Beginner's guide to ephemeroptera or those darn flies 1 1 ,. 8y ManalOJ. Ijernas wmg but a daj ," th", cphclliel UlJtel d lead cl le:,pdlll:>. neau 01 a well c..,ulileu W()IUdU. l'~u une is Staff Wrller bnef and tmglc life. They are found evet'ywhere, Inside houses, safe Before we begIn, one rule must be laid MO'3t of their life IS spent ab larvae In wa. plate!, of bUSIness, car'l, and even atop the See FLIES, page 4A down: DUll't wll them {ish/lws. tel' where they dme on algae and dodge fj<,h "They may be commonly called fishflies, and other aquatic bfe. Then, for a giddy but common nameb mean nothing," said Clght to 48 hours they are free, flYing up Wayne Stat(' bIOlogy Profebsor S K. Gang. and away Into the light In numbers worthy were "I mean half of all ladybugs at e male of a blbhcal plague They spend their bhort and none of them are hUM', they're all bee. time "on the WIng" lookmg for, well, Mr (01 ties." M,» Goodfly When - and If - they mate, So call them what they are' mayflies the female lays eggs In the water and the following year's populatIOn beginS Its '30ITY And yeb, It'S not even c10be to May any eXl!;wnce more, but don't fault the Insect,> They are Hated and feared, the fishfl mayflws much more pnmltlve than fishflwb, and be have made grown men retreat In hOlTor at sideb, they don't have much acces'> to ealen. the bight of hundreds of them on a window, dars. But Ub bure as thete will be a movie or the side of a bUIlding, or hovenng near a sequel opening at the end of June, so WIll street lamp There IS no need to fear, there be mayflieS though, the little dears have no mouths, The plague is almost over. but these two mayJlies seem to have found a quiet. intimate mo- Coming from the Latin fO! "to be on the which might be one leason for thell' shOit It. ment amidst the chaos caused by their brethren . .' " Grosse Pointe News Vol. 50, No. 28 58 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 35~ Thursday, July 13, 1989

All eyes on the classics Auto designer Gordon Buerhig. at the left. last year's Lifetime Design Achievement winner. stands in front of one of his many creations. a 1941 Ford Victoria. with his nephew. Hira Herrington. at Sunday's Eyes on the Classics auto show. Held tor the second year. the event this year attracted more than 7.400 auto admirers and netted 575.000for eve research for the sponsor. the Detroit Institute of Ophthamology. Above. Brenda Johns of Owosso takes a seat on an impressive 1931Lincoln coupe. formerly owned by Perry Mason author Earle Stanley Gardner. Photo, In O,ln JarvIs 1893 selected as founding of city of Grosse Pointe By John Minnis tee members, who Will be se Montgomely, who SItS on a com. some of Its centenmal celebra at a roadhouse lage of Grosse Pomte, which Assistant Editor lected m the near future mIttee WOlkmg to get SIgnS put tIOn,>With Grosse POinte Farms, Apparently the IeSldent<, be founded m 1879 III the al ea now ~e city of Grosse Pomte Councilwoman Myrna Smith, up at the entrances to the city which also recognizes 1893 as its low Fisher Road at the time had known as the Farms, annexed won t be celebrating Its cen who began makmg preparatIOns He faVOls putting "Established founding year no objectIOn to the Spll'lt,>, while the land now known as the City tenmal until 1993, but the pal1y last month for a centenmal cele In 1893" on the SignS Whde the City and Farms those above Fisher took a tern. ThiS is the first tIme the area I~ foUl' years should be a hum. blatton m August, cast the only Mayor wrenzo Brownmg also may come together to celebl'ate perance approach The dispute between Fisher and Cadieux dmger vote opposed to settmg 1893 as backed the year 1893 as when m 1993, the reason that 1893 IS led to the formatIOn of two new roads fell under a local mumCl- At a speCIal meetIng Monday the foundmg year She had the cIty came mto eXistence as a pivotal year for both Cities IS Cities the Farms north of Fisher pal government rather than mght, the City Council offiCIally w.ged the counCil to pick 1889 as we know It today, and he whole- that they became two mdepen- Road, and the Village '>outh of beIng governed by a township. establrshed 1893 as the foundmg the foundmg year so that the heartedly supported a centennial dent commumtles then due to a Fisher date for what IS geographically city would be the oldest of the celebratIOn m 1993 dispute over hquor bemg served PreVIOusly, In 1889 the VII. See 1893, page llA known today as the CIty of Pomtes. "You glVe us foul' years and m Grosse Pointe But her fellow counCil mem 1993 we can have a celebratIon The .councd also approved the bel s saId that the CIty was not that wIll knock your socks off," ACLU to challenge Woods' cameras formatIOn of a blue nbbon com. the oldest of the POIntes, sayIng Brownmg told Smith mlttee of pr?mment city resl that the oldest IS Without a Montgomery said after the By Dan Jarvis VISIOn momtors at a December cItizens who enter the park and StaNWriter dents to begIn plannmg for a doubt the Farms 1993 centenmal was set, "I 1988 counCil meetmg City offi. appear on mom tors PublIc surveIllance cameras m clals say that the cameras are "It's the whole concept that yearlong centenmal celebratIOn "In my mind, there's no other thmk It'S going to be a tremen. GhesqUlere Park mOnitored by m 1993 Council members wIll yeal I can really defend than dous celebratIOn" necessary to combat vandalism people have the nght to privacy Woods pohce VIOlates constltu- of the gazebo and to protect and not to have the government be submlttmg names fm commIt 1893," saId Councdman WIlham The city may also combme tlOnal law, accordmg to the chIldren. lookmg III on them The govern- Amencan Civil Liberties Umon Two cameras With zoom lenses ment has the nght to surveil Howard Simon, executive Will soon be mstalled northeast people only when there 18 director of the ACLU of MiChl, of the gazebo and northeast of reasonable cause We do not gan, said the state arm of the p~~,~ the tot lot. Each will be con. thInk thiS IS reasonable cause " ACLU is planning a constltu- nected to indiVidual mom tors m Woods city att01 ney George ,~: tlOnal challenge that wIll pro. the Woods public safety dispatch Catllll said in an earlIer inter- Marshall Noecker Brownell shares hlblt the use of cameras that area, according to Chester Peter. view that he does not see any- counselor 3A surveIl the general pubhc sen, city administrator-clerk. thmg wrong With sllrvetllance Leonard Grossman, president Petersen said last week that camera<; III GhesqUiere Park By Dan Jarvis all spill calls of the Detroit metropohtan the system IS In place, but due to "Whenever you g'O mto a Staff Wnter And lIke rows of greenery m for vigilance 6A branch of the ACLU, said that At 73, when most p<'ople have hiS garden, he has cultivated 13 techmcal problems With the cam- bank, you arc under surveil. Christwn Science's once the cameras are operatIOnal eras, they have been returned to lance," CatlIn said "I don't see long since hung up theIr career manufacturIng compames m the and the public is being mom. TTrnto.rl ~f"f-oC' "1ntl ~urnnn anrl unique history 8A the manufacturer New cameras an mVil<"lOnof prIvacy problem h!'t!!, MarSha!! N,><:,,,k,,, '" m"t _ -..... aa .-- "' ...... tored by police, the '.search and should arnve soon, he said. If peopll' ,11 e Ilot breaking the entering the pnme of hi" IIfp seven mvestment compames to Recyling begins llA seIzure" claise m the US Con Grossman said the ACLU IS lilW and appear on camera, It's keep hIS crop healthy for years Photography 15A stItution IS bemg VIOlated to come not waltmg for the cameras to no pi oblem, the camera JUst Obituaries 17A "When you put a surveIllance be mstalled to decide on the keeps OIlmovmg .. Often workmg 60 hour weeks, camera on a publIc street or retirement IS an aspect on which 'Lethal Weapon 2' grounds of the SUIt He said "It';, il mils." <;carch of every. park and watch someone, you there are three tests used by body who enter,> the park," he does not mmce words is top-notch 20A are surveIlling not only those "I have no such plans .. courts to determme whether sm Glo'>'>m,H1'>ald, "men, women, 'Lawrence' who may be engaged in Illegal velllance IS warranted under the ch dehen. .,ameone on an after- Busmess IS somethmg that actiVIty, but the general publIc come<; natural for Noecker, but at the Fox 21A US. ConstitutIOn: noon \\,Ilk Anyolle" as well." • First, the method of surveil. at one time he did have plans fm Retired executives EarlIer thIS year the DetrOIt HC' addl'd that thl' ACLU of a <;tint in polItics know the score...... 22A lance must be the least mtruiilve Michigan will mo'>t lIkely find a branch of the ACLU, a 30.mem. of all poSSIbIlItIes "In 1963, I ran on the state of bel' volunteer committee, voted vnluntel'l attorney to brmg the MIchIgan ticket m a stateWide Liposuction: • Second, the method mllst be case to court Also, plamtlffs Does it work? 1B unanimously to oppose this par. cost-effectl ve electIOn WIth Gov George Rom ticular use of cameras by the from the Wood!> Will be sought • Fmally, the method of sur ney My opponent, Leonard Day trips to Woods The DetrOIt commIttee \\ ho have a direct mterest in the veIllance must not mfrmge 011 Woodcock, had 13,000 more foreign lands 2B nl'" recommended to the state body people who are not .suspected of frIends than I had." C,It 1m "ll1d once the cameras Try stir fry 8B that a constitutional challenge Illegal activitIes Born on a farm m South Da- should be brought to the courts nr(' lIl"t" led ,md opcriltlOnal, he kota, Noecker's early schoolIng 'Old Goats' Grossman said the 'Woods has Grossman saId the ACLU's Will recol lInend SIgnS be posted was m a small rural bUlldmg m chosen a very expensive method bow out 1C challenge, If successful, could at each p,lI k l'ntrance to inform whICh one teacher taught several of surveIllance, which, as he Phoenix is new force the Woods to remove the VI<;ltors that they are being "'lades at once Sklppmg two saId, "may be more ex~nslve Prix site 2C cameras. watched by the pohcl' gradeii, Noecker graduated from that hlTlng an addItional safety high school at 16 GPLL highlights 3C The Woods Cltv CounCIl ap. officer." He added that thiS form Peterl'len saId that at the attor- proved the instailatlOn of the of public surveillance mfrmges ney's recommendatIOn, the city Classified ad8 4C cameras and closed- circuit tele- Marshall Noecker See POINTER, page 13A on the rights of all law-abiding Will mstall the SIgnS

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July 13, 1989 2A Grosse Pointe News Woods lawyer to be sentenced for involuntary manslaughter By John Minnis woman, June Gaedke, 32, died Matthew R Rumora was not ASSistantEditor Instantly gIVen sufficwnt information to The Grosse POinte Woods law- Peppler suffered a crushed JustIfy SlgIllng the warrant, yel who was charged wIth ~ heel and other InJunes and was and degree murder In the death taken to St. John HospItal The pro&ecution charges that of a Mason woman folIowmg a Pohce obtained a search wal- Peppler was drIVing the car and high speed chase III the Farms rant and got a blood sample neelng from Farms pohce at III December will be sentenced willie Peppler was m the hospI- hIgh speeds when the aCCident Aug 10 on the reduced charge of tal. The emergency room staff ocCUJ red Pohce and pro~utors InvoluntaJ')' manslaughter also took a blood sample that beheve the second-degree murder Denms Allen Peppler, 36, showed Peppler had a blood alco- charge IS adequate because Pep- pleaded no contest to mvolun- hol level of 20, according to tes- pler's actIOns showed a "wanton tal')' manslaughter June 23 after timony gwen by the emergency and willful disregard that the Ii- DetroIt Recorder's Judge Domin- room's physIcian on duty when kehhood of the actIOns will cause Ick R Carnovale reduced the Peppler was brought In gI'eat bodIly harm or death .. charge June 12 On June 12, Carnovale ruled ASSIstant Prosecutor Robert that the hospital's blood sample Peppler has told the Grosse Hood Said last week that hiS of. cannot be used as eVIdence In Pomte News that he was not fice has appealed C'arnovale's the case, and the Judge said the d.t nrtng the "ehlcle at the time reductIOn of the charge and If> search warrant was not vahd be- and that he was asleep In the appealmg the Judge's ruling that cause Mumclpal Court Judge car when the mCldent occurred Peppler's blood alcohol tests are not permIssIble as eVIdence The MichIgan Cowt of Ap- Photo b, &m Emanuele peals probably will not have Grosse Swallowed up made a deCISIOnby the Aug. 10 ~ Boat sentencmg, Hood saId If the Pointe *' Club Jessie Craig of Grosse Pointe Park pretends he is being consumed by thousands of balls duro court reverses the sentence re Farms 1989 Regatta ing the fireworks pIcnic July I at Stroh's River Place at a benefit sponsored by Sigma Gamma ductlOn, Peppler WIll face tnal for the Detroit Inshtute for Children. The event drew 1.200 guests who paid from $5 to $150 to on second-degree murder attend. The children were entertained by calliope . clowns and games. Involuntary manslaughter car- We wish to thank the contributors to the 37'h Annual Regatta. ries a maximum sentence of 15 years LIfe m prIson WIthout pa- 131 Rielle Lochmoor Chrysler Plymouth role IS the maximum sentence AMJ Electronics Meldrum Trucking for second degree murder B & B Auto Parts, Inc, Merit Woods Pharmacy, Inc. Gilpin pleads guilty to charges Peppler was charged WIth sec. Big Boy Restaurant Miner's of Grosse Pointe ond-degree murder after the car By John MinniS Captain 2 Restaurants National Coney Island behalf July 5 dents In Gllpm's upper flat on ASSistantEditor he and the Mason woman were Comerica, Incorporated Nelson C. Frolund Indecent e'\po~UIe callIe" a Beaconsfield dunng June and Gu,lt\' plea'> \\ ere entered last travehng m crashed through a Cottage Hospital O. Muliers Market maxImum sentence of one yeal July of last year The three Grosse Pomte Academy fence on wee" on t 110 counts of mdecent Dennison's Pointe Electronics Co. 111 J8I1 and a $500 fine Sentenc young males, now 17, testified at Grosse Pomte Boulevard at e'\po--U1e ,lgamst Graham J GII. Don Gooley Cadillac R. A. Wrigley mg on the mdecent e'\posure Gilpin'S trial In Recorder's about 3 a m Dec, 8. The car pll1 the forme I Park man \\ho chalges IS scheduled Aug 2 be. COUlt smashed mto a tree and the Ellis Tire Radio Shack \\ ,1-- found j,'1.J1ItyJune 30 of fore Judge Kllsten Frank III the Hardee's Ram's Horn Restaurant thll'l' counh of glvmg alcohol to Pm k MUniCipal Court Gllpm IS scheduled to be sen. Harmony House Ray Lathem Pontiac/GMC Inc. 11111101 ~ tenced on the alcohol charges m Harvey's Compleat Traveler Sine Real Estate Co. Ken'lm's COUlt July 31. Provld Gdpm 30 \\ ho no\\ hves In In Detl OIt RecOldel's Court, Irish Coffee Sir Speedy Printing mg alcohol to minors IS a mlsde Rl\ PI\ lell II as ~cheduled fOl a Jefferson Beach Marina Standard Federal Judge DaVid P Kel Win found meanor carrymg a maxImum JUI \ tll,11 m Glosse Pomte Park Jerry's Club Party Store TPF&C Human Resources Gllpm gUilty of the three counts sentence of 90 days In Jail and a ~11111K1P,llCourt begmmng July of ~I\'mg alcohol to mmols and $100 fine Joe Ricci Jeep/Eagle Consulting World Wide () but COllit Admllllstl atOl acqUItted Gllplll of thl ee charges Judge Matthew R. Rumora The Wood Shop Penm S\ 1\estl 0 Said gtlllty of dlssemlllatlng pOInographlc Kiska Jewelers Thomas Hardware pkw, \\ele entelcd on Gllpm's The IIldecent exposure mCI. matellal to minors La Moda Verheyden Funeral dents occurred on Saturday af- La Strega Boutique Yorkshire Food Markel ThIel' Park 16-year olds \\ele ternoons III late November and Langone - Dimango Shell Za Pauls Corrections mvolved III the dlcohol and dls early December near Pierce Mid. ~emlllatlOn of pornob" aphy mCI dIe School C"/I('UlOll~ lidl he prllltl'd .. 011 /11" p(lf.te t'11'1 v It I'ell If th! I( h all enOl o[ [ael III ({I/\ ~I()J" (all Ihe lle/(,.,rOO/ll Breathers Club to meet (II 882-iJ294 The Bledthels Club will meet Sands, R R T , as guest speakel \ .Juh 6 stOl) on page 2B Monday, July 17, at 3 pm at Bon Secours IS located at 464 dbout the Glosse POinte Bon SecoUls HospItal m the SCI Cadieux and hosts Bleathers Fal ms Boat Club's annual ence HdII Club meetmgs evel')' thll'd Man IPg,ltta <;hould ha\ e Identl "Light Weight Ox}gen Savmg day of the month For furthel fied EdwUl d SmIth as the DeVIces" WIll be thIS month's detaIls, call the hospItal at 343 \ Ice commodOl e of the club tOPIC of dISCUSSIOn,\\Ith Paula 1594 CARLSTERR ANNOUNCES THEIR



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WI welcome "-coblOn'. elNlrve, M•• tlrCarcl: VISA: Ind Amerl~n ExpntK 80 Kercheval Avenue • Grosse Pointe Farms. 882.3590 Shop until. p,m. on ThuntUy InCI FrtdIy. Until' p.m. on Monday, lWlCIlly, W1dnnday Ind $aturcley. ___ •_._;_. ,__ -'''''0-0-'-'-0 sqs_q_._""_- ..-..-._ __..-.- - _ ..-.- _~ OW - ..,...... --.-...... ------... --...... - -..---...,. ------..... -- .... •• '44 ".eOCO"S444 ..

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News NtiV4 3A Brownell parents upset over possible loss of counselor time By Ronald J Bernas nell would h"ve only" pellt time but waIted to announce It be StaH Writer loun.,(.'IOl <'uU'>e untIl the millage passed, An (Idrnllll.,tl "t! ve plopo.,ul to The pellenh ell.'>oleel that to he had no Idea what the staffing I educe mequltw,; 111 student to cut b.llk the numbel 01 coun"e "ltuatlOn would be The decli>lOn, coun!>eJorJ utlO., by havmg Dlow IVI" would be unl,1II to the bpe he "ald, al.,o keep., the promlRC nell and Pm <.elb ~hale a coun~e lIell need., .,tudent., - the eduLU the boal d made to keep the 111 101 met with angel and out! elge bly llIl'ptdlly lInpdll ed and CIedse 111 bchool bpendlng to 8 5 Monday \\ hen "ollie 25 pdl ent., em'JtJOn,IJly lInpdll ed - who Ie pel tent Hlllng another LOun&e of BlOwnell "tudent" appealed at qUlle mOle' pel hap., two dnd one 1m would mean cut" 111 othel the Glo.,.,e Pomte "chool bom d h,dt (Ime" mOle, coun.,ellnf.{ pi 0bTJum., meetlllg tune La"t ye.lI Blownell had 33 The pal entb dIdn't beheve The plOpo"ell to bhaw the speCial edlllatlOn "tudenl'> that One "ald he felt hke a VIC coun~elOl Wel"made by SUpe11l1 Coyle "did the lyra quebtlOnb tun of extortIOn because he voted tendent John Whlltnel EdCh of the tmung oj the decl~lOn to de 101' the mJllage and hiS chlldl en the till ee middle blhoob hab two CIea"e the toun.,elInJ.{ "talf, tom WIll buffel a cutback Other par- counbelOlb and two admllllbtl a mg the day dftel Glo.,.,e POInte ent., said they were "~hocked" tor" AlCOldlllg to Whl Itnel 's fig votel b dpploved <1 tmllage Ie and "outl aged" at the deCISIOn UIC", that me,m" Blo\\nell ha" ..1 I l(; \1..11 dnu .\ 22 mill IIlLie,be Jnd questIOned the quallt> of the 1855 to 1 "tudent to counbelOl They felt that by dpproVlI1g the boal d and the way Whlltner Ib ratIO, Pat cell" hel., a :317 5 to 1 millage IeqUebl'>'the ddmll1lstl a handhng hiS Job ratIO and PIerce's IS 2445 to 1 lIOn \\ ould Illel111td 1I1 the status "Don't penalize Brownell," one Sharing d counselOl, whIch quo pal ent said "FIX the SituatIOn at would give BI 0\\ nell 1 5 counse Al.,o, the BlOwnell Site Budg Pal cells" Sad vigil lors and Parcel)" 2 5 counselOl b etmg CommIttee wa., not 111 "It'b not going to be an easy bnngs Blownell's ratIO to 244 to formed of the cutback dlllll1g "ltuatlOn," Whntner said "If I A male mallard stands guard over a female companion killed by a car on Lakeshore last Friday morning. The duck maintained its vigil for at least an hour before Paul Wehmeier of 1 and Parcells' to 254 to 1 thell budget deliberatIOns, and dIdn't believe 111 the benefits of Whlltnel said the vast maJOI they believe they could have counsehng, I'd leave It alone, but Grosse Pointe Farms buried the traffic victim, For a related slory, see page 7A. fyi column. Ity of students meet wIth theIr found some fund., If they had I do believe 111 the benefits of coun"elOi about t\\O to thlee been lI1fOlmed em lieI' counsehng and I have a responsI- tImes a yeal to dlscu~s schedul They al e albo cancel ned be bility to all of the CitIzens and Woods teenagers 109 of classes But there al e a cause - the coun.,elors WIll be students 111 the dlstI ICt" numbet of students for \\ horn spendlllg mOle time 111 clds" After 45 mmutes of diSCUSSIon, found drinking the counbelOl IS mdeed a counse rooms Implementmg a peer rela- the boal d asked the Bl'Ownell FINE JFWFl lor, helping them deal wIth pI Db tlOnb skill., pi ogram, which Will Site Budgeting Committee to on school roof lems take them elway It am counsel look 111 the budget and see If It Blownell PTO PI eSldent Joan IIlg could come up WIth any of the Three teenagers were picked Coyle read a statement to the "We ~lIllerely hope that the money needed to keep two full- up by Woods pohce July 7 after they wel e apparently dl'mkmg • JULY IS board askmg It to ovel'llde GI'O~bePOll1te Pubhc School Sys time counselors at the school Whlltnel's proposal not only be tern admll1lstl dtlOn will make Because It IS an admmlstratlve beer on the roof of Barnes cause It Cleates llleqUltles be full time counseling sel-Vlces deCISIOn, the board didn't take School RUBY MONTH! \ tween Blownell students dnd available to all alii mIddle school any actIOn HO\\evel, the boa Id An anonymou'> caller told po 'li!~J_: ~ theIr peel smother mIddle students," Coyle told the board and Whlltner WIll take the mat hce at 9 16 P m that youths \\ el e on top of Bal nes School on Ruby rings set with schools, but because It would Whlltnel said he had dehbel tel' Up aftel the committee brilliant diamonds. This is -~ mean half the students at Blow ated With the deCISIOnfO! a year, meets Mormngslde Respondmg officers I saw one youth on the roof and what fine jewelry is all about. heal d the others scrambhng • down a ladder, accordmg to po Farms OKs street repairs lice reports 2044S'Mack Ave•• G:P.W •• 886--205('-- P'"/: Two of the youths wel e found By Dan Jarvis \\ edge JOInts to hold the new SUI- mObt hkely make mspectlOns of hldmg m the bushes neal the Statl Wrrter fdce 111 place Sidewalks to determme the ex school and the thIrd was found The Farms City Council ap- The CObt of Ieplacmg CUIbs tent of Ieplacement needed and shOltl) aCtelward The male pi oved an aggressIve pavll1g Will lOughly match the lecap then set Up a senes of meetmgs youths wel e two 17 yeal olds and gram July 10 whIch II1cludes pmg bid and WIll push the final and public heanngs a 16 yeal-old All live m the seven IeSldentIal st! eets and the cost to about $260,000, Solak Councllman John Crowley Woods thlee way mtersectlOn of WII Said saId the pavmg effort IS part of Pohce found 12 unopened hams, MOlan and McMIllan Because one of the streets to an ongomg program m the beers, foul' beers paltlally con streets. be paved, Colonial Court, has Farms whell! several streets al'e sumed and one empty beer can ""i CIty Clel k RIchard Solak saId CUIbs m dn ect contact With SIde paved each year based on need on the school's roof "Finest Quality at the Most DesJrable Pnces" the asphalt recappmg effOlt Will walks, which al e homeowners' InspectIOns are carned out by Woods detectl\'es are consldel- \ mclude responsibility, the Farms WIll the cIty and a hst IS kept, WIth mg tl'espassmg charges against THURSDAY FRESH TURKEY DINNER 95 • MUll', flam 200 feet west of plobably set Up a specldl assess pavmg carned out based on the the youths Homemade stutfmg, mashed potatoes & gravy $6 Kercheval to RIdge ment dlStllCt along the U-~haped amount of allocated funds, CrO\~ • Men I\veather, flOm Ridge to street ley said FRIDAY LOBSTER NIGHT DINNER 95 CharlevOIX The plan under consldel atlOn The counCIl set a date of Mon- safety Whole Maine Lobster Dinner $12 Child 95 • Ridge, from Men Iweather to by the council 1I1volves the city day, July 24, at 730 a m for re Adult belts used on ) oung SATURDAY SCAMPI DINNER 510 Fisher spllttmg the cost of actual Side \ lew of engmeer's plans regard chlldl en al e about 60 percent 1I1gthe Colomal Court Sidewalk THURSDA Y IS LADIES NIGHT - LADIES DRINKS HALF PRICE • Kercheval, from Moross to walk replacement \\ Ith reSidents effertlve Injury preventIOn (Na and curb project At the meetmg, Hours . ..J p m -2 a m Provencal of Colomal COUlt tlOnal Highway Traffic Safety Solak saId the cost estimates of BOATERS VVELCOME • Banquet FaCilities Available • All of Colomal COUlt Solak said while the plan has AdmmlstratlOn) • Provencal, flOm Kelcheval yet to be finalized, the city WIll the ploJect will be reVIewed to Lakeshore • MOlass, flom Glosse Pomte Boulevard to LakeshOl e Solak saId the all of the pav mg locatIOns wdl Include CUI b ALL DECKED-OUT FOR repan s and adjustment of man Last 3 Days! hole catch basm covel s to ahgn WIth new asphalt levels Thursday, Friday, Saturday FOR SUMMER! Whde It IS difficult to nail down a completIOn date, Solak saId all repairs wdl be done well Decks, a rather simple addition to your home that will add hours and before the end of the year SPRING hours of enjoyment and relaxation. Give us a call for a FREEestimate. At the meetmg, the council accepted the lowest bId of $133,522 from the Ajax Pavmg Co , whIch has pelformed sevel al pavmg projects for the Fam1s BREAK and sun:oundmg areas Our price reduction on famous Solak Said the pnce IS based comfortable Allen Edmonds fine shoes upon a per umt mstallatlOn cost estimate and therefore the final cost to the Farms cannot exceed the bid "In fact the final pnce may come 111 lower than the bid It depends on the amount of addi- tIOnal work," he said DeSIgned specially with your umque, After the rob's done, you'll wonder how you AdditIOnal WOIk mcludes con individual needs in mind e\ er lived\'. Ilhout II dltlomng eXlstmg pavement for recappmg and cutlmg necessary

Farms pool to be closed The wadmg pool for tots at Farms' Pier Park WIll be c1o<,edfm repairs from Mon day, July 17, through Fli day, July 21 * BIG PLUS * , The pool'>; cement base 10' ( REDUC 110:\ ON OUR E:\T1RE REGULAR STOCK' 100ft SUPPOlts a marclte shell, • ADDITIONS • DORMERS • KITCHENS which IS badly cracked and • JOIl\,"IO\, ,I. \!tIlI'II' • "~Il\(,O' IlO( hl'OHI 0 must be replaced, accordmg • ( OJ ~ 11\ \ \, • "I'HlH\ IOI'''lllHi<'' • BATHROOMS • WINDOWS • GARAGES to Councilman John Crow • RECREATION ROOMS • ALL TYPES OF EXTERIOR SIDING ley * SPECIAL GROUP * Repairs WIll be camed out DISC O:,\,TINUED MODELS FHOM nUH $35 TO by Robmson Brothers, con HU;l'L \H <.,roCI< ALL (,lJRHE~T STYLES' sl;J9'" tractors from Paddock Pools • \I I I \, I ])\I(l\, Il" • "~Il \( ,0 • "1'1 WI) J Ill''' ID Hl<" \' AIXRS TO 'IllS ~~AMOTOR CITY Inc., at a cost of $8,000. 'IW( hp(llll'( 1l1~ II\\\, i ','U MODERNIZATION WIlIIe the pool I>; under repair, parents can take theIr children to the beach Grosse Pointe's Home Modemization Specialists! area wlthm the park for 1\1 III 111\ Al \1 "r {, \Ill • (,1l0"'''~ 1'0I\1H MONDAY FRIDAY 10 to 6 • SATURDAY 10 to 5 30 21612 Harper Ave. wadmg, accordmg to the OPEN THURSDA Y EVENING TILL 900 council. Maslcrcard 882-3670 V,sa St, Clair Shores, MI 777.4160 References Available

• ---,...... ~f''f ... ,...... , ...... r' ...... y ...... ; ...... ,* .... zrp.c ... ,., • pe • , • $d •• e P ; $ , • P 4 ;4' •••••••• ~ 1.0.0 •• -- '0 -

July 13, 1989 4A Grosse Pointe News Flies Fl'Om page 1 DalllPI Heal~. chId' of public ~afet~ III An lllformal survey showed people \\ ho TIll' logo 01 till' (l'..,tl\' ,d I::' ,I fi::.hl1v on \\ clt IIPal\ ..,a](!, "II 1'011 could eat them, it Grossl' Pomte Shon .." ",lid the grl'as~ lilt Ie gTe\\ up on the east SIde h,\\'e fllllnd ..,ome ' l'l..,k", \\ oldd lw gll,,,t " bug" h,we bpell tIll' C,luse 01 SOIIIl' ,lccldenb uses for tlw bug" - the 1'uvonte Olll' belllg No, tlll'y dOll't h,l\'e F1l',hl1,v I(mg ,md alollg Lakl'"hore, becailsP the~ ,H'P so ..,lip "tl'pplng on them because t11l'y pop (~ul,pn, 01 fishfh l'atmg cont e::.t~. but till'\' Thlllk of' II, may(1v qUIche, which, of lWI \' Win 'J "Well. wouldn't \ ou. If "'0111l'011l' do hd\l' fhe d,I)'" of f'UII ,md g,um'.." melud l'OUI..,P1('ulplItomologl"h wouldn't eat, then .\nd Ill' "',11<1 the\ get Ml bad SOllwtlnlP.., ...teppl'd 011 you')" G,lIll-,l\ven: "dId IIlg IiIl'\\ 01 k::. ,1IId cI p,II.lde 11'.., •d I OVl'l 101 tJIl'Il''.., fll'lIch IIlPd li"hllte" which ib pl'oba that the Shm l'" h,llIb out lb pumper ,md But "enously, folks, It'~ bec,w..;e thPl1 thl.., \ l'el!, but plalh , spl'eadll1g out ,d...o bpJIl'\e 1IIc\\'tlW::'\\Ple put on tilt' e,uth Gallgl\l'J"(" till' \ l'l \ pre,ellCl' 01 the ephem "Wp lbed to have the festl\"11 111 Jull but tl1l'1I c1tlemptpd coup of tilt' land ('JOptel,1 IIIl',m LIke St (,1,111' - the IllCUbd It ,111\d) b seemed to be 'I hen till' fj..,hflll'''' Illi the ..,amp lecl"'on (beld) longlpg ... ..,pldl'l .... And tlll'lI )OU don't hU\e to thmk about tor of tIll' 1,11'\,I - IS de'ln, becduse mavlllL's \\ ell' out," ~clld Ne\\ Baltllllore M

Couple charged Carpet & Upholstery with indecent Cleaning exposure at club 20% OFF A 29 \ edl old \IOll1dn and d ALL CARPET Residential & Business 26 \'e,ll ~Id man wel e chal ged \\ Ith II1dewnt e"pObllle follo\\ Ing CLEANING Donded • Insured ,Ill II1cldent at the Glo""e Pomte Introductory Offer l'oIcht Club Julv 1 468.4270 At 7 40 P 111 ShO!e~ pollce Ie "'ponded to an Indecent expo"lII e lI1udent 111 plOgreb'> at the yacht Llub Once <1tthe club on Lake- GARAGE SALE e clt the foot of Vel Iller, ofli lei.., \\ el e told by the dub\ Cdp PILLOWS • COVERS t,lIn of secUilt y tholt a couple • ASSORTED ACCESSORIES \\ ,\b ha Vll1gbe" 111 d \ d n 111 the • SELECTED FRAMES p,ll kll1g lot ,lI1d th<1t the van'" doOl'>\\ ere IIIde open ALL AT REDUCED PRICES The o!1icel<;walked at ound to the Je,ll of the van and \ el died thdt the ::.pcunt) officel's IepOlt \\ ao.,accul ate, accOldmg to pollce IepOlt;, Officel'" at the bcene bald the Ie,ll of the vall \\ as \ Iblble to lI1oton"t;, and pedestnans 011 1I00thboUlld LakeshOl e dlld to all boatel b dnd ,\acht club I'J<;ltOlS PllIt(l b\ DIll I.J\I"- 'llong the club s ..,outh bl eak\\ all Groun dbreaking The couple \\ a<; told to put then clothes 011, and the man Ground is broken on the future sight of the Woods community center, adjacent to the munic- and woman wel e taken to the ipal complex on Mack Avenue. Shown in the ceremony. from left. are: Jerry Baut of Faml1y Shores polIce <;tat!oll The Ne\1 Builders; Michael McClear, architect; Brian Britton 01 Ft.lmily Builders; Thomas Fahrner, coun- Haven \\ oman and_'the Wan:en cilman; Chester E, Petersen. city administrator; George S. Freeman, mayor; Ted Bldlgare, lI1an wele clted for indecent ex- FaiffJ ~f F+fkJ councilman; Robert Novitke, mayor pro tern; Louise Warnke, director of administrative ser- po<;me dnd each posted $50 vices; Patricia Schneider. municipal judge; Lawrence Pale, engineer; and Jean Rice, counCil- hond woman, 306 s. M~IN • ROYAL OAK • 548.4422 - J()h" J.11111i1'> OPEN Mon & Tues 10-6 Wed & Fn 10-9 Sot 10-6 Sun, 1-5

RENTNRIDE RENT A CAR 313-884-RENT LOW RATES IN THE VILLAGE 16820 K:::RCtiEVAL Get 'Em While It's Hot. All Fans At Least 30% Off! Grosse Pointe News Summl'r s herl' wllh a vengeance So nov\! , [r1(' beq time La save on (USPS 230-400) the Finestceiling fans macle Published every Thursday' Ca~aBlanca nW) re tfle '>trang By Anteebo Publishers 96 Kercheval Avenue ,lient Type- clurablf' styll,h made Grosse Pointe. MI 48236 to operaTe withOuT nOise or Phone 882-6900 Vibration And durIng our Truck load Saleyou can choose from Second Class Poslage pa d al DtlrD(In Rales 117per year ¥la ma I 1\9 oUI~1 Sial, Add'ass a~ lAa I SuOs,"plions Change 01Adllress FOlms 3579 SALE ENDS AUGUST 5TH 1096Ke'c'lf,al Gross,Po~leFarms IA cr 48136 The deaol,ne lor news copY's ,",onday noon 10InSUle nsen,o' AU ad,en Sing copy '!luSI be n Ille Ml'fn,s I\Q Oepanlle11 ~1 IIFour Seasons SpeCial l1am Tilemy Three speed rflverslble motol CORRECTIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS Respons ~ Illy lor ~IS five VI. hl[e-parnted wood play and class I eo advert,smg error ISI,m,teo 10e Iller a cancella loOIlollhe Cl\alge lor or a re-run of lhe po!toOlllr errOl Not I~a t)Iildes pull cham While the) 1.011 must be gIVen 10lime lor COlrec!lO~ In lhe lolloWlII9 ssue lasr- limited qu,:mtlty available We assumt no respons b< lily lor the same a~e'the I fSllOsenon lisl The Grosse Po nle News reserves lhe rlghl nOI 10 accepl an Mfr $40500 advert,ser s orller Grosse POinte fjews aa~e1ls ng replesenla SALE $ 189 00 1ves hm no a~lhOrrtllo b,d Ih S newspape' ami 0' 1 publ,ca B toon of an aaien semtnl sh all conSlllule I nal ampla nce 0' 1ne advMISer Sorde' ElDelta II Three sfwed revero,lrJ!e motor b five Whl[e-p,lll1!ec! wood tJlaaes Llgllt klt ,1'1(j other b colors optional M>ttME!.N T .sA~~ A"r (Onlcrnporc1ry Stylll1g whiTe ST.CLAIRamR.HOURS G\VE~VJA'{ 'P~\<:cS or tAdCkftrllsh Include') PIIAIMACY d \) 1"OW 11dlogf'11IIgl11 '"nl 1,,1, II, I ' , Mfr I 1St $91 700 Michigan's largest CasaBlanca Dealer ( .tlc I I II It. I l t t, II d 6At.-e WILL. c..olJ--rrNU e SALE $54900 II 11,1 I ,I, I I niRU ~ULY 2-2."r\d (313) 343.4720 ROIPVlrl(' • 771 nil ~'I'" 11 I \ I t \ , IIlTl l r I \j; \.1 J ( I II' I 11 ~I YOUNGc.LortlES SainI John Hr"pII.ll St('rllnq H('lqh[1 • 7399100 II, I r I\! 'I \~ 't' !VI I l I I [II "., ~ ) Ifl 1\0 1\ERCHE.VAl. • , -; VIS4 C£NT["S • Il,'r,,1 \11 Id ,I Troy. 585 1400 y-~- GROSSE: -P01NT&:" 'WL '--"-- -

, •I --~_...--~~--~---~~-~---~------• _ 4 4044 Q% •• 4 •• q .4 444 4 • 4 • • 4 : q Q 4 c • q "4...... - ow aq , .

JUly 13, 1989 SA Grosse Pointe News I 18328 Mack Avenue In The Farms I wines DAILY: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. liquor Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m •• 6 p.m. PRICES IN EFFECT JULY 13 14 & 15 FRESH COFFEES USDA BONELESS Freshly Roasted and Custom fresh ~t~~.~ $218 Ground to Your Needs! . ~ ..:~~ SIRLOIN TIP LB .... ? ROAST r CADILLAC FRESH ESTATE SWORDFISH STEAKS STOREMADE CADILLAC FRESH $3 FRESH FROZEN ESTATE 89 POLISH DECAFFEINATED LB LOBSTER TAILS (PACKAGE OF TWO) 8.10 oz. each COKE 6 PACK CANS SEALTEST SKIM MILK

SHISH Sprite Reg., Squirt, Fresca, 7'9~ I ~ Minute Maid Orange, Dr. pepper Reg. & Diet, $139 ~ 1/2 GALLON • KABOB'S $39~ Coke Classic, Diet Coke, Caffeine Free Diet Coke, Coke, +DEP ~-==------=-= EAL'TEST ONION, GREEN PEPPER Cherry Coke Reg. & Diet, Tab, Caffeine Free Coke ~~~ S ON A STAINLESS STEEL SKEWER ASSORTED ~- CHIP DIP6ge FRESH $279 COKE 12 PACKS ~'fI"ALL FLAVORS WHOLE 97 FLAVORS +DEP _ ... cP 80Z PORK $3 g~~EC~~~ 24 PACKS $5.19+ DEP DORITSOS ~ TENDERLOINS LB 7 UP 12 PACKS 99 MUENSTER ~:~::RIO 1 )~ $239 - . 7 UP Reg. &. Diet! Cherry 7 UP, $209 COOL RANCH " " CHEESE LB . ';lqll' i • R.C. ~ola, Diet Rite Cola, 151/2 OZ YOUR CHOICE ~ ,. Sunklst Orange +DEP AMERICAN , • ------C.F.BURGER WHITE OR YELLOW $199 ; ~~.f.~PEPSI 6 PACK CANS HALF AND HALF CREAM CHEESE LB ~ -'" - - - Pepsi, Diet pepsi, Mountain Dew, ULTRA $1 09 pegsl Free, Diet Pepsi Free, Slice, $1 PASTURIZED QUART PEl"Sl "EP5I 49 WINTERS $229 ~ ....1...PEPSI iet Slice, Orange Slice, Diet - •• Orange Slice, Vernor:>, Diet +DEP KNACKWURST LB Vernors, A & W, Diet A & W GALLO VARIETAL WHITE GREKACHE $ SAUVIGKOK BLANC 4 HEARTY BURCANDY 59 ,JOHANNIS.EPc- ~EISLl"G HEAT.N.SERVE GEWURZTRAMIHER $2 DRY CHABLIS AND 1.5 LITER 69 ~~T ~~~~~:$1 DRY BURGUNDY SAVE '2.40' Great for hot weather treats BOX- ~::IGNA LB SUTTER HOME STORE MADE FRESH 89LB r BREYERS $2 WHITE ZINFANDEL$293 HAM SALAD S2 ! ALL NATURAL ICE CREAM 69 _ 750 ML a 1/2 GALLON REG~LAR ~_SA_VE_52_.0_0 _ 1 ' JI ~ PAUL'S BAKERY •.•, ALL FLAVORS LITE CARLO ROSSI 4 LITER


t - .... 'JIr' ...... r ,..,. ; .... •• ..'7'.' •• ' S. 0 ""4 ' •••• 00$'.

executive officer of the Marine Safety Of. fice of the Coast Guard in DetrOIt and a Lesson of oil Park reSident, was especially helpful to the county authoritIes and the medIa m keep- mg them mformed of whdt was happening leak:The need m the mvestlgation. Credit also should go to the Eastland for vigi lance management for qUickly assummg the reo sponslblllty for the clean-up after It had Ill' 01 till' 1ll,IJOl Il''>~OI1'-to be been notified of the Coast Guard's finding. 1(',11l1ed IIom the Oll leakage that As James Murray, Wayne County public Opolluted till' l\lJ1k Hlwr III Lite May works director, saId, "Eastland is certamly I~ th,lt publll Ollilldl" ,Hld pll\ate enter. handling this better than Exxon did in the pnse" Ill\l"t lw ('tl'll1alh \ IgJl,lI1t to protect Valdez deal" off the Alaskan coast tIll' ('n\ IIOl1l1ll'llt and the Milk RlVer Pump :::;tatJon Jacks made its way through a dram into the But now that thiS episode is behmd us, Milk RIver Pump StatIOn m Grosse PolOtI.' FOItIllldtl'h 111 thb ('tGu,n d The Ie~lIlt IS that raw sewage and other Woods. While an estimated 1,000 to 2,000 enlarge the pump station's holding capac- oflil'l.l!" .1Ild Lht I,lilt! Cl'ntl'r'., m,mage. pollutants flow Into Lake St. Clair. gallons entered the pump station, only Ity, Improve screemng at the gates of the ment not on!\ 11l1lltedtill' d,lm,lge. but also In thIS case. the em Iy theory that some- about 50 to 100 gallons apparently went pumpmg statIOn to prevent solids from led to till' dl'>l'll\el \ 01 IIll' ,>owCl' of till' one hdd "dumped" 01101' asphalt mto the over the weir at the statlOn and got mto going mto the lake and pursue other ways the Milk RIvel' channel. poll\It lOll Milk Rlvel was dIsproved by the sleuths of of preventmg further pollutIOn of the lake Boaters promptly discovered the 011 E\ l'n "0 till' lll.ln.lg('n1l'nt 01 the E.1~t. t hl' Coast Guard. By usmg theIr own "fin- All POInters and other area reSIdents spreadmg throughout the harbor and cov- 1,lI1dCelltl'l h ,lpp,1lentl) gOing to have to gerpnntmg" procedures, the Coast Guard who enJoy boatmg, sWImming, fishing and ermg boats at the waterlme with the P..l\ In l"l'l''''' of $100 000 111 dean-up costs \\ as able to prove that the 011was from the other actiVIties on Lake St Clair have a .1""Oll,\tl'd \\ llh till' pollutIOn l',lllSl'd by the Eastland Center tanks . stlcky emulsion, While they apparently stake m preventing further damage to this 011ll'aJ.. TIll' l'omp.lI1\ 1M" m,lde clear Its As reported III last week's Issue of the wlll be eligible to collect the costs of clean- great water resource and helpmg preserve mg theIr bodts, the procedure for filing \\ t1llngl1l'"'' 111 ,\~"lll1ll'that respo!HHblllty Glo~l:le Pomte News, the OIl came from a It tor futw"e generatIOns. claIms for reimbursement has not yet been It I" tJUl' ho\\ e\ ('I. th,lt offiCIals are .1lso leak 111 one of the underground fuel tanks As we saId, eternal VIgilance is the prICe made pubhc. conU'1Iled ,tllOut \\ ,1\" of preventlllg Slllll- mamtamed at the Eastland Center to pro- of maintammg a good environment. That While cooperatIOn was excellent among lar pollutiOn III till' fut lIIl' The problem IS \'Ide backup fuel for the gas-operated bOIl- reqUIres the cooperation of public officials, th,lt dUllIlg pl'llOCb of Iwavy 1'.1111 the De- ers the offiCIals, indIVIduals and management pl'lvate indIvIduals and bUSinesses servmg trOit "l'\\'<\ge trl',lt l11l'nt pl,Hlt IS O\'erloaded When that happened, the OIl apparently of Eastland Center, Lt. Cmdr Clay Evans, the area

PRODL(110~ eDITORIAL CLASSifiED IllSPI \\ ~Itlt AII.d. ~tJna,g(r PI. PMohk, EdllOi Joo\ut Bu-car AUIUlnl 10Publo.hcr Ro~rr U a~r\." \IJ nJ W \tm l h'ltltlc. As.sI~t!lnL'1.magtl Robert G. Edgar J* H \f: ... s. Ass stanL Edllor • nd {I.",rot"JOIllIng 111 tllbute not only to In fact, the Kennebunkport selectmen the Declal at 10 11 of Independence. but also and pohce chief even warned that If no fed- to the n,ltlOll'~ 41st preSIdent as he spent eral fundmg were forthcommg, the town the hohdav \\ eekend at hIS summer home would not provIde local pohce assistance on',>Pomte at Kennebunkport when the president VIsits hiS summer The prehldent's face peered out of the lo- home the next time, which 1S expected to cal newspapel s and TV 'icreens as he , be ll1 'August The town's contmgency and swam, golfed. fished, took hIS mother to police overtime budgets are bemg rapIdly church, played tenms and took a 10-mm- depleted. ute Ilcle 111 hIS boat, Fidelity, to pIck up a But, as IS customary even III a Republi- takeout ordel of fIled clams and lobster can admmistratlOn, the federal govern- chowder WIth 150 reporters on hand, It ment IS bemg asked to come to the rescue wa" not surpnsmg that most of hIS actIVI- A Mame congl'essman introduced legIsla- tieS \\ CI e lecorded tIOn to reImburse Kennebunkport and BUT VACATIONERS who trooped to state agencies for costs Illcurred durmg the KennebunkpOl'l Just befOle the Fourth to preSIdentIal VISits after saying Mame is shop ,md gawk mansIOn "proud" to count Bush among its summer had a better chance of running II1tOhIm utlzens almoht any\\ here than at home, the Port- Not "pl"Oud" enough, you WIll note, for land Pre,>s Hel aid repm ted That, accord- the state of Mame to offer to pIck up the mg to old tl1ners, IS the way It always has tab for the local commumty's pohcmg and been \vlth Bush whJle he'" vlsltmg at hIS "ecunty responslblhtles durmg the pI"eSI- summel home He's nearly always on the dentlal VISits Yet pel"haps that posItion go mound town SImply reflects Yankee frugality In ShOl'l, he's a hyperactlve preSIdent From Kennebunkport's viewpoint, the who appears to enJoy belllg 1I1 motion, whe- biggest additional costs arose from the pol- ther it's joggmg With reporters early in the icmg of the free fireworks extravaganza mornlllg, raclllg around a tenms court or a that an anonymous donor presented to golf COUlse, taklllg the helm of hiS boat for Bush and that attracted a crowd estimated a quick fishing tnp or tourlllg famihar at from 25,000 to 40,000 to the town of places along the coastline 4.500 on the eve of the Fourth. Even the New York Times correspondent That show disappointed some viewers, complallled about reportll1g assIgnments however It started early, used smaller fire- that began at 545 a m when Bush got works than expected because of concern for ready I'm hIS mornlllg Jog and contmued the president's house 150 feet away and all day long WIth reporters trylllg to keep ran more rapidly than planned after Mrs. hooked up cable through a mg of their use' "When up \\ Ith the pi eSldent's same "headlong, Bush reportedly became concerned at the DSO VCR even If the reSIdence lengthy quoted matenals ex- mix-and mlllgie style" that he follows in security arrangements. To the Editor: only had one teleVISIOnset I tended beyond one para- the White House (Your correspondent can testify, however, Mr John Guinn, as a sm- was told that the company graph, each addItIOnal para. But If the prc"ldent used hiS extended the fireworks were clearly visible at Bidde. gle indIvidual, has done had performed an internal graph begins with quotation holiday weekend to enJoy a bIt of recrea- ford Pool, some six miles to the north.) more damage to the success audit late last year in order marks, but the marks that tion and 'ipend tJnlC With hiS family, as so NOT ALL MAINE residents are Repub- of our DetroIt Symphony to Identify and termmate the close the quotation appear many othel Amencans dId. he also mixed hcans, of course, and Senate Majority than anyone else His consis- extra charge to customers only once." who were being billed III Leader George Mitchell of Maine reminded tent negatIVe reviews of the For that reason your fail- some pIe,>ldentlal pohtlcs monthly as a result of an im- While not a., actl\e politIcally as he was the pubhc of that fact by showing up for a DSO has resulted m low ure to put quotation marks tial hook up through a VCR at the begInmng and end of Democratic committee session in the Ken. ticket sales and hmlted ap- phYSically, he u"ed the hohday as another preCIationof the fine orgam- (approximately $2.50 extra paragraph three of my letter opportumtj to reiterate hIS support for a nebunkport vicinity during the holiday. zatlOn. per month). Our reSIdence of July 6 gives the impres. nrnnn,-pr! ('nn<.! 1t Il hnn" 1 "n1pnrlmpnt to hnn Hnwpvpr ::l Rp::lltnr who ic; l'I nrofpc;cwl'l T 1 t"" ,. roO. .... t" ~ ....- - ~. ~ - .... ~ - 1 IIl:lVt: lUUllU vt:ry It:W pt:o- s11pp.ed through the uudit that ~1r Conley and not deseci atlOn of the flag, and wrapped him- Democrat ~till admitted beforeha'nd she'd pie who agree With Mr process unnoticed. your editorialist Nancy Par- self III the flag a second tIme in hIS Fourth be in the crowd hoping to catch a glimpse Gumn's revIews and we of- It seems to me that there menter ISspeakmg. Mr. Con- of July me'>sage urglllg all Americans to of the president and the fireworks on ten question hIS comprehen- may be other current or ex- ley heartily agrees with "remember the pIeclOus legacy of freedom Walker's Point on the Fourth. Even so, she sion of classical musIc Four- subscnbirs who might be those sentiments, but Ms. we enJO) pointed out, preSIdents are nothing new to teen years at the Free Press due a credit or refund for Parmenter deserves the He al"o found tIme to reglstel" approval Maine. IS truly remarkable for Mr. this questionable charge credit and the praise. "Wilham Howard Taft used to come up Gumn Pete Sullivan As to your rather grandi- of the SUPIerne Court'" deCISion on abor- Grosse Pointe Park tIOn hut advocated a lIght-to life constitu- to this area to visit relatives," she said, Arthur M"Rutledge ose pronunciamento follow- mg my letter that "The tIOnal amendment dh hIS answer to the "and some of the Cincinnati Tafts still va. Detroit Grosse Pointe News does not emotIOnal controvl'r.,'Y cation around herE>" deem it necessary to sign ed- Smce he al.,o hel" endOlsed former Presi- Down East magazme recently reported Cable credit To the Editor: More letters itorials since they are all dent Reagan'~ propoc.,edamendments to re- that PreSident Taft is remembered in written by editorial writer qUIre a IMlanced f('neral huclget and a lme- nearby Biddeford Pool for getting his feet Last week our family re- ceived an approximate $32 on page 7A Bill Elston and that readers III wet when he came to call on his sister Item veto and to permit prayer the refund check from Grosse who agree or disagree with public 'i<.hoob, Bthh I'>\\ mnmg a reputa- back m 1910. It seems he stepped onto a Pointe Cable TV. Several an editorial are always reo tIOn aR a prc"ldent who want'> the people crowded float - and hIS weight of nearly months ago we were sur- ferred to Bill," put it this way: that someone to help '>ol\'(' hI" prohl('m" Via constitu- 300 pounds caused it to submerge, prised to learn that we were Editorials tIOnal amendment... So far George Bush has been more sure- bemg charged for two televi- To the Editor: moves to Grosse Pointe next HOWEVER APPHECIATIVE the footed than Taft was but has not yet sion sets when we only had It's no big deal, but the month and picks up a copy of your paper. That reader home folk" may he to have the preSident proved to be a political heavyweight. He's one. placing or non-placing of hasn't read your disclaimer trying to move up to that weight class, According to the manage. quotation marks can some- m summer re.,ldence, hlq frequent trips to of July 6 that Mr. Elston is Kennehunkport are creatmg finanCial however, as his performance among the ment of Grosse Pointe Cable times alter the meaning of a TV, it had been the policy of letter or an article. Thus the author of all editorials problem'i for th(' commumty, accordmg to "Down East" home folks over the Fourth and almost c('rt~inly M- the York County Coast Star It IS running the cable company to charge "The American Heritage seemed to prove to most people, except, for two teleVlsion sets when. Dictionary of the Enghsh sumes that this is just an" out of money to pay for polIce and security perhaps, the tired reporters. ever a company installer Language" says the follow- See LETTERS, page 7A , t . ------~- q_.q, ... "q , ., ...

wel P IeII' people there for me to most embarraSSing shot of the however, was my clothmg I had l'mb.lI Ia,,,elf In front of day was when I put the ball on on navy blue golf 'lhortb and 01 At least SII1W I'l'l' golfeu all of about the green fight off the drive golf shirt that I bought af>a SpeL 10 tUlle" and each tune wal> d Sounds hke a good shot, right? tator at the PepsI SenIOr Chal yem apm t, I jU"t t{'11everyone at The only problem IS that the lenge at the Hor<;e"hoe Bend golf I looked till' WI I! "'1.' It'" Illy liI"'l tllne grlll b1feen was for the hole we Ju!:t rOllr'lP IJ1 Atlanta My sock .. Ing .md I take advantage 01 the got finished playmg I still ha. were color coordmated With my ,II IcJII ,1I1l('" 101beg-mnel" ven't figured out how a ball can bhorts and shirt Even my the part For l'Xlllnple, II oil the dllve [ not only go to the nght but also brother was lmpref>bed by my bolll'h ehIbble the ball to the backward off a dnve. outfit, If not so by my game I went golfing 101 the iii <,t lady'" tel', Illy blotnel would let All m all, even though my golf After half a dozen strokes I game wasn't up to par, I at lea~t tllne 1l .,Ide of thl' pond, tllu., keepll1g I'm not ,111 dVIUgOUl'I, hut "llIle hdl dm than It looks Watchmg tee would be an easy target for a a couple of mches and the ball last year I hit 90 This year got till' nlllllbpi of dum lied b.lll., to cl I bought ,I heglllnPI " "et of dub" the pi os on televISIon gives a Ialge wooden club But I swung would stop at the far SIde of the my score down to 72 Not bau fOJ' IlIllll111llJII :,ome 10 ) e.u " dgO, I've telt novice golfer a false Idea of what once, tWICe, three times before I !:.1feenat the fringe Back and nme hole", eh? obhgeu to u"e tlll'11l dt Il',I"t onl(' I .,e1dom /l'nt .1 Lellt, bCLau.,e to expect Before I golfed the finally got a piece of the ball, forth across the circular !:.1feen I don't know If I'll ventul e out a yea! to ju"llh bu\ IIlg them 111, lIw..,t 01 III \ b.lIl., go wlwle no vel y first time 10 yea Is ago, I and then 1t was a small, top I'd go before the ball would fi on the IJnkf>agam thl'l year, but the fil f,t p!.lte moll! lid'> gOlH' belOle If they lmdg-Illed I'd just smack the ball plCce and the ball dribbled out nally come to a rest wlthm a next year If you see someone m La'lt 1I'l't'kenu I nldUl thl' an Illddl' lOll! \1 heel drive LlJIt", I'd out there a couple hundred about 100 feet. foot of the hole and I could then a bnappy outfit golfing the nual plll,'lImage tt> till' hnk <., 1\1\ Ill' .Ill light but untll then I'll ) dl d", make a long chip onto the A couple of times I got a good smk It Puttmg has to be the wrong way up youl fairway, blOthm took nil' to d '>lIMIInme LontlllUI' to dJelg my club:, glCen and two putt m for an piece of the ball, but even then It most frustratmg part of golf, at make allowances fOl me, because hole 'COIl pa.,tlll e" LOlli"e Ill'dl tlll ollgh "lldlllp" th Ickeh and ea~y par seemed to Instmctlvely seek out least for me, and I'm dlametn I'll once agam be a fil st time Snllth'" Cleek It II'"'' el nile I1I111Jdtlue IUlnJole<.,t-, whele Imagme my surpnse when the middle of the fairway that cally opposed to It golfer - my 11th fil'bt time In so COlll"e, e.,peudlh "11K(' thl'll' thl'r I .Ill' mO"41I1toe" thdt have thlllg:, didn't go qUite as I ex- someone else IS playmg. My The best part of my game, many yeals

Grosse Pointe N~ws Vol. 50, No. 28, July 13, 1989, Page 7A

Margie Reins Smith

From page 6A other anonymoub edltOllah"t ('IatlOn 01 humId climate and tlOm of thiS country. I am From a dog's pomt of View, It'S I For those speakmg fOJ the total papel, pi otectlOl1 of maJOl aqulfiel s confident that such are- But officer ... probably a good one to chase as IS the case With vlltually Thl:' Ldl1 onl) be' done by thmkmg process will inevita- All she wanted to do IS docu. Other prIZes mclude a 19 mch who care enough all newspaper edl tOllal" COl1h'le"" bly )esult In the reversal of ment a duck's devotIOn Just the color WIth remote control TV A Vermont-based organizatIOn "from f>Cato shlnlllg sea ' You can folhm up these the COUlt'Struly unfortunate photo, ma'am. and a Sony Dlscman With AM! called Seventh Generatwn IS of TherefOl e I stIli thll1k that LOnCell1Sof Olll medIcal doc declblOn Just the facts FM tuner fermg bIOdegradable dIapers, edltonals should be Signed 01 to!" \\ lth lettel" to YOUiLOn Brother Francis Grosse Pointe Farms photogra- TIckets are $2; three for $5. garbage bags, food storage bags, Imtlaled gI e""man, senatOi sand Gov Boylan, csc pher Betty Carpenter was Get them at any MHS shelter 111 large paper bags for lawn and It IS to yom credIt, how el nOl BJanch31d and help Executive Director awakened by a phone call at garden refuse and other products ever, that you pl"mted the 'la\ e the flesh WdtCI aqUifiel Boysville of Michigan 7'30 am Fnday, July 7 The DetrOit, Westland or Auburn HIlls made from recycled paper confllctmg opmlOn<; of MI" and h'l'ound\\ atel of thIS caller gave her the facts about Justice RehnqUist and MI' "tate and othel humid Ie Mi Ilage election the tragedy Told her to brmg The drawmg Will be m the Catalogs cost $2 Wnte to Sev JustICe Brennan on the edl her camera, A photo opportumty glOns of the countJ y from the To the Editor: MHS booth in the MIChigan enth GeneratIOn, 10 Farrell tonal page, though Rehnqu was unfoldmg. envn onment dlSa'ltel that I had followed With great Mart BUlldmg at the MichIgan Street, South Bm'lmglon, Vt 1St (on the mlllOllty Side) got A pall' of Mallard ducks was the present pollcy wll! cause mterest your coverage of the State FaIr Monday, Sept 4, at 7 05403, or call (802) 862-2999 almost tWice as much space strolling along Lakeshore near FOI mOle 1I1fOlmatlOn on lecent millage electIOn m pm You don't have to be there and a mOle promment place Kerby Road They ventured too Another organizatIOn, Earth thl" l1uclem wabte disposal GIOS'le POinte I noted With towm than Blennan (on the maJOI I<.,sue, wl"lte Don't Waste close to traffic. The female was Care Paper Co, sells recycled Ity Side) pmtlcular mterest the con. struck by a car. Killed The MIchigan Humane Society cards, statIOnery and office pa- Michigan, 227 Custer, Lan- tent of letters, edItorIals and Long bve the FlI st SIng, !\1lLh 48912 Dead IS a private, non-profit orgamza- per TheIr catalog IS avaIlable on othel Ieports prOVIded emo. twn that operates three shelters, Amendment' Mary Sinclair Those were the facts request Write to Earth Care tlOnal rather than factual In. three veterinary chmcs and a John Conley Board Member The male mallard was stand. Paper Co, 100 S BaldWin, Madi- formatIOn to the community wudhfe. rehablhtatlon center. Three Mile ~~e D0I}'t W aste ~~~gan mg VIgIl over her body, He re- son, WlS 53703, or call (608) There was no appal ent at- fused to leave. For more InfO, call 872-3400. 256.5522 tempt by the the bOald or Betty was up and ready to get any other 'members of the the photo Waste disposal Death penalty News ClaSSified 4.d\ el'tlswg educatIOnal commumty to She drove to the scene Parked To the Editor: To the Editor: Call us 8820294 882-6900 882-3500 proVIde detaJled finanCial In- her car The MichIgan medical pi 0 On Monday, June 26, the fOlmatlOn on the budget DId what she had to do fesslon lecently e....plessed United States Supreme whIch would mclude both Paul Wehmeier of Grosse deep concel nand grave Ies COUlt announced that It had levenues and expenditures POinte Farms was also docu- elvatlOns about the pi esent deCided, by a 54 vote, that Lo and behold! Your June mentmg the facts With hiS cam- pohcy for the disposal of low- the Imp0'iltlOn of the death 29 Issue features an artIcle era level IadlOactlve wa"te that pen,llty uprm 16 and 17 ye31 on the $45 mIllion budget One hItch, ma'am would make Mlchlg,ln, old" doe'" not \ IOlate the and lep0l1s on the new When Carpenter returned to INTRODUCING \\ hlch IS III the centel of the EIghth Amendment of the "wondel ful" sIte budget her car, a Farms pollee officer Great Lakes, a host state for US ConstltutlOn'<; ban on planmng process In addl was wntmg up a tIcket the dlspof>al of \1astes of "I.... "CIuel clnd unusual punish hon, your readel sale given The facts? The car was I1le GENTLE other states of the mIdwest ment' a budget summm y which gaily parked The ticket costs In a resolutIOn whIch \1as A" the chIef e....ecutlve offi notes a 203 percent Increase $25 passed at the annual meet Cel' of an In<;tltut1On which III revenues fOl' 1989 from "I wasn't obstructing traffic," Illg of their Hou'ie of Dele cm es for ovel 600 children CHIROPRACTIC! the tax mClease as well as Carpenter saId gates III DearbOl n, May 5.7, and then famlhe:>, I Wish to the SEV mCIease Since Said she often takes photos at they asked the MIchigan del legI'ltel my deep dIsmay at none of these details were odd times Parks m strange egatwn to the Amencan thiS declslOn Based on my 'lhared With us pnor to the places Always calls Farms or Medical ASsoclUtlOn (AMA) e....pellence \\ Ith troubled electIOn, It'S not surpnslng Shores pohce first Tells them Hi, I'm Dr. Mary Quarnstrom. to Iequest that the AMA call teenagel s some of whom that the school offiCials are who she IS What she's gomg to Perhaps gentleness In chiropractic IS for an evaluatlOn of the pIe have been pieVlOusly m saymg "wondelful" I also do Where she'll park a new concept to you, It was to me sent natlOnal policy for 10\\ \ 01ved III ven sellOUS cnml thought the quote that there They've been cooperatIVe, even before I began the SIX years of level radIOactIve \\ aste dl'> nal actlvltws, I fil mly be could be aruoety from "work. helpful, Carpenter said college training necessary for my posal and to 'leek lIe"e that every SIngle youth mg With too much money Not thiS time. doctorate degree DUring those SIX ha<; the potential of turlllng development of a comdmated was reveahng Fortu- The duck photo appears on years I learned the precise locations natIOnal polIc) fm It'l dl" hl<; or her hfe around and nately, the altlcle recovered page 3A where light pressure can bnng posal becommg a re<;pon<;lble,con bv acknowledging that sala- Wehmeier got a photo of Car- chiropractic relief to pain The re'lollltlOn ))"'0 110tC'd tnbutmg membel of <;oclety nes accounted for most of penter gettmg a tIcket In addition to my doctorate, I am certifIed In both Impairment these facb 1) That till' dh To condemn a teenagel to the money and that, mdeed, The names have not been posal of 10\1 level radwactl\ e dC(lth 1<;to profe% that fOl fl ugahty was the watchword changed to protect the innocent. Rating and Ergonomics (man's relationship to hIS work} I have waste slgmficantly Impact<; that p('lson, thele If, no hope Most of us m the area are Dum da dum dum. completed courses In advanced Orthopedlc'i and Neurology. pubhc health and em'lI on fOl 1 C'demptIon b'Teat supporters of educatIOn Even now I attended nationWide seminars to stay current on mental safety, 2) That the In all the \\olld, onl) a not only In our own com- the advances In thiS rapidly changrng field a weekend each MichIgan State MC'dlcal SOCI handful of countlles allo\\ mUnity but \\ Jth our colleges month ety (MSMSl mu<;t 'leek plO t111'C\rcutlll11 of mIl1Ol'S In and UniVerSitIes so "sup. If you have heSitated vlsltmg a chiropractor, perhaps yOll tectlOn of MichIgan's lIatUi31 thp Ullltpd State", the maJOI port IS not the Issue There thirtysomething dIdn't know about thiS gentle or "soft touch" technique It resources, pal t Icularly It'> It\ 01 <;tate<;do not allow It al e major questIOns concern- Bob Frania, Grosse Pomte has been effective treating: fresh water aqulficl, and 81 Thl~ countn ha" come to u"c mg the quality of our educa- Woods photographer, Wished hIS That MSMS should n'c011l Ih .1'" till' agl' of adulthood. tIOnal sy'ltem m Washing- Wife a Happy Birthday VIa Back Pain Headaches Shoulder Pain Painful Joints mend appomtment of a ph) ,J'> the tnnc to g.11Il the I"Ight ton, LanSing and Gmsse WXYT radIO on July 4 Neck Pain Arthritis Arm/Leg Pain Stiffness to \ ot£', 1Iw dllt\ to ...£'rve on SlClan With expC'111<;em rn Pomte whIch are not well Frama suld he won a WXYT Numbness Bursitis Hip Pain Cold Hands/Feet dialOgical heaith to Ihe Llm .1 jun nnC1 101 ledellne'l" to "erved by emotl0nai rhetoriC contest a few months ago The Level RadlOactl\ P Wa"tp Au ,I....,um(' thl' full !'e<;pon'>lblh What IS needed IS factual m- pnze was a trip to Four Bears And, because most Insurance companre<; re(ognlze and cover thonty Rl?\lew Boar d tIP" of cltl7en<;hlp formatIOn so that the com- Park and a chance to say a few ChiropractIC care, your treatment may be at little or no CO'it to DocumentatIOn 1l"C'd to P£'ople who aI(' 10 and 17 mumty can make mtelhgent words on the all'. you accordmg to the limits of your In<;urance poliCY support thl<; le<;olutlOn \ em <; old do 110t genel ally decislons whIch mayor may He, his wife Linda and 2-year. pointed out that the N,) hale the e'peIWllce. Wisdom not sel've the mterests of a old son Jason went to the park FOR A PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION tlOnal Academ." of &1('11(C' ,md matll11h to h'la>.p the ve"ted bureaucracy. last June. has warned that pJ.IClllg full mealllllg .ll1d con<;£' Margot C, Parker Frama and Jason were on the TO DETERMINE IF CHIROPRACTIC CAN HELP YOU these \\a"tC'<; 1Il ,\ humin cll qUl'llce" of thell actIOn.., A Grosse Pointe Park air July 4 - and got a chance to mate or ovm any \\ ,Iter tahlC' \ol1th who l)('col1w" In\ohed wish Mom a happy thlrtysome. or aql1lfi(,l"call cau<;(' 1ll thl'll m a <;elI0U<;cnnll' I" often n thmgth birthday CALL 774.9440 TODAY words, "a senou<; foulIng of d£'£'ply tl'Ol1bled, fnghtened Letters man'<; environment .. and confu<;ed p{'r<;on Of The Grosse POInte DR. MARY M. QUARNSTROM, The documC'ntatlOll al<;o cour"C, "OClC'tV need" to be News welcomes letters to noted that th('1'(, IS a thud pl0t{'ct('d flOm cllllllnal" of the editor from our read. less volume of \\ ,\<;te to be all age", hilt the protl'ctlOn of er" Letters should be Going to the dogs <:H IROPRACTOR dlspo<;ed of natlOnwldc than "'oclet\ doc<; not IH'Ce<;~ltat(' slWled WIth a name, ad. The Michigan Humane Society 21507 Harper Ave" (near 8 Mile) St (I,ur Shore" MI 48080 there wa'l m 19R9 whrn tIll' "tat£' 'lanctlOned klllll1g dl ess and telephone num. IS raming ofT a bright red 1989 Hours' 900 .l.m -6,00 p.m Monday.Fnda) her at which the writer three 'lIte" were acceptmg all of teenage cnmmal<; Jeep Wrangler in its third an. In case of aCCIdent or personal InIUry after hour, call 774.9440. the wastes a" they at (' no\\ It I'" my f£'lv('nt pnlVPr can be reached during the nual "This Jeep is Going to the Instead of the mo1'Cth,m 15 that the people of thl' Umted day In case there are Dogs" drawing, sites now hemg plannrd State~, pllhhc OffiClil1<;at all questIOns Proceeds will benefit the MHS Address letters to: Edi. nationwIde, only two 01 level" and all of 0111 Judge" cruelty investigation and rescue three are needed The<;e SIte" lip to and mcIudll1g the U S tor, Grosse Pomte News, programs. should be cho'ien after care- Supreme Court Will carefully 96 Kercheval, Grosse The Jeep has a black, ful environmental assess. Ie thmk th15 Issue In 1Ight of P01l1te Farms, Mich. black interior, standard trans- ment, which mcludes consld. the moral and ethical tradl' 48236 mission, AMIFM stereo.

_ .... ""---- ...... ~ -.....rrrr...-.~_~~~ __ ~ _ • .. ... 'T • ~------~------~- ~'-- July 13, 1989 8A Grosse Pomte News First Church of Christ, Scientist has unique and democratic history By Dan Jarvis ,_ ,." ,carned out The comnuttee J.180 lhe c111IlCh, willch now stands at Staff Wnter ~/~' ., :, \~"!{ '",~ ~tudled eXlstmg buLld11lg~ wlllch 282 Chalfonte 1Il the Farms Thl,~ " the 17th /II WI O( «(l • : 1,'- '" ,~.\ could be ICnovlIt thl (hill (lte, t' ~ , In Api'll 1955 an ollel WJ.S II Kelcheval on the Hill was mothI'I Chill ch III Bo"ton \I.h 111 ,lIld 111 J,ll1UUly 1960, 1I fornled PllIChdhCd d" d pelmanent loea. the pi Oll'''., 01 l'nld] glllg tIll' Sl'l onel 101 the plOperty wa~ made tlOn fiJI lhe Jeddlllg loom, where ond Chul ch of ('llIl"t & wnt I'ot By the fall of 1960 the plOpel tv \ 1"llOlh ledd weekly lessons, III Detlolt hdd been dCqUIIed m,lkl' IN' of the BIble reference Thl' Idl',l 1\ ,h Ollle al-(l ,II Y 01 re,ld the Chllsllan Sci. ferred 111 IH28 \ll1h till' l,,,t,11> Clome locdl membel;, me not, del\ "l'l \ Ill'~ "'('elm ,d,l\ mL'el ll'lognlllOl1 by the molhel Stamman Said every maJOI IelIglOu" h'lOUP 111 the United St,lte., Illg" ,lIHI Suml,l\ ,L!wol ~l'''~IOJh thUllh 111 Bo"ltm \las filed Because the chUlch IS a demo HOME KI ollko\\ ~kl, clllllCh On June 22 IH5J follo\\ mg \lei e held le plO<;pectl"e Icad Ethel Tuckel \\ as plll1ClpaJ ,ll GI asse Pomte Fa! ms had been ITALIAN. CHORIZO AND \\ Pll' adopted, 11111(' 1>0,\1cl mCIH el' mtht al"o be d membl'1 of officmlly I ecognlzed Mason School, 1\ hill' hel ~Istel the mothel lhlllCh, of \\ll1ch BELGIAN STYLE. Ailce taught at Trombly SchooL bPI" alld t\\O I('Hlel" I\ele dlO With the estabhshment of the Ieadmg 100m on the second 0001 Stamman ~ald The group In the l • of 93 Kercheval applo'lmJtelv Tuckel home voted to beb'1l1 111 Service schedule formal chUl ch "el \ Ice., a~ hoon as t\\O years later, the branch's name was changed to the Fa st pOSSIble Selt'I,11 lime" <\ \e.ll flee 1" held at 10 30 a m and Chlll ch of Chnst, SCientIst, The gloup II1fOImed the Chrhtlan SClCme lectUle~ Sund.l) "chool meets at the G10"s.e Pomte Fal ms, IVhch mother chUlch s department of are ->pon"OIed b) the chLllch "amp tllne In Octobel 1958 the readmg branches and pracht loners, \\ ho Speakel s deal \\ Ith a WIde Each Wedne ...da\ at 8 p 111 loom \\as moved to 19613 Mack granted apploval of Illformal "el range of tOpiC" of mIl'l e"t to ,\ church "el'\ Ice ll1c1udes A\ e and foUl yem s latel church vices so that the establIshment a chlllch Illembelc, ,md the IJ.lIIIUp,ltlOl1 of the conb'1ega 'lei VIce" \\ el e mo\ cd to the Files GlOsse Pomte bl anch could be genel al publIc t lOn 1)\ tho"e \\ ho \\ Ish to AudltOlIUI11 111 the GI o,,~e POll1te consldeled LectUl es ,\1 e held 1Il the "lUll e e'pellCnces I ebultll1g \Val Memonal at 32 LakeshOle Soon aftel, all angements II el e chlll ch, at 282 Challonte III fI Olll pI dyel 01 the "t ud~ of To estabhsh a pel manent loca made WIth the Grosse Pomte Glos"e Pomte F_dlm~ PI 1Il Chll ...t\<\n SCience tlOn, a buddmg Comnllttee was "Boar~'oflEducatJ(:;n fOl th.e~se of local audlt01IUIll'" The publll I~ \\ eleome to establIshed In 1954 and a study .ReI by School "I~ce It was cen The SUnd,l\ chLIIch "el vice ,Ittend "'CI I Ice~ tJ ally located of vacant lot<; m the area \Va>

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0, make a vacatlOH of a tlllee day wecJ...clld 9 a m FrIday to 6 P /1l SUllday olily 5980 Great for 1z01leymooll5 mId small glOlIp5 (lip to 6) EXClUSIOIlS to ClzlcagO, Cl1lCl1l1latl. Toronto Stratford 0' Nlagla Falls Choose - • Stately Town Cars in Black, Silver and White EARN FREE PepsiBPack Doritos • Eurostyled Grand MarqUIS In White ,- - -, Y2Liter Bottles 11oz. Bag I MosferCofd I PEPSI! 826-3994 Pick up a Total, Frequent Pepsi Purchaser Punch ;iiti Card & Start 99 • Earning Free 11'$) 1 •I plus depOSit • Pepsi Now! Expwes 7.30 89 Expires 7-3'-89 i• Cigarette Very Fine Savory Select • 3 Packs Juices HogieSub • No.1 COIL STOCK I• 10 oz. Bottles 1= While 24"x50 ft All Flavors • e8m eaa VINYL Imperial $4W • Brown r 9• • Gutter • Run to any length SIDING

______~_~~ ._ ;,.l. ~ ~...... _....~ ___ - . C._.C-.-. cg. • •..- •• ,,-,.,.,-, ...... 4- .., -,.,--_ ...

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 9A

F~~~~~G~~~,~e~~J~!~~~d~=ff~mrj~~!~~~",,~~~~rt~~s?Lt?~tia Shale" native, was recently ap- Afliona State Unlverblty In out the day-to day operations of Repubhcan politics for many pOinted associate deputy attar- Tempe, AllZ He later recelved a the Department of Justice, which years, as hLS parents, Donald Poet ney general at the U.S Depart jUfl!> doctorate from Nova UOI I'>anything non-enminal related and Jeanne Ford, were In Mlchi- ment of Justice In Washlnbston, vel!>lty Law Center In Fort Lau "It's baSically an admmlstra- gan and in Florida. Offering creative advice to a DC. derdale He wa'> In private prac tlve posItion," he saId "We hope At the moment he says he has Michigan Youth Arts Festival "I think It'S a wondelful op tlce for a time and I!>WI Ienlly 111 the next 3 1/2 years that we no political aspirations, although poetry winner is a challenge. portumty," Ford bald m a phone <.I!>bl!>tantdean at the law center could further the goals of the at- "I never say never." but one that GloBse Pointe mtervlew from hiS Fort Lauder FOId will serve With three torney general and the presl- He will be taking a leave of South High School teacher Eva dah~, Fla, offite "I'm very ex OthCl a%OClUtedeputieS under a dent" absence from the school when he Koch acceptea. with pleasure. Cited by the challenge" deputy attorney general who The goals are to abslst the starts his position in Washing- The poel. seated. who was at Ford attended GraBbe POinte berve!> directly under Attorney preSident In the "klllder, gentler ton, DC, on Aug. 1. the state festival in Kalamazoo University School and retelved a Genelal Richard Thol'l1burg natIOn" in May. is South senior Suz- anne Scoville. Koch also re- ceived a certificate of merit (or the South literary publication. Imprints.

