital Jan. 11, 1906. l\farried, two children. vii. BEATRICE BARBARA, horn l\Jarch 11, 1882; married Tune 29, 1904, Paul Ralph Chilleo, son of H. Benton and Isah;l (Ingraham) Chi11eo. They had one daughter. viii. CoRA MERTICF., horn April 4, 1887; married June 7, 1909, Richard \:Vallace. ix. CHARI.ES ERNEST, horn April 7, 1891. 106 BURRITT FAMILY 126 JOHN GREY, ( Cirandison 72) born Sept. 22, 1844; 1nar­ ried Oct. 20, 1878, Katherine Hart. 'I'heir home was in :rvfauston, \Vis. Children: 1. MARCUS IRVING, horn July 2, 1881. 11. FRANCES LILI.IAN, horn Dec. 31, 1883. m. CHARLES GLEN, horn April 20, 1886. iv. KATHERINE. horn June 28, 1900. 127 LOREN, (Samuel 73) born in Uniondale, Pa., July 25, 1837, died Nov. 11, 1889, in Athens, Pa. Married July 25, 1876, Delphine Raynsford, daughter of Edward and Charlotte 11ead (Drake) Raynsford, of Oswego, N. Y. Loren Burritt enlisted in Cotnpany K, 56th Regitnent Pennsylvania \'olunteers. He was con11nis­ sioned 2nd Lieutenant and was later transferred to the 8th Regulars U. S. Colored Troops and finally pr01noted to Lieut. Colonel. He was wounded while in con11nand at Olustee, Fla., from which he never fully recovered. After the war he practiced law at Athens, Pa. No children.

128 IRA NICHOLS, (Satnuel 73) born Dec. 28, 1838; died Nov. 20, 1887, in \Vashington, D. C. 11arried June 4, 1868, Elizabeth Augusta Nicholson, who was born June 6, 1848. She was a daughter of 11ajor Augustus and Salty (Carroll) Nicholson of \Vashington, D. C. He served in the Civii \Var as Captain of Company K, 56th Regin1ent, Pennsylvania \T olunteers. Was in tnore than one hundred battles, was wounded at Gettysburg and at the \Vilderness. Settled in Washington after the war and edited the Sun­ day Herald there for 22 years. Children: i. EPPIE ANN, horn Aug. 11, 1869, in \Vashington; married July 3, 1894, John Henry Martin, who was born at Louisville, Ky., Feh. 16, 1869, and has children: (1) Florence Steele, horn. March 31, 1895. (2) Daniel Carroll, horn Sept. 6, 1896 .. (3)- BURRITT FAMILY 107

John Henry, horn June 18, 1898. ( 4) Ira Nichols, horn June 25, 1900. ( 5) Mary Elizabeth, born Dec. 8, 1902. 11. CARROi. F1Tz11uc;11, horn Nov. 16, 1870. Unmarried. 221. iii. EI.Jnu GuY, horn July 29, 1872. "'· ERIC Jfoyn:. horn Feh. 8, 1877. Sen·ed in Fourth U. S. Cavalrv in the Phillippine \Var. Lives in \Vashington, D. C. U11- 111arriecl. ,. . SAr.r.m CARROl.L, horn Sept. 3. 1879; married April 7, 1903, Dun­ mn Hannegan, son of Sellman ancl Mary (Nelson) Hannegan. Child: Edward Allen, horn Dec. 11, 1905. in \Vashington, n. C.

129 PHILO. (Samuel 73) born April 11, 1841: 111arried Oct. 14, 1869, Ella Ellis, who was born Jan. 8, 1845. She w~s a daughter of Jonathan Trutnhull and Eliza ( Kent') Ellis, of Herrick, Pa. Philo Burritt served in the Civil \Var in the Cotnmissary Department, U. S. Volunteers. After the war he settled in Uniondale, Pa., where he engaged in farming. He served his district in the state legislature for a number of ter111s. Children: 1. EDITH AMANDA, horn June 23, 1878: married Sept. 26, 1900, George Frank Couch, who was horn Jan. 13, 1876. He is a son of George and Lydia (Clark) Couch, of Carbondale, Pa. Chil­ dren : ( I ) Edith, born April 2, 1904. ( 2) Katherine, born Aug. 27, 1906. (3) George Burritt, born Nov. 14, 1907. ii. SA!\tUEL Et141s. 1.>orn 1\tnrch 24, 1883. Unn1arriecl.

130 PAYSON, (Sa111uel 73) born July 16, 1846; died Oct. 20, 1905, in \Vashington, D. C. lVIarried Sept. 20, 1883, at Mar­ tin's Fcrrv, Ohio. to ~1artha Clark, who was born Feb. 18, 1860. She" is a daughter of \Villia1n (born in Scotland, Aug. 13, 1820; died at lV[artin's Ferry, 0., l\tlay 8, 1897) and ~tfar­ garet (Culbertson) Clark (born June 25, 1830; died ~fay S, 1870). Pavson Burritt served in the Civil \Var in Co111pany B, 143rd Regiment, Pennsylvania \T olunteers. After the war he was in- the etnploy of the Union Pacific Ry. Co. as Civil Engineer and la!er in engineering wo~k in Texas. He tnoved to \i\Tashington 111 1877 where he was 111 Government etnploy until his death. Children: 222. i. Cr.ARK Cu1.nERTS0N~ horn July 12, 1885. 108 BURRITT FAMILY

ii. AucE, horn Jan. 15, 1888. Graduated at Platt Institute in De­ partment of Domestic Science, Brooklyn N. Y. Spent some time teaching in \Vashington, D. C. schools. She married at \Vashington, ~lay 7, 1914, Howard Paul Bagley. 111. PHoEBR, born Oct. 9, 1889. 1v. LOREN, horn Oct. 2, 1891. v. ~L\RGARl-:T, born Aug. 15, 189.1; married at Brooklyn N. Y., June 19, 1914, Paul K. \Vinter. Child: Clark Burritt \\'inter born at St. Louis, ~lo., Oct. 8, 1915.

131 NE\i\TELL, (Samuel 73) born Dec. 9, 1851; died Feb. 2, 1903, at Brady, Neb. n1f arried Oct. 4, 1890, Carrie Louise Cohn, who was horn Aug. 2, 1872, at Cotton Springs, Neb. She is a daughter of Jvlagnus Jacob and n'1arie Louise (Uhl- 1nan) Cohn. They had no children.

132 BLACK LEACH, ( Rufus 74) born Aug. 31, 1843: n1ar­ ried first ti111e, lVIarch 3, 1872, n1f atilda Robbins, who was horn Nov. 13, 1848, and who died at i,[arshalltown, Ta., Dec. 9, 1879. She was a daughter of John and Esther ( Griffith) Robbins. He married a second titne, Oct. 6, 1880, Lottie Brooks Armstrong, daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Cross) Brooks of Albion, Ia. She died June 15, 1905. He is a prac­ ticing attorney at ~1Iarshalltown, Iowa. Children: i. - EDWIN, born Feb. 26, 1873. ii. l\lABEL CLAIRE, born 1876; married Feb. 24, 1893, Eugene Gwinn, who was born Dec. 16, 1876. He is a son of George and Belle (Parrat) Gwinn. Child: James Donald, horn Dec. 15, 1902. iii. JESSA, born Sept. 13, 1880; married May 24, 1906, Jacob Wittel, son of Jacob and Barbara (Ruopp) \Vittel. iv. F1.0RENCE, married Fred Buchwald, son of Charles a:id Matilda (\Vise) Buchwald. Children: (1) Thelma, horn April 15, 1902. (2) Elaine, horn Nov. 16, 1903. (3) Glen, horn !\fay 20, 1906. v. RAYMOND, married 1906, Alta Johnson. vi. BEssrn, horn May 15, 1885. vii. 1"1AUD, horn June 13, 1886. viii. HAROI.D, horn Oct. 22, 1888. ix. HAZEL, born Dec. 4, 1889. BURRITT FAMILY 109 133 ED\i\TIN LE GRAND, (Rufus 74) born June 15, 1849; tnarried I◄ eb. 1, 18/S, l'v[ary Abagail \Varren, daughter of Jabez and Harriet \i\Tarren. Child: 1. EuGENJA HARRIET, horn Dec. 28. 1875, at Jermyn, Pa. 134 JOHN CONS I DER, (Ely 75) born July 23, 1846, at Bridgeport, Conn.; 1narried Geneve E. \Veils, who was born April 4, 1865. Child: 1. BEATRICE \Vm.1.s, horn Sept. 14, 1897, in \Veil~ Co., Indiana. 135 ART'HUR GRINNELL, tEly 75) born lVlarch 26, 1860, at Honesville, Pa. lWarried Nellie Vilate \V ooley, who was horn at Grantville, Utah, Jan. 28, 1874. She is a daughter of Samuel \V. and 1\1laria \iVooley. They have no children. 136 EARL \\THEEL.ER, (Ely 75) born Aug. 7, 1863, at Dy­ berry, Pa. 1\1larried Lena Smith of Akron, Ohio. 137 DAVID, (Read 76) was clerk of Court at Stratford, On­ tario, Canada. Child: i. Rov AL, whose children are: Frances, married Guy Gostling; James, David, Arthur, l\lelvin. Royal married Elsie Fisher and lh·ed in \Vinnipeg, Canada. 138 ALDEN, (Charles 77) born in 1\1laitland, Ontario, Canada, Feb. 7, 1830; died in 1\1 itchell, Ont., Feb. 22, 1904: married Lucy Ann II urlburt, who was born April 11, 1836. I-le owned and -operated a large hosiery manufacturing plant at l\ifit­ chell. Children: 1. HELEN F1-:1.1c1A, horn at l\faitland, April 14, 1857; married Roh- ert Henry Verity, who was horn Feh. 11. 1857, and had children: ( 1) Alice Louise, horn l\farch 8, 1889. (2) \Vilfred Burritt, horn l\lay 2, 1891. ( .l) Lucile Fountain, horn l\lnrch l lO BURRITT FAMILY

2, 189,l (-l) Helen Gertrude, horn Sept. 1, 189-t ( 5) Henry Alden, horn Oct. 17, 1895. (6) Robert Charles Burritt, horn Oct. 15, 1898. 11. KATHERINE Er4IZA, horn l\lay 27, 1858. 223. m. CHARI.ES HuRI.HURT, horn Jan. 15, 186-l.

139 JOHN DULlWAGE, (Charles 77) born at l\ 1feaford, Ont., Canada, Aug. 7, 1840; died at Brooksville, Fla., Sept. 25, 1904. He married first Mary Ann Hurlburt of 11\'leaford, Ont., April 16, 1872. She died July 6, 1883. I-Ic married sec­ ond Anabel 'furner of Paducah, Ky., a daughter of Capt. \\Tilliam J. and l\lartha (l\1JacLin) Turner of Kentucky. I-le and his wife catne to Brooksville, Fla., in 1886, where he was a jeweler and merchant until his death. Children by his first wife: i. CnARu:s \VESLEY D., horn Oct. 12, 1873; died Sept. 19, 1874. ii. EDITH l\lAY, horn May 21, 1875; married Brunker l\ladill and had: ( 1) Margaret, (2) Stewart, who died when a young man. This Margaret l\ladill married \Villiam Brookbank of Ontario, Canada, and they have a son, \Villiam David Brookbank. Their home is at Kirkland Lake, Ont., Canada. iii. FLORENCE LENA, horn at Meaford, Ont., Nov. 2, 1878; married Nov. 6, 1901, Norton Keathey, of Brooksville, Fla., son of C. C. and Mary Elizabeth (Outlaw) Keathey of North Carolina. Their children, all horn in Brooksville, Fla., are: ( 1) Mary Elizahcth, horn Nov. 19, 1903. (2) l\fargaret Helena, horn July 21, 1905. (3) Christopher C., horn Nov. 3, 1908. (4) Audry Burritt, horn Feb. 4, 1910. ( 5) John Algernon, horn April 2, 1911. (6) Hazel l\Jay, born Feh. 3, 1913. Of the chil­ dren of Norton and Florence Lena (Burritt) Kcathey, 1\fary Elizabeth Keathey, who was horn Nov. 19, 1903, as above, at­ tended Cumher1ancl University, Lebanon, Tenn. ; married Leon Whitehurst, a lawyer practicing in Brooksville, Fla., a son of S. and Missouri B. (McKinney) \Vhitehurst. They have a son Leon \Vhitehurst, Jr., born April 7, 1925. 1\largaret Helena Keathey, who was horn July 2, 1905, as above, married June 22, 1932, \Villiam Leslie McGee, son of \V. T. and Lauretta (Goff) l\kGee. Thev have a son, William Jack l\lcGee, horn April 17, 1933. • Audrey Burritt Keathey, born Feh. 4, 1910, attended Cum­ berland University, Lebanon. Tenn.; married Onan \Vhitehurst, lawyer, of Brooksville, Fla., brother of Leon Whitehurst above. Their children are: 1\fary Audry. born Aug. 22, 1932; John Onan, born Oct. 3, 1934; George Burritt, horn Nov. 8, 1935. John Algernon Keathey, born April 2, 1911; married Dec. 9. 1937, Sophia Reichert, daughter of Henry and Sophia (Pitch) Reichert, of Ti tel, Switzerland. B U R R I T T F A ~I I L Y 111

Hazel May Keathey, horn Feh. 3, 1913, attended Florida State College; married at \Vashington, D. C., .May 25, 1935, \Villiam Carlyle Hannah, son of Hamer and Helen (Fitzgerald) J-bnnah. They have a son, \Villiam Carlyle, horn June 26, 1936. Their home is in \Vashington, D. C. John D. Burritt had children hy his second wife, Anabel (Turner) Burritt, as fo1Jows: 1v. \VALTER BROWN, horn l\lay 9, 1886, at Brooksville; died there Sept. 5, 1910. v. RuTn HAZEL, horn Feh. 15, 1892; married Dee Shaffer of Brooksville, son of Ord 0. and Rhoda Eva (Kippert) Shaffer. They moved to Tampa and then to Coral Gables, Fla., where Ruth died Jan. 27, 1913. Their children are: ( 1) Anabel Dor­ othy, horn May 5, 1919. (2) Ruth Hazel, horn Jan. 15, 1921. ( 3) NcJlie Dee, horn Sept. 23, 1923. ( 4) J?0nald Dee, horn Feb. 18, 1926. (5) Kenneth Dulmage, horh Jtme 20, 1928. (6 & 7) twins, Jack ~Iarvin and Jean l\Juriel, horn July 9, 1930. 224. vi. KENNETH Bovn, horn Oct. 4, 1896.

140 ALBERT, (Charles 77) born at l\tlaitland, Ont., June 19, 1845; died Jan. 31, 1935. He married at 1\1l aitland, Oct. 22, 1sgs, Agnes Edith Robertson, who was born at ~1Iaitland, Nov. 3, 1865. She is a daughter of David and Jean (Boyle) Robertson, both having been born in Glasgow, Scotland, and both died in lWaitland. He, June 19, 1895, and she, July 3, 1898. Albert Burritt completed his education at Stratford, Ont., Gramtnar School, living during this tin1e with his uncle, Judge Read Burritt. He returned to his father's farm where he lived until 1894 when he tnoved to Gainsborough Town­ ship. He was active in public affairs, was an acting magis­ trate, served as Counsellor and Reeve and was past-master of St. James 11asonic lodge for over sixty years. Children: i. DAVID LAURrnR, horn Sept. 15, 1886. ii. l\lARCTARET lsAnm.1.A, born Sept. 15. 1889. iii. EDWARD HARTLEY, horn June 17. 1894. iv ..hssrn ALBERTA, born Feh. 28, 1906. 1'.41 'HENRY 0S(;OODE, (Edmund i8) born at Easton's Corners, Ont., 1822; died ir. New York in 1874; married

Louise Strong. daughter of ivlajor General William Strong1 U. S. A., of New York. 112 BURRITT FAMILY

Children: 1. HENRY STRONG, of Brooklyn, N. Y. 11. LomsE STRONG, married Reginald Lockhart and had: Norman Burritt, Reginald, James, Louise Isabel, Douglas Burritt, who married Thelma F. Spencer. 111. \Vn.LIA~I Eu~1 UND, Supreme Court Registrar, Prince Rupert, B. C. n·. AUGUSTUS PERRIN, married Jean Smith. 142 ALEXANDER, (Edn1und i8) horn at Easton's Cor.ners, Ont., in 1830; died in Ottawa, 1905; married Sarah, daugh­ ter of Archibald Foster of Ottawa. He lived in Ottawa where he was Registrar of Deeds. Children: 1. ALEXANDER 1-LnllLTON, horn Oct. 17, 1865. 225. ii. EDMUND FosTER, horn ~lay 30, 1867. iii. ARCHIBALD DUNHAM, horn 1869-70. I\', ~IARY VINCENT. \'. ANNA CAROUNE. 143 HA11ILET GEORGE, (George Landon 80) married de Pencier. Children: 1. GERTRUDE, married Armstrong. ii. AUGUSTA. 111. ADA. 144 . HORA'T'IO CHARLES, ~-1. D., (Dr. Walter Horatio 82) born at S111ith's Falls, Ont., 1840; died in Toronto, 1916. 1 ~ f arried 1864, l'vlaria Harriet Rogers of Grafton, Ont., daughter of James Grafton and ~,faria ( Burnhatn) Rogers and a great granddaughter of :Major Ja111es Rogers of Roger's Rangers. . Horatio C. Burritt was educated at Bishop's College, I Jen­ noxville, Que., and 1\tf cGill University, ~ifontreal, where he graduated in lVledicine in 1863. He served as Assistant Sur­ geon at Lincoln General Hospital, \\T ashington, D. C., dur­ ing the Atnerican Civil \Var. Practiced medicine in Morris­ btfrg, Peterboro, and Toronto, Canada. Children: 226. i. CHARLES ARTHUR, horn Oct. 25, 1865. ii. FLORENCE Rom~Rs. BURR ITT FA ~I IL Y JU ... 227. Ill, FREDERICK \.\',\LTER, horn 1870 . J\'. Ar.AN ScnoFIELI>, horn 1872; died 1900. 228. v. CLARENCE JA~rns. horn 1874. \'J. GEORGIA l\l ARIA, horn 1881 ; married Spencer de \Vynter and had: Edith Louise, horn 1911. died 1912; Mary Georgiana, horn I 9 I 3 ; Alice Harriet. horn 1915. 229. \'II. HORACE \VELLESLEY, horn 1883. 145 JA~1IES HENRY, (\Va1ter I-Ioratio 82) died 1926; mar­ ried Cecelia Irving. Children:. J. :\L,RY J-l ELEN, married Tom Atkinson . ii. h~ssm IRVING, married \Viii Hunter and had: ~Ian·, Henn• Bur- . ritt, Eleanor Elizabeth, and Frank. ! · · iii. ).IARIA GWEN. died 1934. i\'. ENID, married Tom Benson and had John ancl Alan. ,,. ).IARJ,\N, married Percy Baldwin and had: l\lary, ~largaret, and Barbara. v1. ~IARGARET, married Gawn Clems amt had: Shirley :Margaret, horn 19,31 ; died 1934. 146 DANIEL HERBERT, (\Valter Horatio 82) born Feb. 1852; died Jan. 1938; married Florence Dugan, who died Nov. 1934. Lived in Peterboro and Toronto, Canada. Children: 1. \\'ALTER, married Katherine Cle\'eland, and had Hugh C., and Shirley. 11. FRANCES DUGAN, married Alex :\Iulhearn. m. Ft.ORA l\f URIEL. t\'. GRACE \V., married Geo. Benjamin. v. Hucm VERNON, died 1926. v1. EnwA1rn LIONEL, married ~lary Lead]ey Harrison. 147 :MARQUIS F., (Nelson A. 87) born at Hinesburgh, Vt., Oct. 18, 1827; died there Jan. 20, 1905; married Jane lVIills, who ,vas born at Shelburne, Vt., Jan. 20, 1829; died at Hines­ burgh, Jan. 20, 1905 . . Children: 1. \VALLACE F., horn 1853; died Dec. 28, 1907. ii. ERNEST S., horn 1855; died 1\lay 29, 1897. iii. NEt.Lrn H., born 1857 i died 1\lay 19, 1864. iv. CHLOE A., born 1859; died Feb. 25, 1864. 114 B U R R I TT F A ~r I L Y

v. loA E., horn 1860; died :\lay 5, 1864. vi. Lov1sA, horn 1862; died ~larch 8, 1865. vii. LEONARD, born 186-l. viii. TRUEMAN, horn 1866; died 1920. 230. ix. Guv L., born 1868. x. VIOLA, horn 1871; died Jan 6, 1923. x1. CORNELL\ L., born 1873.

148 OSCAR C., (Nelson A. 87) born l\1Iarch 5, 1829; died.Feb. 10, 1904; married Dec. 25, lRSS, Abigail A. Gray. Children: 2.31. i. NELSON A., horn 1\lav 14, 1857. 232. ii. OSCAR C., JR., horn July 24, 186.l iii. BERTHA A., horn Nov. 18, 1866; died Sept. 30, 1904; married Jan. 15, 1889, George Bushnell, and had: LeGrand E., born Dec. 8, 1889; killed hy runaway horse Oct. 11, 1895. 233. iv. BERT L., (Twin of above) born Nov. 18, 1866. 234. v. \VILJ.JAM G., horn July 8, 1872. 235. vi. L1-:GRAND B., horn Nov. 8, 1875. Home was in Shelburne, Vt.

149 LEVERETT SI-IERl\-lAN, (Nelson A. 87) born at Hines­ ~urgh, Vt., July 29, 1833: died at Fenton, Ill., Aug. 7, 1899; 111arricd Feb. 28. 1859, Elizabeth Ann Simonson who was born at Starkey, Yates County,~- Y., lWay 25, 1833; died at l\1orrison, Ill., at the age of 84. Leverett S. Burdtt moved frotn \T ermont to Whiteside County, Illinois. in 1854 and purchased a fartn there. Children: i. MARIA E., horn at Aftay, Schuyler Co., N. Y., March 8, 1862. 236. ii. WALTER EVERETT, horn May 12, 1870. iii. ERMINA BELLE, horn at Fenton, Ill., Nov. 6, 1874.

150 GEORGE A., (Daniel 88) born at Hinesburgh, \'t., 1840; died there 1915; married at lVIoncton, Vt., :Helen L. Bald­ win, who was born at 1\1[ onckton 1838; died Hineshurgh. Daughter of Roderick and Lydia Baldwin. Children: 237. i. GEORGE H., horn Sept. 1, 1871. ii. Rov. iii. MRs. E. H. TUCKER, now living in Minneapolis, Minn. B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 115

151 CHARLES GARRAD, (Andrew J. 89) born Sept. 1860 at Shelburne, Vt.; died Nov. 17, 1906, at 1\-Iinneapolis, lWinn., while on a visit with his mother and sister; buried in village cemetery Shelburne, Vt. He married Aug. I 5, 1888, l\J arie \Vilhetnina Rushlow, son of George and Katherine (Halloway) Rushlow, horn July 28, 1867, at Highgate, Vt.; died April 8, 1924, at Hemp­ stead, N. Y.; buried Shelburne village cemetery. Child: 1. KAt111m·1N1~ Rus111,ow BURRITT, horn .i\Iay 19, 1889, at Shel­ burne; married at Burlington, Vt., July 23, 1917, Frederick Hamilton Montgomery, of New York City. iTh~ir son, David Burritt Montgomery, was born July 11, 1918 in New York. Residence, Hendrickson Road, Hempstead, New York.

152 SARAH ELIZABETH, (Bailey 91) horn Dec. 13, 1831; died Dec. 17, 1888; married April 29, 1851, to Lewis H. Dc­ LaVergne, born Dec. 6, 1824, at Amenia, N. Y. Soon after Elizabeth's marriage to Lewis De La \T ergne, they moved to Albion, Mich., where all their children were born. Their married life. if not easy, was certainly eventful. Lewis had hcen one of the first to leave Partna, during the gold rush, and wanderlust was in his blood. Fron1 ~ifichigan they went to 1\t[ontana in a covered wagon, but later ( about 1860) returned to live in Parma. During the Civil \Var Lewis again left ho111e, this time for four years, leaving his family to live with her people at the old Burritt homestead. He sent her money, but she lost it in a bank failure at the time. \i\Then he returned he took up far111ing on the James Curtis fartn, northwest of Hilton and west of Bartlett's Cor­ ners, where they lived until Elizabeth's death. Children of Sarah E. and Lewis H. De La\T ergne :* 238. i. MANI.EV, born July 1, 1853. 239. ii. FANNIE A., horn Aug. 21, 1854. 240. iii. }ESSIE F., born Sept. 8, 1856. 241. iv. .l\fEI.VtU.E A., horn Aug. 8, 1858. 242. v. CARRIE E., horn Nov. 20, 1860. *Much of the data for this family was gathered hy Mnry Elizabeth DeLaVergne Northrup Miller (No. 356). 116 BURRITT FAMILY

153 EST'HER ANTONET'J'E, ( Bailey 91) born Oct. 6, 1833; died April 14, 1898; married about 1881 to I-lart Smith,,a fanner of Chili, N. Y. Ester was a graduate of old Ingham University at LeRoy, N. Y., and is said to have taught a pri­ vate school, probably on the Seth Holden farm at the east end of the Burritt road while her father lived there. "Aunt" Esther lived with her father in the cld hotnestead at Burritt Corners for n1any year~, 1narrying late in life. No children.

154 1\-IELVJLLE COX, (Bailey 91) born Oct. 11, 1836, at I-lil­ ton, N. Y.; died Dec. 24, 1914, at LeRoy, N. Y.; married Aug. 28, 1866, to l\tfiranda, daughter of Barton and Almira Flint Horton, born Oct. 17, 1838, at Sand Lake (Grafton), N. Y.; died Oct. 24, 1916, at Fulton, N. Y. l\1elville was born about three years after the Burritt fatn­ ily 111oved to lVTonroe from Rensselaer County. I-le was edu­ cated at Litna Setninary, and after that beca111e a minister of the Free !vf ethodist Church in the western N cw York area. He occupied pulpits in 111any places in western New York until 1883, when he bought a farn1 in the town of Chili, near Chesbrough Seminary, ii1 order that he 111ight educate his six children there. He became a trustee of Chesbrough Setninary, and was an influential and respected, public-spir­ ited citiz~n. In his later life he moved to LeRoy to be with so111e of his childten who were then living there. l\ifiranda, his wife, was an inspiring mother to her children and was respected by all. Some of the places where l\1I el ville lived and preached are indicated by the birth places of his children. Children: 24,l i. OLIN HowARI>, horn Nov. 9, 1867. 244. ii. \VJJ,l.IA~t l\J ILLER, horn Oct. 6, 1869. 245. iii. 1\t F.1,v11.u: E~t M ETT, horn April 20, l 872. 1v. CHARLES VtNCl~NT, horn l\Jay 28. 1874; died Nov. 6, 1880. 246. v. CARRIE LUEI.I.A, horn Junc 9: 1876. 247. vi. BAILEY BARTON, horn l\tay 31, 1878. 248. vii. EARL HART, horn July 26, 1881.

155 HANNAH FRANCES (Bailey 91) born l'vf arch 20, 1839, at Hilton, N. Y.; died Jan. 6, 1908, at Hilton, N. Y.; tnarried Dec. 25, 1862, at Hilton, N. Y., to Seth ,v. I-lolden, born B U R R I TT F A l\l I L Y 117

i\1Iay 26, 18.35, Deckcrtown, N. J.; died Aug. IO, 1918, at Hil­ ton, N. Y. Seth \V., a farmer, went to :\lichigan in the late fifties, during the wheat rush of that territory. Four years after marriage he purchased the farm of Bailey Burritt on the Burritt Road. For many years he was a class leader in the fvlethodist church and frequently represented it at annual conference. Children of Hannah Frances and Seth \ V. Holden: 249. i. ~l rn1:u1 ETTA, horn ~lay 22, 186-l. 11. ?\IAHLON ELLSWORTH, horn April 1868; died June 2-t-, 1869. 250. iii. GRACE A~rnr.u, horn Fch. 9, 1871. 1v. H ULI>AII LU El.LA, horn ~lay 16, 187 2; died Sept. 9, 1872. 251. ,,. ELTON BEVERLY, horn Nov. 9, 1879.

156 BE\'ERLY \VAUGH (Bailey 91) horn Hilton, N. Y., June 30, 1844; died Feb. 9, 1922; married Dec. 25, 1866, to l\t£ercy Amelia Bass. Following the death of Bailey, Bev­ erly purchased and occupied the old Giles homestead at Bnr­ ritt's Corners. He was of a venturesome spirit and had many side lines. \Vas an ardent church man. Children: 252. i. Er.DON GRANT, horn Sept. 9, 1868. 25,l ii. FRED HANFORD, horn April 21, 1870. 254. iii. HERBERT, horn Oct. 26. 1872. 255. iv. TnuRLOW \VEim, horn Jan. 7, 188-t-.

157 l\'IARY, (\V'illiam 92) born Feb. 13, 1839, at Greece, l\tfon­ roe County, N. Y.; died April 26, 1926; married July 24, 1853, Orville Louis Compton at 1'1Iata1nora, ~!Jich., born ?\,Jay 10, 1829, at Hunter, N. Y.: died July 18, 1906, at Ilig Rapids, 1\'f ich. 1'1Iary was said to he a proud and gentle woman. Children of ~1fary and Orville Contpton: i. AI.ICE 1\I., horn 1\lay 29, 1854; died May 13, 1879. Die,t without issue. ii. ELLA, horn fan. 24, 1856; died l\fard1 16, 1856. 256. iii. BroN H., ho·rn l\farch 10, 1857. ~~~: !~· ~~:::E l\ii. l Twins i horn April 1, 1861. 259. vi. ADDIE B .. horn Ort. 13. 1863. 260. vii. EUGENE S., horn Dec. 24. 1866. 261. viii. EUNICE B., born l\fay 26, 187,l 262. ix. LEwrs \:V., horn Feh. 23. 1879. 118 BURRITT FAMILY

158 JOAN (or Josephine), (\Vil1ian1 92) born April 9, 1841, in Kendall, N. Y.; married about 1858 E. James Rood (or Rudd). Lived in the west; died Hollywood, Calif., about 1932 or 1933. ( No further inforn1ation obtainable.) Children of Jnan and E. J. Rood: 1. CORA, horn April 1859. ii. Dm.1.1A, horn Dec. 1868. iii. FRm> B., horn NO\·, 1873.

159 ELIZABE'TI-1 SOPHIA. (\Villian1 92) horn Jan. 22, 1843, in Oakland County, .t\'1ich.; died July 13, 1926; married in 1859 to Russell C., son of John and !\•fary Plass, born Sept. 7, 1836; died Jan. 16, 1919, at Rotneo, ~1ich. Elizabeth who early duhbed herself .. Pet," by which name she was subsequently generally known, inherited frotn her father and grandfather the venturesome spirit which caused then1 to leave home and seek a new home in the west, and which carried her still further west. At the early age of 16 she 111arried a man with the western urge, and soon after set out for Nebraska. 'l'his was in the sixties and during these pioneer years they suffered fron1 cold and hunger. It is re­ lated by her niece* that on one occasion during a very cold spell, the supply of fuel becan1e exhausted, and Pet decided that young Giles' precious sled would have to be sacrificed, for she said, it would he of tnore use to them as fuel. "I-low long will it keep us warm, tnot her?" asked Giles. "A hout four hours," she replied. "No," said young Cites, "\Ve will die four hours sooner.'' Front the same source* we have it that the wish of Pet to re-visit the old home in Michigan was about to he gratified, when at last a prosperous year had been experienced. 1-Ier husband had gone ahead to Chicago with cattle which were to he sold there. Russell was to send tnoncy back to Pet so that she could join him and con1e on east for the antcipated visit. ,:vhen owner and cattle arrived in Chicago they were n1et by the great Chicago fire, and the cattle had to be sac­ rificed and the trip home postponed. Later the Plass family 1noved to Kansas and finally to Oregon, where Elizabeth • Eunice Gilmore (No. 261) to M. C. 8. at Big Rapids, Mich., on July 13, 1939. B U I{ R I T T F A M I L Y 119

died at the ripe old age of 83, after a life filled with experi­ ences which are examples of the rich heritage which is America's. ChiJdren of Elizabeth Sophia and RusseJJ E. J>Jass :** 263. i. CARRIE EsTEI,LA, horn April 19, 1860. ii. \Vu.I.JAM, horn Aug. 5, 1862; died in 1864. 264. iii. G1u:s, born Oct. 12, 1864. 265. iv. joIIN BURRITT, horn 1\lay 19, 1866. 266. ,.. BAYARD, horn Aug. 5, 1870. 267. vi. CEI,IA l\1AY, horn Oct. 22, 1874. vii. RA\', born 1870; died about 1882. 269. viii. ~1 ARY E1,1.1rn. born Feb. 24, 1884. 160 GILES, (\,Villiatn 92) born Feb. 17, 1847: at Metamora, 1\1ich.; died 1934, at Big Rapids, l\1ich.; married Sept. 20, 1867, to Josephine ---, at Farmer's Creek, ~1ich.; born 1848; died 1922. Children of Giles and Josephine Burrett: i. Jon N T., horn July 23, 1869. ii. NoRA E., born Feb. 20, 1871. iii. B1.ANCHE !\I., horn De<.'. 7, 1876; died in 1894.

161 GEORGE FRED, (\Villia111 92) born Feb. 14, 1851; diccl Jan. 22, 1927, at l\1etan1ora, l\1ich.; married l\1ay 12, 1888, Hulda Fuchlinski; born in Germany in 1867; died :rvr ay 14, 1919. Children of George Fred and Hulda Burrett: 269 · !L ~~~~:E l Twins; horn l\larch 6, 1889; Clyde died June .l, 1889. 270. iii. 1\,fAY, horn Sept. 27. 1891.

162 DEXTER, (Seeley 93) born l\1arch 27, 1836: died June 6, 1862; married Sept. 18, 1856, to Angeline, daughter of Ben­ ia111in Fowler, born about 1806 at \Vaterport; died Feb. 19, 't891. Dexter enlisted in the artny at the beginning of the Civil \Var, taking the place of a neighbor who had been drafted, and leaving a young wife and child at home. I-Tc never returned and died a prisoner in Libby prison.

•• Data 011 this family furnh,hecl by Mrs. Carrie R. VanHousen, Portland, Ore.• on Aug. ti', 1939. )20 BURRITT FAMILY

Child of Dexter and Angeline Burrett: i. Jo11N P. HAu:, horn July 22, 1861, at Hilton, N. Y.; died April 22, 19J9, at Hilton, N. Y.; married first January 20, 1887, to Katherine Reardon; horn (kt. 10, 1863, at Greece, N. Y.; sec­ ond June 15, 1925, to Elizahcth Stroh. Children of John P. Hale and Katherine llurrett: (1) Chester, horn Oct. 19, 1889; died Jan. 6, 1905. ( 2) Elmo, horn Feh. 1888; died June 15, 1925.

163 1vIATILDA, (Seeley 93) born Aug. 18, 1838, at 1-Iilton, N. Y.; died April 22, 1928; tnarried July 4, 1859, to \Villiam Smith, born Jan. 3, 1829, at Little 1-Iarrowden, Northampton Shire, England; died July 12, 1925. \Villiam and l'vlatilda in active years were thrifty farmers. 'f'hey were especially ac­ tive in maintaining the annual reunion of descendants of Giles and were always present on the occasion. Of four chil­ dren, all born at Hilton, N. Y., all are dead, three dying young. Children of l\Iatilda and \Villiam Smith: 271. i. NINA Er.IZAHl.:1'11, horn Dec. 26, 1862. ii. LOVINA Aum4L, horn l\lay 6, 1866; died Jan. 24, 1882. iii. CnARf.OTTI-: SoJ>HIA, horn Sept. 28, 1869; died Dec. 31. 1870. JV. SYI.\'ESTl.:R BURRITT, horn Dec. 2, 1874; died Sept. 24, 1886.

164 SEELEY, JR., (Seeley 93) born Feb. 27, 1841, at Parma, N. Y.; died I\,Iay 3, 1925, at Bellevue, l\fich.; married (first) Nov. 15, 1860, to 1vlarilla I\L, at Clarkson, N. Y., daughter of Leonard and Ama villa lVf on roe, horn Sept. 15, 1842; died Oct. 10, 1890; married a second time, Nov. 15, 1893, to Elir.a­ heth Bush, daughter of Edward and I\Tary Bennett Bush 1 (~lrs. Elizahcth Clint) Han11in, N. Y., horn Aug. 28, 1843; died Dec. 15, 1894, at Bellevue, 1''1ich.; married a third time, June 16, 1897, to Sarah J. Thomas, daughter of David T. and l\ilargaret Rcmsey Thon1as, born l\'farch 30, 1861. Children of Seeley and I\•f arilla Burretf. 272. i. Er.MER D1-:xTER, horn Jan. 13, 1862. 273. ii. Nt-;TTIE S .. horn Oct. 27. 1864. 274. iii .. LUTHER \V .. horn :March 4. 1869. i\', LEONARD S .. horn Aug. 16, 1871. BURRITT FAMILY 121

165 LODE1tJA, (Seeley 93) horn ~,fay 4, 1846, at Parma, N. Y.; died Oct. 3, 1911; married Luther Collatncr, son of Nel­ son and l\1lary Collan1er, of Saratoga. N. Y., horn June 29, 1845; died in 1922 at I-Iilton, N. Y. Luther was a large and successful fruit grower and a loyal member and supporter of the Baptist church of H ii ton, N. Y. Child of Lodema and Luther Col lamer: i. ~L\RY L., horn Nm·. 26, 1872; died July 1, 1890.

166 CYRUS ADELBERT, (Seeley 93) horn Dec.10.1851, at 1-lilton, N. Y.: died Oct. 30, 1935, at Honeoye, N. Y.: mar­ ried in 18il to Ida l., daughter of Henry and Jane Sage, horn Feb. 5, 1854, at Ionia, N. Y.: died l\lhrch 3C 1933, at Honeoye, N. Y. *Cyrus was born on the homest<.•ad farm, where he spent his boyhood days working for his father. This placed him, during his youth in the time of the agitation and Ci\'il \Var in this country. He was too young to enlist in the army of the North, hut it is said that cLring the last year of the war he attempted to enter the service as a drummer hoy. I-Jc earh· wished to become a veterinarian. This desire was discouraged hy his parents and he then secured a position in Phelp's General Store at North Greece, N. Y. In that period merchandise offered for sale was drawn by horse and wag-on from Rochester. The principal medium of excha·nge for merchandise by farmers was butter and eggs. The merchant, in turn, so)d or exchanged them for needed supplies in the general store. 'l"his was Cyrus' job for a few years. Later he learned the harness-maker's trade, which he followed until machine-manufactured harness replaced hand-made. This was about 1900. These early years were devoted to bringing· up four boys and it required all the available ntoney and en­ ergy to make it possible for the boys to have the necessities of life and a simple education. In 1906 Cyrus tnoved with his family to Ann Arbor, 1\-lich., where he established the Stnith-Burrett Private I-Iospital. At the same titne he beg·an some real estate operations on a small scale. These entet·- . prises were continued until 1923, when hoth Cyrus and his •These notes on Cyrus Adelbert and all his family were prepared by his son, Dr. Cla•1dc, in January, 1940. 122 B U R R I TT FA 1\1 I L Y

wife, Ida, retired from active business and moved hack to New York state, locating at Honeoye. It is interesting to note that as soon as they were relieved fron1 the responsibility of bringing up their boys, they hegan to accumulate property and funds made it possible for then1 to retire and still enjoy some of the comforts of life. Cyrus was affectionatc)v known as "Dad" hy a host of friends dur- ing his later yeat:s. · The mother, Tela, was gifted in art and during her lifetime produced a number of cxceJJent paintings, particularly s.cen­ erv and flowers. At the same time she became skiJJful in cl1ina painting. l\,fany of her rare pieces of china and paint­ ings arc and have been enjoyed hy her four children. Per­ haps she showed some of her most valued characteristics after she was seventy years old, when she turned her atten­ tion to matters of human interest and literary attai11111ent. During those latter years she became intensely interested and active in the Order of the Eastern Star, the women's organization of lVlasonry. Children of Cyrus Adelbert and Ida Burrett: 275. i. DEXTIIR C., horn April 16, 1872. 276. ii. ALHURTUS, horn March 14, 1874. 277. iii. CLAuui-; ADEi.HERT, horn July 13, 1878. 278. iv. Hi-:NRY FRANK, horn May 22, 1886.

167 HIRAl\1, (Seeley 93) born Sept. 11, 1857, at Parma, N. Y.; died Aug. 4, 1899 at Parma, N. Y.; married EJJa \Vinship, daughter of George and Eliza \Vinship, born Aug. 13, -, at Parma, N. Y. Children of Hiram and EJJa \V. Burrett: 279. i. Jo11N \V., horn May 21, 1877. 280. ii. Lr.ovo, horn Sept. 11, 1889.

168 NELSON Al\1IIDON, ( Polly 94) born March 10, 1840; died February, 1912; married ( first) Delia Emma, daughter of Rufus Dauchy: married a second time, Lillian 1\1 oshier. Children of Nelson and Emma Amidon: 281. i. CORA. 282. ii. CARR11-; M., horn Oct. 24, 1864. iii. Sv1.v1-:sTmt, died young. BURRITT FAMILY 12.1

169 ELIZABETH A. ArvJIDON, (Polly 94) horn Sept. 13, 1841, at Parma, N. Y.; died 1920 at Hilton, N. Y.; married l◄ eb. 21. 1861, at Clarkson, N. Y., to Spencer C., son of Abram F. and f ulia Ketcham, born Oct. 6, 1840, at Alton, N. Y.; died at l~lilton, N. Y. Children of Elizahet h Amidon and Spencer Ketcham: 28.l i. At.TURUS S., horn April 23, 1863. 28t ii. l1>A H., horn Jan. 25, 1865. 285. iii. \V11.1.1AM A., 'horn Sept. 23, 1872. 170 HI RA 1\tl A l\·I I DON. ( Polly 94) horn Aug. i, 1844, at Hamlin, N. Y.: died Oct. 25, 1901; married Jan. 1, 1867, to Louisa, daughter of Daniel Lichard, horn March 4, 1845; died !vlay 5, 1896, at Brockport, N. Y. 1 Children of Hiram and L.ouisa Amidon: 286. i. Bovo A., horn 1869. ii. 1\1 ARTJN. l\f artin went to l\l issouri, where, at last n•port, he was engaged in farming. 171 DELPHENE 1\1. Al\1IDON, (Polly 94) born April 29, 1848; died April 15, 1872: married April 15, 1869, to Court­ ney F., son of Martin V. and Rebecca A. Fowler, born June 9, 1845; died 1872, Watrrloo, Iowa. Child of Delphine M. and C. F. Fowler: i. MARTIN VtNcrrnT, horn l\tarch 14, 1870: died Sept. 26, 1870. 172 CYRUS A1\1IDON, (Polly 94) born 1\1ay 27, 1850, at Clarkson, N. Y.; died ------; 1narried Feb. 27, 1872, at Clarkson, N. Y .. to Julia M., daughter of Ida and --­ Crary, born Feb. 19, 1853 at Clarkson, N. Y. Child of Cyrus and Julia Amidon: i. MARJORm A., horn Aug. 16, 1876; married to James A. Lawe­ rence of Kansas City, Kans. They had one child, a daughter, who was killccl in an ncriclent about 1915. l\lr. Lawerence was a contractor. 173 GILES B. AMIDON, (Polly 94) horn July 22, 1853, at Clarkson, N. Y.; died June 20, 1920; married Dec. 13, 1877, 124 BURRTTT FAMILY

at Sweden, N. Y., to Ncli~e, daughter of James and Rachel G. l\'~ershom, born Feb. 8, 1859, at Clarkson, N. Y. Child of Giles B. and N cllic Amidon: 1. JEssrn LEI.IA, born Sept. 25, 1879; died Dec. 9, 1933; married ~larch -l, 1903, at Rochester, N. Y., to George H. Holland; horn June 28, 1880, at Clarkson, N. Y. 19.~9 rcsidem·c, 136 Holle~· St., Brockport, N. Y. No children. 174 SEELEY B. ~IOHELAND, (Malinda 95) horn Feh. 18, 1838, at Parma, N. Y.; died March 12, 1900, at Findlav, Ohio; married (first) Dec. 24, 1858, at Burdett, N. Y., to Sarah, daughter of James and Margaret Hop kins, horn Sept. 24, 1844: died at St. Louis, i\ln.; married a second time, Juh· 15, 18i2, Mary L., daughter of \Villiam and Mary Estell~. horn July 15, 1847: died July 15, 1906. Children of Seeley B. and Sarah ~I ore land: 287. i. l\lrxNm L., horn Oc:t. 25. 1860. 288. ii. ConA I., horn Ncl\', 21, 1861. Children of Scelcv B. and i\l arv I.. l\l ,1rcland: 289. iii. \V11.r.1A~1 L., l;orn .:\lay 18, 187.l 290. i\·. l-lmo1M\' E., horn Juh; 2-l, 1876. 291. v. JUI.IA E .. born Aug. 26, 1878. vi. L1Num ~I.. horn Aug. 1880; died Ol·tohcr 1880. 292. vii. DAvm R, horn Aug. 31, 1881. 29,l \'iii. Hov, horn April 14, 188.l 294. ix. PANSY G., horn Jan. 18, 1887. 175 MARY E. l'vlORELAND, (l'vfalinda 95) horn Sept. 25, 1841, at An1sterclam, N. Y.; married !vfay 3, 18R2, at \1/aync, N. Y,, Ensley Travis, son of Elias .ind Almira Travis, born Dec. 23, 1851. No descendants. 176 HULDAH SOBER wJORELAND, (l\ifalinda 95) horn March 9, 1845, at Tnttnansburg, N. Y.; died 1VJ arch 1, 1906, at Savona, N. Y.; married wfil°rch 28, 1861, to }antes Delos, son of James and Caroline Narcs, horn July 6, 1842, at Geneva, N. Y.; died October, 1919, · James was Chief of Police of Corning, N. Y., for several years. Child of 1-Iuldah and James Narcs: i. NJo:1.1.m CAROJ.JNr~. h~m1 Jan. 12, 1872, at \Vatkins. N. Y.; married BURRITT FAMILY 125

first Det·. Ii, 1891, at Corning, N. Y., to \Vard Edward, son of Otis and Sarah Richards, horn Sept. 30, 1868, at Nelson, Pa.; died ~lard1 11, 1896; married second Aug. 12, 1900, at Honeoye Falls, N. Y., to Floyd \Vyman Ayres, horn ~lay 21, 1872, at 1-limrods. N. Y. Nellie had one child by her first husband, Roland \Varel, horn July ,1, 1893, at Corning, N. Y.* Farmers and operators of riding academy at Painted Post, N. Y. *Roland married Dec. 2, l 9~B. at Ontario, Canada, ~lahel Cath- erine, daughter of John \V. and Caroline Huchnergard. 177 ROSELIA EUNICE, (Sylvester 96) born April 26, 1854, at Parma, N. Y.: died :May 11, 192i; married Feb. 8, 1874, to Frank \V. Rowley, son of Samuel and EJh~aheth (Davis) Rowley. He was horn at Greece, N. Y., Oct. 21,, 1852; died at I-Iil­ ton, Dec. l, 1914. The Rowleys bought a• portion of her father's farm where they lived until 1903 when they built a home in the village of Hilton and tnoved there. They were active members of the church and for many years members of the Parma Grange of which Roselia served as secretary several terms. She was also secretary of the organization of the descendants of Giles Burritt; corresponded with tnany other branches of the family and began the record which now covers all the Giles branch of the fatnily. T'hc excellent records which she began inspired others to carry on after her. Children of Roselia Eunice and Frank Rowley: i. .l\111.0 FRANK Row1.1w, horn Aug. 12, 1879; married first Oct. 8, t 902, Edith Rose Hnwes, of Burwell, Camhriclge, Eng., born Oct. 26, 1880; died Hiltou, April 16, 1911. Child: Stella l\lay, horn Dec. 1906; married at Huntington, \V. Va., May 31, 1929, to \Valtcr Sumpter and had Salty Burritt Sumpter, horn Sept. 19, 1936, at Huntington \V. Va. l\lito Rowley married a second time Sept. 2, 1912, l\latie Mott, daughter of Charles and Fanny l\fott of Hilton. She was horn at Hamlin, N. Y. in 1882. ii. TRUE ~111.ToN Rowu:v, horn Dec. 28, 1884, at Parma, N. Y.: married Nov. 6, 1904, at Greece, N. Y., Carrie, daughter of John and Nettie Bridgeman, of North Greece, horn Nov. 6, 1883. True is an automohile dealer and operates n garage in Hilton. He is also clerk of the town of Parma. Children: ( 1) Harold True, horn l\Jny 1, 1904; married at Huntington, \V. Va., Feb. 6, 1931. Elizabeth, daughter of \Villiam A. and Mar­ garet (O'Brien) Cutts, horn Dec. 5, 1906, at Huntington, \V. Va., nncl had \Viltinm True, horn Jan. 2, 1935. (2) Millard Bur­ ritt, h,,rn Dec. 22, 1909; married at Hilton Sept. J, 1934, l\farian 126 BURRITT FAMILY

A., daughter of \Villiam V. and Georgianna (Elliott) Newcomh, horn April 3, 1911. (.3) Helen Janet, horn June 12, 1912 i mar­ ried at Hilton, Aug. 15, 193.3, Russell C. \Vhite, son of Archer and Emma C. \Vhite of Rochester, N. Y., and had Janet Row­ ley \Vhite, horn March 29, 19.39. True 1\1. Rowley and family make their home in Hilton. · iii. ANNA RosAI.IA, horn Sept. 28, 1886, in Parma, N. Y. i married Nov. 28, 1906, at Hilton, Fay C. Bagley, son of Henry and Ella l\lottl Bagley of Grccl~e, N. Y., horn Dec. 17, 1882, and had: Rosella 1\1., horn Aug. 8, 1910, at Hilton. The Bagleys are farmers and active memhers of the Baptist Churd1 of Hilton. Rosella Bagley is a teacher and singer and has spent time in European travel.

178 NE\VTON S., (Sylvester 96) horn Feb. 25, 1860, at Parma, N. Y.; died at Spencerport, N. Y., July 14, 1928; tnarriecl (first) Jan. 17, 1883, Etola Clark, daughter of Jacob and 1\1 art ha B. Clark, born Oct. 14, 1858; died Nov. 5, 1917; he tnarried a second time Jan. 10, 1920, Bc.~ssie Nichols, daughter of John and Oleva Nichols, horn at Spencerport, N. Y. Newton was a farmer, first on the Burritt road ad­ joining his uncle Stephen's farm, later on his first wife's farn1 near Spencerport. No children.

