Florida Historical Quarterly Volume 24 Number 4 Florida Historical Quarterly, Vol 24, Article 10 Issue 4 1945 The Florida Historical Society Florida Historical Society
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[email protected]. Recommended Citation Society, Florida Historical (1945) "The Florida Historical Society," Florida Historical Quarterly: Vol. 24 : No. 4 , Article 10. Available at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/fhq/vol24/iss4/10 Society: The Florida Historical Society THE FLORIDA HISTORICAL SOCIETY FLORIDA’S PAST IN 1946 Interest in Florida’s history is more general and prospects for accomplishment therein are brighter now than for a long, long time. The spark was doubt- less the State’s centenninal, but it fell on tinder which was ready and waiting. The fire must not be neglected and allowed to burn low or out as it al- ways has in the past. Our Society has had a large part in keeping the spark alive and in fanning the infant blaze. It might well be that the most important single factor in this revival of interest was the pamphlet on the observ- ance of the centennial which the Society distributed in every corner of the State; and perhaps the Society’s name in small type on the back cover was of more- benefit to us with the public than anything else we have ever done.