Science Day FOI student!> between 5 dnd 11 Llvlnb Science Day Camps will be offered thiS summel at the W<.IIMemorial Developed by the LIVIng SCI- • ence FoundatlOn, a non pi ofit educatIOnal 01 gamzatlOn, each one week "hands on" sessIOn IS filled With a healthy mix of in- door and outdoor actlvltlC!> that aVln combme fun With leal ning 5 through active participatIOn The first camp, Science Sam plel, meets Monday Fl'lday, You'll find incredible reductions throughout July 17 - 21 flOm 9 a m 3 p m Each day will highlight one area of science discovery On sCience the store as we prepare for the remodeling and nature day, students Will have pel sonal encounters With and reorganization of our showrooms. pal'rots, snakes, frogs and a van ety of LIVlllg Science FoundatIOn annnals On phySICSday, there will be Thomasville an opportumty to explore Simple is avaIlable machmes and electnclty Dmo at our two saul' day will find students Grosse Pointe touching real dmosaur bones, locatIons making their own plastel casts only 01 fOSSils and reconstructmg giant models All' and space day offel s a chance to experiment With the baSIC prinCiples of flight and view the stars m the LIVing Sci- ence planetanum On manne bl. ology day, students will taste the salty ocean water, hold a hVlng sea star and pet a four-foot shalk ~nee'- Sampler 'day-'eatnp'-is ~ $185 per student Advance regls- tJ atlOn reconunended Groups of eight to 10 students Will be formed by age Students will ~! work With fully qualified, profes- SIOnally tl alned science mtel' Savej 35% preters Oldel students (ages 12 - 16) ale encouraged to serve as Save 40~60%Off volunteer assistance and more! Followmg Science Samplel, all in~stockDrexel Heritage on alI Thomasville thel e \\ ill be All' and Space Camp, Monday Fnday, July 24 Jiving rooms. bedrooms & dining room including special orders. . 28, 9 3 pm" Science and Na- ture Cap, Monday . Fnday, July6 31 August 4, 9 - 3 p m • and Sea Camp, August 7 - 11, 9 - 3 pm RegistratIOn IS $185 per student pel' camp Campers should bl'lng a sack lunch Bev. erages and snacks prOVIded For more mformatlOn call 881- 7511 Park's elm preservation in 10th year ThiS year - 1989 - marks the 10th year of Grosse POinte Park's elm pleservatlOn efforts The baSICS of the progl am - mspectlOn, prophylactiC and ther- apeutic samtation, fertlhzmg, watenng and funglcide injectIOn All \ --c:::: _ - remain the same The pro. gram began and continues as a Hancock & Moore volunteer effort of the Park's Save 40% Off~~~e! BeautificatIOn CommiSSion. leather office The program took a major step on top-grain leather upholstery III credibJllty m 1986 when the chairs reduced Grnsse P~!!"te Park CIty C~t'!"c!l """"',, -,..,.. , . f ...... rY'\ H~n,.rv ...l" >"_ t\lfl'"'\I'"'\YO hired Dr Gerald Lanier as a bU/O urr ana more! 11Vlll 1Ql lLV\...l'\. v .1 V 1\-1\-11 '- consultant at the urglng of the ______L ...... BeautificatIOn Commission HIS I I program IS based on the same prmclples, but also addresses root graft transmIssion and coop. eratlOn among nelghbonng com mumtlcs Losses ran as high as 307 in 1982 and 234 m 1985, the year 19435 Mack Avenue 12200 Hall Road pnor to Lamer's amval. Park Grosse Pointe Woods Sterling Heights los.'>e'>to Du~h elm disease m 881-9390 739-5100 1988 numbered 83 WIth pro- jected losses m 1989 to be ap- proXimately 60, evenly divided between public and private trees The Park still boasts of about 2,400 elm trees 18850 Mack Avenue Readers who are mterested m Grosse Pointe Farms elm preservatIOn can call Al Ma. zur of the Park BeautificatIOn 886-5200 Commls~lOn at 881-0193. In ad. ditlOn to dlscussmg the total pro- gram, Mazur has VHS videos Open datly 930-5 30. Mon Thurs fn ttl ()pm • U"c I,ll,r \ /<'<1 1.,1c1<,tC'rcardDNO\C'r Card or Scott 5 ,(evolVing Charge about fungICide llljectlon provided by Merck Chemical Co.

... J

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 10A NtM/4 New chief of staff plans Would-be cai thief arrested to set example at hospital One man was arrested July 6 by P,ll'k polIce who re"ponded to By Ronald J, Bernas ll' lepOlt of two men checkmg Staff Wnter Cdl» 111 the 1200 block of Way. Dr George M K.\zZI ~a\,i>Ill' " IHun a~ a prelude to burglal'lzmg going to have fun for lhl.' Ill'\l 01' ste,dmg the Cal'S two veal's Whpn polIce ollicers anlved m As the ne\\ chIef of "t tPI J1) polIce repm t Brownies from troops 949. 702 and 124 along with Daisy runs for two years PolIce learned the man was Troop 1346 planted spring flowers around Defer School and In the poSItion, hI' I" II'''pOlhl 1\ ,mted on a war Iant out of De- In the courtyard. hIe tor almost even thlll~ till' tlOlt doctors do He also act" ,I'; ,I !l,1I son between the ph~ "ICldn" and their patIents, and the boal d at New county trustees He Will also "It on \ 011 ious othel comnllttees dnd handbook RUSSIAN ESCORTED TOURS boards available SI:PTLt\1BrR 27 OClOBER 8,1989 He wJ11retam hiS pO"ltlDn .1" + MOSC OW / KIEV I MINSK / LENINGRAD chIef of the obstetnci> and 1,') nl.' An 84 page handbook, "Wayne 12 DA YS - $2250 Air & Land cology department at Harpel County GO' ernment," has been Grace, even though the po"t as l'ewl'Itten and edited by mem- OCTOBER 19 OCTOBER 29, 1989 chief of staff means he \\ III bl' ber,; of the League of Women *+ MOSCOW / rSKHALTUBO / domg a lot of admml"trdlll e Voters 1 BILISI Il ENINGRAD work Its purpose IS to mfOlm Cltl I I DAYS - $2250 Air & Land "I always remembel that I am zens on all the aspects of county here because I am a ph\ "IClan, government Thel e al e 15,000 and I am still a phYSICian," he capleS avaJlable, at no cost, to * said "I don't thmh I can do the adnullIstl'ative \\OIk publIc For mformatlOn, call Harper-GI ace IS the onl) ho" County ComnusslOner DaVId 18100 Mack Ale., Grosse Pointe pltal in the area - and KdUI Cavanagh at 224-0920 says possibly the counln - The handbook IS an 884-1530 where the chief of stafr IS an booklet of 10 chapters, lllus- elected posItion Most aI e ap Grosse Pointe Shores resident George Kazzi was recently t1'ated WIth photos and gI'aphs, pomted by the board, he said elected to the position of chief of staff at Harper-Grace Hos- descnbmg the hIstory of Wayne The system of electmg keep" pitals m Detroit, County, ItS departments, mter the chief of staff m touch \llth governmental lelatlOnshlps and the needs of the doctOJS and the he plano:;to "et an eAample Illth Amellcan Umverslty MedIcal electIOns Of speCial mtel est IS needs of the patIents \1 hen deal Hal Pl'l GI,lce Centel the story of the l'estOled hlstOl IC mg With bottom-I me ls"ues, IIhl' It can be a \\ m II m SituatIOn He completed a fellowship m Wayne County BUlldmg III money, he saId 101 patIent 0:;, pin O;ICIansand the Matel nal.Fetal Medlcme at Case downtown DetJ O1t, sIte of the Hospitals headed by a pIofeo:; hospItal," he SolId 'Thel e's no Western Umvelslty m Cleve- maJOllty of county ollices slDnal adnumstrator, Kazzl feel", doubt 111 mv mmd thdt some- land He was the reSidency dlrec A project of the EducatIOn tend to be more concerned \\ Ilh thmg like th~t can be done" tal' III the department of obste Fund of the LWV, the reVISIOn the hospital as a bus mess, and HI' plans to buJld on the hasp I tncs and gynecology at Hutzel has been aSSisted by the MiChl place doctors m the back seat tal'" rel,ltlOnshlp With the Hosplta1JWayne State Umverslty gan CounCil for the Humallltles, when It comes to deCISIon mak Wayne State UI1lVelslty MedIcal III 1983-84 the NatIOnal Endowment for the mg School and by domg that, keep In 1985 he became vice chief Humamtles, FoundatIOns and/or That, Kazzl feels, makes fm quaht) doctOls \\ 01 kmg 111 the of the same department at Grace company funds of Chrysler Cor- an unfrIendly hospital ho<;pltal \\ hlch 111 tm n assUl eo; Ho"pltal and, III 1987, became poratlOn, DeIJ Olt EdIson, Ford "There are all sorts of obsta the be~t Coli I' fO! the pdtlCnts chIef of obstetncs and gynecology Motor Company and Gannett, des commg between the patIent He mtemb to keep channels of dt Harpel GIace Hospitals banks Comenca, Manufactulels and the phYSICians," he saId phyo;lcmn leiI'll al" open between He has written articles III sev- NatIOnal Bank and the NatIOnal Obstacles, lIke medIcal msUl ance Hal pel Grace ,md "UbUlban has el al areas of high nsk preg Bank of DetrOIt; and mdlvlduals coverage, whIch take deCISIOns pltal" He IIants to keep the doc- nancy, speCIfically the areas of Alfred and Betty Baume and mtl'autenne 151owth retardatIOn, Malcolm DenIse out of the d.xtors' and pdtJents' tOls aI e ,It the ho"pltal now hands and to woo tho~e who have left obstetncal ultrasound and nutn- There are SIX Wayne County "I would lIke to put the phYSI back to the hoo;pltal, dgam, all to tlOn and he was a contnbutor to Leagues Dearborn-Dearbol n clans back In the dnver's seat, keep local le"ldento:; m touch the 1988 Surgeon General's Re- Heights, DetrOIt, Downnver so they can give the be"t qualIty With 'he be"t C.lJe port on NutlltlOn and Health III Wayne County, Grosse Pomte, care to the patIents,' he Sdld Amellca Llvollla and NorthvIlle Plym . I'd lIke loLl! per GI .lce to con That was one of the Item" he Kazil saId he hopes the new outh Canton NOVI The League of tlnue to be the leadel In south stressed m hiS campaign posItIon won't take away from Women Voters IS a natIOnal non edst :.1JChlg,lI1,both In servIce to "The changes m health CalC the time he spends With hIS Wife, pal"tlsan 01 gamzatlOn whose pm are Immense at present," he patlCnts and phvslclans," he Nadya, a neonatolOgist at Hutzel pose IS to promote InfOlmed pal saId "As phySICIans we stdl SaId Hospital and theIr two children tlclpatlOn in government have the power to keep pace KdZZI \\ <1" bOln m BeIrut, Le- ages 5 and 7 Membel shIp IS open to all of vat With the changes" banon and receIved hIS medical But one thmg IS for SUIe, he mg age Kazzl wants to see hospItals de!:,'1ee flam the Amencan Dm- SaId "I mtend to keep haVIng become more patient Oriented, vel sity of Bell ut He dId hIS m- fun nght to the end of my two and less busmess onented and tel no:;hlp and lesldency at the years" //~~c~ 355 FISHER RD. U,P,S.PICK.UPDAllY 882.5100 >1~ ;::F OPEN 8 to 530 pm DAilY, Wed tll Noon ~ Closed Sunday WE DELIVER

JULY 13th, Saab9000Turbo: -r PARMS e5W"A 14th & 15th Faster 0-60 than BMW525i. CREATE PARTY TRAYS & GIFT BASKET FRESH ALASKAN More room than Mercecles420_. RED SOCKEYE WAY TO SAVE SALMON LEAN TENDER Fewer iniury claims than YoIvos: CENTER CUT COOKED And 48 month 7rk APRfinaneing:* $7~9 PORK $259 TURKEY$398 CHOPS LB BREAST LB Don', bu\ the \I ronl.l (,)f Bu\ d '),Io\h f"\ l'r, lIlodel comee;~Ith Ite;own constellallon of virtues They all wme \\ It h fl ndnllJl~ Ihdl lll!lld ,,1\(' \ Otl thousands of dollars SUMMER I uzanne Drive them Bu\ 011(' nO\\ \nd ,<1\ l' MIXERS COLD SOUPS DRY. TONIC ROMAINE, BROCCOLI, CHIVE, CUCUMBER, GAZPACHO. .. tSODA, ALE VICHYSSOISE, WATERCRESS $~.~ ...... fDIET TONI ALSO NEW ADDITIONS CAJUN GUMBO. COUNTRY C ~ ~- '$ f CASE o Ill: 1~':1II MUSHROOM, FLORIDA CHOWDER ;4 LIMIT .,., 30 OFF PER CAN NPLEASi JONES FARMS STEWARTS CHEF PAUL $229 PRIVATE PRUDHOMMES LITTLELINKS. BLEND LOUISIANA CAJUN BARTLETT PEARS, La ADC OR PERK MAGIC SEASONING CLING PEACHES, COLDEN BROWN$1.19 3.99 LB 7 VARIETIES $2 FRUIT COCKTAIL $ PKG ALL PURPOSE GREAT FOR 49 69~CAII 81f BACON 1." =~~$4.49 LB GRILLING BOTTLE MANDARIN ORANGES CAN SAAB 18 OZ. "'UMBO SIZE BROCCOLI 1'1te most Intell.en. c.s ever IIuIt. PlASTIC HONEY DEWS .Accordlng to the mI't'(1 11)!l:'S.",tt """11" .....'" ~: $999 ;:::. EA (I.:; BUNCH ~ ANN ARBOR DEARBORN DETROIT DIET CAli ~- ...- ~ John Lee Oldsmobile, Inc Seaway Motors. lnc Seymour Saab 3120 Washtenaw Avenue n61S MICIlIgan Avenue 3162 East Jefferson Avenue CALIFORNIA HOME GROWN (313) 971-8100 (313) 27R-8050 (313) 259-3620 BIBB NEW CROP SOUTHFIELD TROY NECTARINES LETTUCE CABBAGE HOMEGROWN Glassman Oldsmoblle-Saah Falvey Motors of Troy, Inc. ",' " , .1 BEETS 28000 Telegraph Roarl Troy Motor Mall • \1 ( ~.,\ ' (313) 354-3300 (313) 643-6900 La La 99 25~ 89 aUNC"

t,, -'------~-~-~.._------.-...... -..-. ------~------• $ 4 • 4 < c C~ .... • 4 Q .. Q .... &Q ...... __ ..... ,_ ...... ,_4-- ~--

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 11A They-'re off 1893 Curbside recycling pilot program begins From paJ.{p I Smith favored till IHKIJ ddt( u'nl<'nnlal date was finally re- By Ronald J Bernas becau..,e that I.., thl. Iil..,t tall( Ih(. ..,olvpu He said the few years Staff W Itef Mea 01 today\ ell} wa.., kIlO\\ n untll 1993 WIll allow the city to (;10""(' I'olllte Pomte Cltlzenh .1.., the Vtllugp of (;Io"..,e POlllt(' do a "hang-up Job" for a cen- 101 J{('I\ dlllg\ pllot curbsIde Ie whllh ha.., lellldll1ld Ihl ('Il)'.., tennial wlebratlOn I \ I Illig pI ogl ,lIn olliually began Ilump hll1lC In I!-j,ll tlll' V illdW' .1111\ to \\ Ilh a pIe",> wnfmence SmIth, who had earlIeI' ac of GIO..,'>e POlllte 1\ ,I" Ill< (ll po (u'>ed the mayor of shootll1g 011 the h (Jilt lawn 01 the Glo%e lated lllto thl uty 01 (;Io..,,,e POII'll' Wood.., Clly Hall down her plans for an Aug 26 POlllte 'I Ill' pi OjPlt 11'<1'>llIade pOhqlble I.l'ntennwl party because she The othel Illl'mbel.., 011 thl plein" to I un for mayor herself 111 hI' d :r-IO,OOO gl ant gwen to Cltl council, hOI\evel, bell('\"d lhdt 11'1l'" 101 Recyclll1g by the Galden .\'ovemhel, ~ald she was dlsap unlil the ..,pht III lH9'3 II1\' IldJl1I Cluh of MlcJllgcln Fund 01 the pOJOtl'd WIth the councll'r, decl Village of Glo..,..,e Po III te be .,I., of tlw plOjel.t Although the gl oup Ib trylllg <,[01 1''' thp Itemb befO! e shlppmg them 011 to a company that can tmg the bms out to the CUI b Ed Whedon, genel dl m,lllagel to get mOl e people mtel ebted III u.,p them An) money made "The thmg I'd lIke to stIeh" 01 the Glo~"e POlllte" CllIlton Re lecyclIng through the proJect, flom the '>dle of the lecyclables hell' IS that It IS a pIlot pro fUbe Dlspo"aI AuthOllt), .,dld hI. BalOne has a mOIl' plofound lea -- wlmh Il1clude plabtlcs, metal, glam," Ohann saId "We knOll I" completely behllld the ploJel.t ..,on FREE! we'll' gomg to run mto kmkb "It'b \pry Impoltant to leducI.' ''I'm jU~t trymg to get a better gl,I"'''' and ne\\bpapers - goes THIS ACRYLIC KEY CHAIN AND MAG- bdd' mlo Glosse Pomte CItizens and glItches, but we're trymg to the wa"te ..,1I earn," Whedon saId world to I alse my chIld Ill," "he fOl Relychng budget find out how many ale wIllIng to "It..., aho ImpOltant to get the saId NETIC PHOTO IS YOUR GIFT WITH rhe I esponse flom the entIre partIcipate" pla<;tl( -, out of the \\ aste Stl earn Susan Stewalt, also a membel ANY PURCHASE OF QUALITY CARR@ (',ll1llllumt\, has been extlemely Cltlzens 101 Recyclmg wIll try bpcdu-,e they contdlll cadmIum of the group, was dlsapPolllted FRAMES VALUED AT $15.00 OR MORE. Plhlll\e,' Sdld SheJla Osann, to educate those who paltlClpate and ledd that she was not chosen to par- REACT plOject managel The on the need for recyclmg, and The IIlCmel atm hab been tlclpate III the ploJect But as a onl\ people "ho have declIned to Market OpmlOn Research WIll clobed "mce Dec 28 when IOU teacher 111 the Hal pel Woods p.1I11111ltlllg found hIgher than school system, she has blought a allo\\ able levels of lead and cad SImIlar project to the chlldl en mltlm III the ash Saratoga seeks volunteers "You can't pick anyone thmg Next year students at her I that cauqed thobe hIgh levels, bchool \\ III be educated about re I '-lell«toga COl11mumty HospItal accordmg to each volunteel's but eVI.'ly lIttle thmg helps" cyclll1g and Will be asked to save I "Your one-stop photo, gift & card shop." nl'lel.., people to volunteer at the schedule Cm rently, volunteel s Mal Jlvnn Barone IS a block recyclables I \ ''''110l'q 1I1fOlmallon desk are especIally needed on week captalll fm the ploJect 111 hel ..,ec 'The adults are obvlOusly 20229 Mack • G.P. Woods Flonl deqk volunteers answer ends and from 2 p m to 8 p m I tlOn 01 Harpel Woods A membel i,'tlng ho about It," Stewalt saId Ipll'phone calls Iegardmg patIent dally; however, other dayq and of Grobse Pomte Cltl7en;, fO! Re "But I thmk \\ e should stdrt 881-7330 IIIfCllmatIon and condItIOns, hand hom s are also available cyclIng, ..,he ha" been 111\'01\ ed \llth the chlldl en The children out \ 1..,ltm passes, put retm ned If you have a few hours to \\Ith the lec\cll1lg pIO!,,'1dm flOl11 .Ill' the leason we're domg this' p,l""p" III loom ordel, check the gwe and would lIke mOl e IIlfOl Ilpd.lted patIent list, gIVe du ec matlOn, call 245-1522 t lOll.., to \ ISlto! s. and answer !lUIlIPIOU.., 11ll-,cellaneous ques Sal atoga IS located at 15000 t IOllb GratIOt between State Fall and F'le'l.1ble hbUl'S are' ""a~oo\l""8 MIle roads Ann Arbor CIty of~rnaae 'ninte 'arkMiChigan Antiques Market INVITATION TO BID 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road ONE (1) TRACTOR BACKHOE LOADER Ann Arbor, Michigan

", liul bl

Onp (II FOUl IIheel dllve Massey Ferguson J C B Supers!te rna,te! TI actOi Backhoe Loadel or equal pel speCIficatIOns Il.ldp 111 allowanle \\111 be made on one (1) 1966 MS Model SUNDAY !02 h.ll'k hoe loader ThiS Ulllt WIll be aVailable for mspectlOn ,It lIlt' Puhllc \VOlk~ Gat age, 15115 East Jeffel son Avenue, (;1 0~~1' P01l11pPar k, MichIgan

Bid I'l1\eloP( "h.dl be plam!y marked "Bid fOJ One (1) TlactOJ Back • July 16th hop LO,Hlel " DI'(.III" and bid ~heet<; are avaIlable m the Pubhc Works Depm t 5:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. ment III Ihe MUllIclpal BuIldmg The ('It\ of Glosse POlllte Pal k reserves the nght to accept or reject Third Sunday of the Month anI 01 .Ill bld~ (except November) James G. Ellison Dn ector of Public Service Over 350 Dealers in (; P N 07 13189 Quality Antiques and Select Collectibles elt) of<&rUsst 'nint.e 'arkMichian All Under Cover INVITATION TO BID All items guaranteed as ASPHALTIC CONCRETE RESURFACING reoresented. I

"\',d((1 h\Cl" \\ III he accepted from contractors prequahfied by the 1\11(.hl/-:,1I1 St.ltt' Hlglma) Department by the City Clerk of the CIty Locator service for of ('10"" Pom(t' Palk, MIchIgan untIl 1000 AM on Thursday, J\lh :W \qRCJ at Ihe MUniCIpal Bwldlllg located at ],';115 East Jef specialities and dealers; II I ~"Il \\1 IlIll 101the fUIIll~hmg of all labor, eqUIpment and mate ansite delivery and 11 II f"r (lIP pi I p,\1atlon of eXlstmg asphalt surface and appltcat IOn III oI~phIII (onl'] ptt' 1 e'illl facmg at the followmg locatIOns shipping service. BERKSHIRE GOETHE FREE PARKING HAMPTON LAKEPOINTE ADMISSION $3.00 WAYBURN

"I" , Jill ,Ilion' ,\I1c!Ilid plOposals are avaIlable III the Pubhc Sel vIce , For additional infonnation PI" \I tllll'ni Look in todays classified section 1'11'\""'''- t rI hI' m,ldl' on plOpo<;a[ blanks and accompamed by a eel under 400 headings for antiques 11fl( d (h( ch 01 .Ill ,Il (('pt I'd bIdder's bond for not less than 5'1 of the Itnrlllill of the pIOP()'i,ll Plopo<;al~ to be plamly marked on the out "1(\" of Ihp ('n\ ('Iop(' ('ropo"a 1" for AsphaltIC Concrete Re<;urfaclllg" For Further Infonnation contact \I1d dn 1'[ (I'd to Ih(' attentIOn of the CIty Clerk M. Brusher, Manager

1111( 1t\ of (;IO"'C' POInte Pm k re.,cI VC'i the nght to accept or leJcet 0111\ 01 ,illllld'OI .1l1) p.lIt thcleof P.O. Box 1512, Ann Arbor, Mi. 48106 (, I' \; 07 06 HI) & 07 1389

i .. • r

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 12A

Dear Pen Pal • • • HI. How are you? I'm fine It was lUce to finally meet you on June 5th durmg that PICIllC at Betty Scherer's house Aftet four months of wntmg, It WdS IlICt' to put a face With the name at the bottom of the letters. It was an Il1terestmg project that Marge NIxon, coordmator of volunteers for the Grosse Pomte schools, put together, don't you think? Teaming a group of thIrd-grade students from Jan Thompson's class at Kerby School With semOl' member!:> of the Grosse Pomte Umted MethodIst Church was not only fun, but It was educatIOnal, too Not only dId the students learn that semor citIzens can live excIting, Vital lives (and can be Pistons fans, too), but they also learned how to commumcate WIth adults, and how to wnte letters and address them too It was an excltmg way to learn language arts Now that we have edch othel ::,'dddl ess, let's keep wntmg thiS summer, OK? EnJOYthe pictures and wnte back soon' Your fnend

Al Decker. in his Michigan Wolverines outfit. meets pen pal Drew Harris for the first time. Everyone en- joyed the flowers and the name tags the students brought.

\ , : Here we all are singmg. That's Jan Thompson. the teacher in the back. We're singing "School Days" now. A \ Remember that?

Jennifer McCall gave a big smooch to her pen pal Eva Beeman.

Stephen Owens met his pal Carl Skag and they got along just swell.

I-nOtUST"1. 1oy Kay Photography

Text by Ronald J. Bernas

Bryan Breslin and Aaron Gaiewski and their new friend Betty Scherer. That's Marge Nixon on the right. She's the school's volunteer coordinator and she matched the two groups up. • One of the interesting things a~out the pen pals is that some of the boys (there are 19 in the class. and only 7 girls) wrote to women and some girls were paired with men. Palti Merritt got a flower from new friend Allan GilU... .c-c-.c..c-...... ae-.-.....-a-.-.-.-.~..---.....------

July 13, 1989 13A Grosse Pointe News N~4

Pointer-:_U."LfMW ?,"NF$/" e'>t big band, the Sun Mes'ien- member of the DetrOit AthletiC Chinese woman, Guo Lan-XI8, From page 1 Noeckel ha>. taken a f>mall piO latel "Sandra ha'> been a 11emen gCl.., Club and the Country Club of whom he met when he was a plletershlp and turned It Into a guest of Chmese Premier LI He wOl'ked his way through vel y !>ucces!>fulprovldel of Job.., dou'> help," NoeckeI 'iaJd "She Another '>On, Bill, over&ee", DetrOIt He has taught a certified pub. Peng. college at a small bakery that for Mlthlgan When MaI..,hall Ita.., helped me both plOfe.., we..,t..,lde operatIOn!> for Noecker, was always on the vel ge of '>JOnally and pel'..,onally, In nu two daughter:-., Ann and Nancy, lIt accountant review cour&e for Now studymg at Sprmg Arbor Noecker bought the company College near Jackson, the 28. bankruptcy. (Kaufmann Corp) In 1952, It merou!> way!> WOlk 1'01 major allime companlC'> the Umver<y of DetrOit and gJaduated to the MIChigan 4ger'>, year-old refers to her Amencan "I felt If It c1o!>ed, I would employed 15 people and genCl Ilel two ,>on"" Rick dnd GI eg and hi'" olde!>t '>On, Marshall, I'> where he Ib now chairman, after sponsor as "big potato " never be able to fimhh my educa ated annual ..,ale!>of Ie!>!>than $1 Spanglel, und hlh iiI st foUl were pre"'ldcnt of a cham of televlblOn belonging to the Young Pre'>l tlOn Even 25 years later, I mIllIOn Today &elle>.me $42 mil- latm Jomed by the couple\ own '>tat1On.., The future for the Noecker "With five ..,on'>,[ expellCnwd dent~ Organli;atlOn would wake up at mght III a cold lion and employment I.., nedlly chddwn, Nicholas and Alexan Group mcludes greater expan- 25 year'> of coachmg, manahTJng sweat thmkmg the bdkery had 400 " dl d Of the eight, Noeckel "'aId Among hiS proudest achIeve hlOn mto European markets With ,wd '>pon'>olmg Little Ledguc closed" NoeckeI 1:-' not :-.hy about men ,dl hdve taken the Il1Itllltlve 10 menh IS the &pon<;orshlp of two Improved manufacturing tech- team.., With eight children, I After bTfaduatmg from the tlOllIng the award, hI'> many dll Illclke then own gal den.., bTJow I'melgn !>tudent'> to Amencan mque!>, he said. As in the past, have attended 38 con<,ewtlve Unlvel slty of Mmne&ota, tlque.., 01' hi'> family The t\\ 0 younge..,t 11I C ,>tudylng unlversltlCh the group seeks to insure an an- yea! '>of PTA mee1mg>. " Noecker labored m both New When hl:-' fil!>t Wife, Helll'let, bu'>mc'>", GI eg hedd'> up dl chi Sudchadra Bachle came over nual growth rate of 15 percent. He I'> a member of 8t .Jame" York and Chicago for an ac died of canWI III 1961, NoeckCl tettlll al '>ale'> {'Ol the Noeckel flOm India about 10 years ago to "The Noecker family doesn't Luthel an Church, hd\ Ing "erved countmg firm untIl, as he de- I dlhed foUl ch Ildwn untIl SandI d GIOUp and Hltk I'> co foundet ,>tudy at Wayne State Umvelslty have any such growth plan," he a'> tl(.'d'oUI('I fO! Ii\! \t.1l '0, ,lnd a scnbed It, "World War II lal>.ed dnd he wel e mdllll'd five ye,lJ '> ,lnd ((J leadPI of Detlolt'" ltvelJ In DetrOit and later marned an "aId "We have enough now Its ugly head" IndIan woman, alf>o studymg at "Well," he reconSidered, A turmng pomt for Noeckel, Wayne "maybe some more grandchil. the war presented an OppOltu More recently he 'iponsored a dren" mty At the war's end, he and a pUltntH I'mmed a compan) by purchaslllg surplus blankets WHY MOVE flOm the milItary at $1 each and IMPROVE! sellIng them at a high malkup to moving companies during the Call Leto postwar hOUSingboom Building Company This venture was Just the first 5enmrg Ihe Grosse Poltltes In a long hne of successful effOlt& for over 30 years which contmue to flourish today At the heart of his long lIst of 882-3222 holdmgs IS the Kaufmann Corp, You deal directly wI1h whIch began producmg alumi- the owner num wmdows 10 1937 He Free DeSign service bought the company m 1952 df tel' seve Ial years of employment ADDITIONS • DORMERS Achlevmg steady bTfOwthever • FAMilY ROOMS • KITCHENS ~.-£eto smce, he began purchasmg other • ROOFING AND SIDING compames and later formed sev- ~ BUILDING CO. Phol(J h\ Ddn J.!f\'''' 1 . ~ Smce /9/1 eral new ones that answered the Marshall Noecker sits among just a few of his antiques. an original 1920sEdison dictaphone and needs of several mdustnes a carved wooden bench from the waiting room of the London Bridge. Manufacturing a spectrum of alummum products mcludmg awnmgs, doors, commercial wall panels and passengel waltmg statIOns, Noecker's firms also produce automotive manufactur mg components, 011 wells, plas Grosse PoiVlte tiCSand defense electromcs One product, the Sonobuoy, If> an underwater submarme detec tlOn umt that was mstrumental dunng the Cuban missile cnsls that shook the natIOn In the SlAmmer MlAsic Festival early '60s Hundreds of Sonobuoys well' dropped m the waters sw,'ound- Ing Cuba to warn the Umted States of the pOSSiblepresence of Soviet submannes Noecker said dunng the Faulkland Islands COnflICt,both England and AI' gentma were illoppmg them around the islands ThIS and other mventlOns by Noecker and hiS mvenbve staff propelled hiS holdmgs past a profit margin of $42 mIllIon last year At the close of thIS year, he expects hiS 20 compames, collec. tlvely titled the Noeckel GlOup, to top the $50 millIon . HIS knack for domg bUSiness recently caught the attentIOn of colleagues who successfully nom mated him for 1989 Small Busl ness Person of the Year, an an nual award presented by the BALALAIKA ORCHESTRA U S Small BUSiness Admmistra AND DANCERS tlOn THE CHENILLE SISTERS As wmner of the award, MONDAY, JULY 17 Noecker IS one of several millIon MONDAY, JULY 24 small busmess owners 10 the Umted States He was recently honored at the White House by PreSIdent Bush durmg a formal recogmtlOn ceremony dunng which Noecker was presented WIth an Amencan flag that was flown over the CapItol Bmldmg m hiS honor The nominatIOn was kept se- cret from Noecker by hIS Wife Sandra, who supplied mforma- tlOn to the selectIOn committee, via representatives from the Na- tional Bank of DetrOIt, who nom- mated him Tough gmdellnes for the can- didates required the followmg • A substantIal history of an establIshed busmess • Growth in the number of employees GROSSE POINTE SYMPHONY THE GOLDEN RAIN ENSEMBLE SHERI NICHOLS • An mcrease m sales whIch MUNuAY, AUGUST i4 shows contmued growth MONDAY, JULY 31 with Richani Bereni • InnovatIOn of products or MONDAY, AUGUST 7 Raindate: Tuesday, August 15 services offered • The ablhty to form solutIOns as a response to adverSity • EVidence of contl'lbutIOn to Tickets: aid commumty-oriented projects $10.00 Reserved Noecker qualIfied for the last $6.50 lawn Item With the 1978 formatIOn of the Northeast Manufacturers' Children under 12, half price Association, a group of more Optional Picnic Suppers, $7.00 than 200 member compames m (reserved 3 days in advance) CONCERTS AT 8:00 p.m. Detroit Noecker sald he formed the GROUNDS OPEN AT 6:30 p.m. group to keep the neighborhood Advertising Compliments of from deteTloratmg from hIgh un employment The area IS bordered on the FraakIia south by McNIchols; eIght Mile SAVINGS on the north; Ryan on the weRt, Grosse PoiVlte War Memorial and Van Dyke on the east. 32 lakeshore Road In the award announcement, 881-7511 Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. MichIgan SBA dIrector Raymond OBaak L. Harshman sald, "Under Mar- Concerts h~ld rdIn or shine. If held indoors, reserved tICket holders will be shall Noecker's leadershIp, thiS ~eated first. Seating not Iluaranteed for lawn ticket holders. company has made outstandmg progress for nearly 40 years Mr

I , I , , ..

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 8-time felon arrested In• Farms

A com lcll'd 1l'IOIlOllt OJIp.ll oIl' 1\('~!hOUlld lalle>, of till' C'PIP>," pl'd ... hnthd.lll' 1\.1" I( lu 1111 F('1l )!i I'll; I 111001dl1f' 111111 J(, \\,1" o1l1e"ted JlIIll' 2H .Ilkl ,1lkg ".1\ IIUllllg IIII' Ill',wv tl,lflic 'llJd edl\' tlY\lJg to "le.ll " FIPIO III 1,111up lilt' (,llIbdllk menl on tl1l' \(',11>' old 11(' II t" 10111111 III III "oIlllt'd 101 1',11 011 11111.11111110,Llld GIO""l' POInte F.lllll>, \I l'"t ~Idt' (if t h(' IIItel.,t.ll(' Ollll' A I p0!l{!lllg po!l(t' ".1\\ hllH pOl h Ill' h.h t I/~hl »11111 I, 11I111l'~ two men t.llllpellllg \lllh the (..u 011 hi>, "'lOld d IIIIH' hi(" 10 t\u01I1111g (0 F,Hnh polIc(' It' III t hc allc\' m IIll' 18 WO hlol h. 01 iHTi' pOI hilII' -,u"pl'd g,1 \t' ,I bn I h Follml lug t h( II 11"..1 pol III Mack, dlCOIdlllg 10 jlOlll'P ll' (t.ltt' 01 l\1.1\ 15, W7:J, \\ IlId} pOIb TIll' FlelO'" dl 1\,('1>, "\lIp 1011lHl Iholt IIII' (II Illd 1'1 1\ iI,lll IIldll( thp "'ll"pelt l(j ,lIld a JUll' ('\plll'd pl.ll' " oIJ1d Ih l'l'l() t dh WlI1do\\ 'Illd the >,l(,PIIIl~ (Ollllllll 11111' Polill' (,t1Il'd hi" lJIothpl \\ el c blOkell \1('11' Ilill 1I'~I~ltl(d tll !Ii, Itlll ,1ll11"h(' gd\ (' ,I hn 01 [\[,1\' WIll'1l the mell >,.1\\ till' olli lip \lhllh 1'0111,.1,,1](11 II I~ "!II 21m.! TIll' "lhpel'l Wd., thl'1l cel", onc m,lIl JUlllp('d Illto ,I 11'11 "ellt (0 lilt' Wal Ill' Count\ Youlh 1978 GI dlld PI n, 'lIld dllJVl' on llpoll ]P,Ulllllg t iI, "II pL1t ~ I[Ollll' The othel moln tl\l'd to Jump llJ I 1\1(' Itll'llt It1 ,lilt! olh' poll( ( ,Ill the WlIldo\\ 01 the GI dlld PI" Oil ,lull 6. Fallll., detectlle,> "'('l'klllg lh,llgl-' (II ollito IItl'1I ,IIHI whde It Wd" movlI1g, but he fdl II ['I (' mfol Jlll'd bv Wayne COUllt\ tllllllg ,IlHI (llIdlllh poilU and IllS co con"pll ,\101 dl'o\,(' 0\ PI 1111pmll' alilhOlltJe" thdt the ;,Jlb /"lil/ \//I/I/h hiS aJ ms alld hand" ,md Idt hUll l>ehmd, polIce sHld TIll' .,ccond man then got up 01 nd l'''l.lIwd Oil foot ADD CHARM TO Police chul'ocd tl1l' moln III the Several Grosse Pointers are among the members of the Coast Guard's Manne Safety Office, GI and PI I' do\\ n the 1\Lllk alle\ OUTDOOR which was awarded June 17 by the Michigan United Conservahon Clubs. The Grosse Pointers are to Fishel, then nOlthboulld on Cmdr. Tom Daley (far left). who is the Manne Safety Office's commandmg officer: Lt, Bob O'Brien l\Iack to Canyon and 1\ l'>,t Oil LIVING AREAS (fifth from left); and Lt, Cmdr. Clay Evans (far nght), who IS the olhce's execuhve officer, Canyon mto 6etlolt TIll' "U"pl'ct didn't stop 01 slow down 101 >,top TOM'S FENCE signs and I1ghts, polIce :-dld When the f1eemg moln got to CO. Conservation group honors the end of Canyon at the [94 ALL TYPES OF sel vice dllve !J{orthbound Hal PHIVACl & SECURIT\ pel " he crashed till ough the cy FENCES clone fence and went an 1>01 ne 'l~ 'ilNlUOAl'tD CHAINU.~KSfSTElIIS local U.S. Coast Guard office • rolU GUAKAmID dnd landed on the shouldl'1 and • RF.SID£i'lTIAL I COMURCUL nght lane of eastbound I9 t dm TIll ... \ Coli the COdst Guard cell" (:ALL Detlolt',> U S Coa~t Gumd el d 1 ,md llltel n,lt 1011<11el1\ 11 on mg I u:,h hour tJ aflic rnentdl I e~pon"e The :\I.u Ille bldll'>' 200 )cms of bC1I1g 'Sem ....OR fREE E..'mMo\Tt., :\lm me Safety Offiu' has been While the Gldnd P11' \1,1" ~ttll Safet\ Office h,h ...l'I\ed Dl'IIUlt pel Pm,ltus' al\\1I\" leady We 01\1al dl'd the' l\1Jchlgan U I1ltl'd 1110\ mg, the man baded out ,md 774-2045 dlld 'tlw GI l',lt Llkp-. IO! l}(i ...,dute the i'.IUCC's 52 yellls of COl1SCl\atlOn Clubs' 1989 "Can Ian aelo,>s the ea"tbound and ;,ervatlOl1 01 gaOlzatlO11 of the \'r,lI >, ,lIlted \ Igilance, actIOn and pel Year Award' dmmg the Coast '>I~tence III envlJ onmental consel The l\1UCC dllolld \101" pIe Guard bicentennIal \ ,ltlOn and educatIOn .. '>ented to the ~[alll1l' g,lfet\ 01 rhe ~hcll1gan Ul1lted Consel fice at ol cel emom June 17 111 The a\1 al d \1a" presented to 1,ltlOn Clubs IS a statewide 01 FllI1t Coast Gua; d Lt Cmdl the 1\1,1I111eSafet) Office In De gal1lzatlOn dedicated to advanc. Cia\, Evans, \1ho IS e,ecutl\ e of tJ OIt fOl ItS constant envn onmen mg the cau<;e of the envlIonment Kast lets you hav~;~U~\' tal pi el ent Ion and Iespon~e ac ficel of the 1\1,lIl11eSafet\ Office. ,md Lansel\ at lOn, and to plOl11ote accepted the [ll\olld on behalf 01 d et away trom 1 tl\ Itles 111 eastel n ~hchlgan The pi Oglams to educate CitIzens 111 everythIng you w~nt In a M,ll me Safet\ Office Iesponds to the membel' of hiS '>tall nattllal IesotUces conservatIOn an g ,md en VIIonmental plotectlOn K3s1 Service Amenca gIVeSyou C\lli\\ityprl'c\Ucts C\ua\lly aboul one 011 01 chemical spJlI "The Coasl Gual d and the nd cOOhngcontractor we'll ~Iso gll2 yOU e\ er) tlu ee day;, The office h,IS l\1UCC h,\\ l' much 111 (ammon J\IUCC I" the ollictal i'.llchlgan heating a d \lty servICe Bul now, sponsOl ed 1I111queagenc\ and 111 ,aid Elo1n, 1\hen he the latgest something exIra I tt ammg ,md achle\ ed ~lg111ficant dedicated II1dl\ ldual" ul1lted un "tdte con"el vat IOn 01 gamzatlOn V t\on GetaWay. Stl engthel1lng of lowl. ;,tate. fed del he,ll tfelt I e;,pon~lbll1tll'" IJ1 the l1<\tlOn complimentary aca S 19 entra\ an condItIoner now, LIIINDX H c d ~cat\Oll \1 yOUInvesl In a ==---- ntaTYdeluxe 4 ay v 1\asl WIllgIVeyou a ~mplte Orlando Flonda ThIS oHer n ,IQr {OUTat a tta~19~7O:!l9u.may' take your vacallo r eltplres August " ' I 1 1990 belore ,",ugus , any time . nditioner WDX HS 19 central air co The de\ul'e !:1!L-- I 'SEER up to 12 1) b\ nd e[fklen I • QUiet, dura e a I to protect compressor • Brown out conlro ty on compressor • 10 year IImlledwarra~rts and labor • 2 year warranty on P \\ a qu,\hty Lennox WIth one caUyoUcan have It~asl and a vacallOn Ca1\ aIr condltlomng system;o;re named Contractor ot us today and see why B smess Mag3Z11le Ihe Year by Con!racttn9 u 11'3& ...e

pontiaC Grosse pomte ~ ~ • A.. e~ 642.7\50 lfJ/iitifl " ~ Se~. Plumbing' Electrical 886-5060 Healing • coohng \ er\lice hours Teddy bear awards ~ Extended reguM~:day.Fnday 542.3850 The awards night for Grosse Pointe South High School's television production class May 17 ~ ~ :-~~ ~ '; " Saturday honored students with Teddy Bear Awards (their version of the Emmys) in the following cate- gories: Chns Brow, Music Video; Julie Weinberg, CommercIal Video: Jenny Youngblood, News Video: Chris Plansker, Interview Video; Rick Foley, PSA Video; Timothy Golobic. Superintend- ent's Award; Holly Nixon. Ken Vance, Mother's Club: Stephen Gmeiner, Center for Racial Jus- hce Award; Jeanne Young, Chris Brow. Community Service and Jeremy Schroeder, Histoncal Newscast. KITCHENS, BATHS, SUMMER STOREWIDE CLEARANCE DORMERS, ROOM ADDITIONS, FLORIDA ROOMS ... ON ALL FLEXSTEEL SOFAS & LOVESEATS KITCHENS ADDITIONS

~l~;~"r 11 '~Im:"~~~ g~I,,-,,~'!JU Lill, I]l:IFIiiiuim~ .. / IJllISll~ t;r,'


i: • [7:'!J.....t•f ".~,., " ."- BIG :v ~~~..,oA SAVINGS ~~ . . ---. t. D NOW! FLEXSTEEt $2887 20')[ 20' FH lJlHOLSrOO fUNT\R Excluding Concrete ~ RAISE & RECONDITION .~ 16421 Harper 27113 Harper OLD GARAGES 'C! • I F'{ ~ Detroit St. Clair Shores rourmer S (near Whittier) (btw 10 & 11 Mile) LUNAR GARAGE & MODERNIZATION 881.1285 776-8900 13491 E. 8 Mile Opetl Moll •• Thvn. t.. ()petl , • """. 1 .. Furniture T_.,"'. & So4. "~l. t.,....'rl. & ' 779-4700 a.MNIW lIli., 114''''' _ _ _ .., 4 4 _ _ _ _._ ..- _,..-_.,..-_.--- ..- _- - ..--- -.~-.-.-.

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 15A Abbott, Hazlett receive research awards Dr Phihp Abbott of Grosse book about the development of Hazlett's laboratory at the WSU Pomte Woods and Dr Linda Ha. leftIst thought as reflected In the School "OfMedlCme, where she IS zlett of Grosse Pomte have been work of V.F Calverton and con- a professor of anatomy and cell selected by a Wayne State Unit tnbutors to hiS Modern Quar bIology verslty faculty committee as reo terly, an mdependent Journal In additIOn to the work on eye clplents of Charles Gershenson pubhshed durmg the 1920s and infectIOns, Hazlett is also princl' DIstmgUlshed Faculty Fellow. 1930s pie investigator for the medical ~hlp awards, In addition to hiS wntmg and school's Core VISIon Research Both WIll receive $6,000 a teachmg, Abbott has also served Grant and traming coordinator year for up to two years to con. as assistant and assocIate dean for the Visual Sciences Training of the College of Liberal Arts tmue current research The Ger. Grant shenson Awards are named for and is currently a member of the Charles Gershenson who for. Umverslty CounCil and the Stu- Hazlett jOined the medical merly served on the WSU Board dent Affairs Committee. school faculty in 1971 after com. of Governors. Abbott has a bachelor's degree pletlng her doctorate in anatomy Abbott, a political science pro. from Amencan Umverslty, and at OhIO State University. She fessor III the College of LIberal a master's and Ph D from Rut. earned her bachelor's degree at Arts, IS a speclahst m the field of gers Umverslty St Mary's (Indiana) College, and political theory. Smce coming to The Gershenson grant to Ha. a master's 111 anatomy from the Wayne State III 1970, he has zlett will aId her study of the al- MedIcal College of GeorgIa. In authored SIX books on topiCS teration WIth age of resistance to 1988, Hazlett was a nominee fOJ' rangmg from the conceptIOn of bactenal eye mfectlOns, a major the Alcon Laboratory Award the family 10 political thought to cause of bhndness worldWIde. gIven in recogmtion of outstand. a study of how Amencan preSl The research is bemg done In mg research on ocular problems dents justify and legItimIZe their actions The Gershenson Award Will help Abbott complete work on a

Mackinac island

A spl~t.horizon line in Monte Nagler's photograph of Yosemite's Lake Tenaya doesn't disrupt the guidebook composItion, [n fact. the rocks and sand bar serve a lead-in to the mountains. available Nearly one mllhon people VISIt Mackmaw Island annually and Break the rules for drama nde m a horse-drawn carnage or buy some fudge But Mackmac , Feelmg a little mischIevous? , Island IS much more than horses Want to bl'eak R few Iules? WIth and fudge, according to a new ~ some thmkmg and planning, you guIdebook, "Mackmac Connec- can do Just that m your photog tion. An Insider's GUIde," wnt- laphy ,-- ten by long-time summer resI- LIsted below are some hmb dent Amy McVeIgh and Ideas that WIll allow you to • The book gives an I bl eak what ar e usually ~teadfal>t mSlder's perspective of the MIch- photographIc rules Igan vacatIOn destmatlOn, In ad- ! • Spht yoU! hOlizons A hon II Monle Nagler ditIOn to comprehensive mforma. SBs..• zon line directly down the mId I" tlOn on the island's 23 hotels and die of yoU! picture can add Intel mns, 48 restaurants, and 89 With color slide film? Mo;,t defi tUle and fastest shutter speed In est and doec;n't necessanly split shops, "Mackmac ConnectIOn" n1tely If shooting a dUZllll1g sun. othel \\ OJ ds, undel expose mten- 4.21 the photo mto two competmg prOVides detailed maps for bike set You'll be amazed at the Ie. tlOnally to the maxi The sun Will hal \ e" ReflectIons pdl tlcular Iy riders, shoppers, and hIkers suits appeal as a star and any fore- lend themseh es to a ;,pht hOiI The book IS available for $8.95 MtK- TO-SCHOOL FASHION SHOW i\llDITION ZOl1 Y - PhotobTJ.dph \('1 tical subJelt<., b'10und subjects Will be dramatic Ime TI It from Border's Book Shops II's time to show your stuff I Eastland Center IS holding free auditions hOll70ntally A gt oup of tl ees SIlhouettes - You don't alway,; need a

I j I •• + 4 4 • • F . 4'444 •• tJ#S0 • 0 ••• ao • .wa 4.07

July 13, 1989 16A Nt.iV4 Grosse Pointe News lusty ECVT: Small, cheap, burns a minimal amount of fuel It was over a quartel of a cen the engme was boosted to 750 cc dtll'ewnt than the D A F well d as did the NSU Prmz of' pre!>sed at first, but after I got Ride 'Illd h,lIIdlllli{ .II (' oj a tury ago that a local public rela ,md 30 hp, It made no headway There was nothlBg wlong With the '60s, the maker for which used to Its IdlOsyncra:.les - level lInhe'lI d oj all "Ut'll l:tlllall tlons man stopped at the otlice of III the U S market and held ht the D A F, It was the I1Icesl Felix Wankel developed the en- which al e consistent and pIedIct- carb III ed) hel tlllle ... and tho:.e Automotive News m an unhkely tie mterest fOl' AutomotlVe Dutch CHI I have e\'er dll yen gllle And the two fOlll'wheel- able - I became qUIte lond of cable" ,II III \)('It" glV(' the Just)' lookmg small car WIth the un- Ne\\ s, except for the car nuts But the Jdpanese makers do steenng entnes on the market, the CUI Iud economy well up mto the hkely name of D A F Daffodil thele, of which thele were a seem to have a way of pl('kmg Iiam Honda and Mazda, feel so It IS kmd of fun to dnve a ht JO", even III tlty dllvlIlg and With an unlikely transnll;, nUlllbel up d technological concept and nOlmal that you would not know tIe car full out all the time and FOId dnd FI'll h,1VI.' IIIllOduced SlOn which was made up of belt~ So when Subaru announced nlllnmg With It to make It better you were dnvlIIg somethmg un- ha ve It run so smoothly, despite CVT C<11~ 111 ElIlOJJl', hut the Su and pulleys which automatlcalh the '89 Justy ECVT (for Elec than anyone ebe ha;, u:.ual except for the note on the the fact that ItS engme IS not lMllI JII:.t\ ECVT I" "tl1l the changed gear ratIOs m accol d tlOIHCdllv controlled Contmu DII\'mg a J usty IS 1I0t u" dllen steelmg wheel hub much bigger (1.2 !tters) than the ollly olle <1\t lIla\ hke II lands (Yo hlch agalll seel11;,kmd of that feehng, because It IS qUite en!,'1ne feels nowhel e nedl a£, ant When you fir'>t step on the D A F ) And It'S cheap, With base But II .Ill you \\ dnl I" ,I d1l'dP unhkelyl, bm1t b) the Vdn throttle, thew I!>d s!tght Jolt as pi Ice a shade under $7,800 You "l1hlIl C,II to gl't vou ,IIoUlld Doornes Automoblelfabl'Jek, the II1db'1lellC cl utch engages, can't buy very mallY new CUI;' ...mouthl\' \\ Illle blll Illlli{ ,I mJllI whence came the name D A F then the engme accelerates to a WIth automatIc transmlSSlOnl:t at mal dlllollnt 01 fUI.I, tl \ .I Ju"ty Introduced m 1958, It had steddy ;,peed and the transnus that pnce ECVT VOU llld\ hke It what the maker called a Val 10m- .,lOn pronde"l the needed ratIO atic transnllssion, a funny auto \\ Ithout Shlftlllg gears matle system usmg a centllfugal If thiS sound:. like a '50s el a ANNUAL RATE. ANNUAL YIELD. clutch and a \' belt Wl\e \\ Ith H BUllk DyIIallow , It IS lIot ledlly hmlted.shp differentIal It had a While the BUick's engllle Ie\'ved 6OO-ccair-cooled two cvlmdel 22 and buzzed as the Dynallow 0/0$~~,000 hp engme, which was 'a bit small tned to keep up With demands 8.89% 9• 26 /C MInimum for Amencan drivers even aftel By Richard Wright With Its tOlque converter, the Justy engllle holds a steady >.peed while the car gdlllS ~peed % $30,000 through the actIOns of Its pulleys 9.14% 9 • 54 /C and over and belb sll100thly chanb'1ng l'a tlOS Dnvmg WIth the shift lever m PRESTIGE MONEY MARKET "D" can ledd to sluggish acceler atlOn unless you dllve dt all REPUBLIC tllnes With a lead foot. However, the Ie I:' a "Ds" settlllg w/uch 3rBANKs.E. keeps the vanable transmiSSIOn m lower latlOs and gIVes the ~ ..:::::::: Justy a much pepplel demeanOl The Justy EVCT al!>Ofeels dlf MEMBER FDIC fel ently when you let Up on the acceleratOl and slow down Agulll, engine speed stays bteady GROSSE POINTE fOl cI SUI pnsmg tll11e until the BLOOMFIELD ll1dgnetlc clutch disengages and FARMS HILLS engllle suddenly w'ops Odd at fil st, but pi edlctable and not up 18720 MACK AVENUE 1700 N. WOODWARD settmg If yom first ImpreSSIOn upon 882.6400 258.5300 test dllvmg a Justy EVCT IS Free Bank Parking off of Kerby Road slmllUl to mme, give It anothel • BASED ON DONOGHU E RATE AS OF JULY 1i i989 1989Subaru lusty GL chance 1 was not ovelly 1m

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j l tt...!.~ ~_~ __ ~~ ~~ ~ .. • « July 13, 1989 17A Oro... Pointe News o Robert and Alice Nye, of Grosse Interment was In Mount Ethel Pauline Heenan Marjean E. McCarthy a brothel', James He was a retired tool and die Bunal wa!> In Oak VieWCeme Pomte Park; and bl!>ter!>,Julie maker Ohvet Cemetery, Detroit Services for Ethel Pauline A memOrial sel vice for Mal' tel y, Royal Odk Kmg, Margaret Olson and Jean Mr. Noorman IS survived by Heenan, 78, of Grosse Pointe Jean E McCmthy, 67, of Uro!>~ Ditta hlh Wife, Men'lam, a brother, Thomas Ferguson Park, were held Saturday, July Pomte Woods, wJlI be held today, Coyetta Childs Interment was m CadJllac Egon; grand!>ons, Justm and MemOrial Garden Ea!>t, Chnton Paddock I, at St Philomena Catholic Thursday, July 13, at St Paul A memonal &ervlw for Coy- Andrew He was predeceased by Town!>hlp Church m DetrOIt CatholIC Church etta ChIld." 92, of Grosse Pomte, a daughter, Catherme Freye A funeral service for Thomas Mrs. Heenan died Thursday, Mr!> McCarthy died Saturday, Memonal contributIOn!> may Ferguson Paddock, 90, of Hilton was held Fnday, July 7, at Andrew Kerr Bucciero June 29, 1989 in her home She July 8, 1989, In GIO!>~ Pomte Chn!>t Episcopal Church in be made to the church Head Island, N C., wa!> held m was born In DetroIt. Wood!> Grohbe POlllte Farms Mrs A memOrial service for An North Carolina She was first secretary of De She was a volunteer worker at Child" died Fnday, June 30, drew Kerr Bucclero, 16, of Paul F. Ziegler Mr Paddock died Friday, .July troit TImes Bowlerettes, a group St John Ho!>pltal In DetlOit for Grob!>e Pomte Wood!>, was held 7, 1989, on the Island. 1989 A memonal service for Paul F that later formed mto the strong- many years Wednesday, July 12, at Grosse A native of Detroit, he moved She was a of the Ziegler, 73, of Grosse Pomte est ladles league m the Umted Survivors mclude her hus Pomte Memonal Church to Hilton Head m 1971 from FUbt School of Army Nur!>mg Farm!>, was held Tuesday, July States She was also founder and band, John J, daughter Kim; He died Sunday, July 9, 1989, Gros&e Pomte dnd served m World War I She 11, at Our Lady Star of the Sea secretary of the largf'st women's son, Greg, two grandchJldren, at Harp€r Hospital m DetrOIt He was a graduate of the Taft wa!>a pIOneer In the birth con Cathohc Church, Gros!>e Pomte traveling bowhng leagues, with Christopher RobbinS and Ian He was born m DetrOlt School m Watertown, Conn and tlol movement and worked With Wood!> 52 teams bowling in 26 U S CI McCarthy She was predeceased Mr Bucclero was a 1987 l,rrad cia.,., of 1921 at Prmceton Um- Malgaret Sanger, headmg her Mr ZIegler died Fnday, July ties. M.'s Heenan was the 1945 by two sons, John JI and Kerry uate of the Grosse Pomte Acad ver"lty New York climc 7, 1989, at Cottage HospItal He City Swgles ChampIOn and m Cremat10n was carned out emy He played !>OCcer\\ Jth the MI" Paddock IS SUTYIved by a MIs ChJlds was preSIdent of wab born m Germany 1969 was mducted Into the De. With Interment at FOIe!>t Lawn Planned Parenthood of MIchigan Grosse Pomte Sactel A.,~OtlatlOl1 stepdaughter, Nancy B Kerr, trOit Bowling Hall of Fame Cemetely He worked for a con!>tructlOn five grandchildren and seven and a boal d member of the company as a "kJlJed wood Mrs. Heenan IS survived by Alrangement!> made by Cha!> Planned Parenthood League of !>tepgrandchlldt en He was pre- her daughters, Sally Bernal d, Verheyden Funci al Homp, worker deceased by hiS Wife Nancy m DetlOlt, where she was a hfetlme SUrVIVOl., mclude a fnend, Betty Ann Callanan and Katy GIOl:>l:>CPOlllte P,u k honorUl"y member 1985 McKenzie, sons, John R II, and Margaret Uottsehg, and a Memonal contnbutlOns may Peter Ulintz She was a vice preSIdent and COUSin,JudIth He \'oas pre Patrick D; a Sister, Dorothea hoUld member of the Mam be made to the Amencan Cancer Clancy; a brother, Arthur R deceased by hiS wife, Rose SocIety, POBox 6113, HJlton Funeral servIces fOi Petel Branch Y W.C A. for eight years (Paek), and a brothel', Gerhald Grix; 14 grandchildren and two UlIntz, Ph D, 56, of Huntmgton She was a member of Kappa Al Head r"land, S C 29938 great-grandchildren Wood", well.' held ThUisday, pha Theta at the Umverslty of She was predeceased by her July 6, at the Vasu, Rodgers and Kansas husband, John F Connell Funel al Home, Royal Mrs ChJlds IS burvlved by her Burial was m Mount Olivet Oak daughter", Sally C Cae and Cemetery, Detroit. Phyllis Fordon, five grandchll Arrangements made by the dl en and fOUl great grandchll Chas. Verheyden Funeral Home, illen She was predeceased by Grosse Pomte Park. her husband, Terrell L ChIlds Memorial contnbutlOns may Memonal contrIbutIOns may be made to the I.H.M Retire- be made to the Planned Parent- ment Fund or to the Capuchin hood League Inc, 39 West Ad- Soup Kitchen. ams, Detlolt, Mlch Arrangements made by the Phyllis Elizabeth WJllIam R. Hamilton Co Groes Andrew Kerr Bucciero beck Chapel Waggoner and was a sWimmer With the All A memOrIal service for PhylliS POinte SWIm Club and the De Jeanette Van Hulle trOlt Boat Club Elizabeth Waggoner, 80, of Grosse Pointe Park, wJll be held A memOrial servIce for Je. He IS survIved by hiS parents, at 3:30 p.m. Friday, July 14, at anette Van Hulle, 62, of Grosse Dr Michael and JudIth Bucclero, Grosse Pomte Memonal Presby- POinte Farms, was held Wednes- Sisters, Alice Bucclero and Thea terian Church, at 16 Lakeshore day, July 5 at St Paul CatholIc Knott, brother, MIchael, neph Mrs. Waggoner died unexpect- ChUich ews, Lindsey and Ashley Knott edly Fnday, July 7, 1989, whIle Mrs Van Hulle died Sunday, CrematIOn was carned out at her summer cottage in north- July 2, 1989 at Bon Secours Hos With mterment at Forest Lawn ern MIchigan. She was born in pltal III Glosse Pomte She was Cemetery Detroit and moved to Grosse Peter Ulintz bOin m LaSalle, Ontano Arrangements made by Chas I She was a cashier at the VII- Verheyden Funeral Home, FRANKLIN FEDERAL Pointe Park in 1953 Dr UlIntz died Sunday, July 7.45% I lage Food Market and a home Grosse Pomte Park TAX-FREE INCOME FUND 2, 1989, at Smal HospItal, De- makel who enjoyed sewing and Memol'la! contnbutlOns may Current Yield! trOIt He was born In Clal ksvllie. kntttmg be made to the Andrew Ken' Franklin makes mvestmg In mumcipal Pa Mrs Van Hulle IS sUl"Vlvedby Bucclero UniVerSIty of DetrOit bonds easy ThiS fund seeks He was a psychotherapist at 11.12% her husband of 41 years, Maul'- JesuIt High School Scholarship Taxable " I Eastpointe Mental Health Cen Equ,~alenl Y,eld Ice, daughters. Jen Ann Krueger Fund • High Current Tax-Free Income. tel', Harper Woods and Kemmer Van Hulle, two Barbara C. Thomas l"'~ He earned a doctO!ate from ~ • Professional Management the Umvel'slt)"'elf""Michigan,' eat" gtandchJldl:~ Aanr and Cather-<" , 1;oJn:~~Uff, , me Krueger, and her mother. Funeral serVIces for Barbara her attendmg Wayne State Unt- Helen Gignac of LaSalle, On- C Thomas, 99, of Grosse Pomte • Nationally Diversified Portfolio verslty, where he received hiS tUllO Intel ment was m ResUl" Fal ms, were held Saturday, July 5.4%' bachelor's and master's degree" One Year lectlOn Cemetel"y, Clmton Town 8 at the Chas Verheyden Fu. EstablIshed 10 1947, Frankltn has the He was a member of the MIChI- ship neral Home expenence It takes to manage your money gan PsychoanalytIc Society, the An'angements were made by She dIed Thursd~y, July 6, " Call or wnte today for a free prospectus 10.25% MIchigan Gelontology AssocIa Five the Chas Verheyden Funeral 1989 m Grosse Pomte Farms t10n and a diplomate m clmlcal Home and was born In West Bay CIty, SOCIalwork . " Memonal contnbutlOns may Mlch 9.78% He was a consultant for Fam be made to the Amellcan Healt She was a pnvate secretal"y Ily Life EducatIOn CounCil, a ASSOCIatIOnof MichIgan SUI"Vlvors mclude her dear teachel With Glosse POinte fnends, Anne and Dave Somer Adult EducatIOn and a consul Robert E. Nye feld tant at Calvary Semor Center Intel ment was In Elm Lawn 111 Funeral services for Robert E Dr UIllltz also served the Cemetery, Bay City Army SpeCIal Forces and began Nye, 34, formerly of GIOSse Herman A. Noorman Phyllis Elizabeth Waggoner hiS career as a coal millel before Pomte Park, were held Wednes- movmg to Michigan day, July 12, at the A H Peters Mrs. Waggoner was a 1931 A memonal service for Her. • "People Just loved to tdlk to Funel al Home, Grosse Pomte man A Noorman, 74, of Grosse graduate of Wayne State Umver- him." hiS Wife Susan saId "He Woods, With the Rev Ted Marsh • sity, a member of the Zeta ChI Pomte Woods, will be held Sat- • was a good therapist who tJ eated officlatmg Mr Nye died sud urday, July 22 at St Paul Evan------. Soronty and a hfe member and everybody With respect, from denly July 10, 1989, from mJu- former member and president of gelical Luthel an Church, 375 ------.• people at a gt easy "poon up to lles'susta;ned m a DetrOit house Lathrup, Grosse Pomte Farms -- 1 the Harper HOSPItal AUXIliary people at the hospital" fire She IS survived by her hus. Mr Noorman dIed Sunday, BeSIdes hIS WIfe, he IS SUi He was a freelance landscaper July 2, 1989, at the St John Bon ------.• band, Lyle G. Waggoner MD., vlved by two sons, Petel and Jor on the east Side of DetrOIt daughter, Susan C. Clark; a son, SecOUIS Semor Commumty, De- FRANKllNlJ dan; a SIster, Audtey Ddvldson; SUI"Vlvors mclude hiS parents, Peter K Waggoner; a Sister, trOIt .---_ ....------Ruth E Wheeler, and five grandchildren, HeidI, Holly, Charles lV, Thomas and Chns- tine In lieu of flowers, contribu- tions may be made to the De- partment of Otolaryngology, ChIldren's HospItal, DetrOit, Mich. 48201. We replace problem windows with Frederick G. Scully better ones - famous Andersen @ A memorial service for Freder. PermaShield @windows. Their ick G Scullv. 85. of Grosse ; .....,...... 1...... : ,.". ~."."'"r1 ~nTO l-l;rrh_Po ...._ POinte Woods,' was held Monday, .£..&..,~U..&<.& .. .A. L~ yy'-'''-'' ...... """''''''''''-, ..... ":;t ...... -- July 10, at Our Lady Star of the formance insulating glass and Sea Catholic Church. tough vinyl exteriors make them Mr. Scully died Thursday, energy efficient and virtually July 6, 1989 at Bon SecoUTSHos- pital. He was born in Phl1adel- maintenance free. Also avaIlable phia, Pa with regular double-pane glass. He attended Cornell Univer- sity and graduated from the De. troit College of Law. He was still active as a real estate broker, serving the Grosse POinte Woods area for 40 years. Mr. Scully was a member of the Grosse Pointe Board of Real. tors, the Country Club of Detroit and a lay minister and usher at Our Lady Star of the Sea Catho- lic Church. He is survived by hiS wife, Elizabeth' daughter, Virginia Jeffrey; ~n, Frederick G. Jr., sis- ter, Patricia Dololou; three grandchildren and three great. grandchildren. He was predeceased by his daughter, Suzanne Roulston, and grand80n, Charles Jeffrey. . Burial was in Mount Olivet Cemetery. ---.-~ PT •• .,. .., .. OO ••••••• p .. os.'e •• ,;; p . ....- ..- ...... • ... +r - »U _ ...... -P-.

t' _11 !A I _ JulV 13, 1989 18A ~~¥M~ G_ross_ep_o'nt_eNe_ws Four ULS students win merit scholarships

Ian Stark of Grosse Pomte, who Four UniversIty LIggett thiS year's competItIOn, there &hool students were aWaIded ",ere 14,000 dlstmgUlshed final earned a scholarship sponsored NatIOnal Mellt ScholUlShlps l~tS nationwide and 6,000 actual by the Gannett FoundatIOn Of the mOil' than on~ ml!hon scholarshIp Wlnnel s • Mum VOl'hees, daughter of AmellCdn ;,tlldents who entell'd Ther e at e three categol'les of Huth and Roy Vorhees of St the 6,000 NatIOnal Ment Schol. Clan ShOleS, and Angela Wal- UI slups those sponsored by pI'!- ton, daughter of G10l1a Walton vate corporatIOns, by the Na. of DetrOIt, who won scholarships Wolverine tlOnal Mel'lt Scholarship COlp sponsored by the NatIOnal Ment and by colleges and Ul1lVersltles Scholar ship Corp. scholarships The ULS students won scholUl • Sebastian Wiers, son of Mat ships of each type 6'1'et Trepte and Randall Burke Thl ee GIos~e Pomte South They are of DetrOIt, who earned a scholar High School students lecelved • Allana Stark, daughter of ship sponsored by the University Unlvel ;,Ity of MIchIgan Regents Susan Stark of Detl 01t and Al of Chicago Alunull Scholarships fOi $1,000 Tops in math Hachel Konrad, Stephal1le VI Three eighth-graders were top performers in the annual Bishop Gallagher High School Invi- t1toe and KeIth Woltel were se tational Math Contest. From left are Sister Marise. principal of St. Brendan School; Lorraine lected to Iecewe the awal d;, Brosteaux. teacher at Our Lady Star of the Sea School; first-place winner Deosl1 Solano of St. based on theIr academIC Brendan; Lori Faison. Bishop Gallagher math department head; second-place winner Natalia and hIgh ~chool accomplish DOWNTOWN WINDSOR Rodriguez of Our Lady Star of the Sea; Sister Gloria Jean. principal of St. Veronica School in mento; East Detroit; and third-place winner Janet Ufford of St. Veronica. SIDEWALK SALE DAYS July 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th Johnston chosen ~~5~ - Ehldbeth Johnston, daughter oj Joe and Susan Johnl>ton of GIOS,;,ePOlllte CIty, was one of Geoffrey Young 900 students selected flOm almost 14,000 ell \\helt \H' "el\\ \Vl' wlll<;peled Eadl ueell III tJll~ ('olumll, !l'e applicants to to them, 'Please be qUIet We II tll 10n 01 Wilham Annapolis, we kept It a big seCiet and Helell Young of Grosse Md On I\!ondav \\ e left them at plJI I' 'c Pm" He Illst cO/liplded Johnston Johnston IS home so the) \\ ould be safe the Ill/I'd gwde at T,ombly a ~emOi at Grosse Pomte South That day \\ e qUlckly rode home S' gethel for huntmg We make neat an-pI opelied boats WIth cap sellas I do many thmg~ \\ lth m\ Questions About My Dad dad Most of all, I like bemg an Amellcan becau~e I am flee to CANCER? Thl" h ,1 "tCH} dbout my dad shat e all these ~peclal time.., Call and I ),!\ dad ha~ encoUlaged With my dad 1-80Q-4-CANCER • TIik.... Ask For Your FREE Discount Coupon /}iJJ1"" Book At The Tunnel Toll Booth and The Tunnel Money Exchange Queen's Curio Shoppe , " , , EUROPEAN FRAMED PRINTS & MIRRORS 'r' , ..,. ,- IMPORTED DINNERWARE FROM ITALY \ GREETING CARDS & COLLECTABLES COOtJ ,1<, Located In Victoria Place House of Shops ~~-

'i-It 26717 Little Mack Sf. Clair Shores 778.3243 ME~ ~~~t~, t \ ; ~~~~ -, ' ! VICTORIA gr;{t'~~-~;I ...~ ~,6.!~ PLACE ~-Il r ~. NOW. -- ~ I SUPREME'S MID-SUMMER AIR CONDITIONING HOUSE OF SHOPS '. I ~,. SALE provtdes the reltef from the heat that you need, 26717 Little Mack, ~.1, I' ( Supreme proVide" qUick mstallation, low prices, and St. Clair Shores ,~\ nI Il i 90 days deferred Jusl N of 10 1/2 Mile . Call for more Informallon 772.0780 payments available on all Amana products. Call RESERVATIONS Come In and enjoy The finest RECOMMENDED a relaxing, comfortable your SUPREME Heating 772.8383 air conditioned atmosphere Marketing Representative today, Mon" Tues. 10•6 for lunch or dinner. shopping Wed .• Sat. 10.9 --LUNCHES-...... , SM) DAYS DEFERRED LUNCH SERVED FROM 10 to 3 PAYMENTSI- under the SUD. DINNER SERVED FROM 4 10 Close ;~~~gg$150.$525 at SIDEWALK DAYS SALE We carry J:lIJ;.) t~OI~'I July 13th, 14th, 15th & 16th fowl, seafood, SUPREME Heating & Supply Co .• Inc. beef, veal, ~ DETROIT MACOMa OAKLAND pastas, sauces, 885-2400 777-8808 553-8100


t •.. _~ __ ~_~ __ ~ __ . .f- ..., _ '\. .-----_._------~-~. - .