179 LORETTA, (Sylvester 96) horn l\'fay 15, 1865, in Parma: tnarried Jan. 12, 1887, William Vv. vVilliams, l\1f. D., son of Benjamin and l\1ariette (Barber) Williams of \Vatcrport, N. Y. Fie was horn at Waterport Oct. 6, 1853; died at I-Iil­ ton, Oct. 19, 1919. Dr. \Villiams practiced medicine and surgery in and around I-Jilton for more than thirty-five years, much of the tin1e before the days of improved roads. He wore himself out in the service of the comn1unity where he was relied upon and esteemed by all. I-Te acquired mnny farms which he managed in connection with his extensive practice. Loretta was ever his faithful aide and abettor. Like her sister she has been and is grcatlv intercr;tecl in the descendants of her grandfather Giles and Ut>on her Ri~tcr's death she took over and added to the fatnily records. I-I er aid in compiling this record has hecn invaluahlc, i\tf ore or less confined to her home in later vears, her wide acquaint­ ance, keen personal interc~t and cheerful helpfulness, hnvc BURRITT FAMILY 127

Eighth Generation made her hotne a 111ecca for hundreds of old friends whon1 she and the doctor have helped. Children of Loretta B. and \Villiam vV. \1/illiams: i. CHESTER BURRITT, born Bilton, July 30_. 1891 ; married first Oct. 20, 1913, L. Madelyn Simpson; second Feb. 26, 1926 to Dorothy R. Hickey of Rochester N. Y. A world war veteran, having served in the war as aviator in the U. S. A. He is assistant manager of the Rochester airport. No children. ii. RUTH LoRi-:TTA, horn ~lay 12, 1894, at Hilton; married in 1925 at New York City, James V. Ricci, of New York, son of Ansc­ lcmo and Andelcnc ( de Silvestri) Ricci, born Scopati, Italy, in 1891, and coming to this country with his parents when a child. Ruth is a trained nurse as wc11 as a skilled X-ray operator. She was for two years before her marriage instructor of nurses at the \Voman's Hospital in New York JCity, while studying at Columbia University. In 1935 she wen: to Naples and on to Ethiopia with n complete hospital unit which the Italian people of New York City donated. She served on an Italian Hospital Ship along the Ethiopian coast. She was with the first contin­ gent of the Italian army to enter Addis Ababa, as a news re­ porter. She holds several Italian medals and decorations in recognition of her services. In June, 1938, she again went to Europe, landing at Gibraltar with an especially built automobile. She drove 10,000 miles in Spain during the war in that country, again as a news reporter. Then crossing into Africa, she drove Across Spanish and Frend1 l\l orocco, Algeria and Tunesia, to Libya and Egypt. Thence she shipped her car to l\lassua and in the next five months drove 13,000 mites in Abyssinia, tor.ching the Blue Nile, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, Kenya, SuJan, British and French Somalia. Back to Italy in 1939, she visit,!d Germany and Albania. Ruth remained in Italy until that conn­ try entered \Vorld \Var 11, when unable to get home sh<' took up Red Cross work. She has had a rich experience in the old world in revolution nnd has made a fine camera record of rm almost unexampled trip. Dr. Ricci is a graduate of Browtt, Har\'ard and Columbia Uni\'ersities, aml at present is director of gynecology and obstetrics at three of the leading New York City hospitals. He was captain in English Army l\lcclical Corps

airy. Their occupation was farming and Emeline was a school teacher. She must ha\'e been possessed of the pioneer spirit of her grandfather (;iles. \Vith her husband she migrated to l\1lich­ igan soon after the war and it was here that her children were horn. Left with this fatnily and a farm by her hus­ band's death just after her last child was born, she success­ fully reared ti1e fa111ily and operated the farm. Children of Emeline 'T'aber and Lyman S. Talmage: 295. i. l\lH.TON s., born Jan. 4, 1868. 296. ii. FRtm D., horn April 3, 1870. iii. CLARA E., born Lmnpcer, Mkh., No\'. 21, 1872; married first l\lard1 26, 1908, Edward Fosdick, a retired farmer of Dryden, l\lk-h. lie was a l\lason ancl she a member of the Eastern Star. She married serond, l\larch 16, 19.~9. Elmer \Vitliamson of Pontiat·, also a retired farmer. 297. iY. Nm.1.m A., horn July 27, 1875. 298. v. RosA E., horn June 5, 1877. 299. vi. JonN I., horn Aug. 5, 1879. \'ii. 1-IARVII\' L., horn Attica, l\lkh., Dec. 24, 1881 ; married first Sept. 29, 1909, Frankie Emma Gatloway; horn Jan. 15, 1886, at Pon­ tiac; died Detroit, ~I ich. He married second, Lorraine Clark; third, l\largie Shafer. Harvey was a lmrbcr. 300. ,·iii. l\Lu: E., horn l\lurd1 19, 1884.

181 HENRY GALUSHA, (John and Elizabeth Burritt Ta­ ber 97) born at I-lan11in, N. Y ., !\·J arch 6, 1848; died at I-lil­ t on, July 24, 1920; 111arried Nov. 24, 1870, !\1lary J., daughter of George and Eliza Smith, born June 16, 1852; died !\'1arch 5, 1836. Galusha, as he was called, was a life long far111er on the Burritt road about a 111ilc frotn his grand fa thcr's hotnestcad, Of his children, Elizabeth was born at :Hamlin and the others on the home farn1. Children of Henry Galusha and 1\tl ary J. Taber: 301. i. Er.IZAIH<:TII, horn Oct. 28, 1871. · ii. CHARI.Es, horn June 16, 1873; married Aug. 29, 1916, Mary A., daughter of Volorcs and Almina Ellinwood, of North Rose, N. Y., horn June 8, 1888. No children. 302. iii. FAHY C., l>orn l\farrh 6, 1876 . . 303. iv. MAJo: A., hom Dec. 28, 1877. 304. v. Ros,~ A., horn April 18, 1880. 30~. vi. B1mT S., horn April 16, 1882. 306. vii. FosTim G., horn June 24, 1884. B U R R I T T F A !\1 I L Y

307. viii. Jou N D., born June 18, 1886. ,l0R ix. li~ssm :\I., horn l'\larf.'h 18, 1889. x. j;RANCEI.JA ~I., horn June 20, 1891 ; married Aug. 20, 1929, Elton Beverly Holden, son of Seth ancl J-1. Frann·s Holden, horn Nov. 9, 1879. After finishing high school Francclia graduated from ~J echanil's Institute in Rochester. They arc farmers and active members of 1-1 ilton l'\lcthodist Church. No children. ( See 251).

182 DELNO C., (Stephen D. 98) born Aug. 5, 184i, at Parma; died there April 4, 1915; married Nov. 14, 1R72, Adelaide, daughter of Dexter and l\1iranda Amidon; horn Dec. 22, 1849, at Clarkson, N. Y. Like his grandfather and father he­ f ore him he was a life long and respected farmer. His farm on the Burritt road a half mile west of the old homestead is now owned and operated by his daught1e·: :and son-in-law and is still known for its clean thrifty appearance. Children: i. FRANK LAVJrnNE, born Aug. 31, 1877; died April 19, 1903; mar­ ried Jan. 14, 1903, ~lary, daughter of Bert and Nellie Randall; horn Sept. l'\larch 14, 1881. (Sec No .•,02). No. children. ii. Josrn L., horn June 16, 1880; married l\larch 18, 1903, Edward C., son of Julian and Anna Guyett, of Kendall, N. Y. Farmers at Hilton N. \'., and have l\lilclrecl J., horn Sept. 10, 1910.

183 \,VILLJAl\1 S., (Stephen D. 98) born ,it Parma, N. Y., June 11, 1851; died Nov. 11, 1920; married Nov. 14, 1872, Sarah D. Ciarlock, daughter of Elisha and Lucy Garlock. She was born at tircccc, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1852, and died Sept. 2, 1924. "\\Tillie," as he was familiarly known, was a life long fanner and respected citizen on a farm across the road from the farm where he was born. 1-lis father helped to set him up in business as he did his brothers. In later life \Villian1 was very active as a leader in his local Grange, Parma No. 328. Active and jolly he was liked and respected hy all. Children: i. F1~RNJ.<: L., born June 8, 1876; died Mnrrh 31, 1930; married June 23, 1896, Orange A., son of )nl·ob ancl Viola Green, of Patchins­ vitlc, N. Y., nnd had Violet Burritt, born l\farrh 6, 1897. Orange A. Green is n druggist at 1-1 ilton and Violet is associated with him in this business. ii. l\T AJmr. L., horn July 30, 1886, tt Hilton; married Nov, 4, 1909, 130 BURRITT FAMILY

L.11ther B., son of George \Vinship, of Hamlin, N. Y. They had: George \Villiam, horn July 4, 1913; and Robert, horn Dec. 27, 1917. lhme is at 218 \Vashington St., Geneva, N. Y. Luther is a bookkeeper and auditor. 184 :MARY LAVINA, (Stephen D. 98) horn Sept. 20, 1855; died July 6, 1925; married Nov. 24, 1875, to Adelbert I-I., son of \Villia111 T. Filer of Laurens, N. Y. He was horn .March 20, 1854; died Jan. 30, 1908. He was a watch maker and jcw­ 'eler. In the house in the village of I-I ii ton which her father helped her to acquire, she lived quietly, a good neighhor and active in church work. No children. 185 FRANK 1\1I., (Stephen D. 98) born Parma, N. Y., Jan. 24, 1859; died there Aug. 16, 1927; 1narried Dec. 17, 1878, ~1ary Elmina, daughter of James and Sarah Welch, horn Sept. 4, 1858, at Parnrn Center. A life long and respected farmer living on a farm adjoin­ ing the home farm on the south. Children: i. ~hNNrn lsAu1-:1., horn June 26, 1880; died April 17, 19.38; mar­ ried Dec. 24, 1900, Cornelius J ., son of Cornelius and Sarah Vandcrheck; horn at Parma Center, July 25, 1876. Children: ( 1 ) Ethelwyn Irene, horn April .3, 1903; died April 15, 1926. (2) Avis ~lnrion, horn Aug. 6, 1905, at Greece, N. Y.; married July 11, 1928, George, son of Frank Blair of Hilton. (,3) Frederick Cornelius, horn March 14, 1913. ii. SARAH LAVINA, horn Dec. 19, 1881; married March 26, 1912, Charles, son of George and .Margaret Skinner, hotel proprietor, Hilton, N. Y. Child: Charles S. Jr., horn Jnn. 13, 191.t 186 iVIARTI-IA JANE, (Stephen D. 98) born Oct. 19, 1862, at Parma, N. Y.; died at 1-lilton, Jan. 1, 1934; married Dec. 22, 1882, \Villinm D. \Vilkinson, ·born at Springwater, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1856. Lived and reared her family in the hamlet of Parma Cen­ ter in the home her father helped provide. Children of ·:vi art ha Jane and vVi11h m Wilkin~on: i. VrcTOR C. \Vtr.KJNSON. horn Sept. ,l 1884: m,rricd Dct'. 24, 1907, Cora Raxter, dam,hter of Chaunrcy nncl J.aura Luetta Baxter, horn Aug. 2.3, 1887. at Hilto•1, N. Y. Children: (I) BURRITT FAMILY l.ll

Edna Grace, horn June 2.3, 1908. (2) Laura Azclla, horn J:m. 29, 191 l. ( ,3) Harold Baxter, horn Nov. 9, 1913; ( 4) Helen Clairhcllc, horn July 7, 1918. ( 5) l\latic Victoria, horn Jan. 4, 1921 ; diccl Dec ..3, 1924. Victor \Vilkinson is a farmer living at Hilton, N. Y. Edna and Azella graduated from Brot'kport Normal School. ii. Ror.r.A H. \Vrr.KrNSON, horn ~larch 3, 1887, at Greece, N. Y.; married Jan. 22, 1908, Anna 1\1., daughter of Aussie Bennett, horn Jan. 25, 1889, at Hilton. They have one child, Alice 1\fay, horn .May 1, 1909; married April 27, 1935, to Francis, son of Francis and Katherine .McKcnrm. Alice .May has hy this union, Carol Ann, horn Dec. 10, 19.36, and Doris l\lay, l,orn Fch. 18, 1939. Rolla works at Eastman Kodak Co., at Rochester, N. Y. 111. Lo-rTrn 1\Lw \V11,KrNSON, horn June 14, 1891; married July 19, 19.30, to \Vilford \Vright. No children. iv. lh:TIIA LAVINA \Vu.KINSON, horn April 6, 1899; married Sept. 23, 1922, to Ernest W. Alpeter. No children.

187 l\·IAURJCE CHASE, (Stephen D. 98) horn Feb. 4, 1883, at 1-Iilton, N. Y.; married Aug. 9, 1911, to Estella l'vlay, daughter of Gilbert N. and \,V ealthy Buell of Bergen, N. Y.; horn Fch. 2, 1879. After finishing his preparatory training hegun at the H ii­ ton High school, at Gcrwsee \\T eslcyan Seminary at Lima in 1902, l\1'auricc secured his college education at Cornell Uni­ versity where he received the degrees of B.S.A. in 1908 and 1\1.S.A. in 1910. 1mmediately after graduation he engaged in farm management field work for the United States De­ partment of Agriculture in the northeastern states for three years. Then for a period of ahout three years he was editor of the New York Trihune Farmer, successor of I-Iorace Greeley's farm page in the New York Tribune. In 1914 he was called to Ithaca, N. Y., as director of Farm Bureaus for the State Colleg·e of Agriculture and the State and Federal Departments of Agriculture. This new agency was d<.!veloping rapidly and during the next few years ~,r au­ rice wns chiefly responsible for organizing and establishing· the New York County Farm Bureau system and County Agricultural and I-Jome Demonstration work in the state. on a sound and permanent lm~is. Ahout 1918 he became Director of Extension at the New York State College of Agriculture, under the newly enacted Smith-I .ever Extcn- 132 llURRITT FAMILY

sion Act, and organized the college extension service on the new and broader basis made necessary hv the war and hv changed economic and social conditio11s. · · Having resigned this position in 1924, he returned to the active personal operation of his home farm at 1-Iihon, where his father had farmed before hin1 from 1845 to 1889. I-Tc continued farming for a period of nearly seven years, during which he also served as Co111ptrollcr of the large N cw York purchasing cooperative, the Grange-League-Federation Ex­ change, a term as President of the New York State 1-Iorti­ cultural Society, and for a time as President of the Rochester National Fan-i1 Loan Association. During this period he was also Chairman of the 1\1 on roe-Orleans Council of Boy Scouts. In 1928 he was designated as a "l\ilaster Fanner" by Atnerican Agriculturist. In 1930 he was appointed a n1e1n her of the New York State Public Service Commission for a ten year term, by Governor Franklin Roosevelt, and reappointed for a second term by Governor Herbert Lehman in 1939. I-le was the first repre­ sentative of farmers and the rural areas to be a n1e111her of the Co1nn1ission. During this period the extension of rural electric lines has more than doubled. 1-Iis office is in the State Office Building, 60 Court Street, Buffalo, N. Y. I-Iis residence is Beechwood Fann, Hilton, N. Y. In 1932 he was called upon to take the presidency of the reorganized State Bank of Hilton, and has continued in that office until January, 1940, when he became chainnan of the board. He is a Trustee of Cornell University, elected by the alun1ni in 1935 and again in 193i. Author of "Apple Growing," in 1912, and of '''T'he County Agent and the Farm Bureau" in 1922. ,vith the assistance of Elton Holden he gathered and compiled the data for this record of the Giles Burritt family. Estella is a graduate of Bt·ockport Nortnal school and studied one term in the Cornell sununer school. She taught in the Hilton High school for several years. In recent years she has given much attention to adult education and has conducted tnany discussion groups for the Home Bureau and other local groups. She is a local leader of the Tubercu­ losis Association and of other social and educational local org-anizations. ll UR R I TT FA ~I [ [. Y 133


DURR ITT FA i\l IL,. 135

Children of :Maurice C. and Estella B. Burritt. 1. J IELEN Ros,u10N1>, horn at New York City, N. Y., July 14, 1912. Educated at Cornell UniYcrsity, ( B.S. l 9.B), Columhia Uni­ Yersity 0,1.S. 19.H), Nursery School teacher in New York City, 1934-1935, in Adelaide, Australia, 1935-1937, and in Nagpur, India, in 1937-1940. At 24 years of age Helen went out to A,•stralia to teach in a priy;ite nursery sd10ol. She remained there ahout a year and a half, traveling in other parts of that country during Yacations. En route home she stopped in India to visit friends. An opportunity offering, she cstahlished her own nursery school in cooperation with l\lrs. Irene l\lott Bose, at Na~pur, where she is now teaching- children of native Indians and English residents. She returned home later in 1937, com­ pleting a trip around the worJd hefore she was 26 years old. She returned to her school in Nagpur in 1938. 11. Sn:PUEX GILBERT, horn at Ithaca, N. Y.J Juhe 8, 1914. Eagle Scout. Educated at Cornell Vnh·ersity ( B.S.A. 1936), and at Harvard School of Business Administration ( B.A. with Dis­ tinction 1938). \\Tith General l\JiJls, Inc., Farm Service Stores, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn. m. MAURICE BuEr.L, born at Ithaca N. Y., June 13, 1920. Eagle Scout. After graduating from Hilton high school, Ivlaurice supplemented his preparation for college with a post graduate course at \V cstern Reserve Academy, Hudson, Ohio.

188 ELLA L., (Thon1as 99) born Sept. 25, 1852, at Hilton, N. Y.; married Dec. 8, 1875, at Hilton, N. Y., to Cyrus, son of Sylvester Fosn1ire, born Aug. 22, 1848, at Hatnlin, N. Y.; died April 5, 1916, at Canandaigua, N. Y. 1\1 r. Fosmire was a dealer in farm produce at Spencerport, N. Y. All three children were born at Hilton. Ella is one of four grand chil­ dren of Giles who were living in 1940. Children of Ella L. and Cyrus Fosmire: 1. BURTON C., horn Aug. 17, 1877, at Hilton, N. Y.; married Mard1 31, 1909, to Myra LaSaJle, horn Oct. 30, 1878 at Rochester, N. Y. Burton is a produce dealer at Spencerport, N. Y. No Children. 309. ii. EowARO P., born Sept. 25, 1879. iii. PEARL .MAE, horn Oct. 14, 1890; died April 26, I 894.

189 AMELIA F., (Tho1nas 99) born Sept. 11, 1854, at Parma, N. Y.; died Oct. 28, 1923, Hamlin. N. Y.; tnarried Dec. 20, 1876, to Justin E., son of Ja111es and Julia Blossotn, born July 23, 1857, at Ha111lin, N. Y. 136 BL' RR ITT FA :\I IL Y

Children of Amelia and Justin E. Blossom: 310. i. ~IYRON EROY, born Dec. 9, 1881. 311. ii. :\L\BEL, horn Aug. 22, 1884. 312. iii. OR.\ C., horn :\larch 2,3, 1887. iY. · C., horn Sept. 21, 1890; died Jan. 10, 1891. 313. "· LEOX.\ H .. horn July 28, 1895.

190 LAiI ONT, (Thomas 99) born Aug. 24, 1856, at I-Iii ton, N. Y.; died Aug. 28, 1936; 1narricd Jan. 30, 1884, to Emma, daughter of Jane and John 1'lcKinney, horn Oct. 1, 1R58. Lamont was a farmer at Hilton, N. Y. Children: 1. ~L\UDE E1.1zABETII, horn Hilton, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1886; married Dec. 22, 1909, to Osrnr, son of George Jr. ancl :\lary Smith, horn Sept. 4, 1884. The Smiths arc farmers at Hilton, N. Y. One child, :\larguerite, horn June 25, 1911; married July 19.35, to \Villiam Lenz, son of Carl Lenz. 11. GRACE Eu:-.A, horn Hilton N. Y., Oct. 5, 1891. Lives (19.39) with her mother at Hilton, N. Y.

191 THOi\fAS FERDINAND, (Th,1mas 99) horn ~vfay 8, 1862; died Oct. 25, 1915; married (first) Nov. 4, 1882, to Etta, daughter of \Villiam ?vie Kinney; horn in 1858 and died Sept. 26, 1889; married a second time in 1891 to Ella Twcn­ tyman of Parma Center, who died seven or eight years after this marriage; married a third time about 1900 to Ella Sad­ den of Rochester. "Ferd," as he was comtnonly known, was an undertaker at Parma Center, N. Y. Children: 314. i. \Vn.UAM Tno'.'.IAS, horn June 21, 1884. ii. ERov D., horn in 1886 and died in Sept. 1889. 315. iii. GERTRUDE, horn Jan. 21. 1888.

192 SEVELJA ORILLA (*Giles Jr. 100) born Sept. 29, 1855, in Greece, N. Y.; died wiay 13, 1936, at Los Angeles, Calif.: 111arried Aug. 29, 1873, at l\1Jeadville, lWo., to Andrew Jack­ son Botts who died wJ ay 10, 1929, at ·Meadville. All children were born at this place.

•Data for this entire family furnished by Adeline P. Botts, of Los Angeles, Calif. B U R R I T T F A l\l I L Y 137

Children of Sevelia and Andrew J. Botts: 316. i. nlARRIET l\Lw, born Dec. 3, 1876. 317. ii. l\lAUD S., horn June 10, 1880. 318. iii. Am:LINE. PRESTON, born Jan. 13, 1884. 319. h·. BERDINE ALMEDA, horn April 27, 1886. Y. l\lANSUR D., horn Dec. 29, 1888; died l\farch 16, 1893. 320. vi. E1.-prn D., horn Oct. 10, 1890. vii. VALENTINE B., born Feb. 14, 1893; died March 23, 1893. 321. viii. GLADYS LJ.:E, horn l\larch 1, 1894.

193 SYLVESTER \VILLIAl\iI, (Giles Jr. 100) born Sept. 29, 1857, at Parma, N. Y.; died Nov. 1, 1924, at Rochester; mar­ ried Emogene \i\Tagncr who was born: 1855; died Oct. 24, 1932. Sylvester was for twenty years a 111e111ber of the Roches­ ter fire departtnent retiring in 1908 with rank of lieutenant. Children: 1. ADRIAN S., born Aug. 11, 1880; died Feb. 6, 1933; married June 29, 1904, Katherine Terressa, daughter of John and Anna Far­ rell, horn March 23, 1880. No children. 11. CLYDE P., horn Aug. 2, 1882; married Emma \Vales. No chil­ dren. Is proprietor of a cigar store in Rochester.

194 ST'EPHEN DAY, (Giles Jr. 100) born July 22,· 1860, at Parma, N. Y.; died July 12, 1938; 111arried Sept. 10, 1884,.at Rochester, Em1na C., daughter of Alfred Horton of Sand Lake who was born at Sand Lake April 28, 1857. After spending his early boyhood at :rvieadville, l\tfo., where his father was living he returned to Panna, N. Y:, and later opened a jewelry store in Rochester, which became one of the largest and best known in western New York and which he continued to operate until his death. One of his avocations for which he became widely known was the selling of horse whips at county fairs. For many years "Steve" tnaintained a standing offer to give a diamond ring to every child born into the Giles Burritt family. These ,vere awarded each year at the family reunion. Child: i. ORA, horn at Rorhester. Oct. 1. 1886: died at Chicago, Nov. 4, 1914: ,,,nrriccl Nov.1.1913 to \Vittiam Shultz. 138 BURRITT FAMILY 195 CI-IARLES PHILLIP, (Giles Jr. 100) born Dec. 17, 1865; died Jan. 10, 1919; married first time Aug. 5, 1882, l'vlargarct, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Denning) Kelly, born Jan. 5, 1863. He married a second time June 1, 1891, Elizabeth, sister of l'vlargaret, born Dec. 28, 1865. Of his children the first only was daughter of the first wife. Children: 1. ESTELLE l\L\UD, horn April 5, 1884; married June ls,·1903, at Rochester, N. Y., to Erle Lawrence, horn l\larch 19, 1882, son of \Villiam H. and Nora (Doud) l\liller of Conesus, N. Y. Their children are: ( 1) Dorothy Elizabeth, born Oct. 17, 1905; married June 29, 1934, to Donald S., son of Frank R. and l\fartha (Kuclps) l\loody, horn Oct. 10, 190-t (2) Donald \Villiam, born Aug. 26, 1907; married Nov. 29, 1934, Mary P., daughter of Ramon and Theresa (Ryam) Lopez, born l\larch 12, 1912. (3) Allison l\largaret, born May 10, 1910; nl.\rried Sept. 10, 1937. to H. L., son of Anton and Alice (\Vood) ()ak­ ley, born Jan. 9, 1909. 322. ii. RAI.. PH ALEXANDER, born l\larch 22, 1892. 323. iii. STEPHEN GILES, born April 26, 1898. 1v. l\lARY JANE, horn April 4. 1903; marircd April .10, 1927. to J. Malcolm, son of John H. and Della (Hutchings) l\kKenny. No children. 196 EDWARD ARTHUR, (Giles Jr. 100) born Dec. 17, 1879, at Rochester, N. Y.; married at Chicago, Ill., July 18, 1903, \Vilahemn1ena Bertha, daughter of Henry and Louise Schultz, born l\1ay 28, 1878. No children. Edward worked for the Standard Oil Co. for 20 vears and is now sales man­ ager for the \Ve"ils Petroleum Co. of Chicago. I--1 e resides at 316 N. Oak Park Ave., Oak Park, 111. 196a CHESTER ALAN, (Giles Jr. 100) born Dec. 8, 1881. at Rochester, N. Y.; married first time Aug. 17. 1907, to Flo­ rence A. Broadway, born July 12, 1881, died January, 1934; married a second tin1e April 13, 1934, to l\1ary Elizabeth l\1cCarty, born Oct. 13, 1910. Chester is a veteran of the Spanish American Vv ar, a 32nd degree lWason and a Shriner. He is a photographer, and proprietor of "1\tlonroe Studio," at 2036 East 14th Place at Tulsa, Okla., where he has lived for 21 years. No children. BURRITT FAMILY 139

197 \i\TILLIAl'vl THOl\1AS, (Willian1 101) born in New Brit­ ain, Conn., 1864; died in \Vaterbury, Conn., 1926; married at Waterbury in 1888, Lizzie Etnma Abbott, who was born at \V aterbury in 1869 and died there in 1936. She was a daughter of Dudley Hiram and l\1 ary l\1[arie (Perkins) Abbott. Their home was in New Britain. Child: .l24. i. E1.111u AnuoTT, horn 1891. 198 , LESLIE ALLISON, (Stephen Brad.ley 103) born Seneca Falls, N. Y., Feb. 30, 1857; married Dec. 4, 1876, Ella Far­ rar Curtis, who was born New York City, Oct. 9, 1857, daughter of Edward Payson (born Burlington, Vt.) and Harriet ( Foggin) Curtis. Child: 1. GRACE VIVIAN, horn Great Bend, Kans., April 18, 1878; married John \\Tilson Logan. 199 CHESTER CRA \\TFORD, (Stephen Bradley 103) born Seneca Falls, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1860; 111arried at Bayonne, N. J., Dec. 15, 1887, Effie Davenport who was born Sept. 20, 1865, in New York City, daughter of Charles Frances (born Stratford, Conn., l\1Iay 5, 1840), and Grace (Quinan) Dav­ enport, who was born New York City 1844. Children: 1. EDNA CRAWFORD, born Bayonne, N. J., Sept. 26, 1888. ii. ~IARGARl-:T KE~tP, born Stratford, Conn., Nov. 3, 1890. iii. Lt~sLm DAVENPORT, horn Bayonne, N. J., April 29, 1900. 200 \VILLIAl'vl WALLACE, (Jonathan Elisha 104) born at lforsehead, N. Y., 1829; 111oved to Illinois with his parents in 1837; served in the Civil \i\Tar in Co. G, 113th Illinois \ 1 ol­ unteers and was atnong those who ran supplies down the ~1ississippi river past nine 111iles of Rebel batteries for the garrison at Vicksburg, in honor for which Congress voted him a "l'v[edal of Honor." After the war he went to Fort \i\T ayne, Ind., and there 140 B U R R I T T F A l\l I L Y

married the widow of Col. John Bass who gave hin1 one son. Other children were by a second 1narriage. . Children: I. LANGDON. 11. JENNIE. Ill, GRACE. I\'. INEZ. \'. R1cnARD. 201 JOHN HARVEY, (Jonathan Elisha 104) born in \¥ill County, Illinois, 1843; n1arried at Salem, Ind., 1880, Hulda Jones, who was horn 1855. · :rvloved to Ainsworth, Neb., and owned a fann there. Children: I. EMMA. 11. ELIZABETH. iii. ANNETTE. 1v. BENJA~IIN H., an attorney at Lincoln, Neb. 202 DR. \,VILLIANI HARVEY, (Dr. Harvey 105) born at Gilead, (now Grand Rapids) Ohio in 1842; died at Toledo, Ohio, July, 1901; married first time, Allie l\'1. ---, who died April 10, 1866, in her 20th year. He tnarried a second tin1e at \iVaterville, Ohio, Julia Elizabeth Reed who was born at Waterville, in 1846, and who died at Chicago, 111., 1 ~ lay 4, 1929. She was a daug·hter of Henry and ---­ (Bachus) Reed. Children: 325. i. \Vn.LIA~t REJm, Imm Aug. 15, 1870. 326. ii. CHART.ES AMOS, born Oct. 9, 1872. iii. A son born 1875, died 1877. iv. JuLIA ANNA, horn Maumee, Ohio, July 22, 1877, died at Chicago, Sept. 26, 1937; married Frank Bloom of Detroit, Mich .. in 1899. He died in 1902 and she married Owen T. Owen, of Toledo, in 1910. Children are: Frances Louise Bloom, horn Toledo, Aug. 18, 1902, and Jane Owen, horn Dec. 4, 1914. Frances L. Bloom married George Griffith of Chicago. 203 GEORGE ALFORD, (Charles 106) horn June 17. 1840, in Cayuga County, N. Y.; died Oct. 23, 1895, at Rockford, Ill.; tnarried Jt1-,1y 11, 1866, Harriet l\ir. Drake, who was horn at Bristol, \Tt., June 5, 1845, and who died at Rockford. T11 .. B U R R I T T F A ~1 I LY I.JI


, , __ . .1ti~~ ., ·' . ' .. ~ " .. ,f .,,,I




:Wiay 6, 1898. Harriet (Drake) Burritt was a daughter of Royal vV. (horn Jan. 23, 1818) and Sophronia E. (Dunshee) Drake, of Bristol, Vt. (She was born Aug. 21, 1821). (See Drake and Parmelee in appendix). Children: 327. i. LEWIS L .. horn Feh. 9, 1868. 11. JESSIE l\L\Y, horn l\lay 4, 1870; died Aug. 1, 19.JO; married Sept. 18, 1906, \Villiam \Vhiting Thayer, who was horn Dec. 4, 1867, at Rockford, Ill. He is a son of Herman (horn Springfield. Vt., Nov. 171 1829; died Rockford, Ill., 1918) and Harriet H. (\Vhiting) Thayer. She was horn at Rockbridge, Vt.. Aug. 6, 18.31 ; died Rockford, Ill., April 1, 1892. 111. NEENAH SOPHRONIA, horn Jan. ,31, 1$72, educated at Rockford High School and Rockford College. After completing her education she began teaching in the county schools and shortly afterwards in the Rockford City schools, continuing until the time of her death, July 9, 1930. She was a successful teacher, a talented musician, a true friend, and led an industrious and happy life, doing much good in the community. 328. iv. Rov \V ALTER, horn March 16, 1875. 329. v. FRANK CLINTON, horn Feh. 26, 1882. 204 RUFUS J--IENRY, (Charles 106) horn in the Town of Ira, Cayuga County, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1842; died at Santa Bar­ bara, Calif., white on a visit to his son Fred E., Feb. 14, 1913. lVIarried at Rockford, Ill.. :May 28, 1868, l\'fary J. Rorebeck, who was born in New York State, lVIarch, 1848; died at Rockford September, l89i. She was a daughter of Edwin Fairchild (born 1821 ; died 1881) and \\: cit ha (\\Thitncy) Rorcbeck (born 1819; died 1869). He married a second time, l\'lary J. ( l\'1cEvoy) Hall, who died about 1918. Rufus Burritt enlisted for service in the Civil \Var Feb. 3, 1864, as a recruit from Owen, \Vinnebago County, in Com­ pany 1\1 of the Eighth Illinois Cavalry and was mustered out of service July 17, 1865. He was n1ustered into Nevious Post No. 1, G. A. R., as a comrade, Oct. 8, 1881, and served as an officer of the guard in 1907. Rufus and ~.Iary Burritt on their 111arriagc settled on their farm in the Town of Owen, near Rockiord, where they con- 144 B U R RI TT FA ~1 I LY

tinued to reside until 1887, moving to the city, where they had built a new home, in that year. 'Their children: 1. LAURA EvA, horn July ,11, 1869; died Oct. 24, 190-t; married at Rockford, June 22, 1892, Alanson Goodnough Steward. who was born at Rockford, Feh. 23. 1867; died Aug. 13, 19.m. He is a son of Alanson (horn Canada, 18.B; died Rockford, 1907) and !\lclinda (\Velter) Steward (horn 1834-, died 1909). Four children were horn to them: Pearl E\'clyn, horn Sept. 30, 1895; married Aug. 18, 1928, Ernest F. Kleinsmith. Clinton Edwin, horn l\fay 24. 1897; died June 1, 1897. Edna Grace, horn Aug. 2, 1898; married Aug. 31, 1929, Erik K. Forsberg. Clarence Burritt, horn April 23, 1903; married Dec. 10, 1925, Hazel Leite Conklin, born Nov. 27, 1906, a daughter of Jay B. and Grace R. ( Hurd) Conklin. They have: Richard Alanson Steward, horn Oct. 3, 1926; Burritt Jay Steward, horn Oct. 5, 1929; and Alyce Leite Steward, horn I\lay 11, 1935. 330. ii. FRED EDWIN, horn !\lay 25, 1871. iii. RENA ALICE, born in the town of Owen, Jan. 16, 1873; married at Rockford, Oct. 18, 1899, Frederic John Cory, who was horn in !\lichigan, April 12, 1873. His parents were John (horn Bel­ fast, Ireland, 1839; died 1898) and Addie B. Cory, (horn Nova Scotia 1845). Child: Burritt Fred, born July, 1902. 331. iv. \VAI.TER Rov, horn Feh. 14, 1875. v. Baby, horn 1876, died in infancy. v1. LETA 11ARY, horn in the town of Owen, Jan. 23, 1880; married at Rockford, Ill., l\lay, 1902, Roy Reynolds Skinner, who was horn in Rockford, Dec. 1878; died at Durand, Ill., Jan. 4, 1924. He was a son of Henry (horn Oneida Co., N. v.: July 1835; died at Rockford, Dec. l 906) and Eleanor (Stockwell) Skin­ ner, (horn Eric Co., Pa., Jan. 1837; died Rm·kford, l\lay 1910). Two children were born to them: Edwin Burritt, born at Rock­ ford, Sept. 3, 1912, and Robert Henry, born at Rockford, Sept. 6, 1914. 332. vii. BERT NoRTON, horn Aug. 29, 1882. 205 D\i\TJGHT NATI-IAN, (Charles 106) born April 10, 1848, in Cayuga County, N. Y.; died at Los Angeles, Calif., in 1914; married Dec. 19, 1876, Clara Reeves who was born at Rockford, IJI., in 1853; died in Los Angeles January, 1924. Dwight N. Burritt received his prelitninary education at Lounsbury Academy in Rockford and graduated from the University of 1\1 ichigan. After graduation he went to Pom­ ona, Calif., as a teacher in the city schools and was for many years principal of the high school in that city. He also B t; R R I TT FA .:\1 I L Y 145

owned and operated an orange ranch in that Yicinity. Shown in ,vho's ,vho in America. 1922-23, as Educator and Agri­ culturist. Children: 3.B. i. DWIGHT KATHAN, horn April 15. 1878. 33-l. ii. FRANK CLYDE, born Nov. 16, 1881. 335. iii. CHARLES CECIL, horn April 2, 1883. 336. iY. OTTO JoIIN HowAnn, born July 19, 188-l. v. CLARA UNA, horn Jan. 19, 1886. 337. vi. LEON LESLIE, hon{ April 1. I 887. 206 CI-IARLES LE,VIS, (Charles 106) iborn \Veedsport, N . ., July 16, 1855; died San Bernardino,iCalif., Dec. 22, 1931; married June 11, 1875, Jessie Louise Fowler, who was born in 1856. He married a second titne, Hannah Janicke, April 2(i, 1891. She was born :March 5, 1871; died at Los Angeles, Calif., July 31, 1939. Charles L. Burritt was a ranch owner in ·california. Child: 1. Ju., l\L\RIAN, horn July 16, 1877. 207 LE,VIS EBEN, (Eben Lewis 108) born in ,veedsport, N. Y., l\'farch 28, 1875; married at ,veedsport, Jan. 1, 1901, Katherine Agnes Elmendorf, who was born at Newburg, N. Y .. April 29, 1875. She is a daughter of John C. (born April 4, 1837) and Hannah (Vines) Eltncndorf (born Utica, N. Y., July 1, 1847, died Aug. 8, 1918). Lewis Eben and Kitty Burritt lived in Buffal0, N. Y., where he was in the United States Customs service. Child: 1. J3gATRJcg FANNY, horn Nov. 11, 1905; married Aug. 7, 1927, John Darwin Pnlmer, who was horn at Lima, Ohio, l\larch 1, 1904. They have two children: Lewis Burritt Palmer, born Geneva, N. Y., June 26, 1930; Joan Darlene Palmer, born Jackson, ~tich., March 14, 1934. Lewis Ehen Burritt died Feb. 8, 1925, and is buried in \Vecdsport, N. Y., hesidc his father and mother. 208 CHARLES l'VIORRIS, (Daniel Austin 110) born Feb. 19, 1870, at \i\Taterbury, Conn.; married 1\,larian Day. 146 B U R R I T T F A ~I I L Y

He is a foreman in the brass factory at \Vatcrhury and a1nateur water color artist. Children: 338. i. RrcHARU D,w, h11rn !\pril 2J, 190-l. 11. EI.IZAHl-:Tll FAIRCII ILD.

209 l\'ES D'ARCY, ( \Villiam Htthhcl 111) married Jessie Carris. Children: 1. RENTS, married Lynn Harter. 3.W. ii. CARRIS. 340. iii. GRANT. 210 ROBERT J., (Calvin \Volcott 112) horn in the Town of Ira, Cayuga County, N. Y., lday 20, 1874; married at Bar­ ker, Niagara County, N. Y., June 18. 1902, Selina I-Ioag, who was born at Barker April 11, 1878. She is a daughter of An­ drew (horn at Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1827; died Aug. 13, 1901) and Hannah (Horsfal1) Hoag- (horn Somerset, Ni­ agara County, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1835; died l\1lay 20, 1914). Robert and Selina Burritt arc living- at Auburn, N. v:, where he is a practicing attorney. Robert came with his parents to Auburn, N. Y., h1 1885, graduated from Auburn High school and entered the law office of Coburn and Hunter of that citv where he retnained for two years. He then attended Unio,1 College Law school and was admitted to the bar in 1899. In 1900 Assistant Dis­ trict Attorney of Cayug·a Countv, and in 1906 elected Dis­ trict Attorney, serving in that office until 1912. He has traveled extensively in this country and in Europe, is a charter member of the Auburn Country Club, n1emher of l\1asonic Lodge and Elks Club. Child: i. Lucv ELIZABETH, l;orn Sept. 25. 1910, at Auburn, educated at Highland Hall. Hollidayshurg. Pa., and Sarah Lawrence Col­ lege, BronxvilJe, N. Y. 1\larried Jan. 28, 19.31 to George 1\-1. Sterling. of Phoeni'(, Ariz. She married a second time, June 22, 1940, Charles P. Armita'{e, son of l\tr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Armitage of Auburn. Charles is a J{raduatc of the University of Pennsylvania., and is employed hy Fid1 Carpet Co. The home is in Auburn. ll UR RITT FA 1\1 I I. Y 147 211 GEOR(;E, (George V\Tinslow 114) married Isabel Rock­ well. Children: i. EI>\\' ,\RI> I~. 11. ISAHEL. iii. CI.AIRE, 212 FREDERICK, (Henry Eben l li) 111arried first time,

Emma S. Beasley; 111arried a second I ti111e, Aurora Risert; married a third tin1c, Anna Kelly. Child by first wife: 1. GLADYS, married \\'illiam Clark of Rochester, N. Y .. and had two sons, \Villiam and Edward. Both live in Rochester. 213 LE\iVIS, (George 119) born in Stratford, ::\1farch 21, 1831; died in Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1911; 111arried at lVfonroe, Conn .. Oct. 25, 1858, Cordelia Plumb, who was born at l\'lon­ roe, lVfay 16, 1830, and who died at Stratford June 28, 1914. She was a daughter of \\Taite Plumb. Children: i. IDA JANE, horn in Stratford, l\Iay 17, 1860. 3 n. ii. ARTHUR \V1N1:rn1.n, horn July 15, 1861. 214 EDWIN JOSEPJ-I, (Joseph Curtiss 120) born Sept. 17, 1843: married Sept. 29, 1864, Louisa 1\ilinerva, daughter of John D. \\Teed. He was in the jewelry business. Children: 342. i. Eow1N CHARI.ES, horn April 5, 1886. 215 JOSEPI-1 ATvV ATER, (Joseph Curtiss 120) born June 6, 1876. A jeweler by trade. 216 CHARLES RANDALL, (Charles David 121) born Oct. 8, 1855, at Delaware, Ohio; tnarried Sept. 19, 1883, Etnma Pres her of Ithaca, N. Y. 148 B U R R I TT FA ~I l LY

They arc living at Canestota, N. Y., where he is in the jewelry business. Children: 1. NINA :\Lw, horn ~Inv 2, 1885, at Ithara. 11. EDNA, horn July 26, i88R at Sayre, N. Y. 217 ROBERT, (Robert 122) married Esther De Laney. Children: I. DOROTHEA. 218 ROBERT, (Newell Fletcher 123) born 18i2; died 1930; 111arried l\il ay --- Child: i. HAROLD, who married first Jennie Bedell; second, Florence and had Harold Jr., and l\larjorie. 219 ED\VARD EARLE, (Newell Fletcher 123) born at New Haven, Conn .. l\,f arch 25, 18ii; married New York City, l\tf arch 22, 189i, Edith Alice Benn, who was born in York­ shire, England, August 1, 1878. A daughter of Alfred Roth­ ery Benn (born Yorkshire, England, l\1ay 16, 1855) and Hannah (Gomersol) Benn, who was born in Yorkshire 1\1f ay 26, 1855. Children: 1. MARION, horn Jan. I. 1898; married Sept. 17, 1922, Hugh Alfred Dorian and had: \Vatlarc, July 29, 1923; Paul, Aug. 30, 1926; Harriet, June 5, 1930; Hugh Alfred, Jr., Oct. 12, 1931. ii. 1\111.DRED, horn Nov. 17, 1899; married Jan. 26, 1920, Theodore Nolte and had: Theodore, Dec. 7, 1920. iii. EsTHER V1NcY, horn Jan. 10, 1903. 1v. ANN ~Lw, horn June 12, 1907; married May 26, 1931. Arthur B. \Vitty and had: Sandra Ellen, Sept. 23, 1933; \Vendy Hope, April 4, 1936 . .l43. v. EDWARD EARi. JR., horn Jan. 26, 1910. vi. BARHARA F1.0RENCI<:, horn Oct. 1, 1919, now a student at RttsscJI Sage Cotlege, Troy, N. Y. BURRITT FAl\lILY 149

Ninth Generation 220 c;EOR(~E DUT'Y, (Charles Crandison 124) born April 27, 1863; married Nov. 20, 1890, Dora Valleau. Children: I. MERTON l\lARCUS, horn June 5, 1894. ii. ARNOI.I> KEITH, born April 11, 1898. iii. ~hLDREI> DoROTHY, horn Aug. 18, 190,l

221 ELIHU GUY, (Ira Nichols 128) born July 29, 1872, at Uniondale, Pa.; married Dec. 11, 1895, l\J ary Frances lVIo­ ran, who was born in \Vashington, D. C., April 3, 1874. Daughter of J01111 and Catherine (Fitzpatrick) lVIoran. Children: 1. KATHERINE E1.1ZABRTH, horn Jan. 31, 1897. ii. JANE CARROLi., horn 'June 8, "1898. iii. MARY FRANCES, horn Jan. 3, 1900. 1v. JonN l\loRAN, born Nov. 2, 1901. 222 CLARK CULBERTSON, (Payson 130) born at \Vash­ ington, D. C., July 12, 1885; married at St. Louis, lVIo., Nov. 24, 1915, l\,[ary N estnith, who was born at St. Louis, l\1larch 6, 1895. She is a daughter of Charles H. (born at Athens, Ohio, July 26, 1867; tnarried April 23, 1890) and l\1Iaggie lVI. (Echols) Nesmith (born at l\1IcLeansboro, Ill., Feb. 12, 1873). Clark C. and l\1[ary Burritt are living in \Vashington, D. C., where he is in the Government employ. They have no children. 223 l)R. CHARLES HURLBURT, ( Alden 138) born at ~[aitland, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 15, 1864; 111arried at l\1itch­ ell, Canada, Jan. 10, 1893, ·l\,fary Davis who was born at l\1itchell, Oct. 2, 1886. She was a daughter of John Evans Davis who was born in \Vales and who died in l\fltchel1, Canada, in November, 1893, and his wife, Jane Forsyth \Vil­ kinson Davis who was born in Kilkenny, Ireland. No children. Dr. Burritt practiced medicine in lWitchell, Canada, until 1938 when he moved to Claremont, Calif., U. S. A. 150 BURRITT FAMILY 224 KENNETH BOYD, (John Dulmage 139) horn at Brooksville, Fla., Oct. 4, 1896: married at 'fatnpa, Fla., June t. 1921. Rebecca Harvey Knight, daughter of Thotnas Gar­ ret Knight of \Villia111sburg, \'a., and his wife Enuna (\Vil­ liams) Knight who was of , Ala. Kenneth Burritt moved to 1\1 iami Beach, Fla., where he is in the general insurance busir.ess. H c resides at 11 S First Terrace, Rivo 1stand, 1\1 ia111i Beach. A daughter: 1. KA\' \V11.1.1,u1s BURRITT, horn Aug. 31, 1925, in l\liami. 225 ED1\1UND FOSTER, (Alexander 142) born at Ottawa, Canada, l\1ay 30, 1867; tnarried at Ottawa June 15, 1901, Helen Caroline Sn1ith, who was born at Peterborough, Ont., July 1, 1871. She is a daughter of Alexander (horn Scot­ land) and Elizabeth Roger (Hatt) Smith (horn Peterbor­ ough, Ont.) Edmund Foster Burritt was educated at the Coltegiate In­ stitute; graduated fron1 Osgoode Hall in 1894. He is bar­ rister-at-law, 1ne1nber of the firm of Burritt & Burritt, with offices at Trusts Bldg., and resides at 243 Augusta St., Ot­ tawa. l\tlember of Rideau Club and Royal Ottawn Cluh. Children: L ALEXANDIIR FosTER, horn l\larch 10, 1903. 11. ELsrn MARION, horn Sept. 2, 1905; married P. G. Vokins, and has one son, Peter B. iii. J1-:AN ELIZABETH, horn Jan. 11, 1907; married John A, Creasor, ancl has John B. ancl Alexander David. 226 CHARLES ARTHUR, (Horatio Charles, l\L D., 144) born Oct. 25, 1865: 111arried l\!lary Austin; lived at Denver, Colo. Children: 344. i. NoRMN, AusTIN. ii. HELEN MARGARET, horn Oct. 16, 1897; married Stewart Cuth­ bertson, horn Jan. 28, 1894, and had: Margaret Renee, l\fary Burritt, Jeanne ?\fay. iii. MARIE GmtTRUDE, married Horatio \1/riJ?ht and had:· Gwendolyn· Louise, Horace ~t ekhor, and Eleanor Marie. BUR R I TT FA ~I I L \' 151 227 FREDERICK Vv'ALTER, (Horatio Charles, 1\1. D. 144) born 18i0: married first tin1e, Ethel Horrocks; married a second time, Hilda Rowan. Children: 1. DoROTHY, married John Janney and had: Horatio Burritt, born 1918. ii. Ar.1cA, married Ralph Anspach, and had Jane. 228 CLARENCE JAlVI ES, (I-foratio Cliarlcs 144) born 1874; married Eleanor Ryley. Children: i. GLADYS MARIAN, horn 1907. ii. ALAN GEORGE, horn 1914. 229 . HORACE \VELLESLEY, (Horatio Charles 144) born at Toronto, Canada, Sept. 1, 1883; n1arried at Toronto, Jan. 24, 1912, I~bel :i'vlay Grindlay who was born at Toronto 1886, a daughter of \i\Tillia1n H. (born Scotland, died Tor­ onto 1899) and Alice l\J. Grindlay, who was born in l\1on­ treal and died in Toronto in 1931. Children: i. JonN GRINDLAY, born Oct. 1912. ii. HERIJERT CHARLES, born l\lay 1915. iii. l\lARGARET EDITH, born Nov. 1919. 230 DR. GUY LLE\VELL YN, (lVfarquis F. 147) born at H inesburgh, Vt., Sept. 15, 1868; married first time, Clara C. Landon of Hinesburgh: married a second time, Sept. 6, 1906, l\1abelle R. Grace, who was born at Harrington, .l\rfe., Nov. 24, 1884. He is a practicing physician at Harrington, :rvie. Children: i. V1rnA V., horn April 18, 1896. ii. LANDON F., horn Fch. 14, 1900. 231 NELSON A., (Oscar C. 148) born l\1fay 14, 1857; died 1923; 1narried Oct. 2i, 1880, Julia F. Bushnell. Child: 1. Hm.ENH, horn Feb. 10, 1893. 152 B U R R 1 T T FA ~I I L Y 232 OSCAR C. JR., (Oscar C. 148) born July 24, 1863; died l\ilay 13, 1899; 1narried first time, April 25, 1889, Dora Sad­ ler; 111arried a second time, Nov. 11, 1897, ?vfay Allen. Children: 1. Nt-:LSON, born Jan. 14, 1892. ii. RUTH, daughter of second wife. 233 BER'f L., (Oscar C. 148) born Nov. 18, 1866; died June 1939; tnarried Sept. 17, 1895, Helen Grace Lansing. No issue. 234 \VILLIAlW G., ( Oscar C. 148) born July 8, 1872; married Feb. 2, 1898, Anna A. Peckham. Child: 1. RUTH, 235 LE GRAND B., (Oscar C. 148) born Nov. 8, 1875; mar­ ried June 29, 1899, Ada D. Harrison. Children: i. Lot.A MAY, horn July 25, 1900. ii. BEssrn JUNE, horn ·June t6, 1904; married July 21, 1928, Anton l\l. Hansen and had: June, horn Dec. 7, 1931; and Karen M., horn Aug. 31, 1935: died April 28, 1937. LeGrand B. Burritt and his family live at North Troy, N. Y. 236 WALTER EVERETT, (Leverett Shcr111an 149) horn at Fenton, Ill., l\ifarch 12, 1870; 1narried June 6, 1906, Lena Barbara Irion, who was born in Illinois Oct. 1. 1883. Walter E. Burritt for tnany years owned and operated a large fann in the vicinity of 1'1orrison, Ill. Later he tnoved to that city and was elected to various county offices, among them county clerk and recorder and was finally chosen mayor of l'vf orrison. He is now living in a fine home in that city. Children: i. FR.\NCES ELIZABETH, hun fan. 2. 1908. ii. DORIS ELOISE, horn l\f arch 3, 1911. Doris is a teacher of English and Languages in a neighboring high school. B UR R I TT FA ~I I L Y 153 237 GEORGE I-I., (George A. 150) horn I-lincsburgh, Vt., Sept. 1, 18il; married Charlotte, Vt., Oct. 3, 1894, Fannie 0. Env, who was horn Charlotte, Vt., Nov. 20, 1866, daugh­ ter of }Hartin and l\1lary (Ball) Env. Live in Burlington, \Tt. Daughter: i. LII.J.1AN E., horn Hincslmrgh, Oct. 11, 1897. 238 l\tIANLEY DE LA \rERGNE, (Sr.rah Elizabeth 152) horn July 1, 1853; died July 20, 1885, hgcd 32 years; married to l\,[ary, daughter of Jake and Julia 1-lendershot, born in 1850. They lived in the town of Hamlin on what was known as the ,vinship farm. No children. 239 FANNIE A. DE LA VERGNE, (Sarah Elizabeth 152) born Aug. 21, 1854, at Albion, l\tlich.; died Sept. 7, 1938; married ~1f arch 19. 1873, to Edwin A .. son of Harn· and Al­ mira Dauchey Northrup. born Oct. 2, 1847, at Far;nersville, N. Y.; died ·I\if ay 29, 1918. They went to housekeeping near the town of Hatnlin. About two years later they bought the west farm of R. B. \,V ood on the German Church road, east of the North Star school house. Land was high and the sixty acres cost them $5,000.00, hut the house stood on a hill with two big horse chestnut trees, and made a pleasant home. The land was good and the young couple, filled with ambition, thrift and hard work, wiped out the mortgage five years after they moved to the place. and their only child, a son was born, hut they brought up Elizabeth, the youngest child of rvr elville and l'vlinnie L. DeLa \T ergne. In 1\tf arch, 1906, they moved to the village of I-Iilton where they bought a home and lived until Edwin's death in 1918. Failing eye sight made Fanny dependent in her last years, in contrast to her former, vigor­ ous years. Children of Fannie E. and Edwin A. Northrup: 345. i. l\lvRoN L., horn April 5, 1884. ii. Er.1ZABETH (by adoption No. 241 ), horn Feh. 20, 1895. (See l\l cl ville). 154 B U R R I T T F A ~I I L Y


241 l\tlELVILLE A. DE LA VERGNE, (Sarah Elizabeth 152) born Aug. 8, 1858, at Albion, ~tfich.; died April 29, 1937, at Geneseo, N. Y.; married first time, lan. 18, 1888, to 1\fln­ nie, daughter of Charles and ~1ary i~a1nb; born Aug. 12, 1862, at Covington, N. Y.; died ~1arch, 1897: married a sec­ ond time, Oct. 28, 1903, at '''adsworth, N. Y., to Grace A., daughter of l\tl yron H. and rvt ary I-I. Boyd, horn l\1 ay 23, 1872. 'T'here were ten children ( five each wife) all born at Covington, N. Y. After the fa111ily returned from Michigan, 1\;f elville lived with his grandfather Burritt at the old Burritt ho111estcad, until his father returned after the Civil \Var, when he went to live \ivith his fa1nily on the James Curtis farm, northwest of I-Iilton. In the little cobblestone church at Bartlett's Cor­ ners he joined the neighbor boys and girls for singing school and church 0:1 Sunday. At the death of his tnother in 1888 H U R R I TT F A i\l I L Y 15; he moved to \Vyoming County, taking his father with hin and took up ,arming there on a farm owned by Thankfu Collatner Burritt. Herc he 1nct ?viinnie Lamh, the daughte1 of Charles Lamh, who nt the close of the Civil \Var took ur a grant of )and from the government. "fhey were marriecl Jan. 18, 1888. Tragedy struck the family about a year aftet the birth of their fifth child, Elizabeth. 1\1Iinnic developed

consu111ption and in spite of her great determination to live1 saying, "she could not die and leave her babies," she passed :1wav in 1\Jarch, 1897. • l\,J.elvi)]e was a wise and loving fa!he~· and for seven years he mothered the little brood of four. T'hen in 1903 he mar­ ried again. This time the taJl dark haired daughter, the eldest of Rev. Holly Boyd's nine children. \Vhatever her private 111isgivings may have been, no one ever learned what she felt in acquiring a family of four along with a husband. After this marriage, lVf e)ville with his fa111iJy moved to the Lamb hon1estead. Here four daughters and a son were born. \\Then they were old enough, 1\1ell felt it advisable to be nearer a good school, and selling the fann to his son Judd, the fatnily moved to Geneseo, N. Y. l\1ell found in his sec­ ond wife a real helpmate and a fine mother for his older chil­ dren. Her gentle manner and unselfishness made life very pleasant for the family. Her children developd much of her fine character. Failing health ·kept 1\1ell from active duties in his last years and he passed away at seventy-nine. This is the IHe story of a man who had run a good race. He left behind, not vast riches, but a fortune in pleasant memodes. Children of l\1elville and 1\1innic DeLa \Tergne: 351. i. Cc.u:ToN l\IANLY, born Nov. 22, 1888. 352. ii. .M AUDI~ ELEANOR, horn Nov. 30, 1889. 353. iii. VERA l\Lw, horn July 14, 1891. 354. h·. Juno H., horn l\larch 15, 1893. 355. v. 1\1 ARY Et.IZAHl~TH, horn Feb. 20, 1895. ( Adopted hy her Aunt Faninc Northrup No. 239). Children of .i\ilelvillc and (;race B. De La\' crg-ne: 356. vi. \V1NIFREU Louum, horn Sept. 16, 1904 . •157. vii. hh:r.vA F1.oR1rncE, born July 23, 1906. 358. viii. LoVJs Bovn, horn Jan. 9, I 909. 359. ix. HARRrnTTJ.: B., horn July 29, 1911. 360. x. GRACE J-1., born June 20, 1914. 156 Ii UR RITT FA ~I IL Y

242 CARRIE E. DE LA \'ERGNE, (Sarah Elizabeth 152) horn Nov. 20, 1860; died Jan. 4, 1924; married Nov. 12, 1885, to \Vilhur, son of Eliza Ann ( Buss) and Samuel Bacon, horn Dec. I, 1848;died Jan. 10, 1922. Children of Carrie E. and \ Vilhur Bacon: 1. CLARA Bm.t.E, horn June 7, 1888. L'nnmrricd. School teacher, Soh·ay, N. Y. . 361. ii. ~I 11.mum GRACJ<:, horn July 5, 1890. ,162. iii. BoYn \Vu.nun, horn Nov. 16, 1894. iv. V1rnm-rn E1.1s11A, horn Aug. 5, 1899. Unmarried. Farmer at Hilton, N. Y. 363. ,.. V10L1~T E1.11.Amn11, horn April 25, 1901. 364. vi. RonERT D1~.\N, horn Nov. ,1, 1903.

