Beginner's guide to ephemeroptera or those darn flies 1 1 ,. 8y ManalOJ. Ijernas wmg but a daj ," th", cphclliel UlJtel d lead cl le:,pdlll:>. neau 01 a well c..,ulileu W()IUdU. l'~u une is Staff Wrller bnef and tmglc life. They are found evet'ywhere, Inside houses, safe Before we begIn, one rule must be laid MO'3t of their life IS spent ab larvae In wa. plate!, of bUSIness, car'l, and even atop the See FLIES, page 4A down: DUll't wll them {ish/lws. tel' where they dme on algae and dodge fj<,h "They may be commonly called fishflies, and other aquatic bfe. Then, for a giddy but common nameb mean nothing," said Clght to 48 hours they are free, flYing up Wayne Stat(' bIOlogy Profebsor S K. Gang. and away Into the light In numbers worthy were "I mean half of all ladybugs at e male of a blbhcal plague They spend their bhort and none of them are hUM', they're all bee. time "on the WIng" lookmg for, well, Mr (01 ties." M,» Goodfly When - and If - they mate, So call them what they are' mayflies the female lays eggs In the water and the following year's populatIOn beginS Its '30ITY And yeb, It'S not even c10be to May any eXl!;wnce more, but don't fault the Insect,> They are Hated and feared, the fishfl mayflws much more pnmltlve than fishflwb, and be have made grown men retreat In hOlTor at sideb, they don't have much acces'> to ealen. the bight of hundreds of them on a window, dars. But Ub bure as thete will be a movie or the side of a bUIlding, or hovenng near a sequel opening at the end of June, so WIll street lamp There IS no need to fear, there be mayflieS though, the little dears have no mouths, The plague is almost over. but these two mayJlies seem to have found a quiet. intimate mo- Coming from the Latin fO! "to be on the which might be one leason for thell' shOit It. ment amidst the chaos caused by their brethren . .' " Grosse Pointe News Vol. 50, No. 28 58 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 35~ Thursday, July 13, 1989 All eyes on the classics Auto designer Gordon Buerhig. at the left. last year's Lifetime Design Achievement winner. stands in front of one of his many creations. a 1941 Ford Crown Victoria. with his nephew. Hira Herrington. at Sunday's Eyes on the Classics auto show. Held tor the second year. the event this year attracted more than 7.400 auto admirers and netted 575.000for eve research for the sponsor. the Detroit Institute of Ophthamology. Above. Brenda Johns of Owosso takes a seat on an impressive 1931Lincoln coupe. formerly owned by Perry Mason author Earle Stanley Gardner. Photo, In O,ln JarvIs 1893 selected as founding of city of Grosse Pointe By John Minnis tee members, who Will be se Montgomely, who SItS on a com. some of Its centenmal celebra at a roadhouse lage of Grosse Pomte, which was Assistant Editor lected m the near future mIttee WOlkmg to get SIgnS put tIOn,>With Grosse POinte Farms, Apparently the IeSldent<, be founded m 1879 III the al ea now ~e city of Grosse Pomte Councilwoman Myrna Smith, up at the entrances to the city which also recognizes 1893 as its low Fisher Road at the time had known as the Farms, annexed won t be celebrating Its cen who began makmg preparatIOns He faVOls putting "Established founding year no objectIOn to the Spll'lt,>, while the land now known as the City tenmal until 1993, but the pal1y last month for a centenmal cele In 1893" on the SignS Whde the City and Farms those above Fisher took a tern. ThiS is the first tIme the area I~ foUl' years should be a hum. blatton m August, cast the only Mayor wrenzo Brownmg also may come together to celebl'ate perance approach The dispute between Fisher and Cadieux dmger vote opposed to settmg 1893 as backed the year 1893 as when m 1993, the reason that 1893 IS led to the formatIOn of two new roads fell under a local mumCl- At a speCIal meetIng Monday the foundmg year She had the cIty came mto eXistence as a pivotal year for both Cities IS Cities the Farms north of Fisher pal government rather than mght, the City Council offiCIally w.ged the counCil to pick 1889 as we know It today, and he whole- that they became two mdepen- Road, and the Village '>outh of beIng governed by a township. establrshed 1893 as the foundmg the foundmg year so that the heartedly supported a centennial dent commumtles then due to a Fisher date for what IS geographically city would be the oldest of the celebratIOn m 1993 dispute