July 13, 1989 19A Groa. Pointe News Geisler honored

The DNA Learmng Cenier, In Cold Spnng Harbor, NY, an. nounced that It IS hononng GIOSbe POinte South bIOlogy teacher Karl Geibiel With a scholarshIp to the Vector DNA Science Workshop to be held thl& August The work- shop scholar- ship IS funded Geisler by the NatIOnal Science Founda- tIOn PaltIclpants will also take part m a fall follow up and earn graduate credit from the State Scholarships for University Liggett Middle School were pre- l!mversity of New York Stony sented to Margaret Anne Durant. left. and Elizabeth Broderick. Brook Geisler has been a member of Scholars named at Liggett the South Science Depaltment blnCe 1972 He IS a graduate of Two University Liggett and the other about the value of Wayne State Umverblty With a Scholar AWaldb for the middle new fnend<,hlpb and educatIOnal background m chemistry as well school were presented to Mal' b'lowth as bIOlogy garet Anne Durant and E1Jza- Blodenck IS the daughtel of beth Broderick Kevlll Brodenck of Grosse Pomte and the late Barbara Lon Durant received a $10,000 gyear Blodellck, a 1967 b'1'adu Achievement four-year scholarship, while ate of The Liggett School, a pied Brodenck, as runner-up, was eceSbOl'school of ULS She wab testing glven a one-year stipend of $500 Photo h} K., Phot('h'Taphy I ecognlzed fOl "matulIty, sensl Both students will enter the tlvlty, and academiC and extra scheduled A car for learning school as sixth 1,'1adcrs In Sep- CUlIIcular talent and contnbu Glosse Pomte South High The recent donation of a 1988 Buick Reatla from General Motors to the Industrial Technol- tember tlOI1S" School Will adminIster ReqUIred ogy program of the Grosse Pointe Public Schools has moved North and South high schools into Dumnt, the daughter of Clal k The Unl\'erslty LIggett AchIevement Testmg on FrIday, auto technology of the future. Through the assistance of lormer Grosse Pointer. Bill Szkodzin- and Susan DUIant of Glosse Scholar Awards are presented to Sept 1, to new students and stu- ski. the advanced system Realta. which carries an on-board diagnostic computer system. will Pomte, was lauded by Goodman mcoml11!{ mnth-gl-ade dent~ who have not taken the become part of the schools' test bench for teaching sophisticated problem solVing. "We are for her "high academic ability, <,tudents on the baSIS of all- tests trying to include diagnosis and solution in our programs. and this will help us reach Ihose demonstrated achievement, and alound mellt, mcludmg demon New mnth.graders Will begm objectives:' said Dean Balcirak. chairman of the Industrial Technology Department for the sincere mtel est and mvolvement strated and pi edicted academiC the testmg at 8 a m in Room schools. The Reatta is an experimental car made by General Motors at its Lansing plant and In school and commumty" To excellence, and pOSitIvecontnbu 164-166 There Will be a lunch donated to education as parI of its scrap pilot vehicles program. The car will be shared be- supplement her applicatIOn, Dur tlOns to school commumty It IS break from 11 30 until 1 p m. tween North and South. but will not be driven on public streets. ant wrote two essays one sup the second yeal the awards have The testmg wlll end at 2.30 p m. Examining the new technology of the 1989 Buick Reatla is auto technology teacher Frank portmg the worth of democracy been gIVen New lOth- and 11th-graders Sumbera. South students Ed Safadi and Chris Rowan. with Industrial Technology Department WIll begln testmg at 8 a m m Chairman Dean Balcirak. Room 184-186 They WIll con- clude theIr testmg at 11 30 am

Featunng the (,M 011palming and watercolor collect on 01 Dr & Mrs Joseph Momant 01We~1 Bloomfield, MI .Orlental ru~s 011paintings & anuque amenca~ lutnllUre Ifom the estate 01 Nort>ert B 1I"':tl of Orenard Lalle MI Fine 16m cemury lurmlUre Irom me estate of Leroy B'aJsted 01Birmingham. MI Anuque 10Ys and banks Iram a prommant DeVOll MI collector And hlghllghUng Items Irom the estale of Mrs DaVid Wtl !ney of Rldgemonl Estates Grosse POlme Farms Indud ng Silver crystal porcelain line furnilure and Oriental rugs originally on the yaent -Suma( FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1989,7:00 P.M. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 1989, 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1989, NOON ExhIbition begms Monday July 14, 1989, 9'30 a.m - 5:30 p.m, and continues daily through Friday JUly 21,1989, untIl 12.00 noon. SpeCial preview Tuesday and Wednesday July 19, 9:30 a.m. to 8.30 p.m .. Math whiz Photo hI Km Photogrdph, Illustrated catalogs available at the gallery for $8 00, postpaid $10 00, express mall and overseas $21.00. Annual subscnp- Receiving the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Excellence tlons $50.00 Call or wnte for a free illustrated brochure. Award for Math and Science achievement is Grosse Pointe South High School junior Brian Jackson. With him are Frank Banovetz. chairman of the South Science Depart- NOW ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENTS FOR UPCOMING AUCTIONS ment, left. and earl Justice. chairman of the South Mathe- matics Department. Jackson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jackson of Grosse Pointe Farms. The medallion from Rensselaer is part of a $2.000 scholarship he will receive if he chooses to attend the college after graduation from Grosse Pointe South in 1990.

.~ Tiffany & Co Anllque Amencan Tall Case Clock by Walter Durfee ROLEX of Rhode Island H 84'

PhoeniX Reverse Painted Lamp, Cherry Massachuserts Chippen- Hawaiian Sunset, Part of a Collec. dale Till TopGandle Stand. C 1760- LOUISXV Style Ebony 19th Cen tury Aubusson Upholslered Open hon of Reverse Painted Lamps 1780 Armchairs, Pair Ex Coli Sarah Bemhan

' .. Ia}:' , Early 19th Century Chippendale Massachusetts Mahogany Queen German Carouser Horses Style Sial'll Fronl Mahogany Desk. 0,1 on Canvas of DaVid Marshall Ann HlQhboy, C 1750 H 42'.W 44", D 22" Whilney by Gene BUller. 19" x 23"

Oyster Perpelulr Oltelust' In Sla,nless slee With Jub,lee bracelel Oyster Perpetual llldy Ollejust In 18~1gold Wllh PreSident orace eo

THE TIME HONORED CLASSICS. Fcaturmg Mlchlg,m\ 1,1rgc~tm.~tock ~r1ectl0n Price, hcgm ,It $790 CYPl'len Eugene Boulet. Oil on Annque Amencan 18th CenluryQueen Ann Maple L. Ferstel, Antique Oils on Canvas Panels, 12" X4 Canvas, 61" x 89" Drop Leaf Gate Leg Table 1/2", Pair GREENSTONE'S CREATORS OF FINE JEWELRY Du Mouchelles 409 E Jefferson Over 1400 fine offerings DelrOll, Michigan 48226 528 NORTH WconWARPAvl 'Jl I flIR\1I'\",I!'\\1 M141l(X'9 (313) 963-6255 or 963-6256 FREE VALET PARKING 4 flax 1<'> NORTH 0" MAPII 311/042.2650 (I~cross form the Ren Cen) ALL AUCTION DATES MONI)4.Y THRlI SAT\lRI "" 9 30 TO 5 30 July 13, 1989 20A Grosse Pointe News

• 'Lethal Weapon 2' IS top-notch summertime thriller

By Michael Chapp .IIe back fO! a second lilm. hIS pal tner, but also to play p"y Thdt, to me, IS l'epul"lve SO IS Special Wnter they'l e tlldt engah'1llg and theu chologlst and ease hIS nnnd III the overuse of profanItieS, which lCt1 Y IS that good And of the proce.% ThiS IS a fun scene, em n thiS Plctu! e an "R" ratll1g' :t' III thlt'e 1101d.., \ IOlent 'll1d COlliI>e, \\ hen they mtercept a and It IllustJ ates everythmg that qUicker than anythlllg e]"e [unm tlllnk lull of South Afllcan gold makes thiS a worthwhIle PlCtllle StIll. the actIOn I" non stop, And vel \ entel t,lllllng WillI>,thmgs can only get better Be warned though. the blood the humol IS extwnll'ly funny, Th the VIO tU11.' "hootmg iiIst and asklllg que" lence and yom eUiI>cun handle In the IIItel('"t of 1,1lI pld\, I tlOns latel Or not asking ques the language, the Ie"t of you WIll "hould lIIent IOn light oil' the top tlOns at all Ildve one heck of a good time th,l! I Ill'\ PI ".11\ the iii st "Le th ,llIlbasso ,I CIllIlll1al !Ilal>telllulld. on It-. 01\n ment" though, thiS IS ,md has all SOlts of deVIOUS A F atlma film 101 youth wIll bel of the pUlll>h The vI<.leuI::..I 1>U1 eh d top.notch :,ummel tIme tlung;, planned - thmgs that be prevIewed at St Clal e of complete fmmatlOn prOb'1'am fm tIll 111('1. de"plte It..,VIOlence \\ III turn Los Angeles upSide Montefalco Church Sunday, July youth Ddnnv Glover dnd Mel Gibson down Unless, that IS, Glover 16, at 2 pm All fanuhes dIe 111 Reynolds wIll expldlll the pro ,Ul' tIll' cops One IS nearIng Ie dnd Gibson can stop him vlted to attend to vIew a sectIOn h'1'am's usage m more detaIl and tlll'ment, d Iittll' behind the plD The plot IS of httle Importance of the soon to be.released VIdeo Iefreshmentl> wIll be ;,('1 ved The ~I ,1111 ,1l1d not II1tOthe Iisk t.1k though What actually nl<1kes pi esentatlOn for home and ;,chool pi Ogl am \\ III be held m the fac IIIg d'" d met hod of police \\ 01 k 'Lethal Weapon 2" wOIk IS the ul>e ulty loom of the I>choolbuIldmg. That.., Glovel IClatlOn"hlp bet\leen the two The film was dn ected and pm next to the church FOI mm'e m The othel I",..,tIlI III Ill;' pllme, malll characters, and the film's duted by Sally Reynolds, mem 1'01 mation, call 885 6219 ahl 3) I>looklll~ to tdke a chance, sense of humOl ,md tlc dlffelences all' But he makes the discovery too IIltel elit IIlg enough to gl db ldte, he's caught WIth hiS pants Danny Glover and Mel Gibson are back in action as L.A. po. I LCI\el ll1tele"t ImmedIately It'" do\\ n, IItel ally And It'S Up to lice detectives in "Lethal Weapon 2," e.1"'\ to ..,ce \\h) the..,e chaldctel'" Glb;,on not only to help rescue Sun Messengers to perform F1nd out IIh) the Sun :\Jessen t01111 favol'ltel>. songs by 8,m rJ) (I) gel's aI e consldel ed one of De tdna, UB40, Bob Mal ley, StevIE' trOit s hottest band.., Thm sd'l\ Wondel and others July 20 dt the War Memol'lal Tlcketl> al e $6 50 pel pel "on 01 lOt h ANNIVERSARY Ten men stlong, the 1:.'10Up $15 fm package oj thl et' tIckets LUNCH SPECIAL wIll heat up the Ldke St Clall good fOl an) concel1(;,) m the ;,e CHICKEN SALAD SUMMERFEST shm ellne dWlllg thell 8 p m I'll';' Abo fedtmed In the Sounds Choose form our gourmet offering Sounds of SUlllmel SerIes dp of Summel Selles are Steve that changes daily peal'3nce on the center's lakeSide Kmg & The Dlttilles, tomght, 8 $525 la\\n p m and the Tllllldad Tnpoll Populal on the DetlOlt musIc Steel Band, Thursday, .July 27 dt WINE TASlERS DINNER SPECIAL scene [01 almost a decade, the 8pl11 SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ONLY Sun l\Jes.,engel s pel fOlm an ec W open Choose from one of our lectlc ml" of Jazz. pop and De at 6 30 p m [01 PIClllCS Bnng Fish, Chicken or Steak Entrees, trOlt based rl1\ thm and blues la\\ n Chdll" or blankets In the Also included is a carafe of wine from Noted fOl thell e"plosl \'e event of Inclement weathel, con. three selections from Sparkys wine bar, horns, slzzlmg electllc ;,tl Ings, cel1" will be held Indom s With $1275 rson bold pel cuss 1011 and top notch ;,eatmg on a iii st come, lil st 15117 Kercheval per pe 822-0266 vocals, then musIc features dOl sel ved baSIS enl> of ollgmal songs plus the For additional mfOlmatlOll, - ... group;, 0\\ n mtel pIetatlOn of Mo. call 8817511, dally except Sun ------ddyS, 9 a m 9 p m The Sun Messengers 'Great Balls of Fire': Too many genres :IRISH ~ By Michael Chapp mOle dance numbers? Is It some Soon he fanCies himself the ne"t menslOnal country bumpkin, too KE~~yeEIHFEE ~ SpeCialWriter kll1d of morahty play? Then Kmg of Rock 'n' Roll egocentnc and dense for hiS own As a film, "Great Balls of \1here I., the development of that He's not the only one The re good, and unable to understand ~ BAR~,&Rlbb ~y~~ Fu e" 1" much like the man on theme? cm d company e'"ecutlves he the consequences of what he's _' _ (, 'j BY ... Z EST.I_ whose life It IS balied of1beat, Fue" tllel> Its hand at all of \\ ork., fm want to mal ket the done unpl edlctable and. It would F BAR BURGER IN musIc and se"ual 5uggestlvene:'5 QuaId's fine readmg of LeWIS TOWN MADE FROM FRESH GROUND ROUND seem, lachmg any kmd of mas of then newel>t 5tal as qUIckly aSide, there IS little to recom- ft MON.-FRf. tel plan 01 du ectlOn dnd as fully as pOSSIble mend about "Great Balls of "FII e" takel> up the lIfe - 01 1/3 LB ¥ 11 8,m. to 5 p.m. HIS Iecordl> clImb the chal1s FII e" Thel e IS a theme pIcked 96 SOftRY-NO CARRY OUT at lea"t palt of the life - of and IllS Cdleel' takes off Then he up evelY so often - and then Jerry Lee LeWIS,the WIld locker weds the bdby gnl, and hiS ca wrapped up In the film's conclu- of the 1950s who dId for the those styles, and In domg so It I eer takes an lI1;,tant nosedive sIOn - about a battle of nght vs plano what ElVIS Presley dId for dIps mto one too many gem es Se"ual lI1nuendo IS one thmg, wlong gomg on In LeWIS' mind the gUltal LeWIS IS one man fOl ItS own good Viewers don't the world tells LeWIS Mall'ying In that battle was the nucleus of among many who helped shape know whether they should a 13 year old COUSlI1IS qUIte an. a gl eat story and deli ne lock 'n' roll That hiS laugh, sing along 01' be appalled otheJ Maybe someday, someone wIll mold of rock was IIrevel ent and Aftel some brief formalItIes, It IS that conflict \\ hlch pro explOle that theme Until then, even shocking fm the day helped the picture II1tloduces us to a vldes QuaId With hiS best oppor. It seems safe to say most viewers hIm lind hiS mche full glOwn LeWIS(Den'lls QUaid) tumtles 111 the pIcture With can learn everything they want Of course, malrYlng hI" 13 Within a few more minute", he what httle material he ha" to to know about Jelry Lee LeWIS year old COUSIll didn't e"actlv ha" scored hIS fill>t hit IecOld work. he fleshes out a three dl by lIstenmg to hIS musIc guarantee hiS lIfelong anony~ Ity, either Indeed, It I;' the SPlllt of that m3lTlage - and ItS effect on LeWIS' career - that "FIre" tnes m earnest to capture If the film had stayed on that AVacation Dream Home On The Water track, and If It had done so m one particular style, It would ~ And Only An Hour Away! have been mfimtely mOle ap pealmg As I", the picture take;, Canada,n at the end of the majestic Blue- maintained extenors and grounds free you for more \\Tong turn" than an mto'l( water Bndge, where Lake Huron flows Into favonte pastimes .. boatmg, golfmg, sWimming or Ithe St. Clair RIVer,SItSManner Village, a Simply relaxmg. Isn't thiS the hfestyle ~'ouve Icated cab driver Is thiS a comedy? Can't be, be beautiful AtlantiC style manna dreamed oP condominIum village r~IIC:A nf '!1l11 fhn hn,.,.,.H ,..I ...... YV'O'"' I Pnonty Reglstratlom on our ~e'l~ s~bJ;cted "to ;~-th'e ;~~~~d Nestled along wmdlng canals, newest phase, Pha~e V, are now half I.., thl<; a dlama? What enJoy a wonderful array of being accepted Only bv acting about all the loo'iChumor? Iii It a luxunes and amenities crafted NOWcan you be sure of best mUSical? Then why aren't there around each spacIous smgle. chOICeIn desl~n, vIew and !loor deSIgn. pnce, WIth your boat moored In the Call today and tmd out wh\ Village's protected cove, you ownmg a condominium dt ~ Formerly Puzzles can be enJoymg the clear blue Manner VIllage IS exactly what waters of Lake Huron or the ,,#; you are lookmg for 111 a SPIRITS & EATERY 293-1412 St. Clair RIver m mmutes*, vacatIOn home. , RAM'S HORN B ~Il,llr RESTAURANT ThiS vacatIOn home makes no ". r!l n,; 885.1902 • SAME OWNER demands' ProfeSSIOnally 17410 MACK AT ST CLAIR • SAME MANAGeMENT .~ DAIL Y DINNER SPECIALS 1, il r"1 to '1 P m o"l~ • SAME QUALITY FOOD AND SERVICE HOMEMADE SOUP DAILY 'Jdrtrtol W[ ARE FAMOUS for OUR DtSSERfS (lJ,w,'"Jmlflm For more mformatlon on "II """,?,. Ilf Hll ,m", WEIGHT JUL Y SPECIAL Senior C,llzen ------I11III:Manner Vllla~e.lllease fill out WATCHERS Age 65 thl~ coupon and send It to • FrOSled Trea' LEGS $5.95 I & Desserts Osco"nl10' I~ " " ) -. S? j TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY • FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY Marmer Village, 1510 Venetian Blvd Lo Cal Menu PI Edward, Ont ~iT iW4 or call collect (519) 332-4450 NOW AVAILABLE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MENU What's new at lhe Horn? Croissants Stir Frys Fresh Veg cooked 10order Chicken Breasts Chicken or Tuna Salad Veg Ham & Cheddar Shrimp Stir Fry Super Submarine SandWiches lr

~.... ~-~---~---- July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 21A 'Lawrence of Arabia' at the Fox Stunning masterwork displayed on enormous screen By Marian TraInor of the English end, however, he lecOlI!>from the Special Writer After meet10g Felbal, Law- Shown on an enormous canvab savagery he find!> In hiS own rence Jomb force!> With tribal pi oVlded by 70mm cameras and contradictory soul leaders Shellf Ali (Omar Shanl) The film abounds 10 Imagery. a 30 foot screen 10 the newly re and Auda u Tayl (Anthony "The deselt," Lawrence !>ays, "IS stored Fox theat! e, David Lean's Qumn) "Lawrence of Arabia," Holly- an ocean In which no oar IS Confident m hH, belief m him- woods's !,'1'eatest epiC, sparkles dipped" That Simile of Saharcln self as a special person who can IS tl anslated mto SCIeen poetry like a precIOus Jewel 10 a gar- accomplish the Impossible, Law- geoub settmg It IS a stunnmg through the "easlcle effect of rence conv1Oces the leaders that film and well worthy of this light "hmlng over the parched they can CI'O!>Sthe deselt and at- royal treatment expanse tack the unb'Uarded POi"!of Aq Shot by cmemdtogJ apher Fred- When Lawrence tl eads on the aba die Young, Lean's masterwork surf of Aqaba, the mll'age of VIC- unveIls some of the most ravish tory IS Iealizecl The sand IS now 109 movIe Images ever shown water, and thiS man he You'll be mesmerIzed by the has Invented out of sheer deter- scope of It'S pristine <;plendor mmlatlOn, can walk on both Never has the desert been pre In the shllt10g sands we see the shlftmg stl enghs and weak- sented 10 such breathtaking nesses of a culture and the shift scenes As It stretches across the After a long and arduous Jour gIant canvas, the full Impact of ney across the unrelieved sands mg strengths and weaknesses of It'b grandeur IS felt as dune after of the dessert, they make a thun the cultures they tried to subJU- gate We see what's wrong and Omar Sharif as Sherif AU ibn el Kharish. left. and Peter O'Toole as T.E. Lawrence share the dune unfurls m an enormous ex dermg assault on the city and dangers posed by the desert and the Turks in "Lawrence of Arabia," now bemg sh...wn exclusively panse of beige sand stopp1Og Lawrence IS hailed as a hero nght m the English longIng to challenge fate and the Arab code at the Fox Theatre. only at the hOllzon where It We become enveloped m the of acceptmg It meets the blue of the sky ImmenSIty of Lawrence's pas rlor In hiS exhilaratIOn, he goes deselt Hlb an"wel "Because It'S It took more than two yeal s Presented agamst thiS back- slOnalte ambItIOn to become a There are scenes that stand off alone to admire himself and clean" He I" moody and often and over $600,000 to Iecon"tl uet drop IS the eloquent, emgmatlc warnor-savlOr who will umte the out For mstance, one where we finally bursts mto a dance of cel conti adlctory the film The sound track had to StOl"}'of Lawrence's caleel' from Arab tnbes agamst their com see T E Lawrence, the Oxford ebratlOn The first of DaVid Lean's three be reci eated fmm "cratch SlI1ce map makmg In the British mon enemy, the Turks Al- bl ed Enghbh lieutenant who Tn real life, Lawrence was an elemental dreamb "Lawrence of what was on the scleen didn't army's Cairo headqualters to though the movie encompasses never knew hiS parents, restless, el1lb'11latic person whom many Alabla" (sand), "DoctOl Zhlvago" always follow Robelt Bolt's bill mastermmd10g Alab natIOnal- the global ImplicatIOns of Bntlsh adventUl ous, searchmg before fi knew but didn't know well The (snow), "Ryans Daughter" (sea), hant scnpt, a heanng Impau ed Ism colomal ambItIOns m the Middle nally findmg hIS true Identity m same recalcltl ant personahty IS Lawrence ISthe bebt couple who lead lips \\ele hued Lawrence (Peter O'Toole) IS East, It nevel' shifts ItS focus on a place far away fl'om the place retamed m the film He throws In 1962 when It was first re to reconstruct the dialogue commissioned to help ArabIan Peter O'Tooles's dashing Law of hiS bllth The moment of diS- out questIOns and answers 111 leased, It won <;evenOscars Now Detroiters al e fOltunate to Pnnce Felsal (Alec Gumness) re- rence covery comes when he discards CI"}'ptICshort phrases A repOlter 27 yeal slater aftel an unbeliev- have the largest theater m the volt agamst the occupymg Turks All of the bloodshed, all of the hiS Bntlsh umform for the robe who tracks him down asks him ably comp1Jcated Ie'itoratlOn by midwest that gIves It the sho\\' who were World War I enemies glOl"}'Iest on hiS shoulders m the and burnoose of the Arab war- why he IS fascmated With the producer a1Chlvl~t Robelt Harns case It de<;erves and hiS pUl-tnel, It shll1e" m all Balalaika Orchestra to perform at War Memorial of Its formel gJ'andeUl

Back by popular demand 1 .. the Balalaika Orchestra of De- ~ .. ~ troit enteltams Monday, July 17 ..- on the lawnSide of the War .) I Memonal The 8 p m perfO!mance IS the second presentatIOn m the SIX concert Grosse Pointe Summer MUSIC Festival senes and also \\)GOLF features the Neva RUSSian Dance Ensemble of San Fran- CISCO. .,'.'VACATION The Balalaika Orchestra was .. J ) '" established m 1926, making It ) ~ , the oldest such ensemble outSIde __.the ~vlet Umon today Under the directIOn of William Goldes, TODAY'S the orchestra presents a reper- BEST VALUE tOIre of RUSSIan Iyl'lc meloches and gypsy folk songs, played on Unlimited CoIf ancient Russian folk mstru Two Challenging 18 Hole Courses ments, the triangular balalaika and ItS round cousm, the domra Educate Your Game • , Tickets are $10, reserved I At Our Adult vacatIon Golf School seats, $6 50, lawn admlsslOn and Our staff of professIonals teaCh PACKACEPRICE:3 Day School $365 children undel 12, half-pnce you the fundamentals aswell as lJUl V-AUCUSTJIIncluded are all War MemOrial gI-ounds oJkn at the finer points, In all phases of meals, lessons, motel. green fees, 6 30 for piCniCS TIcket holders the game practIce balls and club storage I are mVlted to br10g suppers from For more Information contact home or purchase them from the united States Golf AcaClemy ~z.., War MemOrial at $7 each 5203 Plymouth-laporte Trail l-cl Plymouth, IN46563 Q


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July 13, 1909 Grosse Pointe News __22A~~ Retired executives who know the score help ailing businesses

By Ronald J Bernas 101'" \1 ill Iwlp thl' 1ll'1"'011jill out ....\I(! '\nl! (hl'\ l.1Il [(IIlW 110111.11I Sla1t Writer 'Oil\(' SCOHE 1mIll' \IIlllh aid 1\,111,." 01 hip It '" .1 "'ll11pl,' l' \(Ill oj "'up (hI llHlIbl'lm., III dt'll'llllll1lllg ,\t 011(' tlllH' Sl'll thought thp\ ph ,md d"Ill.l1ld ..,111.dl hU"'1 t hI Ill'l'd.., 01 Ihe .Ippl!l.lllt [(I\' Id 11 t IhP .1 Id 11"d IIbl.UI,lIl. 11, "'.., 01 11l'\\ 11Il"'ln,'" (l\\ Ill'l" Ih(hl' Iwed ... l,1I1 hI' Illll l',I~lllg hllt t hl'\ h.l\ I 0I1l' Ilm\ \\ ho \\ 110 lw,'d ~1I1d.lllll' 'Illd 1('llI,'d ,.ill "'. p<'1 ,,0111ll'1 1ll,lltel.,. H'lOl 0 kl'''Ih till' [(II p" IIbl.1I \ up to (,""l\ltl\l'''' \dw h.I\I' .1 \\(',!llh 01 h."Pplllg IIld .Il t'OlHlIIIlg. U .'atmg d.ltl'. 'Illd IH' Ihought .1 Il'tlll'd Oil mloll11.'llllll 11Inllllll!; 'lI'lI"" .J hU"llll''''' pl.lll 01 m.l\ lll' fl.1Il tt' Il hpI louldll'( bp pul to u..,e Ilil bU'lI11''''''''' tt' Illllll!! lip 1(11till dll"'lI1g .1 lllbll\('''''' (l\ (11.....,01\Illg bu( nm\ Ollt' lll',u!., tlH' tl.ll11mg ht'I1\'lit (II but h •1 p.1I (lll'l ..,hIp S,,11 ",.\ld it e\ l'n ll.l .....,P... I'lH ~PI\\(l' (Olp, 01 ){,tlll'd III Ip, dll 1'1t peopll' to dlflL'Il'lIt All \ o!untl'l'l ... lllU..,t adhel'P to E""lll!l\l'" k110\11l ,b "lORE .1":1nlil" It (h,,\ l.m'l gl\l' tIll' tilt' SCORE lOl!I' oj ethiCS \\Iuch Ill'!!d 11 III till' "11 h Illbl1, 1\ 1\l'1l kllld o! h, Ip lll'I'dpd ..,.1\... t h.ll ,I lOun..,e101 \\ III not the kd'l.ll '-,1\1.111 Blblll"'" \d ::-'COHF ,11'0 1I1.lkl" ppopll' ulUn..,pl t\\O blhllll'::'::'p:> \\hlch .lIC 1l1l111"'ll.ltlOll ,l.\ltl d lI'lIlg I' .1\\ .\11' 01 1.1\1'" ,md IL'b'llldtlOll ... III lOl11pl'lltlOlI. ,md \\ 111 not III ('d \ "llIIlIll'l" to ..,lIPPI('1lI1'1l I \IIm h I1HH lit' .H!lll'1ed tv \\ hen lOlm..,d .I bu.,lI1p"" ill \\hll h II'- m.\I\ Ig, 1111Ilt ,1"'I",I.IIll,' pi 0 Opl'l1I1H.;III t.llll bll::'1\1l'".,e::. \'011 thl'l (' nllght Ill' ,I lOnl1ll'l 01 111tel ~l ..l~"''''' rht 't .....1'(H'''•.I " I...... n \rllnd IIllght \1,1111 ((I ,<:11 thl' l,lhl' ~,)11 t ,: .\11 \Olulltl'l'l" .'11' tiampel to .md tlll p,,,,illll!ll(,'" '0 \ .11lId 1lI.lkl' III \OUl "llcllL'll. bllt \\h('11 ,hk j Ill' light qup,llOn" 'Illd to th.l( III lllb I tfll' ..,B \ l.'\llldH d .1 \ Oil ",1.\1 t ,"'hllg lhem, \'011 111U::'( pi ()\ Idl' t hl' .m,,\\ 1'1" \\ hllh be pIlot pi ogl 1111 delhl'!" 10 1H',t1th .Jnd "',Ifeh IPh'll IOIllP the IllP.lIl.., to Ilw ..olutlOn Om' \ ".11 I It"I t hl'lt \1,'11' II I.I( 1011'" Sl'l! \\ ho ha" \ olunl ('1'1ed IllS sCOIn: I h.lpIPI" .H 10'''' t hI' IIJ('n tlJ(' dpphl.lIl( I" 1ll.ltdlL'd tlll\(' Illl SCORE 101 ...1\ yem::., "OUlltl\ th.l( h"'pl'd IlWII' (h.1Il lip \\ Ith .1 lOUlhl'lOI \\ ho h.1'o t1w ",lIfl till' lOl p., h 100" mg fOl Il' 12 000 pl'oplt' th,l( \(',11 .lltHll' ""pl'l (1"'1' ll"ulL'd PC'I,Ollllel m,lI 111I'd \\ olllpn l'''l'cutl \ 1''''. becau..,e I Dl'!l llit" lh.lptl'l 100.Ill'd III tel" .lIl' 1"Il'lll'd to JOIIlll'l Pl'l .11 It, ht .")0 pl'lwnt of the .lpph L till' :'II, \.II11.ll.1 BulIdlllg III ,0Ilnl'1 ollill'!'" l,l ...h t1(m plOb C.lIlt.., ,Ill' \\OIllPn ! dO\\Il(O\\ll nl'(101t. b tUlh'd Il'lll' .Ill' IllL'IIL'd 10 fOlmel \\ lll'n Ra\ mond Hollel bach of PIll tu h\ H...l1l lld J Bt Ilillilo ~ .1\\.1\ III oflill'''' It ...h,lIe ...\\lth till' lill,lllll,ll OtliU'I' ,md so on i\1! lilO"''''l' POlllt" Falm" ret II ed 111 Small BlI..,1l1P" Adl11llll!lOIl lOUlbl'llIlg I" dOlle flel' HJSO. Ill' ...,\I(! hI' \\.1S a little but thl'lt' .u (' ,.ltdh(l' ollile'" hOI('d ,1Ild lookpd HI ound fOl Rudy Sell. who retired as benefits secretary from Michigan Bell. now puts his executive experi- SCORE .11"'0 0111'1S ..,l'n1lIlal ... ence to work for small businesses as a volunteer for SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), thloughout tl1\' ,,1,lte .Hld Ilw (II ,md \\ (l\ k..,hop.., fO! the 111'\\ bU';1 "omethlng to do He Iedd about count \ .111'.1 I( b IUl1 l)\ an e"ec SCORE ,md h'll:> volunteel ed hIS lIe.....,pel...oll Thl'le II:>a "mall fee :Many people nevel leturn and Fur I1lfOrmatlO1l all lolullteer- j\1olldm thlllugh F,/d(n hellN'en utlve bO.ll d, of \\ lmh Ru(h Sell tmll' 10 the 01 gdnlzatlOn tOi IhI' ,ellllnal <; to CO\el mate Bem d believes It'S because they IIlg (O! SCORE. or /Ising lis ~e! 10 a 111 aml.'l J> //I 1<;the tlea",t\lPI He hd~ \\ 01ked \\ Ith oldel !l.ll lO"'1'- Ieallle they may not have what ['ice". call 226-7947 or 226 795.'3 "What \11' do lll'lt, .It SCORE COlllPdlllp<; and \\ Ith l1e\\ com Ho\\ doe ...SCORE \\OI"? It takes to open a busmesl:> IS coun"l'l he "aid '\\'e do not P,11111.' ", ,md ..,lid he I'nJoys usmg It'" h,1ld to delel mllle a suc Othel people I1My have gotten Foundation elects offices consult, thelt' I" ,I fine Imp bl' (l'" wtw because sometimes hi" .,"lib what thev need and taken off on The Commulllty FoundatIOn IIlg "lIlle the COmmlll1lt \ Faun t\\ een the t \\ 0 OUI "ucll'''<; 111.1\ be to not get 'One 01 the ad\ fifth dnl1lVel "ary WIth nlllllOn to 0PPl1 a C,lld "hop 01 d le,,(.m tel! 11m pell:>OIl thdt the best Because Be.1rd's expenence IS IM\e \olunteels In," he Said a meetlllg of donm sand Cl\ IC At the annllal me;,etmg. olli I ant - the 1\\ 0 mo"t coml11on thll1g \\ould be to do::,;> up shop." In the 110r!O,t busmess, he was leadels cel sand five nl'\\ tI ustees \\ ere 1eque"ts - 01 \\ dnts to kll()\\ Spl! ....lId • :'11.11 ketlllg pel "onllel, finance, the counselor for three people FOImed m the spnng of 1984. elected Ollicers fm 198990 m \\ h\ theu buslIles::, I'" f,lII1111.; SCORE '" ah\ a) s loo"mg fOl \ ou 110lme It . \\ ho wanted to open 1100lSt shops the Commumty FoundatIOn fol- clude Joseph L Hudson Jr, 1 11 I' \ One company he \\ as aSSigned Sell 01 one of the othel coun..,l' e( ed l'"ecut!\ olunteel ", Sell All three 81 e operatmg success to had ,I h'leat product, he said, lows a concept first ongmated 75 chairman, Wendell W Andelson fully now Because h1S expel tlse but dldn't kno\\ how to plesent years ago It 1S a permanent JI, vice chan man, Mall. M IS m marketmg, he has also It to the public He turned that commulllty endowment bUIlt by Fl!o>hel, vice chan man, FI ank D helped entl epl eneurs mal ket 0\ el to a mal keling speclahst gifts from hundreds of concel ned Stella. \ Ice chan man, MI s R thell plodult and no\\ the comp.lln IS success Citizens and 01 gamzatlOns \\ ho Alell.andel Wngle), secletary, "Thew al e no big deals hel e, ful aJ e committed to the futUl e of the Hon Rlchal d H AUl:>tm, Ronald Bernas It s .Ill small, but It IS a way fOI J. 1he d,1\ .1ftel G10SI:>e POInte ::'olltheastern M1chlgan tl ea..,l1l 1'1 people to find out what needs to The foundatIOn makes challtd JOlllmg the 40 membel board I\ldr) LIght of Lm1l.J Salon III Glo::,..,e Pomte Fa! ms, \\ as Ie Wood" le"ldent Wald Beald Ie be done," Beald concluded lent h ..,elected to JOIn the Zoto" Cl(~atl\ e DeSlb'11els, an mtel natIOnal tned as dnectol of educatIOn and ble b'1'ants m the seven county a" ne\\ tl ustees aJ e the Hon "I thmk It'S a very helpful team ot 2;)0 ....llon plofe"'''lOll.ll.., Recognl7ed till oughout the profes 11'...1'.11ch fOl FTD, he went to the 1eglOn mcludmg Wayne, Oak- Denms W AI cher, Justice, J\ihchl- tool," Hollerbach sald, because gan SUPI erne COUIt, Ke1th E ..,1011.11..,.110n \Ildu"tl \ a.., .1 top eOllla(lOnal lield fOlce, the CleaLIve SCORE offill' do\\ ntown He had land, Macomb, Washtena\\, St most of the compames he ha" De"'lgt1l'I'" pi 0\ Ide "alon pIOle%lOnal.., [\\ ound the \\ OIld \\ Ith contem \\ 01ked mdll ecLl) \\ Ith the Clan, Momoe. and Lrvmgston C, am, \ Ice chairman, Cram counseled are so small, they CommUI1lCatlOns, Inc. DaVid N pOl <11 \ de"'lgn tl end;, state of the dl1. techmques, and mncl\ .ItlVe agenc) ,md \\ as nnpl e,,"ed \\ Ith It was announced dt the meet can't affOld the S@rvlces of a mg that smce the foundation M.... m~- VICI:!- iK-eltident-fi-; plodlllt\\ led!.';e She quahlied to JOIn Zoto<; Cleatl\l' DeS16' 'It c p10fesslOnai busmess counsehng nance and h eal:>Ulel, Ford Motor tel all p"tpn..,l\e h'.1lllllll; ..,psslOn spon"OIed bv Zotos "The bulk of OUl' WOl k IS to was formed, mOl ethan $22 6 agency counsel people who have had a million m gifts hdve been re Co, \\'Ilham J O'Bnen, Vlce Sell echoes Hollerbach's sentI thought .Ibout gOlllg mto busl celVed. pI eSldent, genel al counsel and ments ness,' he I:>ald, "tl essmg the Seventy thl ee ne\\ challtable secI etal y, Chi) sil'l Corp, and GIO"l:>e Pomte Fa! m" IeSldent William Bird- "It's a pleasUi e WOlkmg here," \\OId thought "Many who come 1,'1 ants totalmg $392,121 wel e Rogel B SmIth chairman and seye \\ al:> Ie elected tl easU! el of the Pohce Offi he saId "It keeps me abreast of 1Il have dbsolutel" no Idea what also announced These allaca chief executIve officel, General cel <;As ...oclatlOn of :\hchlgan A fOlmel DetlOlI po what's gomg on m busmess It's It take" to Stdl t a busllless, ::'0 tlOns bnng the total gt antmak Motors Corp hce officel Bll d"e\ e has been a POAl\I e\ecutlve not Just busy work, I'm actually we /:,'lllde them to one of OUI boald membel smce 1975 and It... tlPaSlllel <;Ince helpmg someone" \\01 bhops" 1978 The POAl\1 IS l\hchlgan s 1mge..,t fOlmall) I' 01 galllzed la\\ enfOl cement ollicel' ullIon. Iepl e ANNOUNCEMENT sentll1g mOl C thdn 4 000 Id\\ enfol cement Oflill'l ~ state\\ Ide Birdseye CLASS REUNION ROBERTJ. FRANCE M.D. Challmal1 of the MichIgan State l\ledlcal Society Frank B. GROSSE POINTE NORTH Announces the opening of his new office Walker, :'II D of Gro.,se Pomte Fl1lm .. \\a::, elected to the Amellcan CLASS OF 84 for the practice of cardiology Medlc.1l \s..,OClatlOn boal d of tl u~tee" A pathologist \\ Ith pnvtleges and internal medicine at at Oetl OIt :'Il,lcomh Hospltdl.., A""OlldtlOll ,\!ld Cottage HOl:>pltal, Grosse Pointe Hunt Club Walkel \\111 ..,el\l' .1 thlec veal telm on the 17 member boald La ..t yedl he \\ cI<;elected to the A.MA bOl1ld to fill a one) edl vacancy As Saturday August 5, 8 p.m. 30695 Little Mack a boal d mcmhl'l \\ alkel \\111 help dl! eel po!Jcle,; ,md plOgJ ams of S 15°0 per person Suite 500, Roseville, MI. 48066 the A:'IIA contact Amy Treder 884.2893 294.6640 T\\ 0 Glo",..,e POll1te \\ omen \\ 1'1I' honOl ed at the 13th annual Out <;tandmg \Vomen 111 BlOadcastmg A \\ .11 ds Cel emony presented b) the Det)()It Ch.IP(ll of .....menwn Women 111 RadiO and TeleVISIon The a \\ ani", honO! \\ omen \\ ho e"empllfy standards of excellence In the blOadcd ...t Indu"tl\ ,1110IlllPro\ e the quahty of theIr field Clau- ilia Cole \\ on 111 Iht I,ll egO!y of tele\'ll:>lOn sales She has held a Val I ety of pO"ltlons 1ll <;al(' WDlV.Channel 4 since Jommg the statIOn III 1979 CU11('nth ..,he l' b'lOUP "ale" managel and IS directly Ie sponslhll' fot a team of local account ell.ecutl\ es And Jennifer Moore cI!"O of WDIY eh ml1el 4, \\on In the on au teleVISIOn cate gOl\ Moole, \\ho h,b heen \\lth \VOl\' "mce 1979 IS the statIOn',; l11h\l1C...' edltOl 1l'''pon'''lhle fm C()\'eI1l1g dally busme"'", stOlles as well ,1'" \\ Iltlllg ,md PIOOllCl11g,\ dcld) hlhllle.,,,, segment fOl ~ews 4 at 6 pm

Leonard W. Ptak \\a" recently promoted to as ..,1..,I,ml \ 11l pll'''ldcnt fo!' commumty sel vIces fOl Bon SeCOIll.., of ~hchlg,1ll Healthcare System. Inc Ptak'" re"'p01Nhlh(le" mclude operatlOn 01 tnI' Ihre(' Ron Sl'COUI'"11'1.111phal macles. Bon Secour., Hom(' M('dll.ll Bon SecolH, HomeCalC, Bon Se COUl" (~II,1111C A,"e,,,ml'nt the 55Plu., membel "lllp pi 0h'l.llll ,Iml comnlllllil \ educatIOnal plO h'l,lm" olTt I ((I h\ Bon SeCOlll" He pI eVloll"l) I ..,el\ I'd .1' .H!mllll..,tl ,It I\ e Oll'ectOl fOl BOll SeCOlll" Ph,I1I1l,1l \ .ll1d Health S('I \ ICl'''' Ptak ha" been \\ IIh Bon S( l Olll'" fOl IIll' p

Vicki(' ;'Ij(.<,om of (;1 ll""'( POIllI(' Wood.., h,l' hl'rn ell.cted a t1u..,tee of IIJ(' All"t1I.lI\ 10 11ll' ~lllhlf.:,l11 Op(ollll'IIIC t\''''()(,l,ltlOn Ne"om \\111 ..,el\ I' ,i' (hI' ,IU\ t11,\1\ 11 l1",t(.(. III I hat g(' of .m outreach to oldC! Aml'lll.lIl" PIO~'l.lm ,lI1d .1... lh.lllp('1 ",on ol \\H\" and means The aux Ihan I' IIl\ohl'd 111 IHlmel0\l~ ,Ktl\I!le" ll1cludmg "cholarshlps fOl ~llchlgall I(''''Idl'nt opl01lll'11\ ",t\I(!Lollh \ I"lon ...afetv proJect" and puhhl Ion pI 0h'l am1l1mg

:'\i,II\\ \ck :\1""" rewll'llt Su"i(' Thihod(,3u \\ a" recently named .1''''I...t.IIl( hI (I.Hie,l...t hUH'1

Gfl\ .)"m,," ,J Bl.ll1ch.lId lecenth IP,IPPollllro Marghcritta S. AI. larcliC'(' of (;Io..,,,e Pomtl' to tl1(' ('01l1ml.,"lOn on Sel VICC.,to the Ag 1I1g '-;111'I' thl' 1'l.t1rro e,

~ - - - ~ - ~------~------"".... ---- July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 23A Tony Schipani: Grosse Pointe News connection spaflEi------35 years By P.' P.hoIsky was makmg good money" In each case, Schipani worked he !>ald "Now people do It them- type era can read back war d" as bara "We get along," he says Editor After a couple of year!>, Schl- at the shop whel e the Grosse "elve!>," he added, refelTmg to well a!> mo.,t people can read Tony Schlpant knows the pam went to Abbe Press, whew POinte News was pnnted WIth a smile de!>ktop publl"hmg, whIch has normally Grosse Pomte News lIke the the Grosse Pomte News wa!> The busmess has changed con Also from West VirgInia, she revolutIOnized the bu!>mes!> "I u!>ed to like to gE.t my was working at Ford Motor Co. back of hIS hand. Even though prmted The company was later slderably m the nearly four dec Back then not only was every hands dIrty," he saId, "but I like ~e's only been on the payroll bought by Post Prmting, and ade~ he has been Involved with WIth hIS brother. They met when bit of type that went mto a pa It now, too she rode with them one year since May, he has been mvolved then the Post went out of bus I It per <,et by hand, It wa" <,etback- "Back then the whole gang when they went home for Ch1'lst- m ItS productIon for the past 35 ne"s "It used to be more of a !>kill," wal d,<, Pl"Intel''' flom the hot years. u'>Cd to work and then ~:o to a mas As a Journeyman printer, Schl- - bar I haven't been to a bar In "We met m January or Febru- pam has worked at the shops year!> now," he mused ary and we were mar1'led In With which the Grosse POinte Schipani does not mOlJm the May," he saId News has been associated over old day!>, however He en JOYShiS They spend more tIme at the years. three-day-a-week Job no\\' whIch home now, SInce Mrs. SchIpani "Every week I touched part of {,TJve!>him more time u) spend was dIagnosed With multIple It," he said, whether it was put- WIth hIS WIfe of 33 yea rs, Bar. sclerOSISabout 12 years ago ting together grocery ads, laymg They have seven daughters down the stnps of classIfied ads ranging from 23 to 32 SchIpani or makmg up news pages IS proud of them Born and raIsed m Lumber- "My daughters dId everythIng port, W.Va., Schipam came to The people be'hind 1 I never even had to cut the grass" DetlOit after his graduatIOn In the - 1951 to get a Job. He landed a The family has Its share of factory Job where he worked Grosse Pointe 'News teachers. HIS oldest daughter is about 20 days before he was laId a lawyer who teaches at the Uni- The Groeee PointEI News off. versity of MIChigan Her hus- employs rnot"e than 36 fuU. He said he was about ready to band teaches at Oakland UnIver- time and p$rt.tlme pOople in sIty. 1\vo other daughters teach, return to West Virginia when he five department8, alJl WOl'k. got a Job at Business News Pub- one In Farmmgton HIlls and the ing to put out tlJ ~ best lishmg Co The shop on Fort other at a pl'lvate school. weekly ~ ~KlIS8ible. Street published the weekly, All' The Schlpanls, who live In The talent involved in this ConditIOnmg and Refngeration Dearborn Heights, have four endeavor is im~ e, grandchildren. News, as well as books Since June, we have been He began m the bmdery. The featuring an employf!e &om company then sent him to what a departl'Mnt - Cll19Sffied. was called a umon school, where Tony Schipani has nearly four decades of experience working in print shops throughout the Circulation. At)verti8!.ng and he learned how to set type by area. Prodw:tion - that is not u hand and other jobs associated visible to the publie, i-n ~ ------COIJPON ----, Why Pay More' 1 ;~;~ ~~~~~~~~~ipse~~Ol~t~ that you, the reader t I~ bet. Village plans Friday, Saturday annual event tel' understand, and appre.. J school and working - before he WhIte elephants, remaInders, With no vehIcular traffic allowed thousands of shoppers last year ciate, the parts that n IBM up earned his journeyman's card the whole paper. AET ONLY seasonal merchandIse will be over the three. block Grosse MUSical groups, mc1udmg the TESTING 56°0:I "I fell into it," he said "It was really good at the tIme and I marked down at the Grosse Pomte shoppmg area Balduck Mountam Ramblers, 7 Days a Wef'k I Pomte Village ASSOCiatIOn's The sale wl1l contmue Satur- the standard Five and Barber- No Appointment Necessary: "Friday Night LIve and Satur- day, but WIll be confined to the shop Quartettes Will play Fnday. HARPER & CADIEUX I day Too" Fl"Iday, July 28, 6 to Sidewalk. Markdowns of 40 to 80 Balloons and on-street food sales ------THE NELSON ENGRAVERS 10 pm and Saturday, July 29, percent are common at the an combme to make thIS an enter- Engravers and Embossers of 9.30 a m to 5 30 pm m the Vd- nual event, which attracted tamment event Cranes Slahonery II ~,:,~;~,~:~~er,i lage, Kercheval between Cad- SoCIal, Professional and Business 'U'" C"I 881-0438 I ieux and Neff. 3401 Ash at 23rd POBox 32126 More than 40 merchants wIll Casazza to run in Farms contest D8trOl148232 (313) 1~rO take to the streets Friday mght, Eugene "Gene" Casalza has League, the NeIghborhood Club Aflordable Investment Advice Choosing a home gym filed petitIOns for the office of and the Wal MemOl'lal mumclpal Judge In Grosse POInte EIther as a supplement to )four current sources, or as a primary Usmg home workout eqUip- Farms resource, THE BOTTOM UNE by ACUTEK,is an independent ment can be more convement He IS a partner m the Mount investment newsletter which offers quality & value at a very and less expensive than Jommg a Clemens law firm of Elliott, affordaole price. health club, but poorly con- Kmght & Casazza He IS a mem- Send for yo ur free sample copy to: structed eqUIpment can break ber of the Michigan Bar Assocla AClITEK, 18530 Mack Avenue and cause InJurles says the Na- Grosse Pointe Farms, M148236 l llon, Michigan Tnal Lawyers + J 11 I _ ~ 'tlonaI'satety CounCil ASSOCiatIOn, Amencan Arbltra If you're shopping for a home tlOn ASSOCIatIOn and the Ma- gym, look for a marker from a comb County Bar ASSOCiatIOn recogmzed testmg laboratory He also serves as a CirCUit court Make sure equipment IS con. mediator and arbitrator. Paul C. Gracey structed WIth heavy steel and Casazza IS a graduate of Aus- strong bolts, rather than lIght- tm High School and Umverslty Gracey files weIght tubmg and thm screws 01 of DetrOIt School of Law, 1972 pms Movmg parts should be A longtIme Farms reSident, he Paul C. Gracey has filed to be guarded, and cables should be lives on Moran Road With hIS a candidate for Judge of the made of strong steel Always ask Wife Lmda and their four child- The HIGHEST Money Market Rate Grosse Pointe Fanus Mumclpal to test equipment before you buy ren They are members of St Court It - make sure it feels sturdy Paul Pansh and are actIve m Among MaJor FmanClal Institutions Gracey IS a graduate of the and comfortable when you use It Kerby School, Cub Scouts, Little in the Det rOit Metropolitan Area for University of Michigan Law School and the Wayne State UnIversity School of Business 276 AdmInistration He IS admitted to practice In Con'secutive Weeks all Michigan courts and the Fed- eral courts, IncludIng the US. Supreme Court and has been a NT LIQUIDITY reSident of the Grosse POIntes for 29 years, IncludIng 17 years In INTERIEST RATES AS OF: 7-6-89 the Fanus. -FINANCIAL INSnrunoNs MONEY MARKET RATES' He was a member of the Aus- tin Prep Father's Board and has Franklin Savings been mvolved With the Grosse 7.50 Pointe Little League, Babe Ruth National Bank of Detroit 740 League and the Grosse Pointe Manu1acturers 700 Hockey Association. Comeflca 690 Gracey IS a member of St S1andard Federal 675 Paul's parish and active In the choir. He IS a member of the St. Michigan Natl()(lal of Detroit 670 Paul's Boosters Club and has First of AmeflcCJ 660 been In the bowling league. He First Federal 01 MIChIQOr- 650 is also a member of the mterna- USDA BLUEBERRIES tional Legal Fraternity of Phi Fllst Federal S~~r"'-,'~__ above the mean water level at ROAST • Father Point, Quebec, or 30 CAll ABOUT OUR NO COST HOME EQUITY LOAN inches above chart datum This BONELESS FAMILY 69 J.Z PURE was about 4 inches below what $2 BORDENS it was a year ago, but 4 inches STEAK • LB HOMOGENIZED ORANGE OR MILK GRAPEFRUIT above one month ago. CUBE STEAK FROM The May monthly mean level JUICE$ of 573 99 feet was about 2 inches above the long.term average for SIRLOIN$2.69 La 1/2GAL 1.39 May The lake, however, reo mained about 27 Inches below the all-time high May monthly mean level, whIch was recorded I • In 1986. The forecast shows that at the end of June, the level of Lake St. Clair will be about 1 Inch above COKE SUMMER SALE ._~~~ what it was at the end of May The lake IS expected to complete its seasonal rise In June The $6.99 $1.99 .. ~-~ water level in November is ex. CAN COKE pected to be about 3 mches + DIP + DIP FRESCA • SQUIRT. DR. PEPPER above the long.term average for 24 CANS 2 LITER NO LIMITS. MIX OR MATCH ALL COKE BRANDS that month.

\ 5 .... e , ( P,. • P $S P. P • P P " $ $ • $ 4 $ , $ 0 e e »w. e, $ • :P ••• , ...... $ •• $ $ $ P pc e. $ • OZ. , •••• » sa •••••••••••• e ••

July 13. 1989 24A Grosse Pointe News

boat party /?.ora

Fanner Jack has what you want and you can pick it up fast by using the new BOAT LINE checkout just for boaters at Nine Mile near Mack 7 a.rn.-l0 a.m. Sat. and Sun. +


JUST HEAT OR CHILL AND SERVE READY TO SERVE • potato chips • dips • fresh made salads • calces and pastries • fresh cut luncheon • fried chicken • peanuts • cheese • quiche • gOlurmetcondiments meats • spinach dip • crackers • fruit • chicken, beef and • SOlllPS • cheeses sliced to order • submarine sandwiches • popcorn • candy seafood entrees • pizza and pastries • salads • knackwurst and • pretzels • pickles • barbecued chicken frankfurters • cookies • olives • spare ribs • breads & rolls

AH , 77

• donuts & pastries • crolissants • custom cut steaks • stuffed pork chops • pop • Juices • pies and cakes • muffins • ground sirloin • tenderloins • beer • sparkffng water • buns and rolls • bre,ads • wine and wine coolers • ice cubes

Thfs ad effectM only at Also available for your convenience: * POST OFFICE to bUy stamps, mall packages, send registered letters. 9 Mile near Mack * PHARMACY with Pharmacist on duty 7 days a week. Call 774.9082 Open 24 Hours * DINER'S EXPRESS CHECKOUT 3 Items or less SUPERMARKETS from 7 a.m. Monda)' ItlroUgh 10 p.m. saturdaY hot prepCllred foods to go. Instant out. SuncYy 7 a.m. 10 7 p.m. Section B Church, ) 48 July 13, 1989 Seniors .. 28 Grosse POinte Board of Realtors .8.168 Grosse PointQ News Liposuction will vacuum away bulges, bags, bumps But ... how safe/ how common is it?

By Margie Reins Smith IMtJl'nt g,lln" Wl'lght Sum lng, he baid, Ie, Feature Editor IlIJ1llmdl Cat'Olmc I'>a bookkeeper. She's 40 years HI'>k'>.111' m1l101 and IUIgery be- She descil bed her dIssatisfaction WIth one Cdu"e Jt can't Ill' done all at once Skm 1[, of- of women'b most common figure faults - te n loo"e dnd I 'oOllll'tnllee, Iecommend re the accumulatIOn of excess fat on the outer 1l10val of 'oome 'oklll, a thIgh hft 01 buttock Hugh'> and h1Pb hft follO\\ Il1g th<>()JpO"uctlOll) bUIgery " "I always had those awful saddlebags McCalw "a1(1 the II"kc., HIP <;Imllar to thoc.,e That'> that knee-to. hIp fat Even when I was 118 pounds IstIli had them. 'It's a way to approach 'Some people go into this the mistakes of nature.' with too high expectations.' Dr W Peter McCabe Carol me (hJef of Plastic Surgery Liposuction patient St John Hospital

"I went to VIC Tanny I did aerobIcs I for any surgIcal procedure with an anesth- biked I dId Hoar exel C1ses They were stIli etic There',> a '>mall I Jsk of nerve damage, there When I WOle form-fittmg pants the bleeding and dnnplll1g of the r,km fat stIli hung out and went blerp blerp " MJ.JOl wmpltcatlOn'> from Itpectomles are Three year" ago, Carohne (she preferred a \Iell belO\I 1 percent, he saId "Millar com- pseudonym for this artIcle) had surgery on plicatIOn'>, which can be fixed, are between her saddlebags She's pleased With the re- I and 3 pel cent" sults of an mcreasmgly popular form of cos- "The blggee,t dangel," McCabe Said, "IS metic surgel'Y known as hposuction pOOl patient £>electlOn Succesb depends on "No\\ I look mce m a bathmg SUlt. My the ability of the '>klll to contract The pa- legs are more appl'Opnate for my body and tient needs elabUc bklll ,. age I'm not pel-fect, but I'm comfortable m "Some people go llltO thi£> WIth too high a bathlllg SUIt now" eJo..pectatlonb." bald Caloline, who saId she Grosse POlllte Shores l'es1dent Dr W. Pe- has abo had com"etlc :,Ulget.y on her nose ter McCabe, chief of plastIc surgery at St and chm "LiposuctIOn IS no mil acle John Hospital and MedIcal Center, saId he Thel e'" no lo'>s of dl C% or pant sizes does fi ve or SIX suctIOn-assIsted lIpectomIes The shaded areas are the parts of the body that respond best to liposuction surgery. Thel e's no \\ eight loss a month "It's the most common plastiC sur- "But now \\ hen I wear pantb, they hang gery procedure m the nation," he SaId For R1fal descllbed the slllgel)', an outpatient Cdrolll1e said she \1 auld call the po'>t- ':>tl alght do\\ n I look l1Ice m a bathmg suit. McCabe, hpectomy IS the thu'd or fourth procedUle pel-[ormed \\ Ith a local ane,>thetlc 'oUlglcal expenence dlbcomfol t, not pdm ,.I 1'111 a modest pel "on and I don't want people most frequently pelformed procedure and sedatIOn whIch he ,>atd car Ill:''> !lUll' had two Il1ClblOnbWith r,cars Ilhe a felmt fin lookll1g at me NO\v I'm not bO conspIcuoUS." "The most common for me IS the nose Ilsk of mfedlOn 01 comp!lcatlOn __ gel pnnt The fil:,t thl ee day,:>Il1dd t\\'o f\IcCabe bald Itpo'>uctlOn IS a way to ap- - Job," he SaId, "then the eyehd hft and the "Before the surgery, I make mat k'>, hke a (it alnb commg out of the:,e mCI'31011'3and I plOach the mlstakeb of natul e "It's not a face-hft" target. The center IS the highest pomt The I\Ole cl Veluo gndle to keep the swellll1g \\ay to lObe weIght It':, a mechal1l'3m to Dr Rouchdl M Rlfm of the Straith Chmc, patient sees and agt ees \\ Ith the mat k::, The elm' n LlbhlOn the body 111toa mOle "ymmetncal an outpatient surgery faclhty m Southfield patient hes down on the table The mea I'> "You need help fm about th1 ee dety,> You 'ohape that spectahzes In cosmetIC procedures, saId stenllzed and covered The patient recelveb can t go to the bathroom by YOUlself When . It Implove" p"ychologlcal ftlnctlOnmg, he does 250 to 300 lIpectomIes a year and a general anesthetIC 01 bedatlOn \ ou Sit down It feeb hke a gal term a pm not phYblcal functlOmng that 95 pel-cent of hiS patients are women "I freeze the area With a local 111JectlOl1I Yotu' "km IS tight and dra\\ n I had It done "I \\ould adVise anyone mtelested in the make a small cut ll1 a body crease, about 1 Il1 Mat ch and I wa" wearing a bathmg SUlt procedUl'e to mvestlgate the credentIals of A tYPical patIent, he said, IS 25-35 years Inch under the skm and l11'>elt a cannula, cl 111 May," she said "I d do It agam " the doctOl thOl oughly ThiS IS an extremely old, female, of normal weIght "This is not metal tube WIth an opening connected to a RIfal sdld the sm gery Ib permanent and successful and bdle jJlOcedlll e m plOpedy recommended for ovel weIght people" vacuum 1 move It 111a tetn Ilke motIOn It eloe"n t need to be 1 cpeated - even If the tJ'all1ed hands .. The typIcal patIent has tned to get nd of breaks down fat and suck" It Into a \d(UUIll bulges by diet and exerCise, but can't I stItch up" Rlfal Said the outer thighs, or saddlebags, The patIent wearb a tIght gIrdle fOl about respond best to the procedure, but hpectom- three weeks after the SUIgel y and Rlfa! saId les are also performed to reduce the SIze of the pam IS mmlmal "It's elbout Ilke a bdd stomachs, knees, buttocks, upper al ms, fall. Most patIents go back to \\ork 111 thlee chll1'3, waists and mner thighs or four days" St. Aubin Park schedules summer boat festival during July, August FURTHER

Vl"ltmg tall ship,; and Great Streets, one-half mile east of the the DetlOit Rl'u l'dt 1011 [)ep,1It Lakes vessels Will be the ordel of Renaissance Centel ment dm mg the 1<1"1delade ') REDUCTIONS the day begmnmg thIS weekend, The park IS the second of De Othel s wel e the elevelopnll'l1t of July 14 16, at St Aubm Park, trOll's Imked nvelfront pal ks, the Belle 1<;le PlaY"cape. the DetrOIt's ne\\est nvelfront park recreatIOnal developments which launchmg of the Chene P,u k Commercial, recl eatlOnal and have been deSigned to expand Alt __Fe"tl\! al p1Oh'1amllll11g ,\!lei OFF hlStOlICvessels Wlll be on display publIc access to the DetrOIt Rlvel the Altl"t Resldenl\ ploJett 1300/0 • 500/0 each weekend thlough Imd Sep between Belle Isle and H,ut The BOdt Fe__tl\ <11I~ ple~l nteel tembel as pmt of the St Aubm Plaza 111 cooperatIOn \\ lth \V.IEK T\' 2 Pm k Boat Festl\' al pIesented by The FestIVal IS one of several and WJR AM l<1dlO the JUlllor League of Detimt and nvelfront collaboratIOns between FOI mOle hOd! Il the DetrOIt RecreatIOn Depalt- the Jumor League of DetrOIt and mat IOn call 224 llK.J Selected ment "The festival IS a celebratIOn of Detl OIt'S GI eat Lakes helltage and thts wondelful new park," Boat Festival schedule • Beachwear said JUllIor League FestIVal Co July 14-16: chall man Annette Knoll. "It al • Watch till' --I,ll t of I hI lows landlubbers of any age to • DedicatIOn ceremony Groso:;e Ill' Hegattd till' 0111 \ • Sportswear • Pnde of Baltimore II - clIp I get up close to a vallety of boats ate that Itin... !he per shIp With on board tours or dockSide length of the DetlO1t RI\ l'l - • Rli'creA.tlonAI ooAl nl<;rlRy ~'1tll1fi'1\'C\11 ,1m vlewlllg Free tours of the 160 foot chp- • Electra - hlstonc yacht • Diesses per shIp Pl'Ide of BaltImore II • DetrOIt fireboat Aug. 5-6: and m the water dIsplays of Gre- • Star of DetrOIt Too and Re nalssance Queen excUi slOn • The Helelle gOly Boat Co recreatIonal craft • Handbags ~alht WIll hlghhght the festival's first ndes • A two-hour guIded East RIV ~. \ weekend The dedIcatIOn cere. erfront cycling tour leaves St Aug. 12-1:J: mony begms at 6.15 pm Fnday, • Jewelry Aubin Park at 10 a m each • US ('Od'ot (;\1,11 el \ (''''''1'1 ,July 14 day. Call Cycle DetrOIt to pre Other featured vessels In July Aug. 19-20: WIll mch,lde the 96 foot antIque register 224-1178 • The TOIonl 0 Bll~,lIlt 1111:' • Accessories motor yacht The Electra, a US 1\\ 0 md"tl:'el "choollel do

., , , . ,, ,I .' - - ~ - ~~- _ ... ------~~--~-~------~---~------~ --~_ ...... ------~- July 13. 1989 Grosse Pointe News 28 !I Foreign travel just hours away for Grosse Pointers 'lIld wundel ful sand beaches 1).1\'1.'1 to a fOrelb'll land ha~ .I glOl1:', l'IlJO\ common lultlll.1I III I1U"tdkl' to as:.ume that bec,lll:.e dent;, and "ummel \'1;'ltOI'5 I'm 110111 tillS urea T()mdtoe~ dl e (!l ,IW vacatlOnet;, flom all areas 111\ :.tClIOU:' and e'\cltement t!Mt ten':.!'> .1I1d \\ 01I-. 111 "111111,11job \\ I.' h,1\'e :.0 much 111 com mOil many yem S DullY" I" pdl t of ~peclUl too TheiL' al'e those who Othel attractIOns al'e the h db"t'nt \\ hen tra \ ellng 111 \,OUI moll kl't., TIll' onh t Il11l' \\ l' can (',\pplIeIlCp On Boblo, vou can t, nadlan~ find staples are cheaper Co-ordinates vacatIOn pl.ln., The\ \\ ,lI1t to ;,ee the 11 vel, the to\\ n IS "lstl11g Medlgap policy Many dmnel5 are sel ved Out of town, the summel, make a stop at a SHOES - APPAREL new poliCies don't cover pre-e>.. told semol S dlong the IIvel, IS Duffy's Tal" loadstand ThIS IS melon coun Istmg condItIOns for SlX months 19483 Mack Ave. G.P.W. 884-2447 The toll-I'I ee Sel1lOl HelpLine ern It has been a favonte eatmg try Melons al e shIpped all over or mOl e ThIS means semOl S IS 1800-3279148 and watelmg spot fOl both IeSI- would ha \'e to pay co-pays and deductlbles for medical servlces fOl ple eXlstmg condltJons durmg the pellOd The commiSSIoner also proVided semors WIth the name, address and phone number for the Bureau's Semor Ombuds- man, who helps semors With Escape questIOns on Medlgap coverage 01 othel msurance matters Wayne Tanner, Semor Ombuds- from the man, MichIgan Insurance Bu I eau, POBox 30220, Lansmg, Mlch 48909 Phone (517) 373 everyday. Every day. 0224 The CommissIoner had re- quested that Blue Cross and Blue ShIeld of MIchIgan 1I1all the letter to the corporatIOn's semor subSCribers The letter was accompamed by one from BCBSM PreSIdent and CEO RIchard E WhItmer that sec- ~ere's nothing ordinary or everyday about LAKEPOINTE onded the concerns about addl tlOnal Medlgap msurance .1 roWERS. It's notJust a residence. it's a lifestyle. Everything "ThiS mallmg reaches semors you want is right here. Thnnis, a beautiful spa and pool and a at a most opportune time," Whit challenging public golf club at the door, mer saId "There have been ~e buildmg itself is the only mid-rise condominium tower Widows' .J. 'i~ St. Clair Shores, an architect's masterpiece, with it's soanng glass atrium. balconies and much. much more. Inside. all organization your whims have been anticipated, rooms offer unparalled space for An Ice cream SOCIal IS the en tertain ing. theme of the next WIdows' Or gamzatlOn meetmg on Wednes- ~-ofthe-line design and accouterments are standard. as is day, July 12, staltmg at 7 30 .J.ihe ultimate in serVice. security and amenities that only pm, m Rooms C and D m the ANNOUNCING Dearborn CIVIC Center on MiChI- LAKEPOINTE TOWERS has to offer, Now you won't have to escape gan and Greenfield Avenues Miner's Bagley Inn to get away from the everyday. For you'll be liVing at LAKEPOINTE Bndge tables WIll be set up for and TOWERS - the brand new residence in the finest community in St. card playmg, bunco or just VISit- mg Miner's Grosse Pointe Clair Shores, Every four ladles WIll be awarded a table pnze, and Ice cream, cake and pop will be LAKlEPOll\ TE 14 MilE <>erved FINAL ~TO\VERSI There IS no charge for thiS 3000 Country Club Drive meetmg, but dues are $5 an. MARKDOWN nually, whIch Includes a St. Clair Shores. Michigan * month Iv newsletter 50% OFF * For information call: * 13 MILE FOI ';'ore mformatlOn, call the 293-1643 01 ga 111za t IOn's office at 582 3792 All Spnng and Summer Sportswear, Floor plans available from 1100 to over 2200 square feet. ThJo or AARP No. 3417 Nlghlwear and Aecessones three bedrooms and 2 or 2112 baths. Spectacular 7th floor penthouse residences available. AARP No 3417 South Ma Sale Starts Thurs. July 13 comb chapter vnIl hold their gen Showroom and models "Open" everyday (except Thursday) or by era I meetmg on Thursday, July ror )our ,hopping con,cnlcncc "c arc opcn appointment. 20, at 1 p m at Blossom Heath, C\ c'> Th\",da) III 7 pm 24800 JeITerson. St Clair Shores Planned travel tnps for mem Represented by: PRICES STARTING AT $102,900 bel'S WIll be announced EJ<>anor Lerge WIll talk about Grosse Pointe - and demonstrate - exerCI<>e5 369 & 375 FIsher Rd for ~mon; Lerge 15 a registered Grosse POinte, Michigan The PrUdential. Real Estate Co. nUl Be WIth Macomb County'" 886-7960 health department S,orc Hour- 882.0087 9 10 5 30 Monda)' thru Saturday The meetmg IS open and free 9 30 7 00 Thursda) You know us. we know real estate: to anyone over 55 Member"hlp IS $3 per year

, c: _.04444 q 4 4 Q .4 ,Qeq'.4.0 .. 44 eqq,. 4 Q CQW4Qqq.SQ I

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News FAa1 t ~ 3B Sigma Gamma Association has a bang-up Fireworks Picnic of honor was presented With the Golden Plate Award The American Academy of Achievement IS a non profit or- ganIzatIOn dedicated to Inspirmg youth "to raIse theIr slghtb hIgh and excel m theIr endeavol s " Other well known honorees of the past have mcluded mOVie producer-dIrector Steven Spiel berg, entertainer/publIc servant Shirley Temple Black, Supreme Coul1 Justice Sandra Day O'- Connor, pllmate researcher Jane Goodall and 38th U S preSident Gel aid R Ford SchmIdt not only receIved an awal d, but served as bTlJestchef fm the banquet HIS menu hearts of palm and fennel <;alad. shrimp cake" WIth many mUbtards sauce, rack of Mary Bauhie and Larry Marantette are about to tear into their veal With roast peppers, leekc; gourmet patron picnic baskets before settling in for the Freedom and bast! served With mixed po Festival fireworks display at Sigma Gamma's annual fundraiser. lentac;, and (Sigh) whIte chololate IdVlO1I PJwto In K 1\ PhtJ\OI-,.'l\ Accolades. .. wel e heaped AAUW's new board members are. from left. Judy Livingston. recording secretary: Linda Gregg. upon more than 300 dedicated SENSATIONAL SOFAS! treasurer; Rose Evanski. membership vice president: Charlotte Adamaszek. general program vice volunteers at St. John Ho,>pltdl president; Bonnie Woods. president: Carla Teagan. president-elect: Julia Read. program develop- and MedIcal Center'c; 19th an ment vice president. Not shown: Heidi DenIer. corresponding secretary. nual volunteer awal ds banquet lecently There wasn't a bad seat any whIch will take place Fllday, tel' Kauffman, David Lan- Glosse POinte Fal ms reSIdent where July 21 ciault, Ms. Hadley Mack, Ms. Virginia Sheean was named Everythmg was front row cen- due~ts at the preview ll1c1uded Lynn Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. volunteel of the yea! for 1989 tel' best-m the house for the FI ee- Globse POIntel b Mr. and Mrb. Frank Piku, Mr. and Mrs. R.P. Durmg her nearly 20 years a" dom FestIval firewOlks June 30 John Axe, Mr. and Mrb. Platt and Ms. Shirley Young. a volunteer, Sheean has conti Ib at SIgma Gamma AssocIatIOn's Chmlcb Hem'itLY and Mrs. PIcnIc on the GI ass XVII wIll uted close to 11,000 hours to the annual Fn eworks PICnIC FIOl'cnce P. HObb. IIlclude an evemng of goUlmet hospItal She's cUITently workmg Held at StI oh RIver Place, on food pIe~ented by MIchIgan chefs In the Volunteer ServIces office a warm summel evemng, the Ed Janos and Brian Polcyn, Others recel\ mg volunteer event ll1c1udedIl1Vltlllg sIghts dancll1g to a bIg band sound un aWaJds wel e Barbara Bartley and sounds and smells flom De del tents on the campus of Oak of GI osse Pomte Woods, a 6,000 trolt's revitalIzed IIvelfront, a land U nlvel Slty, as well as the hour pm, Berniece White and varIety of chOIces of good food, bllent auctIOn of one of a kmd James White of Grosse POinte an mterestmg mix of members, Jackets and kimonos Woods, 5,000 hour pms, Edward famIlIes and guests, and, of TIckets al e $75 pel person, Picard of the Shores and Erne- course, a spectacular 40 mmute $125 benefactors For more mfor lia Adamaszek of the Woods, fireworks dIsplay matlOn call 370 3005, 682 8903 4,000 hour pms, Judith Woold- Underpriced SIgma Gamma AssociatIOn IS Ol 5577112 ridge of GIOSse Pomte City, a by Stratford' an 85-year-old charItable orgam- 3,000 houl pm, Irene Kokowicz zatIOn dedIcated to the care and Jimmy Schmidt, chef of Grosse Pomte Woods, a 2,000 treatment of orthopedically pi oplletor of The Rattlesnake hour pm, Maria DoPico of handIcapped chlldren A spokes Club, has collected another GIOSse Pomte CIty, Doris Dan- person for the ASSOCiatIOnsaid honOl forth and Virginia Fricke of Decoralor that because of the successful ThiS time, he was slelected by the Farms, Rose DiGiacoma, FabriCS work of the underWrIting com The Amencan Academy of Constance Foresman and Car- Available mlttee, and generous donors, the AchIevement a" one of 50 men olyn Ulmer of the 8h01es and Fireworks PICnICwas pUle profit I'holo h\ K",I"1 FOId and \\ omen of ell.ceptlOnal Joan Watkins of the Woods, for the DetroIt InstItute for CHARLES FURNITURE WAREHOUSE Virginia Sheean. St. John dchlevement and mVlted to 1.000 hour pinS, and Leonard Children 222 E Hamson • Royal Oak • 3998320 Hospital and Medical Center's shal e a weekend June 24 111 San Constantine of the CIty, Ar- Co-chairmen Sally Barnes 6 blocks N of 10 IIble, Y4 Block E ofTMam Voluteer of the Year lor 1989. FI anclsco WIth another 400 of thur Arduin and Jane Meurer OPEN MON SAT 105 • FRIDAY 'TIL 8 PM and Lynn Carpenter planned the natIOn's most outstanding of the Fatms and William Pe- somethmg for every age, begm Othels on the committee m high bchool honm students ters of the Woods, 500 hour pms Free Delivery to Grosse Pointe nmg at 6.30 p m and ending c1ude MI'. and Mrs. Robert The hIghlIght of the weekend -Margie ReinS Smith With the last bUIst and blast of Benkel'!, James Bridenstine, was the 1989 Banquet of the the fireworks dIsplay that Mr. and Mrs. David Jones, Pe- Golden Plate, \\hele each guest thrIlled a mIlhon DetrOlters Some guests dined on food pIe paled by the Rattlesnake Club Others took part in a gourmet pICl1lCOthers opted for plam 01' Beechwood Manor American hot dogs and ham Why be burgers, cooked by SIgma religious? Gamma members and thell hu;" Ho:me For The Aged bands Thmk about II When was the ...when a nursing home Entertamment Included a cal last lime you saw the pursUit hope, the Grosse POinte Bal bel of Christian Ideals portrayed is not what you need. shoppers, Rainbow the Clown, a as normal ralional behaVior umcyclIst and Juggler, a Moon In the media or cinema? • 24 Hour Supervision walk, a ball cage and merry-go Can worship be relevant round for chIldren, as well as J today? • Assistance With Medication opportumtIes for face paintIng You re InVited to come to our and a sneak peek of the soon to church service and explore God s • Private Bath Facilities be-completed River Place Inn goodness With us • Emergency Call Buttons First Church of Chnst, SCIentist, The American Associa- Grosse POinte Farms • Separate Heat/Air Conditioning tion of Umverslty Women IS al 282 Chalfonte Avenue Controls ready plannmg a UnIque project Sundays at 10 30 A M which Will take place In the fall Wednesdays at 8 00 P M • All Meals & Housekeeping & a semmar on non tradItIOnal ca reel's for women Laundry Services Included TentatIve plans al e to hold the • Beauty And Barber Shop Within career day at a local school, m- Vlte girls m grades 5 through 8 the Facility (and their mothers) for an educa • Daily Activities And Outside tlOnal day devoted to explormg careers that gIrls may not real- Functions Planned ize are avaIlable to them • Private And Semi.Private Rooms More mfo to come as plans fin ~J s alize . Social And Recreational Activities AAUW's new board mcludes <{Jtidd~t. Bonnie Woods, preSIdent, ,... .. ,...,. .,. , 4 i' ...... _11_ I Such As Sing Alongs - Bingo - And Many More ~AUHI 1~tllgtllU, fJl~"IUtllL't;It\.i, )@~JI~' Julia Read, program develop- ment vIce president, Charlotte \ ,,~~~'i' Many Extras Adamaszek, general program "\\~~~' Call For More Details vIce preSident, Rose Evanski, membershIp vice president; '\~ Judy Livingston, recording sec NON PRESCRIPTION 773-5950 retary, Heidi Denler, corre- SUNGLASSES sponding secretary, and Linda IN STOCK 24600 Greater Mack Gregg, treasurer (Between 9 & 10 Mile) One of AAUW's ongomg pro Jects IS raIsing funds for scholar- 200/0 ST. CLAIR SHORES ships for women to pursue ad- OFF vanced studIes MEN'S r-----SEND FOR MORE INFORMAT10N- NO OBLlGAT10N------, & I I Jackets and kimonos WOMEN'S NAME ••• were featured attractions at I I WITH THIS AD a preview party June 21 for PICniCon the Grass XVII, a ben- ("