243 OLIN HO\VARD, (l'vlclvillc Cox 154) born \ 1Vcst Swe­ den, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1867; married Aug. 4, 1892 at Rochester, N. Y., to Ahnetta Althea, daughter· of Reuben and Sarah (Chapman) Benton, born I rondec1uoit, N. Y ., June 1, 1869; died Philadelphia, Pa., l\'1arch 28, 1932. l\,[arried a second tin1e in 1939 to Margaret Alexander, daughter of George Dallas and Jennie Coodman Phillips. Olin graduated fro1n the University of Rochester in 1890, and became principal of the high school at Schuylerville, N. Y. Following this he was principal of the high school at :Ma­ lone, N. Y. I-le becatne interested in the education of the blind as a result of his oldest son losing his sight at the age of five. He later becan1c superintendent of the State I nsti­ tution for the Blind located at Batavia, N. Y. Subsequently he became superintendent of the Pennsylvania School for the Blind in O\'crbrook, Philadelphia, Pa., one of the oldest and most progressive institutions in the United States. He was a director of the American Foundation for the Blind, and took an active part in the develop111ent of the recording of literature on records for the blind, known as "Talking Books," which became part of the Circulating Library of Congress. He wrote 111any articles for educational and other journals. The University of Pennsylvania gave hin1 an hon­ orary degree of Doctor of Science. His wife, Altnetta, tnade friends easily and was loved by all. Olin retired fr01n active BURR I TT FA ~I I LY 157


BURRITT FAMILY 159 work in 1937 and has continued to reside in Philadelphia. Children of Olin H. and Almctta A. Burritt: 365. i. HowARI> B1rnT<>N, horn April 27, 189.l .166. ii. RommT \V11.1.1A~t, horn Aug. 7, 1898 . •167. iii. E1>WAR1> HORTON, horn July 2, 1908. 244 \VILLIAl\il .MJLLER (.Melville Cox 154) born Oct. 6, 1869, at Sweden, N. Y.; died Oct. 17, 1932, at Ba]dwinsviHe, N. Y.; married December 27, 1899, at Gaines, N. Y., to Lil­ lian l\,Jary, daughter of l\1lartin Luther and Emily A. Petty Greene, of Carleton, N. Y., born l\1lhy '24, 1873. \Villiam was educated at Chesbrough Seminary, Chili, N. Y. After marriage he continued farming for a time; later with his brother Earl he beca111e joint owner and manager of a department store in LeRoy, N. Y. Subsequently he was the owner and manager of a general store in Fulton, N. Y., and later did contracting work in Onondaga County. Later he lived in Baldwinsville, N. Y., where he died. His wife, Lillian, is a woman of splendid character, loved and re­ spected by her many friends. She resides with her daughter in Baldwinsville, N. Y. Children of \i\'illiain ?vliller, and Lillian Burritt: .168. i. M 11.DRED Lms, born Chili, .i\lonroc Co., N. Y., Dec. 17, 1900. 369. ii. NORMAN \V1L1.1AM, horn LeRoy, Genesee Co., N. Y., l\Iay 4, 1903. 370. iii. EL~rnR OLIN, horn LeRoy, Genesee Co., N. Y., Jan. 6, 1907. 3/1. iv. CI,,\YTON, horn Feb. 18, 1913. 245 1\-IEL\'ILLE El'vlMETT, (l\,Ielville Cox 154) born April 20, 1872, at Franklinville, N. Y.; married August 25, 1897, to i 1Iary Grace, daughter of Gilbert and l\'lary E. T'unbriclge Eggleston, of Rochester, born Dec. 14, 1872. Enunett was graduated from Chesbrough Se1ninary, Chili, N. Y. I-le then became identified with \Vood Harves­ ter Company in Rochester, N. Y., which subsequently was merged with the International Harvester Company. He later moved to Boston and then to St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, continuing all of this time with the International Harvester Company. I-fis wife, Grace, before her 1narriage was with Sihley, Lindsay & Curr, a department store in 1(10 B U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y

Rochester, N. Y. She is a woman of fine character, with many friends. Residence, St. John, N cw Brunswick, Canada. p • Children of lVIelville Enunett and Grace E. Burritt: 1. GLADYS Ec;u:sToN, horn Onchiota. N. Y., Aug. 12, 1900; married l\larch 15, 1922, to Lew E .. son of Edward Henry and Char­ lotte A. Kierstead ~lcrritt, July 27, 1889, at ~loss Glen, New Brunswick, Canada. Gladys, while completing her secondary education, became increasingly interested in music and attended the: Boston Consen·atory of ~lusic. After her parents moved to St. John, New Brunswick, she continued her interest in music and became a teacher of music in private schools of St. John. l-lcr husband maintains a general store and post office at Roth­ say; New Brunswick. Children: Gerald E., born St. John, King Co., New Brunswick. Canada, Sept. 28, 1923. 246 CARRIE LUELLA (l\;felville Cox 154) horn Kcnyon­ ville, N. Y., June 9, 1876. Carrie received her education at Chesbrough Seminary, the high school at .Malone, N. Y., and Cornell University, where she was given the degree of A. B. For a time she worked with her brothers in the general department store at LeRoy, N. Y., and later at Fulton. Subsequently she becan1e a social worker, identified with the N cw York As­ sociation for Improving the Condition of the Poor in New ·York City, which organization, in 1939, was 1nerged with the Con1n1unity Service Society. During these latter years she has resided in Yonkers, N. Y. lJnmarried. 247 BAILEY BARl'ON, (1\1lelville Cox 154) born 11fay 31, 1878, at Parma Center, N. Y.; 111arried 1'1lay 18, 1909, at Rochester, N. Y., to Ruth I-Iogarth, daughter of John and Jennie l\if arkham Dennis, of Lima, N. Y., born Aug. 25, 1879. Bailey Barton received his secondary education at Ches­ brough Seminary, Chili, N. Y., at the 1-lotchkiss school in Lakeville, Conn., and at the high school in lVf alone, N. Y. He received the degree of A. H. from the University of Ro­ chester in 1902, the degree of A. 1\1. from Colu111 hia in 1903. I-le con1pleted his acadc111ic work for the degree of Ph. D. at Coh1111hia and published a thesis on the occupation of col­ lege graduates in 1908. I-I c was assistant secretary of the Sta tc Charities A id Association of N cw York from 1908- ll UR R I TT FA 1\1 I LY 161



1913; secretary of the Committee on Critninal Courts, Char­ ity Organization Society, New York City, from 1911-1913; general director New York Association for I1nproving the Condition of the Poor, 1913-1939. In 1939 he became chair­ man of the Executive Council Community Service Society, New York City. During the war Bailey was appointed cap­ tain of the A111erican Red Cross and organized the Home Service of the An1erican Red Cross in Paris, France, in 1918. For more than twenty years he has been treasurer of the Yonkers Fa111ily Service Society; was treasurer of the East Harlem Nursing I-Iealth Service apd: the Judson I-Iealth Center in New York City. He was, a 111e111ber of the Eco­ nomic Advisory Co111mittee of President Harding's Confer­ ence on Unemploy111ent in 1921; a me111ber of the \Vestches­ ter County Governn1ent Commission in 1923-4; a member of President Hoover's Committee on Child Health and Pro­ tection; a n1e111ber of lVIayor La Guardia's Commission on ·Merging E111ergency Relief with the Departtnent of Public \Velfare in 1939; a member of the A111erican Academy of Political and Social Science, the National Conference of So­ cial \Vork, and of Theta Chi and Phi Beta Kappa fraterni­ ties; chainnan of the Board of Trustees, Baptist Church of the Redee111er, 1939. His wife, Ruth, received her secondary education in the high school of Rochester. Among the very first of the women to graduate fro111 the University of Rochester, where she received an A. B. degree; she graduated with honors and was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. In addition to being a devoted 111other to her children, she has partici­ pated in 111any civic undertakings in Yonkers, and war, at one time president of the metropolitan branch of the alum­ nae of her university. Since his marriage Bailey and Ruth resided continuously at 16 Prospect Drive, Yonkers, N. Y., where all of their children were born. Childr~n: 372. i. Louis,~, horn April 30, 1910. ·. 373. ii. Ar.AN HoGARTH, horn Jan. 5, 1914 . .174. iii. 1-JAzm. HoRTON, horn May 6, 1915. 375. iv. lhn,1w BARTON, JR., horn March 20, 1917. v. Auci-: MARKIIAM, horn Sept. 27, 1919. vi. Ru1'1t D1~NNJS, horn l\f ay 18, 1921. 164 B U R I{ I T T F A 1\1 I L Y

248 EARL H., (lVlelville Cox 154) born July 26, 1881, at Franklinville, N. Y.: married Sept. 17, 1903, to Julia E., daughter of Cassino A. ~nd Ann Jane Forsythe Stuart, of Chili, N. Y ., born Dec. 16, 1879. Earl receh·ed his education at Chesbrough Seminary, Chili, N. Y. \Vith his brother \Villiam he orgariized and be­ came joint owner and manager of a general depart111ent store in LeRoy, N. Y. Both children were born here. He later, for a short titne, did Y. !vl. C. A. work in New York City. He left this to take charge of advertising business of the l\,Jessen­ ger Publishing C0111pany for the 111etropolitan area of New York City, including Long Island and the counties along the Hudson RiYer and northern New Jersey. His wife, Julia, was the daughter of influential fanners in Chili, N. Y., and became a devoted mother of two children and a respected citizen. Residence, 14 Prospect Drive, Yonkers, N. Y. Children: ,l76. i. MERTON E., horn Dec. 5, 1905. 377. ii. Rui-11 S., horn Nov. 22, 1909. 249 l\11IRIA1\T ET'T'A I-IOLDEN (Hannah Frances 155) born l\1lay 22, 1864; died Jan. 8, 1939, at Hilton, N. Y.'; married Dec. 22t 1887, at Parma Center to Charles A. \Villiams, born Feb. 14, 1864, at Greece, N. Y. Day laborer, butcher, gar­ dener and farmer stuns up the business adventures of 1\1I iriam and her husband. l ◄'ortune smiled on their efforts more than the a verag-e. Children of tv[iria111 E. and Charles A. \\Tilliams: i. l\L EvmrnTT, horn Parma Center, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1891; diecl Aug. 4. 1896, at Parma Center. ii. Lut-:1,l,A L., horn Parma Center, N. Y., Aug. 4, 1896. Before she returned home to help her mother in her last years, Lucila was a secretary in the private Columbia Preparatory School in Rol'hestcr. She has also hccn for some years and is now Secre­ tary of the Burritt Family Reunion. Unmarried. iii. ~IYR1'1.I', horn Jan. 1, 1895; married July 23, 1919, at Hilton N. Y., to Francis Coe, son of Fred and Li11ie Coe, Spencerport, N. Y., horn Nov. 3, 1893. l\tr. Coe works in Eastman Kodnk Co. One d1ild: Ruth l\liriam, horn Sept. 29, 1921. iv. ~IJ~RTON, horn Jan. 1, 1896; married Dec. 5, 1918, at Hilton, N. Y., to Gertrude, daughter of James nnd Lauri• l\fcClcllan, horn Dec. 10, 1890. One d1ilcl: Dorothy Catherine, horn April 2, 1920. B UR R I TT FA ~I I LY 165

250 CRACE Al\JELIA I-IOLDEN (Hannah Frances 155) horn at Jlilton. N. Y., Feb. 9, 1871; married on Oct. 15, 1894, to George R. Ingraham, horn Hilton, N. Y., June 1, 1872. Crace, in cooperation with Bailey Burritt organized the first reunion of descendants of Giles and Elizabeth, which was he]d at Genesee Valley Park, Rochester, N: Y., August 17, 1899. George is a graduate nurse, trained in Rochester State hospital. He is a barber by trade. Children of Grace A. and George R. Ingraham: 378. i. 1-IAROJ,n l·l01.n1-:N, h0rn Feh. 9, 1896. 379. ii. ~IAHLON \VEEI>, horn Jan. 10, 1897. 380. iii. VINCENT RICHARD, horn Nov. 28, 1899. 381. iv. PAUi. BURTON, horn Sept. 17, 1901. 382. v. ELIZABETH EDITH, horn Feb. 1, 1904. ,l8J. vi. FRANCES BURRITT, horn ~fay 11. 1906. 38.J. vii. ELTON GEORGE, horn May 19, 1909. viii. JosErH CARLYLE, horn Aug. 9, 1914; died June 26, 19,W. No descendants.

251 ELTON BEVERLEY HOLDEN (I--I. Frances 155) horn Nov. 9, 1879, at Hilton, N. Y.; married, first time, Dec. 23, 1903, to Elizabeth H., daughter of Jacob and Ida Cosman, born Jan. 31. 1882; died Feb. S, 1928, at 1-1 ilton, N. Y.; mar­ ried a second time. Aug. 20, 1929, to Francelia l\,f,, daughter of I--Ienry G. and 1\Tary Taber (No. 181) at Canandaigua, N. Y., born June 20, 1891. Elton has been a life long farmer at Hilton, first on the home farm at the east end of the Burritt Road and later on the farm of his father-in-law where he now resides. I-le is an active member and worker in the I-Iilton l\L E. church and was sent as a lay delegate of his church to the general con­ ference in 1924 ..He is also an active Farm Bureau member, ·and served the l\ifonroe county association as secretary and president, each for two years. He is one of those quiet, effi­ cient and dependable public spirited community workers, who arc so indispcnsible when there is a worth while job to be clone, whether it he church, school, farm bureau or other community enterprise. He has on several occasions shown real talent as a director of local pageants and in decoration and landscaping. One of the Eltons' many interests has been in establishing 166 B U R RI TT FA ~l 1 LY

and 111aintaining a permanent record of the Burritt family. As early as 1902 he was a member of a special family com­ mittee with Earl (248) and Carrie (246) Burritt which later gathered data which has been invaluable basic data in de­ veloping this present story of the family. The work that Elton has done in assisting to bring this record down to date, shows that his interest has not waned. Children of Elton B. and Elizabeth B. I-Ioldcn. 1. RA:\IONA, horn Oct. 19, 1906; married l\lay 5, 1927, to \ViJliam Dean, of Rochester, N. Y. She is an efficient secretary of the Countv Farm llureau. The Deans li\'e in Rochester. No chil­ dren. • 11. KEITH C., horn Fch. 14, 19U. Keith is employed in the Agricul­ tural Consen·ation office and lives in Rochester. 252 ELDON GRANT, (Beverley \Vaugh 156) born Hilton, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1868; died Aug. 26, 192i; married on Aug. 21, 1895, at Rochester, N. Y., to Carrie Amelia 'I'urell, born \\Test \\Tebster, N. Y., Jan. 7, 1870. Eldon was graduated from the A. l\tl. Chesbrough Seminary in 1887. Received de­ gree of A. B. fro111 the University of Rochester in 1891. Frmn the satne institution he received the degree of A. NL and was awarded a Phi Beta Kappa key. For two years he was asso­ ciated with G. Howard Bradstreet in a preparatory school for boys. One year he was a graduate student at the Univer­ sity of Chicago. Fron1 that time on he devoted his life to cause of Christian education in denotninational schools. During his last twenty years he was president of Greenville College, Greenville, Ill. In June, 1927, the board of trustees of the college conferred on him the honorary degrr . of L.L.D. - Carrie 'T'tl!'rell Burritt graduated frotn the Rochester Free Acc1clemy nnd Normal T'raining Class. She taught in the public schools until her marriage. For thirty-two years she shn red her husband's burdens in school life. In recognition of her services the trustees of Greenville college voted to give her name to the woman's building, one of the buildings erected during the Burritt administration. From 1927 to 1939 she was general president of the Woman's ~1issionary1 Society of the Free Methodist church. Child: 385. i. BURTON TR1t1t1<:u,, horn Aug. 24, 1899. ll U R R I T T F A l\l I L Y 167


BURRITT FAMILY 169 253 FRED I-JANFORD, (Beverley \Vaugh 156) born Hil­ ton, N. Y., April 21, 1870; died Oct. 31, 1898; married June 10. 1896, to Helen l'v[arie Bacon, born Albion, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1871. Fred taught school for a number of years. After tnar­ riage engaged with his father in farming on the hotnestead at Burritt's Corners. 'T'hey were among the first in the lo­ cality · to adopt modern, scientific tnethods. Children: 1. ALAN BEVERLY, horn i\lay 2, 1897; married June 11, 1930, to l\largarct Hemsley, daughter of Richard Pleasant and Katie \Vekher ~lcNutt Johnson, of Knoxvitte, Tenn., born Jan. 5, 1902. Alan is a landscape architect with the Tennessee Valley Authority and resides at i\lemphfs Tenn. No children. 11. FREDA HELEN, horn at Hilton N. Y., Aug. 8, 1898; married 1925, to Byron Samuel. son of----and---- Lamson: They have two children: (1) i\lary Virginia, born Nov. 2, 1926, at Riverside, Cat.. and ( 2) Littia:: Burritt, horn Feb. 4, 1933, at Altoclena, Calif. 254 HERBERT l\1l., (Beverley \Vaugh 156) born I-Iilton,· N; Y., Oct. 26, 1872; died Oct. 11, 1917; tnarried on Aug. 30, 1899 at Clarkson, N. Y., to l\'1arion Garrison, born Clarkson, N. Y., ..VI arch 24, 1872; died l\ilarch 13, 1939. Herbert was trained a~ nurse in Rochester State Hospital. La~er he grad­ uated fron1 Buffalo l'dedical School, and opened an office in Kendall, N. Y ., where he enjoyed an extensive practice. He later tnoved to I-Iilton and took over the office of Dr. Car­ penter. Here he practiced until his death. No children. l\1[ario11 Garrison Burritt was tnarried a second time to Charles I-I. Northrup on Feb. 9, 1905, who was born at North Greece, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1865; died I-Iilton, N. Y., lWay 2, 1933. 255 TI-IURLO\iV \\T., (Beverly 156) horn Jan. 7, 1884, at Hilton, N. Y.; married Aug-. 18, 1909, at Parma Center, N. 1r., to 1Vf attd B. Stamp, horn Sept. 29, 1884, at Philadel­ phia, Pa. Thul'low occupied himself at various times as school teacher. salesman· and Kodak worker. 1\1aud, his wife. tauirht school and did practical nursing-. 1939 residence 421 Colttmhia Avenue, Rochester, N. Y. 170 BURRITT FA:MILY

Children of 'fhurlow and lVIaud Sta111p Burritt: 1. EntTII Bt.ANCIIE, horn Jan. 29, 1911, at Hilton, N. Y., married June 28, 19.W, to Roy, son of George and Isahella Burnett, horn Jan. 10, 190-l. 11. BEVERI.Y 1-1 •• horn Oct. 4, 1913, at Hilton, N. Y.; married Aug. 26, 1939, to Dorothy, daughter of Edith 1-1. and Arthur Milter of ~lohnton, Pa., horn Nov. 17, 1912. Beverly graduated from Brockport State Normal School and is now tead1ing. iii. R1c11AR1> S., horn Dec. 29, 1915, at Hilton, N. Y. 256 BION CO1\'I PTON, (l'vlary lSi) horn l\larch 10, 1857, at lWetamora, Lapeer County, .Mich; married first time, Dec. 25, 1886, Flora May, daughter of \Villiam and iv[artha l\'lc­ Camley at Big Rapids, :Mich.; married a second time, July 2. 1909, Jessie Edna, daughter of John \V. and Cornelia Star­ itt of Victoria, Canada. No children of last union. For manv years Ilion worked as a millwright and foreman, first ii1 Everett, \,Vis., and later in \Vashington state where he went in 1902. At 80 years of age he was actively carrying on his farm at Oakville, \i\Tash. Child of Bion and Flora l\ilay C0111pton: 1. FAY LERov, born Big Rapids, l\lich., Aug. 2, 1888; married July 2, 1914, first Violette Grace, daughter of E. J. Clark of Eau Claire, \Vis., horn Sept. 22, 1900; died 1917; second, Sept. 22, 1924, l\largaret, daughter of Jerry and Alice Jones of Elma. No children of this union. Fay LeRoy is an auto mechanic in Elma, \\'ash. Child of Fay LeRoy and Violette Grace Compton: Avu:i-:N, horn Ang. 14, 1915, at Brewster, \Vash. married Nov. 25, 1933, Leonard C., son of Sven and Laura Fo.-d, of l\linne­ apolis, 1\1 inn., at Brewster, \Vash. Children: ( 1) Lorna Eloise, horn Feh. 18, 1935, at Brewster, \Vash. (2) Leonard \Vayne, horn No,·. 3, 1936, at Elma, \Vash. ( 3) Keith Loren, horn April 26, 1938, at Ahcrdeen, \Vash. ··

257 CLARA M. COl'\'lPTON. l1\1arv 157) horn April 1, 1861; married :rvlarch 27, 1883, to John F. 1\1furray of Big Rapids, Mich.; died June 14, 1885, at 1\1uskegon, lVfich. Clara died at the birth of her first child. Child of Clara 1\f. and John F. 'tvf urray: i. Rov MURRAY. horn about 1885: married D('c-. 20. 1906 to Ida M..

quettc Railroad at Grand Rapids. He has sc\'cn children: (I) Thelma, horn June 14, 1908. (2) Stella ~lac, horn Feb. 19, 1910. (,1) Leona, horn Aug. 7, 1912; married Oct. 1, 1928, to Hollancl Edgar Jarvis. They have two children: l\lona \Vin­ chester, horn 1930, and Joseph H., horn 1932. (4) Roy Selkirk, horn l\lay 8, 1913. (5) Harold Renwick, horn July 6, 1915. (6) Betty Jean, horn Aug. U, 1922. (7) Ruth, horn July 24, 1924. 258 CARRIE ?vi. COMPTON, (l\1lary 15i) twin of Clara, horn April l, 1861, Metamora; died April 16, 1919, at Grand Rapids, l\rl ich.; married a third ti111e, Hewitt H. Patterson, a mail carrier. Carrie had been 111arried twice before and had one child by her first husband. Thi~ cliild died young, how­ ever, and there is no living issue of Carrie.

259 ADDJE COl\fPTON, (l\lary 157) born Oct. 13, 1863, at ivletainora, l\1lich.; married Sept. 8, 188i, Judson l\tlarble at Big Rapids, l\tlich.; died Feb. 16, 1930, at Lansing, l'v[ich. \Vidow lives with her daughter, N yda, in L.ansing, l\'1ich. Children of Addie and Judson l\1Iarble: 1. NYDA, horn Big Rapids, l\lich., Jan. 8, 1889; married Judson B. Lane, son of Frr

260 EUCiENE E. COl'\'IPTON, (~'fary 15i) horn Dec. 24, 1866, l\l eta111ora, l\tfich.; married 1\1Iclvina ,v ard April 14, 1899. of Stanwood, l\flch. Farmer in 1\'f etacosta County, 1\11ichiga n. Child: i. l-TAZJU,, horn Tan. 18, 1909: married Lee 1-fol'kctt. of Tonia, 1\rkh. l\fortidnn ~t Tonin where they now tiw. No d1il

264 GI LES PLASS (Elizabeth Sophia 159) born Oct. 12, 1864, in Kent County, ~flch.; married at Erie, Kans., in 1894 to ~1larch Elizabeth, born June 17, 1868, daughter of James C. and Elizabeth I-Iudson, living at \Vallowa, Ore., in 1939. Children of Giles and lVf ary E. Plass: i. Lur.u 1\fAY, horn Dec. 14, 1895; mhrried June 16, 1916, at \Vall­ owa, Ore., to Leonard \V., horn April 28, 1891, son of l\finne and George Evans. Children: ( 1) Marietta L., born March 20, 1917. (2) Robert Leonard, horn Aug. 7, 1921. (3) Lucretia C., horn Aug. 11, 1923. (4) Denny Glenn, born Nov. 27, 1927. 11. JAMES R. B., horn Oct. 30, 1897; married to Edith, daughter of Daniel McKenzie, 1939 address, Bend, Ore. Children: ( 1) Lovena. ( 2) Vernon. iii. CAROLYN ZELMA, born Oct. 12, 1899; married Barney, son of -- and Harriet Corey in Chicago, 1939 address, 7775 S. Shore Drive, Chicago, Ill. Child: 1\lary Corey, born June 20, 1939. 1v. LERov A., horn Jan. 12, 1901; married Dec. 26, 1926, to 1\far­ guerite, daughter of Marie and Ralph Charles Henderson, with Mohawk Oil Co. 1939 address, Kfamath Falls, Ore. Children: ( 1) Patricia, horn Sept. 24, 1927. (2) Robert, born July 3, 1931. (3) Royanna, horn Dec. 16, 1938. v. Gu.Es Gu:NN, horn Sept. 6, 1904; married on ---- to \Vinifred Norris, Redmond, Ore., with Signal Oil Company. Children: ( 1) Sandra Jean, horn Oct. 13, 19.31. (2) Barbara Ann, born April 23, 1938. vi. HERMAN Hm>SON, born .May 20, 1907; married Oct. 13, · 1928, to Grace, daughter of George and Carrie Coleman, born Aug. 26, 1906. Herman is superintendent of \Vallowa Creamery at \Vallowa, Ore. Children: ( 1) Betty Lou, born Jan. 22, 1930. (2) Joe Ann, horn 1\-fay 25, 1932. 265 JOHN BURRITT PLASS, (Elizabeth Sophia 159) horn May 19, 1866; married first time about 1889 Imogene 1-Iin­ son at WaJlowa, Ore.; married a second time Nov. 3, 1901, to Edith, born Dec. 11, 1880, daughter of Charles and Eliza 174 B U I{ R I T T F A M I L '{

I--Iall. John had cig-ht children, three hy his first wife and five hy his second. Children of John B. and I mog-ene Plass: 1. HARRY C., horn New. 25, 1890; married first Pearl Gray in 1909; married second Florence Bickford in 1918. Farmer. No chil­ dren. 1939 address, Silverton, Oregon. ii. ll11..~1,,, horn 14e1>. 17, 1892; 111arriecl to Glc1111, so11 of \\'illia111 Sherod. 1939 address, \Vallowa, Ore. Children: ( 1) Genc­ vic,·e, horn Fch. 2, 1914; married Clifford, son of Henry Key­ ser. 1939 address, Oregon City, Ore. (2) Donna Jean, horn July 22, 1931. iii. RuTH, horn Fch. 7, 1895; married ahont 1914 to Jesse, son of Leigh and Ann Spencer. 1939 address, 2110 Cedar St., LaGradc, Ore. Children: ( 1) St!ln]ey, horn Sept. 29. 1915. (2) Evelyn, horn Dec. 27, 1916. (3) Doris, horn Jan. 7, 1918. Children of John B. and Edith I-f. Plass: 1v. CAR~rnN, horn Sept. 30. 1902: married June 7, 1931, to Harold, son of Frank and Dollie Pierece. Teacher, Cheym•v, \\'ash., Normal School. Child: Harold, Jr .• horn Fch. 21, 1939. ,.. ORVILLE, horn Ang. 13, 190-l; married l\lay 3, 1934, Alma, daugh­ ter of Neal and Dell Baker. Carpenter. 1939 address, Baker, Ore. Children: ( 1) Darlene, horn Oct. 4, 1931. (2) Beverly Ann, horn Sept. 30, 1935; died 1935. ,.,. LEONA, horn Sept. 8, 1906; married Dec. 25, 1926, to Claire, son of George and Eliza Childers. Child: Geraldine, horn July 25, 1930. vii. GR-\NVILLE, (twin) horn Aug. 3, 1911; married in 19.l9 to \Vanda, daughter of Arthur Roach, T.aGrande Normal Sd100I. viii., (twin) horn Aug. 3, 1911. Farmer.

266 BA YARD T. PLASS, (Elizabeth Sophia 159) horn Attg-. 5, 1870, at Putneyville, Penna.; married Dec. 27, l893, to 1\tfargaret. daughter of John and ~1rary Beck Thompson, born in Nebraska; died Dec. 11, 1919. Born in Nebraska, Bayard went to Oregon with his parents when only a sma11 hoy. After marriage he removed to \Vashington where he hccatne a farmer. Now retired ( 1940) he Jives at Black Dia- 111ond, vVash. Children of Bayard and l\tlargarct Plass: .191. i. ~L\RY FRANCl-:S, horn June 3, 1895. 392. ii. 1h:ATR1c1~ N., horn l\larch 19, 1897. 393. iii. ~I YRTU: L., horn Oct. 1, 1898. iv .. }-low ARD G., horn Jan. 29, 1901; died Jan. 21, 1923 (unmarried). BURRITT FAMILY 175

39-l. v. ~L\RGARET P., horn July 29, 1902. 395. vi. H EI.EN, horn April 27, 1904. 396. vii. ELIZABETH B., horn :\lay 21, 1906. 397. viii. KATHERINE, horn Nov. l, 1907. 398. ix. RussELL C., horn Aug. 21, 1910. 267 CELIA :i\lA Y PLASS, ( Elizabeth Sophia 159) horn Oct. 22, 1874; died Jan. 25, 1933; married first time Oct. 29, 1892, to :Martin Luther Fuller, died Oct. 30, 1899; married a sec­ ond time July 10, 1900, to Charles A., son of John C. and Dorothy A. Playle. Children of Celia .Ma .,v and ?vJ art in L. Fuller: 1. CARLYLE GILES, horn Oct. 12, 1893; married Sept. 23, 1917, to Hazel ~fay, horn Dec. 6, 1892,1caughter of Christopher and Belle \Velch. Farmer. 1939 address, Alice!, \\'ash. Child: Claire, horn :\larch 13, 1923. 11. RussELL RAY, horn Dec. 21, 1895; married June 2, 1918, to Lorna Lynette, horn Jan. 8, 1894, daughter of James and Jane :\Toss. Farmer. 1939 address, at Alicel, \\'ash. Child: Richard Ray, born Sept. 14, 1925. 111. Enrm. JUANITA, horn Dec. 6, 1898; married Oct. 22, 1916, to Earl, horn Aug. 8, 1897, son of l\lorris and Evelyn Roscnhaum. 1939 address, 2460 l\lain St., Baker, Ore. Child: Helena l\fay, born Oct. 17, 1917; married Dec. 27, 1936, to Carroll, son of l\lanton Mitchell. 1939 address, Pittshurg, Calif. Child: l\Tan­ ton Earl, horn Sept. 23, 1937. Child of Celia ~1Iay and Charles A. Playle: i\·. Au1n11rn Rov, horn l\Jarch 3, 1901; married Nov. 8, 1925, to Dor­ othy, daughter of Perry and Janet Caldwell. Roy is assistant district manager of Texaeo Oil Co., Seattle. )939 address, 710 Belmont Place, Seattle, \Vash. No children. 268 MARY ELLEN PLASS, (Elizahcth Sophia 159) horn Feb. 24, 1884. in Crawford County, Kans.; died ?\larch 29, 1913; married in 1904 to John Bliss, !:on of Leonidas :1nd Alice McKcnnon. · Child of Mary Ellen and John Bliss 1'vlcKcnnon: i. KrrnNETII, horn ~lay 14, 1905; died 1933. 269 CLAUDE, ((;corge Fred 161) horn lVlarch 6, 1889; mar­ ried July 1, 1916, to Lila, daughter of Anton and Anna An­ derson of Big Rapids, horn Aug. 26, 1896. For some years 176 BURRITT FAMILY

Claude was a mail carrier on rural routes in his hotne com­ munity, and he is still a supply or substitute l'arrier. His real occupation, however, is that of a farmer on the old home farm at Big Rapids, first cleared by his grandfather, and subsequently owned and operated successively by his father and himself, where he carries on as they wished him to do. He has added 80 acres to the old home farm. Claude is the last of the line of \Villian1 to bear the name of Burritt, both of his children being girls. Children of Claude and Lila Burrett: 1. EUGENIA l\lAY, horn Sept. 8, 1918. 11. DORIS A11,Ez, horn Dec. 24, 1920; married July 9, 1938, to M. Regnold, son of Archie and Em l\l itchel. They have one son, Stephen Burrett .l\l itchell, horn in September, 1939. 270 l\,JA Y, ( George Fred 161) born Sept. 27, 1891, at Big Rap­ ids; married ~1lay 11, 1915, to Floyd, son of George and Jen­ nie \Vest, pioneers in Big Rapids, where Floyd is an auto­ n1obile salesman. They have one child, Clyde, born ~1larch 14, 1916. 271 NIN A ELIZABET'I-l S1\1 ITI-I ( l\1latilda 163) born Dec. 26, 1862, at Hilton, N. Y.; died Oct. 2, 1903; 111arricd Jan. 12, 1886, to Elmer Dunbar; born 1864. Eltner was a farm laborer. Children of Nina Elizabeth and Elmer Dunbar: i. \V1Lnua J., born Aug. 10, 1890, at Spencerport, N. Y.; married Nov. 19, 1910, to l\linnic \Vholers, horn June 22, 1886, at \Vil­ liamsvillc, N. Y. \Vilhur earned his living as a day laborer. Child: Harvey, horn Sept. 9, 1905, at \Villiamsville, N. Y.; married to l\largarct Bart. They lh·c in Rochester, N. Y. No children . •199. ii. NETTIE, horn Feb. 11, 1892, at Parma, N. Y. 272 ELl\1ER DEX'TER, (Seeley, Jr. 164) born Jan. 13, 1862, at Parma, N. Y.; married Aug. 19, 1885, at Partna, N. Y., to Francelia, daughter of Samuel Berridge, of Bergen, N. Y., born l'vlay 22, 18(>1. Retired farmer. Resides at Bellevue, Mich. B UR R I TT FA M I L Y 177

Children of Elmer Dexter and Francelia B. Burritt: 400. i. SARAH CORDELL\, born April 20, 1886. 11. Jul.IA AllERH,LA, horn Ne)\'. 8, 1887; died Sept. 24, 1923. School teacher. Unmarried. 401. iii. SEELEY J .. born April 3, 1890. 1v. HAROLD \VJLso:-,;, horn l\lay 14, 1895; died June 8, 1926. 402. ,,. MAURICE B., born Jan. 25, 1897. 403. vi. JA~IES l\L,soN, born July 6, 1905. 273 NETTIE SOPHIA, ( Seeley, Jr. 164) born Oct. 27, 1864, at Parma, N. Y.: married Nov. 19, 1902, at Battle Creek, Mich., to v\Tilson Berridge, horn lVI ay 16, 1868, at Parma, N. Y. Factory ~vorker. 1940 addresr 120 Grenville Street. Battle Creek, 1\1I 1ch. ; , Child of N ettic S. and \Vi Ison Berridge: i. HULDA l\lERILLA, horn April 24, 1903. 274 LU'fHER ,,rrLLJAl\f. (Seeley, Jr. 164) born l\1farch 4, 1869, at Parma Center, N. Y.: died Dec. 21, 193i; married l'Vlarch 2, 1898, at BeJJcvue, l\'1ich., to Lottie Jenks, born Aug. 21, 1867, at Bellevue, l\·1 ich. Store keepe·r at Olivet, lVlich. Children of Luther ,,,. and Lottie Burrett: 404. i. NETTIE FIDE.MA, born Feb. 17, 1900. 405. ii. 1\1 ERIJ,LA GERTRUDE l 'I' . I N 190? 406. iii. l\l \'RTl.l~ GI~NIWJEVE j \\'ll1S, )Ort) ov. 7 • ... 407. iv. ORPHA l .. oDEMA, horn Jan. 1, 1905. v. LUTHER \V1u.1A M, JR:, horn i1ard1 29, 190i. 275 DEXTER C., (Cyrus A. 166) born April 16, 1872, in Hil­ ton, N. Y.; married lVlay 27, 1901, to Fannie F., daughter of John D. and Emma Ade11 Chase Babbitt, at Rochester, N. Y .. born April 15, 1879; died in September, 1924, at Roches­ ter. Dexter C., the eldest of the four boys received a common school education. · I-le early became a barber's apprentice and folJowecl that trade through most of his life. He was very athletic, was very fond of horses, and at one time was a jockey until he becan1c too heavy for that occupation. His son, Ralph, was a student at Ypsilanti Normal College. 178 BURRITT FAMILY

Ralph and his wife live at Pontiac, ?vi ich. l-Iis wife is a teacher of art in the public schools and Ralph is an employee in the Pontiac aut01nobile factory. Child of Dexter C. and Fannie F. B. Burrett: 1. RALPH Jo11N, horn April 20, 1902, at Canandaigua, N. Y., mar- ried ~larch 29, 1928, to :\largaret, daughter of E. and Louise Dwyer (Davis) Shelly, horn Sept. 9, 1903. Ralph J. "Burrette" is director of the :\ledical and Safety Departments of the \Vil­ son Foundry and Machine Company at Pontiac, ~I kh, where he resides at 4 Edna A ,·enue. No children. 276 ALBURTUS, (Cyrus 166) horn l\Iarch 14, 1874, in Hil­ ton, N. Y., ( on old homestead farm); 1narried Sept. 29, 1897, to Edyth Adele, daughter of Charles Page and Emily l\f a­ son l\1Iurrel1, born June 7, 1877, in East Bloomfield, N. Y. Alburtus, after receiving a con1mon school education, in­ cluding work at the Brockport Nortnal school, learned the carpenter's trade. 1-Ie later became a blacksmith and iron worker, operating his own shop at l-Iolcotnh, N. Y. \Vith the coming of automobiles he turned to automobile mechan­ ical work, and for years was employed in the I 4ozier auto­ mobile factory in Detroit. Thh~ was followed hy his taking up the more important work of a tool maker. Children of Alhurtus and Edyth A. Burrett: 1. GRACI~ l\luRRl~LI., horn April 25, 1898, in East Bloomficlcl, N. Y.; married Aug. 8, 1922, in Ann Arhor, l\lich., to Russell Alexan­ cler, wn of Dr. Edward Alexander and Nettie Barnum Run­ yon, horn Aug. 13, 1894, in Perry, l\lkh. Grace has heen a teacher in the puhlk schools of Flint, 1\1 ich., for many years. Russell is a graduate of the Vniversity of 1\1 ichigan amt is em­ ployed as an acl'Oltlltant with the Chevrolet :\lotor Co., in Flint, I\I kh. Chilclren: ( 1) I\lary Jnne, horn Sept. 6, 1925. ( 2) John Edward, horn l\lny I 5, 1928. ii. Gr.Anvs E~11r.v, horn Jan. 26, 1901, in Hnkomh, N. Y.; married l\lay 27, 19J9 in Bowling Green, Ohio, to Donald, son of Thomas Clarkson and Lillie Jane Butterfield Ellis of Detroit, )lich., horn l\lny 20, 190J, in· Towner, N. D. Gladys has heen for years private secretary to the president of the Sherwin \Villiams Paint Co. She and her hushancl reside in Detroit. No children. 277 CLAUDE ADELBERT, (Cyrus A. 166) horn July 13, 1878, at North Greece, N. Y.: married July 13, 1905, at East B U R R I T T F A l\I I L Y 179



Bloo1nfield, N. Y., to Clara Virginia, daughter of Barton Scott Partridge, lVI. D., and Ella Clara Louise Harris, born April 24, 1879, in Norfolk, \Ta. Claude was admitted to Syracuse University where he worked his way through college with such help as could be given by his father and mother. Following graduation fron1 the literary college of the university he was admitted to the Syracuse University College of l\,I edicine. After two years of study in that institution he transferred to the Cleveland Homeopathic l\1f edical College, graduating in 1905. During his studies there he becatne assistant in the department of physiology and equipped the first physiology laboratory in that institution. That su1nmer he m<1rri~d Clara Partridge who had just been graduated from Obe1•1in college. Inune­ diately following graduation from medical college he ac­ cepted the position of instructor at the University of l\tfichi­ gan Homeopathic School of l\tfedicine. During· nine years at the U nivei·sity of Michigan, he was successively advanced to the position of professor surgery and urology and registrar of the college. In 1914 Dr. Claude was made professor and head of the department of surgery at Ohio State University Homeo­ pathic l\1!edical College ( with which the Cleveland I--Iomeo­ pathic Medical College had become affiliated), and also be­ came dean of that college. I-Ie remained at Ohio State Uni­ vcniity for nine years until 19.12, when the allopathic and homeopathic medical colleges 'of the University were merged. During that period the first unit of the University hospital and the Kettering research laboratory buildings were constructed. During the \Vorld \Var Dr. Burrett was surgeon to the Student Army Training Corps of Ohio State University and was a 111cm her of the medical division of the Ohio YVar De­ fense Board. I-Tc was made a Fellow of the American Col- leg·e of Surgeons in 1915. • After three years of practice of surgery in Rochester, N. Y., from Jan. 21, 1923, to Dec. 1, 1925, he was elected clean, as well as professor and head of the department of sunrcry, of the New York T-Tomcopathic 1\if edical Coltcg-c and Flower Hospital. Tn June, 1939, he was appointed president of the college and hospitals. During his incumbency. that instittt- 182 BURRITT FAMILY

tion has become the N cw York l\f edical College, Flower and Fifth Avenue I-Iospitals, and includes the following: Flower, Hahnemann, Laura Franklin. l◄"'ifth Avenue, and the New York Ophthalmic hospitals. It has affiliated with it, for the purpose of clinical teaching, the l\l etropolitan and \Villard Parker Hospitals of the City of New York, the lVI iddletown State hospital. and the East Harlem Health Center, one of the units of the health department of the City of New York.. Children of Claude Adelbert and Clara V. Burrett: 1. ADELBERT PARTRIDGE, horn ~lay 17, 1907, at Ann Arbor, l\lich.; married Dec. 27, 1929, to Dorothy ~lay, daughter of Herman C. and L.ydia Lee :\laugham Ehlers, born :\larch 8, 1904, at Dunkirk, N. Y. Adelbert is a graduate of Syracuse University. He is the New York State representative of the Jamestown Lounge Company. His wife is also a graduate of Syracuse University. They reside at 145 Hodge Street, Buffalo, N. Y. (1939). Child: Charles, horn ~lay 26, 1933, at New York. u. llm,EN LomsE, horn June 9, 1909, at Ann Arbor, l\lich.; married Sept. 27, 1929 at Upper l\lontclair, N. J ., to Randall Voorhees, son of Raymond l\lertal amt Oth·c Emily Oakes of ~laplewoocl, N. J., horn Feh. 16, 1906, at East Orange, N. J. I-Jelen Louise attenclecl the college of Fine Art of Syracuse University. Her lmshancl, Randall, is a graduate of Cornell University and is employed hy ~lontgomery, Scott ancl Company, a stock broker­ age firm in New York. They reside in Upper l\fontclair, N. J. Children: (I) Ranclat_l Voorhees, Jr., horn l\lay 11, 1931, at l\lontclair, N. J. (2) Thomas Burrett, horn Dec. 7, 1933, at Orange, N. J. (3) Claude Raymond, horn l\J ay 24, 1937 at New York. 111. Jotu, B,\RTON, horn Aug. 3, 1911, at Ann Arhor, l\lich.; married July 2, 1938, at New York, N. Y., to Clara Theodora, daughter of \Villinm Calvin and Sinah Dickinson Brav, of Orlanclo, Fla. John Barton attended the college of Liherai Arts of Syracuse University and received his degree of l\l.D. from the New York l\lcdknl College, Flower and Fifth A,·cnuc Hospitals. He is now ( 1940) on a graduate fellowship at Harvard University l\ledkal School. His wife, Clara, is a graduate of the Fifth Avenue Hospital School of Nursing in New York. She holds the position of surgical nurse at the Deaconess Hospital in Bos­ ton. No chilclrcn. iv. VrnmNIA, horn Oct. 24, 1913, at Ann Arhor, l\lid1.; nmrril·cl Sept. 9, 1939, at New York, N. Y., to Berger l\talc, son of Norman Arthur and Jessie Olive l\lalc of Stamford, Conn., horn June 25, 1914, at 'N(•w Haven, Conn. Virginia was ~rachtated from Ohcrlin Colle1.ce ancl suhscq11cntly completed her training in . mcclknl sol'inl service work nt \Vestcrn Rcscn·c Univcrsit\'Y' whPr,• shr r<•<'<•i\'f•cl the degree of l\Jnstcr of Sdl•tu:e. She is· n llURRITT FAMILY· 183

member of the Medical social service staff of the Hartford l\hmidpal hospital. J-1 er husband, Berger; is a graduate of Yale University School of Engineering and is a mechanical engineer in Hart ford, Conn.

