Symmetry of the Relativistic Doppler Effect

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Symmetry of the Relativistic Doppler Effect Appendix A Holmes explains relativity theory to Watson Holmes explains the dual nature of space and time The day was a dreary one. A thin rain was falling, and a dense wet fog lay low over London. Holmes looked out at the mud-colored clouds and muddy streets. He exclaimed, “Watson, I cannot live without brain work. What else is there for me? Stand by the window here. See how the yellow fog swirls down the street and drifts across the dun-colored houses. What is the use of having an energetic mind, Doctor, if one is unwilling to use it?” “My dear Holmes, the tremendous exertions in trying to understand Einstein which I have gone through during the last few days have quite worn me out — not bodily exertion, but the strain on the mind. You will appreciate that.” “Nonsense, old chap!” Holmes said, slapping me on the shoulder. “Come, Watson, we have a good day’s work before us.” “Perhaps you can bring light into something as dark and forbidding as relativity theory.” “Watson, I will bring light. The velocity of light in a vacuum is, as a round number, 300,000 kilometers per second. A light-second is defined as that distance which light travels in one second of time, and so it is equal to 300,000 kilometers. A more practical unit in astronomy is the light- year. A light-year is the distance that light travels in a year. A light-year is equal to 300,000 times 365 times 24 times 60 times 60 kilometers, or 9.5 trillion kilometers. The units light-second and light-year represent time of length. In this ‘time-of-length’ unit, the star Vega is 27 light-years away.” “Excellent! Admirable! But what use will you make of it?” “Originally, the foot and a day were considered natural units because one could measure a distance with his foot and could count the days. However, for beings who live elsewhere in the universe, those units 217 Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 0510_01_AppenA_v2--SCS.indd 217 8/15/2014 11:56:21 AM 218 Remote Sensing in Action would be quite arbitrary, so instead, natural units are now defined in terms of fundamental physical constants. One such fundamental physical quantity is the velocity of light in a vacuum, which is believed to be the same constant at all places, in all directions, and at all times. In all our discussions, unless otherwise stated, we will use natural units based on the velocity of light in a vacuum.” “They might be useful to scientists,” I said, “but beyond that, I can hardly see what use it is to me in understanding relativity theory.” “In answer, let me show you the relationship between a quantity mea- sured in natural units and the same quantity measured in conventional units. Therefore, for the current discussion, let capital letters denote quan- tities in conventional units and the corresponding small letters denote the same quantities in natural units.” Holmes continued, “The velocity of light in a vacuum is 300 million meters per second; in natural units, it is one unit. In conventional units, distance is given in meters, which we may denote as capital X. In conven- tional units, time is given in seconds, say capital T, and velocity, capital V, is given in meters per second. In the time-of-length method, we convert all lengths to times. It may be easier for you to follow if I just write down the equations used to convert our conventional units to natural units. Here they are: ” “Yes, I quite follow you,” I said. “I will take this opportunity to remark that the unit of x is light-second, the unit of t is second, and the unit of v is light-second per second. Even though we say light-second, the unit is actually a second, which means that both x and t have the same unit, the second, and thus, velocity v is a pure number. It is important to recognize that in natural units, velocity is dimensionless.” “Well done!” I said in an encouraging tone. “Let me mention another fact. The use of the velocity of light in defining the unit of distance has the virtue of simplifying the connec- tion between space and time. Any message sent by light or any other electromagnetic signal from Vega to earth will take 27 years. We see that the use of light-years implies that the communication time and the distance are the same number. For example, from earth to Vega, the time of communication by an electromagnetic signal is 27 years, and the distance is also 27 light-years. For a light signal, time and distance are Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 0510_01_AppenA_v2--SCS.indd 218 8/15/2014 11:56:22 AM Appendix A: Relativity theory 219 numerically equal; for example, 27 years and 27 light-years are numeri- cally the same. “However,” Holmes went on, “depending on the convention used for the directions of the t- and x-axes, the value of t or x might be either posi- tive or negative. Therefore, for a light signal, we write the equation this way: t2 – x2 = 0. The square root of the quantity on the left is called the time-space interval. We denote the time-space interval by the letter p; that is, time-space interval ==p tx22 − . We therefore conclude that for any electromagnetic signal, such as light, the time-space interval is equal to zero. This equality is a vital concept in the special theory of relativity.” I said, “I am glad in my heart that you have explained the concept of the time-space interval so well, for indeed, the mystery of relativity theory was becoming too much for my nerves.” “Watson, let us return to Sir Isaac Newton. He introduced the con- cepts of absolute time and absolute space. Absolute space and absolute time do not depend on physical events but act as a backdrop, or stage set- ting, within which all physical phenomena occur.” Sherlock Holmes took a blank sheet of paper and scrawled a drawing (Figure A-1). He continued, “As before, we will express both time in seconds and distance in light-seconds. In this way, the velocity of light is unity. We plot the slow train and the fast train on the same set of axes. Remember, Watson, that I am using natural units. Velocity is distance divided by time. In this diagram, the elapsed time t1 is the same for both trains. However, in the case of the slow train, distance x1 is less than t1, so the slow train has a velocity less than one. In the case of the fast train, distance x2 is greater than t1, so the fast train has a velocity greater than one. Light goes at the speed of one.” “Surely that is evident,” I said. “Newton puts time on one leg and dis- tance on the other leg of a right triangle. Depending on the length of each leg, velocity can be any value.” “However,” Holmes replied, “the theory of relativity postulates that the speed of light represents the maximal velocity that can be achieved in Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 0510_01_AppenA_v2--SCS.indd 219 8/15/2014 11:56:22 AM 220 Remote Sensing in Action x-axis (for distance) (in light-seconds) Velocity of fast train x2 = x2/t1 = 1.5 (unacceptable to Einstein). Velocity of light t1 = t1/t1 = 1.0. Light Fast train Velocity of slow train x1 = x1/t1 = 0.5. Slow train t-axis (for time) t1 = constant for three events Figure A-1. The slow train and the fast train on the same set of axes. nature. The magnitude of the velocity of any physical object must be less than one. As my drawing shows, Newton allows the fast train to have a velocity greater than one. Such a situation is impossible. As a result, Ein- stein demands that Newtonian absolute space and absolute time must be discarded. Yes, thrown out like an old shoe!” “Most outrageous!” I exclaimed. “This is beyond anything which I could have imagined. What can be done, Holmes?” Sherlock Holmes laughed heartily at my perplexity. “My dear Watson, the answer is simple. If one universal coordinate system is impossible, it follows that each and every inertial frame must have its own coordinate system. Einstein gave the solution.” “Please tell me how Einstein accomplished that feat,” I said. “How- ever, limit your answer to those things that are absolutely essential.” “The important concept is that there is the dual nature between space and time. Newton took time as absolute and space as absolute. Einstein rejects this categorization and instead takes the speed of light as an abso- lute constant. Einstein supersedes the ideas of absolute time and absolute space by the notion of space-time.” I was attempting to come to mental grips with this fantastic notion when Holmes, as was his practice, suddenly seemed to change the subject. Downloaded from by guest on 28 September 2021 0510_01_AppenA_v2--SCS.indd 220 8/15/2014 11:56:22 AM Appendix A: Relativity theory 221 “It is a dark and gloomy day, Watson,” he said.
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