July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 48 William De Turk Grosse Pointe United Methodist to perform to begL:~summer Bible school at Cranbrook The Glo""e Pomte U mted "The BIble," and will mclude \\'l1ll.lIH Dp 'I'UI k. IllUSIC dll ec Methodl"t Chili ch WIll hold It» Sll1gll1g, games, Cl afts and BIble tOI 01 GIO""l' POlate MemOllHl "ummel BIble »chool from July lesboll» BiblIcal charactel sWIll ClllllCh. \111\ peJiOlI11 ~ell'ctlOa., 24 tlu ough July 28 from 930 \ '''It thl' ...chool each day In Shubl'l! DL'!lI,"" \ ,llld H,wda a m until 1230 pm All chlldJen ages 4 thlough III the SlInJ11ll'l C',lI'l1loa Con~l'I1 Chlldlen may be leglsteled m Sixth glade are welcome &'Ile" at Chl ht ('Iullch ddv,ll1ce <1t the church office - Illooh Oil "lInd,l\ ,Jlll\ 16 ,It -t or 111 Fellow<.,llIp H,lll on July 24 GIOSse Pomte United Method pill Jt 9 15 a In 1St Church IS located at 211 Mo 'I'll(' COIILl'It I' !let' ,llld open to The cost I" $:l 50 pel' child 01' I'OSS Road III Grosse Potnte !Il(' plIbl.l $7 per fal111l) (']1I1d1 en should Farm" For male mfOl matlOn, Lbtl'IWI-" ,ilL 111\ Ited to bllag bl'mg d ;,dck lunch each day cull the church office at 886. bl.\ 01 1.1\111 Ch,llI" .lad l'a The thenit.' fOl the sesblOn IS 2:l63 jO\ the COlllel t 110111t 11(' 1.1\\a or t Ill' ('1,11111100" G,lI den::. aClo"", Grosse Pointe Baptist Church Loae PlIll' HO,ld A \ Ideo momtOl "\ "tem h,b Ill't.'n .,et up 111 the affirms pro-life resolution d1lll ch \\ hpI (' \ hl101-" Cdn 1\ .Itch The membel., of the Grosse resolutIOns adopted by the con the ':.11 ,n, ..nt .. ' .1-" he p('rform~ Officers of Presbyterian Women in Grosse Pointe Memorial Church for 1989-90were recently in- Pomte Baptl"t Chili ch, by unal1l tel'ence are not bmdmg on local PI 0h'1,till, ,11 L .1\ .1l1.1ble at the stalled. From left. Hassie Secord. assistant treasurer; Carol Kerber. treasurer; Ann Bleich. second mous vote, allirmed a pro life chUlches The Rev. DaVId H clUlI C h ,'at I .1IlLl vice moderator; Helen Meyering. moderator; Jane Warren. the Installer. who IS the Moderator of lesollltlOn June 28 WIck, semor pastor of the Grosse De 'I'lll 1.." pI 0h'1 ,I III \\ 111 m Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Detroit; Nancy Stevens. first vice moderator; Virginia The re"ollltlOa says, m part Pomte church, felt that hIS con Lllldp \ \ L \1.1l1,1 b) FranL Gajewski. corresponding secretary; and Julie . recording secretary, Not shown: Alice Kried- "We believe that tillS IS a l,'1.egatlOn needed to affirm the Shubel t ,I l,ll diem tr,lI1.,cnptlOn ler. registrar. moment m hIstory \\ hen we pOSitIOn of the confel ence, and 01 "Gall 1\\ OL; -.. Clke\\ alk" b\ must challenge CUll ent pi l1lh"\ .lad 18th cen concermng human hfe We must was overwhelmmgly III support till \ ddl1LP-.. 11) Fld11L Joseph Memorial Church Women install new officers ami m the nghts of the unbOl n, of the resolutIOn Hmdn and \

.... ~ , • .ly.-,f , •• ~

f;\ '1 ~ROijM o-rr!l't .. GRACE First English Ev. Lutheran Church r 1 eel Il t> ... 0 .. St. Paul Ev. Lutheran DIAL UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Vel mel Rd at \Vedge\\ood DJ 'Yes Te rre-' ea"C<.. P ~ C.a e NURSING HOME Kel che\ al at Lakepomte Jl Church I Glosse POInte Woods R04~ l A~T JlFfERSON A 8223823 ~~~~ 881.6670 88-15040 375 Lothrop at Chalfont. 930 d m Sunday Worship DrTROIT ",lI(H Sunday School dnd \VOl "hIp 10 00 a m :,unda} 730 p III ThUlsdav WOlshlP PRAYER 1030 a m 821-3525 K \Vor~hlp PmIl F Kepplel Pa'itOi Q( till} NL'RSING CARE NUl "ery IS plovlded 7 00 p m ~londd} \VOl shIp " . 882-8770 Ill" H.lI \(, III h Walter A. SchmIdt, Pastor "J Illth CommunIOn Redeemer United Christ the King Methodist Church GROSSE St. James Lutheran 20571 Vernier JustW of 1-94 POINTE 240 Lutheran Church Harper Woods Church "on the Hill" UNITED ;tafon'e i\ldch at LochmoOl 88--15090 8842035 WE CREATE n..JJ IntI""LI LOlhrop 884-0511 1030 Q m Worship \...CIunLI") 8843075 Summer Schedule BEAUTIFUL WINDOWS 9 15 Q m Church School a caring church 9.30 am. Summer Schedule Sunday WOl ShIp 9:30 a.m. .:< ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAl "Zeal" 7 Preschool call 884-5090 Sunday Worship CHURCH Mark 14 3-9 20475 Sunmngdale Park Joseph P. Fabry, Pastor ~ John 13 3-10 McMillan at Kercheval Grosse POinte Woods, 884-4820 Randy S. Boelter, Pa!otol' 800 a m Holy Euchall"t 930&t1 t5AM SERVICES Pastor Robert A. Rimbo 030 a m ChOlal Euchallst and Sel mon CRIB ROOM & KDGN AVAILA.BLE Church School INurO>eI~ AI allablel DR ROY R HUTCHEON PASTOR Grosse Pointe REV DAVID R KAISER CROSS ASSOC THE SUBJECT FOR THIS l\hd Week Eucharist 930 a m Tue~dav UNITED METHODIST The Rev, Robert E. Nell) SUNDAY IS. CHURCH The Rev. Susan K Bock A Io'nendly Church for All Ages "Life" 211 Morass Rd., 886 2363 I+++++ CHRIST \.++ First Church of Christ, + + ,} EPISCOPAL Scientist "God's Living World" 19950 Mack (between Moross & Vernier I CHURCH Grosse Pointe Farms Rev Jack E Mannschreck, preachmg \ 282 Chalfonte Ave, Summer Schedule Sunday Worship 4 blocks West of MOl ass 9:30 a.m. Worship 9 00 and 11 00 a m Nursery through 3rd Grade Saturday Sunday 1030 A M 5:30 p.m, Holy Eucharist Sunday School 10.30 A M Sunday 'The Good Samaritan" Wednesday 800 PM catehthe~t 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Dr. Jack ZIegler, preaching ALL ARE WELCOME t THE UNITED METliOOlST CItUfla1 i 10:15 a.m. PRESBYTERIAN • Chlldren's Education Holy Eucharist 9:00 and 11 00 a m GROSSE POINTE MEMORIAL CHURCH ESTABLISHED 1865 If quahty and t.;;erviceis important to you, call on us at 61 Grosse Pointe Blvd. 886.4300 Kclley\ Drapenes. Whatever your taste may be, our 885-4841 Sunday, July 16, 8:30 & 10:00 Worship deSIgn comultantt.;; can help you treat your windows With function and nalr ST. CLARE OF MONTEFALCO ~ 8:30-9:00 Lakeside Service ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH (Family Service/Casual Dress) VISIT OUR SHOWROOM, OR CALL FOR Intersection of Mack-Whlttier-E.Outer Drive 10: 00-11 :00 Sanctuary Service 885-4960 3im AN IN.HOME APPOINTMENT. Ma~ses Saturday 4 00 P m "TAMING THE POWERS OF THIS WORLD" • Custom Drapefles & Bedspreads Sunday 7 00,900, 10 30 am, Noon Weekday~ 8 30 a m The Reverend Dr. V. Bruce RIgdon, preaching • HOflzontal & VertIcal Blmds Pastor Rev John Lambert, 0 S A • Woven Woods & Shades Monday, July 17, 6:00 p.m. Picnic Prelude "HOME SWEET HOME" 7:00 p.m. Carillon Concert, Don Cook, Christ That's how you'll feel Church, Cranbrook, Carillonneur after visiting <~~APERIESINC' GROSSE POINTE BAPTIST CHURCH 10:00 Church School CrIb/Four Yr Old Care ~ l'i~7~Ut~~ 21336 Mack Ave. 16 Lakeshore Drive' Grosse Pointe Farms. 88Z-5330 FOR OVER 30 YEARS (corner of old 8 Mile) 166 South Gratiot Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Mount Clemens. MI 48043 Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Located inSide the Evening Praise 7:00 P,M. DIAL-A-PRAYER 882-8770 463.3311 Krouseneck Carpel store 881-8343 I

't JUly 10, 1989 ~L> ___ ~~I ~--g Gros..t! Pointe News

which wa& followed by a lecep They earned bouquets of pmk Reuther-Ross JennIfer Ahearn of Farmmgton length drebs and carned a stem Hills of freeHla with fern Williams-Gram tlOn at the DetrcJlt Golf Club tUlipb, white '>napdlagon'> and Attendantb wore aqua mOJr(~ The bnde gral.uated from The bnde wore a gown of pUlple Il"Ib tea-length gowns WIth Hhort Mount Yernon College WIth a French tulle WIth a dlOpped The bebt man wab TImothy puffed sleeves and a back bow bachelor of arts degree 10 En. WaJ~t and a bodIce of applJqued Gillie!> of Royal Oak Groomb- accent. They carned bouquetb of glish and commUnIcatIOns She flower" COVel ed With Iridescent men Included the groom's pale pmk and whIte carnatIOns, received an executIve appoint. !>eqUIn~, a '>weethealt nelklme blother, Robelt DompJerre of alstrumena and IVY, ment to the Blcentenmal Com. and U low cut back Her chapel Hudson, OhIO, Patl"lck O'Connor The groom's father, John J mlbSlon, where she served for a lenl,rth tlUl'U'ityle veil featured of Aurora, OhIO and Hunter M Ros'i III of Alexandria, Va year and a half She has been whIte IO'>e!>,'>pray" of pearl and Fox of East Detroit U!>hers wel e f>C1 ved ab the best man Groom'i employed as an account manager 1Ilde.'>cent 'ieqUIn~ WIth white the groom's brothers, Joseph men were Matthew Grayson of for InternatIOnal Management ;,atm ,>tlcamel''; down the back Dompwrle of Farmmgton HIlls, New York CIty, Damel Troy of Group Inc 10 WashIngton, DC The bllddl bouquet wa'> made up Mr. and Mrs. H. James Gram Gregory Domplerre of Burling Washmgton, DC, the groom'~ The groom earned a bachelor of bnddl ]o"e,>, white tullp~, Hte ton, Yt and Jeffrey Domplerre of blOther, Brendan Ro'>Sof P10VI of art,> degree from Stanford Um. phdllotI" ,llld IVy Nancy QUIrk Williams and H Valilco, Fla dence, R I and the brIde's verslty and a JUriS doctor degree James Gl'8m have announced The bride's mother wore a silk blOther, William Reuther of from the Umversity of Ylrgima their malTwge, whIch took place blush pmk sequmed sheath and Grosse Pomte Farms School of Law He ISan attorney on June 17, 1989 at the Grosse a white orchid corsage_ Mr. and Mrs. Terence Ross The mother of the bnde wore With Glb~on, Dunn and Crutcher Pomte Farms home of MIS WII- SolOIst at the weddmg cere Sarah Brooke Reuther, daugh a rcl"pberry shantung tea-length 10 Wabhmgton, DC hams mony was DIane Raymond, tel' of MI and Mrs Alfred R dre"s ruilled at the sleeves and The newlyweds traveled to the Decln Beltl am Hellong and tl umpeter was MIke McGowen, Reuther JI of Gro'i'ie Pomte hem Bnllsh Isles and SWitzerland the Rev Stanley Wlbon offiCI ~cl"lpture readers were Jeffrey Fal ms, mal ned Terence Ross, The groom's mother wOle a They live 10 Old Town Alexan. ated at the afternoon cel emony Domplerre and Glegory Dom bon of MI and Ml s John.J Ros'> two piece royal blue Silk tea dlla, Va The bride and l,Tfoomtl a"eled pICHe A Scottlbh b<1gplpel piped III of AJexdndlld, Vd on June to Mackmac Island after the the bnde and groom to the 17, 1989 at Chllst Church weddmg They'll !Ive In Grosbe bndal table at the DetrOIt Golf GIO"se Pomte Pomte Falms Club The Rev Edwal dAM Cobden WE NEED ORIENTAL RUGS Mrs Wllllam& IS a gI'aduate of The bride IS a graduate of JI pelf 01 med the 4 p m cere. the UOlverHlty of MichIgan Lawrence TechnologIcal Umver mony, whIch was followed by a $$$$$$$$ Paying $$$$$$$$ Gram, also a l,TJaduate of the Slty, where she earned a bache receptIOn at the Country Club of Umvelslty of MichIgan, IS a Ie. lor of scIence degree 10 busme&s DetrOIt tIred paltnel of Touche Ross & adm1OistratlOn She IS employed The bride wore a whIte allegI'o 3x5 $300 - $400 ea. Co Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daniel With Lotu& Development Corp satm gown With a beaded Alen Dompierre a&an admimstratlve managet' Call Idle bodice and sleeves, a 4x6 $400 . $500 ea. Fox-Dompierre full skat WIth a bridal bow and Patncla Loulse Fox, daughtel Charlotte Ann Pal kb of GlOsse The gIoom IS a graduate of tram Her fingertIp veIl was se- 5x7 $500 - $700 ea. of Wlilidm R and Frances Fox of Pomte Pal k was the mUid of MIchigan State UniversIty, cUled With a wleath of stepha no 8x10 - $700 and up Grosse POInte Wood&, malrled honor Blldesmalds wet e DOl0- where he earned a bachelor of t1&and she Calrled a bouquet of MIchael Damel DomplelTe, son thy Shock of St ClaIr Shores, Ult~ degI-ee In SOCIalscIence and \\ hIll: loses, stephanotiS and I\'Y 9x12 - $1 ,000 and up of AlbeIt J DomplelTe of Fa! Angela O'ConnOl of AuI'm a, a bacheJot of 81tS degree m psy Sally MIller of Washmgton, mmgton HJ1ls and the late CalOl OhIO and Colleen DompJeIl e of chology He IS employed as a DC, ~erved as her cousm's maId Oversize - $1,000 and up ElaIne Domplell e, at OUI' Lady Hud~on, OhIO, slstel of the claIm managel' at Allstate Insur of honor Bndesmalds were Ehz of SOllOWS Catholic Church In gloom ance In Farmmgton Hills abeth Gdrdenel and Amy Schall Farmmgton on May 6, 1989 Attendants wore pale pmk The newlyweds honeymooned of Wa~hIngton, DC, the groom's The Rev Kean Cronm offiCI waltz lenh>th gown~ WIth Flench on a CarIbbean CI ulse They live slstel'i, Maura Ross and Kara Complete Antique Service ated at the 1 pm ceremony, tulle "kilt" and taffeta bodIces 10 Fa! mmgton Rosb of Alexandna, Va, and CALLING HOUSE ANllQUES 17624 Mack 882-1652 Shannon Kathleen ent'i of tWIn gIrls, Catherine Claire Martin and Ellen Rose evenings 574-2232 Crocker Martin, born Ma, 25, 1989 Ma William and Karen Crocker tel nal gIandpal e~b <1.1 e Mr. and of Deal bm n are the parents of a Mrs_ George Dragos of Dear gIrl, Shannon Kathleen bm n Helghtb Paternal gI'and. C.'ocker, born May 31, 1989 parents al e Mr. and Mrs. Del- Maternal gI-andpalents are Wal- mar Martin of Wanen ter and Martha Koppy of De Heidi's Salon timt Pate I'll aI grandparents al e at Ann Marie Crocker of Glosse Michelle Erin McCrackin Eastland Mall Pomte Woods and the late Wil- Brian and Pam McCrackin liam E. Crocker. The Grosse Pointe Rose Society's annual Rose Show at the of GlOsse Pomte Woods are the Grosse Pointe Neighborhood Club had more than 300 entries. parents of a gIll, Michelle Erin Sarah Anne Rossi McCrackin, bm n June 22, 1989 For a limited time only, Matel'llaJ grandparents al e receIve 20% off on Rose Society holds annual show Jennnifer Flood-Rossi and George and Lee Stepanovic of hair care services' With John M. Rossi of Seattle, Wan'en Paternal grandparents presentatIon of thIS ad at Neighborhood Club June 16-17 Wash are the parents of a gul, al e William and Mary Mc. One per client Sarah Anne Rossi, born June Crackin of Glosse Pomte First VISit onl}1 The Grosse Pomte Rose SOCI towSkl, fm KOIdus Pel fecta 21, 1989 Maternal grandpalents 8h01 es Mdtel nal gI'eat gI'and ety's annual Rose Show was held PI Incess of Show went to Bal al e Barbara Flood of Grosse pal ents are Emil and Sophie Eastland Mall • 371.2200 the weekend of June 16 and 17 bara LadendOlf for Oklahoma POInte CIty and Robert Flood Troshel of LIncoln Pal k (Easclandp'o"des complrmenra,., at the Grosse POInte NelghbOl John and Deanna Stephens of Grosse Pointe CIty Paternal 'aiel parking a,k recepllOnIll! hood Club won Be~t FlOllbunda Spray and gI'andpal'ents at'e Nick and Mar. L1keslde Mall • 247-2333 the Dowager Queen, for Best Old Oakland Mall. 585-0540 Represented at the show wel e ianna Rossi of Denver Mater Bloomfield H,lIs • 646-3211 Garden Rose Amy Elizabeth Martin mOle than 300 entnes, roses nal great-grandparents are B"arwood Mall. 7&1 1622 Iang10g flom smgle stemmed In the mInl8tute category, the Jeanne Lowe of Grosse Pomte Elizabeth and Roy Martin Fa"lane Town Center. 336-4630 hybrids to UltlStlC arrangements gold celtlficate fm Kmg of MInI Cltv and the late David C. Jr. of Grosse Pomte Fal ms al e Heidi s Ol Troy. 585'(}540 ROCnl'Sler • &51 001& Judges from as far away as Bay atut es went to Mark Collins Lowe. the parents of a gill, Amy Eliza- Queen of Mmlatures went to Twel,-e Oaks Mall • 348-7&10 CIty and SagInaw came to award beth Martin, born June 23, "'oodland \lall • 9579187 nbbons and ceJtlficates Mrs Chmles Canten P1-mcess of 1989 Maternal gJandpal'ents are MlIllatm es went to MUllel Catherine Claire Martin Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Poole Robelt SeIber won the Best of Hughes Ellen Rose Martin of Blrmmgham Paternal gI-and Show and Queen of Show for hIS The Sweepstakes Award for pal ent!> are Roy Martin of St =HEIDI'S= nse, Touch of Class arrangement'i was won by Ellen Cathy and Robert Martin of Clmr ShOles and Mary Vetting SALONS "S15 minimUm sef\./(t" required Kmg of Show went to Joe Ru Qumlan of Gro'ise Pomte Grosse Pomte Park are the pal of CharlevOIX Carillon recitals at C.P. Memorial For years and years I suffered from AMAZING!!! depreSSion, even as a kid_ At the The 11th summer senes of car LIVE RIGHT ON LAKE ST. CLAIR time, people couldn't understand that Ilion recitals are bemg held at WITH A MILLION DOLLAR VIEW children can suffer from the disease- Grosse Pointe Memorial Church, and need you to find them help 16 Lakeshore, on Monday eve mngs at 7 p,m Recitals are free How do you know If your child's "bad" to the publIc, held outdoors rain behavior IS realily a cry for help? or shme and have prmted pro- Here are some signs ExceSSiveschool gI'ams absence Staying out late and not Guest artIsts Include Don coming home, Personality changes. Cook (July 1"iI, carliionneur of Hanging aut with the wrong crowd. Christ Church Cranbrook, John Absent.mindedness. Dropping grades. ElliS (July 24), carillonneur of Defiance and short.tempered hostility. the Umverslty of Montana, Co! Withdrawal or secretiveness, league Collage (July 31) featm Excessive sleeping. isolation. Selling 109 the canllonneurs of Memo possesions_ The list goes on. rial Church (Rick Breltenbecher, Jenny Kmg, Sidney Newhouse Take it from me-things will not get and Phylhs Webb), Bevelly better on their own. They will get Buchanan (August 7), assocIate ... 1\ 4 • \ worse. Find the strength as a parent canllonneur of Belmont Cottage 0-;" ..... :.. to make the call, Now. Depression m NashVIlle, Tenn , and Carillon TAKE YOUR CHOICE OF 4 HOMES can be treated, Duets (Aug 14) featUring Bev- AT ONLY erly Buchanan and Wtlllam De Call now for a free consultation to Turk, director of musIc and carll. learn ways to help someone you love. lonneur for Grosse Pomte Memo. $239,900 CUSTOM FINISHED, 2,500 SQUARE FEET rial Church, YOUR 24 HOUR MENTAL HEALTH RESOUICE After each reCItal, a towel' 2V2 Baths, 2 Car Garage tour IS offered for those who Remember. a home on the water-front can only wish to view the 47 bell carillon enhance your financial Investment All of these or who Wish to ring a bell or town homes hove a MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF THELAKEplus 1-800-537 -7924 two MANY MOREFEATURES. Precedmg each reCItal IS a 35031 23 Mile Road Prelude Potluck PicOlc begIn VISIT OUR NEWMODEL 1.5 P.M. DAILY, INCLUDING SUNDAYS ~g(hlatl"t New Baltimore, MI 480..7 nmg at 6 p m, People are InVited 978.1 ..05 to brmg a pICnIC food to share Lakeview Club Townhomes -.- Vell~(I'_ Jefferson Ave N of 11 % Mile WIth at least SIX others St Clair Shores. MI MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED and beverages are prOVided fO! s.::.;,e pHt'Spitl1/ $1. Plku Management Co. 774.6363 Model Phone: 293.1180 Patty Duk.e. spokesperson (or Psych,atrlc Institutes o( America parr of the NME SpeCialty HospItal Group. The pubhc IS InVIted, Y 68 l,;~11,A~~ Grosse-J-UI-Pointe-1-3,-1-9-89-News ------Thyme in a bottle: Perfumes, potpourris are ancient arts oleh ,md l10wellllg IIee.., wel e III petals are needed to make one they HIe dl a!> well .IS bloom you haY(' llllld(' ,I good mmt, lilacs, gpraJllum~ 'll1d pound of attar of rose (pUl e rose pltchcI'" 'Illd t,lkl'll to till' bol breeze waftlllg across the gal'dl'n contllH1CS nemly the yeal' ..,t.1I t A,., 110\1CI,., come 11110 hwcet olive WOlkels drp sent 0111 dnd ,.,omp mOl e delicate and tling loom PeJlunll' I'" pUI l!il'd and can)'lllg With It till' mll1gled (h um.., \llth liltel top" scents of all the {10\\(>1!>It IS one \I Ith VIOlets l\1.11 ch and APlll of "wntl'd blo..,,>om ,Illd dl y them Alps to gathel .llld dl~tlll laven as 10,000 pounds of pet,tls to of the mcest aSpl'Cts of summer bllllg 11\ aCll1th~ ,md JOllqlllls, Unle!>!> you'll' a tl,lIned ppr Stale III gl.l'>b jar'> With bCre\\ mdkl> onc pound of altm You da)s Wouldn't It be \IOndelful If fume "meller, It I" II11P0,.,"lble to top,> l{o,>e..,of all kmds .Ire mdl'> klll)\\ hO\\ lIghtweight a (1oweJ we could just bottle It to lx> un I "mcll more them ..,1', hCCllth ,wd pen,>lble but dll\ kllld of scellted petal I" Arp you sUI1>llsed It corked 111 the house on ,1 ~nO\\ \ st III bl' ,Ible to tell tlwm .Ip,lI t 11011('I '>hould bl' lIlduded If you II auld Iequn e so many to make January day? \\ hel edS .In e''1 t l'eln ..,lIwll hdve hel b" In \ OUI g,u dell, thell .1 pound? Bottling flo\1 PI ""'l'nh I", of molC thall ,I hUlldll'd ,wd "tlll blo,,",om" mdY !w ,ul(lPd 100 Ho"p 'Illd geldl1lUm are !eldted course, the busll1ess of the pmfu tPll the dlllell'nle" ,1Inong them By I,dl \ ou '>hould h,IVl' a mal ..,lPIll'> ,md ,II e oflpn combll1ed 111 mer And a fascmatl11g bUSiness PeJlullle e'l.pel t.., go to WOl k III ,I II'IOll" 1111'I. Put tlwm ,dl mto a 10!>(' pel fUI1IP Jabmme and hly It IS Did you kno\\ that at qUJl't loom dftel dl'l'p blCdthlllg IJlg hO\ll 'Illd .Idd j,l..,mme lea, of till' \ dlley also combll1e well Grasse III Fl ance, thel earl' 50 I.''l.PIChe.., 111 t hp op('n all DIOP" ,>onll' toh,lllO, PCl\\ d('ll'd dovc", Otl1{'1 happy combmatlOn!> are perfume factones employmg of each Pl'1 fume (' gl'l,lIllUm, ,ilmond dnd laulel, IOsemmy many hundreds of ppople'} TIll' slip'" of db"01 bant p dates back to the 16th century 1\18\, ro,>e,>and IIIange bloh~oms, nOhes Dp\,otlOn to dutv CdII,., 10l pi OpOltlOlI.., 'Illd amount-. don't !,'10\\ l\lld t hl'll' DUlll1g the \1 III pellumI.', JOY, bdslcally IS and was begun by a man named June, mlbrnonette and carna ..,acllfice Pelfum" "nwllel'" alDld m,llll'l Kl'cp ,lddll1g until you h'l month" the perllll11C faltOlIP" In the manufactUi el of pCI' Tombarelli who was ~ent thele tlOn" Jd",mllle I" gdtl1l'1 ed III tobclCCO, collpe, ,alcohol and, be llkp t1w 1(''''Ult Put till' llllxtllle III elle bu~y dl;,tlllll1g hel b~, !,'l\lll" fume, the ebsences are aged m by Catherme de MediCI to estab July, tuberose August dnd caUbe they dlscovcl pd thdt IIIeg lntu decol dtlVl' ]J0tpolllil j<1I!>OJ Septembel, and Cd"hW and othel dnd \Iood.., ..,uch el" b,llham, .."m wppel ~tOlage tanks to presel ve IIsh a laboratory No\\ Grasse ula! eatlllg llllp,lIrS 01fact 01 y elli bCIII I.., ,md hll'nt PI l'l \ loom 111 {1owel ~ III October Lal ge quanti dalwood, OlliS ,md patchouli the full "tJ en~,'th and fragl ance produces million's of gallons of Clency, they nevel eat betll l'en \ OIl! hou..,e If \ Oil h,lI'e really N eddy 5,000 POlllHb of lo!>e When they me reddy fm use, {1owel perfumes pel year ties of fl eeSlaS and nal CIS"I al e medl.., been enthlhl,l"tlc "bout "avlllg No\\' I" the lime to be thll1kll1g t10\\CI ppt.1l ... till ough thp bum Illl'l \ OU11plOb"bh h,l\ e enough about mdkll1g potpOlllll III till' fall If \ ou ;,tattcd to hel potpolllil to make' ,>ome pI ctty nice Chll"tma" gill'> ,I'" \\ ell :&ridge {1owel pe"tdls to dl Y \I lWI1 tlw \ I HAVE A PLEASANT TRY AT PERFECTION BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD "TODDLER PROGRAM" the giving tree THE PASTEBOARD PASTIME MONTESSORI SCHOOL IndJvlduallzed Learning 2 Study a bndge book on blddmg and dlsclplme yourself A partnership's goal when blddmg a hand IS to maXimIze Thegoal of the school ISto develop creative Independent children \\ ho to ngldly follow directIOn the opportul1lty of reachmg the most deSirable contract that have an enthUSiasmlor learning can be played for the best result To achieve thiS, they must 3 Fmd a partner who has an equal Iespect for the game The GIving Tree Montessori School IS a member oj the IImer can carefully deSCribe their hands correctly and thiS requires ex as you do and play often MontessoriSocietyand the Michigan MontessoriSociety penence, skill and sound Judgement We stili have openings In OUI loll program lor chlld,en ~5 mas 3 yl I) day or lull dav Full or Part.Tlme Day Core It IS a pnvtledge and pleasure to play With partners who Detailed CUrriculum guide available respect thIS premls Let'" test )OUI blddmg mastery on thebe three lesson inquiries and observations welcome hands Note onl) the South cmd!> change Hand One IS a Call 881-2255 I would make three suggestIOns If you would truly hke to good opel1lng bId of 14 lugh Two a SllpUl b opemng bId of 19 4351 Marseilles Detroit, MI 48224 (Mack and Rivard) Improve your blddmg techmque high pomth and till ee, the same 19 I eshaped to give It eYen mOl e POII'l'l 1 Learn the baslc fundamentals, preferably from a good teacher In the past 6 months

q HAVE YOU MOVED? Q 10 9 '\ Q 10 9 '\ Q 10 '\ 9 • lj J 10 9 • J lfI J 10 • • Q 10 • Q 10 • Q 10 J .. 6 5 j J i 6 5 ...• ...• J i b ~• BECOME ENGAGED? N N N In the past 3 months W[i] W[i] HAD A BABY? W[i]. We have lots of local Information and over 50 gifts. No strings I S E S E S ... K 3 PARK, CITY or WOODS 885.6103 • h I • h A 6 A 6 A • A 9 8 2 • A I 9 H • \ J 9 8 2 h 10 ~ 4 I I •...... • \ K 10 ~ 1 •... \ h 10 8 4 'lYfRom~qOll ho\~l ,,01'1 II WFSI '10UTH EAST "101'TII WEST Phone - even if you have only moved next door! NORTH EAST "OUTH WEST NOH1H p",,,,, 1'\ ...... PA'iS PA!>b PAS~ PASS I' \<.,,, PA~S PA"-'" 1+ I'" l'Abb I'" PA::.5 PASS PA"S l'4.bS 2\1 PASS 2+ 1. • I. PASb PASS PAb~ PASS J\ r ,+ + "'" I' I PASb ~l\ I PAhS ... I'A"" PAS'> 1'\<;5

How many of you bid these hands as shown? If you dId Hand Two, some Souths would bid 2 Diamonds on their you're well on your way to becommg a rehable blddel Ad: second call which also shows a very good hand With 4 DIa- Celebrate mlttedly, some experts may vary the South calls, but that's a monds and 5 Clubs, but that forces North to make an awk matter of style and expenence ward call and DeclaJ el at No TJ ump should be South Hand One could be m Jeopardy If NOlth bids over 2 Clubs Hdnd Three IS clo'>e to a Slam, but only the exceptIOnally lucky, or those who know that the Diamond Kmg IS rIght, in Style. would ventUle 6 Clubs

EXPERT CARE IS A CALL AWAY St. Joseph Home Call us today for your home or hospital needs. Our pro- fessionals provide care 24-hours a day, 7 days a week For The Aged • RN's/LPN's .....-- • HOME HEALTH AIDES Assisted Living - ...-- • L1VE.IN'S • HOMEMAKERS • CHILD CARE Residences Choose1our location that's most convenIent for you: The Gracious Alternative Harper Woods 343-4357 Troy 641.0646 To A Nursing Home ProfeSSIOnal Dearborn 441-1502 Worried about someone? Ml' your guests Will be swept up In the romance of the day You'll enJOYthe finest banquet CUISineavailable anywhere All Weekends through mid-September • utlhtles, housekeeping and mamtenace services planned beforehand by you With the expert help of our wedding • 24 hour personal superVIsion professlOOOlsThe entire staff at PEGASUSBanquet and Conference • three dehclOtl<;, appetlzmg meals served table-side, Center ISdedicated to making your very special day the most St. Aubin Park is located between Orleans and St, memorable of your life not cafctena Call todoy and begin plans for a romantiC celebration that Aubin streets at the Detroit River, Vl mile east of the • ,>oclal opportunitieS, compamonshlp and Willbe remembered forever A. Renaissance Center recreatIOnal program<; • chapel With dally mass and rosary For more information, call 224-1184 • tranqUIl, spacIOus landscaped grounds r~~~ASU~ • barber and beauty salon Sponsored by: All ofthls and more at 5t Joseph's Assisted Living ReSidences So ~ 'Y If you are concerned and worned about a senior Iivmg alone, gIVe ~ us a call We prOVIde peace ofmmd and a gracIous alternative to a 1JtH/tjIif'Tt(tl"fvtwa efl/Ift the legend contmues nursmg home' For further mformatlOn call or write Dlrcctor of AdmiSSIOns Were centrally located In downtown Junn)foLt.1!1le , " Sybille Walters 882-3800 Detroitspopular Greeklown of o...... no,.. 400 MonroeAvenue • DetrOitMichigan • 963 1400 !)t,ro,1 .",,,..,., 4800 Cadieux, DetrOIt MI 48224 Owned and operated by the Carmelite 8RS DC J

__ ~ ~ ~i'__, ~_~______. .., ...4_4 ------..... -----~~--~------...... - - -- ~------~ ----- ...... ------• - ~ - - - ~

_~_~~_Ys_~3_e'_~_~~_:_te_N_e_w_s p-~-I--..-tJ-t U4.l,PD~ 76

Delphine L, Duvi!>on II, David William C('ntn('1 oj Wal"h College f.{1 aduated 530 On .June 8, Michael Maron- d,LUghtel of MI and MI" 1':11.11 d (:10""(' POInte P,1I k hm, IeWIIlIy "tudent.., 1I1 .June, the Jal f.{e..,t tate. '>On of Lwda Mat ontate o( Davl..,on JI of Glo..,..,e POlllte lewlved 67 yeal Glo..,..,e Pomte Park, Iecelved an FUl m~, grddudted llllll IdUGl' ('nc(' dPgll'(' fJ Olll IlIdl,lt1<1 lJ 111 Ill"tOl V Among tho'>C gl aduate.., aWdl d for out..,tandmg alhwve WIth a bachelOJ of <.,ClCnct'degree \ I.'r,>llV WI'Ie Chri ..topht'I' M or!le of ment at the h'1'aduat IOn Cel e In bll'>lne~" II am Wake 1"01 e"t • (" o,>"e POll1te Pal k, Roger Smi- Jllony fO! KlIlg,>bUlY &hool Ml lhael Wel.., the 8th gl dUI' tla..,.., Unlver'>lty In North C(IIollna ",siel, Gemld VanVliet dnd Lee Davl..,on \\'a~ elelted to mem!)('l Worrell of Glo..,..,e POInle CIty, WinneI' of the bpellll1g bee '>pon ~hlp o( Betd GamllIa Sigma, the Mark He!>ter. Dehl a Marcon, "01 cd by Ld \\ Ienw In..,tltute of hlghe"t ..,chola..,tlc honor a ,>tll Shel'I'y Verheke dnd Hu!>..ell Telhnoloi{Y and the Det! Olt :'\ ('\\ .., dent 111 bll"lI1e'>.., can dlhll've Welchli of Glo..,..,e Pumte 1"..1101", She I.., .11..,0a membcl oj the nd Debl'a GoodrIch clnd Vita tlOndl honOl "ocwtv 101 "ludent'> Marie Kennedy oj Glo..,,,e of Latll1 dnd Gleek, El,1 SlJ..:"lll,l I'ollltl 1\llk, dnd Marianne L. Manl1dttdl1 Collei{e held It-. Phi dnd '>he ..,elved a" thl' lhdp Co'>taki!>, Kenneth MackenJ:ie Il!:lth commenlCment exeICl..,e.., tel '" IH e'>ldent and ,1'" Ihlt IOndl and Albert Wagner IV of :\ldV 21 Among the 700 ..,tudent-. tl ea..,U1er (;lo","e POl!lte Wood.., \\ ho Iecelved dl'gr ee" lI'a.., Rob. • el1 Gc!>ell v( Glo,..,e POInte • Wood"" who edl ned cl bcllhelOl o( Frederick G. Ruffner Jr. l'nglne(mng deJ.,'1cc Stephanit' B. Rahm, ddugh • OhIO State Umvelslty hal, tel O( Ml dnd MI.., Phd1lp L given GI o~~e Pomte Ie'>ldent SophomOl e Sarah Mayel' and I{dhm of GJ()<.,,,(, POlllte, h'1adu Robert C. Verhelle. oj Hdl Fredel ick G. Ruffner Jr. one fl e..,hmJ.n Ellen Mayer of .ltl U fl o III 11..11t II Ilh. Colltgl ~]d) bm ')pllllg'-, formelly of (;IO""'l' Lisa M. Mazur of It~ hlghtest honOl", the DI~tll1 Gl o~.;,e Pomte Pal k hdve been 2H, \\ Ith ..I balhtlo! of dl t'> de Po lIlte , hdb gl aduated flOm the gUI~hed Sel vIce AWdld, 111 lecog- named to the dt'dn'" lI~t dt Sdlnt gl el' m bIOlogy Unlvel ~lty of Mlth lJ..:"dnSlhool of ;'\13V) Seaman RecrUIt Lisa M, mtlOn of his longstandmg sup l\1.11Y'S College, Notle Dame, Oentl~tl y and ha., been actCpted MaJ:ul', a 1986 g1aduate of POlt fOl the umvel"lty Ind, for the ~Plll1g 1989 "eme.., II1to a two year Ie..,ldencv fellow Glo..,,,e Pal lite South HIgh DUl mg the June 9 commence ter They arc the daughtel" of ..,hlp at ~a~~au County MedIcal School, ha e; completed Iecru it ment exeICI..,e,>, Umvelslty Ple..,l Mr dnd'MI.., Thoma.., C Mdyel Among the 600 ..,tlldent-. dl Center, New York, In thell endo tl alnlllb( at Recl'ult Tl'ammg dent Edwm d H Jenmngs said, • the Unl\el..,lty o( Mlthlgdn uontlc~ prof"TJam He I.., the ..,on of Command, Orlando, Fla She IS "Fredellck G Ruffner Jr ha~ Dp,1I bOl n who hdve been Ietog Bob dnd Pat Vel helle d 1l''''ldent of GI o~"e Pomte Park been an InSpJrlng example of JIlted fO! then alddemll excel • dedIcatIOn to the Umver~lty HIs lenle b) belllg pldced on the Gregory S. Watson belief that knowledge IS pi eclOUS \\ IIltel 1989 uedn',> h~t wel e and must be encom aged and RIchard D. Walker II of Glo..,..,e Pomte Pal k Deborah Anne supported IS eVident m his tll e 19798 Mack. Grosse Pointe Woods • 881-2620 less advocacy of hlghel educa On June 4, GI'egOl'~ S. Wat- Fel'l'i., of GIO..,5C Pomte, Mari- Ida's Salon .,on, ..,on of i\]1 and :\11.., .John. I) n Abood of GI o~,>e POInte tlon, IIbl al Je~ and IItel atUl e " is pleased to offer PERMANENT Ruffnel, pI e~ldent of Omm- Wdl..,on of Glo"se Pomte ShOl e..,. Pdlk, Thad NOI'man Defauw of SPECIAL gJ aphlcs Inc of DetlOlt, has been leCelVl'd hl~ (hplollld from St Glo..,,,e Pomte Farms, Paul Jer- John'.;, i\IIIltal \ Alddell1\ ll1 De ome Kent of Grosse POInte 00 actively Il1volved III the OhIO $45 Reg. $7000 State U llIVel slty campaign, a Infield. WI.., \Vood~ and Melissa Manle\' of Focus five yea! dnve to raise a mml • Glo"..,e Pomte ' Offer Ilmlted to new clients only on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mum of $350 rml1lon m pl'lvate • glft~ fOl OhIO State SPECIALIZING IN • Permanents, Colorrng Turu.., Alexander Gracey, Gl o~"e Pomte Pal k IeSldpnt Bleach & Frosting J ani.;, F, Breuker Iecenth bT) ad Culul ate nails and manicures Lisa Thomas and Andrea "on of :\ill ,lIld;\1I" PdLil C Gld udted flOm Calvm College \\ Ith Thomas of GlOsse Pomte Woods le~ of GIO.;,..,e Pomte F31 m.., ha" .1 ma~tel '> debT)ee m teachmg are on the Spllllg semester been 1I11tldted Into Betd Theta PI Kal'en L. Drew, daughtel of dean's 1Ist at Marymount Um Fldtel111l\ at the L'n1\el"lt\ of 1\11' and \11 ~ E Ore\\ of Glosse velslty 111 Arlmgton, Va (' dhfOl nla ,It BpJ! ..ele\ POJl1tp Wood~ g1aduated \\ Ith a • • Canadian Fur Specialist for Over 62 Years Harold Colby IJdcheIOl'" deb'1'Ce m Engll"h Rob Lubera, UllIvel'slty LIg- •1. Blake, daughtel of • gett School class of '88, has Fldncl.., P and Sally Blake of pledgE'd Delta Tau Delta FI a- Hp ,ld Colby of Glose,e GI o,,~e POll1te \\'ood", Iecel\'ed a Alex Whitney IS among the tellllty at HJllsdale College Pomte \\ as one of 12 "tudent" to md"tel of II1tel natlOn,1I managl' -\lma College studenb named to Uld Deborah Lubera, UllIvelslty Iecelvc a .;,cholm "hiP fJ am J\llclll menl deh'1ee \\ Ith (!Jstll1ctlOn the dean.., lI..,t fOl outstandmg 6yIJ~!!! gan Bell thl" yeal Colby I" a Ie dlddemll pel fm mance dUllllg r Liggett School cla~s of '84, SmIth !l om the Amellcan GI adudte College class of '88, ha.;, com cent graduate of AlbIOn CollE'g!' S<.Iwol of Intel ndtlOnal ;\l<1nclge the 1989 \\ llltel term Whltnev dnd \\ III pUl .;,ue an i\IBA deh'l pe I" the ..,on of MOl gdn \\'hltne) of pleted hel fil st yeal of g1aduate I11pnt ll1 :\la\ Bldke \\ III be Special Lay-a-way Sale WOlk 111 the Ph D pi Og1am 111 flOm IndIana Unl\elslt) m lhe \\011..1111{ III the II1dl\ Idual bank Glo"..,e Pomte dnd N anc\ SmIth Al.t HlstOlY at PlInceton Umvel fall seltOI of the Cha"e i\lanhaltdn of West Bloomfield He IS a Jun- ~Ity She IS spendmg the sum • Bank III the fdll 101 maJol 1111{ 111 busllle,>s admll1 • Duty Exempt • Full Premium On mel leal"l1lng German at Goethe • I.;,tldtlOn • Sales Tax Refunded American Funds InstItute In southel"l1 Germany, • on a scholal ship from the Gel Kirsten A. Ecklund of GI os~e man Academic Exchange Sel Pomte ha" Iecelvcd hel doctO! of Rit-hard H. Allison of Glo.,"e .Jennifer Chdstian of GlOs"e 484 Pelissier St. • Windsor VIce Rob and DebOl ah al e the medlcme deb'1ee flOm Ca"l' \Vee;t POll1te hel" been ..,elected [OJ plO POll1te Clt) IS among the fl esh 1-519-253-5612 Mon Sat 9 a m 530 pm ~on and daughter of DI and CI n Reselvc Um\elslt) ;\la! 31 motlOn to tl1(' I,m!.. of captall1 men at \Ve~tel n ~Ilchlgan Um MI s Rlchm d Lubel a of Gros"e • l!11lted State" ~d\,11 Re"cl \e \ ('I ~ll \ \\ ho h,1\ e been selected Pomte Shol es .Judge Ad\()lclte (;enel,ll " COI p" to le~el\e a "hdle of $1 md1l0n • In CI\ 1!l,1I1 !lIe Al1I"on I" \ Ill' III dlddellllc "chohll "hlP" thl.., pi e.,ldent 'lI1d !.,'10UP head, :'\ d J,III Mal'ilyn Therese Schneidel' llOndl Beln!.. of Detimt (;llh"C Barbara Linda Bane, M.D., DOWNTOWN DETROIT daughter of 1'.11 ~ Robelt Bane of ot Glos,>e POll1te Shm e., hel" Ie POll1le pel.,on,11 tlust admll1l"ll ,I Grosse Pomte Farms and the celved a Doctor of O"teopat!1\ lion Nanc) Ann Georgi, daughter late Robelt Bane, has completed deglee flOm Michigan Stdte UIlI • of Be\elly 'll1d ~ell C GCOIgl of RIVERFRONT a two-year fellowship at Iv! D verslty Schneldel has a bache- Glosse Pomte Shm e'i. has Ie Anderson HospItal Cancel Cen- lor s deg! ee In bIOlogy flam the Marine Lance Cpt. GeOl'ge cel \ ed ..I bache 101 of alt~ deh'1ee ter at the Umver.;,lty of Texa" at Aqumas College 111 Gland Rap W, PowitJ:. ..,on oj Robl'l t W flam Blo\\ n U n1\ erslt) 111 PI 0\ I Hou.;,ton She has accepted a po Ide; She will Intel n 111 TI a\ el se PO\\ Itz of Glm;..,e POll1te F al n1'> dence R I sltlOn as plofessor of pathology Clt\ Ietcntl! I epOlted fm dllt\ \\ lth • I at the Unlvelslty of Oklahoma the l.,t FOIce SCI \ Ice SUPPOI t I-- GIOUp Camp Pendleton Celhf Stcphanie Morreale, daugh Health SClCnce Center 111 Okla I--- • leI of Dl ,mci :\11., G A MOl homa Clt) Bane I;' a gJ'aduate of ~ Grosse Pomte South High School Wabash College ha" an Ied Ie h,h comp!l'ted her fl esh I I and Wayne State Umvel"lty'S nounced that Timothy H. Weng CB:'\ C nl\ PI .,It\ h,l'> conlell ed 111,111 \ CUI elt Geol geto\\ n I school of medlcme_ of Glosse POInte Fal m~ h on the ,I 11I,1.,tl'l of ,11 t" de~1 ee In l0111111 Ulll\er"lt\ dnd ha.., emned "ec I • dean's h5t fOl the "pllllg 1989 III1lCeltlOn upon Br-"ce K. Vin- ond honor.;, She IS a blOlob'\ pI e I semester .,on, 011 :\]dV 20 med maJOl • I Grosse POInte Woods resIdent • • Janet Zielinski was named to the second semester dean's list at Demson Ulllverslty Zwhnskl IS also social chall man fOJ hel sorOJlty, Alpha ChI Omega • As ludicrous as It may sound that's what you re really dOing each time you buy real estate Without a BUYERSbroker agreemeroj The Hope College musIc de When sellers Iisf their property wlfh a real paltment has announced that estate company all agents (even agents of AnnE' HR('kprri of Hnrnf'r CH'Ci CC:l"'rpC .....;CSJ il,ust aei tll the be~i ...someof Woods \\a" selected a wmnel: of Inferest of that seller client a freshman musIc prize fOJ the That means what you thought was a the finer tlings in life school year 1989-90. The award, '.'\ TELL confidential remark made 10the agent must whIch IS made on the baSIS of by law be passed on to the seller arefor rent competItive auditIOns, entItIes But you the BUYER can have an agent • PanoramIc nver wews from each apartment the student to applied mstruc- working In your best Interest by utiliZing a • W-!sherldryer, ceramic floors and mdlVldual climate tlOn m her major pelformance BUYERS brokerage agreement control In each apartment area at no cost for the year ~EvERYTHING Only then do you become a client and the • IndIVidual mtruslOn alarms • • Private manna, health club with racquetball mdoor agent IS obligated to give you the full benefit at their experience and expertise pool whirlpool and full circuit welgfJr equIpment • Specialty food store 24-hour banker, dry cleaners Among 435 students recelvmg 10 THE So when you're the BUYERof real estate. and hair salon degrees from Samt Mary's Col gain the benefit of equal representation at • Concierge for your personal needs lege May 20, was Frances C. no extra cost become a client • Round the-clock serVIces and mamtenance Burke, of Grosse Pomte Farms and covered par/(mg Burkp, the daughter of Mr and • Entrance gate WIth24 hour "secunty Mrs William E Burke, receIved +, SEL IR • Adlacent to People Mover station a bachelor of fine arts degree • Two year leases avaIlable • • Cafe'restaurDf'- ~..,1hroom serVIce Village Suttes - shorr term furnlsltt!d rentlIls. Untque one two. and three bedroom apartments Wendy Ann Willett of GI"O<;se Rentals from $650-$2480 Mon Fn 10-7Sat 10-5Sun 12-5 POinte Shores, IS on the dean's list at Georgetown Umverslty She IS a 1987 ULS g1'aduate and R I V E R F R o N T WIll be a junior In the school of APARTME N T S bUSiness administratIon Willett (313) 393-5030 for 8prIVate Vlewrng (!) was the first woman to he A few blocks lMlst of the Renaissance Center elected preSIdent of the George I + and Joe /.oUlS Arena on the River town Investment Alhance Club L ------_._------•

j July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News _8B C_D~ Stir: The only way to fry- American Institute for Cancer Research recommends technique to reduce fat consumption add mushrooms Brown hghtly, \\ ,I\... !lo,m cut:- of lIll'dt HI e ubed cup green onions, diago- Frvll1g c 1H,l\ Ill'l'd I Ill' I~ ,Jll \ ou need 101' a COIll .1l1d hedllh plObll'lm, :"lIch as 1Il',I\ \ fl,) IlIg p,m 01 l'\ l'n ,m II1to :.tIIP:' 1 to 2 lIlches long, 1/ I~ thIckened and clear StIr m 10 bl' ...1l',ulIPd 101 ,I hOl I Illlll' pll'le lIle,d l,mC!.'1 and Iwart dlse.l"e, hm e l'll'Ctlll ..."dlct III ,ld(!JtlOlI 10 8th mch thick bean sploms and 01110ns, allow bdoll' \ Oll l,1ll t U tl\ llwlIl TIll' Icd mo:"t hl'alth tClldell1l'''''' 1l1l',lt "hould bl' Broccoli and Beef coli florets, pal1ially thawed addmg mOl e OIl. to Amellcan InstItute for Cancer (.\tremely elfFctl\'e 111 pI et>el\ IIlg .,hced \ PI\ tlullh dlIO.,... Ilw Cantonese 1 cup water chestnuts, sliced Remove second batch of meat nutllents III food stIr fly lIlg l,'1,UII. \\ Illch I... l'a"U'1 It \ ou flam the pan, add 1 table;,poon Research, Dept FC8, Washmg. rhl' deliclOlh ...tll It \ dhh e, 2 cups bean Spl'Outs (01' 1 16- ThiS cookmg techmque Ollgl h eeze the meat ulltll Jlhl fillll of 011 to the pan. If needed, and ton, D C 20069 l'l1Iphlie-- good 1ll11111101I1I1 !I\ll 01. can, drained) nated III the 01 tent bUI ha~ be (abollt 4560 nllllute ...1 ,mct IN' .1


Red Carpet Keirn Shorewood SlOe Real Estate Co ChampIOn & Saer, Ine Grosse Pomte Real Estate Co Adlhoch & ASSOCiates Inc Real Estate, Inc Tappan & ASSOCiates of ERA Coldwell Banker Real Estate Higbie Maxon Inc Realtors Aldridge & ASSOCIates Jim Saros Agency Inc Wilcox Realtors Damman, Palms, Queen Realtors Johnstone & Johnstone Inc Bolton.Johnston AsSOCIate!. Schweitzer Real Estate Inc Youngblood & , Inc R G Edgar & ASSOCiates Lochmoor Real Estate Century 21 East m the VJ1lage John E Pierce & ASSOCiates Inc Chamberlam Realtors James R Flkany Real Estate Co


r'r...... TRADITIONAL BRICK COLONIAL plovldes a de BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED EUROPEAN Co[ DIS I I:"/CTI\'E SETTING 01'\ LAKELAND befih hghtful envll onment fOl the young fanuly Wondel ONIAL Leaded glas" and gleaming hal d\\ood lh1" ...11 1I-.Ing bllc-k Colonl

OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 312 HILLCREST 65 SHOREHAM .tt: • ,..1-, ". ~ J'A- ;-~ ii' ~j _ ('00)'

,/ ~'It", " l<~ .:: _ ___- n~lf~I~, ~

CENTRAL AIR WILL COOL YOU ,I-. 'ou pnJO\ CHARMING FAMILY HOME III prime Falms 10 thl" "lale 1 oofed tudOl fe,ltllll1lg " WLy f,lnllh C,IIHlTIfealul mg bright famdy room With bay \\ m loom, paneled den. thl el' buh O(lIlh plu~ u ma~lC'1 do\\ ovellookmg patiO, thl ee bedrooms. new cen bedloom "lIlte. thl ee bath" ,lnd Tll.ln) othel mod II al ,Ill "paclOus kitchen With eatmg alea and eln amenltle .... JUST REDUCED to $209 000 mOle A GREAT LOCATION AND A GREAT BUY' ThiS "A PAGE OUT OF BETIER HOMES & GAR three bedroom, one and one half bath m the heart DENS" IS ho\\ thl~ home appeal'" Thl ee bed of the Fal ms has a remodeled kItchen. a cool fam. rooms, two and one half bath::., family loom, Ily room, a lovely patIO and pnvate yard A steal plofesslOnally decol ated Pel hap~ thl~ "Jewel' \\ III at $119,900 be perfect for )OUl ~pecl3l famIly

'"'01:1\1 C:::111\11"Ill.V '-"'. _ .... _\oJ ...... , ~ I '-"_Al By APPOiNTi\'iENT 20632 FLEETWOOD


I-OR RA:\CH !.O\ FR..., O:\L ....' E.l...\ 11\109 In Ihl' 100n1\ and n1lh(' fam,h loom \\lth fir('place and \\(>1bar. \\onderful new Mutschler kitchen oak floor. 109 lil ...t l100r laundr.. cOJlvement maIO floor ma.,ter ~1lI1e\\ Ith pnvate bay slttmg area, two bed. IOOTIl" and adlOlnJng hath IIp''lmr<;, centl al an, security system. sprmkler system Please call for \0\11 pll\ate apPOlnlmC'nt BY APPOINTMENT BY APPOINTMENT FIRST OFFERING CALLING ALL DOCTORS AND NURSES' ThiS SPACIOUS BRICK RANCH on N Rl'natHl fNI MEMBER CHAMPION~BAER dehghtful Colomal near St John HospItal has a ture., a beautifully \and~caped lot \Iollh pallO ,md bnght new kItchen WIth 'lparkhng tiled floor douhle ga~ ",,,,111Excellent 11001 plan. Ihlpl' hed ~.5jJ three bedrooms, family room and ' room.,. two hat h". faml1y room and den EMPLOYEE REALTORS RELOCA'T10N i( C I'm hl'\~ll1\\\', ( In)',',I... lbJnte hlrm....NIl ~~23() COUNCIL 884.5700

.1 ------~------~--_...... - • JUiy13, i989 98 Grosse Pointe News

20439 Mack Ave" Grosse Pointe I-"J~ 886-8710 RED CARPE IISHOREWOOD KEirn REAL ESTATE. INC. n",ocal I"lU c:;,Pf" ,.,.~ Av"Ulilb1f' Formerly - Shorewood E.R Brown Realty

>- ....OPEN----_._------~=--.:..:...::..:..:.(/)SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN (3 21682 VAN K - GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Beautiful Colon],;1 ~ltudtl(1 on,; ~ Z large lot FedtUle., lI1clude Foul' bedlOome;, two ,md one half Ildth" 1<1111111 I(,om 0 ~ updated kltlhen, marble foyer ....Ith two "tory opf'n .,tauld"e XU01110U~ Impl(J\e » (/) ment" In la...t thtee year" ;< Z ~ W 45 HAMPTON - GROSSE POINTE SHORES - Jue;t a "holt ....dlk to L,;ke~hol<' (J\ n. Sprawling ranlh With two bedrooms, large hVlng room and dll1l11gloom wmbl 0 o natIOn Large Flonda room, two full baths, fir!>t floor laundl y, lentrdl .Ill, "prll1 "'0 SUPERIOR LOCATION IN GROSSE POIN'IE GHAND ENTRY'" CUllIldl dll\( Ildy ubhel you to thl~ Idhuloll'> blilk Colol1ldl jCJldted at 809 BLAIR u;> kler !>y"tem, attached garage m SHORES" One house ofT Lake!>hOle Dllve"l N Z \IOOn III (liD'>'>( POl11t( Wood, F(,ltlile' lI1t!nde CIlt f1001 laundl y, Z tached garage Natural fireplace, convement to all sun oundll1g bchool" 0 td<;tefully decO!ated thloughoutlll mdny mOl(. ,II1WnltJe~11I ~ » (/) BRAND NEW CONDOMINIUMS - :< OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 z N W OPEN SUNDAY 1 4 - :15040 HIDDEN COVE - Located In Harllson Twp on lbe 0, Cl. water, neal Shook Road off JefTerson, panoramIc view of the Lake TIIO bed 0 ./ o looms, two baths, attached garage Boat \\ellmrluded 111 price Lalgl ba"ement "'0 ~ fit eplace, first floor laundry ~

>- OPEN SUNDAY 25 - 38110 MAPLE FOREST - Located off 16 MIle (Metro' be (/) « tween Crocker and Jefferson Two bedroom ranch \\Ith two car garage, tl\O full C o baths, open basement Last one' Last chance' Z ~'-----~------..J»Z 0 U) OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN --<

GROSSE POINTE WOODS - LOCATED ON HOLLYWOOD Sharp one and one half st01\ of(l'IIllg , thl ee bedrooms, one and one half baths FlOrida room, natural fireplace In hVlng room, paneled 1I'll ea , tlOn loom WIth wet bar and lavatory, two car attached garage Bl'lck cone;t1uctlOn With alummum hun OUTSTANDING' INTERIOR & EXTERIOR' Cus IM~lEDlATE OCCUPANC Y II' Cue;tom built spa tom built foUl bedloom bllck Colomal Intel 101 s by 1I0U~ bllck Idnlh ne\lly pa mted dnd cal peted GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Could be a four bedroom home Nice opportumty fm the couple stal tlOg Bakel s Concept BeautIful family room Illth wet till OUghOlltOi BlIght all \ loom" Illth bay \1mdows out Colomal In nice condItIOn, kItchen and family room combinatIOn FUI nace one year old, lefngeratOl bUI JacuzzI on wooden deck ofT of famIly loom and In fOllnal dmlng room dnd 11\ IIlg room 1'1 uly U at and stove negotIable One car detached garage, very well prICed at $62,600 goUl met kltchen FlI st flool laundly 100ml! Stop home fOl entel taming and the nght sIze fOi the " , by Sunday" YOUl Hostess Gmny Damman' 21440 empt) ne"tel"l Tel ms .1\ aIlable"' ,14 WESTWIND Eacn Red Carpet of/Ice IS Indel'OlndenUy owned and operated o! VAN K, GROSSE POINTE WOODS LAI\'E, GHO"SE POINTE FAR;o,1~ ,• t t OUTSTANDING CONDOMINIUMS IN GROSSE POl1\ IE Cll Y A;'\lD Iii: ST CLAIR SHORES AVAILABLE CALL FOR iI!ORE INFOHMATIO:\,"


17646 Mack Avenue Grosse POinte, Mlch 48224313-886-4444 Members of Grosse POinte Board of Realtors & Michigan Multi-list Put Number 1 to work for you.@

A Company Big Enough To Do The Job • • • OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 FIRST OFFERING Small Enough To Care GROSSE POINTE WOODS 8T CLAIR SHORES


1610 FORD CT - ClaSSIC chal m and grace, three four bedrooms. famIly ThiS Indian \ 1I1age 'tl Ie IUlIl oi the room, natural fireplace, open floor plan, CentUi \ Coloma I featule., tlllep f1()01~ Olce ameOltles All thiS and much more of 11\109 space. t hI ee fOUl bid loom, on a pn~ate cuI de sac one and one half bath<;, fOImal dml'lg 100m, 11\109 room 1\ Ith natul ne\\ PI cal petmg, IenOl ated \1!tllln I,hl of them A two story foyel, paneled family best of both \IOIld<; The 10\\el flat has a 1Iadl I T fi\ I' yeal'S Read) fOl vou, m"pl'ctlOll room wIth COIner fireplace, first floor laundry, and tlOnnl layout - 11\101-( loom, dmmg 100m, kItchen ImmedIate OccupancI Call fOI de13J1~ ample eatll1g space 10 the kitchen aJ e Just a few of a' \\ell.m,lIntmned 1\" comfortable room sizes Two car ga portatlOn Pnced to ~ell the garden The home IS decorated 10 neutlal color" and hae; leaded rage, under $90,000 glass Windows and cue;tom \\mdo\\ tledtments Add a den and FIOI Ida 100m to Its three bedrooms, t\\ 0 and one half hathe; and thI ee HARRISON TOWNSHIP C3f g-3rag-o 3-n~ ,,,,., },~,'n ~ ,~nndol"lot"fu' (3.'1"',1.> rA.-'l"'~ GROSSE POINTE PARK Ponkey deSIgned Colomal m pnme Park locale Quahty throughout SpaclOu<; .....,..- I' - / .... he hot, lazy e;ummer days won t bothel \011 m thl'> cool home If floor plan from the terazw foyer to T the heat gets unbearable m the 1mge backyard, come m'>lde to the metIculously kept grounds ThIs the central all' condltlOOlng Nestled m the heart of GI o,se Pomte home has It all add a cll-cular drive, ~ / Wood." thiS three bedroom, two bath home al'o featm e... a large large famIly room, three fireplaces, kitchen, dmmg room, finished basement, ne\1 100f. double dn\(' beautifully fimshed bac;ement With \\alk and garage floor For tho.,e coolel Olght<; ,Oil Cdn a1\1,1\ s get full kl«:hen Four bedrooms, t\\O and comfortable m front of the hVlng 100m fileplau' one half baths, newer furnace, cen tral all', a must see home Call for det81ls on thIS executive manor ''1Tlth a lot of love, graclOlIs lJvmg In hl'dll \ (',II) hl' )0111' III lhl, y, mansIOn on the lake' Entelll1g Into ,I m,1IhiE' floOled \ ("llhull' Ie;Just the first step The first floor ha' a hugE' IIvll1g room, dllllng GROSSE POINTE PARK Nestmg amId. summt I "un'd' ,ll1ei ~O() thing breez('~, thiS fil',>t flool (\('( lit 1\C room '''Ith fireplace>;, breakfae;t loom 1\ Ith parquet flOO1.and slate T\\o famIly Income south of Jefferson floored closed m porch Take the elevdtor to the "econd floOi \1Ith ThiS all brick home feature three bed condo features al1 the pampermg ,1111('n eIght bedrooms and baths and three <;Ittmg 100m., Thl' h,I"emenh looms, m each umt, dmmg room, hvmg ltles Captlvatmg 'Ie">; flOm th(' gll'at even hae; a bowling alley The property can he e;lIbd.."ldcd 100m, lead glass wmdo\\., to large room and e"

FIRST OFFERINGS 374 UNIVERSITY PLACE" OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 .. Lovely five bedroom Colomal nestled In beaunful aren of GrosS(' POinte. Three full baths, new master SUite Just fimshed, fnnuly room, Celebrating Our 70th Year! central alr, lots of recent Improwments Attached gnrage Large lot Call today for detmls

1332 TORREY ROAD •• Clhll1111111{bUllgalo\l \I lth l'\p.1n'1011 loom' family loom, dlllll1g loom 'lllli I,.lldll'n F\I,'n'I'l' IIllPIO'l' JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE ments Central mr, 1\\ 0 l.ll g.ll ,Igl' ('.111101 \ (llli Pll\ ,Ill' ,llll\' mg

20208 SALISBURY q SI CI.lll ShOll" " E\ll'ptlOll.11 10111 lll'd room Colomdl Bath and ,I h.11I <.','ntl,ll.l\I i\' Ill' III "'l'1 \ \\ ,1\ Let us sholl IOU .111th,' 'pt'u,ll 1t'.ltllle' of thl'> honl<' NEW ON THE MARKET!

358 CHALFO:'\TE •• OPE=-: SC=-:D \ 'I 2:, " \ tdbllioll' \ II \\ 01 the Countn Club of Detlolt t;oll COlll'" floll! thl' bl',llltlllll famll\' room of thl:. rambhng 1.lIllh Fl'.llllll'd .11'0 I' till' 101i1 MUCH HEQUESTED HILL ARI<~A olTel!> OUTST ANDING COLONIAL dt a pi Ice bedrooms plu!> 11\0 bath" fil'l nOOI 1,lUndl\ ItlOll! .1Ilt! "\ll'P ,I ~IlIPP\ IhlP,' b,',hoOIll bunga)(l\\ With up vou 'Il hke' Till ee bed Ioom~, one and 0111.' hJlf tlOnal basement \I Ith Ib lOll IOOIl! gdnll" loom ,Illd d,ltl'd kllLl1l'Il, den ne\l IIIIn,l'l', tented Ydld bath .., N"~W FAMILY ROOM, fireplale. more Stop III .md "l'(' fOl \ aUI ," If ,1I11l IllUll' - ,Ill e,I'\ \\ ,dk to "dlUu;". 'bu" 11<"h dewl and MORE' ,hop,r 8R I OllOO 1427 YORKSHIRE • 'OPE=-: SU" DA Y 2 5 '. 'I'l'l I lIi, IOUl b,'dloom FAVORITE FARMS STREET ollel!> a t\lO brick Colomal III 10n'II all',1 of t Ill' PARK olfel' Idnllh loom bedloom, one and one half bath doll hou;e , HEHE'S A FAMILY COLONIAL you'll updated kitchen. natuI"! filepldU!, \\.111,.up .ltlll l'(" FOUl bedIOOIl1'>,Olle and on~ hdlf WIth lob 01 potential CHARM! If }ou'le a Stop 111 and see even ,pecl,1I detJI1 of thl' le\lel , b,lth, den ,lIId I,ll I-(l'11\IIlg loom and dllllllg lleatlve 'fixer uppel", you \lOIl't be ,Ible to In 1001111\ Ill' e\tl.l!> IIlL1Udllll-(beautiful custom Wdlt to get stalted' Come and see - It'!>Just 763 NOTRE DAME OPEN SUND.\ 'I :2:; ,. QUJll1t thll'l' bed \\ mtlllg fOl yoU! !>peclal touch dnd I!>pllcl'd *. _~t \'lle .., '>peu,ll iii epl.lte .lIld pi epal dtlon room Cape Cod offel ~ den, f'1I111111001l! ldl petlllg Iell'nt fUI h,l,> ,111l'oIdlb..en done fOl d ~eLOnd b.lth' 881 atCOIdlllgly' 884 0600 nace and many nice l111pl0\ emenh :0.10\e III condit Ion Gle,ll 4200 locatIOn Make Offel p THIS SPACIOUS SEMI-RANCH has had NOTHING TO DO BUT MOV"~ IN thIS lots 01 tender 10vIIlg cal e' Four lal ge bed 1451 LAKEPOINTE n OPEN SUNDA Y 25" \'en dffOJdable lot STUNNING AND SPACIOUS! Fl\e I.uge looms, t\\ 0 full baths, 1mge famll) room, fin fOUl bedioolll. tllO ,lIld one half bath COLO- bedloom!> t \I a dnd one h,tlf bath, dell tage ~t} Ie home offel S ndtul al IiI eplolee 'dl petlllg Immedl,lte NIAL on love I} 1.11gel lot' Famdy size lshed basement and MORE make thl!> a spe ne\lel gOllllllet kltthell, I,ll ge 10\1el level Occupancy' NEWER KITCHEN, lots of nell cm petlllg clal buy' 881 6300 l.lllII11 100m and 10[>.,of e\t Id loulhe~' 881 dlld beaut Iful Iefilll~hed 11001s plus specldl 342 RIDGEMONT - See ad under JAMES R. FIKANY 4200 gJl age th.1t wlll accommodate VOUI boat 01 "OPEN SUNDAY"! REAL ESTATE Iel'l e.ltlOnal \ ehlcle 884 0600 714 Notre Dame OPEN 2-5 SUNDAY 886.5051 20620 FAIRWAY LANE - THE SPACE 783 RIVARD - PRIME CITY LOCATION WILL SURPRISE YOU! FOUl bedooms, de fm thiS fOUl bedloom, tll 0 bath home \\ lth hghtlul 1,1I111hloom oil lmge kItchen plus .1 COZyden, second 11001studiO 01 !>lttll1g loom, fine \ leII' 01 the fil ...t gleen at LochmoOl Jal ge dll1ll1g loom plus kitchen bl eakfa~t Club' fillS hou'>e IS defilUtely UP TO PAR! al ea, filllshed basement \\ Ith extra lavatory and brand NEW GARAGE! AffOJdably 8840600 piKed' 884 0600 F ARMS RANCH - The perfect !>OlutlOl1fOl an} one seeklllg t\\ 0 1026 BALFOUR - HOW ABOUT A 22X40 bedrooms. an expansIOn dttlC, a bl and new kitchen, centl al all, INGROUND POOL a~ close a~ youl back 1975 STANHOPE - THIS DELIGHTFUL attached garage, and a large tell aced bl eezel\ a) ThiS special \ at d I EnJov summel III th IS clal:ol:olccenter RANCH could be lIght out of the pages 01 offenng IS very \1 ell pi Iced ,It $1.33,900 BEITER HURRY' h,dl COLONIAL all bedutifully landscaped 'AlchltectUlal Dlgel:ot'" Includes mas tel bed Ioom \I Ith adJOIlllng bath plus hall bath and lot \\ Ith 1-(1 e,lt accommoddtlon!> 1Il!>lde. too' t\IO additIOnal bedrooms FRESH UP- 8840600 LAKESHORE VILLAGE - LocatIOn locatIOn, 10catlOI1, 25 S EDGEWOOD GROSSE POINTE SCALE DECOR lIlciudes new cal'petmg and thiS two bedroom townhouse IS clo!>e to the pool and tenms SHORES - A PRESTIGIOUS ADDRESS 1008 KENSINGTON - FRESHLY DECO- all \I Illdow tl eatments 884.0600 courts and recent decOl atlOn complete~ the 1ea!>ons fOI YOU to PLUS MANY CUSTOM EXTRAS mea RATED centel elltl ance COLONIAL \I lth call us today , pm t of thiS lIlellCOul:oll hept RANCH "Ith IOUI 1mge bedl oom~ 'Illd fanllly loom 01el 22618 ST, GERTRUDE - T\\o bedrooms 5t mal ble fo\ el and Idl ge faml!) loom thdt III LINCOLN ROAD -ENGLISH AT IT'S FINEST -This chnrmll1g looklllg 85\180 sIte CHECK THE Clair Shm es ranch has supel famdy loom, home features elegant accents of oak and marble along With d llde!> rmsed heat t fiIepldce dnd bedmed TEMPTING NEW PRICE! 8840600 ne\\ kitchen. fireplace and central all Lo\\ three and a half baths, a paneled hbrary large carpeted recrea- cetllllg 881 6300 80's 881 6300 tion room With fireplace and bar - a great locatlOn, you can 22432 MANOH - EXCEPTIONAL LAND- walk to schools, The Village and "The HIli" PosseSSlOll can be SCAPING come~ \I Ith thiS thl ee bedroom arranged for September school operung Call us for addJ. CAPE COD In popular EAGLE POINTE! tlonal detalls LIIge rooms thloughout, Slttlllg room and linl~hed basement and a pI Ice you'll hke' LUXURY RESIDENCE - FIRST FLOOR MASTER SUITE - ThiS 8840600 brand new home features Cape Cod styhng, fireplaces III both the Library and Itvmg 100m, a fabulous kitchen Illth bay I\m 252 McMILLAN - TASTEFUL DECOR, dowed breakfast nook and many e'\ceptlOnal conI emenc-;'s not QUALITY CONSTRUCTION, GREAT bUilt mto older homes of our commumt} Ready fOl Septembel FLOO R PLA N! Thl ee bedloom Colomal III 1989, we mVlte mqUlnes and \ ou'll make decoratlllg and d I.JIOIIte F.lI m~ lOtatlOn 884 0600 cabmetry selectIOns 1635 ANITA GROSSE POINTE WOODS 715 PEAR TREE LANE - APPEALING JUST $91,500 buy~ thl'> beautiful \ oil d plu~ IN THE CITY - PRICE REDUCED - Walk to the Village. th" FOUR BEDROOM, two and one half bolth a fine thl ee bed 100m, one and one h,llf bat h ;,;..~ three bedroom IeSldence featul es an attached garage, covel ed oltl'l s tl adltlOn combllled \\ Ith contempDl alY '-- home \I Ith COZ}fil epldle 1Il handy Wood .. 10 1010 YORKSHIRE - GROSSE POINTE patIO, a newer furnace and cent Ial all - What a bu} at eleJ.(ance SpeclUl leatUl es lIltiude t\\ a fil e ' PARK - NEWLY UPDATED EXTERIOR $119,900 l,ltlOn' 881 6JOO place ..., Wlltl al all, fil ~t nODI lal atOl} and makes thiS one a leal EYE CATCHER! fl11l1llyloom \I Ith beamed celllllg 881 6300 Dllve by and see foU! yourself1 Appealtng OVERLOOKING THE LAKE - 150 feet from Lake St Clair, thls 545 BLAIRMOOR - THIS IMPECCABLY foyer plus well mamtallled deSIgner type de lot offers a real opportllnlt} to construtl ) OUI dream home Call MAINTAINED foUl bedoom, t\\O and one 342 RIDGEMONT - NEWLY LISTED COI add to thiS fanuly home WIth nearly us for details half bath COLONIAL IS situated on a bedll FARMS bungalow has three bedlooms, olle 3,000 squdre feet of accommodatIOns' 884 tlfully landscaped sIte \\ Ith pllvacy ollented and one hall baths, centl al all, newer carpet RIVIERA TERRACE - SpacIOus t\\O bedroom, two bath condo \\Ith 0600 PdtJO pel feet fOJ entel tallllllg' Al ~o Included Ing WIth WONDERFUL UPDATING new carpet throughout and velY close to the Clubhouse and IS a \Iondel ful 1111ge famtl\ loom plu~ lo\\el THROUGHOUT, Nothlllg to do but move pool le\ el entel tmnment <.entel SPECIAL! 884 II1to thIS fine offellllg' 882 0600 0600 BISHOP ROAD - ThiS beautiful Enghsh reSidence has been com pletely redone m the past fe\\ }eat s Hlghhghts mclude d BY APPOINTMENT newer kitchen, both a famIly room and a den, beautIful hm d wood l100rs and custom wllldo\\ tredtments You won't find a SOPHISTICATED WINDMILL POINTE A SPECIAL COLONIAL On Bedford of WALK TO VILLAGE SHOPS from thiS neater home Give us a CalP COLONIAL IS filled With chm mlllg extl a..' fel ~ fil e bedrooms, thl ee and one half baths, Engh~h cottage style home - three bed Includes three bedlooms, two and one h,lIf 10\el) hbl alY, t\\O filepldces plus great looms, one and one half baths and an extra 1821 SEVERN ROAD - OPEN SUNDAY 3 5 - Impeccable, thiS bath!>, updated kItchen With beamed celllllg.