278 HENRY FRANK, (Cyrus A. 166) born I\1lay 22, 1886, at Brockport, N. Y.: married Jan. 15, 190i, at Cleveland, Ohio, to Anna Caroline, daughter of l'vle]jor and I\1Iargaret Heich­ Jer Alheit, born in Ceylon, Ohio. Henry Frank, after a com­ mon school education at East Bloomfield. N. Y., while yet in his early teens, began as an apprentice with the Stearn's Automobile Company of Cleveland. He ;followed the auto­ mobile industry for many years, in Cleveland and Detroit. Since 1923 he joined with his brother, Claude, in the owner­ ship of the California Ranch farm at Honeoye Lake, where he resides. Children of Henry Frank and Anna C. Burrett: 1. LILLiAN, horn Feh. 1, 1908, at Cleveland, Ohio; married l\fay 4, 1932, to Harold Charles, son of \Vatter and Rose \Vcher Stew­ art of East Bloomfield, N. Y., horn Jan. 20, 1908. Lillian and her next younger r.i-;ter, l\f arian, were graduated from the Flower Hospital School of Nursing in New York. Harold is engaged in farming at East Bloomfield, N. Y. Two children, hoth horn at Canandaigua, N. Y.: (I) Roger Lewis, horn ~larch IJ, 1936. (2) Harold Carl, horn Sept. 14, 1939. 11. ~f ARIAN Er.rZAIIETII, horn April 8, 1909, at Cleveland, Ohio; follows her profession of nursing at Flower and Fifth Ave. Hospitals, New York, N. Y. iii. C11 ARLES VERNON, horn June 20, 1910, at Clc\'clancl, Ohio; clit•d Aug... J, 1910. 1,·. ~IJ-:r..ron C\'lws, horn July 10, 1912, in Detroit, ~lkh. Studied engineering at Syral'usc University. ,.. MAR

279 John ,v., CHiram 16i) horn ~lay 21. 18ii; 11rn1Tit•d }),,, .. 2,l, 1902, 1\'fyrtie Cheney, daughter of Chauncey and Tela Sheer Cheney, horn April 1885 at I-Tilton, N. Y .. wh<.•1·<.~ they hn vc since Hved. 184 B U R R I T T F A l\f I L Y

Children: 1. EvEI,YN ~Lw, horn Nov. 16, 1903; married Sept. 23, 1925, Richard Brashear, Child: Richard, Jr., horn Dec. 23, 1926. ii. LUTHER, horn Aug. 13, 1906. m. RUTH BEATRICE, horn Sept. 2.1, 1912; married June 17, 1933, Richard Edie, son of Charles and Kittie Edie. Children: ( l) Beverly Joyce, horn ~lay 27, 193..J.. (2) Jacqueline, horn Sept. 9, 1938. 1v. Jou N, horn Dec. 25, 1916. 280 L.LOYD L., (l-liran1 167) horn Sept. 11, 1889, at I--Iilton N. Y.; married lWarch 4, 1913, to Edna. daughter of \Villiatn 1. and Bessie Smith, born Jan. 10, 1904. Lloyd is an electri­ cian by trade. He is now a caretaker in a fraternity in Rochester University. Children of Lloyd L. and Edna Burritt: 1. Lucn.u: ELLA, horn Jan. 30, 191..J.; married Jan. 1.3, 1931, to \Villiam, son of \Villiam and Alice Pfarrer, ho'rn Sept. 11, 1911. Children: ( 1) Donna, horn Oct. 6, 1932. (2) Betty Lou, horn Aug. 25, 1937. ii. PEARL BETTY, horn March 18, 1917; died Aug. 4, 193-t. iii. LLOYD \VII.LL\M, horn Oct. 13, 1918; married Oct. 14, 19.W, to Auhrey Etizaheth, daughter of Errol G. Sheldon. of Rochester, N. Y. Both arc cmployccl hy Eastman Kodak Co. iv. ~L\RION LOIS, horn 1\fay 1, 1923. 281 CORA A11lIDON, (Nelson 168) married James Parmalee. Children: 408. i. NELSON CHARLES, born July 22, 1880. 409 · m. {t~~~~~\N l Twins, horn Aug. 22, 1883. 282 CARRIE !vI. AfvfTDON, (Nelson 168) horn Oct. 24, 1864, at Rochester, N. Y.; died June 8, 1902, at Syracuse, N. Y.; married Nov. 18, 1885, to Charles J., son of Chal'lcs and 1\1fary Grace Bainbridge, born ~1Tay i, 1825; died 1\-fay 19, 1893. Child of Carrie and Charles Bain hridg-c: i. 1-L,Rm,n Cu ARI.Rs, horn March 29, 1RR7, nt Syracuse, N. Y.; mnrriccl Dec. 17, 1908. to Violet Emclin, daughter of Rohcrt\ R

Harold is manager of C. J. Bainbridge, manufacturer of badges, buttons, etc. Home, 1018 Lel\loyne Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Children: ( 1) Grace Dorothy, horn Dec. 27, 1909; married Dec. 12, 1930, to Edmond Hand Norris. Children: 1-Paul Bainbridge, horn September 16, 1933. 2-Mary Grace, horn January 23, 1935. 3- Helen Lou, horn l\[ay 24, 1936. Home, Osakis, l\(inn. (2) Donald Robert, horn l\larch 3, 1911; mar­ ried April 26, 1933, to Dorothy l\lohr. Children: 1-Narcissa Ann, horn Dec. 18, 1934. 2-Carol Janet, born July 31, 1935. 3-Betty Beryl, horn Sept. 4, 1936. Home, Syracuse, N. Y. (3) Leah l\larjorie, horn Feb. 16, 1919. Unmarried. Home, Syracuse, N. Y. 283 ALT'URAS (ALTON) KE'TCHA11f, (Elizabeth 169) born April 23, 1863, at Panna, N. Y.; tnarried November 23, 1887, to Lettie E. Vanderbeck Slade, daughter of Frances \randerhcck, l-lilton, N. Y., born Jan. 13, 1861. Child: i. LUELLA ELIZABETH, born March 28, 1889, at Hilton, N. Y.; married Aug. 12, 1908, at Rochester, N. Y., to Albert Edward, son of \Villiam and Hannah Chadwick of Medina, N. Y., horn Jan. U, 1888; died Dec. 9, 1938. 1939 address, 633 Melville St., Rochester, N. Y. Children: ( 1) Loraine Doris, horn Nov. 28, 1910; married October 3, 1930, to Hazen E., son of Frank and Vclzora \Vigmore, horn l\fay 24, 1904. Children: 1-\Vil­ liam Thorne, horn l\[ay 5, 1931. 2-Frank Albert, horn April 10, 1933. 3-Joanne Doris, horn Oct. 26, 1936. ( 2) Shirley l\fae, horn Nov. 3, 1914; married April 19, 19.33, to Joseph F., son of Frank and Agnes Ryhke, horn l\larch 7, 1910. Children: I-Dorothy Ann, horn May 15, 1933. 2-Beverly Dean, horn Jan. 21, 1937. 284 IDA B. KETCT-IAl'vl. (Elizabeth 169), born Jan. 25, 1865, at I-Ian11in, N. Y.; died July 10, 1933; married first time Dec. 27, 1882, at Clarkson, N. Y., 1Vlarvin Bramin; died Feb. 7, 1937; tnarricd a second time Albert G. Schorler. Child of Ida and Marvin Bram in: i. Louis, horn Aug. 14, 1886; married Feh. 12, 1919 to Eva Blanche, daughter of James \Villiams, horn July 29, 1884. Truck driver. 1939 nclclress, 1651 Dewey Blvd., Butte, ~lont. No children. 285 WILLIAl\tl AGEN KE'T'CI-lAlVl, (Elizabeth 169) horn Sept. 23, 1872, at I-Tamlin, N. Y.; died June 17, 1910, at Ro- 186 BURRITT FAMILY

chester, N. Y.; married Nov. 18, 1897, to Josephine Clara,* daughter of Samuel and Lavina Thayer, born Feb. 9, 1878, at Parma, N. Y. Child of \ViHiam A. and Josephine Ketcham: 1. RUTH A

• Mrs. Josephine Ketcham married Mr. \Villiam Herring of Spencerport, N. Y., after her first husband's death. • Mrs. Frances Adelaide Richardson Burnap of J.l \Vallace St., Corning, N. Y., furnished the data for this family. BURRITT FAMILY 187 288 CORA I. l'vtORELAND, (Seeley B. 174) born Nov. 21, 1861, at Hector, N. Y.; married first time John \Vesley Lockwood of Northvi11e, N. Y., born April 18, 1850: died Feb. 10, 1879, at Denver, Colo.; married a second time Al­ vah 1-1. Simpson, born Oct. 18, 1876, at Elmira, N. Y. Child of Cora I. and John \V. Lockwood: 1. HER~IAN ARTHUR, born l\lay JO, 1879.

289 \VILLIAM ("BERT") L. l\-IORELAND, (Seeley B. 174) born lVIay 18, 1873; died April 9, 1913, at Findlay, Ohio; married first time Jennie Norton; I married a second time Em111a E1izabeth, daughter of Elizabeth Arnold and \Vil­ lia111 Schneider. Home ( 1940) 237 East Fifth Street, Perrys­ burg, Ohio. Children of \Villiam and Jennie N. 1\loreland: i. l\l ,\DAl,J NE. ii. DEW)~\' CURTIS. Child of \Villiam and Emma S. Moreland: rn. BEATRICE, horn Nm·. 27, 1909; married Juh- 20, 1931, to Edmund Tarr, son of James Harvey and Alta hra~e Hamlin. Child: ( 1) Beatrice l\lae, horn Dec. 28, 1932. 1939 home, 618 So. 23rd St., Arlington, Va.

290 I-IER1\ilAN E. ?vlORELAND (Seeley B. li4) horn July 24, 1876; died in 1914.

291 JULIA E. 1\IORELAND, (Seeley B. 174) born Aug. 26, 1878; died Dec. 1909; married about 1897 to \Villia111 Fitch. Children of Julia and \Villiam Fitch: i. · CLIFFORD l\lcAFEE, horn about 1898. 11. GAIL CAROLINE, born about 1901. 292 DAVID ROY lVJORELAND, (Seeley B. 174) born Aug. : 31, 1881; tnarried Jan. 5, 1905, to ivlary Agnes, daughter of Horace Ru~sely and Laurenna (l\tliddleton) Twigg, born 1\1ay 27, 1881. David is a 111inister of The Church of God 188 BURR ITT FA ~l IL Y

stationed at Rhodell, \V. Va. Home address (1940) 512 Ch river Ave., Cumberland, l\{d. Children of David R. and ~'[ary A. l\ 1[oreland: 1. LouRENNA MAY, horn Oct. 26, 1906. Unmarried. 11. A1.1.EN .\ P1-:AR1., horn Dec. 3 I, 1909. Unmarried. 293 ROY lHORELAND, (Seeley B. 174) born April 14, 1883, at \Vavnc, N. Y.: married first time Nov. 16, i907, to Iva Pearl Nousholder; born Feb. 16, 1887, at Utica, Ohio; di­ vorced; 111arried a second time, Sept. 14, 1934, to M ahel Leola, daughter of Bertha Stults, born Aug. 4, 1892. Roy is a steel worker and core tnakcr. Home ( 1939) 59 N. Prince­ ton Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. Child of Roy and Iva P. ~1l oreland: i. EDWARD HERMAN, horn April 28, 1909; died Aug. 21, 1909, at Findlay, Ohio. 294 PANSY G. lVIORELAND, (Seeley B. 174) born Jan. 18, 1887; married l\ilarch 13, 1902, to John Franklin, son of George and l\1lary N. Bushong, born Oct. 4, 1876. John is an interior decorator. Residence ( 1939) 2956 Hazelwood St., Detroit, l\ilich. Children of Pansy G. and John F. Bushong: i. RALPH ARDEL, born March 24, 1904; married ahout.1923, to Leona Ava Irene, daughter of Harry and Emma Cox, born June 13, 1906. No children. Occupation, painter. ii. IlERTIIA BEATRICE, horn March 10, 1906; married ahont 1938 to

Churles Jason, son of James and Charlotte Riher, horn Aug. 8 1 1899. Charles is a plumber. Child: ( 1) Betty Elaine, horn Jan. 20, 1939. iii. ETHEi. GRACE, horn June 24, 1908; died July 13, 1935; married to Roy D. Hinkle, of l\lilan, \\'. Va. No children. 295 MILTON S., (Lyman & Etneline T'aln1age 180) born at Hartland, ~Jich., Jan. 4, 1868; ntarried Nov. 26, 1890, at Lapeer, ivlich., ~1innie Belle 1-Iaynes, born Ro111eo, Mich., May 19, 1870. He was a far111er by occupation. Children: i. Guv S., horn l\latamora, Mich., Oct. 13, 1891; died Pontiac, May 19, 1929; married Nov. 15, 1916, Ethel Allen. He was a factory worker and carpenter. No children. BURRITT FAMILY ]89

11. F1.ovn L., horn Attica, l\lich., ~lay 30, 1893; married April 22, 1916, Estella ChappeJI. He is a mechanic. Children horn in Pontiac, l\lich.: (1) Harold E., horn July 27, 1918. (2) Ruth E., horn July 2,1, 1922. (3) Dorothy, horn Dec. 11, 1925. iii. GRANT E., horn Attica, l\lich., Dec. 25, 1897; married Nov. 3, 1921. Signa DcSoix. He graduated from high school and is a contractor. Children horn at Detroit : (I) Eugene, born Aug. 6, 1922. (2) Adriene E .. horn l\larch 29, 1924. I\", l\L\lm1. C.. horn Pontiac, No\', 7, 1899; married Nov. 15, 1919, Edward DcLorg,~. ~label graduated from high school and the home is in Pontii1c, where was horn: Jack R., horn April 15, 1920. ,.. JA~rns V., horn Pontiac, Feb. 15, 1908; married Aug. 31, 1929, Ann Carpenter. Graduated from hi1~h school and is doing office work. No children.

296 FRED D., ( Lyman & E1neline Talmage 180) born La­ peer, ivlich., April 3, 1870; 1narried first time :May 27, 1893, Annis A. Fisher, horn Altnont, !dich., 1\ilarch 23, 1868; died Dryden, l\'1 ich., Nov. 19, 1904; married a second ti111e ~,[ arch 1906, Nellie l\tluir, born J1nlay City, l\Hch., l\1larch 28, 1880. Occupation, farmer. Children born in Dryden, ntfich. Children: 1. l\lt1.soN E., born Jan. 13, 1895; died Pontiac, l\lay 5, 1933; mar- ried July 2, 1917, Laura Gray. Graduated from high school and was employed by a railroad company. No children. 11. E1.1zAmn11 .M., horn Jan. 21, 1899; married June 8, 1921, Robctt Gass. Elizabeth graduated from high school and was a teacher. Children horn in Imlay, 1\Iich.: (1) Harold D .. horn May 11, 1922. (2) l\[aurice R .• born May 17, 1925. 111. G11.nRRT L1Nus, horn vet. 10, 1900; married June 8, 1922, Ruth Gass. Occupation farmer. Children born in Imlay, 1\Iich. ~ ( 1) Thdma E., born June 20, 1925. (2) Burfred P., horn April 11, 1927. (3) Nettie D.,_ horn Dec. 7, 1928. 1v. GRACI-: E., born April 12, 1903. After graduating from high school married Roderick Dorey. No children. 297 NELLIE A., .(Lyman & E111eline Taber Talmadge 180) born Lapeer, :rvlich., July 27, 1875; died March 22, 1934; mar­ ried Julv 3. 1893, Herbert G. Perkins, born Sept. 30, 1874, at Attica, l\1ich. 190 BURRITT FA.MILY

Herbert belongs to l\,( asonic order and Nellie to Eastern Star. Children horn in Imlay City, l\'1ich. Children: 1. BEtl.E IRENE, horn April 15, 189..J; married Aug. 24, 1914, at Imlay City, Harolcl Leavens, a mail carrier. Children horn in Imlay City: ( 1) E,·erctt P., horn June 27, 1915; married Oct. 15, 1936, to Bernice Pollal·k at Royal Oak, ~lich. (2) J. Neil, horn ~lay 7, 1925. 11. Ho~IER L., horn ~lay 17, 1897; died June 10, 1912. iii. E1.~1ER L., horn Aug. 3, 1907; married Nov. 23, 1929, Bernice Turner. Elmer has a high school education and is a farmer. Children horn at Imlay: ( 1) Elizabeth Ann, horn Fch. 26, 1931. (2) Joyce Caroline, horn Fch. 29, 1936. (3) Douglas, horn Aug. 1938. 298 ROSA E., ( Lyman & Etneline 'T'aber Talmage 180) horn June 5, 1877, at Attica, l\Hch.; married first time June 17, 1896, at Dryden, l\Hch., Frank Bartlett, a farmer; tnarricd a second titne, Nov. 19, 1929, Ellsworth 'fhomas who oper­ ates a 1neat 111arket. Children we··c born at Dryden. Children: 1. \V11~1.1A~l FRANK, horn ~lay 16, 1898; died Feh. 2, 1932, at Lapeer; married Oct. 28, 1922, ~Inhel Stepnetz. \Villiam was a mechanic. Children horn at Dryden: ( 1) Stuart L., horn Dec. 10, 1923. (2) Reha ~fae, horn Dec. 5, 1925. 11. Nm.LIE :\I., horn April 20, 1903; married Dec. 25, 1925, Cecil l\l. Youngs, horn Dec. 29, 1903, at Dryden. He is n garage opera­ tor. Nellie has a degree from Ypsilanti, College, and was a teacher. Child horn at Dryden: l\Iarilyn A., horn l\larch 12, 1932. iii. ERMA E., horn July 2, 1905; married July 7, 1926, to \Vittiam Rosehrook, of Ohio, horn Feb. 28, 1898, at Detroit, l\lich. Child horn at Detroit: Billy Donald, horn Aug. 21, 1927. 1v. LETTIE I., horn Sept. 2, 1907; married Aug. 30, 1930, Guy Eick, born Sept. 1907, at Hadley, Mich., a harher hy trade. Child: L. Rohert Garry, horn June 5, 1935., v. RonERT I., horn Sept. 10, 1913; married Nov. 9, 1935, Gertrude Jones, horn in Oakland Co., l\f ich., l\fay 27, 1908. He is a high school graduate. Children horn in Dryden : ( 1) Lois Ann, horn Feh. 4, 1937. (2) Paul Denn, horn l\lay 15, 1938. vi. RUTII F., horn Dec. 15, 1918. 299 JOHN I., (Lyman & Etneline Taln1age 180) horn Attica, Mich., Aug. 5, 1879; 111arried March 20, 1907, Carrie' Ball, B U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 191

horn at Dryden Jan. 3, 1880. John is a farmer. Children were horn at Dryden. 1. 1-IELEN i\L\DELINJ.:, horn Aug. 29, 1911; married Frank House. 11. IRVINE JonN, horn April 10. 1915. 111. i\lAx EDWARD, horn l\lay 10, 1922.

300 1'1IAE E., (Lyman & Emeline Talmage 180) born Attica, Ivlich., :March 19, 1884: married June 28, 1906, at Lapeer to Lloyd Youngs, born I\,Jay 20, 1884, at Attica. They are fanners. Child: i. HARRY C., horn Dryden, l\larch 29; 191-1-; married Nov. 9, 1935, Eileen l\ki\lullen, horn June 23, J916. 301 ELIZABETH E., (Henry G. Taber 181) born Oct. 28, 1871, at Hamlin, N. Y.; married Jan. 29, 1891, at 1--Iilton to Leonard L., son of Jacob and l\Iary Simmons, horn Dec. 14, 1868, at Hamlin: died Feh. 20, 1913, at \\Talker, N. Y. Child: 1. LuEI.I.A l\L\E, born l\larch 3, 1895; married Jan. 29, 1915, at Hil­ ton, Seymour S. lllossom, son of Everett and Carrie Blossom of Hamlin. horn Nov. 30, 1890. Farmers at Hamlin, N. Y. No children. 302 FAHY, C., (1-Jenry G. 'Taber 181) horn !\'larch 6, 1876; died April 10. 1938, at I--Iilton; tnarried Jan. 9, 1906, I\,[ary Randall Burritt Curtis, daughter of Bert and Nellie Randall, born l\,farch 14, 1881. (182) Farmer. Children: 1. NF.I.r.m E., horn Dec. 30, 1908; married Nov. 21, 1925, at Roches­ ter, Floyd Richard l\lartindale, horn l\lay 27, 1906, at Glen Falls, N. Y. Children: (1) John Harvey, born July 17, 1927, at Rochester. (2) Frank LaVerge, horn June 24, 1928, at Rochester; died April 13, 1933, at Livonia, N. Y. (3) James Henry, horn Aug. 8, 1930, at Rochester. ( 4) Lloyd R., horn July 2, 1932, at Cananclaig-ua. ( 5) Elizaheth Jane, born l\lay 4. 1933, at Livonia. (6) George Arthur, horn Nov. 9, 1935 at Rochester. · · ii. !\In,DRED A1r.EF.N, horn Aug-. 8, 1911; married Aug. 28, 1934, at Rochester, Cyril J. Kerber, horn .Oct .. 2, 1909 at Rochester. 192 BURRITT FAtvlILY

Children: ( 1) Kathryn Elaine, born June 4, 1937, at Rorhes­ ter. ( 2) Rohcrt Charles, horn Nov. 29, 1938, at Hartford, Conn. iii. E1.srn J., horn April 5, 1914. 303 l\1AE A., (Henry G. Taber 181) born Dec. 28, 1877; 111ar­ ried Sept. 4, 1914, at Hilton, Fred E., son of 1\1. and Phoebe Peck, born Oct. 11, 1877. l\tfae is a graduate of Brockport Nortnal and of Pratt Institute of Brooklyn, having taken a course in do1nestic science. She taught that subject in the public schools for son1e time. Fred is a graduate of Brock­ port N or111al school. They are fartners on Peck road, Hil­ ton, N. Y. Child: i. HELEN, born July 26, 1915. Attended Antioch College for 2 years and secured her B.A. degree from the University of Rochester, majoring in Social Service. 304 ROSE A., (Henry G. Taber 181) born April 18, 1880; tnarried July 3, 1905, at Rochester, Edwin Vl., son of Jesse and Jane Judd, born Jan. 7, 1870, at l\1appeldurhatn, Oxford­ shire, England; died Feb. 13, 1939. Edwin served abroad with the Y.l\rI.C.A. during the \\T orld \i\Tar. Farmers of Burritt Road, Hilton. Child: i. l\IARION E., horn July 1, 1912; died July 9, 1936; married July 30, 1929, at Rochester, Howard, son of Herman and Bertha Zarpentine, horn Sept. 11, 1908. Child: Charles Robert, born Nov. 27, 1933. 305 BERT S., (Henry G. Taber 181) born April 16, 1882; 111ar­ ried l\1arch 8, 1905, at Hatnlin, N. Y., Alta Effie, daughter of John Vv. and Effie \\T. Nesbitt, born at Ha1111in, Sept. 17, 1883. After his father's death Bert took over the hotne farn1 where he has since lived. Children: i. W. LAWRENCE, horn June 20, 1906. ii. RuTir A., horn June 6, 1911; married June 30, 1934, to William, son of Joseph Turso, of Center Moriches, L. I., horn April 8, 1912. William is an aviator. No children. D U R R I T T F A l\·I I L Y 193

Hi. En1T11 E., horn June 23, 1916; married l\larch 25, 1937, Alonzo, son of Hcrmai1 and Bertha Zarpentine, born Aug. 27, 1915, at Spencerport, N. Y. Child: Dale Lawrence, horn at Spencer­ port, 1\larch 7, 1939. Farmers at Spencerport. 306 FOSTER G., (Henry G. 'faber 181) born June 24, 1884; 111arried Jan. 1, 1910, Ne11ie, daughter of John and Harriet 1\1 organ, born Sept. 8, 1888, at I-Iam1in. Fanners at l\tlorton, N. Y. Children:. I, ETHELYN ~IA\', born Dec. 13, 1910. 11. ALLEN M., horn Aug. 11, 1912; married Sept. 8, 1934, Anna, daughter of George Henry and Anha 1\1. Rosedale, born l\Jarch 10, 1911, at Spencerport. No children. m. RALPH, born Nov. 2.~. 1926, at l\forton, N. Y. 307 JOHN DA VI D, (Henry G. Taber 181) born June 18, 1886; married l\ilay 21, 1919, EIJa, daughter of \Villia111 Fred and Hannah C. \Vebster, born Nov. 29, 1883, at Hilton. John was welfare officer for the Town of Parma for severa] years. He is now with the Eastman Kodak Co. in Rochester. Children: 1. HAROLD \V., horn l\fay 10, 1910; married July 11, 1934, Doris, daughter of Charles and Ella Fairbanks, of Covington, N. Y., born Jan. 8, 1909. Chilclren: ( 1) Nancy Lou, born Nov. 16, 1935. (2) Neal F., born l\Iarch 24, 1937. (3) Robert Allen, horn March 22, 1938. ( 4) Barbara Jean, born July 31, 1939. Harold works at Hawkeye Camera \Vorks in Rochester. ii. DOROTHEA Evm.YN, horn April 19, 1913; married June 27, 1936, Charles, son of Jesse and l\fary Hiscock; born Aug. 29, 1908. Farmers. No children. iii. EuNoR Lou1sE, born April 18, 1918. \Vorks Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester. 308 JESSIE l\tf., (Henry G. Taber 181) born l\1arch 18, 1889; married l\1farch 6, 1912, Arthur, son of Chauncey and Lois Odel1 of Parma Center, horn Sept. 29, 1887. Arthur and Tessie are active members and he a trustee of the l\tfethodist church of Hilton. He is also a prominent and active mem- 194 BURRITT FAMILY ber of the Grange, the Dairyman's League and the Farm Bureau. Fanners at Hilton. Children: 1. \V1LLARn T., horn June 27, 1914; married Sept. 9, 1939, Vivian daughter of Loren and Julia Davis, of :\lansfield, Pa., horn April 16, 1914. \Vittard is a graduate of l\lichigan State Col­ lege and specialized in entomology. 11. RAYMOND ARTHUR, horn Oct. 5, 1916. A student at Cornell University. iii. ~l,\RG,\RET I.. 01s, l1or11 l)er. 1,1, 1922.

309 ED\VARD P. FOSl\l I RE, ( Ella L. 188) horn 1-Iilton, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1879; married on Aug. 1, 1901, at Charlotte, N. Y., to Sadie Baker, born Hilton, N. Y., l\1arch 25, 1876. Edward was of a political trend and was for 1nany years a deputy sheriff. Child: 418. i. AI.HERT P., horn Spencerport, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1903.

310 l\rIYRON EROY BLOSSOl\11, (Amelia 189) horn Dec. 9, 1881, at Han1lin, N. Y.; n1arricd Aug. 14, 1906, Clara, daugh­ ter of Richard and Lillian Bassett, born Aug-. 14, 1881, at Hilton, N. Y. lVIyron is a fruit grower in Han11in, N. Y. Children of l'vl .,vron E. and Clara B. Blossotn: i. DoROTIIY ~IAE, born July 11, 1909, at Hamlin, N. Y.; married August 22, 1931, at \\Talker, N. Y., to John \V., son of Charles E. and Emma Tighe. Children:: (1) John \V., Jr., born Feb. 21, 1935. (2) Gary Richard, horn Oct. 30, 1938. ii. MARGUERITE L1mNA, horn April 11, · 1912, at Hamlin, N. Y.; married Julv 22, 1933, at \\Talker, N. Y., to Lester ~I. Buck­ man, hori1 ~Jay 20, 1910, in Ohio. Children: ( 1) Thomas C., horn Aug. 20, 19.16. (2) Lesley Anne, horn Aug. 17, 1939. iii. BETTY B., horn Sept. 25, 1916; married Dec. 23, 1938, at \Valkcr, N. Y., to \Varel E., son of Henry ancl ~Jarie Cosman, horn July 10, 1916. at If ilton, N. Y. One chilcl, Gale Suzanne, horn April 22, 1940. 311 1\1:ABEL }3LOS~O1'vf. ( Amelia F. 189) born Aug-. 22, \ 1884; 111arried Oct. 24, 1908, to Sa111ttel Carn1on, son of Clin­ ton Johnston ·and Sarah Antoinette Hendrickson, horn Sept. BURRITT FAMILY 195

20, 1884; died May 26, 1939. Mahe) graduated fr01n Roches­ ter A. M. I. in 1907, taking a course in fine arts. She has traveled in the eastern United States and Canada and spent five months in Porto Rico. Her husband was a road con­ tractor. Home, (1939) Litna, N. Y. Children of Mabel B. and Samuel C. Hendrickson: 1. CLINTON JUSTIN, horn July 25, 1909; married Oct. 2, 19.3-t, to Katherine, daughter of Clarence and Catherine Tufts. Children: ( 1) Sarah Ellen, horn June 28, 19,~5. (2) Stephen Carmon, horn No\'. 21. 1936. Clinton attended Chicago Art Institute and now is a highway construction foreman. 11. S.uiu1-:r. CAR~ION, JR., horn Oct. 26, 1911 married Jan. 26, 19.~6; to Katherine, daughter of \Vittiam Cardiff. Child: \Vittiam Clinton, horn ~lay .~. 19.~9. Carm(m i~ a graduate of Dan\'ille :\lilitarv Institute and has attended the Uni\'ersity of Alabama. He is now employed in Eastman Kodak plant in Rochester, N. Y. iii. STEPHEN OLIN, horn ~lay --l, 19U; died Oct. 24, 1936.

312 ORA BLOSSO1vl, ( Amelia F. 189) born i\'larch 23, 1887, at Hamlin, N. Y.; 111arried Oct. 20, 1909, at \Valker N. Y., to Ernest J. Thotnas, horn Dec. 22, 1885, at Pittsford, Vt. Children of Ora and Ernest J. Thomas: 1. Jo11N, born Feh. 20, 1916. 11. FRED, horn :\larch 24, 1918. 313 LEONA Bl.,OSSOi\1 (Amelia F. 189) born July 28, 1895; died Jan. 26, 1919; 1narried Dec. 16, 1913, to Earl Frank Sinunons, born June 16, 1895. Children of Leona B. and Earl F. Simmons: i. MONICA, horn ~lay 30, 1915; died in 1922. ii. CORRINE, horn June 1, 1917; married Nov. 20, 1927, to Charles Victor, son of Lillian and A\'ery Hazen, horn ~lay 1, 1912. Child: Ellen Adair, horn Dee. I 0, 1928. Corinne was educated in Colorado Sprin{{s, Colo., and ~lount Saint Gertrude's Acad­ emy at Boulder, Colo. She won a scholarship to the Uni\'ersity of Colorado. Home ( 1939) Hamlin, N. Y. 314 WILLJAl\tl TI-IOl\tIAS, (Thomas Ferdinand 190) born June 21, 1884, at Hilton, N. Y., and died there July 2, 1917: 111arried Feb. 1, 1905, to ~1I ary Barons, born Aug. 12, 1886. "WilJi," as he was always ca11e

undertaker. After \Villi's death on Feb. li, 1921, l'vlary Bar­ ons Burritt married Charles Lotz of Hilton, N. Y. Children of \Villiam T. and ~Iary B. Burritt: i. LEON,\, horn Sept. 20, 1906. ii. FRANCIS BURDETT, horn Oct. 18, 1908; died Oct. 22, 1927, at Tucson, Ariz. m. lh:1.EN :\IARGUERITE, horn No\'. 1-t, 1910; married Jan. 14, 1939, to Francis J., son of John Culross of Rochester: N. Y., horn ;\larch 11, 1912. I\'. Enwrn, horn Sept. 20, 1914. v. VI\'IAN, horn Ort. 21, 1916. 315 GER'T'RUDE, (Thomas Ferdinand 191) born Jan. 21, 1888, at Hilton, N. Y.; married first time Nov. 29, 1905, to Herbert S., son of Elmer ,v olfrom, born Feb. 8, 1886; died July 29, 1926, at Hilton, N. Y.; married a second time July 13, 1927, to Elmer Leggett of Niagara Falls, N. Y., born Jan. 21, 1883. There were no children of this last marriage. Children of Gertrude and Herbert S. ,v olfrom: 1. GRACE ETTA, horn June 1, 1906; died Oct. 4, 1912. Jt. EL~rnR B., born Sept. 4, 1914. iii. NAURl.:EN, born April 18, 1916; married July 23, 1935, to Paul, son of Lorenzo and Nettie Rood, horn Sept. 21, 1916. 1v. ELEANOR, horn l\larch 10, 1917.

316 HARRIET l\;JA Y, (Andrew J. & Sevclia Burritt Botts 192) born Dec. 3, 1876; n1arried June 6, 1895, to Robert A. Harding of Tioga, Ill., born Dec. 28, 1867. Is in hotel busi­ ness at 50 Breeze Ave., Venice, Calif. Child: i. R1cnARD BLAND HARDING, horn April 30, 1896; married Ailene Grace and has a son horn Dec. 24, 1924., Jack Richard. 317 ~tAUD S., ( Andrew J. & Sevelia Burritt Botts 192) born June 10, 1880. at i1eadvitle, l\tlo.; married Sept. 23, 1903, Leonard M. Thomas of Linnen, ~1o. He is a druggist at Cor­ pus Christi, Texas. No children. U U R R I T T F A :\[ I L Y 197

318 ADELINE PRESTON, (Andrew J. & Sevelia Burritt Botts 192) born Jan. 13, 1884. Unmarried. Lives at 1208 Bclleve Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.

319 BERDINE AL1WEDA, ( Andrew J. & Sevelia Burritt Botts 192) born Apt'il 27, 1886, at l\tfeadville, l\1(0.; married Sept. 16, 1908, at Hobart, Okla., to l\fllton A. l\ifaupin, Jr., of l\Jidd)e Grove, }[o., born Aug. 26, 1879. Is a retired grocer and lives in I-Iouston, Texas. No children. 320 EFFIE D., (Andrew J. & Scvelia Burritt Botts 192) horn Oct. 10, 1890: married Aug. 25, 1911, to Harry E. Hill. No children. Resides Los Angeles, Calif. 321 GLADYS LEE, (Andrew & Sevelia Burritt Botts 192) horn l\1farch 1. 1894; tnarricd Sept. 24, 1914, to Roy E. Good­ wine. Lives at Brookfield, l\ 1To. Child: 1. VIRGINIA ~IAXINE, horn Aug. 6. 1915. 322 RALPH ALEXANDER, (Charles Phillip 195) horn l\1farch 22, 1892; married Nov. 25, 1911, Anna Louise, daugh­ ter of Henry and Bertha (Bramer) lV[ajesky. She was born April 8, 1889. Hotne in Rochester, N. Y. Children: i. ANNA LORRAINE, horn Jan. l 1, 1913; married Jan. 11, 1932, \Vil­ mot George, horn Aug. 8, 1912, son of Robert H. and Ethel l\J. ( Defendorf) Purdy. Children: ( 1) Beverly Lorraine, horn Oct. 2, 1933. (2) Robert Ralph, born Aug. 20, 1935. (3) Ronald \Vilmot, horn Jan. 1, 1939. 419. ii. CHARI.HS HENRY, born 1\lay 12, 1914. 323 , STEPHEN GILES, (Charles Phillip 195) born April 26, 1898; tnarried July 28, 1917, Cinderella, born May 11, 1896, 198 ll U R R I T T F A l\·I I L Y

daughter of Freen1an and Eunice (Barlow) Staats. Hotne in Rochester. Children: 1. HoW,\RD STEPHEN. horn Nov. 26, 1918. 11. EUNICE ELIZABETH, horn April 21, 1928. 324 ELIHU ABBOTT, (\Vi1Jia1n Thotnas 19i) ·born in New Britain, Conn., 1891; 1narried 1913 Elizabeth Carter who was born at Coaldale, Penna., in 1893. She is a daughter of Major and Elizabeth (Young) Carter. :Major Carter and his wife Elizabeth were both horn in \Vales, England, and were married there. She died at Coal­ dale, Penna., in 1900, and he at \Vatertown, Conn., in 1903. Elihu A. Burritt and his wife are living in Stratford, Conn. Children: 1. L01s E1.1z.,nETH, horn 1915; died 1919. 11. E1.11-1u \V11.1.1AM, horn 1918. 111. Romm CARTER, horn 1926. 325 \VILLI Al\l REED, ( Dr. \Villian1 Harvey 202) horn at 1\tiaumee, Ohio, Aug. 15, 1870; died at 1\·lobile, Ala., 11Tarch 1912; married at Bryson City, N. C., in 1904, Edith John­ son of Olney, Illinois. Children: 1. \V11.1.1A~t J., died in 1915. 11. ELIZAHETH. iii. ELE,\NOR. The present home is in Olney, Ill. 326 DR. Cl-IARLES Al\11OS, ( Dr. \iVilliam Harvey 202) born at Canton, Ill., Oct. 9, 1872; 111arried Nov. 1, 1904, Edith Eleanor Etnrick, daughter of Jacob Wellington and Anna (Baumgardner) Emrick of ,v ooster, Ohio. Dr. Charles A. Burritt is a practicing physician as was h\s father and grandfather and lives with his wife at 2211 Scotts wood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. There are no children. ll U R R I T T FA l\[ I LY 199


BURRITT FAMILY 201 327 LEWIS L., (George 203) born at Rockford, Ill., Feb. 9, 1868; tnarried June 24, 1896, Olive Gertrude Evans, who was horn in Cherry Valley, Ill., l\tlarch 25, 1873. She is a daugh­ ter of David Vv. (born Grenville, Canada, Nov. 30, 1840; died Oct. 12, 1923) and En1111a Jane (Conklin) Evans (born Utica, N. Y., Ivlarch 28, 1849; died lvlarch 17, 1924). (See Conklin and Denison). Lewis and Olive Burritt, on their marriage, settled on the Burritt fann in Owen Township near Rockford, but in Jan­ uary, 1900, n1oved to York County, Virginia, where they bought a farn1 on the banks of the York river and it was there that their children were born. l This fann has since becon1e a part of the Governtnent Navy l\tline Depot near Y or kt own, Va. In August, 1910, they returned to Rockford, Ill., where they now reside. Besides his fanning activities, he was active in fanners' i"i1stitute work, was an organizer and secretary-treasurer of the Virginia Peninsula Produce Exchange, a purchasing and shipping association, president of York View Realty Cor­ poration of Norfolk and '''illian1sburg, \Ta. After returning to Rockford, conducted a real estate and insurance broker­ age business. Served on the county hoard of supervisors and the county forest preserve con1111ission. Olive has held membership in Rockford Art Club, D. A. R. and D. U. \T. T'heir children are: 420. i. GEORGE EVANS, horn Nov. 4, 1898. 421. ii. LEWIS EVERETT, horn April 4, 1901. 422. iii. JESSE DAVID, horn ~lay 19, 1903. 328 ROY \VALTER, (George 203) horn at Rockford, Ill., lVf arch 16. 1875; married at Rockford, Sept. 13, 1899; Ella Lorraine Elvidge who was ))prn at Rockford, Sept. 13, 1876. She is a daughter of Edmund (born Nottingham, England, June 3, 1830; died at Rockford l\1Iay 22, 1913) and l\1I ary L. (S111ith) Elvidge {born Chautauqua County, N. Y., Aug. 3, ·1832; died Rockford, 111., June 24, 1914.) Roy and Ella Burritt on their tnarriage settled on the Bur­ ritt farn1 in Owen Township near Rockford, later buying a 202 BURRITT FAMILY

portion of the fann, where they now live in the house built by his grandfather Charles Burritt. Roy has held a nui11ber of township offices, princij>ally asses~or and town clerk which office he has held for a nun1- . her of years. He also served as president of the \\Tinncbago County Fanners' Institute and is an active tnetnber of the \Vinnebago County Grange. Is a farmer and. secretary of the "Burritt 1httual Fire Tnsurance Company." Children: 1. HARRIETT ~IIRANDA, horn Fch. 7. 190,t Educated at Rockford College and DeKalb College. Now a teacher in Rockford City schools. 11. FRANCES E1.1zAnETH. horn Feh. 22, 1904. Educated at Rockford College and now doing secretarial work. iii. l\lARGARET A1.1cF., horn Oct. 26, 1905. Attended Rockford Col­ lege, and taught in the City schools for a time. :\larried Paul Bainhridge, and has Marcella and Joan. 423. iv. Rov \Vu.LIAM, horn l\larch 20, 1909. 424. \', ROBERT EL\'IDGE, horn June 19, 1918.

329 FRANK CLINTON, (George 203) born at Rockford, Ill., Feb. 26, 1882; married at Rockford, Dec. 17, 1913, Bessie Ellen Sch1naling, who was born at \i\Tinona, 1\rlinn., Nov. 15, 1887. She is a daughter of Fred Henry (born in Germany, Feb. 28, 1860; died at Rockford, Ill., Feb. 23, 1931) and Es­ tella L. (Lockwood) Sch1naling, (born at \Vinona, Nov. 26, 1884.) Frank and Bessie Btirritt live in Rockford where he is engaged in the manufactudng- business. 'fhey are active members of the Congregational church and active in the social life of the city. Clubs: Masons, Elks, and Kiwanis. Childt·en: 1. BARBAR.A JANE, horn March 15, 1916. Graduated at Rockford College in the class of 1936, studied voice during and after her college work amt is an accomplished singer. For two years was employed in ~ecretarial work with the J. L. Clark l\[anufactur­ ing Co. of Rockford. On Sept. 2, 1939, she married Dr. Robert Fuller Dearhorn. who was horn June 23, 1911. He is a son of Jesse Berne Dearhorn and Jessie Ernestine (Fuller) Dearborn, and a direct descendant of Gen. Henry Dearhorn of Revolu­ tionary fame. Rohert graduated from the University of Illi- BURRITT FAMILY 20.l

:~f Ji.. --- ~J.~>M~ ... ·, , _'.'-;. -f /.~



nois School of ~ledicine in 1937. Is practicing in Orangeville, Ill., where they reside. Child: Anne Drake, horn Aug. 30, 19-t0. 11. ELIZABETH ANN, (lletty) horn Oct. 23, 1921, graduated from Rockford high school in 1939. Entered Lawrence College at Appleton, \Vis., in fall of 1939. 330 FRED ED,VIN, (Rufus 204) born lVIay 25, 1871, at Rock­ ford, Ill.; married at Rockford, June 20, 1901, Gertrude Pat­ terson who was horn at Rockford, July 20, 1874. She is a daughter of ,villian1 C. (born June 6, 1846; died Jan. 1891) and Nina A. (l\ililler) Patterson, (born Jan. 21, 1851). Fred and Gertrude Burritt lived in Rockford for a time after their 111arriage, later moving to Patterson', Calif., where they ope-· rated a fruit ranch. Fred E. Burritt died at Patterson, Dec. 21, 1928, and is buried at Glendale, Calif. No children.

331 ,v AL'TER ROY, (Rufus 204) born at Rockford. Ill., Feb. 14, 1875; tnarried at Kishwaukee, Ill., Feb. 14, 1905, Ida A. Erfftneyer, who was born at Kishwaukee, near Rockford, Jan. 20. 1878. She is a daughter of ,villiam G. (born in Ger- 111any Nov. 8, 1840) and 1\tfary ,v. (Erxleben) Erff111eyer, (born in Germany July 31. 1851 ). ,v alter enlisted 1\tf ay 8, 1898, in Troop L. Regitnent· 3, United States Cavalry as a private in the Spanish-Atncrican \i\Tar. He was discharged Jan. 11, 1899. He is a tnember of United Spanish-Atnerican \Var Veterans Assn. \\Tatter and Ida Burritt after their mar­ riage first settled on a farn1 in Kishwaukee Township hut later moved to Rockford where they now reside. Children: 425. i. BuRNI-:J,L OLIVER, born 1\farch 12, 1910. ii. MAXINE RosELLA, born April 24, 1913. She graduated at Rock­ ford College in 1934. Married in 1936, Carleton \V. Knight, son of Mr. and ~lrs. J. E. Knight of Fayette, Iowa. He is a graduate of Upper Iowa University at Fayette. Their home is at Fayette, Iowa. 332 BERT NORTON, (Rufus 204) born at Rockford, 111., August 29, 1882.; 111arried at Rockford, June 30th, 1904, Maud S. Cain, who was born at \Voodstock, Ill., 1\1arch 4, 1884. She was a daughter of Hiram J. (born New York, 206 B U R R I T T F A l\f I L Y

July 25, 1840; died ~Vlay 10, 1917) and Sarah ~;J. Cain (born

1 ~ [ay 22 ,1844). Bert was in business in Rockford for a nun1- ber of years, but in 1916 moved to Los Angeles where he is in the autotnobile business.

333 D\VIGH'T' NA'l'I-IAN, JR., (Dwight 205) horn at Pom­ ona, Calif., April 15, 1878; married July 7, 1900, Daisy Clark who ,vas born July 24, 1886. · Children: 1. EoA LIOLA, horn April 22, 1903. 11. FRA?-:cEs LORAi.iE, horn April 14. 1907. Live in L~s Angeles, Calif.

334 FRANK CLYDE, ( D.wight 205) born Nov. 16, 1881, at Pon1ona, Calif.; married July 2, 1905, Helen Cooper, who was born Sept. 23, 1887. Children: 1. RAE LILI.IAN, horn Aug. 30, 1906. 11. ARIEL HELEN, horn Oct. 26, 1909. iii. EUNICE CLAIRI-:, horn April 1, 1917. Live at Los Angeles, Calif.

335 CHARLES CECIL, (Dwight 205) born at Potnona, Calif., April 2, 1883; married Nov. 19, 1910, Dora E. Bragg who was born March 24, 1888. They have no children. Live at Los Angeles, Calif. 336 OTTO JOHN HOWARD, (Dwight 205) born July 19, 1884. Lives at Los Angeles, Calif. Unmarried. 337 LEON LESLIE, (Dwight 205) born April 1, 1887, at Pon1ona, Calif.; n1arried Sept. 4, 1917, Florence V. Jones, who was born June 18, 1891. They have no children. Live at Los Angeles, Calif. BURRITT FAMILY 207 338 RICI-JARD DAY, (Charles l\,forris 208) born April 23, 1904; married July 19, 1927, Gertrude C., daughter of Har­ vey J. and Catherine A. Roth. Children: 1. l\L\RIAN, horn l\farch U, 19..JO. Richard Day Burritt is on the editorial staff of the New York Trihtme, and resides at 126 \Vood Terrace, Leonia, N. J.

339 CARRIS, (Ives D' Arey 209) mtjrried Florence Hatch. Live in Seneca Falls, N. Y.

340 GRANT, (Ives D' Arey 209) married Dorothy Brown, daughter of l\'frs. Nellie Brown of Seneca Falls, N. Y. Live in Seneca Falls.

341 ARTHUR \VINFIELD, ( Lewis 213) born in Stratford, July 15, 1861; died June 18, 1931; 1narried l\if arch 2, 1886, Fannie l\tlay Clark, who was born in Stratford Aug. 16, 1866. She is a daughter of Nathan \Villia111, (born in 1\ililford, Conn., June 1, 1832; died in Stratford, Dec. 24, 1910) and Nlary Jane Clark, (born in Stratford, Aug. 9, 1835 ). Arthur \\-·. Burritt with his fatnily made their hotne in Bridgeport, Conn. Children: 1. Runv l\lAY, born in Bridgeport, April 21, 1888. 426. ii. STANLEY CLARK, born in Bridgeport, l\lay 13, 1893.

342 ED\VIN CHARLES, (Edwin Joseph 214) born April 5, 1866; died April 5, 1924; tnarried April 22, 1896, Lilla, daughter of Satnuel Kinnan. He was a jeweler by trade. 1 Edwin C. Burritt 1noved front Ithaca, N. Y., where he was born, to Freeport, Ill., where his two older children· graduated front high school, then moved to San Antonio, 208 BURRITT FAMILY

Texas, where he again engaged in the jewelry business and becoming known as an artist finally gave up his business and opened a studio. Children: i. FRANCES LOUISE, born Sept. 5, 1897; married Second Lieutenant Clarence S. Thorpe ( now l\lajor C. S. Thorpe of the U. S. A. Air Corps). u. LILLA LEONE, horn l\lay 22, 1905. m. EDWIN KINNAN, born Aug. 14, 1908. n·. KATHLEEN MAXINE, horn Sept. 20, 1910.

343 ED\VARD EARLE, JR., (Edward Earle 219) born Jan. 26, 1910; 111arried Aug. 5, 1933, Jane Crews. Children: i. JOHN, born June 18, 1934. llURRlTT FAMILY 209

Tenth Generation 344 NORl\1AN J\US1'IN, ( Charles Arthur 226) married Lu­ cia Robinson. Lived in Denver, Colo. Children: 1. EDITH CoNSTANCE, horn Nov. 20, 1921. 11. EM.MA JANE, horn Jan. 1, 192-i-. 111. ~IARY FRANCES, horn Dec. 31, 1925.

345 l\1YRON L. NORTI-IRUP, (Fan,nie 239) born April 5, 1884, at Hatnlin, N. Y.; married Nov. 1~ 1904, to Jennie N., daughter of David Cosman, born April 5, 1884. After mar­ riage they made their home on Lake A \'enue, Hilton, N. Y. Here their first two children were born. 'I'heir first child, a beautiful blue-eyed girl with golden hair, died at eighteen n1onths and their first son lived only a few hours. They pur­ chased the Dave l\1cFarland farm, located northeast of Hil­ ton on the 1v1oul road, and 111oving here l\1yron was engaged in fanning until 1924. Another son, l\1yron, Jr., and a daugh­ ter were born here. l\Joving to Geneseo their children fin­ ished school (Normal). lVIyron, Jr., spent one year in the University of 1vliami, while engaged in orchestral work. He is now a teacher in Sodus. Betty, the youngest child, taught a year in Ripley, N. Y., after finishing Nonnal and is working for her degree at Albany State. l\1Iyron L. has been an overseer on the \\Tm. \i\Tadsworth estate for a nun1- ber of years. Both !vfyron, Jr., and Betty are unn1arried. Children of l\1yron L. and Jennie N. Northrup: i. THEUfA l\L,nv, horn Oct. 10, 1906; died March 16, 1908. ii. DAVID Eow1N, horn Nov. 9, 1908; died Nov. 9, 1908. iii. MYRON C., born Jan. 4, 191.l · iv. BETTY, born June 28, 1919.

346 FANNIE BELLE CRONK, (Jesse Freetnont 240) born Feb. 24, 1881; married first time Nov. 28, 1903, to Carl P. Lockwood, born i\tfay 21, 1881, at South Lyon, l\1ich., di­ vorced, now living in Port Huron, 1\1ich.; tnarried a second titne, Oct. 27, 1925, to Carl H. Johnson. They are men1bers of the Congregational church and live an active, out of doors 2IO B U R R I T T F A :\I I L Y

life. Fannie Belle's hobby is collecting antiques, china, glass and shells. Home ( 1940) 17 Surby, Battle Creek, Mich. Children of Fannie Belle and Carl Lockwood: 1. BEATRICE Run1, horn Feb. 15, 1905; married April 7, 1926, to Glenn Jones, of Battle Creek, :\lich. They own and live on a ranrh at Colorado Springs. :\Ir. Jones is in the sporting goods business. 11. CHARLES HENRY, horn April 19, 1908; married Oct. 27, 19.iO, to Lorna :\lyke of Detroit, :\lich. He is a graduate of the Detroit College of Law and practicing in Detroit, is a Circuit Commis­ sioner and heads the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the Exchange Club. 111. HELEN :\IAY, born Jan. 26, 1910; married Sept. 15, 1930, to Ken­ neth Crawford, of Battle Creek, :Mich. Mr. Crawford operates his own welding shop. They live at Clear Lake, Mich., seven miles north of Battle Creek. Helen is fond of out-of-door life.

347 LEON EVERE'TT CRONK, (Jessie Freemont 240) horn Jan. 2, 1886; married Sept. 2, 1911, to Alice R. ---. Leon has lived in Chicago, 11 innesota, California, Idaho and Washington. No children.

348 HENRY LAVERNE CRONK,* (Jessie 240) born April 12, 1888; died Aug-. 20, 1938; tnarried first titne Nov. 24, 1913, to Lena F. Elston of Bellevue, lVIich.; born l\1arch 15, 1890; died Jan. 4, 1929; tnarried a second time Aug. 18, 1936, to Bertha B. Church, born Feb. 8, 1886. After graduating fron1 the local high school Laverne attended Argubright Business college. Then he went to North and South Dakota, to Denver, Colo., and finally to St. Louis, l\lf o., where he worked in a foundry for a time. After a few years he re­ turned to 11lichigan and worked for his father on the hotne fann which he eventually bought. His wife, Lena, was an energetic helptnate on the farn1. After her sudden death fron1 pneumonia in 1929 Laverne had the care of four young tnothedess children until he tnarried again in 1936. There­ after he left the farm for a titne and became a salestnan. He

died in an accident due to a runawav~ tean1 at the farm which . he visited at every opportunity.

