Amnesty Officials Wait • • • Barnes Is Location of One Office by Peter A
Grosse Pointe ews VOl. 47-No. 21 Grosse POinte, Michigan, Thursday, May 22, 1986 30 cents 46 Pages • for your information Amnesty officials wait • • • Barnes is location of one office By Peter A. Salinas owe the state back taxes to VISit "We ObVlOuslyhope the program one of the amnesty offices <Ill m Their slogan IS, "Get to us before ISsuccessful," Kolt said "We hope 55 counties> and determine what fyi we get to you," - good adVIce con- the $50 mIllion estIma te IS a con- they owe Amnesty means paying SiderIng the state Will have shffer servatIve one" back taxes mcludmg Interest With. The state has authOrized $2 fines, more auditors and a new out penalty or prosecutIon. computer system that will enable millIon to Implement the program One woolly writer Kolt Said when the amnesty the Department of Treasury to Kolt said $750,000has been allotted The Grosse Pomte News pub. penod ends June 30, those still catch and prosecute more tax for advertIsmg, and the additIOnal lisher and an editor accepted an dehnquent will face flOes and scofflaws $1.2 mIllion Will pay for temporary mvitation from Mayor Coleman penalties double what they are cur- MlChlgan's tax amnesty pro- help and forms Young to tour DetrOIt and speak rentlv gram took eflect May 12, and ah ot "The m:JJonty of the $1 ~5 with some of its leaders The Treasury people will give per- May 15, one Grosse Pomter had mIllion Will be used for purchasmg sonal help," Kolt said "They Will event, billed as a MlChlgan taken advantage of the program at and mallmg forms," he Said check the mdlvldual's file, deter- Media Seminar, was the first of an amnesty offIce located at Yvonne Pomter, account ex- its kind for the city and It was mme what you owe and the in- ammer, and Joseph Watkms, Barnes School In the Woods favorably received by the terest.
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