MOVING OUT OF TOWN? WE CAN REFER YOU TO THE BEST REAL ESTATE BROKERS ~ The United Way. ACROSS THE COUNTRY OR THE WORLD! RELC The UOIIed Foundation has changed w(")p,;, ,I "'C.l<.i Its name 10the United Way lor Sou1h. ,"" PI lor .r'o .... WWSSE POI;,\TE F/\R;\lS (iHOSSE POT;,\TE rARK eastern M,ctllgan And our United Way GROSSE POINTE WOODS CHARTER MEMBERS Torch Dnve represents the same SPirit 01 H2 K('ldll'vnl RR40S00 16610 ~T.trk RRI4200 19790 Mack 881 6300 canng lor local reSidents The besl way SINCE 1960! to show you care

n.e 'bch Drift illlM the UIIIed ~ 'bch ome. -.... CMtIleI* SOI>cilltlOn l_ No ~23 11 B July 13, 1989 I Grosse Pointe News


Red Carpet KeIrn Shorewood SlOe Real E!>tate Co ChamplOn & Baer, Inc Grosse Pomte Real Estate Co Adlhoch & A'>~OllUte!>lnl Real E!>tate, Inc Tappan & Associate!> of ERA Coldwell Banker Real Estate HIgbie Maxon Inc Realtors Aldridge & A!>soclat!'<. JIm Saros Agency Int WIlcox Realtors Damman, Palms, Queen Realtor" Johnstone & Johnstone rnc Bolton Johnstull A"'iollate,, &hweltzer Redl Estate lnc Youngblood & Fmn Inc Century 21 East m the Vtllage R G Edgar & As!>oclate" Lochmoor Real Estate John E Pierce & Associate" Inc Chamberlam Redltor!> .Jame" R Flkany Real E'itate Co


1372 BISHOP, GROSSE 885 LAKESHORE, GROSSE 835 WESTCHESTER, GROSSE 30 S EDGEWOOD, GROSSE POI:-"TE PARK - Lovely large POINTE SHORES - PRESTI POINTE PARK - CondltlOn, 10 POINTE SHORES - Walk to Colomal features countly GIOUS custom bUIlt three bed catIOn and excellent floOl plan Ichweltzer Lake flom thiS two bath bllck kItchen Illth breakfast nook, loom trl level offers Mutschlel along \\ Ith many nel\ featUl es Real E.rtote.lnc. 1 anch featuring cenll dl all, fam neller kitchen flOOl, new carpet kItchen, first floor laundly and In basIc" make thiS a gt eat buy Ih loom Illth nal ulUl fireplace Ing FIRST OFFERING' central all $379,000 (H $220,000 IF J5WESI 886 5800 FIRST OFFERING' $2'\0,000 $145.900 (G 72BIS1 8864200 85LAK I 885 2000 tH 30EDGI 885 2000 .~Better .,.... J I I .. Homes"and Garden.s@

~ 1445 DEVONSHIRE, GROSSE 705 PEMBERTON GROSSE 329 RIDGEMO~T GROSSE 1330 \\/HlTTIER, GROSSE POINTE PARK - SpacIOus cen POINTE PARK - One of the POL~TE FAR),IS - Charmmg POINTE PARK - OUTSTAND ter entrance brick Colomal \\ Ith fe\\ contempOl al y Co!omals III center-entl ance Coloma! features ING Flench Colomal offels thlee bedrooms paneled den, the area \llth all steel faml!) Inom filllshed With tongue man, fine al chltect's featm es famlly room and t\\O cal at constl uctlOn, lal ge dlessmg and gJ 00\ I' cedal, central aIr tluoughout thIS thlee bedroom tached garage $161,000 (H loom off mastel bedloom $169,900 (G29RID18864200 falntlv home FIRST OFFER 45DEV) 885 2000 lNG' $219,900 m 30WHII 885 $169.900 (F 05PEMl 886 5800 2000

18736 HUNTINGTON, HARPER 1522 ALl:"£. GROSSE POINTE 45614 HECKER, UTICA - Cus 865 BARRINGTON, GROSSE 1145 HAMPTON, GROSSE 367 KERBY, GROSSE POINTE WOODS - Updated kItchen \\ Ith WOODS - Cozy three bedroom tom, three bedroom brick ranch POINTE PARK - South of Jef POINTE WOODS - Beautiful FARMS - SpacIous thl ee bed cabmets galOl e, dlsh\\ ashel , ranch features central air, fin all newly decorated featmes \\et fel,on and onlv $99,000 Fantd'i three bedroom countl y style loom bungalo\\ features three lange, refngel atOl Included l,hed basement WIth la\'ator)- plaster, hardwood noors, ne\\ tlc open floor plan and great 10 house on lal ge lot featm C'i natu full baths and fimshed base ment With office and recreatIOn Large paneled famIly room $97,400 (G 22ALli 886 4200 carpetmg and wmdO\\ treat C,lllOn Three bedroom bllck I al fireplace m gJ eat room and ments $98,500

1584 ALlNfo.:, GROSSE POINTE 20607 LA~CASTER, HARPER 18745 ELKHART, HARPER 20902 HAWTHORNE, GROSSE 1415 ALINE, (~ROSSE POINTE 2211 E EIGHT MILE, GROSSE WOODS - Great location fOJ WOODS - Beautiful four bed WOODS - Sharp famll) home POINTE WOODS - Move nght WOODS - Orlgtnal ownel Thl ee POI~TE WOODS - Pel fect thl'i three bedroom ranch \\ Ith loom Cape Cod m Glo,se Pomte close to 'ihoppmg and transpor I11to thl'i Impeccahly mallltatned bedl nom brick ranch 10 nl'\\er .,tarter home IS thIS three bed natural fireplace m famll\ School chstnct offers eatmg tatlon, offel'i Cel amlC ttle home \\lth nel\ kItchen, m'wel Wood'i nelghhOl hood off!'r'i natu room ranch WIth attached ga room. extra II1sulatlon and ,p,lce III kItchen and screened kItchen floor, extra m'iulatlOn vlllyl tllm, gutter'i and ,tOI m lal \\ood\\ork and fil1l,hed ha!>C rar;e on double lot \\ Ith full Jovel\' yard $94900 (G 84ALII pOlch $69,900 IG 07LANI 886 FIRST OFFERI;\;G' $49.900 tF \\Indo\\" $72,900 (G 02HA Wl ment $89,900 m 15ALII 885 hasement $76,900 (G l1EIGl 8864200 4200 45ELK) 886 5800 Rfl64200 2000 8864200

Grosse Pointe Farms Kercheval on the Hill Grosse Pointe Woods 18780 Mack Avenue 74 Kercheval ~venue 21300 Mack Avenue just north of Vemier just south of Moross 886-5800 885-2000 886.4200


~', I JUlY 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 126

FIRST OFFf<:HINC _ A'lvl'RACTIVE foUl bedlOom, two and one half buth COIOIllUIIll U glent IOlllt101l 01 Ihe Wood" Outbtandll\~ 100111"Ill'", lalllliv 100111,and kitchen New furnale alld wnllal

CADIEUX ROAD - Neal Village shops and Bon GROSSE POINTE VILLA CONDOMINIUM - Off SeLOurb HO~Pltdl English st) Ie condonllmum white walls With newel cmndmon carpetmg TAPPAN REALLY CAN MAKE THE DIFFERENCE Completel) renO\ ated lllcluding a Baker Con Central all' One mce bedroom Includes LET US SHOW YOU HOW!!! cept kitchen Thiel' bedrooms and two baths kitchen apphances and basement storage on "econd, bedroom slttmg loom and bath on $48,000 thud GllIage ELMSLEIGH LANE - South of Jefferson neal the lake Five bedroom Colomal Two and a half baths Family 100m E"tras Illclude central all', alarm system, lawn sprmkler system and two car attached garage Nicely decorated

RIV ARD - English Tudor styled condommlum End umt With good wmdo\\ space Four bed rooms, two and a half baths Den, large kitchen, dlllmg room has a greenhouse Will dow RecleatlOn room

LOCHMOOR BOULEVARD - Two story res I dence on 100x162 foot lot Five bedrooms on second l100r Two and a half baths Den, newer ST CLAIR SHORES kItchen, garage doors and storms and screens Second floor laundry FIRST OFFERING SHADY LANE Desll THREE MILE Stately centel enl! dl1ce Cola mal III plesllglOus area of Grosse POlllte Over CANTERBURY - ExceptIOnal fOUl bed 100m Colo able thl ee bedlool11 Ianth locdted m popullll 1lI I'd TONNANCOUR - SpacIOus one and one half 10 St Cldll ShO! es ThiS malllCUI I'd home featules 4200 squal e feet of I1v1l1g area mcludes master ilia I m Wood~ Completely updated In past fey, story reSidence Two bedrooms on first and a famll) 100111,nel\ Cll! pet and pamt, a t 1\ 0 cal ga bedlOom sUIte \11th full bath, foUl additIOnal bed \ eal s :'011'\\ Woodmastel cUbtom kitchen With dlgl third bedroom on second, four and one half 100ll1S,32 'I. 18 family loom, 1031ge count Iy kitchen, tdl dlshllashel Jenn air stove, Thermodore refrlg Iage WIth openel, limbhed b<1"ement \\ Ith lavatol) baths, hbrary and famIly room Spnnkler sys PI Iced to bell at $78.500 IO!mdl dm1l1g loom and much mOlI' elalOl Nell clllpetlllg In family room With bUilt III tern, recreatIOn room ApprOXImately 4500 oak cabllletb and \I IIldo\\ seat All ne\\ wmdows square feet Pnce reduced to $445,000 Spllllkier s) stem, central air, alummum tnm, basement tIled, paneled and divided Roof seven WINDEMERE - ImpreSSIVe pnvate condominium ) ears old Cedar deck Abo\ e ground pool commumty m the Farms Pool With poolhouse for owners Currently under construction thiS BISHOP ROAD - Beautiful area Just off JetTer umt offers first floor master bedroom and two son SpacIOus two story residence on 100x230 bedrooms on second floor LIbrary IS 15x18 foot lot Llbral'y, Fountalll room, recreation feet Central all' Two car attached garage room \\ Ith fireplace First floor powder room, Beautifully landscaped common grounds three bedrooms and two baths on second Bed room and bath on third Service stairs Car LAKESHORE ROAD - Grosse Pomte Shores nagI' house Nell ly renovated throughout Over 200 feet of frontage With an excellent view of passlllg ships The reSidence lends It self beautlfully to both family hvmg and CONDOMINIUM on Mal ter III St Clair Shores Two bedroom second floor umt Basement stor grand entertammg m the 32x32 foot great age Carport, near Eleven Mile and Little room and heated Illdoor sWlmmmg pool Four bedrooms, four full baths, powder room, first Mack $46,000 floor utility room Three car heated garage WAVERL Y LANE - Ternfic Colomdl Five bed Much more looms, four baths, two lavatones 18x27 foot MIDDLESEX Elegant centel entrance Enghsh CADIEUX Umque Colomal near the Village COUNTRY CLUB - Overlookmg the St Clair family room With fireplace 15x21 foot library Colomal \llth 131ge fOyI'l ThiS charmlllg home IS Fl\ I' bedl oomb - three and a half baths Ne\\ and Shores Golf Course Beautifully decOi ated con With fireplace Beautiful pnvate yard With located III prestlglou~ Wmdmlll Pomte area and of "paclOus MUTSCHLER kitchen - famll) 100111 dommlUm With premium wlIldow views Just heated pool Secunty system, sprmkler sys fel b foUl bedlooms, t\\ 0 and a half baths, firbt 11001 The iii st 11001wlllg can be used as an apartment, off I 94 expressway for easy commutlllg T tern, central air, three car attached garage laundl ~ attdched garage and mOlI' bedlOom or office sUIte Absolutely Chat mlng

SOUTH BRYS DR - Three bedroom ranch on a GARY LANE - Lakeshore Village Two bedroom nice bll.e lot near Ferry School Modern townhouse NIcely decorated Central all kitchen \~Ith table space DlIllllg room, famIly Newer kitchen apphances Complex offers clubhouse, tenms, pool and tot lot Also avail room, attached t\\O car garage able for lease 83 HAWTHORNE Value, location, and a high quahty llfestyle IS \\ ailing f(J1you III thiS foUl bed room, t\\ 0 bath Cape Cod home located In Grosse Pomte ShOl es MUSKOKA - Near the Farms Pier on a dead end street Center entrance Colomal Three bed ONE OF THE BEST HOMES on the market, thiS 437 MORAN GI eat opportumty to move Illto Glosse Pomte Farms Owner IS open to offers ThiS rooms and t\\0 and a half baths RecreatIOn center entrance Colomal IS between 8t Paul charmlllg Engll"h Style Colomal featule~ three bedlooms, one and a half baths plus small additIOn room \\ Ith fireplace, central all', patIO area, and Kercheval on Lakeland Good condition that could be u"ed as an office, computer room or laundry room Refim~hed hardwood l100rs plus two cal garage and tastefully decorated throughout Features four spacIOus bedrooms, library and garden newel bel ber carpet add up to move m conditIOn E EMORY CT - Cu,;tom bUilt two bedroom room With a natural fireplace Among ItS 1310 BISHOP OPEN SUNDAY 14 Arched Enghsh home featUring three bedlooms, one and a ranch 20 foot family room Newer roof, copper many other features the house has a secunty half baths, new MUTSCHLER kitchen, hard\\ood 1100rs, hbrm y, two car gal age and much more gutters Natural fireplace III lIvmg room Two system and IS centrally all' conditIOned car attached garage ONLY $154,900 BY APPOINTMENT

OPEN SUNDAY 2 5 MIDDLESEX REDUCED ImpreSSive home RIDGEMONT ProfeSSIOnally landscaped three With all custom features, thiS fOllr bedroom Colo bedroom bungalow m Grosse Pomte School DI~ 921 CANTERBURY - Grosse Pomte Woods - Four bedroom Colomal, $254,500 mal has all new kItchen appllances, carpeting and tllct Tastefully decorated WIth completely nell secunty system Has breakfast room and master Kohler bathroom Extra lot prOVIdes countly hke 195 RIDGEMONT - Three bedroom ranch SUite, family room and central all' Just mlllutes bettlllg and additIOnal privacy Call f01 an appolllt from the Pm k You'll want to see thl" one ment

ANITA REDUCED Aiumlllum clad bunga GREEN STREET Vacant property - ChOIce low located on 1'1lendlv street m Grosse Pomte commencal frontage on mam road m rapIdly de Woodb Two hedroom,; down and large bedroom Up velop1l1g New Baltimore adjacent four acres avaJ! plus lot,; of clo~ets and ERA ProtectIon Plan able Two parcels combine for o\er 600 foot fron 886-3400 Nice yard With ga" barbeque, patio and privacy tagI' Call for more mformatlon a~k for Jack or mIl fence and much more Call to bee $82,000 Pattie 83 kercheval avenue • grosse pOinte farms • ~ IIIGBIE michigan 48236 HOMEQlTVw ... Let us refer you to the best RElOCATION CENTER We're all over the country!

AffIlIate of Call a Tappan Associate today for more infor- MAXON SOTHEBY S /"Irt:RNATIONAL Q~n!.TY mation on ERA's outstanding services. REALTORS~ TAPP AN AND ASSOCIATES

90 KERCHEVAL 22604 MACK AVE GROSSE PTE FARMS, MI48236 5T CLAIR SHORES MI48080 884-6200 775-6200 IIREAL ESTATE .4l1li4_._I11III4_4 __ I11III.""._.__ .-- .....----._-_4 __ 4 ...._. __ '...... _....4_4_.....4_4..-....4_4-•.._ 4__ •__....- .....-.-.- ...- ....-,- ...4-4-4...0-.....--

July 13, 1989 138 Grosse Pointe News


Adlhoch & ASSOCiates, Inc ChampIOn & Baer, Inc Grosse Pomte Real E'>tate Co f{, d ('arpet Keirn Shorewood Sme Real Estate Co Aldndge & ASSOCiates Coldwell Banker Real Estate HlgblC Maxon Inc Re<.lltor'> He,d E"tatt, 1m Tappan & Ar,soclate" of ERA Bolton Johnston ASSOCiates Damman, Palms. Queen Realtors Johnstone & Johnstone Int ll1n '-;drO" Agenty lnt Wilcox Realtor" Century 21.East 10 the Village R G Edgar & ASSOCIates Lochmoor Real Estate C,dl\\Pltter He..d E"tate Int Youngblood & Finn. Inc Chamberlam Realtors James R Flkany Real Estate Co John E Pierce & A'>SOCldle" IIll

Jim Saros Agency, Inc. 17108 Mack, Grosse Pointe, MI 886-9030


Mdl velous three bedlOom bllck bung::llow has fabulou~ cathe dral ceilings, ImpreSSIve mal ble m layed natural fireplace. mas tel bedlOom With full pllvate bath and den that could be fourth uedroom Spaclou'> ThiS one-owner home IS ab~o kitchen With buJlt In appliances, LII gel IllSidt th'lt It look" 110fT' l full basement and much much lutely fabulous Featul mg a n

The absolute finest features are all Included In the grand Glosse POinte Park Home! Hlghlighto Include a fabulous entrance foyer, Pe\\ ablc tile conservatory With fountain, and overSized kitchen WIth bUIlt In Mutschlel appliances, sub zero Iefrlgerator De~1lable foUl bedloom TudO! Impeccable three bedloom ranch and fl eezer and sel" Ice stairs on a large double lot With olTel~ spacIOus newly remodeled 230 foot flonlage on pleStlglOU, Master bedroom has an adJOin "Pal khke pnvacy" ThiS beauty I.ltchen \\ Ith ne\\ Pella wm- On a lovely Stl eet In the Woods LakeshOi e Road Tm n of the Ing nursery Completel) fin features central all', a Field do\\ s, hand made ceramic tile Ternfic bungalo\\ olTels a can Attractl\ e five bedlOom t\\O centm) eIPgance on the e'\tellOl Ished basement \llth natural stone natural fireplace With nOOI and convenient bUIlt m ap vement fIrst floor laundry, and one half bath brick ColOnial \\ Ith lIltcll'-t\ng Tmlelh dnd fireplace and \\et bar. great slate heal th m the hvmg room. pliances for startel s! AdditIOnal screened front porch New Vinyl mcludes a spaclOu~ ma"tel oed de~lgn TIll' II1t(llOl ha" been room, five bedroom», foUl full gOlgeous newer kitchen With featm eo Include leaded glass Windows, roof and carpetmg, room, huge family Ioom. and Ie~tol ed Lo " 0I1gll1d1 beaut \ and t\\O half baths and a thl el' bUIlt inS and eatmg space The doOl" 111 the formal dmlng room dlnmg room. two bedrooms. and large kitchen ThIS IS dn Ideal \\lth i,'l e,ll dttl'ntlOn to natlll al car attached garage attached 1\\0 car garage has an BUilt 111 bookcase, crown mold more' Land contrdct tel ms home fOi a large famll\ Addl \\oodl\OI h hl.h- fittlllg" and automatic roll door In the fin In!{r,, cllstom dl apenes, gDlgeous 1257 AUDUBON available tlOnal features mclude a natmal o,lh Iladed gl'h" \\Indo\\" The Ished basement you'll find a ndtul al \\oodwol k and two stDly YOUR GROWING FAMILY fil eplace .beautlful oak nODI" 1'01 m,11 dmmg IOOIl1I" eleg,ll1te natUl al fil eplace, lavatDl y and 1241 GRAYTON deck Reci eatlOn loom In ba~e thloughout and mOle' l....tJ:lOldln,llIl' \l'\\ l\Iuhchlel WILL FIT HERE plenty of convement storage SUNNY AND SPACIOUS ment 'paclOus £1001 plan and kltchen 1~ ",'cond to none :'1111 It I l The mam floor den features a mme OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 pIe fil ('pld('" gll at hdth~ fOUl pm lor fan and glass doorwall to bedloom" thllf and one hdlf 1018 BEDFORD the patio With gas gnll In rear OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 bath, -,ecol1d 11001 1aundl \ a grounds ThiS maintenance free PRIME AREA 1046 HAMPTON gol e..\1 1,1.1\ t home IS rounded ofT by aluml num tnm. storms and screens and an alarm system A spa IDEAL HOME' CIOUSand managable home in IDEAL LOCATIONI the fine community of Grosse 20414 EASTWOOD POinte Woods for $134,900lTl Beautifully cared for three lwo 1006 THREE MILE loom. two and a half bath Colo BEAUTIFULLY DECOR nla1 alTers a gorgeous ,>Llmed BeautIful three bedroom. one .- - ...... - ...... -.-.... and one half bath home features --- -- glas~ WIndow at the top of thl' a large hVIng loom WIth natural . "talrcase Full private hlll h 111 wood trim and doors throughout Loc


Adlhoch & A~~oclatt" 1m ChampIOn & Buer, Inc GI Obse Pomte Real Estate Co Red Cal pet Keml Shore\\ood Sine Redl Estate Co Aldridge & A~bocHltt>, Cold" ell B,lnker Real E,tate Hlgbw Maxon Inc Realtors Real Ebtate, Inc Tuppan & ASSOCiates of ERA Bolton Johnston A.soclates Damm,m, Palms, Queen Realtol. Johnstone & Johnstone Inc ,lm1 Saro~ Agencv Inl Wilcox Realtors Century 21 East m the \'iliagt' R G Edgar & Assoclateb Lochmoor Real Estate 5lh\\ eltzer Redl E.tate Inl Youngblood & Fmn, lnc Chamberlam Rt'lltor, J,lI11eS R Flkam Rl'lll Ebtate Co John E Pierce & ASSOCiate. IIll


IlAl\lPTON. bungalo\\ \\ Ilh thll'e bedwoms and large family room Sign Around the Pointes \\ lth fir eplace, ne\\ kItchen, ne\\ fUInace, new loof, two and one half cal gal age

There is a reason why sellers chose Adlhoch & Associates Realtors to represent NEWCASTLE, four bedloom~, t\\O full baths, kItchen With eatmg m ed, dlnlllg 100m, natUi al fil eplace, I eel eatlon room, enclosed them in marketing their horne. Call one of our Professionals today and set up an lear pOllh, two cm gmage appointment to discuss our ideas further. 542 BRIARCLIFF OPEN SUNDAY 2-5

BeautIful custom bUllt executive Colomal featunng five bedrooms. fOlll \\ alk 1II closets, 1mge fanuly 100m plus den, office or Sixth FIRST OFFERINGS bedloom, glassed m tell ace, pantl y ofT kItchen, unique first FIRST OFFERING flool lauodl), finished basement, newer furance and central air Impeccably mamtalned N umel ous amemtles SPECIAL RANCH - Desuable mea of St FIRST OFFERING Clall ShOi es Thl ee bedl oom ranch bath and a half famlh loom \\Ith nahu 011 fil eplaces. GROSSE POINTE FARMS 1mge J..ltlhen \\ Ith nel\ European style cabl net'i loveh lal ge hVlIlg 100m. cenllal .Ill. at PRICE REDUCEDI Pll\ate court four bedrooms, two full baths, tached gm age centl al all, dmmg room, h vmg loom With natural fireplace, \\ alk to school, must see FIRST OFFERING -SINE REAL TV MULTILIST SERVICE FARMS OFFICE 18412 MACK 884-7000

(,ROSSE POINTE WOODS home priced un 80,- del $90,000 \\ III appeal to fil st tIme buyel s. but size and extl as such as new kitchen, den PEOPUGAVE and famlh loom along \\ Ith thl ee bedl Dams SOMBHIIIG TO LARGER TWO BEDROOM BRICK COLO \\ III appeal to famIlies needmg a 1mgel NIAL on \\ell landscaped lot Featullllg h\ home THE IRSTHIS mg loom With bay and natu! al fil eplace, fO! mal dmmg room With cornel cupboat d, YEAR. updated kitchen With eatlllg space and pan tl), famIly loom, fimshed basement. \\00£1 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 AND THEY CAN'T CONDO LIKE LIVING \\ Ith the pnvaC\ of deck and t\\ 0 and one half car gal dge 0\\ nmg a home near the lake T\\ 0 bedloom WmDLL bllck I anch Illth CUSTOI\lCRAFT kItchen. BYIant Plus 90 furnace and centl al all VI NE.UYEARTO nyl extellOr tllm f01 10\\ mamtenance. move I I m condItIOn GMAGAII. They lolunteered theIr AUDUBON NEAR JEFFERSON - Ovel skIlls to people who needed 3000 square feet and fOUl bedrooms. t\\ a and help dOlllgtheir taxes And It made them feel great one half haths \\Ith famIly 100m (22 x 1461 They weren't necessanly ,lnd Llblll1Y \\Ith natural fireplace (16 x 121 accountants The} \\efe people, Double lot (]20 x 156) Gleat floOi plan, ex hke }ou and your club or group cellent condItIOn and plofesslOnall} decorated members \\ho have a baSIC thloughout recenth aptitude for math and a deSire to help others RENAUD RANCH neal Mornmg'ilde Large Youknow, you can help $99,000 COLONIAL - Thl ee bedlooms, one \\ell mamtamed home In l51'eat locatIOn Spa people With\\ hat taxes them and one half baths, hardwood floors. 'iIX CIOU'ikitchen and breakfast room, large at And feel great, too panel door, ba} wllldo\1 and attwctlve 'itone FOUR BEDROOMS thlee and one half tractive family room \\ Ith fil eplace Ne\\er To findout about the free tllm Fml.,hecl recreatIOn 100m VelY clean IRS trallllllg program call baths m supel PARK locatIOn ~e\\ kItchen fm nace and central all'. attached garage, all and neutl al decO! 207:1 VA;'IIANTWERP 1-800-424 1040 no\\ WIth apphances, all ne\\ msulated \\ IIldo\\s, the amenltle., one expecto, m a fine home new roof, ne\\ centl al aIr, ne\\ cal petmg and decol throughout 1.11 ge famIl\ loom CU')TOj\[ BUILT SHORES RANCH - Thl ee OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 bedroom. one and one half bath home \\ Ith LINCOLN ROAD BU:\,GALOW - All bllck 21 foot famIly room, fir'it floor laundl\. at home "Ith beautlful leaded gld'~ £1001' • 1907 Hunt Club Colomal tached gal,lge and covered slate patIO At Newer neutral decOi and carpeting loof ne\\ • 2073 Van Ant\\erp Colomal lJ actl\ e decO! thloughout mclude'i MICOH 1987, ne\\er furnace large t\\O and thre(' • 933 Lmcoln Bungalo\\ molding, and tllm Spectacular profes quarter~ all brick garage newl\ sodded flont • 523 Vernlel Ranch 'ilOnalh land'icaped 80 x 150 lot la\~ n C07Y den, spac\Ou, kitchen \\ Ith breolh • 1581 Holly\\ood Colomal fast room • 22401 NOlcrest Ranch • 1148 GI ayton Enghsh SPACIOUS ENGLISH - Walk to the VIllage GREAT STARTER HOME for the \oung and flom the F:nghsh 'ityle home that l'i \\ altmg growing famIl} Attl actlVe thl e(' bedroom, for your pel sonal touch ThiS home boasts $209,900 - WOODS featUring FIVE BED one and one h'llf bath WIth famIly room \\ Ith ver} large rooms, beautiful plaster de ROOMS, two and one half baths, attached and finl!>hed ba.,('ment Updated kltch('n and tall leaded glass wmdows and private yard garage and famil} room on popular BLAIR bath, central all Iecent neutral decoratmg, FIve bedrooms and three bath'i all on the ,ec MOOR near WEDGEWOOD PI Iced to allo\\ move In condItIOn, \\

HOLLYWOOD & WEDGEWOOD e>.cep LOTHROP RANCH - FIrst floor bedroom., f'AR:-'IS M STREET - Farms locatIOn, "hart tlOnally \\ell mamtamecl hungalo\\ GrossE' m great FARMS locatIOn, lnrge famll} room \"lIk to all schools Nearly 1,900 ~quare feet POinte Woods locatIOn \\ Ithm \\ alkmg dl~ and library \\ Ith mahogan) paneling, spa of 1mge looms 18x1O kitchen \\ Ith a large tance to three levels of "chool., Newer fur CIOUSkitchen With bUilt 10 applIances Beau eatmg area 12x lOden, larger ma'iter bed nace and \ mvl WIIld0\\ ., Central air fin tlfully landscaped yard, mamtenance free ex room t\\O car garage and a truly "ell malO l'ih('d basement tenor, nc\\ roof, attached garage talned and nicely decorated home

19515 MACK at SEVERN 882.5200 \.\. Volunteer now, And you'll make someone's taxes less taxing later, ... - -- ...... ------__ ----...----""""""If~ --.. __ __ ""'" zq 4 __ .. __ .. _ "'41 ..

158 July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News


The ~ .ft Prudential ~ , CUSTOM BUILT HOME on private road aWdlts Newer Colomal well locdted on d large Jot FouL your fimshmg touches Custom oak and chell y bedlooms, two and one half bath,>, famdy loom cabmetry and woodwol k throughout Large and llbrmy Refim!>hed flools In hvmg room and kitchen fannly room combinatIOn wIth fireplace dlOmg 100m New tde m foyel dnd kItchen A Excltln~ mastel bedroom sUite with fireplace, gl eat famdy home huge walk m closet and prIvate bath wIth JdCUZZI LIbrary, first floor laundry and three family bed looms wIth two additIOnal baths make this the pel fect home for the executive family Open Sun day 12 Sycamore

Now appearing in

,<' better neighborhoods everywhere.

OLD WORLD CHARM abounds m this large fam HANDYMAN SPECIAL - Double lot, three bed dy home Lots of leaded glass and hal dwood floors loom, one bath Buyer to do code work Land Con Nme foot cedmgs Five bedrooms, two full bdths, tract tel ms - 10'7.- - 10 yeal!> A gJ eat oppO!tu IIbral'y and sun room provide space for alai ge nlty Call for details famdy Newer furnace and roof Three car garage All for under $100,000 $288,000 $116,000 BY APPOINTMENT 48 HAWTHORNE, GROSSE $315,000 POINTE SHORES: Charm OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ... 1741 and character abound in thiS OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 .. , 747 BRYS, OPEN GROSSE English Georgian Colomal BALLANTYNE, GROSSE POINTE WOODS: Spacious with four bedrooms, three POINTE SHORES. Just a three bedroom, one and one full baths and family room shol t walk from Grosse half bath Colonial with ter- that opens to deck. Ma!>ter Pointe Yacht Club. Lots of rific floor plan. Large family bedroom with dressmg room space Including family room, room with brick hearth . .~=-=- and private bath. Prh ate hbrary with built.ins, four Hardwood floors, cove ceil- i ""-'-"" third floor suite and more. !>paclOu'> bedrooms, two and ,,-...... - - ings, extra insulation in 1987 $288,000. 882.0087. a half baths. Two car at- and lots of storage. $116,000. tached garage, alarm system 882-0087. FIRST OFFERING and plenty of extras. $315,000 GROSSE POINTE WOODS, 882-0087. Land contract terms avail- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ... 1626 SEVERN, GROSSE POiNT.]: able on thlS sharp three ~ed.... -\)P~SUNDA Y z:1). ,-: 532 - WOODS: Great family home STATELY ENGLISH HOUSE WIth lots of 100m room bungalow. Value pnced COVENTRY LANE, GROSSE with newer kitchen. Three Nicely decorated Colomal on park Sized lot With fO! the family There IS exquIsite plastel detail at $7~,900. Ca~ today ~ get POINTE WOODS: This new bedrooms with family room lovely new landscapmg ThiS home features three along With leaded glass and natm al wood SPI ead more information on this one '1 '11 d C I . I f k' d h 882.{K)87 custom bUI t pI ar 0 oma with beamed ceiling and dou- bedrooms, two and a half baths, large hbrary, mas out m the library or family 100m as \\ ell as Sl),. In o a orne. • offers 3,700 square feet of ble French doors leading to ter bedroom WIth private bath, recreatIOn room, bedrooms, all '" Ith new decor Two of the thl ee luxury. ProfeSSIonally deco- redwood deck overlooking and large screened porch ovellookmg flower gar and one half baths have been 1 ecently 1 emodeled FIRST OFFERING. ,OPEN rated, first floor master suite, lovely landscaped yard. Call for a private shOWing SUNDA Y 2-5 , . , 231I2 WEST- dens for your summer enjoyment custom lute hen, first floor $139,000. 882'()()87. BURY, ST. CLAIR SHORES. laundry, large family room, Charming three bedroom, attached garage, sprinkler OPEN SUNDA Y 2.5 ••. 902 ST. REDUCED bath and a half ranch in system, alarm system CLAIR. GROSSE POlNTE, . prime area of St. Clair $435,000. 882-0087. Shore!>. Large family room .Move right into this totally remodeled farmhouse. New WIth natural fireplace. Cen- GROSSE POINTE BLVD., since '84: siding, roof, Ander. tral air and attic fan make GROSSE POINTE FARMS' son windows, new garage this d. comfortable summer Short walk from the lake and roof, kJtchen, carpeting, sec- home. $129,900. 882-0087. the Farms Park. Large living ond floor lavatory and front and dining room with fire- FIRST OFFERING .. , BED- porch. Newer furnace and place'>. Family room has FORD, GROSSE POINTE hot water heater. Perfect for beamed ceiling and fireplace, PARK. Beautifully decorated the first time buyer or inves. English country home lo- First floor laundry, service tor. $78,500. 882'()()87. cated near WindmIll Pointe stairway and maIds quarters. offers five bedrooms, three Attached garage and priced SHOREPOINTE, ST. CLAIR at $275,000 882'()()87. and a half baths, updated SHORES ... Exquisitely deco- kitchen, famdy room opening rated "prime" unit is the largo YOUR DREAM OF A CAPE COD and a picket QUICK OCCUPANCY ON THIS lovely centel en into Florida room. Two level OPEN SUNDAY 2-5. 920 est floor plan in the complex. AND 922 HARCOURT, fence come true' Over 2,000 square feet With three tl ance Colomal WIth good traffic pattern Mastel deck and many extras. Spacious master suite, beauti- bedrooms, two baths, famdy room, den (or first bedroom and bath plus three famdy bedloorns and $255,000. 882'()()87 GROSSE POINTE PARK: ful hving room with two For tho!>e starting out or scal- floor bedroom), breakfast room With vaulted ceil. t\\O baths Lovely bay wmdo\\'>\\ In hVlng, dmmg story ceiling and fireplace, Ing down consider either of 109, an office and attached gal age All thiS plus and breakfast looms plus French doors leadmg OPEN SUNDAY 2-5, 762 S. formal dining room. two and the<;e newly converted con. central air, brick patIO, security and sprinkler sys fJ om the den to the screened terrace Situated on ROSEDALE COURT, a half bath!>, two car garage dominium<; in the lovely terns and a short walk to the lake lal ge lot 0\ erlookmg lovely gal den and land!>cap GROSSE POINTE WOODS: and too many custom fea- Windmill POinte area. Priced 109 This Colomal i., a umque. one tures to list. $187,500. 882- to sell these units feature a of a kind, luxury residence 0087. living room with fireplace, that ha<; undergone extensive eat'ln kitchen. three bed- remodeling since 1986, Fea. VAN COURT, ST, CLAIR OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 rooms plu<; a <;un room. You tures include: "Great Room" SHORES: Beautifully deco- can mo\ e in immediately and family room with solid oak rated three bedroom, two full 6 SYCAMORE - Newer house near lake - Many modern conveniences enjoy the !>ummer. $128,000 wet bar, master suite in- bath condominium in exclu. and $135,000. 882.0087, <;ive twelve unit complex. Sit. 12 SYCAMORE - New constructIOn - Private Street - Four bedlOoms cludes attached "spa" style bath with Jacuz1i and steam uated on a prh'ate canal, OPEN SUNDAY 2-5... 10Rl room. library with oak book- home includes a boat well, 340 KERCHEVAL - Do not drive by - Bigger than It looks - Completely remodeled MARION COURT. GROSSE cases. $345,000. 882-0087. two patios, security system, POINTE WOODS: Terrific underground sprinkler sys. 19980 W CLAIRVIEW CT - SpacIOus horne on double lot - Four bedrooms familv in move-in condition, SHORI-:POINE. ST. CLAIR tern and whirlpool tub. Spaclou<; room and loads of SHORES: Corner unit com- $220,000. 882'()()87. 1059 DEVONSHIRE - Beautifully decorated three bedroom - All' conditioned o;torage can be found in this pletely renovated. Highlights three bedroom Colonial. It include me1ZaninE' '>tudlO OPI.;N SUNDAY 2-5 , . , 22851 23 WHITCOMB - QUiet streE't - QUick walk to Farms Park - Must see IncludE'<; new carpet, thermo. LAKESHORE. ST. CLAIR overlooking a stunning two pane windows, new Lenox story living room. ne\\ full~ SHORES. . Are you just 523 BARRINGTON - Enghsh Tudor - One block from lake - FoUl bedroom'> pul<;E' furnace, hot water starting out or sizing down. equipped gourmet kitchen. heatt>r and more. Relax with remodeled baths. custom car- then you'll love this two bed- the gas barbeque and sprin- peting, drapes and fixture<; room Lakeshore Village Con. kler <;\<;tem. $225,000 882- dominium. Appliances are throughout. $173,900. 882- 0087. . 0087. included, as well as, pool and clubhouse. See you on Sun. BOLTON-JOHNSTON MOORLAND, GROSSE day. $68,900.882-0087. FIRST OFFERING ~\~~iate~ or( ....O~~ •• ointe. POINTE SHORf:S: Brkk PEACH TREJo:, GROSSE multi level home with five Realton POINTE WOODS. Custom b('droom<;. Lower level family .JEFFERSON. ST. CLAIR muIti.levE'1 design and quality room with wet bar opens ~HORES: Fabulous corner 395 Fisher Road 20647 Mack Avenue construction. Spacious onto a patio. Sterling silver unit right on the courtyard /l1'1}/I\111' (,I' \fllII/I I fig" /l1'I'u,,/(' I'll/ (('II, \( 1'"1" rooms, two and a half bath<;. chandelier in the dining room With beautiful doorwall to two fireplacE''!, attached ga. and marblE' fir('place in the patio. Two bedrooms with 886-3800 884-6400 rage with large storage clos. living room are just a few of storage area in basement. ets, private yard, central air. the extraordinary features Covered carport. S56,OOO. 882. sprinkler o;ystem. alarm sys- found in this stately home. 0087. tem and much more. $225,000. $339.000,882.0087. Mpmhpr of RF/O' ~ B82.0087. Ihp World IRtuff:'r I" Relocall(JII RELO 19615 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods 882.0087

.. 16B July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News 1989 fresh season is late American Business Women's July IS tradItionally cherry- mal yeUl, but by no mealls cun berry month 10 MichIgan, and they reach lu~t year'" acwlcl dted Association meets July 13 the Ie wIll be a near. normal ClOp schedule of both thIS year. Strawbeny hm ve"t I" ovel fOI ProductIOn of sweet chen le~ - all pIactlcal purpo~"" but the Belle.Blsea \ nl.' chat tl'l Ch.1ptl'1 TIll' lllh"lOll 0\ tIll' AIlll'lll,lIl our next seasonal fJ mt ClOp - othel berlIe~ WIll all wme to of the Amellcan Bll~IlW~';Wom BU"IIll''''' \\ ollwn " A""llClcll \On I" Val les gI'eatly across the state harvest JI1 July The first of en's AssociatIOn tABWAl \\ill to bllllg togethPI hU~lIlt':-" The ClOp IS very poor m the the"e are black Iaspben Ie" hold theIr Jul) 13th Illl'l'tlllg ,It \\ (lIlWIl 01 dl\ PI",' b,llkglollnd" southwestel'O part of the state Raspbernes - both black und the London Hou'>e Ea~t, 23207 ,md to pI 0\ Ide UppOltlllllt Ie" fOl while a normal crop IS reported red - are speCialty CIop~ today Martel Road, ,;oulh of 9 r..ldl' Ild tin III 1.1 ht'lp Ih"Ill-,<'hl''' ,md for nOlthwestel'O MIChIgan ThiS and are not l8Ised 011 a large Cocktads .ln' .11 fj P m .md III 11<'1'" gIO\\ pel "011<11h ,1Ild means that few MIchIgan sweet seale 10 thiS ~tate Shoppel ...who dllllWI I~ at 7 p m The "pl'.ll-el pi Uh'''''IOIl,d h t hI ollgh h',HIt'l chellies WIll be marketed until are sellOus dbout gettmg Iabp fOl Ihe evemng \1 III lw 1\tont(' ..,llIp ,'C!tl\.ltWI1 Iwt\\Oll-lIlg '-up bellies, blackbell'les ,lOd 1,11e Korn, WXYT 1,ldlO 1.1lk ,,1\0\\ pOIt .\lId I1,ltlon.l1 le<.ogllltlOll July 20 slllce the northwestel'O lo frUits hke cmrants need to host The Pl"Of,TJ of hu"mess ABW A blhllll'>," \\ OIHl'll "hou1d contal t has more than 2.100 chapt('I" DeIOl<.'"1\1hghtly 1mger than Idbt yeal's announced the mstallatlOn of dlought ravaged CI'OP at Galleria Officentre Young Clothes June 20. thell' new pastor, Lmda Ander. Laurel Whall. 9, and about 15 girls. ages 7-11. got lips on A normal ClOp of peache~ IS son, whICh Will take place Sun pIedleted for the stdte a~ d The DetrOIt AItlsts 1\ttl kl't \ll1e Ro,ld ,md TI'Il't-'L1ph In shampooing. conditioning. drying. curling. styling and cut. day, Aug 27 at 3 pm whole The Red Haven Val Iety and Galiena Officentl e, III thell Southlit'ld ting as well as some new ideas tor using bows. clips. bar- Anderson IS a graduate of ChI. will likely be a shOlt CLOp 111 E,hlillt hOll1'> ,II e 10 ,1 IH to (j etles and pony tail holders. second annual pmtnel ShiP, pre cago Semmary southwestel'O Michigan, but a sent an exhibItIOn titled 'Weath I' 111 d,llh noon to 5 I' 111 S,peaker, Mal Jlyn Church 18, from 930 a m. until 2 45 expected to mCIease 7 pel cent chltects and deslgnel s. \\'111be on E,I;I bltlOll chall men ill e Gra""e 111, WIll ('xplam the role of p m for chIldren K through thiS yeal MIchigan IS !ookmg exhIbIt In the atnums of 300 Pomtel'" Jdlkw GI,l\ ,1I\U PattIe Jul) mcetmg at the home of II.' WAD S 0 - Women's Assocla SIxth grade The theme IS "Jesus fal a CLOp11 pel cent 1mgel than and 400 Gdllella Officenlle at Sn \'mll'- FOI mOlI.' IIlfOimatlOn gent eh,nlotte BUlhanan m Red tlOn for the DetrOIt Symphony Loves Me." last yeal 's short ClOp NOlthwestern HIghwa\ dt 12 LUll 962 0337 fOId. on Satul day, Juh 15. at 12 Olchestra Call 371-2600

By PD~ Counter Points Pat Rousseau THE JANE WOODBURY Ne('d sOl/lrtlllng fitted. takell 111 let out. SHOP has fabulou., fashion" For summel. fun, two ne,,\' games ~hortencd, filcd? Rose at bargains storewide! While JUDITH ANN (the pointe) from The School Bell 17904 Mack - shopping the SALE ) au can II III altcl OUI appwel or that el'en from ~ "Wordagator", a qUIck and funny preview fall with brand ne" \(JIll Oll'll do~et to a per Icet lit Alld, you'll BAKE SHOPPE word game, and "Mathlgator", step fashions arriVing dally dt 377 hme It to wear tIm, lice'" Her el- ! Fisher Road, 886-8826 pel tlse 16 //lCI edcble. her by step 1Otl'oductIOn to number operatIOn "" "" pr c(e l'Vl1lpetltwe Ju:>t Located In the lower level of Jacobson's Perfect for pre-schoolers and the pnmary OIlC01 set el al speual ser- Specrall Yellow or chocolate cupcakes 3 crowd. ~~~. Mana D1Oon's 'lale vIces at JUDITH ANN Irn $1 00 882-7000 ext. 107 __ ~~/cont1Oues WIth an e \ 17045 Ke! cheval-in-the- "" * * """ excellent opportu- - Vtllage, 882-1191 Open Stop by for our new nity to save SUIts and klllts ale all MOll -Sat 10-5:30 Th urs ... Have a special summer ~ take away and pastry marked down 50Ck. A good selectIOn of / JUDITH ANN 'tll 9 ot fitne!>s. Save 15% off all se- ;r menus. Chocolate spnng and summer fashIOns are all SO( ( 11(''' c,lnl" now through July ~ contemporary elegance in fashion mousse cake, , aspben y off . 16839 Kercheval 10 the Village. L 31 tarts, creme brulee selec- 882-5550 COMING SOON look for our new expanded location on Mack Avenue, 772-9470. tlOns from our extenswe '" * T WIne lzst also available GROSSE POINTE MOVING & STORAGE CO. edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. '" or '" Let us orchestrate your ne ....t Mark Fridd) , July 21, 8 p.m. for the party at move, local, long dIstance the Roostertail. The theml' I., Time After Time worldwide, small and partial and there I" no admiSSIOn fee. Thel e fabu- shipments welcome. I., Summer SALE contLnues 1 b lZ' Iou!> entertamment. 1 he raffle ticket!> al'e $1 The Merry Mouse Please stop by 50 % off all seasonal mer- sa e es 822-4400 and the entire proceed!> from the raffle bene- Ca(tJ £0 Chat the Mer r y chandlse All sales final 20148 Mack fits the Capuchin Soup Kitchen The first prize Jl Mouse/Cafe Le Ample free parkzng I'> ,l lady's diamond choker necklacl.' Sl.'t With Chat for all your summer boating and 119 bniliant cut diamond" weighing over 8 * '" '" entel tammg needs. Our boxed picnic Try a IJght body pel m carat!> total. The retail value IS $10,000 Ticket!> BdwaNlIflti are aVailable at 20139 Mack AVl.'nue at 0,- lunches are favontes' Made to your or- Vavoom by Matnx ThiS perm is for peo ford. Open Monday thru Satul cIa} from 10 der' Call 884.9077. We deliver ... Ker- pie who thought theIr haIr couldn't be a.m -6 p m FrldolY until 8 pm, 886-4600 cheval COIner of Notre Dame 10 the Vil- Catering for all permed Call for an appomtment now, lage. occasions at re:_son- 884-8858. 19643 Mack Avenue able prices. Let us ,.. '" cater your next af- fair, 884-6810 LAKEVIEW CLUB ha,; ~()Id mall\ ... 630 St. Clair. townhouses on Lake St Clan There I~ '" '" '" only one lakefront home left I Now 11'(' (Jf e Chrr,;tma,~ III July has ~ ready to sell our model at a SPECTACU. Ulmc to the League Shop m LAR SA VINGS of $23,000 The model the lowe! level The Buyers' 1kl.jUi.! has many, many extra featll! es ('hOlce Carolers have Just -7 THE NOTRE DAME PHARMACY arrived come In now for the best selectIOn has fast servIce for all yOUl- pharmaceuti- .General Electnc appliances l/Idudlllg Are you thJl1kJl1g of I emodehng? Ha\ e cal needs . stop by at Kercheval 10 the washer, dryer, microwave, al<;o Inclllded your remodelJl1g planned by expel.ts Cu~- 72 Kerchel'al on the Hdl, 882-6880. Village or call 885-2154. IS a marble entranceway fir eplace sur tomcl aft ha'i :33 years expenence as re "" * '" '" '" '" round, custom master bath l'allltu>s, c(If- modehng experts JI1 thl.., area We plan pet, Window treatments, chandell<'1 alld your I emodellllg lob "0 Its deSIgn and co"t more. VISit our model from 1-5 Jl m dallv \\ III be tailored to your JI1dlvldual need.., zncludzng Sundays For your ('OIlI'enll'llU' We submit an exact quote With detaJls -''''L . __/ _ ... body toning and tanning prwate shOWIngs call be arranged LAKE \\ ntten speclficatlOn~, based on a custom ,.,~ salon ... offers you the ulti. FROZEN YOGURT SPE- ~ VIEW CLUB townhouse.~, Jefferson An'- and functIOnal de<;lgn that WIll blend mate privacy and convenience while keeping CIA£! Buy one toppzng. Re- . . nue, North of 11 112 Mile Road, St Clan \\ Ith eXlstJl1g archltectUl'e phy"lCally fit. The p~ entrance is the cewe two tOppLngs FREE . Shores, 774-6363 or 293-1180 See whv 10 Customcraft use'i only top grade mate leaded glass door at 17100 Kercheval in the Boaters call the night before Village call 886.3530 for your complimentary Grosse Pomters have moved Into Lahel lell nab and the highest skIlled tradesmen, visit. for your next mornLng sandWich, salads Club all ('",perts JI1 theIr particular trade We and sub orders, 885-5122 19341 supply you \\ Ith CU!'ltomel references and * '" '" Mack. Ul ge vou to mspect one of our completed * '" '" Hurry, into Lisa's for lobs III your al'ea Our projects have been our Summer Siz71e featured III Better Homes & Gardens and Sale now through July 30th. Saving<; of 20% to Profe'i'llOnal ButldCl' magazmes We have cllstom area ~ .the 2tII!ln'.l' J'&/(-h ~ on all .,pring and Call 8Rl 1024 today for a frE'e consulta I'ugs, any color, any size, VI.IV Summer Sale Days save 20% off summer merchandi.,e. tlOn. or VI'llt our ~howroom at 18332 pattern. borders, flo- EdMaIlsle.YsluC8rpelng calico fabrics and 25% off books and We have a 'ipecial Mack Avenue, between Moran and Mc- 1"81s, other designs ... 21435 Mack Ave. patterns .. , thru July at 31380 Har. clearance room with savinKs up to 80%. 19583 K III ley , III Grosse Pomte Farms nue, 776.5510 per, St. Clair Shores. 293.1999. Mack Avenue, 882-3130. Ell.'gance for "Ill''' 14- "" .. .. 26, Open 10 a.m ..5:30 p.m., Monday-Saturday, '" '" * '" '" * Thursday until 7:30 p.m. * * ,..

AntIquers plan on the CPOitlte g(H~hiOI1'~ Save 30~.5~~ , Ann Arbor Antique" Mar- , Jh~ shops of Create your own and more during ? our SUMMER SIDEWALK SALE Now in ket, Sunday, July 16 There J 'r Q tM 71. look with MALIA's 1 B ComplllnPl1 tory manz- t are over 350 dealpr<; tn • ) 4 '") ~(a ton.l.t4!rC~ sapphire and mul- progress through Saturday July 15 For H 9 / n?J cures bv Challel Julv quality antIque.., and he ? i /P 79 J berry pazsley poly-crape separates. fabulous bargains stop by.. 23022 Mack lected collectibles The time 1<;5 a m 4 18th With purchase of tw~ Blo/lses, sweater, skzrts or .<;lacksintermIX Avenue south of9 Mile Road, 774-1850. 1l0l1 product!> For appOIntment call 882- p.m 5055 Ann Arbor, Sahnc Road Free fiohds and pnnts. Machzne washable sizes * '" * 7000 elt 1.16 parkmg, AdmIssion $3 All under cover 4-20 .. 16828 Kercheval in the Village, All items guaranteed as represented 884-13.'10. To advertise in thIS column call 882.3500 * * '" ,.. "" * *

'. .4----- 4-_...... __._....._.... ~__~_...___...._...... _~~~~.--~~...,...... ------.


Section C July 13, 1989 Grosse Pointe News

~ .., I Time to bow out I __~-~ I'tW Two 'Old Goats' call it quits sort of wuple of old goat"," ale bowlIlg thew'" a lot of thmgb you can't tired ab I usually am after lhe Perhap;, Jerry Ilgglng was '?~. By Rob Fulton out of the 65th BayVieW Ydeht do," sUld Maggw, who hke her rate Sports Editor Doug's fort8 At 15, he began Nose to nose Two ballOl;, With 68 POJi Hu Club Port Huron to Mackmac hu~band of 49 year;" Ib 71 yeal b In 1962, With Doug "klppel t<11VJl1ghi'> mehe In the !>admg Ion to Mackmac races between SUllboat Race old ''I'm the one who mbtlgated mg, Maggie navlgatmg and 111<1 I1dg"elb bUyto Black RIVeI' and headmg fOl 300 boats heads fOl Mackmat on thmk we both wanted to com Wakes walked to the wmnel "> h wnd"> gl'lI1dfather had ;,klp one 'lllothel when ,I conh onta Mackmac Island thiS year .July 22, Velero VI won't be voy pete, but now that we're m ow clrt!e to claim theu fir"t W1l1111 pel ed They Iepdll ed It, bor- tlOn hedtb up Doug and Maggie Wake, who agmg 70~, we can't Ically do It like we the Crulsmg D DIVI'>lOn Smw 10\\ed c! fhlh'Pole for a ma!>t and We've all pd'>"ed the te,>t01 are commonly refen ed to as "the "When you get to be our age, want to I don't thmk we have then, they have colletted blX hOl"led "ornp make"hlft sads lip Ieadmg, but what'b even the endurance to rate another mOJe fir"t,>, two '>Ccond"and ,>IX MdggW tame to the "port m funmel to watch 01 lI"ten to I" I Macklnat " thll d" All the flag,> .IIe attached ~ J, eln 'd JOU t with umplle Wake;, al e 71, but the Vibrant "They're all IlIce to look dl" DlJug lcltu tomel wd mto a RICk Reed looks and pleasmg smiles on he "aid "We have ~uch fond "mall '>t t and leebomd, Maggie stmk, he's Ju"t out thel e to '>Caskeeps them young so very plea;,ed that we could be \\ ent to \\ 01 k on the "ads and a make sm e Reed I" on top 01 "We have gotten a lot out of a part of thiS spectaculal event paddle \\ a" u'>Cda'>a luddeJ thmgs," I" a common "ynopsls '>allIng," MagbTJe saId "1 thmk fOl as long as we have" Bull, Sp,lI kY'b mdkmg a one thmg that has kept us, well FOR EVERY MEMORY, 'We have come a long way stmk othel wIse he \\ ouldn't be call It young If you want, IS the there';, an anecdote And for "mce thpn," "ald Doug, who has out thele a"soclatlOn With younger saJ!ors evelY anecdote thel e'b a laugh "k Ippel ed 111 dll1ghleb, 39 footers, I also often wonder why um "We've been fOJiunate enough MagglC, the only offiCial Ie 46 foote! b and now a 40 footer pHes can bump a managel or to make a lot of fnends over the male "Old Goat," balled m hel IN THE EARLY years, It ball playel, but why a player OJ yeals," she added filst Mackmac m 1940 and ad \\ a" uncommon fO! a woman to manager can't bump an ump Just because the Wakes won't mltted that that may be the bewme pmi of a Clew However, I also often wandel' why, at be competmg in the 259 nautical most memorable race m hel an Ma.gglt wa" fmiunate than most hol'se races, gamblers and bet- mIle Mackmac doesn't mean nals tOl" yell at a horse fOl not fin they're retllmg from the sport "We were crlllsmg along and "I thmk I'm luckier than most Ishmg fil"t Can Mr Ed ac "We can't remove ourselve" all of a sudden our Iuddel po"t because thew aren't many skip- tually hsten? flOm It totally," said Doug broke," she said With a smile "I pel'> who will take a woman What's even hettel I" the fan "We're lacmg III the local regat- began to pamc because I wabn't along," "he ;,ald who bCIeamb at Mike Heath tab, and frankly we're domg SUIe what to do Doug got evel y Her hUbband wouldn't have It from the bleachers Doe;, that qlllte well But, we Just can't thmg under control We used any other way megaphone mouth actually make a long Journey " two two by fours and JelTYIlgged thmk Heath Will hear him? THE PACE HAS been steady them togethCl whele the tillel5 "She"> been gredt," he saId_ Anothel thmg that's got me for the Wakes ever slllce they would come up We got gOll1g "She ha'> been mcredlble and \\ Ithout hel, I don't thmk I cunous IS why pop, hot dog 01 began saJ!mg Summers were agalll and were velY proud to pl'etzel vendol s at TIgel Stad filled With regattas, weekend fimsh the race" \\ auld have been able to do thiS thiS long" lum have no concept of what and mghtly saJ!mg Now, Maggie was bItten by the bug It'S like to be qmet howevel-, It's Just time to slow and Immediately began WOJkmg' Accordmg to Maggie, the first SUIe, they've got to announce down on the streak to reach the golden few yeal s of saJ!mg wel e "disas what theY'll' selhng and that "Doug IS a ternfic helmsman," plateau of 25 Mackmac raceb By telOus " The Wakes then bought they aJ e 111 yOUi sectIOn, but said hiS WIfe, who navigates the dOlllg so, any saJ!or lmmedlatel) an "old clunkel" full of dry rot It'S not hm d to ligm e out that NO!ih Amellcan 40 "He used to IS mducted mto the category of and deliCately saJ!ed It Then, he guy can ymg a pretzel above be able to go 24 hours straIght, "Old Goat" thmgs took ~f1 as they bought his head IS "ellmg plet7els but not anymO! e He can handle "I BECAME MORE eXCited Velcro IV, V and VI, but now When \\ a;, the la;,t time you about seven or eIght hours at when I was gettlllg closer to be It'" time to seml-I etll e m the attended a neIghborhood soft the helm" commg an old goat," said Mag h lendly confines of Vele/() VI ball game? Not sailing 111 the Mackmac g1e, whose closest competltOJ I'> I've played tWice a week for ends a streak of 39 Iaces fOJ hsted With approxImately 17 "We'll' done ab far as long about fi\ e yea! 5 now, and It's Doug and 29 fOJMaggie Mackmacs "It was Ieally e'\Clt distance Iate;, go," they agreed finally come to my attentIOn Ph"l" b, Rob Fullon "SUIe It'S gomg to be differ mg for me to saIl m my 25th "Ho\\ever, \\e thmk \\e have at that softballeJ s "tate the oh- least 10 yea! s left m local rac- Doug and Maggie Wake have put an end to their Mackinac ent," she Said, "but I know one lace, but I'll always lemember VIOUS,too II1g sailing days. thmg I'm not gomg to be as that first one" When a left handed battel comes to the plate, evelyone yelb, "Lefty" or ;,ometlung else that Sl6'l1lfieswhat "Ide of the Pointe Babe Ruth team heads for Cincinnati plate he bat'> frol11 "OUI goal IS to compete," Said will be "elected to an All Amen- By Rob Fulton from the Woods-Shores, and one Those on the team mclude, Why do we yell lefly? I" It Spada "We'd hke to Ieach the can team Sports Editor from the Farms City-Park ThiS Calm Moore, Tom RaJt, Tom Ko some big surpll"e, 01 ISthe bat Undel the managel'lal and tIme m Cmclllnatl, howl' vel , lOJewski, Adam Hogan, Enc finals If we do that, then we . It \\ould be I1lce to get one tel' actually gomg to get away coachmg expelilse of Joe Spada they WIll be mel gIng to fOlm a Lmdsey, Jason Jaworski, Mike Will be one of the top 10 team" playel on that team," said With dlsgulsmg It? and Paul DILaura, 20 fortunate shong team Haskell, Tony DILaw-a, Aaron m the nation for 14 )eal aIds I Spada I thmk the quote of the sum Glosse Pomte baseball players "What we dId was take the Michael, Scott Spada, MIke thmk It'S ImpOliant for us to mer occul'red the other day at If anyone IS II1telested III span- WIll be competlllg In the Ama- best playel's available," said Klobuchal, Kevm Magee, Mark make a strong showmg " my softball game teUl AthletiC Umon (AAU) Jun Spada "I received a lot of coop Dekmak, Danny Devlm, Matt BeSides one player bemg rec sonng one of the players, please Our pltchel' had popped out call Spada (372-1749) OJ DILaUl a 101 OlympICS 111 Cmcmnatl, OhIO, eratlOn flam the managel s of the Dube and KUli BaiT ogl1lzed as the tow nament'" (8828913) to the catcher fOl the second Aug 613 teams and they nommated some Most Valuable Player, 15 othCls time m as many bats Ob With that III mmd, the kids Twenty teams from around players for thiS team (Michigan) need to Ialse at least $250 each vlOusly qUite upset, No 3 the country WIll by vymg for the We (DILaura and Spada) then didn't thmk hiS bat belonged m III 01 del to pay fOl then eIght natIOnal tlophy that Will be pre- evaluated the kids to form the day "tay The tllP won't consist the bat rack so aftel bemg sented to the team who survives team There are a lot of good Call US called out by the umpll e, he of entn ely baseball, however the double ehmlllatlOn tourna- ball players m Grosse POInte, Advertlsmg launched the bat 15 feet The playel s Will be treated hke News ClaSSified ment but we feel that the guys we al e 8823500 Stlalght m the au- m a selles of OlympiC athletes durmg openmg 882-0294 882.6900 Grosse Pomte, whIch has long takmg are the best "ThiS IS also ceremomes There WIll be tnps tWist" and turns that would been hIghly suppolilve of ItS ht a great opportul1lty to put to have been the of any ma to Kmgs Island, the beach, Cm tie leagues, has been selected to get her both Babe Ruth teams 111 cmnatl Zoo and SUlf Cmcmnatl Jorette dttend the eight day tournament the Pomtes for one speCial pUl- Our player WdSqUIckly planned, also "We received an at.lmge bId," pose," added Spada, "and that ejected by the umpll e and then purpose IS to gIve kids from Each team IS guaranteed five - III all sellOu,>ness - turned Sald Spada, who WIll be handlmg GI'OS;'~ Pomte the opportUl1lty to games There will be four pools to the ump and said, "What the team's managenal dutIes "Michigan doesn't have AAU gam natIOnal recogl1ltlOn for the of five teams each, With the top fOJ?' 1\\ 0 teams m each pool advanc. sponsored baseball so thiS team type of ball they play" Get real mg to the wmner's bracket The dIdn't compete many quahfymg While most of the 20 brots Isn't It funny too, when you bottom two fall mto the consola games" have been filled, a fe\\ \ ~E go to a ball game With one, remam tlOn bracket maybe two buddws and sud Four of the 20 teams Iepre. denly by the fifth mnmg you sented from across the country have about 10? have been mvited to attend DetrOIt has a spOJis mah'TIet- "We were one of the four Ism that dIctates fnendshlp teams mVlted," Spada said Tell me you nevel' went to a "BaSIcally, ] thmk we got an m game and did a high five With vlte because of our contact With the guy next to you Tell me them last year That and Grosse you nevel shared an opmlOn Pomte I'>a natIOnally recogmzed about a ball playel \\ Ith some area for fine amateur baseball " one slttmg m fI ant of you And convmce me that you didn't tell The mtent of the tournament, the guy behmd ydu that you accordmg to Spada, IS to give the could have made that catch kids esposure to natIOnal play We've all done It at one tIme Spada, who coached a team of or another, admit It Then 13-year olds last year m the re- agam, when you've got to gIonal tournament m Kentucky, 3 REASONS TO SAVE ON spend three haUl'S cramped m a was notified by the natIOnal ALL WOmEN'S & mEN'S SWlmWEAR seat WIth 'lour elbow on your AAU that he ~as selected to neighbor!> arm yOll may as well brmg a team f\'Om MIchigan for make a new fl'lend the tourney Don't you hate when you'le on an aisle seat at a ball game The AAU allows the 20 play- and people contmually get up ers to come from any city m to leave, come back, leave, Michigan, but Spada felt that come back? I'd rather Just swap Grosse Pomte kids deserved It seats With the guy and call It a most day "I don't thmk It'S selfish to se. You know what else IS funny lect kIds from Grosse Pomte," he to watch? said "I am taking the kIds from ALL r-5HIRlS BUY 2 GET ONE FREE! Mon.-Fri. 10-7 When a bn'>eball goes foul thiS area because 1 feel there's Sat. 10-6 and 10 people touch It, try to enough talent in Grosse Pointe TWO LOCATIONS! catch It or run for It and thl" to compete on the natIOnal lev. httle b'lly m the back - who el" 15129 Kercheval Gratiot at 10'/2 Mile dIdn't try for It - pulls It out In the Park 10.9 M.F Roseville from under the seat. TradItIOnally in Grosse Pointe, 10-8 s~ Good thmgs come to those the Babe Ruth league has had 824-0211 12-5 sun./ " Ie only) n5-8270 who walt two teams; one consisting of kids ~~. -. ., ~ JU'r.13.1989 2C > V'J,I1IJ Grosse Po nte News ------.;..;..------Former Detroit Grand Prix travels to Phoenix

By Dons A Golenlak the weekend, the pi omoters m the tIack sillface was reported to Special Writer Phoel1lx CXplessed confidence be m excess of 140 degrees DO!}, _\ Coll'lIll1k attended the that the crowds would mcrease The dnvers, m general, liked PilOt III \ C, Ulld P,}, (llld he! III futUi e yedrs But the DetrOlI Phoe IIIx ,{Ill \ Ulld "1m, alia" ,/I, follows Gl'dnd P{'IX had a total of Italian Sandlo NamunI, who It M TlwIl' \\ ,1'- no ~top m Dl,t1OIt 170,000 III Its fil st year (1982) dnves for the Benetton team, Aftl'1 ..,,'\l'n l",CIImg ~eal s, De and had III e...cess of 60,000 for told me he prefers Phoemx to ..... 110It ted the full two hours, and hIm bl eak the all time record fOl nearly desserted 111 the evemng Senna, It can be pomted out that It ma) have been the high most career poles (34). surpass water was $2 50, offiCIal T.shlrts nme were claSSified as fimshers m the thl ee NOlth AmerICan adnu;,slOn pi Ices that kept peo- The two large cIty center hotels mg Jimmy ClaI'k's record m (WIth a combmed total of 1,245 were an astoundmg $19, hats A speCIal bonus to the PhoenI- laces, 14 different drivers from ple al\"\ TIcket') langed from 1986 rooms) were not completely full $12 and a cotton pullover was cians was to have natlve.son 10 dIfferent teams scored pomts $200 fOl the covel ed grandstand Rates ran around $150 per room $27 Cheever on the podIUm followmg There were also three different acro"" flam the Pits, to $35 for Senna al~ set a new record of A Fnday evemng outdoor party hiS third-place fimsh wmnel s from two separate genel al JdmlsslOn There were eIght consecutive poles Sunday's Out on the track, the dnvers Phoemx may lack the SOphIStl teams fe\1 good Vlellmg ,>pots for lad race had to stopped at the man at the CIVICPlaza was not well. were expenmentmg with how attended Around the tl ack, calion of MeXICOCity or Man Although DetlOlt may be gone del;', and only a glimpse of the datory two-hour limIt, before the close they could get to the con treal, but It presents an mterest. ft om the CirCUit, Formula One Iace COUI"e IIas VISIble through full distance of 305 kilometers there were relatively few street crete blocks, and there were vendors, and not a great vanety mg contrast to these oldel. will contmue to survive III North doubled fences wIth the view was covered Race speed aver. numerous spms and crashes of food European-flavored venue" To Amenca Phoemx made a five- sometunes hidden by trees Top aged 87 mph, compared With De, Even Prost totaled a car, a rare the Formula.One fan, each city year commitment WIth next trOlt's best of 857m 1987 The The most exotic thmg was event There were no senous m- seats m Det! OIt \Iere only $120 proVides a worthwhile VISit To year's Iace bemg moved to early DespIte the sparse turnout, es- mtense desert heat may have New Zealand meat pies, 1m. Jill'les and all 26 qualifiers took the cntlcs who allege that racmg sprmg or fall It should prove tImated at Just under 100,00 for kept the speed down m PhoeniX, ported from California Hot dogs part m the race has become bormg due to the re more popular With the fans Luks finishes second Dave Luks, Grosse Pointe first posItIon" Park's newest addltlon to the car Luks, apparently frustrated, raclllg world, led most of the was not about to let the lapped way at the Blackhawk Farms racer dampen hIS spirits on hIS Race in ChIcago July 2, but had most successful race of the sea- to settle for a fimsh, son Although It was his hIghest "I had the taste of VICtOry,JUst fimsh of the year m the Sports for a mmute," he said, "but Car Club of Amenca (SCCA) se that's the way It goes, I've just i'll'S, Luks IS still not satlsfied got to keep trymg for that first "I'd be happier if r would have place fimsh " won, obVIOusly," he said "But In three races, Luks has a that's the way it goes" sixth and third place fimsh to Through the final five to seven hiS credit laps, Luks, who had already reo "Lookmg at the way the races corded the fastest lap of the day have gone (SIxth, thIrd, second)," m 1.24 5, was ready to bask m he saId "It looks hke r have to the glory of wlllning the race. take a first m the next one " However, an unfortunate tWist Luks, who averaged 75 3 mph caused hIm to yIeld his top spot through the 20.lap race, leads "I was really feehng good over the Central DlvlslOn ChamplOn- Dave tub shows off his third-place finish in his second race the last few laps," he saId "I ship Senes With 20 pomts at Indianapolis. was commg up on a lapped car "I've got eIght more races to and got pmned behmd him Nor- go and I've got to try and lock mally, that lapped car is sup- up the top spot," he said, "The posed to get out of the way, but pressure IS on, " A (- DEL ( 0 It spun causing me to lose the -Rob Fulton S27EASH BAEHI CASH IN ON YOUR PURCHASE OF THESE AC-DELCO PARTS. MaXimum Rebate AC SIU( PlUGS 35~ each .Iimtt 8 $ 2.'0 AC OIL RLTERS $1 25 each -limit 2 2.50 AC AIR RLTEIS $1 75 each. hmit 2 3.50 DlLCO IATmaES Pilot becomes Flyer SOeach - limit 2 or Ben Paul PugHesi of Grosse Pointe Shores. has signed a $2eoc:h - -40_. limit 2 12.00 National Letter of Intent to play varsity soccer for the Uni- AC PCV VAlVES versity 01 Dayton Flyers next fall. 50( each • limit 2 1.00 Pugliesi. who captained the DeLaSalle Collegiate soccer DlLCO team last season. finished a highly successful prep career. TIIEUIOSTATS 50~ each • limit 2 1.00 He played four years as center halfback. recording the DlLCOWlRtSETS most assists of any player as a result of his very long $2, TOeach .lirnit2 4.20 throw-ins. PugHesi was the team's MVP this season. ID:OI In his junior year. the Pilots went to the state final four. Robot. ~_ May 10 1989,'0 July 16 1989 As a senior. PugUesi became an All-State player. was Photo by Kay Photography Reba .. coupon must be rt

-----~~~------..... ------~~------...... --- .. ____ ...__._....._._...... __...._...... _-.-4--