*Data for this family was furnished by Mrs. Carl Swanson. BURRITT FAMILY 211

Children of Henrv L. and Lena E. Cronk: 1. RosALYN LEN~RnA, horn Oct. 11, 1914; married Oct. 19, 1937, to Karl Emil Swanson, of Emmaljunga, Sweden, horn June 19, 1911. 1940 address, 15 ¼ S. \\'a hash St., Battle Creek, Mich. No children. Rosalyn was a frail child and only 15 years of age when her mother died. \Vhile a housekeeper took care of the home and family, she finished high school, worked around at such jobs as she could secure and helped clothe the other children. After marriage she and Karl lived at the farm and were there when her father was killed. Karl is now a machinist at Kellogg's in Battle Creek, ~Jich. Both are fond of hunting and fishing. Karl is guardian of Harold and Fleta, and spends much time at the farm. , . I . 11. REx Er.noN, horn l\Jarch 4, 1916; married June 4, 1936, to Clara B. Gardenier, of Belle,·ue. Rex was happy-go-lucky as a hoy and got lots of fun out of Ii fe. He was brought up as a farm hoy with the usual chores in the winter before and after school and plenty of hard work in the summer, hut he found time for play and for trapping. After he finished school he worked for his father on the farm. After marriage he tried the joh of sales­ man and then worked for the B. C. Bread Company, hut he liked the farm and since his father's death he has operated it for the family. They now live there with his younger brother and sister. No children. iii. HAROLD LEON, horn De~. 9, 1920. Harold is the quiet one of the family. In 1935 he went to the \,V, K. Kellogg Foundation Camp. He has worked for Rex on the farm when not in school. He plays basketball, hasehaH and football, and is fond of hunt­ ing. His hohhy is harmonica playing. \\'hen he graduates he plans to go west. iv. Fr.ETA Rm.ENE, horn Feh. 12, 1923; married Feb. 18, 1940, Harold E Selfton, of Coldwater, Mich., horn June 20, 1919. Fleta was the "hahy" of the family and an attractive favorite. Before her father's second marriage she carried much home responsibility, being the only woman with three men in the house. She was brilliant in sch110I. Harold is a sound radio electrician. Thev will make their home in Coldwater, Mich. • 349 NIYRTLE E\'ELENA CRONK, (Jessie Freetnont 240) born Feb. 12, 1892; married 1910 to Harry l\tfiJler of Belle­ vue, 11ich. Address ( 1939) 444 Peterboro St., Detroit, 1flch. Child of lHyrtle Evelcna and Harry lVTiller: 1. HENRIETTA, married first Jerry Alexander of Battle Creek, ~[ich.; Second, Charles l\fc\Vain. 212 B U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 350 \VAIVA ELNORA LOUISE CRONK, (Jessie Free­ n1ont 240) born l\,f ay 21, 1902: tnarried first time to Harry Jones; married a second titne, Clarence Higdon of Battle Creek, l\'lich. Address ( 1940) St. lVlary's Lake, Battle Creek, l\1ich. Child of \Vaiva E. L. and Harry Jones: 1. BRUCE, horn 1926. 351 CLIFTON l\lANLY DE LA VERGNE, (Melville A. 241) born Nov. 22, 1888, near Perry, N. Y.; married Dec. 15, 1915, to Elizabeth, daughter

Maude was trained as a nurse and followed that profes-1 sion until she married. Louis is a dentist and graduate of' the University of Buffalo. He practices in Buffalo, N. Y., where the I-Iowes now (1939) live. No children. BURRITT FAMILY 213 353 VERA lWAY DE LA VERGNE, (lWelville A. 241) born July 14, 1891. Vera is unmarried. Trained as a teacher in Rochester and at Geneseo Normal School she preferred to follow her profession in the little country school where she felt she could come closer to the heart of the child. Soft of voice and gentle in manner she early showed much of the strict relig·ious character of her grandmother Lamb. Al­ ways devoted to her family she has carried much of its re­ sponsibili tics. 354 JUDSON H. DE LA VERGNE, (1'vlclvil1e A. 241) horn 1'1arch 15, 1893; married April 15, 1916, to Cornelia F., daughter of Jaines and l\larietta :Morris VanCise, born Nov. 22, 1892. After high school and a short course in horticul­ ture at Cornell, an urge to sec the country led him into the western states, and Canada where he worked in wheat har­ vest. He soon returned to the hon1e country, married, pur­ chased the old Lamb h0111estead, and became a dairyman. He has since extended his holdings by buying adjacent farms. Children of Judson H. and Cornelia F. De La Vergne: 1. 01,1vE V1vmNN1<:, horn Aug. 19, 1818. ii. .MARY E1.1z,\lrnT11, horn July 3, 1920. iii. DoNAr.n Jmm, horn ~fay 11, 1927. iv. R1c11ARD F., horn Aug. 10, 19.31. 355 IvfARY ELIZABETH DE LA \ 1 ERCNE (Northrup), (l\'f cl ville A. 241) born Feb. 20, 1895; married lWay 15, 1917, at Hilton, N. )'., to l\if elvin A., son of Elmer and Lucinda 1'1Iil1er, born 1\tf ay 15, 1894. As above noted Elizabeth's mother died when she was a baby. She had been temporarily taken to the home of her Aunt Fannie Northrup. After her n1other's death her broth­ ers and sisters wanted to see their baby sister so Aunt Fanny hrottg·ht her back. \\Then ~he prenared to leave. baby Eliza­ beth would not be left hehind. So she went to live with her aunt and was later adoJlted by the Northrups. 214 BURRITT FAMILY

For many years ~lizabeth has kept the books and run the office of the Hi1ton ~1Ji11ing & \Varehouse Co. Inc., of Hi1ton. Me1vin works for the Clark Steko Company of Rochester, N. Y. Ho111e (1939) (;ordon Avenue, Hi1ton, N. Y. No children. 356 \VI NI FRED LOUISE DE LA VERC;NE, ( Melville A. 241) horn Sept. 16, 1904. Unmarried. Although handi­ capped by deafness resulting from an operation at an early age, \Vinifred finished college at Keuka and became a dieti­ tian in a Mercer, Penna., hospital. Later, believing that the climate would be better for her health, she went to Bennetts­ ville, S. C., where she is following her profession. Ambi­ tions, keen of mind and possessing a sunny tc111peramcnt, she is fond of sports and motoring, and has musical talent on violin and piano. 357 ~,tEL \' A F. DE LA VER<;NE. ( Melville A. 241) July 23, 1906; married Mav 29, 193i, to Charles, son of John Quincy and Dora H. 'l~ripp of Albion, N. Y.; born Aug. 25, 1904. Graduating from (;encsen Normal School :Melva went to Albion to teach. 'l'here she met and married Charles. The Tripps make their home in the old Tripp homestead which has con1e down to Charles through four generations since 1812. It is located just a mile from Albion and furnished with nutny fine anticjucs. Charier, i~; engaged in the g·as busi­ ness in Albion. No children. 358 LOUIS BOYD DE LA \.ERGNE, (l'delvlilc A. 241) t,orn Jan. 9. 1909. Unmarried. \Vhi1e still at home Loui!i was a great help to his father in his last years. After a year at Alfred University, and finishing a course at o~i\vego Nor­ Jllal School he became a teacher of Industrial Arts at Bath, N. Y. 359 \ HARRIET'T'E B. DE LA VERGNE. (1\1elville A. 241) born July 29, 1911: married Scpten1her 17, 1933, to Herbert. son of Joseph Archer of Auburn, N. Y. BURRITT FAMILY 215

Harriette graduated h-0111 Keuka College, where she ma­ jored in French. J1oping to go to France. She taught Latin and French in Ki11g·s F"c1·ry 1-Iigh School, where she met the tall, red-headed hoy wlio became her husband. Since 111ar­ riage she has devoted lierself to her home. They have one daughter. H crbert is e1111>loyed by the Coca Cola Company of Rochester, N, Y., c111d they make their home at Geneseo, N. Y. Child of 1-larriette JL and Herbert Archer: 1. DIANE LAV~1mx1~, born July 14, 1934. l 360 GRACE H. IJB: 1./\ \'ERGNE, (1vJcldlle A. 241) born June 20, 1914. The yott ngest of ~1Ielvillc's large family, she enjoyed 111ore frc~do111 tba11 the others and acquired a dif­ ferent outlook. After a short course in beautv culture, she attended Nonnal School at Geneseo, N. Y., :1nd heca111c a teacher. She is now locat l'd at Endwell, N. Y. 361 :MILDRED GH ✓\CE BACON, (Carrie 242) born July 5, 1890, at Parma, N. ·Y.: 111arriccl April 1. 1918, at East Ro­ chester, N. Y., to Jesse Roberts; born 1\'lay 31, 1888, at Bed­ fordshire. England. :Mildred for many )'CitrS was a successful school teacher. Jesse purchased and operates farms near Hilton, N. Y. 1-Ie is active in Count,· F'an11 Bureau work and was director in organization and· cou11t y chainnan of hoard for se\'eral years. They ha\'c made several trips abroad to Jesse's o1d home in England. No ~ hildren. 362 BOYD \VTLBUR BACON, (Carrie E. 242) born No\'. 16. 1894. at Hilton. N. -Y. ;111arried l\tfarch 15, 1921, to Grace Irene, daughter of Cha1·les l)avidson and Ag-nes Ccci1is Buss, born April 7, 1894, at Cleveland, Ohio. Farmer near Perry, N. Y. No childretl. 363 \TJOLET' ELTZABE'I'JI EACON, (Carrie E. 242) born A!>ril 25, 1901.,at flilton. N. Y.: married April 6. 1920. nt 216 BURRITT FAMILY

East Rochester, N. Y., to Duncan, son of George and Har­ riet Higbee; born l\,Jay 14, 1901, at Egypt, N. Y. Divorced. Business secretary, Solvay, N. Y. No children. 364 ROBERT DEAN BACON, (Carrie E. 242) horn Nov. 3, 1903, at Clarkson, N. Y.; married June 28, ·1925, at East Rochester, N. Y., to Lillian Russell, daughter of James Lockhart, born Oct. 10, 1906. Children: i. DORIS ~Lw, horn Aug. 19, 1926, at Utica, N. Y. ii. BEVERLY RuTII, horn Oct. 26, 1927, at East Rochester, Y. Y. iii. BRUCE Doum.As, horn Feh. 21, 1929, at Greece, N. Y. 365 HO\i\' ARD BENTON, (Olin Howard 243) born Schuy­ lerville, N. Y., April 27, 1893; married at Philadelphia, Pa., on Ivlarch 23, 1918, to Orea Zora, daughter of Henry J. and ?vlartha C. E. Hutton :Miller, born ~,Jechanicsburg, Pa., Aug. 15, 1884. Howard became blind at the age of five from spinal n1en­ ingitis. He received his education in the Batavia Institution for the Blind and in the Pennsylvania School for the Blind at Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. Subsequently he attended the University of Pennsylvania and received the degree of A. B. from this university. In spite of his blindness he went back and forth to the university alone from the suburb of Overbrook, and graduated with honors from the university. He then became a stenographer, typist, and editor of the house 111agazine at the Atlantic Refining Cotnpany. In ad­ dition he organized a magazine subscription business of con­ siderable volume. 1-Iis wife, Orea, is a n1usician and an active church worker. Residence, 540 East l\1fayland St., (~ertnan­ town, Philadelphia, Pa. Child: i. HoWARD B1-:NTON, JR., horn Nov. 25, 1918, at Philadelphia, Pa. 366 ROBERT \VILLTA1\1f, (Olin Howard 243) horn Aug-. 7, 1898. at l\1fnloi1c. N. Y.: married 1'vf ay 14. 1924, at Philadel­ phia. Pa., to Beatrice Swain. daughter of James Swain and BURRITT FAMILY 217

?vlary I\L Hollingshead Ross of Cape ?v[ay Court House, N. J., born April 13, 1898. Robert, after completing his secondary education, re­ ceived the degree of A.B. from Haverford University. L~tter he organized and heca111e president and treasure1: of the nif arine Transportation Cotnpany, Philadelphia, Pa. This con1pany did a large business in the transportation of fuel oil and gasoline. His wife, Beatrice, is a gifted woman with n1any friends. She is a metnber of the D. A. R. and takes an active part in many civic undertakings. Residence, 1350 rndian Creek Drive, Philadelphia, I~a. No children. 367 ED\V ARD HORTON, (Olin I-Ioward 243) horn July 2, 1908, at Philadelphia, Pa.; married Jan. 3, 1931, at I-Iarris­ burg, Pa., to !d iriam Edith, daughter of Ross Franklin and Ida E. Husson Barr of Lancaster City, Pa., born Dec. 19, 1904. After completing his secondary education, Edward re­ ceived the degree of A.B. from the University of Pennsyl­ vania. He then became assistant placement officer and hookkeeper for the Pennsylvania School for the Blind at Overbrook, Philadelphia, Pa. Residence, 421 South 43rd Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Child: i. 1'hRIAM, horn Lancaster City, Pa., Aug. 22, 1931.

368 lVIILDRED LOIS, (\Villiatn l\tlillcr 244) born Dec. 17, 1900, at Chili, N. Y.; married Sept. 3, 1932, at Phoenix, N. Y., to Richard Ivan, son of Harry and Ida lWay Horne Sawyer of l\'lartvillc, N. Y., born July 12, 1905. After con1pleting· her secondary education, l\,J ildred helped her father in his department store at Fulton, N. Y. Subse­ quently she worked for the l\tlacl\tlillan C0111pany in Syra­ cuse, N. Y. She is a woman of gentle and lovable tempera­ ment and strong character. lVIr. Sawyer is also with the :rvf acl\ilillan Company. Residence, 42 Downes Street, Bald­ winsville, N. Y. Child of !vi ildred Lois and Ric ha I'd I. Sa wvcr:. ,. R1c11A1H> IVAN, Ja., horn Nov. 3, 1938. 218 BURRITT FAMILY 369 NOR1\rlAN \\TILLIAl\1, (\Villian1 l\'1iller 244) born 1\1ay 4, 1903, at LeRoy, N. Y.; 111arried Oct. 23, 1930, at Suray, \.'a., to Louise Camille, daughter of Charles Joseph and Ca- 111ille Louise (Nolard) Garvey, of Arlington, Va., born Jan. 31, 1905. After con1pleting his secondary education, 'Norman be­ can1e identified with the retail distribution of gasoline and oil. Later he joined his brother Eltner in his business at Ful­ ton, N. Y. His wife Louise is an en1ployee of the Federal Governtnent. Residence, 510 South Fifth Avenue, Fulton, N. Y. Children: 1. NoRMAN MIi.i.ER, horn Sept. 16, 1932, Syracuse. ii. HUGH GAR\'E\', horn Jan. 8, 19.~4, Fulton. 370 EL1\1IER OLIN, (\\Tilliatn l\1lillcr 244) born Jan. 6, 1907, at Leroy, N. Y.; married Aug. 16, 1927, at Fulton, N. Y., to Dorothy Carolyn, daughter of George and Nellie (Stratton) 1\1cKay, horn Fulton, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1908. After c0111pleting his secondary education, Elmer becan1e interested in retail distribution of gasoline and oil and sub­ sequently became the manager of a local distribution busi­ ness at Fulton, N. Y. Dorothy is a capable woman with n1any friends. Residence, 118 \\Test 4th Street, Fulton, N. Y. Children: i. RICHARD l\fcKAY, horn l\lay 6, 1930. ii. C\ROL\'N KAY, born July 1, 1933. iii. BARBARA J1-:AN, horn l\lay 7, 1934.

371 CLAYTON l\1lELVILLE, (\Vitliam 244) born LeRoy, N. Y ., on Feb. 18, 1913; 111arried June 26, 1936, to Arres Isa­ belle, daughter of Andrew Burns and Helen l\1Iay (1-Iosmer) Henderson, born April 18, 1912, at Baldwinsville, N. Y. One child, Bruce Burns, horn April 15, 1939, at Syracuse, N. Y. After cotnplcting his secondary education, Clayton iden­ tified hi111self with the business of retail distribution in com- 111unities in Onondoga County. Arres Isabelle is an attr:a:tive girl and a capable school teacher, with many friends. Residence, 202 New Castle Road, Syracuse, N. Y. BURRITT FAMILY 219 372 PHYLLIS LOUISE, ( Bailey Barton 247) born April 30, 1910; married at Schroon Lake, N. Y., on Aug. 25, 1930, to Joseph Clifford, son of Fred Bennett and Edith L. (Shaver) Baker, born Oct. 16, 1907, at Oxford, N. Y. Phyllis received her secondary education at Gorton High School, Yonkers, N. Y. She then entered Cornell Univer­ sity. She was married, however, before she completed her university work. Her husband, Joseph Baker, graduated fron1 Cornell University as a sanitary engineer. He became identified with the Chicago and Cook!County Sanitary Co1n­ mission and subsequently with the National Cash Register Company at Dayton, Ohio. Residence, 145 Rockhill Ave., Dayton, Ohio. Children: i. AI.LEN LEE BAKER, horn Jan. 24, 1939, Dayton, Ohio. 373 ALAN HOGART'H, (Bailey Barton 247) born Jan. 5, 1914; tnarried at Rochester, N. Y., on Oct. 16, 1937, to lVIabel Elinor, daughter of Frank Edgar and Jessie l\1Iae Henry Pine, born Oct. 29, 1915, at \Vest Hoosic, N. Y. Alan received his secondary education at Saunders 'I'radc School, a technical high school in Yonkers, N. Y. He then attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute at Troy, N. Y., where he received the degree of electrical engineer. He then became identified with Eastman Kodak Cotnpany in Rochester, N. Y. His wife, l\1abel, was a trained nurse, edu­ cated in 'T'roy, N. Y. Child, Barbara Jean, born l\1ay 6, 1940. Residence, 52 Clearview Road, Rochester, N. Y. 374 HAZEL HORTON, (Bailey Barton 247) born ~fay 6, 1915; 111arried l\1ay 1, 1937, to Irving Oscar, son of Arthur Oscar and Louise Hoffman Oehler, born July 11, 1911, at Buffalo, N. Y. Hazel received her secondary education at Yonkers High School, Yonkers, N. Y. She then entered Swarthtnore Uni­ versity. Before completing her work, however, she was mar­ ried to l\tl r. Oehler, a 1netatlurgical engineer, who graduated 2l0 BURRITT FAMILY

fron1 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. After marriage they went to Buffalo, N. Y., vvherc l\,f r. Oehler is identified with the Republic Steel Co. Residence, 738 Eggert Road, Buffalo, N. Y. Child: i. :\I ARION Loms1-:, horn Sept. 11, 1939. 375 BAI LEY BAR'T'ON, JR. ( Bailey B. 247) born at Yonkers, N. Y., .March 20, 1917; 111arried August 26, 1939, at Batavia, N. Y., to Dorethea Evelyn, daughter of John and Zuzanna K. Kutka, born Yonkers, N. Y., Aug. 26, 1917. Bailey Jr. graduated from Yonkers High School. He then attended Antioch College for one year and Rensselaer Poly­ technic Institute for two years. He left Rensselaer to accept a position with the Lapp Insulator Co. in LeRoy, N. Y. His wife, Dorethea, also graduated fro111 Yonkers High School. She received the degree of B. A. from the Sarah Lawrence College. Residence ( 1939) Batavia, N. Y. 376 l\1lERTON E., (Earl H. 248) horn at LeRoy, N. Y .. on Dec. 5, 1905; married at Greenwich, Conn., on Oct. 14, 1927, to Agnes Ragsdale, daughter of Lewis Seymore and Louise l\1[essenger Dorntee, born l\1larch 8, 1898, at Boston, l\,lass. After completing his secondary education, i\11erton he­ came a salesman of autmnohiles in Yonkers, N. Y. Su hse­ quently he was in the real estate business in Greenwich, Conn. About 1936 he moved with his family to a farm in Charlottesville, Va. 1-lis wife is a spirited woman and an admirable mother. Children:. J. STUART DoRNT..:1-:, horn Sept. 5, 1928, at New York, N. Y . ii. l\lKRTON RANDOLPH, horn l\lay 21, 1930, New York, N. Y. 377 RUTH STUART (Earl Hart 248) born at LeRoy. N. Y .. on Nov. 22, 1909; married at l\1ia111i, Fla., on June 25, 19J4, to Franz Rahr, son of Joseph Spencer and Seltna Hahr Stewart, born Sept. 6, 1906, at Athens, Ga. Ruth completed her secondary education in the high . ll UR RI TT FA 1\1 I LY 221

schools of Yonkers, N. Y. She was much interested in mu~;ic and carried on her musical education in New York City, in­ chtding work at the Juillard School of ~-lusic. After marry­ ing Dr. Stewart, who was graduated from Colm11bia Medi­ cal Schoo), they moved to ~'1iami, Fla., where Dr. Stewart has a wide practice as a physician. Children: ,. FRANZ HAHR, JR., horn l\lay 16, 1935, l\~iami, \Vade Co., Fla. 11. EARL SP1rncER, horn ( kt. I I, 1938, ~ I iami, \\'aclc Co., Fla. 378 HAROLD HOLDEN IN<;RAHAM ((irace A. 250) horn Feb. 9, 1896, at Rochester, N. Y.: married June 5, 1919, to Leona, daughter of James and Gertrude Draffin, born July 4, 1898. *Harold was nrnnager of a large fruit farm at Fairport, N. Y., for 111any years, and now operates his own farm** at I-Tilton, N. Y., where all his children were born. Children: i. l\lAR

•During World War Harold was enlisted in U. S. Army Sept. 11, 1917. Served in France from April 1918 to June 1919. Was member of Machine Gun Co. of 82d Dh•ision. •This is the farm form~rly owned by Thomas Burritt (No. 99) and later by his daughter, Hattie Unl{er. Thomas was the brother of Harold's great-great-grandfather. 222 B U l{ R I T T F A M I L Y

Vincent has operated farms at Hilton, N. Y., and now works at Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N. Y. Children: 1. JEANNETTE GRACE, born Feb. 20, 192,l 11. MARII.YN JOAN, born April 20, 1924. iii. R1c11ARD V1Nc1-:NT, JR., born ~larch 21, 1925. 1v. BERYi. EUNICE, born Feh. 8, 1932. 381 PAUL BURTON INGRAHAM, ((;race A. 250) horn Sept. 17, 1901; married Feb. 27, 1922, to Julia, daughter of Charles and Grace Kincaid, born Sept. 23, 1900. Paul oper­ ates the dairy and fruit farm of Loretta \Villiams (No. 179), granddaughter of {;iles, across the road from the old home­ stead on the Burritt road. He is an active Farm Bureau member and local Committeeman for the Conservation Pro­ gra111 (A.A.A.) Child: i. BETTY JEAN, horn Fch. 5, 1923. 382 ELIZABE'TH EDJT'H INGRAHAM, (Grace A. 250) born Feb. 1, 19()4; married Dec. 31, 1923, to Earl, son of Vl ebster and Lydia Hawkins of Spencerport, N. Y ., born 1 ~ I ay 26, 1895. Earl works in the Eastman Kodak plant at Rochester, N. Y. Child of Elizabeth and Earl I-Ia wk ins: i. DAvm HOWARD, horn July 23, 1928. 383 FRANCES BURRITT JNGRAI-IAM, (Grace A. 250) born lV[ay 11, 1906; married Oct. I, 1926, to Vcrnard R., son of Vernard and lV[attie Johncox, born April 17, 1903, at Wal­ worth, N. Y. They arc farn1ers at PennYan, N. Y. Children of Frances B. and ,,ernard R. Johncox.: i. AunR1-:Y LA V1mN1-:, horn June 15, 1927. ii. VI-:RNE, JR., horn April 18, 1930. iii. Er.1zABET11 l\lAY, horn Aug. 30, 1931. iv. LILY MAI-;, horn July 22, 1934. v. AunREY FRANCES, horn Oct. 14, 1936. vi. }ACK R., horn Feb. 16, 1938. vii. JACQUELINJo: GRACE, born April 26, 1939. BURRITT FAMILY 223 384 ELTON GEORGE INGRAHAl\tl, (Grace A. 250) born lVIay 19, 1909; married l\tlarch 31, 1934, to Jeanette, daughter of Charles and Olive Ross, born Feb. 22, 1910. Elton is a 111cchanic in a garage and lives at San Luis Obispo, Calif. Child: i. l\hcnAEJ. Ross, horn Aug. 5, 1937. 385 BURTON TERRELL ( Eldon G1~ant 252) born Chicago, ' ' Ill., Aug. 24, 1899; married Aug. l; 1937, to l\Jyrtle Arm- strong. Burton TcrreJl graduated from Greenville Co11egc in 1919, studied journalism at Northwestern University at Evanston, 111. He taught in Greenville College two years. He becatne editorial writer for the Courier, \Vaterloo, Iowa, and since 1930 has been city editor for the same paper. Child, John Giles, born Dec. 7, 1939.

386 BER'THA HAZEL VAN 1-IOUSEN, (Carrie Estella 263) horn June 24, 1891, at Chanute, Kans.: died Jan. 22, 19.37, at Chico, Calif.: married June 18, 1911, to \Vend:111 H. Oliver; born Jan. 2. 1889, son of Elijah and l\1lary Oliver. Children of Bertha H. and \Vendell H. Oliver: i. LEO LYNN, horn April 1.l, 1912, at Alicel, Ore.; married May 31, 1935, to Dorcas, horn l\farch 1, 1912, daughter of Marcus and Dorcas Sloan. Graduate of Chico State Normal School. Teacher. 19,19 address, Quincy, Calif. Children: (1) John \Vayne, horn Sept. 17, 19,17. (2) l\largaret Susan, horn Dec. 14, 1938. ii. Lw1<:1'A G1.ADYS, horn Jan. 20, 1914, at Alicel, Ore.; married April . 11, 1936, Louis, horn Oct. 3, 1912, son of John \.Yilliam and Margaret Tcscher. 1939 address, Chico, Calif. Children: ( 1) Rohert Louis, born Nov. 21, 1937. (2) Nancy L., born Oct. 24, 1939. . iii. GoRDON \VENDALL, horn No~·. 8, 1916, at Alicel, Ore.; married ~lay 7, 1937, to Esther, horn April 8, 1917, daughter of Lester and Mary Belle Bramell, salesman Shell Oil Company, Chico, Calif. Child: James Gordon, born Sept. 23, 1938. iv. G1r.Es ERNEST, horn Sept. 26, 1918, at Prescott, \Vash. Graduate Chico State Normal School. Teacher, Chico, Calif. v. i\L-\R\' CAROLYN, horn Dec. 14, 1925, at Princeton, Calif. 224 BURRITT FA:MILY 387 GLADYS LEE VAN HOUSEN, ( Carrie Estella 263) born Jan. 25, 1893, at Elg-in, Ore.; married 1,[ay 3, 1925, to Robert Harold, born Sept. 11, 1898, son of l'vl crton and Lily Fratnpton, beauty operator, 1939 address 3415 N. E. Stan­ ton Street, Portland, Ore. No children. 388 GILES DANIEL VAN HOUSEN, (Carrie Estella 263) horn Feb. 9, 1895, at Elgin, Ore.: married Aug·. 17, 1917, to Ed lie, born Oct. 18, 1897., daughter of A lex and l'vl ary Smith at Elgin. Farmer. 1939 address Union, Ore. Children:. I, VERLE EARi.ENI~, horn July 11, 1918, at Ali<·cl, Ore. ii. Ront.:RT DAI.E, horn Dec. 14, 1919, at LaGrnnde, Ore. iii. NEAi. CHARI.Es, horn ).larch 8, 1921, at Union, Ore. iv. LEON LO\n:1.1., horn l\lay 4, 1925, at Union, Ore., ,.. DoNA l\L,nrn, horn Fch. 14, 1928, at Hot Lake, Ore. 389 PANSY LOY\' AN HOUSEN, (Carrie Estella 263) born Oct. 2, 1899, at Elgin. Ore.; married June 16, 1937, to Ru­ dolph Gordon, horn Oct. 18, 1894, son of Frederick and Frcdericke Berg. Graduate of Oregon Normal School and University of Oregon. Teacher. 1939 address 3964 N. l\•I as­ sachusctts A venue, Port land, Ore. No children. 390 'fHEODORE ROOSEVELT VAN HOlJSEN, (Carrie Estella 263) born Dec. 12, 1904; married June 8, 1935, to Lily, born 1\11ay 4, 1913, daughter of Jacob and Tngrid Kier­ nan, 1nechanic. 1939 address 2839 S. E. 35th Avenue, Port­ land, Ore. Children: 1. RtCIIARD ARNOJ.D, horn Nov. 23, 1937. ii. CAROi~ Lim, horn Aug. 8, 1938. 391 1'vTARY FRANCES PLASS. (Bayard 266) born June 3. 1895: 111arried 1\1Tarch 3. 1919. to Frederick Lynwood, son of Joseph F. and Corie Lynwood Topping, horn Sept. 19, 1895. BURRITT FAMILY 225

1-Iome Fort Shafter, Honolulu, Hawaii, where three living­ children arc in school. Children of Mary Frances and Frederick L. 'f'opping; 1. VIRciINI,\ LEE, horn Dec. 16, 1919. Attended \Villiam and Mary College in Virginia, University of Hawaii in Honolulu. Now completing a course in \\'olfe Sl'hool of Design in Honolulu. 11. FREDERICK LYNWOOD, horn 1\lay 19, 1925. 111. RussE1.1. Josgp11, horn ~larch 22, 1927. n·. M,\R\' FRANCES, horn ;\lay 16, 19.U; died Sept. ~- 19.U. 392 BEATRICE PLASS, (Bayard 266)lhoh1 ~1Iarch 19, 1897; unmarried. (;raduated fro111 State Teachers College, Bcl­ lington, ,vash .. 1922. After teaching for n time she engaged in business and is now the owner and operator of a specialty shop. Home ( 1939). 501<1 Unh·crsitY. ,vay,. Seattle, \Vash. 393 !rl YRTLE L. PLASS, ( Bayard T. 2(j6) born Oct. 1. J898; married April 13, 1922, to Charles, son of A1ice \Vhite and Thomas Coullwrt, horn .March 14, 1893. Residence ( 1939) 1061 1\ifcrcer St., Seattle, \\Tash. Child of 1\'I vrtlc L. and Charles Coulbert: i. CJ.H'FORD, horn Jan. 9, 1923. 394 ?vIARf;ARET PLASS, ( Bayard 266) born July 29, 1902: married Ivlarch 19, 1932, to A1hcrt M.. son of :M\'ron Arthur and :Maud Eva (Atkin) Dodge, born July 17, i910. Home (1939) 4112 46th Ave., Seattle, \Vash. Children of 1\if"argaret and Albert M. Dodge: i. DANIIU. DAvm, horn Feh. 1, 1933. ii. Jo\' LYNN, horn 1\lay 31, 1938. 395 I-IELEN LORET"TA PLASS, (Bayard 266) horn April 2i, 1904; married June 10, 1930, to Steuen Peter. son of Stcuen and 1\lary Stro111 Von Essen, born Aug. 19, 1900. I-le is a painter. They reside at 1\1Tountain View, Calif. Children of 1-Ielcn Loretta and S. Peter Von Essen: i. DoNALD, horn Feb. 14, 1934. ii. LEE, horn Sept. 9, 1937. iii. GERAI.D, horn Sept. 16, 1939. 226 BURRITT FAMILY 396 ELIZABETH PLASS, (Bayard 266) horn i\lay 21, 1906; 111arried Aug. 13, 1928, to Herbert Eugene, son of Charles Hunter, born Dec. 3, 1908. 1-Ierhert is a crane operator. They reside at 1432 1':lcHngh Avenue, Enu111claw, ,vash. Children of Elizabeth (Plass) and Herbert Hunter: 1. RonERT HowARD, horn ~fay 17, 1929. 11. DoNAl.D Jo11N, horn Dec. 24, 1930. m. DouGLAss HERBERT, horn ~lay 10, 1934. 397 KATHERINE PLASS, (Bayard 266) born Nov. 1, 1907; married (first) April 19, 1926 to Richard, son of ,villian1 Charles and n,Jary Easterday Hazen. Divorced in January 1935; 111arried (second) July 13, 1935, to ,villiam, son of Anna and Carl Jeppesen, horn June 2, 1895. ,villiam is a Captain in the Reserve Corps, United States Army and con1- n1ander of a Civilian Conservation Corps camp. They reside (1939) at 304 N. 149th Street, Seattle, '\'ashing-ton. 1-Ielen, daughter of Richard Hazen was adopted by \Villiam Jeppe­ sen. Child of Katherine (Plass) and Richard I-fazen: i. HELEN CAROJ4 HAZEN, horn Nov. 19, 1928. Child of Katherine (Plass) and \Villiatn Jeppesen: ii. SusAN ~L\RIE \V1LHEL~IINA, born June 17, 1937. 398 RUSSELL C. PLASS, (Bayard T. 266) born August 21, 1910; married Nov. 2, 1935, to Helen, daughter of John and Anna (Perhonen) Lasonen, born Sept. 18, 1914. Russell is an engineer. He lives at Black Dia111ond, vV ,1~h. Child: 1. PRICILLA ANNE, horn 1\fay 12, 1937. 399 NETTIE DlJNBAR, (Nina Elizabeth 271) Born Feh. 11, 1892, at Hilton. N. Y.; married July 1912 to James Cotter, born Aug. 7, 1882. Children of N cttie and James Cotter: i. ALVAH \V., horn Jan. 25, 1913. ii. EsTntm, horn Feb, 2, 1915-; died Jan. 18, 1923. BURRITT FAMILY 227

111. DONALD, born ?\larch 31, 1917. iv. ELSIE, horn March 20, 1919. v. \VESLEY, born Dec. 12, 1920. vi. ?\IATILDA, horn June 29, 1922. Yii. SAMUEr., horn May 25, 1925. Yiii. HARRIETT, horn Dec. 22, 1927. 1x. ORA, horn April 26, 1929. x. ANN,\HELLE, horn Jan. 7, 1931. x1. BETTIE, horn July 8, 1935.

400 SARAH CORDELIA, ( Ehner Dexter, 272) born April 20, 1886, at Convis, ~,fichigan; married :i\ifarch 15, 1905, at Belle­ vue, 1vl ich .. to Ralph \Villiam King of Holton, ?v[ ich., horn :March 1 I, 1878. Farmer at Bellevue, iWich. Children of Sarah C. and Ralph \~r. King: 1. CHARLES Er.MER, born Sept. 17, 1905; married June 29, 1929, to ~largaret Frances McLennan. Child: ( 1) Carol Ann, born Dec. 21, 1938. Steam fitter. 19-W address, 110 Lathrop Street, Battle Creek. ?\I ich. 11. GRACE FRANCELIA, horn ?\larch 16, 1907; married Nov. 28, 1935, to Ernest Eldon Halbert. Children: ( 1 ) Karl Eldon, horn Sept. 10, 1936. (2) Dale Brooks. horn Sept. 17, 1937. (3) Paul King, born Aug. 29, 1939. Farmer at Battle Creek, ?\rich. iii. RuTII JULIA, horn Nov. 8. 1908.

401 SEELEY J., ( Elmer D. 272) born April 3, 1890: married Jan. 20, 1915, to l\Jattie Hickman. ?vfechanic. Soldier in \Vorld \Var of 1914. Now in Y eterans' Hospital, Dearborn, l'vfich. Child: i. DOROTHY, born Oct. 27, 1915; married Nov. 11, 1933, to Lawrence Boody. Children: ( 1) Theodore Rohert, born Oct. 15, 1934. (2) Gerald David, horn Dec. 31, 1939. Lahorer. 1940 addre~s. 816 l\laple Street, l\larshalt, l\lich.

402 iVIAURICE BERRIDGE. (Eltner D. 272) born Jan. 2S, 1897; tnarried June 11, 1931, to ivfildred (Cooley) Tia11. Farmer. 1940 address Augusta, l\rfich. Child: i. ANNA l\fARIE, born Dec. 14, 1931. 228 BUR.RITT FAMILY 403 JAMES ?\IASON, (Ehner D. 272) born July 6, 1905; 1nar­ ried August 12, 1927, to Reah Sanders. Laborer. 1940 ad­ dress Bellevue, ~I ich. Children: 1. DENE :\IASON, horn Aug. 27. 1931; died Dec. 10, 1931. 11. BETTY JANE, horn Oct. 19, 1933. 111. LARRY LEE, horn :\lay 20, 1936. 404 NET'fIE FIDE.l\lA, (Luther \V. 274) born Feb. 17, 1900; married Aug. 10, 1921, to John Dixon. Salesman. 1940 ad­ dress l\J ichigan Center, l\'lich. Children of Nettie Fidema and John Dixon: 1. JACK JR., born Nov. 18, 1922. 11. LEONARD PAUL, horn ~lay 20, 1924.

405 1\1ERILLA GERTRUDE, ( Luther \V. 274) born Nov. 7, 1902; married Sept. 1, 1923, to Lewis Strickland. Bus driver. 1940 address Lansing, .Mich. Children of l\ilerilla Gertrude and Lewis Strickland: 1. DONALi> LEWIS, horn Nov. 27, 1926. 11. Doa1s LAVON, born Nov. 18, 1927; died Sept. 23, 1928. iii. \VANDA DORINE, born Dec. 21, 1929. 1,•. GERTRUDE ANx, horn June 6, J934. 406 l\1IYRTLE GENEVIEVE, (Luther \,V. 274) born Nov. 7, 1902; 111arried first time J unc 20, 1920, to Lester Ray111er; 111arried second tilne, Dec. 18, 1926, to Leo Davidson. Truck driver. 1940 address BeHevue, l\'1 ich. Children of l\tf yrtle Ge1:t \'ieve and Lester Raymer: 1. VIRGINIA ARLENE, horn April 1, 1921. ii. V1v1AN IRENE, horn March 14, 1922; married Sept. 2, 1939, to Max Bowen. 1940 address, l\farshall, Mich. 111. LESTER CLYDE (Bud), horn Sept. 5, 1923. Children of Myrtle Genevieve and Leo Davidson: iv. LEO BuRRETT, horn Aug. 1. 1929. llURRITT FAMILY 229 407 OR PI-IA LODEl\-fA, ( Luther \V. 274) born Jan. 1, 1905; married June 30, 1923, to Dale Figley. Bus drh;er. 1940 ad­ dress, L.ansing, ~ifich. Children of Orpha Lodema and Dale Figley: i. ROBERT DALE, horn Dec. 26, 1925. 11. R1cHARD DALE, horn Sept. 7 1935. 408 NELSON CHARLES PAR1vIALEE, (Cora 281) horn July 22, 1880, at Adams Basin. N. Y.; inai·ried :way 11, 1903, Georgia Ludden of Detroit, l\,f ich., at Ruffalo. born :i\f ay 17, 1882.. - Child of N elso11 C. and Georgia Parmalee: 1. DOROTHY CORA, horn Feb. 15, 190-J., at Buffalo, N. Y. 409 HIRA?vf PARl'v[ALEE, (Cora 281) born Aug. 22. 1883, at Adan1s Basin, N. Y.: married fan. 12, 1903, Nancy Pearce of Acton, England, at Buffalo, N. Y. Children: 1. Er.LEN ~I., horn Nov. 7, 190-J., at Buffalo. ii. IRENE M., horn July 3, 1911. at Buffalo. 410 FRANCES ADELAIDE RICHARDSON, (1\ilinnie L. 287) born Dec. 30, 1879; married first time Nov. 15, 1897, at Hector, N. Y., to Joseph E., son of Georg·e and Betsy Sparks, born Sept. l 0, 1879 ( divorced Dec. 3, 1908); married second time Nov. 15, 19()9, to Jesse Dyke, son of Parley and Adeline Burnap of Hornby, N. Y., born 1\1farch 25, 1886. Jesse is an assembler of air compressors at the Jng-ersol1-Rand \1/orks at Painted Post, N. Y. They reside at Corning, N. Y. Child of Frances A. and Joseph E. Sparks: i. SARAH LAURETTA, horn Oct. 10, 1900; married Sept. 6, 1915, to \Villiam Francis, son of \Villiam and l\fattie Moore, born Nov. 6, 1896. Children: (1) \Villiam Francis, Jr., born Jan. 20, 1918; married Sept. 30, 1939, to Bessie Virginia, daughter of Bert Scoutin, born Sept. 25, 1927. (2) Robert Elbert Jesse, born April 19. (3) Bernard Junar, horn April 16, 1924. (4) Donald Edmund. horn Nov. 30, 1931. ( 5) l\lary Elizabeth, born Dec. 1, 1939. 1939 residence, Corning, N. Y. \V iltiam 230 BURRITT FAl\lILY

Francis, Jr., is an electric welder at the Ingersoll-Rand works, making three generations of their family who work for this Company. Child of Frances A. and Jesse D. Burnap: 11. R1c11ARD LA VERNE, horn Oct. 28, 1911; married :\lay 28, 1938, to Beatrice Helen, daughter of Harry and Helen Kilburn, horn ~larch 21, 1919. Child: Larry Richard, horn June 30, 1939. Richard is an assembler of vah-es at the I nl_{ersoll-Rand works at Painted Post. N. Y. They reside at Corning, N. Y. 411 SARAI-I ANNA RICHARDSON, (:Minnie L. 287) born l\1larch 25. 1883, at Hector, N. Y.; married June 26, 1901, at Corning, >J. Y., to Charles Hubert, son of Jatnes and Hattie \Vainwright, born Jan. 16, 1880. Charles works for the In­ gersoll-Rand \Vorks at Painted Post, N. Y. 1939 residence at Corning, N. Y. No children. 412 \VILLIAl\1J BURRITT RICHARDSON, (l\1linnic L. 287) born 1\,Jay 5, 1887, at Dix, N. Y.; married June 19, 1907, at Corning, N. Y., to Ida 1\1l ay, daughter of \Villian1 and Viola Taylor, born July 31, 1889, at Erwin, N. Y. \~'illiam is a plumber. They reside at Corning. Child: 1. CLIFFORD LAWRENCI-:, horn July 10, 1915; married Oct. 23, 1931, to Cora Bell, daughter of \Villiam and Cora Eves, horn Aug. 16, 1912. Children: ( 1) Gifford Lawrence, Jr., horn Sept. 6, 1932. (2) Robert Carrolton, horn Feb. 2, 1934. Clifford works in a paper mill and resides at Penn Yan, N. Y. 413 JOHN LA \VRENCE RICHARDSON, (lVIinnic L. 287) born Sept. 15, 1890, at Corning, N. Y.; died July 27, 1920; married l\t[arch 16, 1912, to Eva V., daughter of John and Mary Vanettin, born Jan. 31, 1885; died July 27, 1920. Both John and Eva were kitled by a train at Gibson, N. Y. John was a glass blower. No children. 414 NELLIE Al\iIANDA RICHARDSON, (l\1innie L. 287) born July 3, 1893; tnarried June 16, 1915, to Lorenzo Lee, son of Jatnes and Hattie ~'ainwright, born Sept. 13, : 889. BURRITT FAMILY 231

Lorenzo works for New York Central Railroad at Corning, N. Y. They reside at Coopers, N. Y. Children of Nellie A. and Lorenzo L. \Vainwright: 1. EVERETT H UHERT, horn ~larch 8, 1916; married June 21, 1936, to Gladys, daughter of Charles and Belle \Vilson, horn Aug. 27, 1916. Children: Richard Lee, horn ~lay 3, 1937. (2) Betty Jane, horn July 16, 1938. Garage man at Corning, N. Y. 11. \VI.NONA ANNA, horn ~larch ➔, 1919. 111. VERONA LAWRENCE, horn Feh. 6, 1921. 1v. CLIFTON DoN,\LD, horn Aug. 15, 1922; died Dec. 6. 1922. v. ~L\RJORIE T1rn1.~u. horn July 28, 192:i .. 1 v1. PAUL BENJA~IIN, horn Feb. 28, 1927. vii. LoUis NEVILLE, horn July 24, 1928. viii. KIETH LEE, horn April 26, 1936; died June i, 1937. 415 FREDERICK LAVERNE RICHARDSON, (l\finnie L. 287) born l\1Iay 15, 1897; married April 16, 1919, to l\Iaye Alice, daughter of Anna and Charles Andrews, born April 5, 1896. Frederick, though a glass blower by trade, now op­ erates a gas station at Corning, N. Y., where he resides. Children: 1. Ju,\NITA ANNA, horn Nov. 28, 1919; married Aug. 6, 1939, to Eldce, son of ~lary and Luther Andrews, horn Dec. 15, 1918. Eldee is an electric lineman at Corning, N. Y. n. RuTH AI.ICE, horn ~larch 2, 1928. 416 JESSIE l\rlAY RICHARDSON, (~1linnie L. 287; born Feb. 3, 1901; died I"i"eb. 20, 1926; married l\,fay 16, 1916, to Thotnas \~Tarner, son of T'h0111as and Anna Hopkins, born June 17, 1894. After the death of Jessie the children were placed in orphan homes. Thntnas is a truck driver and lives at Elmira, N. Y. Children of Jessie :M. and Thomas 1-Iopkins: 1. ELIZAHETH LA VERNE, horn April 1. 1918; married; one son. 11. NESTOR \VARNER, horn June 20, 1920: married; two children. iii. Jon N HALLOWELL, honi April 11. 1922. 1v. LomsE ~LwE. horn June 13, 1925. 417 THEL1\1A HATTIE RICHARDSON, (:Minnie L. 287) horn l'viarch 23, 1906; died April 1, 1929; married l'vlay 11, 1923, to Benjamin, son of George and 1\11innie Cn1111111, born 232 R U R R I T T F A :\1 I L Y

April 18, 1898. Ben is a fire1nan on the N cw York Central Railroad. After 'fhelma's death, Nora and Bennie, Jr., lh·ed with !rl r. and ?vlrs. Charles \ Vainwright in Corning, N. Y. Children of 'Thelma H. and Benjamin Crumm: 1. Nmu, horn Nov. 30, 192.3. 11. BENNIE, JR., horn Dec. 8, 1925; died Dec. 27, 1927.

418 ALBERT P. FOSl\rIRE, (Edward 309) horn Spencer­ port, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1903; married on April 15, 1922, to Cath­ erine S111ith, horn Spencerport, N. Y., .March 25, 1903. Al­ bert is undertaker in the firm of \\Talker Brothers of Spen­ cerport, N. Y. Children: 1. Enw ARD P., horn Oct. 12, 1924. at Spencerport, N. Y. 11. ALBERT B. JR., horn July 1, 1926, at Spencerport, N'. Y. 111. ANNA LORRAINE. died young.

419 CI--IARLES HENRY, ( Ralph Alexander 322) born l\Iay 12, 1914; married Aug. 21, 1936, to ?vlarion Osborn, born Sept. 26, 1913, daughter of Stephen L. and l\lary ((;angloff) Allen. Child: i. CHERYL RUTH, horn /\ug. 9, 1939. 420 GEORGE EVANS, ( L.ewis L. 327) born in York County, near \Villiatnshurg, Va., Nov. 4, 1898; married 1vlarch 1, 1934, at Florence, Ala., l\tlrs. Ida Reid (Calhoun) Futch who was born at Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 18, 1907. She is a daugh­ ter of Tyler Calhoun, who was born at Nashville July 26, 1866, and who married June 2, 1892, at Greensboro, Ala., Ida Josephine Reid. She was born at Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1866, a daughter of George Hilary and Caroline (French) Reid. 'fyler Calhoun's parents were George Reid and :Marie (Roberts) Calhoun. George Evans Burritt attended the University of Illinois fro111 1918 to Nov. 1, 1921, when he decided to take the ex­ atnination for Lieutenant in the artny, he having seen service in the S. A. ·r. C. at the university during the Vv orld \Var. BURRITT FAMILY 233

Enlisted as private in S. A. T. C., University of Illinois, Oct_. 19, 1918. Commissioned 2nd Lieut. Field Artillery, U. S. An11y, Nov. 1, 1921; 1st Lieut. November, 1921. Dis­ charged 1st Lieut. and comtnissioned 2nd Lieut. Nov. 22, 1922. 1st Lieut. Jan. 27, 1927, Captain Aug. 1, 1935. l\lajor July 1, 1940. Child: 1. loA C,r.11oux, horn Oct. 7, 1926. Born to Ida C. Burritt, of her previ?us marriage and adopted by George E. Burritt after their marriage. 421 LE,VIS EVERETT, (Lewis L. 327) born in York County, near \Villiamsburg, Va., April 4, 1901; married June 25, 1925, at San Francisco, Calif., Hazel Elizabeth l\,f atr, who was born in Chicago, Ill., Feb. 2, 1903. She is a daughter of VVilliatn Low l\Iarr who was born Sept. 29, 1869, and his wife Belle (Searl) l\Tarr who was born Dec. 22, 1878. I-Iazel was educated in the Oak Park, JH., schools and graduated at the University of Illinois in the class of 1924. Lewis Everett graduated from Rockford High School and fro111 the University of Illinois in the class of 1923. Soon after graduation he entered the employ of the Sinunons Bed Co., in their foreign trade departtnent at their Chicago office. ·He was soon sent to San Francisco as their foreign repre­ sentative there and later to Honolulu, T. H., where the fam- ily now resides. · Children:. I• LEWIS EvERETT, horn Aug. 11, 1926, at San Francisco, Calif . ii. R1cHARD \V1LLIAM, horn Aug. 21, 1931. at Honolulu, T. H.

422 .. JESSE DA\'ID, (Lewis L. 327) born York County, neat \Villiamshurg, Va., lVfay 19. 1903. 423 ROY WILLIAl\,f, (Roy \Valter.328).born at the Burritt Fann Homestead in Owen Townshin. '\Vinnebag-o County, Illinois, 1\1arch 20. 1909; 111arried in 1929 Lucille Bainbridg·e, 234 BURRITT FAMILY

who was born Feb. 21, 1908, in Winnebago County, Illinois. She is a daughter of Frank Alvin, (born Rockford, 111., July 9, 1878) and l\1artha (S111ith) Bainbridge (born l\1arch 22, 1882). \Villian1 and Lucille are living in Rockford, Ill., where he has a position with the Central Illinois Gas & Electric Co. Children: 1. RICHARD \V1LLIAM, born May 25, 1930. ii. LOUWANE, born May 17, 1932. 424 ROBERT ELVIDGE, (Roy \\'alter 328) born June 19, 1918; 111arried July 6, 1940, Jeanette \Vatts who was born April 1, 1917, daughter of George and Harriet Watts of Burritt Township near Rockford, Ill. Jeanette is a graduate of Rockford High School and of Brown's Business College, and has been holding a secretarial position. Robert graduated fro111 Rockford High School and is with an auto111obi1e accessory firm. The home is in Rock­ ford. 425 BURNELL OLIVER, (\Valter R. 331) born March 12, 1910, in Rockford, Ill.; 111arried first tin1e Dec. 3, 1928, rvr ar­ garet Wilson, who was born Aug. 17, 1910. She was a daugh­ ter of l\1ax and Katherine (Magee) Wilson. He 111arricd a second titne Feb. 19, 1938, Elva Mae Sherbon who was born Jan. 19, 1918. She is a daughter of Ward I. ~nd Effie Mae (Stoler) Sherbon. Lives at Cleveland, Ohio. Children: . i. JACK OLIVER, horn July 19, 1929. ii. JoAN RuTH, born Jan. 26, 1931. iii. BARBARA LEE, horn Jan. 4, 1932. 426 ·STANLEY CLARK. (Arthur \Vinfield 341) born in Bridgeport. Conn., May 13, 1893; tnarried Jan. 7, 1921, Lydia Mather, who was horn Feb. 10, 1899 . .She is a daughter of BURRITT FAMILY 235

Arthur and Fanny (Lo01nis) :Mather, and was born at Hart­ ford, Conn. Her father died Aug. 5, 1934. Children: 1. DWIGHT CALVIN, born July 8, 1922. ii. JANE CLARK, born April 29, 1924. iii. CHAPIN MATHER, born July 2, 1926. Mr. Burritt succeeded his father in the management of the A. Vv. Burritt Lumber Co., Bridgeport, Conn. .236 BURRITT FAl\lILY

For your own records. Start where your last family rec­ ord appears 111 this volume and refer to nu1nber shown. BURRITT FAMILY 237 238 BURRITT FAMILY BURRITT FAMILY 239 240 BURRITT FAMILY BURRITT FAMILY 241 242 BURRITT FAMILY BURRITT FAMILY 243 244 BURRITT FAMILY


BLAKEMAN 1 REV. ADA l\l Bl~A KEM AN was born in Stratfordshire, England, in 1598, was hred at Christ's College, Oxford, be­ ing matriculated l'vlay 28, 1617, in his nineteenth year; preached in counties of Leister and Derby before he came to America which was about 1638 and ca111e to Stratford, Conn., in 1639. He died Septetnber, 1665, aged 67. His widow Jane died in 1674 aged 74 years. Children: I. l\lARY. ii. JOHN, iii. JAMES. iv. SAMUEL. v. DELIVERENCE, vi. BENJAMIN, 2 JAivl ES, son of Rev. Adatn, married first l\tl iriam, daugh­ ter of :rvloses \\'heeler in 165i; married a second titne April, 1708, Bathsheba, daughter of Stephen Pierson of Derby. Jan1es was a 111iller by trade. His will was dated at Orenoque July 18. 1689, proved Nov. 7, 1689. The inventory was £402.18s. Children: 1. SARAH, horn April 25, 1658. ii. .l'vlARY, horn April 21, 1661. iii. HANNAH, born Jan. 21, 1664. 1v. JANE, horn Oct. 26, 1668. v. MIRIAM, born Feb. 8, 1670. vi. ZECHARIAH, horn May 26, 1678. vii. ADAM. viii, JAMES, ix. ELIZABETH, x. MARTHA,

3 ZECHARIAH, son of Jatnes 2, born Ivlay 26, 1678; 111ar­ ried Dec. 24, 1704, Elizabeth Denman of Derby, Conn. She llURRITT FAMILY 245

died in 1732 and he married a second time, l\ilrs. Dinah Sher­ man of New I-Iavcn, June 19, 1733. He died July 11, 1779. Children: J. MARY, horn Sept. 2, 1705. n. E1.1zAm.:T11, horn July 28, 1708. iii. JA~rns, horn Oct. 28, 171.l 1v. ZECHARIAH·, horn July 14, 1720.

4 ZECHARIAH, son ·of Zechariah 3, born July 14, 1720; married Elizabeth Hull, who was horn 1731-2. Children:. I. AmJAII, horn Nov. 1750. ii. ZECJI.ARI.AJI, l1orn al>011t 1753. iii. l\f ARY, baptized l\larch 1756. 1v. ELIZA HETH, born July 28, 1745; married John Burritt and moved to Monroe, Conn. (See Burritt 41 ). v. l\( ARCY, married Agur Curtiss.

CONKLIN Two brothers, John and Ananias Concklyne, came from England about 1636. Both were married in St. Peter's Church, Nottingham, England; John to Elizabeth Alsae­ brook · in 1625 and Ananias to 1\1I ary L.aunder in 1631.

