Articles The Human Footprint and the Last of the Wild ERICW. SANDERSON,MALANDING JAITEH, MARC A. LEVY,KENT H. REDFORD, ANTOINETTEV. WANNEBO,AND GILLIANWOOLMER n Genesis,God blesses humanbeings and bids us to take dominion over the fish in the sea,the birdsin the air, THE HUMANFOOTPRINT IS A GLOBAL and other We are entreatedto be fruitful every living thing. MAPOF HUMANINFLUENCE ON THE and multiply,to fill the earth,and subdueit (Gen. 1:28).The bad news, and the good news, is that we have almost suc- LANDSURFACE, WHICH SUGGESTSTHAT ceeded. Thereis little debatein scientificcircles about the impor- HUMANBEINGS ARE STEWARDS OF tance of human influenceon ecosystems.According to sci- WE LIKEIT OR NOT entists'reports, we appropriateover 40%of the net primary NATURE,WHETHER productivity(the greenmaterial) produced on Eartheach year (Vitouseket al. 1986,Rojstaczer et al.2001). We consume 35% thislack of appreciationmay be dueto scientists'propensity of the productivityof the oceanicshelf (Pauly and Christensen to expressthemselves in termslike "appropriation of net pri- 1995), and we use 60% of freshwaterrun-off (Postel et al. maryproductivity" or "exponentialpopulation growth," ab- 1996). The unprecedentedescalation in both human popu- stractionsthat require some training to understand.It may lation and consumption in the 20th centuryhas resultedin be dueto historicalassumptions about and habits inherited environmentalcrises never before encountered in the history fromtimes when human beings, as a group,had dramatically of humankindand the world (McNeill2000). E. O. Wilson less influenceon the biosphere.Now the individualdeci- (2002) claims it would now take four Earthsto meet the consumptiondemands of the currenthuman population,if Eric Sanderson(e-mail:
[email protected])is associatedirector, and every human consumed at the level of the averageUS in- W.