July 13, 1989 Sf'.:!-..,.. Grosse Pointe News VJIYJ 3C _____ 1Iiiiiiiiiiiiii ------whose fifth-mning smgle sent Columbus 18, Erie 5 home the game's final run Van Martm went 3.for-3 and Schlppert had the only other picked up an RBI, as Columbus Dayton hit beat Erie m this playoff game. Denver, representing the Jimmy Loulsell had a big day AmerICan League, received ex- for Columbus with eight put ceptlonal pltchmg from Dan DI- outs, and went 3.for-3, mcludmg maggio, who fanned 18 and a triple Andrew Fromm had two walked only three perfect bunts and scored a run, Dayton scored a run m the and Jeff Failla went 2-for-3. tan and MIke LaHood Denver, addmg two RBI Denver 36, Omaha 22 first, but Denver took a 3 1 lead Adam Budday had two hits, Woods-Shores Dan DImaggIO had SIX hits In the !>econd on an RBI smgle mcluding a triple for Erie, and however, got one Iun back m the Austin 16, Wichita 5 while EriC Souml!> and Tom Ru. by Carl Rose Jr, and a two run Andrew Fisher had two hits and AMERICAN MINORS bottom of the fil st Jason Po Brandon Welch pitched five dolph had five hIts each to pace smgle by George Vohs Dlmag. scored a run Charhe Keers- Denver 8, Austin 3 pham walked to load the base" mnmgb, stnkmg out 10 while Denver Omaha's Anthony VI' 6'10, EriC SoumIS, Tom Rudolph maker played a strong defensive Steve Bemhardt doubled home With two out'l, bettmg up Bem- /.,TJvmgup only four run!> and two tale hIt for the cycle, and Ben and Mark Partham had Denver's game for Erie, and Shaun Dl1lon till ee mns 111 the lit!>t mmng to hardt's big blow Illts to lead Austm Welch Peters hit two homer!> othel hits had a double give Denver all the Iun!> It Tom Rudolph pitched the fil st helped hlm!>elf With four RBI, NATONAL MINORS Miami 12, Columbus 11 needed to beat Austm 1I1 thiS thl ee mmng!> for the wm, and three of which came on a double F C't P k Dayton 30, Tampa 8 arms- 1 y- ar MIami scored two runs in the Amellcan League champIOnship Dan DllnagglO tossed a one-hit Mike Aubl ey was 3 for4 With Don Morrlssett was 3.for.5 AAA top of the sIxth to take a one-run Devner and Austm both Iin- shutout over the last thlCe five RBI, and Grosfield and Rut With a double and triple, while A's 5, Mariners 3 lead, then held off Columbus in Ished with 114 IecO!ds ft ames Enc Souml!> had two tan each had two hIts Au!>tm took a 20 lead m the hIt!>and !>CO!edtWice for Denver Brendan Rauss was 2-for4 for David Shock's triple m the an eXCiting semifinal playoff fil st on a smgle by Rich Gros Glosfield and Ruttan each had Mike Magll doubled and Paul Dayton. bottom of the nmth drove home game Clay Vanderpool and Jeff field and doubles by Ryan Rut two hit!>for Austm, With Ruttan Mooney 'lmgled 101 WichIta Andrew Mamaci pItched the the wlnmng run Brad Hohlfeldt Pilley each had two Miami hits, final three mnings for Dayton, had two singles, a double and while Andy Shelden and Mike allowmg three runs while strlk- pitched SIX scoreless mnings for Getz both turned m excellent de- mg out SIX Andy Jones and the Win. OffenSively, the A's got fenslve plays Adam Novak hit a Hardy Emery each had two hits two hits from Devon Allard and round.trlpper for Columbus, with for Tampa Frank Bommarito, and MIke John MIlls, Paul Cassleman and Miami 9, Buffalo 7 Veda and Jon Shock each had Denms Pascoe havmg two hits Tlbor Szabo pitched a complete smgles each game and MIchael Fme had a Nick Arngo laced a smgle, Miami 29, Phoenix 5 double and triple to boost Miami double and triple, and pitched Miami exploded for 29 runs in over Buffalo Brad Wheeler also five strong mmngs for the Marl' the Class C champIOnship game had two hits for the wmners ners Tom CrtJugh added a dou- and completed an undefeated Frank Glgho and ChriS Cooper ble, and ChrIstian Auty smgled season at 180 each had two Buffalo hits for the Mariners Chrlstme Gal Nme MIamI players had at Memphis 7, Syracuse 3 nor pitched four mmngs of least three hits apiece, while de- Brian Fehling, Ben Peters, strong rehef fenslvely the team played almost Jeremy Schmltzerle and Molly INSTRUCTIONAL errorless ball Joel France and Peters combmed to pItch a four- Buffalo 11, Toledo 6 Clay Vanderpool each scored hItter for MemphiS Fehlmg, Pe- Steven Palms, Clark VanVliet, four runs, while Ryan Schafer ters and Paul Dykstra also had Tom WIlhams, Peter Clme and and Matt Laplsh added three two hits Jason Ramberger had Peter Aile all scored runs for apiece Jeff See pounded out four two hits for Syracuse, Buffalo Mike O'Sullivan rapped hits, Jeff P1ley and Justm Owen MINOR CHAMPIONSHIP a Single had three hits each, Including a Chns Sterr knocked m the Andrew Fisher, Whitney Gage double, and Jack Knstan and wmmng runs With a three-run and Ted Neesley anchored the Mark SpIcer each had a double tnple as Dayton claImed the mi- Toledo defense, and Ryan Cor and tnple. nor league champIOnship of the dler slapped two doubles Ted Fortier had a good game Woods Shores Denver 14, Toledo 9 at catcher, and Michael Mitchell Sterr's third mning blow to Schust~r, Chns Frendo, Mol" and Jamie Carrier played well left was his first of two hIts in rell and Tim Leto scored runs for m the field Mike Getz and Andy the game Pitcher Fntz Schlp Denver Brad Ramge scored Shelden each had three hits, pert held on to pitch a complete three times and Jack Donnelly while supportIng the defense. game, scattering hIts by SIX dlf. had an RBI for Toledo Andrew Phoenix advanced to the finals Dayton. the Woods-Shores Little League championship team. inlcudes; front row. Don Morris- ferent Denver players SchIppert Fishel', Ricky Landuyt, Jordan WIth Wins over Buffalo and Rich- setl. Chris Sterr. Jeff Basta. Kyle Chase. Nick Paquin. Armando Apess and Andrew Maniaci. fanned seven Materna and WhItney Gage all mond. In the champIOnship Back row. Manager John Briles. Eric Dietrich. Buddy Briles. Fritz Schippert. Paul Kerby, Mark Dayton, whIch finished atop scored for Toledo See GPLL, page 16C Foust and Coach Bill Maniaci. Not pictured. Dave Kraft. Kevin O'Malley and Brendan Rauss. the NatIOnal League, also got a pall' of hits from Mark Foust, Junior regatta results EIght yacht clubs, under the Gretchen Uznis and Carey Nees- Sundown series results govermng body of the DetrOIt ley (BYC), 4, Brad Kimmel and River Yachtmg ASSOCiatIOn Adam Hollerbach (BYC), 5, The Grosse Pomte Sall Club IS JAM A: 1, JD fun to be WIth, . i contmumg Its weekly regatta JIm Dundas, 2, Jabberwocky, ;Y • I ~Ii q)RYA) are comnumg their Sarah Deeds and Natasha Lie " (CSYC) challenge On June 20, John Anthony Spel hng, 3, Yankee, weekly regattas FLYING JUNIORS II: I, Blanco sklppeled Windemon to Paul Knetsch The Jumor Salhng Program, which salls boats (smgle) Stuart Gooden and Tom Young. a wm III the PHRF B dIVISIOn JAM B: 1, WlIdfile, Jerry blood (BYC); 2, Tom Line and On June 27, he fell to a thn'd Roth, 2, Passat, James Jelsone, and flying Jumors (skipper and Tim Austm (NSSC), 3, Mike Uz. place behmd Macho Duck and 3, Rambow, John T WIltmg crew), battled July 6 off the shores of the Grosse Pomte ms and Andrew Forster (BYC); Jabberwock. IN THE JUNE 27 I ace The results of both Iegattas lOR: 1, Moonlaker, NJis Yacht Club 4, Michael Hendrie and Mark Waterman (GPC), 5, Bndget follow, hsted by place, boat name Muench, 2, Soma 3, Damel Haz Four regattas were held, and Murray and Shera Teltge, and skIpper ebrook, 3, Sea Fever, Dean BalcI- the followmg boats were the top lOR: 1, Sprmt, John Stevens, rak q five fimshers 111 theIr diVISIon, (GPYC). 2, TJ'adel, Fled DetWiler, 3, PHRF A: 1, Velel'O VI, Doug FLYING JUNIORS I: 1, LASERS: I, Rem MIllIgan (BYC); 2, Jim Murray (GPYC); 3, Moonraker, Nils Muench Wake, 2, Absolut, Clas NJlstoft, Dean Balclrak and Alex Byron PHRF A: 1, Burden IV, Bur. 3, Hot TIcket, Robert Kirkman (BYC), 2, John Mon-eale and Su- Flanagan, (GPYC); 4, Gmeiner, (GPYC), 5, Teltge, (GPYC). ton Jones, 2, Eagle One, TImo PHRF B: 1, Jabbelwock, san Llewellyn (CSYC), 3, thy LariViere, 3, Phoemx, John Wayne Koch, 2, Macho Duck, Bayer DaVid Klaasen, 3, Wlndemon, Swim, tennis lessons begin PHRF B: 1, Wmdemon, John John Blanco Blanco, 2, Macho Duck, DaVid PHRF C: 1, Regardless, Dan The Farms Park and Recrea- advanced beginners Classes you Klaasen. 3, Punk Dolphm, RIch- lei Padilla, 2, Tangent, Glenn :: ": - 1ir- ~~~ -- tIOn Department IS offering a can attend are MondaylWednes- ard Gilbelt COUSino. 3, SolutIOns, Mark ,-,~=,-~--- second seSSIOnfor SWIm and ten- day, or Tuesday/I'hursday. PHRF C: 1, Rugger, Charles Craig ms lessons at the Pier Park HorneI, Jr , 2, LlebestJ aum, CRES: 1, SCImitar, John • " ... (. •• __ :...- _...... e...._ .. RegistratIOn for the lessons Brennan; 2, Eclipse, PhIlip Ed ,.. rf' "'~~ ~~ Dale Steiger, 3, CompulSIOn, ...... - t",-."...,...... '" WIll be Fnday, July 14 from 830 YMCA session Ten-ence Gibney, Jr \Val ds, 3, , James Kne . - - a m to 7 pm., and Saturday, CRES: 1, SCimItar, John gel' - July 15 from 9 a m. to 1 p.m at The Lakeshore Family YMCA Brennan, 2, Farouche, J T PhIl- MORGAN: 1, LIttle Feat, the Pier Park The cost IS $10 IS acceptmg registrations for the hps, 3, Post ProductIOn, Law. Lmdsay Horvat, 2, MagiC, per child For more mformatlOn, Summer IIclasses. rence Koto\'; ICZ. Thomas Podgorski, 3, Defiant, Photo b) Rob Fulton call Dick Huhn or Tracy Hmgst The classes, which w111begm ETCH: 1, Coyote, Peter Grif- Robert Lech July 24, mclude gymnastics, fit- Skipper Mike Uznis. with crew Andrew Forster (left) battle it at 343-9050. fin, 2, Quetlco, Harper and Zem- PHRF D: 1, Fiddler's Green, Four-week sWIm classes, whIch ness, body tonmg, wlZ-fun with out with skipper Gretchen Uznis and crew Carey Neesley in the mm, 3, Kimber, Fred Woolsey Don Ragan, 2, OZ, Jonathan begin Monday July 17 and run science (chIldren 3-8 years old) Junior Sailing Program regatta on July 6. MORGAN: 1, Little Feat, Wayman, 3, A7ul, Gerald Pad Mondays and Wednesdays, m- and chIldren's ballet, tap and Lmdsay Horvat, 2, MagiC, Ilia clude Tots, Beginner I, Beginner Jazz dancmg Thomas PodgorskI, 3. Defiant, CAL 25: 1, Draco, Bnan Shen- II, Advanced Beginner, Interme There IS also a day camp for Robelt Lech stone, 2, Clouseau, Todd Hughes; diate and CompetitIve Two-week boys and girls ages 5 and up, PHRF D: 1, Fiddler's Green, 3, Warpath, Scavarda and Wy- sWim classes, which Will run With plenty of actlVlties for a Don Ragan, 2, Sunnse, Joan borskI Monday through Thursday, be- fun. filled summer. BlaIr, 3, Sasha. Henry Chamber ENSIGN: 1, Fern IriS Porter, gm July 17. Another two-week The Lakeshore YMCA is lo- 1m 2, C F Pickle, Henry SchmIdt, 3, sWIm class Will begin July 31 cated on Jefferson near Nine CAL 25: 1, DIaco, Bnan Shen. Wmnergreen, JIm Thiem Tennis classes, beginmng July MIle In St. Clair Shores. For ad- stone, 2, Clou!>eau, Todd Hughes. JAM A: 1, JD fun to be With, 17 and July 18, include levels for ditIOnal informatIOn, call 778- 3, Warpath, Scavarda and Wy JIm Dundas; 2, Jabbenvocky, begmners, Intermediates and 5811. borskl Anthony Spel hng, 3. Kalzen, ENSIGN: 1, Wmnergl'een, Edward Beida Jim ThIem, 2, Go Phel It. Rick JAM B: 1, Passat. James Jel A NEW TRADITION ... Schrage. 3, C F Pickle, Henry sone, 2. TIme Out, Frank Stel- SchmIdt hngwmf, 3, Wildfire. Jerry Roth GROSSE POINTE NORTH • SOUTH FLAGS Celina wins Marc Gehna, a natIOnally ranked 35 and under tenms player, has done It agam Gelma, the Lochmoor Club pro now III his 10th year, slammed Photo bv Ka' PholOl/Taphy CanadIan Pat Gamey In the fi. nals of the Essex Freedom Festi Army honors Show your local colors and try or dIsplay on game days, val Tournament, 6-2, 6-3, to wm the green and gold of North or the blue and gold of South hiS third tournament of the year Admiring their United States Army Reserve Scholar Ath. These flags are nylon with handsewn block gold letters on Gelina took home $200 for hIS lete Awards are South seniors Ethan Dettmer and Juli. NI. a green or blue background tnumph In the Fourth of July chols. with Assistant Principal.Athletics Jo Lake. The stu- tournament dents were honored with the special medallions for 2' x 3' FLAG 3' x 5' FLAG 4' x 6' FLAG Gamey was Ontano's No 1 high academic achievements and their consistently out. 95 95 eo 95 eo ranked player, and No 3 m Can. standing contributions to athletic team activltl ... Dettmer. $15 eo $23 $29 ada who is president of the South Student Auoclation, Is a Gehna, who WIll be competmg member of the South Rowers and the South Championship ORDER NOW TO ASSURE DELIVERYBEFORE m the NatIOnal Grass Courts III swimming team. Nichols, who ranks in the upper 5 percent THE FALL SPORTS SEASON. ALLOW' WEEKS DEUVIIY. Rhode Island m September, has of her class. has participated In South's award.wlnning a season record of 19-3 10 SIX and track teams. CALL NOW 886.4529 Marc GeUna tournaments . .. July 13, 1989 4C Grosse Pointe News

DEADLINES 882-6900 INDEX 882.6900 • Monday 4 pm-ALL BORDER and MEASURED (speCial type REAL EST A TE FOR RENT bold, caps elc) must be In our of HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE GUIDE TO SERVICES Houses War1led 10 Rplll f,ce by Monday 4 p m 200 General 600 AMC 708 • Monday 4 pm-All CANCELS 201 Help Wanled Babysiller 601 Chrysler 709 Townhou,es/ Condos lor Renl 900 Air Cond,!lol1lng 948 Insulallon or CHANGES must be In our office 202 Help Wanled Clencal 602 Ford 949 JaMonal Service 203 Help Wanled Denlall 603 General Molors 710 Townhousesl 901 Alarm Installatlonl by Monday 4 p m Condos Wnnled Repair 921 JewelrylClock Serv,ce Medical 604 AnllquelClasslc Landscap,ng/Snow • 12 Noon Tuesday-Regular Imer 71 I Garages/Mini 902 Aluminum SidIng 943 204 Help Wanled Domestic 605 Foreign Removal ads No borders measured can 205 Help Wanled Legal 606 Jeeps/4 Wheel Storage for Renl 903 Apploance Repairs 712 Garages/Mini 904 Asphall Paving Repair 943 Lawn Maintenance eels or changes on Tuesday 206 Help Wanled Part Time 607 Junkers Lawn Mower/Snow 608 PartslT,reslAlarms Storage Wanted 905 AulolTruck Repair 950 207 Help Wanled Sales Blower Repalf CASH RATES 10 words $4 00 208 Employmenl Agency 609 Rentals/Leas,ng 713 Industlldl/ 906 Asbestos Service Warehouse Renlal 907 Basemenl Waterproofing 951 Linoleum each additional word 401> $1 00 610 Sports Cars Locksmllh 6 11 TrUCkS 714 LIving Quarters to Share 908 Bath Tub Refll1lshlng 952 940 Service fee for billing 612 Vans 715 Moior Homes 909 Bicycle Repair OPEN RATES: Measured ads SITUA TION WANTED for Renl 910 Boat Repalfs/ 946 MovmglSlOrage 6'3 Wanled To Buy MusIc Instrumenl Repair $948 per loch Border ads $1050 614 Aula In~urdn~~ O'l,ces' CO'11IT'("cJ' 'Dr Maintenance 953 300 BabY~llIers Bllck/Block Work 954 PalntmgtDecorallng per Inch AddrtlOnal charges for Renl 911 301 CleHcal 717 OffoceslCommerclal 912 Building/Block Work 954 Paper Hanging photos art work elc 302 Convalescenl Care Wanled 913 BusIness Machine Repa" 925 Pallos/Decks RECREA T10NAL Pesl Conlrol CLASSIFYING AND CENSOR- 303 Day Care 718 Property Managemenl 914 I Carpenlry 956 304 General P,ano TUl1Ing/Repaif SHIP: We reserve the nght to clas 719 Renl wlth 915 Carpet Cleal1lng 953 305 House Cleaning 650 Airplanes Opllon to Buy Carpel Installahon 917 Plastering Slty each ad under Its appropnate 916 306 House S,uing 651 Boats and Molors 720 Rooms lor Renl 917 Ceiling Repalf 957 PlumbmglHeatlng heading The publisher reserves 307 Nurses Aides 652 Baal Insurance 721 Vaca!lon Renlal- 918 Cemenl Work 958 Pool Service the nght to edit or reject copy sub 308 Otl,ce Cleaning 653 Baal Parts and Service Flollda 919 Chimney Cleanmg 959 Prlntong/Engravlng 654 Baal Siorage/ Dockage Refrlgeralor Service mltted for publication 309 Sales 722 Vacatoon Renlal- 920 Chimney Repair 903 310 Secret anal Services 655 Campers Out of Siale 921 Clock Repair 912 Remodelmg CORRECTIONS AND ADJUST- 656 Motorbikes 723 Vacation Renlal- 922 Compuler Repair 960 Roofing Service 657 MOlorcycles MENTs: ResponSibility for display Northern Michigan 923 ConslrucllOn Service 961 SCissor/Saw Sharpening and claSSified advertiSing error IS MERCHANDISE 658 Molar Homes 724 Vacation Renlal- 924 Decorallng Service 962 Screen Repair 659 Snowmobiles Septic Tank Repalf limited to either a cancellation of Resort 925 Decks/Pallos 963 660 Trailers 964 Sewer Cleaning Service the charge o( a of the por. 400 Antiques 725 RentalslLeaslng- 926 Doors 401 Appliances Oul Stale Mlchlgan 927 Draperies 965 Sewing Machine Repair hon In error Notllicatlon must be 402 Auctions 928 DressmaklngrTalloring 966 Slipcovers given In time for correclion m the 403 Bicycles 929 Drywall 967 Solar Energy fOllowing Issue We assume no re 404 Garage/Yard/ REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 930 Electllcal Service 950 Snow Blower Repair Basemenl Sales 931 Energy Saving Service 943 Snow Removal sponstbllity for Ihe same after the 962 Storms and Screens 405 Eslale Sales 800 Houses for Sale 932 Engravlng/Pllntlng first insertion REAL EST ATE FOR RENT 968 Stucco 406 Firewood 801 CommelClal BUildings 933 Excavallng 407 Flea Market 934 Fences 969 SWimming Pool Service ANNOUNCEMENTS 700 Apts/Flats/ 802 CommerCial Property 970 T V /Radlo/CS RadLo 408 Household Sales 803 Condos/Apls/Flats 935 Fireplaces Duplex- Grosse POlnlel 971 Telephone Repair 409 Miscellaneous Articles Harper Woods 804 Country Homes 936 Floor SandIng/ 100 Personals Refonlshlng 972 Tennis Court 410 Musical Instruments 701 AptslFlatsl 805 Farms 101 Prayers 411 Offlce/Bu slness 937 Furnace Repalrl 973 Tile Work 102 Lost and Found Duplex- 806 Flonda Property 943 Tree Service Equipment DelrolllBalance 807 Investment Property InstallatIOn 103 LeQal Nohces Furnllure Refinishing/ 913 Typewflter Service 412 Wanled to Buy Wayne Counly 808 Lake/River Homes 938 104 Obituaries Repalfs 938 Upholslery Apls/Flats/ 809 Lake/River Lois 702 Glass Automotive 974 VCR Repalf SPECIAL SERVICES Duplex- 810 Lake/River Resorts 939 940 Glass. ReSidential 975 Vacuum Sales/ServIce ANIMALS SI Clair Shoresl 811 Lois for Sale 976 Venillatlon Service 105 Answering Services 812 Mortgages/Land 941 Glass Repairs Macomb County Siainedl Beveled 954 Wallpapering 106 Camps 500 Adopt A Pel 703 Apts/Flalsl Conlracts 942 Garages 977 Wall Washing 107 Calerlng 501 B"ds for Sale Duplex- 813 Northern Michigan 903 Washer/Dryer 108 Drive Vour Car Homes 943 Snow Removall 502 Horses for Sales Wanted to Renl Landscaping 907 Walerproollng 109 Entertainment 503 Household Pels Halls for Rent 814 Northern Michigan Lots 704 944 Gutlers 978 Water Softenmg 110 Heallh and NutritIOn for Sale Houses- 815 Out 01Stale Property 705 945 Handyman 979 Weldmg 111 Hobby Instruction 504 Humane Societies Grosse POinte/ 816 Real Estate Exchange 946 Hauling 980 Wrndow Repair 112 MusIc Educallon 505 Losl and Found Harper Woods 817 Real Estale Wanted 981 Window Washing 113 Party Planners/ Helpers 947 Healing and Cooling 506 Pet Breeding 706 Houses- 818 Sale or Lease 982 Wood burner Service 114 Schools 507 Pet EqUipmenl DelrOII/Balance 819 Cemelary Lois 115 TransportallonfTravel 508 Pet Grooming Wayne County 820 BUSiness Opportunilies 116 Tutoring/EducatIOn 117 Secretanal Services


A CLOWN CO, RECORDER playing for BUYER BEWARE! THANKSGIVING MATH utor- great success SITTER for Cnners- gOing NOVENA TO ST, JUDE CLASSICAL musIc for any Before you buy that DREAM Featurmg: chlldren - fun m~thodl With COllege students on vacation and can't NOVENA occasion , duo, triO, HOUSE, let me take a May the sacred Heart of Rainbow the MagiC Clown SpeCial art, knitting, Now. Sept 101 hour BB5- find anyone 10 care for TO ST JUDE qumtet, gUitar, wmds, close look at the roofl Jesus be adored, glon- The finest profesSional en. crafts, etc Ages 5 thru 5485 your pet? Call 366-0292 o Holy St Jude apostle and vOice 354-6276 LOW COST roof consulta- tied, loved and preserved lertalnment 10 882-3856 bonded martyr, great In virtue and tionS Call Dave nowl throughout the woril.l now All Happy Occasions nch In miracles, near WEDDING Sololsl- Experi- 117 SECRETARIAL SERVICES and forever Oh, Sacred 331-5055 822-5589 WEDDING Photography kinsman of Jesus Christ, enced vocaliSt, organist, 112 MUSIC EDUCATION Heart of Jesus, pray for DON'T WAIT taken the way you want, faithful Intercessor 01 all pianist and gUitanst lor us Wor1lers of miracles, THE LETTER FOR LETTER at pnces you like Profes- who Invoke your special Wedding Ceremonies or PIANO Instructlons- 18 Until Tuesday morning to pray for us St Jude FAX Sional service 331-3190 patronage In lime of STANISLAVSKI any SpeCial Occasion years experience, certi- REPEAT your claSSified helper of the hopeless, Word Processing adll Call our claSSified need To you I have re- WIND QUINTET Theresa 293-2645 fied All levels, Kmdergar- ! LOVING, personal care, pray for us Resume Preparation advertiSing department course from the depth of Distinctive woodWind ten offered 839-3057 small female dogs only Say thiS prayer 9 times a General-Personal Typing Wednesdays, Thursdays, my heart and humbly beg sounds for your speCial PIANO ENTERTAINMENT References $6 50 VE9- day By the 8th day your SUZUKI Violin lessons, all Medical, Legal, BUSiness Fndays, Mondays to whom God has given occasion All time faVOrites Contem- 1385 prayer Will be answered ages Certified Lisa Cassette TranSCription 882-6900 such great power to come Helen Near 823-4704 porary. ClaSSical Wed. WINSTED'S custom fram- It has never been known Salgh,886-1743 Harper-Vermer to my assistance Help dlngs-cocktail parties All Ing Framing, manlng and to fall, never Publication FAIRY Godmother available n4.5444 JACKIE'S me In my present and ur- occasions Experience PIANO teacher With degree PET & PAL SERVICES quality work Reasonable must be promised for entertaining al child- PLAIN JANE gent position In return I With Grosse POinte Clubs has opening lor begin- Mini-van airport shuttle rates Margaret, 331- Thanks St Jude for ren's parties 331-n05 Communications promise to make your 885-6215. ning or advanced stu- (Metro & City) 2378 prayer answered B H Ask for Chantelle Word Processing Resumes name known and cause DON Barr and Company, dents Experienced In sitting BUSiness Personal Corre- House FREE three Who concert you to be Invoked PROFESSIONAL Sound claSSical, pop, ragtime, NOVENA TO ST JUDE featunng vocalist, Lynda spondence Mailing Lists Lovlng animal care (exercIs- tickets With purchase of Service OJ's lor allocca- May the Sacred Heart of Say three Our Fathers, Marshall Standards, and Jazz 343-9314 Ing & feeding) Ball Pomt pen, $150 882- sions Call Dan, 882- n1-6570. Jesus be adored, glon- three Hall Mary's and Jazz, Pop The finest 884-1516 nB4 6904 PROFESSIONAL mUSICian tied, loved and preserved Glonas Publication must musIc for your special WRITE IMAGE be promised St Jude With teaching degree THERAPEUTIC Massage throughout the world now r-::-:::~~::-~~~ ....~ .. occasion 8224722 KOOKY pray for us and all who SOUND SYSTEMS available for lessons In SECRETARIAL SERVICES Certified masseuse and forever Oh, sacred ILOVE U Invoke your aid Amen D J SerVlc~AnyD.::caslon your home P,ano or VO- Bookkeepln9 Women only 331-5740 Heart of Jesus, pray for K.O. This Novena has never PROFESSIOIIAL.EXPERIENCED Get Results cal 824-7182 Word Processing us Workers of miracles, Composltlon & Ediling ALL Pet Care, while you're been known to fall I have Great Music Selection MASSAGE • For Women pray tor us St Jucla CLASSIFIED ADS DataBase Managemenl home or away Errands helper of the had my request granted, Very Competitive 114 SCHOOLS 10 years experience hopeless, (Labels, Mailings, elc ) run, reasonable rates publicatIOn promised E B 881-1817 381-1817 CAll 882-6900 Multi-Method approach pray for us Resume Consultation! Serving Grosse POinte and Preparation My home or house calls say thIS prayer 9 times a TEACHERS- FOR SALE- and St aair Shores Ref- day. By the 8th day your lOb CAMPS Cassene TranSCription Judy,882-3856 established "State of The erences Terre, n3-9806 prayer WIll be answered P1?JS'1l{ O/PIYEO prj(OrJJCUCTI09{S Arl" Learning center .BUSINESS • PERSONAL It has never been known CAMP ARBUTUS bUSiness Be on the cut- • ACADEMIC SMALL Dog Sitting- not WE PICK UP unwanted fur- o Weddings 0 Legal Depositions to fall, never PublicatIOn PRIVATE CAMP ting edge Step up to a over 14 pounds, 24 hour niture, appliances and o Sporting Events 0 Training Tapes 882-8300 must be promised GIRLS 5-17, BOYS 5-10 unique and prestigious care Only 1 or 2 dogs miscellaneous Call 863- o 0 GRAND TRAVERSE AREA Bands Commercials Excellent references, Thanks St Jude for position where you are 4000 JUNE 25- JULY 22 WORD PROCESSINGIFAX Please call before 630 prayer answered L.R. 526-4014 desperately needed En- RENT my beautiful Silk JULY 23- AUGUST 19 Resumes, Letters, PM 885-3039 JOYthe pleasure of utiliZ- 110 HEALTH AND Theses, Term Papers, Flowers to decorate wed. THANK you St. Anthony, CALL 881.9442 ItO HEAlTH AND Ing your SkillS, talents, NUTRITION NUTRITION General, Notary dings, showers, parties thank you Blessed Heart WRITE leadership abilities, bUSI- MacRae Secretarial HABITAT CARE 881-1071 of Jesus L.V. MAYFIELD, MI 49666 ness sense and profes- 521-3300 HOUSE SITIING Sional accountability call PET SITIING WANT Today 885-9450 DOG WALKING BE WISE CALL ADS WANT ADS JUNEKRAMEK ADVERTISE 882-6900 116 TUTORING IlOUCI TlON 293-0673 882.6900 --*-- WORK pure wate~ associates TUTORING 100 PERSO'lAIS 100 ,rRSONAIS ALL SUBJECTS WONDERS GRADES 1 THRU 12 R.C. Photographic Services PROFESSIONAL 882-6900 would like to lake thiS opportUnily to Introduce FACULTY Special Events myself My name IS William Ahee, and I am With WE CAN HELP Commercial, Portraits Pure Water Assoclales located on the east Side GROSSE POINTE BUSINESS AND of DetrOit LEARNING CENTER TEC'HNICAL SERVICES I am personally very concerned about Improving the Laller Printer 824.2614 131 Kercneval on the HIli 11lMOverfWw Support quality of our drinkIng waler Upon Investlgallng 343-{)B36 343-{)836 the market on water purification deVices I am Buqmcs'l • Techmcal Acadcmlc YOUR HOME OR PET very proud to announce that I have discovered MATHEMATICSI Science ANTI-CRUELTY ASSOCIATION A WORK OF ART Mcdlcal • Dcntlll • Legal and presently have In my posseSSion, an In home Tutor, including hIgh PenCil, Ink, Watercolor "on lap" water purification untt called lhe 13569 Joseph Campau • Delrolt, MI 48212 school calculus and phys- LcUcr'l • Rcports 0 Memos BUSiness or Boal "Purtek" that purities waler by means of Sprcad'lhecLs 0 [nvOJclng ICS cert.lIed high school FEATURING By Carol A Sinclair delonlzatlon ThiS purlllcation method produces Forrn'l Procc'l..'lmg water of triple dlstllled quality Processed water math teacher, $251 hour Ca'l'lcLtc TranllCrlptlon o Animal adoptIOns inlo loVing homes 886-8468 .notecards and nnts. by delonlzatlon IS the purest form of water 884-5640 o Humane educallOn available Pcrsonah1cd RcpcLltlvc Lettcrs o Rescues and sheltering wllh T LC. THE LAST WORD Those of you (mdIVlduals or families) Interested In Envclopcs 0 Labels o LegislatiVE! aellon - local, state, federal Word Processing Service purlfyln~ your dnnklng water through the Mallmg LIst Malntcnance o Re-unlling lost pets with their family SAM MESSANA "Pur1ek' may conlad me Resumes, RepetitIVe Thcqc'l • Dl'!'lcrtatlons o Cruelty investigatIOns will turn Leners Mon, Tues, Thurs 10 a m -3 p m at 372-1807 labels, Charts, StatistiCS Term Papcrs • Manu9CripLs Monday - Sunday after 8 p m at 881-0723 Foreign LRnguagc Work Mailing List, ManUSCripts EquatIons • GraphICS AdoptIOn hours: 10:30 a,m to 3 p,m, 50 or 24 hour digital paper 560-9074 Speeches, Letters Slatl'lLIC'l 0 Tablc'l • Charts Monday-Saturday on Tuesday, July 18th legal-Business-Personal You may call Sam and Wish Thank you for your time GIVE US A CALL Rcsume''! 0 Cover Letters Apphcatlon Forma (313) 891-7188 him a Happy Golden Birthday Sincerely, William Ahee ANYTIME at 469.5452 , 774-5673 822-4800 .... 4 4 ...... __ ~~_~_-~~_~~-_~. ------'-"'- -~ -~~r~_- __ ~_~~.- ...... ~~--~-


DISHWASHERS, Cook OFFICE Clerk needed to INSURANCE. CIencal ..." COOK, short order- $6 per SENIOR CItizen needs lawn A BETTER HOMES LANDSCAPING help ORDER Processor Excel- Excellent opportuOlly take sales orders on tele- support person wanted hour Mature, reliable, will cut and odd jObs done, AND GARDENS OFFICE wanted Part or fUll time lent opportunity for an in- Apply in person' Irish phone Some IIQht tyPing, full time for large 88It tram Waitress. Bar- call after 6 p m 499- PrOVIdes the best oppOOu- 772-4627 diVidual expenenced In Coffee Bar and Gnll, telephone and calculator side Insurance agency. Maid Apply at Telly's om nlty for SUCCESS In sell. order processing Know- 18666 Mack Ave. SkillS a must $5 00 per General office dulles ~ Place, 20791 Mack, ing REAL ESTATE I Inter- MANICURIST wanted, ledge of plumbing Indus- RETAIL. AssIstant Manager hour 824-7150 lng, filing, data entry Grosse POinte Woods KITCHEN Manager, nights, Grosse POinte Woods try helpful Must be a needed fO( Grosse POInte ested In extensive Send resume to Insur- 881-3985 With references, near 881-6470 SECRETARY- fUll lime p0- high school graduate With Womans apparel stO(e training, including Pre-li- ance, POBox 36626, Ren-cen, 259-3273 be- Sition available at east ORGANIST, Warren Celtic some college, have good Experience required Call cense and Marketing? In 201 HELP WANTED Grosse POInte 48236 tween 9 and 3 Side wholesale flOrist Cross Presbyterian communication skills and Linda at The Willow Tree Grosse POInte, call Mark 8A8YSITHlt Must have good office 203 HH' WANTEO Classical style Allen digi- penmanship We offer a 886-5047 Monaghan at 886-5800 MAINTENANCE person for OIher Iocatrons, call Lloyd COLLEGE student or ma- Skills, good personality, DENTAl MEDICAl tal organ Call Pastor excellent fnnge benefit ENJOY Children? Part- tllne general repairs, pamtlng, Edwards at 268-1000 ture woman to care for knowledge of IBM PC DENTAL hygienist needed, Beery. 757-7832 package Salary to com- photographer needed No etc Must have some ex- SCHWEITZER three children, one to two helpful Call Doreen be- caring, fnendly practICe, FEMALE and Male Barten- mensurate With experi- expenence necessary, perience or mechanical REAL ESTATE days per week Non- tween 6- 9 P M 885- EastSide area Call 771- ders, Cooks, Waitresses ence Send resume and Will train. Dependable ability 881-8551,4-9 pm BETTER HOMES smoker and relerences 7048 0124 Immediate hiring Call salary reqUirements to transportation a must WAITSTAFF bartender, 884-9184 AND GARDENS ENTRY Level poSition, full DENTAL Hygienist wanted 773-8940 Box 0-88, Grosse POinte Send letter or resume to porter and salad person 20 OffIces PROFESSIONAL Grosse time, front desk, effiCient 2 days per week for m0d- News, 96 Kercheval, POBox 12397, Birming- Experienced With refer- IDEAL for local college stu- POinte couple seeks ma- phone manner Some ern prevention onented Grosse POinte Farms, MI ham, MI 48012 ences. Near Ren Cen dent, part time help, will ture non smoker for care evenings and Saturdays general denliStry office, 48236 Call 259-3273 between 9- train Bar or walt help FREE to good home, 10 of adorable 4 month old for Grosse POlOte lurnl- located In Detroll's new Club 17569 East PAfNTERS amd helpers month female shepherd- MR. C's 3 500, In our home 8-6, Mon. ture company Call lina Harbortown complex needed 885-1900, Mon- Warren, Detroit collIS miX, 32 poonds All EDGEWAY Larldscaplng IS day- Friday References 739-5100 FleXible schedule avail- day- Friday, 9- 5 shots and mediCal care KITCHEN Help- Will train, 100k.lOg for a few good required 884-1323 able 259-2410 Housebroken Excellent DELI ACCOUNTING personnel ATTENTION- Hmng' Gov- men Must be expen- no expenence necessary Rexlble work schedule. RESPONSIBLE babYSitter needed. Accounts receiv- DENTAL ReceptlonlsV IIQht ernment jobs- your area With kids "Sadie" 881- enced. dependable, and Apply (back door), be- Starting pay based on for 1 year old girl Mon- able or accounts payable, bookkeeping for bUSy $17,840- $69,485, ext 0466 have references 882- tween 2 pm and 5 pm, expenence. Will train day, Wednesday, Friday, 3- 5 years acc01..nllng ex- specialty office 10 Grosse R3448 Fee 3676 Tuesday through Satur- RESTAURANT for cashier, dell clerk, 9-11 15 am, startmg first penence, computenzed POinte, salary and bene- day AntonIO's Restau- PHONE girlS, $4 Pizza FOOD SERVICE cooks and stock construction week of September Ref- system ~ fits to match expenence, rant, 20311 Mack, Grosse makers, $4 50 Delivery positions Must be 17. laborers and lawn crews full or part time ~ WORKERS erences required Please SECRETARY for large POinte Woods 884-0253 boys Ex-Domino's em- Apply at Mr. C's Dell needed Should be exper- call Lon, 885-1486 4040 Expenenced food servICe Grosse POinte real estate DON'T WAIT ployees welcome Little Ienced 884-9768 workers needed Immedi- LOVE WORKING office Accurate typing DENTAL receptionist with Until Tuesday morning to Italy Plzzena 526-0300 ately at our heaquarters ATTENTION COUNTER sales help WITH CHILDREN? and organizational skills bUSiness, billing and REPEAT your Classified wanted Jacobson's In RETAIL SALES In downtown DetrOIt and CHRISTMAS AROUND Be a nanny Full tlmel part- necessary Word proces- collection SkillS Ultra- adllt Call our claSSified PRESIDENT TUXEDO oor Troy office located at THE WORLD the Village Apply In per- time Good salary and sor ability helpful Send modern Harbortown De- advertISing department Eastland Mall, part or full 14 Mile and S1ephenson New SUPER PARTY PLAN son anytime or call 463- benefits Call The Nanny resume and salary re- troit dental oHlce, 2 to 3 Wednesdays, Thursdays, time, please call 371- ApplICants must be de- IS now hlnng Demonstra- 0700 Network 939-KIOS qUirements to Box G- days 259-2410 Fndays, Mondays 7501, or apply In person perldable and willing to torsi SHIPPING aerk Ideal for 150, Grosse POinte 882-6900 MATURE, responSible per- SLEEP TechniCian posrtlOO assume a vanety of du- Work your own hoursl student, part time, New News, 96 Kercheval, AUTO MECHANIC son needed to care for 3 available at The Henry BE on T V Many needed tleS, whICh Include salad No delivenngl centerl General Motors Grosse POinte Farms, MI Why settle for $300 or $400 month old 10 my home Ford Hospital Sleep 01s- for commercials Now hir- dressing preparatlOll, bev- No collecting! BuddIng Call Peggy at 48236 per week, when you can Monday- Fnday 8- 6, be- orders Center High Ing all ages For casting erages, dlshwashlng, and FREE $300 kltl 871-6060 earn $700 and more? Our 91nlO9 September Call School grad With some information call (615)n9- cleanup In our employee NO HIDDEN COSTS RECEPTIONIST I mechaOics make $700- LUNCH W8Jtress for small 885-9072 College level Science 7111 Ext T-430 caletena Working hours For more Inform at lOll, call TYPIST $1,000 per week We Grosse POInte restaurant cources reqUired Part- range 7 30 a.m - 4 pm, 778-5274 or 791.{)557 TEACHER needs reliable, We are looking lor a pleas- time, evenings and QUALITY experienced have the bUSiness, we Monday thru Saturday 12 Monday through Fnday deperldable caregiver for ant, weH organized recep- OIghts, $6 45 per hour painter, full time fleXible need good people to ser- WANTED: eager person to 3 $3 35 per hour Apply In person 10 a.m- 5 month old boy begmmg tionist With effective Vice our long established With Word Processing Good summer JOb 886- Send resume and Cd- hours 886-7602 2 pm, Monday through In September Your home commuOlcallOn skills, cus- customers We specialize and wntlng Skills, to fill of- 9625 lege transcnpts to Mr. or mine Must have refer- tomer serVice, typing RADIO Ad Sales Clear In brakes, exhaust and Friday First Federal fICe/ catenng! beverage Fortier, Sleep Center TV shop needs delivery ences Please call 882- skills a must, computer speaking VOice, no exper- suspensions Excellent BUilding, comer of Wood- manager posrtlon In the Henry Ford Hospital 2921 man, reliable with driver's 6268 experience a plus Salary Ience necessary B85- opportunity for the right ward and MIChigan, Per- finest catenng facility In W Grand Blvd, Detrort, lICense 772-8291 depends on expenence 3311 person Make the move sonnel Department, FIfth DetrOIt Must be able to am looking for a sitter to MI 48202 Full benefits Fee paid PICTURE Framer, expen- and call us today for a Floor, 01' send letter to the work vanable schedule LANDSCAPE. Lawn cut- start 8eptember, for 2 address listed out- Graebner Employment LABORATORY Reception- enced, full lime Good better luture. below Including day and eve- ters, shrub trimers for girlS, ages 3 and 5 You lining expenence arid sal. Service ISt, full time, day shift for pay Artco Framing, 372. ning hours salary crew serving Grosse must be Willing to do MIDAS MUFFLER east Side hospital Iabofa. ary reqUirements to Em- $22,500 to $35,000 822- POlOte area Call Tom some chauffenng to activ- 776-0560 St Clair Shores 9898 17045 East Warren tory Must have minimum ployment Manager 1234 286-4667 after 7'30 PM ities, have a neighbor- REGISTERED Nurse avail. CAREER DAY two years hospital expen- 885.3280 First Federal of Michigan hood fnerld over, work 9 able, pnvate duty, days, EARN EX1ra Cash- Expand- PRE SChool teacher, short ence In PHLEBOTOMY DIRECT care staff lor group 1001 Woodward to 5 Monday, Wednes- references Call PM 441- Ing natIOnal non-profit or- hours Must have degree ENTECH arid be familiar wrth !at» home In St Clair Shores DetrOit, MI 48226 day and every other Fri' 2264 ganization seeking in Elementary or Early ratory computer 0pera- Full and part time POSI- An Equal day Hate the soaps, love SERVICES, LTO profeSSionals, teachers, Childhood Education tions Call 245-1575 BARMAIDS. Immediate tions, afternoons and OpportUnity Employer Tuesday, July 18th college students, and Reply to Box '3-85, to do hair and other play, openings, Chasers 22411 midnights Benefits 9 AM to 4 PM NURSEJ Medical assistant, ns- MESSENGER other IndIViduals with a Grosse POInte News, 96 tollerate a playful big dog, Mack, between 8 and 9 4013, ask for Sandy Immediate posllions avail- part- time, expenenced Mail room, shiPPing & re- "better than average" Kercheval, Grosse Pomte have recent area refer- Mile Rd Wednesday- ences, your own car, In able 10 the New Center only OB/GYN office to LA WN Crew Foreman ceMng and delIVery du- VOICe to do telephone re- Farms, 48236 Sunday evenings after 8 and Ren-Cen areas for assiSt doctOl' Send re- needed, 2 years experi- ties reqUired AmbitIOUS crUiting of volunteers for my home Others please pm PAINTERS helper, some IndiViduals with one year sume to' 23995 Greater ence necessary 757- Jack-of-all-Trades person their annual campalQn doo't call 885-3593 experience helpful, start expenence JOin us for re- Mack, SUite 102, St ClaIr CRUISE Ships Hiring Nowl 5352 wrth profssslOllaJ manner Morning, afternoon, eve- BABYSITTER Needed In Immediately, 792-5n6 freshments at our conven- Shores, Ml 48080 Skilled and unSkilled POSI- Ideal for early retiree who ning shifts available. For my home or wdl~come to Ient Warren local:lOn r to PART-TIME dishwasher PHLEBOTOMIST, part tions open Great pay, would enJOY odd jObs for mtel'V1ew call Mr Gra- your home, 19 month girt, diSCUSS career, opportUnl- travel, benefits For Job firm president Benefits, needed, 3 P.M- 10 PM time, momlng positron ;n ham, 882-2287, 9 am to 3 Monday lhrough Friday, 7 hes We have long and Info call (602) 842-1087 GOOD to $15,000 Fee paId pm, Monday through Fri- shift Good pay 0 C AM to 5 PM, references eastSide hosPltaJ Two short term assignments ext C749 (FEE) Troy 649-4144 Walt Restaurant, 10223 years hospital expenence day required Call before 5, for St. Clair Shores 774-' As a Branch Supervisor, BARMAID experienced Some typing, filing and or- time needed for pediatric: teacher needed full lime mental health cliOic IS answenng phones, filing, type "east area firm. you Will be responsible lor Apply In person after 7 offICe In Grosse Pointe. Expenence reqUired 777- accepllng applications for directing all actIVities of the der entry Expenence pre- delIVery runs In downtown Full training, good P.M. Weekends and holI- Peg board and phones. 8540 supervisory Grosse POinte branch office ferred, but WIll train new area Starting salary hourly base, days off Apply at Trolleys Calilngnd 881-8900 experienced acoountant This Includes assessing person Benefits and $11,000/ year Benefits commiSSion and bonus 17315 Mack, 3 blocks EARN Money typmg at Candidate must be able clients' home care needs, pleasant working condI- OFFICE CoordInator to those who qual"y hlflng temporary support For appointment call, Ms home $30,0001 year m- to demonstrate strong north of Cadieux tiOns Send resume to Please leave message personnel and expanding EllIOtt at 963-4160 needed for new Satellite come potential Details, experience In all financial for Mr. Bryant. our buslOess 10 the Grosse POInte News, Box outpatient Psychiatric matters Including, RECEPTIONIST (9- 5) for ELECTRICAL Contracting Fee (1) ~7-6000, commuOity S137, 96 Kercheval, alOlC Located near Cot- accounts payable, Downtown Detroit law firm looking for a full time EX1 8-1626 Grosse Pomte Farms, tage Hospital, medical of. 886.1763 payroll, tax reporting, To , you need: firm Pleasant telephone secretary WIth a strong • 2-5 years' experience In MlChlQ8.n, 48236 fice expenence necces- DOG SITTER banking transactions, personalrty, typing skills accounting background Journal 01 onglOal entries sales or a servICe Industry sary_ Supervisory For Golden Retnever Days, ADMINISTRATIVE and full lime commitment BOOKKEEPER! Secretary Familiar WIth general and general ledger and • pr8VIous contacts With experience preferred. senior Citizens required C811 Valene on ledger, payroll and other In your home, Monday ASSISTANT field audits for small start-up com- Send resume to. Psychi- thru Friday, $501 week Wanted lull hme, beglOnlng • leadership and selling July 17 to set up appotnt- pany Work In oor home, bookkeepIng procedures slulls atnc Center of MIChigan. Need fenced yard 10 10 late August or early menl at 259-e200 4 hours per day, 4 days a Win train on computer If September for local Candidate should have 'college degree IS prelerred 41700 Hayes MI. Qe. Grosse Pomtes 259- financial and statistICal week, fleXible Must have not. experienced. 921- Insurance & Investment BON Secours Hospital mens, MI 48044. oeoo firm Ouahficahons Bright, data base management We'li prOVide extensIVe computer expenence 3200 training, strong support !rom Health PromotlOl'lS De- resouroeful IndIVidual With experience, automated 885-2634 after 3 PM BOOKtCEEPER- Local ac- experience In the financial management our headquarters and partment IS looking for competitive compensahOn counting firm seeks full RNs or LPNs Nail Techniclanl Insurance Industry and reporting. Please the following Choreogra. FULL or part time positIOn Famlharlty With Insurance and benefits plus bonuses time bookkeeper candt. Pedlcurel send resume along with pher and Instructors for WIth prestIQlOUs down- New wage scale. Ex- rating and proposals For conslderallon, send date should have com. Hair Removal salary history to your resume WIth salary oor tow-Impact class and tawn art gallery Neces- cellent benefits Full needed AbIlity to pleted 2 years of ac. communlC8le well, very requtremenlS 10 "SO and over" classes sary skills Word process- time, part.tlme, flex tim. counting or have had Must be expenenced Important Computer Northeast GUidance Center Also, a fitness coordinator Ing, telephone Guaranteed Salary with Jud~ DaVor..oP713, K.U~ poor bookkeeping expen. knowledge helpful Please 13340 E Warren to wOO< 10- 12 hours techmques, and offIce COTT AGE.BELMONT incentives. Many addl- send resume to [)errOl!, MI48215 A.. I.tld Uvlng, t9G W. ence Should be profi. Big B•• Vlr Rd., Troy, MI weekly. Please call 779- procedures References NURSING CENTER tronal benefits ROBERT LOOMIS & ASSOC. Attn. Personnel Dept cl9nt WIth ca Iculator, 48084. Equ.1 Opponunfty 7042, ask for Peggy, or reques1ed Call Mary at type- 19840 HARPER 17150 KERCHEVAL writer and computer EmpIoy.r. IeIYe mil ••. 963-2360 n2. 881.1556 LamJar S.lon 884-1739 GROSSE POINTE, MI., 4t23O EOE 8826 July 13, 1989 6C Grosse Pointe News

404 GARAGE/YARD 404 GARAGE YARD 10~ HH' WANTlD 305 SITUATION WANUO 400 MERCHANDISE ~ 00 MERCHANDISE ~ 00 MERCHANDISE BASEMENT SALES BASfMENT SAm DOMESTIC 207 HEL' WANTlO SALES HOUSE CLEANING ANTIQUES ANTIOUES ANTIQUES HOOSIER kitchen cabinet DRESSERS, chairS, tables, LIGHT housekeeping for EARN $100 10 $200 a day EXPERIENCED Cleaning KENNARY KAGE THREE Family Garage In good anginal condition refngerators, slate pool single execullve In ex- seiling a unique, new lady With Grosse POinte COIN OPERATED MA- Sale Kid's toys and ANTIQUES Asking $750 881.5634 table, encyclopedias, new change for room 885 relerences I am depend- clothes, antique dresser, product Everyone a p0- Open Wednesday, CHINES CORK- Avon products, 70% off, 3311 able and very thorugh CARVED Rosewood setee, dinette, TV and much tential prospect Easy 5 Thursday, Friday, SCREWS CUT GLASS boys large and mens Frtdays open at $12 an upper New York state, more mlsc Items Thurs- NEED a reliable, responsl mmule presentatIOn Full Sunday, 12-4p m CUTTERS DAGUER- small clothing, new hour Mana 882-3837 1860 to 1870 Velvet up- day, Fnday and Saturday ble and canng woman to or part lime 881-4011 Saturday, 9a m to 4p m REOTYPES DECOYS, leather Jackets, 350 LADY DeSires cleaning In duck, geese, fish holstery, 5 feet long 20026 Damman care for my husband for SALES person experl- WE BUY AND SELL Honda, mint 886-1438 a few hours In my home Grosse POinte area, own Cadieux at East Warren DOLLS EARLY LIGHT- $900 886-8373 ellced lady preferred YARD Sale, baby stuff, etc BASEMENT Sale, Fnday, transportallon and refer- ING EPHEMERA FISH- Morning hours Please Must have je\\l"lry store 882-4396 1930'S Genuine Art Deco July 14th, 15th 5935 ences 527.3383 ING TACKLE FLOW Saturday, 10 to 6 4582 call m-9266 background Full 'Ime dining room set, light ALEXANDER "Janie" doll, BLUE FOLK ART Bishop Hereford Collectibles- PART-TIME day Job clean 792-1280 BUSY Bee Maid Service mtnt condlllon Make of- wood, table, 4 chairS, ta- 50's 60's, lots of beer FRAlvlES FURNITURE ble leaf, $125 225.7086 MOVING Sale Thursday, Ing homes In Grosse Fast, effiCient, reason- fer 885-7177 signs, furniture, mlsc 300 SITUATION WANTlD Incl early PERIOD, Fnday, Saturday, 9 to 5 POinte area Must ha\e able 922-MAID 885-4446 evemngs IAI'SITTlIlS COUNTRY, PAINT DEC- 22220 Grove POinte, 1 references Leave name DENLEY'S COMPLETE set of Autumn WANTED RELIABLE Polish woman IS ORATED, PINE, VIC- block north of 11, west of and number at 372-D954 RESPONSIBLE, lOVing car- Leaf dinnerware by Jewel Donations (articles) for an Willing to clean your resI- ANTIQUES TORIAN, ENGLISH, OF- Jefferson Everything Monday- Fnday, 10 5 Ing babySitter seeking Tea Company $800 or August garage sale to dence Dependable, Large selection of furnllure, FICE Incl two each 3/5' summer job 2 daysl goes. small Items to furm- benefit the Vietnam Veter- only clocks, decoys, toys, Japanese IVory inlaid best offer 293-4882 week Call Stephanie, pleasant, thorough and ture and appliances ans, Chapter 9 No cloth- experienced Grosse qUills, and country prlml screens, 19th C, Ken- VERY Large early 1800's 8827014 GARAGE Sate Small bath. Ing please Gall 779-5548 GROSSE POINTE POinte area references tlves 27112 Harper, be- tucky meal btn In old blue English dlmng table, 2 room smk and medicine or 779-8890 upon your request 884- tween 10 and 11 Mile paint, Country store arm chairs, 10 straight EMPLOYMENT cabinet, fertilizer 072t, 892-0722 Monday- Fnday, 9-5p m sugar chest, 31 pc mtnla. chairs, buffet With mirror MOVING Sale 1175 Gray- AGENCY spreader, fireplace screen Saturday 1-5p m Closed ture Vlctonan child. size All heavy carved polished ton, 83, July 15 LIVing THOROUGH, baSIC house and rug guard and some 885-4576 COMPETENT Sundays set, settee & rocker, English oak 822-6943 room furniture, bikes, cleaning by two dependa- 50 years reliable service IN-HOME CARE SERVICE 772-9385 "Torn Thumb" set, com- mlsc Items 1700 Brys, Deacons Bench, Lyre ta- - ble hard workmg gals Needs experienced Cooks TlC elderly children WE BUY AND SELL panron set In Metropolitan Saturday 10 to 3 ble, pallo chairs, head- Have references 401 A.. 'UANCES Nannies Maids House- Hourly overnight rates Museum, c 1860- 1870 YARD SALE July 14, Fri- board, scroll saw, tele- Reasonable rates 776- ANTIQUES: Private collec- keepers, Gardeners But available E\perlenced In FURNITURE restoration scope, clothes, etc J lion, first lime offered FII- SELF cleaning electnc day, 10-5, rain day, July ,I lers, Couples, Nurse s the Grosse POillte area 4742 day, Saturday, 10-2 329 & conservation speCialist stove With microwave 15 1540 Falrholme, be- GARAGE Sale, 671 Wash- AIdes, Companions and Previously Hammond RELIABLE, dependable Bellanger GLASS Incl EGRAS, LE 886-2448 tween 7 and 8 Mile, off Ington, Saturday, 8-12 Day Workers for private Agency 30 years LI cleanmg done to your VERRE FAANCIAS, Mack Queen size Cannonball homes censed and bonded SIDE by Side Admiral refng satlsfacllOn References ADRIAN ANT!QUE Market, MULLER, HOSER GOLF bed, chlldrens easel, 18514 Mack Avenue Sally, 772-()()35 erator, brown, $200 881- GARAGE Salel 1342 Fair- available 777-7092 July 16th, 1989 8- 4 pm MEMBORABILIA GRAN- toys, books, carpet, mis- Grosse POinte Farms 1844 holme, east of Mack Fn CAREGIVER' Elderly and HOUSECLEANING, afforda- Lenawee County fair- TWARE HARDWARE cellaneous day, July 14th, 10 to 4 convalescent Days over grounds, Adrian, MI HAT PINS & HAT PIN TAPPAN gas range 36", ble rates quality work, Saturday, July 15th, 10 to 205 HUP' WANTED LEGAL nights, short term liveln Available spaces for 150 HOLDERS HAVILAND brown, like new, $250 GARAGE 372-7301 days or eve- 2 Furniture, clothes, Excellent references 881- dealers With quality an- HOLIDAY Inct "CHRIST- 882-5490 nings books, and household SALE LI:GAL Secretary Two 0912 tiques and collectibles MAS IN JULY" 3X5 JULY 14 & 15 THE HOUSE.KE-TEERS REFRIGERATOR Side by Items years expenence Small Rain or shine AdmiSSion Christmas banner, 45" 9A M -4P M EXPERIENCED nurse, all CLEANING SERVICE Side, stove, 30" electriC, downtown DetrOit law $200 (517) 263-3115 feather tree, Iron Christ- FIVE block yard sale, In lot Toys, Mlsc Items firm Excellent typmg hours available TLC for ProfeSSional, Bonded and washer, dryer All ava- mas tree fence, kugels, between 5077 and 5091 Furniture, Much More your loved one 372-2863 Insured teams ready to cado Whirlpool Please skills reqUired, word pro- FURNITURE refinished, re- Sanlas, glass ornaments, 3 Mile Drive July 15th, leave message 18150 JULIANA cessmg and good tele- clean your home or bUSI- paired, stnpped, any type 885-0n1 303 SITUATION WANTED glass Ice cycles, Santa 16th 10 a m to 4 p m EAST DETROIT phone skills helpful Con- ness of caning Free esti- chocolate molds, candle- FRIGIDAIRE Side by Side DAY CAllE MOVING: two bed sets Behind Pancake House tact Heidi, 965-4054 Gift Certificates Available mates, 345-6258 661- holders, colored Christ- white, excellent condition, (three beds), decorative MOVING Sale, three faml- LICENSED Day Care has 2 10% Off With ThiS Ad 5520 mas lights HOOKED $200 823-1652 tables, plano, executive hes Furniture, household 206 HU' WANTED full time openmgs Call First Time Callers Only' RUGS ICONS HOOS. 'UT.TlME L1TION-AIRE wall mount desk, large refrigerator, goods, miscellaneous 882-9598 582.4445 LARGE Brass cash regis- IER CABINETS IRON microwave With exhaust electnc range, more 885- July 13th, 14th, 15th 10- REPORTER or paralegal to QUALITY Licensed Home ter, excellent condition, IRONSTONE JEWELRY CHRISTIAN woman willing fan, mounting instructions 5616 4 No pre-sales 1452 An- wor\( one day each week Daycarel Newly redecor- $375 firm 881-4964 LAMP SHADES LACES to clean your home Ref- Included $300 886-9476 Ita near Marter Investigative assignment ated and excellent faclll- LINENS WHITE CLOTH- GARAGE Sale Saturday 7- erences Reasonable Re- GAS Stove, white, 36 Inch, 839-8871 tlesl Great references THE COLONIAL ING' LIONEL TRAINS 15, 10 to 3 5311 Gates- 395 LAKELAND, 800, Sat. liable 754-8372 Dally educational pro- SHOP MAJOLICA MAPS, asking $150 881-5159 or head. 3 blocks south of urday, July 15 House- gram Full time only MEISSEN, MILITARY 881-9133 Moross between Mack hold Items, books, etc Help wanted 3 days per LADY- expenenced Will do 25701 JEFFERSON week lor local Insurance Ages 6 months to 3 1/2 NEAR 10 MILE MINING MIRRORS GE Range, 1 year old, and Chandler Furmture, housework 10 the Grosse and Investment firm years 882-9598 Antiques, furniture, china, MUSICAL NEONS ORI $300 Refrigerator, gold, toys, clothes, etc WANT POinte area 882-5257 QUalifications Bright ENTAL Incl Japanese, re~ource!ul IndiVidual Wllh buy and sell Highest $75 882-4494 MULTI family garage sale, ADS DA YCARE available m my prices paid Monday IVOry inlaid screens, Bud- good secretarial & 306 SITUATION WANTED KITCHENAID glass almond Friday and Saturday, July Call In telephone skills Familiarity Grosse Pomte Farms HOUSE SITTING Saturday, 11-6 dah shnne, wooden, wi cooktop, electnc, 4 hob 14, 15, 10-4 403 Tour- With computers and home Please call 885- black lacquer PAPER Early FORMER Grosse Pomte 772.0430 New $695, for $275 296- aine, corner Chalfonte dlctaphone - helpful but 0898 MACHE PAINTINGS WEDNESDA Y, 8.5 not neccessary Please couple lookmg for house 3490 SUMMIT PLACE PRINTS GRAPHICS 54 ROSLYN OFF send resume 10 The Nanny Network, Inc to Sit - month of August THURSDAY, 8.6 PERFUMES PEWTER LAKESHORE ROBERT LOOMIS & ASSOC preferred References MALL TAPPAN glass top stove Quality profeSSional child PHONOGRAPHS PIC- Saturday, July 15, 9-3 TWin FRIDAY, 8.5 17150KERCHEVAL available 8823888 With overhead microwave care In your home Call TURE FRAMES PIE beds complete, corduroy GROSSE POINTE, MI , 48230 In Almond Was over MONDAY, 8.6 us NOW for mformatlon HOUSESlTIER Will Include Antique Show SWivel chair, crystal, Ua- SAFES POLITICAL $1,400 new, must sell, GROSSE POINTE NEWS 939-KIDS pets Reliable, non- and Sale tware, linens, pictures, PORCELAINS POST- $500 885-2544 207 HELP WANTED SAlES Jewelry and much more 882.6900 304 SITUATION WANTED smoker References Call CARDS PRINT SHOP Karen 372-5614, after 6 Telegraph and Elizabeth MEMORBELIA PUP- WESTINGHOUSE 30 lOch, No presales YARD Sale! Saturday, July AVON- ATTENTION for a GlNEIAL pm lake Road. PETS Incl set 6 Punch electnc stove, excellent TWO Cribs, 2 car seats, 15th, Open at 8 AM 436 limited time, JOin our sell COMPANION expenenced, & Judy handcarved & condition, $70 886-9411 tWirl stroller, baby McKinley FUrniture, mis- Ing team at no cost to 24 hour shift or 12 hours Thursday, July 6th thru 307 SITUATION WANTED patnted, QUilTS QUIM- after 6 p m clothes, lawn mower, cellaneous Items you No door to door seil- References 881-0748 NURSES AIDES Sunday July 16th PER RAILROAD RA- electflc stove With at- Ing required Call Avon GENERAL ElectriC refnger- MOVING Sale, Saturday FOR YOUR EXPERIENCED Nurse's ZORS REDWAAE, ROG- tached microwave, dish- Products today, 527- MALL HOURS atar, 18 cubiC foot, Ice July 15th, 8 to 5 p,m BUSY SCHEDULE aides available Reason- ERS GROUP "Courtship maker, $75 839-4314 washer, typewnter, and 1025 1081 Marian Court, Laundry and Ironing done able rates Fraser ANN ARBOR Antiques Mar. In Sleeping Hollow" much morel Saturday, REFRIGERATOR avacado, Grosse POinte Woods A TAKE ADVANTAGE by profeSSionals In your Agency, state licensed keto The Brusher Show, RUGS, ORIENTAL & July 15, 9-4, 267 Mem- clean, large freezer, good vanety of household of getting in on reSidence Pickup and de- and bonded 293.1717 Sunday, July 16, opening AMER INDIAN also early weather condllion, $100 772- Items, some furniture, THE BRISK SPRING livery available 21st season 5055 Ann felt penny rug 27"X50" 1872 A great one I 6 family Furm- clothing, books, tools, ex- REAL ESTATE MARKET Call 884-0721 COMPASSIONATE lady Arbor Saline Road, EXit probaly Maine RUS- ture, antiques, 2 mink tension ladders, etc No R. G EDGAR & ASSO- Wishes to care for some- 175 off 1-94 Over 350 SIAN SAMPLERS WASHER! dryer, new parts, CLEANING Services Wm coats, tools, deSigner early sales CIATES IS Interviewing one, companion aid, live- dealers m quality an- SHAKER SILVER good working condition dow, floor and carpet for clothes, linens, tons of applicants for sales asso- In housekeeper and Will tiques and select collecti- SLEDS SLEIGHS $1001 both 885-1057 GARAGE Sale' TVs, cock- office home and commer- pottery, Jewlry, toys and ciate poSitions Call Betty stay overnight 886-6102 bles, all Items guaranteed SPOOL CABINETS tail tables, air conditIOner, Cial Write to AntOniO GENERAL ElectriC dryer, treasure' Friday and Sat- Moms at as represented, and un- SPONGEWARE SPOR~ towels, comforters, more Cartenvlo, POBox 301 SITUATION WANTED $150, washer $25 n3- urday, 10 to 2 pm 856 886-6010. der cover, 5 AM- 4 P M ING & FISHING STAF- 1667 LIt1lestone, Grosse 36420 Grosse POinte, MI OFFICE ClEANING 9653 AdmiSSion $3 Third Sun- Berkshire No presales POinte Woods Saturday, OPENINGS ARE 48236 FORDSHIRE STAINED E.D,P. Inc offers you a va- days The Original" FEA- July 15th, 10 to 5 NOW AVAILABLE & LEADED GLASS GE Refngerator, excellent FURNITURE and household NEED SOMETHING nety of profeSSional office TURING ADVERTISING for a few expenenced STEINS STICKPINS condition $175 or best goods, Saturday, July 15, MOVING- house furniture MOVED? cleaning Far more de- AFRICAN ART AMERI- SALES ASSOCIATES STONEWARE lOci 16 822.7704 8-2 917 Hawthorne, 881- only for sale July 15, 9 Two POinte reSidents Will tails, call 884-0721 CAN INDIAN ARCH 1- to JOin our aggressive gal crock wi eagle sten- 8407 Brocade custom am - 5 P m 1589 Aline, move or remove large or TECTUAL ART DECO Cilled, Eagle Pottery, white sofa, Lawson style, and knowledgeable 400 MERCHANDISE 403 BICYClES Grosse POinte Woods small quantities of furni- ART POTIERY AUTO- Greensboro Pa, old realr exceUent condillon, Ken- sales staff' ANTIQUES NJCE MISC 3 FAMILY ga- ture appliances, planas GRAPHS BEARS BEDS to base STRAIGHT RA- more sewing machine We offer a comprehensive EIGHTEEN speed Raleigh or what have you Call for Manchester Antique Mall tncl BRASS, BRASS & ZORS TOLEWARE and cabinet, black nau- rage Sale No Junk! 10 to advertiSing program tounng, Special Edition, 4, 13th, 14th,' 15th 20971 free estimate We mVlte you to the IRON, WOOD BEER TOOLS mcl harness gahyde chair and foots- and generous floor showroom condition Kenmore, Ha~rWoOOs 822-4400 36th Annual Manchester STEINS BELLS tncl makers, book makers, tool, exceUent condition, time plus valuable Work, 776-3930, 884- (Kenmorel Ganton) SPRING Into Summer With Chicken Broil, church, railroad, woodworking, TOYS Coleman campstove, onentatlon sessions 6538 Thurs , July 20, 4 pm ShiPS, engine BOOKS CALL NOW FOR flowers Let Planter's WAGONS WATCHES Bnggs and Stranon lawn 1628 SEVERN Saturday, We Will be open Incl rare and out of pnnt, BIANCHI Nuova Record 12 YOUR INTERVIEW Touch purchase andl or WEAPONRY & MILI- mower, maple and knotty 10- 4 Rogers- 380 drum dunng the evening also new reference books speed racing bike, 22" , APPOINTMENT plant them for you Call TARY WEATHER- pme planks, redwood set, tent 10x18 With 2 116 E. Main, Manchester on antiques BOXES excellent condition Ask- PARIS DiSANTO at Nancy 884.2731 or Su- VANES WEDaWOOD 4x4; double bed, cherry, rooms, stuffed chair, In- 428-9357 BRASS & COPPER Incl Ing $350 882-9595 884.0600 san 885-0904 WICKER Incl lots of din- Statton, some clothing tellivlslon with games, ANTIQUE barber chair, buffing and repair ing room chairs, dropleaf Johnstone & Johnstone PAINTER- Maintenance SCHWINN Paramountaln GREAT Garage Sale SchWinn piXie bike, BRONZE BUTTONS & table, WILLOWARE man part- time, 16- 20 mint condition $775 296- bike, full prestige frame, Kmck-knacks, appliances, stroller, Zuckermann INSIDE SALES BUCKLES: CANDY WINDMILL WEIGHTS hours 822-3322 3490 full Shima no Deore-XT small size butcher block harpSichord kit, micro- (ENTRY LEVEL) CONTAINERS' CANDLE- WINDOWS, stained, OIL PAINTING group, mint condition, table and chairs, stereo, wave & cart, TV stand & Busy professional sales of- SAILOR, expellenced, MOLDS CANDLES- leaded, beveled, WOOD- "The illUSion of Freedom" mechaniC owned $n51 baby Crib, much more mlsc Items Alexander fice looking for persona- seeking boat to crew for TICKS CANES CAN- ENWARE YELLOWARE (1975) 36"x 50" by Gana- best m-3814 Too good to miss Satur- "Janie" doll, mint condi- ble, detail onented person Mackmaw Race Ron, TON CAROUSEL Incl Come to our desk In dlan Surrealist Robert day 7/15 only 21167 tIOn No presales ~ to represent a top quality 978-8461 (best after 10 Great American glider BUilding A and we Will di- BIKES: one 10-speed, 20" Vanderhorst Must sacn- Huntington Off Mack 71n. product Duties Include horse CHANDELIERS & rect you to dealers In the girl's & boy's, 20" lady's PM) fice, $55,000 Gall Bob at seiling product to home- LAMPS CHILDREN'S above categones. On site Coaster All very good HUGE Garage Sale, Fnday, "WE'RE pretending we're 758-5694 Anytime owners and bUilders, 305 SITUATION WANTED Incl mmlature tl"- top ta- delivery and shlppmg ser- condition, reasonable Saturday, Sunday, 9-5 moving sale" Saturday 9 HOUSE CLEANING computer entry of orders, FURNITURE. MOVing, must ble, 9" high, In paint wi vice available. No bUying m~5. Boys baby clothes, toys, to 4 Sunday 9 to 2. cIocument processing, re- boy & girl kiSSing, probaly or selling between deal------miscellaneous tlo',sehold 11775 Whitehill Morangl CARMEN'S sell Handsome mahog- SCHWINN GIr;'S 20", excel- lated dencal, typing a late 19th C. CHINA & ers dunng bnef set- up Items, fumlture and mu..:h Kelly CLEANING any chma cabinet, $350 lent condItion, $40. ng. plus Excellent benefit SOFT PASTE tncl ME IS- time, no extra early buy- more 530~ University, SERVICE Mat>ogany pedestal table 4679 package Salary range SEN, SEVRES, DRES- Detroit No presales GARAGE Sale, Fnday only, No lime for housecleaning? and chairs, $100 Three ers entrance fee $13-15K Send resume to DEN, ROYAL VIENNA, JUly 14, 930 to 330 409 Let our learn come and Formica wood gramed 404 GARAGI, YARD Pella Window and Door, LIMOGES, FRENCH LILLI PUT LANE BASEMENT YARD Sale, 5572 Harvard Moran Two golf bags, do It for youl bookcases, 5 and 6 feet sms 31938 GratIOt, Roseville, CAMEO, ROYAL DOUL- Cottages wanted Buy, sell Fnday, July 14, Saturday, mens clothing- size large, tall, $25 each 884-2996 MOVING sale- household MlCtugan, 48066 TON CHOCOLATE & or trade Gall Dr Handly July 15, Fnday, July 21, chlldrens clothes, 2 • Reasonable Items, baby things, toys E.O.E. ICE CREAM MOLDS collect, 263-1300 days, Saturday, July 22 10 toaster ovens and much • References ORIENTAL RUGS CLOCKS & REPAIR 463-0624, evenings Saturday only, 9- 1 282 am t04pm more Quality on salel THE Willow Tree needs • Exper,enced Fisher (Fanns) Don't sell yours until yOL part time sales person, 584-7718 see usl We pay top dolla commiSSIOn sales 886- MOVING sale- computer HOUSE Cleanmg. Fast effl- for your onental rugs, re system, filing cabinets, 5047 gardless of size or condl SALES BYJAN clenl Jen 885-1858 Lisa household goods, furni- WANTED experienced Real lion For a Iree appraisal, CASH NOW 886-1876 ture, etc Saturday, Sun- 10 STRATFORD PLACE Estate Sales Woman to call McMAHON'S Cleaning day, 4251 Kensington, 9- help manage actIVe of- 649.6445 (OPPOSITE ST. CLAIR IN GROSSE POINTE CITY) Service Homes, Busl' For your Oriental Rugs, Paintings, Jewelry 1 fice Duties mclude typ- (LAKESIDE) nesses References, Ing, bookkeeping, adver- Fine Furniture, Porcelains, Collectibles Bonded Free Estimates F~IDAY, JULY 14TH 9.3 tISing and sales salary COUNTRY ANTIQUES including Dolls, Royal Doultons, etc. COUNTRY ANTIQUES Kathy, 886-9304 plus commISSIOn, prophlt & COLLECTIBLES!! & COLLECTIBLES!! SATURDAY, JULY 15TH 9'1 shanng, benefits, possl' Furllllure, qUilts, Red Wing NO NONSENSE Furntlure, qUilts Red Wing, Phone 963.8469 for a FREE verbal appraisal. Cryst!lI, sterling, china, art war\(, needlepoint, desk, ble partnershIp 264- BenOInglon plus loads of Bennlnglon plus loads 01 CLEANING couch, chairs, antique baby bed, washer, dryer, 1100 olher goodies 100 numerous other goodies 100 numerous • For Your Home to mention Sat 7115, 94 to mention Sat 7115, 9 4 stove, garden eqUipment, pool table plng.pong NEWSPAPER Advertlsmg • Reliable and Sun 71t6 100 If we and Sun 71t6 too If we table, car telephone, aquarium, books'- (many e, don I sell oUl Saturday like don 1 sell out Saturday like e cummings) Huge collection of records (early salesman, Grosse POinte • Reasonable lost yearl 20820 Alexander, last yearl 20820 Alexander, Beatles) Tables, trundle bed, complete TWin 4 area, startmg Immedi- FREE ESTIMATES SCS t1 MI & lmle Since 1927 S C S - t1 M! & Little poster wnh night-stand and dresser, Herand, old Can CAMILLE ately, expenence helpfUl n4.()S18 Mack NO PRESALESII Mack NO PRESALESII linens, aluminum ladders, pots, small eleC1f1cal Due to overwhelming 409 E. Jefferson Due to overwhelmlllg Send replies to Box EUROPEAN Woman would appliances, generator, Jewelry Much, much morel -136, Grosse POinte response, numbers WIll be response, numbers WIll be like to clean your house glvon out at 8 30 on day of CERTIFIED AUCTIONEERS glV9n out al 8 30 on day of News, 96 Kercheval, Excellent Grosse Pomte sale fOffirst hour only & ESTATE APPRAISERS sale fOf first hour only SEE YOU FRIDAY! Grosse Pomte Fanns, MI references n2.3198 48236