1 ANANIAS CONKLIN, baptized Nottingham, England; died Easthamptin, Long Island, 1657. He established the first window glass factory in the colonies. Children: I, JOHN, ii. JERE~IIAH, baptized 1634. iii. CORNELIUS. iv. BENJAMIN, v. }Aeon and Et.IZAHETII, twins. vi. LEWIS, baptized 1643. vii. HESTER. 2 JOHN CONKLIN, (Ananias) n1arried Helena --­ Resided first at Flushing, L. I., until 1665, then at Rye, N. Y., until 1676 when he sold his land and removed to ,vest­ chester, N. Y., where he died before 1698. 246 BURRITT FAMILY 3 DELI\TERENCE CONKLIN, (John) was born in Rye, N. Y., and n1arried Oct. 2, 1695, Engeltje Bocckhout, daugh­ ter of Matthys Janszen and his wife Lysbeth (Elsworth) Boeckhout. They settled about 1697 in Phillipsburg, N. Y.

4 JOHN CONKLIN, (Deliverence) born A1.1g. 20, 1700; died Nov. 15, 1785; 111arried l\'larch 22, 1724, Annatje Storn1 who was born in 1701, daughter of David and Esther (See) Storn1. 5 ABRAHAl\'1 CONKLIN, (John) born 1737; died 1814; n1arried first titne April 17, 1761, Sarah Carpenter, daughter of Joseph and Sarah (Latting) Carpenter. l\1Iarried a second time, Tjatje Tappan. Lived in Poughkeepsie and Schodack, N. Y. Children by first n1arriage were Carpenter and Sarah. By second wife, Gilbert, ?vlathew, Teunis and David.

6 CARPENTER CONKLIN, (Abraha111) born about 1763; n1arried Lucretia Nelson. Lived in Sand Lake, Renssalaer County, N. Y., in late 1700 and early 1800. There were eleven children, the second being Nathaniel, born Oct. 14, 1798.

7 NA'THANIEL CONKLIN, (Carpenter) born Oct. 14, 1798; died Nov. 18il; married Aug. 22, 1822, Clarinda Hunt, who was born March 24, 1803; died Dec. 1876. She was the daughter of Lemuel and Rachael (Finney) Hunt and grand­ daughter of Capt. Ziba Hunt who served several catnpaigns in the Revolutionary War, enlisting first as a private in the 17th Albany Regiment. (New York in the Revolution. p. 338, Land Bounty Rights.) He was later n1ade captain. His wife was Joanna Blount. Nathaniel had eleven children, the eldest being James Skiff, born Tune 14, 1823. BURRITT FAMILY 247

8 JAl\1ES SKIFF CONKLIN, (Nathaniel) born in the Town of Easton·, \Vashington county, N. Y., June 14, 1823; died in Cherry Valley, Ill., 1898; married Jan. 27, 1846, Ter­ ressa Jane l\1Iartin, who was born in Oneida County, New York, July 15, 1828; died Cherry ValJey, Ill., July 4, 1897, a daughter of David and T'erressa (Denison) Martin. (See Denison). There were 14 children, the second, a daughter, Enuna Jane, born l\1Iarch 29, 1840; died lVIarch 17, 1924; 111arried April 27, 1868, David W. Evans, born Nov. 30, 1840; died Oct. 12, 1923. Enlisted in Co. L, 8th Illinois Cavalry in 1861 and served throughout the CiviJ \Var. (See Burritt 327).

1 DeFOREST JESSE De FOREST nrnrried in L.eyden, France, Marie du Cloux. He died in Brazil, 1624. i. JEAN, born in Leyden, France. ii. HENRY. iii. RACHAEL. iv. JESSE. v. IsAAC, hon1 161~ vi. ISRAEi. l Twins, died young. vii. Pu11.1.IPPE j 2 ISAAC De FOREST, son of Jesse. born 1616; sailed for New A111sterdam. N. Y .. Oct. f, 1636, in the yacht Rens- selaerwyck, Capt. Jean Tiebkins. , He married in New Atnsterdatn, N. Y., June 9, 1641, Sarah du Trieux, daughter of Philip and Susannah ( de Cheney) Trieux. Children: i. JESSE, baptized No\', 9, 1642: died young. ii. SUSANNA, baptized Jan 22, 1645. iii. GERRIT, baptized May 24, 1646; died young. iv. GERRJT, baptized June 10, 1647. V. l\f ARIE ) 1" ' 1 . } J 10 1649 vi. l\f JCHAF.r. I wms. >aphzec . an. . . vii. JAN, haptizecl March 27, 1650. viii. P1-111.1r. baptized Julv 28, 1652. ix. ISAAC, baptized April 25, 1655. 248 BURRITT FAMILY

x. J-h:NDRICH, haptizcd Sept. 9, 1657. xi. D,wm, haptizcd Aug. 1. 1660; died young. xii. DAVID, baptized Dec. 19, 1663; died young. xiii. l\L\Rrn, baptized July 7, 1666. xiv. DA\'11>, baptized Sept. 1669. 3 DAVID De FOREST, son of Isaac, baptized 1669; mar­ ried ?vlartha, daughter of Sa111uel Blagge, whose father was Benja1nin Blagge, of New York. The marriage took place in 1696. They went to Stratford, Conn., where they joined the church Aug. 7, 1697. I-le died April 20, 1721. She mar­ ried a second time, Deacon J. Thompson in November 1721. Children: 1. l\L\RY, horn Jan. 27, 1696. n. SARAH, horn Nov. 9, 1698; married Benjamin Lewis, Jr. (Sec Burritt 42). m ..MARTH,\, born April 13, 1700. 1v. DAVID, horn April 24, 1702. v. SAMUEL, horn April 4, 1704. vi. lsAAC, born April 14, 1706. vii. EDWARD, horn July 25, 170B. viii. HENRY, horn July 10, 1710. ix. ELIZABETH, horn July 4. 1714. x. BENJ,UIIN, horn :\lay 18, 1716. 5 JOSEPH De FOREST, son of Samuel, and grandson of David, had four sons who were in the Revolution and all of whom drew pensions for many yeat~s. They are given helow. Children: i. SAMUEL, ho·rn July 1758. ii. ABEL, horn April 1761. iii. MILLS, horn l\lay 1763. 1v. GIDEON, horn Sept. 1761.

DENISON First Generation ,i\TILLIAl\tf DENISON, (son of John Denyson. who was living in Stortford, Hertfordshire, England, in 1567, and died there of the plague in 158?.). _ \ Willia111 was baptized at Stortford, Feb. 3, 1571, and was 111arried to lV[argaret (Chandler) Monck No,·. 7, 1603. He BURR ITT FA ~I I I.. Y 249

was well seated in Stortford hut hearing of the pr01nise of the New England colonies decided to cast his Jot with the Puritans there. His oldest son James was a clergyman and remained in England. The parents with the three younger sons crossed the ocean in 1631 and settled in Roxbury, nifass., in 1634. ~,fr. Denison was deacon of the Roxbury church. He had heen 1iberal1y educated and with him, as a tutor to his younger sons, came John Eliot who later became pastor of the Rox­ bury church and was known as "The apostle" frmn his mis- sionary work atnong the Indians. 1 \Villiam Denison died at Roxbury )an. 25, 1653, and his wife n1I argaret Feb. 23, 1645. Children: i. J,urns, eldest son, remained in England. ii. DANrnL, horn in 1612. 111. EDWARD, horn in 1614. iv. GEORGE, horn in 1618.

Second Generation GEORGE DENISON, (\i\Tilliam) horn in Stortford, Eng­ land, in 1618; died in I-Iartford, Conn., while there on special business Oct. 23, 1694. ivlarried first time in 1640 Bridget Thotnpson, daughter of John Thotnpson, gent., of Preston, Northatnptonshire, England, whose widow, Alice had come to America and was living at Roxbury. Bridget died in 1643. George Denison then went to England and served under Cromwel1 in the army of the Parliament. He was wounded at Nasby and taken to the house of John Borodel where he was nursed back to health by the daughter Ann Borodel. This John Borodel who was Jiving in Eng·land at the time was a native of Cork, Ireland. Ann, the daughter, is said to have been ren1arkable for her fine personal appearance and charn1. She was known as "Lady Ann". Some of her des­ cendants still preserve santples of her needle work of which they are very proud.. She died Sept. 26, 1712, at the age of 97. The acquaintance of George Denison and Ann Borodel, led to their marriage and the return to America in 1645. They settled in Roxbury, Mass., where they Jived until 1651 250 H U R R I T T F A !\I I L Y

when they ren1oved to New London, Conn., and finallv to Stonnington~ Con11. He was a C41ptain in the Pequat wars where he rendered valuab]e ser,·i ce and final1y rose to the rank of Colone]. T'here were nine children, the first two being those of Bridget Tho111 pso11 Denison. Chi1dren: 1. SARAH, Jx,rn Uarch 20, 1641; married Thomas Stanton, Jr. 11. H,\NN.J\f-1, horn ~lay 20, 16-1-3, twice married. iii. Jon N, horn July 14, 1646. 1v. ANN, 1orf1 ~la.)' 20, 1649; married Gershon Palmer. v. BoRoDE:L,. born 1651 ; married Samuel Stanton. vi. GEORGE, lt>tn 165.1; married :\lcrcy Gorham. vii. \ VJLI,li\~1, horn I 65 5; ma rriecl Sarah Stanton. viii. :\IARCiA RE:r, horn 1657; married James Brown, Jr. ix. MERC\', lx,rn 1659; died March 10, 1761.

Third Generation JOHN DEKTISON, (Capt. George) born July 14, 1646; died in 1698; 11.1~rried Nov. 26. 1667, Phoebe Lay who was horn in 1650 and died in 1699. She was the daughter of Rob­ ert and Sat·ah lay of Saybrook, Conn. The 111arriag~ contract or deed of settlement arranged be­ tween their p a1·ents is recorded in Saybrook. By its terms, the respectiv·e parents conveyed to John Denison and JJhoebe Lay, the fa 1'111 granted to Capt. George Denison near the montl1 of l\fystic River in Stonnington, ril 6, 1690. ix. SARAI-I, liorn July 20, 1692. B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 251

Fourth Generation GEORGE DENISON, (Capt. John) born l\1larch 28, 1671; died Jan. 22, 1720. ]\tlarried 1694 l\-Irs. l\ifary (\Vetherell) Harris, daughter of Daniel \Vetherall of New London who was born in l\1laidenstone, County Kent, England, Nov. 29, 1630, and died in New London April 14, 1719. George Denison graduated from Harvard, studied law and settled in New London where he was town clerk, county clerk and clerk of probate. Children: 1. GRACE, horn March 4, 1695. ii. PnoEirn, horn l\farch 6, 1697. 111. HANNAH, horn March 28, 1699. n·. BoRODEL, horn l\lay 17, 1701. ,,. DANIEL, horn June 27, 1703. vi. \VETIIERELL, horn Aug. 24, 1705. vii. ANN, horn Aug. 15, 1707. viii. SARAH, horn June 20, 1710.

Fifth Generation DANIEL DENISON, (George) born June 27, 1703, was married to Rachael Starr Nov. 14, 1726, and Jived in New London. He died previous to 1760 and his widow married Col. Ebenezer Averv of South Groton, who had twelve chil­ dren by his first wife, Lucy Latham, who was born l\1f ay 21, 1709, daughter of Jonathan Latham. Rachael Starr Denison had ten children by her first hus­ band. One of these, Daniel Jr., 111arried Col. Ebenezer's daughter Katherine previous to his mother's second mar­ riage and her daughter Phoebe, married his son, Ebenezer Avery, Jr. Rachael died in 1791 aged 86 years. Children: 1. I\L,RY, horn Aug. 19, 1728. 11. DANIEi., horn Dec. )6, 1730. 111. TnoMAs, horn Nov. 4. 1732 1v. R.\CIIAEI., horn Sept. 20, 1734. v. S,ut UEI., horn Nov. 9, J 736: died 1767. vi. HANNAH, horn Jan. 2, 1739. vii. ANN, horn Sept. 18, 1743; died 1767. viii. P11m:1m, 1mm Sept. 18, 1743. ix. JAMES, horn April 18, 1746. x. ELIZAHETH, horn Nov. 19, 1748. BU R R I TT FA l\l I LY

Following arc ancestors of Rachael Starr Denison. I DR. COMFORT STARR, <:lied 1658. \Vife Elizabeth. 2 DR. THOl\TAS S'J'ARR, married Rachael --- 3 SAl\iJUEL STARR, born in 1640; died 1688; married Dec. 23, 1664, Hannah Brewster who was born Sept. 3, 1641. She was a daughter of Jonathan1 and Lucretia (Oldhatn) Brewster and granddaughter of vVilliam and lVlary Brew­ ster who can1e to America on the l\1f ayflower. 4 THOl\tfAS STARR, born Sept. 27, 1668; died Jan. 31, 1711-2; 1narried Jan. 1, 1693, fvfary l\1lorgan who was horn l\tfarch 20, 1670. She was a daughter of James and l\·lary (\1ine) l\1organ. 5 RACHAEL STARR, born Sept. 15, 1705; married Nov. 14, 1726, Daniel Denison. All descendants of this Daniel Denison and Rachael Starr DenisC'n are thus· descended fron1 Williatn and l\,f ary Brewster of the l\1layflower.

Sixth Generation DANIEL DENISON, JR., (Daniel) born in New Lon­ don, Dec. 16, 1730; died 1783. Married July 1, 1756, Kathe­ rine Avery who was born in 1737; died 1825. Daughter of Col. Ebenezer and Lucy (Latham) Avery. They lived in New London until 1771 when they moved to Stephentown, Renssalaer county, N. Y. By act of the legislature he was appointed one of the com­ missioners to adjust boundary disputes between the settlers. Fron1 a 1ne1norandun1 book which he kept is found this itetn: "June 1771, I tnoved into this county fron1 N cw Lon­ don and brought with me nine children." Children: i. KATHERINE, horn July 24, 1757. ii. DANIEL, horn Sept. 26, 1758. iii. E1mNEZER, horn Jan. 26, 1760. BURRITT FAMILY 253

1,•. JONATHAN, horn May 17, 1761. v. GEORGE, horn April 12, 1763; died 1786. vi. GR1swo1.n, born Aug. 21, 1765. vii. AsENlffll, horn Feb. 24, 1767. ,·iii. DAVID, horn ~larch J 9, 1769. ix. LATHA~I, horn :\larch 8, 1771. x. Child unnamed, horn and died Aug. 18. 1773. xi. SA~IUEL, horn Oct. 24, 1774. xii. E1.111u, horn April 14, 1777. xiii. T110~1,,s, horn ~lay 5, 1779.

Seventh Generation LA'fHAl\iJ DENISON, (Daniel, Ji~.) born lWarch 8, 1771, died 1847. Married Nov. 20, 1796, Eleanor Tift who was horn Jan. 13, 1780, died 1846. In 1800 moved into the wilder­ ness in the town of Floyd, Oneida county, N. Y ., and resided there until death. 1. Hol.l.Y, horn Nm·. 21, 1797; died young. 11. PEIJY, horn 1799; died young. 111. TERRESSA, horn April 19, 1800. ,·1. GEORGE, horn :\larch ,ll, 1802; died young. v. R110DA, horn Jan. 28, 1804. v1. A1.0NZO, horn· 1\larch 15, 1806. vii. HALSEY, horn Feb. 2-J., 1808; died young. viii. P1mY, horn Jan. 3, 1810. ix. GEORGE T., i>0rn Jan. 23, 1812. x. ANGEI,JNE, horn l\lay 9, 1816. xi. "'ELLINGTON, horn Jan. 29, 1822. 'T'ei-ressa Denison, third child of Latham Denison 111arried March 24, 1818, David lVIartin who was born April 16, 1798, in \i\'estern Oneida county, N. Y. Children: 1. 1\1 ELISSA, l>0rn ApriJ 21, 1819. u. HARVEY Cr.ARK, horn Jan. 27, 1821. 111. G1mnGE ANDRI~W, boni July 3, 1822. 1v. ELEANOR SARAH, horn Aug. 17, 1824. v. DAvm AVERY, horn April 9, 1826. vi. TERRESSA JANE, horn July 15, 1828. vii. RnooA, born July 13, 1830. viii. HELEN MARIAN, born Aug. 9, 18,32. ix. THEODORE l\hr.Ls, born Dec. 22, 1834. "; 01U.l~\'AN ) , , xi. RosE ANN f 1 wms, horn 1\farch 7, 1837. xii. DENISON DEI,EVAN, born Dec. 24, 1839. xiii. LEI.AND ALONZO, born Feb. 6, 1846. 254 BURRITT FAMILY

Terressa Jane 1.VIartin married Jan. 27, 1846, James Skiff Conklin, who was born in the town of Easton, 'vVashington county, N. Y., June 14, 1823. (See Burritt No. 327).

DRAKE The fatnily of P~·:-Lke is of very ancient lineage, the tradi­ tion being that the natne originated fron1 a noble Rotnan fatnily called "Drago" or the "Dragon" and that a member of the tribe came to England with Julius Caesar at the tin1e of the Rotnan conquest. The Coat-of-anus displays a \i\Tivern, a sort of Dragon on a silver shield. The crest an ann extending a battle-axe. The motto is "Aqualli Non Captat l\'1t1scas," an eagle does not capture flies. The original hon1e of the fan1ily was l\1Iount Drake which had been the site of an early Roman fortress. It was built so1neti1ne in the 14th century and rebuilt perhaps 100 years later. Situated in the county of Devon on a comman,Hng hill and surrounded by about one hundred acres of land. Later the fatnily acquired by marriage, the House of Ashe which afterwards becatne a favorite residence. It was situated in the parish of l\1usbury, county of Devon.

1 JOHN DRAKE, Esq., of l\1Iount Drake and Exmouth, in the county of Devon, "a tnan of great estate and a name of no less antiquity," says Prince in his "\i\T orthies of Devon," 1narried in the titne of Henry \T (1413-22 A. D.) Christiana, daughter and heiress of John Billett of Ashe. By this al­ liance the estate of Ashe, in the parish of ~1Iusbury, came to the Drake family, and was handed down from father to son for fully 400 years, although the most usual residence was Mount Drake, a tnansion previously built by them in the san1e parish and undoubtedly the original home of the Drakes, they having occupied it before the coming- of \Vi1- lian1 the Conqueror. This John Drake, or, possibly his father was reported in Exn1outh in 1360. , At the death of John, his widow married a second time,' Richard Francheney, thus unlawfu11y excluding from the estate of Ashe her son John Drake (2). She had Christopher B U R R I TT F A ~I I L Y 255

Francheney, who had Richard, who was the father of Sim­ eon, from whon1 John Drake, (5) by a suit at law, recovered Ashe, which had been so long unjustly withheld from his father, grandfather and great grandfather.

2 JOHN DRAKE, numbered in the hundred of East Bud­ leigh, Devon. On the marriage of his mother, he settled in Otterton, about sixteen 111iles from Ashe. He married Christiana, daughter and heiress of John Antage, and had:

3 JOHN DRAKE (3) of Ottcrton, who married a daughter of John Crews or Cruwys, representative of Crews nJ orc­ hard, an ancient saxon family of itnportance, their name oc­ curring frequently in the old Devonshire rhy111ing legions concerning the Saxon families who were prominent before the coming of \Villiam the Conqueror. This John was suc­ ceeded by his son:

4 JOHN DRAKE (4), of Otterton, in the county ,,f Devon, Esq., who by his wife Agnes, daughter ?f John Kailway, had: i. JOHN, his heir. 11. JoHAN, who married \Villiam Poole. iii. Roni.;RT, seco11cl s011. v1. Gn.nERT, third son. v. T11m,1As, of Herford, in the county of Devon, who married Ellin, daughter of Bennet Hillen of Fenawtrie, hy whom he had six chilclr~n as given in "Visitations of Devon," page 292. His descendants live in Herford, \Vhytecomhe Raleigh, Colebrooke, and M ushury. 5 JOHN DRAKE (5) Esq., of Ashe, Exmouth, in the countv of Devon, having recovered Ashe, as before stated, ~ - married lWargaret, daughter and heiress of John Cole of Rill, in the parish of \Vhytccomhe Raleigh, Devon, near Ex­ mouth, which he gave, together with the r\lf anor of \i\'hyte- 256 BURRITT FAMILY

cotnbe to a younger son, John, whose daughter and heiress brought it to her husband, Thomas Raymond of Chard. John had issue as follows: 1. Jo11N, his heir. u. J011 N, second son, mentioned hy Sir ,vmiam Poole as a "great Russian merchant." m. ALICE, who became the second wife of \Vatter Raleigh, the father of Sir \Vatter Raleigh. . iv. GILBERT, third son, of Pratshcad, parish of Littleham, County ·of Dc,·011. 6 JOHN DRAKE (6), of Mount Drake, Ashe and Ex­ n1outh, High Sheriff of Devon in the time of Queen Eliza­ beth. He married in the 26th year of Henry \'III. ( 1535) Amye, daughter of Roger Greenville of Stow, CornwalJ, the ancestor of the Rt. Hon. Earl of Bath. He died Oct. 4, 1558. He and his wife were buried in the parish of Mus bury, where still may be seen their tomb bearing their effigies, with the foil owing inscription: "HERE LIETH TI-IE BODY OF JOHN DRAKE OF AISH ESQ. AND A~IIE J-flS ,vIFE ,vHO \VAS THE DAVGHTER OF Sr. ROGER GRA Y~."EFIELD Kt. BY \VI-10;\I HE HAD ISSVE SIX SONS ,VHEOF LIVED THREE AT HIS DEATH. VIZ BARNARD ROBERT AND RICHARD. HE DIED THE 4 o OCTOBER 1558 AND SHE DIED THE 18th OF FEBRVARIE 1577." Children: 1. Srn BARNARD, Knight. 11. RoBERT of ,viscomh in the parish of Southleigh, Devon. m. R1cHARD of Esher, horn 1535, equerry to Queen Elizaheth, died July 11, 1603. 7 SIR BARNARD DRAKE, (7) Knight, of ~'lount Drake and Ashe in Devon. Knighted at Cireenwich Jan. 9, 1585. He was a very distinguished person and "employed in .~ev­ eral great offices at sea," being much 111 favor with Qt11~en Elizabeth, who conferred honor of knighthood upon him. Prince, in his "\Vorthies of Devon" pp. 328-329, says of him: "I find him to descend down to tts under a verv honor­ ahle character. That he was a gentleman of very ;·arc and excellent acc01nplishments, as we11 as qualified for a soldier and courtier. He was in great favor with tht' illustrious Princess of hnn1ortal memory, Queen Elizaheth. and of high B U R R I T T F A 11 I I 4 Y 257

ASHE J IOCSE. ?\I CSBCRY. DEVOX CO., ENGLAND Owned by the Drake Family from 1413 to li93. 258 BURRITT FAMILY

esteem in her courts.... That Sir· Barnard Drake, a De\'on­ shire Knight, ca1ne to Newfoundland with a commission, and having divers good ships under his conunand he took many good Portugal ships and brought the111 into England as prizes. · And for his great undertaking this way he is ranked second a1nong the great sea captains of our country in his titne, than whon1 no age before or since can boast a greater." He is said to have ''nobly expended" ... for the honor and safety of his country, in the discovery of foreign countries and such other virtuous achievements as purchase glory and renoun," so as "greatly to have exhausted his es­ tates." Sir Barnard's last exploit was while England was at war with Spain, when, having been at sea, on his return he took a large Portugal ship, which had for a long time been hovering up and down the coast and brought her into the harbor of Dartsmouth, which action, "how brave soever it might be, proved fatal to hitnself and many other persons of quality." The story is that these Portuguese sea1nen were brought to trial f~r piraacy and that Sir Barnard together with other 1nagistrates sat on the bench. Suddenly there arose such a noxious odor in the court room that everyone was obliged to leave inunediately and all were stricke11 with a most ter­ rible illness fr01n which not one recovered. If the story was sotnewhat overdrawn, it is probable tlrnt there was son1e sort of plague, perhaps cholera, on the ship and that it proved quickly fatal to these Englishtnen. He died in the house of Ashe April 10, and was buried April 12, 1586, in the parh:h of lVI usbury, county Devon, where his 1nonu1nent, beari·.1g his effigy still stands, on which is the following inscription: HEER IS THE l\lONVl\lENT OF Sr BARNARD DRAKE Kt \VHO HAD TO \VIFE DAl\lE GARTHRVDE THE DAVGHTER OF BARTHOLOME\V FORTESCVE OF FILLY ESQr BY \VI-101\1 HE HAD THREE SONNES AND THREE DAVGHTERS \VHERE­ OF \VEARE FIVE LIVING AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH. VIZ: JOHN, HVGH, MARIE, l\lARGARET, AND HELEN. HE DIED THE Xth OF APRIL 1586-AND DAl\,JE GARTHRVDE HIS \VIFE \VAS HERE BVRIED THE XIII OF FEBRVARIE 1601. UNTO THE l\fE~IORJE OF \VHOl\l JOHN DRAKE ESQ, HIS SONNE HATH SET THIS MONVl\tENT, ANNO 1611. · There is also a monument to Sir Barnard Drake in the BURRITT FAMILY 259

present Filleigh church, built after the destruction of an older edifice. By his wife Gertrude Fortescue, of ~he great Norman house of Fortescue, a descendent in the fifth generation of Sir John Fortescue, Chief Justice of the King's bench uilder Henry VI and Lord Chancellor, and daughter of Bartholo­ mew Fortescue of Filleigh, near South nioulton in Devon­ shire. Sir Barnard had: 1. Jo11N, his heir. ii. Hum 1, died in Portugal 1589, without issue. 111. ~I ARIE, first daughter, married to ~Ir. Tynsley of County Lincoln. 1v. ~L\RY, second daughter, married John Sherman of St. ~larie, Awtrie. v. ELEANOR, third daughter, married Johp Button of \Vilts. l 8 JOHN DRAKE, (8) of niount Drake and Ashe, buried April 11, 1628. He married Doruchy, daughter of \Villian1 Button of Ashton in \Viltshire. He was buried in the par­ ish church of 1Vf usburv where his tomb ma,, still he seen bearing the effigies of himself and wife and with the fol­ lowing inscription: "JOHN DRAKE ESQ. BVRIED HERE Ye 11 OF APRILL 1628. DOROTHY DRAKE HIS \VIFE BVRIED HERE Ye 13th OF DECEr 1631." His will was dated Jan. 16, 1620-1, probated :May 29, 1628. Her will dated Dec. 7, 1631, prob~ted Jan. 13, 1632. They had issue as follows: 1. MARY, married Sir Henry Rouswell of Ford in Devon, buried in l\lusbury, Nov. 4, 1643. ii. Srn'JouN, Knight of Ashe. iii. \VtLLI,ut of Yar

111. E1.1No:{, married John Briscoe, County Cmnherland. 1,·. E1.1ZABETII, fourth daughter, married \Vinston Churchill, of Glan­ ville, \Voten, in Dorset, Knight. Their son was the first Duke of ~larlhorough. ,.. GARTIIRUI>E, died unmarried. vi. JOANE. vii. JANE, married Sir \Villiam Yonge, knight, of Castleton, in Dor­ setshire. viii. ANNE, married Sir Richard Strode, knight, of Chalmington in Dorsetshi re. _ 1x. SIR Jou N OF As1rn, first son. Knighted hy King James II., and afterwards made a haronet hy the same king, Aug. ]), 1660. Buried July 7, 1669. x. GEORGE, second son, died without issue. x1. TH0~1 AS, third son, unmarried. x11. HENRY OF Ax~IINSTER, twice married, and had six children. Charles, Richard, and four daughters. \VILLIAl\l DRAKE (9) of Yardbury in the parish of Colyton, second son of John Drake Esq. (8) buried in the T'etnple church, London. His will dated No,·. 2, 1636, pro­ bated Feb. 29, 1639-40. 1\'l arried l\1largaret, daughter and heiress of \Villiam \Vestover, of Colyton, marriage license dated Nov. 14, 1620, buried April 16, 1635, at Colyton. The Drake-\Vestover monument in the chancel of St. An­ drews church, Colyton, has the following inscription: "HERE LIES Ye BODY OF \V. DRAKE OF YARDBVRY, SON OF \V. DRAKE OF YARDBVRY, \VHO \VAS BVRIED IN Ye TE~IPLE CHURCH, LONDON, AND \VAS Ye SON OF JOHN DRAKE OF ASHE ESQ." "THE ~IOTHER OF THE SAID \VILLIAl\l DRAKE, THE SON, \VAS ~IARGARET, THE SOLE DAVGHTER AND HEIR OF \VIL­ LIAl\l \VESTOVER OF YARDBURY, GENT, AND ELIZABETH HIS \VIFE. HE DIED MARCH Ye 6, 1680, IN Ye 51 YEARS OF HIS AGE." "HERE ALSO LIE RICHARD, LAETITIA AND DORITHY, THREE OF HIS CHILDREN." This as will he seen marks the burial place of \Villiam, Jr., who is shown among the children: i. JoHN, haptized March 26, 1623, Colyton. ii. DoROTHY, haptized March 26, 1623, in Colyton. iii. Er.EANOR, baptized Dec. 15. 1625. in Colyton. iv. JoAN, baptized June 11, 1628. in Colyton, came to America. v. \VH.l.lAM, baptized Dec. 22, 1629; buried March 6, 1680, in St. Andrew's Church, Colyton. (Sec above). vi. E1.1ZAHETH, baptized Dec. 10, 1632, in Colyton. came to America ll UR R I TT FA ~I I L Y 261

with her brother Thomas and sister Joan. ~larried Ezekiel Hamlin in Boston. vii. ENDDflON, baptized June 25, 1634, in Colyton. viii. TnoMAs, baptized Sept. 1.3, 1635, in Colyton. Emigrated to America and settled in vVeymouth, Mass.

DRAKE First Generation THOlvlAS DRAKE was born in Colyton, county Devon, England, where the parish register still shows the record of his baptism on Sept. 13, 1635. He was the youngest son of \Villiatn Drake Esq. of Yardhury in Colyton. Thotnas Drake, his father and moth~r being both dead, followed his relative, John Drake of Taunton, l"1ass., and \i\Tindsor, Conn., to America about 1653-4. He was accom­ panied by his sisters Joan, who 1narried Thomas Randall, and Elizabeth, who married Ezekial Hamlin of Boston, Aug. 8, 1654. Thotnas Drake soon settled in \i\T eymouth, l\Tass., his na1ne first appearing on the records of that town in a list of property owners in 1663, in which he is described as owning "Lot 70 containing six acres in 1st division begininge on Brauntry Lyne" and eighteen acres, Lot 33 in second divi­ sion. Prior to that, the latest list of land owners noted was that of Nov. 26, 1651, in which his name does not appear; hence he settled in \,\T ey1nouth after 1651 and before 1663. The frequency with which his name appears on the land deeds and war records of the ti1ne shows that Thomas Drake took active part in the affairs of the town. His name appears as witness of Deeds D~c. 15, 1664, and three years later he was a member of the Suffolk Troopers. He took active part in King Philip's war, and June 24, 1676, was a me1nher of the garrison at Punckapouge where he saw at least two months service. Plyn1outh county deeds record large purchases of land by hi111 on July 20, 1682, near the Taunton river in Freetown, half of which land he sold June 12, 1688, to Ralph Paine of Rhode Island. He died in W cymouth 1691, and his estate settled in 1692 valued at £237-2s-2d., a considerable sum at that tin1e. Thomas was twice 111arried, his first wife being Jane Hol- 262 ll UR R I TT FA :\1 I LY

brook. daughter of 'l'hotnas and Jane 1-Iolbrook of \ Vey­ tnouth. His second wife was widow ~I ilicent Can·er, daughter of \\Tillian1 Ford, whom he married :March 9, 1681. Children: 1. Tnm,tAS, born at \Veymouth, about 1657; died Aug. 19, 1728, without issue. JJ. Jo11N, horn ~larch 12, 1659 (\Veymouth T. R.) iii. \V1LLIAM, horn ~lay 30, 1661 (\Veymouth T. R.) n·. JosEPH, horn Oct. 28, 1663 (\Veymouth T.R.) . v. A~tY, born Feb. 3, 1666 (\Veymouth T. R.) vt. E1.1ZABETH, horn in \Veymouth 1670; died in Easton, June 14, 17 48; married John Phillips and had six children.

Second Generation JOHN, (Thomas 1) horn l\1larch 12, 1659, in \Veytnouth; died Oct. 10, 1717, in Easton. John taxed in Boston 1681, also 1686. He married the first time Rachaael ----, who had three children. I-le married a second time, Dec. 12, 1687, at l\Jilton, by Rev. Peter Thatcher, Sarah King, probably born Jan. 31, 1666; died Sept. 4, 1727, daughter of Samuel and Experience (Phillips) King of \Veymouth. John bought a share of land of Ephrain1 Hewett of Easton in April, 1702, and settled on it in 1703. It joined the Bridgewater line north of Stone House Hill and probably included what wa~ known a century later as North Daily Place. The re111ains of the cellar 1nay still be seen, the massive door step, a good bulkhead way and other signs are indica­ tions of a well appointed house. Children by first wife: i. RACHAEL, horn Nov. 21, 1680. ii. MARTHA, horn June 19, 1683; married 1\Jarch 21, 1702, \Vitliam Bewley. . iii. JonN, born June 12, 1685; died young. bv second wife: iv. PRUDENCE, horn Nov. 9, 1688; died Fch. 16, 1670, in Easton. v. JouN, born Sept. 20, 1694; married prohahly June 25, 1719, hy Dr. Cotton Mather, Esth<:r Joyce. vi. THOMAS, reported May 4, 1718, when he and his brother Joseph sold their rights in their father's estate hut he was dead heforc l\larch 12, 1730. vii. Jos,~l'H, died at Easton, Oct. 26, 1780. viii. E1rnNEZl-:R, an early settler in Ea!iton heing in business there in 1724. No record of family. ix. SARAH, married in Bridgewater, Oct. 8, 1734, to John Curry. x. SAMUm., horn ahout 1700. cliccl in Easton. B UR R I TT F A .\I I L Y 263

Third Generation JOSEPH, (John 2) born in Easton before 1717, died Oct. 26, 1780; married J\,Jercy Smith, who died ?day 7, 1759, daughter of Samuel and Esther Smith of Taunton. He was a member of the first 111ilitia company of Easton, April 7, 1757, under Capt. Ebenezer Leonard. Aug. 27, of the same year, he enlisted in the co111pany of Capt. Ebenezer Dean of Taunton, Col. Eliphat Leonard's regiment, which marched to the relief of Fort \Villiam Henry, Lake George, in the French and Indian war. Children: 1. Jo11N, horn Oct. 17, 1723; died Jan. 23, 1759. 0 11. M1rncY, horn July 17, 1725; ma;riecl fi.r~t Dec. 3, 1746, Nehemiah Ramlall; married second, Sept. 15, '1 i'72, Daniel Littlefield. 111. JosEPH, horn Oct. 20. 1727: died Nov. 30. 1812. n·. JEAN, horn July 15, 1730. v. HEZEKIAH, horn Feh. 12, 1739; died Feb. 24, 1799. v1. T110~1As, horn Feb. 12, 1739; died Feh. 9, 1798.

Fourth Generation 'rHOl\iIAS, (Joseph 3) born Feb. 12, 1739, in Easton; died Feb. 9, 1798; married l\1larch 22, 1764, l\1ary i\ilanley, born l\1[arch 16, 1742, in Easton, died in \Veybridge, ,rt., :March 31, 1839, a daughter of Ichabod and Experience (Phillips) l\1Ianley. Thonrns started fron1 Easton for Vermont with team and one son and died suddenly on the way, at Charles­ town. The body was taken back to Easton for burial. Later the whole family moved to Vermont. Thomas served as sergeant through the Revolutionary war, enlisting first Dec. 7, 1776, from Easton in Capt. Ran­ dall's cotnpany, Col. George \Villiams' regiment, serving a month in Rhode Island. \Ve next find his nan1e as serg­ eant on the payroll of Capt. Josiah King's company, Col. Daggett's regiment, Aug. 28, 1778, warrant to pay dated Jan. 31, 1783. On July 27, 1780, he enlisted in Rhode Island service. His next service was in Capt. !vlathew Rand,dl's company, Col. Abie] l\ilitchell'~ regiment, "raised agreeable to an of the Great and General Court of the Stnte of 1\if assa­ chusetts, June 27, li80, to reinforce the Contiuental Army." This is undoubtedly the Thomas who was out 1t the Lexing­ ton alarm, in Capt. 1\1Iacy \Villiams' comp,w y of "l\tl inu te 1\11en" from Easton, April 19, l 775. 26-1 BURRITT FAMILY

Children: 1. ISAAC, horn .;\larch 22, 1765; died ~larch 15, 18.30. ii. 01.1VER, horn July U, 1767; died Oct. 19, 1829. iii. R1101>A, horn Feh. 9, 1770, removed to Hinkley, Ohio, and died there aged 92. l\larried Chauncey Ellsworth of Bristol, Vt., and had seven children. 1,·. Pm.LY, horn June 16, 1772; married July 29, 1792, Asaph Hay­ ward, son of Joseph, of Bridgewater. Had children: Asaph, born 1793; Olive, horn 1794; Joseph, horn 1796; Azel, horn 1801; Edwin and Emmy, twins, horn 180.l Family moved to \Veyhridge, Vt. . v. DESIRE, horn Dec. 26, 1777, died about 1840; married Enos Soper. vi. 301.0~10N, horn July 3, 1780, in Easton; died Jan. 5, 1876. v11. SYLVIA, horn Oct. ~31. 178-1-; died Feh. 14, 1868; unmarried. Lived in \Veyhriclge, Vt.

Fifth Generation ISAAC, ('T'hotnas 4) hbrn .March 27, 1765; died ~1larch 15, 1830. Settled in Bristol, Vt., about 1800, where he mar­ ried Lydia Bush, daughter of John and Lydia (Antes) Bush, of Bristol, who died Oct. 16, 1851. Children: 1. E~IELINE, horn May 24, 1812; married April 3, 1839, Henry \V. Hager of \\'eyhridge, Vt., son of Benj. and Sarah ( Martin) Hager, and had Laura S., Charlotte; married Calvin Norton; Henry B., married Sophronia Catherine Drake, his cousin, daughter of Noble F. and Jane (Book) Drake. 11. LucETTA E., horn April 20, 1814; married A. Valley of \\'ey­ hridge. No children. 111. LAURA E., horn Jan. 16, 1816; died Feh. 25, 1897; married first Samuel Russell; second Samuel Beardslev; third, I .auren Drake. · 1v. ROYAL \V., horn Jan. 23, 1818. v. NottLE FRANCES, horn Nov. 12, 1820; died Nov. 28, 1861. His wife was Jane Book.

S,xth Generation ROYAL vV ASHING'TON, ( Isaac S) born Jan. 3, 1818, at Bristol, Vt.; died March, 1898, at the home of his son Noble B. Drake, of Howard, S. D. lVlarried Dec. 27, 1842, Sophronia E. Dunshee, who was born Aug. 21, 1821, a daughter of Edward and l\Hranda ( Parmelee) Dunshee. Settled in Bristol, Vt., but re1noved to Rockford, Ill., in 1856 settling on a farm north of Rockford and later buying a tract of land near Durand, in the sa1ne country. She died BURRITT FAl\IILY 265

at Rockford, Ill., Sept. 4, 1892. Both are buried at Rockford, Ill. Children: 1. HARRIETT l\fIRANDA, horn at Bristol Vt., June 5, 1845; died May 6, 1898; married July 11, 1866, George A. Burritt. ( Sec Bur­ ritt 203 ). 11. EDWARD PAYSON, horn in Bristol, June 14, 1847; died in Sioux City, Iowa, Dec. 1, 1886, and is buried in Rockford, Ill. Mar­ ried Sept. 10, 1874, Abbie L. Tilden. No children. iii. Lou1sA E~rnLINE, born in Bristol, July 2, 1855; married Nov. 2, 1881, David A. l\fcCullough, and moved to Howard, S. D., where she died :March 15, 1895. No children. 1v. NonLE BRAYTON, born at Rockford, Ill., Sept. 10, 1857; married at Beaver, l\Iinor County, S. D., Clara J. Palmer, Nov. 23, 1887. She was born Aug. 27, 1858, and died l\Iarch 4, 1923. Their children were: Florence, horn March 8,1 1889; Edward Palmer, horn Feb. 26, 1892; Lucille, horn Jan.' 18, 1903. He died at Kenosha, \Vis., Feb. 18, 1939.

LEWIS As early as the year 1000 A. D. this family is known to have lived in ,vales and the name has been traced by given natne, fron1 long before the use of surnatnes through Elidm, second son of Lord Eyton; :Meilor Eyton; Cadwgan; Gif­ ford; Llywelyn; l\f a dog; and finally Lewys as the name appears in the records of Glamorganshire.

1 ED,v ARD LE\VIS, 1narried ?vfay 8, 1550, l\Targaret Jones of Cardiff, \Vales. I-le was 1--Iead ,v arder in 1574 and Capital Burgess in 1577. 2 \,TILLTAl\tf LE,VIS, (Edward) born April 4, 1561. at Penarth, \Vales: married Aug. 3, 1592, Sarah Cathcart.

3 \VILLIA1Vf LE,VIS, (\Vil1ia111) born Jan. 3, 1594, at Liandough, ,vales; married Fch. 7, 1618, Felix, daughter of \¥alter and Felicia ( Boudrih) Collyer of Cardiff, ,vales. He ·was o·f Stranstead, Essex, England, in 1623; came to Amer­ ica with his family on the ship Lion which sailed June 27, and arrived Sept. 16, 1632. \i\1as of Catnhridgc 1633; in I-Iart- 266 BURRITT FAMILY

ford 1636, his name being found on the Founders l\1Ionu- 111ent; was of Hadley 1659 where his wife died April 17, 1671. He died at Farmington Aug. 2, 1683. 4 ,vILLIA?vl LE,VIS. (son of ,villiam and Felix ( Collyer) Lewis) born in ,vales, Aug. 19, 1620, came to Ne\v England with his parents in 1632; 111arried in Hartford 1644 l\'1ary, daughter of ,villiam Hopkins of Stratford. He was an early settler in Farmington where he died Aug. 18, 1690. BENJA1\1IN LE,VIS, (\Villiam and Felix (Collyer) Lewis) and brother of the above ,villiam, was born either in \Vales or England, probably about 1630, came to New England with his parents in 1632; 111arried first time Sarah Nichols, re111oved to \Vallingford in 1669 and to Stratford in 1676-7 where he married a second time, Hannah, daugh­ ter of Sergt. John Curtiss. Settled then in ,vallingford but returned to Stratford in 1675. His wife Hannah died in 1728 at the age of 74. Children: 1. JOHN, born Sept. 1672. 11. l\L\RY, horn Nov. 1674. m. JAMES l Twins, born 1679. 1v. Eo~tUND j v. JosErH, horn 1683. vi. HANNAH. horn 1685. vii. l\fARY, horn 1688. viii. l\[ ARTH,\, horn 1691. ix. BENJAMIN, horn 1696. x. EUNICE. 5 BENJA1\1IN LE\VIS, (Benjan1in) born 1696, married Sarah De Forest, daughter of David and 1\i[artha (Blagge) De Forest, who was born Nov. 9, 1698. (See De Forest and Burritt 42).

LIVINGSTON 'T'he fatnily name of Livingston is derived from an I-I un­ garian J,rentleman of the natne of Livingius. who accom­ nanied Marg-aret. sister of Edgar Atheting, and wife of King 1\,f alcon1e Cantnore, from her native countrv to Scotland about the time of the Norman Conquest, 1066. llURRITT FAMILY 267

In the reign of David the First of Scotland ( 1124-1153), says tradition, Livingius received grants of land in \,Vest Lothian which was created a barony and named after the proprietor, Livingius' Town, later Livingston. This estate was transmitted through the descendents for nearly four hundred years, when in the reign of James I ( 1488-1513) Bartholomew Livingston, dying without heirs, the direct line became extinct. A co-lateral branch, however, in the meantime acquired wealth and consequence and it is from this line that the Earls of Linlithgow in Scotland and the Livingstons in America are descended. In the reign of Dadd II ( 1329-1370), Sir \Villiam l...iving­ ston, knight, marrying Christiana, daughter of Patrick de Calender, in the county of Sterling i-t."ceived the barony of Calender with her. His grandson, John, had Alexander, his heir; Robert, the ancestor of the Earl of Newburg; and \Vil- 1iam, progenitor of \Tiscounts of Kilsyth. Sir Alexander, eldest son of John above, was, in 1437, on the death of James I of Scotland, appointed regent with Crichton during the n1inority of James II. Not long after, his property was confiscated and his son brought to the block. His other son, Ja111es, who succeeded to the barony of Calender, was created Loni of Livingston. I-le died in 1467. The lordship appears to have been one of the n1ore i111por­ tant baronies. \Vil1ia111, the great-grandson of this James, Lord Livingston, 111arried Agnes, sister or daughter of Sir Patrick Hepburn. Alexander, their oldest son, succeeded to the title. It was his daughter who was one of the "four i1aries" that accompanied the Scottish Queen l\Jary to the French Court. (See ~1lrs. Jameson's "Celebrated Feminine Sovereigns"). "Last night the Queen had four iJaries Tonight she'll have but three; There was l'vlary Seaton, i,[ary Beaton, And i,rary Livingston and me." Alexander was created Earl of Linlithgow in 1600. J-Iis second son was created Earl of Calender, who was also men­ tioned afterward in the title. These Earls distinguished thetnsclves through five generations, more than a century, hv., attachtnent to the throne and the house of Stuart. In 1715 268 B U R R I T T F A ~I I L Y

the Earl of Linlithgow joined the Earl of ?vf ar. On the failure of that nobleman's enterprise, the former's title and estates were confiscated. The earldom was never returned as were son1e others. T'he heir to whom it was last offered declined "the barren honor." From this anciont family of Scotland the American Liv­ ingstons originated.

Origin of American Line Robert, second son of Lord \Villian1 and Agnes (Hepburn) Livingston, was killed at the battle of Pinkie Field in ·1547_ He is ·called the ancestor of the American Livingstons. John Livingston, his grandson, or perhaps his great grand­ son was the parent nf Robert Livingston who was the first of the name to come to America. This John was a minister, and was born in 1\'Tonybrook in Sterling-shire, June 21, 1603. I-Ie 111arried 1635 Barbara Flem­ ing, daughter of Bartholomew Fleming, a merchant of Edin­ burgh. In 1630, while chaplain t-'"' the Countess of \.Vigtonn, he delivered at the Church of Shot·ts a sermon the eloquence of which produced an extraordinary effect. Shortlv after, he was called to the church of Killinchie, Ireland. ·1-Iere he was harrassed on account of his non-con­ formity, and having a desire for liberty of religious thought, he embarked for ?vlassachusetts Bay. His ship was driven back by adverse winds and he abandoned the attempt. In 1638 he was settled at Stren-cawer, Scotland. In 1658 he was one of the Commissioners sent to Breda, I-I olland, by the Scottish Church to trea·t with Charles I I. J n 1663, at the restoration, after refusing to take the oath of allegiance, he was banished and going o I-Iolland, became pastor of the Scottish church at Rotterdam, where he spent the last days of his life; dying in 1672.

1 Robert Livingston, son of the Reverend John (1603-1672) was horn Dec. 13, 1654, at Ancrum, Roxbt~rgshirc, Scotland, where his father had been prca,~hing·. I-Jc went to Holland with his parents and was a pupil of his father fot· the greater part of his education. I-Jere he natttr:\IJY became conversant ·with the Dutch language and customs. At the ag·e of cig·htecn BURRITT ·FAMILY 269

Robert was left hr the death of his father to decide his own future and influe11ced somewhat by his father's desire to go to the new country, he decided to go to America. U111ike his father, he is thought to have been more influenced by the hope for good business opportunities than for religious free­ dom. He 111ade good use of these opportunities. In 1673 he came to America and acquired land near what is now Al­ bany, ultimately approximating 160,000 acres. This tract of land lying on the east side of the river in what is now Duchess County, N. Y. 'T'his tract was secured to the Livingston family by Gov. Httntcr in 1715, and was divided bv will of the first Robert between two of his sons, Philip an~l ~::>bert, the eldest son, John, having died before the death of' his father. Philip, the second son, became the Lord of the l\Janor. Several unsuccessful attempts were made to break up the estate, both by encroachments fron1 the state of llassachu­ setts and bv other attacks on the validity of the title. 'fhe law of entail ~as abolished by the Revolu.tion, and as a conse­ quence the extensive estate was divided fairly by the third Lord, Robert, among his heirs. Owing to continued disturb­ ances, the proprietors finally, in 1844, sold the land to the tenants. Robert Livingston married in 1697, Alida Schuyler, daugh­ ter of Philip Schuyler, and widow of the Rev. Xicholas Van Renssalaer. Children: 1. JonANNUS or JonN, horn April 26, 1680. 11. ~IAHGAHET, horn 1681; married 1700; died 1758.

111. Jon ANNA P111u.Jl'PIN,\ 1 horn 1683; died 1689. 1v. P1111.11•, born 1686. ,.. Ronmn, horn 1688; married ~largaret Hawarden, 1717; died 1775. ,.,. Gu.1m1n or HunERTUs, horn 1689; married Cornl'lia Beelman, 1711; died 1746. vii. \V11.1.1A~1. horn 1692. viii. loll ANNA, horn 1694; married Gerrit Van Horne. ix. C\\TIIEIUNE, horn 1698; died 1699. 2 CA PTATN JOHN Ll VIN(;STON, son of Robert and Alida, was hor11 April 26, 1680. \Vhcn he was about ten years old, circumstances seem to have been such that he was left in 270 BURRITT FAl\llLY

the care of John vVinthrop, then General of the Connecticut troops, for his education. In the year 1690, the N cw York and New England colonies united their forces against Canada, fro111 which French and Indians had issued and destroyed Schenectady, Feb. 8, 1690. General \Vinthrop, in command of the land forces, with the rank of con1111ander-in-chief, 111arched to Lake Cha111- plain, but Indian auxiliaries failing, could go no further. Pro­ visions were scarce and he was obliged to retreat to Albany for subsistence. The fleet was no less unfortunate, sailed too late, and found Quebec too strong for them. 'I'hcy returned home and the expedition was a failure. The gover11111ent of New York, greatly exasperated, at­ tributed the failure to Gen. \Vinthrop, had him arrested and it was only by the adventurous friendship of the l\1lohawks under his com111and that he was freed. \Vinthrop's reputa­ tion in Connecticut was not diminished, the Legislature ap­ proving of his every act, and as we know, he later became Governor of that Colony. John Livingston continued to live at the \Vinthrop home and married lVf ary, only daughter of Gen. \Vinthrop. I-le was one of the four first purchasers of l\ilohcgan Reservation from the Indians. This tract of land lav in Korth Parish, New London. Here he had his countrv" estate and continued to make his home, marrying as h(i;; second wife, Elizaheth Knight. In 1718 he seen1s to have gone to England on a busi­ ness mission and dice\ there Feb. 19, 1720. This death was untitnely and there was no vVill and no record of the na111es of children hut fan1ilv tradition has it that he left a fa111ily and that among thcn1 ~as the son, John, of the following generation.

3 JOHN LJ\.JNGSTON, said to he son of Capt. John, was horn about 1615, 111arricd l\1fartha ---, who died in 1768. Children: i. JAMES, horn ~fay 23, 1741, at \Va11ingford, Conn. ii. JANE, horn Oct. 1742; haptized same year. iii. ~1ARY, horn April 19, 1744. 1v. 1\JARTHA, horn Dec. 5, 1745; haptizcd 1746. v. AGNES, horn June 22, 1748; married Samuel Smith: died in \Vatcrlmry, 1770. BURRITT FAMILY 271

v1. ABIGAIL, born ~farch 17, 1749, at \Vallingford, Conn.; married Daniel Seymour. vii. DANIEL, horn June 22, 1752, haptized at :'\leriden. viii. A child baptized in 1754. ix. IsA,\C, horn Jan. 27, 1755.