over hquor bemg served PreVIOusly, In 1889 the VII. See 1893, page llA known today as the CIty of Pomtes. "You glVe us foul' years and m Grosse Pointe But her fellow counCil mem 1993 we can have a celebratIon The .councd also approved the bel s saId that the CIty was not that wIll knock your socks off," ACLU to challenge Woods' cameras formatIOn of a blue nbbon com. the oldest of the POIntes, sayIng Brownmg told Smith mlttee of pr?mment city resl that the oldest IS Without a Montgomery said after the By Dan Jarvis VISIOn momtors at a December cItizens who enter the park and StaNWriter dents to begIn plannmg for a doubt the Farms 1993 centenmal was set, "I 1988 counCil meetmg City offi. appear on mom tors PublIc surveIllance cameras m clals say that the cameras are "It's the whole concept that yearlong centenmal celebratIOn "In my mind, there's no other thmk It'S going to be a tremen. GhesqUlere Park mOnitored by m 1993 Council members wIll yeal I can really defend than dous celebratIOn" necessary to combat vandalism people have the nght to privacy Woods pohce VIOlates constltu- of the gazebo and to protect and not to have the government be submlttmg names fm commIt 1893," saId Councdman WIlham The city may also combme tlOnal law, accordmg to the chIldren. lookmg III on them The govern- Amencan Civil Liberties Umon Two cameras With zoom lenses ment has the nght to surveil Howard Simon, executive Will soon be mstalled northeast people only when there 18 director of the ACLU of MiChl, of the gazebo and northeast of reasonable cause We do not gan, said the state arm of the p~~,~ the tot lot. Each will be con. thInk thiS IS reasonable cause " ACLU is planning a constltu- nected to indiVidual mom tors m Woods city att01 ney George ,~: tlOnal challenge that wIll pro. the Woods public safety dispatch Catllll said in an earlIer inter- Marshall Noecker Brownell shares hlblt the use of cameras that area, according to Chester Peter. view that he does not see any- counselor 3A surveIl the general pubhc sen, city administrator-clerk. thmg wrong With sllrvetllance Leonard Grossman, president Petersen said last week that camera<; III GhesqUiere Park By Dan Jarvis all spill calls of the Detroit metropohtan the system IS In place, but due to "Whenever you g'O mto a Staff Wnter And lIke rows of greenery m for vigilance 6A branch of the ACLU, said that At 73, when most p<'ople have hiS garden, he has cultivated 13 techmcal problems With the cam- bank, you arc under surveil. Christwn Science's once the cameras are operatIOnal eras, they have been returned to lance," CatlIn said "I don't see long since hung up theIr career manufacturIng compames m the and the public is being mom. TTrnto.rl ~f"f-oC' "1ntl ~urnnn anrl unique history 8A the manufacturer New cameras an mVil<"lOnof prIvacy problem h!'t!!, MarSha!! N,><:,,,k,,, '" m"t _ -..... aa .-- "' ....... tored by police, the '.search and should arnve soon, he said. If peopll' ,11 e Ilot breaking the entering the pnme of hi" IIfp seven mvestment compames to Recyling begins llA seIzure" claise m the US Con Grossman said the ACLU IS lilW and appear on camera, It's keep hIS crop healthy for years Photography 15A stItution IS bemg VIOlated to come not waltmg for the cameras to no pi oblem, the camera JUst Obituaries 17A "When you put a surveIllance be mstalled to decide on the keeps OIlmovmg .. Often workmg 60 hour weeks, camera on a publIc street or retirement IS an aspect on which 'Lethal Weapon 2' grounds of the SUIt He said "It';, il mils." <;carch of every. park and watch someone, you there are three tests used by body who enter,> the park," he does not mmce words is top-notch 20A are surveIlling not only those "I have no such plans .. courts to determme whether sm Glo'>'>m,H1'>ald, "men, women, 'Lawrence' who may be engaged in Illegal velllance IS warranted under the ch dehen. .,ameone on an after- Busmess IS somethmg that actiVIty, but the general publIc come<; natural for Noecker, but at the Fox 21A US. ConstitutIOn: noon \\,Ilk Anyolle" as well." • First, the method of surveil. at one time he did have plans fm Retired executives EarlIer thIS year the DetrOIt HC' addl'd that thl' ACLU of a <;tint in polItics know the score.......22A lance must be the least mtruiilve Michigan will mo'>t lIkely find a branch of the ACLU, a 30.mem.
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