~------"-----~- - - - - "'~ "' "._.". G .... _

July 13, 1989 7C Grosse Pointe News


BOOK donalions needed BIG garage sale- 6 parties GARAGE Sale- Friday, Sat- FULL bed, 2 twin beds, ex- DE-HUMIDtFIERS (2): One SEARS electrIC lawn mower, SOFA and loveseat, willing TWO black valour matching for St Clare used book M any miscellaneous urday, 9- 3 Three blocks cellent Cedar chest, Coolerator Super 50, Kenmore gas dryer, 881- to separate Excellent antique white wing back sale Hard cover, paper Iterns, low prices Friday- north of Nine Mile off sofa, 4 metal chairs, 884- holds 14 pmts; One 6275 condllion, gray, $250 chairS, $50 881.5965 back 882-2663 or 884- 886-4717 Monday, 10 AM- 6 PM, Beaconsfield (19091 01. 5294 Sears Cokfspot, holds 14 MOVING: 20 8 cubiC foot LARGE chocolate brown 4059 pints $50 each Call 824- 17201 Gl1re fV'J of Gra. Jon) Double pedestal LAWN mower 3 hp, Bflggs no frost refrlgeratorl AIR conditioner Sears couch, good condition 6876 GARAGE Sale- 814 Lo- tlOt, off McNichols) solid oak executive desk, & Straton, new Side bag, freezer With Ice maker, 10,000 BTU $235 824- Matching bedroom set raine, one block east of upright plano, sofa bed, 19" ReA color teleVISion, 4140, leave message chest and dresser, book- BIG Yard Sale furniture, good condlton $50 331- BICYCLE Men's 25 Inch Cadieux between Water- girl's SchWinn bike, Ice 500 watt Kohler portable case night stand Best chairs, tables, clothes, 0119 FUJI Gran Tourer, 12 loo and CharlevoIx Sat- and roller skates, camp- generator, Simons queen MAHOGANY pnce 884-1278 1000s, toys, doors, diShes, OFFICE furniture, desks, III. speed ProfessIOnal cycl- urday, JUly 15, c~ 4 Rain- Ing Items, quality child- size hlde-a.bed, three INTERIORS hard back and paperback Ing cabinet, chairs, coat ISt owned $160 895- DIAMOND, Emerald cut date Sunday, JUly 16 ren's clothing (boys. girls piece sectional entertain- Antique and Fine books, 1979 Mustang tree Excellenl condition 0214 1 09 cts, gem quality sizes 8- 16), Many excel- ment center, 3 wool Furniture Shops AT LASTI Four family ga- parts 1702 Fischer, De- 884-6496 $11,000 value for $7,000 lent toys and games plus WIDDICOMB couch, con- woven Orlontal rugs and 16135 Mack Avenue rage sale, 4358 Haverhill, trOit, near Indian Village 792-1280 much more AIRLESSCO 3100 alrless temporary style, 19505, 1 runner, 9x12 foot Hand made room size and DetrOit Everything from Saturday, 14th, 1~5 $250 77 1-3227 FOUR foot pool Includes MISCELLANEOUS sale- sprayer Gun, hoses and mauve carpet, rattan up- smaller area Oriental pols and pans to stamps ladder, filter and pump, MOVING Sale Furniture, girl's clothes, size 1- 12 plumb Included All new ORIENTAL Rugs (6) AU 3' holstered Ioveseat, 2 IIv- rugs, 6 Chippendale din- Friday, 9-4 Saturday, 9-4 $125 Must lake down linens, mlsc saturday 10 Stuffed animals X-Mas tungsten parts Best offer x 4', ChOICe of $110, re- mg room arm chairs, 2 Ing room chairs by Baker, FIVE family rummage sale, 526-4053 to 5 948 Notllngham. tree, lamps etc 18944 886-3013 tail IS $275 885-9055 brass end table trunks Queen Anne games table 15775 East Warren, be- by Baker, old entertain INDIAN VILLAGE Chester near Moross, Fri- ELEVEN piece formal din- chrome lounge chair With LADlE'S clothes, large Size, tween Chatsworth and TWO sofas, $20 a piece or ment center (Chippendale BLOCK SALE day and saturday, 10 Ing room set, French foot stool and matching and accesones, like new Berkshire Saturday, July best offer 882-4550 style) 4 Antique Windsor Antiques, furniture, car, am t04pm Provincial, mahogany chrome floor lamp Price 886-5161 15 9-4 Household, ANTIQUE Oak mantel, to sell Call after 4 pm, chairs, pair Mahogany bike, appliances, art, etc With pecan finish, excel- SOFA. Navy, 'country- tra- clothes, etc GARAGE sale- 5975 Uni- fainting sofa, bedroom 772-2637 bachelor chests (30 x 30) 2900 Burns/CharlevoIx lent condition $1,000/-8f. ditional" 82 Inches, ex- versity. saturday, Sun furniture, sofas, baby Mahogany servo GROUP Sale, July 15, 16, Saturday, 1~5 fer 881-7093 LOVESEAT. tables, desk, cellent condition, $425 day, July 15, 16, 8 AM- grand plano 822-3848 ers,spectacular, Queen 9 5 Stove, refrigerator some antiques, encyclo- 882-4776 MOVING SALE Saturday, 7 P M Two stoves, THOMASVILLE dining Anne dining room set (8 and much more 24409 AIR conditioner, 10,000 pedia set, dishes, 821- 10 a m to 4 p mEnter- dishwasher, gUitar, room set, 6 chairs table pieces) Victorian fainting Wood, between 10 and BTU Montgomery Ward TWO Barcalounger recli- tainment center, exercise moped, fumlture, toys, china cabinet, buffet ta- 1405 Stephens couch, Chippendale and ners, wall- huggers, bike, desk, toys, much books, kids clothes. adult casement Window style ble Best offer 882-6878. QUEEN size 4 piece sec- Queen Anne highboys camel color, $250 a piece SECOND annual block sale- morel 21119 Lochmoor, clothes, and much more Used for 2 months $450 CANNING Jars, different IIonal bedroom set, 5 Drexel china cabinet With or both for $400 Excel- now bigger and betlerl 3 Harper Woods or best offer Call 824- sizes 881-4257 months old, $1,8001 best curved glass, heaVily lent condition One burnt blocks long, on Hamburg RA YMOND Court Block 6876 NOT TO offer Mirror doors 399- carved 6 x 6 breakfront, orange SWivel rocker, (from 8 Mile to Fairmont), Sale Jefferson! Greater AIR condlttoner, 6,000 BTU BE MISSED WROUGHT Iron porch fur- 0347, after 6 p m Wingback chairs, camel $150 882-0086 Friday, Saturday, Sun- Mack between 12 and 13 Carner Window style Garage sale- estate an- niture, glass top tables, SOFA. Sleeper, queen Size, back sofas petite high day, July 14, 15, 16, 9 Mile Saturday, Sunday, $450 or best offer Call WHITE 42' chest, book. tiques, glassware, kids blue flowered cushions, dark blue and beige, boys, Satinwood LOUISXV am-6pm 9-5 824-6876 case top, desk, chair, toys and clothes, furni- $300 Contemporary slightly worn, $225 m- French dining room set (9 GREAT garage, moving ture, kitchen Items, Yash- GARAGE Sale, 21911 Sun- SEARS large outpul 18,000 wood! chrome desk, $75 pIeces) Pair drop-leaf end $325 Bluel white chaise 8393 lounge, feather filled, sale, Saturday, July 15th lCa 35mm camera With nySide, July 14, 15, 9 to BTU wmdow air condi- Olive wood burl pedestal tables, Mahogany Duncan AUDIO EqUipment, appli- $75 Pink floral twin bed- 10 to 4 415 Lothrop Vel- flash, used 5 times, $80 5 Boys clothes, toys, tioner Recently recondi- dining table and buffet, Phyfe dining room set (9 ances, mlsc Call after 12 spreads With round table vet sofa, 2 rugs, antique Whirlpool dishwasher, bikes, aquarium, records, tioned ReqUires 220 out- $100 each Five piece pieces) Govenor Winth- noon aa1-4982 and cloth, Call 882. desk, weight set with black, full SiZed, like new, books and more let $250 882-2494 bedroom set, $100 882- rop secretary, anllque $45 4494 Chippendale bedroom set 0241 bench, dresser, lamps, $200 Many more Items ELITE 150 scooter, 3,000 MIYATA 2 Ten, Men's 10 Ladle's clothing, toaster Absolutely no pre-sales 408 HOUSEHOLD SALES speed, excellent condl. wl1h ball and claw feet miles, $750 886-0433 L1TILE TIkes play house, JAMES A. MONNIG oven, T V set, proJector, Fnday, July 14 & satur- tlon, $200 882-8244 (dresser, chest and 4 pas excellent condition, $90 BOOKSELLER odds and ends, Barbie day, July 15, 5803 Here- GIANT household sale, thiS CARRIER air conditioner, ter bed) Sets of Mahog- "Turtle" sand box, $20 OSCILLATING 12" desk 15133 KERCHEVAL toys ford (between Chandler IS the good stuffl Lots of 13,000 BTU, 210 volt any traditional dining 10 speed bicycles, man's fan, Eskimo, automatic 331.2238 Park & LinVille) 1~ 4 PM antique furniture, enough $150 882-6931 room chairs, Mahogany BACK To School clothes and woman's, $50 each Window fan, 22 1/2 ", has for an entire house Qual- twin and full bedroom Selected books and summer apparrell MOVING SALE 1904 Man- ALMOST free for each 884-0294 some Side pieces, Gen- Ity clothing, art, photogra. sets, Queen Anne vanity bought and sold GirlS 10 to 14, 12T to chester Thursday, Fri- 78x15" mirrors, $5 each, eral ElectriC, Shetland phy, small appliances, With needlepoint bench Vintage Video Rentals 14T, (Benetlon- Esplrlt- day, 10-4 Toys, scooter, One natural gas bar. DARK Pine stenciled Hitch- super shampoo heavy kitchen goods, waterbed, APPLE liE computer, duo Ralph Lauren- Gunne SchWinn PIXie, Little baque, $8, one rotary cock tressel table, 4 duty scrubber 821-2099 882.5622 hot tub Lots more, no chairs, bench, dry Sink disk dnve, mono mOnitor, Sax- J G Hook- LIZ Kids- TIkes car, Masters of the T V antenna $5 882- after 4 PM ANTIQUE round oak table Junk No early birds Fri- Bunk bed set Maple twin dozens of programsl Her Majesty). Boys- 8 to Universe, tncycle, SkllS, 2313 42", With leaf, excellent day & Saturday, 8- 4, bed set 886-8889 ROOM air conditioner, only games $1,000 884-5822 12 Double-breasted navy Infant accessones, pIC- condition 884-5936 1052 Bedford BEAUTIFUL Karges an- used 2 months, like new blazer, size 9 Boys blue tures, lamps, glassware, EARLY American solid VITAMASTER excerlse tique while hand painted $125 331-8082 AIR condilioner, Emerson summer SUIt, size 12 Ac- comforter, 1m conditioner, wood dry Sink entertain- bike, tnple dresser With 40'1 MISCHLANEOUS dining room set, 6 cane QUiet Kool, 5,900 btu cessories Children safety Amana microwave, deco- TWIN waler bed, uses reg- mirror, excellent condl. AIITICLES back chairs, 42" round ment center, $200 792- Whl rpoo I 7,500 btu 881- helmets, Ladle's Ice rative accessories No table With 2 leaves, $525 3138 ular twin sheets No out- t,on 882-0318 BABY Crib and matlress, 2526, after 5 skates, toy box, toys, Star Presales 881.9060 Side wood frame $2001 By Bassett Excellent COMPLETE set of Brltan. wars, G I Joe New baby best offer Call 885-0476 ORNATE wrought Iron THREE piece white on FIRST TIme estate- yard condition, asking $100 CHEVY 350 manifold and nlca encyclopedias, 1 samples, Fisher Price between 11 and 7 gates, approximately 4 white sectional liVing sale Hundreds of Items year old, like new, $800 port-a-crlb, baby sWing Also Fisher Price car carburetor, $50 1982 feet, 2 Inches In Width, 4 room couch, 11 feet, Furniture, antiques, deco- Pontiac Trans Am rims, Filter clean vacuum, ANTIQUE dining room set, slide, monitor Car seat seat, excellent condition, feet In height $350, 881- newly reupholstered, ratlves, books, old maga- $175 set Remote control $560 Will accept best of- 3 pieces, 5 chairs, $550 Table and bed linens, $50 Call after 6 p m 1071 $1 200 881-5965 Zines, clothes, tools, 771-7786 car, $55 882~64 fer 881.2764 after 6 p m 409-1229 solid brass kitchen hang- sport, ceramics 451 Ing rack Food processor, Lodge Drive (8 doors 405 ISlA TE SALES .05 ESUTE SALES pictures, desk, porch fur- ~05 ESTATI SAlIS .05 ESTA n SALES 405 ESTATE SALES .OS ESTATI SALES from The Manoogian nilure, stoneware dishes, ManSion) Saturday, Sun- service for 8 and serving RAINBOW ESTATE SALE day, 10 am- 5 p m WE BUY BOOKS ,.. pieces Lamps, lacquered WANT 17600 E. WARREN AVE. decorallve folding screen, GARAGE sale Lane end IN YOUR HOME mlsc household Items, tables, lamps, towels, ADS HOUSEHOLD Free Offers DETROIT paperback and hardcover bedding, glassware, large No Obligation and (AT UNIVERSITY - BETWEEN books, new cedar shin- wall Units, oak TV stand, CALL IN Appraisals Furnished gles, garden tools 205 clothing, computer wl1h ESTATE SALES CADIEUX AND MACK) EARLY Entire Estates Merriweather Friday and printer, file cabinets, APPRAISALS FRIDAY, JULY 14TH (9-4) also DeSired Saturday July 14th and speaker stands, dresser ANTIOUES PURCHASED SATURDAY, JULY 15TH (94) 15th 10 to 4 With mirror, stereo stand, THURSDAY dishes, small appliances, JOHN KJNG 771'1170 FOUND- eye glasses at ga- FRIDAY THIS WEEK WE GET THE PRIZE FOR THE coat rack, computer ta- MOST UNUSUAL SALE WE ARE LIQUIDATING rage sale at 21525 Wood- MONDAY 961-0622 L KATHERINE ARNOLD. ANTIOUES ble, vacumns, SUit cases, THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THE ARNOLD Michigan's Largest 0 bridge, St Clair Shores etc 1986 Ford EXP, MATTHEWS FUNERAL HOME INCLUDING A 778-6012 Book Store 25,000 miles, air, moon 882-6900 VERY LARGE RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT AND YARD sale- 513 Vernier, roof, clean, must sell, • Clip and Save thiS Ad • HARTZ BECAUSE OF THE SPACE AVAILABLE WE'VE ADDED THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF ANOTHER Saturday, Sunday 900 $4,600 Friday 11 to 4, APARTMENT THAT WAS CRAMMED WITH Saturday 10 to 5, Sunday a m Dolls, glassware and HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. GOODIES DO WE HAVE A LOT TO SEWI lots more 10 to 5 1914 Oxford, BOTH HOUSES ARE AIR CONDITIONED! Grosse POinte Woods "Wellington Place" FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 14.15 Furniture Mahogany pieces Include, 4 barrel chairs YARD Sale Lots of child- With light brocade upholstery, beautiful pair of tWin 10:00 A.M .• 4:00 PM. ren's clothes Thursday GARAGE Sale, furniture, House and Estate Sales beds, overstuHed chairs, nest of tables With turned afternoon- 12 until 4, Fri- clothes, household, mlsc by MOVING SALE legs, occasional tables, pair of endtables, 4 day Morning- 8 to 12 452 21934 Revere, St Clair 297 TOURAINE drawer chest, tn-pod tables, credenza, a huge Madison, off of Mack and Shores. Thursday and Audrey Lowery GROSSE POINTE FARMS selection of frultwood sofas, loves eats, double Moran Fnday, 9 to 4 ON THE CORNER OF BEAUPRE bedroom set, occasional tables, step tables, dining set, chairs, modern sofas and chairs, have handled the Grosse POinte communities ThiS picture perfect home sale features line quality endless lamps (brass and bronze) including 3 consignment furniture out of my shop at 14932 40S ESlA TE SALIS .05 ESTATE SALES mahogany furniture including a Chippendale block pairs of torcheres, walnut tables, Vlctonan Side Kercheval for years, and am now enjoYing handling chair, carved library table (exceptIOnal), over one your House and Estate Sales Let me handle yoursl front chest, pair of shell motif tWin beds and a 5 drawer gentlemens chest We also have a French hundred padded, wooden foldln~ chairs, cedar Provincial double bed and dresser, pair of blue chest; sewing chest, antlque.white balloon-back Audrey Lowery chairs, Single bed frames, pedestals, tile-top table, and white floral chairs, a while brocade sofa, two 881-0219 Home storage units, modern kitchen set, 3 desks, Damask chairs, velvet tub chair, black leather Stickley style oak china cabinet, highly carved oak 822-5664 Shop ottoman, Formica bistro table and 4 chairs, maple dining set (table, leaves, 4 chairs and Sideboard), dresser, and unusual desk/chest and more floor lamps, white kitchen ClJpboard With We also have 2 color TV's, framed antique colored (a I ), and much, much more etchings, 3 x 5 Indian carpet, carved wooden Appliances Hotpolnt washer and 2 door coppertone GROSSE POINTE ESTATE SALES sconces, Royal Worcester Strawberry Fair china, refrigerator, Kenmore eleclrlc dryer, floor polisher, crystal stemware, table and bath linens, records Grosse Pointe Estate Sales, Inc. JULY 14 and 15, 10 a_m.-4 p.m. small appliances, old Phllco and Warwick console 800 LORAINE, GROSSE POINTE CITY and books and lots of small decoratIVe Items Estate - Household - MOVing radiOS, 2 dehumld,flers, older refngerator brOiler BETWEEN CHARLEVOIX AND WATERLOO We have a newer GE elec dryer, Maytag washer, and more MARY ANN BOLL PATRICIA KOLOJESKI luggage, lots of flower arranging needs, ladles l 882 1498 885-6604 ThiS IS a marvelous moving sale Baker chairs, acceSSOries, odds and ends too China and Glassware, Large selection of pressed charming mahogany tables, consoles, deml-Iune glass, depreSSion glass, cut glass punch bowl and table, fern stand, gallery table, humidor; wing cups, figUrines vases, globes, pitchers. set of ESTATE SALE chairs, french provlncal chairs, sofa, antique small English Oak dishes, lots of glasses and more MONA LISA oak table 23125 GREENCREST ESTATE SALES A beautiful 17 c chinese six-panel wall screen. ST. CLAIR SHORES Miscellaneous Hammond electriC organ; Metal plant Antique french prints, a 19 c Signed all pamtlng by Turn off Lakeshore between 8 & 9, by the 5t Clair stands, chair racks, ladles clothing and Household Estate Sales & LiqUidations B. MajOr, a large portrait of a gentleman, from Shores sign on Westbury Then nght on Gary accessories (vintage pieces), hats, children's Cash or ConsIgnment Scotland, small Oils, prints, etchmgs Large Lane, then left on Greencrest It's easier than It clothes, artifiCial greenery, Singer treadle sewing german bronze figUrines, oriental rug, 8' X 5 and machine, x-mas decor, lanterns, Grandmother's PHONE 24 HOURS soundsl runner, large clOisonne vase, Persian Jugs, brass flower garden qUilt (mint), crocheted l1ems, linens, candelabra, sconces, old pewter and brass ThiS whole house estate sale IS full of up to date fine baskets, pictures and frames, 5 vaClJums, 772-3556 772-6407 A wonderful Waterford footed frUit bowl and other quality traditional furnishings Including a exercise bike, pop and beer can collection, pieces, Delft, Belleek, Baccarat brandy snifters, mahogany dining set wl1h Sheraton Sideboard and endless pots and pans, current toys, candles, Rosenthal, QUlmper, Lenox Boehm plates, china cabinet, a 9 x 12 carved chinese rug, tools, power lawn mower, Yardman snowblower; 4 ~ oriental pieces, Wedgewood, Kosta, Spade, Royal several leather topped mahogany end tables, a drawer file, lighted gill frames, ladders; playpen, Doulton-' Lmle Boy Blue", Cybls Nippon, Ansley Sheraton style wood framed love seat, white many sllverplate pieces loads of knick knacks, CROlt1bOW Royal Copenhagen, Lenox, Limoges, sterling, channel back chair, yellow and white sofa, a service for 8 Rodgers flatware, umbrella stands, 89tote .9oQes sllverplate, other glass and china, and many frul1wood dining table and 6 chairs, assorted small books (many pre 1900). boudOir lamps, even 5 ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATIONS sections of privacy fenCing, and much, much beautiful decoratIVe pieces and collectibles mahogany tables, a mahogany double bed and more E cellent Complete Service Chrome and glass furniture, a Barcelona chair, chlfferobe circa 1930 X Glen and Sharon Burkett contemporary wall sculptures, lamps, Dlsneyanna Other fine Items are a pine rocker, Stlffel lamps, a We are also offenng a beautiful Haines baby grand References 885~828 childrens records, brass fender, book shelves, old U of M pictures. kitchenware and much much wrought Iron dinette table and 6 chairs, Grandmas plano In mint condition II's not on site so must be seen by appointment more collectIOn of antlClue framed prints, brass and crystal chandelier, a set of Waldenburg china ThiS IS a wonderful sale - stop by for some real ThiS sale IS overloaded We have a parking lot on SUSAN HARTZ l circa 1930, old glassware, loads of decoratIVe treasures liach Side of the bUilding (across from Club 500), Items, lovely ladles clothing and ~,J<:tume Jewelry, GROSSE POINTE CITY The air conditioning will be on so stop by and t1artz[il NUMBERS GIVEN OUT FRIDAY ONLY, AT 9AM books, records, antique mantle ClOd<, canning 886-8982 shop we've got over 18 rooms of merchandise If Jars, Eagle Moped and much, much more HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. GROSSE POINTE EST ATE SALES, INC. you are a regular, you know we don't exaggerate Trust your sale to us knOWing that we are the most Both these ImmaClJlate homes are full of Interesllng -thiS IS a goodie experienced movII'\9 and estate sale company In CONDUCTED BY sale l1ems In perfect condl1lon Please stop by the Grosse POinte area both sales, yOU'll be pleased Numbers 7 30 A M Friday For the past 10 years we have prOVided first ~ NUMBERS AVAILABLE FROM 9:00.10:00 A.M. quality service to over 500 sa'lsf.ed chents PATRICIA FRIDAY. FOR MORE INFORMATION, DIRECTIONS CAI,L TIlE 24 HOUR HOTLINE. 885.1410 MARYANN OR DETAILS CALL THE 24.HOUR HOTLINE AT LOOK FOR THE RAINBOW! ! FOR UPCOMING SALE INFORMATION nOLL KOLOJESKI 885-1410. 882.1498 II 885.6604

" I July 13, 1989 8e Grosse Pointe News

bOO AU'OMOTlVI SOO ANIMALS SO) HOUSEHOLD PIlS 40'1 MISCEllANEOUS S05 lOSl AND fOUND AMC 40' MISCEllANEOUS 40'1 MISCIllANEOUS ~ 10 MUSICAl INSTIlUMEN1S lOOPT A PET fO~ SAlE uncus ARllClES uncus AMC 1978 , 6 cylin- NEED good homes for 70 BEAUTIFUL AKC regis- IF you've lost a pet any- FOR Sale French Provincial CRYST AL chandeliere, HAMMOND Organ Model der, 42,000 miles, one NEW Panasonlc hand-held unwanted animals Must tered Samoyed puppies where 10 the Grosse furniturE' Ivory brocade large oak bookcase With A-100, excellent condi- owner, well kept $1,200 computer. $100. GE dou- be adopted by August Shots Included 465-4463 POinte area, please call sofa With cherry frame glass doors, credenzla tion After 6 PM 881- or best offer n5-7503 ble oven stove, $100, We are a no destroy ani- us at Grosse POlnle Ani' $500 Pan matching With Inlaid wood, Brass 8542 CHINESE Shar Pel, female, Kenmore Microwave, mal shelter Haven for mal Clmlc This week we 1980 AMC Eagle 6 cylinder leaH1E'f lopped end la candelabra, 881-2642 14 weeks old, fawn, reg- $70, portable typewriter, PIANO Sprnet, George Unwanted Animals 892. halle a large Male automatiC, cold air, 4 hies $50 each 5 shelf Istered champion blood HOSPITAL bed, With elec- $20 881-2275 Steck, beautiful condition, 7822 Golden Retriever, With a door no rust, very clean I I U I II'> (' 0 d eta g ere line Shots, wormed n9. tncal adjustments and $600 882-9236 choke collar, found at $1,150 881-1387 ART deco sofa and 2 GROSSE Pomte Animal 0866 After 5 p m 2.2. \70 $75 Large wall Side ralls Foldll1g Gern cadieux and Kercheval, 111111<" Wth 2 cherry chairs, anginal upholsfry, 4 II OfflCf /IUSINISS ClinIC (on Kercheval) stili don wheelchair, $350 HEALTHY Baby Parakeets, Grosse POinte City A 601 AUTOMOllVE !folllll' $50 All ,n excel dll1lng table and chairs. EOUII'MIN' has 2 gorgeous SIX week each 881-4345 $10 and $15 Adult Cock. sandy colored female cat CHIlY5lIR old kittens left unadopted, 1<'11\ eond t Oil 5759105 country style trestle tabJe, COMPUTERS and com- With a flea collar found on DISTRIBUTOR Closeout- upholstered chair, brown please make a little room atlels 886-4383 1982 OMNI 024, new tires, fabriC, bubble bed With puter parts, best price 111 Harvard rn Grosse POinte brakes, exhaust, 4 speed, AUTOMOBilE Home or Dubarry Braga boat In your heart and home, PERSIAN silver Chinchilla wooden head and foot- town Joe 331-1137 after Park For more Informa- He 111h11~ H olnee at very shoes Good selection of for more Information call am/1m cassette Onglnal show kllten, 4 months tion, please call us at kN rdlf~ ...2-'?260 men's and women's board, antique Wicker 7 PM us at 822-5707 owner $1,000 884-5640 old, all shots, papers, 822-5707 ------shoes In a variety of col- commode n3-9653 OFFICE furniture, desks, fil- 1978 Chrysler Lebaron, ROUND i'('1 leaf table FREE adorable kittens, 3 champion bloodlines ors and styles $25 pair, CONTEMPORARY room Ing cabinet, chairs, coat $300 Call Regent Court LOST Female dog, 15 to 20 $3001 firm 881-5460 after ",,1 ' \\,,,,,j \\ \h leafs and black, 1 grey, 8 weeks normally retail for $7995 diVider, and end cocktail tree Excellent condition bUSiness number and pounds On Saturday 530 1 I, 1 " 9l)00 condition old 885-5725 Saturday, July 16, 9- 4 July 8th Morossl 1-94 ~' <,1 l't' gl111e by week tables, $300 Plat glass 884-6496 lealle message 1987 Conquest TSI, ex- 26824 Koerber (10 1/2 LOVEABLE dogs and cats area Beagle face, 1 year , ,j c: ,0(1 884 7731 round table, $75 2 game ------tended warranty, redl and Jefferson) In St Clair need good homes For old Dark brownl white chairs, $150 Occasional 412 WANTED TO IUY 50S LOn AND FOUND black leather interior, MllSICAl INSTRUMENTS Shores adoption Information call Blue collar, no I D II you chair, $100, Smger sew- sharp $9,900 881-5447 AND HI-FI Northern Suburbs Antmal PORT ABLE dishwasher, Ing machine, $25 fiber- WE Lost our white toy p0o- have seen or know any- K mekle trumpet WANTED Wellare League Volun- 1984 CHRYSLER Fifth Ave- $85 ElectriC kiln, excel- glass tubl sauna, $150 dle named Mickey Lost thing about our dog our K 1t YOllel profeSSional Donations (articles) for an teer at 773-0954 (for 2 year old son really nue- extra sharp, all the lent condition, $100 Kid- 886-2856 In Grosse POinte Shores It'\\ ;::11is coronel Wur August garage sale to dogs), or 463-9708 (lor toys $4,500 882-6828 ney shaped desk and Lochmor and Lakeshore misses her Call 881- t l.. ... L l.,. tJ..t .....o old COMPLETE liVing room fur benefit the Vietnam Veter cats) Weekddys only lor chair, $100 Antique area Please contact us 9589 1986 LeBARON, 4 door, lll,r I'll ~(11~ two banJOS nlture 2 loveseats, 2 ans, Chapter 9 No cloth- stove, cream and mint, both numbers garaged, highway mi- lull, IE fl,H) Bose senes chairs, coffee table and Ing please Call 779-5548 at 885-8949 If you halle HUSKY Spaniel MIX $50 SIX aluminum awn FREE, two adorable one- seen him We desper- leage, meticulously maIO' 80l' ~,lL 1kt'l S Leslie lamp $850 for all or sold or nQ.8890 puppy, taken from Bea- In9s, $60 881-0134 year- 11, drum Trax separately Excellent con- consfield yard, 7/10189 7 CASH paid for stamps. home Neutered. front to list $6950 n6-3148 T(-ole n ,,,w: 3 board mls DUNCAN Phyfe dlnrng dition 885-6666 when found months old 30 pounds corns and baseball card paws de-clawed, and all cellan8<~u~ microphones room table, 2 leaves, FOUND -female, Sable and Biegel white If found call CHRYSLER, 1984 Laser 5 CELLULAR car phone. collections 469-0906 shots 881-4120 after 6 Rp\erb I\rnpex reel re- pads, 4 lyre back chairs white Collie In East War- 331-6678 speed loaded fuel in- model SP300 With porta- PM or anytime week- e, cpr t~OO Tandberg 881-1869 Jected, turbo, excellent ble pack, $200 882-9595 CASH FOR renl Cadieux area, July ends FOUND affectionate Female 60(1\.1 It" rhy1hm box AIR conditioner (Window) KIDS CLOTHES 4th 885-7988 afternoons condition $3,195 n5- 881-8">bb SWIMMING pool, 24 feet cat, Mack! Cook Rd 0383 Ice cream table and EXCELLENT CONDITION DOG SinER LOST- white French p0o- round FH40 sand filter, area Black and blege EIGHT qld':;S porch doors chairs Woman's bicycle CURRENT STYLES For Golden Retriever Days, dle, answers to BJ, June JEEPS, CARS, 4x4s deluxe ladder, vacuum stripe, 343-0221 frclT' 29 1/2 to 44' Wide Dehumidifier Miscella- VERY CLEAN, BEITER In your home, Monday set, winter cover, OH 14th, Mack! Balfour Any Can you bu~ Jeeps, Cars, 4 b 88 1/2 high Also neous antiques 885- BRANDS, INFANT thru Fnday, $501 week LOST gUinea pig, St Clalrl x 4's seized In drug raids 1 , solar cover information call 885-6796 three .:;creens and tracks 2932 THRU14 Need fenced yard In CharleVOIx area BIondi for under $100? call for $900 558-9017 REWARD 8821')90 MUST BE ON HANGERS Grosse Porntes 259- tan colOring, baby 884- facts today Fee 1-805- GENUINE Mahogany bed LOST, white medium SiZed KENMORE portable dlsh- Bnng In Monday, Tuesday 0800 5640 644-9533 WROUGHT Iron kitchen ta frame Head, foot and Spaniel mix White me- easher, $100 Tandem or Thursday, 10-4pm, ble glass top 4 chairs Side board, 50 years old, ADORABLE klnens free to FOUND, rabbit VICinity St 1975 PLYMOUTH Valiant bicycle, $75 Dark brown dium length fur With balck excellent condition $135 rn original condition LEE'S RESALE good home, 5 weeks old, Paull Berkshire Free to from Texas Excellent floor tiles, 5 boxes, 3 light spots Spayed female, 881 5965 $400 n6-0333 After 6 20331 Mack 881-8082 good home Call 884- condition, $1,500 881- tan, best offer Auto healfhy 885-2338 very fnendly, hard of pm 839-8696 3834 for more II1forma- 7915 MEN'S Golf clubs and bag, ramps, $15 886-7141 GRUB STREET AFFECTIONATE Ro hearing Has black head tlon 6 matched !fans, 2 KENMORE Air conditiOner BOOKERY tweller, purebred, free to With white on face 1985 New Yorker Landau, WASHER; Dryer, TV's, woods Also women s 6000 BTU, used 6 weeks BUying Fme Books good home n1-1531 No collar Lost 6-30-89 In excellent condition, freezer, kitchen table starler set 778-8350 294-8197 17194 East Warren VICIOily of Moross/l-94 SOb I'ET .REEDING loaded, $4,900 886-1658 chairs and more n1- LEAVING area, 2 cats and area Will answer to whiS- SEVEN foot toast color 882-7143 WANT 2316 or 776-8066 Border Collie need good tle more than calling her STUD SERVICE- for York- 1976 Dodge Van, 6 cy1rn- Wide whale corduory WANTED to bUy old cos- home One tiger female, der. 3 speed, paneled, ADS DREXEL chma cabinet, name, "BUFFY", due to shire and poodle 296- sofa, excellent condition tume and Rhmestone 1 year old, black male, 3 Insulated, carpeted, some oval table, 4 chairs, 2 heanng loss Please help 1292 Call In $175 Coffee table, 3 Jewelry, brass lamps, ceil- years old Female Collie, rust, runs excellent. $600 leaves, like new, $375 her find her way hamel piece, glass top, 54 II1g fixtures. wall sconces 9 years old Spayed and 881-5299 Early 881.9346 REWARDI 886-9356 or 50. PET GROOMING rnches long, excellent 882-0396 evenrngs neutered, shots to date, WEDNESDAY, 8-5 leave message at 881- 1980 PLYMOUTH VoJane, conditiOn, $100 Call after LEATHER fOp kidney In good health, SOCial THURSDAY, 8-6 PAYING cash for dia- 5537 DOG and cat grooming 8 4 door, 6 cylinder, auto- 6 pm 886-9411 shaped 9 drawer Mahog- monds, gold, Silver, plati- 886.1413, 1-419-259- LOST, brown Lab miX, neu- Mile and Mack 885-3238, matiC, power sfeerlngl FRIDAY, 8-5 AIR Conditioner, 6,000 any desk, $35 881-5965 num, pocket watches, 8967 tered male, red collar Carol brakesl door locks, air, BTU Window air condi- dental gold, World War II MONDAY, 8-6 BIKES: Boy's SchWinn 24 REWARD 77&8162 stereo Runs and looks GROSSE POINTE NEWS tioner, $150 882-6564 Inch, $20 Girl's 24 Inch rehcs, corns, scrap gold, SO, ~IRDS FOR S~ll bOO AUTOMOTIVE great 839-6056 10 speed, $45 885-2646 The Gold Shop, 22121 FOUND small CaliCO klnen AMC 882-6900 G.E. ElectriC range With self 1986 PLYMOUTH Reliant GratIOt, East DetrOit, 774- CUTe and loveable young About 6 weeks old Free 1983 ALLIANCE, air, ami CENTRAL air conditioners cleanrng double oven SE, 2 door, automatiC, 0966, 10a m - 6p m , cockatiels for sale 371- to a good home 884- fm cassette $999 824- furnaces Wholesale to ThiS clean, faithful ser- 410 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS alf, stereo, new tires, ex- Monday- Friday, 10a m. 2213 4706 2200 or 824-6182 after 6 anyone Full warranty vant and warm compan- cellent condition, $3,900 5p m , Saturday pm 8829616 Ion $250 Bonus Free POOLE Spinet plano, tuned FOUND young black and 881-2275 502 HORSES FOR SALI dishwasher With purchase regularly, $595 775-7758 SHOTGUNS, rifles and white klnen. found at CAN you buy Jeeps, Cars, PALE lemon sheer drapes of range Maple kitchen EBONY baby grand, bUilt handguns wanted Par- Grosse POinte Boulevard 4x4's seized In drug raids 1984 Plymouth HOrizon, With matchll1g antique mare, 7 cabrnets 882-9159 by Yamaha, new condi- ker, BrOWning, Winches- and Kerby area, since for under $100 OO? Call loaded, low mileage, satin over drakes excel years old, dark bay, ter, Colt, others Private July 5 884-6736 for facts 602-837-3401, $3,500 882-7378 len\ condition, 36 square GIRL'S 22" 5 speed tion, $4,000 774-6363 needs expenenced nder collector 478-5315 Ext 233 Fee yards of pale lemon car- SchWinn, like new, $125, or trainer Started over LOST husky shepherd miX, 1983 New Yorker, 4 door girl's 20" bike With radiO, CLASSIFIED ADS white, tan, black shaggy sedan, 4 cylinder, good peting good condition, WANTED used dehumidi- fences 286-4125 or 852- ATTENTION. Government like new, $65, Hedstrom female dog 12 Mile & mileage Excellent condi- $75 779-1323 CALL 882~6900 fier, 884-7043 4543, ask for Kay seized vehicles from All Trarn child's riding Dequlndre area 574- tion Many extras $3,750 USED furniture, cheap Call $100 Fords, Mercedes, vehicle, $75, white wood BEDROOM set queen Size, 503 HOUSEHOLD pm 1178 882-1583 Corvettes, Chevys Sur- Regent Court bUSiness baby dreSSing table, $40, USED PIANOS good condition 331-3340, FO~ SAlE FOUND black kitten, white plus Buyers GUide, 1- 1981 Plymouth Reliant, 2 number for more Informa- 1985 VW Vanagon, SIl1- AT BARGAIN PRICES after 7 pm GOLDEN Retriever pups paws CharleVOIX near 602-838-8885 ext A3448 door, good running, look- tion 294 1640 and leave gle seat, never used, Used Spinets-Consoles AKC, OFA, champion Buckingham 885-4633 Ing, loaded 776-6100 m€ssage $75, 1984/5 alloy wheels Uprights & Grands BOOK donations needed bred 589-9139 Fee for MB 190 884-1935 ABBEY PIANO CO for St Clare used book LOST CaliCO kitten, vlclnrty DINING room table 4 GERMAN Shepard pups, SOD ANIMALS chairs ',Ith extension ex- ROYAL OAK 541-6116 sale Hard cover, paper of Westchester and Fair- 00 ANIMAlS REDWOOD furniture, 5 black and tan, and sable , ADOPTA I'll ADO.1 A 1'£1 back 882-2663 or B84- fax, June 30th 12 weeks cellt:nt condition $250 piece set, no cushions, PIANOS WANTED large boned, wonderful 4059 old, shiny blue collar, 4 8815965 882-4461 TOP CASH PAID temperment, Champion white paws, stomach and QUEEN sleeper sofa, earth ROGERS. 380 drum set 500 ANIMALS and Grand Victor pedi- BLACKIE THREE air condlltOners ADOI" A PET • nose area Rest. spotted tone pattern $170 886- Bass drum With pedal gree, 10 weeks Puppy 19,000,11,800,10,800 In orange and grey 822- 2630 and 2 toms, 1 floor tom ADORABLE KITTENS shots and wormed BTU $100 each 343- 6899 The Children miss Couf superba , t1 ...mpet Healthy, affectIOnate ttger Ready to go 296-7998 HOCKEY skates slightly 0977 her made In Germany Zuck- klnens, these four klnens used 9 1/2 Wide seiling 3HIH-TZU puppies, pre- LARGE Insulated dog ermann harpsichord kit 2 WIll make wonderful pets LOST. Green parrot, red che2p 8828516 house, best offer 823- mier, shots, AKC $350 Violins unto: full size and for the right persons head, Windmere Dnlle 779-0706 DREXEL dlnll19 room- buf- 0916 one 314 SiZe- make offer They were abandoned at Reward Please contact fet 19x67- china cabinet DINING room set, 3 piece, 885-71n 2 weeks old, nursed to HIMALAYAN klnens, With M A Lane, 882-5012 60).80- server 20x40, oval carved oak With 6 chairs, good health by the finder, or Without papers 331- BUNDY II alto sax With LOST cat, brown and white, lable 44 to 66 to 102- 10 must sell. $1,200 or best who loves them but can't 4134 case, good condition. answers to name "Kit" oHer 885-2537 keep them because she chdlfs 821-8123 $450 or best offer 882- MYNA Bird, about 1 1/2 Area St Paul and Jeffer- already has 3 anuMls of 3903 after 6 PM years old Talks some son, Sl nce July 10 her own can 526-7548, Forced to sell 885-3760 Please call 824-4734 LIKE new console plano, ask for Jackie The Missing llNCf-: tuned and delivered, 500 ANIMALS 500 ANIMAlS LOVEABLE dogs and cats $895 548-2200 ADOl'T A PET ADOI'T A I'£T L [1"ll'1g IndiViduals to Needs In the Community IS a need good homes For THREE exceptional grand non-profit organization whose purpose IS to adoption InformatIOn call pianos, BaldWin concert, coordinate needs With resources ThiS IS Northem Suburbs Animal "Blackle" is a 6 month old male spaniel .1Ccomp'lshed by placln\l goods no longer needed Sternway. Mason and GRECO Welfare League Volun- by IndiViduals and busrnesses Into the hands of Hamlin call for details, mix. He's very active, playful and anxiously teer at 773-0954 or 463- Metropolitan DetrOit charitable agencies 548-2200 awaiting adoption at the Central Sheller of 9708 Operating since 1971, L1NC IS proud of the the Michigan Humane Society, 7401 zccompllshments It has made and strIVes to DRUM set- Premier, 5 I~crease lIS resource base If you have recyclable piece, rota toms, hi-hats, FREE to good home Amen. Chrysler Dr., Detroit 48211 Phone 872-3400. Items no larger of use to you, Operation L1NC ride, 2 crash, ongrnal can Eskimo dog and Adoption hours are 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. white Persian cat 886- knows who can and Will use them Please call heads $9001 best 886- Tuesday through Saturday LING at 8826100 With your donation KEEP IT 3961 6898 I,IOVINGI S~""'"er IS comrng and so IS the heatl FANS AND AICl CONDITIONERS 1"':>0'-' been requested by the 412 WANTED '0 BUY 412 WANT£D TO !lUY followlI1g organizations Judson Center, Grateful Home, Operation Help, Youth LIVing Centers, and Fr ends of Aurora Y~~A CAMP COVEL~ CHLDRENS HOME OF BOOKS/USED AND RARE DETROIT, AND FRIENDS OF AURORA have purchased for cash or appraised requested camping equipment, espeCially estates also deslredlrn home-consultations SLEEPI~~G BAGS f <('art service and home delIVered meals are lust two JOHN KING of the many services of SOC, SERVICES FOR r)LDEi"1 CITIZENS ThiS group IS In need of an 961-0622 MjSVh_R,NG MACHINE MIchigan's Largest Book Store t S spring cleaning tlmel PAINT has been requested by Children s Center, Flec, Care City, Neigh- • Clip and Save this Ad • The Michigan Humane Society IS dedicated to borhood CatholiC Youth OrgaOlzatlDn and th Teen- protecting and working for the nghts of animals, age Parent Program VACUUM CLEANERS and We offer the follOWing services' MOPS are needed for clean.up at the PhoeniX Job WANTED TO BUY Development, Detroit Urban Lutheran School and • Adoption • Animal Rescue the Young Mens Christian ASSOCiation of Metro 1920's, 1930's & • Cruelty InvestigatiOn • E:ducatlon Detro t HELP THESE GROUPS CLEAN UP FOR 1950's Modern & Art Deco Furniture •• Pet Therapy • Veterinary Services SPRING" Help them enloy summer Chlldrens Home of Detroit "Greco" may have only three legs, but she • Wildlife Rehabilitation • Legislation and NorthVille Regional PsychiatriC Hospital have a Prefer signed oflgrnals: Herman Miller Co.; Charles Eames, George Nelson, Isamu Noguchi. Interested and need for pallO lurOiture doesn't feel handicapped. Active, gentle in ""Knock-offs" (copies) also. Chairs, lamps, so- As the summer nears L1NC always has requests for and very affectionate, this retriever mIx has Shelters and cares for over 40 000 dogs fas, tables, dinIng sets, etc. Must be in good condi. sports equipment (SOFTBALLS, WATER TOYS, cats and Wild animals annually tlon With no missing pieces. Please send all replies been the devoted and lOvIng companion of GROOUET SETS, BASEBALL GLOVES) and for to, BOIIRD GAMES AND CRAFT supplies. an 87-year-old man wh~ Just passed away. 7/,( /1'11 ( 1\ , IJlllld/f I f II III f I;! II '/(/111 flllflll We can't take her to our home In Florida, TICK TOCKI TICK TOCKI Chlldrens Home of DetrOit ,hI" 11,;';/ IJ II II /1 I/t/yh III ard House of Love need WALL CLOCKS, • GrosseBoxC-1950Point. News I'\ I ~ because they don't allow pets, Please help CONTACT L1NC 882-6100 96 K.rcheval us save her from a shelter. Call 626-0824 for If ;JII '; //011 (I(( fJ ,) SCHEDULE DROP OFF Gros .. Pointe Farms 48236 more information. MICS 9375-1289 7401 Chrysler Or Delrol!, M.Ghlgan (313) 872-3400

1 9C July 13. 1989 Grosse Pointe News -- 00 J AUfOMOTIVI 60S AUTOMOTIVI b I 0 AUTOMOTIVI bO I AUTOMOTIVI b02 AUTOMOTIVE 60 J AUTOMOTIVE bS 1 BOATS AND MOTORS b 5 a MOTOR HOMIS , FORIIGN S'ORTS CAlIS (HIIY5LU FORD GENERAL MOTORI GIN!RAl MOTOR~ 1986 EXP, Silver, air, moon 1985 OLOS Regency 96, 1977 PORSCHE 924, Sil- 1975 MG Midget, very good 1987 C & C 27, Diesel, NOMAD 28 foot travel GRANO AM 1986, wry RELIANT 1961, clean, air, roof, loaded, low miles, full power, excellent con- ver, good condition, sun- condition, runs great, lun VHF, speed log, depth, 3 trailer, fu i1y loaded, good condltlOll, 2 dooI', 5 $4,000 or offer 343-9198 stereo, 66,000 miles, clean 861-4716 drtlOll, AMIFM cassette, roof, air, stereol tape summer car $3,000 884- salls, roller furling, cradle. $1.500 885-2237 speed, air, power steer- $5,2001 besl 824-1674 $3,400 885-7974 2413,827-1230, days $37,500 286-5558 1984 EXP. auto, power Ing/ brakes, Windows, 1988 34' Gulfstream Sun 1984 Fifth Avenue, 4 door, steenngJ brakes, anginal cruise. AMIfM cassette, 1987 cadillac sedan de BMW 1982 3201, low mi- 1985 Mazda RX.7, GS, air, 20' SHAMROCK Center Vlsla motor home, only aU options, leather Inte- owned low miles, clean. 5 new eagle radials, Ville, black, velour top, leage, sunroof, new sun rool, loaded, 1 Counsole Inboard very 1,080 miles Every extra rior, low mileage $7,5001 runs excellent $2,5951 38,000 miles, $5,700 6,000 miles, $16,500 brakes tires Excellent owner $7,500 or best of- clean, $21.500 565-9853, Imaginable Must sell best offer 822-9736 best 521-7794 882-6681- 881-4817 condilion $7,000 862- ler 771-2316 or 776- 9 to 5 or 884-8419 after Immediately 891-3314 8339 8066 5 1985 LTD- power steenng, 1988 FORD Taurus, excel- 1987 BUICK Regal, 12,000 1986 PONTIAC 6000 LE, brakes Automatic, ami 25,000 miles, 24 options, MERCEDES Benz 450 SEL 1976 Corvelle, 31,000 FIBERFORM, 25 foot 1974 100 AI'TS' FLATS DUI'LEX lent condition. power miles. loaded. clean POlnles Hor,er WOo.s fm, 4 door, 38 liter, V6, steenng, brakes, AMI FM $9,500 775-6684 Immaculate, $6 650 884- Sedan, good condition, miles onglnal own- Cabin. excellent condl- high miles Good running stereo 779-9186 Must 9285 $4,500 824-2054 er,leather, automatiC, air, lion, must see to appre- HARPER Woods, 1 bed- 1977 BUJCK LeSabre, 2 condition $2,250 Call af- seeI power, new brakes, All ciate 885-9297 room apartment, l.Jttle- tone, light blue With while 1977 CUTLASS Supreme, 1987 PRELUDE SI, red, ter 5 30 881-7705 excellent condition, new black interior, 47,000 haust, etc $7,700 861- WAVE Runner, Yamaha, 1 stone $410 886-4340 1974 Ford Maverick, 2 vmyl top, 4 door. V-8, re- 6265 1988 Dodge Shadow, door, 34,000 miles, ga. cent engine tuneup and brakes, exhaust, etc highway miles $10,500 year old, 14 hours Excel- VERNIER 11,200 miles, 4 door, air, rage Sitter, engme and transmlSSlOf1overhauled Body good condilion Excellent condition 567 MUSTANG, 1983 convertl' lent condition, $3400 Beautifully mamtalned upper 823-6673, ask for Paula stereo, casselle $6,950 body In excellent condi- $1,250 884-6426 $1,6001 best offer 865- 2546 ble, 5 litre, 5 speed, conveniently located on Call 884-7465 or 885 tion, first $900 takes ItI 7980. TOYOTA 1986 Camry LE loaded low mileage, FISHING Boat, 20 foot Jon- Vernier Two bedrooms. 1989 BUICK Electra Estate 6599 866-1769 New brakes! tires, auto- pampered $6 850 865- Boat With 50 hp Mer- appliances Included and stallOnwagon, 9.500 1988 DELTA 88, loaded, no power locks, excellent mat IC, air, cas selle 8295 cury motor and trailer tenant to pay utllrtles 1987 SUNDANCE, 4 door, 1985 1/2 Ford Escort, 2 miles, $16.500 ~134. running condition, body alarm, $7,500 771.(l705 With two 6 gallon fuel $625 charcoqal grey With silver door, automallc, low mi- PAMPERED 1978 RIVltna, needs work, $2,000 Best PORSCHE 944 tanks, and custom snap interior, AM/FM, air, leage, clean $3,275 or MERCEDES convertible 882-0087 $2,500 822-5198 offer 885-7980 1984, white, 19,000 miles, on cover $1,500 Call THE GROSSE POINTE power steering, brakes, best offer 884-2436 wanted,852.9563 mmt condition, loaded, 5 1986 CAVALIER, 4 door 823.(l158 REAL ESTATE COMPANY extended warranty, stain- ELDORADO convertible speed, stored winters, 1972 CHALLENGER- 318 Excellent condition, 1981 Toyola Callca GT 19615 Mack Avenue less steel exhaust, code 1972, a real classiC No Blaupunkt stereolradlo AMF (a 's Stock engme, runs good 22,000 highway miles No Hatchback, 5 speed, air, Grosse Pointe Woods alarm Real sweet and In rust, new top, new Ilres, Mu~t :,t;;el big brother) sailboat With $1,0001 best offer 624- air $4,800 884-5603 af- stereo cassette, clean, Immaculate condition very nice. MOVIng, must 563-5407 trailer, excellent condi- GROSSE POinte Park, Har- 2303 economical, mechanically $5,100 881-0999 ter 6 PM sell by July 16 $3,900 tion Asking $700 884- court near Windmill excellent, $1,800 862- 1983 Plnlnfanna Spyder 1986 T-BIRD, loaded, new 1980 CHEVY Blazer, full See at 950 Moorland, 2821 POinte Both units avail- 1985 CHRYSLER New 4180 convertible, mint, air, tires, battery and brakes power, trailer package, Grosse POinte Woods, able Large rooms, 2 bed- Yorker, Turbo, loaded, 1981 TOYOTA Corolla, power Windows, leather Call 865,6125 350 cubiC engine, auto- 861-9470 1974 21' Seatcraft Tandem rooms, sun room. natural leather, power moon-roof good condillon, 5 speed, interior, 5 speed, 27,000 trailer, depth finder, fireplace, carpeted, appli- 1980 MUSTANG Ghla AIr, matiC, air, stereo Some SEDAN de Ville, 1985, Days, 884-7368, nights, needs Iront brakes $500 miles $7,400 294-0350, power tnm, tnm tabs, lull ances, separate base- AM/FM, casselle, sun rust, runs excellent, leather, power, excellent, 776-3656 or best offer 881-1977 865-4796 canvas, porta-potll ments and utilities, 3 car roof Complete new set of $2,000 881-5299 $8,200 886-2487. after 6 1984 Plymouth Rehant $5,5001 best 822-3322 garage Lawn care and tires, chrome wheels, 1988 Honda Prelude S I, 4 wagon, AMI FM radio, 1980 Chevy Chevette, 4 1978 Olds Delta 86 Royal, ill AUTOMOTIVE snow removal $700. newer battery and ex- wheel sleerlng, 5 speed, TIIUCKS WINDSURFING sallboard- cassette, air, power steer- door, automatIC, air, AMI 2 door, black, all extras, EastSide Management haust Excellent car In black, 15,000 miles, complete 1989 Mistral Ing/ brakes, rack, all new FM cassette, excellent rust proofed, mint 885- 1987 NISSAN pickup King Company, 372-2222 very clean condition $14,500 884-1935, 862- Pandera outfit Never tires, no rust $1,950 Call condillon. $800 firm After 0486 Cab, 45,000, good condl' $1,950 or best 886-7090 6939 been used, $1,700 772- PARK- Attractive well kept 885-0936 6,882-6396 tlon, 5 speed, air, power BUICK RIViera, T-Type, low 1977 Toyota Caroia, new 0215 1, 2 and 3 bedroom rent- 603 AUTOMOTIVE PONTIAC Grand Am LE. mileage. black, red Inte- steering, brakes, Window 1985 BLACK Plymouth tlresl brakes, reliable SEARAY 1972, 22 foot, als Completely remod- GENERAL MOTORS 86, automatIC, power, air. package After 6 pm, Duster Automatic trans- rror, fully equipped, transportation, has rust, eled kitchens and baths cassette, warranty. 589-3273 Cutty Cabin, 165 Merc miSSion, air conditioning, 1964 BUick Le con. $9.500 778-6012 Most Included heat, wa- 41,000 miles $6,500 $500 882-8575 CrUiser 110, camper top, gray cloth Intenor 54,000 vertlble Beautiful sum- 1987 cadillac Brougham 4 612 AU10MOTIVE ship to shore, depth ter, appliances, new car. 773-5288, days, 861-3912 1985 Honda 2 door Accord mites $4,500 567-2546 mer crUiser $4,7001 best door, RWD, dark chest- VANS sounder, AM/FM cas- petlng, pnvale parking. evenings SliCk, excellent condition, garage, cOIn laundry 1982 Dodge station wagon, offer Very good condi- nut, loaded, excellent sette. pump-out head, alf, AMI FM cassette GMC 19~1987 TOUring From $425 886-2920 automatic, new brakesJ tion Contact Doug Jr at 1982 PONTIAC 6000 LE, 4 conditIOn, 24,000 actual Pamco Tandem trailer stereo $4,500 884-3168 Edition van wanted 852- front suspension, good 861-5953after 5 door Air, power steenng. miles Best offer, must All equipment- SkllS, etc SIX room, 2 bedroom, 2nd brakes, Windows and leave message 9563 running condition $1,BOO 1986 TRANS Am, excellent sell Call after 4 PM 755- Many extras Completely floor flat With laundry door locks tilt wheel, wire CHEVY, 1978 conversion or best offer Call 881- condtlon, T-tops, air, new 0745 1986 TOYOTA Cellca GTS, eqUipped, excellent con- room, stove and refngera. wheel covers, AM/FM van, 3/4 ton, sofa bed 3153 brakes, 2 alarm systems red, 5 speed, excellent dillon, like new $7,500 or tor Included, references, stereo and more Claret 604 AUTOMOTIVE condition, loaded, power and 4 Captain chairs best offer Immaculate secUrity deposit, 381 Ker- 1986 Plymouth Duster, air. $8 900 822-9129 ANTIQUE CLASSIC Good body and Intenor package, sunroof, low loaded, 77,000 miles Call 798-8345 cheval, Farms park pas- excellent conditIOn, 5 ELDORADO 1984, loaded, Engine needs work 1963 Sunbeam, profes- miles 775-1648, 641- $1,950 or best offer 884- ses $600 per month, speed, 45,000 miles, CAL 2-24 sailboat, 1968 excellent condition, Dnven regularly, got new Sionally rebuIlt new en- 8765 Please leave mes- 2436 does not Include utllliles, $3,600 97~2803 $4,800 526-9286, leave Well space lor 1989 In- car $1,000 822'()769 gine. new clutch, radiator, sage 1986 Ford Van ConverSion, 885-7711 message cluded Must setl $3,800 602 AUTOMOTIVE brakes, exhaust, no rust, air, 6 cylinder, 4 captain's CADILLAC, 1985 FWD. 1988 Mazda convertible Call Bob 77~77BO BEACONSAELD, two bed- FOIID 1979 BUICK Electra Lim- white With black converti- power, loaded, leather loaded, low mileage 465- chairs, trl- fold bed, rooms, freshly painted Ited, $625 884-7859 ble top, roll bar, $4,200 REBEL. 16 fool fiberglass 1985 ESCORT GL seats $7,9001 offer 884- 0146 49,000 miles, asking Hardwood floors, appli- 88243575 $8,600 862-3724 Daysaller With 4 hp EVln- 5-speed, Air, AMIFM, sun. PONTIAC 1985 Parlslenne 3131 1986 VOLKSWAGEN GTI- rude OB, trailer, cover ances, garage 624-3849 roof, running lights, lou- Brougham V-6 One 1966 Corvarr, very little DON'T WAIT air, sun roof, bra, Ken- 1979 FORD Club wagon, and extras Safe boat for SENIOR'S apartment near vers, rear defroster very owner, fully loaded, grey rust, runs and drives, Until Tuesday momlng to wood stereo system Very excellent condition All beginners $1,100 or best the Village. Newly deco- clean, highway miles, With velour grey Intenor. must sell, best offer 882- REPEAT your classified clean, 46,000 miles options, $2,500 684- offer 822-0875 rated, new carpet, central new mufflerlbelts Asking new lIres, brakes, muffler 8575 $6,200 or best offer 772- 4327 adlll Call our classified fiberglass sailboat, air $450 Includes heat $3,300 Contact Rob at systems Mmt condition 1970 Plymouth Satellite 2683 after 5 advertiSing department 14' 10", $1,500 or best 886-4624 862.(l294 or 588-5969 $6,200 835-5315 After 6 convertible, bnght red, 1988 VW Vanagon GL Wednesdays, Thursdays, SUBARU 1979, $350 Call offer 343-0555 MARYLAND upper- large 2 TOWNHCAR 1982, triple 866-3186 only 701 manufactured, Loaded, warranty, clean Fndays, Mondays before 9, after 6 862- bedroom, new heatmg blue plus clear coat Ex- V-8, 316, power steenngl 7 passenger Must go , 17 foot clasSIC 1984 Oldsmobile Cutlass 882-6900 2135 system, relinlshed floors ecutive driven, 90% high- brakes, new lettered tires, 884-9659 day saller With trailer Supreme, excellent con- 1984 BUICK Century Estate plus appliances Available way miles, garage kept runs and looks great 1987 Z26, loaded, low mi- 1979 Ford Club wagon. V- $1,200 or best offer 886- dition, loaded, $4,300 or wagon Power steering, July 24 $525 882-3611 Looks almost new 646- best offer 771-4163 $4,500 778-2773 leage, showroom condl- 8, standard, air, $1,200 4529 or 881-3859 power brakes Air, stereo, lion Call after 6 p m 2653 after 6 862-9236 ACHILLES deluxe 9' din- 1007 Beaconsfield, two 1975 OLDS Cutlass 2 door, V6, 3 seats. Only 64,000 bOS AUTOMOTIVE bedroom upper, new car. 1988 FORD Escort Pony, TOYOTA Corolla, 1986 4 ghy With 3 5hp Mercury, stereo, power brakes, miles Excellent condItIOn FOREIGN 1989 DODGE Caravan SE- petlng, attractively deco- $5,500 331-7932 steering, 76,000 miles, $5,475 Neogotlable 886- door, mmt condlllOn, all 9,700 miles, 6 cylinder, as new conditIOn,$1,050 1985 TOYOTA Supra, options, 865-0020 days, 861-6766 rated, all appliances 1985 Mercury, black Grand good condition $8001 4955 tinted wmdows, crUise, tilt Available August 15th black, loaded, excellent 8B6-0654 after 4 p m wheel, full size spare MarqUIS LS, all options, best offer 884-9018 1985 Chevy cavalier. 2 $425 343-0797 condition $7,300 885- Non smoker Asking MOTOR SazUkl, long shaft, clean, mint condition CUTLASS Sierra 1985, 4 door, hatchback, power 606 AUTOMOTIVE 6749 $13,500 ~1761 rarely used, 4 HP, $400 UNFURNISHED two bed- $5.500 or best 776-4755 cylinder, 4 door, air, ex- steenngl brakes, auto- JEEPSI (.WHEEL 884-1501 1986 TOYOTA Gellca GTS room Carnage House 1985 Lynx, 4 door, air, cellent condition, only matiC, stereo, no air 1988 DODGE Grand Cara. 5 speed, 39,000 miles, 1979 JEEP CJ7, straight 6, CHECKMATE 16', plus apartment nearJeffe~ great shape, 58,000 40,000 miles $6,500 New tires, brake pads, 3 speed, runs good, good van, 6 cylinder, blue $500 per month 362- loaded, new tires and ex- woodgrain, like new trailer, 150 Blackmax, miles, asking $2,750 778-8725 muffler 63,000 miles, condition Must see 4600 dunng day $2,500 824-0644, before haust $8.900 885-6831 $13,800 372-5558 must sell, best offer 882- 865-4355 1988 BUICK Regal Limited, $2,300 or best offer 527- 8575 noon or after 5 CONVERTIBLE 1982 VW EXECUTIVE Short Term- 1 1986 COUGAR XR7 Turbo, white, 6,700 miles, 1011, 884-0341 1989 Aerostar conversion Rabbit, air,S speed, AMI bedroom apartment near many options best offer $11,500 884-6134 CUTLASS Clera, 1984, V-6, van, 2 months old, very 653 IOAT ~AIITS AND FM cassette, $3,300 862- 1984 JEEP-CJ-7 Sport, 5 SERVICE the Village of Grosse 777-6489 1980 Cutless Supreme, very clean, $4,150 885- speed. soft top- hard top, nice features $15,800 POinte Furnished Includ- 9139 after 6 6413 anytime 886-6107 B6 WET JET, excellent 1980 Ford LTD 4 door, black, landau top, sun excellent condition, Ing towels and Imens 1984 BMW 325E- white shape, less than 5 hours 67,000 miles, asking roof, $2,300 884-7933 1986 Pontiac 6000 LE, $5,700 865-3556 Freshly decorated, In- wrth blue Intenor, sun 613 AUTOMOTIVE running time Poles, $550 Call after 5 30 PM whltel grey mtenor, cludes air condilloning CIMARRON 1985- ongmal roof, on board computer, 1987 DODGE Raider, extra WANTED 10 IUY skller $3,900 new, now, 772-9377 owner. 47,000 miles loaded, 38,000 miles, 862-5674 all options. 5 speed, ex- clean, automatiC, all WANTED good used cars $2,500 or best offer 862- Ivory With tan leather V- $6,995 Sally Office. 556- THREE room upper, one MERCURY. 1979 MarqUiS4 cellent conditIOn $9,900 power 4 speed overdrive, and trucks, also wrecked 0742 6 866-5509after 7 P M 5513, Home, 886-3791 bedroom, Ideal for mature door, good condition 772-2637 off road package, 4 or repalrables, 771-8953 person Rent Includes $1.200 or best offer 822- 1983 PONTIAC J2000 1976 FIREBIRD, 400 V8, wheel drive, air condltl'Jn- 1984 Honda CRX, good want your beat up car, 655 CAMI'ER5 utilities, refngerator and 0875 wagon, good condrtlOn, Hurst 4 speed, southem lng, amlfm cassette, condrtlon, transfer war- Jim 372-9864 Days stove 885-9373 amlfm, air, automatic, !lit, chrome wheels $8,250 1988 black Cougar LS, low car, custom pamt New. ranty, very reliable 1989 Coleman Shenandoah very clean, 58,000 miles 862-a045 TOP $$ PAID GROSSE POinte Park. Not- mileage, loaded $12,9001 tires, shocks and sprmgs $4,400 firm 884-5638 camper Mint cndltlon, $2,500 or best 885-2749 RebUilt transmission, 4X4'S wanted I Will come For Junk, wrecked and un- used only once, 20,000 tingham S of Jeffe~ 3 best offer 821-2000, 830 1986 VOLKSWAGON Golf, wanted cars and trucks bedroom lower, screened 1978 ELDORADO "Blar- brakes and radlater, good to your locallOn 852- BTU fumance. 12V bat- t09 pm excellent COnditIOnInSide BULL AUTO PARTS In porch, appliances, ga- ntz" Exceptional condi- running condition. adult 9563 tery, screened room, 1985 Escort L, 4 speed, and out, 5 speed fuel 894-4488 rage $500 plus utllrtl8S tion, needs nothing Must owned $2,250. Firm Call other extras. $6,100 Call clean, excellent condition, mJectlon, Am/Fm cas- No pets 824-1674 sell, movmg $6,000 372- after 530 881-7705 1988 SAMURAI, 12,000 Fnday- Sunday or leave AMIFM cassette, 65,000 sette, $6,500 Call 824- 1807 Monday, Tuesday, miles 885-1762 65) 1I0ATS AND MOTOItS message 881-2099 VILLAGE area, upper and miles, $2,500 862-1637 1987 Camaro, blue, many 4140, leave message Thursday, lQ..3 pm, 881- lower flat available, 5471 options, low miles, wmter 60& AUTOMOTIVE Nickels and 1986 ESCORT L wagon, 0723 after 8 pm or 562- stored $9,300. Mint 46&- 1986 HONDA ACCORD PARTS/TIRES/ ALUMS 656 MOTORBIKES 549 St Oalr lower. 1 1/2 LX. $8,000 automatiC, Hollman, fully ngged to auto, air, stereo, 27,000 3159 2589 bedrooms, freshly reno- miles, excellent condition loaded. all power, like 1978 Camaro interior and race, 2 sets of salls (1 vated, $650 plus all utilI- 1984 BUICK Skyhawk cus- new- Boston), 2 spinna- MOPED $4,500 882-0548 1984 Oldsmobile Delta 88, new, n~200, 778-3826 exterior parts Also 1974 ties, upper, 2 bedroom, tom, power steering, HONDA ELITE 50 good COndrtlOll.air, AMI Monte Carlo hood 885- kers All excellent condi- $575 plus all utilIties Per- 1981 ESCORT SS 4 door, brakes, locks, air, good 1986 VW GOLF, Wolfsburg Low mileage FM. power locks $3.700 6730, evenings tion $2,500 or best offer fect for working Singles sunroof, air, crUise, best condition $3.800 negotia- l.Jmrted EdrtlOO. 4 door Excellent condition 885-9193,after 6 p m 884-1501 Call MIChelle for appoint- offer. 885-1850 ble 885-8761 ha~hback,~3057 FOUR BF Goodnch radial Red 1986 PONTIAC Grand Am TA, 225 mm 1570's 862- DONZI ClaSSIC18', 2plus3 822.1522 ment, 921-<1012days 1978 PINTO, automatic, 1984 BUick century V6, 1983 RENAULT LeCar, red, redl white, 1986 95 Power steenng! brakes, 38B3 after 5 1987 Yamaha RlVa 125, GROSSE POinte City, Neff anginal owner, '37,000 loaded, new battery and S dooI'. 79,000 miles, hours Mmt condlllOn 40.600 miles. Good con- 4,500 miles, $600 343- near Mack Both unrts miles, asking, $1,650 tires, clean, looks great good COndrtlOll $1,000 1971 CADILLAC skirts, Continental trailer drtlOO.AMIFM stereo cas- 9198 available 2 bedrooms, 776-9871 $3,500 44&3112 Monday 886-3961 1963 Berllnella gold $21,5001 best offer 882- sette. air. 755-0070, after wheel, Trans Am cargo modem kitchen and bath thru Fnday, 9 to 5 or 646- HONDA Four Trax 4 TEMPO LX, 86, white, 4 4.30 1979 BMW 5281. runs 9595 Appliances Lower- natu- 9477 evenings cover, 864-4848 After door, automatiC, stereol great! looks sharp, HOBIE Cat, 16 foot, great wheeler ATV. less than 1 CAVALIER CS wagon, 5pm ral fireplace and sun cassette Loaded, 18,000 1966 Corvalr Corsa Con- 120,000 miles, main- condition VIVIdcolors, In. year old Best offer 823- 1985, air, automatic, AMI room Separate utilities 4 miles $8,250 866-9066 vertible, 4 speed, 140 hp, tained excellently $2,900 cludes trapeze seat and 6673, ask for Paula car garage Completely FM cassette, M1N tires, 882-2285. LEER Cap, black, for 8 foot 1987 EXP Sport coupe, ex- $2,000 861-0124 after 4 pickup bed Excel/ent tralle Mus! sell, $2,395 remodeled inSide and $3.7751 best. 773-1541 65 7 MOTOIICYCLES cellent condlllOn $5,5001 PM 1982 HONDA Prelude, condition, $500 885- 866-5878 out Lawn care and snow 1987 CHEVROLET Spec- blue, 5 speed, aIr. sun- 8999, 92~5816 removal $650 Eastside offer Dave, after 6 886- 1988 Corsica CL, two tone FOLBOAT, new condition, trum Cl. 4 door, au1o- roof $2.700 or best After TWO motorcycles, Honda Management Company. 2529 black! gray, V-6, loaded, paddles, storage bags, 350, Honda 175 $500 matlC,81r. steenng, 6'30 791-3159 610 AUTOMOTIVE 372-2222 low miles, like new power motor mount $175/offer EXCORT 1985 1/2, air, 4 AMIFM stereo cassette, S~ORTS CAlIS each Like new 372- $8,000 881-2744 1981 SUBARU GL, 4 door, 881-9751 5558 NOTTINGHAM, south of speed, power brakes, rustproofed, Excellent 1974 MG Midget ConvertI- 5 speed, amlfm stereo TEN horsepower Mercury Jefferson Two bedroom AM/FM cassette, 1 1987 PontiaC Flreblrd, 28 conditIon. Low mrles ble Very clean, dnves 1974 HONDA 75Occ, In $500. 886-2558 short-shaft, 1970 like new upper unrt In four family owner, excellent condi- F I , many extras, metallic $5,300 779-3581. great Must see to appre- storage last 7 years flat $400 monthly plus tion, $2,9001 best offer blue, 20 mpg. 25,000 condlllOn, $350 884- OLOS, 1986 '98 Regency, 1982 Rabill LS, 1.6 Irter, 4 ciate MOVing out of Many extras. chrome, utllltl8S No pets 462- 881-2430 miles, $10,300 881-4688 speed, sunroof, new tires! 9105 cruise, backrest etc low mileage, good con

} . ..

July 13, 1989 10C Grosse Pointe News

714 LIVING ARTERS 706 HOUSES FOR RENT 70'1 TOWNHOUSfS CONDOS 700 A1JTS/FllTS/DUI'lIX 701 ArTS flATS DUPlEX 701 APTS 'FlATS'DUPlIX TO SHARI '!JC APTS HATS DUPllX 70(1 APfSiHATS/OUPUX S C.S Mocomb (ollnly Ooltoill Woyn. (olln'Y FOR RENT I'.inlU/ Hlrper Woods OotrOl' Woyno COllnly Po,ntn Harper Woods I'oinles: Harper Woods NEAT Roomate deSired, MORANG. BeaconsfIeld ST. Clair Shores golf WHITTIERJ Harper area, 1 ROSEVILL.E. one bedroom, mlddle.aged, Eastland 342 RIVARD- one bedroom, GROSSE POinte- 1 bed- SEVEN rooms, Grosse Three bedroom ColOnial course, 2 bedroom, 2 bedroom deluxe apart- air conditioned apart- area full pnvllages Com- one block from waterfront room Duplex Includes POinte Park Stove and $500 month piUS secu- bath, upper ranch, 1 car ment $300/ month 526- ment, liVing room dining pletely furnished, central park Updated kitchen garage space, lawn and refrigerator $475 331. rity Evenings 372-8005 attached garage, roof-top 3864 L, kllchen With appli- air, smoker, $250/ month, and new appliances, plus snow malntance $&>0 0?20 paM overlooking golf ances, new carpet newly 3640 Devonshire Adorable carpet ElectriC and heat Month Grosse POinte CARRIAGEHOUSE. Indian course, all appliances, split utilities 372-0286 decorated, easy access three bedroom Bungalow included In $550 rent No Woods 1 bedroom upper 701 AI"S/FlAlS/DU'UX Village- 1 bedroom, nice, custom decorated, 435- Detroit / Wayn. County to expless way, $450/ All appliances, carpeted, 7.' OFflCIS/COMMERCIAl pets Phone 886-2496, flat Includes heat and $375 plus utilities 823- 4968 1 year lease, $650 month plus security 779 garage With opener FORRINT ask for John central air $600 month GOING To FlOrida- would 0997 plus secUrity 2807 Available August 1st Call 882.9729 or 885 like to sublet my 2 bed. STATE Fair/ Schoenherr, HARCOURT 2 bedrooms, 2 $550 343-0797 LAKESHORE Village- 2 ::il. Llalf ~hores, 12 Mllel 1373 room duplex All large 13856 Liberal, 1 or 2 bed- baths, central air $750 70S HOUSESFOR RINT bedroom Townhouse, Harper, 405 square feet rooms full basement ga room upper, kitchen With I'ointes/Horper Woods TWO bedroom near St 821-5909 TWO bedroom upper, large appliances Pool, club office space, Includes raqe fenced yard $350 applrances, $3451 month Johns Hospital, no pets HARDCOURT upper, 2 kitchen, $500/ monlh THREE bedroom randl house, $600 647.9150, heat, air, water, electnc per month References Includes heat Homeown- please $425 monthly bedrooms, dining room, Great condition 881 appliances, 1 1/2 car ga- leave message and alarm system, $275 Call before to AM 884- ers 774.0033 791-4837 leave mes- hVlng room, fireplace, nos rage $750 month plus per month Immediate 6982 sage RIVIERA Terrace Excep- occupancy Homeowners, porch, refrigerator, stove 667 NEFF- three bedroom GRA YTON. 2 bedroom up- security depoSit No Pets lOVEL Y Lower Income 2 THREE bedroom brick tu- tional condo Best loca- carpetb-l, available now 2 1/2 bath duplex Nicely per Adults preferred No 886-40497483090 n4-0033 bedrooms, large liVing pets $365 778-6473 dor, 1 1/2 baths, hard. tion In complex, top level 882-2757 decorated Prime loca GROSSE POinte Woods rool11l dining rooml wood floors, flfllplace, full corner, closest to lake 15324 MACK lion $925 per month plus KENSINGTONI linVille At- three bedroom house on GROSSE POinte Woods on kitchen fireplace garage basement, 2 car garage, Balcony, water View, 2 AT NOTTINGHAM security Call Sue 886- tracllve 2 bedroom upper Anita Fenced yard, appli- Vernier Lower 2 bed- and basement Available fenced- In back yard, all bedrooms, 2 baths, all Femole.Petrie Bldg. 2496 screened porch, garage ances No pets, adults room flat, $675 plus utili- Immediately $550 547 appliances kids and pets appliances $800, m. OFFICE SPACE stove, refrigerator Heal, preferred $750 884 2676 ties Call 885-0713 5379 OK, 5944 KenSington, cludes heat, pool, club- Adjacent "Park Place TWO bedroom lower apart water, gas Included De- mornings TWO bedroom, two bath Detroit $650 per month house 885-5652 Cafe" Attractive SUites, ment In Grosse POinte APARTMENT 1941 Cadieux POSIt and references re- apartment SpacIous EXECUTIVE Home, prime plus $650 secUrity de- newly decorated Woods Dining room liV- area One bedroom $315 qUIred $400 886-0891 or BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom 1,175 square feet $660/ location, walk to (North POSit Available August • Receptionist Ing room With fireplace per month 884-5914 886-2445 townhouse In SCarbor- month Available August large kitchtlll, appllan ..,,~ -----~------and Star) 4 bedrooms, 2 1st By appointment 616- ough Square, close to I • Secretarial BEDFORD near Mack, 4 1/2 baths, formal dining 963-0842, 616-968-1168, 10th Present tenants will garage, close to tranpor ATTRACTIVE 75- 696 New carpeting, • Typing room upper flat, kitchen room, FlOrida room, rec pay security depOSit tallon $665 monthly plus ext 103 paint Private courtyard, 2 • Computer Service appliances carpeted, ga- APARTMENTS room, 2 car attached, Shown by appointment security depoSit Call 886 car garage, basement, • Janltonal rage heat Included $350 central air, alarm, 2 year DUPLEX nicely decorated, 526-1990 6400 appliances, central air • Alarm System monthly 886-3597 M3 Alter Road, Just off East 2 bedroom, dining room, lease, $1,500 a month $800 Immediate occu- • Message Service 528 St Clair, 2 bedroom Jefferson- Charming four garage, carpeting, WANT ATTRACTIVE 1 bedroor September 1st 792-6004 pancy 881-8155 • WBIllng Room lower unit, one block 10 story elevator bUilding drapes, Kelly near Whit- ADS upper flat East Warren/ days • Photo Copier Village, one year lease, tier, $380 n8-8653 CONDO LIVING garage Included $575 Outer Drive area Must SpacIous one and two bed- FURNISHED home- 3 large • Fax Machine Call In FOR THE PROFESSIONAL monthly Call 882-5200, see to appreciate 979 rooms- rent Includes heat bedrooms With 3 baths HARPERJ Morang clean 2 • Storage Early QUiet RIViera Terrace, In Ideal for attorney, manufac- 9-5 dally, ask for Bill 2370 between 6- 9 P M water, range and refnger- up, kitchen, liVing room, bedroom, large yard, ga- Nautical Mile near The WEDNESDAY, 8.5 ator Near both bus- lines formal dining room, rage, laundry room De- turer's representallve WAYBURN GROSSE ONE bedroom apartment, POlntes Beautiful two references and secunty study, small office plus 2 POSit and references 884-2257 POinte Park 3 bedroom THURSDAY, 8.6 Cadieux near 1.94 after 6 bedroom, two bath gar- depoSit reqUIred powder rooms down Pri- $390 296-1849 upper, freshly painted or FRIDAY, 8.5 pm, 882-2517 den Unit In very good con- GROSSE POINTE WOODS WALKER REALTY, LTD vate street $4,000 hardwood floors, stove, MONDAY, 8.6 EASTLAND AREA EAST Outer Drive, Mack dition offers neutral decor, ImpreSSive 1,500 square 886-0920 month 343-9058 foot profeSSional office refrigerator, references, GROSSE POINTE NEWS One bedroom duplex, fresh and Warren Large liVing newer carpeting, and DUPLEX lovely 3 bedroom, With kitchenette and many secUrity $450/ month 882.6900 pamt new carpeting, LINCOLN ROAD room With fireplace, for- kitchen appliances Com- 4~7557 343-0909 $355 per month 16666 yard, garage, Ontario Prime location I Exceptional mal dining room, large plex Includes laundry fa- other extras 294-9500 EXECUTIVE LIVING street off Cadieux Avail. charm' Four bedroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, ga- NICE 2 bedroom Grosse East 8 Mile Open July CIlities, pool, clubhouse STOREFRONT, 11 Mile SUITES able September 1 $395 two and a half bath Colo- rage Available Immedl. POinte Park apartment, 16th 1 to 3 pm 286- and Jogging areas $750 and Harper, 750 square per month plus utilities nial With maJor appli- ately $500 547-5379. new paint. carpet Appli- 5693 per month Includes heat, feet 286-6692, 468-4567, 882-5160 ances, all Window treat- ances, parking, $410, MONTHLY LEASES SEVEN- 8 Mile Gratiot area, THREE bedroom Bungalow central air, water and out- extension 33 ments, large landscaped 822.7655 Fumlshed Apartments, Utili mce 1 bedroom apart- CADIEUX between MackJ With 1 1/2 car garage, Side maintenance lot $1,400 OFFICE SPACE ties Included, Complete ment $330 plus secunty Warren 3 bedroom du- 884-0600 clean, newly carpeted, CAL.L MARY ABITA LAKEPOINTE two bedroom Johnstone Johnstone GROSSE POINTE FARMS With Housewares, Lmens depoSit 839-2167 or 979 plex, fenced yard, appli- & well maintained Nice upper, appliances, offs- 268-1000 Immediate occupancy avail- Color T V And More Call 3965 ances No pels Car- area near Moross and SCHWEITZER treet parking, heat and FURNISHED rental Grosse able In NEW BUILDING' For Appointment peted Available August Kelly $425 month plus water Available August TWO bedroom duplex With POinte Woods , 3 bed- REAL ESTATE JanitOrial service, ample 474.9770 1st $425 monthly n3- utilities, 1 1/2 months 6 $460 monthly, one 2 car garage, Nottingham room home, available se- BETTER HOMES parking and all utilities MARYLAND, clean, qUiet 3805, Jeff CUrity One year lease month rent plus secUrity near Morang, 839.3057 July 15th One year lease AND GARDENS except telephone one bedroom Refrigera- No pets allowed Avail- deposit 822~ UNIVERSITY- two bedroom GRA YTON apartment, 4 or longer Furnished, ten- GROSSE POinte City Four prOVided by landlord For tor, stove, heat, off street able Immediately Ideal house, $400/ month In- rooms, $280/ month ant pays utilities, $8501 bedrooms, three baths, more Information call GROSSE POinte Park Mar- parking $415 886-0657 for working couple or reti- cludes washer, dryer re- Heated, Ideal for 1 per- month No pets Call Bol- appliances Available R.G. Edgar & ASSOCiates yland at CharleVOIX rees 526-9288, leave frigerator stove After 5, son, no pets, secunty de- ton.Johnston, 884-6400 September 1st $1,200 a 886-6010 Lower 2 bedrooms, large WINDMILL POinte LakeView message 776-8218 POSit 882-1044 GROSSE POinte Woods, month Days 259-4800, BRAND NEW liVing room and dining apartment, upper 3 bed- NORTH MorossJ Kelly area, WHITTIERJ Harper area- three bedroom Colonial, evenings 884-9349 room Appliances, sepa- room, fireplace, garage 208 Aller Road 2 bedroom 3 bedroom bungalow OFFICE BUILDING references, $1,0501 lower flat With kitchen spotless 1 bedroom Ap- 1 1/2 bath, great location, TWO bedroom Townhouse, rate utilities, $400 St $470 777-6688 between Grosse Pointe Farms month 822-9444 applrances, finished base- pliances, air, newer bUild near schools, $995 central air, full basement Paul near Wayburn- 8 5 P M All utilities and parking fur- ment and garage, $400 a lng, large rooms, monlhly 886-8362 Rent $550 per month No townhouse style, 2 bed- CAPE Cod duplex, Grosse OIshed by landlord Ap- month plus utilities 882- basement storage, plenty THREE/ four bedroom pets 222-5870 rooms, dining room, ap- POinte Woods, 2 bed- CHARMING and Immacu- proximately 1,350 square of parking $350 Includes house to rent, $325/ pliances, full basement, rooms, 1 1/2 baths, liVing 8517 late 3 bedroom bunga. feet available at $1500 month plus depoSit Jef- LAKESHORE VILLAGE off- street parking, $400 heat 884-0240 low, Harper Woods, per foot room, large kitchen, den, BEAUTIFUL one bedroom Two bedroom townhouse, Beaconsfield south of Jef- Grosse POinte schools, ferson/ Chalmers area R.G. Edgar ASSOCIates 1 1/2 car garage, full upper flat (located In DUPLEX. two bedrooms, & ferson- ctean 2 bedroom central air, appliances, 886-1297, 823-3086 modern kitchen, dish. basement, no pets Ideal Windmill POinte SubdiVI- unfurmshed, garage, near washer, stove, refngera. 886.6010 lower Appliances, sepa- garage $750 882.2524 IDEAL for young family for profeSSionals, $600 sion) Stove, refrigerator, Eastland Prefer workmg tor, washltlr, dTyer, fUlly EXECUTIVE SUite, 1600 sq rate utilities, basement, Three bedroom brick per month 885-2909 neat, new carpeting, adults 652-8578 GROSSE POINTE WOODS carpeted, finished base- ft Negotiable lease Cor- off- street parking, $400 newly decorated $350 bungalow, burglar alarm, CARRIAGE HOUSE- Colonial, three bedrooms, ment, air conditiOning, ner of Vernier/ 1-94 884- Eastside Management month plus security de- 702 AI'TS/FlATS/OUI'UX big fenced In yard, fin- PROVENCAL ROAD dining room, den All ap- club faCIlities, qUiet court- Company, 372-2222 S.C.S/ Macomb County Ished basement, 1 1/2 3050 POSit 331-8592 or 822. pliances, central air, 2 1/2 yard $585 per month Available Immediately bath, new kitchen, new TEN ROOM MEDICAL GROSSE POinte I"'ark 3 5651 DUPLEX. two bedrooms, car garage, $890 a 471-4504 Two bedrooms, carpeted, carpet 886-7360 sUite - MACK AVENUE, lust bedroom upper on Mack, mini blinds Includes TWO bedroom duplex appliances, Kelly Rd, month, one year lease, secUrity deposit No pets LUXURY liVing, St Clair vacated by retiring gen- $395 Includes heat n5- stove, refrigerator and all stove and refngerator in- Duchess area 1-469- 707 HOUSIS FOR RENT Shores golf cou rse eral practitioner To be 0569 utllllleS Must be a one cluded garage $375 2018 after 5 30 Available August 1st 884- 5.(.5./ Macomb Counly Brand new customized 2 updated for new Tenant car tenant No pets $700 monthly 588-1825, m- 92574 UPPER flat Grosse POinte ST. Clair Shores $700 Col- bedroom, 2 bath, 1,120 One leaded room, brick per month plus security 7111 St. CLAIR Shores- fur- City, two bedrooms, NEFF onial, central air 1 1/2 square feet Condo In gas fireplace, secunty depoSit Reply to Box nished 1 bedroom, kitchen, front room $500 WARREN/ Cadieux area Three bedroom bnck house bath, 2 bedroom duplex mid-rise bUilding Includes system lots more -A330, Grosse Pomte washer, dryer, utilities m. Includes ulilltles, Appli- Very nice 2 bedroom du With large liVing room paneled basement, at- pool, tennis court, Jogging News, 96 Kercheval, cluded $465 294-2636 ances, share garage No plex, freshly painted, new One year lease With secu- tached 2 car Extras No track, garage parking, el- 93 KERCHEVAL Grosse POinte Farms, MI. pets n3-3995 carpeting, all appliances, TWELVE Mile, 16250 48 rity deposit September 1 pets 294-2642 evator service, appliances FRONT three room sUite 48236, stating personal garage Ideal for Single or new one bedroom apart- occupancy $1,000 and carpeting Starting at over NBD Private lav, HARCOURT/ Jefferson particulars, Including ref- ST. Clair Shores Three working adulls, no pets ments central air, balca- month 881-4200 $950/ month Ready to Windows Just redone SpaCIOUS upper, 3 bed- erences bedroom bungalow, car. 331-4503 nys, $435 Immediate oc- Johnstone & Johnstone move 1011 Michigan Con- rooms, 2 baths, liVing pet, appliances, base- cupancy 772-0831 959 FISHER- 3 bedroom dominium 296-7602 KELLY/EIGHT MILE room, dining room, SPACIOUS 3 bedroom up- ONE Bedroom apartment ment, 2 car garage, pillared colonial Includes ABOVE Inacomp SIX very kitchen, appliances, per, hVlng room With nat- Ideal for qUiet working or ONE bedroom apartment, lenced yard Lal HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT mansIOn in final restora. For Lease By Owner HARPER WOODS feet, central SIr, vertICal Oolro,l Woyn. (Olln,y tlOn phase $500 affords OffIces and suites In a LUXURY blinds, appliances, $575 ST. Clair Shores, spaCIOUS small, qUiet, quality, one- ONE AND TWO BEDROOM APTS. TWO bedroom house for qual Ity lIVing with antiq ue Also between 9 Mile and condominium, 2 bed. stOfY bUilding Call Sam RIVERFRONT rent, $4501 month 884- furl1lshmgs and un. rooms, den, 1 1/2 baths, • Newly Decorated lOon Kelly Road, lovely 0679 matched surroundmgs Haberman, 541.0010 basement, carport, $550 • Senior Citizen Discount APARTMENTS one bedroom lower, Prefer neat Christian PRIVATE Office SUite- • Two Year Lease Available newly decorated, appll. OUTSTANDING 3 bedroom monthly plus secunty de- male n6-3310 Sun'll' 3 or 4 b0drooms Woods Can be dMded, • Close to Shopping and Bus ances, air, Ideal for ma- colonial, all appliances, POSit References By ap- 3 baths OJer 2 000 • Well Maintamed & Secure Buildings Includes microwave, large pointment only, 77&<1508 PROFESSIONAL Female to Includes all utilities, $375 square loet With 10 ture working or retired 882-7300 decl<, new carpet, leve- Other apartments available in St. Clair ShON!8 ceilings, oak floors or lady, $435 Also, one share 2 bedroom condo, ------lors, sparkling clean carpeting from $800 bedroom upper, $435 EXECUTIVE 2 bedroom Lake Shore Village, $295 PROFESSIONAL Office FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT CALL Located 114 mile east of LaVon's Rental and Prop- Bucklnghaml Mack townhouse with garage, plus 1/2 utllltteS Please Belle Isle Call 824 7704 erty Management, n3- $565, f 1/2 months secu. 11 Mile, Harper. $600 leave message, 777. space, Harper Woods 8572. area 371.2850 881.6100 for appointment 2035 rity 886-1924 977-8232 .