4 ISAAC LJ\TINGSTON, son of John and ~,rartha ahove, was born Jan. 27, 1755, married Ann Jackson, who was born 1763 and who died in 1836. Isaac died in 1823. Isaac Livingston enlisted for service in the Revolutionary \Var first under Capt. Couch of ?\cferiden, Conn., as soon as news of the battle of Lexington reached there. They were out only seven days, time to go to Bo~ton and back. He then joined the regiment raised in first call for troops by the legislature in April or May 1775, Seventh Company, under Capt. Isaac Cook, Jr. Took part in operations along Lake George and Lake Champlain under Gen. Schuyler; assisted in reduction of St. Johns in October and was afterwards stationed at ~,r ontreal. Discharged Oct. 17, 1775. I-le enlisted in Bradley's Battal­ ion, \Vadsworth Brigade under Capt. John Couch of lHeri­ den, Conn., June 25, 1776. Discharged Jan. 19, 1777. He en­ listed again for three years, ?\,fay 17, 1777. in the Eighth Regiment of the "New Connecticut Line." He was sergeant under Col. John Chandler of Newton, in Capt. David Smith's Company. Discharged ?\,Jay 10, 1780. Evidently be­ gan service again Dec. 25, 1780, as ''Cpnnccticut ?\·I en in the Revolution" page 345 has this entry ''Paid from Dec. 25, 1780, to Dec. 31, 1781. I--Ield the rank of Sergeant." Also in list of pensioners, pag~ 635. In this last service he was in Fifth Regiment, Connecticut Line Forn1ation of 1781 to 1783 which was composed of the First and Eighth regiments of the previous formation, with L.ieut. Col. Isaac Sherman of New I-Iaven, Capt. San1'l Cotn­ stock's Cotnpany. The move111ent of that part of the army of which he was a member is recorded as folJows: \Vent into field at Camp PeekskiJI in the spring oi 1777 under Gen. McDougall. Fought at Germantown and his detachment defended Fort 1'1iflin, l\tlud Island, Penn., Nov. 16, 17, 1777. \Vintercd at ''alley Forge, '77 and '78 and on June 28, following. fought 272 B U R R I T T F A l\l I L Y

the battle of l\Iontnouth. Encamped during the sumnier at \Vhite Plains, Huntington Brigade. \\'intered '78 and '79 at Redding, Conn. Engaged in storming Stony Point, July 15, '79. \Vintered '79 and '80 at iUorrison Heights, N. J. Sum­ mer of '80, n1ain army on the Hudson. \Vintered '80 and '81 at Camp Connecticut· \"illage. ( pp. 231 "Connecticut 1\tlen in Revolution"). Children: 1. Lucv, horn Jan. 2, 1783. 11. JANE, horn Feh. 5, 1786; married in 180-t l\l. Hill Baldwin; died 1811. 111. l\L\RTHA, horn Sept. 5, 1789; died in Roxbury, Oct. 24, 1845. n•. ANN, horn April 17, 1791; died April 10, 1823. "· IsAAC, horn l\lay 9, 179.t In 37th Infantry Regiment, \Var of 1812. ,,i. l\lELINI>.\, horn Aug. 16, 1795. ,·ii. FERRAND, horn Nm·. 5, 1796; married l\fargaret V. Farrington. viii. ABIGAIL, horn Nov. 5, 1796. ix. LounoN, horn l\larch 20, 1802; died l\lay 1834. x. \VII,LIA:\t, horn l\larch 20, 1804; married Sally Edwards. Their daughter, Julia Livingston, married Daniel Austin Burritt. (Sec Burritt 110). x1. CHLOE, horn l\lay 9, 1806; married Seabury Crossman, 1823. x11. FANNIE Pm,rnRoY, horn June ), 1809; married Lyman Fenn, 1826; died Oct. 23, 1869. Their son, Henry Harrison Fenn, married Dec. 28, 1858, Sarah J. Burritt, daughter of Roswell and Anna (Seward) Burritt. ( See Burritt 67).

MILLS References: tvl ills (;enealogy by Susan Mills; Stiles \i\Tind­ sor; Sketches of Early Settlers of Simsbury hy r\hicl Brown; l\tlanwaring's Early Probate Record; The Phelps Family by Judge 0. S. Phelps: Ralph Shepard Puritan hy R. 1-1. Shep­ ard. 1 SI?vfON fvl ILL.S, according to tradition, came to America with Capt. N ewhury; his first wife Sarah, daughter of John and l'vlary (Drake) Bissell, came on the san1e ship. Simon l\1lills' name first appears in Plymouth, l\t[ass., in 1628. He was one of the founders of \\Tindsor, Conn. 2 SUvlEON, (Simon 1) born about 1637, died July 6, 1683; BURRITT FAMILY 273 married Feh. 23, 1660, lVIarv BueIJ, who was born Sept. 3, 1642, and died June 24, 1718: She was a daughter of \Villian1 and lVfary (Post) Buell. 3 JOHN, (Simeon 2) born Jan. 2, 1669; died ?vlarch 12, 1698; married 1689, Sarah Pettibone who died April 3, 1748. She was a daughter of John and Sarah (Eggleston) Petti­ bone of Simsbury. Sarah Eggleston was a daughter of Begat and lHary Eggleston. 4 JOSEPH, (John 3) born Dec. 23, 1694; died April 19, 1783; 111arried 1724, Hannah Addams who was born 1709 and died Septetnber 1776. · She was a daughter of Daniel and 'J'hanks (Shepard) Ad­ dan1s. Daniel Addams was a son of Daniel and 1'1lary (Phelps) Addan1s of Sitnsbury and grandson of Cieorge and Frances Addams of \Vattertown. l\1lary Phelps was a daughter of Sa111uel and Sarah (Gris­ wold) Phelps of \Vindsor and granddaughter of \Villiam and Elizabeth Phelps, (See Phelps in this volume) of \Vind­ sor, Conn. Thanks Shepard was a daughter of Abraham and Judith Philbrook (Sill) Shepard of Concord and granddaughter of Ralph and 'T'hanks (Lord) Shepard. 5 JOSEPI-I, (Joseph 4) born Feb. 12, 1726; died July 26, 1792; married first time Susanna Case \vho died Aug. 8, 1767. She was a daughter of Daniel and Penelope (Butolph) Case. His third wife, married in 17ii, was 1-J annah Remington. Joseph !vi ills served as Moderator at town meeting June 26, 1780. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary \Var. His home was in Norfolk, Conn.

6 PENELOPE 1\1I ILLS, daughter of Joseph and Susan 1VJi1ls was born Mav 25, 1755; died Ivlarch 1814; married April 27, 1773, Jahc;. Remington and moved from Connecti­ cut to Auhurn, N. Y., in 1799. (Sc\_; Remington and Burritt 106). 274 BURRITT FAMILY

OLMSTED FAMILY Ohnsted Fa1nily Genealogies by Henry King Olmsted, revised and cotnpleted by Rev. George K. vVard in 1912 shows the Olmsted family in England back to 1242 but there are several gaps where the connections are not cotnplete. Reference is n1ade to lWordant's History of Essex, England, which says the family is tnentioned in the Doomsday Book in 1086. James and Jane (Bristow) Olmsted of Gt"eat Leighs, County Essex, England, has a son Richard. This Richard had sons Richard and James who emigrated to An1erica.

1 RICHARD, of Norwalk, Conn., the oldest son, was bap­ tized at Fairsted, County Essex, Feb. 20, 1612. He was twice married but the names of his wives arc unknown. 1-Iis sons were children of his first wife. His will is dated Sept. 5, 1684.

1 JOI-IN OL!v[STED, second son, came to 1-Iartford, Conn., in the sun1111er of 1636 with a party from Newtown (after­ wards Cain bridge), l'v[ ass. I-I e was a first settler and propri­ etor of 1-Iartford. From his owning a house in Hartford, it is probable that he was married before 1640. On June 19, 1650, articles of agreen1ent were drawn up for the purchase of "Norwalke" fron1 Roger Ludlow of Fair­ field, Conn., and on Sept. 11, 1651, "it was ordained that Nor­ walk should be a town." 1-Ie was there in 1650-51 as his name appears in the deed of the Indian chiefs, dated Fch. 15, 1651. I-I is Civil Services: In 1646 he was cons ta hie in Hartford. 1649 fence viewer. 1653 deputy of Norwalk to the General Court at Hartford. 1656 appointed by {ieneral Court as leather seller for ~ orwalk. 1657 chosen Townsman in Nor­ walk. 1660 was firand Juror for Norwalk and deputy to General Court. He was chosen deputy of Norwalk a dozen times between 1660 and 1679. In 1665 Lieut. Olmsted was appointed to represent part of the Colony in defense meas­ ures. Oct. 12, 1665, he was appointed to view lands apper­ taining to I-lastings and Rye for a new plantation. l\'[any times he surveyed lines and ran lines. Tn 1669 was grankd BURR ITT FAM I I, Y 275

60 acres of land "where he could find it." Nov. 26, 1673, he was 1\11uster l\Jaster for Fairfield county. 1668-77 was Coin­ missioner for Norwalk with magisterial powers. His l\il ilitary services: Served in the Pequot \Var and re­ ce1 ved a grant of land, l\(lay 1637. In 1653 was sergeant to a c0111pany of 65 men. Lieutenant in 1659. At 63 years of age he fought in King Philip's \\'ar in 1676. \Vas Captain in 1680 and appointed commissioner for the following six years. He died in 1686.

2 LIEUT. JOHN, (John 1) baptized at J-Iartford, Conn., Dec. 30, 1649. His estate distributed April 17, 1705. He married a first time, probably Nov. 1 l ,!1670, Mary Benedict, daughter of Thomas and :Mary ( Bddgum) Benedict of (probably) Southold, L. I.; married a second time to iH rs. Elizabeth (Parclie) Gregory, born June 10, 1660, daughter of George Pardee and widow of Thomas Gregory. She out­ lived her husband. Lieut. John was selectman in 1699 and 1703. 3 DANI EL, (John 2) horn 1682; married }lay 9, 1711, Han­ nah Ketchum of Norwalk, Conn. I-le with his brother Richard and 22 others, bought with permission of the Gen­ eral Assem hly at J-J artfnrd, Sept. 30, 1708, of the Indian Sachen1 Catoonah and his associates for £ 100, a tract of land ·(200 acres) on which now stands Ridgefield, Conn. l-J c was for many years an influential man in town affairs. Tn 1732 he was Ensi~;n of the Train Band and Representative in 17-12 and 1743.

4 AMBROSE, ( Daniel 3) horn at Ridgefield, Conn., l\Iay 9, 1719; died April 6, 1792; married a first time, July 9, 1742, l\Iartha Comstock of Norwalk, New Canaan Parish, Conn., who was horn about 1723 and died Aug. 4, 1814. I-Ie remar­ ried hut the name of his second wife is unknown. s Al\•IBROSE, (Ambrose 4) horn l\farch 21. 1747 at Ridge- field: died at Auburn, N. Y., Julv 14, 1834: married ~vfary . ~ 276 llURRITT FAMILY

Palmer, who was born Nov. 2, 1755, and died at Auburn, Jan. 18, 1843. Lived at Ridgefield until about 1793, when they moved to Auburn, N. Y. Their daughter, Deborah, was born at Ridgefield, Jan. 22, 1786, and died at Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1734. She married Rufus Remington. (Sec Burritt 106).

PARMELEE 1 This fan.:Iy is said to trace fron1 Baron l\lauricc de Par­ melee of Belgium, who fled from Spain to l-Iolland in the

.vear 1070.. One .John Parmelee, a descendant of the above was of Kent, England, in 1580. The first of the name to come to Atnerica was John Par­ tnelee, said to have been from Ockley or the Isle of Guernsey. He is listed as among the passengers from London in the "Elizabeth and Ann" in 1635, at the age of 21. This would show his birth date to he 1614. He married first in England, I-Iannah, and second, Elizabeth Bradley. He died in New I-Ia ven, Conn., in 1659. Four years after coming to this country he went with forty nine settlers led by the Rev. \Vhitford, to Guilford, Conn., in 1639. They were mostly farmers and had come first with Gov. Eaton to New Haven in 1637. John's name is among those of twenty-five signers of the c;uilford Planta­ tion, June 1639. He had one son, John.

2 JOI-IN PARMELEE, (John 1) horn 1639; died 1725; married first Rebecca, who died Sept. 25, 1651. He married second I-Iannah, widow of \Villian1 Plaine. John was one of the first planters in Guilford, with his father in 1650. I-le was a proprietor in 1685. For many years he acted as sexton and was a drummer in the Train hand. Children: i. N ATHANrnr., horn 1645. H. HANNAH. iii. JonN, horn Nov. 25, 1659. iv. JOSHUA, born 1661. v. Jon. B .U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 277

3 NAT I-IAN I EL. PARMELEE, (John 2) born 1645; mar­ ried 1668, Sarah French, who was born 1650, died 1717. He was killed in the f ndian wars. 'I'hey lived in Killingsworth. Had a son: J. NATHANIEL, horn 1672. JOSI--IUA P.-\Rl\JELEE, (John 2) born in Guilford, 1661; died there June 1729; married first, July 10, 1690, in (;uilford, Else Edwards of I-Iampton, L. I.: married second at Guil­ ford in 1716 the widow of Benjamin Story. They had 13 children, among whom was: JONATHAN', horn June 21, 1701.

4 NATHANIEL J> AR~I ~LEE, ( Nathaniel 3) born 1672; married first Anna Post, who died in 1723: second Bertha Kelsey, born 1701, died 1779. Of their eleven children the seventh was: NEIIIDIIAH, horn 1710. JONATI-IAN PAR1IELEE, (Joshua 3) born in Guilford, July 21, 1701; died Oct. 1794: married Dec. 1728, Sarah Ta,·­ ior: who was horn 1708, died Feb. 14, 179.+, at East 1-Iamj)­ ton, Conn. She was a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Spen­ cer) Taylor. They lived in Bradford, Chatham, and Litch­ field, and ahout 1750 removed to East Hampton, Conn. There were ten children among whom was: AsAPII, horn April 2. 1746. 5 NEH El\f l A 1-I PA RM ELEE. (Nathaniel 4) horn 1710: married April 3, 1743, Hannah l-11111. · Ten children were horn to this union, the ninth being: AMOS, horn 1750. ASAPI-T PARi\TELEE. (Jonathan 4) born :\pril 2, li46; died Oct. 24, 1834; married first Sarah E,·erett: second lJnl­ dah l\tlarshall. 'l'heir son: AsAPII, horn Jan. 6, 1778. 6 . AiWOS PARi\1IELEE. (Nehemiah 5) horn 1750; married 1773, · Elbmhcth T4ord; lie was head of a family in Killings- 278 BURRITT FAMILY worth in li90. At so111e time between 1798 and 1800 he moved with his fa111ily to Roxbury, Conn. An1os Pannelee served during the Revolution as lieutenant in Capt. Alex. \Vaugh's Co. in the 17th Reg. Conn. l\lilitia. On July 19, 1779, was sent on a fifty mile 111arch to oppose the enen1y who were burning Fairfield and Norwalk. ( Sec Burritt 67). There were ten children, the fifth, a daughter: Sm.,, horn Jan. 26, 1783; married Benjamin Seward. ASAPH PARl\,IELEE, (Asaph S) born Jan. 6, 1778; died June 20, 1859; married first Hannah I--Iall; second Betsy Foote. The home was in Bristol, \rt. Children: 1. :\lrnANDA, horn Sept. 1, 1802; married Edward Dunshee, of Bris- tol, Vt. ( See Drake ancl Burritt 203). 11. ANSON, horn Sept. 14, 1810. 111. HARRIET, horn ~larch 11, 1822.

PHELPS These records arc given to show the :,ncestry of Elizabeth Phelps Burritt, wife of Giles Burritt of Parma, ( now Hilton) l\fonroc County, New York. The original name is spelled variously Phelips, Phellypsc, Phelppse, etc., in old records in England previous to 1500. Records are taken from \' ol. 1 of Phelps Genealogy by Phelps and Severin, supplemented by data from Savage's Genealogical Dictionary of N cw England, 1860 edition, and Yules National Cyclopedia of American Biography.

1 fAMES PHELPS, born 1520, died between 1587 and 1591 in ·Tewkesbury, England, and buried in Tewkesbury Ahhey Church with his wife Joan. Records of Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Administrations of 1587-1591, page 60: "Com­ missioned to Joan Phelps, relict of James Phelps late of Tewkesbury, deceased, to administer goods and chattels of said deceased." All nine children except Nicholas, the eldest, were baptized in the A hhcy Church. 2 \VTLLJAl\if PHELPS, baptized Aug. 4, 1560, in Tewkes­ hury Abbey Church; died 1611. and interred in the Abbey BURRITT FAMILY 279

Church with his wife Dorothy, who died in 1613. Records of Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Sept. 28, 1611, Adtninistra­ tions of 1611-1614: "Commissi

4 (LT.) Tll\tIONTHY PI-IELPS, born Sept. 1, 1639. in \Vindsor, Conn., and died there in 1719. He married l\·fary Griswold, who was baptized Oct. 13, 1644, in \Vindi;or, Conn., and predeceased him. She was a daughter of Edwar~l Griswold of Kenilworth, England, who settled in \Vindsor in 1635, and later removed to Killingsworth, Conn. Titnothy Phelps received his commission from the General Court in 1709, and had served in the Queen Anne \Var in 1707. See Stiles "History of \Vindsor," and the Hartford Probate Records, \T ol. 9, page 338, for his will. There were twelve children. 5 \i\/lLLTAfvf PI-TELPS. horn Feb.4.1699. in \i\/inc\sor. Conn .. where he died in 1733. H c had \Villiam and EhenPzcr hy his first wife. who was Abagail ~,f udg-c and who died 280 BURRITT FAMILY

April 24, 1705. 1-Ic 111arricd a second ti111c, Ruth Barber, and had three children. 6 \VILLIAi\rl PI-IELPS, horn March 16, 1702, in \,Vindsor, Conn., and died in anny camp in :M iddlcfield, Conn., in 1776. I-le married first -- Moore, who died before 1760. She was a granddaughter of Andrew i'vloorc of \Vindsor. They had Elisha and \Villiam. ]n 1760 he 1narried a second time, Anna Bishop, and had se,,en children. His Revolutionary \Var record 111ay he found on page -408 "Soldiers of Connec­ ticut," a State publication. 7 (CORPL.) ELISI-IA PH EL.PS, horn Dec. 1722, in \Vind­ sor, Conn., and died in 1818 at Scipio, N. Y. I--Ie married in 1742 Elizabeth Holcomb, who was born Nov. 9, 1723 in \Vindsor and died in East \\'incisor. She was a daughter of Joseph Newcon1b( e) who was a grandson of Thomas Hnl­ cotnbc who settled in Boston in 1630, and whose wife :Mary (\Vinchell) Halcomb was a great granddaughter of Rober·t \Vinchell, who left Dorchester, England, in 1638, and settled in \Vindsor. (His earliest traceable lineal ancestor is Robert de \Vinchelsea who was tnade Bishop of Canterbury in 1293.) Corp. Elisha's eight children were born in East \,Vindsor, Conn. 8 SHADRACI-I PHELPS, born in 1748, in East \:Vindsor, Conn., and died at Scipio, N. Y. He n1arried a cousin, --­ Phelps, ( said to have been a sister of Oliver Phelps of the Phelps and Gorhan1 Land Purchase who settled in Canan­ daigua, N. Y.) 'I'hree children were born in East \Vindsor, Conn., and one in Scipio, N. Y.

9 GEORGE PI-IELPS, horn in 1770 at East \Vindsor, Conn., and died about 1810 near Sand Lake, N. Y. He mar­ ried in January 1788, Evelyn Coleby ( son1etin1es given Eve Coby} who 'died about 1820. She was a lineal descendant of Anthony Colby, who came to Boston in vVintht'op's Con1- pany in 1630., and built the first "pennanent" dwelling-house\ B U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 281

in Ca111bridge, l\1lass. I-le was the son of Thomas Colby and Beatrice (Felton) Colby of Sussex, England, and grandson of Sir Tho111as Felton of Playford. George Phelps settled in Duchess County, N. Y., and later 111igrated westward. In a stonn on Lake Eric his boat overturned and two of his chil­ dren were drowned. 1-Ic returned to New York State and settled in Rensselaer County. In li90 the first census shows that he was living in Livingston Town(ship), Colutnbia County, N. Y ., with his wife and eldest son. There were six children, and one of these, the daughter Elizabeth, born Sept. 10, '1791, married l\ifarch 5, 18f0 Giles Burritt. (See Burritt 56).

SEWARD F AMI:(., Y; 1 First Generation \VILLIAivl SE\VARD was born in Bristol, England, in 1627, sailed from the port of London for Atnerica dtiring the year of 1635, ( New England Genealogical and Historical Register), died at Guilford, Conn., in 1689. 1-Ie married April 16, 1651, Grace Norton, daughter of Thotnas and Grace (vVells) Norton of Guilford. vVillian1 Seward lived for a tin1e in New Haven but soon after the birth of the first child l\ilary, 1653, removed to Guil­ ford where he took the oath of fidelity l\1lay 4, 1654. His home lot is described as being next to that of :Mr. French. He was by trade a tanner, a 111an of considerable property and etninence and possessed of a picturesque and individual personality. He was for a long titne Captain of the Guard, or Train Band with the privilege of choosing his own 111en. Children: i. l\lARY, horn in New Haven, 1653; married John Scranton, and died in 1690 leaving three children. 2. ii. J01-1N, born Guilford, Feb. 14, 1656. 3. iii. JosErH, born Guilford, 1658. 1v. SAMUEL, born Guilford, 1659: died young. 4. v. CALEB, horn Guilford, :March 14, 1662. vi. STEPHEN, born Aug. 6, 1664; died about 1700-01. vii. SAM URL, horn Feh. 8, 1668; died a few days after his father in 1689 at the age of 22 years. viii. HANNAH, horn 1670; married Joseph Hanel. ix. EBENEZER, horn Dec. 13, 1672: died Oct. 19, 1701. from the kick of. a horse. 282 BURRITT FAMILY

2 Second Generation JOHN SE\VARD, (\Villiam 1) born 1656; died Dec. 5, 1748; married Abigail, eldest daughter of the second \Villiam Bushnell, of Saybrook. She died in 1750. Children: J. A111GAH,, horn 1680; died young. ii. JOHN, born 1684. 5. iii. \Vu.LIAM, born 1684. 1v. HEZEKIAH, born 1696. v. T1D1 l'ERANCE, horn 1698. 3 JOSEPH. SE\V ARD, (\Villian1 1) born in 1655; died 1731; married Feb. 5, 1681, Judith, daughter of the second \Villiam Bushnell, who died in 1740. I-le was a physician and lived in Durhatn, Conn. Children: i. JosEPH, born 1682; died young. ii. Ju1>1T11, born 1684. iii. ~lARY, horn 1686; died young. 1v. Jos1wn, born 1687. v. ).lARY, born 1690. vi. PATIENc1-;. vii. SAMUEL, viii. NATHANIEL, ix. ANNA. 4 CALEB SE\,VARD, (\Villia111 1) born lvlarch 14, 1662; died Aug. 6, 1728. He married July 14, 1686, Lydia, daughter of the second \Villiam Bushnell of Saybrook. She died in 1753. Caleb was the first settler to break through .the wilder­ ness and build his log hause in what was afterwards the town of Durhan1. Here his son Ephriain was born, the first white child to be born in this locality. Caleb represented his town in the General Assembly and his nan1e appears _many times on the early records. Children: i. DANIEL, born 1687. ii. LvmA, horn 1689; married April S, 1714, John Howe. iii. CALEB, born 1692. 6. iv. THOMAS, born 1694. v. NonrAn, born 1697. vi. EPHRIAM, horn probably 1700. vii. EnENEZER, horn 1703. 13 U R R I T T F A 1\1 I L Y 283

5 Third Generation \VJLLIAl\l SE\\' ARD, (John 2) born in Guilford, in 1684.; died in New Haven in 1761 ( or 4). Married in 1710, Damaris Punderson, daughter of John and Datnaris (At­ water) Punderson. Damaris Atwater was daughter of David and Damaris (Sayre) ,\twater. \Villiam's name appears as Deacon on the records of the church at Guilford in 1729. Had a son: . 7. i. \V11.1.1A~1, horn 1712. (The Rev. \Villiam),

6 'THOMAS SE\VARD, (Caleb 4) horn 1694; died 1762; married Sarah daughter of Samurl Camp of Durhan1. Children: 8. i. S01.o~ION, horn 1721. 9. ii. A:'.IOS, horn 1726. iii. CATHERINE, horn 1727. 1v. NATHAN', born 17.10.

7 Fourth Generation RE\'. \,VILLIAl\l SE\VARD, (Dea. \Villian1 5) born 1712: died Feb. 5, 1782 . .i\larried first Sept. 21, 1741 ·(l\Trs.) Concurrence Stevens; second, 1761 ( l\Trs.) l\·label Stnith; third, Nov. 11, 1775, Sarah Stud,~rcl. 'l'his \Villiam Seward taught school in Killingworth, Conn., in 1733. He received his B.A. degree at Yale in the class of 1734. Preached at Stanwick church in Greenwich in 1735, was ordained at North Killingworth, Dec. 27, 1737. He was present at the General A~;semhly at \Voodbury in 1764. I-le was the first tninister of the North Killingworth Congregational church whose two hundredth anniversary was celebrated in 1928. I-le was said to be a worthv., and talented man. Children: i. CoNCURR1:rncE l ,, . J ii. DAM ARIS i 1wms, 1)Ofll une 15 ' 1743 . iii. MARY, born 1745. iv. \Vu.LIAM, born 1747. v. JonN, born 1750; died 1750. vi. )ottN, horn 1762; died 1763. vii. JOHN PUNDERSON, horn 1765. viii. ZuRISHADDII, born 1777. 284 BURRITT FAMILY 8 SOLO~·ION SE\,\! ARD, (Thomas 6) horn Jan. 19, 1721; married Alinor ( or Elinor) Baldwin of North Bradford, Conn. The year previous to this Solomon was listed as a lieutenant in Daniel ~1lalthy's Cotnpany in the French and Indian war. In 1776 he and Elinor moved with their familv to South Britain, then a part of \Vooclhury. They joined th"c Congregational church of that place where he served as Deacon in 1777. Children: 11. i. B1rnJ,\~1JN, horn ~lard1 9, 1770. ii. S,UIUE[••

9 AM OS SE\VARO, (T'homas 6) born 1726, married Ruth Rogers, of \Volcott. Removed from Bradford, Conn., to \Volcott about 1769 and died there. Children: 1. SARAH, married Daniel Lane. 11. RUTH, married Reuben Frisbee. iii. NATHAN, married ~rartha Gully. iv. Lors.

10 Fifth Generation \VILLIAlVI SE\VARD, (Rev. \Villiam 7) horn Nov. 15, I 747; nrnrried Nov. 15, 1771, Thankful Parmelee, probably daug-hter of Joseph Parmalee. lie was an Elder in the church at Killingworth in 1771 and seems to have been a minister from 1774 to 1794. He was a preachl'r at the General As­ sembly at Greenfield in 1790.

1 1 BENJAiWIN SE\¥ ARD, (Solomon 8) born in Bradford, Parish of Northford, i\tlarch 9, 1770. In 1796 his name ap­ pears as grantee on a deed to property in South Britain, Conn. In 1800 he was Junior \-Varden in the lVIasonic Lodge of \Voodbury. ( Cothren's "Ancient vVoodbury"). l\1arried in 1800 Siba Pannalte. daughter of A1110s and Elizabeth (Lord) Partnelee, born Jan. 26, 1783. In 1806 he went to teach music in the South and died at Granville, N. C., in Nov. 1810, wtihout having been home. BURRITT FAMILY 285

Children: ,. ORIN, horn l\lay 14, 1801. ii. .h~ANNHTTE ~111.DRED, born Sept. 5, 1804;marriecl 1845 Zad1eus \Varner; died 1890. iii. ANNA ~IARYA, horn Jan. 21, 1807; married Roswell Burritt. ( See Burritt 67).

WARNER FAMILY 1 First Generation JOHN ,~, ARNER. Came from 'Essex County, England, in the ship Increase in 1635 and settled in Far111ington, Conn., where he died in 1678-9. Children: 2. i. JOHN, died 1707. ii. EPHRIAM. iii. RonERT. iv. EBENEZER. ,.. LYDIA, married Samuel Bronson.

2 Second Generation JOH'N \VARNER, (John 1) li\'ed in \Voodbury, Conn., and died in Farmington while on a visit in 1707. Children: 3. i. EPHRIAM, 4. ii. ROBERT. 5. iii. En1-:NEZER.

3 Third Generation

1 EPHRIAl\ [ \VARNER, (John 2) born in \;\.T oodbury. Children: ,. EPHRIAM, baptized Nov. 1693. ii. B1<:NJAMIN, baptized August 1698. Probably left \Voodhury as there are no records.

4 ROBERT \VARNER, (John 2) married first 1VIary Hurl- but who died April 1..t-. 1743. He tnarried second Sarah vVhee­ Jer April 14, 1744. ''.he died l\1ay 30, 1755. Children: i. SARAH, baptized July 1704; died Jan. ~8, 1721., ii. ~IARY, haptizccl July 24, 1707 i married April 15, 1?31, Isaac Tuttle, 286 BURRITT FAMILY

iii. ~IAR

6 Fourth Generation JOHN\VARNER, (Robert4) bornOct.27, 1713;married June 11, 1735, Jennie Hurd; died Dec. 8, 1785. Children: 1. DANIEL, horn July 1736; died the same month. ii. SARAH, horn Aug. 26, 1737; married 1757, Ephriam Baldwin. iii. JE~1n.1A, born Oct. 2, 1739. 1v. l\L\RY, born April 22, 1742. 11. v. DANmr., born Aug. 26, 1744. vi. HANNAH, horn March 20, 1753. 7 NATHAN \VARNER, (Robert 4) born Feb. 14, 1717; died July 14, 1784; 111arried Hannah---- Children? · i. 'MARY, born June 23, 1743. BURRITT FAMILY 287

ii. R1100A, horn March 8, 1745. 111. NATHAN, horn Feh. 13, 1747. 12. n·. RomrnT, haptized June 14, 1749.

8 EBENEZER \VARNER, (Ehcnezer 5) horn ?vlarch 18, 1705; married Feb. 1729, Elizabeth Hurlbut; died Aug·. 23, 1769. Children: 1.l i. E111-:rrn1.1-:R, haptized Aug. 13, l 7.12. ii. E1.1ZAIIETII, horn No\'. 17, 1736; died 175.l iii. 1\LrnT11,,, horn hmc 9, 1746; married Nov. 19, 1761, Gideon Squire. ·

9 DR. BENJAiflN ,VARNER, (Ebenezer 5) horn l\1fay 6, 1709: married Dec. 16, 1736, Silence I--Iurd, who died Nov. 15, 1785. Children: 1. HANN,\JJ, horn Aug. ➔, 1737; married Joseph Hawley. 14. ii. BgNJA~IIN (Dr.), horn 1\lay 1739. 15. iii. D!\Nrnr., horn April 12, 1741. 16. iv. SETH (Col.), horn 1\lay ~. 174,l \'. JonN, horn 1\Jay 29, 1745; married Hurlbut. \Vent to Vermont. v1. R1m1mN (Dr.), baptized March 4, 1750; married Eunice --­ Had Reuben and two daughters. vii. E1.1JAII, baptized June 30, 1754. viii. AsAH EL, married Rhoda Bassett and had: ( 1) l\farvin, ( 2) Rhoda, married Benjamin Rumsey; ( 3) Olive, married Isaac Newton. tx. DAVID, married and had David, Lucy and Malcolm. x. T,u11R, married Asahel Hurcl.

10 THOl\1IAS \VARNER, (Ebenezer S) born Nov. 1722; tnarried July 4, 1749, Abigail Prentice, and died Dec. 17, 1778. I-Jis widow died Nov. 1794. Children: i. DEnoRAH, born July 31, 1751. ii. .JL\RTHA, horn Nov. 3, 1753; married Sept. 18, 1772, Gideon Hurlhut. iii. EsTHER, horn ~fay 21, 1755; married 1779, Amos Leavenworth. iv. SAMUEL, born Sept. 24, 1756. 17. v. SAUI4, horn l\farch 12. 17.'lR v1. SARAH, horn Sep.t. 19, 1759. 288 BURRITT FAMILY

18. vii. THOMAS, horn April 29, 1761. viii. LYDIA, baptized Sept. 19, 1762. ix. DORCAS, baptized l\lay 12, 1765. x. ENos, horn May 5, 1767. xt. AmGAIL, baptized l\lay 27, 1770.

11 Fifth Generation DANIEL \VARNER, (John 6) born Aug. 26, 1744.; tnar­ ried Feb. 7, 1765, Ann Stoddard. He was killed in the Battle of Bennington, July, 1776. Children: i. 1\1.ARY, born l\larch 27, 1766. ii. EUNICE, baptized Sept. 12, 1768. iii. DANIEL, baptized July 5, 1772. 1v. JOHN, baptized July 4, 1773. v. ~IARY ANN, horn June 7, 1776. 12 ROBER'f \1/ ARNER, (Nathan 7) baptized June 4, 1749; 111arried Feb. 19, 1772, Emtna Shertnan. Children: I. JERUSII,\, horn Feh. 11, 1778. ii. RHODA, horn April 29, 1775. iii. LUCINDA, horn May 7, 1781. I\', RonERT SHERMAN, born l\larch 29, 1785. 13 EBENEZER \i\TARNER, (Ebenezer 8) baptized Aug. 13, 1732; 1narried July 6, 1757, Patience i1inor; died 1\ilarch 21, 1800. She died Sept. 23, 1774. Children: 19. i. DAVID, born Jan. 3, 1758. 20. ii. EBENEZER, born July 19, 1760. 21. iii. GIDEON, born Aug. 19, 1762. iv. ELIZABETH, baptized March 10, 1765; married Solomon Squire. v. SUSANNA, married Samuel Bristol. 14 DR. BENJA~IIN WARNER, (Benjan1in 9) horn lVlay 1739.; 111arried first Nov. 2, 1761, Rebecca Castle: married second, Jen1ima Chatnbers of Newton. Children: i. BENJ A.MIN. ii. ALLYN. iii. RE~ECCA, married Daggett. iv. StLENA, married Asaph Betts. v. RHODA, married Major Abraham Bronson. BURRITT FAMILY 289 15 DANIEL \i\T ARNER. ( Benjamin 9) born April 12. 1741; married 1765, Patience Norton. .

16 COL. SE'T'I·I \VARNER, (Benjamin 9) born l'vlay 6, 1743; 1narricd Dec. 26, 1784. Hester Hurcl. Children: i. SETH. ii. AsAHEL. iii. ABAGAIL.

17 SAUL \VARNER, (Tho111as 10) born 1\1arch 12, 1758: n1arried Feb. 15, 1781, Abigail Keeler. Children: i. JAMES. ii. DANIEL. iii. SAi.LY. iv. )El\ll\llN,\, "· \V1LLIAl\l, vi. HANNAH.

18 'TI-IOlWAS \i\T ARNER, (Thon1as 10) horn April 28, 1761; 111arried 1782, Sarah Th0111as.; died Jan. 26, 1836. His widow died April 16, 1844. Children: i. MARY. ii. SALLY. iii. THOMAS. iv. SusAN. "· LUCY. vi. Z ;~LT~A, vii. JonN. viii. SILAS. ix. MosEs. x. IRENE. Sixth Generation 19 DA \TID WARNER, (Ebenezer 14), born Jan. 3, 1758; married Nov. 28. 1784, Ruth Baker. Both diel 1813. Had one son, David, born April 3, 1813. 290 BURRITT FAMILY

20 EBENEZER \VARNER, (Ebenezer 14) born July 19: 1760; tnarricd April 13, 1779, Elizabeth Sweet. Children: I. EBENEZER. II. P,\TIENCE, married Da\'id Judson. 111. ST1~P111rn. 1,·. ELIZAIIETII, married Barnet Hawley. v. POI.LY, married Simeon Castle. 21 GIDEON \VARNER, (Ebenezer 13) horn Aug-. 19, 1762: married Eunice Curtiss. Children: I, EUNICE. ii. ANNA. iii. BETSY. 1v. CURTISS, horn April 1791; married ~lincrm \Vilton. 22. v. ZACIIEUS, horn 179-t ,•1. HARVEY, horn 1797; married Ch!rry A. Gregory. ,·11. Pol.I.\', horn Nm·. I, 1798; married Lewis Burritt. (Sec Burritt 64). 22 Seventh Generation ZACHEUS \VARNER, (Gideon) born 1794; married Laura Fenn, daughter of Job Fenn of Bridgewater, Conn. ( Sec Burritt 67). Children: 2.3. i. }011 ZAnrnus, horn 1817. 24. ii. °I.... Y~t.\N FENN, horn in \Voodhury, Conn.

23 Eighth Generation JOB ZACHEUS, (Zacheus 22) born 1718; married Oct. 19, 1844, Elizabeth Ann Burritt, dat1g-hter of ,Daniel Fair­ child and Betsy ( ~1Iorris) Burritt. She was born Dec. 27, 1820. (See Burritt 65). Children: i. LAUR.A E1.1zAnt~TH, horn :\fay 22, 1850. 25. ii. JonN Z., horn June 2, 1854. This Laura Elizabeth \,Varner married Oct. 10, 1871, Oliver Gaylord Camp, and had : ( 1) George ~dward,. horn Sept. 21, 1876: died Feb. 16, 192.3. (2) Mabel Olena, horn Au({. 4, 1883. ( 3) Ruth Elizabeth, born Jan. 6, · 1888. ( 4) Olive Grace, born March 11, 1890. (See Burritt 65). BURRITT FAMILY 291 24 LY?vlAN FENN \VARNER, (Zacheus22) horn in \Vood­ hury, Conn.; married Clora ---. Removed to Rockford, Ill., where he practiced law until his death. Children:. I. LY~L\N FENN . ii. 14',\UR,\, 11u1rriecl Nal111111 c:. llcn1rnt. 111. Cr.ARA, horn July 3, 1861 ; died :\larch 19, 1938; married 1890, J. :\lonroc Bickford. He died ~ov. 25, 1925. ·

25 Ninth Generation JOI-IN Z. \VARNER, (Joh Zacheus 23) horn June 3, 1854; 111arriccl l\f art ha Nichols. Children: 1. FRANK S,\LTER, horn Aug. 1876. ii. LAURA E1.1z,,mn11, horn Jan. 28, 1878. iii. HERBERT E~rnRsoN, horn Aug. 27, 1887. 292 BURRITT FAMILY

A list of Jfryo)utionary Soldiers of this name from Connecticut in­ cludes: AnEL, AmJAII, ANDREW, ANTHONY, BLACKLEACH, CHARLES, Em,:x, ELIHU, lsRAEL, Jo11N, JosEPH, Josu11, NATHAN, P1111.1P, SHERMAN, STEPHEN and \\11LLIA~I. From .New York State: \Vn.LIA~I.


Some of those of the name who haYe in more recent years attained promi- nence and including those cited in \Vim's \Vim in America are:

DR. ALEXANDER H., (h. 1805) Physician and Surgeon, New Orleans, La., ( 1811-1879) Reformer, Linguist, Author. Connecticut. CHARLES D., (1823-1856) Preacher, Edttcator. New York. ORIN \V., ( 1827-1908) Inventor, l\lanufacturer. New York. DR. Aun:, (h. 1841) Physician, Author, Genealogist, \Vashington, D. C. DWIGHT N. (1848-1914) Agriculturist, Educator. California. ELDON GRANT, (b. 1868) Col1ege President, New York and Illinois. CI.AUD A., (h. 1878) Physician and Surgeon. New York. BAILEY B., (h. 1878) Social \Vorker. New York. l\lAURICE C., (h. 1883) Agriculturist. New York.

It is hoped that this index as arranged will prove ·simple hut it must he remembered that males having no issue and female lines have been carried down under the ancestor last hearing the name of Burritt, so if you should he of the eighth generation and your grandfather the last to hear the name, you must look under his number in the sixth generation. The Giles Burritt family is indexed separately. BURRITT FA1IILY 293

TABLE OF CONTENTS Illustrations Page .;\lap of Stratford, Connecticut, 1660 1 Burritt Family Coat of Arms 4 Lewis L. Burritt . 5 Eben Burritt Homestead 34 - Elizabeth Phelps Burritt 49 Elihu Burritt 57 Lewis Burritt . . . 61 Giles Burritt family group . 77-79 Charles Burritt . . 91 Charles Burritt Homestead 95 Maurice Chase Burritt ...... 133 Ge?rge Alfore!, Rufus Henry and Dwight Nathan Burritt 141 Olm H. Burntt ...... 157 Bailev Barton Burritt 161 Eldoi1 Grant Burritt 167 Dr. Claude Burrett , . 179 Roy \V. Burritt . 199 Frank C. Burritt . . . . 203 Ashe House, .;\Juslmry, Devon, England 257

Generations Generations 1 12 " 2 13- 14 " 3 15- 17 " 4 18- 2.~ " 5 24- 40 " 6 41- 69 " 7 70-104 " 8 105-148 " 9 1-1-9-208 " 10 209-235 Blakeman Family . 244-245 Conklin Family 245-247 De Forest Family 247-248 Denison Family 248-254 Drake Family 254-265 Lewis Family 265-266 Livingston Family 266-272 ~lills Family . 272-273 Olmsted Family 274-276 Parmelee Family - 276-278 Phelps Family 278-281 Seward Family 281-285 \Varner Family 285-291 29-1 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations First Stephen ...... 16 \Villiam ...... :...... 15-16-17 Elizabeth ...... 12 Bennett, James ...... 5 John ...... 12 Sarah ...... 15 ~lary ...... 12 Booth, 11 ary ...... 16 Stephen ...... 12 Burr, Abigail ...... 6 \Villian1 ...... 12 I)aniel ...... 16 Chauncey, Charles ...... 15 Seco11d Nathaniel ...... 15 Sarah ...... 15 Charles ...... 14 Coe, Sarah ...... 15 l)eborah ...... 14 Fairchild, Agur ...... 16 Elizabeth ············•·····••··············-················14 .l\lary ...... 16 Ephraiin ...... 14 Fowler, Hannah ...... 17 llannah ...... 14 · Titus ········-·········································.16 Israel ...... 14 Lewis, Sarah ...... 16 Jarnes ...... 14 Lockwood, Abigail ...... 16 John ...... 14 J)aniel ...... ·...... 16 Joseph ...... 14 llary ...... 16 Josiah ...... 14 ~loore, Bennett Elizur ...... 17 Peleg ...... 14 Darwin Sparks ...... 7 Stephen ...... 13 Elizur Datus ...... 17 \Villiarn ...... 14 Frederick Ashbrook ...... 7 Barlow, Deborah ...... 4 Frederick Webster ...... 7 Thornas ...... :...... 14 ~larvin ...... 17 Beach, Hannah ...... 14 \Vebster Sparks ...... 17 Chauncey, Israel ...... 3 Nash, Hannah ...... 17 Fairchild, Zacharia ...... 4 Peat, Benjamin ...... 15 Nichols, Isaac ...... 13 1{ary ...... 15 Sarah ...... 13 Starks, Jane Flora ...... 7 Webh, Joseph ...... U Tull, 1lav ...... 17 Wakeley; Deliverencc ...... 7 liannah ...... 17 Third ~lary ...... 17 Abel ...... 16 \Vehster, Celia ...... , ...... 17 :\nn ...... 15 Charles S ...... 17 1\nne ...... 16 Jane ( Balch) ...... 7 Benja1nin ...... 15 Wadsworth, Harriet ...... 7 Charles ...... 15-16 l)aniel ...... 15-16 Fo11r//, I)eborah ...... 17 Ebenezer ...... 17 1\bel ...... 21 Ech\'ard ...... 16 ,\hijah ...... 19 Elihu ...... 16 .-\n1elia ...... 20 Elizabeth ...... 15 1\1nos ...... 19 Ephrain1 ...... 16 1\ndre\\' ...... 18 Eunice ...... 16 1\nn ...... 21 Hannah ...... 16-17 Anna ...... 20 Israel ...... 15-16 1\nnah ...... 18 Jan1es ...... 16 1\nn 11ary ...... 23 John ...... 17 Anthony ...... 19 Joseph ...... 17 Balah ...... 19 Josiah ...... 15 Becca ...... 21 Le,vis .. :...... 16 Benjam;n ...... 18-21 11 art ha ...... 16 Betsy ...... 21 ~lary ...... 15-16-17 Blackleach ...... 18 Nathan ...... 17 Charity ...... 21 Peleg ...... 15 Co1nf ort ...... 20 Phoebe ...... 15 l)aniel ...... 18-20 Samuel ...... 17 Eben ...... 22 Sarah ...... 15-16 Ebenezer ...... 23 BURRITT FAl\lILY 295

Index by Generations Fom·tl,-co111. Eli Gould ...... 20 Edward ...... 21 Elizabeth ...... 20 Eleazer ...... :... 18-19 Eunice ...... 20 Elihu ...... 20 Israel ...... 20 Elijah ...... 20 Jan1es ...... 20 Elizabeth ...... 20 Nancy ...... 20 Ephraim ...... 21 Polly ...... 20 Eunice ...... 21-32 Sarah ...... 20 Gideon ...... 18 \Vinthrop ...... 20 Hezekiah ...... 22 l\[urray, Joseph ...... 19 Isaac ...... 20-21 Nicltols, Comfort ...... 20 Israel ...... 18-20 Com fort (Sherman) ...... 20 Jan1es ...... , ...... 21 Richard ...... 20 Jared ...... 19 Osburn, Anna ...... 21 Joel ...... 18 l)avid ...... 21 John ...... 21-22 Parson, Phoebe ...... 19 Joseph ...... 23 Sa111uel ...... 19 Josiah ...... 18 Salter, 1lary ...... 20 Le\\•is ...... 21 Sherman, Anne ...... 18 ~f abcl ...... 18 Squire, Reuben ...... 19 l\f ahitabel ...... 18 Stilson, ~[ary ...... 18 l\fary ...... 18-19-21-22 11 oses ·················································.18 Nathan ...... 23 Ufford, Phoebe ...... 19 Patty ...... 21 ,Tho111as ...... 19 Peleg ...... 18 \Vake,mn, Eunice ...... 20 Penniah ...... 20 · l\lary (Booth) ...... 20 Phoebe ...... 18-21-22 Stephen ...... 20 Polly ...... 20 Wheeler, \[ercy ...... 22 Philip ...... 19 Prudence ...... 21 Fifth Rebecca ...... 22 1\bigail ...... 33 Rhoda ...... 19 Abigail Welles ...... 40 Ro11ins ...... 20 1\bijah ...... 33 Roxanna ...... 20 :\braharn ...... 28 Santuel ...... 21-23 1\doniran1 ...... 25 Sarah ...... 18-19-21 Alice ...... 24 Sherntan ...... 18 Almira Bidwell ...... 32 Stephen ...... 18-20-21 .Aruarylis ...... 33 Sybil ...... 19 Arnos ...... 30 Thon1as ...... 21 1\ndrc,,· ...... 26 William ...... 19-21-22 Ann ...... 31 Baldwin, Sarah ...... 21 Anne ...... 33 Beardsley, Deborah ...... 18 1\nnis ...... 30 Blackleach, Elizabeth ...... 18 Annis Dayton ...... 30 Mahitable ...... 18 Ann :\lercy ...... 40 Richard ...... 18 .-\nthony ...... 30 Booth, Mary ...... 20 Anthony B ...... 31 Bryant, Alexander ...... 19 Bailey ...... 28 Burr, Elizabeth ...... 19 Benjamin ...... 31-33 Stephen ...... 19 Blackleach ...... 24-25 Burton, Mercy ...... 23 Charity ...... 28 Solon1on ...... 23 Charlotte ...... 32 French, Mary ...... 21 Charles ...... 33 Hall. Amos ...... 19 Corn fort ...... 31 Hattie ...... 19 Curtiss ...... 33 Julius ...... 19 IJaniel ...... 25-31 Judson, Mercy ...... 23 l)aniel F ...... 38 Laborce, Mahitabel ...... 18 l)avid ...... 25-40 Moore, Hattie (Hall) ...... 19 Deborah ...... 24 Morris, Betsy ...... 20 Diantha ...... 24 Daniel ...... 20 Eben ...... 35-38 296 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations Fift/,-co11t. Sally ...... 31-40 Eben William ...... 38 Samuel ...... 25-33-40 Ed1nund ...... 25 Sarah ...... 24-25-28-38-40 Elihu ...... 32 ScJah Welles ...... 25 Elijah ...... 31 Selina ...... 31 Elizabeth ...... 28 Shennan ...... 27-28 Eleazer ...... 28 Stephen ...... 25-32-33 Ely ...... 24 Stephen Elisha ...... 32 Eliza ...... 27 Susanna ...... :...... 25 Entity ...... 32 Ta1nir ...... 25 Esther ...... 25 Thorn as ...... 28-33 Eunice ...... 24 'filly \V ...... 26 Eunice Wakeman ...... 32 Trueman ...... 26 Flora ...... 31 Urania ...... 25 Garrad ...... 26 Urena ...... 30 George ...... 32 \Villiarn ...... •13-38 Gideon ...... 24 \Vilson ...... 40 Giles ...... 28 Zalrnon ...... 28 Hannah ...... 26-27-31 Avery, Elisha ...... 32 Hannah Seeley ...... 30 Hannah (Platt) ...... 32 Harriet ...... 31 Baldwin, ~label ...... 27 Hester ...... 22 Barlow. Thomas ...... 36 Ira ...... 27 Beach, Daniel C...... •11 Isaac ...... 33-40 Birdseye, Joanna ...... 35 Israel ...... 26 John ...... 35-36 James ...... 28-33-40 Blackman, William ...... •16 Joel ...... 25 Blakeman, Elizabeth ...... 33 John ...... 33-40 Elizabeth Hall ...... 33 John Hezekiah ...... 33 Zachariah ...... 33 Joseph ...... 30-38-40 Brooks,• Isaac ...... 40 Josiah ...... 27-31 Burleigh, Lord ...... 35 Julia ...... 40 Cecil, William ...... 35 Julia Ann ...... 38 Chappel, Sarah ...... 31 Le,,·is ...... 38-40 Craig, Katherine ...... 35 Lois ...... 25 Coke, Mildred ...... 35 Loruina ...... 26 Collins, Sarah ...... 25 Lucy ...... 27 Cornwall, Jabez ...... 32 l\fajor ...... 25 Curtiss, Abigail ...... 33 l\fartha ...... 24 . Agur ...... 30 l\lary ...... 28-31 Anna ...... 30 l\lary Ann ...... 31-32 De Forest, Sarah ...... 35 :\f elissa ...... 24-25 Dilley, Jonathan ...... 25 l\lercy ...... 31 Ruth ...... 25 l\lolJy ...... 26 l\(orely ...... 33 Fairrhild, Daniel ...... :...... 35 Nancy ...... 31 Joseph ...... 35 Nathan ...... :...... 40 Sarah ...... 31-35 Peat ...... 28 Thornas ...... 35 Peggy ...... 28 Timothy ...... 35 Phi la ...... 26 Farnsworth, Betsy ...... 26 Philo ...... 38 Laura l\f...... 26 Philenton ...... 27 Fa,·erweathcr, James ...... 31 Phoebe ...... 25-28-33-38 HalJ. Sarah ...... 31 Prudence ...... 25 John ...... 31 Polly ...... 24-38 Hawley, Abijah ...... 26 Rachael ...... 26 Capt. Jehiel ...... 26 Reuben ...... 26-30 Ly1nan ...... 26 Robert ...... 40 Mary Burritt ...... 26 Robert Wilberforcc ...... 40 Capt. Samuel ...... 31 Ros,vell ...... 38 Hinman, Abigail ...... 30 Rufus ...... 24 Benjamin ...... 31 BURR ITT FA l\l IL Y 297