.. 11C July 13, 1989 GroBH Pointe News

ijOO HOU)IS lOR If, Lf , OIfI(fS COMMERCIAL 723 VACATION RINTAI 7H VACAIION R!NTAl ~OO HOUS!) fOR )AlE 600 HOUSES FOR SAlE 800 Houm FOR SAll fOR RINT lIq RENT OPTION TO BUY NORTHIRN MICHIGAN RISORTS HARPER Woods, country STEAL Mel 3 bedroom CHARLEVOIX FIRST OFFERING GROSSE Pomte WoorJs- HAfaIER NEAR ALLARD BEAUTIFUL, large, one SCHUSS MountaJnI Shanty krtchen, 2 bedrooms pius, brICk bungalow, St CIIIr THE BEAUTIFUL GROSSE POtNTE WOODS Charming clean modern OPW, five IndIVidual OffICes, bedroom condominium In Creek Chalet In the oversized 2 car garage Shores call Jeff PIige, BeautIful brick COlonial In 2 bedroom brick ranch, $300-$4501 month gross luxury hlghrlse on The Woods Sleeps 8, 54 100 x 198 lot 527-7727 Century 21 MacKenzIe, Waterfront Condos great family neighbor- basement, 2 car garage, Detroit River. Fireplace, holes of golf, Includlllg 779-7500 hood ThIS home features $80,000 m.7332 BY ONner Two family flat HARPER AT 8t1YS crown moldingS, new car- The Legend TenniS, Private BalCOnies 15840 Wlndmille POinte Prime, class A, free stand- peting, vertical blinds, 24 three bedrooms, family 4200 BISHOP, 3 bedroom THREE bedroom bungalow, pool 293-7070 Dr, Grosse POinte Park ing, prIVate parking, 1,600 hour valet parking, door- room, natural fireplace, Cox and Baker home recently redone from top Heated Pool $250,000 By appoint- eq n Ideal X-way access man, secUrity $650 per recreatlon room WIth wet bUilt on a very nicely to bottom, 1 1/2 car ga- 800 HOUSES 'OR SAlE ment only 822-4821 bar, two car garage on landscaped lot ThiS n2 rage, corner lot, mce area month Call 331-3323 Foster Boat Works Inn EXECUTIVE OFFICES large 101 Very affordably story IS a newly dec0- NORTH Oxford 771- Spa- near Morass and Kelly evenings or 824-8288 1-800-678-6826 WARREN BEAUTY Punch & Judy BIdg prICed Call OI:YN for your rated In neutral tones, CIOUS 5 bedroom Colo- $24,900 5~9288, leave 9a m - 5 p m Monday Gorgeous home In porne HARBOR Springs! Petosky prIVate showIngl and Includes energy effi- nial Second floor laun- message. through Friday area Mint condition Rick Rullln Luxury 3-bedroom Condo WARREN, 12 MILEJ cient gas furnace, central dry, mud room, family Beautifully landscaped 3 GOVERNMENT Homes Commercial Real With pool and tennis HAYES air, outdoor secunty light- room, den, central air, 720 ~OOMS FOR RENT bedrooms, 2 baths, family from $1 (U Repair) Delin- Estate Group courts Weekends or Absolutely gorgeous brick Ing, attIC fan, Inner and sprinklers, alarm, carport, room, laundry room, fin- quent tax property. A&- 886-8000 weekly Minutes from golf Great Room Ranch In outer storm WindOWS on landscaped $355,000 OVER 40 years old Must Ished basement, central posseSSionS. Call 805- and Stale Park 886- beauliful newer subdlVl- 2nd floor Includes 886-4340 be clean, neat and qUiet air, deck. Won't last 687-6000, Ext GH.1626 6922, evenings 885-4142 SIOl'1 Features three bed- kitchen appliances, GREATER MACK $4750 weekly No prIVI- CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. OPEN House Sunday, 12- 4 for current repo list Fee. Vou have your chOICe of rooms, first floor laundry, drapes and blinds Natu- leges Call 885-3039 be- WALLOON Lake area 3 778-8100. PM 1937 Hawthorne, LOCHMOOR 2008, 3 ~ two su Ites, 1st floor or two car attached garage ral fireplace With glass fore 6 PM and 5 bedroom chalets, Grosse POinte Woods- room, 1 1/2 baths btic:k 2nd 1Ioor. Both are lo- FARMS Colonial, Handy with opener Natural fire- doors Comfortable sun. sleep up to 14 Pool, golf, brick ranch, 2 bedrooms, ColOnial, 2 car garage, cated on Greater Mack NEAR Village, non-smoking Road 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 place, central alr, huge room wrth electnc heat, sandy beach, lakelet air conditioned, den, eat- many features call for Female preferred, $70 baths, new hardwood fenced lot Asking thermal Windows and and tenant to pay taxes, $395-$485/ week 647- Ing space In kitchen, din- floors throughout, new $107,500 with Immediate appointment. 886-7292. Insurance, maintenance per week call 885-2672 blinds. 1 1/2 car garage Ing- L, natural fireplace, 7233 kitchen and bath, family and utilities $1,300 and occupancy move-In condition finished basement, appll. BUYING OR SELLING GROSSE Pointe, large HOMESTEAD South Beach room, den, liVIng room, DETROIT'S BEST BUY! $2,700 $63,000 call 881~ for ances Included 1 car at- A HOME room, pnvate bath, pri- on Lake Michigan 3 bed. dlnulg room and mud SUPER ClEAN 5/4 FIRST FLOOR. HARPER Income appomtment tached garage, large I Will prepare all legal d0cu- vate entrance. $300 882- rooms, 3 baths, 852- room- laundry first floor property In great DetrOit Suite on Harper for $3,800 62'X137' lot Great retire- ments, $200 complete 4469 Close to schools, lake neighborhood MaInte- GROSSE POinte Park. by Tenant to pay taxes, in- 8443 ment, Investment or Also Wills, probate, and and shopping Secunty nance free, good tenants owner, 1427/29 Somer. surance, maintenance HARBOR Springs condor",- starter home Located be- IncorporatlOCls Thomas P. KITCHEN and laundary system, patiO, second and good cash flow Only set, 6 rooms, upper/ and utilitIeS nlum, pool, tennis, golf, tween Mack and Harper, Wolverton, Attorney, 285- PriVileges Working per- floor deck House c0m- $29,500 WIth zero down lower, 2 car garage, son only Real home at- sleeps 8 886-8924, 882- 2 blocks East of 8 MIle 6507 882-0087 pletely renovated. Immac- newer rental property 9069 Stieber Realty ApprOXimately 1,100 BY owner Harper WoaJs. THE GROSSE POINTE mosphere 886-6102 ulate condltlOCl $289,000 bUilt In 50's, $93,500/ 775-4900 Bnck, 3 bedrooms, 1 112 REAL ESTATE COMPANY LEXINGTON. Furnished negotiable By appoint- sqaure feet $79,900 If 721 VACATION ~ENTAl 884-1501 baths, finished basement, 19615 Mack Avenue home, beach priVileges, HARPER Woods- 2 bed- ment. 886-0164, after 6 you are seriOUS about HORIDA IN the Park- 4 bedrooms, 2 new furnace, central air, Groue Pointe Woods sleeps 5, $350 a week room bungalow WIth ga- p.m purchasing a home thiS MARCO Island, Beach front baths, natural fireplace, rage, qUlElt nelQhbort1ood, summer you must see natural fireplace, beautiful 329-9674 or 359-7885 HARPER Woods, 2 bed. TWO room store front In condo 2 bedroom, 2 updated throughout, new good condltlOl'1, under- thiS one, or call 882-9153 landscaping 21365 Brier- MACKINAC Island condom- room aluminum ranch, deslrable location, Grosse bath, 10th floor, weekly- garage 824-1113 ground sprinklers, appli- for an appointment stone 885-7745 Iniums for rent One to garage, large country Pointe Park Remodeled monthly rentals, 881- ances, motIVated seller. KELLY/ 7 MIle- 3 bedroom, kitchen, land contract, HARPER Woods ~y NEAR Cadieux and War- to SUit your needs or three bedrooms, fire- 4199 finished basement, ga- $45,000 or best offer owner Clean 2 bedroom ren, tastefully decorated, leave as IS Perfect for place whlrpools, lake $6,500/ down Perfect for rage 27,900 Land con- 881-8820. remodeled aluminum well kept, 3 bedroom small retail store with In- CLEARWATER Beach- 440 views Call (906}847- investor, starter home, or tract terms or rent while ranch, basement, 2 car brick ColOnial, family ventory storage needs, West, 2 bedroom, 2 bath 3260 BEAUTIFUL, SpacIous retiree ThiS Will sell bUYing. Andary 886-5670 garage, $47,000 18540 room, closed porch, natu- video store, pnnt and luxury Condo on Gulf, 90 ranch- 959 North Re- qUICkly, don't walt to call CHARLEVOIX Petoskey Roscommon 372..0510 ral fireplace, 2 car garage mall shop, office, etc minutes to Disney World HARPER Woods Bnck naud, Grosse POinte Power Brokers, 264-1100 823-7042 area 4 bedroom, 2 bath Woods. 4 bedrooms, I.. With opener. $40,500. Temfic tenants In rest of bungalow WIth spacIOUS OXFORD, 1813, bungalow, ATTENTION- Government chalet Fireplace $500 brary, den, large family Ask for Bob, Real Estate building MUnicipal lot at 722 VACATION RENTAL 15x26 family/ dlOlng room 3 bedrooms, new up- Homes from $1 (U-Re- per week Available from room, modem kitchen, One, 296-0100 side of building plus park- OUT OF STAn combmatlOCl, welt cared stairs, new kitchen, fire- pair) Delinquent tax August 5th- 12th Also finished basemer1t, 2 fire- ing on street 15038 for house near St John, place, 2 car garage, property Reposesslons GROSSE Pointe WoaJs, HIL TON HEAD Island, 2 26th 882-5749, 591- places DeSigned for Mack at Maryland $400 much updated, $73,500 $106,000 884-6456 after 1-602-838-8885 Ext 19217 Raymond (off bedroom, 2 bath ocean 6180 comfortable, gracIOus hv- month plus 1 1/2 Open Sunday 2 to 5. GH3448 Fee Boumemouth), mce 1oca- per Villa $490 week 882- 6 pm HARBOR SPRINGS, Hidea- 19203 RolandaJe. 885- Ing Ideal for famllyl en- tion All appliances in- months secUrity Drive 5997 by, then call for an ap- way Valley Townhouse, 2255. tertaining. Pnced to sell cluded In thiS 3 bedroom Call for appointment pointment 884-5238 723 VACATION RENTAL sleeps 8, 2 1/2 baths, air, m- IDEAL HOME IN PRIME LOCATION brick colonial Remodeled NORTHERN MICHIGAN VCR Bring nothing BY OWNER! 8535 or 886-5754 after 7 family room Must see to MEDICAL Some dates In July & Open Saturday. Sunday PM BY OWNER appreclatel Shown by HIGGINS Lake cottage, 4 BUILDING OR SUITES August open 979-0566 2PMto5PM Lovely three bedroom brick Bungalow on appomtment. Price re- bedrooms, full bath $295 Harper & 8 Mde Rd Beautiful ColOnial In great ST. Oalr Shores, land c0n- Lochmoor, between Mack and Harper - Grosse duced to $110,900' 884- a week Good recrea- LABOR Day week- avail- STIEBER REALTY Woods IocatlOl'1 Three or tract, 3 bedroom bunga- POinte Schools Redecorated throughout With 5615 tional area 465-5670 able on Northport Bay, four bedrooms, 1 1/2 low, basement, 1 1/2 car new kitchen, new furnace, new carpet, new 775-4900 north of Traverse City baths, small family room garage, new Dupont garage, remodeled second floor With loft style MUST see, contemporary 2 HARBOR SPRINGS bedroom- Hunt Club. HARPER north of 10, deSir- New 3 bedroom home ONner Transferred! Stalnmaster carpet, buil- ceiling and walk-m closets Vou must see thiS 882-4550 able 2 room front sUite PETOSKEY 882-4096 BELOW MARKET VALUEI tin dIShWasher, aluminum one to appreciate what a bargain It ISI Fully furnished 1, 2, 3, and sided, fenced yard, patIO, Parking plentiful $250 in- WALLOON Lake, North 882-9221 BY Owner, Grose POInte 4 bedroom condomi- BY APPOINTMENT 886-5286 cluding utilities and clean- arm available August, serious Buyers Onlyl $84,900.885-0197 Woods, lIgett Middle niums PrestigIOUS resort ing 771-7587,296-5414 weekly or whole month School area, 3 bedroom, addresses, luxunous ac- 2 1/2 bath, many fee. COLONIAL EASTINORTH 885-3467 ATIENTION HOMEBUVERS: Are you thinking comodatlons. Lakefront tures No Brokers f385. 51 calr Shores, 9 Mile and of buying a new or existing home? The units, tennis courts, pools BOYNE. Petosky chalet 3 0112 Harper, 1,000-1,050 First SIX elegant developments bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, Michigan State Housing Development floor, prtvate entrance, sir to choose from, fireplace Summer or win- Authority (MSHDA) has two programs to help 749 Hampton French C0lo- lng, Janitor, partI- nial with slate mansard cond ItIOlT CALL CAROL PARKER ter 778-4824, 791-6091 cut the financing costs of homeownershlp. If tioned. Reasonable roof and copper gutters. GARBER REALTY, INC. you are a modest.lncome family or a single 778-0120 or 881-6436. HARBOR Springs Fully 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1lY- 1-800-433-6753 equipped home In person, call MSHDA at 1-800-327-9158 Ing room with fireplace, 20630 HARPER at Vemler WHISPERING Pines Re- wooded setting, sleeps, (Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-S p.m.) for more dining room, Muetchier and 1-94 3 office sUite In sort, modern cabins, lake- 12, near recreation areas Information. kitchen, central aJr c0ndi- custom profeSSional front cottages With boats Layman Associates, Lynn tIOning, 13x27 family building Generous park- Located on Thunder1ake McGann, Realtor Ass0- room overfooklng 2Ox40 Ing 886-1333 near Manistique, MiChi- ciate 886-9537 BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL gUnite pool A truly gan Sportmans Para- unique home offered at 724 VACATION ~ENTAL dise 2 bedroom, $190 $214,000 By appoint. ~ESO~TS GROSSE POINTE WOODS week, 3 bedroom With 19823 Wedgewood Drive ment only 885-8388. Grosse HILTON Head condomi- deck, fireplace, $250 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 lavs 2,600 square feet of nium, time share, 30th 21136 Beaufa!t, three- four Pointe News week 1.906-573-2480 most effiCient floor plan Has everything Including bedroom ranch Grosse week, sleeps SIX, rental alarm system. Call Michigan Realty for POinte schools, central want Ads MACKINAC Island, one, $450 Sale $8,500 or appointment 296-7602 air, beautiful home. two and three bedroom trade 881-4831 Get Results $105,000. 882.c918 Condos, available year WANT round Taking Fall and FOR SALE BY OWNER $133,000 882.6900 Christmas reservations ADS now call (906)847-3260 882-6900 467 McKinley, Grosse Pointe Farms

• 'b OFFICES COMMERCIAL 716 OFFICES COMMEWAl 716 OFFICES COMMERCIAL Brick colonial - 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathrooms, liVing FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT room With fireplace and bay Window, dining room, family room - all freshly decorated, neutral 54 WEBBER PLACE GROSSE POINTE SHORES carpeting, wood floors Brick 2 car garage With breezeway and electriC door opener OFFICE COMPLEX Located on one of the Shores most deSirable streets First floor and basement have been profeSSionally Brick patiO, attractIVe low maintenance landscaping. lots of trees and perennials. decorated. The perfect home for family and for entertaining, With SIX bedrooms, four full baths and two Call 885-7768. Open July 15th & 16th, 1.4 P.M. lavs $535,000. ASK FOR BEV GLENDENING 886-4200 WONDERFUL 1~~'f£W9h~@

.515 CLINTON AVE. : . - • ST. CLAIR, MI 48079 mma BUS. 329-9036 18038 MACK AVENUE, Between Washington and Lincoln JOACHIM 3,200 square feet of premium office space With attached parking lot that prOVides REAL TV, INC. parking for twelve automobiles. '290,000. Call Michael 757.4000 ST. CLAIR AREA DeSCribes thiS beautifully restored home In Pentwater, MIChigan, which IS only a 4 hour drive away The main 713 VACATION RENTAL 723 VACATION RENTAL '?J VACATION ~ENTAI ON THE ST. CLAIR RIVER - Southern house contains large lIVing room, dining room, three NO~THERN MICHIGAN NO~THERN MICHIGAN NO~TH!~N MICHIGAN Colomal - Large center hall to livmg room with bedrooms, two baths, screened porch and up to date fireplace and glass window wall to pIllared porch, kitchen Quality fittings such as Brunschwlg and Fils, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths family room With wet bar on Clarence House, Stark carpet IS used throughout lower level. Choice \ocation. Magnificent Vlew at Guest house oonslsts of 2 story liVing room, laundry Wide part of river J-463 $285,000. bath, store room and sleeping loft. All thiS on a beautiful corner lot and only a short walk to the Village and Lake Want Ad MichlQan beach Priced at $125,000 With some furnish- FOR THE LARGE FAMILY - FIve bedroom, two Ings For thiS, and other fine properties, please contact. Deadline and one half bath, bnck and aluminum Cape Cod m one of St. Clair's finest neTghborh<.lods. FamIly is room With brick fireplace, fonnal dinmg rooml Tuesday first floor master suite. Full basement, two ana ANCHOR one half car garage. 100 x 150 foot lot with brick 12 Noon patio. Quality construction and m excellent REAL.ESTATE INC All New: Edgewater Inn condition. J-494 Asking $159,900. Border and Luxury condo resort on lake 2 large 2 bedroom suites in column now allailable AlC, cable. kllchen, fireplace, LILA L. FREE indoor/outdoor pool. sauna, whirlpool. beach, & golf 22 ROOM BRICK VICTORIAN "ON THE HILL" in ST.CLAIR - 7 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 2 Associate Broker measured Just ~ block /0 down/own CharlevoIX FISh from prer or half baths, 6 fireplaces and a full basement. Other 215 HANCOCK ST. ads is boat, docks avaIlable w/ advance notice. Sat /050/. unique details too numerous to mention, This reservatIons at our speCIal weekly ra/es. Some dally classic estate was built in 1876, retaining all the PENTWATER, MI 49449 Monday.4pm reservatIons avaIlable (One condo ;s non-smoking} original beauty of ita era. Zoned multiple. J-436 BUS. (616) 869-5055 lB 882.6900 C411 (313) 995-1SlU for reservations & IJrochure. Asking $275,000. RES. (616) 869-4165 Dllta ... l~ All ~0wMf_" .....t1CG1fwl1lln1r ...... -. ft. I,!i.ssm' 75'

•It July 13, 1989 12C Grosse Pointe News


GROSSE POinte Woods, NEAR St John Hos~tal. NEAR St John Hospital, 4 GROSSE POinte Woods, DELUXE Condo 1050 OVERLAKE SIXTEEN Untt apartments, 1577 Lochmoor Boule- large home In nice area bedroom custom bUill ST. CLAIR SHORES Kenmore 3 bedroom Woodbridge End uOll, 2 ST. CLAIR SHORES northeast 09troll, good vard, by owner, first offer. of Detroit Hardwood bnck home, natural fire- 3 bedroom bnck ranch brick bungalow, 2 car ga. large bedrooms, 2 112 One floor liVing In thiS cash flow 359-8859. ing Open house Satur. place In liVing room, Custom ceramic kitchen, baths, family room, new charming ranch condomI, floors, natural wood burn. rage, near schools and BEAUTY SALON day and Sunday 1 to 5 Ing fireplace, 1,500 basement has lav and brand new bath, updated transportation $80's kitchen, finished base. nlum near St Joan of Arc Other times, by apPOint. bar, 1800 sq f1, many throughout newer fur. ment, 2 car attached ga. parish Two bedrooms,at. ThriVing bUSiness In excel. SQuarefeel. den, library, century 21 East, 881. lent location for sale Call ment Five bedrooms, or formal dining call 296- extras $45,500 call 296- nace and central air lak- 2540, ask for Bill rage, extras, pool and tached garage, newly four bedrooms and II. 0010, Real Estate One, eViewSchool Dlstnct community house Call decorated and It'S ready Sam at 886-7230 for 0010 Real Estate One, more information brary, two full baths, ask for Beth Ask for Beth CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. HARPER Woods Three for appointment 774. for you to move In today large liVing room with fire- 778.8100. bedroom brick & aluml' 6580 Open Sunday 1. 3 $72,900 THREE Untt apartment, HARPER Woods, 1 1/2 sto- place, dining room, MUST ::iell. 3 blocks south num Bungalow, 1 1/2 Clearwater, Flonda. con- nes, three bedrooms, one A rare opportunity to find a KINGSVilLE kitchen With breakfast of Morass on Gateshead ASSUME FHA Mortgage baths, finished basement ventent location, Ideal for bath, natural fireplace, Attractive 3 bedroom first floor condo In mint HARPER WOODS area, panelled basement! Charmmg 2 bedroom With natural fireplace and condition 2 bedrooms- 2 Attractive end Unit that's retirement 359-8859 basement, one car ga. brick Colonial, huge recreation room ThiS brick, large liVing room, bar Brand new kitchen baths, dining space In the been freshly painted seml.Ranch home was family room 2 natural rage, Grosse POinte kitchen and bathroom, With dishwasher and Schools land contract kitchen, Karastan carpet. Laundry faCIlity In base- redecorated last fall BUilt fireplaces, finished base- fireplace, 2 car garage, other appliances, new full $ $ SAV .. $ $ terms $89,500 Re.Max 109 throughtout Includes ment Close to dial a.rlde by Walter Mast New gas ment 2 car garage, Kelly/ Whinier area 372. bathroom, 1 112 car ga. **THOUSANDS *. Consultants, ask for range and refrigerator $45,000 Miser furnace, central air, $8,500 down, 11% Land 3556 No brokers please rage With patio anached Georgia. 949-0909 and In Unit washer/ dryer MACK electronic air fiher, new 3- Contract 881.9060 New above-ground pool I \ Air conditioned 774-7678 GROSSE POINTE BUSINESS D roof 28' x 20' deck, at. AMAZING!! $53,500 By Owner 884- Il' Al GROSSE POinte Park, 1453 CENTER entrance Colonial after 6 30 or leave meso One bedroom first floor unit tached 2 1/2 car garage, on lot and a half on pap- live nght on Lake St Clair 7651 I' Balfour Pnce reduced 2 sage In well maintained bUild. NO 6ROKE:RAGE FEES electrOniC door opener ular Farms street Three With million dollar vlew Ing Com operated laun. FA[ E aUVING SELLING 1/2 story bnck ColOnial, LAKEVIEW CLUB ' HARPER Woods co-op on detached garden and tool 2,400 square feet, 4 bed. bedroom, 2 1/2 baths FIRST oHenng- St Clair dry faCIlities, storage garage, 20' x 13' Beaut,. TOWNHOMES Take Arthur Court spacIOus 2 rooms, 1 1/2 baths Llv, profeSSionally decorated Shores condomlnlUm/ areas and more Bed & Breakfast fuUy landscaped tenced your chOice of ANY bedroom, one level Ex. 109room With natural fire- With haldwood floors In townhouse Immediate 882.0087 Pentwater, Mi In yard, jot 100' x 162 FOUR HOMES at only cellent condition, must be place, formal dining liVing room and dlnmg occupancy Includes club- THE GROSSE POINTE (616) 873-3664 operating fountains $239,900 CUSTOM FIN. sold $40's land contract two room, library, hardwood room Kitchen With appli. house With pool and ten. REAL ESTATE COMPANY P.O. Box 329 walking distance to ISHED 2,500 SQ h, 2 1/ terms cenlury 21 East, n1S Walk to shopping floors, 3 car garage, ce- ances and breakfast Hart, Mi. 49420 schools, churches and 2 baths, 2 car garage 881.2540,ask for Bill and transportation See It 19615 Mack Avenue dar privacy fence Must room large family room shopPing district In move Jefferson at 11 112Mile today and brmg In an of. Grosse Pointe Woods sell. relocatmg Willing to With fireplace All aluml' In condition $300,000/ of. num trim and new storms Models Open 1.5 Dally 101 COMMERCIAL IUlLDINGS ferl Bolton-Johnston, 886- GROSSE POinte Park, by flU()OQt., Ihmlonu' Company negollate Immediate oc. • ~. .. --... J .. ,. " ,. '"'1 fer No brokers pleasel and screens By owner Including Sunday 3800 owner, 1427/29 Somer...... l>.~ .. 4 ...... ).1.11 cupancy Call for appoint. GROSSE POINTE WOODS ~75 $193,000 882.5008 774.6363 RIVIERA Terrace one bed. set, 6 rooms, upper/ ment anytime, 882-a926 ImpreSSive 1,500 square ST. Oalr Shores, pnme 10- room, 1 bath, upper floor, lower, 2 car garage. 101 LAKEIRIVER HOMES OPEN Sunday, 1. 4 Harper foot profeSSional office catlOll near water 3 bed. pool, secunty, carport, newer rental property Woods, 20933 Ridge. Withkitchenette and many room bungalow, com. clubhouse $68,000 779. built In SO's, $93,500/ FAWN ISLAND mont Pnce reduced other extras 294-9500 5953 negotiable By appoint. p1etely updated $60's (St Clair River, off Manne Grosse POinte schools ment. 886-{)164. after 6 Clty,45 minutes from De- Century 21 East 881. GRATIOT/ 8 Mile auto re- ST. Clair Shores, Country pm Sharp 3 bedroom bnck ~882-9142\~ troit) Fabulous, lodge 2540, ask for Bill pair, 8 overhead doors, Club, corner unit, less ranch, large updated large lot, Priced to sell, type home on 240 feet of country kitchen With than 1 year old Golf GROSSE POINTE CONDO GROSSE POinte Woods, 3 Andary 886-5670 canal to East and 240 bedroom newly decorated newer cupboards, bUilt-in Course and lake view Elegant brick Townhouse Complete Home Inspections Inc. from all Windows, 2 bed. located near The Village feet of St Oalr River to bock ranch Large remod. dishwasher, no-wax floor West Canal can accom. Our pre purchase home Inspection may save 102 COMMERCIAL PIIOPERTY rooms 2 baths, garage, ThiS spacIous home fea. eIed kitchen With new Nice open floor plan With modate 42 fool crUiser you a lifetime of problems and expense all appliances, other ex- tures three bedrooms,two appliances, full finished larger bedrooms and 2,500 SQuarefeet consist. Inspections performed In accordance With RYAN/ 8 Mile- 139x23O tras $105,900 79Q-{)684, baths, third floor apart. basement, washer and walk. In closets First floor Ing of spacIOUS,two-part American Society of Home Inspectors zoned commercial/ light 647.2288 ment With two bedrooms dryer, central air, gas laundry 1 1/2 car at. liVing room, sun room, gUidelines Immediate written report Call today industrial $46,900, low FOUR family Income In and bath, natural fire- heat, 2 car gargage, no tached garage With three bedrooms, two for a Iree brochure or 10 schedule inspection down payment, land con. Grosse Pomte Park, place, central air, beaut,. pets, $875/ month plus opener Call Don Ho, baths and fUlly eqUiPped tract terms Andary 886- south of JeHerson Excel. ful pnvate patio and ga. utilities Available August Red Carpet Kelm Metro kitchen Home IS com- 5670 lent Investment Century rag elm m e d I ate 1st 882.2286 526-{)268or 884-7649 pletely furnished and 8Jr 21 East, 881.2540 ask occupancyl MUST SELl' For Sale by Owner pomted With everythlrlg 103 CONDOS/ AI'TSIFLATS for Bill Stieber Realty down to the lmens and OPEN SUNDAY 2 . 5 MORAVIAN Meadows, 775-4900 utensils $280,000. ST. Clair Shores co-op MacGLASHAN COMPANY apartment, 1st floor and beautiful bnck 3 bedroom 805 fUMS 1451 Lakepointe Opposite St. Clair Inn 2nd floor, 9 Mile off Jef- luxury Ranch Condo End Grosse Pointe Park ferson All appliances, unit 1,600 square feet 1940 Chauffers conage, 2 329.2294 BUilt ,n 1987 ChOice,pn. Cozy three bedroom Bungalow With carport Babcock Realty bedroom, 2 full baths, lo- AuSABLE, Riverfront, vate area In Clmton natural fireplace, recreation room In Company m.3310 cated on Just under 7 4,000 feet, 29 acres, 4 Township Upgraded acres, In the heart of Me- ST. Clair Shores golf buildings $285,000 882- basement throughout, neutral decor, tamora hunt country 2 course, 2 bedroom, 2 0729 Ask for IRENE 2 baths, whirlpool tub, 2 barns, pond and 2 car bath, upper ranch, 1 car car attached garage, cen. ST. CLAIR SHORES attached garage, roof-top garage Many extras, JAMES R. FIKANY REAL ESTATE tral air, laundry room, mi. wildlife and tranqUility 22445 REVERE $55,500 886-5051 patio overlooking golf crowave, many custom OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 course, all appliances, abound $115,000 extras $124,900 465. Please call 628-6351 Executive waterfront home, custom decorated, 435. 2593 4 bedrooms, liVing room 4968, $86,900 Assuma. With natural fireplace, din- ble mortgage EASTLAND Area. beauliful 107 INVESTMENT PIlOPEIlTY 2 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath Ing room, 2 full baths, CITY OF OWNER retiring 21 unit, 23 boat hOist landscaped 483 Chalfonte condo Air conditIOning, 3484523 Mil_ Rd., Suite " BLOOMFIELD HILLS kitchen appliances, car. unit, 28 uOll and 7,3 Unit .~ ,Y\iI'd on pnvate street IIIiIlmNew Baltimore, MI. 48047 :mmaculate Bungalow In weat Farms location Three SpacIous three bedroom, 2 port, many custom ex. for sale Good blue collar Additional ammenrties. (313) 725.8150 bedrooms, two baths, family room and full basement 112 bath, two car garage tras $80,900 885-8067 neighborhoods In DetrOit CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. Third bedroom, bath and slttmg room are upstairs Also ranch condo located In 885-4934 778-8100. MORTGAGE Included are 2 112 car garage, central air conditioning deSirable long Lake/ GROSSE POinte Condo, COMPANY Brick patio and grill and a well landscaped yard Woodward area Pnvate Mack and lakeland 1 101 lAKE/IlIVER HOMES 101 LAKE/IlIVER HOMES $169~OOO Call 886-9746 entrance With private bedroom Includes stove, yard, alarm system, pn. refngerator. disposal, car. Low Rates/Quick Approvals vate deck With spa, cen- petlng, washer/ dryer, MPS will pre-approve your new mortgage before you tral air, all new IIghling storage space, neWly sign your purchase agreementl We have the mortgage and brass faucet fixtures, decorated $45,000, Will that SUitsyour needs fireplace, first floor laun. conSider land Contract INCLUDING: dry, hardwood floors, 886-0340 • "0" PoInt Loans • RefinancIng & Land closet renovations, lower CONDO liVing. a bener • Construcllon DRAWS Contract Payoffs level has bUlhIn storage way of life QUiet adult • LOW Documentallon Loans • Jumbo Loans to $5K $239,900 community, second floor, EVENING& WEEKENDAPPOINTMENTSAVAILABLE 540.7208 central air, 2 baths, 2 liGHT and AIRY bedrooms, In unit. ThiS first floor end untt IS washer/ dryer (2 years beautifully decorated and old), private carpeted bal. conveniently located In cony, well landscapped Harper Woods All kitchen grounds and a gate man appliances Included Don't walt, call today ALGONAC RIVERFRONT ESTATE Maintenance fee Includes Palazzolo & Assoc 885- deSigned by the late State Laureate Architect, water and use of washer 1944 Alden Dow, borders the St Clair River Minutes and dryer 1442- 1444 SOMERSET, from either Lake St Clair or Lake Huron, thiS OPEN SUNDAY 1 - 4 Ask for BEV exceptional property IS located less than a one GLENDENING by owner- 2 family flat LUXURY CONDO only 25 minutes from Grosse Three bedroom untls hour commute from DetrOIt The contemporary POlntel Gorgeous 3 bedroom, 3 bath end Ul1It 886-4200 Great Income property architecture of the reSidence lends Itself to busy offerS 2 wood decks, a view of the golf course, SCHWEITZER $95,000 885-6648 family liVing, qUiet week-end retreats for the great room With cathedral ceiling, fireplace REAL ESTATE executive, or active entertamment Three and 4 skylights There IS a first floor laundry BEITER HOMES 1426-28 MARYLAND- 2 bedrooms With bUilt-lOS, three car attached room and master sUite plus many extras and AND GARDENS family flat, 3 bedroom garage, outbulldmgs that mclude another 2 1/2 upgrades, ONLY $172,50000. Clinton units, good cash flow car garage and boat house, guest wells and full SHOREPOINTE CONDO Township For details call Jeanne Coyle $85,000 33H)066 Surl exposurel Please call fOr an appointment Beautiful, garden level Two bedrooms, liVing room, CHAMPION & BAER, INC. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 dining room, first floor 101 lAKE RIVER HOMES laundry All appliances, 884.5700 703 BERKSHIRE, GROSSE POINTE PARK The Prudential ~~ Window treatments stay $425,000 Motfl/ated seller, Will save Stately English Tudor on large lot Near 2 parks and Grosse Pointe 882 0087 you $l,OOO's $139,900 500 feet from the lake 4,800 square feet With 4 Prost Real Esta1e bedrooms and 3 baths Real Estate Co. • 777-4900

DeRyck Real Estate I 882-7901 101 COMM£ICIAL IUllDINGS 101 COMM£IlCllL IUILDINGS 10 I COMMERCIAL BUilDINGS OPEN SUNDAY 2 . 5 r r:f1 ~~;;~. PRESTIGIOUS OFFICE BUILDING • 73 KERCHEVAL (ON THE HILL) 8,000 square feet Contact Owner 881-3328 NO BROKERS CROSS POINTE 980 LINCOLN ROAD CONDOMINIUMS AND MARINA DOWNTOWN PORT HURON Elegant 4 bedroom English Tudor on one of the most popular streets In the City Old world charm Withthe Luxury hVIng at the 'flver's edge.Just minutes from Lake conveniences of complete updating Kitchen completely remodeled by Custom Craft 1988, Huron 1,660 sq. ft. wtth spacIous rooms. 2 large Includes cabinets, refrigerator, bedrooms, fireplace, decks, basement, and 2 car attached Gaggenau dishwasher & convection oven garage, Located 10 downtown Port Huron $138,500, Refinished hardwood floors through out excellent room Sizes, great floor plan fresh decor New 30' boatwells available, $29,500. family room With Anderson Windows, new ..."4to«llII"$ ..... 5(NI!,~~ .... ~ muhl.level deck, both lavs completely remodeled, JOACHIM OPEN new 9arage closets by perfect closet, new furnace, , SATURDAY : -.. REALTY INC prof landscaped NO BROKERSI & SUNDAY (3 t 3) 329.9036 HP.M. 882.5145 l1li1lOCATED CORNER Of lArHR & SEVENTIi ~TREf1

!. _-1 __ ~ __ .~~~~_ July 13, 1989 13C Or088e Pointe New8


ST. CLAIR ADDRESS Would you like a fantastIC VteW 01 the St Owr River without the hlQh prICe For all your tag? Come and see thIs renovated farmhouse with VIC10rlM Influence. You'll have a 15 foot easement for use 01 the nver In this 2,400 sq It 3- 4 bed- room, 2 bath, beautifully maIntained home $17,900 50 159. SINE REALTY 329-9001.

ST. Clair Shores waterfront, an entrepreneur, needed lor thiS great room col

ST. CLAIR Oarke Dnve 76 feet of choICe nverfronl, landscaped so as to pro- vide a very pnvate setting for thiS comlortable and unique rustIC home Great nver views from promon- tory vantage point Four bedrooms, two baths, din- Lng room, huge liVing room With massIVe stone fireplace Three decks, steel seawall, 3 car ga- rage $255,750 Stately three level home on North Riverside Four (or five) bedrooms, lormal dining room, liVing room (With fireplace) opens onto spacIous covered ver. anda Family room, spa- CIOUS kitchen and dining room 100 feet of pnme riverfront With steel sea- wall and long dock $270,000 MacGLASHAN COMPANY Opposite St, Clair Inn 329-2294 ST. Clair Shores. Lakefront 22516 Beach (N of 10 E 01 Jefferson) Custom bUilt 1979 bnck and wood coIomai 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, basement, ga- rage, approximately 2300 sq It Asking $325,000 Call Joyce Zoppr, Remax lakeView n3-8883 FANTASTIC canal home, 2,000 square feet, 2 1/2 baths, call Jeff Paige, Century 21 MacKenZie, 779-7500


BUILDABLE lot on Neff, 36X 155 500 block $40,000.822-5791 ! 13 NORTHERN MICHIGAN HOMES BREVORT Lake, 107' on lake, 15 miles from bndge, 4 bedroom, 2 bath, natural fireplace, furnished, carpeted 882. 8071 evenings GROSSE POinte MOVing Company. Regular tnps north Partial loads wel- check out the advertisers in come. 822-4400 HARBOR SPRINGS Charming single story home lOCated In histone and prestigious area of Hartxlr Spnngs. Fully wlntenzed, The Grosse Pointe News thiS secluded property IS offered fully furnished down to the linens and crockery Very tastefully decorated In smart chintz and scrubbed pine LMng room with fireplace, three bedrooms, two full baths, selVice directoty fully eqUiPped kitchen, prIVate patIO New three car garage and asphalt dnve $400,000 MacGlA5HAN COMPANY OpposIte 51. Ctalr Inn 329-2294 GUIDE TO SERVICES 817 RUL (STATE WANTED CASH FOR HOMES 935 Fireplaces 957 PlumblnglHeallng $erving Area Since 1938 900 Air Conditioning 936 Floor Sandlngl 958 Pool Service 901 Alarm Inslallallonl Refmlshlng 959 PnnllngiEngravlflg STIEBER REAL TV Repair 937 Furnace Repalrl 903 Refngeralor Service 902 Aluminum S,dlnll Installation 912 Remodeling nS-4900 903 Appliance Rep/llrs 938 Furnt1ure Reflnlshlngl 960 Roofing Service 9004Asphall Paving Repair RepairS 961 SC,ssorlSaw Sharpenlflg LOT wanted, Grosse 905 AutolTruck Repair 939 Glass Automotive 962 SCreen Repair POinte/ Harper Woods 906 Asbestos service 940 Glass ReSidential 963 Sepllc Tank Repair area. 852.9563. 907 Basemenl Walerproofmg 941 Glass Repairs 964 Sewer Cleanlflg Service 908 Balh Tub Refmlshlng Stalnedl Beveled 965 SeWIng Machlfle Repair !10 ~USIN(SS 909 Bicycle Repair 942 Garages 966 Slipcovers 910 Boal Repairs/ OPPORTUNITIES 943 Snow Removall 967 Solar Energy Malnlenance landscaplflg 950 Snow Blower Repair TEACHERSI FOR SALE. 911 BnckIBlOCk Work 944 GuUers 943 Snow Removal 912 BUlktlngl8lock Work 962 Slorms and Screens establIShed "State of The 945 Handyman 913 Busmess Machine Repair 946 Haultng 968 Slucco Art" Learning Center 914 carpenlry 947 Healing and Cooltng 969 SWlmmlflg Pool SeNlce BuSiness. Be on the cut. 915 carpel Cleaning 970 TV tRadlotCB RadiO 916 carpel InslaliallOn 948 Insulation ting edge Step up to a 949 Jantlonal Service 971 Telephone Repair 917 CeIling Repair 972 TenniS Court unique and prestigiouS 921 Jewelry/Clock Service 918 cemenl Work 943 landSCapmg/Snow 973 Tile Work position where you are 919 Chimney Cleaning 943 Tree Sel\llce 920 Chimney Repair Removal desperately needed En- 943 lawn Maintenance 913 Typewnter Service jOy the pleasure of utiliz- 921 Clock Repair 950 lawn Mower/Snow 938 Upholstery 922 Compuler Repair Blower Repair 974 VCR Repair Ing your skrlls, talents, 923 ConslrucllOn sel\llce 951 linoleum 975 Vacuum Sales/Service Ie8dElfshtp abthtl8S, busi- 924 Decoralmg sel\llce 952 locksmllh 976 Venlllalion Service 925 DecksJPallos ness sense and profes- 940 Mirror Service 954 Wallpapenng slonal acoountabrlrty call 926 Doors 946 MovlflgfStorage 977 Wall Washing 927 Drapenes 953 MUSICInstrumen1 Repair 903 Washer/Dryer Today 885-9450. 928 DressmakmglTallormg 954 PalnllflgtDecorahng 907 Waterproohng 929 Drywall 954 Paper Hanglflg 978 Water Sof1entng 930 Eleclncal sel\llce MARINA 21 boatwells, new 925 PalloslDecks 979 Weldlflg 93t Energy Saving service 980 Wlfldow Repair steel docI

July 13, 1989 14C Grosse Pointe News Director of Services

911 C(MENT WO~K 9 12 IlUILOING RlMOOlLlNG 9 I 5 CARPIT (LEANING 916 (ARPET INSTALLATION '100 AIR CONOITIONING ,90S AUTO TRUCK ~EPAIR 911 BRICK BlOCK WORK 912 IlUILDING REMODElING CARPET LAYING RAY S FOREIGN CAR BRICK WORK- small jObs CARPENTER work, panel- P.J. DITTA K&T CAPIZZO CaNST. VIKING NEW AND OLD QUALITY WORK GARAGE Reasonable 886-5565 mg, partitions, doors cut, CLEANING COOLING-HEATING CONSTRUCTION Repairs of All Types ALL TYPES OF We service any and all for- repairs, small jobs 882- Carpet Cleaning Specials COMMERCIAL- • Batnrooms ALSO eign cars specialIZing In BRICK, stone, block, con- 2795 CEMENT, BRICK AND • KItchens Call alter 6 pm CARPETING,VINYL RESIDENTIAL Mercedes, Volvo, VW, crete, brick patiOS, chlm- -B-IR-D-H-om-e-Im-pr-o-ve-m-e-n-ts LOCK WORK • Basements n6-0917 HARDWOOD LIe Grosse PIe Contractor English and Japanese neys, fireplaces New and Garages raised and set repairs DeSender 822- Painting, stamlng, decks, • AttICS Samples Shown In 882-9616 vehICles 42 years expen- EXPERT CARPET down on new ratwall and 1201 no- 26 Years Exp L1C & CARPENTRY. Gall Paul For Basement waterproofing DONE RIGHT "No Job To Small" 916 CARPET INSTAllATION Insured It All Commercial and Steps 10 YEAR GUARANTEE SUPERIOR Plastering Co SEE SHOWROOM Resldenllal Rough and Tuck POinting LICENSED INSURED 886..5565 Wet plaster, drywall re- finish Free estimates FLOORING SALES pair, custom painting, No job too small CALL GEORGE TONY 885.0612 J&F CONTRACTORS References 372-3726 Carpets, Linoleum, Tile, new additIOns, drywall Free Estimates NUTTO Servmg Grosse POinte Hardwood Flooring, and taping Grosse POinte ref. SPECIALIZING IN AQUA.STOP, INC. area 35 years Roofmg Padding We also provide APPLIANCE Basements Repaired ROUGH Framing and finish erences 685-6991 DRIVEWAYS AND repairs, eaves troughs, Additions, decks, parti- installations, re-stretchlng, No OutSide Digging James M. back-boards, masonry PLASTERING and drywall • Washer - Dryer Service tions, drywall ResldenliaV cleaning, and any type of BASEMENT Lifetime Warranty tuck pomtlng chimneys, repairs Texturmg and • Vacuum Service and commercial 684-7426 repair wort< WATERPROOFING Free Estimates porches, flat roofs- new stucco Insured Pete Tar- Sales Kleiner Open 7 Days LICENSED n8-6363 All CONCRETE/BRICK WORK and repairs hot tar 331- 56fH)777 omlna 469-2967 • Used Stoves-Refngerators 884-7139 THOMAS KLEINER .Walerprooflng 2057 WE DO CARPENTRY .Flagstone & Slate CARPET WE SELL REBUILT BASEMENT Village Lock and Home DENNIS JEROME .Tuckpolnling & Patching INSTALLATION WASHERS WATERPROOFING COSENTINO Repair Company CHIMNEYS, PORCHES, .Porches, Chimneys sales and ServICe AND DRYERS • Dl99lng Method 18554 Mack l STEPS, 'Walks, DrIVeways CONSTRUCTION No job too small • Peastone Backfill Grosse POinte Farms 'The Wall TUCKPOINTlNG, .Patios, Steps New ConstructIOn and Re- 17 years expenence • Spotless Cleanup 881-8603 MORTAR, COLOR 445-0776 • Asphalt patching pairs Additions, Kitchens, 527.9084 Doctor" • Walls Straightened, TINTING & sealing Bathrooms, Porches, Since 1977 Braced or Replaced CHIMNEY SCREENS ALL WEATHER 'State licensed Decks, Doors, Windows 912 BUILDING ~EMODELI NG 912 BUilDING REMODELING • Bnck and Concrete Wort< GLASS BLOCK REFRIGERATION REPAIR SPECIALISTS 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE REPAIRED & INSTALLED • 10 Year Guarantee FREE ESTIMATES Expert Repair of: BASEMENT WINDOWS Licensed & Insured Commerclal-Resldential 885.2097 885-4609 • Waler damaged plaster VIOLATION WORK ALL MAKES & MODELS A1 WORK and drywall. FREE ESTIMATES CALL MIKE882-o747 296-3882 BRICK, Block and Stone • Cracks In ceilings Porch & Chimney Repair DOUGLAS SHAW 773-3544 and waifs. 36-Years Experience HOME RENOVATIONS GRAZIO Remodeling or repairs of all 521-3259, ask for Russ The Finest New Drywall CONSTRUCTION DOC'S mterlor and exterior Installaflon too. R.L. J.W. KLEINER needs From new to old • Cement dnve, Roors, APPLIANCE STREMERSCH MASON CONTRACTOR specialiZing In FInish Car- Call Today patiOS Bnck, Block & Stone work- pentry, Kitchens, Baths, 882-7754 • Old garages raised and SERVICE and all types of repairs Recreation Rooms, lI- Quality Remodeling Since 1949 renewed BASEMENT Bnck & Flagstone PatIOS branes Small Jobs Wel- Residential & Commercial • New garage doors and Fast, courteous, WATERPROOFING & Walks Porches, Chim- come Serving the Grosse 91. CEMENT WORK reframlng professional service Walls Repaired neys, Tuck POlOtlOg, POinte area since 1975 882-0628 • New garages bUilt • Washers • Dryers • Dish. Straightened Patching and also Viola- where quality IS first J.M. HALL Cement and Family operated Since 1962 washers • Refngerators • Replaced tIOns corrected Speclallz. 881-9385 Asphalt Work, PatiOS, Licensed and Insured Ranges • Garbage DIS- ALL WORK Ing In Small jobs Special/zmg in quality custom work at affordable prices Dnveways, Part

July 13, 1989 15C Grosse Pointe News Director of Services

~~ J lANDSCAPER~ 945 HANDY MAN IlEATING AND COOLING 9)4 PAINTING OECORUI,"C 9 I 9 CH IMNlY CLEANING q24 DHORATI,"G ~IRYICE ~ JO H1CT~ICAI ~I~VIU GARDENI~~ N~ GUTTIRS qn THE Handyman Inc. Top DUBAY'S SEAVER'S Home Mainte- ALL WEATHER J&J COLVILLE quality workmanship for CITI. JOANNA WESTERN nance Gutters replaced, HEATING COOLING ELECTRIC CO. LANDSCAPING carpentry, remodeling CHIMNEY repaired, cleaned, roof REFRIGERATION FUTURES WINDOW SHADES Ranges, Ofyers, services, plumbing, electrical, SYSTEMS SERVICES, INC. repairs 882-«>00 Furnaces. BcMlers QUALITY PAINTING PAINT, SHUTIERS, BLINDS Doorbells MICHIGAN LICENSE 5125 • Landscape Installatin pamling, wallpaper We Repaired & Installed Plaster repair. lalex/oll Flee KAUFMANN VIOLATIONS MISTER MAINTENANCE Chimneys repaired, rebUilt, • Garden Maintenance do It all Please call, 884- All Makes & Models eslimales cheerfully given STORM DOORS AND FAST EMERGENCY Gutter Cleaning, aluminum re-lined 885-3024 9146 CAll MIKE 882.Q747 884.0326 WINDOWS SERVICE washed Call The Best at Gas flues re-lined HARD Working young man- 521-3837 SUPER Handyman, large or CUSWORTH Cleanlngs 774-9110 Spring! fall clean up, small JObs, general re- GUTTERS cleaned, minor WALLPAPER Certified, Insured GRAfTop weekly lawn CUtting Spe- paJrs, carpentry, electri- HEATING AND repairs, odd Jobs. paint- REMOVAL SALES AND SERVICE ClallZJng In flower beds cal, plumbing, plastering, COOLING 771-7678 Ing 885-0122. leave mes- BY TIM WADE'S painting Senior discount, Serving The Grosse and shrubbery Call Mike Experienced quality 15011 KERCHEVAL sage free esllmates Rob, 7Tl- POlntes East of Aller In the Park 822-9033 work, dependable SAFE FLUE 8633 Family owned & operated TU~ Iowasl price CHIMNEY SWEE:P ELECTRIC TREES, shrubs, hedges 945 IlANDYMAN LICENSED Closed Mondal's HANDYMAN n1-4007 and stumps removed service & Installation • Chimney CIPan~lng THE HIRED MAN Call Bud for reasonable • Caps and Free estimates Insured CommerClal-ReSldenttal Home & Small Business pnces and prompt ser- Screens 92 > OICkS PATlO> n8-4459 COMPANY, Maintenance & Repair vICe 881.4664 Installed TRIMMING removal, spray- Home Repairs- CALI MAZZO BROS. Odd Jobs & • Mortin and INC. Ing, feeding and stump Maintenance VIKING CEMENT COMPANY Code Violations Damper Repair removal Free estimates House painting, garage and COOLlN~HEA TING Custom PatIOS our Telephone Pre-Wire • Animal Removal Complete tree servICe fence painting, kitchens COMMERCIAL- Speciality. 24 HOUR & Repair Certified Master Call Fleming Tree ser- Masonary repairs VIOla- RESIDENTIAL New or Replacement FAST SERVICE VISAIMC 294-3480 Sweep VICe, n4-0460 tions corrected 882-5886 LIC. Grosse Pte Contractor We do all cement work HARDWORKING young TOM TREFZER Commerclall Painting - interior-ilX- Free Estimates MAC'S 882.9616 Industrial man cleans and repairs ODD JOBS terlOr, paperhang- 882-5169 15 years experience gutters, drywall Deck in- WE ARE 8ACKI! Residential SPRING CLEAN.UP ing and paneling. Call 739-2837 Complete yard work, lawn, stallation. Tom, 885-8744, THE STUDENT SERVICE KEATING Free estimates If no answer OF GROSSE POINTE shrub and tree tnmmlng, leave message HEATING cheerfully given. COACHLIGHT 792.7048. Palnling, Gutter Cleaning, 884-9500 etc. ReasooabIe rates. COLLEGIATE HANDYMEN licensed and In- CHIMNEY SWEEP CO ConstructlOfl, Heavy lift- THE AIR OF QUALITY quality servlCB Gall Tom WE DO ALL ODD JOBS sured. Ing, landscaping, Spnng CHIMNEY 776-4429 St Clair Painting, Gutter Cleaning, Furnace Replacement Cleaning, YOU NAME ITII 882.9234 CLEANING 927 DRAPERIES q3~ FENCES Shores Landscaptng, Heavy lift- New Installations GEORGE JAMIE Cap, Screens OZZ1E'S LANDSCAPING ing, Window Washing, Custom Duct Work CUSTOM Made slipcovers 885-1858 886-5822 Inslalled STEVE'S Fence has Spring & Fall Clean Up ETC Air Conditioning and drapenes. Guaran- RETIRED Handyman- Minor An mal Removal merged With Modern Design service JEFF DAVE 15133 KERCHEVAL FOREST PAINTING teed worl

923 CONSTIIUCTION SERVICE nl COt.lSTRUOIOt.l SIRVICE 771.5254 GROSSE Specializing in creative landscape POINTE TRICAT BUILDERS design, and planting of quality shade MOVING & LUXUriOUS Baths Kitchens, Restorations, Renovations ~ ""lIl I trees, shrubs, evergreens and farge 4< and New Construction. Top Quality, ConscientiOUs STORAGE GREENLAWN specimen trees. Work ?' a CompetitIVe PrICe. PRO LOCAL & LOOO DISTANCE 545-7783 823-6662 AGENT FOR • Weekly Lawn GLOBAL VAN LINES (,utting 822-4400 .Fertilizing Programs ~ A Full Service Company GRA~IO • Aeraling FREE ESTIMATES ~ 774-4048 eONSG£RuecrION. IN€. • Thatching • Sprinkler Systems - Spri~k{er • Large and Small Jobs • Pianos (our specially) CHRISTIAN BROTIlERS DECORATING CO• RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL Repaired and ,Jt • ,,_'\;.~l~,~~ ....(.: .... :,~' • Appliances St, Clair Shores, MI 48081 DRIVEWAYS. FLOORS. PORCHES Installed • Saturday. Sunday SefVIC8 • COMMERCIAL. RESIDENTIAL GARAGES RAISED & RENEWED • Semor DISOOU nts • INSURED NEW GARAGE DOORS & REFAAMING • Wallpaper Hanging • Tile NEW GARAGES BUILT (j"C/lC~'; - f- ,~, John Steininger • Painting. Int & Ext. • Marble FREE ESTIMATES Hany Kurtz - LOll{ Seal)£! ( o. • Wallpaper Removal • Plaster Repairs 11850 E. Jefferson LICENSED & INSURED • Wallpaper Sales • Carpet Cleaning 331.5599 MPSC-L 19675 774-3020 ...... RR::;-9090 LICensed - Insured 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE p

July 13, 1989 16C Grosse Pointe News

, ...... Director of Services

~]J Till WORK nI 1'11"001'1 WASHING 964 SEWER ClfANINCi SERVICE '64 SEW~R ClEANING SfRVICE q s ~ PAINTING DECORATING 9S4 PAINTING DECORATING ~54 PAINTING DECORATING 960 ROOflNCi SERVICE CERAMIC wall- floor tile, PAnERSON Window, Gut- QUALITY SOLARQUEST Palnling INTERIOR painting and ADVANCE mosaIc ProfeSSional ter and Aluminum Siding J. SCALZO I C. O. DOMINE PAINTING SERVICE ProfeSSional Painter With wallpapering Quality MAINTENANCE Reasonable Free esti- cleaning Free estimates ELECTRIC SEWER CLEANI NG INTERIOR. EXTERIOR References Reasonable work done the right way STONE ROOFING EST 1953 pnces 773-3334, Free Very affordable rates mate Call Ray 882-7227 881-0725 25 years of 884-9512- Restdentla Estimates Grosse Pomte Refer- or 884-3119 proteaalonal experience - CommerCial -Industrial J'S WindOW cleaning ser- Specializing in Sewers & Drains ences Free Estimates In yoor neighborhood. M&B Custom Painting -Flat Roof -Reroofing INSTALL All ceramiC, vice. Very reasonable Ray. 882-0011 24.HOUR SERVICE 884-7606 All repairs be10re painting ProfeSSional workman- -Recoaling -Single Ply mosaiC, marble, slale All Free estimates 772.5084 MATT FLETCHER ship Intenor- exterior GEORGE'S Palnllng Inte- -Tear Ofts -Hot Tar Shin- repairs Journeyman Paul 822-7137, 824-1326 4151 Buckingham palnllng Staining. var- rlorl extenor, wall paper- gles -Slate -Tile -Decks 886-6102. nish, repairs Free esti- Ing, patching! plastering -Copper Metal AMERICAN mates VIC 775-5042 Window putty, caulking WALLPAPERING -FREE ESTIMATES -Ice Senior Citizen discount TILE WORKS AND PAINTING dam -Shields -Heater R&D George 891-0254 Tapes Installed -Gutters C'..eramIC,Marble, Vmyl SPECIALISTS Stone, Bnck PAINTING PAINTER- At last reason- Installed, cleaned, re- Affordable Pamtmg and INSTALLATION Wallpapenng, years able rates for quality Inte- paired -LICENSED-IN. 20 COMPANY SPECIALS Free Esllmates Refer- INTERIOR/EXTERIOR nor. exterior painting Ex- SURED Free Estimates Company QUALITY WORKMANSHIP perienced, wllh Grosse GROSSE POINTE ences 3-R TOTAL ROOFING Licensed Insured 77~24 Dan REASONABLE RATES POinte references call COMMERCIAL now and savel John 822- SIDING SERVICES 822-5666 BALKAN EAGLE RESIDENTIAL 1705 ResldentlalfCommerClal Leave Message Shingles, Single Ply, NEWS PAINTING DUANE n3.Q754 CERAMIC tile- reSidential THOU ROUGH , Quahty Rubber Roofs, Tear Otis, ResldentlaVCommerclal ROB 445.Q718 Jobs and repairs 15 work, Intenor- extenor No Repairs, Ice Backup SPECIALIZING IN: years expenence 77~ INTERIOR Palnllng, Plaster Job to small, references, VINVL AND ALUMINUM - Extenorllntenor 4097, 77~7113 Andy repairs Water damage free eSlimates, reason. Repalnllng SIDING PEOPLE code Violations repaired able rates Frank 822- Seamless GuttersITnm - SIucco ceilings Expenenced, references ~77 WAll WASHING 5414 Replacement Wmdowsl - Roof Repairs Weather sealing, insula- Doors InlUntd Free estimates tIOns. leaks found seav- P & M Wmdow and Wall SERVING 9S7 I'LUMIlING' HEATING Storm WmdowsfDoors 10% senior Discount er's Home Maintenance Cleaning. (Formerly LICENSED INSURED Grosse POinte Fireman 873-2763 882.

July 13, 1989 17C Grosse Pointe News

'TO OCU1( 'R.:J:,.9IflYE/RS:J{IP O!F Oq)£1( 50/000




1 YEAR NAME $17 ------2 YEARS STREET S29 ------3 YEARS CITY Phone $42 ------Out of State: $19.$35,$53 STATE ZIP '0 ......

July 13, 1989 _i_sc S_~4 Grosse Pointe News GPLL From pagt' :lC game, Andn'\\ Bl'llll'l h,lC! thtl'l' 1Il'l, \11.ll! Leitch, Tom \'eci.l ,\lid .Ir1lOn on tht' tlllllltld 101 till' An hIts and SCOll'd tllll'P I un" (;Il'g i\1.u h HO.,.,mdll l',leh held t\1{) gPl., Peppler, RH:hw M.e With WOODS-SHORES 11.1,11h 111 Idw!. pltdwd 7 2/.1 t lu el' hIt>., cl~ till' Tigel ~ bl'.1t the Cubs 15, Rt'ds 14 ll!l1lllg." .,tllhlllg out 10 Ll'lteh, Wood., Pu ,Ite., Bl.1d DunJ.lp In an old f(l~hInOl1l'd ,,1ul-,'1P"t \llth Iinl' lil'ldlllg bl'hll1d hUll, ,Idded tllO lllt" ,Illd Nllk Kot'i'" the Cub., out la"ted tlll' Hpd., >.hut tilt' J\I lll~ out 0\ er the In>.t ~COIed {'OUtTlgl'l I 11l1S Matt FO\\ leI hrld t\\ 0 hIt" ,md IOUI Il1l1ll1g" "t1lkll1g out SPI l'n Tigcl's 2, Dodgl'rs 0 tIll ee RBI 101 t hl' Cub", ,md '1011\ Brl'\\ PI .. 6, Rallgt'I's 2 ,Jd \ Hel >.chl),Jck t!tn'lI d t lul'l' Ka\ anag-h, .:\lIkp Haskell ,md 13111Uough L1ublm{ thll'l' hlth Illttel, II hJ1e Dodgl' I wuntpi Pdt t tilt 0 K Ball h' Todd tPI Nlch Kohl" ,lilt! TOlll Kola Pit'ates 11. Reds 2 ~l.dll'l1 ,llld .1.11 H.1I nn/-,rton W.,hl plln ldl'd the TlgPI RBJ." Paul Stla~ke EIIC !\lPltp Hldl'd ,I t!<>uhll' (' Il h fm tIll' II In 1IIIlIl' Bpl.,l hb.llh h,ld d long III combll1l'd to plllh a fj\l' hlllpl 111 IWI" pll' ,lIId "IOIed cl lun defE'atll1g thl' Rpd., Stt ""hl' ,mt! (;PI)11 PI \ ."Ih looh the II III Tiger!> 7, Red SOl\. 2 The Farms/City/Park will be hosting the 13-year-old state baseball tournament July 15-18 at Jeff Jen<;eu (,dch had t 1\0 hit., 101 hUll\llg IiI l' "l'OIl'll''''' Il1ll1ng", Tom KoloJe"kJ IPCOI ded hi" Kerby Field. the \\ mners II lull' \ Il'ldllll! ol1h Olll' hit Ill' "I',th \1 III agall1.,t no defeat'> ,md Seven teams, including one consisting 01 players from the Farms. City and Park. will be vying Red!> 15, Cards II ,li.,o dlO\l' 111tllO lun., Blellel Nil k Kot '>1" dId a line Job It) n' for the tournament title. The championship team travels to the regional tournament in Kentucky The Reds pulled out the gdll1l' 1"1t dll' I JOI1 Slldl tI thIP\\ out IlPl 101 the Tlgel'> Ddn Com me I' at the end of July. \\ Ith a five lun "I,th 1Ill1lng t \10 R\lIgPI., ,It tl'lI1pt II1g .,te,lls ,Ilul l\llkP McL1Ughllll each had The local all-stars are. front row. Jason David. Joe MichaeL Jay Harrington. Ryan Messacar. rally Tom Kavanagh tied till' .J,bOI1 hl,.,tpi kl10cked 111both tllO Tlgel hlh, Illth KC\'lI1 Mc Mike Hendrie. Steve Booher and Jeof! Prysak. Back row. Coach Jim Harrington. Bill Palazzolo. game WIth IllS thn d hIt 01 till' H,lllgl'1 I un." 1\htll' ~llk(' Hen l'l dcken, Adam Hog.1ll dnd BI ad Paul Coyro. Paul Gentile, John Swartz. Jay Ricci. Scott Cairo. Bill Gough and manager Pat De- game, to go WIth thl pe RBI, and dl lP poundpd .1 long doubll' Dunldp addll1g tll11<'1) hit'> Clul., Laere, MIke Haskell had till ep HBI \ lid I ('10\1 Il'\ I (,dehec! b,l'oe Oll\'el h,ld a So, tllple Reds 6, Cubs 2 tlllt'<, tllllp" Yankee!> 12, Reds 4 In the Woods ShOl e", pld) 011 Brp\\'cl'S 10, !> 3 Kyle Hoye led the Yanhee~ CADILLAC STY LE serIes, ~hke Haskell to<;sed .. ClutC'h hlttll1g b\ Btll Gough II Ith 11I~ .,tJ ong pltchll1g and three hitter agamst thE' fil <;t Idouble, 2 RBI) and Jon S\\.1lt£ tluee RBI Steve Bednalclllk had place Cub" Kavanagh, KOIi~ell (doublp 2RBII dnd .,t1ong It'lief thlee Yankee hlt~, WIth Matt lewskl, Barr, Hall and Jay Rdd pitchlllt.:" b\ Stl'\ e Boohel en Recht <;upplyll1g two hlb and $11 @@@(O)@ lofT each had RBI fOl the Red" abled the BI ellers to Iall\' III the tluee HBI FOI the Reds, Bllan Pete Bogus had two hlt~ 111 the Plep PI,woll ChamplOn<;hlp Se DILelUta had t\\O "mgles and ~\\tfl/' . lOSing cause Ill'>. Shdne Ball ~cOled tluee luns COOL HARD CASH The Reds advanced to play the Kl'\ BII'\\ el defensl\ e plm" Yankees 10, Red So,," 9 Cardmals III the Selle., champi \\ eH' lI1ade ll\ S\\ drtl. Blll Pdldl l\1c1tt Haack picked up the \\ 111 BACK! onshlp Available on Eldorado. Seville, 7010 and JO"h Hodllgue£ The on the lllound, and Bednarchlh :~~ ~~MMt~2~ Farms-City-Park PlI dte., 1\el e led bv [(van ~le>.~a paced the Wl1lnel S WIth three Brougham. DeVllles, Fleetwood Cdl 1\ho gave up 'only Iou I Illt>. hits, two RBI, 10lll luns scoted A's 17, 1\vins 14 CIIII'- Dobldnskl Itwo hlb, 2 and tll a stolen ba~es Blltt Steb BONUS 1989 SEDAN DE VILLE In a storm mtell'upted, t\\ a RBI) ,md Me"sacal ([\\0 hIts 1 bill" had t\\O hits fOl the Yan day affan the A's beat till' RBI) led the PIrate ofTense kees, \1hJ1e plavlllg 1,'1 eat defense TWillS Sticker Pnce $26,955 The defenbll'e play of the 111 centel field Early m the game, the Twltl<; Roger Rinke gdme 11,1" d long nl11nll1g f,'1db BI et t Brown;,combe plovlded Discount overcame an early eIght-lUll defi $3,700 b\ PH dte light fieldE'1' Bob De tllO So, hlt<;, and Ihan Molitor GM Rebate $1,000 Clt and took a thl ee lun lead mto Fam\ ,lIld Colm 1'11001 e each sCOled the seventh But, the A's lallled The BI elll'l <; lIon 13 of then tWill' for three runs, tymg the gdme Iindl 14 games Tourncy NOW $22,255 * * P JS la, a ,d I cense Stock no 9394 on Tom Veda's one lun smgle, Pit'atel> 5, Angels 4 The 1'3 veal' old Babe Ruth 48 mo c os-eo and G"dIl,C s'rort lease lor qual tied customefs lease Dyml based on 48 month Buy or 0 and Steven Glzal k's t\\ lun COIl') Gleel (Pllates) won the 60000 mIle I m 101or 8 a m Ie 10 p~ceSSl',1em looge lessee has op11on 10 purchose vehle e 01 baseball to;lrnament WIll be held 65 lease end es-see 50resoonSlb e tOI excess wear and tear ~:t 350 down paymenl olus I st poymenl $ • double 111 Lease 395 game t he bottom of the '>ev Julv 15 18 dt Kel by Field and e'undar e SoOCv' 1\1deoos Ilequ ed lease poymer., IS SL.bJ8Ctto 4'%) so~es tOl( Fot the Twms, Matt Haack, enth 1\Ith a ba"e c1eal'lI1g ~mgle FOlll gdme", Will be played on Tom Rhodes, Peter GI ace\ and ~l Ihe FOI mola ,md Scott Call 0 S,ltUI del), July 15, begllllllng at Jason Geldeman each had two \1 el e tough at the pldte 9 am SunddY's game;" of which hits and two RBI I\?GER I}~NKE Dan Paull tos'>ed seven III thel e 31 e fOlll al"o, begm at 9 The A's attack featm ed foUl !1Ing<;, /-,'11Il1g up onl) fi\ e hits a III On Monda), July 17, two A' GM Family since 1917 hits by OlzaJ k and three hIts fOl the II It) "latt Galnol and games wJ11 begm at noon, WIth 1-696 at Van Dyke, Warren and fOUl RBI by Sha\\ n Mc Sean Recht led the Angels Joe the champIOnship game set foJ' 3 Cann Tim Cassell, Jahon Che\d rv1Jcl1del and .Ja!:>on Rolka !:>a\\ p m TUl'sdu), July 18 Open Monday and Thursday 9 am to 9 pm 158-1800

259.9000 SAVE PLENTY AT BENTE AS LOW 2 90~o FINANCING OR UP TO Gi?~':'$ 1,5:0 CAS~ ~A~,K

CUlLAS SUPREME ~ Stk No 355497 B ELDORADO Stk No 610274 27 37 LEASE FOR $187 ** U $ 388 ~r~ ~ permo y _


HAMMOND CHEVROLET CU1l.AS CALAIS ~ S 46994p~m~ , . LISTS 9,995 * Stk No. 822231 • Stk No 286896 C ~~ ~~:~ OLDS 98 TOURING SEDAN $ 20 995 * LIST $ 28'~PN~ ~~~4 $ 22,995 * , Stk No323862 G.M. EMPLOYEES WELCOME - OP1l0NS 1 & 2 SUPPLY PROGRAM

SAVE UP TO A C , I based on approved cred'i With 48 !nO ClOSed e""lease $2000 down 60 000 mIle hml,"tlOn 'ea.e,. ,espon"ble 10' e.cess, .... weas, & lea, Imperial Full Size ~ ~s~ m;~:rar:~~~ ect to 4(l~ Tax plates & hlle 10gel lotal paymenls mulll~Y by 48 Excess mlnage Charge tS 8' per mrte Smart lease provtd&s an up Irant flX&d p~,ce p::;'!ha,e ophon Whl,Chcan be purcn .. ed allease end Aebales ... ogned 10deale' p"ces ,"clude all deale' ,ebalea & 'neent .....s Conversion Vans •All dealer and factory lnc.entlV8s Include6 Just add 4% slles TIX and plates SubJeCt to pnor 58:k!I~ SAVE UP TO $7000* .Prlce re-flecls rebate May be used as doWn payment $7000* Many to Choose From HURRY! ONLY 2 LEFT t7~8~ CADILLAC OLDSMOBIL 3180 E. £FFERSON 259-9000 .kist mtootes from the Pointes 'All Dealer & Factory Incenlrves Included Just add 4% tax & p1atn. subjeCt to PflOr sates

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