Index by Generations Fifth-Co11I. Si.i-t/z I I insdale, Barna bus ...... 32 Adoniram ...... 42 Cyrus ...... 32 ..,.~J~xander Hamilton ...... 41 Elijah ...... 32 , Iida ...... 69 Elizabeth ...... 32 Amelia Eliza ...... 69 John ...... 32 Andrew Jackson ...... 46 Myron Buck ...... 26 A1111 ~I aria ...... 67 Robert ...... 32 Anson ...... 43 Ruth ...... 32 1\nthony B ...... 55 Bailey ...... 47 ~48 Holabird, Hester ...... 26 8 .. J udsoll, Henry ...... 27 enJmnm ...... 55-60-68· Keeler, ~f ary ...... 25 Betsy Morris ...... 65 ' .each, Clara Chase ...... 26 Blackleach Jr...... 41 '.ewis, Abigail ...... 30 Calvin ...... :...... 43 1-Iepziba ...... 35 Calvin Wolcott ...... 66 Loomis, Horace ...... 26 Caroline ...... :.. 47 Lucia ...... 26 Caroline Amanda ...... 68 ~fcLean, Dr. John ...... 31 Catheri11c ...... 46-60~63 Sarah ...... 31 Charles ...... 42-63 Nichols, Barak ...... 31 Charles Da,·icl ...... 68 Peat, William ...... 40 Charles ~I ilton ...... 66 Platt, Elizabeth ...... 28 Charles Wallace ...... 66 Isaac ...... 28 Charl.otte ...... 47-60 Jonas ...... 28 Cle111~1r ...... 44 Richard ...... 28 Dani~! .....: ...... 43-44 Daniel Austin ...... 65 Pomeroy, John Norton ...... 26 Daniel Fairchild ...... 64 Rumble, Thomas ...... 36 Daniel Hamlet ...... 43 Rowley, Heman ...... 26 Da\'id ...... 67 Hester ...... 26 Eben Lewis ...... 64 Seabrook, Alice ...... 36 Ed111und ...... 43 Ann ...... 36 Eleanor ...... 64 Rebecca ...... 36 Electa ...... 44 Robert ...... 35-36-37 Elihu ...... 56 Rose ...... 36 Elijah Hinsdale ...... 55 Thornas ...... 36 Eliza ...... 60 Sherwood, Thomas ...... 35 Eliza Jane ...... 65 Shelton, Silas ...... :...... 31 Elizabeth ...... 48 Sherman, Ephraim ...... 31 Elizabeth Ann ...... 64 Ely ...... 41 Smith, Philipse ...... 35 Erne line ...... 47 Strickland, Nancy Tryon ...... 32 En1ilr ...... 69 Stephen ...... 32 Enos \Villiam ...... 64 Thompson, Sarah ...... 36 Er1nina ...... 60 Ufford, Elizabeth Curtiss ...... 40 Frances ...... 55 Sally ...... 40 Frances Maria ...... 69 Sarnuel ...... 40 Garrad ...... 44 \Vade, George ...... 31 George ...... 68 George Landon ...... 43 Wakeley, Henry ...... 36 George \V inslow ...... 66 Welles, Deborah ...... 24 Giles ...... 48 Eunice ...... 26 Grandoson ...... 41 Gideon ...... 24 J-la111ilto11 ...... 43 ~lartha ...... 24 Hannah ...... 60 Melissa ...... 24-26 Harvey ...... 60 Sarah ...... 40 I·Ienry ...... 43 Wheeler, Cynthia ...... 26 Henry Eben ...... 67 Wilcoxon, Daniel ...... 35 Henry Fairchild ...... 65 Johanna ...... 35 Hcpsy ...... 41 Tintothy ...... 35 Israel ...... 44 Wright, Hannah ...... 33 Jantes ...... 47 298 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations Si.rth-Coul. ~~:!::!am Augustus ...... 43 W!l?m Henry ...... 68 f::~~ 1f:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ...... ~~ V 1 1~m Hubbell ...... 66 John Dwight ...... 65-67 A:i::~~:. .;j;~~;~;;;~~~· ...... 44;? John Hezekiah ...... 60 \ I ...... -t Johnson ...... ;.44 t mb/r, Elsie E ...... 47 Jonathan Elisha ...... 60 Joseph ...... 68 J:!h~ia ..~:.- ...:: :: ::: :: ::: ::: ::: :: :::: : ::. :...... :~ Josiah ...... :.. 60 ~f innie ...... 47 \\'illiam ...... 47 Julia 1\1111 ...... 63 Julia Frances ...... 65 Armstrong, William ...... 69 Laura ...... 63 Arnold, Eliza ...... 41 Legrand ...... 60 Austin, Florence E ...... 64 I:redcrick ...... 64 ::!!!~s ··:::·.-.·.:·.:::·.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~Z C,eorge L...... 64 Lewis Benjamin ...... 66 Thotnas ...... 64 Lucia Eliza ...... 46 Bakon, Hannah ...... 44 ~lahala ...... 48 Baldwin, Charles ...... :...... 41 ~f ajor ...... 43 Phoebe ...... 41 ~f alinda ...... 48 Benjamin, ~f ary ...... 67 ~r arcus ························································43 Bourne, Elizabet?, ...... 67 ~largaret Grace ...... 65 Bowen, Florence ...... 63 ~rary ...... 47 Bradley, ~f ary...... 60 ~fary 1\1111 •.....•...... •.••.•...•...... •...•...68 Brazee, Bertha ...... 64 ~(ary Eunice ...... 65 Brooks, Alfred Charles ...... 68 ~r ary Jane ················································68 ,\rthur ...... 68 ~linerva ...... 43 Isaac ...... 68 Nathan ...... 64 1John Gauntlett ...... 68 Nelson 1\ ...... 44 Burrill, Horace L...... :.. 63 Newell Fletcher ...... 69 Laura R ...... 63 Orrin William ...... 66 Nelson ...... 63 Peter ...... 60 Z• al<·1 e ...... 63 Philo ...... 65 Burn~, Burritt ...... 41 Phoebe ...... :...... 44 I·rank ...... 41 Polly ...... 48 Franklin ...... 41 Read ...... 42 1:Jenry Horace ...... 41 Reuben ...... 44 Sanford ...... 41 l{obcrt ...... 69 Sarah Ann ...... 41 Robert Wilberforce ...... 69 Ziba ...... 41 Ros,,•ell ...... 66 Cady, Addie Elizabeth ...... Rufus ...... : ...... 41 65 E...... 65 Sally ...... 44 Dwight W ...... 65 San1uel ...... 41 Elias ...... 63-65 Sarah ...... 43 George ...... Sarah Ann ...... 63 65 Josetlhine C...... 63 Sarah Caroline ...... 41 Sarah Cornelia ...... 69 Camp, George Edward ...... 64 Sarah Jeannette ...... 66 Mabel Olena ...... 64 Sarah Maria ...... 65 Olive Grace ...... :64 Seeley ...... 48 Oli\'er Gaylord ...... 64 Stephen ...... 42-43-60 Ruth Elizabeth ...... 64 Stephen Bradley ...... 60 Campbell, Sophronia ...... 63 Stephen Dar ...... 48 Chambers, Elizabeth ...... 65 Susan ...... 55 Frederick ...... 65 Susan Jane ...... 68 Jane ~[orris ...... 65 Sylvester ...... 48 Sarah ...... 65 Tho1nas ...... 46-48 Susie Sturgis ...... 65 Tilly \V...... 44 Clark Lillian Eugenia ...... 69 True,nan ...... 44 Loren ...... 69 Walter Horatio ...... 43 Cole, Clarinda ...... 56 William ...... 42-48-56-64 John ...... 56 BURRITT FAMILY 299

Index by Generations Si.rth-Co11t. Hoyt, Eva ...... 63 Comstock, Le,•i Sr...... 44 Hubbell, James ...... 41 Lucia ...... 44 John ...... 41 Crandall, Cyril ...... 41 Sarah ...... 41 Curtiss, Asenath ...... 68 Sarah (Curtiss) ...... 41 Jan1es ...... 41 l·Iudson, Ray ...... 64 Da,·is, Hannah ...... 44 Ingalls, Edward E ...... 69 De Celle, :\( rs. A. J ...... 47 Jackson, Adella ...... 47 Jennings, Dorothr ...... Dimmick, :\lartial ...... 41 .46 Judson, Isaac ...... 67 :\lyrtis ...... 41 11ary ...... 67. Oshea (Smith) ...... 41 Ke111ber, Ethel ...... 47 Theron Baldwin ...... 41 Kennedy, Alvah Burritt ...... 69 Norman Grandison ...... 42 David Brooks ...... 69 Downs, Caroline ...... 65 Lawrence P...... 69 Edwards, Anna ...... 67 Knapp, Clissold ...... 65 Eggleston, ~f inanda ...... 47 Harry Shepard ...... 65 Eldridge, Diademia ...... 63-65 1-1 erbert S...... 65 Fenn, Fannie 11arya ...... 67 Frederic ...... 65 Harrison H ...... 66 ~largaret Lizzie ...... 65 Lyrnan ...... 66 Sidney ...... 65 Vera Belle ...... 67 Landon, Electa ...... 43 Freer, Thomas ...... 65 L'lUgh, Will ·············································.43 Frantz, Anna ...... 65 Le,ri~, Ezra ...... 41 Gauntlette, Anna Jane ...... 68 Lh•Jngston, Fannie ...... 66 Jane Asenath ...... 68 l.oucks, Alf red ...... 43 John Charles ...... 68 Ed"·in ...... 43 J0l111 Curtiss ...... 68 Elect a ...... 43 John P ...... 68 Harriet ...... 43 Mary Olivia ...... 68 Harriet ...... 43 Minnie Celestia ...... 68 Henry Hamilton ...... 43 Gildersleeve, Fred H ...... 64 \Villiam ...... 43 George ...... 64 Lyon, J. B...... 41 Katherirte ...... 64 11ack, Sophronia ...... 63 Oliver ...... 64 :\lallery, Alf red T ...... 47 Grippen, Alonzo ...... 47 \\'allace ...... 47 Alonzo J. Jr...... 47 Mann, George ...... 64 Bessie ...... 47 McBride, Rebecca ...... 60 Charles Howe ...... 47 :\fcGraw, Mary Celestia ...... 68 Clifford N ...... 47 :\leech, Laura ...... 64 Edna A ...... 47 Merithen, Hiram ...... 42 Ethel ...... 47 Ruth ( Burt) ...... 42 Frances M...... 47 Sarah L ...... 42 Jennie May ...... 47 :\lerkley, Caroline ...... 43 Thomas Burritt ...... 47 :\[ erriman, Charles Burritt ...... 68 William A...... 47 Ella Bell ...... 68 William Jackson ...... 47 Frederick Lincoln ...... 69 I lansee, Emma ...... 41 Franklin Ashbury ...... 68 11ary ...... 41 Horace Augustus ...... 68 \Villiarn ...... 41 Merritt, Eliza ...... 64 Harrington, Eliza ...... 44 Michaels, Samuel ...... 65 Hawley, ~f ary ...... 55 Miller, Henrietta ...... 60 Olive ...... 60 :\lills, Frank ...... 63 Hoaglurtd, James ...... 60 1forris, Betsy ...... 64 John H ...... 60 Daniel ...... 64 Josiah ...... 60 Dudley M...... 47 Nelson ...... 60 Morrison, Donald ...... 60 \Villiam ...... 60 M uckleston, Harriet ...... 43 Hollister, John ...... 67 ?\lary ...... 67 Nichols, :\lartha ...... 65 Howe, Carrie L ...... 47 Noonan, Catherine ...... 60 300 B UR R 1 T T F A ~I I L \'

Index by Generations Sixth-Co11t .. Sopir, Eunice ...... 44 Olmsted, Alice A...... 64 Sprague, Alf red Jolm ...... 63 1\rnbrose ...... 65 Clarence W...... 63 Deborah ...... 63 Donna Louise ...... 63 Ettie lf ...... 65 Edward 8 ...... 63 Frank L...... 65 Edward William ...... 63 Herbert A ...... 65 John ...... 63 Ida C...... 65 Kate Ella ...... 63 Philo B ...... 65 Louis William ...... 63 Parmelee, Siba ...... 66 Le\\·is B...... 63 1 Patterson, Allie ...... 64 Ste\'~11:ucL!~!lr ······································63 Peckham, Adeline Amanda ...... 44 • ·······································.41 Deborah Harriet ...... ;...... 44 David Lafayette ...... 41 Eliza ...... 44 Eliza ...... 41 Nathaniel ...... 44 Stickles, Eva Bell ...... 69 Phelps, Elizabeth ...... 48 \ VIll. 1-1...... · ...... : ...... 69 George ...... 48 Taylor, Adelaide ...... 63 Priest, George B ...... 69 George ...... 63 Jessie E ...... 69 Truesdale, Henry ...... 60 Louise \ 1• ..•••••.•.••...•...... •...... •••.•••• 69 Tryon, Ella ...... 64 ~Jami \Vinnefred ...... 69 V ff ord, Sarah ...... :.68 Putnam, Blanche ...... 63 Van Duzcr, Leta ...... 64 randyke, Lucinda ...... 68 ~~~~~t ··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 'an Housen, Elsworth ...... 68 Frank \V...... 63 Van \Vyke, Harold ...... 69 Grace L...... 63 Warner Job Z...... 64 Jay R...... 63 John Z...... 64-65 lfodena ...... 63 Frank Salter ...... 65 Ray, Ernily ...... 69 Herbert Emerson ...... 65 Remington, Adelsa Ophelia ...... 63 Laura Elizabeth ...... 64 Ambert 0 ...... 63 Polly ...... 60 1\1nbrose ...... 63 tatson, :\1111 Williams ...... 55 Eva ...... 64 \'cbster, Lulu ...... 64 Marriette J ...... 63 WcJJes, Anna ...... 67 Rufus ...... 63 Ca tee ...... 67 Renwick, George ...... 60 John ...... 67 Roe, Cora B...... 65 Le~rand ...... 67 Sanford, Herland Burritt ...... 65 \Villiam ...... 67 Nathan ...... 65 Westgate, Tryphosia ...... 41 Selby, Mary ...... 68 White, Celia ...... 43 Seward, Ann Maria ...... 66 Will~ms, ~harles ...... :69 Benjamin ...... 66 ornelta ...... 69 Sheldon Adelbert ...... 64 \Vood, Henry ...... 42 Bessie ...... 64 Mary Jane ...... 42 Clarence \V ...... 64 Nancy (Young) ...... 42 Daniel ...... 64 Works, Nellie Grace ...... 69 Florence ...... 64 Wright, Bessie ...... 65 Frank \V...... 64 Grace ...... 65 George ~f...... 64 Jan1es ...... 65 Guy ...... :...... 64 Merle Haley ...... 65 Harriet ...... 64 Sarah ...... 65 Harry ...... 64 Young, Nancy ...... 42 Henry ...... 64 Zicksfoose, Sarah ...... 65 Jennie ...... 64 Julia ...... 64 Scve11tl1 Le,vis ...... 64 ~fay ...... :...... 64 Ada Roxanna ...... 76 Roy ...... : ...... 64 1\doniran1 ...... 73 \Villii.m ...... 64 Agatha ...... 90 Sinyham, Lydia ...... :...... 64 Albert .. :...... 73-74 Smith, Clarence W ...... 68 Alden ...... 73 BURRITT FAMILY 301

Index by Generations S ci•mth-·Cmlf. Emma Eliza ...... 103 Alexander Hamilton ...... 70 Erastus ...... 75 Alexander ...... 74 Ern1ina ...... 90 1\lfred ...... 74 Ethel ...... 99 1\lice ...... 71 Evert J ...... 89 Alice 0 ...... 98 Fannie }.I ...... 98 Alida Grace ...... 98 Flqrence Livingston ...... 98 Alpheus Daniel ...... 74 Frances Eliza ...... 76 Alonzo ...... 75 Frances :\Jary ...... 93 A111anda ...... 89 Francina Adelia ...... 72 Andrew Jackson ...... 76 Frederick N ...... 101 Ann Eliza ...... 89 George ...... 76-100-102 Anna Blanche ...... 71 George Alford ...... 93 Anson ...... 75 George H ...... 75 Arthur Grinnell ...... 73 George Lando11 ...... 74 Augustus ...... 75-104 George Winslow ...... 100 Austin Henry ...... 98 Grandison ...... 70 Bailey ...... 81 Ha,nilton ...... 74 Belle ...... 100 Hamlet George ...... 74 Bird ...... 99 l·Iarrict ...... 89 Black leach ...... 72 Harriet Adelia ...... 73 Blanche ...... 100 Harvey ~l. D ...... ,...... 90 Caroline Augusta ...... 103 Hden Louise ...... 72 Calvin \\Talcott ...... 99 Henrietta ...... 72-75 Charles ...... 73-90 l·lenry ...... 74 Charles David ...... 103 l·lenry B...... 75 Charles Garrad ...... 76 Henry Eben ...... 100 Charles Grandison ...... 70 Henry Fairchild ...... 97 Charles Lewis ...... 94 Henry Osgood ...... 73 Charles :\forris ...... 98 Hetty Eliza ...... 103 Charcls Randall ...... 103 Horace ...... 104 Charles Wallace ...... 100 Horatio Charles ...... 74 Chester Crawford ...... 89 Ho\\·ard ...... 89 Charlotte Linole ...... 73 Ida Caroline ...... 73 Clarence ...... 104 Ida Emeline ...... 76 Cletnent ...... 75 Ida Marian ...... 93 Cornelia ...... 102 Ida }.fay ...... 103 Cornelia Elizabeth ...... 73 Ina ...... 104 Crissie Lou ...... 97 Iona ...... 99 Ira Nichols ...... 71 Daniel ...... 76 1 Oaniel Austin ...... 98 Ives D 1\rcy ...... 99 Daniel Hamlet ...... 74 Jarnes ...... 76 Daniel Herbert ...... 75 James Henry ...... 75 })avid ...... 73 Jessie Frances ...... 98 Diantha ...... 89 John Consider ...... 73 D,,•ight F...... 98 John Dulmage ...... 73 Dwight i~athan ...... 93 John Dwight ...... 101 Earl Wheeler ...... 73 John Grey ...... 71 Eben Lewis ...... 97 John Har\'ey ...... :...... 89 Edgar ...... 74 Jonathan Elisha ...... 89 Edmund ...... 73-74 Johnson ...... 70-75 Edwin Joseph ...... 103 Joseph Curtiss ...... 102 Edwin Le Grand ...... 72 Joseph Atwater ...... 103 Ed\\•ard ...... 75 Josiah ...... 88 Edward Earle ...... 104 Julia Elizabeth ...... 98 Elihu ...... , ...... 75-89 Julia F ...... 98 Eliza ...... 75 Laura Lorena ...... 97 Ellen Maria ...... 102 Laura Whitney ...... 89 Ellen Marcella ...... 71 Leslie Allison ...... 89 Eloysia ...... :...... 89 Leverett Sherman ...... 75 .Ely ...... 72 Le\\·is ...... 102 302 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations S (''l'('ll/l1-COlli William Thomas ...... 88 Lewis Benjamin ...... 100 William Wallace ...... 89 Le,\'is i::ben ...... 97 \Vilson ...... 104 Lillian ...... 71 Zaide ...... 99 Lillian ).lay ...... 101 Adams, Sarah ...... 74 Lilly ...... 99 Arlt, Arthur Williamson ...... 97 Linneas ...... 100 Augusta (Wohl) ...... 97 Loren ...... 71 Elizabeth Burritt ...... 97 Louis Leon ...... 89 Frederick W...... 97 Lucius ...... 74 Irwin Lewis ...... 97 Lucy ,\nn ...... 98 \Vi1Jiam Henry ...... 97 ilaggic ...... 73 Ashworth, Harold ...... 98 ~lajor ...... 75 Richard J ...... 98 )of arc us ...... 75 Atwater, Edgar A\'ery ...... 103 )of arcus F...... 75 Florence Bell ...... 103 Marcus Leonard ...... 71 Horace Burritt ...... 103 lfaria ...... 74 Julia ...... 102 ~fart ha ...... 73 Laura Ellen ...... 103 lf ary ...... 74-94 Leonard ...... 102 Mary Eliza ...... 103 A very, Daniel ...... 72 Mary Jane ...... 72-102 Rosina (Henderson) ...... 72 lfary Lord ...... 103 Susan Selina ...... 72 ~f atilda ...... 75 Babcock, Annah \V...... 90 Minnie ...... 101-104 Beach, Augusta ...... 100 Nathan ...... 94 Jacob ...... 99 Nellie ...... 100 Beers, Carrie ...... 103 Nelson A...... 75 Charles ...... 98 Nettie ...... 100 Bell, Elizabeth ...... 99 Ne\\01!II ...... 71 Frances ...... 100-101 Newell Fletcher ...... 104 Gen. Isaac ...... 99 Olive ...... 74 Blaker, Alida ...... 89 Orrin William ...... 99 l~ch~·lus ...... 89 Oscar ...... 74 En11ly ...... 89 Oscar C...... 75 George H ...... 89 Payson ...... 71 Jennie ...... 89 Peter B ...... 89 Julia ...... 89 Philo ...... 71 Mary (Watson) ...... 89 Philo Edward ...... 98 Bousoir, Jean ...... 74 Read ...... 73 Bradley, H. E ...... :...... 98 Robert ...... 103-104 Robert J ...... :...... :...... 99 . Breckerridge, David ...... 75 Ronland ...... 71 Brock, Alvin Dunsmore ...... 71 Ruf us ...... 71-74 Fenlon Baker ...... 71 Ruf us Henry ...... 93 Margaret (Chanery) ...... 71 Ruth Emma ...... 72 Brown, Charles Egbert ...... 93 Sarnuel ...... 71 1-larry \V ...... 93 Sarah ...... 74 Lucy (Pease) ...... 93 Sarah Helen ...... 102 ~label ...... 93 Sarah Selina ...... 70 Maud Estelle ...... 93 Selina ...... •...... 70 ~-lorey ...... 93 Stephen ...... 74-75 Nellie Laura ...... 93 Stephen Bradley ...... 89 Ralph Egbert ...... 93 Susie Franchine ...... 72 Ruf us ...... 73 Sydney ...... 75 Brownell, Benjamin ...... 72 Truen1an ...... 75 Burritt ...... 72 Walter Horatio ...... 74 Eben ...... 72 \Villian1 ...... 74-78 Eben Jr...... 72 William Fairchild ...... 98 Ernest Marion ...... 72 William Harvey ...... 90 Maggie Louise ...... 72 William Henry ...... 71 Margaret (Coyle) ...... !...... 72 William Hubbell ...... 99 Stella ...... 72 BURRITT FAMILY .103

Index by Generations Sc·N11tl,-Co11t Gray, Chloe A ...... 75 Elijah ...... 75 Burtck, A \'cry ...... :.72 aroline ...... 71 Hall, Lizzie Sinclair ...... 10.1 atherine ( Broton) ...... 71 Ogden Huffman ...... 103 f William Burritt ...... 103 i lary (Gilbert) ...... 72 . ?:tlph Thurston ...... Hancock, Ellen ...... 70 72 Harrington, Burritt Clark ...... 101 Cl . Simeon ...... 71 msman, Jacob ...... 97 Burritt Clark Jr...... 101 Phoebe (Perkins) ...... 97 Doris Frances ...... 101 Sarah Eliza ...... Frederick ...... 101 97 James Paul ...... 101 f.ocl.1ran, Jeanore ...... ::::::::::97 John Bradley ...... 101 ollms, Charles ...... 74 .101 fourtney, Edith ~lary ...... :\fahlon Jacobs ...... 72 :\f .101 overt, Arthur ...... 70 ary Elizabeth ...... Byron ...... William Seward ...... 101 Cowgill, Alva :::::.-::::94 Hart, Elizabeth :\faria ...... 88 · ~thel May ...... 94 1laria (Judd) ...... 88 • 1 cl lie (Broomhall) ...... 94 Philip ...... 88, Howard ...... 100 1-hwkins, Charlotte C...... 72 Curlis, Catherine Jane ...... 102 David ...... 72 {?hn ··;············································· .. 102 1 ~lary ...... 72 1 ehenuah ...... 102 Hill, Lulu E ...... 70 Polly ················································102 Hitchcock, Abigail (Blakeslee) ...... 104 Dm•cnport, Corncli,1 ...... 76 Robert ...... 104 Da,·il4 Eljsha ...... :...... 76 Sara Lucy ...... 104 arr1ct 1\...... 76 Roxanna (Jeffs) ...... Hoaglund, Abram ...... 72 76 :\brain D~ F~ancisco ...... :.11 t P...... 72 D11111;~1:.·k, Benjamin ...... 7.1 Cornelia ...... 72 Hughes, Lillian May ...... 72 ~;~~l~e ... ::::: _-_-_-.-.·.·.·.-.·.·.·.·_-_-_-_-_-.·_-.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·_-_-.·.·.~ :~ :·.:: ::~1 Jackson, Charles E ...... 93 Dulmage, Martha ...... 7.1 Jessie Floyd ...... 103 Dunh~1.n, Anna ...... 73 Jacobs, Charles Henry ...... 101 f<,t.nt?ll ...... 99 Catherine Frisch ...... 101 1ll1a1u ...... 99 ~lary Elizabeth (Bradley) ...... 101 Dunst~n, Dianne ...... 100 Johns, Fannie M ...... 93 \\ arren ...... 100 Johnson, Alfred ...... 72 ~agl{, Fred ~f...... 98 John ...... 72 •enn, Chloe Pamelia ...... 97 Lucy ...... 99 Fanny (LiYingston) ...... 98 ~lary M. (Earl) ...... 99 Jennie Louise ...... 101 Sarah \ViJJiams ...... 70 Henry Harrison ...... 101 Sina ( Hockanson) ...... 72 Lr111a11 ...... 98-101 Kearney, Louise ...... 100 Keeler, Adeline ...... 89 Fielder, Alice West ...... 103 Elliott Pratt ...... 89 Foatz, Jay ...... 100 Florence ...... 89 Fmter, George E ...... 103 Kemp, John ...... 89 Jessie Webster ...... 103 ~f argaret ...... 89 Free,,,fonna Louise ...... 102 Mary (Crawford) ...... 89 1 liatn ...... 102 King, Carrie ...... 97 Gam lett, Etnma Caroline ...... 102 Kinnear, Agnew ...... 70 1•rederick Lewis ...... 102 Knapp, Dwight Eugene ...... 94 John P...... 102 Electa ( Payne) ...... 93 ~atherine Burritt ...... ::::: 102 Evalyn \Vinnefred ...... 94 arah Louise ...... 102 Fred Clayton ...... 94 Gor<~n,. Alice Adelaide ...... 94 Frederick P. M ...... 93 oris Electa ...... 94 George Willis ...... 94 Hrry Wesley ...... 94 Jacob ...... 93 Ju 1an ...... 94 Katherine Claire ...... 94 Laura Jeanette ...... 94 Kenneth Edward ...... 94 Malcolm Knapp ...... 94 Laura lfaria ...... 94 Mary Marjorie ...... 94 Lee ...... 100 304 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations Sc't•e11lh-C0111. Robert ...... 97 ::\lary Grace ...... 94 Robert Lewis ...... 97 Roy Ellis ...... 94 Robert Schuyler ...... 97 Rufus Burritt ...... 94 Randall, Joshua ...... 103 Ruf us Sterling ...... 94 Orpha Iantha ...... 103 Lake, Clarissa Adelia ...... 76 Re:d, Hester ...... 74 Deborah (Miller) ...... 76 Remington, Deborah (Olmsted) ...... 90 . . 1-Iazelton ...... 76 Laura l\f aria ...... 90 Ll\'lngston, Julia ...... 98 Ruf us ...... 90 Sarah ::\f iner\'a (Edwards) ...... 98 Robinson, Jem1ie ...... 98 William ::\liller ...... 98 Rogers. H. C ...... 74 Lord, Harley ...... 102-103 Rowan, Bert ...... 93 Hetty ::\faria ...... 102 Rowley, J. L...... 73 J erusha W cbster ...... 103 Schofield, Maria ...... 74 Lownsdale, Joseph ...... 73 Shearer, Charles ::\f oses ...... 76 Markwich, Charlotte Elizabeth ...... 72 Sheldon, Anna ...... 94 Merrick, Aaron ...... 74 Bert E ...... 94 Miller, Dora ...... 93 Donald S ...... 94 ::\fills, Emily ...... 89 1·1 arry J...... 97 ::\loore, Al\'a L...... 93 John ...... 94 Leon B ...... 97 Susie ,\ ...... 94 ~~~~ ... :·::·:·:··::.··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::gj Sherwood, Will ...... 75 Rollin ...... 93 Smith, Anna ...... 97 Ruth ...... 93 Smithers, Thomas E ...... 73 William ::-.: ...... 93 Snyder, J. H ...... 73 Mower, Thomas E ...... 98 Souther, Byron Nelson ...... 71 ::\luir, Jolm ...... 72 Caroline ...... 71 Nichols, Amanda ...... 71 John ...... 71 Beatrice ...... 70 Stokburger, Ernest E...... 93 Eli ...... 71 Dorothy Louise ...... 93 Eunice (Dimmock) ...... 71 ::\f arian Laura ...... 93 Nicholson, A. A ...... 72 Fanny Ernestine ...... 93 1-Io,ner ...... 72 Sumner, Augustus \V...... 70 Matilda ...... 72 Ester (Baron) ...... 70 O'Hara, Anna ...... 97 Ester Augusta ...... 70 O'Neal, Grace ...... 94 Charles ::\f au rice ...... 70 Owen, George ...... 72 Helen Selina ...... 70 Palmer, Bessie ...... 100 Wallestine ...... 70 J .. n1es ...... 100 \Villia,n ...... 70 Perine, Annie ...... 73 William Henry ...... 70 Phelps, Luther ...... 94 S,vaze, J. R ...... 73 Thomas, Alice ...... 72 Susannah ...... 94 Thompson, Beula ...... 102 Ruth ...... 94 Cornelia Burritt ...... 102 Phipps, Effie ( Sar\'er) ...... 93 Georgiana ...... 102 Ho,ner ...... 93 John Lewis ...... 102 \'iota P ...... 93 John W ...... 102 Pragut, Burritt ...... 99 Caroline ...... 99 Townley, Henry ...... 103 Florence ...... 99 · Hettie Bell ...... 103 Leo ...... 99 Uphof, \Valter ...... 89 Putnam, Abigail (Huntington) ...... 97 Van Ness, Carrie ...... 99 r\rthur ...... 97 \Varel, Abel R ...... 75 Arthur Gerrace ...... 97 Harold Burritt ...... 75 Charlotte ...... 97 Hattie Maria ...... 75 J)orr Jr...... 97 l\f ary Eliza ...... 75 Dorr Burritt ...... 97 White, Mabel F...... 70 John Burritt ...... 97 Whitney, Ellen M ...... 88 Mary Elizabeth ...... 97 Whittacker, Alan Charlsworth ...... 97 Raymond Arthur ...... 97 John Albert ...... 97 B U R R I T T F A ~I I L Y 305

Index by Generations Sl't1l'11tl,-Co11f. Con!elia L ...... 114 Williams, Dora :Margaret ...... 97 Dantel Herbert ...... 113 F~SSJe ...... 93 David ...... 109 Josiah ...... 94 David Laurier ...... 111 J)orothea ...... 148 \ .Mollie E. (Ellis) ...... 94 Dwight Nathan ...... 144-145 \rilmarth, Alf red S...... 73 'ilson, Carrie Bell ...... 102 Earl Wheeler ...... 109 . Fred William ...... 102 Edith Amanda ...... 107 Herbert George ...... 102 Edith Ellen ...... 105 \ William Henry ...... 102 Edith l\.lay ...... 110 Vinchell, Helen ...... 98 Edna ...... 148 Edna Crawford ...... 139 Edmund Foster ...... 112 Eig/,fl, Edward Earle ...... 148 Edward Hartley ...... 111 ~ta ...... 112 Edward Lionel ...... 113 A an Schofield ...... 113 Edward R...... 147 lbert ...... 111 Ed,,•in ...... 108 ~Iden ...... 109 Edwin Charles ...... 147 1 lexander ...... 112 Edwin Joseph ...... :147 Alexander Hamilton ...... 112 \I' .. ~dwin Legrand ...... 109 i ICC •••.••.•.••....••.••.....•...•••••••..••.•••.••••••..... 108 Anna Caroline ...... 112 ':'.ffie Ann ...... 106 Ann ~lay ...... 148 Elihu Abbott ...... 39 Annette ...... 140 Elihu Guy ...... 107 Archibald Dunham ...... :: ... 12 Eli:zabeth ...... 140-146 Arthur ...... 109 ~ric Boyce ...... 107 Arthur Grinnell ...... 109 F.tnma ...... 140 ~rthur Winfield ...... :.. .147 Enid ...... 113 ugusta ...... 112 Ernest S ...... :113 Augustus Perrin ...... 112 Ermina Bell ...... 114 Barbara Florence ...... 48 Ester Viney ...... 148 Beatr!cc Barbara ...... 105 Eugenia Harriet ...... 109 Beatrice Fanny ...... 145 Flora Muric! ...... 113 gea~ric~ Wells ...... 109 Florence ...... 108 B enJamm ...... 140 Florence Lena ...... 110 ertha ...... 114 Florence Rogers ...... 112 Bert L...... 114 Frances ...... 109 . Bert Nor ton ...... 144 Frances Du~an ...... 113 Bessie ...... 108 Fr:mces Lillian ...... 106 Blackkach ...... 108 Frank Clinton ...... 143 Carris ...... 146 Frank Clyde ...... 145 Carrol Fitzhugh ...... :107 Fred Edwin ...... 144 harlcs Amos ...... 140 Frederick ...... 147 2.harles Arthur ...... 12 Frederick Walter ...... 113 Charles Cecil ...... 145 George ...... 147 Charles Compton ...... 105 George 1\ ...... 114 Charles Garrad ...... 115 George Alford ...... 140 Charles Glen ...... 106 George Duty ...... 105 ~harlcs Grandison ...... 105 George H ...... 114 harles Hurlburt ...... 110 Georgia Maria ...... 113 Charles Lewis ...... 145 Gertrude ...... 112 Charles Morris ...... 145 Gladys ...... 147 Charles Randall ...... 147 Grace ...... 140 Charles Wesley ...... 110 Grace Selina ...... 105 Chester Crawford ...... 139 Grace Vivian ...... 139 Chl?e A ...... 113 Grace \V...... 113 ~la,re ...... 147 Grant ...... 146 clara Una ...... 145 Guy L ...... 114 arence /iames ...... 113 Hamlet George ...... 112 Clark Cu bertson ...... 107 Harold ...... 108-148 Cora Mertrice ...... 105 Harry ...... 105 .106 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations Ei'{ll1t/1-Co11t. ~f ary l·I elcn ...... 1 J.l 1-Iazel ...... 108 Mary Vincent ...... 112 Helen Felicia ...... 109 ~laud ...... 108 Henry Osgood ...... 11 ~feh·in ...... 109 Henry Strong ...... 112 ~f ildrcd ...... 148 Horace Wellesley ...... 113 Neenah Sophronia ...... 14.l Horatio Charles ...... 112 Nellie ...... 11.1 1-lugh C...... 11.l Nelson A...... 114 Hugh Vernon ...... :.11.l Nc,,·ell ...... 108 :da E ...... 114 Nina ~fay ...... 148 da Jane ...... 147 ()scar C ...... 114 Ida ~f arian ...... 145 Oscar C. Jr...... 114 Inez ...... 140 Otto John Howard ...... 145 Ira Nichols ...... 106 Payson ...... l0i Isabel ...... 147 Philo ...... 107 t,·es 1)'1\rcy ...... 146 Phoehc ...... 108 Jarnes ...... 109 Ray111ond ...... 108 Jame.s Henry ...... 113 Rents ...... 146 Jannie ...... 140 Rena A lice ...... 144 Richard ...... 140 Jessa ···································· ... ·...... 108 Jessie Alberta ...... 11 I Richard Day ...... 146 Jessie lr\'ing ...... 1t.l Robert ...... 148 Jessie ~fay ...... 143 Rohert Henry ...... 105 John Consider ...... 109 Rohe rt J ...... 146 John Dulmage ...... 1to Ron land ...... 105 John Grey ...... 106 Ronland Grandison ...... 105 John Har\'ey ...... 140 Roy ...... 114 John Kerns ...... 105 Roy \Valtcr ...... 140 ,Joseph Atwater ...... 47 Royal ...... 109 Julia Ann ...... 140 Rufus Henry ...... 14.l Katherine ...... 106 Ruth Hazel ...... 11 l Katherine Eliza ...... 110 Sallie Carroll ...... 107 Katherine Rushmore ...... 115 Samuel Ellis ...... 107 Kenneth Boyd ...... 11 I Sarah Marcella ...... 105 1.angton ...... 140 Shirley ...... 113 Laura Eva ...... 144 Truc111an ...... 114 Le Grand B ...... 114 \'iola ...... 114 Leon Leslie ...... 145 \\'allacc F...... 11,l Leonard ...... 114 \Vatter ...... 113 Leslie Allison ...... 139 Walter Brown ...... 111 Leslie Da,·enport ...... 139 Walter E\'erett ...... 114 Leta ~far~· ...... ,...... 144 \\'alter Roy ...... 144 Le\'erett Sherman ...... 114 \V ill iam Edmund ...... 112 Lewis ...... 147 \Villian, G...... 114 Lewis Eben ...... 145 \\'illinm I-lan•ey ...... 140 Lc\\•is L...... I4.1 William Recd ...... 140 1.oren ...... 106-108 \Villiam Thomas ...... 139 Louise Strong ...... '12 William Wallace ...... 139 Lo\'isa ...... 114 :\hhott, Dudley Hiram ...... 139 Luc}' Elizabeth ...... 146 Lizzie Emma ...... 139 Mabel Claire ...... 108 Mary Marie (Perkins) ...... 139 Marcus Irving ...... 106 Armitage, Charles ...... 146 ~fargaret ...... 113 Clarence 1-1 ...... 146 Margaret Isabel ...... 1 I I Armstrong, Lottie (Brooks) ...... 108 Margaret Kemp ...... 1.19 Lydia (Cross) ...... 108 Maria E ...... 14 Sarnuel ...... 108 lfarla Glen ...... 113 Bagley, Howard Paul ...... 108 1farion ...... 113 Baldwin, Barbara ...... 113 1Harc1uis F...... 113 1-lelen L ...... 114 ~f arjorie ...... 148 Lydil\ ...... 114 Mary Estella ...... 105 ~fargaret ...... 113 BURRITT FAMILY 307

Index by Generations Eifll,t/1-Cout. 1\lary ...... 113 Dav~''6:1• ...~.'~·~·~·l·~·~····~~~~~~.~ ... :::::::::::::1i Percy ...... 113 Grace (Quinnan) ...... 139 Roderick ...... 114 Day, 11arlan ...... 145 Beasley, Emma S ...... 147 Dr Laney, Esther ...... 148 Bedell, Annie ...... 148 de Pender ...... 112 Benjamin ,George ...... 11.l de Winter, Alice Harriet ...... 11.3 Benn, Alf red Rothery ...... 148 Edith Louise ...... 113 Edith Alice ...... 148 Mary Georgiana ...... 113 Hannah (Gomersol) ...... 148 Spencer ...... 113 Benson, 1\lan ...... 113 Dorian, Hugh Alford ...... 148 John ...... 113 Hugh Alfred Jr...... 148 Toan ...... 113 Harriet ...... 148 Bloom, Frances Louise ...... 140 Paul ...... 148 Frank ...... 140 \Valtace ...... 148 Brookbank, Margaret (Madill) ...... 110 Drake, Harriet M...... 140-143 \Villiant ...... 110 Royal \V, ...... 143 William David ...... 110 Sophronia (Dunshee) ...... 143 Bushnell, George ...... 114 Dulfcltt, Florence ...... 113 Le Grand E ...... 114 Ellis, Ella ...... 107 Burchwalcl, Charles ...... 108 Eliza (Kent) ...... 107 Elaine ...... 108 Jonathan Trumbull ...... 107 Fred ...... 108 ~~hncndorf, Hannah (Vines) ...... 145 Glen ...... 108 John C...... 145 ~latilcla ...... 108 Katherine Agness ...... 145 Thelrna ...... 108 Fisher, Elsie ...... 109 Carmichael, Bruce ...... 105 Forsberg, Edna Grace (Steward) .... 144 Carlton ...... 105 Erik K ...... 144 J)11nca11 ...... 105 Fosler, ArchibaJd ...... 112 Forrest William ...... 105 Sarah ...... 112 Robert Ron land ...... 105 Fowler, Jessie Louise ...... 145 \'iolet ...... 105 Gostling, Guy ...... 109 Carris, Jessie ...... 146 Gr~/'• Abigail A...... 114 Chillco. Benton ...... 105 Gri fith, George ...... 140 Isabel (Ingraham) ...... 105 Gwynn, Belle (Parrat) ...... 108 Paul Ralt>h ...... 105 Eugene ...... 108 Clark, Edward ...... 147 George ...... 108 Margaret (Culbertson) ...... 107 James Donald ...... 108 ~lartha ...... 107 Hall, Mary J, (11c Evoy) ...... 143 \Villiam ...... 107-147 Hannah, Hamer ...... 111 Clems, Gawn ...... 11,1 Helen (Fitzgerald) ...... 111 Shirley Margaret ...... 113 William Carlyle ...... 111 Cleveland, Katherine ...... 113 William Carlyle Jr...... 111 Cohen, Carrie Louise ...... 108 Hannegan, Duncan ...... 107 Marcus Jacob ...... 108 Edward Allen ...... 107 Marie Louise (Ulman) ...... 08 Mary (Nelson) ...... 107 Cmttt>ton. Theodocia Ann ...... 105 Selhnan ...... 107 Conklin, Grace (Hurd) ...... 144 Harrison, J.eadlcy ...... 1J,1 Jay B...... 144 Harl, Katherine ...... 106 Cory , Acidic B...... 44 Harter, Lynn ...... 146 Burritt Fred ...... 144 Hoa~. Andrew ...... 146 Frederick J ...... 144 Hannah (Horsfall) ...... 146 John ...... 144 Selina ...... 146 Couch, Edith ...... 107 Hunter, Eleanor Elizabeth ...... 113 George ...... 107 Frank ...... 113 George Burritt ...... 107 Henry Burritt ...... 11,1 Katherine ...... 107 :\·lar)' ...... 11,1 Lydia (Clark) ...... 107 \Viii ...... 113 Curtis, Edward Payson ...... 139 Hurlburt, Lucy Ann ...... I09 Ella Farrar ...... 139 ;\lr.ry Ann ...... 110 Harriet Foggin ...... J39 Irvine, Cecelia ...... 113 ,108 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations Wghlh-Co11t. lfaynsford, Charlotte ~I cad (Drake) ..106 Delphine ...... 106 Janicke, Hannah ...... 145 Ech,•ard ...... 106 Johnson, Alta ...... 108 Recd, Julia Elizabeth ...... 140 Jones, Hulda ...... 140 Reeves, Clara ...... 144 Keathcy, Audrey Burritt ...... 110 Reichart, Henry ...... 110 Christopher C...... 110 Sophia ...... 110 Florence (Burritt) ...... 110 . Sophia (Pitch) ...... 110 May ...... 110 Aurora ...... John Algernon ...... 110 Riscrt, 147 ).targaret Helena ...... 110 Robbins, Esther Griffiths ...... 198 Mary Elizabeth (OutJaw) ...... 110 John ...... 108 ).fary Elizabctli ...... 110 11ati1da ...... 108 Norton ...... 110 Robertson, Agnes Edith ...... 11 Kelly, 1\nna ...... 147 l)avid ...... 11I Kerns, itary ...... 105 Jean (Boyle) ...... 111 Kleinsmith, Ernest F ...... 144 Roddie, Adelbert S ...... 105 Pearl Evelyn (Steward) ...... 144 Rogers, Jatncs Grafton ...... 112 Kopplin, Charles Walter ...... 105 )of ajor James ...... ) 12 George Frederick ...... 105 ~!aria ( Burnham) ...... 112 Grace Augusta ...... 105 )of aria Harrict...... 112 James l.eonarcl ...... 105 Rorebeck, Edwin Fairchild ...... 143 Jessie Ann ...... 105 ~fary J...... 143 Mary Estella ...... 105 Weltha (Whitner) ...... 143 Robert Kerns ...... 105 Rushlow, George ...... ,...... ) 15 Lockhart, Douglas Burritt ...... 112 Katherine (Halloway) ...... 115 Janu~s ...... 112 ~laric Wilhclmcnia ...... 115 Louise Isabel ...... 112 Norman Burritt ...... 112 Shaffer, Anabel Dorothy ...... 111 Reginald ...... 112 l)cc ...... 111 Logan, John Wilson ...... 139 Donald Dec ...... ) I J Madill, Brunker ...... 110 Jack Marvin ...... 111 ~'largaret ...... 110 Jean ~luricl ...... 111 Stc,\'art ...... t 10 Kenneth Dulmage ...... 1t 1 Martin, Daniel Carroll ...... 106 Nellie Dec ...... 111 Florence Steele ...... 106 ()rd 0...... 111 Ira Nichols ...... 107 Rhoda Eve (Kip1,crt) ...... 111 John Henry ...... 106-107 Ruth Hazel ...... 111 ~(ary Elizabeth ...... 107 Simonson, Elizabeth Ann ...... 114 Mills, Jane ...... 1JJ Skinner, Edwin Burritt ...... 144 Montgomery, David Burritt ...... 115 EI ca nor ( Stockwt'll ) ...... 144 Frederick Hamilton ...... 115 l-lcnry ...... 144 Mulhern, Alexander ...... 113 Robert Hcnr)' ...... 44 Mc Gee, Lauretta (Goff) ...... 10 Roy Reynolds ...... 144 Mar~arct H. (Kcathcy) ...... 110 S1nhh, Jeall ...... 112 William Jack...... 110 l.cna ...... 109 William Leslie ...... 110 Spencer, Thelma F ...... 112 \V. T ...... 110 Sterling, George M...... 46 Nicholson, Elizabeth Augusta ...... 106 Steward, Alanson ...... 44 Major Augustus ...... 06 Alanson Goodnough ...... 144 Sallie (Carroll) ...... 106 A f)•ce Grncc ...... 144 Nohe, Theodore ...... 148 Burritt Jay ...... 144 Theodore Jr, ...... 148 Clarence Burritt ...... 144 O\\•en, Jane ...... 140 Clinton Edwin ...... 144 O,vcn T • ...... 140 Edna Grace ...... 44 Palmer, Joan Darlene ...... 145 Hazel Leite (Conklin) ...... 144 John Darwin ...... 145 :\fnlinda (Welter) ...... 144 Lewis Burritt ...... 145 Pearl Evelyn ...... 144 Plumb, Cordelia ...... 47 Richard Alanson ...... 144 Waite ...... 147 Strong, Louise ...... 111 Presher, E,nma ...... 147 Major George William ...... 111 BURRITT FAMILY 309

Index by Generations Eif1h1l1-Co111. Clarence James ...... 151 Thayer, Harriet (Whiting) ...... 43 Clark Culbertson ...... 149 l·lennan ...... 143 Doris Eloise ...... 152 \Villiam Whiting ...... 143 l)orothy ...... 151 Tucker, Mrs. E. H ...... 114 Dwight Nathan Jr...... 206 Turner, Anabel ...... 10 Eda Liola ...... 206 Martha ( Mc Lin) ...... 110 Edmund Foster ...... 150 William J ...... 110 Edwin Charles ...... 207 \'crity, Alice Louise ...... loe ...... 148 Jesse l)a\'id ...... 201 Wooley, Nelly Violate ...... 109 John ...... 208 ~I aria ...... 109 John Gridley ...... 151 Samuel W ...... 109 John ~lorgan ...... 149 Katherine Elizabeth ...... 149 Kathleen Maxine ...... 208 Ni11tli Kay Williams ...... 150 ,\Ian George ...... 151 Kenneth Boyd ...... 150 Alexander Foster ...... 150 Landon F ...... 151 Alica ...... 151 Le Grand B...... 152 ,\riel l·Ielcn ...... 206 Leon Leslie ...... 206 Arnold Keith ...... 149 Lewis Everett ...... 201 Arthur Winfield ...... 207 Le,,·is L...... 201 Barbara Jane ...... 202 Lilla Leone ...... 208 Uert L...... 152 Lillian E ...... 153 Bert Norton ...... 205 Lois Elizabeth ...... ::...... 198 Bessie June ...... 152 Lola ~Jay ...... 152 Burnell Oli\'cr ...... 205 Margaret Alice ...... 202 Carris ...... 207 Margaret Edith ...... 151 Charels Amos ...... 198 ~larian ...... 207 Charles Arthur ...... 150 Marie Gertrude ...... 150 Charles Cecil ...... 206 Mary Frances ...... 149 Charles Hurlburt ...... 149 ~laxine R...... 205 310 BURRITT FAMILY

Index by Generations Ni11th-Co11t. El\'idgc, Edmund ...... 201 ~I ildrcd Dorothy ...... 149 Ella Lorraine ...... 201 ~lcrtw ~larcus ...... 149 Mary L. (Smith) ...... 201 Nelson ...... 152 Emrick, Anna (Baumgardner) ...... 198 !';clson A...... 151 Edith Eleanor ...... 198 ~orman Austin ...... 150 Jacob Wellington ...... 198 Oscar C. Jr...... 152 Em·, Fannie 0 ...... 153 Otto John Howard ...... 206 ~I art in ...... 153 Rae Lillian ...... 206 ~lary (Ball) ...... 153 Richard Day ...... :207 Erff mcyer, Ida A...... 205 Robert Elvidgc ...... 202 ~lary W. ( Erxleben) ...... 205 Roger Carter ...... 198 William G...... 205 Roy \\'alter ...... 201 Evans, David W ...... 201 Roy William ...... 202 Emma Jane (Conklin) ...... 201 ~~uby ~lay ...... 207 Olive Gertrude ...... 201 {uth ...... 152 Grace, ~f abelle R ...... 51 Stanley Clark ...... 207 Grindlay, Alice M...... 51 \'era \' ...... 151 Isabel ~lay ...... 151 Walter Everett ...... 152 \Villiam H ...... 151 \\'alter Roy ...... 205 Hanson, Anton ~I...... 152 William G...... 152 June ...... 152 \Villian1 J ...... 198 Karen ~I ...... 152 William Recd ...... 198 Harrison, Ada I> ...... 152 1\ lien, ~fay ...... 152 Hatch, Florence ...... 207 Anspach, Jane ...... 151 llorricks, Ethel ...... 151 Ral1>h ...... 151 Irion, Lena Ba rhara ...... 152 Austin, Mary ...... 150 Janney, Horatio Burritt ...... 151 U . b 'd John ...... 151 a111 rt ge, Joan ...... 202 Johnson, Edith ...... 98 ~larcella ...... 202 Knight, Carlton ...... 205 Paul ...... 202 Emma (Williams) ...... 150 Dragg, Dora E...... 206 Rebecca Harvey ...... 50 Brown, Dorothy ...... 207 Thomas Garret ...... 50 Nellie ...... 207 Kinnan, Lilla ...... 207 Bushnell, Julia F ...... 151 Sarnucl ...... 207 Cain, Hiram J ...... 205 Landon, Clara C...... 51 ~laud S ...... 205 Lansing, Helen Grace ...... 152 Sarah ~f...... 205 ~loran, Catherine (FitzJ)atrick) ...... 49 Carter, Elizabeth ...... 198 John ...... 149 Elizabeth (Young) ...... 198 ~lary Frances ...... 49 ~f ajor ...... 198 Nesmith, Charles 1-1 ...... 149 Clark, Daisy ...... 207 ~laggie ~I. ( Echols) ...... 49 Fannie May ...... 207 ~f ary ...... 149 ~lary Jane ...... 207 Patterson, Gertrude ...... :...... 205 Nathan \Villiam ...... 207 Nina 1\ ...... 205 CooJ>cr, Helen ...... 206 William C...... 205 Crcasor, Alexander David ...... 150 Peckham, Anna A ...... 000 John ,\ ...... 150 Roth, Catherine ...... 207 John B...... 150 Gertrude ...... 207 Crews, Jane ...... 208 1-larvey ...... 207 Cuthbertson, Jeanne May ...... 50 Rowan, Hilda ...... 151 ~f argarct Renee ...... 50 Ryley, Eleanor ...... 151 Mary Burritt ...... 150 Sadler, Dora ...... 52 Stc,vart ...... 150 Schmaling, Bessie Ellen ...... 202 Davis, Jane Forsaith Wilkinson ...... 149 Estella L. ( Lockwood) ...... 202 John Evans ...... 149 Freel Henry ...... 202 ~f ary ...... 149 Smith, Alexander ...... 50 Dearborn, Anne Drake ...... 202 Elizabeth Roi:ters (Hall) ...... 150 Jesse Berne ...... 202 Helen Caroline ...... 150 Jessie Ernestine (Fuller) ...... 202 'l'hor11e, C. S...... 208 Robert Fuller ...... 202 Valleau, Dora ...... 49